The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 08, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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Mirrh m we Northern poop'e, Trxo4 hj o-ir
saprklcns crnntc, witU birdlytwo tly ullkc,
are apt to Iiidk tor the hum evr Bin S'Viumi .in 1
ajajxr air an.l more tincloatlid sko s of i-anem
Hd soothem laida, yitl.tnil'i'npe pilnwrs till in
thai the toil mity veil in whif h Hrlueii
And Iru-h N. tiite loves i often l tii.lo her if
dons bait eubaiK'a Ibn he mly untTnr.iti. An I
stsnkanccs n.t iiijatrryot Nature, t 10, ly miking
Objects in.lliii't, ami "'J ax!-"inn f-iran of
Mfe and motion ou' of the Du nn v.ipcir tare r.hi.
A clear t)lui fky I plra-lnu; !o i-nz.e it I'm on.v in
way, and for A short time to ;cih-r; litV.
0. edul sn.1 formlrM. (h.c feels a I.mkIi)-; for
the changing clnnds. Fin.llng no nhj -nt the
tj to rejst u;ii n, the ruin J Kink io'o inanity.
UnmeifitKrit g the siice'tiveiiei of niins tint
floods, and ciio-ul. ring well ho prune wa nil
are to invest uli-rutc, Indi-iei miiie'o forms wi h
sapriBHtnral aitrihiiiPK, oiio tuny a-atitiio, with
murta (how of prolmnility, that )-.i iO'e Kri'wt
B.toes would never have liwti i-rnt-ilncl vo
urJer I lie of ll,'liliinl atmo
sphere; ami thut what Is Humeri hy tint
Hrniiliun of "second Mtfiit," fouecriiin:; wlieli
ome lj-crip'i vi! arc to he writton, o
merely a delusion. i eonlingly, oinn pernim
have icfeircd it to Btiiin.Iii rie eiuiics ; U eillior
retriiciina or icilct ti. n of Uuifrttu objucu by
wreaths of vnpor, for example ; and comparahiB,
ill this way, tu the Mpcrtrr of the ltroiken.
Ihe remark may have been iwulo by other as
Weil ua too wriur, thai i' Is tar easier to explain u
pin nomentiti lo Hits s of tin) nitiitiiu.lo
than o one'n "elf. The mnlor teniloney of tin)
human mind i perh ips, t ) i.clicve I r the roaion
that it dues not un.ler-tund. M soon at one, pro
fcriiiff to have, s.mlied Nature's soiro.s, ie iki
out with confidence on a phenomenon, having
only the rnn in view of m ikinir limi-eif mem one
ol Salute s illiitninati to thic whom hea.l,
he will not find t-ki'ptiei-m predominate am irut
his lietener. Ihe tendency to tiero-worship H
veiy ationp; and tlioo whom we admit to kim
more than wo know ourselves are, alter all, our
greatest lit roes.
In one way or another, perhaps, every pheno
menon, no 'matter how ulinorniul, and, so to
speak, supernatural, has been explained to t'lo
satin furl ion of i-ome people tliesu perhaps tlio
majority ; hut the misfortune is, if miifuriunc it
be, thut many of tliu explanation, II' scrutiuited
under the IlKht of the very science, from tlio
a'oris ot which the presumed explnimtiou it
drawn, nro found incomplete, nr im onsinent, not
to say self-eontrud ctory. A somewhat amusing
and at the same time pertinent illustration of this
the writer nu t with a few days auo inaceitain
book of nam ml philosophy, ptihliNhed in the
beginnliiK of the last century a time, an It may
be rememiiered, when the study of natural ami
experimental philosophy, after its revival In the
preceding century-, had brought into existence a
nniuber of men from whoso minds almost ever
gtrm of mystery had been eliminated.
himly ot the progress of natural anil experi
mental itclrnco i well calculated to illustrate the
aphorism about the meeting of extremes. I p
to the middle of the seventeenth century it ha 1
been the custom of philosophers lo reter every
unknown agency to the operation of a ghot or
spirit. KviUcnci s of this hynno tendency still
remain in ihomjdern scientitio vocabulary, moro
especially the popular chemical vocaoulary,
though the Causes and circumstances in whi h
thry originated nro commonly forgotten. When
the term "spirit of wine" falls on the ear, or it may
be "spirit of halt," one is not prone to associate
the word "spirit" used on such an occasion with
the cognate meaning of a ghost. It bad that
UieaniLg, nevertheless.
The exptlir.enter who fir-t evolved alcohol
from wine, desired to make those to whom tin
addressed himself understand that the agent of
vinous power the. beatitic agent that made men
merry was a mysterious and, for that reason, to
bis mind, a spiritual agent; hence he called It
"pint of wine." Popular chemical nomencla
ture teems with kindred spiritual designation.-!
even now. Many will occur to whatever mind
imposes upon iiscif the task of going in quest of
them, wherefore they need not be enumerated.
Kuough for present purposes to remark that the
pirilnal epoch of philosophy (for such It may
well be called) tbo epoch when every agency of
qoaJllUs, wneihcr pariially or wholly uaruvoalod,
was com plncently referred to the dominion of a
1'lrit as quickly followed by another epoch of
Character diametrically opposed.
Nature, at length, presented no fiO'TOtfl to tho
Y'timirinfi. Kvtryihlng was to them expllcaldn.
Things Irom the explanation of whLh philoso
phers of our day would modestly retire, acknow
ledging such things tu stand beyond the pale of
their philosophy, were glibly and complacently
enough explained hy philosophers of the epoch
to which referent e la now niadu. Very amusing
errors did these selt-sulliclent explanatory phi
losophers occasionally fall In'o. Everybody, ono
my well suppose, knows the anecdote about
King Churles II and the tish ; how he pu..led the
fellows of the then recently established Royal
Kociety, hy inquiring of them wherefore a dead
Ush should be heavier than a living H-h ; how the
philosophers there and then accounted lor It ; and
bow appeiil to the balance having demonstrated
absolute equality of weight between the two
fiabes, ihe self-sudlcieut philosophers were ban
tered by the king. Mow the anecdote is of utility
here, Ini sniuih as it is typical of tho tendency
amongst philosophers at a certain period, a ten
dency which attained Its climax about the end
Of the seventeenth century.
Ko qnestion pu.zled philosophers then '.nothing
was beyond their comprehension. Nature had
no longer any secrets for these bold invaders of
her outlying domains ; all was explicable. In
the yrar ifltt? an anonymous book was published,
entitled "A Mew Treatise of Mat u ml Philosophy,
lred from tho Intricacies of the bchooie."
AruoBg other matters it contained an explanation
of ihe wuy in which a basilisk kills people by
looking at them. At this time we have got rid of
the fabled basilisk, the creature that was reputed
to kill by tho msre pungency of hie cye-glancea.
The creature Is now known to be a myth, and
the ruses of sudden death, which happened
repeatedly from the eye glances of a basilisk,
uggest more probable if not, indued, well-established
cansea. But onr author not only has no
manner of doubt as to the existence of basilisks,
but be explains quite glibly how it happens that
the eye-glances of a creature should acquire such
deadly power.
Mow it happens that the progress of modern
science, in eliminating the basilisk from out the
list of created things, ha) at the same time ex
plained the cause of belief in that fabled creature,
when the circumstance, la made known that the
fuvi red dwelling place of basilisks, according to
the Ustimony of authorities who vouched for the
being of such creatures, was at the bottom of
dried up wells, pits, and caverns, the modem
reader will begin to suspect that the sudden
deaths referred by medieval writers to basilisk
gate were really caused by Inhalation of carbonic,
acid gas. W hen, furthermore, we learn, oa the
authority of the book above quoted, that a
certain Inquisitive student of Isaturc's ways,
having protected his eyes with a pair of spec
tacles, managed once upon a time to scan a
basiliak from bead to tail, to gaze unharmed
into the creature's very eyes, making a deli
berate survey of the beast, aud recording that
be resembled In appearance a big toad, then does
the ridiculous supiciou dawn upon one that tho
creature misiaken for the deadly thing, of mediae
val fancy bred, was no other thun a poor frog!
Our author, however, the natural philosopher,
explains the matter iu quite another way. Accord
ing to him, the spectacles had a positive value :
bo tutttwlihout the spectacles no mortal eyei could
have met the basilisk gaze without instaut death
to the possessor of them. According to our au
thority (who is a staunch believer, as wc already
know, In the deadly power ol basilisk eyes), the
explanation of their potency consists In simply
this, viz., the continuous darting, by a sort of ra
diation, aa we should call it now.ol certain sharp
and penetrative emanations; atomio darts,
purely mechanical things; whence the rationale
of their action should, of course, be purely me
chanical. The reader will doubtlest cali to mind
bow that greatest of travelers, Lemuel Gulliver
(if M.du C'haillu be excepted), finding himself
in the midst of battla waged by Lilliputian war
riors, seeing the tiny arrows (ly about, and fear
ing lest his eyes might be injured, put on his
tjieetacles to ward the arrows otf. Precisely after
that manner was it that, according to our autho
rity, tho adventurous individual who dared the
basilisk iu ui cave protoued himself against that
Theaa remarks were instituted' to the end of
showing bow philosophers, Over-arrogant in their
own conceit blinded, metaphorically ao to
leak. by the pride of their own aelf-kuowledge
have been known to explain phenomena to the
satisfaction, of tba public, although hardly, it
may fairly be aaaumed, to the satisfaction of
themselves ; or bow, If indeed aatislied, they must
Lav been content to deposit their faith on a
pedestal of insecure erection aud very small
dimensions. Coming to the main topic of this
paper, the faculty, or delusion, or pretense of
second light, I perceive that certain individuals,
led away by tbe pride of their own philosophy,
have curtly, and a it would leem Uloglcally,
assumed that apparitions, belonging to tbe cate
gory of tba second eight, are explicable on a
purely physical hypothesis; tha plieuoniena of
auch apparitions presenting no more dillieulty to
Ue inquirer than those of the Polytechnic ghost.
ISow it is one tiling to admit (Uai Ion. coatem-
plulion f wrta'hhig llth.Mi-, foira may have
rxslted ti c Ci Itle it. .1 ! t MiTitlon ofexclto
nient tnfsfssar lor Munli.t .f these vaporous
mui.Ktions, corpM-s n ip, . i winding sheet,
and other puittn'uus visioi.- - cond Sight but
it is altogether nuotln r Ihn g t wuuic that such
nianilcstatkms aie ii eicly tie i sun of relleetivo
and ret' active plieno; i. Mm. .jver, if candidly
ii.vestiga'id, i.ilthcr b)potl,i-n accords with
actual testimony in rrritrd to ht matt-r. What
vir op in on truv low tie li . concerning the
tenlitv or unreal ty -c : i, : sight, whether
we rlii'O'f i pon-tdcr it a t -nity po-ses-ed
by cerium individuals to n cxtr i.'nlltisrv
gilmpsi s of Ihe spirit-world a e c ven, or wlictne'r
e choose to look upon r .is a delusion,
bud of hypochondrias s, li ,. ibm i f,,g, on 1
tl e Mimes of Highland w ,i-i , mere stiil rc
ma lis no doubt but that the te-'on.)iiv favorable
to the reauty i f , c..n 1 s'gkt I i ith niii.tit.irious
n Ml prcci-e. Tm re Is a -p. ci i t .-, too, as reg ud
ivid'iice etHcling this matte i , the specialty of
eppeal is ihe re-ull, as euuiirni Cory ot the sp c
trul up; ( arunci s. Prrh.ips Hits Is" tne rno-t ex
trsnroniary particular notn-c ib.o in records of
second ight. It is not merclv tint a seer, or one
possessing the f iculty of sc. o id sight, snounl
vngiicl protest that fie observe-1 acer.ain npp;
r it ion not seen by others; s.i. :i protestations,
nccordti g to published tes imony In this
mutter aud it Is very voluminous would
not havo constituted one u "sver" in the
estimation of his fellows. T!itc was a pie
cision in this hnnch of de.non olngy which
Hindi rn spirit-rapping sadly lacks a fear
less appeal to combinatory rcsii.t, suggestive of
coaipitte honcsiy on tlio part of the seer ; and,
strange to s.iy if I am to believe my autli
hlch the I'n r u ru has made iiiiiuiiest In tho t
sands of rerorded instances. There is a precision,
a particularity ubnut those published examples f
second sight, not n lilt 'o emtiarr.issing to one who
would desne to eliminate from Ins own mind any
preconceived belleis w hich it might b.tve enter
tained, and submit his guidance wholly to no
(iiiecting baud of testimony. Now tho testimony,
I repeat, alluding the matter of second sigbt'is
most precise unit particular every ground f error
neiiis to huve b, en cle-ir d awav, every can so of
ib ccption eliminated. find that Mr.
Hash or Mrs. Ulunk saw a corp-e lying near her
on a certain blank day of a year undetermined;
and that before the year w.ia out s iiuebudy hap
pened to die, not u bundled miles from tho'sc'tie
ot the appaihiou; hut wo nro circum-tatiti.iilv
Informed concerning the person il Identity of the
visionary corpse.
Moreover, the lnpo of time between the
spectral apparition and the de ith It portendod
was, a. cording to the authority before me. Infal
libly predicted wilhiti small limits of error. It
had come lo lie understood by these second-sight
seers, that tho wintling-tbcct which seemed to
enwrap these spectral corpses disclosed, ihron,'U
tbe manner of ita folding, the period of dissolu
tion. If a spectral corpse was seen wholly en
veloped by the winding sheet, then the death had
already happened, or would immediately happen.
If the windiiig-sLeet only extended half way up
the body, then death would occur after the lapse
of half a yi nr.
The autiquary John Aubrey, wishing to collato
authentic testimony relative to second sight,
proposed a series of question to two Scotch
gentlemen thereon, and published their replies.
The respondents do not dill'er In any important
particular; both testify, to begin, thut the second
sight relates only to things tuturo, which will
shortly come to puss ; that sad and dismal events
are the objects of this faculty, such as sudden
deaths and dreadful accidents. Having intimated
that the general characteristic of second sight
is dismal, melancholy, deponent number ono
then states that ho only knew of ono instance to
the contrary. "That instance," remarks ho, "I
have from a person worthy of credit, and it is
"Near forty years ago, M tclean and his lady,
sister to my Lord Sealbrth, were walking about
their own house, und on their return both came
into a cbamocr where the young child was
nursed. Tho baby did us babies sometimes do began to cry ; whereupon the nurse was
asked whether buby was woll, und whether any
thing had gone wrong with its diet. 'Well, and
well victualled,' replied the nurse ; 'it enetli not
for tbo cause of sickness.' 'Tnt, why does it
cry i' demanded tho questioner; upon which the
nurse, after a lew moments oi discreet silence,
communicated the reason, and in so doing made
known her faculty or second sight. '.Maelcau
(baby's pupa) would die,' the nurse said, 'and the
ludy would shortly bo married to uuothor man.'
llemg pressed as lo how she knew that event, sho
told the questioners (there were two) that on thoir
entrance into the room, she saw a man with a
scarlet cloak and a white hat betwixt them giving
the lady a kiss over the shoulder; and thus it was
that baby cried. All this came to pass alter Mac
lenn's death. The tutor of Lovet married the lady
in the same habit thu nurse saw him in."
fetich, then, is the solitary instance of a result,
not sail, not dismal, not melancholy, made known
by anticipation through tbe faculty of second
Sight, lieponeut number one, still enlightening
tiie Knglisn antiquary Aabrey on the subject of
second sight, goes on to siuto that "second
sighted men see things visibly before their eyes,
but noue sees hot themsulvi s; for example, if a
man be doomed to be banged, they will see him
already dangling from a gib;ct, or at least a rope
about his neck ; if lo be In .headed, thoy will see
Lim headless; if to be drowuud, they will per
ceive an apparition of him in wutot ; if to die
suddenly by undetermined means, they will see
a winning-sheet about his head. "One instance
1 had from a gentleman here," slates deponent,
"of a Highland gentleman of ihe Mucdumihls,
who having a brother that came to visit him, saw
bim coming in, wanting a head, but told not bis
brother that he saw any inch thing; yet within
twenty-four hours thereafter his brother wai
taken (being a murderer), his head cut oil, and
sent to .Edinburgh. Many such Instances might
be given."
1 he faculty of second sight was described by
all whom deponent questioned on tbe matter an
a troublesome thing they would be gladly freed
from, but could nut. He confesses, however, to
having heard "lately" of a man very much trou
bled in his soul therewith, from whom, by bis
eriously praying deliverance, the fuculty at
length departed.
Relative to tho exorcism of second-sight spec
tres, to getting rid ot the faculty, I Und, in Mar
tin's truct on second sight, the following anec
dote ;
"A woman of Stornaby, in Lewis, had a maid
who saw visions, and often fell into a swoon.
Her mistress was very much concerned about
ber, but could not find out any means to prevent
ber seeing these things; at last she resolved to
pour some of tho water used in baptism on her
maid's lace, believing this would prevent her
seeing any moro sights of the kind. Accordingly,
she carried her maid with her the next Lord's
day, and both of them sut near the basin in which
the water stood, aud alter baptism, before the
minister bad concluded the last prayer, she put
out ber baud in the basin, took up aa much water
aa she could, and threw it on tho maid's face, at
which strange action Ihe minister and tbe con
gregation were equally surprised.
"After pra)er, thu minister inquired of the
woman the meaning of such it a unbecoming and
distracted action ; whereupon she told him it was
to prevent her maid seeing visions; aud it foil
out accordingly, lor from thut time aha nover
once more saw a vision of any kiud. This ac
count was given mo by Mr. Morlson, minister of
the place, before sevcrul of ids parishioners who
knew tho truth of it." Then follows a comment
that the reader Is requested to note. "1 submit
the matter of fact," our author adds, "to the cen
sure of the learned ; but lor my own part I think
it to have been one of fia tun's deviues to make
credulous people huve an esteem for holy water."
One of the questions propo-ed by the antiquary
Aubrey was this: Had aoy person or persons
truly godly, or who might justly be presumed to
be such, been known to have this gift or faculty ?
To this query respondent answers; "Hot auy
godly, but such as are virtuous."
That It descends by succession deponent can
not learn. Nor can be learn how jiossessora of
the faculty came by it. "They will not toll, which
if they did, they are sure of their strokes from art
invisible hand. Ho cites, us an example, tho
case of one Allen Miller, "who being In company
with some gentlemen, and having gotten moro
than ordinary of that strong liquor they wore
drinking, began to tell stories about strauge pas
sages be bad been at; but the said Allen was
auddenly removed to tho further end of the boase,
and was there almost strangled. Recovering a
little, aud coming to the place where be was
before, they asked bim what it was that troubled
bim to. lie answered be durst not tell, fur he
bad told too much already."
Aa to tbo source when ioconiLsighted indi
vidnals derived their faculty, aome attributed the
gift to a compact with lha devil, others to fairies ;
deponent hath beard that those that havo this
faculty of second eight have offered to teach it to
such as were curious to know It. "Upon such
and such conditions they would teach taem ;" but
(heir oilers were rejected.
Dcisonent having furnished answers to all the
questions propounded, concludes hia epistle to
Mr. John Aubrey, f. It. 8., by the recital of a
case narrated to him "by a very honest man in
tbe next parish, who told it to me," deponent him
self. The outline of the tale is as follows ; The
honest man's wile being in a fair way to increase
bis family, be bought some boards with which to
make a bed for ber. The boards still lying at the
door of his bouse, there comes aa old ushwoinau
yet alive, and asks him whose were those boards.
"My owu," said be. "for what use host thou
tbem )" demanded she. "For a bed," aaid he.
"I tell thee they shall be for a eollln," the Ash
bag muttered ; ''for already do I see a corpse lying
upon them."
Thereupon the honest man was stricken to the
heart, fearing the death of bis wife. The old hag,
having muttered ber prediction, goes away ; aud
proaeully the honest man sends for a carpenter to
luuke the bed, which is accordingly done. It was
made its little eollln.
Il must not be imagined, Jn spite of the stale
nien's in this epist'eto John Ant rey. tbst socond-
ght apparitions l.ave only hvi n voiu bsafed 10
f nlichttn pu ple on mat'ers sosciious as those of
lite and iNuih ; on the ci-t.tiary, such trivialities
aa a btosen pute, ducking in a puddle, forehead
bloi (I soiled, but not dauiiigcel hnve, according
lo nM ibir nuthnrl'y nrw htf re mc one wtio
wrote titder the ps'nib-nym or " lnnlnus"
In rn e!ri n ed worthy this mode of revelation ; In
pn il nl ohlch the following :
"A MTtlcinan, who Is a ntt'ive of Rkv, 1-I
win n a tu y disoblige a Hi er in the Isle of Hi iv,
and unbin d I im ti r his ugliness, a being hi icn
by mm r andl laik by nature. At lust the Scr
to d b m v. ry align y, 'My child, if 1 am black,
nu'il be ted ere lung.' Tne tnasier of the faiuny
i hid him lor this, uud bade h in cive over his
looli-h pn dictions, sun o nobo y In lieved t iem ;
I ut tiexi morning the boy, being at play neanbe
1. nun , lt d t.n a sti pe and wounded himself In
the Ion bend so i'cep tt at to this day there's it
l.nlli -w siar In that art of It."
"Jamie ti titon, surgeon in the I'c of North
X'bt, told me, (i. t., lnsiiinntia'), that Is ing In
thc'lslc of Mail, n Mier loul htm contident y that
he wnsahortly to have a bloody fine hi ad; but he
d siegatdtd it, st d called the Seer a fool, ilow.
ever, this James hi ii g eaih d lo some of the M ic
Lcmiis, to go ah tig with iliem to sllack a vessel
belonging to the l-.arl of Argjle, who wua then
roming tu possefs Mull by Inn c, they attacked
the icsscl, and ono of the M.icl,cuni being
wounded, tbo said James, while dressing tho
wound, happened to rub bis tor' head, and then
si meof the patient's blood sticking to hie face
accomplished ihe presage."
Hut of all the sorry violations of the llorotian
maxim, ".r inlrrtit Ihus nin," take ihe fol
lowing, on tho authority of our scribe, "Iusu
liinns" .
"Mary Onmpticll, a of acknowledged
probity and candor, states ibnt when sho waa a
young girl, living in her father's house upon the
l-lo ol isialpa. thcto was a notable H.-i-r, ono
l- rander M.u Mliaoldon-ch, a domestic in Ihe
family, who hy the second sight loictold several
events which punctually came to pass, and in
par' icular that Kenneth Cumpliell, her brother,
I cli g en a jaunt in the l.ees, and as bo was
returning home, aecoiupann .1 by his servant,
whom be had sent upon an errand to a village at
aome dis'ance, as the said Kennoth was solit inly
coining on his way, he lout.d hunelf seined with
a faintishiit'ss, winch so g.iincd upon him thai lis
was obliged to ciawl upon all fours, through
lulies and puddles, to a desolate cottage, where
he remained that night and after a sound sleep
recovered of his ailment.
"The old .Seer thai night seemed irettish; and
being uskid the reason ol his being su much out
of humor, told that tho said Kenneth Campbell
Was not at bis case, and that he observed him by
the second sight in a very distressed condition,
his clothes being suddled.aiidall bespattered with
tilth mid mud; which, upon his return to tho next day, ho himself declared to havo
been literally true, according to the ubove pre
diction." It may be that my renders will Bgreo with me
In the opinion that a suilldcnt number of exam
ples have been quoted, hy way of illustrating
whut is meant by second sight. The records of
this faculty, Illusion, hallucination, or whatever
no may clioo-e to call it, present a general simi
larity, and that renders multiplicity of illustra
tive casta needless; and without cogent uced one
Is glad to put asido tho musty records of phan
tom corpses borne on biers, when it happens, as to
the writer now, that the small hours or morning
lire entered upon, and tho mystery of silence anil
si liiudc prevails. "Explain to us this mystery
of second sight," do soma phantom voices com
mand me, whispering from yonder corner I No.
1 promised not that. Is it not enough to cite one's
authorities r
Are they not circumstantial and precise ?
'Whether to believe or disbelieve is a question
thut each individual belorc whom this abstract
may tome must decide tor hini-clf. To believe
nothing beyond reason is a failing of very con
tracted minds one to which the veiy conscious
ness of our individual exi-ttnee should be a stand
ing reproof. The belief in things contrary to
reason, always assuming reason to have been
restiicted to the sphere of its own competence, is
another matter quite. Whether second sight be
a thing beyond reason or contrary to reason, is a
qutstion ihe corresponding answer to which
would need the opening of much new ground of
del ate, and moreover would lead Ihe writer to
uu arena of strife which be would rather avoid.
J. bUUFFKUN, M. li.
Ohioin or r.ooisANo Shokh. Hoots arc said
to have been invented by thu Cartans. They
wcie at first made of leather, afterwards of brass
and iron, und were preof itguinst cut and thrust.
It was ire in this that Homer called the Greeks
brazen-footed. Formerly, In France, a great foot
was much esteemed, and tho length of tho shoe
in the fourteenth century was a murk of distinc
tion. The shoes ot a prince were two feet and a
half long; those of a baron two feet, those of a
knight eighteen inches long.
mibFlHICK II. ABAltd.
Cll EK or TUB OUrHiNs' COl'llT,
First District JOHN M. BUT LIB.
Second District CHARLES 0 NKfLL.
Third Dlntrlot LEONARD MYERS.
fourth District WILLI A U l. KKLLET.
nth District M. HUBHtLL TUAYGB.
First District WU.LUM FOSTER.
Bscona District WILLIAM a. BUl)D:MAJ.
Ttlrd District Ul CHARD Bl'TLEIt.
Fonith District W. W. WATT,
Fifth District JOBEl'U T THOMAS.
Sixth Dltu-lct JAUKS KHtEBOliN.
Seventh District THOMAS COCHRAN.
Eighth District JAMES N. KfcKNS.
Itlnth District CUAKLKS FOSTER.
Tenth District BAM I FX B. PAKl'OAAT.
Eleven District FRAMKUH D. STtUNEO.
Twslfth District LUKE V. BUTl'lilN, 8a.
Thirteenth District KNOB C. ElUiMKIt.
Fourtesntb Dulrlot FB.ANC18 1100D.
Fifteenth District GK9R0E DE HAVEN, J a.
BUUeuth District WILUAM F. SMITH.
BeveutseoUi District KDWARD a. LE.
Elfbtccaui District JAMES MILLER. -15-S1t
or nxrNoia.
Or TLlfk'tSXKI.
T. CUBMMJUAM, Mesver Cusut.
1. Bslvort P. Bins.
II. F.llas W. Hats,
14. Cbarlee U. eurUssr.
1. Juku Wlster,
IB, David Mcoonaairhy,
17. I..TI4 W. WwkW,
14. 1.c bsnsou,
15. Juhn P.O..
. O.MorrlsaOtM,
S. Ilmrr lluium.
i. WllUsm II Ksrn,
S. Baitoii II. Jinn,
. Clones M. Fauk,
7, Kubert riuka,
(. William Taylor, '
. Jelia A.IIIUnd,
10. KlcUu41l Oorvoli,
11. KJwsrd Hulllday,
11. Ckarlas r. Bva4,
SO. Buuiel H nl.k,
Jl. F.verara Hurts,
W 1 li
ti EI'Miorur MuJaailn.
U. Julia W.ltUuviutril.'
By arise ef tha llata Ceatral fAsBualtUe.
-t CUAJiOiAJf.
F'T Vnrv Rtntlf'n or ttKmnilnmit M Crlrv, lrrtttk,
li flfcffBiattoii or Vtf rilo of Ui AUildar or RMnrt,
'iiwii A Voifraft OUtnttt, Atom in fV fihJUr
Cat- uui, OrmvtJ, or Brick duft tMa.in4 All Ot
of tt Hlttrld. r, KKtrwys. d Drovftca. H.-UJi g.
For WrAkuft m irlrlnft frorn KimihIt UmKh rtlnn. Th
c nUtnton mver iTrcUti with ijanie W, aknrti n-jutrei
the ftld of nu i1l tne to tirtnythtn and tnci)jirmt th ftrm,
Khkb UKi MIH'I I) rlHA T IUV1H, tiiTirmblf
dowi, If no IrfAtment It iu bruit tod (0, CotuvimpUus or
In-Anltj b ay eouc.
In Toctioni pocnltmr to 'Tim! aneqiuld hyiny
ctf er prfpiirsition, aa la, or BeUntion, Ungix
lurltlpa ; rainfalurii, or Supprasiton ot Ciistoioary ICvac
natloni; L'lceratcl, or Pclitnom 8tiU of the I'tivM,
Leu horrhaa, and all omplaiuta InrMfnt to Uie am,
wl ether aritlrg from babUa of UlMt(iaUti, bn.tnidcaciea,
or tu the ilcclln or cha of Ufa
Will radtoally axtermlnaU fruca lha ajatem Dlaaea of
tht rriaary Oriaana arlilng from Habits of D!ailpaUon, ml
liitle $rptmt hide or no change in d(, no inconveni(nc4
or exTJuri, corapkU-.; aapuraadliig thoaa un pit atari a4
4anotrot rttniUt Coy a it an4 Mtruryt m all Uteaa
In aO rueaiti of Uc Urinary Orgam, whaUkar exiiting rn
MJfiWa"or fetiimte' rem atetr cauti originating,
mntino matter of hov long Handing, li It p Wua at la
Ubta and odor. "Imm4diU" in tltQn and mura
trcngtbanlnrtlian any of ihepreparatoni of Barker ra.
Thoae laffeitng from Broken Dovn or DUct Conttitu
tioni, promt A Ktmtdy mt oncti
Tba readi mnat ba awara that, how aver iUjrbt may ba
Ihcattaikof lite abova talacaaea, It ta aartala to affaot hU
JioUily JItaltk, Mmtal Pocort Uappinti, mul hit Put'
li compad of BuctiU, Ci'Mi, ntf Juniper 8erritit ta
lacied wllU great ear and preparad to vtctio bj U. T.
ILELMIJOLB.DmgjlX aiidChetuiat q( ililtca j'
padMioa ta (tt eltj of Pbiladelphia, aai tow preaortbad
byUi- moat etnluaat of (ha facaltf, aud bm boea ad
mitted to ua la tha Vaited Stataa Amr. aod ara alao U
Tar g tfioral ue la 8Ute UoaplUU ftQd PtUe Baaltarj
UuiiMoa throhot Tr 91 Mr boUl, or
01 r laV Jitrrad to aa ddrat ftoooBapanle4 bf ok
pUcttdlroetiofU. Piroot leltara to
BKLMBOlD'al Dnif and Ohamleal KvohMia,
yo, 0f Broadwaj, Kew lock
Or HKLlfBOr.DS Madloal IHpot.
ITo. lOt 9 Tooth itroat, rtiUadolpbia.
Biwaro Of eoontorfaiU. At fr U1XJ4 BOU) S, wid
taka ao olhK.
ptyilcian la aHe&dAaco lYota 7 yotock A. If . to 8 r. U.
evl4 -7 Irvctoi4 wecyvboroi t-l-tuUu am
Ifnnt'rTtla anl fhrmanda of dUara a -a apan 7ar1y,
and fcyndrtJa ard tlWiaraa of tho oit mn aivl woaaaa
of Amrki linger id pain, and Ta, aaj fill a prumafore
aravf, with thai wJ c la tyru1a THtrthit
phj BirUn, and ttsU ih atri. n hi I a'a I a'a ! no rrllr, no
'; ("rtd ihr ntit ttnr of 1hm thf have aoiio
that b- a n IYbb bara ! tnrav ar rotunta w aay
I) ih mc.i that thr w itn- t rivs? Una day f thf won
derful cur fa of ITrpJa aia1?b7
DK. Wit- 1 lAKT'S
Tlir.i: 1 AH (NKLII ,
Ara from vn and woiutn ol apqitt-taVBt!tt wtrth and
rpuia'ivn Thy Ha in an aruaid t'LiUtlaituita )j
at d har thlr tatlip. ny. Mnnr v Um ws?-c avail dom
if Tt ry ,awa ot Uth when a'l I p-i waa .ni.
ntrnfiA hh the rot, lowing 6Vattix9 -
lat. Arrnfltrl pnjn or anrlna at th pit of tba
Id riatulrma an1 acMliy.
Coaih ii an anO iwati of nprtltA,
4ih. Otoom ai d irin Hfkn cf aptrtt,
f'th. Inarrhona wtLh k.
fth. Fain tu all parta r ihe ji'rm.
Tib. tvnutrptve jmpinm. and palpltaltnnof thr heart.
h, Oiih. witr 'Mi:m In th1 Oiroat.
Hh. Ns-rvmia aneeiktn and want of akcp at nlKiit
10th. I of apiietila and vnuniina!.
llih, r v-liirM, uinitii'Ra of vision and lta of altrht.
Uih. !lialailafi and i-VM'rliia' hi waintny, with areat
OMtof tha tbourand of canea of dapepla that Havo
liaed Dr. Witltari'a tin at Amirioan lytpi pia I'Hla. u-t
eneof ihm Ima Ui'tdof a prrVci e-ire. We i'rnt a
etrt in evaty cae, no ma'ter ifof twenty' aiiiml
li a. B Id by all dnittata vervwher. and at Ir.
WtMIAhTHomvo, No. 10 N. RKt1l) Htr,ot, I'htia al
phiti, la. All cinmli.attom aad conhalUtlona frea uf
ciaje. Rpnd fur a clrtular. I'rke f I per box, 80 titty
a ail, Ircc of ihaigv, ou tef !jt of money.
Mr. Wtfhart, I wlfb u add my 'a.-itlinuny to tlio hun
diata jcu tfMMte tothe ItrallnK propentva nf your I'lna
Tiee 'I ar ConlUL Kr flrtfn jvara a anflarer, ten Tcara
OJ that time I bare slept only In my chair, not belnR aMe
to lt down fur fear of autlorntlon. I havo emput.vd aeen
of U e heat ph)aicUna lu 1 hlladi-lpbta, w ho ail pronounced
my caae Incurable 1 taki nto the College, where tha
r acuity, havnif done what they conld, dociarej mr dH
enie aa incurable caae of a nth at a andOtironlo liyapapata,
InktaLaat autte.aud that my lutiK" wera partially una.
liMlinir one ol our ctrrniara, my wlie prm ured friMU your
auire a hot He of your rer-everltily I iiscdneveii
bottlea, and a hoi and ti half of tour I pcpala l'tlla,whon
1 felt that my diat aaebad w hohy uiven way, and the Oor
dla! had vivvn me new vit and airatiih. I o intiuud lo
Improve, and for thepaat thra monUia 1 Imve bt-cn abia
t aieop in niy bed aa aoundly aa I ever did. I am now
well, and baveai nod twei.t -Ave pounda lu my Wright.
I am able to work and provide fur mr fututlv. I aoud jon
Una true and faithful atatcutcut for tho bcuetUof it auf
arliia. frlenda, call ami 100 ine, nvar Oxford Cimrch
VoatOffica, Twent) third Ward, Philadelphia.
Thia la to certify that I Buffered: for ten yeara wltb that
dreadful eomplalut called oyapeabi. I aullertd mm-h
pain and diatrena, with Moiia and doprrsitlun of apirltt;
I waa tn ared by tiht (Jiffrrtne pn h liimi fur my cam
plalnla, and at tlmca waa auch better, but thun my old
dlcaM ilaiepnla, would return with all Ita dreadful
r alltlra. and my whole atieni was fat wasting away,
lit Utla nick and debilitated atiua, I wu huiidvd aclrcuUr
ti lr. w'l.-hart'a great American hyaptipata liila and Plna
Tree Tar Cordial, w hicb gav a correct dearrlptin of my
auilViinaa, and I tlatermtnad to place uiyaeli' uudr the
l)ortvr'a care, and take bla tnrdicinee.
Aa aoon aa 1 commenced tno no of the medicine, I
began to b1 better, and ao I continued Uueo uoulha, at
wUkh tlire I waa prfe.-tly cured of all my complaints,
aud patft'ctlj real. .red lo tu-althi I am to-day a woll man .
Dr. Wiahart, I lva ynutlna eartinaal. with a grateful
heart for the bentrl: I bitr. reeelvi d irom the use nf your
truly wonaVrful nu-dtc nea. Muj llod b:eae yuu and pre
serve your truly uaalal life for many yeara . I would auy
to every lnk partem who waa anflortnit a, I waa that my
reaideuc. la No. KlLhuund atmet, riiliadelpbla, wliura
1 will lake sreat dcilhlit In giving- testimony toth.graat
powirol Dr. Wtahurt'a nieillcluos toctire.
IT, II. AU.Krf.
Dr Wiahart s Storo and OClcc.No.lO N. bhX'OMU Street,
1, Moa.a Komnila, do certify tliut 1 wns slrk with dya
pepala lor two 3. ara; 1 was very ahk al thu pit of iny
stiniach, with pulu tu my breast, altle, back ami huad,
with dlxtliieaa and htaituvrii.s In waiktuK.wlihKreat weak
naaa and g. ueral dotilltty. I einplu) e4, In taat time, suven
eminent pr.yaiclaue, aud they dlllered In lhaur uplidouol
niydfai at-ei aou.e I hi.d one dlaeaae, and some
another, but 1 nan all Hie lluie getting- worse aol woraa,
unill 1 beran:. o kiw that my wilo would have to reuiuo
fi.rwerka toge her. Wane In thla d.'.ailful eoliUlikin,!
j.iactd mi. ill ucderDr. Wltl. art's Ireaim. nt, and uacd
ti great Au.erlcan Dyapfpla THIa aud treatment for
Iypei aia, and at in. pn-aint time I am perleeuy well,
and have rained lu tloeti tweuty-lour piitiuda. en I cua
work and attend to my buiinesa aa wen as any person la
l'cnii!) rt aula, and I am aatl-Ui d It la a perfect cure. Dr.
Yl'Uhart.yon can publiah uyraaell you a., proper, as I
want to bear tenthxony to th. great power your medicine
I aa to rura Hvapt pais. All persons are at liberty to call
eo Me meor write. MONEB KOMlilH,
BcbnylklU IIaen, Bchuylkill conuty, fa.
iiTspr.rriA, dybepbiv.
Thl la to rertlf) that I had Dyepepsla In the worst hna
ft.r three veaii. 1 wai treated by aeven of tha beat phy
sicians In A tnartea ; aome of tbem were P rofesaors ol J of
fer, un Collrgo, I'liflailali hla, but they did me no good. I
grew worse every mi.nlb. 1 would be taken at times with
dreadful pains In niy breast and stainach so groat was H
that I could neither alt, lie, nor atand, but would rove about
from one room to another ; my frtendi expected to see ma
die, aa there appeared to be no relief for me. In this hope
leas eindltlon 1 placed myaeir under Dr. Wiahart 'a treat
ment, end aaed his medicines as directed.
This day 1 am a well auan, aud rbr thrue weeks I hsvs
been oa my feet, and working hard from early morn until
eleven o'clock at night. Mr. Wiahart, I give you this cer
tincate with a sratcrul heart, feeling It my duty to do is;
yon may, and 1 want you to publlah Rto the world, that
every peraon snfferlnf aa I was may have tba benefit of
aliie your truly wonderful remedies. All sick peraons ar.
at liberty to ca.l and see me, or write I. me, as I want to
render all tha good 1 can to suflertng bumanlty.
Overseer of Waahlai-ioa Mannfac taring Company's
Weavlag Koom, Ulonciter, M. .
I, John I.yneli, do certify that for four monthe paat I was
attacked wlili acule dyapepala; I was su severely handled
that 1 ceokl do nothing but what It would Oil me with
dieadfnl dlatrcBs; my nervons system waa perfectly pros
trated; my wbolc Irauia aoou becamo weak and trembling,
with a oontuaed noise and dizxlneas In tba bead, followed
by a a'pltatloo of the heart and general deutlltvof Uia
bole body. Kvery kind of medlclue aUuiluiatered to me
did no good, until I waa advlaoil to call on nr. Wiahart and
place myself under bis treatment. It Ii now about nlno
weeks alnee 1 commenced in uae hla Dy spepah, i'llls and
I'lua Tree Tar Cordial, and I do truthfully and falilitutly
aay, that I am perfectly cared uf Dyapepala, and all other
dlaeaiea aalemg therefrom, and 1 can eat throe good uieala
every day, and feel well In every reipect. I am 76 yeara
ot age. aud If It w as neceieary, I fuelloould and would
shoulder my gun tu dtcnd the city from Invaalon by tha
Kebela. All peraons suffer.iis with Dyapepla as I waa, are
at liberty to call and aee me, for I leel 11 my duly to do all
the good 1 cau lor auirerlug humaiiltf .
Ko. Ml Poplar street, rhllaueiplilo.
Dr. WISH ART'S Store and Oltlo., No. lu S. HKOOND
Btreet, rttlladelpt.ia, l'a. Afl and oeuaulu
tlona free of charge. Trice, tl pur boa. ticul by uuU oa
Dr. Wiahart 1 bave been a conalaut sufferer wltli Dya
pepala for the laat eigliteen yeara, durlngwhlcb time I can
not aay that 1 aver enjoyed a perfectly well day. There
w.r. time, w hen the symptoms were mure aggravated
than at ethers, and then It aewucd It would be a groat ro
ller t. die, 1 had at all times an anph-aaaut feeling In my
head, but latterly my sufferings so much liicreaaed that I
became aaaeuat undt for business of any kind ; my uiiud
was consmually Oiled wlia gloomy thoughta aad torched
lugs, and If I attempted to change their current by reading,
at once a senaatlon of Icy ooldneaa, la connection with a
dead weight, aa It ware, reeled apon my brain 1 alao, a
feethig of sickness would occur at tha atomacb, aad great
pala to my eyes, accompanied with which was tha cou
tluual fear of loalng my reason. 1 alao experienced great
UavltuJe, debility, aad nervouanues, which made It dim
cult to walk by day or sleep at eight. I became averie to
society, end diapoaed only to aeclualoo, and having tried
the akin of a number of eminent pbyaldaua of various
acboola, finally came to the oonotuaiou that for this disease
at my present age (4A yeara), there was no curelnexhu
enee. Dut, tlirough the Interference of Divine Providonoe,
to wham I devoutly offer my thanks, I at last found a sov
tjehra remedy In yoar Dyspcpals I'llls and Tar Cordial,
wbich soeaa lo hav. WTeotually removed aliaost the laat
tree, of ay loug Uat of aUmenls aud bad feelings, aad lu
their place) health, pleasure, and eontentment ara niy
.vary day eon4.anlous. JAMES M. BAUNDtBS,
ho.iMH. Becoud street, Philadelphia,
formerly of Woodbury, . f.
Or. Wian AST'S Office, So. 10 if. 8ICC050 Btreel.rul-ladvli.hja.
I, Mraee Tfbin, of fherterthan, Monttcornerv eotin'T,
Pa ha aiinrtii mr more than ne yar evrrvatunt nut
d-lli n-w-H. hoot Uh awtul lis.tmaif. mlf. a ivnle)pi. I
an t-intre l tl al tinte frv of ihe moist eniln.nt phvtelana
In fti'ladt iphla 1 Im y d a all ihv 0041M for ine wlih ni"'fl
rinr ard roi pinp, hut atill I wan 1.0 tM-tt. then wi nl
to the lYmia.hania linlveraH? in order to plaea ntvnaif In
reaeft trf Ok- Ii hh ok al latent In lte cotintrv, tnil Ineir
meillenirn inlh rt to do nte any ok1. and ofitime I wWh'd
ar df-aih tf relieve me ol my iiiicnnK". hut -ee ii lr.
vviMtnrt'a advctirmei.t in U.e Cht(a-M.hlA ' Hu.letin, ' I
drtrrnin ed to try time more, hut Willi hlilefnlth. I ealled
on lr. vVlahari, and (old htm if I could have dird I would
hot have tronbud hhn, and tlten r-daifnl my aurTi rttiua
tn him The lr . a un-d me If he tatied to mm me of
Pyeixpnta, H wmtkthe the Ural casein tno yi-ara.aoi nut
an. s if nndr hn treatinent, -ml a-hoi avi I had ln'cn iiir
niontha Tonilnnat nearly evervthltiu I ate. mr atomfieJi
awoUen wiih wind, ai.d titled nh pmn tH vondd- Tiptt.-n(
I horn ht a bm ol hi lyj pa:ia ' III. I ni litem aa dt
reetrd. aid in ten da h I con hi out a h-irir a nie4l aa any
perum tn the Ntate of Pennavtv rtoia. and tn ihirtv .lava w ai
awfllman- I Invite any p. rami tutrinK aalwaaloraU
and aee me, atiil I will rrta'e ttiv aii'Tertnir ami ihe irri at
cure I received. 1 would aav an all hrnie,tlt a. everrwliem.
tliat Ir W nh art In. u-lir e. the 01'iH M'Tnon on t'ie earth
that can cure Iyapapaia with any defciroof rrnmnrv.
MOSKN Toltli,
fei'enham. Montsromerv Co., Pa.
Tr. VTPIIAHT'H ffUce. No. 10 N. H MM Vt Ntreaf.
Ortr- Iwura in m it A. at. to & t. al. Ali caialiiaUoua aud
cwnau.ut ona tiea.
1t. Wlaharb-I waa a Mvat auiTererwltb dviapia mr
men jeara. t',t ry linnu I ate llll-d tne w tt h w ini and
d rend ml pain; and my Hie wa one of reat amientitr. I
v no miM-h atlili ltd Imi it I drunk a tfin-i ol w.iti-r, U
would ai on ftturn hark In a heated cniidiiin. I ailied
to 1 mm y kti d ot mrdu itie and trcitment; hut all to no
pmMia I aw your anv riiaemeut tn the " I .edter' ol a
ureal en re your ureal American lap p!a PI ia haiimadf.
1 w em to your ant pureliasid a hoi., and comnu'ertid
to uu1 ilieni ; and 1 do thank liod tbta day 1 aui a wll man.
and ran ent three in aid per day. I have aa it it iiiiuihtT of
pi raoiisi atter your pltl,and 1 nave a youtiK man tnat wua
aufli'iiiiK wtih dH,e,a m my neU'htHrh).od etuht nf
your pllla, and they cured biui ontirelr. Y 0 mav retur to
ma il iuu aee proper. JAt 'OH UHIMLKV.
KtnnedyvLUe, Kvnt oou.ity, Del.
No. Klrt OLIVK Street, (
rhllailelphla, January AM. i.vUt. (
Pr. Wlahart Hlr: It In with mueii pieaaure that I am
Bow able to inform you thut, hy ihe uu of vour great
AineticHii ly-.pi paiapilla, I have Wvn entirely cured of
Umi moit dlLreMilnK corap'Aint, lyipp'ii- I had been
grlevouMty arM tried lor the laot twenty elht yeara, and for
Is n jeuia ol that tune have not heun treed from Ita pain
one week at a lime. I have had It In Ita worat form, and
have drilled on a mni miserable exiaiein a In pam day
ami niylii. Kvery kind of imMl II at I ato flli' d me with
w inn and pain, tl mattered not bow llvbt. or how a mall trie
jiiiiiitity. A cimMmicd be'i hinn wa Htire to loiiow. 1 bad
no appetite for an? kind of nieata whatever, and niTd'a
treaai as an KitMt lor aevaraJ uinnf n bei .re 1 he-irtl of
your I llln, thut I freiiteullv wtalied lor denth. I haI taken
er g that I had heard of lor Dvapepaia, wliiiom rv
ceiviiiK any beiieiti ; hut on .vtmr I'itla heitirf recommended
to me hy one who hurt been cured bv ihetn, I concluded to
give iht-ni a trial, aiittounh 1 had no laith n them. To my
aa,oiilhun'Ut, I loiiud rnvM-ll nrl'Miif better liefurn I
luiu taaen onetourin ut
b..x. an. I. arler taklnu hair a lu.
I am a V.M rrun.ntiii rni.mtM.mtht.ti I u...i ........ -
i heart, mealtl.rte tiiiien a dav. nuhiiiit lne..!ivenim.M n-nm
I anilhli', I eal or ilrlnk. li yon think proper, yi.ti ara at
III., rtv to niHKe uu. itiitit c and n ler In n.n. I will ..,..-
ft.lly elve all de.lral.le Sulnrroatlim to an v one who mav rail
ou ue Voura. re.i.i rttnlly. JOHN H. HAIICOCK.
roreale No. 10 H.
KIJ UM' H reel. I'liilil h4ila, l'a . I'rlre one dollar per
boa. Heut by mail, free oi charge, ou receipt el' price.
I, amnl I). Hav. n, have been a crrat aiitrerer with
chrome and llitlaniuaiion of tbe htdiiora for
th i e,- yeura. I i-uiiioed thruuor l.iurof tlie niiateuilnuiit
pl)el'laiis of I'lilliidelpbla, aiao of lliirllnli.n eouniy,
NrwJrrai-y. Tliey did nil lor me thoy could, hut all to no
purpoae. ! was nmetantly tilled with awtul pain and ille
tiece, ai.d with conauut bi'lcnlng of wind and eouracl.l.
kly n.nuue waa covered with awhile coaiiun of mucus
unill ii cracked In hunc lurrowa, and waa dreaill'iilly aorel
Dhl I oltlliuea lor death lo relieve me of mv amrer 1 had lo.t all lu.penf ever tveli g well again. I i It a auhieei of prayer totlod tliat lie would dlreot !
nie to ai nie pti alelan or u.ed'i-lnu th ttwi.uli) cure inn. I !
vsa. in n in rend an Bdvertlaement or lr. Wnhart'a, in the
1'lola.lelpbla "Ledger,' ol a great cure maile upon Mr. Jouu
llHtiKH-V. of No. Ifvft llllve atteet, 1'lnla.le i hla. by lit.
great American Da.epala l'llla. I went u. the I. .,'a
orhre, anu plut ed my-e.l under In, treatment, and ti.KI hlia
It lie tailed le cure nie, it would be the laat eliorl I would
make. II haa been aix wenka since I commenced the uae I
ot hla iLedicine and I am unw a well man, free from all '
pain at-d di.treaa, and can eat thri e heartv meala a day '
with comfort ami fe.l per ccllj well. lit. Wiahart, I want .
you to mv cu.o aa 1 want evc.y p-mr dvbpeli i,
aufTerlng ea I waa, to rah on me, and I will tali tliatn or
the Bleat cure 1 bave received trout vour Invaluable in.-irl- I
cine. HAMl K II. U IV KV,
i orner of Venoern end I.nmtiert aireet.. near Uiel.inoiid
atreer, f'nceiiy from WrJhlntowut Iturliugton couuty,
kew Jetaey. I
Dr. WiHllART'8 Ottlse, No, 10 S. SECOND Btreet
UYsrEreiAt dybpepsiai dtsvephiai
Thla la to certify- that euffrrng severely with a dlaease
eaiuo iiyapepaia. wiiu mucn luaa ol WclKht, niy allvnll..n ,
waadticcud to'a Ureal American uyapepaia nua '
aaiher-medy. Havlna within three weeks taken eievea '
l'llla, arcorilios to lite dlroctlona, I found myaelf entirely
cuied, and for two weeke aiace niy health la greatly Im
proved, and I can eat without fearof pain or Inconveni
ent. 1 earnestly recon.mend Ihem to all almllerly i
amicted. Mrs. M. II. TlitlMI'SUN,
Pkhmnn.l street. Four d.wrs be ow Hanover. I
Dr. T Q i: WIBIIAKlb Oflice, Mo. IS M. BECOMD '
Bucei, i-nuaoeipuia.
I, P.ltraheth Ilrsnaon.of Hramtywlno, Del, formerly of
O10 Cbeater, Del , do ceillty that one year and a ha.f
I aliffeied evurythhia but death from that awful rflaeaae
called Dyapepala. kly whole ayatem waa pMalrated wlih
wiaki.ans and nervous debility ; I could not digeat my I
Sod; If 1 ate even a cracker er the amalleat amount of
food, It would return juat aa I awallowed It. i became ao
?oallvemmy bowels lbs' 1 would not hav. . paahag. In
leae than rront lour end orteu elsht dava; under thla lot- j
nieme uirerlitft my wind eeamud entirely to ulve way.
I had dread or horror and avll ioretMdliiue 1 thcaarht
that aver body hated me, and I hateU every body j I oniitd
not bear my buihund n r my own chlidrnu averythiiuf
apHemfd to t nonor-iti token to ma; lbad no au.tttuui.
to do an.vililntf . J Kt all tuy love ot family and home; I
would lanible and wander (Voin pmce to puce, but e uld
Lot be eoiitented ; I felt that I wae doomed to hell, and that
there wan no heaven tor me. and wai of-an teiupiod to
totunilt eulride. Ho near mm my whole nHrrom yoteni
oeairofeu, ano aiao my mil a, from mat awrul eom..lBliit., that my rrienila thought beat to have me olaeed
In lr Klikbrtde'e lloapltal, Weat I'hlladelnhle; I remained
W ere time wee, and UumKlit I wm a tttut better t but ia
aftwdaimy dn-adful cumpiMlnt wa rairtiiK a bud ae
ever, liraniitf or tne wmidfrfuJ curei arhfrmed br lr.
VUhart itirfai Aiueiloaii JWajH-onlri I'llU, and UUtreal
n.ent of lynjita, niy huslmuacalled on Ur. W ih art, and
laltd uty ceiie to him. He aaid he lid ao diult he con d
cure me. ts lu tluee dav aiter trailed, and stlaced mrtelf
under the Juu tor'e tre-ttiumit, aud lu two wt-ekii I ttHAii to
dineit try food, and fi-lt that my dUeaiie wa fait Hiving
way ; ana I continued to n-rover for about three moniln,
anu at the present ttrue I eukiy pertect health of boily and
miiid. and 1 Dim haetelv r tnrn my tttauL to a im rclial
4 mkI. and Ir. Wtiliart, ami thln tlreat Amerlfau Hvnpvp
na I'llii and fine I tea Tart ordial. mat savd uie from an
ItmHtie aa luin and a premature irrave. Alt person tul
ferii K with D.VNpepMaaia at hbeitv to call on me or
w rite, at 1 am wIIjIuk to do all the ,nod 1 ran lor iimTing
humanity H ltl,N.HN.
ItiumiTwina, Delaware, furtuurly U U CbB.ter, Uulanaro
col i iy. l'a
br, HlhHAUT B Otllca, Ko. 10 X. H&CQXD Suaet,
I he abova are a few among tbe thmitandi which Ihti
great reuiedy ban taved (r uu an untimely xrava. Wa bava
bum ri d of U-ttem irmn piiyan lani aad UntatK-ftta tn all
pMrti vt the HiMitry,nhu ii that tuy huveni vet prun tIIkI
or tuld a meUiclnu bkb ta a mcii uuivorl u.uiacun. If eilidnri are jreparrd only by the pruprietor,
Ult. Jjm Q. WI31IAHT,
VllOffK Ofl'ICB 1 AT
Ko. 10 N. SECOND STREET, Philadelphia,
Where he ran be eon ml ted either parionally or by letter ,
free of ebarKe. They are irld bv liruifafUu aad leulra
reiT where; at wholesale by ail iiow ttk aud Fhiiadal
plita boUaalu lni(git. W l dw
JJOW II Z3 A. I "V , "
Ar Kow Delivering Goal
frmlhlr0.k)a10oUii7,a tlx nkkral BkldMra)
and Mammoth Vclns,at Un lilawlii raw, i ?
To PT tnfi atSSI
To Nfn-Bitlamtr,pr In '.MSJ
Tbos savlna ll-lo pr tm I Stack hl lers. IW.Mm tklaf
savlnr, Inm will bf s dividrnd tnmitllr en Ii .took, la
aiipr.ibabiinv.or aiiaaaimx iKiixaaa teb aHAaa,
that srirr tba flr.l jer, Rtixkhoidrrs win m onl got
N rlr Coal ft.r toih'rs. but will propsbl; raoal.. a
mall dividrnd en t.t r ftloik. Tb Iwa. ruaa, al ih
prov.nt low myaltv, for Hlsfcwa Y.ain. Tb. ia aVilfara
pp atiar. patj now la for Ilia who;, i.rni rth. '
t) prcarnl of Hi. kiln, ia AO.00.Mons pw var.
or n ion par ihara. Toll will soon b mttnvtl tm
V&t lr.t,wMrb will sir. in. Onlnpany 10(1 ontllnn. tm
.lltaMHWm at ih hlKhat market ptr.i,TIIB laO-
rna kkm which hill de uiviuau
1HK KUK KUdUit ltS.
Hnlnrrlpuuna lolti, gioek (whkll atir) b. made at
1 10 par .r,a.) will ih, ti M lhtcminr
. u ii, ifi q story,
JAMKS LYND, Ko 6.1, 8. Bunbalntk. '
r.U AM E. JONEH, No S.II Arch itnflt '.J
I1KNHY 8. rAlTL,No.41W,Jntit.trt.
1'. F. CLAYTON. Ko. V M. Tblrd lime '
C HE 11 M A N0 I lTC 0 M PAM
llonra No KH
CAI'llAi, IM."XI.
lOO.Prfl ailARpiM. Sl'l PAR Val.TJK.
1 1n. I.. mi i.) un, In a-n araaota. tne ki harxlaon rarm.
Cfhiainli a on-limi'lrad aiwl Ihirif -nine (l:i aaroaunorl
t rc.a ; ala twrnly-rm of all the ml rot!iif m oii thai
1 It ii. I'nae on U htor arm ; ona-third of all lb. oil pro 1
iImm'iI on It.a trai l, Wl.d ( al ll.nli.w j aiMl It.
Im.d Interrat Iti tl. NwamfilAr' WJl anaasaa. M Hut S
On.rtr Wa.hlnslon MiChnto.'k laim.
Tl tnrnm 01 liio Coinpa.j la mw .boot two bvadtf y
(J-.'M'l il.m.r. i at rt. l,,i-n will pay a . od dl'Mainl oak
iti.. inhariipuou ixlcr, wiih a aura proapua mt a larga 'J
XiiI.m rlptlon books ar. Bowop.a at tba OfBoaor tk a
Commij. 7 M
, . , . U. C. OOBFIEt.D.
1 t fV erwary. -t
llaa bran created la tb. Mlghborhaod mt Ninth aa
Cnaauut atroota, by crowds oweU-4raatd no
Of a (man PKOAR STOkEontba nppr sldac CHRS-'
M T Btra.1, below Ninth. It appear, tha proprtaior haart
bum CUlTINa DOWN lha pnem ol his Baaars and Tm- .
bacce, Ml par cent, on allbjs stock, which brtn. wkla '
.f ran oollacUoa, thai ;!
Oi. hU profit! for the ben.ot or bis customers, who alwayB
GO FOIt IIlMt ! " 1
'J i.ia woiM-rcnowiH'it 'l.ii.arri la nmnuf.ctm.d (Wua In.
FINk.nTI.KaK, ,1
And carncally reconimruda It-eir to all QsDtUuMe o
Lujiutioiii Tun. . it ,
Bold vlinltaal "d retail al - '
o.Ml CIIS-NI'T nir.t, '
l(M-6ui op po alia Mats llouaa. i
The underaUined havlrie toaaed the R KNrtl Mix.
v fv MCKKW DlH'h. beae lo Inform hla frama mtttt im ol the bo la prepared wltb Increased?
fatlliure to acemmodate Ihnae having reaaele te be eweeel
er r.-eatred. end betnit a praeural ahlp-eariventer aiad
caulker, will give pexaeiuU ellaeiUKNl tu all vaeaaal aain
trnaied to his. for reuaua.
aptaina or norma, Mblp-Carpentere, aad MachtnlstB
bavins vea.ela U repair, ere eollolted to call.
Having the aernr; for the aale of "Weiteretedts' PatanS
. ..ui, ........ ... ... H.yttttw rwini, raiw, p .win
tu n of veaaela' bnttoena. for this city, I em prepared to
iiu tttmu ui ir T OB lavia.Bi. ferina.
' Kenainston Sorew lwrk,
aahll-tf Delaware avenae.anoTe Learrt streea.
are now rreelvlnathrlr snppnea freak from th. fleherlee.
The superuirity of Uielr OIL In every lesiieot, ha. game
ftir It a reputelion and sale beyond any other found la tha ,
To maintain n, they are determined to supply an ertial.
tliat may be entirely relied on for freebness end partlgf,
See teatlmonlttui of Ktcfeaaore of Modleal Oollegea. aokl
Patent apyiied fur, afynaw Invention,' a nmbla Ha
verbib.a Htlf aclJimilnK iiaia( Talve4 inUaUer, Wn adrataa.
bteilii Mtrnui ( able and ontrautiiiti kaselb witiiaa
piitn. The only mode ttat the 4Jaa en ba properly au4
aati4y adnUiuauired.
e-19-Ira Ho. 781 SPRUCE bTRfcUCT. '
-iew" HI NTH Btreet, above Market. Huoleire
railleally enred by B e-V KKur r s rreieStim Patent
(iraitua'.Hig Preaanr. Tmaa. Miiperlor eiaatw ItafSSa
.laallc, Bhoaldor Braass, Bmapeo
Sortea.Cmteiea. Ate.
Ladlaa atuuued b Mrs. B-C EVERETT. 'aay-lF
If to aala admliiee areai i .
U to eauie Uiv1jh Wbi ,
If te ba a tdoouilna tliwar,
I'adJDg, djia: to aa aour-UaeiirTTt .
If to hava a twit of frtaade ;
I! for Tloa to Mate aaaenoe t
If Ith htith- bum tod to we4 :
It a marble atona when deadwaaxral
If to live threeaoora and tea, -
Wit bin k Hi aa Whik axala
U to live a Ufa of pmo ;
If lo die and o to yrMoB-u.Tn I
If yon wlih a Iffeof pleaettraai
If you valua thie wortd'e treskaoffM . .
If Try oosutbit yon would ,
Taaa my oavioo, d wtok mU mrmi.
' Then, bavins Health, Wealth, sM Beat., .
Tou'll be prepared fur every duty.
By a carefel perusal of Dr. WfLLJAM TtMJdO'B rrna C
BoeV, 1UH MAkUIAllB OIJ1DE, which should be read) ,
by every one. Bold by Itookaellere senerally, aed mt tho a
l'vrtora OBlco, Ko. IIS Hl bUC'B B'iRaViri fraeo a
oenia. auo-Sf
Iualllhle ta oorractlnff. ngntattntr, and ratftawtaff
isbstruutlous froui wbau var cauiee,ao4 aiwva
ueetaifuJ a a prevonUva. -
Thena Mill are sothlag new. and hara bean naM bv tH
I)octur for many year, buch In k ranoa and Amoriaja wtua
onparaheied luctni in every ea'' ; ana new urt-d i.y
niany UieuAatid ladsaa who haea uged ihaiaa, to mmo u
I'tue pubhc fur the alleviauon of Uwie iuaur.u i. t .
any Ureularlitei whatever, aa well ai to prevent an
r i cane ot family w tie re neaiti win net penim it. ft i
pM'ultarly ntueted, orttama iupuoiuvt themtvei n
tauiloned aKtiil nblna thfia plita iiite tu t'a4 cutii
a ihe pmp.ieior assumes no r,ipt.n'btiity aiV-t iti tt.
atlmi-nliiott, aitbouKb ibelr mUdneaa would isMeni -trilii
hlef to health, ottierwlrta Ut full are rHi.nUi i
ul) and expheit d'tectMW aeeoinpanvliiir aa-'tl tm.
I'rlce $l,or eia binaj -r li. bld wliulcaaia aud
by the ftillnwlna LMukgtta:
Fllloit. White A Co., Ho. 6H N. KoorLk, etrevL ,
W i Ik hi A Hlddall, No. 119 Mtrket iireet
A atarhall,orDrof TlnVtrauth and Mark a? hntm v.
elRter tt Huilth, ourner ol s-a(i itd ttievn i . ..
liyoit A Co , Ho. N Hound itrot.
Ji.lmtun. llulhiway A Cowden, and,
H. f. brlaiour, l auiden
Al tatall by ail drubStaia. lending
To either aunt, can have the
Fll.l.M HI NT t (tSrihNTIAtaLV,
IW mall, to any part ol tl e oi y or oouiiuy, i-sv
,,u,," 8 n Htmi.
-2S-5m Xo. Ji.1 W. THirtTV BI .XTH lroei. S. 1 .
KTr, 119 Market Street
IUUMT. .a.xu.
KO r ., . . .
Can find at eureeti bliahuient a fall aaaortmentof Iniporteal '
an4 Dosneatl. Urage, l-opular ratenl Medlciaaa, ralata, .
Coal OU. Wladow Ulass, l'reaertpU.n Vlela, A., at aa low j
plicae aa aeaulua flral-claaa nooda aaa be sold.
For Confuotloners, la full variety, and of the beat .uellty. j
Cochineal, Beosal Iodise, Madder, f ot Aah, Cttduer, .
Bode Aah, Alnia.Ull of Vltrtel, Annatto, Oopperaa.Kxtraot :
at Luv.)d.e FOB DYtkS' use, always oa hand, at'
lowest not caah pricee. ' .
Oroaad expressly fur our salea aad lo vrUlah we lavlH
the attention of thoae In want of reliable articles.
Alao, IKDWO.tlTAHCU, tt VHTAKD, at., f atseral'
aaaaUlai. ' "J ''' I
Orders by aaalt, of city aost, will nueel with peoaaptax-;
. . . ii. t. - i . .. i . ww re-
tentluo.or sptelal neolailoiia will be furniahed wlnaa
Wholeaals lru
Ko. m at AKKJiT Bre. above