The Beaver County Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1853-1859, April 15, 1857, Image 2

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April 30857.
nii;3ersigne3 emunet tee a ppointed
-reolutien of the Boa on the 21st
, to tuvcitip,:ate the affairs ofthe Bant
bPg leave' toacitort,lbut they Li ve. given
tojcet that consideraeoo.which its
portsnee seeynid to require, and herewith
subtuit s stotemelt. "%owing the p t
condition of the institution:
. I
Statement of the Assets and LialnZitiu o
_the Brrak at Nese Costle.)
n A
• - *
Bills discounted and not matured, $ 92,26 2.20
• do under protest and In cujiree,
pfitlection • '42,825 27
Due froth! Bantry and Bankers And •
cosh on hood; " • • • soy 42
Protection lonh 'Notes ; .85,000' 00
.Aeco unto treerdrawn,. k 8,809 09
. 1 - ndebteeness of Johili. Wagenael.;
ler . as far_ as_ti.certained, •i• '80,729 74
$292,127 71
lint:ll:res sibleh there are •
•; - .V".". -1 ) cf notes circulation', $206,02.4. :23
Axneunf otAasets over liabili-
- $86,108 48
- ‘NorF.—Frorii the best estitaa!tes.which
maciclat4resentrthere are 840,0001
of the essets may be considered. bad
Are!ltf•ti. ,
titis briet statement , year conimit.3.
. .
tee might with propriety close ,
this report,
re , ;eol , eless it
,may not be deetni l dimprop 7
1. - si - to make some additional remarks as t
rlie.nature and.'character of the 'assets &c
.:, tar RI the parties tvhose paper the Bank i
licldtato.persohitlly knOwn to the commitll
teen thrpy believe them to be' fully re.pon.. I
--- sale, kpd from the best information tbel
•-•n 4 ,-J.,autee have been able to ohtainohey I
- believe' tint, a larger6portinn ofilie - 6;1 . 4 t
ahCoef.the - iessets are good;;- That the unly,l
secarity the Bank has (as far as they knOw); f thepaymeut of the liabiliti , lt of'J. N.}
Waioi elli , r,,i-i - bis offit•ial bond in 'the'entn
er=c;3o,o9o_ and 621.000 of Harlem and i
Valkesl i Arre Gas stock, (the market value!
of; whie'll they have been unable to aster- !
tni'n)-•••Whith the e . onitoittee beliess.. can !
b e ; see af t eiti to the Birk but is no t included ;
inithe4its . pti , Of the outstanding eircula-1
Lion, S•• 000 appears to have oeen put nut
, cliirflylbythe form -r t r ind hale! Costa ..
- r•rhout toe le %ledge or approbation of
I- Board of Directors, on what is ea led
41.1-...tion loans, the terms ' of Which may
be sleet' by reference . to the papers nn file iu
.. - ..a •sat - ..&. This anount your committee
of opinion, will be returned to tit,
13ii - .' tiir and redeemed, by dni:v....ring to the
• .rdvties bolding the same theii• notes or
.00ntracts. Ot tie amount due from Banks
ji,.:Jankr - s, :here are 815,000,,whieh is
said to be a protection -loan, in relation ko
which they make tLo same remarkast3
• !h i e .11.85,000
• If the opinion of the committee be well
'f%'rrldedi 4100.,000 13 4 : th 'e - _ - eiretilltion will
'Jo absorbed without . specie funds, and as
' your committee believe a large lamount of
the balance of the ciii - tulation will be re,
' i3 , ietued by the paymetit of bills discounted'
• . tritLima compamtively, short ante, leaving
bit . a small amount/ to be redeemed- in
coin,,..that in their opinion, with a judicious
disposition of tlieLpreseut assets, • and
poe t u be 1 .4.L1 Kis exc. Rank_
tae ~twiltatrin can be/re-opened under a
new tultuitiistrittion, proapecfs
of yrs t fitable .and-safe: - Onainesti• if not
an xr under . the - former adtuinistra
tton. _ • `.•
;The committee unnecessary to
speak at length, of the cause'or causes of
entbarasements of the . intilution, tia
t • itivestiFition - of the conduct of the
li4e cashier will disclose te_the coannautii
erthe ir -- not- - the Whole of,them,
and but Ettis ' point wiittld only remark
that, in - their opinion the fraudulent con
duct •of tt,ie former and late cashiers, pied
'hy persons riot Officially connected,,rwith
the rnanigcment of the Bank, no siding
its immediate vicinity r were .the chief
Your committee ftirtherbelieve that if
at'.ek and noti - beiders 2E home enii
:abroad stand by-Ate - institution and give it
- proper enceurageroent," it will soon regain
the confidence of the public and be able
A all its liabilitics within a brief
led, without serious either ;
tli.t the commercial and rnecluf:Actu
•';T_'..lPreb:i or this community are such
Co cemend the hearty co-operation of
e= -v good citizen in a iandable attempt to
a*Yrain the/bank and thereby :preserve its
of whickle respectfully
id -
Ihvid Sankey,
R. W. Conninphaini
J. W. Johnston
Cyrus Claike.. 1
The ; Trait Yrosieet.
The. Cincinnati Price Current, speaking
;a the storm of last Sunday night sayg
4."Areording - to the advises rapb
thl , cold ,weather has extended f ever tflie.l
Union. At. New Orleans,) MOnday, meet '
felirwith an unusual low temperate. At
'4 4 ,Dgus - ta, flecitgia; there was snow and
east; ; Monde ,la Tenneme the peichee
are reported killed, and the tobacco crop
injured. "The - ,peach and—cherry buds in
this vicinitjt are all bla ;by 'the frost,
the grape and apple Elfds' are not in
. Jared. Nregetatiote has been kept back by
the low tetriperature of 3.lareh, and bad
it not been for this :he fruit would base
.;..en all killed. As it I, the ....onsefitten - Co'i
Rill, no doubt, be' dimatitrouri,parucularly
iw the Sonthert - States:' / 1 • •
The Queinnati i Gazette 44p: • 1
4 'We are inclined to think the. &nit
1, eolith of the Ohio it destroyed; but in the
Northern State' it is yet safe.' In the Mi
pia country the effect is doubtful: We.
.are sceptical in- regard to-spripg. damage'te •
finit when thirbloasok is* net oiliand in
much of , the - Miami "Valley the buds "of
Grin the peach are not hurts- out. Last
week the trine on tbe /drama *is safe.—
How it ienots'is doubtful. We shall soon
NO. The apple crop, we suppose, will be
gaud?' . .
iwt;Tiontire vote lbpooitinati oil
• . lk.orzottpr,for_f_qpe 41:
rior iolge Ir .. ES rOt•
/OW For Bellattql3tciiee, 8, )7; for For
-B,s2l;—Ftorres toajority 846; ot.d
r±2tayor es follows: Thorns! (Rei el t.) 8,-
1 C:1; and &pith i 1,65/: • •Rli.•
211 flittrah for the
t lreein the )(la . Deitiosrat.
.A UST %mous unarm
, T heT returns of our Oarter cleetio
whieh we publish thie inor'jog, 'will shoil
a Ole and prolific victory chieved'by tir
free whiter working Men f St.- Louis —1
We wait! noble, herait , e i
,has vindicated
thirightricl dimity( of 'white labor; wti
cell itprolific, bepsu-e it ielbut the precut
poi of.many, othersibia are. to follow:4 1
After an animated nterit, with all the
engineering •of cooso idaMd party drill 1 ,
against it, witli-111 - -It e stereotyped treat
lie of past politics t eneounter, „end all
the force and animosity of .slavery pi ejit i d:r
,ces and slavery tituidittes bringing:ratan 'I ,
cubus upon' the movement,; this cause of the .
white man; the,free mile, the , laboring mire
has been the 'eueceesful -;c ause . 1 This is
glory enough for one day. sI , It is a triumph
that in Rowe would have prowned the vitt
tor with a wre ath
, of, glert as he went up
the Appian way---iu Greecewould have led,
to ibis hunor—io
America, demands the ipplatbre and acclaim
of the whole people. I
This victory likewise i s the morel grad •
fying—the more ',to be rejoiced et—tlie
more to be solemnizetfin the hereufter-i-,„
inasmuch es the triumph, has been at:hie-t
-eed by as evasive cativassoy (no conceal- •
'trent,' ofrinciple—by no false pretencia
or ,nuesti n N
a'ile.doctriues. The ; iteme w i e
boldly ar fie, by the Nullifiers and as bold
ly wet. 'ree tether - wail !assailed in it
streughol ,„ and Free I Labor I stood up
for its rig, ti'end vindicated its dignity an
lee‘thin 'ts authority. .The giuutlet was
throw!' ...wu by the advocatee.of Slavery
: Qatcon erd slavery perptuetion, and
l it
`viiiikmatti lly taken uti % byl the Illeameratl
andlttr_. . e wbu lookSorerrird to ultimate
man :-; l '' e' l ,,: a a Otalliai I mi!a pressing
, acute poitey.' , i Violent mud 4e.-
' munciathry , shacks upon free l ispeceli and
i e`free press were met by still freer thoughts
I and vtill more emphatic utterance. Aid
i the result bus answered thee,exPectatimilof
I the west Isangeine. From fifteen hundred
! to two cher:baud majority over the riekuciw-
i 'edged chatipion ot the our 411110 U is sl4;:at
we may Claim id point of numbers, and mu i
lpoiui of prestige we toll chile everything. 1
• e
The futUre of St. Louisl beloegs to her I
1 ,
worseogmen—to L2Deteeehanies—C6 ili r er 1
meeelloirtsto her nereirfaeturers—to /her
eitizaus—in shert to her (true; l democracy I
' tOr no other denatiamcy ibep that i
111 labor. -They' i.ave iu ihinr ha .! i i:.; 1141
hereafter to moul'd it -te I the y will. Let,
them be wary iu action. ' l ' I 1
It remaius to be seen I rchat tree the great
party which hie ili - t a l e! , leiVe4 1 a viererse
unrooked for by the country-- so e v ade - 64
expected by theme, I rew±ccill make,, ~t
thei t iumph. NI ill :sway L n ounter the . fa
tal delays of Catitia2 141il1 :bay glye up
the groitnci they have vrob.; awl let drt" 'to
their,tents with° no tinging for conque.q
We ttrust nut. We trust 'that what •they
have now done for thamselve," they may
hereafter he induced to do , for others: 11 e
trust' that, as they have i gained a battle in
I their own persons, their -will not hesitate,
hereafter. to :rid in lentemg their strength
,to gain \a battle far their fru4s in the
}.N...e......1.1.--... =.1,.....411 OD, the puslaux oi
`.victory: ':lVit/tu rclursitiit veal ryta.
AO k.
men every where
,i..., liereafter, l l
I diet St. Lauis- hat made. ' l a proclamatiou
inviting the people of the ' world to'ceme
and Beide in her tuidlt assuri . o& theta of
protection in person. property and opinion.
"She is heneeforth, the - Free City of the
Valley of' the Misaissipi. She invites Ll
b4tr, CapiMl and COLTlllleree; without dis
tiuctiorief country She prOpases lierseif
-usa-- Center ; sf Trade without I any..otrcuin
,feietice. : , • .
In reference to the details of the election
which. will be found in,lanother column. it.
is only necessary to say that Mr., Witot4,
the -,andidate •of th True' Democracy, is
cleeto by ueariy TWo Thousand over the
higlwatt oprinsiti.4l candidato—that we have ,
carried the whi.ile uiunicipal t:cket, as well
as taith'i i iatirbLt of the' City Council and
that l the uilitiers, as 'fur as we :yet learn,
havo net ele.cted a candidate id the city
' Again •Ive say, enough - glory fur one
day. - '
The mericans, awl - Republicans of
DauPhin County held i Mafia 'Oorsention
at lic i t , rishurg no Saturday r evening last
andi tified the action of the State entice!),
tion ' 'The Harrisburgeortespo ndent of :he
' • I •
Pittsburgh Gazette tiaysl, i
. ,
J.I J. Clyde,i ntie of the most devoted and
bittr Fi ; llinote't men in: the State:, during t he
late HPrisidential canvais presided. This
meeting passed strong - r esolutions of en.'
dorstnent; and was addressed l by the Hon.
_and the Hoo. 'John C Kun
kel, both of*Stintiti now most ,heartily en-
detstthi; noniination of WiiiiMt. It• B.
)looflie ..- i - ar`tif Indiana made ;•at ' brief
• ia'ase
dealt% addreea to the niecling. lt was
wellireceived. '.. ,ri
1-- The principal incideni of the Meeting
Iwas the bold bitter dnunciatian of San
dentine byKunkel. 'He styled Sander. 1
sou ih modern . Achen who wore.. "Baby,
1 lonilh garments, had shokile Il i ( s'iloi!r and
la weti t lp of go:d." , 110 - delared;:,that he
f'shnuld experience the fate '
of his' sqcieni,
prototype, be brought forth to!, thelfront of
i the I, camp and iu presence.; of the I whole,
1 hosts be stoned to death." I I
I 'This'll - 1 raraei scathing language, Com
. _ , •;.- •
'jug ftqin - one whim:tribe -Veit! had. said it'
was willing tersepport for Governor.] But
every where the :feeling is to :hold-no enn-',
Ituuninp with thelraitiir or his crew. This
Meeting has been attended viikh moat Ir:du
al/le results. It augers the perfect,
union - and harmony in cilia 'cimr.ty ; upon
ill side' than semi. tcli be , a strong de.
sire mangested that theft. attld be.a con
solista.titsttpf bOth'iriugs of "• t • %rest army .
of re'';oo.4*. 11 • ' - '
• -Ll,e' front Kansas.:.: •
... •
Bt. Louie, , Aprit 13.—Kacsas &deices co
the Tch are remixed. Robinfoo_ f and Delta.
ler appeared at Lecompton on the 6ch el
stand a trial for treason" but the time and
place of holding the Court.being changed
they were directed to apper on the first
Slooday of, May: '
The requirements of the taw not being
esiried out respecting the Census list, no
voting :will •be snowed at Lawrence .and
looomploo,' ear, four 'obsetiii. places have
been designitta es tie peilif • ,
t .1 •
I .BE' . •A.vE4 - I - Angu.s . ..
a Z wiwand, Editots & Prtprieters
James Veech
Of Fayeefe County,
Joseph J. Lewis
' Philadelphia.
bers in Bridgovr i ater will - hercafter receive the
Argue at the •Drag Store lately occupied by 'Dr.
S. Smith—Dr, Lexie haying kindly consented
to take charge of the package. ;
sar We give - place, In ; another, coluinn, to a
communication from David Kennedy, Esq.,
late a member of the fkTard of Commissioners,
only at hie urgent solicitation, regretting at the
same time that he did pot, during the tendency
of the controversy,. put in his defence':
Probable Changes In thd CaVast-
From report's Originating in W.4altington, it
seems net -unlikely • that important changes will
shortly occur in Freshlent Buchanan's Cabinet.
'Gen. Cass, it is suPposed, will be the first to re
tire' It has heen' ascertained by - thietimer'
that extreme old age and physical ' , debility to
tally him for the disAarge of the
onerous. and .complicated duties of the State
Department., It wsr, grave-Mistake on the ,
part of the , president to tender hlm the posi
tion ;- and.n still graver one fur the General. at
aid time of 'life, to accept it. Twenty Jeers
ago, when in Wel vigor oFtnanhOod, he might I
have filled the place with Somewhat of credit to
himself, and perhaps to the advanta - gre,of the
country,; providing he could have curbed his
foolishly belligerent feelingsitoward4 mother EE I
country. If Gen. C: retires, '•
other changes
kill most likely take place. It was well under-.
stood -Wastrington, before 'the Cabinet • was
ifinally agreed npan, that Mr. Cobb, the' . Seere,
tory of the Tressary, would in no even t take a
sesondary post under any one other:than Gen:
Cass. ;If this determination was really arrived_
I at, Mr Cobb wili' eithee have to be transferred
to the 'State ..Department, or the Cab!
i inet altcgc l ther - , The impie. , sl`on also gains
[ground in:some rjeartem that Mr z _Wa.lcer, the
newly , appoin ted Gavernor . of Kansas, inn) , not,
nfter all, choose to go to hiEnnek field sof labor,:-,
but will permit. the reins to rest in thehands,of
his_Secretary; )Zr. Stanton, Iwho i to; be the
acting Governor tor'the time being=-Mr., W.,- in
the meantime, testi:4'oou his oars at Win&
ingtnn Micavrtier; for Something
bettke la; .‘ turn. an • ^
urged for„ the State Department a few ~ mouths
age,.and yeas only overslauglid because,of .rhe
extreme views kl i ich he entertained. Should
an o : peeing occnr 11 , 6 w, his friends will - doubt 7
fess renek. the attack,-With chances Of 'EUCe4SS'
rbetter,than befal-e. ' : . •
. .
- ,DpaTfiror Passoss.—The sudden death
of this gentlemrin, a member of the State Seri- .
ife, from the City ' of Philadelphia , was briefly , '
• 1 \
announced in a telegriphic dispatch last weer:.
For the last twenty-file or thirty yeats, Mt' P.
• •
has occupied a prominent .place in' the political
• ,
fiistory of this' State. He was a min' of'to2ll
- ability. In 1833 he we s *first elected
Senator from Abe Cumberland District ; in 1838
he was chosen Speaker of the fiehate, and-oc
copied that post during theContirufee of the
memorableHuckshot wet" of -- 16418-9. In
1840, he was appointed Sclicifor'4- the Trees- .
ury, under the Harrison/ administration
1848 he was made 'Assistant:Secretary of the
Treasury noisy P* o .;. 6 4,TiLyym. SUbsequmitly
he removed dpi a, engaged in the
practice of . i I in the year 1856, he
was again se Senate. 'ToUching cub°.
pies upon hit 1 his worth were delis
' ered I,!ii,Sen,Ltors Wilkini; Taggart, Harris and
!others.' 1110th Houses adjourned for, the put
-1 pose of/16am-ring the eustomiry' rites, and - pay
ing. thei s t tribute of respect due to the honor
ed dr. " d
Mr, P. was.ibout 60 years Of age.
We ~continue to •receive the most gratifying
responses in every part of the State, to the
nominsilons recently made at Harrisburg:—
Every anti Administration paper which has
come under our observation, with the eiception
of the Philadelphia News:--which won for itself
Bich unenvinble reputation in the canvass of
last Oa—enters into the contest with a zeal and
an earrestness that we have, seldoni seen equal
eil„ 'and whioh promises to result in the achieve.
ment °fe complete victory. The recent decis
ion of 'the Supreme . Court ; the, belief that has
seised hold of ,the public mind that` Mr. Bu
chanan has surrendered himself to the guidance
of Southern. politicians; the failure to, sustain
Goy.- Geary, and the substitution of an ultra
southern fire-eater in his stead, hav i e conspired
to such a degree l in•opening the eyes of many
- who bees thusliing :suffered themselves to be
delailed by : specious catch Words and false pro:
fesSions, re action must and will come,
and that speedily. The feeling ;bat 'Pennsyl.
vania was o lost last fall, only through theyeach
eil - of • professed ehemies 4 , of the Vetnocraiic
- ..pavy i find
conviction that the State ought
aa : tan redeeMed, will incite iliefriends of
Free i doin t.; a diligence, and an Untiring, activ
ity that heti. tinnily fail of-success.
Deartf f or AK OLD tATIZEIII.—vuri mat COD
'mined a brief notice of the death of Mr. JAMES
Witsosi. He was one of the eirty Pioneers of
Ileaver county. Some lifirodd years age he
located in this btrough, engaged in merchandi
sing, and aubsequently in' the profession of
school teaching in different, pasts of the county.
Ni Wee extensively known, and much ester:lmA
for his honesty .and for the kindliness of his
manners.. Mr. N. was nearly, if not quite the
last; of that band of aged.rben whose lives and
.histories were interwoven with the early: settle
ment of our county, , braveit dangers,
nisi endured hardehips- aid.' privations- mareely
to be imagined by:their delestrlants Ha died
si eta afi . ef rl5-,
. i
APRIL - 15, 1857.
VI Bradford . Cowl!"
O/ Cheater c'otptly:
FATAL-Astinfir.-11to pniotio• of earribig
and lain deattly i weapons, upon the *lightest
pretext Las 'beam. atarsilugly prevalent of
late. A min named William Campbell was
ebot by soothe?
. named James Jones: at s di*
reputable Limes, In liittsburgb, a few days
sinos thtelfects of shish produced almost In.
itintaneous death. Both were young men, all
pectably connected, but both bad fallen into
pernicious titbits. and of late bad been lesding
dissolute lives. Jones, now In ;Nisei await.
log his trial for murder.
glar.Wittiast Nawatt., Ma., his been ap
pointed Collector at New Castle and' Croas Cut,
oa the Beaver Division of the Erie 'Could; Hs
bas occupied tha Collestor's office at Cross Cut
for a number of yeari past,' From hts aecotn
modeling disposition and thorough= husiness
qualifications we doubt not he will discharge
his additional duties in a creditable'mannee to
himself, and highly satisfactory to the traveling
Arrourrep' re ins Itsmt.--.lnmee Arm
strong, Esq.; of Lye...using eonntyrboe been op=
poinled . to the Beat on the Seretne Benoit made
vneant by thelesiontion of Jitdge
Thia as
,ft isotiteitat - unr*pszted lipPoin!.. l eat. In
view or the noeunstees imierstoettto hart bleu
given by the governor that. be would spie r et
the candidate having th e highest vote r in , 'the
recent Union State Convention. •
Stars Easosions.--Is
,Connectient the. Re-'
publicans hare elected the State ticket, both
branches of the Legisheture, and probebl three ,
of the four tnembera of Congrisn—thei Deuto
cysts trainini otie. The Republicans have also
elected the State. Judicial' tickets in the States
of Wisconsin and Alichignn—by maiindtleti
ithent 10,006 b eachi
‘ 1 Goon Ehos."—We are infortned th a t a hen
in the neigblering village of Rochester recently
produced T#tarr-Sts ehickene—sail one
brood. and from one eitting.' That hen Las eri•
dently been tryir% to spread irrself t and has
proyen eminently sound oft .the egg qiieittion.—
Hcr owner luny Irately challenge the county; and
perhnps the State , to eclipse her if they can,
war Craus Part - vies, Esq., well and factor-
ably known : Rs the former'indefatigable Pre)44
dent of the 'Cleveland, 1¢ tittsburgh Railroad
Compsni, has been' oppoiOteti finoneie agent,
with power iO-negotiate bonds, ,buy i iron, Sze.,
fur the klibeaultee (Wis ) and Beloit Railroad.
QUI,TIe TICER.—Our political friend, in Delt
icr county teppenr to be just now, in the mithst
of .te-very Pretty scrarable . for the localoffices.
We'Perce!ive by..the laeW American flak, forty
ptrsonif are strkrionpe6l, fer eiven'; !offices..
and thht,.toa,.before Cie appearance of: a call
for a CoUnty Convention.
. . -
.Ber Thel River ii in excellent navigable, ot •
der at the 'Pier.exii time—the frequent Tal; of
Itid:week swellifit the water te'l2 10.15 feel'in
the r elusief• ' kennustially large anmhe; of
! boats Irv,. -vied thin three or
l'four (lay to be
scarce hi
tar . 'busily .
orriphled ... 7 .....riFig onw_. .., rubbish
cur,the new .. , l lieruirukt, I. tirt.H i u - ods, prvparu r5O*.T t to.
layingjoirartd planon& trlTs_ r.twera, Jrc Thif
--------,7" , "-ir,:oflturste,abi wil l doubt
lelis w e ll peyf i cain this pri4_o*-ttitir d o y. . • .
ter: Hon qlninnel 'heaters, n inemt l ies o f tb e
late Corigras; fri, Indiana; and re-electen'io, die 44 short time since at his residence
in Fott a minister Or the
Go v& ft wirttky and a:
de.sercedly high: in tlie e s
' '
Free Bankiti l l Bill proposed by Mir
4, . 1 , 3., last 76. k. defeated in the
ipresentativer, butirsta suh7piltieitt
*ed te; id itade the
ger The
Ball, of .tt::io
11oETO of• Al
ftenvey, of
ge l ittemet.,
with the Di
thte S l upreino
next on
mocrAtio noinituttcoO for t r iudge of
Couri. II
iter T he
141areh, 180-
$42.38`.: 10
tke previa,
toroiolos o
hicago R.
7, were SIO3
lover those e .
I year:.
Pennryl r an.(ll
ger The
fished at .
Eeq., is an
he introniz
Director !
taster, l'a
and in th
/mini of
word of On.
toga of th •
. .
jam' The
iy offer a ,
such shoal( ;
Wyite, a
g einminastah
B. Reed.
old W
Tau a Brie
t tiff Minlikte
__,,, 1
Con:tree. yrs... Counterfeit *s'a en the Tiri
ion Beek if New .Londo n, Conn., and the Gen.'
es!=ee Valli Bank are i i circulation, Both are
said to hi ell execute , and :alenlated to de.
- tar nor: Pollock 1* ,up to this time, sign 7
ed .two ha pessedbyj
r red and f rty-two bills
the preset' Legislator .- . • • I
MI" Cbaries EM I omer hie iirrieed
in Englao He ends his health greatly im
proved. • •
L• B°lr
ease, it is
or a feir
eeision in the Pitstopore Williamson
:pentad, will 'gii,en in the comet
ii4brate`ni "'Wit Carson", has been
dian Agent in iew Mexico.
Sir T
s meeting of Ithe 13eaver„ County
ral Soiiety; the 29th and 30th of
and lit of 10etaier neat were
to hold the next ' 4 .7
p 'That / we i l eir,sajourn to meet
April 24th; still°, o'cloeir, pre.
the Sheriff's Office, hi Beaver.
/31: CUNNINGIA3I, Site.
Quebec Eleotton
. April .13,—Linnin d g the - eleetimi,
• gist rioter' ha oemirrad
~ at
11tetobliei-j* Nen' Vettiwi r
weary Inn miffed 'atm • '
6 PP1. 01 I
on Frills I
oo Sat
Mid ale( .;
' ' Pee the beam Amu.
At Ople of Mt COttntY.
.i . I
PZLLOW ,CTrialsta:The Auditors, of
the County . iappeur N,
,i . i tintlitaiolitig to
arouseyeurindirtation i bast the County
Commissioners, for the, manlier lin which',
the finds of •the Count have been esK11":
dad thniugbOut the' by a i tgone year. They
were replied to once bY our present Board
of Commisekmers,, butl Mr. pain appears'
not to be satislied,llmappears to take great
'delight in hieing his name before the pub
lic. I suppose he is !onking ahead, and he
waists to make the pe,UPle believe , that'he
is very'much concerned for thea welfare.
Ile is accordingly otikto the Argus tame
time back in atiothr ' eommutdeation; in '
whfcti he says thee-tte was thrseigh tie sa
., . .l ,
Cariosity or 'peesonki tee iiig of dierespect to
the present Barai' l. d of f ommisaihners that
they made mention of t e manner in which.
moneys are received land the public not,
know, 6r - whom or for what purpnae." li t Ohl
no, I suppose nod Bot he-waa so awfully
!astonished and disgusted when he 89 the
manner is whichthe hind/a d the dear peo-i
i n
pie had been slu dered that be could not
refrain. Poor uti n! it is a wonder thait be
ever aurviveii tbelshock, but .;I hope he will
get over, it; liii-tiestbll would be -all awful
calamity to the nommonity.. The people
[would then no oa to guard their in
terests, tinT,- yo,hhe 'officers ;night then
squander the liecaPlii's coley wiis impiuni
ty„ and the peopleine or be anything' the
wiser. Het I eve (miller that they
had no tlintight ,itha!t we. 'that
aught againat I. thei' ' action in this I
matter. /Oh , yes! 1 sippose he would] ex
pect us to' allow [ourselves to be published
as swindlers of Cie publie, and yet we ntiu-t
net say auk bi:agalort it. Mt. Eakin 'nays
tbat'we "lump oor lo 'Mental a couut, and
leave the tax paying c, tisane in the dark." ,
To this I ,siouli'liay t, nit ir'ilie items" arel
net getie Illy' given*, is the fault of the
Auditors and hot ior t e is'
Auy pore that Will take thel troable to i t
examine he`records aril 81.0 the Items for I
theinselvpi. - !It: says Ithat ttim [ rovements
such as.bridges audfrjaids t rough the
i .,
County have been starved, n •on the ac-1
count of a monument of folly befog erected'
calla. a jaillor penifentiary ". I think i
that it would ; be as we ;for , our [ auditors in
their conimunication to the public to.
Bitola byi the . truth . I Their own .report
shows ,that: nearly t.,ooo,weie expended
in building and repAring bridgeslin the
bi r g,rine yeas.'As (41 1 i thelail i!.itca/ 21 ".i4i 1
that the Commissioncrs hesitated very
much about underteltng, but it' bad been I
advert! awes laid [ tbcfnre the Grand .fury ; '
I: ,d nein ,
and they; bad tiiiie no repo ied in
fav-r: of it ,i and we considered it o r dirty
to be influenced by t eir devisionst. Iltitl
there w.ia one 'thing about which we hail no i
hesitatioh. and in this I think we • Will be
, sustained by the people. ' That war, if we
I Vat ; at all we'woula build a gocal one, and
ft will 71. en Emisleed be among the best iu
, the State. r aktn draws a compari..
son bet:wen the yerr 1847 and:he last
year,- and shoWil that the pay . of the I
Commissioners i ti the last year a notarial
to more than doable what it was th, an d i
'says that there We're "more public it ! prose,.
'maraca going on
. n the County to 14. i linen.
.14.1 •...t..... tio. now To thinwould '
say, that upon referri' g to the boos t :find
11 1
that the Receipt's find Expendjture r t in the !
1 bat yetis were nnee t l an double what they ,
I were in' 18.17. and that theiamnunt expeo- t
\ded in: building' andLrepairing Intidges to
the boa yeas war net ly' .is 'Toes what it
was then,lof courseltbe bu-iness would be
I inearly,doublel But Mr. Eakin appears to
keep altogethe put of, view the rant that i
the Commissionrrs pay has `been increased I
by lasitto one third more than it waslin 1847;1
rand .1 gates almost 811 public' offeers, ou r ";
County Auditor i a among the res tia+ willing
to take all that the 14* allows the , Now I
if we take the [ Coniniisioner:s pa ($726,- } 1
i ii) is, 1847, and doable iffor the issere
in business. and then add oue-thitAlfor The I
, ineir'ease by Itaivl i ag
it Will brjit taNtt,l93a.-
162, nearly' 650 More ilian we actually
received., 3lr. Eakin further chargea that
i . "6ur latter diy. Cationait.siaintra make the
County fund pry fee their personal 9 , 1
a nu i r ling exp e nses through the County.;lr
To this: I would ski. tlia . r t Ido oat know ; '
what is tbe general Ipruettee or custald of
the Cominissioners of our County, or any
other l eeway, but I know that it never
was my practice to charge the County will'
I personal. l eipenses. i I charged for horse
hire, forryagei railroad fare Ike., (end this l
11 think every / lannorlible man will admit Il
had a right at de) but. never for perinond
expenme. In conclusion I would sugfest
that if our Auditors are Mich ;Odder; for
retrenehment!and reform, I think it Would
look' as well fur the to begin 'pt home and
set the exlample.:,.d.Cleonse,fiist that whieli. l
is within the cup c and l platter, that the' out- i
side of them, may belelean a1i0.".. But .we
find the Auditors p4 ' increased 'she' lett
year to. more than double what it was;a
few Years ago. In [ I the ' last year it am
ounted to $126, nowt
f it' their, pay had tbeen
increased one-third 'b y law as the Cointhia
sionerit has heen'it triad bring it to $l6B,
1 1
this would be more t an three, ti:nes as much
as our Auditors ree ived kw years bask.
But I.[,auppoite Mr. i ;Eakin and his' associ
ates would I wish other ito do novas they '
do, but [siti they . say. 1 N .
1 i
Inl,mani and stood
iinatioit of. men of 41
, Shan-
s!tm, of
Ong the
the , Pittttiirgb, Ft.
1., for 7the tmouth of
2tsi 93—an iiksreiiiie Sof
t the' same month iti
School Journal, pub
ly H. Burrow',
!übliesttion, end .shoulcl
/. hand' of trail School
'ation iu the county..
re of Washington eoun, ,
s Thousand
who murdered
port - time 'eines, tinder
Esq.. o Pluladelphia_
ig, but in the late cau
se been iewarded by an
•to China.
To the
Coal &NikitaDred Sentt.—Tbe KO.
odium) Gaeette; 'tie ' most able . and influ
ential of .l all! the interior Democratic , papers
of slielisgri, has bolted hits party " I.t can
not stand the Dred i :Scott! decision. It; • has
nor flinefiedLat the Vtolatien of the Nlisson- 1
ri - Compromise, ! nor 'protested' ttgaiust the
bonier ruffian usurPrion ', in Kanstis,_but
now 'tg. ita pirty brave planted themselves
upon the Ored &o 1; : dectsiiM—denied the
citizenship,' and the('Usual righss , .l protec
tion by the civil power, to over half
,a mil
lion l of freu. cOlored People, and agred that
slavery shall be , a, national institution over
rullug State lavia aul constitutions, and
claiming the protection of the American
flag on tholhigh ,seaii---laving reached such .
a depth of deliasetnent, itl :can no longer
follow them.l 1 1 .
• 1 --,.......J---- , •
Every Alit'icie Warranted well Made.—
nis i motto tidopted and :carried out las
doie , much toward building up i character
forthe ready twOr clothing sold by Car
nitgbatt,, 4.llegheoi . City, , His work is
known to be of superior order, and i• sold, at
low Lifts for Cash Only. .Buyera will fail
on 'lds emajtters nu* style. of Piece Goois,
for OetitilAnd
_lgo tie pustmni'utik, and , ..-z
choicestoc,V City:elwl. clothing 91 . .6 41 4
I: ---
toraßintEst or ossi
179;oop mzx !r.ZPORM Kilt4ll7.
I - r
IFront the If' Y. Journal of Common, 'Ap
1 MACAO Jan. 29, 1857.—A1l fol
'business is not only suspended, brit ent
at itt end, et, it bong Kong and at
ton. i my' last letter, the , gr
p?rtl,..a.She L i western subur4s of the
ettpi in which is situated nearly all the
1/111000k lAopi. 4.; - concerned in for
eleg! trade, have been command; Of-the
total destrOctiOn of the foreign factortes
Thewill lisle heard by my I bisti letter.—
The Ch6ese - cotnputetteir kisses in houses,
go4lowns, altc., at oier i 4,000
togs—np to the present time`; and inr,ner
>chandize, and the • valise of the abOve rnp.
erty,'they II sMte their - losses at '910,900,-
000—which ',is probably not far froti the
truth. •• ; •- •-
We cannot' ? of eourse,lnow very accur
ately the damage Sustained by the, city, of
Canton,' since i t he bombardment begat', 28th
October I'4' 'but as the latter' l bus been
kept up ,with more or lecis pertinacity 'n,
'within ii few days ago, when the English i
Admiral ,itetired with his forcei from be•l
fore the city , it is fait to'suppose thaithe
Chinese do not over estimate the lo in.
life when'ltneystate it at 70,Q00 o'ofr. all
ages'' andlsexeS. Everything faysmi f t his'
calculation; and it is well known that the
streets are,L
iceedingly narrow, the Popu
lation of - g , itden4ity, the 'means or c the,
power to move will iu,the reach of curtgar
atively fek - while the eastern of t clositig of
the gute4f ; everystreet during a rie
of public ditnger, Mates immense loss 'oil
fife, by'any sudden tuoveMent of the pop=l
,1 ; -, , 1 , ,
mace.' 1 : , .• 4 -
TO f. 8 .! rnilapg 6 all the other distremes!
whiol have been r veted upon them an d
which t •
areiinseparal le from such a eon,li
tionlof 'flings, the, otal detttruction of thel‘,
trade of !t i e place, he - interruption to alf
the daily lavtications
1 3,f the people, 'Ste ,
are Ver l yoppres4ive Ro their effects. Still,
up to,thS present Moment, t i ti . e Chinese do
not Make the WO+ cosec's/on. The vice
eroy' Yehr• in all hi s officia l s' 4, iu
is us' fi rm a l t this mdtnent be was lien ,
the "Arro w" Toreki was seized by his off"-
ecrston-,the Bth Oet,ber last. The pe ple 1
ton, are-even more !
bitter grid exaspeted
agaiiist the English. and perhaps-an for
'eiguef4;:tind notwithstunding 'their dis ' r7
, ses ,tied their sufferings, their oppositian to
ever!ythin'i which bearj the iappearance of
ireconailiatiob or terms of any kind, isirea-
I ter. than 'Over. ,; , . 1
' ' '
[ r----..----
l The, ... ii
' 1 I 1 1 y,6 ILI i
1 ' 1 ~ ( '
The asiierqnn s I frequentl , made that
iths'l3 : igas Legislature of KanSas has re-
; pealed its 4iii-ixilits and bloody “ hii s ;".
enacted at the fermor 'Session, is false] A
single one of thiss i e acts—that imposing ,a
political test-oath on voters—vras repealod.
with on's Sectirinsonly (the twelfth) of"An
Act toy punish off.nceis against "Slave rep
eitY."=-the ,sectiorr which punishes S a
felois " I raq': free Person" .srho shall I" 1)7
•speikinglor; by writing, assert or maintain
the( pers i hns have not the right ta !hold
'slaves in ''this Territory," or who shall cit..
;' cisi.ite any paper or pr.inphletAssertmg that
, [ -....
Hattie. [Twelve other sections-of that same
latrocions act ate uorepeal e cl. and in I
to-'a ay, rsO fat as the austaing body cal
then fiireci--- - iirulNag others, those
r i ,,. 1
it Sec .1 H. If any person
eironla , or
print, ite,
t" !ta
introduce into, publish or
cat4se to be brought into , ; printed, a , l itten,
paUlished . or cirmlated, or shall knowingly
aid' or us-ist in bringing:intrsprintingi pub
l4itig or eircithiting within this Ti.%•iitory,
I sup hook, paper, pamphlet, mag ime,
' '
' handbill' Or circular cortl . ining any state.
Ili I • -
• nteu!s4 argumesits,.opibions, Bentham' „doe
-1 trine, advice or innentio, calculated t , pro.
dupe a' dis4tierly, dangerous, or rebellious
ilisiaffetion among the slaves in this Terri;
1 torts,or to itsiimee such slaves I to! escape,
! jifront th eservit-e nf their master:, orlte re ,
,thei' i r ituthority, he IS hall- be gapty,:of
itelony, and be punished ;by imprisonment.
Chard labor for a term of ribt lesi than
. , .
re years. ~' 'l ,,
," Sed.l 13. Ni) !person who is' con.cien
idttsly !opt:wised' to holding . chives or who
does nut admit the rig:it to hold slaves iu
!this• Territory, shall iii: as a juror on :he
.trial of any prosecution fur. any; violation of
any of the - sections of this. act." , 1' '
:Scores of such 'enactments remain, and'
ram orris of like tyrinoical na — p
character were added at the late.sessinu...=
i i
And yet ho sands of well-meaning citizems
tihave bee inade'to believe that the despot.
iz. partisan acts of that Legislatnie; intend.
ed to uphold Slavery, have all heen repeal
ed.—POLurgh Gazette. I •
Qfwial Approval 'of „
Condabt.--LThe orgatt of the dos i ,
the IWlLthitigtoti Union, in its ye :
issue, elosess oulogir on Mr. We
ngw i iellnitr of Kaiiialtp and 3lr.
I - I
the new Secretury, with the folio
agr.lph;.. . • . -
-"Mr. Wont's?, We present, abl
ry of the territory, it is UtlCferEl:C i
be .transferCtl, to .sonta' other apl
t i
position. ' he appointment of hi
sor was ia necessary , part of the
plan adopted in reference to the
of Kansas, land not intended_ to
Mr. Woodson in any- sense .wha t
0f I curse not. Mr. Woodson
'capacity of secretary of the
beto the ost serviceable tool of
dex Ruffians that ituagi
uchanan's Administration has
whatever to fin d with his eendul
according to its notions, has bo l o
play in the highest degree..: Eq
satisfied; of coarse ; is the adwi
with Audge. I;ecotupt, t as; useful
the slaveholders in his judiet i al
Woodn has Awn himself in
station—N. Y. Jim. .
iog tht
From New Toti.
YORK, April 03 —The
;igloo c/rresondeat a
orship of Uta hlas been!
M'Culloeb, of Tezasi, ar)
a Heralikbas ao editorialist
it; political supporters or Cul
65trau4 action, in finr of
cigar/ 0,7, ,
I ,
I beef for eetietlol Volker.
New 61'16101 April, 13.---8!:•osj "f e ii_ i
yeaterdayat ViCksourg, and also at Sum,„
-to tba . depth of an inch and :a
half: •
Preporatlons are msk(ng, to send' 1000
'igen frour•ChJrleston to be relief nriValip
er . Charleston and Xs Cfilesas cclutrie.;
nit $ 5 ,0 00 - - •
nzAD,kciik AN 1 DERILITy...:
• 1 • ~ •4'
Mr. :Bilas - J. Lisoomb t °I . 113truli°01ini
uva: 4'l l have fettled. I. ticerhave'*lllo!,
litOti Bitterit, a realadY l i for Heactieti4 '41;4
Debili'y. My, wife hal alto used it wit!,
the greatest benefit."
31r. A. 8. Niehobiln, of Pittiburzh
also rem trice that he has'expari,; t i c ,,l Haue ,
relief fromiti use 'for Iff tdaclie. • I t._ 1 ,
Take a half tei•spoonful three - Itiiii e , ~
day, an Lout; before Meals. Eat me/l
ately, and then of wholt4oina fooil ia o t i 3 .„,
will find thief is really a remedy fur Siek
and• Nervous illeadache, S'eaktie..l of any
kind; ICestirtmesq and I iles. • it•it,
;6 p i , ..','.
fectly simple in composition, it tux • 1 a .
ken without fear by the inralid, r,,, a 4.
iog a fine arontttic flavor, it is very S ate,
ful to.the dchijitat........a itts^,—•scli. •, -
To Tni Lutos Prof We sl, Of St':
has,. after fears) of deep study
anduntiring research, isM.ceetled •in Ives.
to the public at! article supirier L.
any unw use, and Mdeed it is truly a
~,„jerrui „di,le,ovety--are adveit to his
,Ilait.Rdsinrative; the only aitiele that has, -
been completely stiecessful cheating
of hid gray iocks, removing dandruff, i•tch
jog, scrofula; &o. It restoret;lthe
I t ieaded to -more• than the original beaut'l -
adds•new liisture todockialreatlyluziiriAt:
having the effect on coarse, Kirsh hair to
render it giniisy),, • and watery; fastens per. I
`maneutly huir that is loose or and
many! other dualities •which hill beeoui.;"
kunwo ns soon As user:.
The pride of tit4tikind pingtil rly dew` -:
veloped int the 4eriing 3141 aril,atigemetitr•if.,
the hair;lperlmpt froinyitr faet th
the only portion of the ,i b tun M _So ly that •-•,"
we can train in any way : Wwe eifonc;i hew -=
importeot then,-having this porijoii lett,
our eire, that we .should use 'All ',theineans
ssidoce has 'placed in our panda to, reader
it ibeautifuf and perinanent.l wou'd
base beautiful. hair, „glossy hair, Iperinapenz i
hair, hair with its 'natural color _elegautlY•
'prtserved to-e 4 rekile old agS, 4on't fall
pure,hase Wood's • Hair ItAstorativ.
[Daily I, wa State Gazette'. IffiirSAld by
Dr : 0. Cunningham, of Deavdr, ant Dr g,
gist! generally. I '
' A Recipe that .gore'y rewr fails to - tre a'
cold.--N4w, while winter,' with its' hartheu 'tt&
of Co 'mld Coughs, i 3 with us, we, think I
a remedy that, will relieve blleil V6itlitir/113
should, be highly prized, and ail
~ 1 11, ik roc,r,
the worth of,,this retnedy,wip.doai wq do ,
,•—prize it dl,ubly. Take a dotibltf , llisTot,
Dr Saufores luviaoratoziki - INif ~ i ,3 1
• relief - • , , 1.-.
greater tuau any; a lt o er tneet , i,qe vt ., s,
ever tried, for we ltve,rarely Ao re? - ktithe'
ff dose to be entirely free froth Coug,tt.,--Tol
as soon as the lungs have 'ir4e t o ,torro,r oti ,
the collected matter, the t:ire i , 4 c!tali)lekt.''
' Al a family me.licine, for tho curer or 13,' , .• —,
el Dntow,tes, Worms, Deran4enteut of,them ,
Stomach ind Liv i er, we eill ;rec.nnatend it—
•• , '
Ifo?Sala byDr. O. Cunniiiglaus of Bea
rer, and DtUggists generally:.
• - BEAlealt. MARKO;
BEAVER, 115 !857
(fifirrecieti :Dee!fly
'FLOtat—P,er hundred I $3.50
i7lolll3.—per cwt ... i 2,00
BUt:KWIIRAT—per .. 3.00
WHEAT-4,er. bushel. ;. t ' ...... L.. 1,20
.RYE—per t%shel
CORN—per bushel i.!..N4 - 4 623
OATS—per bushel....:. 31413
PORK -round ... ... .. 7
v.4,5 1 145,75,' yamty 5.97.35
/IE-At—peir has hel.. 1,:„! t ;
COB.N—per bnshol •.1
.... L . u:0"
E—pvr bushel I
... --
OATS—pet - 13:145
FLAYper ton' •
I .POTATOES—per bushel.... • •
IBUTTEtt—p'er ... . . . ...... i 4 45
• EGGS—per dozen .... . , . ....
BACON—shoulders 94; - inims 12 • sid.q,l I f
.• Nott e
To the School Directors j Beaverreolinty
G scfmnican purnt‘nee of the '43l sec
tion of the Act of Bth N14y.,185-1. you-lre .h ere
by notified to meet in Ciiiireniion; lit Cite tours
House in the borough. of Denr;er, on Elie 'first -
Monday in Slay, 1857, being the tourtii - dty of
the month;ut . 1 o'clock l in the afternoon, Dudselect ,
select, viva Tope, by litnitjority of tit., wifely
number of Directors presed,, one,Per - s - oii of .
my .pnd scientific atinininetifs, on l of ski:l
land 'experience in thel-- iirt of 're.teiting.
County Superintenderit,l fo 4 l. the three',succeed
' ing yenrsl determine the ernount of COlllfrllsll.
rion for the me, and cert ify , ;thetresait Li the; .
State Suptenrient Ilarrisburg: requi
red by the 89th and' 40thISections of etid act
• I cemsoL
*Fit vs lEksT County Superintendent. .
Iker,_ the
log par
We are' reque.3teO r to itarfourkee _ a.l )IE3
R.-y[1;801N, of .Borough sp., is'can 1i•
dateitir the st3upeiinteticleney of the 'Col'
moo sohods , ir 'county;
. .
In. the 91 ri Oint mcn P le as o f B ear
- County, No. , 239 ,ltgrels 2 erilb
matter of the Lunacy of Aleviaii
June SO, 1853, Final'apcount of Catntrettor
filed' Marchl9. 1857. 'Aceoiltit confirmed 1 , i 6 )
cause, before - next. Term; anti
_orilerefi to
publishelaccortling to Tulle 34, relating to
aignees.ind trustees.. ( , 'Mt
A true extract froxi ittaftecord. • .1
- - Attest : ; fit; 8. Quart . •
tit his
tory, line
the &r
-,ed. M.
no (atilt
t, which •
en execs
wally well
k, tool of
I •
pacify as
Pertions in - knitted will . ; take notice 0 0 "°'
jr., Commatei of ,Alevinder WU-Z.--
aid; a Imnatio„ lute wed! his.fin4l adount
such committee in the citsce of the Piatlinnoill
of the Court of Cotillion Pleas of lietirer county.
and• that said account will he alluseil by pi
Court, unless cause be 'town to the 'COL tr3ll
on or before the fiat I doy of nettt lulls-
Ist 1557. g QI;AY, Yr°.
april 15 1557. • ; '
fitar.copy and 'charge Wm. Pilonald;
offered tq
o has deg
Toti~ce 4ll '
'THE regular annual meeting for.the
of Directorsof the thsrglon Caplet
_ilont o l t . s tb r e
ivied Company will beilseld at the.4,lWter .
CornOtrtly, Darlinctoti:'ou Tuesday, VA/ I V
info. iJoHrir wpirg, Prim P"'"' '
119401 16 1557. - 99
• Fremoiii
ttre tint