THE DAILY EYF.K1KG TKLEGltArn raTLADELrniA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1801. BATVRPAY, OCTOBER 15, 18M. LUXAN'DER H. STEPHENS ON PEACE. The Doctrine of State Sovereignty. ITS M0PTIOH THE CNLY WAY TO PEASE. Jtope trom the Movement In llft North. THE ' GEORGIA RESOLUTIONS. A "Bay of Light from CLicaso." A JIJXTONIC ArOSTROPIJE. yVAfniiitiTow, Oct. 14. The followin lotur from the Kebel Viee rrrslrlent, Hon. ALtx. 11. STttFfiiiNK, trivia bis views Hi ou tbo pouco movement, was Written In ansv pr to ft letter ailtirfswecl to turn by erttral of Lin H'tlnw-rltizeua ol Uoria: ISAWrOHDHVlLLB, Oa., 22, lHI'sl flnilt'o- our Yon will iiimso oxen e m lor not ertswcrlnft your letter ot thw 14t ,nstsooni-r. 1 havo liem absent Beany a ffk on a visit to my lirutiinr mi Mparts, who hu leuu quite out ot liealtb lor emue turn. Your letter 1 fouiitl here on my return heme yost-sr-dev. I bo dolov ot my ro, ly Uiui eccaaloucxi I rcirn't. Without furtlicr eKtlanation rt npolcry allow mo Bow to ay to yon that no crron llvlnsr ran poiwiUiy leel a more ard' tit Viro (or an end to Im put to titu Btonaturat and nioietlraa war ojoo honorable ami hut term than I do. Hut I roolly do not M'O tint it It In my power or yours, or that of my notnbir of persons tn nir position, to iu.tantrut" any mnvtMiriit tiiat will even tcntl tn aid In briniir-jr about a rnstut ttai we aud so ninny n.orn desire. 1 bo rnormrent tr our 1 erislBOnre at It. lam snv Btan, at I lie tiijrcisilon ol Uio k-vccntlvc, on tills tnbteot, was nyamburity timjierly eonstittitetl lor dub a pnrpo'o. 1 bat movement, In try judgment, wns tinioly, Jmlt eiotis and In tltu rinlit uirietmn. Nor lias it b'jrti witlnut results. Tue oriraiilration of that party ut Uie Jorth to which you rmcr may ju.-tly txi e a mud M a i ait ot tbo fruits ol it, Incne, it it to be lmid will t followed by nl tiers ot a nioro marked char actrr, It 1 in both sections wiio sincerely desire (icaco apen turtici toruia will .five tlot movement thus in. anearated all the aid in tlielr power. Tne resolutions of the l.ooriria Lotrtstat'ire, at It' But session, noon the atil joat oi iwooo, In my jnAg Bent, embodied and tot lorth very cleat ly tltosa principles uj on which eoue lliera can bo permanent peace butweun Uiuuillcrei.t sections oi tliis extensive, noa nappy mod prospesons, but now ouutry. Eury and perfect sotutien to all present trontiles, mud tboao lar more rmrvous ones which loom in proapcot, find purfeiittonsty threaten in the coming fatore, ia nothing more than tho siruplo roconi tJon of tbo liiudumvtitai rinoiplo and truth npon Which ail Amoru AO couclitutiouai liberty i founded, Mid opon the nialntoiiance of whieb atone it can be weeerred that ia, rbe aovoreifrntr, the nitimat abolot Boveicimity ol ihe btatva. 1 hie doctrine tmr Leaielatnre announced to the peoplo at tbo WorU aud to tbo norid. Jt la tbe only key-note to ptaoc permaneut, liutlinx peace- oontuntent witb Uic vecority ol tl,e unklie libi'rly. Tbo old Contetleration waa lormcd npon tliia prin aiple. Tbo old I'uioii waa attorward t'oinicd upon tbia principle, ho Uauo can ever bo termed or Maintained between any State, North or South, eo urinf.pobhc Uboity, upon any other principle. no 'whole framework of American Institutions Wbicb in ao eliort a tune hud won tno admiration ot the wi rid, aud to winch we were indebted tor audi an oiiparalleied career ot prosperity aud bappiuoaa, waa iormed npon tbia principle All our pruwint tronblea rprunx ireru. a doparturo Irom ttiia prino rpla tnia a yioluiiou of tbia caxontial law of our political organization. In 17T6 our ancestors and theanccnton of thovi who are waglrur Una unholy crumdo aKOlint ua totretlier proclaimed tno rrrat and otornal truth tor tno main tenance of which tbey Jointly plodgcd their bye, tbeir lortunea and th ir "acred honor, that Uo Tornmrataarc Inxtitutedamonirit men, doilringtlieir Jut power from tbo eonaout ol the governed, aud that whenever aay toim of Royernmuut booomcs do atractive ol tliote enda for Inch it waa formed, It is tbe riyht of Uie pi opto to alter or aboilah it and in stitute a new Government, laying it touudatioua on web principles, and oryasiana; its powers in etioh a lorm as to tbera may sooui must likely to euoct tboir safety and bappiness. It is needle bore to stato that by "people," and governed, " in Uiis annunciatiou, is moaut cotntn anl Ues and bodies ot nion capable ot onraniun fand BBaintainintj a (iovernmeut, not individual maiubers t society. Tbo content of tbe govorned jofers to tbe will of tbe moss ot tbe community or titato in In evfantzed lorm. and rr u.....m" niriu aoaui mua properly ouusututed oriraus. It was upon this piiueiplt) the Colonials stood Juntiflod butom the world In euVotliig their separation Irom tbo mother aoantry. It as upon this principle that tbe oriai nai tbirtccn cotquai and oo-soverejtru Httoa formed Uie Federal compact of the old Union in 1787. It is pon tbe same principle that ho present coequal and eoorcriiin Stales ol our Contedonicy lormcd their new compact ot union. Tbo idea tbat tbe old Union or any Union between sovereign btate. consistently With this tuinlti mental truth, can bo maiuta nod by lorce u prepot terous. This war sprmua trout an uttcnipt to do Uiis preposterous tbinir. fcuponor powor may compel a Union ol sou e sort, but It would not lie tbe Union of the o'd I oi stituuon or of our new. It would be tbat ecrt el Ut Ion that results Irom derpotiflui. Tbo aabjuiration of tbe people ol the South by tbo 'COlooftbe Nor.h would necuisanly Involve Uio Vvtrui t;ou ot tbe t'ontitutiou, and Ihe overthrow of tlielr 111 ertks aa well aa our, ihe men or party at tbo Forth, to whom jou rotor, who lavor poaoe, Bust be brouyht to a lull realization of tliu truth in all Ha tearing, tietoro tboir tiTiiits will result in Bock practical ; oud Any peace growing out of a uion of tjtutei ostabL'slud by lorco will ho aa tvinons to them as to us, Tba action of tbo Chicago Convention, so tar as Ma platform ot principle goes, presents, as I have aud on another occasion, a ray ot Itgtit, which, un der frovidence, may prove tno dawn of the day to Ibis long and choeriets night, tbe first ray ot uvlit I bars seen lroiu the Noith sineo the war began. 'Ibis Cheers the bead, and towards tt I could almost ex Claim, liaii, holy liclit, unnpring ot Heaven, first bora of tlietteii l ceeternal beam. May 1 exproia tbe unblamed, diuce Cod ia light." Indeed, I could bar quite ao exclaimed, bnt for the Bad reflection that whether it shall bring hoaling j its Deauiptor be io-t in a tiark aid ominous eebpso on its good wo Jc be done, depends so much upon tba action of others who niuy not retrard it and view Has I do. bo at Lest it is but a ray, a small and ruautous ray, enouih only to gladden tbo heart ndantoken the boiie. Tbo prominent .and leading idea of that Conven tion aeems to bare boon a desire to reach a peaceful adjustment ot our present OifUcultKS and strifj throBgn tbe medium of a oor.yocation ot the btatas, Tbey propose to sunpend botiiiiiea( to see what can oe done, it anything, by BegotiotioBa ot some sort Tula ia one atop lu the right direction. To aucb a Convention ot the Mate 1 sboold have no objection, Bsapeiceioi eunh-renve and lutcrchauxo ol views between equal and sovereign Powers, jti't as the t onvention ol 17d7 was called and axsembled. Tbe properly constituted authorities at Wuiuinc ion and Bicbmond, tue duly autborirod representa tives of tbo two coniideraciec of (states now at war frith each other, Bight (ire their assent to such a proposition. Good might result brass it. It would lie aa appeal oa bcUa aide from ths sword to reasoa ad Justice. All wars which de not result in the extinction or extermination of one aide or the other bbsI be ended aooner or later by aomeaort of negotiation. irom tbe disouuioa or interchange of fle ws ia aucb a Convention, the bbttory as woli as tbe true stature of our institutiona and tbe relation of tbo aHtatea toward each other and towards tbe federal aaead, would doubtless be Baeh better andexstood, ffeae rally, than thry bow are; but I should lavor ewoh a proposition only as a peaoeiul eonleroaoe, aa Convention of 177 was I should be opposed leavhig the questions at issue to the absolate de etiion ox such a body. Regales might be clothetl with powers to ooo aaa agres, if they could, upon some plan of ai JJ"1. ke subnutted lor subsequent ratiUoaUoa Jawerstgn Butes whom it aiTuotod, before it ad. L ''UrTor Wnding, and then biudiug rB sb as should so retliy It. It become tbe fZ WklJr- ""- of the nghU as thMxiom!! "t'"J ua Jealous of their Tbe BMUntensaaTi .Tr cooatriee, whroi? wi-1"11 ' Um" lDi sjsured not only "maUii, xlMed, has re st ba oftea required U,, grivlf" lJovurr, but terlBge Bad aaerttoas thaTp"'"" "d evbjeeted to. Through such au ortL . ,v" passing. ThfOBgh0kkeandeve.a,w7o aowtori passed la their struggle aw the pnlr' vbica tt has derotvea npoa tu thufo dvhwiiiI JBAialeJaV ' - Hut treat as our ftittortnrs and aaerlfloos havn hern ard sre, towhirb yno allude, tliey are as yet far rl.ort ot the like pefTorlnrs and sacrifices which oar fattier bore with ratlence, courage and fortltod la the eritls thst trird men's soals, la their day. These are the vtititcs that snrt ilr.ed tbem in tbeir hour of ned. Their Hlnrtrious and glorious example btde aa ret to mwirr entimato the priceless tnhertutnee they arlnrvrd tor us at such a cost of treasure and blood. tireat as sre ttiertidswe are struraUng against. they nm not greater thnn thoe agnlnst wtueh they fiircrptiill) ftrug; led. In point ol reverses our eon- ditionts net to I e n. n arc! wtlb theirs. Hlioulu Molrlr, Ksmii ljfiti, thar'i p'on, Autru-U, Macon, Vonlyon'riv, SLd evi ll 1 elerchurg and Ktehmond fiiil, em ct uiiition wi.ukl not then be woroorl" b"1 elul tlniu theirs una in the liarkert hour that "teii on tin ii lert tines. WilL w.fdom cn tbe pnit of tlii'H who control onr dcftir.y In the et ami in the llo d, In hmhaiid- In ai d t 'eperlv vi:el'lmp our rinources ai thi ir ceinu'and, und tn rectiTti fr the ltnurt find affVctlnna of tl.c nt i ple in the ( cati-i! of ri (tit and llteily tor nliicli no me struch'lii.g, wo could suillir all tlirse lo!t nmi ea ninMin, nu J greater cen, artl still liivmnb in ti' end. At recent liOiuvet, I do not pee, ns I stoti'd in t'te tmlM't, thut ou or I, or aii nainbor ol penwins in our i tuition, Chii do st ytl i.i" toartis iuiitt,riiritiiiif snt in w nieteuitit leotlng to a pearj, till solution ol the prert nl utrile. lie war on our part in fairly a net i iitirrlv firtensivc in lib oha aub-r. Lfiw loni; it ill continue to le hu' wxkedly and meroilesely visaed aiolust us dctiiidii upon the peoplo ol the Nt rth. (-orirtB, rur n"li Mute, to whom we owe til le gal, ee, 1...S yitn rut unanimity pree' I ttie , i j i . . t'in t.i.iih a ji:i-t lilitt perinfiiieiit Kie oei.lit to t e cousin ai tl eh'n neit. I he t:oiiie.s ot tin I nn.eiiciule rlnti'i has lello veil with an tulnr' iih nt ol there pt'nriplis All ion and 1, and otnon in ft r politic n,, can do on tint lino at ttMi t ll. e, m to me-la 1 1. ( I e movement allemly lluitnriir t d. ai d to the uliuoMl ol our shiillv, to liuhl uti (lit o i t Ciptes a the purist hope ol tester nj .mintii.i4i u tin pul'hc ii'iiid oi H o North, as the bnucn ser p i t v,ii 1 "lil uji tor the heuliiiK ot israi I in tbo Wllilet ill mi. llieeliltl aid rml ei retiragement we csn v:re the 1 see I'Sttv si 1lie r.i rill, tn to keep heioro t i -m tt eei pri ill iuiiwilliel tel plilicijilen anil till' V llie.i aioee vlll Ii ad titetii nml rn to ei inanent aud l.inliiiir euee, Willi poMMiienell anil elijn, lilent III eotiStlill T ill el hi erti . With tlie-c prmc'pleii oiico reoo Iili d, tt.e tuture iou d take euro ! ifuell. slid ttiere n i ulii be tio nioio v,ar so long tut they should be adt'i'teil to. All fiieMto!in of boundaries, eonfeiteraeles and emeu or uu oiis wou.d naturally sod easily niljit't thelnfeU i s, in eoidiDif to the iutintrt oi pathos anil t)c xii eneu s ol the tunes. Herein liet llioti-ito Ii w oi ll. n t:il;ii:ce ol power nuil the lmimony ot Mutes. Yours respeettuMy, Al.KXAMltll II. STErlll NH. LETTER Fr.CM GEK. OUTUR. He Talks to ronimissiontr Ouitl. (H it (ll.Olt HIS I'lf IMtlNl ltM WO UK 11 V TDK iti;ui:i,n. T T Eutler Tuts an Equal Numbor of Rebels to Work. I A Vii fit ATMS A HV-tTlil KliTAI-IATf ON. Ilia Detcrminution to Carry it Out. nrAU-QrAi;THne Arvv or ths Jasci, Oct. 12, via N AHitiMiTON, Oct. 14. ibis moruiii ; a tl 14 ot truce wan sent out irom b'ort liuiTisuu, umlorcliartro ol Licutensut-Cohm.l Kinhkl. its otijoot wan to convey to tho commaiider .ot the Itcbel forces on the ninth side of the ,Itnn"S ltivcr several wriiten communicntioiiS tretn (ieneral l'.rjTLKR. (ient'ial Ilutlrr PropyiHe to Kich.ino All naval prisonets acooiding to equivalouts of atti rullated rank ict lorth in tho cartel, tho oxcottd to bo Bade up tuiolhccis and men ou eithcri port Irouiitho army, ibis proposition is made because ot a pre vious stall meni made by 1 oinnrisnioner Otti.D that be would excliango ail naval pi'tsouers without dis tinction. Tbe following communications explain themselves: llkAii-qOABTUia Department or Vihoixta and NORTU I Altl'LIKA, AUMV OK TUB J A It K8, IB TUB ii:ld, Oct. 12, lbVM. Sir: 1 iuclono copy of an ad vertisement cut Irom a Itictimond papor, whoro tho military ollicer onmniauding tho camp near IUcli motd calls npon their m outers to oome forward aud make claim to the services aud labor ol certain colored men therein described. bomo ol these, are believed to be soldiers of the United htalo? army, captured uvaxuia. II I am mis taken in the belief 1 desire to bo properly corrected. 1 have ordered to such mauual lubor as 1 doom most lilting to meet tbo exigency an equal nti ntxir at prisoners 01 war bold by us, and 1 shall continuo to order to labor captives in war to tin cquul nuiubor of all tho soldiers ot tho U111 tod States, who I have nnon to Iclicvo are held to :abur aud service by the torus you represent, until I am notilied that tills practice on your part 1ms eoased. liurhasl icnm " si- -r i-n'u upon mo du this, yet 1 am coinpniied bv the strictest con victions of duty thus to Innumatoa system of re taliation which will be ill inly curried out. I have tbe boiior to Le, von lospocuuily, llKNJ. F. TiUTI.KU, Mujiir-tjeuernl t'otiiinanillu. To Hon. ltrur.rtT OL'LP.L'ouimissionor ol Kxohango. Itictimond, Va. llFAH-yUAIlTEItS DxPARTMCirr OF Vl.lOtNtA AMI NOHTH t AKOLl.NA, IN Till KlKLD, Oct. 12, 1SG1. Kir: 1 iuclono herewith an aCidavit, showiur Uio employment ot one hundred and ton United Slates colored soldiers by tho artillery officers ol tbe I oa- iotleiato torcos iu the trenches near Fort tlilinor, a practice Jtisnie d by uo rulo oi war, or claim hereto- lore niado by tbe t outedei ate autlioritioa. 1 have ordered a liko Lumber ol otlicera aud sol tlitis cuptuied by us prclorably us niany ol tho Vir ginia rem'ive lord's by whom tlus outrage tl bein done as I liavo capture.: into ibo canal at Dutch Cap, aud put them at hard labor, aud sttall continuo to add to their number until tho practice is stopped I have tbe honor to Le, very respeottuily, liXNJAMIH F. HOTLEB, Major-tjeneral tommuuding. To Hon. Ki Bi HT oulv, Comiuiiwiouor ol lix change, ltichuiond. Va. Accompauyiiiir the last communication are four ulti'av.t- umiio by deserters, estub.nlilu t the t.ict litai the itehcis aro doing lust wliut lioneriu It. TLtcu alleges, nauiely, putting the colored soldtorsoapturod irom us tu woia upou inoir loriilicauuus. Addiesti ol Uio Union State CeuUul Com. mitincs Kooms or 1 Hum Statk KimiAi. f obmittrk, No. 1116 t htflsuT STitnur, tkst. 14. Ibtil lliu ro. ttitiis ot the late e-iM'tiou, now in the poitsesHlun ot 11 is i. otnuiniee, eiiunie ir to aniiouuco thul i'euuitvl vuuia I Cecn.ia utiamst alt annistioes and attempt at piace until Kt-Leiuuii is t.roken autt treason ois ain.etl. lino to its at b.aiori , Ihe Keystone S:alo srruis neisiii oy uie snteot iifno and Indiana, and I ro la. nn. in the uoth'. I. in an Ailiulnw- liuliou true lo lite tinlnn ol tl.o r tales, anil her in. t. ntiun to mils n that AUiiunist ration in power iifii,' ii.t- t1 iiiuii in itrsiuieu. li e I nion party hate carried the Htatfl, valued ILitif let mbein ot foiifross, uud elected a majority ol both Houses of tho ij-mslaluro on Uie borne vote. in (I ii o cull. lets' votn, as laras received, iudiuateH ttie tain ot two mure iiu-uilirii 01 Conruss and a clear ' i. ion majority ol tiitiniu thousand vote. This is a mist grainy. LK te-ult, aud should fill the heart of evi ry i.nul uiku Joy. i s iiupurtauee cannot ba o t iivliteuii d, in view ol the lact that some sevei.tetn Uiousuiid sokliois who came home last eur and vnled tor Coventor C'uuTix are now aisiut wiin ine army and are yet lo I e biard from. BeMilee, it is computed tttat uudor uie lu-i eaji ot uie jTesiuent, and wiilun Uie past Uw nienllji, luenti-tlneo t!iOtiaud of our have gone lortliiofbe lield. 'I'uese men are siat- It-reu over the who'e couutry. and owini; to lIia an. live opi ratioLs now in progress It has been impossi ble It r Uie Comuus-iouers appointed for that pur- w w vouuu sui uuir votes. i uousaims aud uiousanas ot ofs nave thus been lost to the Culon party, wbicb party can only be de pended on to teed Uie army with fighting material. Under these oircumsiauoes the Committee regard tbe victory achieved as a grand triumph, and congratulate tbe country upon il. Ihe re-elootion ol Air. LiBOOLB Is certain. In Novotnber the Muste will give a rreatiy iuoruased maiontr. Tueie will oe but two tickets, and party linos will be more distinctly drawn. No looai Jealousies or diflereuoes will divide our menus, and, united on Uie great issue. I'eunsvl vama will poll a vote lor LlKUOLk aud Jounhon whicb will prove that she Is second to none ot her sister stales in devotion to the Federal Ooverniueut. Hi MOB CAMKHON, Chairman Union State Control CouuniUee. turner svl Kliermaa sust the Ilesfl River I.OHMlUlom. General fshennan, in his oflichtl report, foes out OS his way to speak of the Eed river expedition, tint: "Tbcsc figure were approximated, tiut aever reached ; the Army of tbe Tonnoacee fuUitig to receive certain divuioa tltat were still kept oa the MiasikSinDi river, resulting from tba unfavor. able lawieot Uie iced aver expeditiou." W bile the General was oa the sauject, perhaps it would have been wall fur him lo tHave gone a little further, aud stated who Initiated the Ked rtvtr expoditien, and what, it aay thine, he had to de) with it. There is an uusrriltea history connected witb that expedition wUtch u) a,aiui intorastlng. I .The manntv of aAvMWiuin rv.r o ! Java is by placing aa empty flower-pot oa the ru . 'TO,.cuissmucnas to say, "A youn Mj u in the bow, uvimivnaid." rouitrii EDITION INTERESTING FROM WASHINGTON. LATEST ARMY NEWS WOSEEY'SLAGT RAID. Particulars of the Funera l of thoInte Chief Jattico Taney. otpfrlnl to Ihe I trilu Vasiiivptom, 0tt"1ier IV iTIic .S.iy buvn: The tJitiil Hi urtiir Wtbitrr, Vfom, flfy l'onit, lirli .-s Up n i.puiIm r of nflkev trturnini? lo tin ir homes on leave ot tiljirnro. fSUn reporta notlntiK new fr?m the rront, nnd iuring tbe she 1 ti l at City 1'i lnt, whicb was from 4 o'clock Thurmltty cvenmp until Friday B.ornitig ut 10 o'clock, not a (no was list. t. I'artiri I'rttn Tlantgomcry conti'y, Mtl., ri'pirt ftut bt;dy of fOnlllaiavalry.CHtimattd at from oi.e htin tired d id fifty to two hundred, crooned the l'otoinuc at White's ferry, six miles nbno i:d ViurOi,' ferry, yeslinlay aficrnoon. The Run rillas are wppo U to be eonimiitnlcd by (,'oltinel 'While in person, ns he known tf,c ('round hot' t u lib ly. At ImvIvc o'l'lofk lat niglit a report w ut t--ft Iveil et Heckvil'c thnt the guerillas had entered 1'oolesiillc, lautavkcJ the eUires, and then llretl the town. Tl.c iliKtatuo froia Wbito'l I'orry to ruoh'svilie l tleicn mile", nnd thence to Jt ick vule is eighteen miles. A (Vw cays bko a party of Tletiel cavalry np pcttred on Die sonth side of the I'otooinc in the Lriplibtirlrod of Muddy Ttriinelt, but that point bting gnurdtd Vy a larye force of our cavalry, thry dltl nrt a'tempt a crtusitig. At 2 o'clock thin rr.omtng nrciwtrear.hcil here from eur advanced poa on tho Kockvillc rua l that, Ift't cvciiitig, two thon-und luniiiiteil ltebuls orofsed the river nt the rmmtli of tho MonoCney, and were moiinir in the direction of Roekvllle. The military iiutliorition hero, however, holievc that the mtnibt r of llehels is greatly overrated, and that It in tiothip' more thnn a horse-tdoaliug mill. The Rebel rnitl han oertislonetl coiisiderahlo alarm in M(int'oni( ry county, and thin morning the termors in the Mcinity of Kociville were en gBucd in juaning their stock otr towardu Wash ington. Umeral Hurtlen, in coiuninntl on the Koek. villc rood, hits sent a force in pnrsnit of tho ruid irs, and it is believid they will not get olfwi.h impunity, or much plunder, this titno. This mori ingut httlf-past 7 o'clotk the remains ol" Chief Justice Tune left for Frederick in spcc;nl train consisting of two cars. The rntlro nrrnrtremeuts were under Uio direc tion of Marshal Lamon Mr. Jenkint, of Balti more, being the iimlerMkcr. Shortly after six o'clock, tho friends of the deceased coiumenctd to assemble at, the Into residence of tho Chief Justice, on Indiana aveDttc, among whom wero I'resiiliut Lincoln, Secretary Seward, AtUiruey Oinernl Tlutcs, and Po8tniat.'r-Oeaeral Denni son. After the family and friends had taken a last look ut the features of tho deceased, tho lid of tho foltin w at closed, and tho corpse was borne to tbe hettrte by six colored servants. At a few minutes to aeven o'clock the proces sion moved oil it' the following order: Four detailed pollesmrn. Carrlure contslnuiK hev. rat'.r tv.itter.of Nt. Patrick's Clilirelt. Slid llr. I lr:it'ten Tyle., of lieorntowtl, nno tr-cmiMiletan wboaltrmtil Lhnilcreassii, psll-besrt r lu CarrlHKos. vis. Messis. J, At. Corllsls, W. J. Btone, Jr., I. W. lldleton, Clerk of the Huproine Cowl; W. II. I.smon, Mrthul of the District rf Colum bia, Conrav Robirs-n. alii Mr, Tjler, ot Frederick, rtesrse, coiilsininK thu orpr, on either side oi which v, stked two p illoeraen. Carrlattes contslniLR J-Msmju Camtibult and son.Josvuh 1 oney. nept.ew of (tucesiicil, asa, w Ucllevu, lt,a oull mole ii. olive or thd name UvIiik. sad AluFsrs. Uonrd ond l'errtus, rela tives of the decnasetl. Csrrlngs rtilitainlns President Lincoln. Currlni e cuinsn.lnif Uie strive' ary of Htote, Postmaster. (n ncrxl, and Atloruev-tluneral. CarrfSKCScontalninsetlierfrisntlsol itisdnei SiDd followed by sli er carrlugus coulainlng tits servants. mass will be celebrated, after which the In dy will be Intoned in the cemetery at that piece. Tn ao. r.Ume wini tho wlKties of the family, there will lie an little (Implay us possible, and probably there niil he no sermon pre.tcbed. All those who ui'iompiiiiied the remains, with the exception of the I'miuent, hecro'ury Howard, and rcstinuter Ocietai lietini-on, who are unable to leave the city on account of the press of busi ness, took their seats in the cars, which shortly alti r left for Frederick. lhetrHlnv. il! arrive ut Frederick at half-past 11 o'clock, uftcr taking on ut the Relay House a mini tier of the friends of the deceased from It ii timore, and the remains will be immediately taken to tbo Cathoiiu church. THE RESULT IN INDIANA. Despatch from Gov. Morton. EIQIIT UNION CONGRESSMEN ELECTED. " Old Nol's" Majority Twenty- Four Thousand. VOTE IN PENNSYLVANIA VERY CLOSE. Special lo The Evxniuir Teis;rBih. HAkkiMiiHo, Octotwr lj. Governor Mortou has just telegraphed to Governor Curtin as follows : 'Ikdianai'OLis, October 15. To His Excel Unry A. G. Curiln, Governor of Petinsylvauia : W o have elected eight Union members of Con grcs, being a gain of fonr. The lower house of the Legislature is decidedly T'nlon. Tbe Benntc is u tie, aud probably Demo cratic by one lo two members. My majority ia not lets than twenty thousand, and tho prospe'-t Is tbat It will lc a lew thousand more. (Signed) Onvtat P. Mouton, Governor of Indiana. I'enn.yhania is very close, not live hundred majority cither way on the homo vote. Jl HIIOKMAHKH ste CO., OHILDmrS OLOTHIKG EMPORIUM, Ko. 4 N. EIGHTH STREET, f lllLAPKaf HIA. A i,t'',Wy V;vij,,r.;-Vrw Ws resaectnilly bivlts sjisclal sttaUil to ear Usat assoitasoat of CHILDREN'S CLOTHINCr. Cooif rlattuj BOT , OIRL , IBFAattt', aas UliBUf CkMhhuj la evsry Toristy, In the lasnt strtM, oa ef sape rtat wsUoiaasaip. pselal astssstlea said le IfUSEsV DaUlMiaU Vd. Ths pubMc org lavttsd Is call sad sxauuhe. M. BIfoOEMAKEU cSi CO., st-vm)? v. t a, juowm t5t. eta t . . " , . ar -r- x THE KEW GOVERNMENT LOAN. Tho Wliolo Amount Awardod. V.' siiim. ii s October IS. Secretary reason di n to day awurditl the new loan, aeccp'ing all bids i f and BiKive thirty-one one-bundie I'.hs I rt uil ,im ; or uliout sixty r rent, of the atnotint 'Id at th. t liRtiro, na will malie the forty millions r.sited for by the 'tovernment. I'rrwonnl. Vasii ivotoN, (icbihur lo. M.ijor-ficncral lii dee, from Atlanta, Mtijtir-Oonoral Doyle, of Ilu'lfnx, N. S., nnd lion Pinieon Draper, of New York, arrived nt Willard'i thin morning. OeticrM Hanks will rc'nrn lo New Orleans after g two or three times in the canas. ttilef JnHrehlr. 'ihe Chief .Instii-cship lies between Messrs. Chate mill Stanton. t.orxl New n H ecll. Gcod news fiom theaimymaybe coon ex pected. i nyi Ai.iror.4iiA. San FiiANi isco, tirtnbcr 14. Two heavy shocks f an ennlniuako were felt in the lower pnrt of this ritntc lust night, ami another to-day, I nt no diin.itite was done. Advices fnitn China tn August 20 confirm tho news of the capture of Nankin by the 1 in )c rialMs. Jtipanesc advices of Septrniber .T say tint a naval tit edition had sailed to chastise Trlnco l.cchotiin, who still closes tho inland sea and Inteirupts the commerce of Nngisaki. Tho expedition will consist of nine, fiur Dutch, three French, and one vessel. This movement will not lend to war, but Is simply to punish an Independent prince. ' The steamer Uroilirr Jnnatiun brought from tbe On gnn, Idaho, and llritish Columbia mines' to-dtty alitiut 9i(K),UtX) in gold. Tlio yiehl of the northern mluts is steadily increasing. A TRAr.nv. Hostiiv, October I i. George S. Frcomantlc, a man twentj -seven years of age, shot bis wile, and then himself lust night, at a liuariline-hiiisq iu Medford. The act was caused by jealonsy. Doth ore alive to day, but arc expected to die. M HFTAJi V NTANTfl 4JE T4 THE Wahiiikoton, October 15. Tho Socretnry of War has gone to City Point, accompanied by tho (Juurterninstei-General, Comrnlssary-fienoral, nnd tiiirccon-Gcnenil, to confor with General Grant upon tbe war estimates for tho ensuing year. It is believed that, by the transfer of the tint of war to the cotton Suites a considcruMe reduction of expenditures may be made, espe cially in the foriigo and snbistcnce departments. Slilpment of Speele. N'kw Yokk, Octolier 15. Tho Etna and .Nro nm sailed for F.tiropo to-day with 122,0()0 in specie. ovu M;t r ninr .n srici:. A very grave responsibility has devolved npon President Lincoln, through tho vacation by death, for the second time during the present century, of the oftlce of Chief Justlco of the Supremo Court of the United States. That this responsibility will be nobly met must bo the prayer of every lover of his country. Old John Adams, on the very eve of his retire ment from office, designated John Marshall, of Virginia, lor this important post ono of the many wise and patriotic acts for which adequate credit has never been given to Washington's im mediate successor. The civilized world has learned to honor Marshall as one of the ablest and soundest of those great, pare jurists who are fiom time to time vouchsafed to bless mankind. After George Washington, we doubt that any man has dune so much to deserve tbo gratitude nnd re vi rt nee of tbe American people as did John Marsh.'ill. General Jackson wis required to designate Marshall's successor, and his choice leil on luigi r il. Taney not so great, not so j a man as Mar-nan, but still an able, leirned upright judge, whose ore signal aberration from the line of duty his surviving countrymen will now hnsien to forget. Sa.o iu that instance, wo doubt not that ho endeavored to tread rigidly In the lou'stcps of his Illustrious predecessor. President Lincoln Is very likely to be person ally estimated by the next generation according to bis choice of a Chief Justice. If ho gives us a great, pure, true, illustrious jurist one who com- firehends the relations of law to liberty, reverenci ng them both he will be signally exalted thereby in the judgment of the next age ;"whtle, shonld be appoint some ono who seeks tho post, but is not required by It should be employ his great oppor tunity to tho paltry end of securing a friend, salistying a grumbler, or raying a political or personal debt be will suddcu millions and in delibly tiirnisb his fuiiio. Notoriously, the bunch of tho Supreme Court is not so sliong as it was forty years ago; em phatically, it needs to be reinforced and elevated in the got d opinion of the nation. We trust tbe President w ill take ample time, avoid all com mit i a is, rejiei (.ycophants, resist importunities, resolved that bis choice of Chief Justice shall be the crow ning era '6 of a career of exalted and beneficent public service. No man can possibly have any claim to so lofty a trust that is not wholly loundid in pre-eminent ability, integrity, and worth. .V. V. Tribune. AMUSEMENTS. MEKICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Theaf imagers of the KEW VOItK JEWEI.EItS' ASstO I'iAT ION r-M cltiilly snnnunec that tue HUST M rO.NcJS.KT T I lt I' OKA SI) t'Otsr-KIIT HHHT tillAMU OONCKMT of Hie Series tn be given, will take place OS HAIt'llllAY KET. ON SUTI KDAV HEXT. UN NATI KHAV HE.Vr, October 1''. for wl'lchiiisr have secured Ihe vsluabls sen lees of the win lil-miow lieu Pianist, L AI. llOl llst IIAI K, , Sirs. lIKstlUETTA BEUHKKS, Slid fevers! riiOMlNKST ARTISTS, wtese name wth l,t auuounced to-luurruw. Tot,stt.r niit. a ORAM) ORl'lliSgTBA, iniiler ihe .Urectti.n m AOULI'll IllBtif'r-ft), Muskial Diiactor. Tll'K I-: I ONE IlliLI.AK EACH. TU M I ONK 1KIIXAK EACH, fen he In. i si lie OUhs 01 CIJhfM"! HI 10 la-Hi TVIHS. JOHN DUKW'S EW AUC1I ST. IM tlll.Mlil.. KSTVA1.1 1 BEL IlEUONIOt SKCOVli IVFEK OF VKRI'V ALL TO-N Hill I, AM KVKI1V KIGUT, I'LL HtMoMU. Willi new Si ener.r, Kew UreiiSSS, . , Kew Moctiincrv, Ac. AKilELO Vltsl'VAU. la wnlch he will sinK "VOL'ABKTIIK. HTAh," aud "llllAVE MARCO." Itux oftu open from lu to 3. Y1..11VAU, Itrb UEMQ.N10, EVEltV KIOUT. rVEW CHF.SNTJT STREKT THEATRE. 11 LE'tSAI'.O (ihOVkUt A Vt IU.IAM E. BtSN, Les sees ao4 MoiiAxers. Suits (KatunlsT VVFSrNd, Octnosr V.. 1S4I, : lUb V Amis at Cumkkv atium IN TWO QL0KIOU8 fllX'Kl. Tlis psrfnnnance Bill osutusocs Willi the fsvorlts Cuisoy, in three sets, Tttkl BABE IB" THE WOOD. twrialsh Beetle Mr. William Warrea I sily Blam ho Kunliton Miss Julie OrtuK Frauk RB.hloo kfr. OUsries Harroa Mrs. Ktwtis T. Knuly Meatoysr In eoliiltille witti the itistudng atternlecs, 10 fAKLSTH A..M1 OUARLilAMSt. JStHtiULY BUILDINGS. TOMGIIT. alISS MAJOR FAl'LISP. CUilUfAjr, ths Herolo anl BssiiUiul tilrlTiie Isnnats liunui ty sin Beout, wlns 'Ihrilbus Adventures are so knusru, will "i'lieor In Bl.UOR'H IKIFOItir. And relate her experiwcewhua in "f)," hercutare, aotlleuce, had recupturc, and oiiie(ntmsutos ( AI'l AIN Or i.A Al.BY. lu'ifk Mill. lot Tilt WOMiKltKUL I KKEOlTIOOSf . Twketi v;. cnts. Baerved seals Ml reuts. Couluieuca St o'clock. 6es drMuiliri' prosruinmes. tO-to-Sl HIGHEST PREMIUM B K W I N O M AO HINB8, . ' No. 739 CtfflSBNUT Btet. HELMDOLD'S REMEDIES. rLTJID EXTEAOT BUOHU For yon.Iletitloa or Inesnthsenee of Crlne, Irrrtatten, U'lstnmstk n or OsreratleBof tke Blo4r or Kltasyi, Pitftrff Iks fntlrau , () tkt AtsiMer, ru.'iufin, Oratl.r BrM-Htnl )erssvfc and an Diseases or as 13 .)li r.Kuln.yi, ao iiropsicolSwelluis. lll-;i,MHOL.DH FLUID KXTBACT DUCUC rr.rWrsfSkes arising flora F. ism sirs ln4!crUen. The cr.nstltntlon onoo sfTectsd wiik Or-janie WtatntH mqulrse the alii of nitdidns Is tlrtttfl n aail inviftirmH thi sfdrm, uhlth IluiktUtil.D'll EXTBACT DUCItU Invorlahly ilcs. If no trsotmsut Is submtltsd to, OcwstnaptleQ or Inssnlty rcny snsue. liELMUOLD'S FLUID EXTBACT OF BUCHU, In sflectlcai peeullor to "Fsmai as," is nusiiasled by say other prr-nanrtten, as la Chlorosis, er Retwillea, lrrsg u- lorities ; rolonauisss, er flupprssston of Castsmory Evoo astlens; (Tlcersud, er fehirron Rtote ef tlio TJisras; LeachorrhO'a, and atl eomplnlnut hiclileBt to the sex, whether artslrr from liahlts of dissipation, bspraitcnetra, or In the decline or ebange of llts. UEL.M130L.Da FLUID EXTRACT OUCHV oao UITItOVKO KOBE WAfta Wlil radically eitemilaata Irom the ijstau Dlssasssef ths I'rlroi y Orgoes Sri ring from Uoblts of Dlsslpouoa, 1 It lie tjfttut, Wilt r i.e (Aais in dltl, noiacsnvraMmes or r.rf,ur,' eenipleuiy lapsrssdlnft those unjsfsasaal i tlnielff ci.r rtmtdie, Oopuira and Venury, In atl these dliesKss. FLUID EXTHACT BUCI1U In all UlseaMs ef Uie Urinary Organs, wkstuer sxlittng la "Jfufc' er "FmaU," Jrtn uhaler rati is eHy-weliir, en J ,olf r ha long Henimg. It Is Bleasaat la Uste aod eilor. "Immediate" in ecMon, and ssvte streugllienuig tkaa any ol ths preparations ot Barter Jren. Those eaneiiiut from breien Dom orCduete Cenirtre- lien$, ft omre Ms Retixedy mtttei lbs resder must be aware tbat, however slbjtit laoy ke the attack of lbs above diseases. It Is certain to offset Me bflily UteUh, MiHlal fuert,Jlafiineu,inni hit rot Uiity. rBTSIClAXB, PLEASE BOTICE. WE MAKE NO SECRET OF INGREDIENTS. UKUIBOLD'g FLUID EXTRACT BQCUV Is oompssed of Buchu, Cubtti, end unljitr Berriee, as Iseted with treat care and prepared In vacua ky n. T. IUsLMBOLD, Drag1st and ehamlst of slxteea years' ex. perlauoe In (ths city e rkUadslphla, aad aow sreserafel by ths BMtsBtlnent of Us focally.aad Bora bsea a4 aitttsd to ass to the United sutsi Army, anl are also la Tarriwaralasela Bute Hospitals aad paells I tatury lastkattaas ttueof beat tks land. Prtos 1 ear tssuie, er six ax S. Drrersd lesiy addresi, oocosapoulsa bysx Btleil dhasttoati. Urset letters te BEXUBOtDw Drsj and Ohsmlcal Wataboate, Xe. Broadwoy, Hew Terk. Or HKUtBOLO'S kfadlcal Depot, o. 104 i.Tth stmt, Ptdlodolpaia. Bawars ef conntarfsiu. Ask fx IXELMBOLD'B. and take as other. . . . fbslciaB la ansaoaaoe fraaa T t etock A. If . le I P. it ot DmfHiti sTtrywaws, Mt-rolkr IQ jrtH. 3i. ii. imtiwN'H geeat niTArny&iCAL iieoovray Kilt DKAI NKSS, KQ1SF.B L? THE 1IKVD, DISCIIARGEfJ FROM THE BAR. fr?f.'. CATARRH, C'.'t NEURALGIA, sa-isitt' mm nilEVMATISM, ASIIIMA, : i- - UROXCHIAL AFrKCTlONS, THROAT DIFnCtM.TIES, I'irvuiMt i:v , t-f nurt lvwpflr.. Kniapmrnciit of It Ltv-', lifun. of the Kilny, 0-'nt. ftt oi., irriivcl, I'Hfin, lnnnlf jr. Mn, Prlt i, Hntbt.f Blood to Uio ii&, CONHUM l,rTIiVt With a)) and cvrry fltwi whlfh Inffnt It.c hmunn bn)y ttirvtl raTfCluali by MItH. JM. V. lUtOWN'H MBTAPHYBIOAL DISC07EEY. K. 1Q IIOH H-.r-t, rw , rf , and nt 0. 10 l'fcMlU.hTON i'. iJi. HustoD. fo urhg wltti tnptri.mtntt. j I lt-w ti.y In li.i art. IS a) iiufl, n' up .fi n.-itrtl" r It t-Atl'icliif wirrs. ho ('in, ri ins die r' down the ilirnat, 'Ihr MlI sApiriMAL IUHPo.'MtV nn "h frfrt 'ix-'. ifiat tlrniv'si hiii! iitBtrutneulii Will rttich. mij ilion IIU.rTt ll Uii'fH In4 BltlfH. Truth In ni''My and intifit pntvtii; dtrrnf ImrTf1 nttt'd wtlhtli iU-0'Uaeinti) ly urnji auour r iMtr siuk ttilo ith U ion. In all th' imlvifo crt In nohinr j ro-npttlr swat rviMl np in fi rrr hm t b Tmm, furosa"( mid itkm.vm con rs trj piiii ttie ytijriiial nnd uiciital cunntuuuoaortao 1 hlR a(, j(rt . f thin la thr? rftntlt of pprnoritnc anrl l.t iniiH . en firirt of tho'O wtto pr f iito KatnlitlniMr ti ett nli him life lo t!i '-:)i!f. wti in n itto , tii nm wrlty imT 0v tf' ci OnTD ihv. ny aUih Uf',.-ihejp. All rhvan-N M nJ tTilrcii'iirf In iim hii: sic, aui can nir l undor t' il ft art rrvm 'he -f-iiif. 1 h-r' nr men wlm m-he a tn.n'iirnnf trfMinff PR't Fir fihr am i h "V 'tislruuieiitl, too Oitrhtuoug lo Uilnlv ol, wtih Hhli fi to Av-fiH'nt on n Kr i.ilv vlc tlrati. who in' nt'fti.iih, ncilhtT p)iitl:lly nr mtuUlly, to t'iiiKr0 "in'h dnith iViiMf r i i'crtment.. Ilr tin rrvnu il 'hr T.utii.iu If Uy !wtt trii)ii of It M ft irmhty wtio4, ontl h htHii niiiii be a knave or f.xl wln wnild siMf mpt tti tlllrt ilir Atciu Into rMonn, nrvd front any dticAwo aiu'cMUmI1)'. bidi pbiHtt-at f ih pru or Bitihty witolt to m hl h ili y tt?loiiK. All micH prut-tl:lon-crntrfsit vrt ti, tint Kn w n -lYAiiitnf ihn cai hu wiiat rr. Tbu the wi nl is nothing l n than a nut hoil, 'fht Mni'Pik' coitthtloii (,f 'lit! pi-Hp e iitiynicrtlly ( c)bIj Uiu 0':nv, whfi firoold v, th dis tti4 bcrnrefh y tt'n t" lud into Ifttt.tnKtMhrr tp rkneo n having n tn'it asVi'd of drar trU'itCh, wtiij hetva pi'd lntu mrtiinri hv bi Inix'i pe ( d on. 'I l.fM' c vi-uniNTniiofB, with many ot 'irn whloh inr tit bo huiiiloMtd. rr an hrf siatittto MiiiuiiliiA to t ic p. to d'niatid of f vi tr nun who han tie I'lu Aud bfiUl'i of .hem nefvui nnd ihflr NiVt-Uo h-k in hla .iuU mid m OHttliiiiuDp fimiiilfltc.ini' nn-tllt lucr mIiI'-Ii the puil nt m n tt Allowtj 1 to know Uif iiMtiu nr hAf uronf.l wftv uitd. r Uisecirc iuiii Anrt i th i ro, It- have ilk hi in dt ma'ul.if overv nucti to lu rn lull th'-tuwt.h a rf.Ait (t hit i-lmra-'mr, titat they may know M. qnaiinr.itliiii, Ac.,stf. ; indt cJ v;rv phyai l:tu ahuti'd l t.n,pi') e l to have It Imni: up in hln oitlcu itt nil hurH. It la only thrum h thli ctiAuiiot that tno public i an tiavi' any nuicty nt KiJftra ufl f.r wh it in moiit dear to ii lite nd hi anil ; nti,i'i w -e I To innv hi In the haiuln of a man mcio (luallllfd fur A bJtekaiiUi Uiau a 1 1 y'tfiun. iu tris 'iy tfthrrrnf riujiliflcatlmn, whl- h Are In'llipen ifb:' tn u ph tulftii. art sure u lie dou j Hi atxJ W (to thli un(vi'rHi y dono , tliutr aii'1 would itavu Uipro-le-aitiit which nattn no- r iQ t'ttil mm for, if nAtira 4)utllfl?i lif t Ui rv c tn h no iil'ablw fiutiiincatio'i, . la order to d- tt ct Uio flTt fiMio r.f UI-a e. It la rv iulaic and in lirp'fiFihly tit-rcuji-y to Inherit I'uiia'iy. Mftinhy au al Fowt-r and t'ontti riirtl .cue n musit uJ-o ho InhorVovl by All who wtinid Ire nicceMfu; in flrdinH n an idme capahlo ol v1dtrr.)liii tlic rtiusc of dtieant. Thoro In no ?)inrl ly whirh thvnntri can bcrvAclied wltb i-ortulmy but Ihr on' I haro U s'rlut'd. I iny with e ntUlonoo to tho world, that It la th'-ont'h InrortiU'ir tnio rare voi binatl n of charactar tbtt I have LVtii craht"d tot'ftect tho UrMtcauaofdiat.'A.Hfl, 1) run-o U not, nn ti niy it posc It l j b, a d.aeAii-, 1' la Aii In oltfcd law hitweii mu and intty. which, thaApoito 1'atil t-llw u, Ik Alwnya wnrrlnK afialimt each other. Tula law hiiok ftjith ntfp) HiK'ri.tlit-au atonpaiON prMueudifleua J dlveiaif ed form., nno If (ll-f ho in cxpvrluietitwd ou or temt-ertft witn it ta oh n ilrmor iripni tht onntitiiitoa n.d mult:pila In nth- rftiins an it oth-r lociUfoa of tho Nttuiotlimdcitro ifgi).wu'lu machiuoiyol Ut Uuuiaq body. KniTte?r, th 8tomAh and tho Urer havo Both Ins to do wilh tho ra.iatj ot' th diceasf . TIip tri-ann( tf tht-no oranf.for ikva t-Atmu, hu lent inildona to un untlmuiy With cicn.U ner T any to tho world trial ray Metaphyal eat Iioorf ry it iliftot.iy rvmodv over otf. ri tl to the wurM which will thorouichly annthllj'o ih root ofdlneaao. Tno difOf'Vfr) C'irtist!a oi thrrc dtint-t pri'parailjtia ; one f .r tlic rcal, oiif fort-M-oyt'O, and nno for the eara. The. work In ooMiinoilt n, aod atriku at tho ro-t of ail illntmi.. vvhtn I ai ail, I iLwau vvdry dibvnao that e.t lafa;e4 the Isuman lodj'. i A LAPY IN THE 1APT STAOK OF CONL'MrTIO 01 Htl'. From the Hcv-ttkU JoumsU. J. i.i ?7,N..a, ura. Nancy Mlnan. of No. s-s prrr, ftreet, t horleatown. do Cfitit that 1 ha ri htfi a tl fr td forirn ti.r. My fii;hl iU wai ao parahsud that 1 n.uidiiot hwonit. Durmii that time 1 auiffred fro.o ou tAirn, srtr throat; w iild ct)iirli from oiif tui Lvu houri at a time i ww tr nri-rotn.; a. Uiom cmitd aj-'p at night. 1 had u luiip: two eaja mme, wl-lci riducel roe to a ptiett n. J had ail ihe m.hoti ad i"0 and mMclnea inct.e conid r.icuie bntall to no purpofo. I wti taat aial lr in the la M ktrtKC of coiiamrp-Ion. 1 waa cntluM to 1 til wl.en JHri. II. 11. Itmwn'M Metaohya'cal hiauovery wa- tent toi. It waa app'ir j a corning t dlrceuoa. I 1tt no better, bnt lather wor lit onie time frlfi tl wanted me to xte up, aaylt wonld kill Hie ; that J w aa ivo tar e ttml i nonk to try anything b'O'O. Hut mv mother mi I won hi die if I did not tin 3 leii.'Ma it e l'ii-o..ei v ; ami a- it waa th l tit tiUltocuie ii. e wnuiu coiuinnv it we ioon luAtid that it waa the (irvulaflop waa ru hiBkt im aattm whiit mi la.itif fleet. A tbe circuiatkni kept tncjeaunu; invrim. uat bwAn lo break up. It waa a.x weeKa Alle- I tnvaa lo ai pl the nitdiciut; uti'nre 1 roui'l gamer itrergrth to go Into livfttoi, to too aire M. . Hruwii, and then I ra-l lo karehtin. The aerond tune 1 rentuted I went without .ftp. Ai;0 the third tlir.c I U nnd uiy wav with.-ut any dif fl.'u ty. I herHii the uwu of Uri Miaphvalcal Mil. -ovary la AA,Aiid tho ie-.nU la on tUa Jth ot Jul v, hat h.-aith aud iiriiBiiu iiitist irtumivK in m v AsuaeiHiea ii nine, Jdy paralysed aide la re:oied to vibror; lean row rent wen ou ix. aiy CAiarrn ia Kune. MvMHKh, my nirvn ia ea. and aire ihroul are lA'.e. 1 avn an mwin reiftilaritlea tave dl-APPeand. and 1 mint aeifmniJ.. II ai, ly the nio oi I wa dlrectv I tn tite ute of aa. m. it. nrown a orariaiori IMufxjvery, and by it taken from the motih nf the jmvu and ret tore it tn my fartjlit aud fneiiUa I kuw alaeaoti are gave, aad a ronerui t'lretiiatttn has laki'ti plnre. hut Apect it WUi take iiui; av rtjtaBiii mj i mi neau auo airenyui. hUUXKUAKlt Ct'hK OK lF.lrNS Of 1H'KTT YkAHrV HTANDISi: I, John A Mewtoiub, of V'dU' ,Ulo certify that I hare tee a entirely deal lu n h'.'i oar tor twenty eart, aha fr ir.v iMt ua ;rari my rta;iii otr uaa otn-n ao uai that I eomd md hi'ur tvnit'ia iU u or public apeiktMif of any kind. I could uol hear Ihe church owl- tl u w hile I waa lltJlltr In tl.echuruh. 1 huve alao btiii trnu.tlfrt A.p at num. ber ol tara with a viry aore ih.oa', o that t waa oolKe4 UTiiji iu'o. hi ill tt lllll , T IkfcU IIV.U ID ylctj, I ft ad Kret trt'iibte In ni In ad. trrrlhio tlUea. ahnott tn eraKinehi. My brad lelt numb end atupid, Aid waa a pvuirc wi (nuisiiiu lfU.ine iu HI. 1 tried every reiueily (hut could le tSoncht of. I wont to AurHit; but Aa they wanted ln-iao lutriimenta I would have noti.inr! to do with thes. Aosiit tiue in mth alno" obtained aire.M.t. ltfown afleutlo fletl l''Terv,anl yaed it aeevrd uk to the firectiui a ou t.o b'Hih a. And the rutU't Ja fbut the bi itilnc o. Unh eara ia aert.-tJy ri ilured. ro thut I raii he traa weilfaa any Diafi. The (rreat triiubai In my bead la entluly pinr. My head tVu p'nvetly eaay aud at real. My throat, which waa ao tlieated. la ontirtdr t-iir. d.anri 1 have rc- t-voted uiy voire aifam. I woul'i nt laae one tiiounanu oo'iara tor tno rem-iit l have rovfivtd iu iiic uao vi airi. urown a aaviapnyaitai iMnuTtry. HI-.alAitKiUl.E rt'KK Of IHHi.lIAK'iKrt FRUkf THI I All, IJJ.SHA0 IM.B, A-NU lAriS OK ISltL LWT. riiU-AUKLfHia, em ber T, iHtl, T, Henry MarnUe, iivitrirvti biibui irrai nr. !; unuitlk voai yarai, UO. lnantowB, do certify that my on Jni-tiiia to braiu twvor ALd twtairh cn the breoat, which kft blut with d isv:aa raoa fiom the oar Aud dl-taiod ayea. The olacharKea nvr ccaaed. Ilia eura beouu.o (jutte uuttw and unnatural, oorered witb acab The pillow had io bechaiiKed durtof Uio nlkiht, ao aaturated wvo they with tho diacUarffee ; It would be Impoeciblc to deaeribe ibo condition of hia eoi. My faniily physician tald he would go blind. Ilia Intellect AldrO became iniLiairwd, tLat bo cared not to be, or play w ith ehlldrea. be took no notice of anything Around him. oue but the parent can tell what our a uttering a Were to kn on our child In tbia eoudiUua. Moat ptovldentialiy, about one year ago. I iaw Mn. al. j. lirown'a "MetaptiynleaJ IUi-every" Advertised in the Udytr. 1 want to the OfTlro, 41U Arch atreot, And procured the modiclne. Ut wife applied it faithfully And pereeverlfKly. The medletne wo 'ked alow ly at tiie befflnistiiK. but atiliwe peraevered, and tho reault la that our eon U outiroly cured of hl Alauaaeo. llta Intel It ot ai-etua to have aw akened out of the sleep of death, tie la cooaldert'd now a bilxrht And Intelligent boy. The dls chart,ta trom Uiteara bAveerWreiy ceaawd, And hla eara have berouie ainali and natural. Ilia eyoa are elear And Mnw. My wife And uaulf Are well aAUaaed wlUi the tritat cure performed oa our child by Aire. M.O. Hrown'g IfUploalual ikauw very, And qaowt hewtliy fftiapvend it le Ail w La unite. Mra. M. o. Browa'a Oolebrntid Poor Richard Ere perbottWi aJnall atie 4 ceau. 6,ii Usnova tor.ll perbotue. A BRMARKABl.F CVHt OF BLIKDNrSd. CiKUiTtMiA.C. W.JeJvstt.lL Mra. kf. (. itn,wn I -car Madam. 1 have beH Quite blind lu my rlftht eye for even oara. I have been to aero r a) Ooctora, wueoa beard eo aid rettore my eealtcht, but Uiey never done mo Any food. 1 itpvut laiiieauuia of motley In travels ta wheie I htftrd there were doctm-awau mum but none oi U tin could do mo Any tyeu4. 1 thonjrlit my cakc hopeloki, unlU told by a frtvud u oowld relieve two. I aeut by a trktid And ptocured your ''Meupkyeicai lla oovery.' avnd lu twenty-four hour aXler tie erattreat meut, I could ee 4)tute diaiaclly. I ain very thaiUfnl Vr tuy diilvoiAJice. i renuiB yourt , truly, JOUH BE LET. T Celeb: hied Toot Bicliard' Eye ainaU hldt .SovoiiU. 0. 410 ABCU 8Uree HoAlp KoaoTAtor.ll. tJ9-Wan X: 410 diBOfl BUwH. 2,MjMVrv A. Houi)i:itACU.i CoMMiatlON MEEUEAST3, iN"D f?niP AKD STEAMBOAT AOEiTTS DOCK HTKL.KT WIIAHK, Piitltnrjj'Uio. up men a. am itsu, ITT t , .it i,i:n. A rl MM At D .k aiai uhM i twi-tf !MfIl.AI?Kl.rMIA 8UROEON8 W, : t ? 1tM'A-ir IB!JirLTr., Ho. 14 ortH ear- MVM1 Rtf t , ''ove MarhH. Atmtaaeo) miicaity eorad b H V. V . Jf f rR Premium Patent frwos TO Trw". KnnerUir KtaatlO AWlta, v.adfi HtM'hiK-n Hnprnrtart. RSrnhlor Braeee, HAtpoe. e.ti-iia. Cnrrt e, .l. t.a.ll -a Attended b B.C. tVf.RKTT. myTMy t;(!HiAltl .v ., APOTIIECARIES, he.l. rs n tlrs Irtifjcs. J'tiPl'uim- ry, Toilet ArMrlen, tnl f-colivlttss HHASL'IKS W 1 S F , le. iM ri.lj frr Msd'i-lnol nr (Hi.-CS. (IS No. 1228 CHCSNUT STREET. TFiOueAxria of TKcrn EXTRACTED WIIUOUT PAIN. Fatsnt fi.r. tnu ' films, a lvuMa Be' ..rut, , si If sii.m.ifi , s" tr.iv.-ii inhitlAr, fir oilmin I'tfiilnv Nltrintt tfl 11 -.t. sv'rirliiis witiut p. ln tim iiiijr hi. itu tl ot Uie ttoi con t pTgferlr oad ssfili- scntlnlstcrl. UU. O. I.. MUNNH. tl-19-lm o. Till stl'llttCB OTHtfBT. JIDTCISAL OOD LIVEB OIL JOHN O. AK"H Ct Jlo. 7IH MAkKF.T SIB'.RT, sr. new rt&'tr'.vs tt.i tt sum. In- twsh fmlo 111. fl'ftsrtss. Tti. tiiK,riiwh oi lliilr Oil, tn sii-rr r.str.t, has soin ftir tt o mputslliin anil ssle biond tnr ether fbuad In Ike mrktt. To maintain It, ttir; arc dstannissd losurplf sortlle that may br eath i rrlttd on fm trushnsss ond purity. Her U'stltui.ulals of 1'iefr.surs ot nm ejl OutUssss. aatl WKA11 11, HEALTH, AJJD BEAt'Tt . If to soli ottmlrtns ...s; rttiiiauM u. k; ..!!!, .i.t.s; ll Ih I., s tiliM.imn ll s;r, r'udiis, dlii tn oil tn"iu Ma.trrr 1 I' fc. tive s ,if n isnd.; I' fff vie to fn... lini'mls ; Ii with hivb-bora buil to It o Dimblu sum. istieb d. aAlWsAi.'lBt If tti live threescore othI ten, Wlshtrir it's os h.tiv ns'tlnj tt o Irve o Itte of p.oret If to dl. and im o tirm nsu,Tnt If yon wsh a life of pleasure,; If i.o ame th.s w.irid s It' .Ten eoiutort you outd se, Tske in sdvic, out! wisli aM lAree, Ttn, having liesllh, Weslth.andBeAntf-, . You'll bu for ovurr dutr. rty t-orrfi.i iwrnssi ol Ir WH.I Msl tiittSO'B Hw Bi.., 1 UK M khi tt.K m il'K. wkicn should b. mid by .very one Hold by Itiwr .ell. r irepe-sll. sad at the iKHtors illic, n. Us Hl klillC MTBBS,T sew. K Ci'iits. ..A-tf bKCllET DISKANl-.H! HLCHET DISEASES! s.tM.iitn as s ins r I HAll.ltll'AM 't tlltll Tin: Mcst Cnn ais l i nt i.vtK I. sso. lis. s in .'five cure Inr tlOSOVKIKKA, tH.I-.ET ftl ItlCTt-Itva, Ac. Cnntsiiis no miueriil, no tlnlsum. t n Mercury, tnl ten pills .. bit token to eii.ct s cure, (tires Intro! two to tint.- dts, ond reeeeit .oses la "iTtenty-lntir h -lire." rre,-orrd l.y s srsdus. or ttie tint, verslivof Pftins.M.inls,otie of the most cunnsnt Uoctors and Chi-lnlsts of fit. firt'srnt oov. Hu ixiu-i si, m, thi i'iii.k, so ciiAvr.a wnsTsvait. Let these who linvn diispo retl ol'i't'inK cured, or wbo lifava bern purKcdvinb Hoissu Copoivo, or llircitry, at otic u y lit. N tMAKU AN 8 UIKT. Bept by moll In o iil.dn enveloi.e. 1'ricc, mhie pucssttes, $i l enities, $11. ni.ociii iiLoomi Itl.OOHlll WOkiDltlt HCKOITLA, ri.l'Kltsl. fsOHUS, SPOTS. TlCTTtUi., hoii.. Btl'IlILIS Ott VtVK '.B.ll, l.liSl-.ArtE-t, Ac, Ac. rAMAKII'AN B HOOT AMI lit 1111 JI'ICFS Ts ett. re I the rutitic at s imsitive enre, PVPnil.IMIlKVSSK.MF4l, I Ii;.lMk'.1-tSe BAM A Itl'IANr) KOOT AM) Hh KrtJt'ICK. Is the snisst ixstent, certotn, and .tler.lusl r liiedy er prescribed t Itreockee snd sriuMos'es ricrs particle ef t'.ie veu.reol tho' tiie cine Is tlioiouli iind jiirmnnc-it. Tok. th.n of Hits imrifviiis rcn.edy mid b" beoleil, ndI do nut tronsmlt ti sour pcsitrily ttiot or which ou niojr repeat ia aiUx yeors. HO KOT T.FMMIHt Althonrh yon mnv h. ir-.noi.'tce,-. tncursble, the flAMA Ul'l AN K Uxor oiul liEKIl JtK Fs will .very vesti.eot luipurl io-s fioui th. si it. m. as weil as all ine had efteri. i.f n'Mrei rv. FEMALE" t I Tn many olfi cftnns w'th whloh numixtrs of F.tsisJee sorter, tie Rmil ASli HEK1I Jt KlhS or. luosthopvliy odspttd, In l Icrrati d ('terns, 1:1 Leiicirrhvo. lu bujltu tioisn, I- oiilna nt th. tVouib,IiBotKy,oud furalloouipiauiui tui iticiit to ill. sex. btuib mpicss Prise 1 obnttlo. iirSbotll.s fur IS. 8 IMAI.ITAN St WA-.1I It. tn of Rvptiills. used tn cotnn ction wtth tks Root Slid lltrb Julc.s. S'ult direct i,ins. I'rhe Vft cents. 1 he etllcuc of these remi dies Is onko aebuowledsed by physicians slid puti'-in.. 1'bi-y are laid ut lis. t'nlted. isth'ea llnspititl., it in ru&uiiSist U.-oiUi to niauj of out Lrave sclmi rs. 1 tout tl c ltn!llnlorol'Sun W11AI Till: SI'i.i EON". ',V OF TIIE 8AKAI.TI AS lil.-Mt:. IJCS): . 'I'lisT lit is ii i.e. Shut MaastuLL, I 'Itolfinii .w, M,l Srtruary ;o. ( MI bave ftt at sstistseti.iii in a'siiii. lhat I have ad 'The rtmiari.ii If. iu;ii ie' fr Vcinreol litaeos. la Ha Biost ciisii.mary forms ; tii.t 1 n ivc ti-ed Uiem wl Ji jutlK mint, discrcllim, and prner.v. sn.l hova ftianil Uieta respciid to niy anile pu' protno'ly ond effeetaolly. Knowins their com.o..i on, I lisv. the fullest eoafht.ocO' Ir th. ir eftxuey, ana us :ar oa m ls. of tlieiu eolends, 1 recoiuniend them strot.&ly. "ALPIIEfl c. BOWEim, "Assistant HursMn l,'.h Vow Vork VijIs. Let It bn nndei st.iod ihsl these reti.ed:.a or. a recom mended, and will positively cure the diseases fur wulvk ttiev are ollercd. hollUiy M.C.UPIIAXf, Ko. 8tB. KI'IIITII S'reot. HKHMOBll A CO., I0-1V ws-Sm .No. Did KAl H Birott ri ll jL CA1 K SAMARITAN'S- CURB CAM PK HKI.IKIi OH ! HkVUll PAII.M TO CtIRF.1 liOEs MJT MAL'MKATP.I IH MfKEtiV IN ACTIOSI NO CHANCE OF UIKT WK .'t'lltKDl DOE 9 FOT Itt TEI1HKS WITIi lit.' SI WISH I'l'BHl'rrB I CAN HE IHKIl WITUOI T HKTBOTIoM Ptli e S'i, laleor Kemo;e. bsnt by moil to our address. C. PRI' HOHR, boo .si' Pott tunc. Roto Anents, UVOTT SJ.. 10-1 tin l.sim is.. Sfti M. HtXXNi) sums. AMARI TAN'S MAMAltlTAM s CI'KF,, stAJHAkllAN H Tl KE. CURB AlAi;lTAS II ( TI E. HAMAklTAN'h I'l'KR. MA MAUI ! A N 'B I'tlfcK. BAUMllTASn I'lltS). HAMAItlTA-' I'ltK. CAMAnirAN 4 t'L'KB. PAM UIII AN H Ct llB. The only sure snd tots remedy tor (sonorrtaisa. o;oet, Rtrtciaio, Aa. Cures lu oil ass-s In I'ruu tw. to sjo dt. 1'rns I klole or FeniAls ft.l by moll. KlOl l A (Xl., Bol. AMls. BtMANrTApTtl rt'ttr. tsAUAUMTAN H I'l'lttC. K.lVIAKll'AN H I t.' UK. HAMAhlTAN H CI'kK. HAMA"lt No ft: US'. HA.MAItl TAB Pimr. IsoMAItl I AN SJ L'llltK. rlAMAKITAtl H Ct'UK. .SAMAitl 1 AN H UkK. . SAMAKtTAN H C'hE. THE O It EAT KftliUO li'uB HBl.'rtKT DISEASE! H. niiiial (1 auKdsmi, iioiuirrhua, tiiem, A. Park bos contains 'Jo I'kli, and wi4 care hi flout twe le out doss. Price S'i It la slso eeruin to restore ton. end power te thoss whe ore dtbUitoted by elects or ouy other coaa., oo4 wm l"t. rc ail in full slK' r i.i ji.ulli, wu. a il.s I'lLt are im4 rilay 111J,c"un' u'Ss cote., aa. t'lll Hum Usmes (kint by ssotU C. PH1CE KOBE, Pnartosnr, . , . Hoi atid Hoat UfBce. Ole Aleuts, DVOTT A COM K. BKJLIM) g;i,t- Be tors and os for HAMABITAtt S fTRL . BAMAKI'f AK'H Ct'hK. SAM SIHTAS 8 Cl'KtJ. SAHAB1TAN S CUKlC BA si Alt 1 I AN 8 Cl'ltK. SAMABITAN 8 (t'kr AStAUITAI! B 0I1KE. IsAMAKITA B'S CUItK. SAMABITAN S UUSIE. tsAMf-IUTAM B L'tlHH. . PYllfP ! BIl'OKIl. Bt KCP IE RIOOBjD. UTKI P liK. KICOKll. BVKt'P DS ItKXIKU. fsYKt'P UK KIUOKD). eVHl'P I1M BICOUU. Bt RI P liF. K1COHB. Bt KI P lilt Kll.UltJO. BYIIUP lk klUVIIll. HYUt'P litt klOOifO. 6Y1.L P lit lilt UltU. BYkL'P Ilk UH.SJIOI. by hup re WCOKI1. BYkUP UF. Bli OltD. BYltt'P UK KHXlltn, BY lit P UK HHURI). BYkl'r llK B1COKI1. BYItlT TE KtOUkU. BYBI P DE RtOORr). IsMKI f rE KKXJKII. BY'KUP HIS KIOOUO. BYKUP lr. KKXIKU. BYitUP 1K BIDOkB. BVKt'P DE klCOKl). BYKUP 1B U1UOKU. A ecrtola eur. for oM lonns of Venereal IlltMiet. Us.4 la Ik. l.oiopsoa Hospllois, ana Ik. armkia Uuvafkotot Aurwp. and Aiunrico. Tin. preparation hat ne equal aa an railleolor er this form of disease, and strwirUi.u Ik. cess litutiua (.avoUy. ll will cur. ail BorM, Bpets, Pimple., Tetlm, or ooy eruptions, ua matter front bL . eouse ot kow luuf auud- r'iical per bottle. , C. PUICB BOSW, Pr.prl.tor. ole arsnts. iiyott txk, Bole Agents, , UYOTT At C. ' oleAsMts, proTT at oo. " ' jr.. an , iiki atroet eat to aay address. ftHB DrTT. 8. KOSK'S oolukh pills. Up lo this fori ,4 ftoaotrs k.v. b.ea hambiotit.4 bp I'MtsrUs, Abdoaalnol B.pvoir, Aa , Iter Ut curt W PolUli. of Uie w.u.11 oad .eoaeol SeollHy, which Satan, tea .nly pros, peillallva, if not lujtoriuua. Sianol.Ui. Koas'a paueatt h. tn utli ru.u olMardiUM Tbey ..i, .n k. l.uluB UIU, and tiisrebr chain OBtrlaut cuicby ths was of oaly a few boats. For Uisas aoui. plolnU o. bo Is worlb 0 hillidsod Abdominal wis p.r box Bel AfsBis, Alio IT A Ou. Be. tU St- tAWUki BuseU Iv-l taUisJus