J JJSs, TITE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1861. THLRSDAY, NOVKMUKR 17, l.i. SPIRIT Of TEE HEW YORK PRE33. Lfafllng Editorials from the Now Vnrk Papers This Morning. Tin; tri r. mki iii. i'rfn V t TVon-.. General Rut'or struck exar-tlr tin riRM key in hi.s arici-cli, fauvriiif n final and inont liV r;il ullcr of Rmnesiy t' tl' llt''0'i anil In tlic event of its rejection tlic limit flashing warfare iiiiUc. All ire can In liui way of wr that Is 111111101 t.onably the true poll y, di .lutJ alike ly Immun ity, justice, und ilillc cxpeMioney. Tlio ship of Mate after tl is cluvinn I like the Murm-hcot sliip fit pea, wIhur M itinc'incis ha been thor oughly tesurl, mill .hi h now inly w.iis Imt for a new rrekunini; to ru.ikc pnrt spec Jily, cither in ttiiK dirmli.n or thnt. All wc e m in Iho way of e irn. Wi ll, whit ran we f 1 he pulilie opini-n of the Nonh can not too plainly vx press itself on this point. 1 here, il pood reason to iiellt vo tli.it the p ipular mind of the omh is laboring under a grout di lusion in regard to It, Ti c Kcncinl impreasion there tucni to be tint the JmhiIi Is dcicnnlii'iJ upnii Southern mli.ilipn'ion m the liieral aei.Ni; ol the word a rt diiclnp of the Snntiiern ople to a condition of subineailonto tlio .NjiiIi instead of au c iimlity with it. '1 hb Impression bns been wrought by .ysteinnMe nisrepresiiila liiii ot tlie newsp.iper oilcans of tho Ji-1. llaviH (i ivci nun lit. l'lcasuly as the saino .iourimls tired tho .Nnti'iicrn mind fur tho war by foiiUniitly ilcelnrtpjt th.it Mr. Lincoln's otij.v". then was t i ui iUo freemen uf alavcs, so they hare held the 8i u lion mind to the w.ir b constantly clrrliirirti lhat. Mr. l.inc iln'a present o'lje.-t Is to tnake a laves of freemen. The word suli.iiii! ition lias been made to p'ny just tho a. una p irt In keep irft up the war thut the word nb.tlitiou did in brtpping It on. There is no more truth In tho one than there was In the other. Tho Nor'liorn poople have no desire to live with tho Southern people In any other relations than those of absolute equality, to have precisely the same constitutional rights, precisely the sumo ratio of reprcsentAtiou in the CioTcrnment, precisely the same laws, precisely Uk inuio slinru in the national prosperity and Klory. Fuch puurantee to the South of no abso lute equality o! cour-e exhausts till tee run do iu thnt direction. The que stion of slarery does not actually touch that equality. It is trno that for the sake of the national hnrinony the South will be asked to part with lhat ins: t'liinn ; but that would simply put them on the same level with the North, which parted with it long atfo. In partinK with slavery, the bomb, won d only part with what uni t soiiti Ik-coiuo valueless, if u is nut so already, if the war continues, skiver v p.rishes unav iidably up to the line of the advance of our nrmles; and be yond that line it mu-t quickly come to an end by the arming of tho ablc-liodicd neuron, which, by Southern iiiltui'sion itself, la tho only mode of replenishing the Southern armies. Thus war Intuit ibly makes an etui of sluvciy. It lies not. iheu. with the S mill to onnosc a oe tec that will do the saino tlilnir. Jill. Davis told Colonel Jaquea that they were not llhtina: for slavery, and tho Kebel newspapers Rennraliy have reiterated tho innK:'Ke. we aio entitled to assume, both by this inherent reason of the tliinir, and by the express avowals of thoso who apeak for the South, that the question of the I'uto of slavery does not stand at all in the way of peace.. Wlm then does st ind in the way? Simply the Southern claim to the rijtht of secession. That tkc North will neor yield. It Is deter mined at all costs to m lintain the national. ty un broken. It will concede absolutely nothing in that direction for the snko of porco. To tho Northern people the vilul Ihhio of this war has jlieen whether the United Stutea Government hat 'or hai not anthorlty to enforce Its own laws. In dependently of btato action In othor words, Swimmer mo u nueu states is or ti not a nation in ills home relations as well as in its foreign rela tions, i They believe that thla issue Involves all their Katuro security ; that endless strife must result From any abatement of the full forco of the words I f the Con-t.i.titl n. that "this Constitution and he law 8 of the United State which shall bo made n pursuance thereof, shall be the aunreme law of the land." They intend to have this matter now .elth d. once for all : and tn Hflenrn this s:tttnmiiif. . hey will curry tho war, if noad be, to any cxtie- iniiy. e uo not say mat any express rentticui- on ot tho right or secession will bo deoiandol rom tha South That is not necessary. We nade peace with England in IK 1 1 without re iniring a renunciation of the right of soirch. It vas enough tnut wo nad successfully vindicated ur own construction ot tno law ot nations. Juat so, In this case, it would be enough that . e had successfully vindicated tho true principle f our constitutional Government. Tun sub ant ial vindication, sealed by the sword-hilt, onld be an intlnitely better gnurantcu for uli tme to come than nny words on parchment. The 'ulh has but simply to cease lighting, and tiietly accept the Uoustitution. The people will rrow no trouoie tnat its true meaning will evor aln be perverted on this vital p.'iut of national, auperiorio niaie sovervignry. v un tnis point in aettled, all other questions mltrht be pcace lly adjusted. Hut if the South will not settle it tliua relinquishing the war, the North then uat settle it by prosecuting the war, and with doubled sternness and vigor. The North, after tho rejection of such a liberal nesty, won i a do prepaied to make snort work the Rebellion. It would sustain the Gove ra nt in any nieasuros, however severe, that uld promote that end. And if a law of uuiver- 1-( iuuum'buou ut an ouuiuetn lunas, wuo a louiite of a hoiuustead for every volunteer in Jo national armies, would help to swell those Itnlrn to ainngnituilo that would crush the Uo- i lion liko au avaluneho, thtiro would be no (utation, no misgiving, auout adopting the 'asnie. Jhe Ntnthorn people will not consent much fltcr to sulyict thomselves to ail those enor Vus burdtna und iicnticea for the sike of liing tho Southern people from tho visitation ho extreme powers of war. They have Haded finsclvea ninlei.ntly with debt, and what is luitely mora linpoitint, they have paured out .nph of their blood to be resulvii.i now to Iiitje this war by the sternest resorts, in cise 1 Southern peoplo will not themivlves make i d of it by aiK'Cptiug a lllicral auiiiesty th il t Impose no d.gi'ttd.ilion, and yet save the loiial life. wIE NT.tTE UOVKB.NME.M5t 1 Isill. Ul (As Ti ilimie. our joy over the re-election of A'.ra'iam loin as President, and the election of adon is In which three-fourths of tho uie tubers of ti Huse will vote for the abolition of slavery, Vre apt to underestimate our gains InJ the le Goernineuts. A cur-ury glauco at them ibhow tLattliey ;ue uo loss sweeping and no important. Je have a majority In each House of every klalure ot the original free States, with thu (exception of the Monato of New Jersey. Tho Lie of Indian had until reecntlr a Djmo k niujoitly of one, but tho roeout tilselosiirea treasonable plots of the "Sons of Liberty," lileh we are indebted lor a gain of so many land votes at the late elections have also I d over to our side one of the Sn itors, tuns itf us a ui:i;or;'v. v ciinir.il. h -.,1 li h vl. l.cs ot tho Legislatures of Nevada, W'osl Yir- M:ssinri, i.ouis:nna, una Arkansas, in land the l.eino. ra's have a niujority of one ,e Senut ', but wo have u laro uiajority on ' allot. IbU rives us control of iwcu'.y-livu I alures. tongress should vote for an aniendnient to unsiitiition abjlishini slavery, 8 i 'U aineoi- niust no ratiuod by ttiree-tourths of the Kliiamres or oi tiio state l nnvnUotn, as may propose, in ease the ltehelllon, time oi the adoption ot this niucndiiiuu'., . not yet bo couipletuly subduod. Congress va to decide wU'ttaer a thrie-i'iurihs m.i- l'all the States, or only of thu States .' I the Ijiijii.sl.ull b j itnuirod. Kvcn In tiio " ens', Il win bo s'.cn tvom o ir nb ivu stn;e we me nov very r''..r haviui tlu rcs.iti!.-oiI ft foiuths niajofity. Toe political vjiupivxion ; next IakisI aiure to is: chosen in l ouuassea ' iihout douin, toH'il-s!a cry, nnd tuo s t-aii i r me co wim i.ic ;:ist i,cKiia,n.ia oi tno r Ittiei, I'oioi.ido anil NobrasKa. T'uesa tiiree " Aill giv us Lejiluti!res out of 3, tho It leipilsite. meed no onf;or foarany I'oeilous oppas'tioa B, .Stale .Executive-1. Ilia Governoi s of all , Vnty-n.ue HUUh which wo have just c;i;i 1 s.1 mo loyal and nuti-bUvery i.iet, ivl h tiu ion only U" tho Govoinors of Nj.v Je.se y -utuckv. itebel synumtliizers in Ktv.-lnnd no longf-ra UovernjrBuyiiiourtuwii.ua W luui. fur tne ii.a.iiii.'ti.m ot civil war ia lib. There is now the reiuest. lurnnny i the National Guvernni ;ir. AuJ, Un iU.a liiuins one omun liuit ljr tuc s j.mi' ". i,.u of the Uobuiliou. i l I'lrrcror ot Itms'a lu,tc!y anlvcd at 11 Jto Lis Ulher, Nicho'us, be has his b.d licuith iiim on nil Ium iiti,..iuB b..h ; H bsid iniiit.ity bed. Another r:ainn I ncrrim is. thuC fha ftnt u ).,... I I t null in I-t.ii'r.ilii: ! .I. mi, , i.i..i . l.icli liamcvi,!' been occupied by oiiUiuiy MIDDLE MILITARY DIVISION. AfTnlra nn I lie I pprr I'olomar Wmshr's tloirmrnlx Xherlilnn Urtllnir Arllie, Itr. Kit. Social rorfVvt'n(. 'tr? t Thf Fv?ni"j T't' trmph. FhrtniK k, Md., November 10. Hut little of importanc e is transpiring in this portion of tho Middle Military Division. Tue falling hick of the atn y has cirati d sonic litt'e talk; but there If nothinc trnn-pltinf: worthy of particular note. Afiw cuerillas lontiiiuc to skulk along the banks i f the l'itomnc; but they do not seem to ru,e the iieeesFtiry cuira -re to bring thorn ovor. IheriMr Is rising rapidlv, and if ihey do not ("on mi'lie a move, their game w 111 ( blocked in tliis ilhei lion throuch the rie ot the water. A ti orl bus Ucn current bore to d iv tli it the enemy hae inaila tlnir nppcai unce In sit ill iinnibers in the vicinity of llaemtown, but the n port is rot ncilite I. It Is known thnt Mu-eby Is at present laving, with the most of his me i and thos of White, bctwri n l.re-litiri; an 1 tin ui'iuth of the Mono en y, on tin aoii tli side of the rutomnc, bti' tti ne is foiistnntly on hand an mlcquatc force to check mate any iiiom mint he may niaxe in this diivc tion. Sonic ol his mi n a b nipte 1 to cross a few day aim c at place know n as Cher k's for A, bit il cy were comprqed t retire with the o-a ot ono man. 1 he itenels now keep a strung puhf on the Virginia side of the river, an. I tints m ilters stand in .fati' ftuo. Shrriilan will have 6ome more news fur tlio public in a few dn) s. '1 i i u-ioo. A II I till In ttin Mtivriiinii l'rixriiinniK Our Nashville ilefpa'clies, says the Cinrlnniti Unti'lr of ytsterilny, n port no iniliiary news of Importance. In this connection we think it proper to caution the pub ic aiMinst antirip-itine much from the reported expedition southward of Mlier nmn's army. Whntoer may hae been purposed In this line by tho i iiinmiind. r of that denart linnt, we think it probable that nothing ol tho kind reported lias been undertaken or will bo nnilertnken nt present. We miy have advices fiom there presently that will surprle tbepnbllc, hut it is rtir impression that, wc shall not hear of the capture of .Savannah or Charleston by Oon'Tal Micitniin's urmv. Hood has not erosseil the Tun De'Si e river, and he will hardly risk a movement of that kind, llolh the Tennessee and t'lrnher lund are very hifth, and Hood, with the army tit bis command, will hesitate to put those streams between him and his base. DRY GOODS. JMXl? tJOAMTY or LIGHT KID GLOVES. AtmallM i.f Ko.7, 1)4, ',, ailii S. sl'glilly out ot onti r, piiitalilr for cvrnhv wear, at I'l.lXO A1I0VT HAT.r Hilt VSfAT. IIIKT. WAKBUETON & EON, ii-i tutha Vo. loot criKsxrr stbbhs. UKAT I1AKOAINS IN DRY (loans, 'I I'AlirUTS, (ill. CIIOTIIM. AMI Wl.NlllilV SII.ifcs-. K. AllitRA.MIiaUl.T. N. K ctiiit KLKVr.NTII ntiil MAJtKKT K r.sla, w Uli.in on MUS Ji. UiillMMl. Iroin Ma.rlliin, liii,'riin carjiet, wool tlll IttK. ' hihI H7c ; Inpriiln farprls. nil woo, It to ftl 7't; Kntry 101.I HiiOrCurpKts.nj,.. t fl ., Carpets, ;.-,c, ti$l. lUDipmiJ Yum Crtrnets, 4& tojeo ; Kloi.r Oil t'lol ns, 7.'o.tol 2.: Illlt llonlrre.) Wlnilow Sln.lss,$l .0 to H; llntl and 'in-en Hhhflliir. ;ac. ; Muslins. I'.'.io.. tic; I Irlalims, Ve.; Cunt. .n I'liinre's. . ; Cliltilrs W tn .17c. ; Ale icas, 'Oe. t It .'0; t'lulil Valencia. :l lo me.i 1'lj.iire.t Kron. li 31rrlno'ftl .Ml; tVuli;-iirooi Cloaklnif, $ i AO; I'.Uek llenver rlnlli,.! lij l ; ll.Hiik, I, JIS lo (III; I 'omiorlalili-i, -Mi'iino Still tH ami lltawers, $i; White t'lminpls, .'Hie.; 8olitnRH, Niltmi!. Ilools. Ami CapH. .'41c. to $1 .VI; Coats' Sssl Jolton,l.'.e. ; .sklrt llr.iiil, j:. ; Plus, tic. ; Hooks unit hVS, 1r. ; folton and Merlll.. Ilo.o '.'.1 t .Vs-. Wllo'i-nl,. and Itemll an, re, N. t. corner of l;U: l:M ll mid 3I.MIK M Slriets. 11-1 lit K. WILLIAMS, No. tsvi MAHKKT Slroot. lillf.AT Itf.lifCVION IN l'ltn'KS, :lll.AT I(t:ol I I IO.N IN fKICKsl. i;lif.AT Kl lil CHUN ui iitii'Ks. mi'mi inm. Mrai.iKsi. .Ml HI.INs. Ml HUSH. HI'al.lNS. MIISI.INH. MfSI.INS. Mttai.lNS. Wl'.HI.lNg. .MUSLINS. JIDRLiNlt. MUHl.lNlt. Unvina iu ktoio o larirc sioek of MiisMus or all HpnUr bramls, boio of whli It were pifdia-eil before the Utv auvani.o In prtrss, enui,if. mo to otter Uicia eitiier at WHOI.BSAI.IS nil lllTAlb, as low af they can bo piireaaied elsuwliere, tountlicr w-ltti a large slock or CIIIKTitKI AND ni:l.AlVFS, III Htrlpra.C li.s k, Itriltliinta, lot,aiid Usmvs; alo,a lull line of lli.o llullai dvule KLAVNF.r.S. H.ay Twlltf.l Dliic, Wuiie, liod, and Grey Flannels. TICKIMIB, TAllI.i: Ll.NKNS, ltLVNKUT.S, and a fine assohtmk.nt ok hosieuy, at No.2iU)dl.MM Il rtin ut. mid Xu. HXi .MARKET Alrsot. U )0-6t M. K. W ILLI .VMS. JJXTEAOEDINABY BARGAINS IH DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, rrmisiiixG axd domestic coous, Ccmj rtilnf the largest and choicest dliplar rot orTwtd at Ueuill, Aur at pnif'KS BKLow thk coBRKsroxuma m.DL'I'MtD VAl.l'U OK UOLll. FltKNClI I'OI'IjINS, MEK1NOKS, Al.l'ACAS, WOOL 1)E LAINUS ite., V1KT CUE IP. Wi. i.MM- received at a Brent tacrine,) a lars Hnlc of Mf daai-rrtrtU UKKiSS MOO DM, A Jubl.otof IVKltK'AS Ull.AINKH A Ml 1'ltiN IH, WMch ws !imM offr veiy tow, und aro well worts loo nciitioa ot buirs. J. COWPEETHWAIT & CO., - t. i.ovii-ir MNUI and Atit'll Sirt-i, I'll I.All.l.'KI. 4t-rrii K'rminr. CHtAP DRY G00D3 EMPOEIUM, No. 429 SOUTH STrtEET. w M; t ri en! itr i;'tt-, u Tn'l nn I cansi-l-tt n:ook o:" lri;.li'njb lirf. t .)f,(is,nni;--t!i ut' liUuf, Mtriuoca :iupr" (.,, Krp, Alp-nw, .Mth:iir, lo Lttutt, iin A M)k, Ac. Aim. full iurtm nt oi' Dom silo Good, 1 MbDlk, Gu'ukliif; i lotQi.Ae , all of wht.h w citr tc purchn': at irom lo to 15 pr ccot. below the pni fcrwUcail Me u' Ct areoWIu mora f.i-lutinablfl locaiiriti. WtjlLvl-a buytm to oftU, examine, aurUoia ft.rt ctr aI Vr.cit w;tb ttvia ootUr Stor. 11 Mm MhKr. 103. 'ir i.'' jm:tl .n :a "H.!" r'i4i.,un .k.cip'U- t-i . . mi i - . U fv t o Ji.i. i j"H i XU tt iH irtt.it U l a- ..a J...t k k Ti 10 V,. His tf ir t" n i'.e, 4-M.t- niiiji. O-t.-v- iit oiid In: .i.T flinn r '- aot'Tl 1' . 31 Lrtnititi, .-. MiU M riiHi s :t r 1 .:. a , N fe H f'l ., Kid V v. i ih K-t niii-,r", litrk und Ci .':til V- f .'S,-w - .ir '- i. iU .U-J.-..1I v.-.tlilti; an. y 1 ... .in. z'u i t.n.b:, mifc liflt llMmi i-r, kifi, (K i- -I ill .l-"'tl. 'M 1.'..!!' ill ,.J C I: ri Htui hi 'f ; JM .! J: u't'UL- ft I ail fctyjty at (.rniiy r-(.HMi; i.i.h, l jtl .ii t. (.!. a K ttt.k.i, .Mibm, II. ik1i: ti -'. V.Mnn i:d J''n'V A,.i-ri ut i , Kit S.i (. It1 d : l,.ir 1 t. (f-r ! Kf"4, iinil ,V i'er-f-Hhtifc c uiir i.x. a ti'i toxtti n'tlhwtii; hit k and Wiica L .rA a al i : s mkI : k ; j: )., ul t'olwr a .'atve: Lii'LtT. til iff if ir IV HT T-'dmi'i it'K'f m : LtUiiti-a a I.'-;, c(-r.n -nAin ..!, and ron virrt .Toursehmi before buviiir v. fcr, t '-i ti i. v. ut- u'oUii ,f -i.i own i :t .t-t ti "i.iL-t'l.at ur iricnm rm at f I'hcsn H'n-, ui wir.- 0 JWtnu.kttviy,Jho. tin AiiH Btre, OO . i-tjJi.i)i la- ' w ik.aaTil H t. ThMiio(t c oapl . iiauaui'niui' i.t.Hi', ltiMM', an rti'Uiivn li-ii cri.iiu n kta ciy, l:i wrf f. t nrt- Ii i, vi..tli f ,rfc.:, tniitu, tiuiuluujf aud tu iiji, ,tr pn ti,mil In (li biaiiittl. Hkirtt iuaU bo cidt-ftuUvKd, ftiij rr-narrpd . CLOAKS. &o. a,OAK. A. IN 1 MANTILLA Mannfacter, and Shwl Ernpon'nm, N. M'. Corner AKCH and TENTU STULETS, riiii.AnvMHiA. N. WKLSU A CO., Win re j can ct a Rplrndtd Asionmont of tM CllOltLST JNOVELTIUS, W'hrre Ton ran st th beat MaaufaotareJ QArmanU, and ht-rr ytm ran prneuis tli litNt INK W ATf'.U VHOOt lI.0AK, At tli I.ONVI'.HT 1'KIUIOH. la.ttr.wllt flrrt It te tlieir tnnet to piirehaso their CI. .ul.. oiid S.' fct.la at ttiU KalaiilDiiRifiit. V luil l-.'B H. vri.t Htl A (. J IS Nit V I'AllIillCH, ISs 51 anil H.l 6. E, Corner KINTH AND AEOH STREETS. WIIOf.KHAf.K AND ItKTAIl,, Ten rai obtain at tl.ta Ki.d.lutiniciil, V.ATt'11 IH0OK CI.hTII ( I.OAKS, HHsVUt IK. CO I in a Rir.nt r 1 itoai i ii i h.AVf.P. " " 11IIKCIIII.LA U l MADE t P INfOIIIF. I ATKH S IVLK mi l ..l the teiy it t nilllerlAl . Call an. I sec llie It.'i'k b. fetp you .iucl,as. We -li.ill toko KTeat plr Atirp In v aiti .ir ..n y.nl. It 'i-tliaiu-'iu ILOAKH I'CLOAUHII A Iian1i.nn e Viirlcly of KI.LliANT I'AHIUUNAUl.e t L0AK4, I RtM II CLOT II.S, Tltil uT llhA-tJiltt, I'ltONTbll HEAVKK4, VEI.VKT BEAVI.K. at mr l.ICailll STIXKKT CLOAK KMrOUU M. A. W. LYMAN, No. -ms H. P-iiiin ti .ntei:i:t. N B.-8IIAWI X, HCABFit, WKvrt'EBS, and Hal bloral SKII:1S alnaa on dand. 11-1 liu L ADILH' l'ANCV l'Ulia. JOHN A. STAMEACH, lMl'OltTllR ANU M tNt'l'ACTVKCR OF No. h ; Air.cu stiii;i;t, 1IEI.0W NIHTH. CHEAPEST PLACE IU THE CITY To icl'c' from a first -clan a.,oilincot, Cou$UtlD( of nUDSON LAY ANU MINK SABLE, E1IM1NE, CHINCHILLA, gkkman rrrcii, SIUKUIAN Sgl'IUHEL, ., Made Into alt tlic hitest styld. Tluao uooda were bciiiilit wben ffold ranged fromlitato 17e and are being sold at imutl advauca ou cost at ILa rato.j EVK&Y AliTICI.C WAI!ltANTF-l) TO HE AS IlK- I'BKSfcM m. gall-facllon fnaraiilscd. 10-U-ttilhl lia L ADILH' 1-AlVCrV X-'UllH. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH STREET, AUOVK StVEItTU, AT HIS OLD ESTABLISHKD ITOBK, Iuipoiter and Mauufacturer of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S iryUNOY FTJ118. Mr auortaiantorrAltCTrURS for Ladles and Children Is now roapleto, embraolaf EVKRY VABIETY THAT WILL BE WORN i DVRLNG THE C0MIHO SEASON. Bcnrmber the nam and nainkar. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 71H AHCII BTllUKT, AboT Berenttu I HAVE JiO PARTNER. OR CO ahECTlOS WITH AST OTnr.itfiTOitKiHiiiECiTY. t-ao-ta mi. 1 ALL 1SG4. GLENN ECHO MILLS, OEUMANTOWN. McCALLUM &. CO., WH0IKALE lABPHT M REHOUSE, X... Mi'i CIJICSNUT STIIHET, MIlI.Alil.I.I'HU. mi. McCALLUM & CO,, ltlil'AII DlJl'AHTMENT, No. 519 CHESNl'T siur.r.T, H-.-tl CPPC81TE l.VUBl'ENDSS'CF. tl ALL. piE eniHT .YAHUfACTOEY. 'It.f trci'rr( mccM tnvtte a'trnttcn to tl e!r i.ii i:t)vi:i) ci.'Tor sunn's, yti.Li .. i n.i. w a t..uu is tuk ciuUiais, AIo, CONTIVTLV unrm rvr , rOVELTiES FOR GLNTS' VVZAR. J. V. r-COTT fc CO., M N :i.tM:.Ni fUlMtlllNCt bioiu:, No, Mi CiUi.SN'UT SXllUKT, U-ll il.v.ii-.l 1 iur dooit l.el"W ( oiit.nci.talllotol. ; XOVX2M! , Bl'OVi:-l SLLUNG 01 i . fcELLING tH'l'. PJiLLlNU tl l'. Kntiie Stook of ttovef. ' i fcintns oas co.Nst'Misi. stoves. 1 - Tb' &t M-pci ier t ttiv a aro uil itu.'Wii ; wo aw m III'ij tin id ell i rv 'o.v, i'T it aai'iiicturora iiriccn. A lo Hit r h. T Ulct,, ,l MoKNKJllT'S, "f FJHOBMAUKlt a CO., CniLDBEH'3 CLOTHLNQ EMPORIUM, No. 4 N. EIOilTll 8TKLLT, MIlLAlH.l.rittA. a-ft a t A 4 Wp rtp 'cf.iVf lnvii pe S! '(ontdti t oar esnl uioitmiiiit ol ClIILDKKN'S C'l.OTllINtr, re"ii.H.Un tiTh', ntni.i', isrASTr, and mimrn' ('Minna In rveiy vat lit , la I tie latest atyT-, and of aii lioi worktnaiiililp. specal altrntioti pa' to MtfSKit MlF.IsM AK I Nil. 1 l.e pnblK i r In. led to i ui: and enamlnp. M. S1IOKMAKK1! A CO., Il-t.Sti II Jin No. I V KHim H STliP.Kr. 1? o. Tiioaut-iorv, u TASHIONABLE TATLOR, N. E. (orner ScuntU und Walnut SlrtTts, riuLAm:i.rin.v. N. B.-Itavtn' chtalird a celebrity for cuttlrg ClUOIVKITriNO rANTALOON?, Making It a icialtT In rar bnalneas for aomo jcari pait, It la tb'innlit of suflu lent liuportaiico toannotiac, the faot In tbla manner t.Mhe public, ao that tlm.e who aro die aatiitul iLay know ol iny method and gtvo ma a trial. io iti-im r'OVHI AND I'ANCVOOODSI CONWAY & BEOTHEB, No. s;'3 N. SECOND ei'ltKET, aiiove IiROM'N", lMPOKTliKU AMD JOHUKIta. We have now open oni Fall Slock oriierm.ui, 1 rciith, and T.vioVie TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, All of which ar of our own aclei llnii ami texwlntlon, to which liu lie the attention of dealer,. Ainoni otira a..rtini'iit arc man; n 3 im rNTthiit.v r.r.vr ani nF.siiiAr.Ln srti.Es. lAKOli AS.OItllll'.KT FOR 8AI.T. BV JAMES W. QUEEN & CO,, 11-11 Ko fl'dl Clir.SM'T 8TUF.ET. QUOVI3II Jk HAUUU'd HIGHEST PREMIUM BKWINO MAOIlINliN, i No. V6Q CHlF.BNT.rr Htroot. "gPEEDY ABD N0I8ELE33."1 EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE! 10K FAMILY AND MANUKACTlIltlNll FUltrOSES OFFICE, No. 720 CHESNUT ST., (Opposite the Miuonle llall). Tnli Mticlilitc I" th triumph of porfeotiAii In flew! tiff Mat lili.es, C(iaittliiuK nirtny tar ftiiit vuluablo lmtrut) toenli iittt pt'Bsjt -itrtl bv any at.wr Muchlt.o. Having iipitbt-r OAM or COU WllKJ.L, It U ouiptittl cal'v a iMts-lmt marliint'. TllUKli S1ZK8 AKE MANUKACTURl'.D. KAillLl MAC1IINK. HM l I. .MANlit ACrtBINU, AND lAltliK. WANUKAi l I RINU. Tlie public am Inviiod u mimine this jtachlna at tholr Agency, No ;.'iit'IIKNMT Ml reel. , Holdlera' M Ives anil widows furulahed with Machlnas on accommodating term . lo-'i-atuibliu JOOIt IJNCJ-CI,AHH AND riCTVKE FRAME MANUFACTORY. WM. II. MOKOAN, Ko. U08 K. NISTIt 8TUKET, Qilt Oval J?lioofi;rniU Frauioa solO-eia CONSTANTLY ON 1IAK1. I-CltNlTUll-fcJ. Having bought moat of mr aiatertali before the let great rise, 1 aiu ontl-led to off.r my atoek of FIRST-CLASS ITJIOTTUKE At a small advance on old prises. I. LUTZ, setO-Sat No. 11 8. r.I.EVKVTU STRKET. 1WTV8 f"l COTTAOli OltOANS, Not only IWtXCEIJ.rD but PNEQt'ALLEn ta porlt of T,ne and 1'oner, doaianeil e.peclaur for Cbnrcare aad School,, but fennd to be equally well aitaptod totlio Varlor and Urawm, itovu. 1 or aala only by E. M. BttrCE, Nn. IS K. akVKNTII HtrMt. Ala, a complete aiaortnient of lb fwiou Uoiocleoa oonatuiti on hand. aull-Jia PIANOS, COTTAGE F.XCKL aior Organs, llaruoaluiua, and Molo dooua, at MARCH'S MfSIO BTOItR, . HOi CUES NUT Hlruat. Imil 10-7-tra QTJLTEE'S NEW DEEP BAND JOINT II E A T E It , WILL BURST LESS COAL AND MAKE MORE HEAT TIIAK ANY FUKNACE IN USE. COOKINO KANdKS OF TKF. MOST ArTKOYBD FATTEHN3. ItKHISTliKS 'ani Vi:NTlIiTf)llS, 1 OR SALE UY t HAltLKH -WIIIAItS, J l.:l.ll .'iq Mo. 113 VARKEr HTRKVyr. lyAVU VOIJJf. lUJL.. CC-1L AT EALT PPJCE. I' our rfmtcra wiil cutl at :. :iH B. 1 I1'T11STIIKKT, Ou CHAHlE-J Jl. LAKER, Acnt, il ill convince them of the tit' Ity, crmftirt, ti fl ecunnry oi Hiwp' Mi t.-. rc AVeal' i tftrl. s and V li.Jow r..uts. 8inti totally exel.rle Coi, Wli.tl, hum, a now, und ini.tiioin li e crevices a-u'T.d D.o.A and TVindo,,..aJ are rrtit d for Ce j'tais. I all Of Weil .01 Circu'ir. It -l jatntl-lt 1FAriNj IlAILKtlAlJ. Mill TIIK f'ON- Jl k. veinei.eo of w.iluierti mi I ol' em vl-li'l'' "Catn;. O,.--1, rie," n,a hprinK Mnl.a a.eci.il Hnniav in-.. :i-;. r I Il .vill i . i : 1 . . ,i I , ii.l.,4 rf ud 1' ... tl ill! c II I '1 i niter notice, , ..lonn-eclpi: Hui'.lnv, N"vo.iH.tr U.l'iil, 1. .. illi.' 1J.',1. 1.I.... .il K A U u:i.l I'.'i.. 1. Bf -flil ruill'il- 1 t l.om I'Mo ui;.viiiai lu A. .M. an I l ' 1'. M . a' 'i-ln'.E .01 t .t .,i,, tl. A. Mil lil.l.H, ll-U-Ut h Cener.il S ip. Tint, uncut. -7M. A. (i It AY, N. L. COIiNLIl OF SIXTH .11 and JUiNuu aircb, biue iiuuuondi, Vwlu, l h 4 l.uid, BilviT, an.t I '.an 'i n kets. 'iilOt; iM WAST Of MOSET CA14,. All btulueii cosfliltiitial, 5ijj JILITABT AND NAVAL AGENCY. E. T. MATHEWS & CO., r. t. v vrrtiKwa, Late itie 1 reaa y ipartuicnt W atiiirtitou, 1. i ., i 0. O. VAItflORH, Attorney Fop the Itljtistinrnt nnd foUriirrin of (luinu igaln4 (lie Inltfl Btittes, or suj Ctalc Gotcrnmrnt. I'HINOirAI. t)I I ICK: No. 808 WALNUT STREET, rillLADKLriUA. comtR.riiri-;M.K hoi.i'ited PVRTirft. ROM ALU I'tni'm, I'oimly, TiU-e Moni r, Rack Pay, and similar laimi attrndrd U. Speolal attcnlioi len to t'l.iliui Tor 1 0.9 of ltor.es. Apnticatt. byina'l atl.'n le,i lo aa If maJ. In penoa. ho charge maJr until the Claim ia a.ljuatej. COMrtLIt LIT, AT OfR OKITrE.OK ALL PlttKS ' AV A 'II (11 1 lia ICJL-.IIi:il(-f, MliAJMJjJN'rt, AND MAniNLt)' CLAIM AOI'.Nt'Y. II0 ItorwTY AVI) A vrjt.xiof 7, the dlacbaiuit aoljierMiio baa been aetinod la battle. 'lt IIOltNTY To thuc ii" have leivid two jnara, bcildce a PENSION tn tno.e Oiaabivd. tnn t'Ol'NTT A Fll II OK VKY To Widow,, laiht ra, Moll.e-a, Ac, of thoae who hare Uud (i l.ci n ktlivu la t'.ic at t ice. I'll 1-r.NSIliW A TEAR To tho tt'ldnwa anil !.'. l M..trec of the PMdlari, Hcnhien, and Mariuea w ho b.ive died in the eertlco. PRIZE MONEY. IlAl'K PAY, Ac, vw V r ' elra oi s. amen und Mn-lnp.. U.I-..-I: l i.m.mm, ana ail oiher. against Nail. mil and Hiaic llovorniaenta, proitiily , wilic'.ed, AdJrcsa or oi'ply t OliORGK W. FOUD, Claim Agont, 10 C(l Im COCK RTIlV.r.T, one doc below Third. HO.MK ON A l'lltl.'.VutJll. I Im hernial vc-i ciiaravliw, painted by Sctnia m le, ant eii(,tae: , t,jr snrta.n, I. tiax inar hi linnrn.e aalo, unil I- r nniereil ly all wbohavo ceen It an one ot iho i Di'", Npei iwcn. 01 enraviu ecr potion out in thl-i (onntrr. K l.KY SCLI'IKU'H I AMI1.Y HHOl l.l HAVE A nn V. EVERY l.Ot At, H0!Mlli!,I SHOt'l.ll IIAVB A lll.V. In fsrt. ecr.r fanillr won haa a fntlior, hitntinnit, or sen I ..itiiing lor hi, couaiiy, will apiirocUle and ahoulit per. SOS IlilVF OS A rflit.Ofntr. It III alwaa bo a le-aitin'ol tnciii.iriiU of tho anxlons ila aril i ram ol n l.t-il.nn ami war. '1 Ins cnra na I- solo eicliivi.v hr Agents. DiaAiii.1 l am Mi;i:s anil oil ern w 111 find itn. the inn.t pf.nant and prnfVatile airency they cun umlertitke. o mve cxclimlve territory, ul .1 w-ll uiw I'lirticnUr. ol ak' In y mi a'p.k-lion. t c .r nl thin pl.ite on a In by 'it atit,atniaMc torfrum Itiu alni is III enil a pei inn n copy by mail, free.imreccnit ol the price 4. xs hlcb. Ii alionl one ball' the price tmmtly ci.n'Kcu lor vuiuilna, ol tin. character, t or iianicii.ara, aiitlma KRArtl.EY A CO., rnhllihora, .So. twi s. ruURrii street. 11 lfftntlilm l'lilUdeipiila. U 1' E 11 I O 11 BLANK BOOKS, MKM011 ANIll'M AND PASS HOOKS, DIAKIKS FOR CASH AND DLKD BOOKS, Cutlery, Gold Pens, and Pocket Looks, COPYINi; I'fiKSHEl AVD PRESS STANDS, l'OST OFFICE SCALES, Letter and Note Papers and Envelopes IN GREAT VARIETY". WILLIAM M. CHRISTY, II H tutlut Ko. 17 8. THIRD STRKET. N OW UIIADY. ArTOiiioutiAPllY OF I ii'.irrr.N-A vr.iivwp.iiAr. WIKrlEI II Nl (UT. 2toI. I in. I, a dsepljr miuro.lliitf book to oicry Auietlcan. Alio. MARTIKF.Af '8 HIHTOUt Ol' ENl.I.ANI). VoU. 1 and '2 now renily. MMITIN'S IHHTattY Of PRAM E-THE AOK Or' LOL'IS XIV. HuLacriptlooa rocelvod lor tUe aboi e at tlio JIOOK HOOMS, Ko. til S, SIXTH STRKET, H 15-.lt AboveOhosnut. gCnEEMEEEOBN, BANOEOFT & CO., Educational Publishers & Booksellers, REMOVED TO No, 513 AltCH HTHKKT, Olfice in New York, 11 8 1 in Vo. 130 Oil A Ml STREET. fHE LATEST NEW AND IMPBOVED AIK-TK1IIT INK8TAN1). WARRANTED SUPERIOR TO ANY IN USE. OHvpp'h J'alciU Inkstand FosxrsBKe Tim roi.i.owi.va advantaobh It I, not complicated. No trout. le lo llil. Ihs not ,et out of o dcr. 11 is rtirr (Hioininil-nl It la ea.Hlly ctuaneX Vlln-ra the Ink lorn. a. Kcoaa iho I lit free from ex posure. Kiepa the Ink fresh and It preventa ivuporatlon. lives not rcuinie iioouent liuioid. uilinar- Is both trnamenttl and dur Can be easily operated atle. Vor an r I.) all Stntlniiera. and W boleaala only by .IUIIM E.CllAUI.IOS, Stallone ra Warehouse. ll-W-31 Xn..,i H. i'OUUTII HI IlKET. JOHN V. HIUEH UDN'H BALSAMIC CORDIAL IS THE MOST trihCTLAI. HKMEUY 10R BI'DUEX GOLDS, taOKlu THltOAT, INKLUitsNZA, f A IN IN Till? I IRK AST, nu.t INCIl'lrcNT CONSUMPTION. Prepared by JOHN W, BIME3, Jr., Chemist, TWENTY SECOND ANU MARKET STREETS. For aale by all Iirug.-Iu and atorokouiiera. II l.Muthalm II It O AV N W ANTI-DYSPEPTIO POWDEE, An excellent provculive forthatmistdlsirosln complaint JJYSl'Kl'HIA. lit many canes of long atanillcc ttlnisnrTjrucl truly won derful relief. IT IS rURLLY VEGETABLE. TREPARnD 0NI.T 1IY 1 HKDKItlOK 11UOWN, Ilrajtlst anil t.'licniist, f. E Cvr-riFlll ASH CiiEsSCJ S'l., l'hllndeli.h;i, I And for sale by Lrn..'-jts g ne.atiy. xiii': omiiANs' ctn'itr vdr tuk J. CI till nuiHVMi,ify..f M.llmlcli M;, E-Ulo of UEO.'.I.E it. l.'l.l.'H S. feceared. 'lco Is hereby hlt Kit le.lt KtMall VltlMI'M, I'lO wl.low ol ailld iti ocil, u ,licJIa ,a., court Iter pell l.'Oi aii'l Ai,.ralM'u;.,i. Iwti., s. , ociin out oi said e-t.'t i. .i j Ii, I tie :..... I.,iei haodml akulars, i.l iirtt, In I c. il.l la'tr.jn n. .il ,iV,.-4i' u.cut, inU ir itio pie. fl.n, of l!:0 A .'t of AHei.'l.l el 1 1 i ; 1 1 . If. ,1 , ?u t t. e -tnplecm.;!! I III 1 0, e Ii I li .il t te SH IU J v 111 on a.!OVc,l by tho . .' 1 ,'..ur;..n 1 ril.-i i , No, t iuLur lo, io.,,, u.nma cc ;i.ln UArctoU .'ili.il. llnlS V. OWEN'S, 11-15 '!h?t .'.ii. uuy lut lul . onci'. IN 1!1K (.( i I.ib il' N 1 1 IK (;0U.'T Or U..MM0N I'I.E S Ktilt Ai.ll El 'I l!i"l.N vs. Jll I Si I . Uli H.W. V.il. i.. J.ine T, l-ul, No. i. i. T. Ainll'or a , il. -.1 l. , n ,-.t-ni t!-n. f l-.-f -n. ! x iiM!"l'n:!' ;:.ci....f.i' .1 u tt dert.iin .'nlir i-iecc i ci. . n. vi Ii i e t .'.B.ory t 1 C. 1 lileiH. 11 crritlfft. ,ltuiilooo Hi N.K.0 m e i.f Ei ii'ii I'i'l W h i , ... n i ,i euvif IMi.liii' . .l .a ; i ent . i.l 'ir In I r, 0' n'l Wiiirt.u, sir ii a".l tt ii...n in ifintli or .j.;l, li.it . 1. i. ,i oo .i Ion .1 i.iu, t und liiivuve-i aial ci li.ie ui v it ko. ip Wiim ioji ln el t f. l ' i 'i h. :o ..ii a .it. v I r.-. i ' . h..i , lcu.1'. ciistw iinl flD-a lad it'u'jLlli .-Ir jt.wn! atLCn. to ti. Cl.,:, 1 J, s .IJV'Ml.lll i i M ; s m . '.IM. ttun.f Ni.v..l.iVor, H 4l'..M.,ai l.i j.ttloi', No. L.I H.tlVlll Kheci, 1 'Kit,, . 1. t .f : t a , v tl nil. I ,.uiv ail pun, io'.i . i. d h:ii.,t .reonl l i ir cl.i.ini.of U.j wili oejeliariiid 11. til l . Hill. q 1U ,;a L,l,tl I'l.lid, il i -ivl E. U. TU'UP, Aiulliir. FINANCIAL, BANKERS, STOCK AND EXOHAKOE BS0KER3, Kj. M 8. TntRrt HTRl'RT, rhlladeleala. I Hocks end Loan, boiiM and sold on Ooaamtasloa. Va rnrrent Bank Hots,. Coin, Ac , boonlit and sold. Special attontioii paid to Ike poreh-ae and tale of Oil storks Deposit, receive J, aad Interest allowed, as per aree ment. ll-lt-ni I CTOCKM AND HUOUltrriKH BOUOHT AND SOLD CJOM M I H H I O N , C) N DE HAVEN & BEOTEEE, t Ko. 0 . TltTRl 8TR :ET. QXAXlll-l-ION a CO., 1IANKK11S, Ko. Ul S. TUIRD 8TREBT, rim.AJUii.ruiA. flovernpi.nl Scnrtttc. of aT1Ts.net rnreha.ed and for Sale. Hiocks, bonds, and Hold liought and Sold on Com Dilaaion. IMi.kXHT AI.LOB Kll OX HErO.tlTS, Colieellons Promptly Made. foA-tf Ql'JTieiJ I'lHl THE SAI.K OK NATIONAL LOANS, No. 114 8. THIRD STREET, fniLAUELPltt V. in iaw UNITIiD STATES 5-20 SIX PER CENT. LOAN. Tli 8,'Mcrtbtrt hwim been ttt iaocMRfnl BltVfon for ft portion Of Ui XY.W BIX VtM CENT. (U) LO RE A 1(1 NO LOAN', ro'teiarM toolTer It oa fATortbt trimito tlielr cuituisiTa. In InrgB or mH ftmounU.tn Bund of dcnumlnationi f hOtt H)0a, Ms, ftnd IKOOa, tooth rfr: Uteri" d ami conooni. The In(rit onitim-nr.o! on the 1st of November next und In pnynhio In culd, ?ml annmillj, on the let of AU end No-rember. AllotborGovonmifiit Pectirltlee on bund en J fbreele, end lnfuiiuaticn ghen cuncuinln Invealmouli, at our on.ee. 9 JAY COOK 10 4 CO., Ko. Ill B.TIIIJIK STREET, 11 lt-tm rblladelphla. POLII BIL.VKU, GOLD AND SILVER, BOUGHT AND BOLD, MICHAEL JACOBS, 10-?3-6m JCl. 40 R, THIRD STREET. yil-.l-iIA.St IAIPf T13II Ot CO.. BANKERS, No. HO S. T1IIHD STIIEET, rHILAllKLl'HIA. Dealers In Oovcrnment Prrurlllea of all kinds. Pore'im and Uomrntlc KKcu.iigo, Uold, HUrer, and Uuourront Money biiUKhl and sold. rerticuiar btitution paid lothe parohaae and ealo of Blocks and Hol ds, oil Coimul.slon. Inurtut allowed oa iirpositei Cotlcotlen. promptly Bado. 10 -Jl-lm M ICIIAKL JACOUH, BANKER, No. 40 H. TillHO HTKIOET. GOLD AND. SILVER BOUGHT. STOCKS AND Sl'ECIE BOUOUT AMD SOLD OS C0UMISH10K. 10-35 On INSURANCE AUA1NST ACCIDENTS. X TRAVKlltS' IN8URANOE COM PANT. UAKlr OKI), CONN. CAl'lTAL .. .1 100.U0U WILLIAM W. AL1.EK, AUEKT, Xo. 4M W'ALtibf STREET. Inauranceetlecfed In this Company atralntt ACITUE1IIS Or EV'I.HV UE KIITIOS. Vtarly I'ollclea U1 he l.sued (or a Prontlua) ol EIVE I OLLAIIri, aruntlng Insurance to the amount of EIVE TUIII'MANll uoi.r.AR. ataln.t aoeidontai loss ol Uie while tmiellutg by any pub lic conveyance. tex ror.r.AKS pnric securos a policy for r'lve Ynoii.aiid Hollars, and a'so lwenty rive liolhirs ier week compeu.otlou lor personal iiiniry iiicapai-itaiiiio Uie asauibd from ala orJnaiy business. TWENTY-FIVE tTOLLARft PREMIUM secures a full I'o Icy lor $."HJ, and eJo per west comi-en-atliiii lor all and every description of accident, travel n;; or otto rv. ii.o. I'.ilie.ea for .'00wlth $.1 per week conip "nsatlen can be lia I lor $:i premiuin. or any other sum between SJOil ant 0-AiOut propwllluste rates, JAMKS 11. DVTTER1IIS, President. JtilUKr.V HL'JI.lh, Meuroiary. 11EJJRV A. DYElt.tieneral Aont. PlllT.AIlEi.I HlA HOARD OF JlEFEf'E'JE. F. Itaclii'rd Hiiirr, I'ieaiiteut Euierurlse lusui-uice Com- panv, r.V airman, l.sec K. Hnker, 1'rm of Oorn''1l,ls A Ttaker. M. VI'. lis .If. Ml, f.llil et M. V. ilatitwiii Co. J eiuuelCoinii, Duo ol'l.'olt'attb Annuo, n. U. l i.iiu ;. l.'u Mler 1'iiiisdeli.hia Hank, lion .le. Ilcnrv, l.u ..r I'ity oi P.itlai .'li.iia. V,"M. II M.'i rleii , Urn, of Merrick A Hi.iih. .I.i.i.il I al'er,.ti, iTe.lil. in Woolen h.ink. Me .. .iano . I'oiii . k, liiieciur I mHl Stat, s M U- i .inn..i, I o If.', .yurct ant. i ... 1 1 Hinart. linn stmt A Brother, .lot l. Tas lor. ii rm 'I'n , l.,r. ildl. i te .v C.n. .1. l.'.ieai 'luomsou, lres'deiit l'e.iii.yl..iuia Riiircd (" In,'. , iv. Juii.i s IV.'-:. rnv Merit rirtb auiiS:l!j 8ueU i'..'kcr r.'.lt.o;ul l impany. AP51.lC.llIOJ(8 t....lr l.rll 11 Ki i:iVl.B AST) POM lit 1 ji.jiiEn '.v V II.tJVM W. At.l.F'.V, No. H'l yl'A'.NI'T S r." t. Jfnjl-tliNO A. HUUDEIIACO,, : OCL'JfiSSICIT MEECHANTv?, aj;d suit and steamboat AGLETS DOCK KTKKKT WHAUP, rillUiLEH'JllA. , lat-tf rsr' , a. eornva, 1 i si J.inii o ii.i 1 1 , tl. 1 1 .a r. t.ii i . 1 Cwir-iSTY'fi tv Av.M;KuorM:.-i:sr.v-' bll.tied In 16(s). Iniionornmi ie Her In ' ' J mo 'leas , Vi me,, and l.ktuoi s, ' Cowies liavaaa I. Uiara, ''' ll'a' Ve.-. tt.rka.lcs an Sai'vel, X i-glhb and ficotia Aio una roit".-. Canuad Mcat4, l'rnl'.l. Soup, Ac iivy Wcs.n put upwllhcar,, At tw. U . PVfKiNn Rt:e-t. . AUCTION BALES. "7T-i- of ..i vln;,.,,ei;,rt,.:iAM;.Mi rl.i atun.j raiwii' t .airier Kooe. oaal ke At t.. ro.!; 1 rHTii avi . A.ImeU.aK...,:T',Kn0L"rD!""'" t"0. for,!L,,",J When oonseaov, ' TJ ln,tTaTiN AI'R 0F C0NDKM!RI ' I yi AtTinaa.Tn. ii.. r. . I Kis-t rnvi-ioK, V ' WMI be .ia T. ',",-,nT" Noreml.er 1. IAI. V , ! ii..U.r! Z. r'.'J H UKUm- bUdor.M o nti. , .v. "1 oo,m-er ia, ian4 'M ?, !' ' AVAI.RV WORWI.' ?ho.e'V.oNr e,'';1: Nhl' Mt " : kil lOiIt. ke'ir"" a'"' ",rm"" l""Psct manyriod barons eaar ' It. .r.e, aolil slnciv. millnuntu'""" c""rn' "- Crtonrt. tn charg, 1., lilvlUon.Q,,;.. JAMES A. ERIK, Ollice il 11 at O' b.NTKkiE V0T IWSett OK SOB. W.mat,.a.t,.r. Noreahor U. IMC lioverinnent Nile rr m w,owa. tlTtlFR, TALI,W, KM I'TV u AhnvB a a,. I Will bo Mild at r-ul.no' Au.Uon. Si wtmrt t al.ii..lon.l..('..,.n I LEM.av Koiui,Tiaail M 0 Hoof Hides f more or less). jvi.i . -p reit. tiooieor k'aa). pooinJ, of 'I allow. Alan, a lot of N i nt root m. Hons., EmlitT Barrtll, ko 1'ptnia- 1 'ash In 1 lorommftrtt tiiftds. ' Aiipoicl.aics le bennuved wlilnn ten dr after eato. . IIIIEKNE, I Captain and C. S . V. cam: ok co-ei:mxed ohd n a n c b WaiiiN-r.Toa Abk.vi,, f , W-nivnn..li . C. Koreeslwr I, liejj. t 111 he sold at public anc'lon. at Uie Arenal, oa lith ot NOVEMIil.R. A. at is o'clock A. at., a lot ot Obl.AANCK SroitES, condemned as nntit for use, six. 1 btcnrn Holler and Putnu, I Iieiil k l.aihe, fi tlnn.t.itones, 711 '.rev Ulantels, li ni B Ue lllaukou, Hull Hl Hlankela, :i7 Eole l aila. Units Percha, (4 Vallsl a, Cavalry Round, 2: 17 Nose Han., '.'Hit HiiKlrirlos, ll..'l Bl.l.keis, f'l lc( lelliin Ssddle Tree., llu ynnls Mlk Otrv,, 40 pounds Woo len Varna, ltiO p.xit ds do kas, tl oounos Shoe Thread, t Harials. fi Jons. 7 Hollies, ? Waierl'an., .'l.'J Walerin, llurkcts, (lutta Percha, 711 do do lea her, ALSO A larn lot of WROWiHT AMI CAST IBON. 8nf c .vfu' hidiler s. ill he required to remove Uie stereo: Within five dny. from the dste of sale. '1 eim:aili, In Uovernmeat funda. J. o. r.Evrow. ll-1-l'tt Blaior t'oninaaodlsiaT. QUARTERMASTKH-OENKRAL'S OFFICK, ' Jf llisl LHVUluK, STa .HIKOT..M OlTT, November ft, inai. I . WIHbesold at Tol.lic Ao.tl m, to the kiaueat kidder, at the times ai d place, naioeit lie'oiv, vlr OUK, l'LNNBVI.VAMA. THUR8DAT, Noeniber 17, 1KH. LANCASTER. TEN .SHVLVA SI A, KRtUAT, Viveinlter 51.', lsi. EASTOS, rENtiat l.VASIA. THURSDAY, liiH:emDeT 1, 101. Two hundred favalrv Horses at aarh niece. 1 hoae Horaea have been oondeiuned as unlit for lam cavalry aervlce ol ti o aruiy. tor niaa and faiinlnu ouruoacs many cood barealiaai mav he had llorea avid sinaly. , Hales to cossiiifDce et la o'clock A.M. TenuO SJaah, In L'nlted totales Cnnvncv. ' " -i JAMS.H A. EKTN llf -1N30 Colonel In ch.nrc First Hivlsloa, g. if'. a.V. QOAIi AX IltHT OOHT. 1 Cost Pi ice to Btockliolders $700 per Ton.' . ! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. , COAL OF 1JE8T QUALITY. SHAKES, each entitling to OKE AND A HALT TOSS, alrlratco.t, EVKllT TEAK (or TWEVTY TEARS, and CASH DlVIliENDS of pronto (rota the ealo ot all awptvs Coal, may now be obtained at 10-00, payable half oa anb- -scribing and kail on January .next, of the MUTUAL BEAR MOUNTAIN FRANKLIN COAL COMPANY". onioo 131 H. Till HL (Street. ! (Ol'POUITE 01RARD AXK.) Stock Capital, $500,000, in 62,500 Bkarea. ' Keaeived Working Oapitttl, 12,500 Shares. Ruh.ertptloo.. of I sharee, Kt ; as 111 shares. fM ; at ". ' h.irca, (!,; of Ml shares, OlJii ol llw stuu-es, tUo; of . Iii aharra, SMuO. Eacb aliare entllles the holder to reovfro, otoit "fear, oneand a hair sons of coal at coet, for 10 years, and CaaJi IHviilenda every I montlu,oT the prodts irom the sale of ' all aurpliia coal. Biocklioldes, who do not want any oaal nsay have ths ( troiiortion of coal sold by the Company, ear their especial i uneflt, the prudts btlnir paid ovor to ihom, Independiitki of Uie reauW cash dividenda. ta wbiols ther sis aJas. Onlltled. , The (oaopany possess large and well-bnllt COAL WORKS, It JXiKAI.HbON (near Tremont), Bcliuylkill couuly, , wltb exi...nsive atlnin and Timber Kajliu, ao oxeeUonfc ,f Ilouhlc HreaaCr cHoimi Works, Iaxse 8teu,ui Kinrtaea, kUll roads, and all oii.'' Machinery and Apparatus, in ruB onerailon. capable of nuL'"'1' !t.Aa1 tons, (o bo oxtended la) lio.uai tons per year. ... ., m . . . The Coal Is of the beet otiSn'"'' ohlelly of the Blank Ileulh ami prtmroee Veins, wliloh, several other .-. yiiluabla Coal Vwna, extend within the Uuoa ' UteCoaf pany for nearly two nillos tn tenaih. Abrancliof Uie Readmit Railroad extends to the asfnea) of Hits Company, evor stolen Uie Coal ta daily sent la ' market. Hioctholder. may order thalr (tool Inaayof then.aot .t elaes. yla Luaap Coal, Broken. Eaa. Stove, or Nut CoeL . all at the present coat pric,of $7-oil per ton, delivered ai the house, within the usual dl.tanretof the Cosapeny'a ' Goal Yards, In the sonhurn. Middle. ao4 erwilhera eat i Uona oftheclly. 1 be Company and all Its Mining Works are clear of debt, nit all nparalkMie aro carried on on th. cash ptlnclplo. j or Circalars and BubeorioUone appljr at tho Cffiue, No. 221 S. THIRD Street, 21 Floor. (OPPOSITE (JIRARD BANK.) HOAJtD OP DIRECTORS. WILLIAM SCBMi:LB, PaasinrHT. WII.UAM FORD, ROBERT I. KIMO, It. B. WOU'K, 11. SKMAKXkja. 10-24 A. B. JAEDEN, tacaeTa. 1-iiiHX-crL.Aaa AitTici.xi OF COAL, AT LOATEST MARKET RATES, To be bad at BcLuylkill Eavn Goal Oomoaiij'i Depot, Jtos. lt and U.I MARKET STREET. H. P.-Ccr motto Is QUICK BALES A5TD SMALL, rtlOFITS. 10-Ul-lia A TON h er Larte utesul. ,1V a Ton vr Stove and Heater Coal, Ai.TJilt 8 COAL YARD, MN'lil b reel 11 7), below i, bard avfnlio. J." P.. g-reiilis at Bran, h O-flce, Il-Miu bl.XTil ai.dHPUIblO OARllETs, DISSOLUTION. NOTICE Is HEREBY' tflvaii. lhat iha Cei'-ic'iier-i la here:nire el.iim- ,,: t .iv.". u lul liAKl. I'.lti.i Kit. itloj bllllll.HAMCKC ' ).. IIIJ.,-, aii.l M. 11. Cl.AM10ia. UUiiliuj cudcr tn e.ili.e, v;o, .ind title ni' ;;ie " Wi t I'.n, me i mutiny' oi' i .luivu,.iii,iiik.iuiery oouniy, lonii.ylvaiua.was, tlua .ii'tli il.'.r il .Ii. v !ujt...i4.1.'tl I., v luuiiitti .t..i.-.-. b. i.iowl.liilravtal ol sa.il N.ini'iel H. Hilt. any luiuro busiiioar. of iheoonutrn will he settled anil O-a .Cil Ly li.e it.i.i.i.n.u-' e u .oei., luiiyec Uie old Ulia ti - w e-,t i.iia..,e C. i, ani.' 1-UH..I,) K.C. TIOVEB. A.vfiii? 8MI I II, Jll. H. CilAVt rOHD, . AiiLi.ll.aill.l. "I iS30U T10N. THK 'O.PAUTNVRSUlP .1 I h :tti.for f,iei:..g unite. Cie O 111 ol hAMI Kl, Iff. '. DAt U -i It sN,i. ;, ,Uv A mo.. ..(!. Tl a hncse K LlUCfl tfy ttiO i Vll 'tt l.fl At, e' Vl V.'l lMH'll HtieV- C.1AS. k. 1 AVIlitfe, tlu.lvllla 1 t.iaOil,UiA, biftvijsoci oo,Ufcf . 0 WTtTNyRl!'W.--'rT7'7-1rf,!.-nr1 tt ft. s . dado ten Ki.himi,.. riho "' 'J' ' A 1..i'ji. I. r too llao acike i.l i !W i..i' M"4' " .. (w,k,ul.iuais,an,u. j "ii ".".'."Ii ti'iCJ,' 5 : 1 . . HV.'.yialita.. . o h.'U.)rdil,Oitrel.l - ' ' i . ' - iT.-iioeTs,' Oitarti-rniRBfira '" V. St. CertlScato. of l"; UP. Vm.cI eis ui.il !.... and .'"-i'0' " (U., lu M il, boi.uil ai..l sold. f, natural. neal.ied. 1 M i 1 u ' 4