The Beaver County Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1853-1859, February 11, 1857, Image 2

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    _ ~
• ARRIVAD4' )2 1 THE AFRICA. 1.. , T mu , a
. lit . csr Yon x, 'Feb. 6.--The Steamship I A " "" J . " e Y a4 "'
tiokfi:ica,off Sandy lijlok at ttiti"o'cleek, I?. 1 -,. ---
- - _-... - 1 - 11., , With , advices item Liverpool to the 2 9th
_ Y -- - ;T
• 411.---,---- Mit,•
' .
• .; - -r . i i., .. ~. 6,1, ~, n y
- - ..The Srrissdifficilty,-though noniine:ly " mu '"'"""'
sottlPa was to -be referred to the Cancer F t _
-I ' . - -;.-: " tlicet •' . ,- - ' - ' REPUBLICAN 8 ATE CONVENTION.
2 1 , .. La ie r ditt,frotn Cjitut.l . - S'tate l that -the.' - , The Republican State Convention,' !for
(, 1 13rtitab have taken The French F oily. fort, the nomiu:ttioc: of andidates for Governor
'.. Ati,4 were again bombarding, Vanton . - land other State offs rs,, will be held at liar
The ' s hip Cminfederathinaroull 1 5 14latfe1- t, sisburg, on Wedne day , the 25th of .M, itch
--41iht bas been Wrecked in'the I,c : 11857. ' Each-Dist, tit will elect Pete itcs
s .. 8
-.-1-.t`-' COIMEIICIALNIO, 7 ,-, - lin the ; usual mannek, equal in nurnbei to ine
~.Elec e "hellion in. the Bank of liorrland hasirepieseetatiion in title two 'l:rouses of - the
- slightly decreased'" , • `', _•.--- _, State—Legislature; nn , no person: wili be - en
_ , _
lanisvicati seentities,,_hut .gen-tleVl9 , sub._titut 'to represent a ,dis-
Ortillfutiha - ngen, eseeptityr Illinois Ceti. tr - !ut iu ,l o„juil 4 9
~t s norreside - '
ttit; - vrhich has an advancin g tendency. ~ • . ' . • i• _.-/JIII'S qr.m t ßors. , -
--The leintion Morning llerald-ifatea that , --(3- i i airtnan lif - StatiExecuttve Cominittee
tike Cabinet Ci 1, hell On the 21st, had i1_4__a1._.....__•••.■••.. ---
ender cony'
the. Cabir
will - ho
bith of
;IOW) dOsitructionlaf Grey town ' Ly :the Atyer- IM,..The Odd Fel OIT3' supper, at Bn'dgewa
ivair frigate - Cyane. E , i ter, is said to hare eeu a fine - afiair--the coat=
The British fleet has captured : Ike forts pan} large, the rece`pts heavy, bull the-supper
of Busbire and the • Island of Karnock in
I excellent.
the Persian Gulf It is also rumored.'
that the Itussians have occupied °atm. N. Yon; U. S. exArott.--Ort ltoni)ay last,
chan.• the Legislature oft
l ir Tork electe4 lion. Pres=.
; Later advices from China state that tho ton King, Unitied Itates Senator for six yerki
t Canton authorities eonfinne obstinate.—; front the 'of 3lnrch
'British, have 'destroyed the French ' _
yolly, and the Chineszt-hatre - b - nrn-ert---the_
fbreign factories . and /tenses. The Oriental
I:13 - ra and. M'e'reantile Banks were destroyed
f by fire,. and ..he shelling Of Canton has
, j • been commcnried. •
• Washington, Feb. 6. -z-It is un.lerstood•
that',Pre,ident. Pterce. and Sidney Webster
aro iubponed 'in the. filibusti2ring case at
Nisi. York, which; Ito -ease of an adverse
decision to the defendants, will; his carried"
to the Supreme Coitrt. : • . • "-
WIISELING VA. F'eb. 9.—There are 24
. ,
' c ast of water in the channel and
yhe ice from-the upper rivers continues run
-- ', l ing in large nusutitiei I t There are- no
b oats running - •
' ITousr.—'llo t nOIISO tOOli up and passel
• hill establishing the l?elawatc, ()swage
'and IVest;rn Land DititrictS in Kansas. ,
On mraion of Mr. Orr; a resolution was
;passed giving - , to the, widow of :Nlf. 'fro dts .
whatever sum may, have -b,...ten due to him
) at tbe time of-his: death." ; ;
l e, ' The House , on motion f , ,
laid,on the table
, .
the bill reported from the committee on
Public. Lands authorizinAl the ' DAaware
and Pottowaternie Indians in. K'ansas to
sell their right of way for railroads . . T' :n.
bill to establish the office 'of Sutveyur lien
Mr. - ()row gave.„,n4 , tice ,of his intention t ....
3 - t. 1
itr' l
.s I.r . ~..ev.
to endeavor to obtain On , Tue. hy ii - voto un
the bill to repal lawss - of KarKla , I, y gn i, R e p u blic
The bill approptiating 'B2s,ftilo- forthe'
in vocal awl instri
completion of the Capiti-1 ..tmilding - for: . i
7.. The p• 1
Utalt;_eame up when Mr: Dunn wished to ,
"..1:. ,
(Aietir.tivo (
know Whether .the-rizoplo of th 1
at - torrit , o v ..
titre notdivimz in viol•it ion. of the laws of 44 i Huse wt ' re ' 1
the United Stltest ard in 'public contempt. "Tni "''''''''.'`• su.
t'f gold murals and the r ‘ !...ligion of the citi, n• nvi'r V 'f tLe
hid walla.-
i'heii Ott). re !I n
Mr. lreiv said the Coint;ittee• on Terri• iiiii,- 3 . w:11.1q , rpn
tories bits I
benvei r -nedi by es t ima t es ioal Il''`)•.,--1,,,1 , - . y 1..
Treasury been i f_ , .11,12 hi n t
theu Departimid. 1 kill d flaw -,. _errs
~ a. fritu
Mr. Merlin i6mitnlod, the untie of the e lc llici‘tr; 3u'i tint'
'fact, that the passi4e of a i•esolution cat ins , - • ----.
for information relative' to the p e ople c p . - - et'V'`-' defr,',.9..f!t ;-. , - he same :
Utah, hut that no TO. , pon4e had yet .I,‘,.en fir an u i rti e tt Oet - i'ls.ll , 4o.h...c&rqlttioi for in.ith- ,r,a, tun.- i ..__ ;a:
~,- - 1 .tter the
made to - the inquiry, though the corr6l,ou er nirt or Jur j yet. But our' re ul,;rilv;:l hear - 4 iiner'4 ,, ! .. V.t,'",.l.llit . he . rtn the organ , of ti le
denco on that subjeet is eu t illo in the do- us iiitu`:'- tl-a - -we li P.; hqrne r i , iV•=art • Ict` Lt '''' ' llu3l ' ' ' R D'lnu.'""k• I)ct n."%. tai
partment. • , , lor • hot iew .ther , would pace 4,1%, , •„ TA we w,enht , uith .•._ ! .sra• Lebo laud liegoris . er, apeass Out
,The Gill W:l5 lai / aside with the recant. b,tleie•n.tinned tlerinorh'ir,` 1911.1 Nii-.. Me.lrer , r .0/11,. '- ; .
.... - . .
cnentlatio'n riot to pa , -s. i i • • - w0k,c,,1 4);.t v,• left o , ir•t,-rn, 1.d..111l not nn ter •w-'We ra:e denuunced from time to tiny',
The bill atoer;•priatinz S."O-,00.° f3r 1...A1l ilk it V;l3.le.sle i•tyle to , ime.gii thC'coiniaa- and. , Itti llentocrrer called in questipn i.v
- , . „
tompleting 'the Capital 1 building at. Omit- pits Olt ha. term, ~110,1 a t i.l ,on n ,,rted hirn.-- the sp.ik-buntittf slavery -extensitni, Bile)
, L ; .
urwas pass-d. • . ; .;,when e;taii i i:rt Lls.e , titiA .liLe crt,i le - r it out ' P'-uit.r.C l, !: who advo}!ate 1 " 4xlell' - it'll Id
' ' Mr., Lc.tchz.. , r had. scat it stated-that . th; duty, ., a IV.lhnt ,Jaurwilist, to, s how Thiin to 41avtr,) into , oil froe tif;Tii.orU land ;could
Legislature or Nehrask'a 'intend fo remose t h e •... - •y• . ,1 i 1 T ~ be itilling •Jo i Produce; .slaery- intolhi:
pu •,,t, In i , 4 ado ..z ,„ 313. i 3 we a a' r e„„
the Capitol; if sb Were Was no necessity fur ..d,i , tie i i n I , vjg,,n,ne a; hung', h e out , t , at t, d b . i.t . iuti3um, old
_CatinienWeaith of
" •11'ruPriati° 11 - f - the eiiiii.e to his own provccotien, and riot to an .ups. ' ''' 9 t.l): Ille cannot be DenioctAts of
,T , , , iii it , , „ cif „.„•
MT. Charanan replied that ;it was true a i t ,,, thi t.- - ' . • , the , 5 ,... a 01 a Liiiit pnlitht my , it/0 EilW2 in r;ZISiI
till fOr • ihatt purpose had ri.usCil- lint .was , 1 1 -'' r ---' - •-•.-------- ! I l ulu*” in the t3l fa e r etidelKndanct;- - ?
i•vetoed by the governor: and is pow could- ' il'aNssyzy .. ;Ii mats SOCIT.TT•T:MT. Robert l.l.hvy cannot be ot the s.lhool of Dem6crats
Bred entirely iost. litod place to whi t lt IT,Ni , the ag,ent.of tlie "Fenn.sylvliiit Bible So- ',Wee, ititled ~h_ ersou and Jackson in the
',they sought to remove.ithe Capitol wasiiii Galy_... il at the , prC9ent tinie eolivascing our 1 eoutrAls of• the atifin, nitro by their wi..e,
known nu lit is supposed 111 ere is uut a nit- ec:ini . :, andlw3t .liing Bild.s. up !it those who just ~ : uni firm nd}ocaey, .of colargod free
iZen /11'14, 'within 2.0 miles •of it. • • ale I. t attic to h v y, He infoino. ;is that' n the Li ,, ini /wit' tool,irtlitt, 'Soca; A neiieln Ito
' Mr. 'Whitfield
of sl wants a timilar appropri- .. - tzmus.of li e or o r, B r id g ewter, Rochester; Siir- ' lialsinic the ‘‘4ll , lifr of Ilia world ; they wer e
, - : : opposed to / the e xtensiuir •ivory. To e
_alien for kitusas.;. ; . . : on, at 1 Freedom., he Las Met •nith. Putty three
..rwenty. sunlit of Qountl9l.leuntitriicitt °film civilized is at war ;
• The people of :that terri tory . are now as r an rii i ,. l . 3 destitute of 'Bibles
w i . ; hi t„ not ouly its extensiou_but its vent
ordirly and quiet as arty oth`or ix" tiun of thoset i receive!! Bibles at his hands free of
‘Vti tolcrito it, where it is• not
• ilte Union. Some of the so called Odious ' char >1 while the remaining fifteen' adinitted l e""tunce•
. , coaust. t e
'laws had been'sepealedand others will he: their' Destitution: . . ..,- . .-1 because we apitrove of it but b . . h
of it, but Step.' &hawing , i r ..,
Congress should deal with i tho same liberal. - .' •': ' - I fans of the coutimmities in whialt it exists
. ~.1I left ii their houses. These who WC able and . . ,
ity and justice towards L Kansas as the do , . - ' . • l authorize trovith which we I fortunately
winin to purchase, may do much in the good i , , - •
towards, other torriteris. ' i Sci pi o . to I . h . , h . i navLudthing tct do *,*
In h by inch thia 'slave power
i I
. ) 9 I'. GIOW explained =that 30,006 has 1 work, k in.w nc the soetety is engageo, v pat-l e *
c P'Y ttc . a 1121 ' has been extluiling itself, until now it
ui - < , 't st'e t when h "t ith • -•
I i
already been drawn fet l the K sas Capitof;l r° z ' ' f t :. ga .
Bra the Secretary of the 'rresnry has uotli- 1 , •Iw been of erotic pary with all its time honored usa
- exptutied.
Bill . ' , • .ir AIRS AT WASHINGTON. •
1 !:Slavery
gas,anlrpowei, to .force the ,extein•ion of
, w Asol so r , f s, Feb. 6. . !Slavery still further upon the American
' /
/lie for completing the Ntbraska '''''
free m I
espitql and - One of sitnil•ir l ebaracter i Saturday last having: been set apart Ter, the Peol)le• • NVill i t t lie free la borers, of the No rt h •
' for New Mallets way passed, also 4 bill ' consk,eration of terntorial husioesa,_:tiroGrow, —lsill 0.10 ffed said independent 'formers—
approptiating *30,060 for rJads id Nebras-1
number of I nv class'—for chairman or. Territorial ' Committee, reported I will the --- I ce-iardes---will any resncta
ka. - ' -
1 btates nearly every luau tabula---acquies...e
. hills, oth.orking Oregoit Rod Minueslots to 1 file 1--for in the free
The Hbuse perfected the Brlit apptopria..' form for themselves a constitution 'md State the in, or agree til this Joanne, that in time
:ting $30,u00. . for the constructiouof 1 goverument preparttor3r to admilision' in'to
f,asten the institution of slavery tut e e
Eoo rolid from Fort Karney ht Nebraska via ,u„iorli, on, similar footing' with the cirigitial • ula Y
the South Pass of the -Rocky 3lountainsl
in 1 , 0 ° . :C`ool hin t to rho level
g n the country as to eat out
Statei Both hills Were passed: The'propos
to the eastern •-` . l:toviiilir,y line of California I t - ~ . ~ , it e t erty of the white man add deorad
l; ~., ~•••• Lake, said I State of Minnesota. is said
_to contain ed ~ P i e: in i
. 4 b u end.
,Shashi Lake, said road' to connect 1. _ • , of the Southern' flave.----
, inhabitants and embraces 40,00 t, square miles 1.,..- this is .. , •
- with andsfortt•an extension of a road, al- ; . ' , , . rit is yemocraes, then wo nre n - i Dem
about 90,6'0U,squaremt , leeirest.of the
ready auttoriztd flow Ridgely to the afore- learai g oCrat, and arel go'ftn-ther and say, that wo
said south Pas se S:.'.00,000 were . also appro- I. contemplated State bourni-ry
.... to be hereafter - cannot, ion'sistently, WitlCour Convictions
priatei Pir 'the construction o f a wagon I enacted into SI gOVETZEICIAby tkeillftlie of Da- of right, act With any set of men who advii
rosui from Eli Paso to- Fort Turn& at the teot'' ll, --' • '
. . • _ cats, by weida or actions,.the introduction
mouth of the GA./ river, awl 50,000 for the'
eftuEtruc tion of a wagon Road trona Fort
Defiance, New Melt°, to the Colorado Ri
ver. Pending the questrer.-ef its passage
the'lloust adjourned.
V I .
; - Information Wanted.
in company with her
husband Abraham .Loops, left this (Bea
see . county, about litirty years ago, and
went tot - be.
,St . ate of Indinua, "since which
nothing'-drfiuite has been heard rif tboul.-'=.
Tiro brothers and :a sister of Dire. anops,
*ho tetilin in this county are very anxious
t o il leo i`'Cf her, and: any information con
etriug her will be. thankfully received, by
relatives, 'Adilre.4s I'4 hip L. Grim,
l'e vcr Peiver
X. lirgYA arm'. .... . .
here a Bhort ti
of Moor
of Shine'
the has
- .
vanda Agricultural Society's report. Also. for
the Legislative and other public docu
mCuts: " - _
;--, 1 -- --- --7 "7" ------ . -- . --- 7 -
1- 'TuleyEs ..Inou —6i,---Thurilinnigtt.,
the cellar; of Hut butivtrlatO k t iq., ot th."lE!
11t;roulih;..,,tras mit•re,llfy some person or per
e...nts, an:dlteeti, 1: Td, &c., to the "amountsl2
orl4, titin thereroutl . , . . .°
. . .
I - '.. lt.r.ur,r;tne c-OtaxissioNun.' —The Court during
! its adj.'irae.t_lltztic-,aapp‘iintelVillioun ileury
EST. of this liorottglt, ss llertnue Commission',
• erg for this Judiej 1 District. ..: 1 1kir..11.. left for
Ilayrisb‘arg. to Cu} 11 cite ditties of his ;appoint
tu.nt. on Mon,day.t ie 9th inst.",: . s ..
. . 1
.Watt, Ir Bc.llus.r---The editor of tliA Stir re
mark. in his vi t . : : of i'riday last, that the edi
tor •Ot th , ,?"..-11 - .bis nay be the author of the corn
11141Iiicat:oh ilzn ea'
'.,We !cc:lT:that
made, he has beih
luf v fluati.nt to Ohl
'More`'than erdinati attarition Isis been given
ttiis - Session to the consi , ,lCratiali of pr.+ vate.
claims. Sutuerous bills hiVe' been passed--... 1
Many of them jmit arid racritoriouit i and, long„
ilehiyeil . : and ethers; the 'very,' opposite, have ,
been hatched. up by 'corrupt parties, .hurried ' ,
through Committee, brought into •. e r two
branches,-T4, under . the ?par. or the /pirirra
gnat/len, pa lied , intoair; is - it were, lit' tire
irtiiillitigut`iii .- e - fi. - - To ibow with whit Ind's-
Cent hasteunjust bills are frequently sought to,
be forted through tbe !Onus of legislation, I
-w : , -;
ill mention a single iuAtrince winch has just
'-cone to my ,Knowlge. , A hilt 1414,1Sein be
t • .: ' - - A-
fore the Mililitry C ommittee of the , House, pro
riding for the payment of a lclaim of M-11)0,60
for lossei erti , l fo, Wire been attstaine4 by -'4'iri
: -• . o :is, ana Alaix eta in the Indian
....AN D.
•:L r
nutsll.= rroprietors
,ourc icssicitt
app hi l ted W. Silrotips.
John Gibson
Will ter.ll
wars of 1834--35. -A heavy outside pressuse
was brought to bear u.ou•the Committee ;to in
duce a favorable rep et thereon- Indeed, l. ; a
majority wore disPoSe •So di ! ipatcb it in baste;
and would have , rop.tited -favoribly t.'? the
rforige, had it not be .4:: for Thu,.. I!atchfulness
and perseiering efforts to the eontrarz 'Of Mr.
Allison, ore of:the me nberk of the Ftiltittlittee;
who contended, that, on _
ipont;nso -Anos
money was involte , l, thorough investigation
of the ease should be ~s de, and inaisted,imore
, over, that the elaira•dcl pot Garde within the
jurisdiction of their, cfnr.mittee, but lielong ed
I properly to the t7ra
cmittee of grams. Having
sueeeded in otaying rtotion for the . thnedbeing,
-holocart , l up and produced an uciverre Frep'ert
frorrithe last named Committee,
,trarl!w many
yeani beforeirithe g• me case. This •prihropked
for turn tuning boan iti Ten to the mutiW, the
reshlt yrae, that it hbeekhanded over!to the
Committee of Claims , where it will ho t permit_
le(.1 to‘itoke . tt long, if I not an endless l alecp -
II:d this meaenre peen Tecenutmemded by. the
Committee, it would 41 7 oulotletu hay/ gone thro!
the ;louse in much the saran- stealthis manner
i in whie.h Uesirrs. Toombg e of q 4., and , • , ,
mead; trill
Ala., effected ice maestro - 11,i•Lush -the nate;
and then the National Trea.tary would not - cinlj ,
have been deplete•l of sloo,ooe—an ..ettortnatta
4uln of itself—hut tho door would. haire been
.opened to an ititernoinabl,'nutnt!et of elalroonte
of like character, and, to have . intified the
demands of all would have riqui;cd many no,
lions of dollfirs'. • • ' '
Drresponp en t
37 ,tne
! - An sultiniate 1 detutte - upon the bill VrOposing
a revision of the taritt lumfbeen in for i progress
several days, in whi b. some ofoo aolkst me n
in the liouse hara. p rticipsted A groat and
1 -
apperently'iirrooncii 'ble difference of sentiment.
•,. s..i . . : it. • A. bII of someethap,! 11.,y yet
_pin s Ilie-11 . uie, tiqt: i tt •is ,, no ! ! it, all
14ikelythat it ran fin,. „its 1, ,
,iy . thrJogli toe Sea
-raer, •.w.lten - but so - bri f a pertoa of the session
M • • ~ t • •
r. Ilucininan , •
1 this:silty on ,Turtl ny.—
Whouhere, as a tnaj.ter of couiss, . ho,lymil the:
"observed of allol' - 2 1 -. iNitiltitutle4 tr.ilnik
ous estice,tants iierb • OVittutiintly eskartuing
around hint„ owl .vainly., Begging but for the
poor privilege of hailtrg a littill put-oc-the-way
Chat : pith. him. De Motion! Committees
waited . npott him, 7i - urge the elaitnt of this;
that; - nal,the other nelisikluil - tipora.his consid
! ration, but alt to u) purinikie. - Yiith ; the ease
find hdrpitnes - s or s& polished courtier hu intima•
ted very.plamly, to :re and to Ali, thit be pre-
I 1 .
i ferrect . prouriorwkaa jitervilwa to dross; of apri
' rinc ebaineter. ,' 1
1. . 1
• Nothing definite as yet transpired in rela .
fivu to the coristructiou of the Crbittat. It i n
.generilly concededhat Cobb, of Georgia-, will
be entrusted !'with . t;he Treasury Deitriment,
EMU 4,.IIAACS Junes 0 PA., mode lice:at...try of
War'. o,Siii. Casio' name has almost ersed to be
mention4in couneztkm with the Premiership
That Offlouter, of Virginia, looms .rp 'in, its
ctead,':l.Sut, it isliJle to speculate. Itt a very
'eke th et! ---"• - Hit hr ; Atled, i
teres ted
of Slavery itatoviCSfileWTerrifOrY. Such
th. amo o•a • t ey a :io be belie
whether it is - from their e nvietions of
right,' or tp be able to 'shir'e the spoils of
office - with the Southern starch det, time
Rill develop l; lad in order, to siguate
from the this offshoot the good old Demo a tic
party r we think they should' be designated
by the name of the _Meek Demarats.
..Variouscircumstances compel! us to
defer replying to a .couple of propositions
submitted on 19e , outside' of otir- neighbor's
last paper. IWe shall endeavor next week
tc;ciinvirice Iven hink ihst --reiders of
nor paper %rel; not deceived during the cam
The Cry of Peppnatio4.
Thit editor of the Mc - riot : III pitieOnsly the cr
of PeriecutiOn,land_appesitt to the pubiio fo ei
• I
tend hint its 'sympathiy. I 'Phis is :the : foile
man's hat argument, tad . cart iteighbor's.retifirt
ing pa it, indictitca j prettylearly that his pug
nacious'eareer is abOut intfittriotts4 ,l 'elttaii4.77 ,
In his phrenzy of znadnestt Ihe secs the , entir
Community- bitted - againstlzint, , and teriel
that an eft ilitrii.'beh i ttl overly,. tree, an
that the h ges are even filled with men, torsi
hag to do hint viofence. These inzaiinings 4 tti L ,
doubtless rts"harrowing to thd editorkif 'the 84 5 1 r
as their implications are nnjust to the C' l ?cli,cli
pity,in.which they are rim:de o *fit ;us look zi
!them forfti 'ntorttent• A few years ago i-..--.lft z
'McGregor Cal* tb this place and connected
himself with ‘ the Sim esiablishment: As - a rol'-'
Wean, he was installed ltigli in itho..ranku , of
his gai:ty, ana_ as a matt and-311.stranger !Alb .
gdott-will of these differing iiiill hini, in politicli
WAD citentlel . to him:; but boing 'cif- a bible
turn of Mind, and unacquainted with the priti
ciples of 'Dia party, be lost his high . position
- : ••.• f 7 -- •r, and by refusing to- observb
the'proprt. " - • :lira tot felted 00 'kin dm.tts Or
the litter: , A:tA . 'editor he was still ti - Cptetl
. ,
.with els respCtit due his position,: and as In e
itor he nvailetUi.inself of this position to tr_
&left and malign the citizens, As a neighb r
he was treated with kindness and c3aT:ipsy, ny
as• j an,editor again, IM repaid this trestmey
'with the foulest of words and the grossest al
_use.- As-a business nun he was confided In
and trusted by the tZtflumunity, hail like an i -
grate he repat.l,this caft. ence l an trust, b
I dishonoring himself and his paPer- ' And no
I when he is no-longer esteemed, respected, tr -
I tea', or courteously Achlt with,! he; dakes t e
1 sweeping charge, that\ conspiracies 'emit in t e
i neighborhood to crush bhp dotin. Shame n
the littleneis of such ttichargr,"'uncler'such ci .
c'unMtances. BLit- bb ibecomes.l i
' More at.esped i c
-1 1
I than general; and alleges that 'foh the last "twe -
ty years, the 'furlong editors of the:Argos lisle
persecuted and sought I to break down theAstab
-li:du:tout with which hostunds.firotolly cum/e
-; ted: If this be true, . pray tell us,. wit . ) , did n t
1 1 Messrs. Barker, Ccinn, L ltem'ingi ; .;r, it'ork,.dail -
' er or Connelly make these chatges*against o r
worthy predeeessors, the Messrs. Henry.
These men allcontrolled tits Star : office befere,,
Mr.' NlcGreiordid, tinti l withi 1 tilt tweTAY Yearit]
t referred to, and no charge of this character thft i
we have ever seen or lead of was made '''-hy , .l
them against those who' , 'preceded u*.,...., i
Ila,ve they made our neighbor their execute;!`.;
We (row not. The Star's milkiiti that partied
lar is therefore sour. put are the pre:sent pr - I
prietors of the Argus . glailty of the 'criminal a t
of persecuting a neighbor Let us dee. We 1
.will only say
here, and 4 will not be disputed,.
m 1 . li
that. we , , bias loaned our.h_hits oney, our ink, ,1
, I?'
our type and our paper,,,
, whenever lie came, r,rl,
sent for it, natal tiro .weeks a, and Mr, -, Nlc- 1
Gregor know* fail well that ; i on frequeitt !eels',
sinns he made use of'our au's' materialsl!vvyt.b,
which to shower his loose;expectorittions Tip; ,
119. l V 'e never complained, we never rietallite LI
Does he all this persecuting him! - ' , I
But- lest our , business pransactions :do not
i ?mask reito,-Ixviiim;m 4 ---*0) ...L.A. , "--..;tecU.tiett
brought against .uS, we ti. , ,k him now ' to sey I if
we ever in imbue .or private dui nnytltin ,, ,r
', , 11
said anything against hiou that could either ilii
-- • ,
. 1 rect yyr remotely' be called p , erseciation..` We i
r, welt hi* answer.. We irs gailty,of no ; . i eriehr i l
erinio..zitil Ilea ye'a forbi 1 thi see eve's-5h.,,a1.111
.. s , .
:Le.' But A wily ati.‘eirt - ,to i‘etti t la s.tca fl. eLartta , I
upon us? I•he e.ti:se is . plwin . - Ile e.tytt.l herH
tit,-„t esce the w.T,i— hl i,l.,ek awa y (6o r.p : '
.. vot 'cap) apgry ttn4 Isz . ettelAte,l:: lit came. '.
tin , l,llis ;:oti . titt-± seourest-yim Or 0 ~ t ee-a .Or the''
c . l f., muti ;.:,- 7 -hti 'goes! tltWa , f . ' \V)lt:.llt.:• . it. Ile
....ea.tae l'e ---- ,11 , t , 9:1' 1 %, 17. i r ''' P "/i!.t , -"• [ 'P''‘i'' ,, i,, anri'
goes 1 ..,-sy W,te -that et../peot t 0 ec,,4 1 ,,...a1. j,-11,,•• ,
cki l l e L I the jitetabeli; of 11i's lAirty t.:,,,iThi nf ,i
LY , ttte ba4d—nor there are . tome hi de'.-lifni 1
reverltitee, 1 fie tistw ning
. oiitis'peliticat :.,:.r.tCer
i washrilliant find endereed Wy thel.l - 'neer.itie
.I"rt.Y--'ll;ielese is cloudy amt. repudis..te& by
that organization Thim te ces - pr his- disgrace
, he must kiek at us 'A t ee letTe taken Ilu interest in
idiis doings. But he' beeeknes•et,fl inure pointid,
r ..
din his charges tILS . e, proceeds, and e,t3rs that
i! thepreseiii editor'of th's'pripe r lets laid :i plan
:to it'art hkui. Heroic sir I. !What an • exalted
;idi:a! We lay a:Owl . to injure hum; Ile w ould
have - tt;e 'plain: believe thathe enters Ignite
1 largely .into oar thought*. • , Bat' hoW thies lai
ittli , ls rise irewbuld I.lfeet liidi;' if Nu did occupy
, our i'n ' i! , I, eneugh.t. 2 - make betel the eithjei:t " if f a
plon, .Would we mttempt.te .leStaol, his Miwould
' once? would wii ;tick to deririVe hiut o( his
oio'icv:' • Assuredly not :sr , he it; britikruf,t in
; !mi l , .IV•h i nt -other iirer.:st of hi 4 I could re
then assail?. :kale that viek , . ha any knowl
! edge or.. Bid he ;?EleT:a Ttiie'.well•thitttve . ,ure
; engsg,ed iii nu each :i §c l /!Jcpe, il ' id" he krkons
; Mot-cover that' thtire exists,
kr we, had the
I heart todo so, no'necessicy fur i.):!r i migaging 'in,
; any thing of the•dtbid. His
, 'recollee:i9u - 'frill,
f teach hint that.. we have in' as 60(01 1 pOilii•o:
1 view,s_always stood a-, far 'front him' ins possible,
t and his knowledge of Men and actions basAlse
I net failed to impressit ition his 'Mind that we
1 have, never courted_ hie favoror feared hie op
l'POsitien: 'lloo 4 oly then .il eliarKC us with
tl .
laying a pian to thwart any object he'may have
I in . vieW.':But he says ligain, "edit Ors -have'
Z'a77le/ililet dirty work t' c do , anifilie . issuing to
la. it." • ever. .S 6 far. Ili he is coneer
, bed 'he has chinti istithing but dirty-,'snic e
1 4 he connected himself with ti newspaper (islet) ,
i lishmentt And had he paid lesi, isiamitimi to
1' • .
1 this . lnging of his nature and and inore () the
l 'etudy of the principles of his platy, he winild
; net "now'be swaggering likt [,drunken man and
1 ' •
unikirg himself •ridieulous, while diseussitig
them •
:en erec
tic Junkie
tt Fair:
El I B
R Un
_ ... gin prf)00....-.l‘ . t. WOl-1/4 .
al in taut (Lancaster` t d
the 9 s . The Elora.
The eorreeponcient, ltalepericlent Of the Phl - °II
• Not Removed. .. ' r ' 1 , 'eetk94takuct
ndelphia North American, writes Jan. 21. to sa Y s; • 1 • , 1 -/ 1• 1
,- . LndcrZtlits assignment-Abe assets will be
firstlapplied to the redetuption of the,cire'ul
that paper the following: •Z . '
z , 11.
"The Senate,bad a long and aniMated
ation, and after-thafshalll i •
have beeniell re..
n ns deemed t i tle funds reniainiiig mill io; to 'the
d recuision .i n • Execu tl ve seseion . yesterday,
,of the depthittirs. If the•• 'assets
upon the , appointment 'of Mr Maris!)
one of the Territorial dudgcs of Kansas.— rP 3 s•""nt
bef ,,,,, e 1 should oat be sufEcient• i'ci pay note holders
Altnnugh the nomination has been
latter will; eif I coerse,
the - Senate mare than a month,l, Lecorhnte I and' d eP ti l t li t 'irst the
is still exercising the functions of the office, I I { Ost ( ft Tottion of their) elaims coriespon.
the amour) of ;the defi l cie:Ucv.--
from which ,he has thuslieen morally 1 dis.-t t ! in g to
_placed, not having been aetbally isuperetted 1 1 1,r checks of dep. iiors will nit - I be re-
No objection of any kind ih preteielo ,b a 1 cetied - in yayment of debts due the 'bank,
who have made-personal except in case - where! thetlebibt• wai owiler
raised :against Mr Parri4on, butc.'lne'l lilt
Pic -check or dcpdsit , at the datei or the
1 gentlemen-, ' cause 1 of
of Lee7ipte's ease, cliiiiii that he'has l ailsl g nment i I 1
, , . . .l •
I unjust -reefed, and is ,enittled to he re-! STRENaTif AiD t III: LTIt. 1
taincd., • And with a ;'ties of Obtaining
. a I T r ? RED I ,, , —Mr. John Davidson, liy,,in g Es te r ;
1 postpotteinent, , in order to give the [ rest- I irides above Pittsburgh' on theP‘dii yl
!dent time for further Cefleetion and in esti- nie Can` al, says iW ' h'su . r cO t rainetice a ti
i gallon every coneeivable l difficulty is inter taking Noerhave'filliillahtE Bitter's it Moil.)
T' u n a ' rr ed is t ot o 7tionw2cu the nomination , ! bf . -Mr ! h'aidly.
, Iwalk. 1...40' w, I', enjcy i eicellent
I ,-.• -t. ,, i I , 1 herlih. l'i . ; ' l'
TnE TlTA { w—Th4) t*: al
Fist getieral,-aneojithi
last the opßosite this p 1
yeti , away, - ,sin&;"theil •
Me l •itottgabela and Beaver
eleared. On SatiirdaY eves
' served, few coal - boats tti:
for elneiptiatti.,.'7lvbeiher
I reach lhair thistination is ei
tul• owing to:tlie cold weatl
parently- setting in at the
her, Oat'.
assent I. W •
..liessii. • Ed elors:—Y ou !frequent! •
lish' teports iof the markets, both' at
and abrnad, for'sualintltieles 29 floor,
Pork &o—which is 1:1C;' dotibt betlefic
yout.regihrsl, especially to A tha far r
,‘ For instai l i m ce he learbe correctly the,
thlit..:stheat . comands ill Philadelphia
by making! deductiorOfoi transport
lia,l44ling, aqd tlominissionts he can
very nearly!at the ,pricO h' shoufd gi
Vane Vat i mers as a etas { are benefit.
this ininitiastiou. Thar° Arc hoWever
ket reports,lpublished inll"Nevi i Yorl
Philadelphia- ' iCoratnerolhl ' ,papers; o
ilia pt.inei'pal and leadio lartiles it
Dry. Goods Trade, wlite:i as a mere
I would Ilk to see advert d to in you]
umns. l' , , "
1 _I firml believe ; that tfl ()arr.', custo u
generally know the presert re:ries:We 1 i
lof geode in ;the tastern cities, and wore e
advisad on fthat point froth 'rime d to tit ,
would go tar. toward. correcting the 1
impression! among the !-peOpletl-thati! t.
chants have too large' prifite 1,, •
Under the Oosimeieial-Ji'ead 'of N.. , a
Tribune oti 19ili instrit-tH,--a4d the s i
figures•arotgivqa in o,ther,,pap 4 , s and p i
current of! the, _same; cla,tp—w ! find s,
I remarks on trade 4;2 froth ',
wt ich the , 1
i lowir. ,, is t't I. atra'eted: ' 1 I
"radeWith the Dontestio Goods
G t
j 1
mission h ! ruses has been more anbria
since Our hfst." . "BuyFr i s are' well tin!
Ithat gr.o . i4leuritot by proltlcei; - oehow r -, i
' ult. raters §o long as the r..i.w materials v.
l i ticue'to ' bring present-prices, f tmd tliercl!
;:purchase With more confidence." . 1
l! "Business has now' NI). commenced; a
! l ithe - Au:Are! affords a veil 'Choice Seliieti
of cotton Sri woolen fabies - "-.-- 1 -4
l y
1',,1-!: "Brown Fheptii3g Of, well known* ma'
such as Lawrence, ludiltu ilead,'S;iliti
If;a1140-, 37 inekes widc,i con'tinaniiss 9 e
:-.‘4"1 ir4, first class goods! are 'actiie itt, , ld
'..J! 10 ir, cts. • r Delstnes 19 to '2O l eti, choice ii
1! ..,
, terns e.otornand "...).. 4 i! lets." c
, No-c? Messrs Editor.s, yott must beari
mint( chat tilose are the. pries by the Igt
tity,••--_, - ray. 109 Bale, or cases, ut a titti"
and ,itwe allow the wostern /merchant (
buys:only a few hundred pieces, itittca
that. Many cases) to pay a !mere friar '
higher, and then all the
.trtinsportat 1
exeliihge, loss - on uncuirent, money an
hide youuturfeit oecasion4ly4 r wlice
wo tidd "margin" for an I onorabio li i
profit? , I ,' - k i;
Ttiose same . stamps of Sheefings rya
found in almo st any Dry tio!OStore a ,
the mouth of "Beaver - ltiverr , --aiiil • are ',
`sy nt'i oue-,"higher than 101(44 1 ,
had any place, end i n ills viel,t
ere no
,” lirt.: hold ab r vo al Spilling; i .
.. 3 .• kite piece about onire'dn hi!..tai . . ' - 4.
~ Ido not wish, to trespass hen oar
l in uits, l but woulyj ask-you t,) itf,ert ',dd.
believing ilrit it is the intvresoT fps! , 4,
lion, of yolir,'retalcss to l be
I priee!of 4.00(14-, as umith a.' it,;ts of !tiqo
let, ti.i be 1 , 9 S/ e el, tin the pri e 461.',1,0iir In
1 ,
' Corn. , _
~ ;,._ -:Y.J.iirs, l . ' ' ;".,,; I
J• d 314 1857. I 'i ' ';'ltilcreliltib..
,' '. From .I.'itcar ugl iii ' I
1 -.. 1 1 c „
.. The New-",ork. TY:ars vt tifi.!-I4 r tit ii i,44 L.,
t:.,, fa..if, iuri,,i,i g tii, .....1=6 , , , , , ,, , l by Et
.1 . rf :••,. :a sr
7rprk:itli I:Urn: r ap:LAU/IL riho •aldtitin,,:ho! Ca
a rr :. •14 ' '•
' 4 .)-Ir 1 7 ; N. tar ,
~t,) 1 - Z - - 131 , ulAgenf,
~ f - 0. ' l''
At San Franci4o, Wifo left tif - 4.,ylpwrt ou il. e
2:...l hf Juotiary, inf9riiis agit a' drke.'iltad"
beenrreiNsiv.-1 there ft uni• Oi.'. Nl'tilr(ir to
the lith of that,inonli:—,Whleh 4..8 gr 10 ,
days later than previous advles. -- , ' I
• I "lie siafts that . the,eeport,twhiehl reach-
ei, 1
i hire :some days sirice.b:i . plograph : from
New Orlians,,that Greytown 'was to p'?....qs- 1
, si'tn of t h e 'Costa Ricans,was utterly. un-' t
trite. ' Ile was liims.dt th4re tor sonic : time, I
land 'every tiling was perfectly q'ttiet.l*
i "Pilty-one rnett, 4 4-lio 'h•ll' servpd under
Waikt.-.r . and had , lieen di4charged Upt4l the ~
expiration 'of th'eir4 time, ti;tad found lthejr
'way to tireytown, and rep'ortpd,thatl, \r.ttik-
i,cr's,po.4ition at ltiv,lisitaltibeen undisturbeq t
and tharlie !Lid frOzu .45;) to, '•*tto iti - ii, e( i .ve .
~ ! mi l tui,ft.r his' imul.sdiate coitimando
I Capt a in. St,t o : - . , . i - ,,, n Juan 1 114,111 two
hundred and fifteen' ilizr.n. 'ttitig, (tut tt . stJatn- '
I lioat, with four . pieces_u(' t Zlillery, !ILIT tire'
purpo.4(7 of- recp;pruring the 'hoa 3 tS, tow' . the-
Costa: iticans. ' .I.'uni\ hue lred ufeu ~ w ere ex ,
I neetta trent New Orleans, and ,Hitler twa'
, _., ~
1 f r i i : , n Ca.lifornia,' in 'the ,steamer zieia A eva-i
• • i ,'
1 , 1
da.l 7. ' "$.. • It , L . . 1 ..
4 quarrel L. repDrted lo hare arisens:be
tweet!. the Guatemale•Ms a nd p d sta ; ', 4ic,. iis,, 1
!Vbieh'iuttp iijure thefirea l tente , -corificils of
the allies, and impede future operationi.e.
,!.•,.. , • - i_p:—, „,... I J •
Assigrimeat of the(Lancaster Rank..
—7 • ' I *i
Tha.ilireCtnrs of the 'l4ancastr
!lank nu Alonday jostruqte,, their piresident;
to make an assignment of the assets hf the
kbatik to llM',:ithon, Esq , the cashier,
in -tinst t foithe• bon4t of its :reditiirs..r•-•
1 This . •
action .was` hnecessary)b yi
inikwhich has heen•ipstit l uted by a depoisi : ,
h ta g ainst 'b bk
tor, on legmen t
in's!! pro abilit- -oh] b y to ,hff 'd
in rnr .
Iltt(le4 1'
iliradily 1
, 1
Ica slow,
the ',AI
haTe II
i .
irk; las
the ":ricer,
they will l
• e
felt' •
1 to
rti.. .
i-iii . .._..,L , ~
iitr".Tra e or -
I .
1 • t. ,
. , •--I rt • ,
B. 'A . TA irti 1 ESTOC 0 14.__ ' r -1
rl '
L`: • . -. ;I. I •-- - k : .'• •'.
RN . ER.. 6O \Vb 13'. . AND. '---Ft-rtsT. '„ si - qlp l ) . i.'
4 1.,,..,
' . ' '••
. ' I '' . ..
. ' I' i ; •
Pi T I SE3TIOI-I,:P A. 1
-..• , I ' • l.l .. • . °
. I I
N , - ikraittEMs AND DEAL-Ea isi+.
~ , •,. • , . -
. .. .
. I. •
Lard oil, :- 1 I Linseed Oil,' --_ Winklow 0 1 a85,.
Alcohol, •' I tu.'rpenfltte, • ---7 " -- Aibi,'i, , ronr.e, r.
Tanners Oil, . 7 . - Varnishes, 111 - 6
61::mary '
SperintQil,;• Brushes. ' : l'atentir l ,
.... wi m p a pit, ~. , 1 Spic 93, . Sir Instruments.
1 '
writzt - cua - 2.:zbm , 3235'. Z'xlA'l,l. 4 1247.2, .2,1-f , , tz., f
Our White Lend,:tround l in 011,, is Tit up in paelvving or . 25,1rri9, 19), '44)2, 3)1 , 1 , 11
sc , i7
pottsuls., which fro gagnuiten to be strrtly pare 041 full weigiiduot suti•Lisiel by., - .., i •
t ' [ • . ' .1-41
fineittNs„un4l whiteness. j ; ; • N '
n Our acilities for the purehryie i nnii iimportn,tion ofllYrti . ge,•ke: aie•aucit,ag en. t hie ,ti 0s , ',. i
on ng favor:o,le terms n.slliilsteru,,Jobblg lious e f. , . '..... , . • v• ,
Feb. •,11,1 1357. '1 1 j* , 1 `, I
, Medicines,
Dye r 8
AMC _Apt- Aitilt. Ile., ME 3111130
At, Davenport, Icx tip'3(.l i nst, Mr-
A •11 WI LLA 11 9, of this Si:.
SAN 11. clli't;g tact of '4441 Collitisl:sq. ) of
the forenerl place.
--- / 17--- .ldifl,Ala4lA idaiiiirs
, • „! r ,
4,1 i,
--- The .W,e4ern nt Welock
The Clevelatml 5:. Sttaibe,ni•ille !hhil alo
t 1 o'clock fir. m.c , '
• The Lahierii clo'scs at .10 o , l elock a
minutes A. 114. '? , 1 t< 7 , '
Tlie Beaver mail olosef a,t I'4 at nooN.
, .
• DEAyErt il,tric.Er.
1 .
.• 1 • -.1 E A .I,-,,•4, 114 ..F,JH 11, IS
'(C:ozrii•red , ) Ii
FLOT.Tc.I,er ltjitrlred!
ir It EAT —per ! li psliel....L!
lIyI !buzrliel
DiltN Tor bu , llol •
OA I :-!-- , per bu5he1..,.....
!!" • ,
FA;cB--Ippr,.(l!,zeil ! ' 1 !
. ' •
! •
- '
FoLruat y '
. • •
r Lou 1; : , -prr, i... ,• .
p , I3OIcIVIIKA'r-. 7 per - cl4
. Y—pei! bin! !
. , •
~~-= ----
at'P'•ExtraCt from a - tetter ; .tiy : - ...-ti . ley;
ir. Chimelii.ll of ‘liitinl,:wriOsilio!w tray
ellcog fir his licaltil l init he east.:—.-. 1 '41•-• .‘: • ,
tl.t.,ives me an dyer prt4it it.144.0f ''tlie
egpainni-ii enterprie I c.f; hii . oll9trf:Jilct?•, l to
:find their cotuniaditiles-lof la - iitt.44,elalinttn-
nal ty - in, b's path Wl l iCrevorltrileg.2.4i : t.l IJiave' l
not visited any conqderablci l 6.4lM;ll 7 4rltc,y, I
where ti did not find the ...116i1j4.4031•Yf...1:°Y]
t .l • td I ' - :it'''' t';' i.) •
c.ittn_r‘ ropiTbati ti .:,,,.: yi.. 4; z1,-,,,..ii ray ;. _,.....t..- 1
t„,..,./. 't: ..lityrart, 'A ii4;'in:ss.6o,l'l liiima. I
letnl awl Cfsn:tailtin. l .plO;lwetse e 14‘„zter), on 1
theldo..r-pot of so nu : } 1 1: 1 .i.1:14 tho ' il 3 1 tuliztr ly i
_ln eri4n hiokin l i fron 'cirri :of 0r1' . ..1.yr i
a languago. wllich
Saying pi ',not; one in .. a ;
:liinsaiill of the- pal-rt.hy can mail, i'AN''rs l
CliN•ry I Pectoral f. - I r 2 l (,ughs,. C 311,1, and
Cj - nguniption, bold Wye . " .' On ii Isklf be ::
hind:tho crass legged Mtisitilm-m. are - seen
th'e h,,tilot .iwith iht , ilr' En'glisli, ).1
1'.;:141.1i and Gel Mali Eif,a‘i. tunic,
, t. ti,
and on t I ui4 ui riti , L i;
11'nt.1,„2; fi2r.; .a r e lvt” t,,c (,;: , y
}it iii, t,. - ie in:1ift.,..1'. 1 .4 th i r
tLir trlc.i ! t in t:(te. to i i!r:', phis p;
A tipiriCa ::kit!, when; they tind 1 1.
1 1 1 1 .
ot,n , r cure tor t tem. , '. ' . '
q ! 'tN4's told, ye.terday , tlitt. the
1 .1'; etrir;,l harPtiCon iircicittlid. to tt- . i.1
and i;t now in consfarit ni:'l,in
,h.... 31
auctin;thoiliospitalu ._.f thiii.:tiipire
_..__ . _ '
ULtUit _L
0C.1.E. ._ ...__Ll l'
:I t 'i
I L: •: ; . 1 1
The; annual ine.itinlg,'...fthc Ifeayer CO.
; A. : firieultnral , Soeicy,, under theil (onstitu
tioit, will be . held 'u I the . Courtltlons,i,p,
thii CvtlittLr tlf 31onlity, tu4ch 24 i fac6i
1.„'e1..,,.. ... , -.! !, - / ,
f ~As the. Eleetionl'of 01:floors feint:)/ enpu- 1
.•, , 1 . , . ; 6 . 1 l in ,
tntl'yetir will be ,nil.l,itiie ?Irina / .port of
5 , . •
tilos maitagirii an l d - tfr'Casurelr•-:.!af the Society
acti-iport, and l ,other -initortant l ,business
tritnsitCtcd, a'.'-f till .I;ttentianile of Melmbors is',
earnestly requested ; :; P. is,lespecially desir
!• that ;fill part: ; I C4' lei., Count should bel
Lrepresc. l nted, yo- 'that , 4 ilif.ll)l:'..iper'sqn- May,l
be recomin,ended tn. I the l .ldiffetiant lftlees, I
fn , t,./I; l ta'ill '
uts, the cei:itrtO;ltiori . of 3 ilioorst!
I vihiClilhas been limed - by , ''s' t.,',i 1
, _ sonic l a a tII :!; : i.t the- notion ti,f fortner • similar;
nireting.;, may be;ttn.liatetli,'• 'I 1 - • I
1 I'4 I;.;•ard of inanaz,er.ll.4illrmeet,lat 10
, , 1 1
'o'clock A. AI. - of the sitne.. day, In .the
1 ' .
!Sheriff:J . (4lle° far the/ purpose of-ielolng 110
Aii t ; tuifiiii9hed blAsiiii,s (Ind preparing 'the
r,.:0 r t, 1 ,1,).r the current ye t. - I . ' •
i . . I I, ' . )3'7l;lord - in%
1 1 - 11:1 *. ANjj ; 2;l1SON I)
i Thistee*.Sate iof heal/state: [
.In pursuance of an order ofzlrtle issued out,
~r'itio Court of Common Ilioa", of Ilea:.-er Cottn- 1
tr yi j will be expo:4.llu,- :i.,,,•;.x..i.—...L.....-i-o..a.tiaili- sit]
P, lie trumlite or .oitt-cryi'oit 'l.. ,, atitrany. Mitre i
iiii . lBo7,•nt 2 :o'zioeVP.'Nl.72 - 111e following des.
crihed in-lot of th lor:pugh , Of Beaver, N. 104
tlie propet:ty 0 liel lieirs Ufl JOhn English and
.04epli .NlOorliefel deceitsed, tipon which is , e --- tre
ted a large" frame 4wi'dipigliouse, with otherl
1 bo;kuhpv. A imml•erlo am i de tress on the rot.
I Tl4/property is filyoriAryilocntod for public
afshiess. Lim:l6oll 2 in. :itch ,for either store or
tavern stand.• Thelet is open on three sides,
• ' I t 1
and convenicttly at a .fp ci , 1)r ware..houses or,
I other buildings, on the alleYs• .It fronts 120
i feet on the I.3lit•ineF4 street of the 'town, and
.extends . back (aong An
alley (to an alley, 800
~, ii
Ifeet: containing strten-eights- of an ,acre of
groutig. Is also veryftonceniontly situated fbr..j
a !supply of wat7, the , principle. finuitain• W I
the eastern part c: the town ; being iinmediately,'
inl front. _The Post elliceotl'ihaiortiugh is nOwl
kept in - this bui.dirg., :
, . • •, • 1 . , •I • '
l i .. .t
IrEums--ono 1 dr.l in hand 'lnd the b'alanee'l
7 ,
initwo equal atinualinstallineuts from the con-1
firluistion of Sale 6y ?the
' court, with interest i
thereon from same ti e: Ter further informs,- 1
-dim inquire or 1 1.1cApunin Adams,' Trustee.
Feb. 11, 1857.1 , Ir I;
_ - - .ptit!!Cciii. I ; ; _
, I ,C' lONE l hlt.l '
IThe undersimnelf tivingibeen sppointed Crier
for the Court oe
f, the CouniY. of Beaver, AV Min
Connectoin with s !duty , intlise hi'.4 serviees;" to
Pie public' gnnara ly;1 as an anetioneer for the
sale of both peril:lnel' anti teat estate. ,ite hes,
or'', a number of y .arS beeti!etigaied.'iri the nue•
ioneering bu.sines anti his an • accittiintanee"
Of it in I. kits. RI 11%40. . j; ' L
i l
Persons desirit k thy seryiee willipletise giv
tosnetice sat Phi,l shnrgli iVatti,r Cure Po st. otiiii.
1..1 .aver.' Co. Pp. o Neer•Shetlitifil Beaver Co. • Ili
hfrirct si , irertiii .g their OP / 0 J , ..
I R. - • ' i - ' A ,%
. . : •
1 03 at
d 20
8; 4 )0
. I
' I
;2115 z.,5
'3" ?cwt
L. (Sall!
L. 1. . (.4
Itws3l (ls:
t 1 ,
sari; ,or ll
z i eir. , l:;,..
1:- .
, 1 Wal V.O
... .
piti>ne t.n,ln-:;-.' , 1•...rnit aj - ':on !-Satn.
lly' of '..‘llt.rei. ISW on the.pruini.i...,,, A i . .t ,
.:'',..c.: 'C I :','!. I .'.. 1.'3 , let O tt st n A'et..M.. I - it
11' , 1'r,17: a oertain.lot ... zr , ..i.1ii,1 :titti....1..t. - ii ~ i
vl;' ,'lt. or :411ei11i.1.1 la Ifonewell t0ivi1.d.....;,
.luo - ; - if ' . ~t., l• r ,
.. ,.., , .
- -' ' -...1.;,-, L a.,cr. : umi,.. ~ , i toe o.'arilur 0..1.2 r..a., 4 5.... e..,
re , is bO ;in .1:0 yit:ftgi, , C,.;ut.9l:iflg ~n;- ; acro iti,tiiu ',....-
. ' .1 ela. , ,lireu,• on a , i;:ch t.iir.': ome frame' ,iii.:,:tz,
( I. , , i ien . s .. - ,h,,,,,,., ..i. tee,. it .ung hIUII -0 feu. au I , :t ~...:
l urz i r i ' im.l'otte h.:lt:mai - ILA a mi.2: . rmi.,i tissl.,:
- ' ILOW' hi the u.;;;;..aiiimicy Id . joint :4......)it - ,1:!-4..if -
ntir!"-tm,','r-1 of tliii T. it•1r ,, ,i....r0
.. • I . t , i' be -raid .oii ihe erMr i a
e l: tnatl r, f,
; t ~
_ th' nay ainl, thii li ilan ein two 1 - - , v-1
• , I :il: payments trltb 'lntere.-1. from SLII,IC ;i!V --.
i'F6r in fit natio'.l ii
. - pply i , i _Tuottwi C t.tli f
i guarili,iu of - the ininiir iiiiilqrea if -r4 - ...1 .i-i'.'i.
:1 ed- ' . ' :lifylPrder of Court.
i' ' rely. 4, 18;;TH T . Wei:" K .I.:! . TD:v
Orpkanl. C4iirt Side; ,'
: .
, . purs,mnt to nn oider of orj.i;
; Ins (-tr . ? i' , ..
the (,! , iiiiit .or Beni:kir - w;11,13,2 ....2.,i..e.1211,'.!..
is p . 0.1.'.t..1 . verid.te.oriMit'ory ol;i . th?. 1ri . ..iii;..... , , 91
BAttit i lv tiiiiiiili i1a.:,,, of Ilarch-nexc,-tll.! f.)^00:t..•
tug .ife.,....rilieq :teal e.itate' of Narrow I.;:k".i.
deci'.l.,'si,tiM.t.o M.' .I.orougli Town.ihip. :''''' l ,.'
Comity'. bounled irts follbNrs: lleition't.i'''' `i'
north . .,itle , of ~ ,eopar:d Lane, at thediie •;,efftin
put lots Nos. .. 24) thence 72 1 , 1 14' f.vltci .l
'cornet . ; tlieiwe by
out lot ..:N0'..2ff:e,;145C...) hi' l
to 112eorn.r • theneei by e ty:iatoir ea'st . '.4 o ,itikt
toLeornyd,l..ani . .., their` .a:,..rig thi.i h A irti. tule
of siii.l lane fit) feet Vtl.• ;.lu.i? of bezimmit,..
togetlvr with' the trcltpriiiileze to tii..zii iin.l uar
water out of hi "giinrx i.n lona at DiviA IlilAt, "9%
whicti. li 'e4sifteZl ogie trat, two ~:f0ry,.1:0, 1 4,;
there ar"(.4):41 no l uther.. of fruit trees'oll de.
premise,;, all enolosol With gouty boardCener , ...:
TK46IS - r 6:.n0 third to be) . ):10 , ni:the . cann3 , ,
m)Vtioti of th+`. sAle
,h y . 1.116 Court, 4 . '10 ;the bs . -
'r(nce in tw(i.'Anntial- "Vayinents, I?!_iti' iite , , - ;
frorri the eoiifirmn.tion of sad' by , L tile;Ctitt 7 .. -- .
. apply toAndrevd _s'teisrt-V
-miri.istrator 41 istiid deceisetl. - .- 1 ~ -1-
- - '
By order, of Court, 1V11.K..80,PE.), Cl!" ,
Feb. 4, 'E . ..7 i - ' '.
_.' • .., ••
,Corn „ iranted. ths
e - st e'sf
• . 1 Feed flit S:4if „it ithe„P.H . •
pnr 616 - ship lieretufor exi stis; Wier Ike'
nanf,3 4t1.1 Rtyle of lunng .S; lc:4411;4 day
dissolve-1 by mutual eansent.
the late firm ‘vilf be settled up b,ydV itwutas,
w h o Will'Uvotinue the. business t the phi stand:.
1 ' :
F. 11.
ITEA-IrEft — COUNTY ,SS:, . 7
the Court of Common Pleas of ne ' axatToun.
• ty.'No. 135, I%l4rch Term,
, i!)e Diattir . .. f i f the petition eillehee::a;
leavt• t 9 beceino
Att,i uow triwtt. Vat t . 26, /64, tiiv!..',L;tul 47:
der r t , ,tice I.?llblieztliou ill a r ' ,4 ,1 41._
parer pql.rtik;he:l ii thFs . county, three
tics weett 4 . an'd the first day of nes.t - rerm nx...
for tlpi hozir.i i ng of the 21pplieation..,
true extract front the I: ecOrd.
Attest: S.
NotieTig b reh giyett fit ptiriotan,.;.; or 6,, 1
that, the l'u•A day . 91%..xt teroi
Nlontl:y of Nliirel)l I eon tixed , fur
inr 9f ille•iiirztt , v.. 1; be
a ll OW unte'si-e Ause ho :1119
j 11. ./ 51. 31. Q Pre 2
9 t . Sale.
. '---
•Orphaiss . e our • ,
t)I7rF.ITAN r to an order: of tlel'Ort.imi§", -
, t.l hart of the Coputy of neare - ..;w:'i': i.e. ex.
posed to hale W7(l , iltAle 1 4 untlnd Cr' toltery,
att the. pry'tnie,.‘"ii Saturday Mal h';:it.l i;.:": ea
' 0 1 e1.03.!k,i'. M. 'll'v.'liqlo - hr,tt I. 5 Cr:' .;! ,-, '% T or
ty late tho eqatki .. f` , ..104e•,1 ii . . i''' ~
' • =,
lug-ul 'beiri 7 sh i'
ill/to., ~,I;s e • i;,,,., f, r s
s - ss .
.11•17.M.,r. An.' (.7.zu'ri . ty of 1. a v.. -, ~• .'',l
tte - , Not:thr, I , y la , l ,;..4.r
1 •c.!ii..... :
bir; , i, of'. ,"Alini;l• .‘, 'i.1. , ..rt,..L
1 ., c ,..„1 ;,.... N.!..?lCiL,w.:ktv..t4 _4*. , ,. , ,,,...,i...,, , ,•,-i:,.,;, ;
I ~ • , , itt:13::•4:;:4•..s::::t- , -1- 1 a‘lr t •-;: , ,....r.,,i;ti-,...,;z : ,....,,,i,5,;, 5 , 5 ,, ,,
tin wlifell.l , •: L ni - •1 , 1 ,- ....t , fr , ' , .t..• I. ;,:, , ..Jo•.'
11:;edun', acrilir. , :ft..-_, ; i ~.;, .. •_ .;: s f , r.. , lrr
iii , z unnso._ 'il t portion of ira.:", t.i., ,, ...a.t 1,1:-. •
alTn .1.-t?i, all n...iri , ':: 1:11: I .9 .. ,\ Iri...k‘ , - , , ,,it. ..:1 v'
i Ilrge 1311•11 , .: fc:lli inwi evf•r•.: impr,Tora. , :l f.:T.
t enri ..,•i n ... 0;1 . i .:pr-.1t.....0;1.• aZrdrtNniiic, ,.- 10.1 , .i4e.°,1
the eliic.beilt±q , l 11, , 2 Jiesttalityd :,n1 nOhr
ill: list titere t.,.... fl C , ll VVi:l 1:.11 . 1 II \ ,:j clay Of,1•11%,
c.ell.ent qualily. The t0t,... pi (?verty: iny:l;e (4-
yi,1. , 1 to huit purchaarri.
I .
TERM S-01,e ~t4irdlof tho tu , rlv2.3s mane' ,
I. to h , ) . P , Li , I en': thsi i e , ktirinatiouoll.t.'lfi 45,itlirs
1 the Coma, the lad:nice; iiit , ...) egivd atqaal. pt,....
pieotm wall
. .ifhter , :st . CFurn y.,xtri , i time../ 4, ..•..i.
I.sormattin•app4 tO I.:a:diet:l L llaywir4 ti:.....:
ihtratris. of :said deceit?ea. 1 - Z . ! ,i
IV .Ortic:r of Coutt. , ,, .
- F0 ). 4. '57 i - IV. K. l 3 ?-1 1EN::.C1 t ,k.
l', .
O. .- - ...r. - •, . = —'"----
i . iThAlisi,CourtStale7 . i
Furs .ant to anor.l'zr . ''of•O',..pb;an'si_`;
c(l‘inty •••,f 1;0:ti•er - will 1;•.: expbhol
EYE U•• •• TORS' N 7 •OI l 1
i t, b.
.;1 .
„NIL perions;iiiidebtzd tit.: e.itat3 , 2 - :,
Itove.; _
Beaver county, nre
atid tko,se
claims 7i11. - presert l t them, p r oprly.riath''
ticated for Bettlenent..-. - S. G;
• Februury 4, 1851.
Realgt Noti ce .
A persons interested in. the ftosrxrrn,
adminttrnti,;it r 'ntid Aluardi4n acor.:•!',
which have, been I)assed and Ille•I
t!rs• office of ..13eairer County, Pa.
notice that the Battle will be .preseated o;tY,
Orphans 'Court, ;o the held at Ilk!averf
feu the County of lleover on . Weine t :F
I th .day of March 165'7, for confirms iir'n
allowance: ! 1 " r •
f•The.Samuel of Sauel flee& Llse , nll , r
r es to
tate of 521111U....1 Reed, Deceased.'
The account" of L. Gritita
of tiniest:llc of 3o.shtta.
-The account of Thom: ;4
for cf tlieEsiate of lames '
Guardian' fICCPunt of • ,
Gulardiln-of Eliza. miner b augfiter )1 , 0
deed \ • •
- f Is
The -civardian aceauyit r
'Guardian of
Tha GUardion• account of
gliardian of 'Sarah minor child ci Eitidrick
triah dee'.4 • •
• The "acciount" of IWni4 R. BodeM Alm: of
estate of Surahlthodes doeemed . .
.Registor, !L B.
Li EASY . Gale for I...ivir?-b °
ar..l wiy.ll:ait • hdols.
Shoo story Nicuoco.
1 • StviNaTt's Rowfiritrgeislo
r, 1,
lir :e