Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, May 27, 1789, Page 51, Image 3

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    exertions of every faculty. It is the great principle
the vigoro - must chiet]y depend. It is cvident
f'Sor Safer to place a fing.e man at the head of thi,
( nd indeed, of every other department) than to place it in the
:he possibility of veiling in obfeurity the
cratlon"and true state of the trcafury, I would suggest an 0,-
°P , tloo somewhat on the following plan.
6 a !r the fuperintendantof Finance ihould have no agency what
' i„ the business of receipts and expenditures
Th a t there be a treasurer-general, in the nature fimp.y of a cafli
itr vAlofe business Ihould be confined solely to receipts and cxpen-
A That ail receipts at the treasury be regillered in the luditor's
ffi , ■ from which office also (hould issue all warrants for money.
That the auditor open diftina accountsfor receipts and expen
on the refpt&ive funds, which may have been appropriated
by Congress to diffeicnt purposes. These accounts to be polled
"'/""obvious that by a system of organization, on a plan similar
the'ibove Congress would, at all times, be poifetfed of an exact
knowledge of the real state of the trtalury
The fuperintendant of finance, and indeed, the heads of all the
mat departments, should be admitted to a feat in the house of rc-
Lfentatives, and in the senate ; and to the privilege of delivering
Lr sentiments freely on all matters in debate relative to their fe
„ .departments. A'™-J ark, May a 3.
Monday, May 2J, 1789.
This being the day assigned to take up the
fubjetft of Amendments —Mr. Madison observed,
that various realons induced him to pvopofe a
distant. day, when he gave notice that on the
fourth Monday of May he should move for the
House to go into a committee of the whole 011
this business—and as some of the reasons still
existed, he would propose that the
of Amendments, agreeably to the fifth article of
the Constitution, be entered upon this day fort
Mr. Goodhue, agreeably to notice given on
Wedn.'fday last, introduced a resolution upon
the I'ubjeCt of compensation proper to be made
to the refpecftive branches of the Legislature—in
which The President,TheVice-Pkesident,
the Senate and House of Representatives, were
I'everally mentioned.
Mr. White proposed The Speaker's name
fliould be inserted.
Mr. Page proposed that the rtfolution fliould
be referred to the consideration of the committee
of the whole House.
The House accordingly voted itfelf into a com
mittee of the whole, 011 the state of the Union.
Mr. Trumbdu in the chair.
Mr. Goodhue's resolution was then read;—
the firft article, vefpec'ting the compensation to
the President, Mr. Lawrance proposed should
be compleated by filling the blank with 1 wenty-
Five Thousand Dollars. This would make the
article read thus:—Resolved, That Twenty-Five
Thousand Dollars per annum, be the compensation
allowed The President, during the time for which
he ij cletted.
Mr. Lawrance observed, that this futn was
not mentioned as the result of any accurate cal
culations, but merely for the conlideration of the
A variety of observations were made upon this
motion, which turned principally upon this
point—whether the sum to be voted 011 account
of the Prelident, ihould include the allowance
for his Houfhold, Secretaries, &c.—or whether
special provision should be made for the latter
purposes independent of the former.—No deci
sion was made upon tlie subject—when the com
mitte rose.
Mr. Clymer then moved, that a special com
mittee fliould now be appointed by the House,
to take this important bulinefs into considera
tion—which was voted in the affirmative—and a
committee appointed accordingly.
The report of the committee on the Jersey
elections, was then read, and acceded to.
Mr. Wadsworth presented the bill on ton
nage—which was read for the firft time-
Mr. F itzsimons introduced a petition from
the shipwrights of Philadelphia. Adjourned.
Tuesday, May 26.
The bill laying duties on tonnage was reail the
ictond time.
On motion of Mr. White, voted, That this
bill be referred to the committee of the whole—
and made the order of the day for to-morrow.
Mr. Scott gavenotice, that on to morrow he
inould move for leave to bring in a bill, for the
eftablilhing a land office, for the falc of lands in
the western territory.
Mr. Page after some introductory observati
ons, on the ineligibility of- electing committees
Y ballot—moved, that so much of the rule o
the House whichprefcribed that mode, should be
Mr. White proposed, that all committees
ftould be appointed by the Speaker, except when
the House might order otherwise.
Mr. Lawrance moved, that a committee fliould
e JJPPointed to determine on a mode.
Mr. Lef. obje&edto the appointment of acom
ji iUec, as there was at that moment no special
> U I ? c^ s b e forethem, he thought the prefenttime
1 m e "- tota ke tlie sense of the House.
J Lawrance withdrew bis motion.
Mr. Smith proposed an amendment to Mr.
White's motion by adding, unlefsfive members
call for a ballot.
Mr. Page was oppofedto all balloting for com
mittees—lie thought the mode highly exception
able, as it might be rendered subservient to the
purposes of intrigue—he hoped (he said) never
to fee another committee chosen in that Houfeby
Mr. Burke moved for a postponement of the
motion, which being put, was carried in the af
Mr. Smith of South-Carolina, gave notice,
that on to-morrow he should move for a commit
tee to bring in a billon the fubje<ft of bankruptcy.
Mr. Sylvester of the committee, appointed
to confer with a committee of the Senate, on the
fubjecft of news-papers, and for receiving propo
sals for performing the public printing, reported,
by which it is proposed, that the Secretary of the
Senate and the Clerk of the House, should be em
powered to make the neceflary contrad:.
From papers brought in the fliip Montgomery, Capt. Bunt an,
from LONDON, we have obtained the subsequent
Warsaw, Feb, 12. Count Stanislaus Potocki's plan for rais
ing some national cavalry was parted in the sixth fefiion. This
body will he composed of 30,000 men, each company ol 150.
It has been resolved, that the Tartars who inhabit Lithunia shall
be admitted into this corps, as they have .(though Muffelmcn) al
ways behaved like good citizens.
March 4. Letters from Moldavia and Waljachia advise, that
the Turks are allemblirtg on the frontiers in great bodies.
Vienna, Feb, 28. They write'fiom Tnefte, that thccrew of
a vessel arrived there from the Archipelago, informed them, that
a large ftiip, sent by order of the Porte to Napoli, in the Morea,
to piocure corn, had been obliged to quit the coasts of that pe
ninsula, the inhabitants of which had risen on Account of the
great want the y were in of that article themselves. Ofher c ire u al
liances seem to confirm the scarcity of corn felt in many parts of
Turkey; and the Governors of the Archipalago will meet with
the greatest difficulties in executing the orders they have received
relative to furnifhing piovifions for the Ottoman airAies in
Servia and Bosnia.
Paris, March 2. The Dutch demand of us the payment
of 10,000,000 livreslent to the Americans under our guarantee ;
but we have a much larger account against them, which is the ex
pense we were at in prote&ing their poflcflions in India.
Hague, March 17. On the 13th instant the Council of State
pronounced he final sentence against the famous Rhiriezrave of
Salm, and Col. Vanderborch, by which theiy are declared guilty
of hightreafon, and banished forever from the fevtn Provinces
and the confines of the generality, under paiu of death it tound
tin t cm, besides which they are to pay all costs.
Constantinople, A report has been circulated
thele tew days pad, that the Sublime Porte intended to restore
liberty to the Ruffian Ambassador, who languiihes in confinement
i n the seven towers.
London, March 27. The French Ambaflador hasjuft rrce ved
letters from his court, in which their Most Christian Majesties
express their warmest congratulation* upon the recovery of our
Mod (.rar ious Sovereign, and desire that his Excellency will (how
refpe£t and joy upon the ensuing occasion ; and
that the expense may be no objetlof consideration, they have or
dered it to be placed to their Majesties. On this information the
Count de Luzerne waited upon lady Harcourt, and requeued her
ladyship to acquaint their Majesties of the intention of his Court.
Philadelphia, May 23. Yeftcrday Mrs. Washington
arrived here from Moun't-Vernon. This truly refpe£lable per
sonage was met by a number of the principal ladies and gentle*
men of this city (among whom were the President of the State,
and the Speaker of tne General Aflembly) a little beyond Derby.
At Gray's Ferry, fhc partook of an elegant cold collation,and from
thence was escorted to the residence of Mrs. (Robe rt) Mor r is,
in Market-ftrcet, by the troops of light-horse, commanded by
Captains Miles and Bingham. Her avrival, which was about 2
o'clock P. M. was announced by the ringing of bells, and a dis
charge of thirteen guns from the park of artillery, under the di
re&ion of Captain Fisher.
We hear that Mrs. Washington intends to favor her female
friends in this city with her company till Monday morning, when
(he will procecd to join her beloved and justly revertd consort at
the PRESIDENT of the.United States.
NEW-YORK, MAY 27, 1789,
A Correspondent observes, that the dispatch
and harmony, with which the national repre
sentatives adopted the outlines of principles, for
regulating the great executive departments, is a
favourable presage, not only of wisdom and una
nimity in that House, but also of energy and suc
cess in the general adininiftration of the govern
ment.—For it can hardly be doubted, that when
there is a Unipn of sentiment among so many en
lightened and virtuous statesmen, that the mea
fu. es adopted, will in all refpecfts be calculated
to answer the end proposed. The more we consi
der that part of the resolution, that gives the Pre
sident of the United States the sole power of re
moving officers, without the process of impeach
ment, the more reason have we to anticipate ad
vantage from its operation; for setting aside all
expectations from the talents and virtues of the
present supreme magistrate, there is in the natu
ral reason of things, a preference in favour of
that mode of removal.
Another Correspondent observes, tha. thepub
lication of the debates of Congress, has already be
gun todifFufe national ideas ; and that while it fa
miliarizes theminds of the people to the new sys
tem of government,it gradually difleminates prin
ciples of legislative wisdom andintegrity. Great
advantages will be derived from having it in the
power of the rising patriots, and legislators of
our country, to take up a system of practical le
gislation from the beginning, andobferve the re
gular gradations of a young nation growing into
opulence, contentment and power.
Married on Thursday the 14M trj. at SJirew/hiry, in Neui-Jerfey,
the Rev. Jedidiah Uotfe,ofCh*ricJlewn, in MaJfachufeUi, to Miss Brce(c.
On Saturday last, General WASHINGTON went to fee the
curious agricultural improvements and newly-invented farming
utensils at the feat of the Baron POLNITZ, in the neighbourhood
of this city. Among the former is the cultivation of madder,
woad, and feve,r2l kinds of artificial grass* Among the latter are
Winlaw's threihing machine, several ploughs conllru£led for differ
ent purposes and many other instruments of husbandry. The Ba
ron Polnitz made experiments to shew the effects of different
ploughs, some of which he held himfelf, for the lake of giving
more precision in the result. General Washington discovered great
fatisfa&ion in viewing the experiments, particularly of a machine
made by theßaron Polnitz, for ascertaining tfie exact foice which
mufl be applied to a plough, under any circumftanccs, in drawing
it through any kind of foil. The General was alio so well convin
ced of the utility of the Horse-Hoe, for weeding vegetables, &c.
that he has ordered one to be made, upon the principle of the
B iron's,forthe purpose of fending itto Moant-Vernr : ,in Virginia.
The Editor will endeavor to obtain a particular delcription of
the Hor/e-Hoe for a future paper.
The hour of the President's Levee having been altered frcm two
to three o'clock, in order to accomodate official characters, yester
day the company which attended it was uncommonly numerous
and refpe&able.
The LADY of The President ofthe Uni
ted States is expected to arrive in this city,
on Wedneiday or Thursday of this week.
This morning at 5 o'clock, The President
set off in his barge, to meet Mrs. Washington
at Elizabeth-Town Point.
A correspondent, who was present when the
House of Representatives of the United States wa3
in committee of the whole, 011 the l"ubje(ft of a
provision for The President, &c. was pleased i
to find that no ideas could have been more just in
regard to tlitf actual and future circumstances of
the public, as well as to the. prudence and dignity
of the Supreme Magiltrate, than tliofe which were
expressed by the Hon. Mr. Gerry.
The great principles of religion, honor, and
public Ipirit, are the only effectual checks to the
encroachments of arbitrary power—the only
permanent foundation for the perpetuating pub
lic freedom, and happiness : Without thel'e, go
vernment will not receive the steady and manly
support of the people; but torn by fa<stions, re
sulting from the want of honesty, and a proper
sense of the bleifings of liberty under equal laws,
a government of force is the fatal consequence.
First impreflions are generally allowed to be
the strongest.—How important then, that they
should be made and received under the influence
of right principles—-Upon all great public occasi
ons, the attention of the people Ihould be exci
ted by the displays of wisdom, judgment and
an evident concern for their best interests, for
impreflions made when the faculties are 011 the
stretch to learn, to wonder and admire, are
more general and more lasting than those receiv
ed in the common course of events.—The late au
gust fpedtacle in the inauguration of The Pre
sident, followed by an address, which comes fp
feelingly home to the boloin of every American,
have made impreflions which never can be effa
ced—and their happy effects will be realized by
ages yet unborn.
" Fad ions and feuds may overturn a State,"
" Which Un ion renders flourif«ing and gi at."
Want of principle is the common source of
faction —The reigning administration, mayat any
time, denominate the opposition to their mea
sures, a fa«£lion: but the discerning eye of the
public generally makes a just discrimination be
tween their real friends, and unprincipled de
magogues.—lt mult be acknowledged, however,
that when the body of the people become careless
of their freedom and government, and pay 110
attention to either, but as the -words may advance
one party, and depress another, the way is pre
pared for a subversion of the republic; and the
change of a free constitution for any other, in
volves the loss of freedom.
A general application toftudy—an investigati
on of the great principles of legislation—the ge
nius of our national constitution—its relations,
dependencies ; its intimate connexion with those
of the several States—a general idea of the great
commercial ijnereft of the union as a nation—and
a competent knowlege of those of the individual
governments —an acquaintance with history,
the great examples it affords—a love to the max
ims of a generous and upright policy—and
decided patriotism, to inspire a public confi
dence in his administrations—These form some
of the outlines of the character which we trust is
destined to preside over the finances of the Union.
May 22, Ship Pr. Wm. Henry, Codd, Barcelona, 46 days,
Lrig Walker, Clodd, Cadiz, 42 days.
Schooner Tryal, Venneman, St. Thomas. 19 days.
Sloop Adventure, Holmes, Virginia, 5 days.
May 23, Sloop Pomona, Steel, St Croix, 20 days.
May 24, Brig Charlcfton, Garmen, Charleilon, 9 days.
Saturday, Sloop Cynthia, Bowell, St. Bartholomew, 14 days.
Sloop Hawk, Parker, Turks-Island, 14 days.
Sunday, Brig Aurora, Tweed, LiverpooJ, 56 days.
Ship Montgomery, Bunyan, London, 58 days.
Monday, Ship Hollies, Columbus, Cadiz, 53 days.
Tuesday, Schooner N. Y. Packet, Barnard, Bolton, 3 days.
Sloop Rambler, Peterfon, R. IHand, 2 days.
Arrived at Boston, the snow Capt. Burroughs, from the
1 fie of France, in upwards of one hundred days pafTage.
Errata.—ln the story of Honeflus and Conftantia, for " commu
nicate" read commijjerate—and for " the unfeel rfg wound. K
read, the insulting wound.