Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, December 02, 1789, Image 4

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Amsterdam, Oct. 26, i7Sp.
YOUR fifteenth qusere is, '' Did not the Etiglifh
army lay cut its pay in America ? At how much
can the yearly benefit he calculated ? Are not the
jrifoners provided for in America? Who has the
care of their maintenance .•* How was Burgoyne's ar
my supplied ?
WHEN the English army was in Boiton, they
bought all that they could, and left considerable
sums there in silver and gold. So they did at
Rhode-liland. Since they have been in New-
York, they have purchased every thing they could
of provisions and fuel, on Long-Island, Staten-
Island, New-York-Island, and in those parts of the
States of New-York, and New-Jersey, where
they have been able to carry on any clandestine
traffic. When they were in Philadelphia, they
did thefame ; and Gen. Howe tells you, that he
fufpetfs that Gen. Washington, from political
motives, connived at the people's supplying Phi
ladelphia, in order essentially to serve his coun
try, by inlinuating into it large fumsof silver and
gold. They are doing the fame now, more or
less, in South Carolina and Georgia; and they
cannot go into any part of America without do
ing the lame.
The British prisoners, in the hands of the Ame
ricans, receive their cloathing chiefly from the
English; and flags of truce are permitted to come
out from their lines for this purpose. They re
ceive their pay also from their mailer ; and spend
the mol> of it where they are ; they also purchase
provisions in the country, and pay for it in hard
I am not able to ascertain exatftly the yearly be
nefit ; but it mull be considerable: And the addi
tion now of a French fleet, and army 10 supply,
will lyake a great addition of calli and bills of
exchange, which will facilitate commerce and
privateering. And the more troops and ships
Great Britain and France fend to America, the
greater will this refonrce neceliarily be to the A
mericans. I have the honor to be, &c.
I WAS highly gratified bytliefhort observations
of your con efpondent Agricola, in the He
rald of Tuesday last. He difcovercd in his ad
drefsto the" wife," so candid and good a temper,
so much real judgment, and such a zeal for the
liberty of my country, that 1 long to know him,
that I may thank him. I must, however, content
ruyfelf with exprefung, in this manner, my gra
titude to him, and my cordial agreement in his
sentiments. Ido not generally approve of con
demning whole profellions of men at once, or
determining upon the motive by which they are
governed, but these clergymen are fair game,
and are not entitled to the common rights or
charily of mankind. Much has been said of their
good behaviour during the revolution, but your
correspondent has found a motive which at once
f weeps off all their merit in this affair, and frees
lis from the obligations which some fooliih people
supposed we were under to them 011 this account.
Certain it is that they cannot be friends to freedom,
because they pray again(l anarchy; nor can they
truly love liberty, because they are averse tolicen
tioufnefs ! They have proved that they are not
genuine whigs, in your correfponilont's sense
and mine, for they were, to a man almost, united
againit that high and glorious friend to liberty,
Gen.ghays ; and what is far worse, they appear
ed as unanimously to approve of our new ieileral
conilitution, which deitroys the liberty of paper
money and tender ac r ts forever, and will prevent
that anarchy, without which your correspondent
and 1 shall never beno'.iced or honored. Thev
have also had the confidence to discover a great
affection and regard for President Washington,
who, notwirhitanding his pretended zeal for li
berty during the revolution, appears to have as
great an aversion to " licendouftiefs and anar
chy," as these black coated gentry, by which
means he has loit his merit with your correspond
ent and myfelf, and all others like minded.
If there had been proper gtiards against the
opprefuons of our rulers and to preserve the con
fetjuence of the people, established by our con
stitutions, I should not have joined so fully with
Agricola in his brilliant observations, but every
body knows that our rulers pofiefs absolute pow
er :—That the people cannot turn them out of
places, nor eletft others in theit room, and
that our great men have been remarkable for acft
ing directly contrary to the sense and will of their
constituents for many years part. Our govern
ment is so far from being democratical, that we
are in the utiPcft danger from monarchy anddef
potifm, and every' man ought to do all he can to
weaken the force of and increase the
consequence of the peoj~*l e -
I am also gratified to fine? that your good cor
respondent is cautioning the public against the
encroachments of tliefe iniiiifters, for if we cio
not soon take the alarm, they will loon overrun
and enslave us. They are, Mr. Printer, so very
rich; they have such nionltrous overgrown liv
ings,that they will soon be able to buy out all the
country ; and then they are so independent too !
Everybody knows that they aie under no re
straint or controul from a fear of incuringthe
displeasure of their hearers. They cannot be
removed from their places, nor puniflied if they
do amiss, but amidst their pomp, their power and
their riches, they bid defiance to all around them.
I cordially hope that my friend Agricola will
continue his humorous publications, until our li.
berty shall be thoroughly eltablilhed, and we shall
be no more troubled either witli religion or go
vernment. IRONICUS.
him Ipraifc, who from the world retii'<l.
i.\ By no cnliv'mng gen'rous paflionfir'd,
On flow'ry couches (lumbers life away,
And gently bids Ins atlive powers decay ;
Who tears bright glory's awful face to fce,
And fhunsrenafwn as much as infamy.
But blclt is he, who, exercis'd in cares,
To private leisure public virtue bears;
Who, tranquil, ends the race lie nobly tun,
And decks rcpofc with tropies labor won ;
Him honor follows to the sacred lhadc,
An4crowns, propitious, his declining head ;
In his retreats their harps the Muses itring,
for him, in lavs unbought, spontaneous sing ;
Fiiendfhip and truth on all his moments wait,
Pleas'd with retirement better with ftatc ;
And round the bower, where humbly great he lies,
Fair olives bloom, and verdant laurels rife.
The JoHoxuing is an ADDRESS of the TRUSTEES oj Dartmouth
College, and presented by the President of said Colle/e, on the 14th
ihjl. at Neaj ~ v ori,
To THE PRESIDENT of the United States.
A PROVIDENCE, that overrules the affairs of menandof
nations, has luade in every age of the world fotne extraor
dinary display of pdwer and goodness in favor of the human
race. Greattr events have been afligned for the eighteenth ceniu
ry than ever before took place in the anrrals of time. Among
these events the revolution of our d*y in North-America may be
recorded as the mod important. The discovery of the new
world was made by a spirit <jf enterprise and peifeverance ; the
advancement of it in people, in arts," and in wealth, was effeftcd
by prudence, economy, and industry : But a revolution from a
state of opprcflion to that of freedom and independency ; and a
political refurrefiion from a state without harmony, difpa'tch and
power, to that of order, vigour arid glory, have been the achicv
mcnts o> all the combined virtues, which can adorn the Itatefman
and the heio. Through these most intending scenes the eyes of
mankind were turned to you, and in you they confided. Guard
ed and direfled by the-aulpices of our' Divine Parent, you have
justly merited those fublimc and endearing epithets-Tik Saviour
of your Country, aud the Founder of a New Empire.
influenced by those ideas, and imprefled with a fenfeof that du
ty and gratitude which are cla.racd by services for humanity,and
arts unrivalled in thcannals of fame, we embrace the firft oppor
tunity, as a Corporation, to express those feelings of obligation,
whiclican never be erased through the devastations of time. We
beg, Sir, of you to accept - our finccre desire, that the Father of
mercies may piotraft your life and health to a remote pertod of
time, you are invited to angelick joys and fublimcr tri
umphs. We pray, that you may uninterruptedly experience all
that felicity, which the vim.ous, wile and beloveef Chief of mili
ons has reason or delire ; and that every may be
extended to your illustrious family.
In the finccrcll fcntmients of duty and gratitude, -we use the
liberty of fubfenbing ourfelvc's,
Sir, your most obedient
And very humble servants.
Signed in behalf of the Board of TruJires of Dartmouth College, at
their annual neeting at fid college, this ud day oj Augujl, ,789.
TN' afligning so important an agency to the endeavors of an in-
X dividual, as mentioned in your address, you render a tribute
to ray fcivtees which a sense ot propriety forbids mc to affumr
ror the flattering terms in which you are pleased to exprefc your
sentiments of those services, and for the kind withes which you
prefer in mv behalf, I thankyou with grateful sincerity
To the animated fpiritof freedom that pervaded our country
and to the firm temper of our citizens, which braved all dangers ir.
defence of their privileges (under the protedfing careof Divine
Providence are we indebted for the bleflings of political ,nde
pendence : To the enlightened polfcy which has direaed our
public councils, we owe the reform and cftablifhment of our fe
derall conftituiion : Under its auspicious influence, aided by the
industry ot those: citizens, who compose the great family of our
Union, we may hope for the substantial enjoyments of individual
happiness and nathonal honor. From your fupcrintendmgcare,
Gentlemen as the guardians of a feminarv arid an important
[nXwerZa'ta"' '°
Ttetyourlib'or may be crowned with success, and render
you happy in its confequenfes, is my sincere prayer.
T ORD C AMDEN had enclosed part of a com
-111011 and {topped up the thorough fare : fee
ing a country fellow go up through the ground,
he called and told him he had no right to %o thro'
that ground. The man told his Lordfliip, he had
gone that way ever since he was a child, and did
not know any reason why he should not 00 ihen :
scratching Ins head he begged to aflc his Eordfliip
a quelhon : « Suppose a man fhouJd Ileal some of
the geele that were feeding there, what would
they do to the person who took them !" He would
replied his Lordihip, be carried before a justice _I
a ,ul P ra y» what would be done to the man who
of 7? common from the geese ?" His Lordniip
made him no answer ; but the man was never in
terrupted in palling that way afterwards.
congress o? the UNITED STATES
Bcfgun and held at the City of New-York, on Wcd'ntfdavrt,. r ,
of March, One Thousand Seven Hundred snd Eighty !l
a. act „
Captain in the army of the United Slates be allowed to tvV 1
de Glaubeck, from the nimn day of Mareh, one thousand
hundred and eighty one, to the twentv-fourth da-/ of Aurnft
thousand seven hundred and c:ghtv-two, to be paid , n X,
manner as other foreign officers in the service of the United C,T
have been paid,. tll: '
Speaker of the Houf,- of HetreCentu
and President of HestJ tli
Approved, September the 29th, 1780
< GEORGE WASHINGTON', Prefident'of Ui, CWfoi».
An ACT to alter the time for the next Meeting o/Con-refs.
BE it evaded by the Senate and Houfc of R:prefcnt alius tftlu Uvl
States of America in Congress ajjembled, That after the adiotm,
ment of the present feflion, the next meeting of ConmL
be on the firft Monday in January next.
Sfvker of the Houfc of Rcprefenti(k><
JOHN ADAMS, Pice* President of the United Statu,
and President of thrScnaic,
GEORGE WASHINGTON, President ofihe Uiiki botes.
RESOLVED, That the Survey dire&ed by Congress in their
ast of June the sixth, one thousand (even hundred and
eighty-eight, be made and returnedto the secretary of the treafur
without delay ; and that the President cis the United States he r
qucfted to appoint a fit person to complete the fame; who IUI h c
allowed five dollars per day whilst a&ually employed in the said
service, with the expehces necessarily attending the ewoitioa
Speaker of the Houfc of Reprefentatiw 4
JOHN ADA MS, Vice-Prejident of the United States,
avd President of the Senate,
Approved, Aucust the 26, 1789.
GEORGE WASHINGTON, President 6f the United States.
RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Rebrefentatives ojthe
United States of America in Congress ajfembled, That it be re-,
commended to the Legifiatures of the several States topafslaws,
making it expressly the duty of the keepers of-their gaols, tore,
ceive and fafe keep therein all prisoners committed under the au
thority of the United States, until thev sHall be discharged by the
due course of the laws thereof, under the like penalties as in the
:afc of prisoners committed under the authority of such States
refpe&ively ; the United States to pay for the use and keeping of
such gaols, at tl«c rate of fifty ccnts per month for eachprifoiur
that shall, under their authority, be committed thereto) during
thetime hich prisoners shall be therein confined ; and alfoto(up
port such of said prisoners as (hall be committed for offences.
Speaker of the Houfc of Reprefentdtvis.
JOHN ADAMS, Vicc-Prtfident of the United Statu,
and President of the StntM.
Approved, September the 23d; 1789.
GEORGE WASHINGTON, President of the UnitedStW
RESOLVED, shall be the duty of the Secretary of
State, to procure from time to time such of the Statutes of
the several States as may not be in his office.
Speaker of the House of Reprcfcritativu.
JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United States,
and President of tke Senate
Approved, September the 23d, 1789.
GEORGE WASHINGTON, President of the United States.
RESOLVED, by the Senate and Houf; of Reprefentatiw of tk
United States of America in Congress ajjembled, That John
White, late a commiflioner to fettle the accounts between the
L T nited States and the States of Pennsylvania, Delaware and Mary
land, and his clerks, John Wright and J'ofhua Dawfon, be con
sidered as in office until the fourth day of February, onethopfand
seven hundred and eighty-nine.
Speaker ps the House of Reprefentntwit.
JOHN ADAMS, Vice-Prefdent of the United States,
and President of the Scmtt,
Approved, September the 59th, 1789.
GEORGE WASHINGTON, President of the United States.,
THE late honorable Judge Sewell y went into a hatter's stop,
one day, in order to procure a pair of second-handed brufli
es, for the purpose of cleaning his shoes ; at which the matter of
the (hop presented him with a .couple, which were become unfit
for his own use. " What is your price," fays the Judge: "If
they will answer your purpose," replies the other*, you rnay have
them and welcome." The Judge heating this, laid them dowrron
the plank, and with a graceful bow, he went out at the door. At
which, the mechanic faith to him, •* Pray Sir, your Honor ha*
forgotten the principal design of your visit." L ' By no means,
replies the Judge, " if you will please to set your price, I Ha™
ready to purrhafe : but ev^r since it has fallen to my lot to occupy
a feat on the bench, I have Itudioufly avoided receiving a single
copper, by way of donation, left in some future period ot
it might have f(Mie kind of influence in determiningmy judgment-
TIIF. Gazette oj the United States circulates in every fart 6!
the Union—being by JuhJcribers in South and Sort
Carolina, Virginia, Maryland. Delaware, Pennsylvania,
Connecticut, Rhode-lfland, Maffachvfrtts,
and Diflricl oj Maine, Canada, Europe, and the Wejl Indies. ThistX'
tensive circulation renders it a proper vehicle for Advertisements
bfii general, commercial and governmental import:—ity the
desire and advice, therefore, of a number of its patrons, this papi'
wil/ be open for the reception of advertisements of the above dejenptron,
rohich as they will convex intelligence of an interefli-ng nature, M* '*
/or hopes their infer t ion mill meet the approbation of hisjrien s in
general. Should the number at any *time amount to more than a page »*
the Gazette, they will be given in a Supplement. A' FEN SO
New-York, Nov. 28', 1780.
MR. ADAMS's LETTERS witch have appeared mjfi <*•
zcUcy are part of a series, 26 in number, wrote by his Exce ency
Holland—the whole arepublijfied in a pamphlet of 64 p a S es '
to-l'tfoldb by Mejfrs. Berry & Rogers, Hanover-Square* Mr. 0
, Hodge, Qkeen-Street, and by the Editor hereof.
PublifUed by JOHN FENNO, No. 9, Maiden-
La nf, nenrthc Ofwcgn-Mtrkcl, New-York.—[3 Jd-p'-