The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 03, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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Thy la MnlDg bright and Crong,
. Maryland I
To-doy tneiwloelj of iorir,
Maryland !
rin nnrhnined Hp of Ihrw wlio-c wrong
Hrnrkt to lltiavon lend and leynir
Jtrokrn th fettnr, pone thi thong '
Maryland ! my Maryland!
, Jtovsmbcr first, of fix! j-fotir,
M trylaritl 1
JYcr doin ' forcvcniiore' !
Maryland I
Tny sons hurt sniil it shall ho so,
And slavery's cnrna shall never more
Tul.'nte thy soil, oppryss tbv iHir,
Maryland 1 my Maryland!
Ood Mnvi the aN-ays In the ri-lit.
Then art no heauleons In my k'ht 1
Jostle and Truth h.rr cotirine're'il mi;;
on r ri'iiiun s cic ir anil Ho y II ,'it
On thc t shlnlnp, strong and,
Maryland ! my Maryland I
Pruldflil l.lnroln.
Mr. Whiting, in hit aeljress at Music II.ill, la t
.tenlug, thus rrosidi nt i.iu.'olii :
Tsrrap" you will expect mo to ay a word noon
tb person il iu.ilifii"iitiitis of ottr ranilt'lato lor
the I'resi'ieii'.y. It liai hcn my fro, id fortune to
K mm h ol the President. He ts einn oi the most
jsvluitrious, Ixird-worklng men In Washington.
JIu Biiiunors and sty'0 ot' diets and of hviri aio
impleand nnoit'iit:oiis. Il puts on uu airs.
Be In a Kiid, ton ler-hcu'cel, tri.l (,-cnoroin mm.
le ovth tan ho'i-e to the jniltlii-. ilu the
.xmiplaml of the humble. Uo is the friend of
lie iB not pnflWl up ny th? d.stiiif'lon of n;!i -o,
asmmis to nupriority mi ai'fo'tiit ol his
nt" Ma h is a r;r" it love of wit and humor, 8t3rjes. IVrli:iu this p'i'-ili,vr
li tiers Mi - .vo snve'd him from In-im
:lliy of humor nm - ()f a , a ,
broken ihuva t y the we.h- .
ropoeainiHlieii. Irvine r:r-
llTiDg oti..-rved his enn lu.-t n:i''i .' ' '
BmUnc?s, he has se'Oine i ti u"" to lnon" t.
otccni'ietitlou8 pulilii' men I have ever known, t
llislionosty, w yon all ku.nv, i3 iiW'yr.'ttp.Vjic ami
wnflirohir g.
His ability Ji is power, have, 1
thick, not leen suilieiently appreciated. Hetultes
bioad eoinpreheimivo vii-ws of cvnry su'ijoct Itu
xmmii.eii. He look? at ail ltd be ir;"nirs 1I-, U
caatioa-i in getting at the faces. He dreads mi s
k wi'leh mignt tuh!cnU him, or do injustice
o the silent.
m icaicuinfl pmors becm to ma to be of a
aifh orctcr. llin discur-ie aud his writing are
plstn hnt powerful. Thoy are loadc l itu c ):n
von eoe.
To ciy he scrm" too s!o va"d too e mtloua.
He may he so. iiui wa mat rcmoruber that
aat is too alow fur N'cv Kn-rhnd may l t o
test for the We sura Stater; and the Stales man
go toKt hcr, or tliy ennr.ot ;ro at all.
He bi ktu cilied vacilltving. lint no l'rc 1
d nt ha tTet trod hi' onward path wi h timer
teps. lie haj n"ver looked will J ; lur has
he evir broken h: word, n x taken h.tek win; ho
hastai'l. While he huld a (ii')Mion under eon
ntderation, he li-tous to .-1) opinio'is in or nut of
kil Cabinet. When ho utw fully made up hi
wind he is immovable.
I do not bv i-itntu to sny fh t Oeneril .U' Uson
fcsdnotnove tirinnes tliau rrei1d"nt t.ine.olnj
out the former was (iuidt d t i his con'-liisloiu itoo
ofteu) by will and temper the. la'ter is ou!y
gnided by coiiscientions convietim of duty.
It has been said that the President H over
V.Tie by the Influence of the members of his
Cabinet, 'and is thus swayed ono way and tlic
other. The instance most rt lied on l that of Mr.
Blair. Yet it is a fact, that on must of the i.;r.?at
mentions of public policy rela'.ituj to slavery, the
President has Cone dircci'v nj.xiust the views of
Mr. lilair, and tinully re-incs'ed him to roign his
. i .s-: " 11, 1 -.11 M-
eaiiniue i.auoiui. j)ejoui u iurviu.i, .m,
lancoln la nu and always has boon tiie control
. Li i mind in the Government.
The are ureatlr mittnken who stiprioso that
firmn'ss ot purpose, decision of ehanieter, and
enilencs ol maiinors Hre not eombined In him
lie win constantly upon the respect of i:ll who
know Mm well ; mid whatever Units ho may hare
whatever errors of judgment ho may have com
mitteU under the unpiraliclcd dimcul.te of the
Government inure and untried situa'.i in, yet
thote who know ticn he t b ilieve that he is the
man for the hour, and that he has U"en raised up
by the providence of Ood to savo Inis ii-.-ople.
iiofn Trartler, Xoreiahft I.
The existence of oil and far spring In Crawfoid
eonnty has txen geiir.rally known for many
yean. The subject has not attracted ranch
attention till recently. Itavlnp carefully ex
amlned over the urea of shout ten mdea s jnarr,
on Little Cine river ami Its tributaries Otwr
Fork, West Fork, and Turkey Fork there are
about twenty oil pnnt;, at tonic pf which the
il ran be collected and bottled. It kas b"cn
examined by comment juJj.'cn, wo s.iy that !t
is of excellent quality.
There nre lmndro Is of other p'a -e, w hl'-h f.n
net properly le c-illed "springs,'1 w ieru the oil
cmi be etn on the miruee of the w ater. Hie
Poolittlc Spring on the M est I oik eoui. x out in
the Mdc of the creek, the bul ro k ol which la
saturated with oil s.i trou;.''y Unit it will bin. fir
corral minutes, till tho oil Is con ui nd. 1 ho
same kind of rock is found nil along the Wot
I'otk and on Piter Kork, and in the deep hollows
tint emrt.v lnu either ol them. The ero- k and
val'cy lands have bem leased by diilereui com.
I'hi're rre fcvi n T IN b":n' bored Tiw t'ir.'C
oiithoHitt Fork by tin "Indiana Poiroleiru
Con 'paiiv," ti.n on Oiler hork bv t'ie " K a ix
Coiiiitv dinpany," and one by the "1. iclo I'un-
pan . I he other e iiipanies have ,.m Is 1
anil will uce a niin l er of we'.ln ,i . .ji.i!i as
tin- nmcluin ry can be obl.iui ed.
llio country is ery rough and h.iiy. Tl.c
centre of the uidicnSioriK is about ten m lu li.iia
the tlhio liver. Persons who de ira tii know
more n -'out the subject, e:m vi-it t'ie r :inu,v,
I eaveuvtoi'ih, Indiana. Hie Hend. r n l n U t
Company fnmisli mnerb aeconi.'iioUatious to mat
point. Viic Mhanj ( ,.) .,,.' :r.
Ilnw Iftrk1nitik l I'ortii"!.
The l'itt-'ang VhrtnUlt, '.s'-.-ulabn on the
fot (tuition of pctio'cum,
W e may set it down as an a i on, tint iiatar
Is nrlon!y cajiabie of produein' uo.v all iir'i '1 .
tio.i tho baevur proUuejd, but that she is i.nd
will coiitiiiuo to produce tiiem until jlio --ids i
tuti s semcthiitf; lntttr. J cririps our nn aaiM
Will be het'er tl !! tor- O'n t tv 'pit!vi-i' it f.t -i
sirvlc artiile. .sii pose, fur int ju. i;, wr t.iko tue
ore in which we all have so i", ;i nn i'l'i res:
peiroli tun. 'J his is known lo be a hyd:-o-i' irt. in.
ronipi Mil ol two gases. These g..xc ire r raary
clenienis, im!e-t'Ui'tible and c.tliiiuhilesi in iiim
t ty. Hue of tbein hydri i;en is a eon .tiuietit
ol wuttr, mid ot ncu'o is us uiexli attrtllile n tli
ocean. The other Is a constituent In all veLeta'do
I'or.'es nnd in numy of nur igckk. Ojc l.'in ireil
.uU'.'S Oi
whi n burned, will vei:.ii
" c.rbonii;
Trial of Colonel NofIIi
A Provident Itarko.v.
War, H Hi.ii l, has a very tV,iimginsir".ffi P"'i
the morals of society. Ttrc ur3 evidences of this
to be found around us every day. It has no cor
rupted the white nee that it is nn everyday oo.tnr
Tfnceto find nicn who, la ordinary times, were
above suspicion of dishonesty, busy stealing
ahemnclvps rich as General Ewing hai Slid,
"stenling themselves rich in the name of liberty."
The wsr is even demoralizing the d irkies, lure
anfore pioverbial lor honesty anil trusiwurttiincu.
We have just now a remarkable, and, if it a-cre,
not to fashionable auiont: "the wliite tr.vdi," a
lamonUblo Ulustra'ion of this In the person of
J.l 11 ilios.
Joe, it appears, is, or until within a 1U7 or two
EM hetn, the priva'o servant 01 mij
Joe has been traveling with liio (iene
ml, i.d by following in tho trait ot "uiu l ap,
cas been snnliing the battle afar otr. At the
lame time he has come sry near the cont uni
Taung iiitiui'hiX of hat. wo term 'l jrajas war,"
litre is the evidence of th'.i :
Some tiuio tince a private soldier in Genf.ral
Ttke's comrrnnd, whieh wis then stafoied at
Washington, Mbsouri, h id hh wat- h stoten, a:id
arupiciou, for Mime reason, aiUrhed to Joe ll.ley.
A watch was kept upon his raovcrm nw, and a
day or two ago he was observed to slua a box
from Wai-bir-.'ton to St. Louis, marked "l!ri'i
ler Q ncrul K. C. Price." On arrival bore, it
was taken to the ollice of the Chief c.f Police,
where ifwtts opened nnd found toto iiain tie: fal
lowing aitidcs, all oi' which Urj believed to have
ien stoieu :
1 red and white rmilt; 1 do. r,rcv and wlu'n ; 1
piece ma wn (betting, -id yards marked "D; 1
" Diece ol toweling: 1 red glagha-n :hirt; 11 pillow
aliM. 7 of which are nnuaed I
but nxty potimlN.
I tie part driven oil liV bcrniii
acid. 1,'udtrlyiirj the "Oil Rook" is a ntrai......
01' limestone, of niihnown thiektiess, b it Kn iwn
to tic upwards ol one thousand leet in deptn.
1 tie water tailing on the lairfice ano penoi amg
through the porous sar.i!stine that overlies the
oil r- tk, becomes charged v ilh salt, potash, salt
petre, und other chemical ingredient -i, and lia iily
realties me mnentime pick ana ucoiiim-cs it
the ritrbon in the ntk ami t'ie hydrjg. n 01 the
v liter uniting to foini oil, vmlu tho oyi.en is
set free to csitnd to the at 01 jsjiberc or uaituwi'h
minerals niul form 1 xidi s. T ho reverse of this
process i- seen in hnming the oil iu n I iron tho
k.v;.- u in inc. atnio.spUero uniting with the car
bi ii in liio fill, tunning eacbonie acid, a id wiih
the hvi!ro"cn I'oiiuiiin' wuti r thus c -uupletng
the circle. The 1:11. -t'on is freuititly 11 died,
When will the o'l beetnie exb iu aed ? Vo tu iy
a.ipwcr, lien the teenn iJ, uuii not oetoi j.
It iiii,-iiiu!lo Xineritl biscou'ry.
The c.i. teaco of an iniiii' -usu iron niotin on
almost on the very shores of l.kl Superior, out
rivaling tho famous Iron mounU'.iisof Marnip lte,
dims almost ton marvellous for bjlief, yet tho
fact Is even so. That such
deposit should remain undiscovered until a very
re cut ilu'c, is tiie most remarkable fe itnre of
the who'e a'.i.iir, and shows hoiv great and diver
silied ii tlic natural wealth of that world-rcnuwi.ed
re;'.hr., contrasted wiih tho tardy pace of its
development, pirtita'arly on the Cana lin side,
wl.ire tl.c ta wly-d.'scovered mine is located. At
the dibtancc of only about forty-live mile from
!iui!;t Ste. .Marie, this m aintain lifis its frowning
suiumit to the altitude of six hnnili' 1 feet nb.ivo
the level of the plain, 'lid niao hundred feet
above the level of tho lake, heing ubout twice us
hh'h ns the iron mountains of M iruueue.
The fust examination was made in July l.wtby
Pri.tefpor P. IJutlield, of Detroit, who, from tho
geueiul feature, came to the conclusion that the
laniuwus iuentieal with that of Maniisuito, and
In omer to saii-ty inmscii on tins puiui ne visiwa
Maniuette to get ihu rane, by wlueli his theory
wus found to bo lully ii-utncil. A comieiny
nan siibsKiuen'.i v lomieu, wmcu ou;siineu u
patent from the Oanadmn Uovernment for 3J0U
I ..... I .l.l..l. .w..., nrin.B nil ft nAlflff u'l
Njifi-iiil la TIip l!riilit: 'iYIimoIi.
11 ts ion, No.ciutier .1. Thi 1 111 uiiin;;
Cnptniu J. F. (Crimes, 17;h t'nittd States in
funtry, arrived here from the front, hiwing in
clinrce M. iitenant-Colonel Joseph Murphy, of
the Till Xew York Aitillery, who, it is stjileil,
is implicated in tho New York soldiers' vole cloe
tion frauds, by signing the blink 1. Murphy has
laen comniKtud to flic Old Caoitol to await an
Inve ll',a:ion.
f-'cvcral more of the Washington nn I liiltlmoro
ni- rehants.arrcsli dod achaigeuf supply in; g 10 J s
to the litbels, were rch uted this til irning under
heavy hernia for their uppt aiatu 0 at til il.
Hamilton lli-iiop, of tiie nth irjiui a Cacahy,
a ii' tcrious s.'oiilof I i,;by', was cipi,ured on
Vedtic-day in London county, while .outing
11 itl bi cur lines.
Colonel Nji tli, Xcw Yo.l. s.M'.a A vent. Levi
Colicri, 11. M. Jones, Utiles, and SeholielJ,
W' ro pot cn their Ii i .l 1 1-lay, before, llio.Mili.
tury Cciiiiulesion, on the charge of fraud in New
Yo;k (.olilier;,' votes. Mc. . i'Kl Le, cor.nsel for
prisoners, ilt nied the ji'risdii'ti.m of the court.
Fii-l, over the panics ; sec ;u,!, over the iiilj.'.ect
nintter j ihii el, because It is not within tho jaiis
tlit tion of the Kiilloniil (iovcrnment; fourth, that
o js u ""bicct over which the National Govern
ment h.-.s never R.late.l fifth, t!t tlicro It no
law of the National or i'-'-denl CiDW.'mie'.t
author! ing tho lictitntion of toil coi.rt, or the
trying ot a eititn who is n .t in the mlil.ary or
naval fii r.i 'e of the 1'iiited H itc for.aay oflimse,
he not being a spy from the cticiuy.
Jitdfe Advocate Foster replied in lovclbla
term, sayit'g that if iho tirunicnt) of tin de
fense wcro sound, then the Military Commission
wouiil have no jurisdiction even ovcra spy be
ll !i;ir,T to the rncmy, for ha certainly is not in
the militiuy m ivico of the United 'Si ites.
In coit-c.iii''fii e of the indispC'S''t.ioof Mr. (IT
)elte,t'uc f'niiiiiii 'sion a l.ioiiriied until lo-morrow.
true, then ft ml'ltary comtnlstiioD conl 1 not try
spy or a guoiilla, for thiy were not subieetto
the military orders of the United Ftates. The
right of trial by Jury was a right to which all
eUlmed to be eniltl'. 7t guerilla eoald not
demand stuh a t r ' 1 , no. could a traitor demand
to be Indicted in Court before trial. In timeof
war, certaiu peace powers were necessarily sas
penibd. Colotu l Foster referred to llio raio of Vnllnn
dighain, S.'d ip.oh 1 largely from the decc'tou of
the t riled St ites Supremo toiirt tiiMin tha uppl -cation
of Mr. Fiigh for 11ll ind'chiitn's re'ea e,
to show they rer.nnl..-d tl.c fa 1 that, in iirL.iit
and peculiar cases, military courts hid I'l l
powers and jurisdiction. In all the-c c.iscs the
st ite and c inditiou of the country must be con
sidered. It is charged the ri. lit s of the soldi ts have
been violated, und as they arc in the l. ild and
not in a Male, wliero there are rcc igoled coar s
of law, militi-.ry tribunals were the proper ones
to take i.ote of tb 3 matter. Tlij District nf
Coiumbla has b-cn ronsiib red as iu the field.
The paril charged with criino heto were also
ront'ldcird an in t'ie held, au.l to..suiii-jnt!y,
assuming that fact, foldi. rs iu the tiel i had beta
defrauded, an ! by r irtic? nls 1 in the field, and
amenable, to ani-wer 10 a mil it try court as tho
only cut. having a proper juri -diction.
At the roiielii do:i of Colonel Footer's remarks
the Court adjourned at Mr.f'iiletto'a repast until
10 o'clock to-morrow morning.
J ' lHKt'IICHia.. MKI'lt l.K'ES.
K'.vrorNiii-.u hiom B"ots,rABKS, and uvta
Gen. Cutler Gono to New York.
Njierliil ro Tim Kouinit 'l'i-lt'r;'i.
WAHiiiNi.roN, November .t. The l'hrr,n Ic
ctT,es tli it General Pntlerhas -one to Near Yo.'K,
probably to tako c:nia u.d there.
T he United Suites Oov.-rnmcut ha; t !; n ima.
sitres to meet ur.y llcbel raids iilon tlic Caaa 1 1
T1SK tl tltl.n.Si : ".inili'l'MV
an Aniiisiui:,
Nr.w YtntK, November o. The r.iticle from
the Chrale- ton Mm; itr:, to whicii the Philadel
phia Ayr t kes cx ep'.ioii, caino froai the regular
agent of the Associated Press, at Newborn, North
Cainliua, and is uu.loabled'.y inuiicnlie.
aeu s ol lund, which comprises all, or nearly all,
of the nact in ijiies.ion. About lour nco 'otuc ol' thcn:jiio'.'uai!ivcs of ti'cconi
piiny, lin.'eihr with n few s-i .nti ic gemlcuivu,
t! e v. hole j.arly niinibcriri; twenty-four pirsoiis,
fctiiil tor liieclcirict u: on a t-.u.i 01 txpl"r.'.lion,
provided with nil n cf :iry appliances tor e.a;nt-
mlill U ; till HllVCJ. ill e j ariy reiurniu a o iy or
two mree; and n port that the most sanguine e.t
p.'ct:m;(, roi,"i inir.g trie extent aud rieh'iejj ed'
the mil e h ic been more t ia.i
Tbuoicisof the tinent ounliiy, coiresi onding
to tho ores oi the Marquette mines, and csiendiug
through, a ranee of stveral miles, in deposits
miicy net in thickness. It is so plentiful that by
no human agency enn tho supply bo exhausted
loi -hundreds ot years', en i.e nrxiiuuiiej rn:n-
m ss id the ore we are enabled to speak d ii ittuly
Tin; tkiaf. r i.nki, vki ji.
Wjsii iNei ion, November :J. The of Colo
nel t!. JJorth, Now Y'ork Kt.uo A r mt, and of L:vi
Cohen mid M. M., wis commenced tD-day
befi re tl.c United States Military Commission, of
yviii. h General Douhlcday itf President and Colo
nel J. A Foster, Judge Advocate. Messrs. 11. H.
Gillette and J. 1). McPhcrson nppear M counsel
fur the prisoners.
The acnc-iinmcil parties, together wiih Tseevcs
and Fchofielel, are thir-ed with cor.Juct preju
dicial to good order aud military discipline, and
of fraud towards tho New York clc-tors, in that
they forged tho iiatii'.s of oiltcjrfl and sol Hers to
what nurponed to bo ballots of said soldiurs, to
be used at the election 10 be held ou Tuesday
Thcv ti'C alo charged with false. y arid fraudu.
lent'y issuing papers and sanding blanks which,
purpottxel to bo signed by ofticers ami sildiers
In the military service of tho United States,
authorizing certain pinicsto c ist their votci at
the ensuing Ftalo and Natiounl election, with
intent to do 1 rand the li no elector of his rights.
Sir. Gi!le:te, one of the counsel for the prison
ers, pieai'.cd to the juriiilictljri of tho court,
arcuing that the emit hid co jurisdiction tbkti
our t'je parties ; s.coii'l, over tho i l'o.laet -blatter;
tbird, tlii.t th: :aafcr w is not within tin jui'ts-
diet'ou of the National Govcra neul ; foarh, that
it vies a subject over which .ho N I'ion al (J ivcrn
011 nt had never l-'g'-l "C ; au I tii'ch, tlnv. thee
was no Ian-of the Fclcra' U.v. tru-.i at auMi ir
blur tlii jurii'lictioii of a inilit iry court ior t'ia
ti ial of i'.i y 0110 not la t'.iu nubUry sjrviea of the
United States.
V.t. Gillette argued that tiie Federal tribunals
had not in any way or manner a ithorl.u 1 tiie
ths inn In.iliin IMiirrtM
rnni All S'.ub'-s tr.e
u. I't r -io.Nilij In
r'f.lnifi it u,r. I'riTie.
I'JIS'nflOnn i.f lhf fllftil'l- r,
I Olimitom; n -f tl h I'l
nt v". Nii.ii.. in ih1 H''l!',r,
lreMlre, llnvel, Itk'-t,
fian.'irliM S.I011I Ivfir-'l'
l j r,s-'."i'-i'-ln!S'l :n 'It
v . i.f l-iii ,r Allan ("f
W f .; s in f''MiC'". I ' rrs
mil 1' i- 'il fiii;.-. 1, innli-
lra . lane Mii' i!
Am m vm ms
If l M M M MM
ti M M d M 4 M A
1 1 '
( (.('Cn'
1 14;
c 11 1. K u fc y. k l'-Jn;-
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i,r sol'ii I !'. tl:.' I IH I!')-
K ki; fl Mf nv, nJ "1 n.i'1
l.i ti,l 111 ' e iair; .: fti'l
thai 'lie in ft.l t'Js, b ..f
el .r,.,.-l ., 1. riTt, i n. r
A la.-".' Wr,"e. 1' ('''
a- h, .ilta;, f ';, sed
liii.: l.'. ill : roi.""i 'l
1. itj h. si, e1 r,l e.
! 11. lien --I "' t.i.rnTir
n.l r'iiiumI ioi I'll. '' -.
list Is C .e-riri' f'l sl'h
hr,7 sll t 6'a&p iusc
It is I rtrirt I In a :My
e .n'sTfiiio-.l fi rn, tli im-s
i.'aj l.i i..'lriil.liiiii'l'lolft
vp " nniis t'ir 1 Urn' p p. r iiay.
II la ilmr.'tk- a'.'l suerHllM'
In im .i-tK.n; urifjini .teal
1 I . ' 1 1 1 (j I'.K bl'.n l, rimonil
It l'i il-.w in nil lis or'f-n'.l
.iirilv and vnar : Huts rfiuo-
air train ti.6 .ytaia 1 1 r-: r -riili
it.i ai-riiWaKh l.a.sai-
lni:i if iliM lite.
It,. ..Ik ill.
fltl lit!
Il'l 11 1 1
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Pv it.- !- -f ti.c:irno ni.sti ir -.a 'in
K"Ki; I .i ,(.' r 1 ) n
liso rue .1:. Im s nt Hin s. i
lime nil Itajir rt-r iln
, l..rir. . are r anov. it, nnS 11.1
ivi-alrnnS ..r,:.c l'-i n."".!
II) rt-st. ireil t i lull ti;ar snd
i.r lull pl-tl, ulr' crt
rsmj'lil''t I'.m oi.y 1I1.11:
st'.Ti- In t'a- ci.i aTv, or
r rlt'l 11, al IS AiJ ia 1
'-. e 'a any ft'iilfc a a lull
tre..l .'.
t rr." a.
nil a.-...
,.. .1.,
!' n
mil'. Pa
loll '.i d
I Ml
loin, nlty
i if uc imir
InniK ii.-.
(ainti e.:l
urn. ell' ...
r- ri.t.;sii.n
trf lieu, tl . t:i
ii.rv l. r Si'.rn.a-
i penal Vrnka' -,
rii'l-st' P, lo .1 I'V hull'-
!' "I
I tiiveoal Lisi
i. in Ha. I: . I .
ii l-l. ii, I'ri in e
r. VV.1.1. Viv.o,
i.f It. rattan.',
, V.'al,iuli. Is.
i n tl.e I-. r, Cn e
I '. I ll S.I I i it , I . . 1- sit o r .lir. o.l
. . ;t ' .1 Itv Ci-p If t-
it in
I'll f:i
loi I'll
l.n I l
in loi
li Mi
in i i.m .tf:
I' I'll. Hit il
u:i.i i.fci.ta:
I c
I I I Tt
y.t i:b
I I I fKV,Ft
Tim Nruiiinnl Ilin1i.
W tsiiivr roN, ;). Tic cliVi il si ito-
ment nhows t'nat on the lt Maud ty 1a October,
lSbl, Ihc resoiirrtsof tho Natiom.l liiiik'ns Asso-
ciatlou wcie over s.i:)7,(W0.lo0, including a'rout
f !i.1,i)(i,(icii of loans and discount, and nearly
.),t:0 i.ntJO in sp cio and other lawliil moaey.
Tho prol'.ls nic stated at $ I JfK'.OO'i.
Seiinli lor llio riittiiUniU'e."
Pi hii.AMii, Maine, November .'). The Uaitt d
States steamer Miami, Lieutenant Parker, from
New llcelford, put Into Portland this morning for
ini'om.ation In rcgnrel to the 'VJ.'a. ., and
sailed again at 8 o'clock te. make a further search.
Arrivnl or lli Ntrmiuir "'.O'Ptt'-"
Ni;w Yoiik, November 3 The steamer ..t
ycUc, from Uavic on the P.'th nit., arrived nt this
Plarkcls ly 1'1 ki.IIi.
Nr.w Yo UK, November 3. Flour h:xy
ef iis.n Mils, ht-'ie, ti l.i Ui". il ..ili ;
hni.tliei n. $10 '(.' ii. Wh. nl q-'Ll; s.iins uiiitu;
I oru Cinii -ul-.H nl tS..'.l!il I'iis'i. at Jl-il !'ti
Una. Park l.rm; ..ll of -'''"" I'1'!'. l Uvlesj.'.j
liiai t ab" -i'4c. w liitny m".iny.
Ni.w Yovk. November 1!. Stocks steady.
e'l.lcsea ftl'rt lint K Is'aml, in1.; : t'tiniliorla'i'l tTi-lirrt'5,
M.'i ; lilin. Is C I S.I',: Mn a. 'an iiitln -.1. "'-' ' : "'e.v
.rk i.ii'i. HI; Iti'.nl ny. lai-,i ; Hurts n llo'T, t'.'l '.. ;
I'l.n',... f',.Ki -v Hit Le.s-au.-i a. II.'.; Krio ;:.)'. ; 1)1111-
)rai' e ViUnealfri, .'.:.'., i iu ilti,,!) l; ; n-Jllii,r..fiist.4-trj,rM a
l.n. v. i.;n r s rk'i'-
V ols r i.ii I.I.I M 't . nr.
K .si I - U i t I.Cc t . Tl tOC'l
tn ni ruri- N' ' Ciie C. i -IIJ.-li,
i on'. 'n. Ill,' ii-. '.In'. K
It. ::l"ln lo lliv liiael ee-l -
'J l.n Hr'ni n.a'tos ..ilr
!s It o ri sall nl' in.i.t. . i,
ni. c v.c t' a, ,n llio v.'jfi'a
1.: k it u .1-.? rt ; t.elr.K l.n
vn'bety .., '. roal an r... t
riclii .it i l i-'.r'' llr.-.:a
lia-..l lili Hoi CKL flnil wain'
eut hyli!(.U..
I n s na-,:;,. ni. la ft c-ne'o
vr .c.l. e i. I r.ic, anil oat
cn wi t !i .C.l i :tn r ly, II It
las I II f..'U ill liar .I.IC-
tc i: l"r unity years, tui l
i t.h iliiaiss-i !s trr it".!, It
tits n l In a-l In a slnrlo
ln-"sn '0. Its curatii e I'Cw
rrn Intvi: la-en nail.-i- nt ta
rain vt. ''' ever tli-i must
ll .ll".rr. c-e,
I o l am.- n'lii hnv fpinel
. ith ni ar cans'., nt...m tiittil
Ihi t'linit lhrtr.fl"!vs ts-.-i.t
llii rru'-rt of n.'.toal
lal.v. y,n.lit III'. SCAiU
Mil! !'. I'MKhOkl.i;
r: itrt ri'hti.r! yon tn
tu n' it nJ nar. S'i.1 .f ur
nil -i k iivctors fiavn I'tiJ.d.
; siles
!.',-, .ml
1 11 1
rnrC.I. ine b-ss lKin
l.v t.,1: most ,nt.-
tn die..', n: n 1 i' s
una Ly t'i-.T liro-
Oot Trice to Su-ckkoltlers 17 00 p r Ton.
p.i Ms, i h i ti't.t r to orr and a ii u.r ions,
I t rU r. sf, FVKKY YFAR tor T IV K V r Y YltaftS, a 1
IV.FII IHVIIirMiS of rants 'rem l he I ale .f all snrplnt ni,- t i i.l ut a ill Oe, A'.lf litlr si suit
I. ril'.i'i: situ t.fclf ii jM.uaiy a ntAt, of Ibv .MCrt'AL
(lliiec lyl r-s. irillltl Htieet,
(f ; I CH'I; tr AM iuwk )
ttf ilt Cfii'tiJ, 500,000, In 62,500 Sliarte.
K. -fiYcC Visfekg Cafitil, 12,:00 Sktres.
Vm h -tiarf i i.tiiv tr r :.i il r ' t tv?, fry r,
rir aimI n hn'f ttn- f r-il M mi', U t ') 1 J ' r" , 1
ntl r pry U lUVDIfii, cf tli. pro(,; iu ui th tft o(
ftll Minitu dial.
m itiild' ri t ii o do n nnt pny nmi nry hnv) vwir
I ni. trl'iin i(" ui-il K! ! I'll ' oiiiji-nj . for I i ir ."' i!
fjiUf'lt, iQf1 pri r. LUHK HiTln T'i'rn. in :.'P-ii'i ni
t !ff t,tO.S (nl T;""iii'tit) nri.l'cliilli r.tuiiu.
lth M-iinvc Minim' evi 'Ii.' U-iftit". nn t''i -it
rnni k ln ahr, U- e WnrK i, mrjf I'lur'H .-. K-ui-js-'Ji
Mifl nil iiNr Mfl' i;i. ry .,nj ''H, ;n 1 II
'tin. cftti ii!b j isfl (uc, u be etc.ui'a to
Th i o'l to i-J t tie nlt fii. i tir.cnu rr ri n" r
llfiilli K tl l'r'flTfXC IIIh, hlifCil. Willi O'llT
iiiift'iiC''r,nl i ir, i'Mi i tl v. it ti i i(,t Ijk of i Ik K mh-
pr v I''- nilrlT two f ilU i'l Ii likjtli.
A n; .II I II I'H1 itnu. Ii ii m i ti.iii a mi !" mm
it 1 1 ih CoiiiiDny.rTtsr wrmli ti. Id ua:v 6 u. to
l.filrT'r" tn3V"rnT Miff mi ,ti;in',i rn' u-ini
rrt viz,. -I. ur'i'C"i, "' n. I. -.,', '.o.r7 -vim-ov,
Mil at 11t t fM .-t rrsi ,nfi p.-r ii'ii, m crei fh
ti li"iit , A'll.'ii ti"' HMi! t1ttnrcl of t'ie mniMi-1
tl.irn nl It ( !''.
. i n iiv c-Tiii ai; viii'iir ' i r ki arp oir-iriii tic'ir,
III) !' ti-iioim Rri' inrru il ii. -iti Ih; ci' m prir-u;!).
I tr C'ii"'.'i;iU'b 1-Us.t.tx piicuii M'V'J
GiTef, Nn. 121 S. TlilHD Piif.if, 2d Tiicr,
:(.iio;n: ( tiiAitu pa; s.;
1 1 Ait 0 C T LIl.t. rTClbH. M HM't.l T., T tt Dla.T.
tiiiuam rn.p, ncPEier v. kish,
II. E. W LI.I It, lb ri'.'llM'lil.i:.
(,.'; A. II. JAKI'I.N. KI. ,a rslir.
CAKll.-1'.l I.Clll'.H- A CO., ntOPRIR.
i mns or i KM It ii rnlMi imiic aisi
DIMN.I l;m own. Ni i.l C'Bsnjr K IKCI'T, IIP.
IOSII E fiKNKIlAI. I'Osr I'Kl U K, I'llll.ADr.I.elllA,
I' A TtmUr. tT niedhira "f lh p.iullc imt lo th' lr n
mrrom oslroBl nrt frl-nd, Inrtr warrant thanks sf
llhr-rnl nieorraifroml ni"l i-'-n'-ran-ly hrttowMi aal
pr. nt' to ailtf OU a'lr.i' lionf and anproTirniiiU.
ami fui- i very eni. as'.r to menl H. lonnnufrl 'mnart
ara piri'iiaais ol the panrral puMIc of 1'litlSilvlehls and
10-17 Sra
hi.iillt'.l e' lt.i-r
, l
lTII a .il ABCII Mrests.
.oi lAtia'S.
tl-'cli rot-v i'b'' I - '"'it 'or .t -r Mae.
la ai no Hie In I" I'rttln' a ' II i"1" '1 'mi a ;
.' !.. !. ail . i. 'i 'l!' not' ri'cntn to t'.i' plai t
M l.' re J. n 'Hon tn hs hia.iei itti ja. jnd r ie.
TIiit , w'-or morfnla moat -1" cnrreKtOe,
'I a I. st li e it "r i.n .a n so iv .-r stf il. ;
'r ai'i.:! ,u II. in. if rari-. tui l .,iarl linn als,
f'r o hnl yon will -th-tc i n -ncli "r rd a.a fall I
II. in It.l fr .1 U'KHoN .1. f-I VTII anil AK '11. 10 W 'It
A' wniGHT l rirrALL
lTo. 110 M:.r-?t Ttrrot
rrnirrs i i:"nt ami cfcond UTttrr.TSi.
c. v. . i i n in. i. . atonalt,
I) It V G G I S T sTT II T fi I C I A N 8,
a ' n
r.f sy.r.At. frtntitKBi-prRH.
an flml at our oal l.ltaliinfr.l a ft: II a.sortnta nlef fmportaf)
and I'.aacanc I'll..!, TopilUr Tatrnt Mrdlr.lnoa, ratals.
Coal Oil, Vt'ilidoH fiUila, rreserlptli.ti Viala, Ao., at SI leu
llces as t'tnulne f.r't-ri.iss i;ia d ran I'o sold.
For f ' .nfrctlor.cra, in fiiit vnrlly, rind of the baa! qnalltf .
I'(.r'.l:i(al, Piatsil ImiKji, f', fit Ash, Co.Uxar,
?.kI Aalt, Al'tm.Oil oi Vl'rlol. Innstto, Uoppma, Kitrart
of I onsioisl, c, I I'll IIV1.II.S' u. e, slnavt eriIiand,ot
Uwfft in t cs' b It''-' I.
n i:k HPii'itt ron FAttf.T rsi:,
firoos:! asprri-ly for our ssl"a and to which i-s lavas
lti altmtl'.u of '1 In wjeltl of il'ftl. is- arlivlaa.
Alio, jM-Jiit; .s.'-.t :, Ml ."14 Hi; aM fr
f ic l.'y.
f!i.tri,. by r . all, l cH toil, wil' meet with proitDiat
ttnlli.r. , or ii n !ul qwu.nlicna h ill be furulfhi J ahil rs
qiatU.I. WUIOTfT & '-mriALI,
Wtioli-alG Dnia Wnreftooas,
liill-ly Xo. 119 M.M.h lil' tsu-K t.abive rmot.
la-.-'tf rs In I'ns
'loliet A.rtl?le,
and Wpoolultlee.
Kf.Ac., loldortly for Ktdl.lna) pnr
(tn -lsa
'GAL AT Jt7.Vi I'l lt 1 ON.
tuiiiiita .M.'l':.;t l .ul i- iint'.inr. In
1 .. Ii. 111..I M.i-.a if 1 o i.l 11." s' lt- i
O, l"l it. I HI I. ..on. t'slii--s a i'.i'l'.r
l r at ii'i'ti t - a m i-,m 1. 1 -, 1 1.
Tr vu. r." J (.! A U k.MUI-Wll
r".ra:e l t.n.l. r
i.t l-.-l: : v.v ilil.l,!, A--0
, ia.i
J s1 IS I.VNIl. -i"'''!
i io. siin i .. ,ii'M ', :
!!l Mil rl. I' , t 1.. '.".
C. K. rt.s.'iTI.V. s'a.V
II b
si. sjs-l; I'ff. l,
la. Ar:l. .'.
i.-siVaiiiai I'll'
M ri.i-.i sir-
Ills tx.pil -tc 1'oivmeiic nas nt .uai Ttt ueauiy
Iiil' .whiiriin'. .u; 1 nr.-: i UV t c.'iiniiit x io.l. It It pre
j'iiird froio pti!" wtiito wn, lirn- ? It" 'lrardlrrvi)ui1
tiinltr rft rving tlic kii. in.ii' ii.t( Jt ofi, luir, smooth.
nnl t rans pan r... It i- inmt bm.i Mc K .'. r, e.rrej
fVai t-i-tl fc.iiuH lir.H, k -ii. v. k :'.iipi.'A,MuW..'.'i, Ull,
fr . k'.u, or Mii:t'nn, m .1 m:iti a p.'ir;y h it fo tl;e
)' e ri'-- ;tt . ft. h-i 7j wmi. IM'NP
t O., W t.b I N lit MutCt rtiut No. 41 . KH.HTil
KtriKt. 1 t-aa
l to lie
Rv It! i:l'HVt
It )' K
:tt it
vr' iti 'it ni:.l;cl .11
.t ih- a.-t.
Oim i o tic 'will cura
fill lis-lit. Iv.
A tw tlit!t a cur? II itirKa
In 1 ui
duo liutili rure p-Jjita-ti-iii
f tl.) tb nt.
A M iV tKi-H-t n-Ktoro the
er::..n'! (if tftll'.iti.
!-ri,rrj on to t'irie tiol-
tl?4 rO'f 'IT th" 1 !
li. sb Mild i; or .(
'I H. tS
or t i;, s v
I It- t'ouipan
tn "-t (, u ilr.y ni
. a : i : T f. Ii"! ' ''lefU'ii !ir- u
H ..I VI I' Ntivrt
is f'.til ir'i tvtT auti rlpti.-iin to Its iln- k
if:) i' fai J jt ''u.
. . - .. T"s, 1 ,..,1 ri. ...-. .
A uiittiillty which was taken from tho .1. pl'i of trial persons oy i-e'.'..a. 'a.v o.
omy tiltei u feci from tl.c miuVu, and smelted in i con sr ltted ngain-t the litwsof auy Stale or -Stales,
aci'mmnii iai.t fiiuutfe, rculi.ed bO jier cent, of J jf M ficcuicd lml cotriuilted a crime, it was only
pure lron.-W bonne rcmeinbir ihtrt 8') y r u'. . ,a.lon of 6 stitulc of the State of New Yn :,
is a rood woiasiug avciuee, the ricuudsi ol t ie I "UJ1,l-"u . J
in wiy Uincovercd ore will bj fully a;.p ire t. At J and conscfjaei.Jy tue tii ii.i. ils of tho Uintei
renter dipt h fr-jin the surface, it i p:ir. y wi;l . smtcs li'o ro ,iur:s.l!!ti-jii. II' im offaisi li is
of conr'o be on e'orre.spimilnig sc.ic, iu ae
eonlauee with r wcll-lenoivn uiiueralo oc 1 It.
in tUlll. lion lO ..l' ' leiernio'iio oii iuu t.iuu, .1 j
verr l.n. e extent oi laud was tnof i.t
l Hid.
rnbter blini'.et; l Fr.'T ; i j -SWin
slit'iers; I lady's nr.r'.iiii 1 liiown t.j.vel ; J
UO., m-tl'ed "C. lb. No. 3;" I whit --edg d be I
prisd; 1 t4ible cloth; o white shirts ; t l.incy
liescm tlo.: 1 lnir Pt"'! 1 ' ,r?" "',r' i '
m Mil ilrl ri ti .1 (illli'K 1 11 1 -s : 1 til l 3 k- '
'da. t 1 pocket-l t cloUies-'briHli, red i i I
-kin, n.i'.iri.l : 1 WllitC I.OllCl l HU I H ".'.' .1 . C 1 ; 1
bed ibtet ; 1 pair lady's -ait,.rs ; 2 da u i.r utyuis
of ladieii 1 "in -il cir ular looaina-g ss ; 1 ra.o.-,
In its case; 7 Hint g!a- tumlilffs t 1 patrol h't ".y
reins - 1 rar f spnr.i, and si.vnr wa'cu wt'h a
rl.'is 'tt; il. Ihii w. t. h iis-!ipd to tie t u otio
' Stolen from the soldier ia General I ,o i iuui-
Tuis general vnri- y of a-ti'des indin'es that
Joe KIU-T U ft gentleman e f va-bjd bist. s. He
has cer'.aiulv been n somewhat nut s ih dar in tao
wav of lounil ig to lind tbin ts lyirn; around loose.
It has ba t th lf ct. however, of gattbi.T J o
himself In a tight plutte. Ha nn beeo b-iudml
over to ColonelJ. U. llaker, CoiuTiander of the
bt. lxiuls pnst, to be liealt with according to his
tiemerlte. ... , .
Meanwhile the rupture 1 nrtieh s aro kciit on
. hand bv the Chief of Poll -e at hlsottlx-, where,
their owners may perhaps bo a'lle to ldenn.y and
tCCOVCr. SI. Lotus Hrjiu ...icnu.
A XuuHliy tu rolltle-i.
Ocn-rsl M"C!e!lan, iy th". ,p-iu:;t:".ld V.--pulioan,
dccl ircs for the Uuio.i, and wants to
niainuuu H, and says he would bo ashamed to
look in the faeo of his old soldiers ii he could
speak otherwise, and then turns towards the
Chicago Pease party and gravely tells them he
thinks they must Lave meant the same thing
when they voted the war a failure and clamor, d
cr armistice und negotiation in I's stead. 1 here
a nothing equal to this in history. Hut nicltens
publishes paraded in Captain liuusby "opiiiiun
s is an opinion :" ... i
"My name's Jack Eunsby. And what I e tys I
tands to. Whereby, why uoi f It what
thon i I o I believe this here sua and heir s gone
down, my lads ) Mayhap. Uo I s iy so Which ?
If skipper stands out by St. George s Channel,
waking for the Downs, wliut's right ahead ot
him? The Goodwins, lie isn't foreted t inn
upon the Goodwins, but he mar- 'il", Marin
of this obserwation lays in the application on it.
' That ain't no part of my duty. Awt Uieu.Ueep
bright look out for'ord, and good luck to you.
A young man named Dean lias been under
"t tn i,oudon on charge of having thrown his
wertUmurt luta the rkver to rob her of a pnrso of
nioney. iha evidence, however , was not stiln
cient to convict hiui.tUougb. her pui-se was found
in his pocket. 1
The Hotel del Haricot i Pari WM UMf
dcuiolishcd. It used tu t th pUc8 whtie
Jvationul GuardMnen were e.uiumi!(1 whun under
surreat. Mauy Paris noubilme. ,
Bight tbero, and the walls of tu. Vuue p,.,, ftre
literally covered with , rtiire.a,
kelchtf, fhioily executed with tut burnt .ni ot
.. riia-rared with S peuknlle, bv tlOM.1
novelists, and ivtiHt. It waj here, by the niui
light of tallosr candle, that AlexAndro Duma.
4 wrote hli charoiiuB norIett, -Vu tui el
' I v sue
vt vi 0 nt d ii n pp. d ; ti c liiiteliaaauuiig ni er ty.
' incnril' red" lor nine miles from Ps mouth,
toiitieiiiigs wi vc tilt tin in tlio bay, an fan e:t mil -at ;
liatbor was lnci.ii it ; and, lin.'.lly. a railr..! liae ,
was i;:h froni tlin harbor to ihc futut"; oiiu.n. I
Co oiv 1 Diili'.eld, civil fngineer and turv.'i T, re-
ports thai this line will imt he over live ni.ies j
long, and that it can Iil' con-truete.-l wiih jut icivy ,
r'THdis. The lurbor is nciHiilono, slielicr .' I iro n 1
nil v. in tl s, iiceihstble by a siuiple chniiitel t l.n'g-3
ve sail.s, aud aiiln-'ieniiy cstaiisivo t ) ncc .out i i- j
d..te Hie large .t coniinci.'e. The'roa 1 IV')1 j
the t" tli'1 l.ttrb'T will have a d cv.i trade '
of seven', five litet to the mile. The cm s v itiM 1
thes I vi ii t.e a 'Uiib.a ji.tsie viieu l, anil :
an tip grade v.Tcn light.
We iin'b rst i,d tiiat rtfps will itiratedi.i'-iy be ,
taken for lliu elevelopmeiil ot tue l.atelia v uung
The mine was first U-H'0ver"d a year a o last
wiii'ir by a' lmlicn n.un'"l r.iiu osh, but . ho '8
now hi oi' i: oy t'ie - i.,iini,ui ' of "Pen i iic," '.teei
fy leg' ii an." In trupplog bu came to a tr e
hud I. em linwn, wl.o v. upturned ro t re
via'cd to vh w th" previously bidden v ;il b.
The new veus eoini'iuui, '.ted to a haii-lircil
ruined I'eter 1! "Il, who Imparted the nr. ct lo
Mr.Matlrhtlel. Hi I mil TiiUtnr, fi-toUr 1 .
t OYKKNOT' ri'lll'lN'S
I H 1" It"! 1..'. M.VI U.I.N.
t b f st i.:.I.., (
In tl.r nan. o :i:i
r-l I'- i.ti.. . 1 a: . : ,
V tn
I la
ei. rtii!
i .ino . I'y . '
a e cn.i ii
o MMvrn.
,h .lay.
Al -U,V
.It i- ;,.. ;.' n. 1 ca-'.' . ..f f ii'is.Ii
-'-: ll.'.J I 3 ."sol j. ial in.' ' "I t'n- I i - a l. .
f I tti.ii:-ul I ' ' i '.... r .f cl Ha J t'a.
:.. r 1 ma Hi! "V. ... "iir'-a.U; nn-v. 1 i.M. t ra,
l.Aii.ii'f.i'l i ' ' 1 1 ti -n -r as uii.tfs'''
tia lal II. .1 11 1" It Ca .' laa. i : "ti! t'
a-im) fill I'.bl'.l l . i't'-. isnti-.a
itiitiatif. as . cay at !' .ni,' ::i, n:t
tor the k.c.iit.t-u imtth ot ti.e e '.rea;
I- i.r tl.c e .t.ttiuiince i.l D' tea i
I i.r tl.c pt'i-siatit) "i I tI"i:i ;
lor tie pre a-rtrttl' u of y.O'l or lor ao t tiann't
tllliaiglif.llt iiltr OOI'U" rT
li.l it,, tletonw .w:b He I an VCll. h.illtd 10 111 OKI
hnm-d li uit'.ra ;
And far tlio insuifal.l Jjlebsiu
llpull in. I'lini.nli.
And II. ut ti.t-l Ca, uli.l'f-nvrr, ll'lmljll laieecll ill. o to
Ma o loal iiiciviisu Hi , tai't I :tl l.o ' ir Minn .i lis lilt,"
tin. vi ar to couii-, ro tl.ut, l.'i ti'-llt ill lj"inw ovcrll.rc on,
pi a.-'i' nail bo re-.1011 .1 to our il!-tr:i'.-'.i'l country, 'l In
i tery suio. nlli' vn t'-l-.l a" d lot ins ue. ird. Hi" lui""ia
ol i-riuaa und "iliank 'avhm iuy k oiion J by all the il uiaUr my l.uii.l ut.d llio print seal of tit. Htitto ft
litiirifla.i'.", Una ii'. n.i ilav of Nuii-mlmr, in l lie yeir "1
our Lord m.a ilmiiaaiid i iat bun.tii d und atxty,
and ol li.e t'uuunwuvitiiltji ilia e-ml.iv-ii.lith.
r, ( h 111 -ito. ei.ivi-KVoit.
Et.i ht.'il i li, Sts'Mlary ol the t'oaimouivol'.L. ll-J
been coininitloi!, it i a.'i'mst the laws of New
Yoib, and that tatuo law prcierib.-s Cio pju ilties
line! " iles ed ttial and puu'sliui. ut.
If an olb;a;C i-i co'.ainl'.led In any other State
iigiii".,' t a tav of New Y irk uu ler the oxtr.uliiiou
law, the paity clt ugi .1 with the er'aie is lia ihito
he t then to New Yori;. It th ! partnu here
rl'.irt'e 1 have not co'niiu'ted a crlui a Tain-1 tho
Mate of New York, it must appear aihrnn'ivcly
Ihc crime b one mtnii'St tiia'.e Ftws of I'm
I'nited Steles, at it h is been der.iO -d. Flic s cm
. r.o o:':en-e aj.lill'lt tilt Ulliti il tit HtS .: ii it
is s'pei'i.'.l'y mail'' tin by statute.
H is not assert :d that the prion.-.v hive co.n.
milted an oil', use n-j'.in t a s-vutcof N' : v V irk.
I i ... ,. - .00 rd coi'K.i nt 111 o t .;': . -s ill t-i-i I.'", .ej
Bute.-; aud it h.n boon e.;p.o s!y nil
what are coniiaen law oli : 1 .. s of V..:
not viu 11 cs i.g'i'!D .'- tha C '-t ; I S'a' ii.
v.. 1,1V, .-sc. vu li as tb"-e piis ire s t'u "rgf.e:
! wi h. has been -id by a SMtu'c of the I'
Slat' s, and (.!ie..ii"t.t!y the t i''uni.l h
;u el-diction. Tiie C jui i can.iot .-mi no tee
: eii, :ion lea no power has 'ii eonf'' red 11
to rv thu-e eases, l id u in.1.1 c i.iuol Iu arr ;
.. .1,. it Is "mil. .s--ibV" t' but you:
lies! 'natil'C tlic. criii:'".
V I. at v.nuia be t'..c c'l. ct I"" this f utrf ttssi.,,1-1
.. .. '. ..... ,1,.. liws i.f ihc f'.a'eot' N.'.-vYi.rt'?
IO C .'.v. a .-
I Woiiid i'.u"''iiital or a conviction stoii ibeui"iuh
I and lui'r.ue ot justice m Ne v
I nrv t.' I ibuivlits n i.e to d ii
her o vu laws i 1: in il . : ; not . n-t
be here; tic SUt-of Nc- "k
.r rnn.Air.L'iiiA.
Ti.e 11' ot a wii: or'n a'.tl.cC't.V.i! Com: iy
to r.ll up bJCt' ri Hoiifc to :nj if cr.
riVt I't l.I.Altfl per to bs p il l upon rJ-iWcrlp'l n.
'li:rC",.' :iy t tn ,br.v.l a t-a -t rf croi-.a l in '.be
i".' 'Viad ..f the ei' .'. ox'tuoini; frj'a iv.lit" r si
t.j lla- ro.T IniaiAJr." 1 i"i.'nc(it a- .y t., t: c ii.ti'.t'.ii.l by
iro,--tl v t'h 11:- ex'ri'l' e l)f;""t. i .ro'a lis, ir.'l Ilo. ks i.t
ihc I'm iiNlwrcn I.'lioadCom:ii.iy;,caai'-iiailoi wia- a
Ihv ivp.paity a..t t .iirevly (aid
Icivinc !7iv( -i oaiv i,:c, isi-l' h Ii i.'ie caly 1'iuei".
IlEi'ii 01 I'll. Colt paey.
Adii't'iiisl ml .Tiii"ln'. are now ro :u.rej fir WUMves,
lio'.l.i', ralar e itertt' iu:cr a-uif .ltd.
1 er.scns : .itaarit:i:i; lubi rip'i. lis lor ato. k, or laatal-
r .ru liic.'cu, iM.I I'iv.ue mAke t .eir c .tvi.a p.y.s.i! iu
ib oril'.': ef
Fl'.i.i'EItlr.v r. ). lTlili.b!..I":i,.,'l ri'.-.r".re.-.
A fi w .li 's if ''lore tho
ap -.l I !l'.
I Irfi" 1" t'.i' f enre lite tw-rft
nn- of lini.'.ii nay.
A fioi iloi-i a li.iv
nm h .rtlc r"H. r 1 11.01-
lal 1" wi-r.
A n w ii-'sis l.rii.a the ru-c
to ll'.i" Cllfll.
Ihis uii'Hilifi resto-ia
to ltitmly visor u.'.'t roo'l t
lif.llllt I'm piii'i' it. b:li
laitd. tn'rii-'laii n. snd ins-
itr nt" .ili-telee o: Bilu i.ul
l I!
I irTiOO
fioo en'O
eoij o "
em '
(ni'l W'O
l.'.O rue
(.liO I' 1)
e fooi'ij
Dl.'l u
T 0 C E
ai su i:noku;5i;ni:i-)
i are
lit" I
I 1.0
t 'aii-
n it
: 11 al
ni a In
Will this or
OS -Al uKtiMbll pey rj ':ti
ht- tf 1.11 1.
.11 a'.:
:otl n lo i)i
Ci i-i ,...!. irf
t tivbrit.:v. p:it si
so l.Alt ")A 1 a.H K It-'.l I T All li,
II Y ii' l 1 11 I -1 1'. lis I II,
e i.iu Ais ash s.-.r I".
tor tlio iti'l.'ioal "I ol'-
tiilitloita, and Hi" Intnr-
i-r Hisrinruy m in
1'icnrri' 11 tl.u Monto y
1 1., y for. or onvi to ii.-'vi
rniiitrons U " . l"
1 'r.aa lir,i.-.'i.v. '
oiu-.a ito ir'tot.i'rily
.i: t;i"
TlirH EMVtlt r irn lira)
tfrlii.iii'ticral Diii'.bly, t'al
p:t'.tiail 01 til" IKrl, .' 'I
tnil'al' -ify. It r-'ta:' t ni."
tat iHovur .nil llin ii.i '.aite,
au I :!:o rosii to nla
Ih" . Ii. ' k of pallor, and 11. 1)
il t.tiit .t. ,1 n.iu or'u'ieai
t'. li:' I l :i'.,as- -let s:r-
tlio lo'i'iK t't.l aic.i'i fitit
t.'.ood la course liti-'.iutri
t .v.y vi n, 1 .e 1,. rv.'t
lint 1. on' s Ti icy , si. t II - II'O I
of re " 111 .1: t i -it 10
uniu.vw t'.e ..'tr: ally,
bul.i.tnv II.: llio v 11 o'iiih
r' -o t' . .' .oi l '111'.. in k'iy
a ' 1 iil'l ,linntd n,'..-:
A, ot ie M. ,aviink-Hr. IDIIN .ihh.
A if 11' IP ' e 1 .1 ..n' M 11 f t'f.:.e..i. atiir.ii.s.
I Le ll.'aril o! I Urn lorv. Ill On" l'1-t m " ' I' in J.-.v cl !.
lO'-h' I.t- 11. 1'U.t tin.i'i' .'.I i t ,n l.N'.' .V-l'iN .0 nil.
If t ILRV 01' fllit CDMiMMi lo tills 11I.IL.." on
1 HI IIA1 . Kov li b' r. Iii-lu"'.
A hpf.-tall r.l", w cn eviT'- 1 00 fi"n . 1 on; i-i.. j,
cointort. and m'eiy or Ha . ciir-ioB.ats. i-av o."
I., out on!., K. aeim: itmir .an e:oi..i:iuy. nuin'i "
e'jl a:' l;iil sir. i ts. a' 7 '. .'.. k it: II. J itioi ni l?, and .11 -co
din-' tly to the- o'tlcrv. a l ovine l' Iciurs . n il.o
aroiiinl. and ivlllreoiru to lino Hi I'll l.ytio'.vo-k f H.
An .'.no.-i.ei, l ..pis.riuni'y nn vi-.s a -
P .kl "liltrs lot unit lo Ii.i' pr a. rly nil. l i t""'
a Inn e i-i iv e '.il r.ilnb'. . opvrnli. a in tail w- ikik.
.1 !r- oci' 'r ii ill If it(..po"''' " lo i:on-m"i rt(. m t t"i"
11.(11 i unit l III e "I A la; 5111' V.
A r r.tli, i' ni'. i its ti 111 Im 'uu ' la enri.ii- ii-r
ll i nd Into III'1 rr t'i" wh tr. iv ni'Ore to -lo n.
SlnjrlR lieli-'.a far lite I' vaur-ian win no Ta o .- n ; n r-i
for a u.lj and uentli'iniin fs, in il -lray in co t oi tie- taif.
Ab.iiiuiii.i I'liiMinui.n mil be pioiiiJod by tne laiupuuy
without 'lia.-ft. ,,,
Aa llio iitiii.i..r ti tici'is is itf't ' svaii'u ... -, ....
IliO'e who illre In join iii til" haoiirsi m to pr.n-.tr5 t'li'i-i
ciriy. laioir tun pa. ijilai in mo t.j.i;u:aion """
nti'ti fri-l rie-ty. .
ho auch oppart'inoy HAS evoa nirreirot '"i"" ' "'"
cllleia ol 1'iiil.idnpliia lo i'.nim,r.e tt.o srent ooal r
ollel,lls)li.'ni.i. v.,cv
" si i i i i .r. t-r a no s -... n
t nc to do
IV V. A LT it, H K A L T 11, AND
If to ifAln ii'lmtrl iv
li ti emu In; nl' ni si- Us I
It t" i u I'l'Xiiuln-; tl. imt.
K.u'tirii, dj ii.k hi uo hour FHA.vit I
T t" a lioit "f ulciidf:;
J' "' r NJre 'o mn ainn-l-i ;
F:-vltli iJ .!j-rr.rn ' tn ai.:
Il ft in or b; Pima whrii dea'i WaAuta I
ii :o Itvr triref ifarr ami ten.
Wiilih if ii.c ft) ..nt nihi;
IT ' j ll i! a life ot j.).it:e;
If to ri.a AnA KO t? ijriHttIlVKXin
If yn T. Uh t lf j of .il'viren:
ii y a vrtine this w-irl -I'n ireuitirfu
itv.'t' r.)mltMt '"ti wouiil .
Tkr, m.y al lift iuJ lift all 'Aft.
71.91 , h.tvin It".iith, WeaHli.ajiJ Ucauty,
Tju I! pat partM l'.T i-vto duty.
! n c-ri:i r"rn-"il ot Ir. Vli.M Yvt'Ntrg Kew
ft ' V, ri;K M AiMtt 'tK i HIIM', v.hloh ehoull bo mad
by ac y ,n-. fcf.fd by 'it nil-yii'lly. i')tl at th
I,. tor Ktiice. bo. h rirUlitV bi KiK ti ortc 'A
r,.,,.H Uk t
CAUl) TO Till! FA.MES.
li tuUHi'.o in eorveetiiif. rc 'tUaiin", and r-ir..vintt all
vtibtruetloiis iiotn wli.ip vi:r causes. mia aiit.y.
atiLLissial ai a proveiulie.
ni'H H. T. rr,
? tlivin A IliT'lry,
a I bain lint'. Ilia,
e'. ti. la'ntai-r,
i. n. t ti or.
.loba U tvi.ificr.
w. it Ai M y.
leo'ri N. M 1 il r,
tt la Ces.r'.l th't H-
I'ltreii i- an. n.u ,:oi u.
M. lli'-tia'ld,
W . II. Huear,
i.e ft h. Vi'arnan,
J b.i K. i.ill'i e,
1 '".mat W . l"rt.e,
K. 1' 1'ronti.s,
H-nry A. blilel.
t win intend to ioia tn
o .V
'.bill tit att bl'.ro r. 1 i- ..lav
11 1-4'
h K
I. a,
fi K
I ill
if. i
Tt.ry cars .iup.s-fd,
"s , .lf., a.'lU C.allt'li kou-
al . i.t.'lon.
T:toy e-nro ilrccn Ho k-
n.-ta :C!tr. T.-e'tl
Tt.i- i' ue Nt'rv'ii and Atlcl i-nfl. l'jint
lbe US'ie aid luor par'.
of th" Heal;. 11,4m. la,
raib ui on M.b'il Li.c ion.
1 a'p laben of Ine llmrt.
lavnir-aor Bptrila, llv-
r a, 1-ii k lIi-a-LiL.e. Ditli
intt, ."., A -. In aooril.
I , reninv'nrlbotrnit.11 aruv
lit- t rvn:n o tin? ft. -ho, and
watt It ue) t-.e i'. it-.ti tliat
sprui if. iu 11.
1 1 1 eiT-Cl.i A il'X'jtOl-. 1 1
lO be . at
gcLiijlhill Efivtn C'jul Ootnoi'.rij's Lcpot,
. iH.s ueii ih.; .dAHKur hi htitr.
V. B.-Oiir
1 HOKITri.
n.etto le ;'
tt.KS A7I sill it. I.
IS -1 1;
y-w. t Ht
iec ( oal.
A 1. 1 KI. S ( CM I. YAK".
,iij If fc Hi-.n-ti Otli. c.
ronpofftlot himr'O vrci
tui'ir fxtravi-', tit y 'u" n
r Hi' i k t-n ti- ii-'V
C'U Kt.l i'i' li. Iurv. vi"r di'll
ri'i.tfir liino't'ii b-inn U
u-jft)titi f ifi'i.ifthiorMi nit-
p i i Q jrii" .
im Mil io do,
i li'"-' niry lJ hMv ii W(
s.jiy v ."i-l -l t1 1 i
1. t"
cli .
ni' ,ii'..:iitiiif
the ilfl.s".'n i
rCTliCLE'JM ST OCXS, a u.i f'i i.i; A.-;a i-::!.itTru, i'i:.ti.i,
.tlcf.l.lll'ViY, Me 'I.t:T t"H il I It, of?: '.pt.ia.ati'l
eil'.u:.! tti.A, lli'.'ie. vilt, aud tti.ii;Ki:Hr.o;i'.ltK, 'f
Nl l Vail.
,'tillN P(';NI)IU,
j i,.-j r:yr. sinr.t.r, ti . !.
U'll 1: no
li' II to
ll M' I r
rav '
. r i . ii i
i t.r. i.i..
il I'. L'I
US s V
S "I
sj 1
NN Mrf
H;.'N H
tlAIKNIKl) JCLY i'J, lai'L-JOOftrn
MOrriiT, Llitede Tarts, t-'e-icb H"etim I'tfing Ice.urlia on auy aiiio oi somin ai--i., ,.-i
..a. .. . r.a. i. a i lo: i t iu-aiaa i--i -i,- -. -a ir lo 1,' tl' i. n". "'' " a,
iosj.i fco. 6S H. Mf" 'I '. r"ila.le':i"na .i'
10- t'J l-i
Jit'v Vtik.
tibi' ll He ban lio.ipvtl
ui.oii ili-iniouds, W.ULil. Jl1i7 1'iaie,
itlotnhKi.Ae .1
... t. -oti.i tsllKIl LOW OFI ICK,
roroe'r Ol" 'lilll'-H "l UAisrvlbl, UlroL-H,
lw Ileiw liiaf'iird.
5iL5.-Tf.0ndn.1sliilaaTlli" lad tb. KBNrllH'i-rT-liK.VT
lt-'K Vsi to Ink-rra kis Irieada and ia.
YJL'yCmm rt.f. a.4 Maeralidatl
kavms voateu W r.palr, at. aoitc'"", eaj- fklA
-ii. us. for the aale of "w .taaralMM
at.uiu. fnpoUou," or Copow ratot, tut the
e.olvM.ia' aaaoiH.ail this uy,I fl
TMaa las aajua o. tatunU Um.l. uwm
ji )ii m n. i s . . -.
Kuialurtoo Suasrw 1mm,
skUHl tMMWSaWwtMiMfWSiMllvreM'
i i i ll
I'er.'Ci'tlS lliC o.'i o-'-.i,"
upon ri'tcivib.'? Iiui.
It i-thejas'lee Ol new ton. i.i:u iuu v--
t.ikc lhe :e men ll tncy uave oeeu jiuiuy.
..her tribunal tliom, what is tiie uicasiir' tu
punishment for them f Iu nil laws there is a
puabhmcnt for their violation ; bat what is t bo
the punishment here f 11 mere 10 to uitut, t mn
there is no boundary beyond Which the Court
cannot go.
Theru are In this matter grave cotue'iuences.bulU
to tlielawsoltheliiudandtothe parties cbaijed.
It ii a theory of all courts that have not a general
jurisdiction, that before they can carry into ei.ect
their proceedings they must make up the record,
and what law tun thii Court cite giving tlicta
jurisdiction over this case? Will they ussuna
it, becnuac it would have been a pro; cr suhjert
for legislation r
Mr. Gillette then cited the caso of court
marshal ordered at Tuebla, during the Mexican
War, by an olllccr named Hughes, und ho was
afterwards mulcted In heavy damages in the
District, because the military court had no juris
diction over the offense charged. The counsel
said he believed In all sincerity this Court bad uo
junsdiction over the case.
If the purtios charged with crime had been iu
the military service of the United mates, and bad
been subject to military order, the Court would
i. ! .' had lurisdiction.
Colonel Foster, Judge Advocate, ia reply, sU
. . m n iltettii we.ra
tutt If the last ajguuisua v
GOLD iiJliilliG COliirAKY.
C1IAl:TFl:t.ll ItV STAll". CF I eJ.SS-VLV '-f IA.
200,000 fs!itir"i Pur VitluP,
i rt
1 I I'V v,
l 1 : " i it
I :
y ';
irr'.VFf.l H 't
V.Kl.l.l l I I I '
I-i'i.i-t I J-.lre itl'.i-. 't'.l't
I 11. H. ll i- a' n.lte Cl
flu.l I. my l il'iivi'iili '
ft, ro si.t. 1 1 i a s 'Hid pain A
duy - I-I' li-tiil "lid 1 .ot.""!-,
tWi.-.i It . v 'ia'l 'I" l"i I"
kicar t.i'i'.o- .'isf.'. io". or
l.--,i ,a , c.l.ior lluauiot '
Trad of tti ftierf.Hi
JI ti. it is l'i uroei c Kaiue-
ily. li . Ih.tum. or .1 bat
t a a i i No.ok"ii In ..'.
1. 1 a It . tl , ..r a bail ei u.r
t-i. Cliff. toe i' SI
i . ale. or "i t'o'i " itir ti.
In- fYr. cl.t a K-i .tr,
! t'a-. .tr : lot 'is fo
("a rol i e pill., I r '- u.
1 1 a I , , at l. 1'O.m li t J.
- l.i ",
vii l.-l
. Is
rl- II 01
llat it
'IVi 1 I'l.eroV
n ' . ni'.lisli it.
,ii. ili-
tima prt.;..ttt-
II. ir
Mt li"!"" '"
ir ratauii
...... '1. Ail
t r irnc'i i... . r a'." io
.l. . .i. -l in ...i "l
i r- a .''' ' I i's' i. 'f n-
.' i.l pioie. in "iiy c t
y I- a.' '.'ill,. I a: li
1.1 I
i. km r.
i t-n. i.i;
v I.
rtl f.l'l.l ".
Ki i it
Ibesideat-JOHN H. AKDlillHO-Nf.
Jr.niii Tt. Mavoe,
T.C.MiUoivotl, Ibl'.ri.burg.
Ji.l.D W. Hull, lo
Jobu linuty, to
W. W. Wyllo, I-iiicualer.
AVllltaio el. Hnute, Colorado.
Tli. man A. Boott,
11. Ki.eats.
V jlllnm S. 1 rma'i
Kobcrt 1'. Klnr.
Jul.n M. Hi by,
e;barle Ve Bllver,
D. 1'. SOUTlIWOltTH.
Seerttaiy and Treasurer.
UOOH No. 5. .
Antlu iiUeat. 4 ipeeluieni have been procured from som.
oftl..t'o,.ipauy.Ioi!e..nQ liav. been a..aje4 bym
tVaaor. Booth'"'lu''"ul,
SiibaeTlpUou U... ar. ..uwooon.t tti. Ortlc ol th.CoB,-
r ,h Tf.a.urar's Ortb (Internal Kevonue),
)o. m Ollltsh I't bUt. Km"' nd -f.eba.Uc." Hank
bulldtn,. To .rlslnal .ub.orllH.ri ""
1 1 ll l UCW IlUUJia i.i,J a
I MS. ( .
t'11'4, til
'I Sr i -.v Ks-
'l 1 Hi F.rr.l.K
t 1 I IK
t i.i.i. a
: I'
ll rri KIT 1. 1
tv . I Il ft tll.l
Jim i& fclfttii.:
t,l UH i vf -1,1
Si Tv .'-.ay N
4 1 1 fK VA':v-.ti.;.n I
t Ii i -'K lu .l".-N, '
4r.. 'i r,' Jt .t.'r H 'ill
44 Scr'M 1.1 .
r.f.i l I i'.m'-
"ll.''lll t.. I . ml'",, l l" -
y i n a i.i 1 ;i f i . . i. 1,1
1 ii Ctit.p; i ti -ilii ii '.-"-
I an !..i-wi
tt-!. a, A-:' f- ' 't "
I'M-. ir m I i""t 'i
t'bnv, if7i0 IS f.m i
i. i, , t ' 1 ! y '"fi
tuv t: t e. J- ' r.r
tor ..rt. f 'in t. i-
Vt.KKl.Y TO tiVV.iV
ui lUi iivfii, i'orft i tat i
tl il' I r ' n ot, '
no tvi.i. rll.
v 1,1.
,1, at, , tU U -'. '' 'a f it
e a. ft f. ii'tnu... 1'
j S'..i... . tn rr- k '
i lift, r-1: t U. nil- "t. .
1 Im tl A t". Hi kiiitu., iv-
1 1 1. f 1 - I w ri en.
('uoi .Howl K'rn .'n'Hli
r.vii i w-itinti . ii ; i
.'i Sf ltd nf t'uJ i.-lr -1 I CUB
1 1"
, F itrt in 1 1 i : i
1 .L
1 1
H .t.ftfly'f tt)'. 'f,
i rt). on r'.'- f; t
j rii't. i" uii y j"rt uf tint ci vt -lii
i worhi, si iMircly pirM tl,
111 t'U-ll a Ill.tlllHT tllat' mi
fiMB thrnll.'U WllKSO (lHi!.l
tlit V limy liM YvOUlil tuo.f
l.utht-a or p.'ntU'imn nui
BtliirMiH nn In pcrf-'-t u-mn-ite-i.i
c, him! wii will In all
ctsM tiHiiKl v aiiiiwt'r iIh-t
l'.'titr... iiii'l tftve our oplntnu
.l I nch InillVlllUiil . v o
l-rtjacribc uu laliier...
t INKS mc Iiy al! cnUr-
priUJlL' til I'LAJIMU in IK CIVI-
h.vt) wi olll uiiiiri'i
rlplitl (It n.vri, Jiiieur. trr
tu tl' Wurthk-k coiuHjitiuU
111 plaif t tliv-o Uius
v hl li tl.ty ran pi t at a
f u-ay. i ue. Hitti mike uiri
Minicy by ii-ilipp than tln-'r
(an in H CIU.UHKI.K
tui hen. ill ajf.u.e brttltti
vt your oii.riii.'-iUi nt te
d cm veil l. nich uni-rm
fil'loti drtiiiKiitii. Aui. ltr
ink no otlicn. . u
i'all. his ad.lpcimnK 1U 'fa writ Poit Oltlce,
Con nl . tvuta, -r.rt cam of writtr. platn, ana tndoaa pot
af'a HtMjiii Uk r i'ly.
Ktlijlriifii-wlH t buy ttiam flr yon,iaa! to ui
and e will ttitjui to ytm by Kirwii. PariMa M
drtwHii'KU h iu4 atate ti dUan al nympwiQi. ami,
fMnrticu:i.riiii rKard Ui tli4roai. Wa aJS U-
nutt tf cJir.-nlc natum In maW or Ifinule.
I'aUem)lv!ii(( at aUUuiiosj ol nH hfalUiM beoanta
of tliflr inat 'Llty to vlnltua. Wa Imva WfaUid auocbia
lulty patici tt trtall p'rti mi oftliolvih(l l..b.
Wawtihioai-nd every ra.lur of Ibi our ilrty
AdJi- au rM-r and rdra to Ir W. B MEEWIN
CO.. Wo. ULllir.hTV Rin,t, fcaw TorV.
, h: 6KC0U miwW 1'Ultwt
c . i tti'. : if '' n. " '
rl, ' a. '1 K'ti -tt b iff. .
v- 1'lS . :?' 'ii ii'ii tiu
i tug. itf-- ai.'l fcu.' .!:!!
. i-i !('",, t:i ' i-"-' t1
I. ti nn c t ;.' 't ''ie-f
t;.' t m i.
r j- Ii It: iWn it fVt,- r-aV-'t.
Wmhih an- r jl-1' 'tl to efcnd H.ip K..att ani B"li
LaiiiiiJ nb ti'tir 'ii'-. , ,
li.U Ko. 'J'1 S. Dl-lt-VW AKK Avenue.
ii tr :. i-orl
. s ) i SI. v. M nia
i ' v ' D !..' t.J
r- -:ujj , til tn
Tbor-f Pill an' nc'Vi.ip rcv. an-1
lnii.r ti i' many vciif', tn't .i in I r:
Ull) Jl ai.t'l'tl I- M-H"r. I't JC- .!-
iinvfl bt1!! oiil by thfl
rj A'lil A) .TiC-l, with
; mu ho ' V'tf-A by, t) no
k.Lti.iii- fur ilin ;rV. ,,itl n nl BiiiT- r iw tr oi
l , niai i'.ics i Ii it- -r. ti- "M n-. 'it nMH 'r jii In-
a-vi iniiiilyvli' ;i tur't'i wni in; .it lit it, F'lu.aJcs
nli.Mly itut,.ti, oi-tJ i' o Uii o ii'K fifiti-elvfi o. ara
1 lit TiT..-l lf:iHI"t U: lilt: til. "l' (ii -! M'll- 'II t'-il' ''ni nl it it, JI.
i ; i- j.roi.ili joi' :i ' i n i' r' n-tbli-iy A'H r t'.i: tbso
tni ph'tn., auiMMu it iii ir t ii'ili i wi.'jl.l iiruv.M't any
Ii.r: t I li . "t'.i ni iiii'''N an- ru rni.-julai.
1 i.'l .'it j it .l.r h msi'iitt' .i n h
Pr.t'C 1 , of MX I '' 1 1 r iv 1 iu v. :mi:h. -
by Hif ti'l!(.V'!f: : In in n
!.! u it. V i l'- .vi'.li, n-i. w,vi''io:n'n "i.
nlit .t S.iltlull. No- If M n't t Stl
A Varsbail, c riii tit 1" 11 . t !iuli m:'
Jr kIt A Mnith.crri" r i.f I ft..
liji.ltitro , N.i-.' N H-i- ii'"! tr.-..l.
Jolit.ei-n. iiiilluwav i ( n iiii, u.:U
,H. C. U t:u our. riiim'i ii.
AutUtii by ktl tlnifcj.i.
L.i' a end in j,'
one rOIXA.t
To ikhi t a; tut, cm h :. I n-
I'IM.S h..M rn.viii'i . i i a 1. 1 , i
ltr r:;il1, to m.y iy.tit ,f tb. cry t-ni-iir,
7 .?-?in No. : 1,1 V.TUf'tTTf Hi. lli ti ftU, N.T,
i M-trkc (nt.
,'1 tin; n Uut'(.
trv of
A M A H I T A N ' S C V H K .
h A M A It !T A N ft lliii1.
HAMAllIt A .'.S I KK.
ti.'vtl f.l.l i'a s' S t'l'nK.
SAHlfjITtNS '"I .KK.
KAMAitiANij cri.t:.
SAM Alt! T.lS M 111 Krt.
naiAnirAN k uui:.
fAMAIll I AN rl t'l'UJ.
FAMAIilTA S 1 it'll.:.
Teonly auro anil ffi'.o rriniiiy'-ir liar.orrh.i a, fltrst, .
Htrlituio, AO. Care, ill all cassis III fc'Ora l' 0 .la
diiyn. ,
1 1 ice ?. rtr aic or r v in tie --' i t-v .... t,
moil' & oo., Bolt Afciin.
pt AMAlifTA N H I'I'ltR.
HAMA.Itl'l Ah rl I'fltlt.
rl.lMAIlllAN t ill.:.
Mn eut i an n "i t..'-:.
MAAI All 1 " N tl ''I HI".
HA llAli: I All rl COHK.
fAUAKilAS H Ul 111..
SACAI.I l" " 8 I ft. ."..
H. .',1 Alii I A N'S I'l i.'.Sf.
TtlE Cl'.l AT U'll II III I"' ut Mti' lil.T MMRA.geg,
n v.iMiL'-a. Initio, l im a. ' -I. ev. A.e.
Fnih box e" n'uii' 'Je I' aid tin. iu flot.l two to
ai Co a. 1'rlci-
o c-riain lo rovtoi e ion n: u n -mt witimBwii.
or i.i:i c.-.ti laiisit, ... i wiu
' ji i.tlt. vt, n : lie lil.. are usml
It. I'tt 1 1-1 utr-, 0..0 1'UI 1 llV'.'A liuifiS
It I-
jn- i.i L litii iu by
r c- if ail Ion,:! - i
smNna ti.. inji-.-t...
a tl.".
treat Ly uiaUJ
K.'V'I'.. Proprietor,
I'., v '.' ii". I' -l. il. lit e.
liYii I' P A ;o
.j vji.tvMi sa,t.
r.e a, id ic 1 1 1
m m i i.i r . n a ,i.
HAM v 'il'l A Is H I'I'iilf
hut! Afll'tb W lOiirV
Si.".y Hill AN b II M..
I. M Al'.l'l AN S ' I'll!',
ts' M Vni I A i-i ri 'JI c li.
S IM A lil I'.ll f. I I Uli.
S I 'it A I I AN H "i't. I..
.-" t ". I.l 1 A.N S I I r .
.1 I
dsn m
(iti BS
S"ii ais
H Hr8
ft RSe)
von i.ivi'.uruou!,,
N..v"O.Ii'r la. slim I UN AliFl.riU A, l"a.t..lii i". I- - l-ool.
, t .uli n.r Hie a'l'.vi- initi uu ir1." i an i.o
Hlee-lute K ' tu etui:" y.
Til i i d If
UHIi No. lbl WALNUT Hiroi't
lili'll tKHSOtl A Iti
Irill K .'W YflllK. IHi-srATCti
Slr and Nv,fti.urti I. m a, via lud-wai. and
w- . it ,. .... . ..I .. ...a linn, nr., UsKVll.C
! ll.l1l I Ull 111. III. .1MI11.I.W . - s. -
eaiii .., M oclock M ., andl 01I0.A t". M., fiom tblid niut
ala . o Wali'iu atreut.
lot Irci. lit. winch "I'l be
triii, Kl W I U.I AM M
M.UaH Aliai Av.uu.
taVin on af-"ora"itl4tl":(t
11 Vj-rxll A CO.. .No. 1.1 1
' Stw Arriiuiiiluiiit. em and .nor '1 UhMlAl ,
Not.uiliT I. Ita, truiua WIU le-ate irvau n aium ouoo.
' Tor't'ajut'lilay and all plaoei south of Mlllt llto at 9
Al'.IKli:, Brldr'trm, Kaliin, and all lnt.roi.dUtc
ylai.a aoutl 01 no i l' A. M. nda I'.M.
r or at a m- i. p'm- . u u ..A
tor Wifoaburjr, tilouctatw, Ac .at A. li., U M.,s ana
I.nvt Cape Mav at li A. M. and ll'lli A. M
Mlllvllleats lO A.M. and 3 l M.
H' at7 It) A. M .S'llf . .
naleni ai 1 a. at., uou o . -
" Woodbury at7,S47, andS 17 A.M.,ail(ll 161'. II ,
and P'lU r. ai. i" . ""7." , w
WIU am nd to, ah in. yiJ!'2"l.
ne-a, n-o'ive, ai-uv.r,aoo iwn. v'": --1Bir. .
atl l. Kapnaa Compaul. .0 all ban", o. .I. iJ
ariis'ic vntrtisioo ij uiin a rve
eael. XtHii, f.ap.rt.ld."t
H I .... .1. . W.. I. lliol. 1" J
Il-i 1,1. "Illl.
lift H! I'lt.l.
11; i:n"' 'i:il.
Iu'. liiiiiiiT).
ill 111 l' Lit. Ifll.OIIO.
K ' .1 1'
t I tl"
V ill I'
s :
ll. Ill
M-i 111. .tiiiii.
in.-, til: i,ii.
pr. itii'onn.
UK KK eillL).
nr. Kiitueli.
IiK llitiullll.
f i-IT I"' V 1 '. li.
M A I" I'l li'l'di'il.
M ill' I't. i.uii::'!
i.-i 1:1 P 1 ii liii'ii'.t'.
r,t ! I l" lo t li'll'.'H.
:.l I.l 1' lil'. 1.1 1 HI'
t-i i.t r
bl I.l
M lil I'
SVItl l
K 111 1 Ltji lilt''
i:v IO T TiV (Il'.:il. H 1
i.,l l. IO. Oll'l.llll hill
Vi .1,. I,, i .. 0.1. M I. I H
i" "l . v 1. 1 I'
iV",.. n iu,'. for uVl'....S of V.'i.'al fl.ifc liJ
1., tl. luioneuli Iloa.i.ia;., aim .- v.
' Wrr.s.rr...-. ... an .r..Mralor sf ftlS '
, . .:.i . ..1 1, Plai ns ti " i'Ouatlllto..n ou.rr.ii.
U all .".. Ml-'i'- I'li'U'!''.. Ti', oraiiy
utuloua, no u.aina liois slut can., or hon Isii. atauil-
"' 1 for bottle. f p.,K,K R yetor.
1 1 1 1 1 11 r- l.n.
iivo'i r n re.
liYOTT A I'll,
J(o. 21S K. blitvlNII mm!.
.i.jsi luib asia
Hf 1 Asr-litt. Ai i nia,
bale A. int.,
East to any adds.
J f fp to till. I "I l fouslf. "ve " ,'i.Tur. oV
in. Hold., fill., and ob'aiaai Prie
riiiby tli. u. of only a V
plittnL one boa ia iii
1'rloa , fiO e ul a p-r 00
J it. Hl.eJ01.1 Sllii.t.
for Ui.. m-.
rat 11 R
J. can sr. iif.un 9"1.
vo rilANIll! Of T'KT KKlJIUKKM 1
D CAN '2 tJ"-" WITUUL'T UfcTliCTloa I I
n.t... .-j. al.u-ur leinal. .
ami b w.u lo any aadi.f.
Sok nU,
K 1 lulbaui
c. hiisj Koaa.
I101 XA fo.1 OdlOfJ.
IlllllT A ISJ
Its. Ml I. feKCLOU uotl