The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 28, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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Sophistry for European Financiers.
II ItC Ii t V Intcrr.tfiiar ircolr Ininl tlm
Rebel S.-cnmrr or Nitttn on I'ii"
1'llinniTN sif Ills N'tirlli In Ara-mti'
l the hiIInIIn(n or .iirii.
Prr htmi nt or rArr, H t-n monii, Oct. 10, 1 s ; ' .
hut For some niou'tis pas' the I'u.fe 1 S ;'os
have bit n able to tiptio'd tta-ir sink'tig t:n:'i.-cs
by I' e sale of Iiitvc amount "f pu'ilH s:ocs in
the (I. rmn markets. T!nie saies are rep .re!
to bate n hed a to' il v.irvlng tr im thir'y to
one hundred millions of pounds sterling.
There ii no method within roich approxi
mating the true sum, nlthotigii It is do id; ess
very large. We do. m it udvist'ile to proem n
auulyM of the linanchkl o imitioti of t'to Unite 1
Mules, drawn from tlieiro'li ul rep TU. for 'lit
information of F.uropcan c ipit ill-'?', tvLti 60"vi
remarks on t lie probiole mil n-nre of c utiriiicl
Investments by them, not only in retarding the
re-tiralon of peace on thf continent, b.i' in
destroying the resources on which alone '.hoy cm
rely lor the security of investments alr-a ly m ide.
Appondud thereto are tiblcs cxlii'itiug tin1
tiite of the 1'cdernl fiimnfoi, haNi il on th ropo.ts
of the Kem-tory ol thn TrciKiiry at W.nliin ,'tun,
on the 30th ult., and ut four priviuui d i;'M in tli.
pr ent yiittr, with etu'enion'n of the nornr. ol"
annual intcn vt on the .llit ut the tinv iliil.-r -ui
ilM, and a ublc showing tho rate ot lncra.i-e of
the dclit.
From those tablr-i, as well as from o'hr
to be mentioned, soiuo iblo t'.icts mibo
The annunl interest of t'i.- puMio il Oi' w m, at
the end of last nionih, fcsl 7?S.iii:i. Thi um
already evecils the revenu-! of the I'nitml
M atee as It exist-'d prior to tin- noi-ession of th-'
Rouihcrn 'ritaten. That revctrn its derived from
all lourwi and from nil tho Suites thin united,
amounted, for the year ending the June,
IWiO, to $76,7 )V,0.l.'l.
But the amount of this debt, la as it is. in
creases with frchtful npidlty. The Mic of in
crease of the debt was S'l.hi'.'.i'Ml per day in the
first period of tine hundr.-d and live days included
In the matcment; this increase was lUignieiKed
ten per rent, in thi next peri id of lifiv days, and
rendu d "2,lfil,!)IO per day; anil this ttiiicmunted
urn was again increased by live per cent, in tho
next period of liltv-eiu'ht days, leaving the pre
sent daily increase $ .i,2'iil. It is further to bo
observed that the entire is now in the
interest-bearing deb'.
The llr.-t of the tables shows that thn amount of
the nun-interest bearing Uulit w is on the il'Hn of
Heplcniber about the came as on the 1st of
Mnreh, the wb-le increase lining comptise'l of
debt that bears interest. The rate of interest
which i paid for the money now b irrowed varies
from six cent, in gold to sevon and throe
t nths per cent, in pnper. Mo money is borrowed
at less than six per cent., the attempt to borrow
at live having failed, ami the small amount
istued being now ijuotud at a discount of four
per cent.
Taking it for granted that tho United St itcs
will persist in their insane attempt to subjugate
the tioutb, it is not dillieull to form an estimate
of their timtneiu! condiiion onthelirstof May
Di xt, the probatilo date for tho commcncouiciit
of an active campaign. Tho interval from the
30th of September to thu 1st of May is two hun
dred and twelve days. If tho increase of their
public debt during that interval bo estimuted at
two millions and a quarter per day, which is a
trifle more thnn tho present rate, it will amount
to $177,000,000, on which the Interest, at an ave
rage of six und a half per ceut,will bl l,0ji,')0
per annum.
The United Sinks then will be compelled, If n
new campaign is commenced next year, to bu;in
it under the pressure of a total debt of aunt
$-i,43O,0OO.(HKI, bearing an animal interest of
uUoui $112,7H0,0UO. If to this amount be udded
the pel sion list to tlio army and navy, to winch
the laiih of the United States is pledged us
sacredly as to tho payment of the in. nicy bor
rowed, it is a moderate estimate toi'liro the
annual cliurgc on tho tin tnecs as it will exist on
the Ht of May, lhu.i, at gli'O.ojj.UiJO, leaving on
of view tho unliigutda'td claims, whi :)i an! re
port! d by the Solicitor of their Treasury to reach
"tiundreds of millions of dollars."
'1 he appropriation mu ie for the payment of tho
interest on the debt of (Jicat lintaiu, for tho year
ending on the Hist of March, lNtil.was -.;, 10 1,0 HI
tnual to about fcTJS.OOO.OOO ; so that the United
dales w ill, iu the four yours of war expiring on
the 1st of May next, have incurred a dot of
which tho annual charge will bo nearly equal to
that accumulated In (ire at Britain in two
ceiiluric. To tho public debt of tlio United
Mules there tdinuld, however, be added tho
public debt of tho several htu'cs, tho amount of
wnicii cannoi oe exaeny asccriaine.o, nut as given
n the "National Almanac," fir I Hoi, tho deb: of
vbat are therein called "loyal Ma os" amount
to about $'J0o,000,Ij0(i, at un iiver.ige interest of
six unit a nun r cent., fun uiaMiig ait addition
of $lH,0UI),Oti() per annum to tlio sum u'ovc
staled, und remloring it ecrtani th it tho annual
charge of t lie debt of t lie liniicd States, on tho 1st
Of July next, will ec ed that of flrcat llriti'n.
Il sl.ould rot he overlooked that, iu uddiiion to
the vast sums ihus raised on cedit, tho UuttiM
timlcs ate speudiug every doll ir that can be col-
lie ed by the most onerous taxation ever imposed
rn a people, it was recently staled in a letter to
Mr. Fcsstudcn that taxation was c.xpce ed to pro-
tluceone mi lion ot uoiiars a uay. ii tuts estt
matu at all mpprosima.e c ur icy, ihe annual
ti-xtttiun of !r 'j.'i .j.OCO'Jih) exceeds iiy upward of
Ihuty tnilli.iiis j,of the en tiro revenue of
Ureal mltuiu. as ellutulud by Mr. Ululstono
for the year ending on the nintot .Much last
Tho nwnue of (ircat lliiniin Is g uhered from
a popu ntlon t uluiil J.f,'.'.,'U,o'to, peaceiaily cm
ploved ill priiductlvo labor, while tho t.ix i'i.m of
Ihe Uriitid States is i xj -le 1 fitnu a poptilati )il of
about i.l.uuu oou, ol w hom a very larg.) ntim'ior
have been converted from pro liiccrs to consumers
and denroyeis of pu'il.c wealth. Wutui
tiio luxation by the cvcral States is
added tJ this charge, it miy be con-
ciuuco, witii ini ru commence, in it tlio
utmost resources that can bt ticitvod fioin tixi-
tion have uliei ly on rea lie 1, aid th it If the
war be coi. t. on-d f or ami. her campaign, there is
r.o possibility oi eoiMluetiii it wiiuotii ,.n a 111
tion lo the lib ie debt u'. the of tv ati l n
qiuiltcr millions of do 1. irs a d .y, u'. the lowest
calculation, wudu me pro i.i'niity is tlnttliu m
ci case In tho event supposed wi:i ha very mu h
) tutor.
Tlio fails thus presented d uiot'itia'e that if
Ibe l nltid states pcr-w, us Is now threatened, in
carrying .n the war for another year, the burden
of tl.oir public debt will bo su -li us to render it
absolutely impossible for them to pay, ovo'l if
aciiinten, wnn entire unanimity, ny a sincere
dcsiie to meet their obligations. It may be l it
to others to speculate ou the prob ibllitv of sueli
unanimity ; but it is certain that throe of the
largest Sta-es have o'ready repudiated, in p irt.
their public debt, by refusing lo pay in coin the
interest duo iu Kuropc, thus coidi-tcating one-
inill ot luo atuouiu uuu to tue uroi'can bond
The possibllltY'of paying the debt already in
curred is deponilout solely upju a prompt cassa
tion of hostilities. itiiout, tneieiota, entering
into and ribcussion of tho uioraii'y ol turnUiii
to the United Mates the means t.f waging a war
fo savage, so moust'ous, as that now riciug- on
this coi.t unit, it voiild Sicin that the simp'.ct
lactates of iclt-tutcrc'st moulu unite an tuo-c win.
Ituve alnaJy veutiuvd Iuvcstiuetiis iu thu lo leral
funds in a concerted efloi t to cut off a'.l t'ltrili'-f
mpplics, and thus to force that cessation ot hoj
tiiliilcs which alone ran save the inveoun.-uts
nlriadv made from entire loss.
If tho capitalists of Kuropa withhold further
ccpulles, the tcsources ot tne t nuca .-lav.m,
o lur eibunstid as to render the resloratioa of
piuie certain ut no distant day. It is la the
nowir of the mine capitalb-ts, by ftiruishiaz tho
mentis for the gratiiicution of tho insane pussious
ot the North, to plunge the borrowers into irre
trievable bankruptcy, and to render certain tlu
loss of all Uair own luvcstmeutb, past as well a
In megontine the foregoing statement, refer
nice Inn been intentionally omitted to the local
debt contracted by the counties, parishes, and
municipalities in tho Northern States, for tho
purpose of raising money to buy mercenaries in
order lo relieve lueiuseives iroiu mo unnucu oi
the eoiiseiliition. a have uo means or esti
muting the amount. We ouly know that the
price at which these human beings are bought for
slaughter varies from S AW to (81000 per man, aud
that the calls for men liae aruouuteJ. to very
many hundreds of thousauds. Some of the
fsoriuern journals speak ot this local aeni as
"mornioui," bat this term is too vugue to juslity
us In uaxarding an estimate ot the amount.
1 am authorized, by the I'resident, to request
that yon will phe to this despatch such publicity
who c lu'erc U
Mm In Inv- lied in it' cmt"ti'.
I Mil, vcrv rosw. tful v, v 'i ro"l;v t "--vmt,
J. I'. I)k j x in, v crelary of State.
Hen. A. Ill in tv Mann, ;e., l.i iis, ., llcl jui
n ii i n
Till: I N 1 I I'll ST I I I.
. V .,. ' - -. '. f
tM4. ; !
Msr. Ii 1 II in;. .14 -,. u
June 11 I.-.'
ViKii-t i I. ::". n'
A i.u,i ii i,:r 1 .(.
S, t tr.Nr i .. . 1 ( 7 . 1 -l'.
..i.!r.7.'0 $-.Mf.
. - 1
.ag-.nio I.--'--
;i i
1 1
A ii tin in inir. e.t I -tli .Inn
A'O-ll.l! hit. r--t i !l V n.i--l
A ii mi m: ttr, n-M set i H. ,u -nil.
Ht t. I. I rr .1 -
$': I .. 'II, "N " Vr! W."
U.I A-.s'l, I'll w hi It rum
'' i i in ccla . M.-L,
-ll inU'i'-Hl In ,-ur-
H.lfT.iTI,-!:. Ion1
' .1. ,t, l :. ( t .1 ,
hili-i-i t f 1,771, . -.
w'J total -iiiti-i. t: ' l.
tl ,''i .,u. 1,714, to'si '! ti' "f Nt 10
I 1 I l.l- IVl.l 1 - I .
tr.M lo.tutistl f .i.i" . in n. i . 1,1
.l.ii 1 I M Ann.. I "a I' s.i-; .... ; vi .'.I l-oi
A"i isl .1 to s. p't in In-r 10 l.'s 1 il, Ml ;.s 7,,'ti.,,l
Mutual incuts to Alleviate
tbeir Safferingc'.
Supplies to bo Porw.ardcd to
Prisoners North aud South.
- - - - - . . --
I2tc., zjto.. Jiro., a:to.. izto.
Wasiunoion, October 27. It will g'ad len tho
w hole country, and c irry joy and bart's-eas' t )
hundreds of thounands of homes, to lec.ra th it
an arrangement has been mado whereby those
who linger In Southern prisons will henceforth
receive adequate supplies of foi l and clothing.
In tho Impossibility of a general exchange of
prisoners, It Is n matter of rejoicing that their
sufferings will bo thus far alleviated, and th?y
mudo as comfortable as it Is possioto for men in
captivity to be. The agreement loo'Uti r to t'lis
beneficent end lias just been con tludjj between
jcncrals (.rant and I.rc, und only awaits tho
settlement of practical details to take burnetii do
Tho proportion, be it said to the crcdH of the
Rebels, enroe from themselves, and was lir-t
nuulo iu communication under date of the t'lth
instunt, addressed by Mr. Otild, Confodera'e
Ageut of Major General Hitchcock,
'ommiss loner ol J'.xchunua lor tho L nitod states.
Mr. Ould's cominnnication in substance recited
that as there is a prospect of a luro number
of prisoners being held on both sides duiiag
tho coming winter, it is desirable that c.icli
belligerent, without being need trotn its
obligations of feeding and clothing the prisoners
held by them respectively, should b: allowed
to furnish their own captives in tho
Olbcr's bands with sue! additional comforts us
humanity niav prompt, tie ttierctore proposed
that we shall be permuted to send to the N.itrli
clothing, blanket", mid suppiics lor our prisoners
in the hands of tho Coiilederatcs; they being
allowed to do the by their prisoners in our
linnils. He further proposed that tbey shall be
allowed to purchase rthrond the articles Intcn led
tor tin ir prisoners held by us.
I his overturn was ruterred to uencral Urant,
who replied in a communication to (lencral,
under date of the isth initatit, accepting Mr.
Ould's proposition, and stating that ho was autho
rized by the Secretary of War to mako arrange
ments for the mutual relief of prisoners held by
tho two unities.. "Looking," ho adds, "entirely
to tho alleviation of the sudcriugs of those held
iu captivity, 1 will not iutorp.isu any obstacle to
uny plan that may bo agreed upon that gives
equal privileges to both belligerents."
General l,ce, on the following day, October iti.
replied to Genera' Grant, acknowledging the re
ceipt of his couiiuuiiHui'.inn, und st itcd that ho
took It as an acceptance ou the part of General
Irani oi Mr. Ould s pmn. lie s;i .vested luittier,
thut ihe articles sent lo tho prisoners should bo
Ci mined lo articles of neco -"ity and comfort, iu
lothlng, blankets, in -a', bread, entice, sit-tar,
pichli s, vinegar, and tobacco ; propocd th it
un olliccr from encli side should be specialty de
tailed aud paroled to sec to tho iVthful execution
of the urrangenieiit.
On the billowing day, O ttober 20.
Orant rejoined, stti'in1; that General I.ce had
rightly understood his form r commiinicntion in
Ihe sense ot an acceptanco ol M. ouut s nrou.-i-
tion, and reiterated his solicitude for tue well-
being of our prisoners, in well us those of tho
Rebels. "It declared Ge.icral Grunt, "my
desire thntull prisoners ot waishotild be niaias
comfortable ns it is possible for prisoners under
restraint to be, undlwul lav t any proportion
looking to that end." General Grant, moreover,
requested that a di billed plan should bo in ide lor
carrying this purpose into elf et.
Ilns coniiiiiinua!:on clos s :m ol tun interest
ing correspondence between Generals Giant and that bus so f ir luK :i pi ue, and thus tho
mutter now is sis. It is earn 's ly to be It iji' d
that ihe iM dls ill be complete 1 with
all posiiibio prompiitu lc, so us to permit this
bciioiictiit.ini a lire to tiliu inline tuite citect.
It is ccibiiiilv a mailer of :ongr.itul..tion that it
should be in such hands as thoe of Grant and
lie, practical wisdoai ami humaue dispo
rition cannot Le doulitcd.
Thcie ure ut present iniiti'iH nMo o!ntu des in
tho war of an exchange of nri-oners ; obstacles
rendered ItiMipcrab o by the violations of tUo
ruriel on ttic iai t of the Ketiet autlnnl les; but
there I no reason w hy these 'echuleul dill'crc ices
should bj nlliiived t i stnnl in the way of thu
comfoit, wi ll-bi-iug. and even tho life of tliuie in
bonds. We arc sure t!ia if tho relatives and
friends of ihose in Southern pris ms can be
a-suridof Ihe f.ilihfiil obervanco ot tho bcnL'ii
provisions ot the conv 'utiou just concluded by
(ienernls Grant nn 1, it will modify their
nngubh at the coiitinii' d cip;ivityof tlio-c tit jy
love, und whose rclciae on terms ot imiice and
honor the Government liuds il iuipossiole to
loi.clnl 4'.' i l ol lic Held The Fnlluro
I IIooiI'h Sov-uif'iilH HirnliiHt Nlsr
Worm I'onIIIi.ii IIiiiii i;or Tlie Ml nil
llou licJor.i Itl.-liiiioiiil.
Vasiiini. ton, October 27. The military situa
tion piccnts to day, over the whole field, the
most satM'nCtoiy mid encouraging ospect. In
the West, the oif n-ivc moreinent designed to
dislodge Slietnian from Atlanta has ended by
depriving the Kebels of all foothold In Georgia,
Tho cloiicnesi w ith which Sherman followed
up tho aggressive movement of tho Ucbel forco,
completely frnstrnted their designs against his
communications, all the dnmage to which has
now been repaired. Hut it did more Ihau this.
The tenacity with which Sherman i lung to the
rear of Hood made it impossible- for him to
retrace his i-tcps, and has compelled Iteatiieg.ird
lo ink safity for his army, by drawing it into
ueiitinl Alab.iuiu. ilis mrons nun on ecceiun
callv fioin all connection 1 la tlie main lie'.el
inn y In Virginia, i uts into the batuisof sliertuuti
ttc i oiiiioi ot mi i no ccniniuuicationi iki
tin ltebel ksiv in the eat and tho Uehel ai'tuv
!n the weit, and" opius up his tilumnha! lines of
Ccriot'iCst lo the Gial.
'ilns vuuiit'd oinnaiitn. which, a"cordiur to
the Jill. UaviB programme, wai to hue turnei
our po iilon iu Gc.ria to a iios' . reire n,
stuiius to dav demonstrated a miserab.e failure
It not only has brought the Kebels uo advantage,
but has u!uced tlieni in a much worse position
than hen Hood held a front south of Atlanta
vi iih oiK U commiinicatioiis with l.eo.
The situation before l'etersburg and Richmond
is rctilly hopeful. General Grant, far from lyiu
idle during the post few weeks in seeming inac
tivity, has been steadily puthlng lorward Ins
lint 8 of circumvallation and comruvallntun,
working with fatal pressure ou the vital arteries
bt lliihuiond.
A member of the Southern Exprest Company
at Teu.rsl.urg, who has Just arrived withiu our
lines, states that the express agent at tout point
was last week notiuca mat sue ageucy at t'cters
burg must be broken sip, as there would bo no
further Ur tor an express olllce there. The era
ploy ees were poUuily iuviled to euur tho army
1 m further informed, by the same authority
that 1'eUrsburg is for the most pact evacuated ;
that General Lee has materially contracted bis
lines and that they expect the city to lull at the
first serious move by General Orant. Arte York
as will 'vis - it to r ! ilon:
Gov. Bradford's Proclamation.
Etc., 1 ., lie, i:ir, Kic, I.fc.
rrrtfl t.i Tlie l'.vontnir Tclru-mftli.
7j;t i 1 1 none, October 2S. Governor lira iford
wiil bsuc bis pro ! ination, declaring the tie
Con-lf!utioii va!i,!. probably lotuorrov ur
M 'niiiiv.
The tiumiuctioiis ina le lu re yi s cr.Iay by t'ie
Democratic S. ate Convention arc all knou Se-
i-isiiiidsts and synipa'liien wilIi tho Sjtith;
niie of them would gladly s- c th : S itithcrii
oiifederjcy recognized. A few of them have
,ccn limb r tirrcst for di il 'val'y.
The New York frauds, to cheat Mr. Lincoln
out of the soldier-' vote, causes inteti-e disgust.
The great billiard match a' I'rinklin II i!l last
evening thousand points up, c.ivoni game, f r
three hundred dollars was wo.i by Kid rlcy,
aho gave Hall, his antagonist, ono Ini'idt".!
pi mts, ivilterlcy catno out tiiirty-tlirco points
Large sums w ore bet, and a largo audience was
present. A graud billiard touinam.'nt is soon lo
t ome oil' nt the same place.
Thcro Is no speelnl war ne vs, bat a terrible
blow is looked for dally by Grant.
1'ltOM 4I.M'ltl. H'.llt't,
Ni'.w Yoiik, Octob r l. Iiy the .i-riva! of tin;
nrth Star wo have Tanama dates of the 17th
instant. The latest advices from Central Am r-
ica contain no news of interest.
Ly tho interruption of c jininunic I'ious no tiewi
has been received from Kcutidor for nenrlv a
Tho first attempt to collect tho lonnago duty of
.il) cents was resisted, and sailing papers wcro re
fused by tho Panama authorities. The Panama
railroad and steamship comp inics' vesselsapplled
for papers to the United States Consul, obtained
them, ami went to sea. Tho authorities had
taken no luvlhcr sttps in the matter.
Dnnot'rMli Noniliintioitn In 31ar Intnl.
I!. i.i i moke, Oe'obe.r 2S. The 1 lemocratic State
Central Committee and Convention huv placed
the following ticket in the field : For Governor,
Judge Chambers; Lieutenant-Governor, Oil n
Bowie i Judge of the Court of Appeals, W. V.
Maulsby ; Attorney General, T. N. Steele; Comp
troller, Lingan Jarrctt.
The Strainer "t'HnMdit" nml r.ii roiin "
Hai h ax, October 2S, 1 1'. M. Tho Cuiut'li
sailed for Huston nt 0 o'clock last night, and will
bo due there on Saturday mornins'.
iue J.urniia arrived hero at o o clock this morn
ing, ami sailed one hour afterwards for Liverpool.
llio bloekaclo-runncr llilrn arrived hero on
Wednesday lust from Nassau, for repairs.
From I'orl an I'rliico.
Nkw Yoiik, October US The steamer City of
l'vrt ait I'rinnr, from Tort au Prince on tho 2 Jth,
arrived here to-day.
Tho KIM-llon fraiiilN.
IIai.timoiih, October 28. The Military Co. u-
ini-siou i u the election frauds is now in session.
A I'niloil Slnlc Konator Aiolnloil.
IIosto.v, October 2S. Governor Corry, of
Maine, has appointed Nathan A. Farwell, of
Loci. land, Senator from Maluotolill the unex
pired term of Senator Fesscnduu, appointed Se
rctaiy of the Treasury.
From ew 4rli'HHN.
New Y'ouk. October 2S. The steamer Sin)
V",7i. from New Orleans on tho 22 1 instant, ar
rived ut this port tnls morning. She brings no
papers, probably becauso all tho isew Orleans
miners of file dates contain a card from the out
ward passengers rcilccting on tho vessel.
She reimrts havinir been chased by a stistil-
cious vessel on the morning of the 27th, in lutl
tudo 3.1 ih'tfreos, longitude 31 degrees.
Mnrk4tN by Tetoirraph.
Nkw Yohk, Oc'olicr 28. Slocks arc bettor.
4'blenco And It' k IfUnd. !-.',' ; Cnmlxnttttid i-rclii. it d n."t ;
lllilinls I rnlral. r.'l'. t Mieliisi.n Minllierii, s 'v; Noiv
Vork Central, lill : IVmis vn onu I'll, l;.-..J,,u. 1 , .-. ;
llinlsi.p Hivi-r. 111.' ; Mistonrl tin, ilu'4; K'te. ''7 ; linn
Yesi r. rlJIlrslcH, !':,'.: Tnstirv 7-lnt. I"S;
fnrlirl, 14 1 five-tu oat v cnnpoiit,l07 -a i isfl"rul, 10);
Uulil, 21l;sliHe tlie llouril. ill.
Nkw Y'ouk, October 2-s. Flour has a lvancd
llHii.l.'ie.t illes nl I ;,.'ISI ll,,n. at S S.'.'cltll fur SUIe. Illl ..V.ij
ii f..r Ohl.i, suit (la S.V . II -.'5 l..r .-oiitln'i 11. Wheal ml-
vimct-e 'J' ' ie. : milei, lllliliitmi-tnllt. ( irn tlnii ; s ll.-s ini 111.
Iteilltnll. I'lilktlriiii .1 1. 1.11 lii biilH. m Sl lur M'si,
tanl f 1 1 ti. bi V.o'"iC. Wacky ilnll.
IlALTiMoitK, October 2H Hour bin advanced
IV1, C Hlli'St S ellvj Ht IMI Inr Wllitl); SI i.'l f 'T
rfl. Cnrii IT111, wltli a scurc" nril -; 11M wliltn, ill
I .e. Vtl.i.kj- null ml liuavy ut $1 77. (liueerles art
Ex-Sccretary Chase's Movemonts.
Secretary Chase will leave this ufteruooti for
West Chester, where ho will Bpeuk on the issues
of tho day, and then take the night train on the
l'ennsyliuiilu UuilroaJ for Cleveland, Oiiio, w lic.c
ho will spcuk to-morrow night.
It is proposed to estaldlnh a Newsboys'
Homo In Pittsburg. A committee ol citi.ens has
the subject iu charge.
A sudden und terrific thunder squall passed
over Narraganuctt Lay on Tue-day evening. As
Captain John Dimon, of Prudence, in his yacht,
was crossing the West Lay from Greenwich, Mai
sachnsette, home, he was suddenly overtaken by
the squall, and such was Its velocity and pjivcr
that before the sails could be taken In they wcro
torn from the bolt ropes and torn In shreds. For
a few moments tho thunder was deafening, the
litLtn'rg binidin?, and tho darkness iiitctire,
accompanied by violent ruin.
Ni w '1
sssvt SritKKT Thi atiik. i,jf'. night
Min- Ldgan played "Juliet, a "Julis," entirely
of her own cic.r.iun, a ''Juliet" from, which she
bad take all poetry, all pgSdion,,all interest,
mukiug the Italian maiden, tho post lovely of
Shakespeare's creations, a trivial contemptible
flirt, a forward coquettish ieh0l-girl. In many
scenes Miss Logan whs actual! grotesque, excit
ing iHiigbter intend of tears; all dignltr was lost,
aud Shukespere'i words frilered away by reaJ utterly void of commoA-teuse.
Miss Logan aims at the natural school, but the
nature ol all women is noUIIko there is the ome
lu.Dg iM-youd convoutiiAinl line ladvism in the
soul of woman ; and to- represent a ''Juliet" with
the mincing manners' of a drawing-room is nut
even nature, after which. MUs Logan is sa:d to
aim. Miss Olive Logu, in siudvlug a new
school, seems to have forgotten the business of
the stage, bhe plays like a uovice, yet she U uot
one, tor she hs beea on the stage a greater por
tion of her life, and was at loo Arch Streot Thea
tre as walking lady some eight or ulne years ago.
All her associations, too, have, been theatrical ;
aud respect for her sisters fciiutatjou K.liia
Logan, so correct ar.d talented should have
saved her from the sacrilege of last night. Miss
lagan is a handsome woman, with the moat lux u
riont golden hair poeteiwd by any wonjaa liaeo
F.vo. Sbe dros'i s m i-t miumiOivntly. Hrlct
dr s V ' Juliet" w is mot chir wer'stie, t uly
l'a ian.Vi ennrii rp irt of ti e c istunos in o ti4 o
L'onarilAda Vim i pic'uies.
XNt'li trhse tin iniaees, and m my fri o) r s
Ustitied by ).o npp aue lust n cht if Miss L iean
must go 011 ti th" stage, h h ul 1 pl.iv uue of
the nninv coiinnlii s aid draui'is in will h ihe
words, th' 1I1 II, ca'ions of character, pision,
I c tlios, ur i) 1 o t an no' needful 01 bo' re inir u
nt nl1, their pb (fro-ing supplied by tit. a dres cj
d line 11 . f" r . i' e the dia'nM wit'i willed
Wall. 11 k np.i F. chtel have cornet, d the singe of
the nre-i nt day. ,'
1 hose ho icinembcrcd the f"n.ler l ivcqne s
of M rs llowi r-, the Intensity of the p is-l m whi di
cb rn teiii d 1 he deeper Rci iri s of her "J ill"',"
could Put s-gh and slunVlnf as la-'t nl-'bt 'hev
In held Mi-. Olive 1, 'gan. yjltr. Mordaun'.'s 'M 1
caiio" w -1 1 l ot a linish"d 'jforinancc, but su'M
nenilv g "(id I 1 show that tin Is'ileot till
liighrr schi ols of h s tunfissiun, il he would
study in flic n,'hl d rccdon. i
Mr. I'.il.r played "fTotueo" iiudc stavl'nglv.
In Ihe inid-t ul the utter b1i"r nice and im ni
ciein y ol ( very other pcison-w 111 the pl.iv ( vvi'.h
one or two exert ti t-i, i' was 4 v i n' 1 1 li-u ti to
the correct m il Intelligent rea i of nn act r
Who W.IS awire tb it Sb-lk spcne's bfl ;- ; is
not nuie cMry'lf.y twaddle, ntd that th re is
sin h al'iiig as blank vers ; but. of c.inrs.,
"Honn i"is i.ot n character Ma, llalu r uu.d
f rlrct ; I ut being the bet edu 'n'ed artier in 'I13
conipnny, of o tit'C it fc'l ti bin s.,arc. M,s
Chapnian was giaal ns tho "N trs, -," wi'httit
giviiiglha elim 11 ter much promiii't ice. A I the
ntl cr puts were ''11101 Vile." This cveiilri-r
Mi s Log in. lor L'-r bem tl', will pair her in
p'uv of .or'. i. On .Monday evening Mr".
Ilowcrs will inn lie her lirst appc.itaivc iu this
city utter hei return from Knropo.
Akcii Srni i;r TiiitAvni:. Mad'llc Vastvall, in
order lo gratify h'T friends desirous of seeing
her in the part of "M i-saroni" In the play of The
bo.. oic's, w ill appear iu that character this Cveii
iin:, lor liei benefit. 1. 1st ingiit, to see (.'.on 1, tho
house w.'seiowleil to its ni in 1st capaciy. Ms i'llo
esunli was (albd be I ore the en mil n al'Mr every
act. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Uarocy Williams
Wii.M-T Sthiit Tiicvthh. Mr. li.iehinan
will Kivc lor Id- benefit, ,his evening, iii 't -th.
Mr. Itiichan 111 has dicply studied, is au enthu
siast, anil, during two years, played the round of
Sh ikospiin-e'schara' terswilh greit success. Miss
llii-linn iii is 0 sCeedi'iglv young, has a lino vo cu,
and profound respect lor' the high art to which
she is devoted. She will appear as "Lady M ic
beih," proiialiiy the you 1 !t "Laly ,l.ictieth"
(ixccpting ihildish prodigies) that has ever
played il.
Sieieopticon, to-nlghf, the rarest works of ancient
nnd inodcrn sculpture will bo exhibited. Those
who have not visited tho Stcrcoptic n have no
idea of its real beauty. Ntatnary, for Instaueo, Is
shown u it li all Ibv solidity and soundness of tho
origiuuls, and the audience llnd it (liillcult to con
vince themselves thai they are not looking at the
real inarb e. To-night will be a ireat of art, and
the last night but one of the Stcrcopiicon.
Manaomi K. D'Ousay Oudhn in Csni.R
Tin Minn. The Richmond I.xotninvf of tho 'SjiX
Sixy s
"Tlt mnot of K. D Omny Omltiii, late? Mativ:. r of the
HictiinoiiU Th4':ri' wliose t'tjpt, tioui thritj wtt ki tu' s
IH'IU IllU.iy U'lllinrlty H til) rVOUll-U ul CUtUltl Tltllttc'
iHtiUiiit, irn n ntiiuraily Itvclr io,)ic, fi.twai
rtnit d on 'I tuinilay lim iy ft Cuitiv )tr.ti tent, iimnc 1
J.iini laylor, tat ih- Uuue ci Mr. KkMhw Luwin, in Kiiit
st?trt louniy, wlum ite w,i lopping a K'tct. an l
armd In (tin tUy under ihe rt of hi. ci, nrt ri
V rUlav utit lit, iluai iiuuielt4tei; cjmiulttcil io I ailtt
1 hiimtfr.
"T lit-annonncfnient of his arrival in Yankerdorn hv a
NorUu rn (hijk r at x cmrm ditto, ana (J uUMih iiitt iiJ d
aiaru-i. Il npnarit tUM rttlen, aiti f At -cisr frora
thf rrptttrl' IsImiik tr.ilit, rocioi(Nl lmnH liat"iy tuvvai'd't
(Tie IVt-nnac, but, as In nta'c. at it ra not, uriKl'itiMy Fit
tiit' iiti. rt In K' i the N'ortli, h dcu1i that h" itii1 not
Ik'trtow. Hi-VMti ttirco tiiiist at Matritni) t' Hmro ho
I j tut f r op 'iriunity to cr-'i inio WrfT'-Hi I. and
aUtimirti hi' It-It Min- that, lie icuin n" lti- uiioiid
v)nnitrii.v or bv laininiUtnti, lie would bo (tuuic td Vi
arrrt an a tfp-vnT. hr was K-ak eiifiityti t- ijinilt t ho
con"llfrui(in of hi it p-H-uhar ntut'it ah a fvfh:Ti'?r, :hfnw!t
Uccldi d rtk'Hia tt him bv tQi cfuriH, to pruvuut Uiui Irum
(.ultiltiK the i Vnli Ot-racy ax a fuglilrt.
''Hi- talus that hm onlj.oi.ifct iu a vinir Hlcbtn nJ whn
he dul, w ai t" a QUI ht:in. tnnut Inio a company ol" nn.
f. i tptN ul (tuip L'1 and hurrit-U to ih) tlhl, aiuir h)
akt'tl jmtd i. ion to ;oin a I(h at won- foiua
ol I. In pormtiial irh n-li, and tm mi'h ilit-ru tt)io front,
vhlch ictin:tt wan t'oroiuptoriiy T-ttt. Hit cutu wij
fll.oitiy hi; uinintd by a in Hilary c-'urt, whtti, d-Mibilfti,
bOIHC IIW p"lllU A ill tia p'6't'IJl I a.lfi till ritfhtflf
t! i oi fi'tlarai to liU rvict-n, th-titifii, nt h hit ot'iioa
flu aiad, b haw bc n wlllinft tvdooiilitar dttiy n ich oihar
lolt (gin i h IU the I K ill M-r ii
)lc i" iii v he ii a MTciitp J man, and "torrt't
a tiu ai'prt'hi ntlon that tif tAfitiaaiit ttf titi't him niv
Inilio-c iiib Jiutho: ill n in hustle hi in tMnnigli , htirrii-l - I
tiinoiuiii it. i-iinrr I'-rt o inn Into tun army ur Intln-t '
b nuf inifiixiuntnt ittn htm bff-rr pi ol tutiti' 4i.i i
un i mi p out-n coithini ria no in na tiiy cot n.iii in tun :
it w, huHtivtT, ai hU v niiincntf ut a UaMitrical 'nirtn 1
T. art'ir. Mini author.' thn furor wtu. ii lilt,t-.l
exit fritm thf .ouHi prftiiio,d, "r any jternn:inl iii'r,ti.'-i lo
w liii Ii lie in t'ouiinoti mi It all flt'ili In liir, f .l'inoi i'i v t
hiui in tin liohttl I v o( the am lorith wh't iir h uiu i, lo
li.e lniiKU'Ufc nt tl.i inw, to h;d I, ho uii.oc nl tiufll Iu I-
ut'4-n i ini' y. li in .jnitf riuui thit hit ptniii u loo's,
iaih'r nil iny t' ftii (i'l'TWl.. ttKUit hli own ai't. mm,
whtt h o' i n a wisJn nolo fur prf ,u,1'l8, il erlit''ti:t'."
An Old J)itM nc Tem i-i.e DusntovKii. Tlio
Btihton Tttirnlft r of TUurMlay 8ay :
Thr tin I-linuf rruiiielhy MorrH Hruthfrn .Pill A T.-oW-
briUi! Jkl iiitlifU ojixiiii! tno Old houtli Ch in ii, wilt
tii stii ji-a ti mo at i o jioi k ist uviitns,'. ijiuauili
t rlnin win ttlinoht t uiiiph'ti-lv hnnn d out. hut thu hubiia
ble .nM in ihi-rt ttrnf tint nt-tn" vvt ro- titvod . i'he iliu
ri H ad d m un u p' r room o er th now uppt r K'tllorv. lit
nun iimt iuit ni ix ui ukuis nr i wi mim'.nt. proo toi v
the Htirk oiitn itictiidUry. An ut'tupt WriM male fino
t'llitt Mll t! to ll' rlH-J l!iO L) 1 1 H '. I m hy ntmio pil-'ty wic)
tl.n w a iIlIiI Ihrt-iti h un tpen w iikIqiv bi-lw iutu t huuu
of Htiavlni't.
"1 ht- Lni'idnc. own'il hy Mr. Willlaia tlrceaoiili, wm In
i-olonlal it tin tin' rt'fO'li'ii' i' ui tli-j itritiili (cuvc'D r of
llU!l htiM'ttti. und U:n fttdcr-. ol i,l -nel l.ln oln' ivhl
rtmt mhrr iho dt rijuki'i o" It wn.-n th9 Hntiih tiiticera
rfported Ihi-re to t.aitj ou tne tnur.niist of Itmiatir JIill
batUc. Ji ImJ a f-'i t'l'i n fp.'i ti OnI'iTu It, iiud ii hind
touif u iitwa uu Wili'tKt"U iiit-e', till t-tuo ilut ' ti 1 v
In tin-pit-'M-iil tfiii'try -M "i.ii lir'iit r h ncciitili'.l it
tttuif I ur, ai.ii lr Urdnay Ul u an u inliutrot it. til
"St rttrul thuu. .iiiJ dotliira' worth of property. In 1 til I nt
cl'i'hitiK itii'i lit-ry, HriM miuuvi-d in ijiufv , aiiiio oi' it
diimakod, am ii niui h other material win huru !, U'td nt
the (-oiupHiit t ail r i-t n:iy cii wrfd and r.', tired It ml a
rout ol t it, (Ml, ihetr total lot h In prohitoly not fur ftoiu ItH h ih -re it an induration of U,ot ), oou naif
ill the Alit.ti'o.e. Hi d i-iic-'iuait-r tu tMuli of Iw.i other
till 0.h. I l.i K ' lita Ht.d iripi'itli' of olio pait'uliuui,
T'lf ''. wi". ttonri ffcl'ijO. Th iuuiIoaI Imuu
ni'iim wtro mvtil. 'Hie loss to ili ttitHiaoiiKU htut It
"Ur. Jirr'ti, It'-. sec of ha llotion Tlie.itro, while tlie lire
t us tl 11 buntiiii;, w i'h Hit- run'-urri'iu o of Mr. I.'joiuM
hri'ViT, hlrf tor oi tho iinaii opna, ain-lly cen' a
to Morrm Itri'iht rti. onmin the hhu ol ihn lto-ton I'ticatru
hr a bent lit ou I iiy mti moon t -1 cI'kA, and tha
K'-nfrotiM .r-.M,i1 w xt uoinU uratufully uctcuttj
by Morrm hroiln rn."
(jtihMAN Oi'kua. Mr. I.onard Oiovit, the
moat 8i!((MFt'ul dirertorof ociu now in tills
country, will shortly open for a scauou nt thu
Ac tilticy of Mumc. Tue company, n liii U ho Ims
col'ccfcJ fiota the lcst tulrnt of Kuroj.0 and
Amvrlca, tt iiml.mljtcllv one (if tlio ft!j!i.-.t and
hirt-r-t in tlif ivurid; lor it iuuludi 4 nucli Rrcjt
tii toici ami t i v'tTH u-i Curl Forim n nnd Jos-pli
Htiniuiin- on tiiebtJt "Uoltctt, a ihj oiUor
iH t lie lChl 'Mij'tii. t'iphc!t knovu to our
Hfle; sudi im tiontte an Muanlun.u.i Jttli inu
ei n, Kitii-riri, and. Kotier, and teuora lit.e
ll;ii.fln:tt,n ai.d lliinincr, with N'oino'!';!', Uiatt',
mid a iitinit'i r -f o:Iicr e-nclul nnd earnest uiusi
caif. M tti lr ).iiuaa nco I'tiropi'iio
and Mud'l o 1't.iiliiif ('anisf-a, fnve l)"n cutj.igod
for the 1 1 . ; 1 1 s of unubrv'te, Xho repL'i't lire i-. no
lt'i"i i)iu"H-. Faust aud Mirvitlv (t ni'i.)d'
skiJful i.ntl charm uff new 6p:ra), il'.lt:v'
Jrvt&s, M.'U'i I'Ci-v'a ftjii4 ty, Mo.ttrt'ri
Jt n Jnutt, i U 'd t'itict,fct Koiiini'r,
l',lliiitii 7W, Aud a nuinijtjj of o.lior
imst lirillhiut (-ulct tion known in tliir. city fur
luvoiitc opt ii, iniiiie up tho priinut-st an I
many ycm. lifcthovtn'a VrfWo, an
but rvd to lcYCi'Mof umk and ptrtoiiuod Willi so
much Mii-ccss in former hhoii-, in not included
among tho n-at w'iks, but wejiresiuuc a :;ie
ral rctiuetit will biiucj it ionU. The sulo of sub-fct-iiptuin
tit heth lor ihe German Opera wiii beni
on tSatriid v, Ui-toher 'JO. '1 he new 5cunon bidb
fair toheouet f tut. iuO"t spleudii aud popular
in the u-kal memory.
M'mk m: M.n.t ti:n i:k has jutit compietod a
dranifliiaU.uof Mis a Iiraidou'a novel "Dikfrel
Markham j or( t:-.e Captain of tlto Vulture' It is
in five ntt, villi a four chameter part for tlio
star. Mr., of the I'iiiladflpliia Vo, U tb"-ut tor M'mo d Maruer tteb'
BrTi or TuRoiibt To dat. Six A. tt.,
09. Noou,&l. One P.M., 50. Wind, Vest.
This able and eloquent Uivma in announced to
lecture on Monday evening next at the Academy
of Music, on tfcc ttirring theme of "Our Nutlonal
Conflict." Any ue who bas heard Ultjop Plmp
(ob sieak will sot IWiJ to avail themselves of this
oi'iortnnity to hear him again. The nature of
the subject, the object of the lecture, the well
known ability with which h handles anything
he lakes hold of, combine to feiake aa attraction
which will doubtless till the Anademy to over
flowing. The price of ticket, which, places thum
within the rvaca of all, will be an ucUitionat iu
duceinein to evary one to secure bis own en joy.
ment, aad at tha same time contribute eontclhluf
(or the nci aad wounded soldiers.
Ofiicial Majority of tho City
Near Ten Thousand.
Tlii uu rnin, at 10 o'clock, the Return Judges
renf s iii'ded In th" Supremo Court Koicu, for
the p'iri'oe of eoiiMtlin; tho soldiers' vote, mi l
ninkiiiK out the olV.el d voto of tlio city. Tho
work I'rotjrc-ised very Hlowly, nnd tho vote kI.;i1
Iiy the v trioiis i oinp mien w-is ecee'lin;;ly s-n ill.
'1 he tollowini; nerc sonic of the vot e polled
t Hi. n. '1.
(oni it y A.'.ii'h Cavilry o h
Coitil'H'iy A , llHtli Keiiiieut Id V!
Coni.:iti; l, 1 ImIi Id itniH nt II .'i
7 t'"ii! -uV.ii", r.'ist n.'noiient 1 1 y
1 ( i nij aiiv, ." KcclineTit 2 1
2 t'ciiiipniiien, ,'iMh Keimeut tl
Coll. pnny tl, 1 I'll U nun e i t 1
rnuip.r.iy A, h.'d Kcirlnient 't I
Conip my It, SV I Iteu'iinent HI
Coiiipany K, K'J I UcciineiU ....IS I
Cnoipnny A, I r.Mb Iteiinci't II 'J
Coinpimy II, 1 l'lth Uci;iiiictit. i
( oii'i'ittiy II, llflili llcK'nu'iit i
Coiiip.iny tl, U'llli It 'itimeiit !l
Company A, I V'tli lleitimcn' .'Jl 2
Coinp.iuy II, t.'Oih KeKiiiient II 'I
Company lll-d Keituni'iit 1:1
(''imp. ny (), lt'Jd lletjliucnt IS
Ciiiiipiiny II, lt-'Jd Reim'jut 2.1
Conipany 1), 1st Artillery 3 I
Hstli licf:i!in nt '.I 3
Coliip.uiy (', l'.itith I! eminent " i It
Company 1', I'.i.'iih l dniient II li
Company It, l'."tli Regimen' 7 tl
Company I'., I'.Mh Hciinent 4
Comp my (i, l'Kitli Regiment lit 9
Ci'inpliiV A, 1 V.'d ReuMiiu'tit 2 1
Company A, liTth Ueitnent. ...... . 7 7
In lr nelie. .Imne'i rier 2
Ciiiiipiiry M , Third Artillery 1
Company 1. US'h ! 1
Comptiny K.UHili 5
Conipnny (), IIH U ti 1
Company li, llstli 1 i
Coiiipany li, lildiuil.i Ilatlory 0
Third Artillery 2
1 antiix Seiniiiury 11 i-pi al 2
Slierluirii Biiriiicks, Wasiiinton 10
Third Uliitiion Ui neral Hospital, Va. . I
fiimp near Joiich' I.andiiii.', Va 12 1
.Tiirvli llos,ii il, Maryland 1
(Viiipunv K, filth Rifiiniont Ill 6
Ul.ited Stn'es Ste infr Sew V;oni'rfc. .23
Carver Ho-pllal, 1). C 8
The above is a fair exhibit of the soidlcn' vote.
The voto in all the companies was very small,
but a few polllns a full vote. Tho whole uiimher
of lotes Is 2210 I'nlon, fltlil Democratic ; iuui;ln
a Union imijoiity of 1 ill. Tblt added to the
minority on the home voto w ill make the otll ial
n.njority ( f iho rlty nearly ten thousand. Tha
H'lliiiirs vote will e'ect M. Russell Tbuyor to
Coi,;ress from tho Filth District, but w.ll make
no ehaiio in the ease of any of the other candi
dates except to still more diereaso Democratic
Cowakhlv AsmviT anii IUttkiit. Folyard
Degan, one of the 1 marshals" ut ho hall of the
Keystone Club, was arraigned before Alderman
Welding yesterday, upon the charge of having
committed nn assault and battery on Henry W.
(iiecn, on Wednesday evetuni,'. It seems that
Mr. Green was In company with Mr. K. Clui
borne, n tegular reporter of the Grrmm Item
t rut. Doth were present Iu order to report the
speech ol the Hon. Kevsrdy Johnson. The place
was filled lo its utmost capacity, so that tho re
porters could not obtain accommodations. In
Iho etlorts to get a place uhero they might see
nnd hear, young Green opened tho door of a pri
vate box, but finding that place full, retired. In
doing so, it is alleged, the defendant stepped up
to biui, and, using un epithet, struck him a blow
with an open band thut sent him reeliag a dis
timce ot ten feet. Mr. Claiborne expostulated,
whereupon the defendunt threatened to strike
him. An appeal was made to Colonel McCiind
less, nt which time, us li alleged by Mr. Clai
borne, tho defendant stepped up au.l, In the
presence of Colonel McCandless, lhrca'ned to
strike him. The reporters re'reatcd, and thus
Iho semi puglltstie see:ic terminated. 1 he dc
fnidant was hound over in the sum of K) to
unswer at Court.
Ai i Korn AnvaKH at tiik Almsiioi sk. Tho
special committee of Councils appointed to luvei
tlgatc the charges ag tinst the management of the
Almshouse, have reported that alter a full and
thorough investigation of the ma'ters crnili l. d to
tin in, in which they received cvory fa dity, at
veil Irotu tno utiardliius ot tue l'oor as iroin the
olllcirs oi the institution, 'he eotniu ttee are su Is
lid that not the Slightest fouudn'ion ox'sts for
theclnrges made iu Council: and tbey canuot
ret lu ii h unt expressing their regret that so serious
a charge against ouc of our most Important public
iiiMiliiiious. bliould have been made upon no
better authority ilian mere rumor, set, most
probably, by some gossiping old woman.
Political. The largest assembly ever seen In
this city, iu any hall, filled the Union J-eagtio
Hall last night. The crowd was so groat that
those who could not get info bearing distance
procieded to utiou:il Hall, which was speed i y
linn. S. P. Chao spoke at both places', at bitb
of which he was receiied with the utmost en
thiiKiasm. Hon. Amos Myers, representative from tho
Twentieth District, spoke at National Hall; also
Simon Cameron.
The Continental Thrntra was enlivened lait
night ly shouts of langnti r, caused by tue tiles
ot Mr. D A. Kuitoii, of New Yoik.
A large l iiion iii'-efinir was held list night iu
the Third Ward. Tho utmost enthusiasm pre
vailed. Tiiikm h at tiik Thimtuk. Tivo young mon
of our city were relieved of their pocket-books
while proeuiing tlclieu at tho window of ono of
our city theatres one of a porte inoimaieo nitalii
Ing sevtuty slx dollars, tha other forty-one do'
lars. Two woinin ure supposed to liuveom
mitted llictlii lt. As Ihe eoiuplainautiippioachcd
Ihe v induw tlin tigli theeiowd a wuiiian requested
1, i in to procure tno lick' ts (or In r also, und while
thus din cling his attention to a dollar not1! her
accomplice suecetded iu piecing her hand la her
vie'iiii's pocket. The thieves both escaped.
A Nkw W'w t r IloititowiNd. Saniuol Ma k
and William Hunter were bro ight on from l'itfs
burg )e:teiday, on the charge ol having rubbed
William Wilson, of h'M llcdlord street, ol'a gold
watch, mid other articles. The watch w is bor
ioed by Mack on the representation tint he
wi.n ied to weur it for a few bourn, but he seems
to have h ft ihe city soon alter he got possesion
ol it. Wilson a'so borrowed a valise, aud cartiud
it oil too. Uolh were held to answer.
lltsioNATiON. Yesterday a communication
was received in Common Council from Aruos
Uilggs, resigning his seat ns a member of Unit
bodvfroin the l'eurtccntl! Wurd, on tho ground
that' he can no longer support tho no'icy of tho
National Adiuiuisirutiou, touehiug tho suhjeet of
slavery. ,
Mr. II. C. Oram, elected a member of Common
Ccunill from the same vrd, was sworn into
The I ati: Maior-Okneral BfitMtY. A Bories
of les'ilutloiis, from the committee to report the
fciii-e of Councils on the tleutli of Miijor-lJeueiul
Dii m v, expressed the regret felt by our citizens
i.t the death of a brave and gallant ollieer, who,
by bis and patriotism, lia,. cud. ari d hou
se!, to ihe memories of the citizens of his native
city. The resolutions passed both Chambers.
Governor Curtin has appointed Hie following
named gcnCcmeu to take tho soldiers' voto to be
east In November : Messrs. William V. M' Qrath,
Juinis J. Martin, V. McLaughlin, and J. McKib
ben, all of 1'hiladelphia : also, liaruard Rellly, of
Schuylkill county : Wllliuru Horton. of Fulton
county ; and Jonas It. MeClintock, of FitUburg.
tsi udksi Death or an Oificer. About half
past 9 o'clock last uight, Officer Frederick Wil
lard, of the Seventh Police District, la coming
down the stairs of a house In Front street, below
Callowhill, slipped and fell to the bottom of the
stairs, and was instantly killed. He bad just
finished a visit to a friend at th time. He was
taken to his house, in Laurel street, below Poplar.
Fatai Accidkkt. William J. Bear, eight
years old. wai run over last night by a ear on
the Arch Street Passenger llailroad, at Twenty
htih and Callowhill streets, and instantly killed.
KKLUTMiiKM. Fifty-eight warrants, amount.
Ing In an aggregate U rW,100, were drawn on
the City Tnia-ury yesterday, fr the payment ot
ihoM ho hart talfctod to Oil up our armies.
Di sriiTtivsa. James Burns was arrrestcd at
Manamnk yesterday by OtTlcer Janee, on thi
charge of desertion. He wan sent to Droad aid
Hn't' nwood 'truts.
Vicor Colcoil, an alleged deserter from tlieSlh
D lawnre li glmmt, as arrested yesterday and
si ut lo Fort Delaware.
F'i m oron Ghamtko. Forlonghs have bsen
g anted to all soldiers from Maine, Wisconsin,
Michigan, lU'l.iware, Illinois, Now Hampshire,
and Conneitieut now in tho hospitals of the De
partment. Transportation is to be furnished at
Government expense.
Auhival of F.moRANTB. Tho (hip Snranah,
from Liverpool, with 212 Irish emigrants on
boaiil, arrived nt this port last evening. The ship
H i erron if, with emigrants on boArd, is ro
poiti d below.
Ciiaiuii.1i w ith FonnRHT. A man giving the
name of John Oesenger was arrested yesterday
upoti the charge of forging a cheek to tho amount
of two thou-and live hundred dollar on the
Dnyli Mown liauk. Tlio accused will bo sent to
that p uce to stand trial.
To Pi m-iiASn CioTuiNii at Low PRiras.inske
a . it, tif-n rit-m nr stiTk ur in no uauk i; inaiiis. Wis
mtr irllinc tfixxl. riiiiul ini'W. 1J. ni'il.iil in.vrM,
r."i 'A to M' frr rt,t. ttt ei fluin Is now rtmrn.J l,r t'i
n r ii-"'" itittt te li'-r. Wo hv. . I wlvle., size, a til
nitres ,f ("oOciit: - Mrit ., TniiUi . Mid llu. . All Mil t0
suited itlU.vul UvUj' ur treulue.
flrssirrt k Co..
Tower fUll, o. 6 IS lUriet otreet
Tub ciiat Hint adopted the plan of "laying In
(lis clnlhes ' Oils fti'l. as A s.vstrm of ceitnomr. In AilOrlpl
tii.imr lino, 1 nnl Aiiine III tils exiH-rfmi'iil. inir I'rienil
llrtm n hfij el il, sit I ltt tl le.l il. I Ie s.-tuj f,r ten W.-c; I
I r nrvrr UMtliPUst A lilnt.fl f, 'nit tl)ed fa satl.fY lilluself of
Any Itrnsiliiit ii:i-YA- ill Ins weAllll h, ' Uviluf in his
rli.ll,,...' lv cnii li-lt llnovn mir mrth"d lit" lir-
ti.ilitf rri'n-.nn 111 tt'l' r'nllilnii llni-ts to imrrliAs. slw-HYi
nt l I'liiiet sjiuS.s A Oo.'s wne pricu, uad'T Hi. l.'ontt
uvntiil. PiiOTOdiiAi'its of pleasing styles and exquisite
Itntsh nr. tciilnl In H. r h'-tmsr I sprsl'iieiis llfr-Bl-e I'Iiq
tioatili. In oil rlrs, lvuij tjpes, aad Curies d Visile.
No. Areb street.
It wilt, utt "ftr by advertisement In onr
rnlunins tint! thn Tsell Pftnilfum (toinpmiy ctosr Uirir
lic"ka on K.i'urilAy In New VorK. Thr luniks li.vr only
or.-n o;en A .i it avr, nnd All oi Hie st Mh his hten takrn
v lih tho sir' pilau uf 10 teo sliurtie. 1 tii-lr oitlce Is So.Jtl
Walusl atrv.t.
On. Si lisciiiiTioN.s. At times this morning
the oilier lo rrcelve ttie-r .nti.rr'ptlf .lis was crowded. Tlie
Intercut mantn-sird l Ilia psblle to tke sharrl I. In
rreasira, will he nrrn by tlie ad'-rrtitrmrnt In Anothrr
column. Tht. enterprise, wlilo It oilers unusual prosprc
llve itdvautai:. s, at Ihe .inia lluie commend, ilaoll foe Its
prrleni prift-rtssfely.
As Uie drinand tor shares la conthtrrahle. thos. Intand
Inn tn siih.i'rihe .hoiilj do o at onee.for when tlio ou.
Iinndrrd luhsurlptloni are ret:elveU no more icdl trt talttn.
Laoifb, if yon wish a ukr head of h air, nso
Jatnk's Uaih Tosit:. Tht. valuabl. preparation excites
the teatp to new and healthy action, clennirf It from seurf
and dandrurT, prevent the hair from fnlltiur 01T, euro, tlios. appear on th. lie.i.. and In
a majority of unsea prodaces a Una growth of u.iv hair. I
also gives tlio ;halr a rich and beautiful .nponrancc, un
equAlled by any thliiii of tho hln.l. Prrpiirod only by Dr.
11. Jayne .tc Hon, No, Jl'2 t.'hrsnut street.
Tim "Fi.orf.hcb" KnwiKiJ Mackink, we find,
Is being Ixmidil In prefrtenee to aU oilier, tn n... Th.
reason, fur this are at ouuc csntcut and aumcrous. Ittfoes
better and finer work than any of Its rival.; Is th. only
aiaelili erapahle of maklnutbe loci And knot atltohea; til.
only fnsetiloe bavlnK a prrfstt and uniform taanton of
upt'er and lowrr llnead; the onlv niachln. Uial nas Ui.
rtvtTftlh e trrdinoili.n. enatalns ih. oparator to fuu-o the
ends of aeatti., ll.errby Raving much labori and, owinir
to it. slinpl. con.lrueilon, It rarily, If .vur, set. out of
CovnT of QrAnTRR Rkshions Judgo Thomp
son Hy the tilh section ol thu act of Assembly
of the Commonwealth, approved August 2, lHtii,
all banks heretofore doing business under char
ters from tho Butte, but which may select to
curry ou bunking nnder the National banking
law, lire first required to surrender up tho plates
upon which their notes have heretofore been
printed, to the Court of Quarter Sessions. In
accordance with the provisions of this act, Samuel
Hood, Esq., on behalf of tho Commercial Hank
ot this city, brought into Court and surrendered
up the old plates of the bunk. The Court mado
the proper Older in the premises.
Assault and battery and disorderly honse cases
of no moment occupied the morning session.
Ofsice or Turn Evaimra TrnxsnaAra, f
Friday, October KM. (
Yesterday afternoon, after wo wont to pros,
the Ktock Market, particularly In Reading, took
a violent surgo upwards, and lnrge purchases
were undo of the slock at tiny-Coi, at which lattor
piii c the market closed.
We have fairly posted tho readers of this article
as to this movement, long before it was devel
oped, us tho facts on which tho present rise la
inaugurated wcro In our possession two months
ngo. In tbo meanwhile the parties who huvo
engineered the rlso have been quietly absorbing,
by purchase, thu cash certificates, and whon tho
stock was at the dullest, were buyers. Tho ex
tent of this movement hits been fairly foresha
dowed In these columns ; and if any reader of
Tub Tkllohai'h has sold stock in defiance of
plain warning, we are absolved from all respon
sibility. In a game so gigantic considerable time
must necessarily clup-e before tho development ;
and between this und January we expect to see
Heading touch very high figures, simply from
the enormous earnings of the road, which will
now come tu the shareholders.
At the Fifth Avenue Board, lust evening, the
transactions In Heading wore very Urge. Some
10,000 shares, a telegraphic despatch to the
G Irani House Informed us, were bought by the
old house of Pi line, Ward & Co. If this should
be true, it Is a very signllieant fact, as this house
is tho recognized agency for the lurge English
houso which is so heavily interested in the for
tunes of the Heading road. The stock closed in
New York at 11:4 hid at 10 o'clock P. M. The
price here, later iu the eveniug, was tki, a rise uf
3 per cent, since tlio arly morning ales. This Is
something in tho old style of Reading in the
rupid advance., under public orders, which pour
Into the market periodically, confounding nil
sober calculations.
The market in the Hoard this morning, In
Reading, is rampant, with freo purchases at 07.
The Stock Market ts active this morning, and
prices are better. G iverumcnt bonis continue
firm, with sales of (is of istl at 10i4,il0til, und
new 6-20s at lool "'.ins are quoted ut 10aal0G.
Iu Ruilroad shares there Is more doing. Head
ing, as we have noticed for several days past,
continues excited and strong, with large sales to
notice ut (ill C" '". an advance of 11 ; Pennsylvania
Railroad sold at Ql; Northern Central at 61;
Norristown Ruilroud at tiO ; Minelilll at 591 1 Caui
wlssa preferred ut ISH-j :(S I, which is an advance;
and Philadelphia aud Krie ut 31 4, an advance of
4. 454 wus bid for Lli'ici Schuylkill Railroad;
304 for KortU Pennsylvania ; 50 for Eliuira pre
ferred; and CI for Philadelphia and Da'timore ;
new City Ci are selling at Ii)2il02, au advance
of J.
City Pasaet gcr Railroad shares are unchanged.
Spruce and Pine sold at 3 1 ; 15 was bid for Arch
Street ; 29 for Gtceu aud Coatos ; and 28 for Girard
College ; 70 was iisUed for Second and Third; 60
for Tenth and F.levcnth ; and 53 for Chesuut and
There is more doing in Coal Oil shares, and
prices are steady, with sales of Maple Shade at
17(n 18, an advance of 2 ; Noble and Dolamsnter
at 104 ! MeClintock at 6 ; Perry at 4 ; McKlheuy
at (!( ; aud Egbert at 2.
Hank shares are firmly held, but there is Utile
or nothing doiug In the way of tales. 1G3 was
bid for North America; 294 'r Mechanics'; 81
for Kensington; 28J for Manufacturers' and
Mechanics' ; M for City ; ff Commonwealth (
and 46 for Union.
Canal Shares are more active, and prlcei have
advancod, with sales of Schuylkill Navigation
common at 29, an advance of 1 ; Schuylkill Navl
gatioa preferred at 89(rf30i , an advance) ofl ; and
Wyoming Canal at 7s ( 154 was bid (or Susque
hanna Canal; 984 for Mortis Caual common ;
and 78 for Lehigh Navigation. .
The Money Market continues ansy. Loans on
call am freely offered at 6(u7 per cent, per annum.
Itost paper It scarce, and qugiod at wt;10 por cent
Gold la unsettled this morning, and pricft ar
rather lower, opening at 217 fell off and aoid at
21t'. at 10 o'clock ; 216) at 11 1 rallied and sold at
2174 ' 12; declined and sold at 218J at 12 P. MT.
The Tack Petroleum Company opened ite books
on Wednesday in New York, for subscription to
its stock or 100,000 shares. Ten thousand dol
lars remain to be taken, and tho eubscrlp'k)r
books will close to-morrow at Tuck B rather &
Co., No. 217 Walnut street.
rnn.ADr.LrmA Moat bvciukoi! ai.m.oct. .
Reported by CUrkenn Co., Brokers, Ne. U Thlra St.
s" Ml mnry Farm.... t
1'sish Uiftia Island.. 14
M.l.h ,l.i t
luo.h Reading R...C ft'ijkf
yisi sh ii.f-0 on .v
l'Slsh HullCTe.... K .
lu'sh d h 4
tl " h Com l'laiit. r.o Y
"h do C'J
1' h Prnn .M n Il
5'i h Vorrls ran.,,c ys
'Ji 0 Ih Msjile SMI. I A ( 17
1'llsh Krvst'e Oil. blS 2; lilt. 1 't
II. t sn tio 'w
I'll .h
Km b
no h
lull th
do av
do sown ''sj
do oM eVIVj
do..... el
do wi
e .MO H,i
...,.. fIRT BOARD.
e-"" v. n. ea, 11. re. .lulls
S-jcssl do ."
S.'im. I. B 6
Ill 0 ( Iiy A., a.w l.-l
fairsi it iojv,
4i.6 MrCUntoex.e
lt sh I'rrry Oil 4
wen Main. anas)... 17
')sb do b5 18
ib .... e
t'l'i-n do bJO IIW
'.'. .lotral .... SI
tl h HVh. Nae eom .
IKldiHob Hay pf..oA l
l'i uo boil
Wflsli Esrl ou...4 a si
liusb do 1 1
1 .It Wy.iralnn Cjnl. 7
6 h Fenna aa saw
17 ah Norrlslona R. SO
IS sh Ml or hi II jmU
SIshLlAlaw pre.... ;is
tKS'sb do bd ,W
V.tiPMI. Srto.... 31 sj
sh tipruce a I'lne. H
n lies. ilns R....C "S
I'll all
,1" ll
s Si ah
si b
1'. sk
..too sr I
...tVs K7
....C 117
.... S7
po sh r.iin Mm .
III! Rfl dO ,
lislah Illir Moinil I
im sh .Motile ,k Del.
20ii ah do
Quotations of Gold at the Phlladelnhla Gald
Exchange, No. 34 S. Third street, second story :
!' A. M il ii rti .....217
11 A. M 2164' 1 P. M A. .218
Market active. ,
Quotations of the principal Coal and Coal Oil
stocks at 1 o'clock to-day
r..i... rs. i -u n n
c u.w.. , q itiwrn t,. .......
Iliii Ktounlaln Coal. A
tlrern Ut.Coal.... 4',
VCarbondale 3
Jlewl'rcek 1
rerrfar Itara Coal. I
Clinton Coai. 1
Imtlrr Coal 11
Diamond Coal 'to
American Kaolin.. ..
I'rnliUliiliii 't
1 nenera oil...,
li itiritaal. Oil..,
S KrankUntlll..
t llawa e Eddy on.. Ji
I V'lrvais Oil 7
lSj .Uenamore..., .....
l' Iiaueitoil f'i
16 iMoKlnwy SM
n iRooeruOU..
1 J loinutead IV
S KefleAlleUmalsr, .. 1
71 lllbhard ii
Ja 1 Rtorv rarm . 1-il
l onnerllcul ....... ..
Key.loae 7.tne.... K
r.acelslorOU ii
7. Rruner 1
Us, 1'esrolenm Olatl ..
His lank I ,
JV.kslbert .a
i l : u"Ke i.Hino......r
Oil Creek
Maple Sihade Oil.
McCllIltork Oil...
Pennsylvania I'.t,
Perry Oil
Mineral Oil
Keystone Oil
VetiAlifioOll ,
t'nlon I'elroleuin.,
, li
. 1
u-, Aiirnntny anal..
in i nrun..
SSI PhilaAOII Creak. I
i .Hull Creek 4
4 ormPl.nwr....'i
a1; itock on ii
m ' . arr r arm. ,
Soli. OU tto 1 IV
I.' I
The following are the receinta of Coal OU ai
this port during the past week :
Crude, bbls loot)
Setincd, bbls JiXJtJ
The following are the Inspection of Flour and
Meal for the week ending October 27 :-
Half barrels stipertlne ....
Barrels superfine 11,241
" line 20
" middlings 17
' Rye Flour 120
" condemned 22
m.. luao
Tho New York Tribune this morning says : '
"M oney Is very easy to stock houses at 7 sjt cant.,
and in some cases 6 is taken. Several slocks arej
so Bcaree that they ran be loaned without interest.
In commercial paper no change in rate on de
mand. The payments on account of tha new
loan have no eilcct whatever upon the market,
and legal-tenders are everywhere reported abun
dant." ,
The New York 7Ym- of this moraine save :
"The followlngotllelal correspondence repeats andi
multes final th decision of the Treasury Depart
ment that tlie outstanding 7'.)u per cent, or 1061,
due 1st October, 18'.4, are not receivable tor cus
toms. Although certain Wall street parties have)
attempted to speculate upon the chances of turn
ing this paper Into gold through tha Castom
House, we have never, for a moment, entertained
tl e belief that it could, or would, or ought to b
done. Mr Secretary Chase removed all doubt on
the subject to the satisfaction of the holder of
the 7'li0s more than a year ago, since when about
nine-tenths of them have converted their notes
into the gold-bearing stock of lb81 :
Tin cio DarARTWkXT, Oct tt, 1SC4- Sir s It having
I'ren fpn'senlrtl to the Heerolary that then Is- an linpres -.ion
obiaiiilitK that .decision i. .bait ui oe promalsutee
by il l. te,artins nl. to the .fleet that the old .evetl-lnu-ty
note. wlU be received In poyuienc of dut'oe, bfl directs tne
to trai'.iiiit the e'leloiud copy ol' a letter addreeeed te
Kliloit K. Mhrpaid, and lo add mat that decision is Aaaj.
cry icspis -tiiilij. l.KO. IIAIIRINilTOS. Seo.
To.I'imn A. Htkwart, Assistant Tree. urer, Sew York.
'lltKASl-nr Dbcaiiimk. T, Hrptemhrr tit, 1H.4. Kltloit F.
Rhepard, Ksi , Sew York. Hir I am In receipt Mf vour
letter of Kepif-nibrr 'il, In whlcn you .uioteet,sn behalf of
yourself ai d cltonls, that ttie fiueslion wbe'fler Ule oxitee
of the JMsll, known as rteven-thlrtlee, are reoeiv
tthle II r ilutlrs In reli'rreil lor decision .iia.r to Jndsa
liellH.of ihe United Htale. District Court, or to the AttAtr-nay-tltnrral.
Iu tli. ill.charK. of my oitlolat diltiea I have
alriaily found It n.cossary to eism-ne and ansld.r fully
tl .o subli'Cl litre presented, and bave f.rined andrceat
nlly 11 ie ovUUon tliut ttiei. notes ar. not
rceelvatile. ,
'Ibe uurst'on being tbererore decided, In an far as !t
decision rust, with int. lioparlm.nt, I mult decl'ne KlViCa
Diy ass. ut to the proponed releronrn Resheclfnlly,
V)'. P. FKHSEMIiKN, Secretary oi the Treasury.
The condition of th banks of the three prin
cipal commercial cities of tho Union Is- exhibited
in the follow itigtahle, which shows the nggrrgate
of thoir lust weekly statement, compared w.tb.
the return of tho previous week :
Liiant. HwiA. Circular. Dtvsitu
X. V., Oct f..IS5.7lS7iM 31.1110 WO !WI 77J l.Wji,H4
Phlla.,Oel. 24.. 4J I s l', U.(iwl,..70 J,0 14 M O7.I0JSK1
lloston,Oit.ll.. lsl,ti.i(l,.isl 6,Ji;;,'sirl S,m,767 34,obO,7sJ
Totals 'M.' HUM '"i.lwl ,vn lil.liti.'.ooo 2IJ.,V!0,UIS
l ast week.... H,i0.W Jl'J4,Clll,H,67 MMlMt
Iim iih.o In I.. an. "I4. v,T
Increase In .pt'ele 147,;iu4
lircreas. Ill circulation. 410 ol7
Decit-AHlu l.flds.Soe
The exports of Petroleum from the United
States for ten months of the calendar years lMe2r
fili-04, less ouc week in October yet to be reported,
have been us follows ;
IRiH. , lfVi).
From tluihiitf. ealK"if.
Mrw York IM.VHI.MI0 ; 15.4-H.SVJ
ltoitoi l,-.'v:i,s.-i ijbu.ui
I'lilludellhla 6,ll0-i- ,C1I,1I7
llulllliiore S.J, ".'8 7U.C"J
I'ortland l:i.''7H 3KS4
Tola) exp"D United Butos,
eiaiue time 102
7,tio7,o.V) l.VM.IWi
JU,-J.,J,li(, 71J.I.JI't
, 7,eo,Srd
IIIII.AIt.l.IlllA TttAlltl KCPOKf.
FltniAV, October 98.- Bark Them is a Crm
fci'llmi la th. market, with tale, ai It KkU '-p loa Kir Ma.
1 Cjueretirou.
Cottou lit the absence of tratuactlous weiiuoteatlt'TA,
Pno Isloiis The for PnisUioos la Moderate,
w iih lA'ea of 170 bbla. Mcaa Poik at aiaobed sMet at
2k., aud I.ard at -'J'.c .
plour The receipt, of Flour are .xceedlnAtly MoT-it. but
there I. much nruine.. iu pricti.. sill "ul iiale d ilnir.
Tne ilemaiul for export Is iuuued to k bbla. exlraal
SIO.'Sl, and lVOO bbla. wwl estra fsui ly fid fan. y at
Sll 12 2-'. Ttie retailer, and liuker. are buying within
the raiiife of the above lh:ure.. Ttirre I. MJllo. dJItt la
Kie Mour or I'orn Ueai to na quotations.
W'h' iit T he absiiiieeot .upplie. to operate1 tn hit. earieetj
a Arm feelini,' In tue nmrkrl at tbo decline rec trdeda le
dais aiio. The demand I innderiite, wltti eale. of s)0
bushels sood renn.vlvaula and Wmlern red at (2 41 wl 61)
'4s l.u.l el biisliels MIclilKan Aiulior at i oil; and I'ilO
bushels BonthiTii at WAS- Wlul aells alosdy at ti-Od)
"70 R,e 1. ituirt at pretlous rates. The advance In Cora
has been well inalatained, and alius or yellow lo Ui. ex
it nt ot I'JUi Uiiauel. r poi led ut Sl'SS Wliite aeU. .lowly
al SI 70 V taiiial. Mu sales of euta liar, eume under our
notice. W. uunw t sso- Harluy la guuM, and entirely
lieu, iua'. A .... ol nut) bu.liol. Mall baa bouu ryarlo4l
"w bi'skF is but little Inquired After. We notice sales of
r.ansui alia libd. at H J., and Ohio al ll !.
ARRrrrj) mm MORsnio.
Ship Welt inorelaud. Decau, 41 . ' U raraool, Wil
;.'". u --.. tw"M,i, wtin
DjU.r aud ..'i uaMeliA,ei. '.s'i i-iwa. t Oea Jl 3
ttlKViVril il?..' WMs.Ji 1 ' . w title.. . B . '
Willi Itiklut A ss , ,
a, br In-ou.c Usui. . 1a tYm lSfUaa4,wu2J
Utlse to K. - '-1' 1 auny Hvarauian, Cr...e,78 days frook H.w UlM-
gow.S.. H., witk ca.tliiifi to caputia.
8chr B. P.ieraon, tii.uih, 4 days frtm Boston, la kr
Ast to captain.
scbr J.H.W'alnwri4jUt,Mulfor4,(i day (rasa BMufort,
Iu balla.t tu caplaiu.
Rcptrttifor Tht Jfrentna Ttlfraph.
Wist lsirn Bctir Anvu, wiiim-to "
7Mi bbla 41 Ut bbla pickled herrltui B A sjoudeir .
.... si,i . t- M.i..a iw.,.x-Ae "r?
t cusu bleachlua powders Powere rlt'J'iuil'kai da
a,,, a. IsaAe .lira i
Hru ; an crtue. - - ,r . n m liroj . I
li rieie. ; ev 'rTTu.reas WUIsa A aw
bai. malS I v iaTFU