ran fishe 110 DOLLA VANCE; 1 ed. ate ae urn la A 11 be char; airearag f the Edi igen-lent* ner T kR : u I tI tqltp that everlplougbed bale Erie was, built.. With the aid of epresmodle revolutions of ber wheoa and energetic tugs at long tow ingiiees,ithe nnwieldly hulk was got un der waykand disappeared in the haze of ',Lake Err, a successful experiment; ain an t nihilator ,of four miles an hour, and the Bo o ks of ite a n t ot, 1 Tecial wonderment of the Red Men, who i I stood on the banks and cried, ‘Talyoh nich thrifty business neglects to keep lee."l They looked and believed that it WAS aunt ofhi s exp o la diturea, and if he 1' ..30 1 1 the spiril of fire and water—but a .he figu res enlarging from • year to : a big canoe drawn by sturgeons. :'' et, small a beginning, I the unfiedg he fact makes an impression upon his Frm rif not alchange in his habits. The led canceptieti grew in time to become the rgreat -feature - of the West. But a short ,boald be imarsuedlby a iaation, Com- I ?yell of yea!l sufficed to plop° these breath os may be odiousq but they are often 4 7. Forexamplp it is not pleasant, i l ing motora lit sir - on d bo pro fi table, for us to isarYl ) in the foremost" rank asneces institutions of the !country ,The 1 lakeitz froth Chicago to Oswego mein.coy that the Getterel Government has , 1 : ithlthem, aril no hour la the day or incep than twice its much tnoney last l 'ered f w it did aeten years ago. l il nigil. pared that the broad strait in , front following table 'exhibits the annual "of lour city did not beer upon its beam it-ores du‘ing the:past ten years, in . b one Of these new found self-inaPellin levia the kdminiorations of Taylor, F , • thane of th e deep. ' I :. Those , ere the palmy days of steamboat -1 Pierce r , and Buchanan: • ,8 _ 18,78 , ,887 82 :an& 1 When there were Do canals;l when" • 9-1-TavloT, , itf-z-:riPtuare, 42,506,892111 - Ilthero was no railroad; when Captt. Bath il Filmoie 40,504,422 12 inward wai in his prime, Oliver i*wbury a , irwaa young, and when bluff.golannoilore 11--l'illmere, 36 55° 080 37 1 I 'l .. 0 !Blake cr i cked rough jokes, that made th • I—Pierci, 43,544,202 82 Illadiel bl u : shin sh the cabin-A0 laugh in their. 51,018,219 60 4—Pieicf , When the ~ 1d Buffalo and. 00-1 lore 56,:365,293 00 ,state l roolis. 1 , ; ,Gres, Weiteln made their thaw, never fail 11—Pi, rep, 60.172,401 64 1,9 )7----Buchhtem, 64,e78,828 85 c= Buchatian, 80 000 000 60 .1 1 ,to trips froth Buffalo to Chicago and back, ; rounding Ito at Detroit to' 'discharge 'add take on great'piles of freight, and give' the re is ere pro s et that the present r *t weary passengers a chauce lo stretch their i.tration c twill, upon its retirement,LiaaLa. liT hen the Nile stood on the stocks a lernea f one hundred millions of tifihere rig ' ntlato great warehouses and was tal debt. So mud!' far the loud Pre - 1 the; ci woo ds of a ll, for her trethendMis size is of economy Which eharacterizedlrun exqutsite symtru try, (a Riviereßouge , 1- 1 uchanan inaugural address. I , ,ar a i. beet now outvtcs her I model ' and ..........-1— I. 11 - 1 ) • eng li and the ltttle Red Jk t t d ac e sput ere Fat l Pestalence. . . d - ' len 1 sp l a shed about the river , and I made I great pre ensiohs over running between this hive reels. el a blosty message from land'St lair: . Those were the palmy days 1 Pi , c-n .valieg the sad and alarming It ( f i . steambouting—when a steamer !was once th,e that mat. frightful cent:- ' ; j o - niethiug to look at, and a steamboat 44 ~,,i . that 11 ~a qe ispra, is aging in ber- • ( , was a . vory icing, (pewit ey are noth of ins Biel skill Of the thast.experi- .." 11 , rh3 lei 114 and carrying elf, in every ar , all whom it Sttacks. The usual i! , .elplturl, has proved in the present O r" L ing but prities of good felicays,) walked his deck with tlth conscquence . pf one who car nrighty respousibilities and heavy honors ii Upon his shoulders—whe they e entirely" ineffiecieus. The utmost I :ro f. u r .it out on deck clay I and nig t,tuo wawa rqgns • in [the town, and the •r i a ,. lti in a gale whettier th eir boat went nits are leaving in crowds by every ° laic -ward or forward, and when theylelimb ate voice ante . Seine of the most l up onl the top of the boilers; and sat spirited lnd devoted atizene, how- lilhowfin rk onit e !safety valve to keep "within eree, terrific power which , must impel s, main, an I are unremitting in atheir 't the • A rehan to all she neii assistance. ;her off a lee shore, di rend the iron and tear lfalte pre = en panic continues, in a few - a thou4and pieces rb t body of the cour dart Acre will of be 16ft in the town a I' , e , man he controlled it.k it a. eitelelat numbar of livthg to bury the dead. 1 ,ah C o n stituti on e .. was sived to diel l of old 74 s; Ideri ilption of pestilence is unac- '.. I'l t 4 ~ ltage. • The Great Western allowed her fires "Thole no rice o the utsease mere , 1 i d pass and was burned at , .t act) eo , e)311 torn ,•-, vi n „until Thursday evening, when a„ ,eludock •, and the Nile euccumhedlto the rateber of psis n,, a minuent before in ptr- storinv a iritl of Lake Michigan- C tict Ithafili, wer notice- to labor under the , 1 -', 'P 1 OE n n lo ' lore bloke swore by the Continental Con ., , ti h • -I 1 gre.s a te . read cholera should rtht con sll t i-e rible s y mptom. , • and in spite of ev- 1 1 ry eer i e and th use 1 every ,concevable qii.er him, and then died in its grog') where ti edy, Ell vie r he awful' scourge.-- I hia4-ehas.,,i File was wrecked,‘ Ca pt. Bain t ra- man ) t/bec'ell attempting 1° ae " l'Sk . etd fu . ' owed him and the res t of .;th e 6 ".for he qullden appearance of the-dis- ' I Mee of bold sea-firin ' .men who then Ara " ! L e in th , hillh i rrla healthy ncighbotbood, I,L in t it' Idsile of which is, that it wag Ib ve a r r iAleja - lea have passed sway, Stem' grew la s.ze, speed and magnificence, i i r) l e cl f ba akagrani who appeared in anti were num b ere a by hundreds Then e streets en T t tursday afternoon, and rep- a huge the results of which dm rn rd linn , eli the Eastern shore ' h al n V. n i n the ferns of those floating palithes X ` ''E 1 — ic °him Eii 1 s ~ _ i i _ it _ PY non , lyingat our docks, motionless and de t t i Th . . i ser ed. 'heir Well fought battle ground, ittabkaCE.— ere is high lo n whit whit they have faced a thousand tr of ahundanee feed. In (:). tholes., is encircled by a baud of twlneli the civilized world' t°llas se II 1 . g which shoots the impelling r the supp l y of feed, the , m t . a ' t el4ol, re owed in the firm foothold Which large rauras to the labors lln England, where the 1 the yielding Waters denied it. 1 1 l red man stood upon the L t d ht ii 'el important that at', ef. 'l l As VI ga down upon the encroachme nt s ,ce i lor sdarcity extend•#o, to all , a q d 1 °° 1( E t untrths, the harvest beaanof his pale-faced enemy, so we, can imagine I nuei, an d w i t h tav°omble Ifl the Old commodore standing upon his pilot ance, here the peace of ~ '° ne e 'an • honking down with an evil eye t c, largely upon • a good crop, ' Upon the locomotive train as it glaects past -antes pil e enormous. The es ail: and in 'this, With a ash' and whistling scream. A 11 will crowd of • twiner, faces look forth and peep f -flared eevere ly all ever fer an in "alit at his old beat and then Itow i lout r Filingto a degree hugti deidingly Let them laugh—the oof ttottenest plank iu her old white-oak hert lbt t at the vintage take i s place amon g, the : dearer to him than the' gew-gaves and ;aunty and quality. Ty e Oeainiug brass with which their swift roll l laig train is deco aced. Half in anger arid long afflicted it has been I we believe, by flip app a_t i half in , corn he grssps the wheel and looks t npopl thel blue water. Anon the gale r —[L'kevidence Journa: l° _____• : brings to' him another roar, and another ire'. I , Irstu b a ( . .aaisitsroar tA \ - I) .a; tAliABl.. eases in sight, bearing away froth I a, seems to he „ t a: lode ill feeling be- him his legitimate burden, the products of i n 1 the land, lard the import , . of eivilizatien -- e the officer.", of° tiese two aessels, f sera unbecoming, faeeine the misstep : One eterlandtber they follow till the eyes it ode of c _ate en is of "peace on earth and °!:: Ole lilt old follow{ aailor are dimmed, .and he , if will to men,The correspendeut of: Oghs for the time when Railroads were not. III"- p 1 Ja Times, :who, was on board du- : The dafs of steamboats are past, and ie 4 itt , stir= in SN bleb she nearly faunder- a few yea" there will none be left to tell - orig,i all sorts of what they once were upon our broad Unfairness and un- ' °f 1 1:9te-3 against :the officers of the Awed.' lakes- They have yielded the palm do the r 9 isi g Ito, to etrc '''' ulatieg untruthful re- 'Railroad , 1 °ll and propeller, and henco t I a- to the bad behaior of the British - 1 forward will 'live only in the memory of 111 tile , , a 1 hew all hands on board were' th°se inhah iting the shores of our great in -1,, 1.. i. r t st,acd by iyand how one of the Jack 1 laid l lake' ___l , IVent crazy in consequence. The Times ; 'rag Hoo I CHOLERA.—Thee . --Th Princeto n at) loes not ‘veite m the best of humor,: ; I 1 1 '.. e 1 i 'l3ll the whole, we can not help think. : Clarion continues to describe the ravages or lie is at - great pains I n to magnify a very t the hem cholera in Gibson, Indiana, as unL 1' ' . mutive mole-hill into an exceedingly : ,ahated in • that section of country, cuttin nnuntain. I down big and little, fat and leith, with bu feu plemO i taitory symptoms. It says t 1 ‘,l 1 '.The heaviesr hog-raisers have lost from three-fourths to four-fifths of their stock We hear of a few cages where recovery is expected of the remnant of a drove infectedi r bat left in a condition not very flattering for the making of pork this season.' Every spublic road seems to be strong with the tencil, In be rotten carca sses left t, ditthlilr a d(/ catay neat them; and some of the hranchte are running with greasy water, where the Ic i areasses have beer, thrown in,as a convenie t place to get tid of them!" inserte f 'fifteen went in Rile to cora attenti ;square; ch sabse , ;iacount et ters a 'i n ! ce prom') an .itic(4 aide t 1 ye t `t ti mt#d, sa9tie palsoq Flatar kni3w FPOt he en( ,I CA ill ii 7.101:1 !pi)! in rk, iui 7.- - -ifi at 111 1 : 11 ILI tl`r ILi 4 ~~1 1 N 12 /i li FIR 1.1 -f a - ye 4 , ions to lock Tr is are of knit ure. of food i abuntia I cntuerdal" than t . In I. depends e appea the yiel lat has s ' ntry, is n EMBEE rotnisei• I cm. of q that Fo 1 d, maim if sulph • 1 W tt: L'l e r, 1 , 11 61 ' ihg osT OF A MISS AGE TO LONDON.—The iton Traveler' of:l 7 fidly says: buainess messages from N. York ¢ehauts to their corteapondeuts in Lon ,thrOugh the American Tele. 1, (dice, Traveler. BUildings; from New fk, en route for-London, yesterday,. at 5 Ouerof them containing , fifty-seven paid through, fifty-seven dollara,and "d66tr,- twenty-seven; words, for which :Ityleren dollars "wets paid." - 1 , . Ode of the trios amusing appliaa -- of a provincialism we have heard was !of a yntitlifi.4 southdrner, who -, explain -4s'lsuu: in sirdition as follows: "Add ,the fist colytnia; bet dawn the units,and 1 the -teab to t e next j 'eolytuu.' _ 1 li r- I 11 t , e i 1 , 1:. I I, II 1 1, . . 1 . ~ i l, , , , "1 • . / 111 ' i . ' '1 ' . 1, _ i . 1 1 . I . . . . . • 4 , ~ 1 ' • I, . 1, . I I ' _ —..-- —— -- —-.--. - . -- -- _ 7 7; -- 7-:: -- 1 - " 4 - 1 , - ' - t.ll '- • .;411 -1.7 . • . • - 19 1 .- - i" ' - - ---- ' 1- -- — .4 vt.. 4 7- 7. i7.i:,F 7 : , , *I 1 ~----- - : I ' ll t 1 4 • 71 , -- .6i 11 :. 1 11 1 ' 1,',. . ' l ,' •.1 1 ) ' 1 .--_ __ i 1 , - • 11 . - .. 1 : 1 1 t ' 1 f„ ,, A II• .: 'l. 4ti, '. f . x " c,^ .1 '*- I . . , " ''' I: ' -' . .' ' , -i, -i , ''' , - •'• '. -El. - I '‘-- :t . )- . ..r-' :-'' -zia;;) ;. ,- I. ... ;.. ~ -- .• • -.1 • ; , . • i ', . . ••- I- ' ; : , : :. :i... \; ill 1 i It :; - .:.- •s , ;:;•.-. .; • . • - 1 . . • \ ' 1 ~• _,. , •, ,tr l L„i 1 , .;• •- • ..; . . ik11:: ..,".. 4 4 ' :'"' •:;; ; •; ; 't• . . 1 , 1 I -- • . , ; , - II i • .. [ ,;1 ' , • i 't , \, I - _ I - __„:-..-, _ • L i , / 1 1 1 . '' I , I 1 1 1 I , I , l' ' , I . .1 i'' I. ~' I'', I: ' ' ' ' ; I' l ‘.l' l ' ''' ,...1 I.: - ' „ _ ~ ,_, _ • i t • , St/ 1 --, . • 1 . ~ . 1 1 1- . • 1.1 .Ii : ' .14 1: 4 - 1.- ,t 1 7, I.''' - • I ...1 1 , :, -., - 11 _ .I. __—_ .., __L___ _ 4 _4 t :-.. . 1 _ __._._. ____‘. ____ ': ..4. _,.. _ __,_. .1_ .. ; 2___________ l 1 , I 1 t • t. XI V"'"..'N0,',1133. ICr i tteTia34o . , 1 , 1 1 1 ' and .Firrr Carts, I otherwise Two ' 1 Dorel ' 1 - i paper discontinued, , ; Ju st fo rly by AND. ilea, except at the i I , at the rate of 501 iines for one inner- ; hereon2s cents. Al early advertisers. • unications, by mail, frigT INea (i44J •~ Steamboats on the Upper Lakes. • • " --- ' the Detroit , TreerPrets , . years ago the first, steampaet . _ who y tocik the Lucknow, during the 4 ige, C pbell, has been reWArd o £1,000; and an appoinirsi wArt £OO a year.' I , ME ME Doable I 1 .., nT 4 Donnorcep I. L I 1 , cjous yeurriat Is respqnsibh i ihg ' Thai paper is rienar i 7 1 Emmett o fthis character : P { i somend te gef then', up t dt I then c it: might have bripp th tt is . e moa t I 1 1., i .emportant mat i iikle I 1:1 ii . the 'pienarsee: 1, . • ; . ' 1 I ._ i `i "In one of ,the townshipa of this co a little north'Uf filucYrus, d w elt we do•than, a widowe o !about4 bent fifty, w only sun of twene -we ar, three. ;Mr. 1 (we withheld the.mei s ) Wi o er torubviona reason hod been' is for many years, and t) became weaky of t tal i m e of living, and acchrdingly dete hied 1 o marry again.H- Tha determination '4 ' , ;7rmed ``, the next 1 ' thing was td fin the i oman necessary Watch in re Conn la,uot at all di i F'ortnnate y i ler hi , tivridow lady re n6l'. Inla?:,ii,'P'''''b dal righter poss e all the,regatrentent 1 She Ives i bee girl lor it.iiry . l 1,..,1' accomplidied ~ 1 sprightly jest th ene ',Wanted) . ' Ti aurd she was - rather you ng,' but Mr. was yottn * --- • rookie Ida('. I* Sometime his mind wslid tinge ,to the'mother, who was qtrita ith calMairilie ai i tbedaug h ter, an d al i i - roosttia yitttri in app ranee , but :ha bad made up bis mi d te . marry the daughter, and )he set tibeut i w ith l a good Will. ... He i did 'net.3l; eqtion his determination t his son t dielittokithai the idea of marryin one so-, ifehlelpiterah6n himself might e . pose him!, tci , li is 'Edict*. "1 ' ,' In the Iresittitinua, Ihie son h a d b ec ome i desperate].f enamored of the , wide! ) and had likesvise ?Ignited npon marrying her, He did otl:co tnimteate the fact 11 his father:for the,--Sate . reason that actuated the old 'gentle, !Hi— ea o exciting ridicule by t a marrying ar,., , .. o' iuch older im self.r.' . 4 . . 1 _ 1 1I ' they if commenced . calling at the house of 't i lf widoW, and very fre.qu ntly metleach tit er there. This circums ance annoyed then' ,b to immensely . ; Tb old gentleman ttieng t,lvery naturally , tha the i ii i young ratan weal t , erd, for the young 116 , , aticl.he young gentlethen, quite as nat i al - supposed;that the r Ad, one was there tor the avidesi. As the Metter progressed, the. meeting of the father ncl , son at that p lace . - s became frequent,! and the more often It' oe eurredi.lbq !rage intolerable it`-be came. became. Finally, Mrll ---4-- determined to speak to i 1 . 1 - .[ - .1 , ~_ , , his son an tne swipe .1 i -, _ , "bbarleil'l'slid be "I, have determined t 11 1 11 = .. , 1 „ after mucli onsiderati II to marry again, "H'rn,l il f ot: . , ,ifitiCher ' les, "now there'll be a fightlabaut . the widow .' --; -I - I thought it but ;right andpropf 'make you acquaint s With th - e'cleteni Boni' .L I 1 1 1 ll ' • ( iVerry goed,' , plied,Charles, .."I - eider it NerYlprope that you should -And, speaking ofi arryirg, I haVe cm ded ,to marry;lnlse f' " I - L - "I aiproie For h idea,' returned till gentleman; '‘.you a r e of suitable• age tc LIP 1 Mayl ask ,the n a me of . :down .', 0 TUC intended? i I I "Mrs. - =-- „' ri and lassunling; a d 4 ~y h el W,'{ ivb! Vine wont ;la,' 1 Chi t' . Bo•far adva nced "Ithidk not,' have you 'decided "Why, Cil l er! eunsfance, but ber ilatighter..' "Daughter!' e you lare at least tii I don't objeetl.' The was in the e 1 0c6.01.0f a: 401ify arranged ~svi ter, and the, Pantie , Very soon af, ti ~ summated, they a ade a gran du 1 , ow that; the Widow.w.i I for the wife of a yii i 1 years, and the o' young lady i of icy sobei-min;ied ma , followed,henirtogi sand' 1 little iquarri 1 bickerings, simmt fight, whieh was a tiona for 4 .tliree agre'ed .permtinen I ling themselies oi 1 vorces arelohtaio4 four removedlta In time, the divoreeii The four came il gether, the( son ia his especi a l- 1r I ' the agree b e l l tirl,t they arrive d, at Be c inatriman . II matte' cot ba sis - just it ,1 begin with, to,i wit: ow made pp :a tii daughter ,dilto. , formed immediate ly eyrue. t'p to dat satisfied with leach hoped the' will cep' B folio in ron St hail EMIGRATION .71 I 1 ,7,. .. . .WITORA I .T,TO I N opttEmEs.-- Iv itton a re [ months palst4 several schemes to • eats dish colonies at ! points outside this country hav coma to light Firit, a" plan is in pro fir the establibbnient ,of ai settlowent of Colored people in Hayti! Another scheme has been lirciached; to establish a settlement somewhere in Cetitial [America. There is also an '.y.hiditablel Emigration ASsoeia ionj in existenee which_ s said .: - to contemplatO The occupati on of So el island in the Pacifi in Oceati,-"therel to commence noir the exJ, perithent ef . social 'Fbithocrac and' to estate , lish new institutions ! more adapted tothe i necessities or boatel nature, and the rt . hut of the individeal.l I, [ is • [ ;v , ve:t .An at.t , rue , a of costs, i As 1 re u .!' balte to mke' it igi ; L , replied thil liwyer, fi t Ft() yoµr foreman , 1 butt makel myliFirail! letter ci Sir I, Aiql ' ea is • • BEAVE •", e ter bly • oi •neet L tion nth I- to. . SW 'ded lag and be E COD e 130 . CIU old sqt . our , ;lied Charles bracin g ' rant llook. led Ifie old gentle es, but isn't stie a yeprs ?' ;id Charles,' Act it is a very cnriou ad determined, to an, rifle who ~: ,~ . claimed Charles, ti iceold 'e as as s i s, , t itmhappily settled, 11 few weeks it was sati th the widow, and da • - rwillie ttiarried. er the marriage was l dienvered that'the isiake. • The 'Sin • i t alttigether t00',,M0t6r.., a og man of twentyire? digentleman found that a n y was to volatile' for a of fifty. Disagreements legit, and - finallyithe Thou! els and soubbings, and era 'down into: a g r and opt Op with slight ,varia r l Months: Finally the y ky, 6 disagree, and avail ail:. cl/; l ease with Which di; tin Indiana, • Oa . Whele .dianapolis, Where,' due Were obtained. 0 ! home as . they went to= 'Ung the, daughter u' der 11 and the father doing , ,o gnaw. Long before 1 1 /rus h , they had arranged auan entirely differ. ould have beer' done to the 'father and the with" teh,l and the[ son and e` re-m arrying ; was peri on their arrival at Bu e they all appear well other, and it t l o b 1 inue so. 'I [ .ut to furnish a by buil elle. t as possible. bat's what you it's Dot are w bill t, $ • 11,' aaz IEI I! . T,ed, ll el, Is*, : , ~ 1 c, 1 : ,_, . , I ..I.R, ~,,,1 1, kf' -,- :t ' .9 1 ; . --,,'. i .1 . 4 , 11 .,, . Ha Ctiaj - was even; - p . remarkpb e 1 ' I - I . • t • ' s' 1 tba was --•• seisted_by , t; , - ,aicounfit; 11,yri t,t .‘, I • A Prespo• • nt i of the BS. ..."' di Beptt b . lid siviei following V y . - 0 11 it:i t "htillif li(),` Ow 'et .6to,oliiritter -1; iso, iscii , or vl . • the ' - t itre Pf 'net. Dr:l g, . New ' °Pk, li •ea ,evefiipg, T . His fame i xt mOO- popularpreselt a/s or , ! b e tt e d 0, •te 0 a -tituttii jolt' sieeeb at t•. mi i i .na t y j • 'l, yeaps ago,.had 'ci • i pat ••• Tin , Ittpectation, andliotnet• • id 1,, ailliti Ai lipate#. Ins l ad of I • 'b. ever ! • 6 long, ti , le ed an Ido ed di- • • • NO -113 i phes es of i • Bible as to ' ' . • • tidia 'of t e Kid!. mof btiev ;• ; Fevitho aite ther, ,i , el , ti, is obi , '' ; c i .', soma whet] mar ,Id in :O.' • e l e l,„l'2 - siotisl, Heil •'-ld t •;. C' , efit 1;" t govet4- re I a meat anti.•,,:- . ...i' ---:. T . , irate .; odiate, wad lut thii .• n 011 lt matil dias fie . Gild;' Itostijw . ll6' iis islieii ado . ted 'a the a of, y 4 ~ . :o goiteremen . Btilt n 4,st i ojitlilegi 140 - * adittr• t e 1 divtn auportyltbe - f,did: ; . yloni or Pe - ma. 'r Theyl teleratil -Tteet theieligion of ‘l', us, bu notion . title:, rd to Gbd, but fro r espect YU, thl`tiiiht- or Mad. The Mot i on, th Mil wad,' e Idola or And the'Christian recall like d'equal in the eyeil f,.the' !node ' ,and pelt ivatint "C hp stian I tngdo ." I bey, irefess do f t ,. -religion, and tbeip i ople 51 worship ode or on, hundred-6 , if j they so please.— Thn's Ged; in is wattle, fy il i is bnished ~ik i from :he ea t ti. 'England in sto t h e war- Vet ' super 'tint! ,in Is. iik I,and, foster idolssmori its autij te;l • Pe America is preiiii ing Ito] sustain : the African slave trod?, and both lice se alai e legalize drunk cunt ,: v ii , i. ' I .-. I 81 ~.c "Dr. T g turned to th-; p phecies fiti his 1 h i pe and coil(' acid Itl refire found that ; four s c essive univ•pae modarchies' 1 we tp rule t e wor d---t. •en o wine bro ken' ken' ftagnieniary, ' divided 'n con,tentious kin dors; all' rejeeti g t i • ii- 7 king °mei cif gol salver I brass, ;a d ire • ;kbut, finally, and, as the fifth nal aril itgdoni, when the the ianOsball Ile 'e e we are hive' , . 0 theeill PAi of G ui in the earth 7 This i. nth i b win ; d' coo • through the slow ante irtqiedi, '3l Ilia ti g oil people ii and' goVe n i ents4h re) tad , the OtdinarY idea of p ' i j ess,lo tdilleilu - 7 but by a migity an I syddii - evolu 1001: the four sue - c6ssivii '', 'venal ittinr hire of .The pro; pheieti..we ' ;elite ;Ilitei , the yersian, l th e ',O- rte i e d•: • .. ', d r past, and we larepe. el gig tio, 3 ,ig 1 th e b o otie' i v stage . , iri hl tie Worli di ••• 7 en Tulare t t andlin togiiiiret4c 11.- . 91 *O,. in ' illaik tratio • his sectiitacy and •An i e Of Od.-4, The su ccession :a( t• e ii • i i versai 1 ign / of God h he front Iptiphec,.; 0, be neat. at' i 0 hand-- the 'ip es ' or prop dcyl ne ly run 1 out;lierid hes.hcrted the yidagjee whom !especial ' iaddres ed, . 0,,t0 f rth te thei S Christ an life, irepa e'd-i and, xpectl, crag It be l ,i e '; tti ipat o u sure t iof the flz new r vela' n and t e- gr• • I revolution." , lil • 1 . glilyi lip° ir it. , ' IP .1 la R he a iorq ( e orimerc i iql Ad-, vert r HP, tt me to a ggesti -through the , edioni o yotir jouri al, that; On the the 'ceip,t 1 f 'the firs ' message &Om `lietl i .11 Majesty th rueeo o Gre t Britaid to the, Preiident. I the bite , Btatee by the ocea)'telegr ph, the g• title ii eel of itur whole continent, tin ,tbe Itch of a telegraphie 'des ' teh, II raise thei htits.J''t Tours;, res ' ctfull , .I ' qty,ll l .li' • II Y; mut tie n retnri, to , iggest.t st,,onl the eceipt 'Of the, fir.t mirge from :her Pree dent of fhe:lJni ed S tosii• the ladiei 31 i of at the Br ttish; Isl.s pth 61:414 portesy, 1 or tal I the gent eme• i take ,oft'their boota. It , to bp Ii ped ;atithe message frog the Queen Of, Great;itteiri will be received inllthe day km di , nce the head-, oov ing wb i leN . some gent emen wear du rip ,i th e IhW ill) .of 1 do grieefttlit raise as a po l ished , castor 4-. N. 11 Cum.. Ad I l i I; . -1 - . 1 r ' I Ai' Oraaile- Sgn hed. ii, , 111 IHI 1 1 , f T e Monk to Tilde i end • tit, ,of , the 17th, 1 13 eY$ I; Sion l lli "ne oft h e eb efs recently re-, turned fro ' *Aldo I ton, I brought /back with' him ad addition to • iis household in the shape of a White it • a good 160 king, izi /i fashibmiblylldressed 'y i nog woman,l, about! twenty years of age . ', Fro • Lone Of j eur nit-1 ism who , went up 'to t• o agencylon the, same ;boat!! we leer, Oa she madifested considerable ' IditepPoi 'true , t at the aspect 'of Oraits Chillker ,arti • • I. he romance of the thing liiiiis', pretty Beet i - fly. i "eittasheli'• by e appear ance of ,lie , ornate') d sur roun cogs a her new •om .1 She declined tli . all d ere of a-sistanc - ' fio. the officers of the tiolit wilill were l anxious to return; herto elbiqed society , pro tin her ability and I .s totec ion teloitend t her ct it business, and, titivi' ng thorn! to do, "14wis- They left her in an eight l ten •- II mu, IbUvel ip coin ae pany with In upl 1.0 D cotib matrons, who also; We lie s , ' , had claibm ti on the affect on ol tb ch Of r. ,qu=- , tiop. : ';,'i , _ CA trottitrtn. aur a . fi7:l G.,l3rigge, Esq.; Inen,i/ 1 .1! , 16ry 'ill , h • the . leri,;st and I E, finest, fruity tit C ife ia. 'B i ts midi, now employedas itenan •nt orchard, cov--, er 160. acres, a nd LaTe'neAt ! prepared with great care, t anpr o wit . the beamarie-, ties of fruit.li' be rine pal v ariety con sists•itf peach , o w h, w hi ch h' had now,l.most., IY ii i aiiilg, about (tee. thonsandArem l 5,00 apple 1 reed ' it d t.r i eel hundred in 1 . bearing; NBo pen tre es , • •verni hundred r e to bee ing, l ettnte 1 f , tbeini the largest and best•i the tnte;l l ~ 00 n , terine, 13 ? 0 , 0 . 0 laprico ; 2,50.0 cherr 100 g; ,5 , r,!() grape,, land 6 hers; ' making earl forty ihnusand fruitli t !re4r 11 -it 0 e orc Ord. It l will be roc Ilectedi hat:.N.lr Brigs new netcupies the gt:tindsli to ng eIA ted ad !rig,g's i t mello pat4b l " 1850 d 85 , when and where be sold finials ti lt! a-p'' •H r Cali.' J.r'llFarpt• ' 'I : " 7 „,I ''' " 1 ' . i 1 1 elliffl 4AttGUST 1 8 . 1 .1 ----- d' 'S - all h • ' • • , t 'Frio , . qutro, t a,time fried. Mk eggs, 'specially whepihey'ri hard,don't ti , ei well on a feller's stomach!" z, , , , , ,• ~ 'Canyqu eat , three dozen , f eggs at on 7 eare' 'i j, _ 1 . 1 'Jist like a knife, an! throw the shells in All l ax is to have 'etc fried? . . . 'fOu must be fond of eggo' ' '' ' ANow hush, 'Squiiii ybu!re techin' p2l 1:19 t . tend'er pint.' , : 1 1 'ls it your practice to 'squash! thitit whkyou get 'riled?' 1: - 'Not; commonly, 1 I'll tell are, .'Sqiiit.e, this is the firs mortal days that :I was ever 1 nib Off, an' Pm off fo old' F streak.'- 11 - \ ' .F; 1 'You iie l '' ''. . eh? 1 ). 'Saida' as I'm from old gAnd you eat n eggi?' . , Nary one, 'Squire! / "Then take youi hit andleave.' "You're a hoes — old ,Kaintuck forever!, yelled : the Kenthoky egi,4atfr,'Stkhe strut; led out of the' oeurtiOthw l ith tee, air of it prince, and amidst, / Ow hearty laughter o all who ,had witnessed his MAL T - Citsin nati Timcs. - The Driginaf Blergazi Horse.' Idassachusettgbas done mapy good things among which/is giving to Ver;ont the cred it, and the/World/the benefit, f the Morgan horse. Near the close ofith 11113 t century, a singing master by thel,i me of Justin Morgan ;lived in' Chico - Pee street, West i Springfield. The place' w Orel this. man lived has beeuifointed oat to thyrriter,by otie who kriew bim, and lemembers' his Celebrate'd horse. Mr. Maiden. lied a fe acres 9f land, ,and usttallylkept one or two horses. He cultivated 'his farm smilers and taught music in his own and the neigh. Miring ; towns' winters.. in the spring of 1793. he raised the colt that as given eel ebrity't to his name. ,Mr. Morgan had a passion for good horses,l and this, colt,' while he remained in West Siningfield, was' more fully appreciated by. hi's oaroer•than' by his fellow townsmen. 'ln those days $5O was considered a great price fora horse and it is believed tbat this' horse could have been bought for about that a m.. Fortune frowned upon Alr. Mthgeni-and seized with a spirit of advent re, about•the year 1798, be migrated with' is fain* and horse to-the wilds of .Raidelpli, Vermont, where lie,lired a few-years and died poor. Neither be ' nor his family !realized profit , from the horse. • Such waste toundation of Oreed which bar girt ol both wealth and character toNew Boglami. , As alarm I and family horse, the "Morgan" is 'une qualled. Docility, hirdihocid, endarance, compactness and surefootedness are his in variably properties.• Se els an 'Albany' PraPer l ', I , Ns -k ... .' J ' ' ToilTnumu—Galigatthr, noting , - the fact that Mr, Barnum had phased through Faris on his road to Baden, kvhbre.helpro-, posed to , exhibit Gen. timiThumb, tells this story, of the little rGenefal; The G. eral bas now attained his 21st. jreir, and thettgli "in mind 'a mail" is icia bplk less than a baby' still." It is "told of lqm that in a recent angry disoussicin with but moth er, in whose favor he had Iprivionsly made his will, the dame menaced his little person with a flogging unless he , eothplied with her wishes. ngem, uotwitttauding., eon.' filmed to . hold out,' until" fi ding lii ' 'au.spended.ia 'mid air, in one hand,• and the birch ready to he a p plied uti the o th er, ha roared at thetepof his in fantine voice, "fil!n4 What yoU_ are about, mother; if on hit me 4 l'll,ehan4e my will, yo may deis ) nd on it;' and Me bireh, as if by. enehaotm tit, fell hartnlesit f rom, the uplift bind. 1 1 1, 1 A ke2ll k s . l l 7 _, YL F 4' - 41.er. . i 77 Amor% the, friionere, oshend befdre fac Judge .Pruden this' w i n g was, . a bill, foi bust big-booed. XentOckian,._ front ~the.vi. cir.ity. of ' , isiiiiiii.i '4l • i's" evidently a descendant f .the,pnro old keutqcky , stock' -stout as i lion; feariesi a a knigbt,and as. independent ..as ..a:free-Matt dard he .I lie ! was chitged,*irii d isorde r s conduit. k. Th ' arresting officer stated "that he lOurid hi "alaabing atound " in an 'citing - and drink ' d treated b'A to l " ' 'ill mg {house, and e 1 Preeerfe peace. I 1 I : - l t 3 I ? ',What have yen to say L o this charge ' asked the Cim .11, I I. i t g 2%. might, that'll Borten '' replied t he Prisoner. Too see,,S9nire, I'm a string here; from *trey down in old KentneltY, att', I baint'larned yet ways. I shall .t ell yen, how I was &Imhoff' ... I. ' .-I I I' ' '; 'We will listen to you ' "' ed the Judge,• who saw : Eit',ltill - 7c Si ' tWle-: ~, fore him, -Mid disposed to lo t. iiiillaire' vent- ~ , " v, ' i ' 6 l" I- . ' 4 I go,five tb, Kentucky:l 4 8, tbar.:l I'm to' ' ed.' :. - 'That's it.' I 114WiiII, Squire_, I cum!twin yestel day:... I *seta not tol• top long, . I so did'tit, go to nary it tavern. I got kind io hungry thonil, 'sci.l' made a lunge for satin' tense I sot to- , thelt ble, an' I exel fir a dozen an' 'n half of e, an' 'ilie limit t.rwho waited -en . the a ' ome ns open 4 i hie eyes, grinned, an' then fotched 'ern n:te. They was good; but Il wanted a litt c t Mixture, I tailed for a cold ° beafstei.k—r , cold,'Squire, kale : it' s Ben 113! constitanion. al principles to eat meat hot.' • r ! i The fellow grinned and said they bailti,l got none. That kind a . riled nte,.blit I kept my temper; and ordered anothr doze and a, half or eggv. 1 The ichap l snickere, and said, ( Wet aint 'got no *nom eggs, !old Kaintuck—you'vti eat 'ernjilt up." ~. Ttuil set me to bilin,' and' I just squashed things 'for a while:t , Thai s P the hull' oil it; 'Squire, sure as I'M I.fr i om old Kaki., tick.? ' • - ! I ' 1 ' , Thea you consider yourself aggrieve • 1 by the last remark of , the waiter?' it • '4ust so.' . ' ' 1 . ;•' • billow d 3 You take you r eggs-boiled' o fried?' , ' . 1 ./ 1 i v A a trump yop're ',' replit at th at's 6 Riker here ni ii ell you ha I as Sigel ' / c ~ ,i A Western at t. . , f I resolved to visit, Para Ise CO , and. view my propertY. I . engag ed ii tea'm at ten and a guide at five dolt per diem and an darted bright and.early the next morning. The sleighing was excellent The wind blew rather more than was necessary for comfort, 'but ; the guide assured me thatit *wan unusually mild hreeze. . , We 'drove forty miles, and put-'up ;at a Wretched hotel (the third one met within our day's jourriey.)l While we were eating our supper of i fried pork inmolasses (no bread)la littlelgirl came up me and said, "Ain't that nice.pollt? `Pa p found a dead hog mat in the, perara to t tber ay and 'mam my keeps it np stain!, for tr avelers l • .' I rushed out ef . d og s andleaned against the corner of the 'shan_ti, and resolved never to touch , taatel or handle pork. - . , Abort noon of the. third dair the guide ..... • W,- ... a ,.• .• : horses, e n . sucmen y ebeeted tbir.horatia; /a, turning to me enquired, .(" What : township and section isi hty'in ?' your eigh ty . I, pre - him the numbers. -,"This is it. Were on it\i ‘ i For miles the prairie sw ep t horiton. Nothing to,break t oldie dreary waste but two t/ hut.i " Nonsense! ";Not a bit, City over ther "Where?' ' "That :lag' little different must hare. heal "And this 1 timbered, and ~ acre, .which thi mo.he had. sit lion.'. "It , "It is well 'timbered for this country., Thole two, ecub oaks• are the oolytrees within twenty y miles of bere. As to the water,' his c vered with that at least' l air months' in the year . As to ten dollars per acre,' you will he lucky—tailess you,find some green horn—to get that amount for the'Whole eighty.' • ••• . "Turn the horses around, d ire'. ?' . . ; , "Now my_ friend,' ,eontinu d the gnide, "I 'don't think this western c untry agrees with yon. This land specula lob is A cut throat game; I but few win,and they will get their fuigers ;burned be re they 'ate throUgh with it, I ve reckon. , f %you ha maney my advice i _keep it. -And, mark .this—never buy a inch of estern land nor invest in town lots in western citieii un cc, 'til you have actual.) , seen the propertyJ No matter, how respectable or hw honorable the, proposed vendor may be, do !snot take his word; for I tell , you that on West there ci t is no honor among thieves nd, again, a Weetern green ho visits New Yerk, he ,is sure to be flee ed by your f. sharpers. ' Consequently , E stern - . green s shou ldcamp lain. not clain if o return the • nem i p .i l m i n i k e u n d ' t 'tht ! the g id - e full " in t I 'am cenfident the villain was n . ) , . discomfiture. I arrived at- New-York wit in my pocket; am I once more esk,. happy and contented, . a he *bole world-ftlivays e friend the "banker. By the way, I-have a choi eale. 7 4rell watered and timber ,Uithin two Miles Of—Paradtse; Price, oats thousiti_ dollars; tel . , L_L ___ _ you 'bat i t time •in to • ocked in. ',IA iofuokfike aintuck! more of, on A Bich California Wok M rs. Eliza Todd, who owi -Rile' below iWeaverville, is al - Woman.l In 1852 she walked to Westerville, and, without m be bUsiness' of washing for ozen. 'An acquaintance who li , ,c. omicil, says that after a long) bending - over the' wash,tutrat the' morning, at noon, end at te sight. i Business prosperedlj tvbile she bought two claims* ut well. She bought cliiiireir gip; and - Which she sold at piece;:'then she', l boi - ight a p and its progency ler an ounce, ought cows and'irold milk. ncreased, and sbeVigan biyin ending money at ten per centu nd tipeculatit z ig in claims; alar. ;nate; every touch turne son Id. > Now' he is one of the 1; arty holders „in the no 4. • TROPICAL FRUIT IN FRNNSLVANIA.= The cultivation' . of figs has interested a good many omens of. York county. Mr. Henry Lehman has a tree, on which the finest crop Of this' season' has ripened, and the tree is tiow loaded with a pretty full seconi crop. Mr. Samuel Maxwell, in laanccibter county, has - heenl trying other experiMents. He has a fine growing almond tree, iwhich, last season, Produced s very fair crap of nuts; but this season has, like the 'Reach tree, ivhich it resembles both in appearance and leaf, 'entirely failed to bring forth any fruit. 1~ , • OEDER IN Nre, ORLEANS thepapers speak. very encou t i le Improved condition of the ,• ment. - The i Picayune of the i ll y ;,ighteen days have elaps e ` ewpolice -- ferce i as Organizea resent Chief', bas. been in ch peace and order of the city. ,/ l A encouraging Co tke Public./ C outra 'has been committed I rest o f the perpetratore; and era isi:e rarely escaiedi, In those quarters pr 'the cit AurbUlent, in'firmeitimes,' con rligbf,' comparatiTe order and '4 11 ,', 1 - ± ,' 1 mar i ne Atlantic Teiegr after it -aches Trinity Bay; is connect4d with land and submarine telegraph for over a thoits. and 'anilis before it reaches the United Statei./ At one plane it runs foi font deed ;chiles through a wilderness difficult-fo reach; and where it is exposed to continued 'cidenti and iriterroptioue- Mil t away to: the bo monotony ees and .a. log .ligging me. 'is Paradise You are bun of it sir.° Tha i hni..! -,To bo . ! on th e I map • 1 . cwiteil:l l ; 1.8 (1 ofa e P la Pe n land , ,worth at least . ,t l t infernal,scon, lectod front pe Ire it - looks a lint then you ,watered' and n dollars per I.drel assured aonal inspee- e eyes, and buckling at • two dollars fling , at the peace with i cepting my e eighty for d—situated 1 4y, lowa. e ms, cash. s a ranch a remarka'ay rom. Shasta iney, began ix dollars a ed m e a s er haw . he a .was aplight in o'clock 'at end .after: rhich' turned which laid g for 8125, sr 825- ' then rosiness atilt real estate, a month, ys was: for. : is l ething into argest prop- Ots , Neingly / of tty 8970- 22d ',bet:, 81000 tbe arge of the the : result:is f ..late, no . ithont• the . i • tty offend- where-the eetted at quiet prel ri 18 ? -- - I . the liiiiiii the*Piesjiielits. -- , L In the Patent Office ailVasiiingtotith!iv are many objects' of interest connected with the Government,l and thoie W,ho adminie, tered its•atfairs hi times gone C i hy. i-: While examining sonic of than objee i ts of curios.' I ity, when iu 'Washington :in 1/eeetfilwr lasi, there was nothing' that Struck 1 WI 84 furrj- bly as the stuiple.s of small lOrki of hair taken from the heids of th e : different Chief Magistrates, . from Presient IWashitigto. ". . down' , to 'Pre - theta,Pierce , SecUrYd in a frame, covered with glass. flereislir fact e a part and parcel of what. dotistitufg the living bodies of those illnetrions luditiOn als, whose bows ark" as "faittili i itr as lionav , hold: , words but cow live only in bletobr , and the remembriture of - the, past. .1 ' !, •- ,- ' `The hair of ' Washington is neirly •A pure white, fine and smooth lits lipposit t ance. ". . - I ' ; z ,' ' That of John Adams is ,rfearl3r the same in color, - though perhaps a.littl coa rser. r . -• c The hair of Jefferson ` is ia . a different . . Character; being' a mixttire. of white and. auburn,or a sandy brown, and - rather Coaise. In his youth, Mr. Jefferson's hair W'ini Tee tharkable for its bright color. l i '.-. -The hair of Madison itt-coatse; and of d mixed white arid,dark.. ' i . f 1: . ; The hair of Monroe is a„haadsome dark auburn, smooth and free troin }any edmi..c. cure whatever. , lie 'ls the only President, excepting Pierce, whose hair has-undergone nochange in color., .• - li • 1 ' ' Ile hair. of John . Quincy Adams' is pi. , ciiliar, being. coarse / ,and yelyciFisit grey in color. • - I. - -• • 1 .. '1 The halt.efkleo. Jackson W hitest a per fect white, but coarse lips dharieter, tut might be supposed by those wo o ,ha- °i spited, the portraits of' the.eldhetO ~ ' ''''--The hair of Van. Buren 'ill whfle: mud smooth in 4ppearance. ' ' !.. ThShair of Gen. Harrison is a finswhite with a slight admixtrire,of black. - , ~.. •', - The heir of. John Tyler is a mixture of white .and brown. • • . . 1 1'he hair of, James KI. Polk is almost $ pare white.. .- i - .1 - . • The hair of Gen, Taylor is White with tt. slight iidmitture of broiva. I i , '!-... The hair_of Millard Fillmore, is, on tlik other hand, brown, with it alight admixture of white. ' ,'• • , IA • ( The hair of Pierce .it a 'dark ` bl own of which he has a plentiful crop._ • ; - Another ; C ure'' r- Constunptiond , The French Physicians . are at 'present much interested in - a . new treatment 'for Consumption, introduced by; Dr.. J. , It. Churchill, an American Physician no! in Paris. ' - , , • - L - c . z '''.. Dr. Churchill's theory. of consump ti on 16 that it is owing to.an'ujtdue waste an in-; sufficient supply of phbsphorns in they . tem. To supply 'We' want hd r acitninistere the hypophosphates of lime mitt soda, in doses of from' five to t#erity grios.daily, in it small quantity of sweetened 'racy. ,In 'a paper read before the Aeatiemylof Medicine, , at Paris, , e Rave. an accOuntief flirty one cases treat ci in t l:is way With success: lie insists tha the cure of , consumption in the second andthird stages, (at a periad, Conse quently,- when there can be nonriOrtainty as to the hattire of "the disease i l can be ,ob. tainedin all cases by this treattneut, except, when tbc existing lesiorM the lungs is of itself aufficient to ,produce deatb. ' i He also says that these entinges have not only a, cUratiVe effect, bet Lil t ; it used til t wherever there - exists a suspicion of the dis. • ease prevent its! devehipement hod thoi , r a6t as a preservative with regari , tc; Con wmptiob; just as vaccinationdoes in regard 1 to smalliox. It is already 'extensively used throughout the whole of the Col:1610ot, and , favorable results have already been I attained , in . Ftance, , Gertnaoy, Italy and tipairc,as well as at St,' Petersbergh and ahriStarlti a ople, In consequence of Dr.l i Chnrebill's discoiery,, the manufaeture „ . of 4 hypophas ..phates in Paris hhe already attained a eon siderrble importance, ' .. 1/ i - - 1047• The Philadelphia Nos s - iaye:' Penn"; sylvania is one oil the most productive c por lions of the earth; yet ( bere in thjy. city, within the pest, lyear, poor women have starved for wantpf bread,..and; many` thous- ands of useful/ and worthy persons' have. sufiered frOmlwant and tiestituiion`,s, It is: probable*at duriiig the last winter .a hun dreg' thousand men and 'women !n this city, 'many of them having families,Terei or partially;, without subsistence; and be cause a few thousaud-dollars =were given charityr to prevent starvation great pa t rade was mail% of our generos ty • siirMr.s R,are,y, the horse tamer, says that blinders' should not be_ used ottliories. They can be broken in less time without them. Horses are only fearful of objects which they,..do not understand, I or • are not familiar with, and the 'eye is one of the principal' tried:teats by which this tinder-, standing and this famparity ere *tight abont'. ; This seems consistent with tessan and is no doubt the fat. He says farther that a horse broken without blinkers can W . driven past any Onanibus,pabor carriage, on a parallel Dino; as clop as it is pos'ible for him to go,, without ever wavering or Showing any disposition to dodle, y 1 ''FIERCE W.firtiertc.e.-Thes Nar between Senator Douglas and' the Administration isi growing fiercer. The article in tha'Union reading pouglas'out of the Deirincraticpar-11 ty, has provoked a,bitter speech' frOm the' T Senator in reply. In . a canvassing siddress at Paris, Illinois, he treated frarticutiitly of this attack drionAiro, defied the Filer of the Administtatfa, and denonticed4ts in iquities. The Union of. Saturdny returns , to the fight; _and berates theAittle with a_liberal supply of epithets; WEALTH or Acrueii.--Forlest and Bur. • ton are the richest, both being "down..at i , 800,000 eaeln- Miss Charlotte' Cushman $100,000; Barney. Williams, 1- 876,p00 Collins,. the. Irish actor ) Miss Davenport, and Chanfrati, 530,000kieb; Noaffie and fl - Floreneo 520,000 each;.., Bealughani,„ Elfin Logan aid Matilda 1174rtni, Abont , • / 1510,0x0 each; Maggie Mitchell,lll7,ooo.. • I/