Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, July 04, 1789, Page 95, Image 3

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    THE DAY!
The anniversary of Independence is to be celebrated this day
ith uuufual demonstrations of joy, by the citizens of New-York
The Cincinnati are to aflemble at St. haul's, at 12 o'clock, when
£ulo«ium to the memory of the immortal Guttm, will bc
Tdivercd by The Hon. Mr. Hamilton.
Vow ye patriotic band, |j Indeftndmce! pleasing found !
Hall yo Of Country's natal day !1! Now your labors lhall repay;
Saviours of a happy land ! Wajhington withglorycrown'd!
free America ! II II shisdear America !
Wednesday, July 1,1789.
MR. SHERMAN moved, that a clause be now
added to the bill for establishing the Treasury
Department, which should prohibit any of the
officers named in that bill from being either di
rectly or indirectly concerned in trade or com
merce : The clause was similar to the provision
made in the ordinance of Congress for eltablilh
jncr t he Board of Treasury—this was amended by
adding the fuliftance of Mr. Burke's motion,
which extends the prohibition to {'peculations in
public securities of all kinds,or in public lands, &c.
Mr. f 1 rzsi mons proposed a further amendment
by whichthcfe officers are not to exerci'fe any other
profeilion whatever, during the time they are in
laid department.
The proposed additiontotlie bill occasioned some
conversation, and there appeared to be a variety
offentiments among the members ; but on motion
of Mr. GiRRY to commit the clause, the vote palled
111 the negative by a great inajo< ity.
He then moved that the whole bill should be
committed : This also was negatived—after which
Mr. Sherman's motion, *ith an addition propo
sed by Mr. Burke and Mr. mons, were
The bill was then ordered to be engrofled for
a third reading to morrow.
A ineflage was received from the Senate with
the bill impoling duties 011 tonnage —the Secre
tary informed the hop. Houfethat the Senate ad
hered to their third, fourth, fifth and sixth a
mendments, but at the fame time agreed to the
amendment of the House for laying a duty of 30
cents pr. ton on vellels built in America, and own
ed by foreigners.
The Secretary further informed,that the Senate
had appointed Mr. Wingat f to join a committee
011 the part of the Hon. House, to present the en
rolled bill, laying an Import on goods, wares, and
merchandize, to she Presiden i" for his appro
The House proceeded to the consideration of
the proposed amendments of the Senate to the
tonnage bill.
Mr. Gerry moved that the House should con
cur with the Senate in their thiid amendment,
Vhith was to Ihike out from the bill the clause
which discriminates in the duty upon tonnage,be
tween nations in treaty, and thole who are not.
This produceda (hort bu. animated conversation.
It was urged by ivli-.Sedg wick, Mr. Laurance,
Mr. Gerry, Mr. Jackson, and lbine others, that
the House had now the ultimatum of the Senate,
determined 011 by a large majority. That the
question involved a dilemma, whether the House
would concur with the Senate in amendments
which they had before rejected, but which fc
cured an abundant difcyiinination between Ame
rican and foreign {hip?, or would lofetlns impor
tant bill, which would be so productive, fonecef
faryto the regulation of trade, and to the jult and
equal balance of the whole impolt system : The
dilemma was easily lolved. The queltion was,
whether a finall good was to be preferred to a great
one—whether the \v;liole revenue ariling from the
American navigation Ihould be given up, for the
fake of exerciling a fanciful predilection and pre
ference of one foreign nation over apother. It
calculated that the produCt of the tonnage
jvoiild amount to 124,000 dollars. This was too
cruras an object to be neglected, even for alhort
time, without some important coii'penfation ; anil
e penally to he hazarded for the precarious hopes
'!"y other measures being deviled to embrace'
0 eurable a prize. The Senate had receded in
°me instances ; the obligation is mutual,and with
out lefe concelfions no object can ever be atcliiev
t was rtlrt her contended, that it was improper
ilL' Ia I *' ou ' c > i' l which the policy of a difcriin
onl l °>! ' ieen determined, in the lalt initance
tn/r ? ami, j° rit y one, toperfevere in oppo
flat ° ,S c . a | ll l rei'pcctable a majority ofthe Se
tion ' a '°' nec ' disapproving a difcriinina
ber' r } V,:IS unreasonable to force a large cum-
Ap °• ' e enate to f.icrifice their principles to
opinion of a Jingle man.
C as r tei,ded 0,1 the other flde by Mr - Ma "
c wren' INI,G al »d Mr. Pagh that a con
fttll aiwMri enate at th'S time, afterthree
the Hour '• , ei aie diicuflions and resolutions ol
without 6 '(" t ' l ' s difcriinination, and
duec a eh' , e L - V evv . ar gument advanced to in
tttifure ' ent inient, was an inconfillent
House. ; ln g ei ' ous tothe privileges of the
% -ould elkablifh, it was faicl, the worit
of precedents—lt would establish a perpetual ar
gument for tlie l'ubmilhon of the representatives
co the Senate in any future differences.
The danger of losing the bill, it was conten
ded, was an argument that went to destroy the
balance of the constitution, as it always might
be urged when the Senate chose to persevere in
amending a bill contrary to the judgment of the
House, or of negativing any favorite measure of
this body.
To give way unconditionally in an important
matter, when no other reai'on was offered, but
the ultimate determination of the Senate, it was
affirmed, was a humiliation unworthy of the
House of representatives, and inconsistent with
their dignity.
lfitwerea measure of conciliation, it w as ob
ved, much might be plead in its favor. But it
bore none of the marks of a principle of accom
modation ; which was always understood to be a
meeting of the parties on some middle line, by
the mutual facrifice of particular principles or ob
It was further urged that it was not true that
a / ur . ther opposition would involve the neceflity
of losing the bill. It was to be hoped that it was
not yet too late to devise some mode of accommo
dating the differences; or if it was, yet if the
bill were sent back to the Senate, some conside
rations might induce them to recede, which, con
fidently withtlie rules of parliamentary proceed
ings, they might do previous to a second
On the question of concurrence, the yeas and
nays were called by Mr. Page, and the question
was carried by 31 against 19.
This concurrence being determined, the other
amendments followed, and were acceded to.
The committee appointed for the purpose re
ported a bill to regulate light-houses, beacons,
buoys, &c. which was read and laid on the ta
ble. Adjourned.
Thursday, July 2.
Mr. Partridge of the committee appointed
to examine the enrolled bill, for laying an im
port on goods, wares and merchandize imported
into the United States, reported that laid bill
had palled exam ination—was corrected, and now
ready for the Speaker's signature.—A iimilar re
port was made reflecting the bill impoling a duty
011 tonnage.
A letter from The Baron Steuben, president
of the Cincinnati of the State of New-York, ad
drelied to the Speaker, requelting that the House
would honour the Society by their presence, at the
celebration of the 4th July, was read.
1 heengrolled bill for eltablifhingthe Treasury
Department was, read a third time : The Houle
then proceeded to iill the blanks : The Treasur
er is to exhibit his accounts to the House of Re
presentatives on the " third" day of every fellion
of Con<nefs.
The blank in theclaufe which provides for his
giving a bond with fuHicient lureties for the faith
ful performance of the duties of his ofhce, and
toi that of the persons employed by him, was ril
led with " one hundred andfijty thousand dollars."
file blank in the penalty to be incurred by the
secretary of this Department, for being concern
ed in commerce, ("peculations, &c. was nlled with
"five thoujand dohars"—and forlike delinquency
in the Comptroller, Regilter, &c. " two thoujand
she bill was then palled to be enacted, by a
large majority.
i he bill for eltablifhing li'ght-houfes, regulat
ing pilots, &;c. was read a second time, and re
ferred to the committee of the whole, and made
the order of the day for Wednesday next.
In committee of the whole—
Mr. Trumbull in the chair—
The bill to regulate the collection of the im
port was taken into conlideration—and the com
mittee having made some progress in difcufling
the fame—role, and the House adjourned.
Fkiday, July 3.
11l committee of the whole—
The bill to regulaLe the collection of the im
port, rtill under conlideration.
The clause which restriCts foreign ships to par
ticular enumerated ports, it was moved fliould
be llruck out —this occaiioned some debate ; the
fubltance of which occurred in the former dil
culiion of the fame lubjeCt—this motion was
finally withdrawn.
Mr. Gerry then introduced amotion, the pur
port of which was, that the names of the parti
cular ports which were the object of the above
motion, fliould be ftruek out, and the following
words be substituted, " nor ihall any foreign
veflel enter or unlade, but at thole ports, to which
a Collector, Naval-Officer, and Surveyor is ap
pointed.—This also after some converlation, was
The committee then proceeded in difcufling
the bill—several ports were added to the lilt, at
which foreign vellels may enter.—The commit
tee having made further progress—rose—the
chairman reported—and the House adjourned
till Monday.
In commemorating the present DISTINGUISHED DAY,
what additional motives to joy, and gratitude to Heaven, naturally
croud upon, and dilate the foul of every American. Our happr
nefs on every preceeding anniversary has been more or less inter
rupted, either by the din of war, orcivil discord : All those clouds
are now happily dispelled—a profpeft new and splendid dawns
upon us : Our common FATHER and DELIVERER, to whose
prudence, wisdom, and valour we owe our PEACE, LIBERTY,
and SAFETY, now leads and directs in the grand councils of the
nation, for their preservation. As the CONQUERER of our
enemies he is entitled to our praise : As the SUPPORTER and
DFFENDER of the rights of mankind, he is the jufi object of our
love, reverence, gratitude and cftecm. As we have crowned the
HERO with laurels, let us honor the PATRIOT by an humble
imitation of his exalted virtues. Let us rejoice that AMERICA
can boad a SON,
Whose loud-trumpt fame o'er the wide welkin rings,
And wakes to virtue the proud hearts of kings;
Remotest realms reverberate his name,
Stern Despots kindle with a patriot flame;
Their frigid bosoms new sensations warm,
And againd tyranny, e'en Tyrants arm.
HIS sacred fire, o'er all COLUMBIA dreams,
And FREEDOM balks beneath THE PATRIOT'S beams.
From all parts of the Union accounts agree, that THIS DAY
will be celebrated witVi a degree of hilarity and feftivity, hither
to unknown. We have had the name of Independence—th efhadoto
without thefuijlance. As a nation, the Independence of the whole
wai suspended on the whims and caprices of a fuigle State, and
our individual, separate sovereignty and independrnce, were con
tinually infringed upon by partial and local regulations, which
were fubvtrfive of the dignity and independence of the Union.
This idea became so general at lad,that the people were convinced,
that they amused themselves with a found, whtle rhe profpeft of
real Independence was receding, and growing more uncertaiueverv
day. Thrs roused us to a&ion, to deliberation, to dccifion—and.
now we celebrate an tndependent Government—an original, inde
dependent Conditution ! an independent Legislature, at th. head
of which we THIS DAY celebrate THE FATHER OF HIS COUN
TRY—We celebrate WASHINGTON ! We celebrate an INDE
" Now lhall COLUMBIA lift her cheerful head,
'' Put forth the leaves of glad prosperity,
" And after all her gloomy scenes of grief,
" And fadaffli&ion. flourilh and revive,
" In all the bright fcrenity of peace."
In congratulating our readers upon this anniversary day of their
independence, we hope to excite the mod emotions.
When the citizcns of this nation have on former occafL-ns celebra
ted this memorable day, the ardor of their feftivity was checked
by the glo£m and uncertainty of their polrtical prolpeth. A the
object of the revolution was not only Independence, but Govern
ment, our fucccfs mufthave been deemed incomplete at any period
before the adoption of the glorious cpnditmion. which itto secure
our liberty by giving rife to a fydem ofjuft legislation . With pe
culiar propriety may this our birtlj day be considered as a rnoft
elevated occasion of joy and congratulation. . Whether we reflect
on the vad and adomihing scenes through which we have piflTed
11l our progress through the war ; or whether we contemplate the
conspicuous advantages that offer themselves to our view in our
prclent fituatiou ; great mull be our admiration for the pad ! and
elevated our hopes for the future. On whatever fide we turn our
eyes the profpeft is bright and captivating. The spirit of peace
and accommodation that reign in the great bulk of our citizens;
the wisdom and patriotism of ouf legislative fathers ; the talents
and integrity that will charaftt rife the executive officers from the
mode of their appointment, and nobleexample of their illudrious.
head and director, are all circumllances that auth,orife us to indulge
in the gay scenes and amuf. mentsthat arc marked out for this auspi
cious day. It is however to be hoped that excess and indecency
of every description will be thattheennobling idea
that we are a free and virtuous as well as an ind pendent people,
will prevent our darning our chara&ers with vicious indulgence
or rude mirth and hilarity, and bringing reproach on a day which,
(hould be dedicated to joy and gratitude, rather than to diflipation
and intemperance. To associate in cheerful parties of feilivitv
li iwever is no unsuitable method of expressing the feelings which
rife out of the occasion. May we long continue to enjoy equal
reason lor amusement and congratulations !
We felicitate the public that The Pk zsjdent is so recovered
from to take the air in his carriage for se
veral days pad.
The people of the United Statesare didinguilhed from all others
upon the face of the earth, for an enlightened understanding, and
a just estimate of the blessings of society, and government: This
can be attributed to nothing, but a spirit of univerfaj freedom of
enquiry—the general diffufion of knowledge by means of their
numberless seminaries of learning, scattered through all parts of
thecountry, and that generous concern for the public intercd,
which pervades all ranks of citizens.
Money is the nerve of war—and ln'duftry the foul of a common
wealth : In a free and jud government, the wealth of the indu
ftriousand prosperous citizen, is the wealth of the State. For
when the inhabitants of a country are under the prote&ion of
good laws, whi;n they find their confidence is judly placed in
the adminid'ration, and they realize that their pe'rfons sire p rote fl
ed, and their property secured, advances to aid the public are al
ways prompt, and liberal. Hence the rich become bankers for
the public, and the public have an exhaudlefs source to draw up
The propriety and importance of attention to the coin of the
United States is obvious: Revolutions in every line produce a
lempofy lpconvemertcy—and that of an universal alteration in
the currency of a country, not one of the leaf*. The late Con
gress aware of this in the ordinance upon this fubjeft, have studi
ed that simplicity and plainncfs, which will obviate all difficulty,
provided any attention is paid to the fame by the people at large.
The general court ot Massachusetts is adjourned to January ncjct.
Both branches of the legislature of Massachusetts previous to
thejr adjournment, took the oath prescribed by law to support
the constitution of the United States.
The address to The President of the Uni.ed States having
pafl"ed both Houses of the legislature of Massachusetts, the Secre
tary of that State was directed to forward it to their Senators
in Congress, with a request that they would present the fame.
In Mr. Vining'sfpeech, publipied in our lafl, infleadof " Hercu
les rose brawling from his cradleready brawny—and then the sense
will dc, that the government, although an infantas to age, had in Jlrength
and conjlitution, the vigour of manhood; and fhouldtherefore conjult,
in its fir ft operations, the wisdom and experience of former nations } as
to its d'Jlributivepowers.