The Beaver County Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1853-1859, July 08, 1857, Image 1

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    1., i.-
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.......- --.-- . , .-
VOLUME XXVIII 7-NO 29'." .. . ,
1 . '
, --,-, ----- , , ---, - i -
, Classification of , Retailers . : BEAVER, A.ItGUS.
- - •T• 3 'Or Merchandise; the Growth, Product and -
—.------ i-
the United States, and +.---.- —-- -
l'irrufacttire of - PRINTS') ANTI POSLINHED lIT I
f• -de lent in FOreigu Merchandise, in the ill. & .1. WhEVAND.
County of Bi.mver, fo i r the year 1857,A . Tv.rextst
- _____...—ons DOLLAR anti Ftvir 'CENTA,III'
~..3, ; . BOTONA • TOICHShip: , \ annum; IN AnvANce; otherwise Two Dott tits
CLASS. Asei'. will be charged. No paper discontinued, tint 1
Thomas 3vCreery,' 10 00 111 arrearages are settled, except ut the option
. ' ' - :
John lu .h ß A ,i u rc d i e n r; Anderson, , s
. 3 0 0
13 1 10 000 of the Editors.
Advertisements inserted at thl-Tate of 50 cts. ,.
Jams Allison. - • l 4! 7uo per square, of fifteen Lines, for one insertion.--
each subsequent insertion 2, cents. A liberal
B e i k iauain Adams • . - 44 " 700
Wilson MeGalick,
14 7 00 I discount made to yearly advertisers.
IL Kehler, • 44 _ 700 Cie-Letters and coninuluicatiops, by mail,
I ,
ir Tlionias.Allison, ! . la , 10 00 1 shall have prompt attention:
- .
B. B. llainger, • 14 7 00 _ I
Joseph Braun 14 7 00 -
C B. Hurst • ' J 12 12 50
- ---.). I °Vile,- —el. 13 I 10 00 • --t
- r
-'A • S. lia j. nre.Y.' I 14N. -'7 8( 1Is it anybody's busin/ss i
Azariat jWynn. ". 14 ~ , , .,j j, j 2 00 To wait upoil aloy 1 ' " sa -
Barnes St Nicholson,- ' 14 , 0)0
I. N: :Atkins, , 14 -, t... , 7 0 0 , If that laly don't rfuse ?
pavid Ramsey. I, -11 7, 0 0 Or, to ;Speak a little painer,
J: T. Logan. r i , '4„ f 00 J -J. '
~ „That the meaning alI may know
• . Biy - Beaver Twonskip. ?, 1, it i t uy b ody , o, bubin 88
. -William Eakin. , 13 16 00 ----
.1 '
Cornelius Mcßride, ' 11 7 00 If a lady' ha. a tea ? . . - .
31. A, Blackburn, ' 11 1 . .7 00
Is it anybody's business -
J. D. Johnston, . 14 7 OU t
Duriitigton Township i .- ' But , the lady's, if her beau
Bideth out with other adios,
. ' John R. Elder, I_ 1 • 13 10 00
J. White & Co. , 1 13 10 00 And doeS not tg . her kboiv.
• Duff s CallatiCY -13 10 00 Js it anybody's• busine s j
• ..letlepcTicticc Tutonslaii. 1 But the gentleman's', if Jhe
1 I •
_ Daniel NlTAllister; - l4 7, 00 ,
Should accept another' escort /
_ i - - =
Ecoahmll TowitAip. . 'Where he dues not thatiC to 1..;e ?„'
Jbhn Nichols, 1 11 700 - 1
J. ti. W. Breiten,stein, •13 10 olt : if a person on the sidewalk, j
William Itea, t 14 7 otP [. I
Wh •
; ether great ar wh tiler small
1,-,:,ihnie &rough. ' ' - 1 " , 1. , i t . 1 „ 1 , J . , ' b us - I I ? I
• i .
. J. T. & C. Ir. Fishar; L 1 700
~ 1 ,' Y u s "'"S - • i
li,,ker . j ,
11 7 00 ;
.: Il hero that person s means to call?
tyaguer s Lowry, . • In 7 00l -:: Or if you see a 'teno I
20 hu 11
cConnell- . P S: L ie,
11 700 ii---- - iL—thich:ho is calling anytincrej
tl, • 13 10 001 -' I s it m i.., t0 , 1 , s bu i
1 • Greene, Turriu-kip. •I- , - 3 ' , Y s n( '' 3
Charles. C-alhoun, 11 700 i 11 hat Ins business in ybe there? -
'J. 11. Diehl & Co. j l3 ,in 001
Joseph McFerrin, I I
li . 700 i The substance of our t uery, '
- Ntichnel--Chrlstler - 11 7 1 0111 :Imlay st-ste I would be I
, 10 0 this. \
Joseph flail: - 'l3 10 00 Is it anylly'a ho,inefs \
John Galbrenth,.° 1:-/ 9 " What n titer's busieet!ss ?
Noon .t. lillcr, I ; ' 14 - 700 - -
AV hether 'tis or aillethe Usti%
ifarnigiut n iros h ii y.
B. L. Baker, Titistce, - Li 700 •c . Ste should really a •to know , , ' 's I
Ilanocer. Tumabhip. _ Fur' we'rej j eertaiti if it is not 1
~- williato 11. Frazier 1' ' There are some who make it so
- Tl•rnins Nicholson Sr. Co., ' 11
...,.-________-__.______ _ ,____-,--. • -_.._ 7 ,-..
Junes Morrison, ~ - ' I 3
11. Moore Co 14
• Ltarjdiry 7caciish ip
Charles iLlys.
„ 4/11 "4,1 .
v.";lliani Buhl, • 1 .
1; curge 11.4.thraler, 14
J. T. CamiinghanrA '
Willittm - Cttfluou, jr: -; • 14 Townshiji.
c ' c ' tf "" &f:h r
Brryhton Bororrah. •
& J. Reeves, ! 13 •, lq 011
William Kennedy, 11 _131)0
- _ _
11 •
L. - • LIU,
Parrcii, • -
31. tlillnnad, I . ll:; _ 0,1
J. li. •
Anderson,. ' • - . 11
I). j. Glass, lll
William r'
.11. Chasc, 13
.1:111 Szttgent, ' '11:
W. 15. 11. 9 • ' 1 I
J. C. l',. xinbovi, :- . 11
' -
C. Kashucr; - .• 14
-JilcubWa4uer, ••••.". 11.
tle,.rge W.uslier; 11
lhiaLaus 1112:1t.e.:t. r -14 -
-J. a. S. 4mUl,. - .
S imuct , •11
.!.."hu Kerr, l l.
Froths Le Goullint; 11 -luf!wr
K,pe'r, •
.I,.!Qchc.iter - Borough.
I • -
It ,
13 •
Taylor, I
be Forrest,
R. L.' I iig,gins,
• oittliotn Alexander.
Gardnir, • j
itou'e.l I%loure, ' I LI"
iiluoi°_with gouilti, 1' 12
Raccubit • Totritship.
• • ' 1-1
it/lout Sterling jr' I
& A. Ilarrison, • ll'.
J hq.N. Dougherty", 7 14
Coition° & Todd, ll
- • -
•• South . Beaver 7otcn.ilbp,
NIC,Kee, !• I -
; it
' Nl'Millin, i
lkilliatu It. Steriing, N. Brighton
hor.; Comiiiisi.ons, - Abate-
meets, ac., $lOOO, 0 3 per ct. 3O 00
o,, ,canninghans-; Borough, ' 3 'lo 00
&t. Levis, c Co.--, , 3 10 00
P. D. Young, 4 5 00
eI ;6"L - T - Kaocliester bor., 3. 10 00
- - ,7 - Jelin Sargent New Brighton bor. 3 lO 00
Fr. nci; Hoops, - I " • - 4 500
! " 4 bOO
:Liz Black, Darlington bor. 4 gi 00
R. L. Raker, Trusts.,' Harmony 'I
tiwnship, , • -;! 10 ' 50.00
11 . 1 ".Maeller, Darlington tp. 10 50 00
401,1 i Stile's, RoCheiter bor. '- 7
John NI. INl'Kee, • 8 -
Saieuel Johnstan ‘' - 8:
John Jackson, New Brighton b0r..8
fas perWhitsell, ' " 8
4411 ) Roswell, -7 1 ,
„.. .
,' ‘ , /), -NOTICt isherehy_given; to all dealrrs
' u "erchandisekel.. that the undersigued has'
a pp 9i nted3VEDNESDAY, the 15th day,of July,
It lo o'clock, A. M. at thelConatnissioner's .Of
t., in Beaver, for hearing appeals from the
,1,. :•
any 41 sg classifications, and to arrange and
c.. •
i • -who have since started_or been o,Mit
t.'./- Those of the !11th Class are estiinated to
"'.l to the amount' •if $15,000, and less Agin
•i r1,0 00: those of the 12th Class to the snit of
1' . ..!9,000. and less than $15,000; those of...the
l' ti, Class to tho amount of $5,000,. and less
?I lan $ 1 0,00 4 ); .those of the 14th Class to the
.!.;:i , unt of $l,OOO, and less. than . 73,000. An
-1.,.. ,; ...,,,:,, u,,,lez $1;00k) are not t tile..
• .k.?" No at,p,- d as he made after the above
-.="lto . - WILLIAM _ltEr.l), •
t L , dy ::,,. 1 , ',.T., . , Api.l.ll6tr C,....,1 Taxes.
- .
1, 1 I
aer. 41,
' t I
- 1
• ;
" -
. '
.„ ,
h .
•• / •
I .
1 r
, .
1 4.
• .
• I
" I
_ •
't •
• .
•• I. I 1 " . " •
1 •
40 ea by an elo. f • I
sitb!initty of
. ies fid ttiistocratie
• 1 - • •
ere- at be: 'retired.
DEF PiElt: •
'6ian locates:3o 4 ' de
'a. iatelligence r
Q f
t, 0 eers
isvy Aulte) 4 . Naar
A te are
er wil.
10 00
7 00
7 00
A corte,spontlCnt. of tlic
PutftirpiSlieh' LIM luil0 1 1;1111,‘
• •
of tho ti - o common di...iclfis(
xhbupiko cpuglr and croup.
dy 2 Ito says, nill care in t I
„ 1 ,
. best. kind of e4flue
prvarcil as for . t the' table, fin'
MonArink to thechililcs wa l rrm
Irani a . Pirco 'yr itlura toy„th..ei;lM I. 1
os c
:7 00
7 00
7 00
15 00
10 60
7 00
urge , u t ey like . it, tl•
to bate of it eight Or ten titim
a thy. It will .etreedually
,dttsre-of Whooping cough in very, short time..
DS . adpiti and childrenin Itho . habit of t a king
coffee, the ronetly is good ter milling.:
• .7 0 4 )
111 1)1)
' 700
7 00
7 00
enoue.—Apiece of freshriard, ai large as a
hotter-nut,.rubbed up witlilsugar and prepared
for the dressing of ipuddizign, divided intolu
ier-aYs. of twenty Onute:f, tovilr relieve any case
of erUttp not . alread4ullowed td, pTogresS"the fa
t l
7 00
7 - 00
7 00
, . .. ....
Fun 1V011315 Is C1114)%iN.-"S:LIII611'S plfir
,lt:r.:s are eacelfent, take.lilte. :ilotnel, which it
re.i.Mibles, in powdered loatisugar.- i
, Little uhil.
dren love it, when it is . almost impossible to get
literal() take the nauseous v6rmifuges.
Bcant.FT:.rnveit.—l read your notices of scar
let fever with interest, and will Iva, that phy
sicians generally recomMend to haive their pa
tients well rubbed over witl . salt batirn grease,
on the ' tiist attack of isear et. fever. l Jalap is.
Said to be the best purgative of this , fever.
Trruotn FnvErt..-Tite family , Doet)r's Boa k
1 I
says - typholdrfeVer is similar to.ship fever, and
is produced by- insufficient _and innutritious
food, and want of Warm: ellothinf4 z . ' It very
dangerocs to give inuchime& icini; in this fever,
as it is a bowel fever, and is npt to terminate
in cholera, (Jr something siMilar. It is good to
apply flannel,. wtiing out irarin water, on the
howels, where there is t4uel l pain, and spon
ing the botlall over frequently with warm wa
ter, nas In:often the feVer.
• . ' [Fr - om Various Soz;rczs..
I F. - __
12 50
1J 00
7 00
7 U 0
' 7:00
7 00
10 09
15 00
10 of)
It) 0)
7 fm
12 511
•7 00
'7 00
30 00
7 00
7 00
• -; . Sewing Machines:.
ThO inamtfinture I of sewing machines- is I
coming tui,impOitant branch,ofindustry. . The
New York Tribune states that of the 250 ma
chines that have been pattiuted, probably not
half a dozen'have any merit; .but the few that
ha're merit are selling,in a constantly acceler
ting ratio. A r single thrifty house engaged in
the manufacture.of 'hooped I skit sy 'has. almi
tired and seveuty-fiye sewing tn chines' cort
inantly• at' work, and is adding to then bet%
'here aro seamstresses in New York city who
4 • ,
first borrowed money to buy one, and now own
two kir three, hiring other seamstresses to work
those for which' their own hinds do not sUffico.
For sowing leather or other Ivork - too heavy for_
delicate female fingers, some• of them are une
qualed. The Tribune says it may not be
agantl to estimate that half, the sowing in New
York city is at present_ thne by machines,-but
thinks the dineis €lly approaching when at
least three-fourths will be. I A-single inventor,
irho I=4 becpme too well old to manufacture ma,
chines, is tecciving from various manufattnrers
at the rate of ,Vlo,6ol.per annum for the
iiege of 'lusing his patent ..
. .
am.asr• fo cornsporideat.7:
the JEirening Post, vrriring, on 'the "WMnan
I .
Question••• says, coniessm eincerity r thst
I Lave never yet seen an . ttnlY weinsu. j 3 never
find any wanldri kutirciy.uely. eu;A:r ; ;:ed up
on this idea once before an:audisbce sf women...
One who'was extremely frit nosed said 'in me,
"Sir, I defy yoii to nef f
madam, I replied, • “are talllftom
irearen,'•only you have ft oar nose."—
Probably she-dfdiuot belicie me, and his main
against the'‘lshole world that sho'is ugly.
7 00
7 00
Nerr York Evenine•
reccipt tor f theeure
s htnonk • children
The croup relay.
1 hours:
7 Arnow , the rich things enjoyed—by- the
------- 1 .
a !
.. . 1 , T •
favored few ',d nog the late Railroad outn
, t f ,
lee was a characteristic speech:. frO.rn the
, ••• .
renowned Kentucky advocate and orator,
the Hon. Thos. F. :Varmint!. Ile followed
-Gov. Chase i at the Cincinnati reception,and ,
from the steps of the. Burnet House. 1
We quote dent of the 'time npon the risk
from the correspon
.. C i
' ' ----- -t ANOTHER ,
Philadelphia Bulletin: '_ '. . '' faleatihn in Ohba ? :Cl
;Viten Goy. 'Chase sat down, Amt cor- from California that
elial applause, lend calls were heard for ,
‘blarshall,nona 'larshall,'who was 'around' the Dlirit there istalt
ly all ithe loeofeco" of
with the st, grotesque looking 'hat Son, ,_,___,,,-__ ~.
ever saw. He was also slightly ' corned' bat na inn'T'' ':-..
him'mularity MMUS tough enough to stand t , s'fruttes
-.- ' . • l 5.- --,- " . '"" * Jr - ,"" -- Et s "' . 9! -:--- 1 - --..- .....4..iock lin another qua .
Ito and fro us the applause warn ' on, an FE. V's `Di' Virgil/Di'
I when it ceased he laid himself 'out
,for. a . ; ' •
• ,
eorkspeech., And truly it was a/queer whalema)o attempt ;to,
and tilTd mixture of genius and Aonsense,' folk 0a:) correlVinnet
and about u tittle of everythirg. lie began- 'Ti'n'a writes: • ' ' l,
rhy;the remark that Cal. Benton is going - .. r , It 'seems that leertai
about sayinghhe Union is in d'tnger! and have been missed f7m't
idle statement that wh ' i a tellow_is a broken Farmers' Bank for eve
down politician he links the Union iS - gon'e. d ,;' ,nure b e i c . f d epeE i ter e
[bind laughter.) 'lf,' said 11Iarsltali, 'he I eredired --- from___Lium to -
'had gone toCpngress, the Union would have $lOO. llt now ajipenrm.
-been all right now. I was defeated, and, Williath Pannell,- is thb
didf i nt go-to Congress, but the Union T io yet he has been swindling th
safe. I' think the people made a
_fad :this.' he has Wen there. Pim
t:11e; but the. Union ain't in danger.; As Bank as a ranter, mid',
for 'Ohio people, l l have-to right to speak, t h e pos i t i o , o f t o n e .
as cone from Kentucky, where they keep m r [hu m' . 0,
.1' tal i
Diggers. Now; Ohio is a great State. I. On
one side, is the:laike, and on the other• the dUriag the fever.. hei"'
river and you fellows are so industrious Chamberlain had to pa'.
ficiencyland in cense 'u
you arc uniting them by streams thro' • The'Present Cashi r,-
thecoantry• You have, too, a great many to make good i f icept
railroads, -And if these were put togekher, 1
they would reach to the Pacific. I It is understood 'bath: ,
la'v- 0 ,- 1 in !flora thau.,ongi
within the last five weeks, 'traveled exten
sively in 011io,.zind an free to tonfess I amounts that were 4)
has.becO the custom,
consider it a great State, great in physical
noileteileetual ' , regress. You fellows are of the Bank to 'retire •
building,' vi, 11 oclec
garble' along in' both. You have pr -at pat take rif a lunch. -
railroads and plenty of schoolit. ()ut oil other th,y,„-'''''as usual,- •
two millions of your people, five huridre'd had been introduced
theusand go to school; and lately I vi'mted ; erage, whieli they for'
onelof yraireollege. , , the finest 1 sey,, , r saw, i. th„ r , ,, tiou ji i, orre
where three himored men are taught, e'v'-'IYI Bauk the afteraoon
braLtit\ t ,f knowlelge by the le;stprt.fessoes.
And really Cincinnati i, a great plaeQ. I (was seen; to COIIIO fr
1 plurally considered -
can ' remetuher (and I iiiu --- notl'an_rdd loan thit,g - fibullt the arm
when it, was a village, and in the recordsef 1 tvh a t„,p i ill_b e d o n e wi'
modern history, not a century ago, it tr;,F, raw w , s ; g i vou to a
a wilderness. ' Our graters t'llk al , la 110, u'igltt to yrrest hibi
We ;t ! What a pia thatil tq tan; a iiout 1 1 hie, elf i , i,a,„,p atie ei
I sift filnd of a geo'gra '1 11; •,; ••
p.i.e.a. '(... , -01 , .-....)1, soli! i ~,,,,.t h e foll or d eg . moil
'API'', 1 ' tu ~ i k his friends' mit;
Vir - 1 Ut.kuv eta. Tll4yr'
-assedi b e tt er ortgeettrio
".', -.-,- •.,- -
ig . the,4, 1% ..,,, / .4-- go o .1 . , 0 ,riii,,..,, 41 11 . e tritrycipa- (f .. !
ceded : Iv i,'„ . , ~• ,y..,-_
~_ . .. when here, upout :money .iwatch . no I
~l .:Aibt. Le; had stolett.i ilt w l euld !takc'tool
'Tom, 1.u.• to sum up all Iraniteir:i . 'rascaiiticv."-- '
y . ou;are ti,ght.',, .I%lardiall--If you were a 6 ' ° - . 1 ---....•"----- ' " •
, - A New Way to : Detect a. Thief
taght as lan, now, nobody would recognize
you i .Now, listen, and see if I oni tight. ' 1 i . ' - - ----H • H :
The father of , Mr., Webster, the great I
That gorgeous liississippi i ivhosiiictures q uc:
and 'Atulriean statesman, was a 'very humorous, - f
tneandertngs are bOritered by 'flowers i
-undulating rank grass; ) and uniedi.aniaized jitcose personage. ' *: ...
t. tAs het was once journeying iu Masm
savtl bathe zephyrs of love, was never to be
stained by the foot of a slave.. [Applause not'far from his, native town, he
Ji i ' e st i o u p s p e e t d " ' il late one
. nigh l ti , at an inn in" the
After glaneing•at the flue and prosperous '
In i the bar man. were,
'out to
States that. ad • grown' out of the North-1 v L illi g e , ef T 7 T,
ivesiertt Terriliiry, Mr. Matsball developed j." -mit ' w F u 'Y, ';''''''s'i"lt who called
Ono - of rho coin
in a / rather incoherent t auner, but with oc- L'in' t,,, ( . 1,,,.,,,,, F t. th. if.i,.
pany, it iaprear(al, had b watch; tilcina fro m
casional happy: flashes, the factl.that varied
productions beget exeh nge,aud fasten corn- tlis Pi t '''' t a f"Oliir t l 6 !" !ie . lore, rid he !
knew.the.i . offender MUst be: in the remit
mercial relations and - Nniona. He' hold that
was most successful When it had I with thein ' . 1' ' t 1 ' ' ''
.' I ' ll
as 4tl ...I the Ilitor; 2, 'the rnorn—lct!
amble expatision• aid-ridieuleAtaullitiention 1. .
vv " i a f t e t ,, d , 2 l
and I deprecated, etnation! disun;fl , abol , it , ioh ,
7-1' n it t: o .r o e . , fif i l l a r _ l a il s_ v lo e h r e d i t 1 ,:, " 1, 7„5 i g a l o j i „i f ib r i q l ,g ‘ : . .. e l •
' ;, l C u r t! 1
iS . tS;I he recalled sonic very -- ia,,uo__ : ___,cas, i
e:refa7 _
wishied about 'a! knife and eultiug' a repe-,-..,..,130,6c,„.did . /
as eMotnandel /The I
that ,both Sooth Carolina andMassachu- I '
grearbntss k - ettle_was Pbteedinl i thf 'Mid- I
sett.; might drown when they cavorted. Ile i
hottominpas,bl4lc' and
said some, people suppnFed i that - the Spread ti
. or ' l :i°,, f loQr ,
of I?emocrry %you'd playthe d 7 -I,•but it ' sooty, a " smok y i" thbehitnirfJ 1' 3 4. 1
"You don't want hot water not :nigh inmi
did'ut; but if eouilned, it iota bust a -
I tY to take off the . b . ristleS:Of any/ (,ritier, do7l
thing on earth.- - , I
- 1 7 , - ?t,
, 1
Ile then dilated en the different drape; .s :t c a u t. l o ; 7 4, ll :ll;i g .sa s i o il u t i l u ic -' o l : l l iii ik k e l l a b n - g tl . l 4 l t i i r f i e l P g . iii
of this continent from others. • tookin , ,
said.h 7 e, from the north,' where Dr. Kane "Go to your barn ttti'd bring,line they big-'
died 'trying to findi ar' al, that I-dim'. Igest cockrill you - Iniv'e got."/ ' ' •
irytt• eau, that _-don't see
wou l idhave been Of any use if he had found
it, nd besides, ,there ain't no way since the
AlMighty madO,it right fast 'and hitched it
on to the North Pole. Look On down at
the loom-bearing region. I hear you can
grow 100 bushelS of corn to the acre in the
;Miami Valley, and the only: difficulty ; 'is, j
you' distil too'mucla of it into whiskey that
ruins a great ninny talented - mett.- Then
away down Soule to the Sugar plantations,
see h l ow varied tile productions. How oor/ 1
goons this canttnent, how numberless its
productions , . This 'variety makes trade 'and
binds the.Union. j
Marshall here swayed tibmit'a little and
beghn again— . ; /
'Who would trade potatoes or potatoes?'
A voice from the'other side; of tho street
—'Hurrah! ,
.oar,diall—l hope eciwhen'that tnet comes,
old fellow; it will switch yi.u: - With--its tail.
He theu went oii i , , tA elucidate the idea
thai the trade of Europe and Asia must and
will centre here- 7 60t here their products
must be r exchhnged.l:- HO I.ln shewed the
folly of the notion tkat thii Union could be
dissolved, and pictured the condition of
Kentucky, in suelytitevept, obliged ito fay
import duties toliseatiard Statti'li and serve
as title, outpost Sliveri, yet cJrtain, to fit)*
lierldegroe's poor stock. He then trneinl
thefinoril and philogOphical uses,of uthun.l
1 Liicls,'rainq and rivers generally, nrWrefer-,
lyed to the Mississippi Valley tecqpinfitli
f fiCr , head in the lakes, her teL in'.. itTe" 'CAL&
I of Mexico; and her-arrus gra s Wg the Al
! , ,_, .. , ~,.. 1 . : , -.
i Jcgneny Butt , li.oe, 3 mountains. (A voice
—l;oudet ' 316r:dual—yam saying, soru?. ,
1 beautiful thin , *.v. nn:iyou haVe nut seir,e
1 cuoil (41 to in e iclM.sta them. [Again the
r - b 1, d - '1
N-awe—l on er.
__ Mr. Manila)] ',(eviilently ,disconiertell)—
, 'At dm" day o !judgment, when the Killer.
I of
,Cie Unive so. is trying .all things . , I ca=,
pee. some 00l Will bellow 'Louder . ' at Him,
[Loud lughter.) lie went en and made
_ „ .. :
\ ' 7 11 ' 1 State
Bolaice went US the barn,i rind as scion land th, action of t e,Convention last
returnedriiith aviremendons ,7eat rooster,l'week,4omise,s(even It' 'larger majority than
cacklin ,, iall the - It:ay like mad • '
1 was given then for tin) Republican candi
-The oh rooster was thrown under the i l date. T/e.Boston T raveller iays: ••
kettle, aird'the lamp blown ou . ,
or Gov-
Tyd.nemina tu_n of Mr Morrill, for "Now gentlemen, I don't `",,ptippose the't
thiefiisin here; but, if ho .iyobe rooster l'eruc7 ,
will, when 'the offender 'touches the I Ple(firsby a vote of t
(or only)balnearly forty to one, an
luting, speaks volumes
botttim of the kettle with hi s h„„d,___ll,fr the harmony and seed sense that pre- .
Walk round in a circle,' and the•cock
make kno i wn the watch*ealer. The i °LI'
, State, ;which used to be one of the most
w i il [rail auseng the friends o freedom in - that
cent need , not be afraid, you know." ; , I reliable of Democratic communities and
/91 1
' The compauy, then, to hutror him and i whichis,now equally reliable for free:labor,
carry nuilthajbko, walked roan the Let-;I becuse it was truly Democratic In ,its ideas
tie in the 'dark for a P. 4 minuies.: ''r- I Mr Morrill :vas, old •Dernocrat;' , *tid wai
, .
"All done, gentleinent" 'l - 7
- "All done," was the (4y 7 :=Aivrbert
\ ,
et mvitigwo heard no g(ek-a-doodlt
• ,
"Bring U 5 a light.".
A light %Ails brou-iftirt vrdc , r , sl
"ow' hold up your hands .g , icid f,,,,)
Ono lield ui),6is hand after anntli
they were,, of LiOurso, Idauk, from _'con
I ./ •
in contact with the soot of the kettle.
"All 1 , 9.0', 1 . I
''All,lip," was the response.
' i ißlack?"
"11—don't know; 'here's one. ft
mho hul% held up his 'haifils. ' ' - ,
l 1
"Ali, ha, my oil boy! [Let's take 6 peep
at your !paws!" • .'i 1 •1
They were examined, 'and were not blaelr,
lika these of the rest of the l company. ll
"Youill find your watch concealed abot
him; sercli Lim!'', ', l 1
Arid al it proved. This felloW, not 1,
ing awaiia any more tlin ih'e r6t of the
i *nip that Was set for the), disenvciry of the
thiof,ba!il kept tiloof. fiem ; the kettle, kst
wilcut4, touchod it, the erti r ailig . qf 'tho
' fraobter should preelaibj him at a.,thi , af. ,
Aiii the hauls_ of all :tbei otherS ' , wee
ikblackend, th?" Whiteness of- 4ip own, Of
course, qlqwed that he darecitnot touch. tbe
u • ash kettle and that he was thl thijf '
He Ns ------ iia lodged in pcsfe . r vustody, pre
partitorY, to being sent:Ojai'.
ttotneivcry fine mutat.)
broached, an/ thou''
fluent allusion tfi t'ECtt.
of Atherica, at the ' pill
reiigibus toleratiotb-t
being free frail' iorii
tyranny. "
lie Isms loudly bet
~.. of- money Bess; to provide for and overlook the falai
11 1 vaults .3r the ly, aad to bet :ern the prostetipors husband
years past , ' and of, the wife." I , • ~ ,
ve be 4 • short 'The ostenirible reason for !this! arrange
io frolla 820 to meat is to prevent the husband from ;"auf
hat thb.teller ; feiing any loss" during his absence,on mils;
--- • .;l.e
ogue, and teat simaary labors, aside° the greatness of his
lank ever since • "future kingdoin" de uds upon the num
!ll entered the be! of children he b here. To carry out
promoted ;so this idea, the wife is ended over tole dep
. • * the death! of my husband, who maintains his Posi r tion in
eller, • Who' died the family till the husband returns / !Bare
rs' CaShier 'Mr. I and immoral as this theory may be; is I
me Sl,oooide- 'strongly advocated by tbe leading i rn:an of
left the Baak., the Great Salt Lake: - -We again l 'quPte the
r Tunstall, -lad returned clergyme.n: - r
leposito of! tSOO. "But; there is , sornidthing inore nwful and
formerteller had, paralyzing than all I have yet nakrated. 1
thrice;, to' refund mean the fearful sin of incest, which' is so !
o e shUrt. ;It iiiiitiastely and eloiely . conneeted with Fro- '
, e,,of the officrs lyganiy: I 'coul‘paiticillarize i4tanees
airs in the Bank where mothdr and daughter are married to
t ...the inniniug to the sal.4 unin, and live 'with him tie his
hey writ! up the, wives; others', where brother and sister are
found that ~resins tnan and wife, and son. Brighani Young,
'their favorite bon- speaking once uptln thisabject in the Ta-
E i
asely disco'yered in berriaele, 'said he-hoped the day Was !not far
I The keys; of the distatit when these principles wouldl e more
virus to this, and I fully, taught and acted upon, and th t chil
tbu romi. It isl, dr vould be brought up to regardeach
r, liea knew lionies4other as future partners,; for that thus the
eel • You till ask, I family would
k colue'lnore cotapactr
Pannell? A 1 ear -'; As "a. crisp in point,"' r we would - r ention
drfider; on eSiiturday.lthat some tea months sines thin wasa than
,Ilnt iii ' elm tented at !Li verpoo, aho held the office o coun
ipcm d is appear appear I suitor to thelißritish Presidency, wh , aided
a g. '.'lle, howirver, ! by the'antlimlties there, - and' the emigra
, and left far parts I
Lion fund, lipersuidedi a. familyfatuer,
login highs plaices is /mnth6r aud !three daughters, they ungest
.than:any place I in_ 11c; , r , recurs : ; emigrate , • Zion. Thdy
mini* al Weil &kid •
derimuded the three da'ughters in m r kriiige i
anti the pare'llts gavc a moat reluctant con-
Stlll t. ' This 'Mau of God (as he styled him
self) was Married by Brigham Youni to
these three on the.same day, and to h them
trigether, to! his house, whereh had a
young wife ,already, and which' hoase con
silted of bat one room for the aceonituoda
tion of therU - all. In about ii _year one
brought fe i rth a.dringliter and another a
sari . This aused:hiw great rejoicing, as
he 'said that;thia • sol:l3 would in time; Marry
the daug hters, and thus inalienably become
th e foun c ilatiou of his kingdom. '
Tl!iis staremeut reads like a fable, and
yet therms no state of facts more easily
prervd: That such a doctrine should exist
in a/ Chrisiirin land, in !the year of our
1 44 1, 185-7, IS . 1)110 of those peculiar mon
siresithis which 1:14 atusunt of.logic can ee
l:aunt fOr. Mormonism is the great ovil,of
tin/ day ' 1-low shall - it be,,got rid of, is
difficult to s6y, It may be put down by
fined, but it will not be putt down by/eason;
for if nien could reason, they never would
be,c.unie Movuous. ' >/- .i
'YJULY 8 18 ,
[.. :Au JJnglisttc
to jointhe Nor
fo Sept tuber 1•
a volume' givin
fonnd in thd vici
;"One of 'the
Mormonism :Is t
sty destrnotiVe t,
fooling Oat .
jeet t it altogether]
est . disoipl4 ea.'
4140th a,
The ,Nor
or thO
is. 11 ent. 1 ,
When a mairi4l
epee ton foroigol
leg.s as they . call
choosi9g Borne of
go s.
I I • ,
1 17he l . Repuhlicans ,of 'l,ainollitise preparing
ffir, another trim:4lm ow r pro-slavery Demoe . .
racy, 'such ailley sieved liSt•September;
; tlie
generally counted among the'hunlteilmcm
-1”-wo •• , f' his pithy; blit when tho Cincinnati
Convention, A nrratato....l 3 ... .gar -nran"
outrage, made the national Democratic:par,-
ty over . tp the stave-holders in thenlost for=,
mai manner,.'Nlo . lorri3 would - noteeusent
to bo sold. l e4eftlbe,elf-styled /Pomo.
cratic party_tho very moment be heard what
had been:done. This was on the evening of
the day that Mr. Buchanan was nominated,
when there was hardly a tannin the United
States who did. net believe that\ the Demo
cratic nomination was tantamount to an
election. Ho ;was the &it man WhO left
the Democracy; when it was, seen , that it
lad given itself up to the service of the
slavery party,,,:ancr- had become the Sist or
its chain-gangs. He did ‘uot wait 6 see
what others ;.would but set an example
for others to follow. Others !di t fond! , it,:
by thousands,' and to. his bold and consci
entious action,' must. be "attributed, in no
degree, our splendid.flaine victories
of September and Noveinker.''
PEAIII,S , AT HAttuisnuno.—The el
of ode of the Harrisburg (Pa.) papers
foudd a number of pearls in muscles
ea up in Paxten creek, at that place:.l.
now pretty well &salad that roarla to
fouad iq..these shells In many sidle' ,
Petiasylvatha. ' ' I
lergymon, who left ' oglaud
otie, rettored,; to London
to He jfitt
ihis optniim of the saints
bity of the 6reat Balt Lake.
most • repulsive features of
, e proxy system. 1 This is
.o. every gorl and honest
y staunch illormonites ye
,. I heard one of the old - - .
G that nothing au earth
Made im to believe in it,
isaifkadtN 4 it k
ed when her knows s .-- "tA*tit : '
.or to, explain it briefly.--
man is called by ,confer
mission, he hos the priyi
it,,before leaving home,of
ke to take the oversight of
and whatever he may pos-
It la
,y be
f .s of
Getting to Heaven by of
Way New Or.•
• 1 leans. • - 1 ...=
The Philadelphia correspoudint of the ,
New York DisTateh, gives the fellewing;
who had
A - few days sinci,'a young min who had
long been attached to a church and who
was •about to leave for-New Odeon's; came
to bid his . paator .
,farewell. , "And ilo you'
are going to that. degenerae tee, New
Orleans, are you?" Isaid,, the, pa tor. "Yes
sir; but I don't expect to he, influenced by
any extraneous pressure of any kind," TC
sponded the young man with ; nsinaiderabby
earnestness. . "Well I am, glad t o ace you
4o confident. I hope the Lord will guide'
you. But do you' know the temp tions
which exist - theee? , - I —Loz-4-::4 1 .1 0 .d..._
r.'. gwoil 17• do: "You'll . ; find Wanton
elect; anti --- ire ivizwitei-vgismtAffitr..y
and you'll find fine companY, and night
',brawling, and gambling, and' 4asipation,
and running after the lusts of the old Man
Adam," ' , Still, air, I hope to ehmbat
these suceessfully."l "I hope 'you will: , my
dear' Christian brother," wasi , .the 4 retily,
"I hope you will let me.giva; y n ibis for
your consolation 'in case., you s 1 fall
fromgrace. The tetapter - is ' tie than
the sin, and - the greater the temptatior.,
the morn merit there' is in resisting U.
s i ta
; The mp who goe. , to Heaven py way of
New Orleans, is sure to have twice as high
a placein eternal glory as he who reaches
Paradise through th d quiet, portal ki of Con
necticut or Pennsylvania.' ' [. 1.
' I Chinese.thigar Cane,
The following letter, •fro Mal
sugar .planter, Contains an impo
to agriculturists.
, 4 ,
_' ,
rAnHINOTON, /US , June. 7. 1857
• Mr ' ISAAC A HED+Es--be i• Sir--1
have just received you `favor! o the lOth
insti inquiring the result of my experiment
in making sugar cane lakt_ fall; and in re
lay to your questions I will say, I planted
early in May, an only about olio square
rod of ground._ he cane grew about ten
feet \ Ligh. I. on if in October, before any
frosts; about tw thirds of the seewas rifle
when cut; I greund it immedia te ly r after
cutting; \ in an old .cylinder cider mill,.andi
I ground:3ply al part Of the._catielll had in
consequence of breaking the "Mill - .', I - did
not measure the juice I got. I boiled it in
a common kettle. The
ained in
boiling like maple s y rup. • Lilarifi With
a little lime ; knowing
,hothing about cane
sugar. I,managcd it just asl wbuld ma
ple sugar, and pied ite 'lnakci 'it danulate,
I,:y that proccis* and !set it a ay. 1. , about
six,or e i ght days I lonlietl ait a found
it'a ifer , handsolue. i cirtrele f well .i at nula
tod s ar. The f yrupmaa rout' u ce d,by
all who, tasted it !to be good, equ'al to i any
6r-int from the SoOth. ' YOu will See that
t i la lgii::, o „;,:it is not a_test af dip_ !qualityl
nese cane. I have planicd — ihirCeen acres
of cane, this 's , ear, and it s • now uti and
looks wtill. I shall want a I the apPlirat us
for manufactnring tkis'fall. l I shall be glad
to hear from you, any ioformatien you can
give me will be'appreciated. c --
- Truly yours, JOHN L MARSH. .
how TO TELL WHEN ; IT IyNoo • -L-Totin
clocks ate woutleriuLini'entions, inasmuch
as they tell men who work by, the ddy, pre
eisely when it is noon.. The N4th Amer
ican gives this, advice, probabliinteutiell
fortleaf mon, who carry no watches:-- • .
"Watch the paralysis which seizes on ,
men who work by the day. Twel -a o'clock
strikes thera.`as powerless as a bl w froM. a
meat axe.- We witnessed a Mole ian, yes
terday, a.seending a ladder with bod`full
of briCks. ,' Just, - as ! ' he reaahed the top
whou the State; House cluck'told him that
"time was up," what does OM! re_ l der ottp- -
pose h: did? "Stepped . upon th •plotform
perhaps andldumped the obloni i !" .Nbt
a bit of it. lie just let go •ttio hod and
turon:ed them all. back upon the side.ivalk.
Ho wouldn't have-moved - a - pog orwardif
all Philadelphia had depended ut.
on ; it. : --
Queer fellows, tbose;MilesiaUs!" '
' ' • Important . Bill.
The following bill, important
teresty, has become:a law:
An act relating to ffiy, Count
SECTION 1: Re it enacted, 4!
whenever any moneys ;Shall has
may hereafter be collected by l
city, county or township, for a:
purpise and paid into 'the hani
treasurer of s such city, county or i
it shall be unlaWful for such`trei,
apply such moneys, or anylotirt tJ
any other purpose than that for WJ
moneys shall have been ormay bei
and every such misapplieation'sha
....1 .1....... V..... ..flay for
treasurer may A.. 1..
ea 71:1;4/...c. dim 11. ii
Court of Quarteressions of
city or county, and upon coati**
Of, such treasurers all be punisk
of 'net less than the amount so ni
and \ by Imprisonment in tho j
proper 'city or county for not less
months nor more than one year,
That prseecutiens for all offences
act shall be commenced within'
from that= when such offence
niitted. ,
Sio o ued•and approved 16th Ma,
of a late report of the population,
shaven remarkable degree of igni
the pare.of the people of that c
Out of 513;326 1 individuals pine
or' in the bands of wedlock, tint}}
husbands Were cap . ablo of, • Sigel
names upon the register; 86,491.
even read ! 140,540 women`deol
could neither write nor read. ' l l l
of the Jounuil des Debatitremi
this point,- that ."in, the cocain-3 ) 1
itself the most enlightened. l in
far more than one-third of the we
Hod in 1853,1kneW neithei low
to write" • ; •
I •
, 1 ,
. =
\ - 7 in _Jvia•
LYON Si /OW% :Tune . 2,f , 1857V-9n last,
Thursdara large body t iof, met frOin the:
lirestern- portion of Olin too court ty,,and: also
same from Scott, 'Ceder andl Jackson ( coun
ting', assembled to break up a gang of horse
thieves which ! has infested the neighb orhood i
of Toronto, on the WaptsiPinicou ri ver.-.
I The committeeLir said to Nave beo - b 01i
pooed of near two hundred trm. They
proceeded to the house or Mr.' Warren, an
old resident of Clinton bounty, and 84"
rounded it. Mr. W. tva4. plowing corn in
his field nearby, when -3;te ''regulars' ar
rested him. His hetke was searched_and
la% RAlWlAAlad4gbi.ib4st...a...t. ~!..,-_
todothei with' a gat
of. stoppieg4alscaa .
- -' -- -^A 'N 6,4 1;41/10
_of the; coat of
running away stolen norses. ' ,--
Wnrren was thdh arraigned before the
RegulatorS, tried, and found guilty and;
hung upon a tree- nest . his own house.
Warren is said to be an old offeuder, and I
am informed + been tried. by the courts
once or twice for horse-stealing, but always_
acqnitted. - A l'feW moments before the
'regulators''. came to his house n he was warn
ed„by a i neighbor of their approach and ad-
vise& to' mount bis ; horse ;asd flee; ..but •he
refused to de. sii.
On the same daj,.a mdu by_tho; name-of
Page, one of the sovected gang, was shot
dead while trying to escape from the Tog
ulatorg.' • .
lam else informed by n gentleman just
.trom the scene of disturbariq, that two men,
said to be horse;theives aqd who lived litenr.
- Waraen's were " hung hung by the "regulators"
on Friday and taw, that 'the
. qtegulators".
worn at our count"! seat, )talvitt, yesterday
in search of more of the, aog. _ • .
taut ',fact
SPIRITITAILISX-A looptbearded Customer
recently . entered a spiritual book = storeis
this city and applied for t an agency. He
proposed to take a large quantity of books
to his part , of the countryraway,out west"
where he re:Presented that ho could soon
sell them, as:he was assuredibY, the "invis
ibles. " The' enterprising bookseller was AA
course 'delighted with this prospect of a sale;
lint his enthusiasm was' somewhat f damp
ened when the long-bearded gentleman re
marked that.he' had no money, and , wanted
the books upon credit.
"Are you respoestble", w,is the natt(ral
••of be merchant
inquiry •
"Whai evidence af yqur reliability can
you furuisla?..." I 7
"I have the best of backer?, men Whelk')
names you know Weil l " • -
The merchants countenance: brightened— . -'•
"Very said.he, "let'us see your pa-
pees.". 'Ther4upen the customer presented
undersigned, having been aCquainted-spir
itually with-Mr of
WiseOusin, fur many Srears, recommit
him a-porfeelly , reliable, :and. would not be
afraid totrust him to any anadunt.
• ' 1110314 s ..trEFEEßsor.sri i '
'HENRY , Of4Y4
"Throufth Jane E ; medium."
Thc-book4eller remarko that 'the back
ers were giimi if the medium was — reliable;
but he thought, on the whole; - - he. lwetild
- prefer.
,to keep, the hooks- .The customer s ,
hereupon &pounced the lmokseller as as.
impostor; telling him that he . it not be
lieve his own doctrines, aricl,fkad 'the - spir t
it 3 would expose. his duplicity tti the world.
Of this ho;felt assured by the spirit of
- within lam. The bookseller ' was not
convinced.— N. Y. Posell •
• '
- '43II,EAIIER3 AllEAD•—_llle shrewd
it New York, connected wi , the.
National - Administrationi, ere not lo slow
to perceive dangers ahead. for Mr. Buch
anan growing out, of double-faced :policy
pursued towards Kansas:4 If , Georgi& and
the South generilly dcinounces Walker,'
some, counteracting movement in the North.
is necessary, or else what 'is' the:President
to do? The New Y4k: correspondent
of the Philadelphia Ledyer indicates the.
current of feeling in that 'city upon the
new ,question that has arisen:.
"A. Meeting is to be held here , by a cer
tale class of Demoerats, A favor of the Ad
ministration policy in Kansas,, that Co
say; in favor of subWtepag the noir'
constitution to the approval or rejection of
the peoplel. Some of the old hunker Dem
ocrats, I hear are. opposed — tb any f move.'
ment on the enbject, on the ground that it
is inopportune and rincallid for, and Inuit
result only, it adding. td ithe embarrasi‘
aents.of the Administration, and l the Barn
due to the the
that!. the To.
utocracy should speak out.
Consultations,' learn! have held on
the subject:during the daY,: with the To*"
teleconcile, conflicting Mtow&
don, of the. Georgia State! Convention,
Condemnicg the policy of, Gov. Walker,
and; opposing the proposition to let them
hav4 a vote on the constitution, haffardus
ed the "dander" of the .Soft Shells, who
think that ttolompythe Pre s identi be encour
aged, ho qnail before the Southern
menancos and . go over to the fire-enters!'
o our in
ty` and
, That
been or
w in tiny
y special
s of the
.asurer to
ihich such
collect - ea,
0.11 be held.
doh there.:
; l ett by fine
of the
Provided', three
under this
Efii year&
WOO cool-
of France
Prance on
:Ountry.- 7
ed togeth
ding their
clmild- not
ho writer
larks upon'
that calls
tile World,
Omen 'mar
t° read nor
NoTP::.s.—.K., man 'neglect briggs has been, -'-'-
arreited.iit St.' Louis with $5,465 cond..
terfeit bank bills in his possession. Among
theni were ,sioq potes ,on the - Farm'ere
Bnit of 3.laryland, s'i on two ,
banks—the Batik of [Commerce and the
Northwestern I Bank: He ha ok also in his -
-possession fodr
,the . • . l_nancifaciare
of - 4gus , noes-
-A - Yatrkeo who 'Was Iyin~ at lie
point iofdeath, has whittled it, and fie,
slowly recoteripg.
- I ,
.. 1
oh Lai
!JOHN IqII.,TON, oth_prs.