• J en r it was said, from this, " That if ten r o miiiiffi°ners Ihould be appointed, Hill the houle may provide for such a number as they may think support "f the motion-it was said—that it is lirely improper to limit the number of the comujiiiioners—that the conftitiition has expreif lv veiled the power of forming treaties in the ex /cutive—that in fact the Houle has nothing fur ther to do in the business, than to provide the necelfary fupplies-tliat if we are to be deterred from adopting the motion by the tear of abules, the fame principle may prevent the decilion of the House upon almost any question that comes be fore them—but there are more serious abuses to be apprehended from negledt and delay in this b u f m efs, than from the supposed fraudulency of those who may be appointed commissioners.— war will open a wider door to frauds and pecu lations —and is not (it was asked) the Iheddingof blood a greater evil ? Is not the lacerating our de fencelefs citizens afi abuse of a much more alarm - in - - 4d. a 5d-