l ' THE DAILY EVENING- -TELECfliArg-i-rmLADELrmA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23; 1808. ,. 5 . CITY I TEU s. j : 1 -.j pry GOODS. I DRY GOODS. I DRY GOODS. ,i I I . I i I i.w.w UDLIVrt I lUll Cti ill n e n c o O D B.I Exhibition of the Horticultural Society. , ' The antamaal exhibition of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society opened yesterday at II or Uoultnr! Hall, Broad street, below Locust, and the display of flowers, frnlts, vegetables, and plants Is one of the finest that there has been for a number of years. The various oontrlbn Hons are arranged with lodgment, so that they can easily be examined, and the decorations of the ball are appropriate and tasteful. The stago u a perfect mass of greenery. Along eaoh side re specimens of evergreens, and these, with a fine collection of variegated plants exhibited by Mr. Graham, Eighteenth and Thompson atreets, oooupy a large portion ot the platform. At eaoh end of the stage are roetic-work devloe, covered with flowering vines, and at the back , mosses and plants are arranged la a sort of ter- race three or fonr feet high, In the middle of Whloh la a miniature waterfall, and a eonple of garden statues bearing baskets of flowers com plete the picture. In the oentre of the hall Is a fountain which plashes musically, and at the ' foot of the stage stands a fine aquarium can- talnlEga number of gold fish. The gallery tires are filled with evergreens, and from the galleries and gas fixtures depend a number ol large banging baskets of plants and flowers At the upper end of the hall therelsabeautl fnl floral device of pyramidal form, arranged by Mr. Graham, and on the north and south aldes are similar pyramids, contributed re peollvely by D. McQueen, gardener to Joshua LoDgstrelb, Esq., Turner's Lane, and J. B, Mer rick, Esq., Koxborough. Near the centre of the hall, on the north side, Is a handsome devloe of Vine-covered rustlo-work supporting an arch of flowers. The task of arranging the decorations Of the ball was entrusted on thU, as on former occasions, to Mr. M. Southwood, of No. 17 North fclxth street. Arranged upon the north side, and occupying nearly the entire length or the hall, Is a valuable and Interesting collection of variegated plants, ferns, etc., contributed by Joseph Bevls, gardoner to Dr. William Camao. These are eurlous as well as beautiful. Two tables near the east end of the hall are filled with similar productions of the greenhouse, ex blblted by Robert Bulst, Br., of the Roiedale Nurseries, Blxty-seventh street and Darby road. Mr. H. A. Dreer makes a fine display with fifty varieties of out flowers. some beautiful specimens of verbenas, double : alnnlas, dahlias, trltonlas, etc. Mr. Masham, of Germantown, and Gebhard Huster, gardener to 3. B. Heyl, Esq., also have handsome oolleo' tlons of out flowers. Mr. Huster. In addition to these specimens from his greenhouse, exhibits some fine specimens of garden vegetables, and a large assortment of choice varieties of grapes Mr. Gerhard Sohmitz, Broad street, below Passyunk road, has a fine assortment ol dahlias. Mr. Scbmltz has a passion for these flowers, and be grows nothing else. One large variegated dahlia which be exhibits is very handsome. Two beautiful bridal bouquets oome irom the Drybough Gardens, Nineteenth Btreet and Ridge avenue. As a branoh of horticulture grape-growing Is getting to be more Important every year, although it is only within a comparatively recent period that much attention has been given to the subject in this country. The finest display is that made by Knox, of Pittsburg, Who has a large pyramidal structure covered With specimens from his vineyards. This col lection has sixty-three different varieties In it, comprising nearly all the native grapes that are cultivated. Messrs. J. W. Mitchell, C. W Feale, E. W. Herstine, and others, and the Agricultural Bureau at Washington, exhibit a a large assortment of Maxatawney, Adirondack, Iowa, Calabria Musoat, Muscat Hamburg, Black Hamburg, White Syrian, Blaok Prince, and other choice varieties. Borne of the bunches are lmmensei with large, plump berries, which Indicate ex treme oare In the cultivation. The display of peaches Is not large, but the few on exhibition are fine looking. In the way of fruits there are specimens of various kinds of apples, pears, qulnoes, etc., most of which are of superior size and flavor. The vegetables are arranged on the south side Of the ball. The largest collection Is that from the gardens of Anthony Felton, near Belmont In this assortment are Included some huge French beets, egg plants, tomatoes, beans, ocras, cabbages, sweet corn, pota toes, etc. One moderate-sized tub full of a new variety of potatoes is valued at fifty dollars rather more than most of our economical housewives would be willing to pay, we fanoy. Messrs. Charles Armor, Donald McQueen, and J. Mitchell all make creditable exhibitions of the products of their gardening Skill. Lorln Blodgett, Esq., has a wall-grown tomato vine, eleven feet high,; thickly hung With fruit, and David White, Esq., exhibits some sweet potatoes of unusual size. Among the curiosities In this department Is an immense pumpkin, whloh was raised In a box by Mrs. A. George. This glgantlo specimen, suggestive of pumpkin pies enough to feed a regiment, la sixty seven and three quarter inches In length and forty-one and a half Inches In girth. , Besides those that we have mentioned there are many small lots of fruits, flowers, and vegetables, which are worthy of the attention of the visitors, and our citizens will find It Is a pleasant as well ai a profitable employment to spend a few hours at Horticultural Hall during the continuance of the present exhibi tion. The sum of six hundred dollars has been appropriated by the Horticultural Society tor prizes which will be distributed at the oloje of the. exhibition on Friday evening.' In the meantime the hall will be open day and even ing, and we hope that those who visit the show Will enjoy the fine display of nature's produc tions Improved by art as much as we did while making our tour of observation. Amusement Notes. At the Chesnut, only four more perform ances of the White Pawn will be given. This piece was deservedly sucocsful here, as well as In New York and Boston, on account of the completeness and elegance of all Its details, and It la not likely that our citizens will have an opportunity to see any tiling; as handsome In the way of soenery, dresses, and appointments very aoon attain. The fine dancing of Morlaocl, Hotiike, and little Bcblager, and the large and etllolent ballet corps, deserve all the enoomums that have been bestowed upon them. Tujse who have not seen the White Pawn should take advantage of the few remaining opportunities, and carry away with them pleasant reoolleo tlonsof the finest spectacular drama ever pro duced la Philadelphia. At tub Walnut, Mr. Edwin Adams will ap pear this evening as "Robert Landry," In the In teresting drama of the Dead Heart. This pleoe is better than most plays of the class, and It Is well worth seeing. At this Aaca, the Rlohlngs troupe will per form La Somnambula. To morrow evening CrU pino and the Vawy will be given for the first lime ha this city. At tub American, an attractive miscella neous entertainment will be given this evening. At Hoolet's Opeba. House, the burlesque of the Grand Duohett of Gerolatein Will be per formed. Mb. Max Stbakoscu. announces that be will Shortly visit this city with Miss Clara Louise Kellogg. Miss Kellogg will appear In oonoert only during the preotnt season, and as she Is a decided favorite lu this city, she will doubtless receive a hearty welcome on the occasion of her reappearance after her Loudon triumphs. j2S OS Naw Styxhs Pali; Clothiwo. Ia store and reset v1 tng aallrt also, new an eboloe styles In the plaee te be made ap to order. -Great bargains ia Bummer Goods, ready made or made to ordir. Style, fit, aad workmanship of oar laments surpassed by noue, Squalled by flaw. 1 - AU prices guaranteed lower than the lowest else where, and roll satisfaction guaranteed to every pur chaser, er the sate cancelled and money refunded, ' Ualf wny brttoeen Bbnnbtt AOo, VA and V Town Hall, , . , bixlhitreeU.) SIS Mamit ex., . - - .-Ik - x .' ... PaH.ADKI.PHtA, 1 AWD 600 BnoADWAT Kiw VoiC Chasi.es Stokes ft Co., '. , , t I i Ho, 824 Cbesnnt street, ; . Under tbe Continental,! - All customer work In the latest styles. Melton BbIw....'................m tmt Heavy coating gulls , jt M BCotcb Bnlts........,,, . SO 00 rine English Coating nmi. .'.. .,., ,, ueo . A large assortment of Fall and Winter Overcoat! from 19 to 45. Wa Aaa Not Cast Iaouc I Cut Iron undergoes marked changes nnder the alternate aotlosot heat and cold, and the human body Is not cast Iron. On the contrary, It Is a combination of delicate tissues and fibres, which are exquisitely sensitive to atmos, pherlo changes, and, unless protected against sudden and violent variations of temperature by wise prsoau. tlons, are sure to be disastrously affected by them. At this seassn the difference between the tempera ture of night and day Is greater than at any other period of the year, and the stomach, the liver,' the bowels, and the nervous system are apt to receive violent shocks from these changes, retailing In Indi gestion, blllout attacks, debility, low nervous lever fever and ague, remittent ferer. eta Sustain and re luforce these organs, therefore, with the purest and most potent of all vegetable tonics and alteratfVeti vis : Hortbttcb's Stomach Bittbbs, The effect ot this matchless lnvlgoranl Is to brace up the whole vital organization, and regulate Its action. Useful at all teasons as a means of promoting perfect digestion and an even and natural flow of bile, and a healthy condition of the bowels aad the skin, It Is especially necessary In the fall, when the complaints arising from checked perspiration are sa common. It Is found, by those who are In the habit of using this agreeable and unequalled tonic, that It so strengthens and fortifies the body as to render It proof against the morbid Influences which Infect the air during the pre v alence o f epidemics. A Fiest class Establishment. We take plea sure In recording a fine Improvement made by Mr William H. Helweg, at his fashionable Boot and Shoe Emporium, No. 63 Arch street, next to the corner of Sixth. Mr. Helweg has occupied the premises for quite a number of years, during which time his busi ness steadily Increased, so that an enlargement of his store became an actual necessity. He now occupies the entire building, and superintends the cutting, fitting, and making of every order entrusted to him. We have dealt with Mr. Helweg for several years, and have always been pleased, not only with his work (which, by the way, cannot be excelled), but also with the promptness with whloh every order was executed. We cordially commend him to all who desire elegantly titling Boots or Gaiters, at very mode rate prices, Jbwilbt. Mr. William W. Oassldy, Ho. U South Second street, has tne largest and most attractive assortment of fine Jewelry and silverware In the city. Purchasers can rely upon obtaining a real, pure arti cle furnished at a prloe which cannot be equalled. He also has a large stock of American watches in all varieties and at all prices. A visit to his store Is sure to result In pleasure and profit. - Affections or thb Liveb, Bilious Disobdbbs Sick Hxadacjbe, Etc., are thoroughly cared by Dr. Jayne's Sanative Pills. Acting as a gentle laxative, they remove all Irritating ana lecsi matter irom u bowels, gradually change the vitiated secretions of the stomach and liver, and restore these organs to a healthy condition. Bold h all Druggists. Babk, Herb, and Boots. The base of Spear's Standard Wine Bitters" Is his celebrated Wines, la whlchre Peruvian Bark,Chamomlle Flowers, Snake Boot, Ginger, etc. It is pleasant to tne taste, and far superior to anything In the firm of tonics now belore the public. They are simply his own Wine, made bitter by the infusion of herbs and roots above enume rated. Bold by all druggists. BBAST-MAna Clothikq. tbe tame In style and workmanship as customer work. Warranted to give satisfaction. At Charles Stokes fc Co.'s, No. 824 Chesnut street. Drink the famous Arctic Soda Water, and read Thb Evbniho Tllbobaph. at Hlllman's News Stand, at North Pennsylvania Depot. Bali of Boots and Shoes. The early attention of tbe trade Is tailed to the Urge sale ol boots and shoes to be sold by catalogue, for casb, to-morrow (Thurs day) morning, September 14, at 10 o'clock byO.D. McClees & Co., Auctioneers, No. 606 Market street. Bbddimo Ovbbhattlkd. made np anew, and re turned promptly, by Pattbm, No. 1408 Chesnut st. Upbolstbrino of every description. Materials used first quality. Prices low. Workmen attentive aLd prompt. At Pattsm'b. No. lv Chesnat street. Carpet Upholstbbiko. Carpets fitted and laid by practical workmen, al a moment', notice. No delay, to disappointment, at Patten's, No. 14is Chesnut si rov wished you had youb FALL CLOTHIKQ YESTEBDAYt GET IT . IMMEDIATELY. WANAMAKER t BKQWN MABBIED. COLEMAN BRODNLET On tbe 20th Instant. At the Bethel M. K. Church Parsonage, No. 127 Congress street, b? Rev. Ueome W. hfaclauglilln, Mr. CHAd. D. COLEMAN to MUs MARTHA BROUN LEV. BOBBINS PRIESTLEY On the 22d Instant, hv the Rev. Dr. Newton, GEO RGE J. BOBBINS, or Bor dentown, N. J., to LAYINIA J. PRIEaTLEY, of ew castle, uei, DIED. CUBBY.-On Tuesday morning,' the 22d Instant, ILUANUKH..leooiid fllUBhtMpnr KiiHAnn. Anil th late John S Curby. j ue nuauvea aua n-ienas 01 tne ramuy are respect fully Invited to attend Iba funeral, from lha rnaldanna ol her mother. No. sU5 N. Nlutn street, on Thursday afternoon, the 24th Instant, at i o'clock, without fur ther notice. KABBAUGH. On the 22d Instant. J OH w PIT n K AitBAUuH, in his 81 year. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday morn lug, the 28d Instant, at lu o'clock, from his late resi dence, No. 2ba Brown street. MCOLU8 KIT V. On the toth Instant. Mlu ICT.TZA. BETH McCLUBKBV. Tbe relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited te attend the funeral, from the residence ol her brother, Mr. Mloheel McCluskey, No. 816 H. r um street, on xnursaay morning, tne nil instant, at 8X o'clock. MORRIS. Suddenly, on the 15th Instant, at Court land. Ala.. Mrs. MARliARET MOKlSln K.unk. lormerly of Philadelphia. j AmbbioaN Life Insurance Company, Of Philadelphia; 8. E. Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets -77iu Jnuuution hut no tvperiorin the Wiled Statft bio CJOTTON GOODS DEPARTMENT. STRAWLRIDGE & CLOnilER, ; CENTRAL DRt O00DS STORE, COMER EICIITn and MARKET. We shall continue (o maintain and Increase the reputation we have sustained of being the largest and cheapest MUSLIN HOUSE in the city. t - llecelving our supplies from first hands only, we shall hereafter sell all MUSLINS by the piece, at the regular wholesale prloes. - TUIRTY-FITE CASES AND BALES MUSLINS, Comprising all the leading brands and widths of t PILLOW MITMLIX, W1DB SUEETINd, riE lllBTIKU, WAMSBTTA, !VILI,aArIVII,Ln. HEW IOBK MILLS, BIT HILLS, . ABuwRtGirr, FOHf.NTDALF, IIOVSBKEEPEB, FBTJIT OF IIIB LOON, Our constant aim will be to make the lowest prices In the market. TEN CASES OF CANTOS FLANNELS, The best makes, suoh as ELLEBlOK'ff, AHOSKEtfl, 11A1UILTON, AMD LACOJI IA. To persons not fully acquainted with the best kinds of Canton Flannels to buy, we can recom mend the above brands as tbe best goods in the market. We have Canton Flannels ranging In prloe from Twelve-and-a-Half Cents to Flftv Cents per yard. QLANKET8 AND QUILTS. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTrilLR'. CENTRAL DRY HOODS STORE, CornerEIGHTH and MAKf. HURON BLANKETS. .We are again receiving for this season the celebrated HURON BLANKETS, which have heretofore had suoh unprecedented sale. Attention Is speolally Invited to the quality, size, and weight of these Blankets. They oome to us direct from the manufacturers, and will not be found In any other establishment. Purchasers may rely on getting BLA.NK.Era of the best quality, and at only one profit on first cost. HURON GOLD MEDAL. HURON SWAN3D0WN. HURON PREMIUM. . HURON EXTRA SUPER. FURNITURE DIMITIES. MARSEILLES EXHIBITION QUILTS. BUREAU COVERS, COUNTERPANES. Thirty-five oases ALL-WOOL BLANKETS, slightly damaged at the mills, will be sold a bargain. ALL-WOOL BLANKETS, $1 per pair. ALL-WOOL BLANKETS, 5 per pair. ALL-WOOL BLANKETS, 6 per pair. J) HESS GOODS AND SILKS STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE, Corner EIGHTH and MARKET, Have now open for examination rare bar gains In SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, 1 case ELEQ INT PLAIN 8 ILK 3. new shades, At 8l96t GOOD BLACK BILKS, at f 2 and 1215. VERY RICH BLACK SILKS, at 3 and $150. 1 case EMPRESS CLOTH POPLINS, 60 cents. loaae EMPRESS CLOTH POPLINS, 75 oents! lease VERY RICH EPINGLINE3, $150, 1 case BILK-CHAIN E PI NG LINES, f 1 75. RICH CHAMELEON POPLINS, 60 and 73 cents. . , RICH BILK BERQE3. 60 cents. VERY ELEGANT NEW WOOL PLA.ID3.75 oents. Hot AMEICAN DELAINES, 16 oents. We are determined to keep our stock of DRESS GOODS so large and attractive, and the price of every article so low, as to make It to the Interest of every lady to make our establish meut her headquarters for shopping. 1 STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE, Corner EIGHTH and MARKET, Invite the attention of Families, Housekeep ers. Wild the Proprietors of Hotels, Boarding Houses, and Shipping, to the large stock of HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS, Fcrcliascd for Cash at Greatly Rcdnced Trices, Comprising all the varieties of styles and width in every desotlptlon of LINEN SHEETINGS, PILLOW-CASE LINENS, i , TABLE LINENS, TABLE CL0TH3, TABLE NAPKINS AND DOYLIES, . . . . TOWELS AND TOWELINOS, LINEN TABLE COVERS, a LINEN FLOOR CLOTHS, Do. FURNITURE COVERS. Jaequard Liueu Furniture Covers, Piano, Table, and Melodeon Covers, Striped and Tlaid Table Coverings, Cretonne Chintzes, Twilled Furniture Coverings, Printed and Damask Dimities, in colors. Buyers are particularly Invited to the merits of this department. Our loDg experience la this line, and moderate charges, Insure to the most experienced of eur patrons the lowest possible prices. A wholesale branch connected with this de partment. 8 21 JELLING OFF ! TO CLOSE BUSINESS. LEASE, F.XTURES, AND STOCK FOB SALE. Established Twenty-Seven Years, (UN OF WHICH IN PRESENT LOCATION. The undersigned annouaces to the public that he wll . sell, at ana BELOW COST, HIS ENTIRE STOCK, CONSISTING OF SILKS, RIBBONS, SATDiS, EUCHES VELVETS, FLOWERS, Etc. ALSO, ' A LARGE STOCK O F REAL LACE GOODS, EMBKOIDEATXS, IMITATION LACKS, QLOVE9 AND FANOY GOODS, TO BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST, TO CLOSE THE CONCERN, WARBURT0H, No. 1004 CHESNUT St, 8 7m wf !m piiii.ADEi.rniA. 727 POPULAR PIUCES 727 I OR r jz -y o o o i RICKEY, 8HARP & CO., No. 727 CHESNUT STREET, Importers, Jobbers and Retailers, Have now on exhibition THE MOST EXTENSIVE AND DKblBABLE BTOCK In this market. Their stock Is onrlvslled for IEXTANT, VA RIETY and general adaptation to the wants of the trade They are ln.conslant receipt of BAB9AINS, which are freely offered by the yard, piece, or package. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., No. 727 CHESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. HEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & , ARRISON Re pcclfullj lurltc tli attention of bujtfrg 4 totholr FALL STOCK or IV JS -W" . LINENS AND HOUSEKEEPING DRY GO0DS, ' ' NOW OPENING, Purchased for Cash at Greatly Reduced Prices, Comprising aU tbe different varieties and widths In Heavy Linen Sheetings, Heary Pillow Linens, Real Barnslcy Table Dainak, Tabic Napkins and Doylies, Table Cloths, with Napkins to Match, Damask Towels and Toweling, Embroidered Piano and Table Covers, Striped and Plaid Table Coverings, Fine Marseilles QuilUi, very elegant, Rich Cretonne and Furniture Chintzes. ALPO. SUrERIOlt QUALITY BLANKETS All-Wool and Extra widths, for best family use. UHDICAt BLANKETS, For Hotels, Public Institutions, etc eto. CRIB AND CRADLE BLANKETS. FLANNEL, MUSLINS, Etc. No. 1008 CHESNUT Street, ttlmwlHtrsi PHILADELPHIA. r jus RECEIVED, L A It O E ' LOT op GRAND DUCHESS SKIRTS, F0KSALEBY JOIIJV W. THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. SECOND St., 2ra PHILADELPHIA, pOR THIRTY DAYS 1 1VILL SELL AT A GREAT SACRIFICE TUB SURPLUS STOCK, Drought from the Old Store, COBHEB OF SEVENTH AID CHESNUT AT THE KEW STORE, No. 1128 CHESNUT Street, X WO DOORS BELOW TWJXFTH. Hmwito JAMES M'MULLAN. K OPEN TO-DAY NEW LTNRS OF RIBBONS, SATINS, AND YELVETS FOB MILLINERY AND DRESS TIUMHIXU PURPOSES. FEATHERS, FLOWERS, ORAPKS LICKS, and a general assortment or MILLINERY UOODi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. S. H AD. STERN, No. 14 aRQH Street. 1 28 wfmlm rjy E M P L E O g FASHION. MRS. M. A. BINDER, . NO. 1031 CHKSNUT BTREET, IMPORIFKOF LADIES' DREett AMj CLOAK TRIMMINGS. Josi received, Fringes, Gimps, Bailns. Velvet Trim nolug, Riboons, Bullous, at d lace Goods la Tlirnad. Guipure, Cluny, Valenciennes, Point Applique, Col Ian1, Bets and Barbes, Ooiilur., Hauukerchlela. Wblie Waists, Bertbas.OheuiUetiKS. ' French, Bcoicu, aad Hamburg Edgings and Imart Ings, cbolce patterns, Jou?ln's Kid U.ovei, Bridal Veils and Wreatbs, Freuou Corsets, Hoop tiltlris, no tlons and small wares. Dress and Cloak Mtktog In all their departments. Bridal orders executed wliu tbe utmost care. Mourn Ins and travelling outiim and other Lraoaleut ivnrir ci m eleted at a tew hours' notice, at a uch rttes as can uot mil iu mwa. S 23 Wfin24t WANTS. BOY WANTED A STEADY YOUTH, WHO can read Manuscript accurately and carefully, crni rind a permanent btiuatiun by applying lu tbe nflb story of "Tbe JCvenlug Teleg rapb ' Building be tween 8 and 9 o'clock to-uiurrow morning. it ANTED, AN EAPEHIENCUD SALES lady In tbe Bilk Department of a firat-claaa Beiall Dry Ooocs House. None need apply out I Dose tbst are competeut. Address, with reference, HILK.S, attblscUice, Wtu BOY IN A RETAIL DUY nods Blore. Address, wltn reitirenca. a "Age" Ollioe, . u in 6t TTTANTED, A WW On PIANOS. Hi 101m4p C H I C K . ANOtt. Grand, Bouare. and Cprlgbt e n i n a DDTTON-R. No. 914 CHEH.NCT (Street. fftffls STEIN WAY & SONS' anare and norlEht Flanaa. at BLamiith GRAND AS1UI ltf 6TECK & CO.'S AND HAINES IBKOTHHRH' PIANOS, and UlHON A LSTB CABIN KT OROAN8, only at j. k. uuulu h JNew Biore, 8mrj Mo. m CHEUMUT Htreei O R M 8I WORMS! Those pests ot childhood, that undermine the Constitution, and render life miserable, are elTeotaally removed by the use of HOLLOW AY'S VERMIFUGE CONFECTIONS, a most pleasant, sale, and reliable remedy, dally prescribed by physicians, Bold oy all Drog gluts. JOHNSTON; H0LL.0WAY & COWOEN, 66 tf Ho. 601 ARCH Street, rjCVV PUDLICATIONO. ' From the Press ot - :laxton, remses st iiaffelfin qeu, Ko- ! and ll MARKET BTREET. 1 1 Ihi0 T",, DAT' "."ts nnl.Hnn.y OF TttB NWB0H0OL. and Of lb. O.otb?til B-auelJ.BH4,UD. Urae f. CHILDREN WITH THst roETl By Harrlsi B.atcKrever. author of "Twnigb Musings." 'Man shine," "Edith's Ministry." Wooet,ff FlOBaosei Robe." eto. etc. llmo. cloth, 1M. . . 1 OALLAMURA. A Hovel, fl Julia Flsassnta. ltmo. cloth, 175 . 4. THB BACHELOR OF SALAMANCA. Tros laud from lbs FreDOl by the author of "Oil Bias" "Devil tuTwo eUoks." .'eto.et3. By James Toira send, t vols., is mo., olotb.llto. IN PRESS AND WILL HE PUBLISHED BHORTLT" I. THE VON TODDLE bURoti; or. The Hlitoryef a very Distinguished F.mily. Aa Historical Novel. By F. toibnrn Ad.ms. With Illustrations from orlg nai designs, 121110. eiolh. , S.1I. A TREATIBB ON THB HORDE'S FEET' their DUesses and how to treat them. By Dr. JU A Braley, Chief Veterinary Hurgon U. 8. A. With klxty-flve engravings. Illustrating tbe horse's foot la. all Its points; aa well as the diseases to which It Is In cident. 440 psges. svo. III. TALES OF ALGERIA From the Veloce 0, Alexandre Dumas. By Richard Meade Baohe. With Uve original liluxrations. Ilmo cloth, extra. IV. LICE'S LOTTERY! Oft. LIFE AND ITS AIMS. A novel. 12uio, oiolh. V. SOUTHLAND WHITER?. Blogrspbloal and critical sketches of the Llvlog Female Writers of the Booth, wlih extracts from their writings. By Ida Raymond, VL UHAPDAIA. Or ninety days among the Bal M'ssb. A narrative of adventures oa tbe Oasli of lb e Desert of Bahar. By Dr. O. Naphegyl. U no, clo'.h. V1T. 8ILVXR THREAD. By Miss MoKsersr author of 'Children with the Poets." Urao. cloth. VIII. MAROONEU3' ISLAND. Bs the author 'The Young Maronsrs." 16 mo, clotb; Illustrated. IX. GLOBE BYRON. Tbe Poetical Works ol Lord Byron Globs edition; complete In one vol. ismo, X. THE DI8EA6E3 OF SHEEP explained and described, wl'hthe proper remedies to prevent an cure tbe same. WITH AH ESSAY ON CAT TLB EPIDEMICS, especially dedicated to the use of farm ers, sheep owners, eto By Henry Olok. V. B grida ateor the Xtoral Collate at Bsnln, Frria,and. lata' Veterinary Surgeon-ii Chief of the IT. a. A, iime! Cloth, Illustrated. XI. WASflBD ASHJRK: OR, THE TOWER OF BTOKMOUNT BAY. By Wm. H. O. Kingston, aa. tbor of "Peter, the Whaler." etc. etc., It mo. Cloth extra; handsomely Illuminated. ' XII. THB LITTL OdlLDM FABLMS BOOK.' Arranged progrestlvely In words of One, Two, aad Three Byllables, with Sixteen Illustrations. Br Ueorglna Boweis, Engraved by Joseph Swain, Sma. Cloth. Extra. XIII. THE BUTTERFLY'S G03PEL and other Stories. By Frederlka Bremer. Translated by Mary Howltt. 6mo. Cloth. Extra. XIV. TOLD IN THU TWILIGHT; OR. SHORT STORIES FOa LONG EVENING J. By Sidney DaryL With Illustrations by Qulsse Brldgmaa. ltmo. Cloth. Extra. Orders from the trade solicited. CLAXTON, KtMSILN St UAFFELFIAGER, PabJsbers, Boakaellers, and Stationers, Nts. 811 and 8il MARKET S reet, lmwfJ8t Philadelphia. CURTAINS AND SHADES. pALL STYLES! FALL STYLES I IOW BEADT IW , WINDOW SHADES, Mf LAOJS CURTAINS, Terries, Reps, Damasks, Eta We Uke pleasure In announcing that our new stnea tor Fall ot the above Goods are now open. Oar oela. brated make of FINE WINDOW SHADES vta Bray's Spring Balaace Future (whloh require cord), we sell at the most reasonable prloes. Window Shades as low as ONE DOLLA B AND FIFTY CENTS, trimmed and hung to the windows. We call sep'aolal attention to our new stock of Trimmings, comprising: In part. Cornices In ant, Walnut, Walnut and IKw Rosewood, and Rosewood and Gilt, Curtain Tassels Picture Tassels, Pillow Tassels, Cords, Loops, Beads 1 etc., etc . CARRIKGTON, Of ZOUGHE & CO., S. E. Corner Thirteenth and Chesnut St., Formerly KELTY. OARBINQTON A OX98ws4 CIGARS. FUGULT & S0xS CIHAES. "Mariana Rita;" genuine Vuelta Abajo Leaf throughout. Equal to leading Imported Olsam. Nineteen varleiies. (R-talled ss to 112 per hund"ed! "Fra Dlavolo"-all VuelU Abajo Fltlsra. Fira varieties. (Retailed $6 to soer hundred.) "Louis d'or.," Fleur de Lys," etc (Retailed M t4 Sfl per hundred.) " Send tor Circular, eto. We will gladly give anr Inlormatlon to oonaumers and direct tbem where lliey can purchase our Cigars genuine and cheapest. We are Importing tiavuua Cigars by every steaiuer at low rates under amended Tariff. St. rtJ CIVET A SONS, 10 lt p B. FRONT Street. rpo HOUSEMEN AND FARMERS. DK. BOCB'S GREAT 1I0KSE FOWDEE, FOR GALLS, CUTS, OPEN EORES and BURNS. Worst cases cured In from one to six days. NO CURE HO PAY. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PR BOX. All orders addr sed DR. B0BB, No. 4 North SIXTH fctreet (third floor). Will be promptly attended to. 9 23 siurp PMSTEIN&EWS, PRINTING Rp QM S RODGERS' AND W08TENH0LM'8 POOKBr EN IVES. Pearl and Htag Handles, of beautlfal nnlab. RODGERS' and WADE A HUTCH KK a Hi ZUKH. and tbe celebrated LEUOULTHJB BAZOsV BCUiSORH Of the finest quality. jiaxors, Jiuives, ecissora, aua id jrr"'""!f and Polished, at P. MADEIRA'S, MUia TENTH street. below Cbesnnt. ssaf TMJAFNES3 EVERY INSTKUMKNT THAT X.J science and skill have inyenieo to assist tne liearlL tors; 1ENTH blreet. neww mnuu science and skill have inyenieo to assist tne 'lug In every degree of deatneas; also, Replra also. Oraudall's Patent Crutches, superior to othSs in use, at P. MADEIRA'S. No.. US Bs ,fr -a, DELlUllTKUli EXUUKHlUail lvl XKiSE3LO0cabrKB point daiiy.t iiuau luave foot nUaules. SOUTH btreet every few m tmtp