Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, August 22, 1789, Image 3

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    MR. FENb'O,
r' litfd combofitms of this kind ; but arcumjlancesfometmcs give
borunct to trifles : This induces me to fend you. the following.
' acrostic.
A GES to ages, {hall his fame extend,
n own Tune's long vale, till Ms long race (hall end,
A mone the names which on his scroll he bears,
M en whom a world enlighten'd, fav'd, reveres—
S ee ADAMS with diflinguijh'd rank appears.
Tor President of the United States will this day, at it o'
l k meet the Senate in their chamber of Congress; to confer
;,h them upon the important fubjea of the approaching negocia
and treaties with the Southern Indians; and to make the
"""fli™ orevious arrangements of that buiinefs. This intention
was announced to the Senate by melTage on Thursday last.
Ixtraß ofaUtUrfromthe EaJlward, Augujl t6.
.. It isfaid that the vellels now on their patfage from Halifax
will pay 5° o1 - tor the dut y on mackarel alone —7s per bar-
That the mantle of national gratitude would (helter from the
ftnrrosof adverfitythe hoary head of the patriot was to be ex-
Vj . this consolation the friends of America have received
in thc appointment of the Hon. Geneval Li ncol n—thanks be to
tht Sovereign of our country."
perhaps in no inftanre has the patriotism and candor of a cer
tain honorable Ajcmbly appeared in a more conspicuous point
„fview than inconduaingtlie business of amendments to the con
fiitution Tht y have given the most indubitable proof of their
defirc to a<bpt the constitution to the wi es of their conftitmrnts,
as far as poffihle, by fubftantiaiing those amendments for which
there :s the greatest apparent folicitiide. Had a door been opened
for the admiflion of discordant propositions, it is probable that
the requilite unanimity would never have been obtained for the
adoption of any amendments whatever.
The President of the United States has been
nleafed to nominate
Arthur St. Clair, Esq. to be Governor of
the W'eftein Territory.
Winthrop Sargent, to be Secretary, and
S Mt'Ei Foi.den Parsons, John Cleves
Stmmes, and Wiliiam Barton, to be Judges.
Alfo—Hon. Benjamin Lincoln, Hon.CvßUs
Grif» in, and David Humphreys, Esq. asCom
miflionei s to be employed to negotiate a treaty
with the fouthem Indians.
Ebe ezf.r Tucker,to be Surveyor of Little
lag Harbour, in the State of New-Jersey, and
Wilham Gibb, to be Collector of the port of
Tolly Landing, in the State of Virginia.—To
which nominations the Senate did advise and
The appointment of for managing negocia
tionsand with the fouthcrn Indians mav justly inspire the
fulUlconßdence that this important business will be to concluded
astoinfure peace and security in'future, to our harafod and dis
tressed frontiers.
in the States of New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania,
Delaware, Maryland, Vi rginia, and South-Carol i
na,oJ Philadelphia, 7th Augvfi, 1789.
The en«Toffed ADDR ESS to 7 HF. RESIDENT of the UNITED
STATES being read, and fLgned by the Convention,
Ordered, That the Right Rev. Dr. PRovoosT--the Rev. Mr.
Smith-—Mr. Andretvs—Mr. Joiin Cox—Mr. Brisbane
The Rev. Dr. Beach—the Rev. Dr. Moore—Mr. Rogers—
the Rev. Mr. Ogden—the Rev. Mr. Spif.rf.n—the Rev. Mr.
Waddel—and the Hon. Mr. Du an e, with such other gentlemen
as have been deputed to this Convention, who may he in
berequefted to present the fame to THE PRESIDENT ot the
Agreeably to this order of Contention, their Committer rn Wednesday
lajl waited on the President zcith the following ADDRESS :
V.'E the Bifnops, the Clergy, and I aity 01 the Protestant Epif
fopal Church in the States of New-York, New-Jersey, Penrfylvania,
Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and South-Carolina, in General Con
vention Dffembled. beg leave with the highest veneration and the
most animated national considerations, at the earliest moment in
cur power, to express our cordial joy on your election to the
chief magistracy of the United States.
When we contemplate the short hut eventful history of our na
tion—when we recoiled the jeries of essential services performed
ty you in thecourfe of the revolution, the temperate, yet efficient
exertion of the mighty powers with which the nature of theconteft
made it necessary to invest you, and especially when we remember
voluntary and magnanimous rclinquifhment of those high au
tnoritiesat the moment of peace, we anticipate the happiness of our
country under your future adminiftrati-m.
But :t was not alone from a fuccefsful and virtuous use of those
extraordinary powers that you were callcd from your honorable
retirement, to the firft dignities of our government, an afied'onate
of your private charatler, the impartiality, the perse-
J'ering fortitude, and the energy -with which vour public duties
, ve been invariably performed, and the paternal folicitiide forthe
hppinefs of tbe American people, together with the wifdnm and
tonfuromatc knowlege of our affairs, mamfefted in your I*o mili
ary communication. have dire&ed to your name the univerftlwifh,
tod have produced, forthe firft time in the history of mankind,
,n example of vnanimous consent in the appointment of the gover
nor of a free and enlightened nation.
Tothefe considerations, inspiring us with the most pleating ex
piations, as private citizens, permit us to add, that as the rnpre
'entatives of a numerous and extended church, we most thankfully
'ejoice in the ele&ion of a civil ruler deservedly beloved, and emi
nently diftinguifhcd among the friends of genuine religion—who
as happily united a tender regard for other churches with an in-
Vl °Jablc attachment to his own.
With unfeigned fatisfa&ion we congratulate you on th<"
' ment °f the new constitution of government for the United
t3 tfs,the mild, yet efficient operations of which, we confidently
, ' remove every remaining apprchenfion of those, wit|i
ofe opinions it may not entirely coincide.'and will confirm the
°pes of its numerous friends. Nov do these expectations appear
?° an § u ' ne > when the moderation, patriotism, and wisdom of
d e e re{ j° nora^e mc mbeis of the federal legislature are duly conli-
j ß J rorn a thus eminently qualified, harmoniously
<■ r w executive authority in constitutional concert, we con-
y nope for the restoration of order and our ancit nt virtues ;
eextenfion of genuine religion, end the advancement
|j o^ r rt 'P abroad, and of our substantial * happiness at
We devoutly implofe the Supreme Ruler of the Univcrfe to
Preserve you long in health and prosperity, an animating example
°f all public andpnvate virtues—the fiiend and guardian of a tree,
c nlightened, and grateful people; and that you may finallyrcceivc
the reward which will be given to those, whose lives have been
fpcrit in promoting the happiness of mankind.
Bijhop ofthe Protcflant Episcopal Church, in the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, and President of the ionve-.ticn.
Bijhop of the Protejlant Epijcopal Church, in the State oj New-York,
though prevented, by inaijpo/ition, from attending the late General
Convention, he concursJincerelym this particular afl, andJuhJcribes
the present Address with the greatejl JatisJaClion.
BENJAMIN MOORE, D. D. AJJiJlant Minijler of Trinity
Church in the city of New-York.
ABRAHAM BEACH, D. D. AJjiJant Minijler of Trinity Church
in the city of New-York.
WILLIAM FRAZIER, Reflor of St. Michael's Church, Trenton,
and St. Andrew's Church, Amwell.
UZAL OGDEN, Reflor of Trinity Church, in Newark.
HENRY WADDELL, Reflor oj the Churches of Shre'wfbury and
Middleton, New- Jersey.
GEORGE 11. SPIEREN, Reflor of St. Peter's Church, Peith-
Amboy, New- Jersey.
SAMUEL MAG AW, D. D. Reflor of St. Paul's, and Vicc Provojt
of the Univerjity of Pennflvanra.
ROBERT BLACK WELL, D. D. Senior Afjijlant Minijler of
Chrifl Church, and St. Peter's Philadelphia.
JOSEPH PILMORE, Reflor oj the United Churches of Trinity,
St. Thomas, ana All Saints.
JOSEPH G. T. BEND, AJiJlant Minijler of Chrijl Church, and
St. Peter's, Philadelphia.
SAMUEL COUDON, Reflor of St. Ann's.
STEPHEN SYKES, A. M. Ret lor of the United Churches of St.
Peter, and St. Matthew, in Sujfex county.
WILLIAM SMITH. D. D. now Provojl of the College and
Academy of Philadelphia ; but appointed Clerical Deputx for
Maryland, as Reflor of Chcjier Parifk, in Kent county.
THOMAS JOHN CLAGGET, Reflor of St. Paul r Prince
George county.
COLIN FERGUSON, D. D. Reflor St. Paul't.
JOHN BISSETT, A. M. Reflor of Shrewjbury Parijli % Kent county
ROBERT SMITH, Reflor of St. Philip's Church, Charlejlon.
EPISCOPAL CHURCH in the States of New-York, New-
Jersey, Penxh lvania,Delaware, Maryland, Vi r
cin i a and S. Carol in a, in general Convention aflemblcd.
I SINCERELY thank you for your affeiionate congratulations, on
my eleflion to the chief Manflracy of the United States.
After having received from m\ fellow-citizens in general the mojl li
teral treatment —djter having Joum* them dij'pofed to contemplaie, in the
y nofl flattering point of view, the performance ofmy rnilitarx services: and
the manner of my retirement at the close of the war, Ifeel, that I have a
right to cbnjole myfitf, in m\prefent arduous undertakings, with a hope
that they willJlill be inclined to put the irojl favorable conjliuflions on the
motives which may influence me in my Jut ure public tranfaflions.
The fatisfdflion arijing Jrorn the indulgent opinion entertained by the
American people of my condu fl, will, I trujl, be some security for pre
venting me from doing any which might juflly incur the forfeiture
of that opinion. And'the conpderotion that human hapt>inef and moral
duty are inseparably connefled, will always continue to prompt me to pro
mote the prcgrefsof the former, by inculcating the praflice of the latt r.
On this occasion it will ill become me to conceal the joy I have Jelt in
perceiving the Jraternal ajfeflion which appears to encreafe every day
among the friends of genuine religion. It affords edifying profpefls in
deed. to fee chrijliais oj different denominations dwell together in more
charity, andcondufl themjelves in refpefl to each other with a more chris
tian like spirit, than ever they have done in any former age, or in any
other nation.
I receive with the greater fati faff ion your congratulations on the
eflablifhment of the new Conflitution of Government, because, I believe, its
mild, yet efficient operations, will tend to remove every remaining appre
hension of those with whose opinions it may not entirely coincide, as well
as to confirm the hopes of its numerous friends : And because the mode
ration, patriotism and wisdom of the present federal legiflature,feem to
promise the rcjloration of ord j r and our ancient virtues ; the extenfionof
genuine Religion, and the consequent advancement of our refpeflability
abroad, and of our Jubflantial happiness at home.
I rcejuejl, Mojl Rrverend and rejpeaed Gentlemen, that you willaccept
my cordial than/is for xour devoutJupplicztions to the Supreme Ruler of
the Universe in behalf of me. May you,,and the people zuhom you represent
be the happy fubjefls of the Divine benedictions both here and hereafter!
Augufl, 19, 1789.
How great foevcr a bull, the Pope may have made, in giving
some of the Monar hs of Europe the title of Mod Catholic Ma
jesty—His Faithful Maiefty : a correspondent thinks that the Peo
ple of America would do no more than jufticc to style the Chief
Ruler of our Empire, " His patriotic Majclty." It would be ori
ginal, and have a meaning.
Extra ft of a litter from a gentleman in King ft on (Ja
maica) to his friend in New-York.
" By a letter I received from Mr. H. of the 2d
of May, he informed me the new government
had commenced, and the great Washington
STATES, &c. May God bless his REGENCY,
and make your dear county happy forever, is
my sincere wish. I should be happy could Ibe
one of the inhabitants of that landof Freedom."
An independent people should do every thing
in their power to procure, within themselves,
the raw materials neceflary for their own manu
factures, and encourage those manufactures in
preference to all others. Tlia business of hat
making has been carried 011 to great extent in
this country, and hatters complain of the scarci
ty of wool for the purpose of making coarse hats.
This is the season of the year for Shearing lambs.,
which not only produces an immediate profit to
the owner, but experience has evinced it benefi
cial to the next years fleece, by making it finer
and thicker set. It is hoped that farmers, as
friends to their country, will attend to this hint.
On TucfJay the nth infant. departed this life, in the 33 d \eur of his
age, Major John Lucas, and on Wedncfday, his remains were inter
ed in St. Paul's cnurch -yard, with military honors, attended by a nume
rous concourse oj refpectablejriends and citizens together with the honor
able Society of the Cincinnati, oj which he was a member.
The friends oj America will join with us in paying tne tribute of fur
row due to tbe brave and the gcod, when hey learn, he was among tie
joremojl who flep'dJort* in defence of the rights oj freemen at the com
mencement oj the late contefl: Natuiuily of a weak copjhtutio'.the fa
tigues he experienced in the discharge oj his duty as a faithful and
worthy soldier, broug-1 on a conjumptivs complaint, which at length put
a period to his valuable life: It pleajcd kind Providence however tojpare
him till he saw his country jree, independent and happy, which was the
completion of his wishes.
Familiar with dangers, death to him was not a king of terrors ; ful
ly sensible of his approaching dijjolution, he Jit his tioufe it: order, and
resigned his breath to the Gtd of nature, infull expectation of a glorious
and blessed immortality.
A rumour is in circulation in the higher circles,
that his majelty has resolved to adopt a measure
which willjuftly entitle him to the appellation of
father of his country.
Having found that the million surplus, said by
Mr. Pitt to exist, was too precarious a fund to af
ford the nation any considerable relief from the
weight of its public debt; his majelty, it is ru
moured, has resolved to make his people heirs
to eleven millions llerling, which he means to ef
tablilh as a fund to be applied solely to the dis
charge of the national debt.
To make this measure complete, by rendering
the fund iftalienablean adtof parliament is to be
palled for veiling this immense sum in trustees,
who are to have the sole management of it, fub
je<sl only to the inquisitorial power of parliament,
to fee that it is properly applied. But the aifl is
at the fame to provide, that, Ihould parliament at
tempt to divert a single guinea of this fund
from the purpose for which it is to beellabliihed,
the whole of it is to become ipfo facto the private
property of the trustees.
When he hoards only that lie may be able to
relieve his people, his economy becomes a mine
of wealth to his people.
It is said, that the firft idea of establishing such
a fund, was firft suggested to his majelty by a
passage which he read in the life of Pope Sixtrus
Vth, who deposited in the castle of St. Angelo
four millions of Roman crowns, pronouncing, at
the fame time that person accursed who ftiould
ever make use of the whole or any part of that
sum, except in the greatest emergency of the Ho
ly See.
The style of the Nabob's living is somewhat cu
rious—He resides in a high tower, amidst all his
women, who are in separate apartments below
him : he can fee them, and all of them can fee
him, but not each other. Whenever any of them
strikes his particular fancy of the day, he fends
down his handkerchief.
On defences, as they are called, of Mr. Hast
ings, but as given in evidence, were written by
different gentlemen,Mr.Slieridan said very neatly
" These, like raw materials, the mafterworkman
" distributes about him to all hands awaiting ; His
" words are to be strung—arguments spun—pas
" sages woven :—He puts his conscience into de
" partments—Major Scot,fays he,take care of my
" conliftency—Mr. Middleton, you have my mc
" vioty in commission ! —Prove me a financier, Mr.
" Shore.—Answer forme, Mr. Holt: (alljour
" neymen, good enough for the house of com
" inons, tliouh not for your lordlhips)—Help,
" one and all, to bear me up under the prefliire
" of my laurels, the burthen of my glory !—Re
" frefh, and save me from the calentures ofmy
" state, from the peril of my own panegyric."
june 2. The defeat which the Turks have
fuffered from the Ruffians is, we find by a letter
from Warsaw, still more considerable than what
appeared in the Vienna Gazette. The principal
circumstances of the acftion are the following :
" General Dorfeldt marched, on the 27th of A
pril, to Maximiniani, where he found a considera
ble body of the enemy, amounting to 8000 men,
on this fide the river Soreth. He attacked and
defeated them, leaving 400 dead on the field, and
taking 107 prisoners, among whom was Jacob
Pacha,who is now at Jafly. Mr. Dorfeldt remain
ed four days at Maximiniani. On thei4th of May,
he advanced to Galacz, which town he found for
tified with redoubts and entrenchments ; life how
ever immediately attacked it, and after a resist
ance of three or four hours, carried the batte
ries, which made a part of the works ; upon this
the Turks, consisting of more than a thousand.
men.surrendered tliemfelves prisoners with their
Ibrahim Pacha; but before the surrender 1500
were killed in the place. The loss of the Ruf
fians was only about 60 killed, 100 wounded.
General worfeldthad his horse killed under him,
and he himfelf fliglitly wounded in the fliould