The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 23, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 2

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& ijm i; i' -T i if k -r i ii.k
tsittas h t ki
Tbe fo'low'na; I n extract frntrt tin- very Itit r
eati'rft Kpi'tti in'''' i" St. Louis on l.iif . i ir I it'
nflt by Ocmm r Clia.o, ex-S.cretin of
Trt. urj : Now I l.atc Ih.-q e'alli'J ilii. f. lior of
jrohAck Vim are tin- it!ir of itm t-t !,.
vytai If a (TTfi nbti k ? IVr! j 111 ever ilii- s '
J J Way, It Is simply tic i re III of tins irr.t it
AintrKvin people p it In the form of 111 ini r, to
, cir u'Ktv miiot p itie very tieuji'e ttli.te ii.4i
jpi.o- it worth I w 1 .-oerel in
ot Hi" Tfrutrri 1'ir-ttoii ar ei I! hv ..'"will
tht r TH"t Tll II Ml 1 ll.lVil'S 1)1' fillip i 1 II i.v
lb ul(t ib" ff fi-i in in., n. 1 1, 1 Mo .i Iim . 1 n
till c, sad pri. tit-inn io n:c foi tiirir miii..i ir
' rloiMi P. tin i' f""it ami tiMjini irt.ition 1 f ti il
' ttir 'i "r '' foiimry h mi -;! !i I s i-i
, fm nn tit. What itm I !o no) Tr.e Initios -4n;o
n,f oJioriow 'lin.r cip.'it, or jiny them 1 r .'.in
jrul'i i'l fti f hi ir ere tit. Tio-v 1I1 l n-.t mv :, iv
0'il, r pri pi so fn t .y nut tiem-ilv , imt I'tev
WA..i il 11. f 10 I.t ilu 0 T, , .... , v , : . . ;
f ?l Hi n.f 11, tl'i- crest Amrrii an o ". p'o is wet'i
,1 1 f jcu pl.t t'ff th' r. mil 1 i 1 tnUu ill.' ci-,' lit
(f tbin- pei-uln 11ml t ut it i!i ii, li ',i. m ..f lu'le
Mt f pi'r, i.Ml c w:. 1 :rt"i!iite ,i it .-ler,
nil( r.o.ive n.a' ptp r for Imi iN, h,mi
will, b wo will puneumliy i;ic ini n-t in ;.i I ;
am; I'cn, in urori tlmi tli" !i,tion;il ci-r.-ny
iri frlil bo perm .niTit, n, Ih it u ') iU e mi I h iw
jour ri.w lo coinpl itn, 1 rH,..iho nrlo:i i!
Iiank In a.vwcni imo e imcnm ami uli-.U mI rf
K'tk to r tin in us cuiri n. y ji, biuoh'' n U, mi. I
t)K u ;icn iiu-M pli -ik.c,l tli it ovcry il.iil t -: il t
lw Tfinciiifd in fie mil :b i .'.iVuriii. t iu
plfi'oi utol provid.-U lit it In till end en rv
Ihtt .1.' sliiiulil l rq.aival. nt 10 (.1.1.
I H.iuk tlilK ii t'oi iru.' I.lon ol ay.: i k,
Iti the rrt-lii mm property of i'h' A n., u'.ia
po'pii'. irndc 10 M''Tc f'o p" p..;.. 01 'i v ui
tin ii'iilt of a iTi-itt Ktr:o, v lion 'miiii t. 11-1 . t
Mliirc we run vtl. Au ffllow-fiir.'.-n-' In
my iitiwWe jnrtKnicnt. ii' t;t .if thi .i- i'iis
BHii'.n nl curroi;i- umiff as i it i.-i ln I for in mr
pi'. no linn no Wi c 11 Idi'rir.'r or riicroh rit
wii! N obiijed to pity l-ilr.ite 10 Mi.' K iii in I114
(TiCl-HI Re (ai lill-'O . so il, v w null tut I 1.0
npon ixrlitnt" !' Inrn n pr. tit iip'in our i i.
du-try : so llit 'l) la'ion-r re .ivr Ins (inline or
iwt, 0:1 Hiir-, or (io.f-u ilol! iri at tue ui mi; m 11
wiek'MDd, hll Ii. perlin tly 'urc i.i 't it wi'l :.o;
ton: to ti(S t) f. r. the n'O' iini Mini 1 I :.w
Hue inn got ftili r. enrr 11 v ni t!i',
tbrr tbif contitrv will unt. ot lenst, V iv iv.'cn
vttnui.l ot. e ol ti c OJiiluUiral hoticliti of ni v ir,
il 3 ,11 urn U:.c ..ur ui nicy on ih.; A'Uit.'h' .wid
goTn 1 ho Facifllo PIiJ yiw y:;:; Ii) ! I s tlu m f
wiilii i t having tu cLui.gc the currency a, ovry
tairn you slop at.
I pk if thr (j.ivirnrni nt mluilni leri! m It
fti.rM t. itb proper igi.- hpJ tc mo nv, evorv
do'.nr in grivnlm k will w a goo at u '1 i'lr
In Why, eight momln an 1, il 1 c nil J have
Li'i the af-iTi'ii e that I voulil gu't b ivo b-fii
troi't'l A with an;.' oihor l-siu's, il I coul.l h.ivo
bitn acMitcd thai ttieru -ln ulil lie no tmu'ilc Ii m
eb.i niiauthoiiiod mt'.'iiey, un.iiitli ir'zod l,y m.r
bL-: llie D8MO11 t s If, I would luivu uiiih-rt W :: to
mvmf fpicic r incut in a ni ck, if anylmly
wiiT.ti i It ; at ol 1 stiy, now, if he war is pi.i-i'-cntcd
n It ought to lr, nn l me (nvrntni,iii in
a1i! 11 Ist'jiod wiih Ihfc iP iioniy an I pra l-n u
tjj.a I trum it will tio, tut. 1 t
dm :tr of tbat rnrroney tit tit tlie,o ii
Audiofiu poopU- will full.
1 in M'O
1.1'. (au
l.OI ISV.'I.l.E J(I'H VI
H l.-i
I V WAtllllT,
Jt'rr it fAUmiy t'. c.nnn
1 1 c Iiilsville Journal n.'.an.lo-'S e'a.i ty ! I i
Ituiilrg editori'il in r. ply to a corrosion li nt,
bo nrgc etnanoi a;ion as the only h -pc w.
. Mlation of Kentucky, it fiankly admi's thu
"pr cnliar itisiitntion" is virtually dc id, anil il a 1
, bt iuown tiand. It tout n. Is that tlio iiii: t:ott
it to loiter Low it li!l he fav. d fr nil utter
vtn k, but how It hall he tli-ully oxt'iigni-lied,
' Ml with tbe leM j::r to Iho social insti'nt'ous of
Ui hotith. It aiiniiti tbat it lias proved a curse
to Kfiittjoky ; ih it "if the Antilavi-ry Coustim
tin., to powufully aiHocated l.y llinry Clay
D.'ni.y ytar,bad heen aJoptcd, tiio Stuto woulJ
tew to tturr pro'pcroiiF; wealthy, and happy
bur: It is." "But," it p.tti-illy a ids, "Mr. Clay
wa dt featedand asluVury Cotistlttittcu adupteil."
TV' cciMicitioi ce bna lioon that llio enoigics of
thu Dchle htate have levn p..rnly.ed,!n r grtr;h
inipided, atitt Ikt n.oral pow.-r crippled.
lint bow If, tt,e eurte to lii, :ily aii.l loyally
Tf 11. i.y id : 'I b' Jut innl i muoli pi rp'i ::ed for a
Tip'y. Fn Itr a the Tohivliuut Sta'c.i aro con, cur nTir.ies ate doit.g the work far more
tfl. otoally than email' ip iil ia pioi lam -.tions can ;
but.nads tbut paper, "Kentucky iu lnjal, and
outhl not to b,i trciicil as i! !in wre not .it tu ri
tritril." "We believe," it ooii'iii.if s, ".iiat
B-atiy ct tier people Bivc t.ivo . d ema icii'iti in
lor (arf. Iiut v.cpn ri.o n. ( iitstifrion w.hs
auoy tod the inode of lettir, a-i e-nliin nt was
ronMed tha', wi 10 rl.e H" le t. d 'ire 1 eon
Tir ion ton, it ooul.l not le c nnituutioii'illv
ealud tiDiil tbe ye ir 18 'J." lint it iminutcn that
the iiiilicnliy inigbi he solved hy Conr '.ss, wliica
"n ny call State conventions tor amea l'iittiis,
wl-ioti am tre t ihe Con-titiit'OD as e ilv dent
to a tnaty ;"and cites a legal de -iaion t h-.t Con
fti oiry repeal a way w fur n it Is a m ini
ell'Mllnw, providid Its subject u.aiter b-i wihlu
liii .'igUintlve power.
Una piotiuncianienlo of the Journal niinst
ilmery is deply iTiiucant. It proves that Ken
tucky is at last uwiking to a tene of bcr auoin 1
looi, rondiltnn, and preparing, with a badrra e, it
is true, to range Ltrself ou the side of tUc freo
iStttot. Hltborto she ban to her black idol
swilh faluiious tenacity. While Missouri and
Wan land weie striving to rid thomselvea of the
mi D tir, fbe bugged it with th" d votlonof atlrst
love. The mure apparent it was th it slavery was
dot Died, the more stienttously sho sought to
prt.Nct and defend it. While all tie rj t of tlio
world was marching forward towards freedom,
sbe alone seemed bent upon going baeknardj
tovardf de-pot. m.
I.ut light Las broken upon bcr at lac-t. She
sees tbe pei ilous load she is travelinn ihe gwt
thi f 1 awns liefi ie her. Ehc comnreher.da lina'lv
that the alternative is (.lavcry and roin or fioe
drn srd prosperity, and is anxious to put herself
on -he ilivht track before it is too late. The fate
Of Mrginia aLd 'Jennes-ce adrr onishes her what
mi. tt have been her own bad she Rons over to
secofnon what mav jet be her late it i-he ier-
siti iu tier recent suicidal course. Tbe niotiva
of leil-interckt, if not tbe motives of patriotism,
bar piovod too strong for tiooitlonal prejudi -es
ane. Stale pride.
lb rauaeot freedom moves rapidly and Irro
sii'il'ly onward. Four years ago Missouri ami
Maryland were slavishly wed to "the iil-tllulioi."
Isow both these States are not only virtu illy free,
lini rejoicing In iheir eonanc pa'iou from ibe de
tci'icd thraldoDi. Kentucky l slowly followlnar
In thoir wake, while tbe udvocab-t of fioe lom iu
tht Ititiel (states may be counted by tons of ttton
blos. A few years, and slavery will be totally
enr utterly rooud out from our soil, tin; Ki!:'i).
Ho enter noon a now and more glorious
caioir, and wo shall he a huppy and united
1 11 e. 1 ue sun ih not more sure 11 ris- 111
Lt. v. ns tban itint it is tlio destiny oi mir ,;o;i.e.
to t e nee!. ,ns Weil.
ft nal men of lbli olturii'tt r an.l p..
ii'in ia
.Vsns .
r tt have dceiiii d tiiiuke tlio (Uiii:.. nl
I : nited Mutes, wliio.i M
an i
ict-ntlj r-si'-'netl. Tlittv mslan ir' I r:n-t.n
it'll rolusal, bul tl o elite I re- i-nn n tu it ;li :
Lsibiiit. ot tl-.e .'ihe-.- istjj H'l'ut i ii.fty
, Ur.llSS :l' Il.tS a C '.Sl-in 11 "I'll . l it .ltl l ! I
teften l Wo ero iufi i nit .1 'Ii t' i l'-r.U"s
am tl... i nl Iri.i7 I'l Hi' t.'l'tn.'Al
. ..f
Ibis O..UI tt. killo.l ten in si.ieni .. o!
thi.- in! iL.y ci oei e.u l:i. .J '.v..i... e,
anxktv, anil ttaponsiliiiiiy, uuil web' compel e I
to sock achaiiKo. uf employ meut un.1, but
never milieu. Many ministers of t in iju-pel,
vcrv tirnmiueiit men ia tlmir relations, ur? no.v
' luiil aside, unninrRiilv we Imbi', some of tbcu
pcrrriBjieiitly we four, I i t, "V
r rics cf tbeir ..nice ai'ln! to tin:
-il tn-: tvi'.n tin)
tn:; etn d
tle state of tlie ronntry lir-irefs.
These aro times that ilrnw !.ir.'.ly on tho emu
' ti"HS. Mvu lire eon-tantiy t-xeite. I, nml smno of
tluni tiinro tlmn ol'n is.m thlr iciin-.M.i'n.'n's
' are mere or less MiniMum nml n"rv :is, Thijse
i nr' dHi'gerons t'inos for th) lieultfi, tin: oodily,
ri tntiil, liiid spliit'ial l:enl.': ol nil men .li i'Ul '
' rtiiteh, and cot 'M il tlieiiiS' h es n l.h pu'.lie a;1'i ti.
. rsuoli moil liroak down iu tli" midst of ilu :r u iv .
Uttey uiay retire leom nu- ness. .'o iu'o t..j
ronntiy, or out oi t:ie fnu:i " i:.e :i
conl is loosed tli t'uliltu ttill so, u
be I
ijiokf ii. It is too iiiic wbeu tiiu br.ii.i'ii-in, o.- i
ti e-thin k of i"r lys-fs op-nes, f) re. oiev t..o l".t j
balance ui.d l o tlie s.mio a? tin. An "Uti o
oi n vcutiou is hutu r a po.i i.i of c t. i. it
Is beet to be very careful m tiiese ti nt s ot oter
yti rk and cniltie worrv. Ailjust tbe lulini to tnc
' ltit'cs of the tinur, anil pcifoim tlieru wis.j y ati'l I
ill, but with ittluinebS und lioi-u. Ab.v nil I
Iiave IhiiIi m Uod. iie u hum Ul.iu. ..t. j k,
The cNy of AlexHtidria, Kxypt, wm lit;litc 1
Villi fas for the lir.-t time oil the JJ 1 of S 'i;ciu
lur, the worns liavii f,' been croelcl hy a Kieii 'h
ctsmitvor. tiinea Itint I me tlx: lamplighter is
Jol.ovtfd by a croud of wondering Arabs, who
Jusiat that the flume following tho applieitioii oi
tils torch Is provoked, by tho v, ill of a genii.
I Tlltl Sll tc SIHsMrv.
MI'S Mir.eppa" Menken, who 1ms mmaited to
n uke nil In.'on go to sco bcr at the Theatre
: liioal, As.lo) and w ho, at la-t i conn's, was
j IMt.g on ;-iiKrv nt the Wi siml-tsler rala-e
1 : -ts 1, lias ' nt, as an one o lire In a private letter,
'Some p. or linle linos" lor piit'lc'r:oii in the Nsn
I'riint lsco S 'tttt'iy Mtr tr i. 1' i-'ul'ar as tlu lair
Ai.'nh is wMli dl the oilii'-a'cd c ,.,.t -irit cs of the
'I'nlUir of tf:r i'l,n,itit hri'il, d - t, I h she is
Lli'htly bound ef .stle e 1(i vcr probably
rode so high a hi r.o us when si 1 v. 'ot ttil letter.
'1 ho poor iP tli li ,i",she Hindi s 1- I lurk . might be
a tiles'lni? to the ntitnoroos ci.u i ili.r rs of Ihe San
I'laneisc ' lV n tn 1,, ' -.y tth 'rt'l thrnt snmrfhinij to
urUr i.Uml in !fa ir tin 1,1,: im'..m.'" The prlntt d
oxtiBcis Item this upir ti'i.i h gent'y upon a
:.nol of tods. Ws..n'l lld rem irks, p ictry,
aid the (iriina, iho lo ir i f nca-ii g one's hMrt
upon one's slirtr, tbe n-p rsl .n of thu malignant,
lie I'IoskIiii'. of hut Iho aiiis i( frui'Moniifi,
the tiil-t') rcce'p's at 1 Ast ivV retnein 'trail res
to flilllllr, it.'., (ill up th" p'go. Mi-s Menken
tiinl s tlmi In h. r poi tr, rs in her a "tins, she
dines tn be original. I bo po Iry that is printed
in ti c paper lo hi. Ii she s. nt it, and that U al'.ti
ti; ifl to her. iseerioinU oriitical. In h-ed it is in
v hat M'ss Mo: ken won id I- 1 tn tl.c "he ivy. he irtd
m i'l ot eri 'i: ulity." She n:ys she. i cont. nt f t
I c inip'y 1. 1 r p air, unassi.iiilii S'-lf, th it she hail
tu'dl) l'i pi J that tbe I'.itn of the lowliest and
po- rc.-t dead at . as n, I ;,t have been hrrs in Iho
II en nib s of gifted fern. i.e correspondents ( ) to
lie Ctliiornia joiiinals. Atnoriff t the Muri'p
piiiiia" MeiiKi n kin-Mc coliat' s occurs tlio
iiitei. em 1 tint she riuiies hail of the entire,
riocipts nigln y. ' And for such had acting!
Midi Hunt ol beauty and grace!" Hilda Miss
Menken, proc 'edin ; llien to say, "Well, it is
trnngc, hut managors will pay mo like a
rrmeess, and the .uiilic will run wild lo soo mo,
mid to n ailer tbeii gold at i.iy led. Just toil my
I. in, ds tl. at 1 can't help it. It is too bal !" Too
bad , ii'deed '.
Ilu: it is wi:h tl Mu-e of M ;" that tlio
pt.blic here heve the ia"i.t to do. Tint Is all
Mii:chs!cd them. To go through the following
lines is like y bivm ' a pocliral panic of "hot but
ti red Hue l eans." Now you are veiy hoi, now
V' iv cu'il ; li'iw you itie ne-ar tlio meaning, and
now aii.'t. We nil know Mb Menken ran do
vi'inkiH on tin- lar ar of the Ukraine breed.
Hut it is 1'eHsiis alio is ri liug ro.v, so liBtou:
Who hath not sent out ships to rr.a ?
Who brill not toiied through, light and dark-in-ss
to make tin. in strong lor 0 iitio ?
And hoA we IroigUted them with dust from the
pi iintHin mines I
And red go d. coiued from tho heart's blood,
tich in outli, latve, and Ilcatny !
Aud we have loudly sent forth ou their whito
(locks seven times a liuniii" 1 souls!
(sent them out like a'j.i girt world, full of Ilopo,
Low, Ca'C, mid I'alth.
Oh, m.iriaers, mariners, watch an.l bcivarc !
Fee the ship that I s nt. f .: tlt !
II proudly sbo nods her re-tal hend to cn' h
I sa uiint, w.iVe !
i How deii.iutly ahc II ips her white sails to tho
sun. who, in my of her beamy, screens his face
! I chind a pushing cloud, yet nover losing sight of
I bo:!
I The ocean hath dekod himself in rolios of soft
est b ue, and lilted kn spray-. la's to greet her.
The er liisou fKy hath swooped down from her
j lloav. n-p ilac". and sitte'U wpli her wlntu foot
I da ii.lmg hi the borders of t:iu sea, while sue
I seiineth sweet promises ou tliu w ings of the wind
' lo 111 v tair .! ip !
nil, maiieera, iu iritieis! why i!id yc not watch
sin! hettarii i
Tbe fiiithlcss sky is black.
itie occau howls on the ship's rough track.
Tbe strong wind und tbe .shoutiiii rain sweep
I t like an armed liost hooiinsiut their wild bat-tc-cry.
'J'ue tull innsts dip their heads down into tho
die p.
The wet shrouds rattle as they seem t3 whisper
pi a' era to themselves.
li nt tbe waves hup over their pallid sides, and
grapple urn1 gnaw at llndr e :ms.
Tue peor sli p shrieks and groans out her dea
pnir. Mn; rises np to plead wi'h the sky, and sinks
(!i wn die deep valley of wa'cr to pr.ry.
Ob, (iud ! m.iko us btronj; lor the battle !
What says the m iriner, so hurried anil pa!c ?
No need to idiispcr it, speak out, speak !
D inger aud peril, jou mv f
Dues iiiiivonni- lip and while check mean
that the good ship must go coven ?
Why stand yc idle and ui.eut
(Hi, s libera, ronso your hotrts!
Man the rocking ma-is, and reef tue rattling
satis !
Heed not the slorm-lircs that so terribly burn
in the black sky !
Heed not the storm-mud sea below !
Heed not the deatu-cry of the waves!
1 out to foot, hand to hand! Toil oil, brave
leans !
Our good ship must be saved !
Ueloie us lies tho goat I
Too late, too late !
The life-boats are lost.
The rent spars have groaned their lives, and
the win e sails have shrouded itaeru in their rough
beds oi Death.
Strong mariners have fainted and failed in tho
terror ami stnlu.
White lips are gasping forbicathand trembling
out pi u) eis, and wailing to die.
And the ship, once so lair, lies a life-freighted
The Premise-, Hopes, and Loves are sinking,
sinking atvuy.
Tbe winds shriek out their Joy, and the waves
siioin out their Anthem ot Death.
"Pitiless wind !
l'ltlless ouail !
Oh, mariners, is lucre 110 help ?
Is ibeic no beaenti-light in the distance ?
Da.h the 'ears ot hluod i.-..m your eyes, ami
look over these Alpsot wa'r!
See ;e no sail glutei tug through the darkness f
Is there no help
Must .hev die. all die
The was eg ar.swer with ravenous roar;
'I hey gi apple like il niira- tins 1 retooling ship!
l ompasslesa, rudder. ess, tlio poor ship pleads.
Iu vaiu '. in vain I
Willi a strvigg, e, shivering, dying, my R'toJ
ship sank down, down, dowti to the sunn lie s
folds ol the latboinloss oee'ua. Lost -lo-t lost !
t iiiiihiii'O iiii.l Itenllty.
Tlie story of K'jln'i t lirit rly," in tlio piny
en .ltd tlie Tu krt-of I tine Man, llnds a curious
i illnsiratl .n ficin real lilt: in tin) following police
repot t, v. lleh rpncured in alittt I'.nilish
"At the AVarwi' K .liiro ses-ions, on tho l'lth uf
Oi"...Lr, (i ore It -. lies, a-.d tti oniy live, was
el,m,d wi.l: intvin-.r, at .Mr;itforil-iii-.Vvnii,on
ti e 1'.! Ii nl A .i o ii-1 la.-t, tn ou ( vo p., tin is tveisiit
.'I li . f. Ill, prettier ol, t.ied niliy, ami
ri ft tsi i ' t. This c'n rni t:i liasin ri:
tn 'ike I Unit he bat' oo i pre . i u .'y .."reneod to
pipit, st n iti.ib: at ( i t.ii vs'i r i si ss fir hou-u
i tt i.i: In-', tiie j ri 'HOT sni 1 'lm' itas ru.iiy tr ns.
IU. . ill. In lilt J tie tile ,s, .s In n i,c v,ts Uliy tin.
y ar-. i.i .'.'e, tni.l tt ,e m ,tt tu (. :it .tl; r t,,
tbeii'ial ofit.i.. i.t i':.-r... A''.r 1. .vinr b- .:
mil ri-ni.e 1 for t .n o yeirs i ha'!', bl- e n
tliiet bad bseu so ;a'i,lae!.,iy ttiav t.-; iniet Deja
rolea'-ed iilon u tieket-of-K ,ive. llo fi.rtti.', ith
relumed lo Kntrluud, und did all he cjuld to
ontaiii an honest l.velihunil.
"Alttr wo.kiT.f; ft." f.ur yeirs in 'W'.inTie't,
diiriiiir u parr, m mi tiillne be hid ..'tended re'i-
i J,u ly a AilSu
ii. is t b it. it, I .tnseob', a.,il a is.s'ed
,i, tho clntir. l.o tvent
lo reside at :-tr:i bird t
Work, und iitienuel tbe p.ii'i-ii . n.ii'eh lit C.iar
leeotf. sinfliiK in tin: choir. All things W'-ut on
tell with him an.1, wi.l. his t..',uily fjr a l in,;
ti mo. One day, on) of th,; S-.n't'iml poben,
lu.iiiCd West.. n, ei, Hi 'I upon liiiii.unil n-itcl it'
lie had eA'ei'b'eu ti .: ,1-pe : led. ib' .it
hist to at.'.nr tilt iUi.itlon; but ll!.i;..;f. ly
aduit'ed tlti.t s.ieh t'-e ". . Vt; u 'In'
time his j :'.'-; .is ', fe Mi M d. ilu.vas il;..
lulssfd i'-..tti tl.e ebolr :it f i-.r!.''i,ot Cltureli '.id
bet h;s id. no. i:i every we.y he banijs
Lu:.;.'.l iloaii-fi.iil o.'l ress.-.l. At th) time :.,
(ok the un lit, his '.t ;!'' imd c'lb'b'eu e .'ro in u
t'irvir;', aii.l he to. U 'i.e i'le.i.. I'.r tlieiu.
"I'eV. '1'. 11. l)u ist ii.1, of ini .''le, so., I a le't- r,
t' st;.fybi'.' to th' pi .smii .'s .'haraeter as Ij-'ini,'
h' nosf, sober, and in everv way rM eciable, M.-.
Kvn.ier-ley tNi...'S-,d ids d.-ep rt-.:rot at tin
l!.;t. I'.ent vslii, h lit.) p' i loner h ul inade. if it
Was 'rite, and upon tue fate of tho I let! It
Siotnod pronuble, tho pDlletinati hid ex'")e'b'd
hir tltity, ini' In' ought not to ho. a interfered
1.HU ei ol). I ho pri-oner seemed to base eon
il'ievd liiiiisolf creditably, ami tlio former
Olf. -'ia" Ui Kht linve been eousi l.rod buried iu
iibiiilnii. tto'.u to: und his brother iuut;istra'os
considered Ihut the prisonor had heeu hardly
dealt ith, and, under tho tiretiutsuueos, he
would only lie ten lenced to loui toeii dat s' hai d
Jubor.'' "
At ! lima Wlllll.K tl.t I'llt 't.", wtirantM l
ver-r ttfit -nalrrlnl, itronK ar.o eurMi.
Tlic I sit 1 ." tilj It- we IM Sell nt !i-:-."i!).
A biriie sril He. set nsknrlmeril, ,,f all ' nii.t m 01,
nl n cr 'v-d fruin Die l'o Trnilc Mii. i.,nt.,t e'eap,
111 be I..IJ at tor; low r :ti s.
C 4tirr- -,-iom to W. T. Ilu; i.l,
lt-4fmw1rn No 7 J 1 JllinNVT RTHI.FT.
gcfli.i', tJACiorr i co,
Educutior al Bub i ,;hf;rs & Book sel I'.-h:
i i ' Aiio'i i s i i:i:i'i v.
Otlb c in New York,
11 I 1m
:: r.l: s it Mitri.T.
O.MK ON A I I KI.oroil.
'I tils tii-hu! if ill I ', 1 1'liuriivln ',
imi ehrss , il l.y s.i is n, 1 l.u v i
p.iinl"1 hv Helin.
i'K S'i liinn use s.ite.
S'" n it lis , .,( it,..
1 'tt"l out 111 this
m il Ii. em,si.'.. l. .1 li all win. l.v.-c
nai -t see mi'.iif ot i n, nisiii eer
ei i it' ' .
I l.KY N'.IJUV.I. S I AMIIA fif.Tl.ll II WE A
i ,.' .
I'.M.ItV l.i'Y At. HDI SHI 'I II SlbM l.ll II A V K A
I'll t.
ir,.iy I'.iinllv umi In, a I'lillcr. liiisli.lnib ar
snn liattln n lur lis eiiullT' , will H .,.n .'i atti and nleini.t
.e: si ns
IirtMi: (i si K 1 : i I't uil.
II a ill ills n I.e ii I. iie'ir1! fi"m..i,.il .1" the ii!ttniis
du' s anil s enis i.t' r, In II mi .tr.
i nil oi.j'j ion e I- '...I-1 es.i i.i .ivii v I v A: lets,
ins . .1,1 ii ts ii, i inn
mill r.'l.i-r.s w ill loci He- tlie in ..-t )' ,e-aet ami f r..;l!
iu,iie t.M'Vcn iinilerisl.1'. Vi Y vivo es'-ln-i.e terrl'.'.rs,
ai il tsM; nlvi i.iiriu 'jlnrh ,.t ui. a. y 'It ;ti p le i".,n.
tt o .i,oi this i'te on ii l!i lit -,i .'i-, !, - .ii .,11.- nir rr.tin
In; me I ,t bl -ol. il -r ' inn... en lj in i I. ft, e.nn re.'i i,it
oi II r l.rt.'. il'J '..I sshlcl u ilif.uf a-i.. I. all lliprli.e n,:inliy
1 1 nn i ii n.r ctivravlnwii el this eliaia, tor, t nr
a,ii itis
Ull.MiI.KV k fit.. l'iil.n,hon,
Nil. nil N. KiUKI'll st.oi t,
11 l.Mullilm l'l.ila.ttlil,ls.
ix i in:
A 5t K H I C A N ,
S. K. Corjicr Walnut mill Fourth Slrccts,
I'll II. A I 1. 1. I'll t A..
It Is a HOME COMPANY, .-nil itrnftla dlvl,l!d nn'-lially,
tliu- iiiilii tlir tissnrtil to pay laiurc iireiiimiiis.
Uit .iloi.d -rv per cent.
HOAltll OV Tltt STKI.I.
Al(xnili'r Whlllrbn, .1. t ilear TSninn. n,
In.,. .In not, luliiKk , linn. ,1 eett All sun,
tllarlO Hul.trlji, H."irt K. r.einii'tl,
Hi iuat I I IIU..II10, l'.illlp II. Mllctlti,
Ci , Till-Nee n. J.ilitt Allnraii,
Vt llltatn J. H it, aril, . Isatc lia.if ItllTU
Hniiinel lraa.
AI M (Mil 11 W iliW.Dl v. President.
S SI I" KI, W'lHiK. VI.e rreil'lent.
11 -1711 Juim s. YMLMC'S, He. yana I remurer.
TltAVKI.fclt'' INSI lavi'IJ C'O.MPASr,
llAKTt'Ollli, I'U.N.'s'.
CAPITA I '.00,11)
404 WAI.'.l T STKEF.T.
Itisvrareof ITeeiril hi litis Conipsnv a'talnst
Yiaily Policies will bo baii"il for a Pieailion of
HVK .' (.iLI.AKH,
atiintitiL' litstiratieo tn the miinunl nl'
I IVl; TIIUt'SAMi n'lt.t.AKsl. ,
H(rnlnt r.c l.lental lots ol lite while Iratellliw by any pub
lic eunveyanee.
ii ares a pii!le it r l'lvit ', Itiui.s ami lin'.lirR, ait J a'si)
1 wi ntt -tive li,. '.liirs i or tt ek com pen-ati'iii lr per-mnil
In ury iniajiueitaiiDt; tue astireu fruin Iti uribnury
Rcoiiros a lull I'o lo Inr S.'isSiO. int. I '..', per wenk ci.nn.sii
sa li n li.r all and etar) ce-erii'tloa uf aeeltluut, truvebiu
itr olio ra Iso.
I'nic os t.,r f.'nn it Itlt l per tvitek coma -nsatlon can bit
Iik.1 lor preiniai,. or any other mim butweea IJ'SJ aud
$.'US' at preaortl, nJ.'o lutes.
JAVI.S (!. IUTTES0V. Pr.'Sblent.
KDHNKY HliNNIS, oerctary.
HKNItV A. l,YLIt,Oineral Asnl.
t'. Haclil. rii Siarr. l'rviifiletit Kntorprbo ln.-.itr.tnc Com-
pHiiv.rliatriuan. K. Hukor. lira cf r.irpollni ItnVtr.
ft w. ItaWlwIii. una ol M W Pal. twin A Co.
aninel Cnllln, trui ol Ctill n A Alleinus.
it. B. ( 'iiindi. vs. ( 'tn liter I'lil aUoli.lita Hank,
linn Alex, iier rt, Mavorl'ily ol Pti,1ailo'piilu.
Vt nt. II Mot He kill mi of Merrick l.u.
Jnnepli rat orhi.ti. Pii'-lileiit Western Hank.
Hon. .lames l'ollitct , il iectur Hulled bbates M at.
Tltomsa Polter, Me el ant.
(,e.,tko 11. Htnart, linn i-tuart Hrotlier.
.lolm 11. 1 u'lor Hun 'I t. illilespie A- Ct.
J. Kiltiar ThoDiiun. frealdont I'Biiusylt aula Itillroad
Ci,ini unv.
J tunes West. Prosltlont l'lltb aud Sl-ttlt Streets I'ijaen. r
liallrui.d Cuuipaiiy.
iskiie: IIY
Wll.l.l tM W. Ai.I.ES,
o,4il WALNUT S.ruet.
11-12 sttitlit.ll
Late nltl.e 1 leas'y bor.itrttuent. ;
Vt a.l,.l.(it( n, It. c, V
Ktr the Adjust meut mil Collet. of
(la ins 'salust thn Unite t Stiites, or
any Stato (iuvfrnincnt.
PPV(H.Po'iiit:, rrl-z M tary,
('l.t.iu attended to. rit.ftilal 'Irn
littc'; 1'a.y. aiid tl u'Ur
:loi ttlteu to i 'i.ti'ii for
I OMI of JJorrCfl-
ApphCHth-n by nail att.tnl -J to If it vie irt pcr
J.'o ct ar, o inaJe. until the (Mi-iu li jdj d.
AT Ol'i! Q?Fl -M, OK
Ml la
ii I .i:r-i
,Mj M.iiJNho' CLAIM AGKNl'Y.
'ii d!r.(,l.i.r,;td .-"idiei v.'ho ta be., u wouuicJ iii battle.
f uu. Iioirs'l V
; i -r wl.o 1 Ave li-rv. J t yv m.
id. sa,'F,.--'.iM
"1.1)1 tl.HMb.atd.
. 1 1 0 V(U MY AVI) H W'K V Y
itVIAM'i, I'ifftfH, i-tr."i, W.,ol 1.10..O vhc
ui or i tAu iil ii u tiie i r .
9' it I'KNSMiN A YF Mt
tleHu'.rwn ,ii,,i oi Yii -or of
:.,:... ... and MaflLt i i. hu 1. .t il i"l .o 'lo: ft f 1- t .
c trii:
:') :o
Iti V( : it
'.V. f '
I:' tu. rta;
si Kr.i.-i:
l'.li, A;.'. Ut,
i.. I;- v. i n -m
tin CiiAP.' i.S JJ. LA i'l
lir v :t: i.i , ih- in el' tl.e titlll' v, i . uir.irt, and - .ail'. my
r' l'r. -wtii 'b Vitiei.i' te.i!!,ir Slrl: s ami tv I ,,l,w llau.i..
Thes.. S.rl., totally rxolu I' .'. I :, W.l, it.ti,.si,uw, aud
I'liit Hi ri ti e crotlci. a-utiiM II . i and Wl'tiJoit i, and
aro tsarraated lor Ilea ye.lln,
(.'all or i'id toi Cereulttr. II l'.'i.utiil.'t
nwi v. a . n
li i'l i f,
H I r I Tl tK 1 p
.-'JOS. I
lal tf
OrSlY'8 T
t m ls.1. - In n irl,., lOilT In
r .0 leas, V. Ii, m. nJ IJ i'iirs.
Chdlre ll, mi fif -' i.
i t ... a- ii!r kwell 11. Itloa ani Hancos,
I n:il' St. I Mcetef. Ale ami I'er'et.
rueinJ M(!H.Krultt.Ssti-i. o.
Ns, V Mfitsi tiut ue with eaic,
Aliso. lis H. SK(?OSI m.Mt
1 ;m.y JII-lllliA II. COt SIT.
ilvii, Mint Ihfl ( ip.riiiiltli ht'r. iofi.r" cvtuliii:
l i ; wk n V. M ii.U I. i'. inn IK. A v i Hi KM l I ll,- l I
K. i. Hit. I M. II. Olt Wntltlt. IrmMnn timl-r tint
in tin . y li , vi il ii Im ol tlio " Vv Csl I'.nk'ltiP i 'titnimny." i
Ni r r -1 'r Montn -vf-tv cninty, I'cni nvlvi'iln. wi-, Vi9
!vl t ( nth (Uvul.'iilj li-tt, dtfl'olvr'l r fnutu.n cotiifilt,
li v tli wl'f nrn" tl "I iil Niimuel rt. Hill.
"t'y tu'- m- t. i ,n .'xi. "t tli- ! rti will h clt-'if in l
c lu'ni ii i r, ,',). r nm bin n innflr.1, un'l-r tJo "iJ tilt
f ti l- W st V I wlhl lUiy
(SU ii( t),)
AM' 'S Mi I I It,
M II I It A w r tuii,
MA.ML'HI. Kill 1
II ll-lst
nl.i I 10 IS' I.
isoj d i lor. i n i. co-PAKiM'itMnr
r a- U; ninlff tf.d fl W (' SMI Ki. fl .
I . Kta . 'N i a If .a '.". 1m.DV.i1. I II i h lii ' llilS Yi iii
ti-tilth J t ini-!. r'i-iM , i N" Ti' 1'-' k -twt.
( IhH I-. I ' f, . lirvivinu; (' "ti.or.
! 1,'itir cii l, Hci'ft'fl.i'tr', l04.
(t I'AM NKI.wtllP
fin .i 1 v . n in r-h i
'i H: Krt. f..i i v tiaii
1 1 i I t,ty !.utrv 'i.M
ri nil' r-lrtiM T thtnlaf
tin If r ll It nil .1 lA VlttS K'J
iiuii i itmu ri aiiln .tiid
m. ;-'"' 1 k -tn M.
HI Ml ,1 H h 1 WIK 4.
n-'U-.k A. J'AV'11.1.
Ii i.l j lilft, (( Uil.rr 1, H'.l.
V H. ,irtM,ftttrn f.f fi!-.f f1n', Otlir'cf TiAll rt
V' IWfiJft ft tl 'I ClM'fikl, fttltJ (i(i Cnilll"l,t S''1lf fllttn I'i'lifa.
rni' . Ii t ki (t i'i'l. II I lm
1 r i r 1. 1 r biiiI loft'' m C'.H.tVi au ti nf -ivf.l.
bi--i md L -nns l)ui".lit mid tilil u (Joniuiinhloii.
( U) V M TN It S II I I
I 1. 1 "I ( (J-i ir, f.iii;t'.l.m Ai
Iii nil . In 1 i'H hlon I "i'1
i, li'. In. 'i i-HH ..i .. IILMIY I
Imtit un t W!i,,l' -.i
liCi t'l 'l' il ' lt hlTti
hi; ici1 Kit. 'itm
t h ui U v lilui v .ii I f
AHUIN'HON lll'TCf.Ki; M')V
N'f; 14': nMtl W M. 11. tN f r.
Mi" B'', ! 1 i. fn I' -'I, !-' H n-li
I'm!"'.!. N .. 7 I'A'll II' 'r'i I. nt1 S. III h'l K
'!. .VuiViIiO V or ' AlMJM !"i k!.l IH IT'llli'tK i
ii (J ;o. li-.'
V, l'i ii vol i rii! ., O -foid-r .1 . l.V
Iti arnrilanri' Ttttli n rtitfiinf luti atop:o.1 h- tr.r tJ-ntirn' r
Cm t tt ol idc t It i t I'l iiadi iplivt. oii I !.itMtj , t ua 2ilh
J;. ot tKtt Ijfi, H .1. t ' e atui."i-ii liill, ftith Ii tl
"AN oi.-riNA v;
K "I A K K rOKis'HN l I'lIK NOUT'IKKV 1.1 l Kit
1 lit.lll.i .'K, "
Utul., iublUbi'0 fjt P'.iblic luf.imr.t!'n.
VM. V. A l.fs.
Clerk ot'C.'UimtfU t'ouiicIL
To tal.c rocn.tlnn of tin Nonlicr;i l-lhcrtfct Ciai Worki,
imd to en ate a load ilicri'ii.r.
Hfcifon l . Tlnr iiflcci an J trunnion (!oti.ic!li of tho f Mty
id - liilmli Ij litH do ordain ; 'l the 'I'nustcjt nl' tho 1'liilii
tlfli'liiii tiM Workn, me hiTohv nulli'irlrnil to t1.1 yimsri-
H. oii l the Woiku ot tlio Wor'ln-rti J-ibi rtl.'- tint VV.nP;i,
so m on in ti r the a ay ot JuH, is !, hh tun bo; In
nLCoriliitKtMvl'h the ttoius of hu Act nintrovt'd A pi il 1,
lHitj I r. I,, i't;i
rcctlrn J I hir f'r llin .nipi.fff of cnnli'ln'f tl'ff Tritn
tnn ol th' 1'Hliii.f IhlliH tis iVo.kito trtku t'iKit"t Ion of
tin-(on) V..ikt uiiihoiipd iyihu lirst Mtciion l.ercol, th
Ma i ot tin ctj la l enlij aniiiot lcd to li.irrm on Din
( itili! ol iu ' v'Hy, tit a rat.' '-(' h'te. t t not t?rpfdltn six
pel vt't. i -r aniiuui, nut-It -ti:nii ot niortf. ai the l'r nstt-.
imiv rrtilri. Dot cxcct'ilini; f mr imu Ti ll t human i,
a tie Vtlllio t ri'itilrtiir 'nil nitnl ol any tiioi..y t!irri lor ;
11 v i'v.y 'I n aft re r Is Icri'in tlj, c.til on It re j i. ; ti of
tlie 1 1 ut' in io Inhiii1 rrrttilt'iiipj ol tli !'',ni if 'ho 'n.r l
l'lt'li 'ii 1. It a tn i m-n hum ioits and to B''ti purtici they
hhd'i 'ichijiude not eff( ilu aid miih.
huiu loan to lm iim d lor tin t utu i r.-ti"ii iif tha stock of tli
Koitiii Vii l.hi-rtkit lin.i Wn'ai, jt.d Hit: pniu Ip ! tl tn uf
to i,c punt'it' at tlif ei iiatlou of nttfca yrtrb from tlie
Oittf ot ut-li ronverfiloii, anil tioi hciitro. u lih!it tow con-
hClit ot tin- tli'ldcr llnTt'-l. flu- ftltMlciUcs ot hiUtlloan
i-l. all be in the uiu;il lor in In v. iiv.h ut-rt'ilt ilea liirc'of. .re
I. itvt tiren li itii d on ilic rfunf-l'io i of totid trii,c. and
kliiill pi ttaiixTriitdent thfotiicv ot'tlie ( ity I'roKiniHr.
hi'i-tH n :t. I ont ;lie mid TiufttiOA hi.all dl t.patt out of
thu ptotitt ol said tint Vorkh.tltM mini twt ive ikt
cfh nm per luintiii on tlie amonttt ix.rrovvud ! viriticof
tins t rdinrtiH't1, tor tim juir j osa of pnjlii thn intoreit
t lift ton, und f r tho prtiiciinl tlmrt'ot,
vlnii tii Bttiiu- sliMll bo juHldc: and on or
bvfori- the ildrfy duy or f loniaibur and the
tlifnt. th diiv of June in every yrnr, ii:uli th
Hald loan Ii redei-med, ti e urn ot six pr ct-ntnm on
tlio utiio mil ol'stud loiui sliHll bo paid by the a at I rrujtoca
totiiolM. 1 rfrthiin ', wl.o bh ill auidy tbroo per cuntutn
tbf. i-oi tc the aiiKiitof tho Inter, bl on itttJ loin, antho
mine nmy 'all due, und to no other piitposu, and t'te ro
nownink' ilirc per centum sluidtio paid over by tho said
Tit-tourer tn the Cotumi.sbfoncrii ol the MinaitiK nnd, v no
sliali in I'M tin' tauie and ltd atctinnilailoioi In Ur loam tn
the. sld ins Workx, or in any otner Uiaiih of thM'ltyof
l'MlH'lolptiia, in a dnkli.K lunl. h'eii t hereby apcelH
enil pletli'd to tlio i epnj nicht of laid loan ; a:id any anr
pliii n inaliitna itftf r thu payment ol nald loan, shttll bo
u p. lied by the Coinndsf ioitM'h ol tlie fltnklnu Knit I tovinl
tt.c caIIiiiiisI tii id of Hie oMicr loan to the mii'l (Juh
S tukK. tl uny, otitenvlkc of the funded d' bt ol the Citj oi
I'l l I'oeiphiH.
htL'tu.ti 4 I'pon taking pnsseHtin of the work, pfps,
foi.vejed noilrr ao't'Oiity of thK ordinance, It nlmll
In- ihe out) ol theTrtu vt $ of ihe as Work r to make a de
tail (l rf por. to Coni c Is of th ptopurty, real and pernonal,
so ci)iiTiid, Kiid u.i ns-etM d v& tie: aud t:.e aa d I rim
Uen tliaif li.". i ith u.ipei t lo m-.M work-, ni(f", cM (he
Hume powt r aitd atithut -ij In a'l re-.pc t ui they no r
have, r h. rtatti r mMtiit.i, with rettpttCt to Hit work
a.reiiitT Intim-icd lo their cure.
hu tli n i. I-tirtlm pjrpose of cnnVlinc tlio Trustee of
the li liadilplda ia Works t. cany out the v.iri'i-.a l 'imtM
confided lo thorn by Ordinance", of (,'oimctlit, unit to n
cifUft , eu ivl, locnio, and improve lntn nioni o.:nHiml
i iii manne l ti e pipes, uicPTr , und workt their care,
iionii to tin el tin ln:rea-iiiij uunts ot th t; toi ai-lti-'il,
ire huid 'inisteej are licehy luttlnriwt and
nqcir-d no lo reKol.ite thb price of y ta and the ocvuiul
jiiedui-iaul It h maiiniaclure as m.i from tune toil tie bo
in cef .-sat . tbe mud prli " of pais to be tlie same In all the
Y aid:, of 'the iry .iippiied bv the Gas Woikb utHr the
conttt l o"tl.e Triinle'i.
Hicii'-nfj. AfiMbinK fn any other ordinance contrary
to oidiiiiinte ia iitrehy n jkm mI.
l'.-Ol V I IOV,
Diicctfug tlie Clerk of O nin on CoulcU to rtibil-h a Loan
RtBoWoe, That tlir Clerk oi f.'rmnion Council he autho
neo to publi-'Wu two I'ai'y ih wsj apom, dally, for our
wot ki, the ordinance presented to Owimon I'o'ineM at a
rti'tto ineftiim thereof, held on the 'iila day of o 'toner,
lhfil, enililed 'An Oidtiifince to taiio poaituanioo ol the
JsonLiin i.ibert'i-s ( .an Works, and to ore ate a loan Iheio
tor;" und the f.atd C elk ut the MtHt'-fl ine'-UnK of ('oitnelli
next uftei the expiration ol tour weekA from the hald pub
lleatli u, f ha!t present lo'ouiicUn oneofoach of auM nnws
paperb lor every duj In whit. It Iho auiiiu aball have boeu
uiado. lu-l-4w
ejlARTLUMAsl l lt-lll.Salt.tL s (H I II K,
h'llisv 111 VISION.
W.tsi'ivev.e.-. Xiivi'iub.r In, ls,d.
Horpes stiltuttlo fur Aril iory nut) I'asalry io,vko will
be pineSasiil at tiielilajru ltejK't, ill open uiarkat, till
iioi't oib. r J , Isi4.
lb.oos be tl'-llvrred to Captain I.. Itwry Miora,
. l. M., anil be .-lib oe toil to UiS usual iluveriuuant
Insticrtiot Im In inn tteerl'tt-U.
l'rliei.i ( avairt I Inl'Mv, t;f, eaoh.
I'rleo ct Aritiltrs lb, is. g. $lKli,'aelt.
f aj aii't.t mil be luaue lur Mix (( aad more.
Colonel In charso t irsl in,
ll-11-l'.t (jiiarierittasiar-llenorai Oiflce.
Oibce . W. corner of WALMT and J i r TU
r?tti.Arir.t.piriA. N'lvrtpbcr H, 1804.
Kealtd 1'roin.ili will ho received at the Otllc
of H e ( lin t t'; fcioner of Highways tinill three
o'elcek J'. M., on MONDAY, the Mh Inst , for tli
cointtructioii it u stwir (iiillie lliii of 'J nl ti tit ret t. Horn
Hoard .wiiiie to Poplar be brlefc. oircnhif tu
lo' in, and ot t o teet ttl Inebos In diameter; alto a no wvt
on the line of Waliac) meet, lioin tbe .ewer on Kldttt
n pntie to he est em b titu- ot .io. ireei, to bti elcealar
jnlim,ttud tluee int t Innide uiumnter ; also a n.-wer on
ti.el'iteut lirid.e kin-ut. lii.m the feuimyi vanla It illroad
t the r.vei ilm II' ill, L'. be of Orlek.etrc'ir In for in an 1
tiiKtde tlianif ter 01 lime fu-t; al-o a ttew r on the hue of
l'tven'y-io f . nd att i t-i, liom Wood I'.r i't t'i t all'ivfull
btree-., aid Hi t'tillowntll at cut, ir'n TtMiitv-ll-i-t
ktfiil In 'livfiitv m-ciii d HtrMl.lo b III r lur" Itiatitti
I itlen i'tcr; ji dih.i'ou ihe Iniioil Ca lu.Mull iroettbs
inn t nl . ii. .-li t, Oi il a tn li r: aI.h u i-r i i lh ;i i,
ol t-ratikt (I lort'l If tu pit- n Wit tn All ii aire lloihe
it noilli I V i!h. v nir.'i't, to he r.rciUr 'i in,-'n. ith t
I I. Mi I
llitJ l't
I i
i !, i r 'o the a-i
on i ui i
pal I '
il't i :
t t i. ,i in .
l. i irtii t
ii I i. I
! I.
1 1
.1 b. tt. i
r.l-l. li-
1 o
ih i ii i il i i'. e.i..iiit.' .-.lid v. l!' I O . ! I li i'd o'l 'in I'iil I i -i'
th'- dlllei. i ce In t en ld.t t'id Bud tho nevt hitli'i' bd.
b pet iii ntioi.4 mav h- lia.l at iho lleu.n ;.acn ul dirvt-y,
Hli. li .vill he htn tJy adhered to.
I hi er on Urid-e t-e.-t, mid on T rt'enty-feciinl and
Ciiliow loll -..rt.. it, will diner liom irv n-- i I 'tout.
w. u. sm i ;)i.i;v,
ll-'Jl-m-rtf 'Jt Chief t'oiinuisaioiier ui J l',(.iw. .
rOiibi: fi.t'!Tii. r, f
Uctob. iJ. IM.I.
po. .! V bf rec-lved at thin'nient
:av ,.i f-vnti-r next, at 12 oVtnek no. in,
iter l.alatict i Pn tiie ti-o-n the p. .uih tu
. t. i j"i .MM), in in a ul .ut. I .e .jactday, t t'.e i l-.-wiiu dfM riprious, !. : -
t j i'.ij t hu1 "I V 'ii'hill'- fl'tt or,i- f's iivo; li-1-.
t-e H-'i'i"d d ui to iU-irt,ir i nut. vi. Ot
I , I ' e r- ,i. re I ..f :i ' i '.
,!:. i, Ini-' at I'll ; t f"-'i 0,'-',
I Kc. 1' 111'
I til 'II M.e "Il
I nun! h i!
I i:..' I 'P'l' a
I oi I'. , I.,
hi I.. i .i
eu l.f. !
-ft I II '.
r :ill d tin M IO " IIP .'!. Uf
ji .. e id d ot a ir.
i ( :v ('i iu 3 :o I e
f , I'm ah., ii v.
I- not l.-tl.iii'-v f'i'l-t ii-'-.i-np my
. j,.. . i li' ii i nu- 't.'. '..HI
. .1 ..
f bid
i i
e. - . Me
..I ai, l i
iter.. I I . '
n i) . i
. 1J'
r.l . li ir
. e
I- '.
I i ii
..i.ce lllii;t lit. v.
a in a
. o tl.O
',.t li.
situ.., II" iurle3t a. el flu il
i i ,.i!i I 1.1111 1'
ilit i I.i . ..iiii'l.
.ru'-ti ts l'li l-r.
i in. iiii. I. J. Jito
,tu , v'Jen '' "f
..Hie .nt .-.lent
I. l.. :i .'. ' i u".
. r . u l , lu nil it ,iii e ss eonlra. le.l lut'Ii.' 'UilttiA
' l.eli. wl .i.ii-J ef 'in Inf." l"r !.:.!. '
"'.l.'H.I a in III. I' Ill i ansa lor tl.a ls.uo.tuia ul tl.O
'al.iii.iih.-.l..r ntl. mitvldi. 1' l' ';-
, i i. ,,,, i , ii., iniie. .),' i, i .'I ,..Wre.e. lo
tea i'llfct
lu ;-.i i ei
.islai. t li'sliiiu.;.i'
ml. Musii
Vt . uSs.M S"
l'otl Ulsf f U. ;i
J Offl(,H. W.corTr WALM'T ni H Til Hln-n.
Pit i i.a if i rniA , (vmtor 31, 11.
Hal-sl lr(JM'tl wltl I) rrrtm d nt Ihia offl'-t" until t
ft'i k !', M on MotHiti( th 'isth itfi(. for n" irra lm,
HI f.o nuifh tTCiiMr w4,tiic f-ill)Win8 iret'ti, vi. :
,'ft'Mth. 3Mtrinf, 'i'Wilftli. I'muHft and Tlnr!f"ntli
Mfffin trim Hi-rKf. to I. art it it utre". nl lati' tr
ntTii tY "til V r 1 1 tl, tn 1 (ilr'f.fli'h itt" t. In tl rli'T
tlritVvntrt iirt nil Imlilfv. m., lx praf tt t ih tim" ft ml
( bu r nt.t) niC'lioi !, In n t ir pr pis,ii, t, ji! tmnf pnnl,
K l1 th' V Tl aW-l-llitl tc t.f OWl tf til'MiT, il'lt it lie llnni
f ron fn'wn'il wt'ltn t'Trr tl ivH tliT tttiT t'
oxi rMt A ciniirncl, hu bul will ?n ronti-,t rf 1
wlliidrnwri. II 2-tuM H
fi-r Vnl arv IM-turl i rhini1-l'iia, .r. 1M
,.IHAl:t Ntri-n, Ni. niin rVI.
mm i it In piiiil will 1i tcii Iv. il a t'.' n'tlrf until
t on of MMMi., t'i I ii -t mi', f"- i l.i i r. h -f ii'i 1 i.nn
.'ilf.ti f'l Niliillt' l.l'l tt ''! 1 ''W t M i 'I. .411 I .I.H'.t
h!Ri -i Arm. Uvn- rti' ll"p!iBl, I" v i-nuiv t( pi u it nil
m.i .'iivHtioT,, nt tro o(t i c " of .iiihn .K Unint, Jr.,
Am Mt n. So ::; H hi I II Htn pI.
I r,"m miii. n'lili- tl " l on.'-t ttrr.'- ro-i'i-rt d t . "-iin -I
Ii it ih' .m t , hikI inii't In timdi' ti)ii i i.i rr ail i it- f it, tut
tl --T,s ,J U- fl,,,, ,,t'l( P.
I li.'i. ii htAtc n r''frrt tin rlnlit to mvt all 1ndn
'l i IIK'U li .! tij; aUMl: U il . I"1 tlltt n ttt.
II rttpt.ttii rt.i't a i M.
Til M l 'MA I I nr. A It M 1 fJ A SM'i'l! I I l"S.
, ., . , l'i.. i- sm w KI !) r C'-i ii nt Ih1 . .-(I' mitt! I ?
K M. on It r :lnf (l.iv o( Iifi .Mii'ifr, . t . f-i '.Mi
i -p.. if ,! n oi Milur t) f rll-a di.r.i'K lit'! t Ii ,
olt t
fo '.iv. Ilu; r ill : -
I ,,i i ( N.i I rmn MMt I ci'fiv.iiil! , liiru'll'1. mil
'v. ft itol'ei il-1' ! t'.llt Hi, lo- i"l i-li''t tlnrini:
i' vy wiii uTt V C w -t t.i'.k ot tN JVI . i j r i fi-r,
t.i o? r oi i I ' i, v 1 1 svo-1 1' , mi I -"ti!i of hit it if!" I .' ie
H ti. i:i . tn n' j oil- i.r .it -t i ti tt re itr 't( l.f !-'."il tn V t-'i . rr ..r.t- "( - tr.t - i, hiiv.i'.r', l l.-t'.o.
! I '.'It. it I'll nl ' it't' 1 1 .'0 tl U 1 1. nni i. I t of
iuliti'11' 1 1 ihri1!'- nfi, 'ttul In the Ti rntory ot' 4! !'
i'lo t tull. r l 1. -I " n i - i.onli
III. M. j ti. titc tii' -ii'" " r ini nti;,iVi per I'M' nil!'
n i j. h tfivwil: fn'i-P'-it mtd ! 'ret iriricli oi tli"
oi.ti tiom Ajir.i t" S -i'li'Mili.-'i , iJ.c:iii:vu, ol tliu -t
ol Vi
I Mr 1m
Hl ,t
M.. nt
I tt'Tt
.III till
trr (
iv Vo 2 - Vi
:!'! of Kfttr R-
V Til
.1 ll.P !
l,ilcitw.rtli KHrty, In
r. ti nl Khii -ii i. In il- t .tt-'
-Utliiiu thii arc or nu.v In
,s it. or in Iti" r rr o i
oi ri, lo n i'.Kth or
l-tl( (I hi tlir Mil1 of K it li
.!-., .iill .i! iiiCt.l I
nitoin rorfi.cun ni r, h . and to Kon 1'nt'in.N.
o f i r ih pot tnry h" diii.nhd in tbut, I er
to I on it ii bind aniMn any otio-r pout or p diic
i' route. .jddri to NttHe (hi tale pr Imi mils
o ml iji nt t iiirl, they v, ill f air p n t nit id itor." in
.1 the iiM-mhi Ko:n Aprd to rt.pu ailfi, iiijiusi . e, of
the .'111 M,.i,
li- t i N". II - I'foTii Tort I'oln it l'i h other de:ot Ai
lio ho t HtHh 1 - I ed in tin 1 1 Ttit r ol Sow M- vh ii, i i ao
p- ' tt r r Ni-nton l h il .'ie or in -i v in1 ' Vdi hi'd in th it
'1 er'itory. ami to sip h j'Oitti r taitoiis ai in'i be deHp-
lottf'l in tH." 1 erritor of A rl .n,i il.d JiaU-ol Icvio wmt
ol h.n ;;: iiib p i (bxTi-ic. w c-1 I iM-rs to si ate tin- r'e
per M 0 piniiiiln p i l-"' mil' ' al w il- h 1 1 y i ill Ir.fipurl
n d orefs in i'ii h iiftln 'iif.rihH .'rmn Prn' to November,
m. n a . of i Im- . t ar JrvA.
1 t.e vt K,ht to be ti an -pi irtril cmh i a will not exccrl
It ,'io,Hop,,iii.tlt on K-.nt- Ni. 1 ; I i,.-n,.UK. pounda
koi te No. ; and o fmj,(H pinidi oil IJ.nito No t.
No adni!i.iii percci.iiii''' w.l! be pi d fr thn fan-por(-tboiof
iifti on, hatd h;etid, pine luuibtr, Muti'lcg, or ay
Hidilers nhntild itive their naifeji in full, wll ai tb- ir
ph i t- f ie; i .cite, aiid ca ii loop .tlioiiid he ui.cotn
t jT.icI b h b' nil In the villi (T'i ii thnnsanl ibdUre, in d
b two or tnoro leHpuiiitole per-oim, vtinrnnhpi'lni: t'.at. in
t'Hie a colli i a. I In a w arde-l mr the rmite miMit ioni-d In the
pro o al to rhe p iiti -h propo-Inir. th.i r mtra'-t will hf a.-,
cep-t d iiliI enfei i d n to. and Kid and sutlh If ulm ciin:v fur
nlei'ii by PMid panto, in ace rdan- e vvltli Hie b: in of Litis
advert ifiFinOit
1 I.e innount of b-mds re nilrcd will be an follows :
On hoiit No. I $lim,'Htj
On Konte No jm,i"jO
On I'- u;e No ;i bu.n.-)
flatlhf.icb ry I'viuLiice fit the o; al y ami soivancr
o1 i .it ii iicutit fctid jjuinon ouereu b bucnr.ty win oo iu
Pri no: a"! ni'tftf bf endorsed "PmposiUs for Armv Tran'
p t'a ioti (on, lii.nle No. 1, '2, or the nun ma bn,
jo d none v 111 i i tauieil hum tbey fully i'ouipl wiln
hi i tin 1 1 ijiiir in i ut. i o ih s auv cms 'Ui-nt .
! ai He-to whom uward. are uiadu mintt h prepared tn
c t i u'e coiitiau n I imr,', and 10 Ue the required loiid
lor toe Uitiil'ul ueriO'tiinmo of the is.itno.
f oi'ttiftt, fill be niado ti,'ii'Ct to the at pro alof thi
;uai rei master iltniei at, but tin riKht ib r n TVed I" reject
unv oral hid, tiiat unv be otb-red.
I otitni torg must be ill readllieiH for servlre bv th tlrt
'a ot A. Til. and t!ir v will bt i'epilred to have l
)iM '- oi Pj i iii'iec at or in' the vicinity of f-drta Leiecn an 1 Union avd other ih pt t , a: in tr h.- e ttth! sl.i I the) tun) bo Lotiimimlcated witli irompil und
rt aiini'.
I'.j otde of the 'JnarteroiabttT General.
II. f. HOIi'lKS,
U-l!'-a':t Capt. and A- ij. M., U. H. A.
im innati . l;hto. NovemT II. i
ProTT-nnta) nro lim ited tY the iirdersinned nun V 1(1
1A . , N". mher Ih A. at Vi o'clock .M..1-T tL.nublnng
lint. ieo;irTin'., i o i ontiaei i wnn :
1'tt-i.rn It-.o'i tirniy iiiimUrd.
I'tluM'd ; i u.i'j, alin alnmhird.
Knbber'l'ent Hit pketn Aiiuy staadard
I'm live l 'e l's, do
Coiiii.tiy I-t lUTi, d(t
11 at fords Krfavalry, do
do Imantry do
do M'ti hrT do
AIno, tor tho Immediate dellvcrv, arrordlng to sample, of
li. e ion' uii mate rini tor innnaint.
j, dneh Worsted (,nca Vllow and Hcarlet.
li V . n Machine Thread No. Vii and No. 7').
V. It. do do do No. 40.
Colton Ni'ool Thread-Whitu mid Itlack, No. 'Z and
jo. ;ai.
Twist Silk.
Ve t Unt'oPR F.aUe, liriim.
Hnhpindtr lintloua iletai,
hnin no d
J'ot do
Tint do VrJ
'1 nt rlfdr. (!
Imh I'ii.,:h Harness.
Vt ite ft inline.
anll a li ), ' ' tiuh.
WTi.n (' .itt-n 'iiOne-Klvo fiid
I'.alini; Tivli.c t lux.
ltiTsu ai .
8i in;, t a of tfcc 5tanilard ar!l'cs mnybeiocuat thu0t11c
f li tht.iu and r. iuioau.e in i i s ottv.
To be di ivrrd fret- ol tl:urLe ai tho T'nlted Htati Tn-
P -eiitu Ware! one In hn city, tn j-'ood now paekniref,
w tin itie mime oi ti.t pan y iiiriiinni;. toe kuhi ami oiiaii
tity ui ooda uli)lmcli marked ou eaui arttclo and
1'ai to offerluir poodp must distinctly itate In their hfdn
the o,tiiit'7 they propose tu furnish, the price, iiud time
oi utiiiery.
han. ph i, when MihmltVd, munt be marked and nam
be red to to1 re-pond with the proposal, and the iiaruei
theri' suuiaiileu that the woods ihud be, In every
rei-jo ct. e iuai to Army niaiuiatu, otuurw uu mo proposal
w ill tiot be cona'dered.
A Kmtrttntee, klsned by two rrsponslhlo persons, mtut
kci oniLiuiy em h bid. uiiraiueelnK that the bidder vUl
bupply tie articles awuntt d to him under bm proposal.
I'.liis will t o opened on r'rhtiiv, Novomher .'o, ih it, at
12 r eioeit M , at thin office, and bidders are requoi ie i to
be pte tit.
Aw ardt will be made on Ha'imUy, November ?J, l-fiL
lionds v. ill b reuuiied lliaithu CJiitract will bu I'aiUii'uIly
f,. Hilled.
Telei rwrni rrlatlnj; to Proposals will not ho noticed.
1'. in nk form of Proposals. tJoiiiracis, id ltonds may be
ObtUitiCd ut Oltl.e.
'J lie r kht to lejuct any bid deuincd unreabonable li
rem rved.
Kr'dome cnTelop "Proposals for (here In sort the uanio
of ti e article oitiredj," tnU addn-hm
fit Chief (.MiaM-rnihster, oinclnnatl l)epu.
j n oTcTs au.
f Hi t KM, MIINS, AN1 TUNlil K-.
OlM l: IlKPOl t 'tiM M A l(T tK Hi HHIMTKNrK,
anhdiutt ii. Ii. (,' , November Id, I St. I.
.Scaled Propoitili. hi duplicate, are iiiTttcJ until the -Jdth
dav oi Nov. nil U oidock A M .for Jll lea. Tallow,
llt ltoruk, f bucks, Shins, and Tonvues oi aiHIovern
infni Cattle tdauwhtctt'd w ithin thr ane-ent limits of tho
limine- o C'oiriiubia, lor lour month f.oui Uioootuiuenco
mcni ot the coot' act
1 h. tr hies to be colleefod by the con tractor and
removed from the various pluei- at which the cattj are
It I lea ui ueii tluats as may be dOilgnatod bj the oitleer in
'I ne iiiindier of Cattle used luonthlv var'es from lft'io to
iiofO. und sre now kllhdat f haul H.ldte, ( ilaiboro, f oi
va.oci nt i- amp, Wufhio'ton, and Mtnun Irlu, bm other
p-.'u e- may tc ur wlibin tlu' preerlbd limila where iUee
ar lc li s v. di b reunited to tM nl!ecied.
'I heeoiitrnclor hhall be liable for all the bldot.t'illiw.h'io'e,
liiiim, c-lUl'k, miia. and totnaien, couiinK Ttun all the
Ooveihiiient b ot caitio slaughtered. un.Oha it can he inaoe
f-rtliidiu-to lo lo ai-i't-ar to ihe Hubili;i m.e lepruiii'iit that
all tim vm iilou, dill.i'iicu, and care was made tu uldalu
aid nr 'tlcH.
Payment will be reitulnd overy ten dd in Qjvormnciit
The bids will stato the airunt, per nnimil, lor the artl
rlch ten i red lo. and bo a. e.mpanled by the billow lm:
reaihntie. eettlilcat'1, ailelavdi of each ijuarautor, and
oah ct till K'n e,
h ank tonus, otiii be ohM'tKilby app Icitloiitot'ic undur-
ifio d.
piiorOi ua.
I, . of th'.' Hi Hie of . fount? 01 -, 0nT,
P-r head, tor all llii't i'a'ilo.v. hoofn, 11 irus. fhui'Ha,
t M.ll a ud :on.iies,oi ll ' i tv.-i ini.erit r.u.d' f a tie kl'led
( It "mi I
i 'id litiil i ot t te 1 s t r l : t ui t 'eliinibia,
duili aid rei'fs tl.1 o a aoimt -o bo m words and
i ' u i : r s . -ub, ' t to a'l ih-1 1 ma t oa. .a tiie a 1 . en; sua -nt
licit V. ,10 Mi I v lid "si,
lif WAN 1 KK.
Wi.Te '!..'!! I. ii-.i. i. -id-. i-mi -, in tin' cunty
, , , , ,(.. ,,; t t.r, -,j j.ilntlj atift
i.iit i u' 1 1 i ' 'ii'i Ul' I'm od t it .' i , h id i: ir.m'ef , in
' 'X 1! -II 'w eceptcij,t nit
I i v. ' i ,, -. 'i i i tl , .'ai h a ' r th tc fpiuiitj .tl aiif bid.
f o li .... , . . t i. tht- .1 u... lit'l l .IL i hlr-Vi UtKltl il the
TL' , ' '! .' m e l I. . . : .,,) Sllretj' O Wi 'l.lll'l, III
t -o.ta - l" . I'. . I.i ii'siod .'nl a.'-, tor 'he p-M" .r.niiu,o !
; "i:. i. .. i v.lih ihe tt-raiioi hu proposal,
. ft. the -nl t.iH f,,. (
O'ltru.-t. it-id. r t) e t.'rm ( tho a m, t;-o iii. nt
1" r Jo. 1 J.!, V t! . il ira;,!ee to lil.tK.' .intt.-ie
:wei-ti the oiler lima, hy ihfl t,id
t top'.oititj ptui' al and t,he iifxt i.iwi'Ui'"
in il iiuij. r, (i the pe. t u t. a,i. jQi tttJ cjil
u.v nib -!
i.tvin uiPier our hands and icils, this
t 1;,V' t'of th ru.'.-'i'it rs runttt sum 'i by
if - . a'e of u i . t in-:. ,;t . -lor,.
'i' s- .ltd),-, 'Ih.r i.ei''a'e UlMtt bu ii t;nj
SI I I .' in
i urcr li. ua .
,!'!.. ! V,.
ililit leue,. Ii'
In tl
-imi.s'M.. r.,
Iit.s t 'i be
I t..T,'i y e. i ti
.1 . ii
... ..I.
I I' V1 II
ei e ..ri
''lely s .it .
.1- J .ij.--' .d i iii
, .v'.n. b. 1 't .Inly .
,.l tl !r' . ",
Ti li.,le
IT' -
;.l l.y I .
Sue r p k.'O
1 ..ii i..'.' v.
tr.,;..-.ils ,:.
I' ell', n l V.
.rt.iU J a ii
(I'lIK It III t.
Ill Ui, 111. tl I.
l.JS.ll V
'I I..-
'I 'l l. tt
h h.
t 'hu
r fh- HI' s,
hi .ilier tl J
s i b'; pit setii jr th'1 "jii ui ot
i ' I'H l ll't r I Ml'" , IIIMI Ii II Me- l'1't I II" . Il l '.'
rH:.ff,j,, ',,( , i t 0u -i ir t lllilt-H, 'IS'lnw, floolv, jioiU: X., aud II' iblt-sJUd 1 U.e UU 1-iai,.'! cd
il. HKI.f.,
U 1 7t i.ietii"iiiii.t-C'.loti"l and'. H.
"1 Htol'OSAI.B FOU
PC-IT OsTI'-r Pt'ATM1T, (
.-ler rt H-4. (
WealtM Propoa1 wMI !. iweived at tins loMiartmfnt
until (if "th day ot I r n be i nst, at il cl k ni'n . I if
furnM Injf Wrappmit l'apT utid Twfne for th iit-of u
l"ot f)tbif-ii in the l'niid Nta;, lor out) year from ai.d
aitor tiii -fist day d hv watr t i-xt.
i hn aid artb fa are to p tbdiverrl, of tMpinie, at
fl u lllank Aitoii' of th pout omru lnartrue'it, at
W t-binaton, 1 1 C , Vi- .rK my, so t Pa 'al-., N. ,
Tie catimatnl i(imetlt t.t Aeh arilcie, and th pinllty
thfrtoof re, nired M each An' y, yearly, are fpeoitud
l't low.
iM KM'T No I, At WAKlf IN' i II. w.
'i('itlO KP.AV OK WR 'PIN'i PAPr.K. ' b? W
In lies Iti air, ot tvat rial and iitmltty f illy
(v i ua I t. that now In i f in tliln Ih jurtitiinit,
and to v i lnh poii ,ds to the team, and va h
ream to rotitam o (. Met t ti ira.
IO III, A 's i I Hh' MK hlNl OK PAPKlt ,
?ti h H in' hrn Iu tuxo, and to wuIkIi '" pounds
tn tin- ii- .m.
n,000 1 iil'Mn OK ,ll"lM;,orothr uritahle Twlnr..
hard tw(iid. and l'i bill., to weij h one
in i' i-l a:' i t thif.
tt.OOO.NiTM Sid t:nH!IC IMOIP TvVIVK. nb oil
nte e,.hlli 'dan Inch in dlrui'.r w!l twlnte d,
In bul'., to wid(.'h I to? pounds crh.
Tn1 1:1' 1 NO NFV i oi ,; i'l I V.
1 '4,0011 IM. V HP V I! i I'l Ni p PKK. ilm'Hr to i "it ril ed In the stin, ilM of lnnri t
No I
'iOU l;KAMM)K WRAPPI SU PAPI.R, similar to
Ihsj p. cl, .I fn- r.httict No I.
1 0,000 poi' n I -s tr ,n I k'.or o-le r Twin, slmil.r ti
thi t'r-; in -o- to -I tor 1 1 i-strl t N.i I
lO.UOOV.H N:-. oriwAlt-K M KM f w I Ml. bni
lar to t ciol lli n ond tlcicilptiuti t 1M1
t " I' t No 1.
1'1- ri.H T NO. IM'VKU.O, V. V.
10.0'rO hi..-. -.iM or W K1'PIN I' IK'' , similar to
(!.! f -t iro n 1 r I'li-rlL. No. 1.
:iC. KI.A Mil l V i: M'PINU P IT'Ji, siiuiiir to
t ft' la -t an. I'd f 1 H I 1 ' Me 1.
10,t!OO l'OINIis ur ,11 I K oi otft Twirte,
smidri' t that d tVuilrM d jsr.pti u t,.r ins
trlcl No. I
7,000 PHI N i S Of CiMKSK IIKf? TA INT,
inrl i' to that ol tl.O ' ecol; ilcscrlpti f. 'f
fnul ll'ttt U t.
Props -Is w ,)i 1 1 tc.-ep ed tor enrh arthle separately,
and -.rat -tteh lo e o h HM'i' t, or f.jr the who...
'Ih'C'.lihiul or conl t io ts 111 he a w ar led to the lowosit
and br-.l bidder. I" be oett rm!ned aMr n e.irel .1 1 e ainin
tioii. for lm purpose i t iis e'tnmlaK hich bid will, m Iti
priu th al rcM'Lt, be iiiumL ad.Htnueoiit to lUl l'O; urt
li etit.
It tht libtrirt-i slioiild he re'rntrnct( d, or im rca- e In
run hi r. or tt ti ol 11 it ii di t .on i int;el, the arth b s is ; i i'l bo
deliver' d at such pift' e or plin-es hh ihe pi itui istcr-Oene-
lUl wlirtli lb si I into, at pn 'a' a priri't.
An! He po ttni t c-( ii n i al leservet ti llnse!f thn
pitvilr(:e ol Inert a-li,n or ledininK thr- iiniint It y ot the
liriirie icpiln d, 11 it l a'l be P itlni iiO' eite.ry to du m.
fsmi'li'. ol Mien snt' let tH aie to w ltirii,,iicd can tie
m i it ui i iibc r td n a iib.n e iihiic1 Ai; m ie-.
Hiddi rswiil uMid Mtmilesof hu h a.t cl- s ai tle'y pro-
pc-e t i lttrlHix ith He ll I .ils
l.m b bidder ion -t furnish, with hfs propoMtli. t'tiaranties
of Ms ubi.P to com pi vt ith hi bid ; a. id a cui li.lcate noia
M- iii an t "l O-ttii.ift'Y, that sm h nnarn'ors t re cr d:bl
and rtlial-v ritien". mutt alo amt'ipfptv bis p opoals.
1 o f n Hh lent sun ti. j, w hi If re ,uired to a contract.
I ail ens 'i' f urn eh thf arlb it s coin la.ti d lor pi .niily,
to the t .rni- i: oi -r i' lt-s ,.t an ii.i.inor 'iniili'y i. th h
coinrHi r for. will to- considered a unlicieiii cause lor the
forte, tuic ot the tontract.
Iti ts n -I made in uu oidiui' e with th.o proposals w ill
Hot he Coi ialeied.
l'ropo-.sis mil-.! be iriarVodon the 'its!de ot the envriopo
wilb thr i an o: t' eartnle or Hrrrles, pr .posed f.-r, aud
tin letter i "i intuitu tin m addres ted t tbe Plrst AfusiauL
PnstUi.l .U r-Otiit ai, ailtil'1 ton, Il .
10 7(i-w'i'.t ro'ttna.ttr (ieu-ral.
lit IVMtTMKHT or tiik
f l,.tlts,
ero, lHit.
Ortl 1. IMOIAN A
flr ah d Propo;., eiulnfed Proposes for Indian
(tool's," (f'fls l."J,t r I, is the case ixay be,) to he d.dl
tnd In tbe city of Now i ork. wi.l b-- received at tin
i thro of Ao airs until i 0 chi k P M ,oti KlilDAY,
the V'.th dav of Novetnlier. Instur-l, for fiirhlshinn the fol
lowing nsined articles, for tiiJilllin. Ueaty stipuluUoui
wuli VAtious ludiim tribes :
( I.A.SH Ko, 1.
M Vt'KINA' HI.AShMi, ( l.nills, AVS PRV OnOT",
I.'.iou ruin 8 pt. White Mackinac p.laukeis, to nn astiro
(Jj bv 72 liiclies. tintl w el. h H pounds.
2,2-0 pairs pt. hlte Maeklnat.' UUntefs.tomeasuro
M fr Oi luchis. and weifiiili pounds.
iffOpairfr pt. hite VaeJtiin.c tuettsure
4'. by Si: In. ')'es. imt wck-h 'i'j pot'ti'ls.
"Mi I 1 . jt lib Ala Ki:iHc lilaiikets. to measure
;;i. by, and v. ah h 4 V, podh'Ih.
arO pnlrs I pt H l. Ite Aliickinac Itiankeis, to mftsuro
J i 4,; nielli'.-, tt"d wei(a -i't pounds.
2W 8 pt. S;arlci Mnr-smse p.iaiiket". to measure
t0b 7a ii.ches and w elgli t pound?.
j:,0 pmrs V1 pt. H' ailet Maeki'ias lllani.i' mca-
ut c .'tl hy Mi I'.ches. ami welub tl pounds,
VX pairs 2 pt .carlat A1a:klnae loaokr'a.iu measure
4'J bv M. leches, and wt b-h SVj pounds.
'afOO pairs ii pt. fi arlet Maeklnae mea-
.it b f' und. t s, wtUiM piuuds.
00''', 11 H- Oteen yaekiimcl.hiokets, to measure
Ch bv St I in lies, and wolh 10 pouuds.
JiCfi pair pt. frcen M.le,.lua', lftn.e:h, to measure
bv 7 lm lies, at d wc,i.h H pounds.
300 I air. pl.i.rtin Mac' mac fi'ianke'i, (o mca-
suri f 4 by it, Inches . and wely-h ii po-tnds.
1'XI pairs, ;j pt. Indiim II I tie Mackinaw IHankets, to
niea'.nri tit. by hi Jncbet, mid wol.'h H poun Is.
20U pairs ;i pt. Indigo ltlue Maeklnao lllankots, to
ineasurc du bv 't'i Inches, and wei.;hH pounds
SCOpalis1; pt lidh.o Blue M'l'klimc .film, lull, to
ineasuri .4 b m incites, and weih p uiudi.
100 pairs 2 pi ttnMi;o Ulue Mackinac Ultukets, to
mianre Vi by tA Inclua, and wolkb .'' i pnnnds.
1(0 pairs as pt . Ouitinelia P.lue MackuiAc Hlankeis,
to measure i;ti ht HI lerhes, tnd weluti 10 pound j.
1)50 pairs y pt . i ei llitclle ltlue Mackinac Planketi, to
Uifitsnri Goby li Irche.-i, una wei'h Hp uinds,
3W pairs pi den Inolle lUuo Maeklnae Itlanketi, to
measure M by 6i: Inches, und welh li pounds.
L'UO pi.lih V pt. i.eiitiin l a ltlim Mackinac Hlaukett, to
measure 12 bv IU inches, and welh 54 pound i.
200 pans I1, i t Oenlinells 111 f Mvkli so IHnnken, tu
iw'nMire bv ob it rhs and weigh 4' pounds, n
1..W a:ds tatiry ) M lilnef loth
.(' do do do (ireeti Cloth.
1O0 do do do Mack CloUi,
1, '-) no Or .'. I iM ItlueOloth.
I . Hi do Sat d Lit-t tireen Cioth.
J.l.iXi ilu do Uo Hiuefli th.
2, h0 do do do S.arlcl Cly'.ll.
l'ldo n8 4 (Yool HhawU.
I' 0 do ti i do
1 coo pounds Linen TbroaJ f N"o. li).)
1, -U do Cot N-n Thi end.
Mi pros W'oi stc-i Oarterniii. f.yardsfiiieo
'.nt-lM) do .Men-nnic
lb m 0 Uo Tuike) feed.
It .tsN) uo lthif I'omun.
1010 do Cotti tnWes.
I.i on do I. town Onllloi.
lU.Ood do Ited Ticklut;.
1 600 do Httt'tlvls,
2 ih-0 do heiunel y ,lccs.
10 (NO dO OfaUAburK
V.'i.fHsf) do I'nbi' e ed lotneitic SliCetlnj.
7 M0 do PbM'hcd do do
6, OX) do die -ix , Mrlpe, nd Plaids,
f i,0-l) do Flam 1 1, assorted,
H i 0) do Plaid (,ii-fv.4.
l,itK pcunds It row n tiiiiaig Twine,
MH) du f '.tp'ii Muiiro.
2, uiti riauuel Hhius.
2 b (1 aiico .Sluiti.
X't) doen Pint'' M dras T!ftudkercliif-4.
AO do Printed Cotton do
(T.AMiH NO. '4.
I'l IH -St A I K fl.tVTtllK.l.
'2Q Frock Coat, liuiiK t Ohio Itroadclotli.
2'it' Pants, do do
V00 V esta, do du
2.V0 ltlue Hatinet I'rock Coutf.
1!.'.0 do Pants.
y '-ft do Yests.
Kfi Steel- mixed Satinet Frock Coat.
jou do till Pants
y.'-' Cadet uaUtd .Satinet 1'mok Coats.
do do Pants.
.60 do ilo V'StS.
T.A.Sf NO. H.
IIAHbWARF, AtH.ll II 11UAX DI tM.t' Ml: NTS, tTO.
1,.'H pi-unus Hi as.- I.eUli-.i.
led neMh lap nurd Kettles.
yOOt amp Keit't h.
todoeu 2 quail Tin Pain.
( t)o 4 do
12') do Tin Cuph.
do 8iaw Awls.
.i-.O ilo Mi Hi oks.
.- dO f if!. I-l VH.
ItO do Con T -oth Comhl.
fa) dO Pill. 1 folh CoUlbs.
2a do Hej.sois.
75 do Hiirars.
60 do N In g Hook.
J do Or. bi im: Hoa.
7ft do Hho ! ilw fiius.
1,Ok Prying Pa s.
IA) do .en Ua mrx Upcons.
1 0 Do Irmi i able Kpo-uis.
do An , to weiyh t. mo1; lbs each
id do Hal. Vven, lUudied, UMvcitfli .ii lo.
iO do llic Mnroia.
Id do Hi.toii s, Ames No. i.
10 do fsiiov if. auics No.J,
(loot's of Anierh j-i ma t'taetiiro. of (he re'iuired s'ylot
and quality, will ''i; pieiened; but as tho saioplea of
blankets and riot it are loroln fabrics, li will bem-ces.
saiy. In prcpotln;: a d uiestle article of either or those
kindk, ihut a samp' ioeteoi -tliall a. ompanv tli. but The
arucltot to be furnot.ed must, in all repe-.-ts, eonfonn to
and be e.iualwith ' i ' ioeruiuent lampit-, wbih .iuy
be het n at this ottl . 1 b- unit les w ill be tUbliy in-pecU) 1
axd eoiupared wiii. (' u n-uides by tin a-'-ut o areola ap
u.lnt d itr thai pu; nsi' hiich .in u ay be une' ihert i
in unv particular w .'! ( n .acted ; In w h ! cue the con
trai tor will be lioun p. in: iii-h others cl the it eiiirci kind
or -Hialt.y within Pu dl.H.or,u lo b me,
will be pt rchased
t iAIH'iisc Pu) ineiit will he mad.'
, . n'i. d.-ej, in -re.-i, ecililted by tde
il I lo ihpt C beiu.
it t .iit tht- tinbt w ill bo reserved to
'.. -s uiMiitdy rf ,i.t of flit- ariiiks
'i il in Ihe .ihtiiii s'h d lie, aC tiie
i l ids i ,r fur d-jhiiu- said ar;l l.'
u t o.; o'' lt p inm- iir, and th ti
.ii e ''.dh d to Csjiu.'l i, v.. tli the ie-
t .'"ii.ii.ri w 1 1., u I'm it .I Map's,
i, fro. wh- ii" a d.aiers iniini
h . ritiii'-rc : : iMol tl.e lut't i at iiul-
i l- - or d . i i m i -i l. e. idr:, a 1
. tjiiiPit'or or tb p.jrt v h-'re ihey
r-pe-eilt" i'iiivh- f,f ai n. 1-s ; t',-;
1 1; toe arti'd' i. o Hh f e tpi.i'iiitjes
i : t i d a :i.i e- li:'..-, v, i. , tt.e
. li In i!o a. t , '-n:s a: v hh 'i
-heit, aiid tli-.' .411. Ill', litis. I
1,'.) lor e '. a cu.ii. .'-..''I in .. a t-1
i:i .i ii, w i" l.o'i! ti :y oi. di? e.i'io.i or
(or die ouilx recti t
l'f"lt or aireiifs ap) '
It is t be under '
reii ire a j-ieat.-r - r
n aimed than tnai iy
Pr.ces proL.oi.ed. sir
ima) be rt ee!t d at i"
nt t e from pt-rhoi-s -ill.ireuieiiis
ot : f re, !
, t r w!o ure not mat-1
' re ,uin it ai::: t, . .:i
1 nert ure .-'i-h ie.nnti
I by the ct riuicale I t
! tv .dc, -r w tier ' it ii
i pri po -uli ua.-.: . in'T
I Iti. ; oi. H ,e'. ii.-u
pi:, i". .i .l.'V tl o t
thi v U'e to bo turn
e rrl, d .,ut .nai ' i ' 'i
.Pt hi' M I, .,
; I:-.-. . j I w
fi.e I'.- In , im,
"I l
I the ill . ..n
. ih. ;, r
:h. r ,
alll ' d
i a i e n
or h i
a ti.i
Uo Mt V er-1 I, dsn d Ni
i 'I Tf
' .1 U !
t-dlf .,
it lue
t t . i. d K :h" ei.. I. s .'ii.':
m ; i i.i be to ii I 'id I i.i'i e in
W .tl.'It I WHltV t. l'.t;ri . l'i
I , , d c m l . v.; i
vi I-. . n r air :er ; :. . ' i
i il. i J t t -.11 t ' V ill .o
iii'.r i I i
- V il e
bo v. 'i- i ( l.fir:.
I ID liot. i li t fj, o ;r
: : t ; ,i7 : i i.
t than Cl.ti ti , - r v,'tit
a ' nm i
:l.e ku,ttaui i
b. 1 oi f-f
i wilt i.o
n d 'n l
t f tbo i
a'U'Hii.. 'rf" t
'I t f r
1 .ii per'crui.
e. u:i t ,o or IU
i .. .1 lu by a I u t
to. .Pii 'en -y m i
or int"!et rut irrt
to..'' s jllll,
i I iOL li
C' nt' j in In
il W rii Li' Coii
all par'.teuoJs
Mill. ".I.
sh r.-d wiilc:i
toe U.U.--J
i!). lidi s
il. Ui Of
w. P. ixrK,
f I'Ul HU A . IS.
n b um t
Coiiiiiilsil hut
f IHfl'T OF WASHlrtOlnM, (
WahiMOtii, i. l'.,,lariiary 4, lAt.
All df alrp In Oriiii. Hard war. I. umber. Leather, OfnV
furniture, Itarness. nd Haddlry, ar r'tl'itt-d to sand
to tt. la flh e, on the Mt MAt i aeh wrp,a sral4 pn
t . sal or list. In dupl ratf.ot th artic'- tiu-y are pr.n(P,
to fiinl-h tothts dei-d ibort n-the, with tro pri. e of
e.icb marki d In plain Usurps, so thai. In rasetliMrtitiriCi04
ot th snsir ri'iuir li.tbe article or anicles csji b oi
tslmd wlO.ont delsv, at the lowest price.
loaieis wihlm fn sell to '.his d.not will be required to
ft rnlsli the list pnncturt'ly every Monday morn' ?
' Ii. It. KlChl.lC.
I.tlKadler-Oeniral andfbiet i nirtn.i'iter,
H I l'epotui Vf asli.nxtoa .
Q" v Fa stk ks de p a h tm e nT
Pii ii ami i rni a, Novendier lf, liv4.
Hi-n'e d Proposals w ill be rrcel i d at tbli o.tlce, until If
O'i l ' h M. en I Kill As , Nov-emb-r iHt.t, for ih
liTindmto d Hveiy, at thi t'ntfd Hiatns Hmrehotiae,
1 1 a in' er i teet wharf, of tha felinwln sr hies, vR. :
tiM1) One liiindr d Ainbulam ei. Wheel'" if pattern.
All of ihe hbove described to he of the hem iialiiy, ft it 4
sub ert to the inH'f,tl..n ol an inspector appointed on the
piii .-t the i bo crnini nt.
lUiid- rw ill staie price both in riling and figures, tht
nund" r bid tor. ai the time nt ielivety.
I neii b'd noHl oe tftiaratilntMl by two respon lhU pr
ftns, win se sictiHinn's must bo appndi"! to the (niaran
t e, i o ft fih'-'l Co. ps birg sood and Miineieni suritT
for tie nnioinit In vulvt d, by ibe I tiltod Mtates Lliiio(
,li d, e, At'orn. or ' 'oi'iftor. or other public odlcer, other
a It li e hid 111 Hot be considered.
'1 j,o riiM Is rei-erveil to ren-rt all bids deemed toa hlffh
at tl r.o I' d pom n d itiultini; r.-tur o-tor will bs rrf Ived. j
It oitler ol ( ohtiel 11 1 Uil AN ll iluof tuartet
n. aster.
OKOiinK R OltMK,
ll.pi-M Caplatr and A. Q. M .
.l.i Mi' -.Mtl , N i-mh-t Is.lV.J
.1 P'o-os.iN, Iii (pip i' at .. ,m be nn'- lied a thi
nib. iif 'il I J o . l -r k .M , on I ' I ' I ' A i , Novmher ?ft, li4(
(or ft. i in I if t to tho 'jiinrtc hustcr h I n p ' lm. ut,
( ih'i li. ir.' "i tne " 'Vh. elrin rtt.ri.."
lii'id"i are r- ip.ired to sta definitely the ctrll 'it dfthT
H! Vh - h Ihe ro'itri'.' t eon be fUh d.
pi.i h I n: t . set die i i nsidcratloii ni' st cnfsln a wrtttca
pnar. nt. e "I two responsible p- rsoiis. ;is t "i:o s :
V, , ,c.r tie t T,tv id , stafn of , do
I trftp. eniran'er that ts (or are) able, tofnlilla
online: in lucoMlmice with th- terms or Ids (or tiior
p'opo' iil-n, aid hh-oibl his (or then) p-oposiilon to
accept. d, le ( t tbev) will nt opcsi ent-r Into a mn
tia t ti ie i oMt'.nce ih' rewpb. and wn ar prepared to be
cenie bs .. c nrtticn. K'VinKU"od and anfti' lent bonds IX
ith iiiiniiht .it.
Tht i' -r ii'ihditv of the t'tmrfint rs ninit n shown nf
tl e i llleoi' rerillh iite nl" th t'i. rk of the nearest IlistTirt
f nit , ur of ihe (tilled Mates List rid Attorney, to he eu-eloM-d
w rh ti e i. id .
I i-ovirt ment re-.ervrs to lt-e'f the rMit to rejart any
or nil hid, consider tl unreasonaldo.
lath person or ev cry memb.r of a firm ofT.rlnp a pro
ponui must in i on.piik.v it w ith an o.ith oi u!li'i;ianc to thn
I tun d Mutes i io v ei uii,cnt , il he bits Uol alieady llled one
In ibU olttco.
Projjoa.tis nm-t he endorsed "Proposals for Amhtt-
ll.Ut.el, (Uid addlt.slitd to
Tl. V. M'WPOP.T,
Colonel and C'lilei Oiiartermastar,
II 'l It I'.aiUinaie Oi pot.
I ' street
mis. r-.s. D. ('.. Novm'ier Ifl,
H. a1' d I'toposais, in dupili ate, tor t ivo Hundred (Ms,)
Tot s of .at men 1 antahie d iiat , v IH be rc mil at
tl iu Mb e until .dondav. h.iv.2., lMi.t, at 12 o'clock M.
lUdh must be ncermpitiied by an oath ot alP'Kiancd
(iiiileis the bidder hns one on tl'e In this otllce). and the
usual .uarentt e st- red by rot less than two ropomtlhln
p.Tt-oti-, wbostc -olt eii'y must be shown by tho nilluial
ert in. ate ei the letk of the neatest UlatficlCoult, or Ot
tbe 1 i.i'i-d States Atlornev.
li e Hay mud Lo M'.-uro'y baled, And dctlvererl In
V a-bititJ"ii or AlexnndriA, nee of all expense to tho
In partu.rot. r t may be n-ijUired. It w lb be rliridly in
sped i d before it ts aceeptcd, und none but tfood uieraaat
nhic Uoy lvillloj receled.
Pi. riles to v bom Awurdi may be made must at oneeentaf
Into ci rttai l. und vivo bonds equal In amount to one- haif
of the mm to bo received on tbe eoutrau,, signed by thf
contriieior end bMh ofhis uuarantorH.
Award, wli no be made tu any- parson who has here
tot ore lalleil to tultll bis contracts with tho Oovernmeut,
ior wul proposals of disloyal inirtles be coiisUlerei-
I ht i i:ht lo reject proposals is reserved by the Govern
ment. I'.iddtrH must be present at tho opening of the bids to
ri rvp lt d to their namt h.
1 he th livery d tl.e Hav must commence within fifteen
V ) day Itom tbe etrution of the cont.act, aud be com
p t ti (i b tl.e tiitcenth cay o .lanuarv, ku ..
Ilpontne roini of tbe contract, the Hay will b ti r in Mil h muds as the Oovernu.oot mar lurnlsn
"Ods mi. ft be ciijuibtd "Propos.ils for Ha,"auabe
aadrcist d to
E. T. mtTW.KlV
11- 1A -t Captain O. 8.V.
ate, TV1,L1 I H and OIltVKO Htrcets.
riui AUF.i.i iiiA, ovouioer in-.
Sealed Proposals will he received at this OnVe unifl
MO.S1U1, the 2Mti In i., for hiiplwn iho bcauyifcta
Ar t ral w Itli tnc 'oilo Irk articles :
b 4 or'i 4 V hliie Kcrse, army standard.
Infantry litem Coats, delierha tu couunence In tea
da s ftoui date of award, aruiy standaid.
p.liifa luinifiiit; dttleiiesto comuunco in ten daya iron
dale ot award, army standard.
Color liclts and Hlinus, deliveries to commence In ten
dn6 lion- dute of nwjtrtl.MJ'uiy staudard.
K n ii Ornwtrs, dc mncs to coaitui-noe day after award.
Samrdis ret Mired.
h:ii( k Hilts a. deliveries to commoncc day after award.
pHUiples re.,ulred.
4 4 heavy pbuched Muslin, deltvorles tocomtueuce day
atiet award, reijiurfd.
Ss7ri :;o- i ttc-li heavy iT'lUnB'. dcilvtirlci lo commence day
atfer nwatd. MamnleA rtuulred.
l'-iowu Holland, dehvenca to commence dayaltor award.
Hainplt s le-jiilr-'d.
Ourk blue Thn ad, Ko. :S, deliveries to cotumeuoe day
alter award. Humpies te nilred
H 4(d ti-4 dors blue Xannel, deliveries to commence In 10
days Iroin dsieol nwbrd.urm.e standard.
tt belter Tents, deliveries to commenuc In 10 day s front
date oi award, army standard.
Hr.mpies of HLcb articles as are reifuircd to be army
standard ca n be seen at thN othce.
Kach bid must bo laiiarantet d bv two respo'islble per
pons, whose sijinauires must be appended t( '" frtinran
tee, aud c rlltlid to as bcliiK ifo'd and ttuftioient socunly
for the amount Involved, hy some public functionary of
tlie Cnlied Matr.
Ptb's uom dt laultlrg contractors, and thoie that do a t
fvVy rfiiipty wttA ttt reqttti chants of this advertisement,
v ill not be cotihlden. d.
itlank fonn-lor proposal, cmhraclntr the terms of the
guarantee required on ta -h bid, can ie bad on appl eatUn
ai this oitice. mid none thers whieb do not e.imrace Una
guniantee w ill bo eomddered. n r w ill any piopo-ml oe con
side red whit h does not stri-My cofiottn to the ro'iuire
ments tl-rrt In stated.
Tue bids will state the number and Quantity ofoach kind
(f article pt jpoted to be delivered,
Proposals must be en-Jred "Proposals for Army
Nnpphes,' stating on tl.e envelope tho particular article
bid fur.
U-ia Ht Colonel (J. M Depattment.
Cmn" yiaiiTi'.L.siAsirR'sOrvrcK, 1
OaiOl lK WASlilHC.IUH,
WAsiiiNGTOh, I.C, December . into.
Reeled Proposals ute tiit Ited by the underniMeed for sup
Dlviniriliel mted fttauis Quarurmaster'a Departmtnt, at
WaaliliiKtoii, li. C.i ltaulmo.c, .'.Id ; Alekandtia aud
Portress Monroe. Va , or clthtr of these places, wlib Hay ,
Coru,Osts. and Htraw.
Iddowill be reueiied for the delivery of fiOOO bunl.sii
ofro u or Oats, nd bf) tuna of Hay or Hiraw, aud up-
Hiddrrt must state at which of the above-named points'
tbey pii pose to mako deliveries, and the rates at which
they will laake deli, era s thereat, the guaniliy of each
article proposed to be delivered, the time when said
deliverh s shall be commenced, and whou tu be con&
I It ted.
Tbe price must he written out In words on the bids,
( uru to be put up lu good stout sacks, of about two
buM.e ach. OaU in line MU'kri, of about three bushels
each. The sucks to be furnished w ithout extra chance to
tl e (io irr.Dieui.i '1 1 e 11 m or Htraw to be securely baled.
The phrt ' ulnr kind or d"seilpti ii of Oais, Corn, Hay, or
Stjuw, ptop to be delntTeti, must Oe stuied In the
Ait it.e at tic u on ert a UEiicrii.e runs nerein invuea will
be .sut ket lo a riie luspe- tioc b) the (iovtrnaieut uispto-t.-r,
b . re leiiio ace-tped.
Coi.tracts will be r warded from tltac to lime to the
lowest responsible. Lldders, as tbe interest of tlio tioveru
nit'Dt may renutre.and payuient will be m ide when the
whole aoioonl couti acted for shall havo Occn dellvsred
and licet pti d.
Tiie t'K'der w 111 be reiputred to accompany his pmnoittlon
with a Ki'r"t'li'p. fit.' in d by two rcnp'jnkible persons, that
lu esse his bid Is aet.eited, he or tbey wl 1
wl.!dn ten day s thereafter execute thu con
tract for the t'u with t-tw'd and suitk ieut su'etb s, in a
sunt Ct'iiai to the amount of the eontra-t. to deliver the
(on ue j iopoccd Iti uonfurmltv with the terms of this ad
vei'ticouit ui ; aiid In case thu sa d bid t r sUonlo fail to
tiller .:. to the coi, irset, iiuy t ma' e bimhI tbo tllflv'reno)
betwn n tbe liter ot said biddei aud the nevt lowest re
somibit taOiicr, r r the peison lo Wiiou the coutracl
may b- aw urded.
The lespohsibMltv of the Kuarattfori must be shown
hy the othcial ceri'ilcnto oi a I ul'ed Htiitt Ola riot
Attorney , Co i for oii'tHtoins, or any other oitleer under
the I nitttl Htu'e- Oovcrumeiil, or retpuuslblo portua
ku 'W n to othce.
II bidders will t.ediilv notlilcd of the acceptance or
reii ctlol. el thoir pn Oia'.
The fuli turn e iitiil P st Odb-o address of each bidder
must be b gil'lv written bi Iho prop sal.
t ropoit: suitiaTbe ad ire--od P. Itru; idler-Oetu ral 0. II.
Jtueker. Cl.p-t lpot t,'tiaru"mnsii r, Wushimpou, u.c,
and shoo tl be rU'ii'y m.irke t "P.' i for Fora':.) "
Iloptis tn a sun, e iril to the tiu atii of the eo'ltract.
slm i d by the C"Mi',i'to! and both ol hit inmi anto's, wllj
be r 'i-in il the s:ui;l bidder or bidders upuu ngn-
1 IJV the i otiii ii t.
I'.hittk b ruis of hi It. Kiiarar t"H, and bciads may be
tht.. lit tl 11 oil M I l'i .tt'.o.i t.. t;u- olll" i! .
r't'P.M op 1 I;dim
(Tuwu, County, and ,-ha'nj i a
1, th.' siitucriher, lo her by ptop .ii' to fmn'sli and
tb hv.-r l . the Ciutitl sale .tl the ioi-.rtt.riiiai.irs Oe-
b iitiMi n nt , a. r.-eub v to lie' tn. Tit of y iiir
ri . r'!-t meiir, tT.vit.i g- p i oo-ilt p.r, dttfd,
Wr i.i, f ui o !'.;, it.n. motr .K. isJ f, liie iui:ovitijf article-,
v.. . -
b.i-bei-rf Corn, !n siu ;;, at pr bu -h-1 of W
(.i.Ui.dt .
. bu-i.eis. of Oats, 'n s.o ks at per busho' of IW
p." iid-,
t" - et '.rd.-il JTiy, at per : n ..fpfo potinds.
. t, ,,t b tleii Hi raw, at pir :mi oi" o poun tj.
lo u e; v :o e. luir- uct oil r b- I t the il l) ol ,
Hi.-, iiiti p. he (.olio it fid on i T e ore l!. day of ,
!' . tan -1 p ) '-o! Ij v s. .i Itj eliler ill' 1 il W rrl"ll C "I. t CtAC t
w ith :
, wl'h
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ui:er beli: iioLinet: taa: my
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;:i 'raip-'ii. 111 i'na
, i p .. .ie or tiL.-y
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HH Odl;I Celil -