The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 01, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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rrnro tt
itewdpiptT 'orr,Konclcnt4
Kt.. lato.. lit).. Kto., 1-2 to.
Washing-tost, September 1. A letter fmra the
Army of tho Potomac, dated yesterday, savs tlie
T-nle rcirnlring correspondents with the army to
publish their full mums in signatures to ttiot
idespstcbes, and which tins been noitlei'teil ry a
number of theso gentlemen. In again in-uted
upon, and those w ho mult iluing ao In future need
not hope to remain here.
It in ul ho required that they shall lo-u'e then
elves with Hume particular carpi, dividon, o
vtletachmctv, whoro they may he addressed or en
Jfor at all times. This, however, will not of four-)
pprevent them from moving about to attend to
f"'-their bnsintss duties.
Attention is callod to the fact that several error
oornrrpri In a ilptnitcli i .toil Atitrii..t9l ilni-rin.
ing the battle of the liith. Two st itc'hcuts am
especially the subject of complaint namely, tint
"the 2d Division of the oth Corp hrokv, and that
onr wbole line was then forced b.ick."
U i ue iu viviBion, 11 is cinuneu, am not hreak,
Ynor did any other before a direct assault, and our
F line was not driven hark .
' Everything was quiet yesterday and last night
along our line, and tho position of attain li not
materially altered.
Recruits and convalescents contloue to arrive
daily in Increased numbers, nnd a greatly im
proved fueling prevails in the army, both among
the officers and men.
Yesterday a very respectable looking family
of refugees, from the viciuity of Ream,' StiiMun,
succeeded In approaching within our lines, with a
view of going north.
Operations on Sherman's Line
. of Communication.
Itebels (locupy SfoMlnnvllle.
Etc., Etc., Ei Km., Kl., Em., EUl.
Nashville, Augu-t 31. lhe attacking force
at Lebanon numbered twenty men. General
Milllkcn was held for hour j but uincii'iently
released. Ho waa at Gallatin last night. The
accounts are contpctinz regarding the number of
b Wheeler's force. The highest estimate is J M.
Wheeler's main body Is In the vicinity of
Dccherd and Tulluhnma, threatening tho rail
road and bridge at Klk akd Duck rivers. lie
ha undoubtedly divided bis with the ulti
mate view of crossing Into Kentucky.
Last night 2-30 of Wheeler's men drove lu Van
Cleve's scouts at Woodbon . A Rub I force was
also i-even miles east of Duck river bridge.
The Rebel force ut Woodbury was under Do
Brlce, whose biigale occupied MoMiunvilio on
the evening of lhe 20th.
A telegram from tho commanding ofllxr at
Duck river reports that ut 7 o'elnok last night
2o00 Relets were urivanclng upon the bridge by
the Manchester and Wartiace road.
A telegram from Tullnhoma says that 1610 of
Wb eler's cavalry came into Juster ut 10 o'clock
r. M. yesterday. At noon to-day the wires were
down between Smyrna and Decherd. and there
have been no reports since. There have been no
trains running douth to-day.
Tti Intent from Wheel rn Killd.
Late lust night we were rolbblv informed as to
Wheeler' latest movements, and the result of
his i.epreiiutions At last
a -counts be bail crossed the lloision anove hla ix
ville, at the mouth ot the French broad river, in I
Was moving towards Kentucky. The uno mt of
damage he irifliced was iusigi,iticant in a m iliary
boint ol view, lie lore no a few miles of railroad
track, robbed a iiutntx-r of private Ind vid ial,
but wn toiled in all his attempts at destroying
anything that could not be made good in a day
or two.
He gobbled up a few prisoners that were fo ind
in om-of the-uay places, lint the number was too
small to deserve mention. On the wbole, through
tho enetgy dmp'ayed in the following linn up
and coui.icacting bis movements, bis en-erprise
tiius lar h-JB been a rtiand hVzle. The dtimge
di ne the Knoxvillo track will he luimcd:ue'y
iepairid,aud the ma I pur in running order.
Cnartanovga Gazelle 28M ult.
Treasury Notes to bo Received
by State Banks.
Alvne ol tliu Xfi'iis'li to
l-'tc., lit. . Klc, 10 to ( JLuto
Nkw York, September 1. Advices from New
Orleans aay that General Banks has issued au
order requiring the banks of Louisiana, as a con
dition to the further transaction of business, to
receive Treasury note of the United State in
exchange ut par for their own issues.
By an arrival from lirasos, Santiago, wo hear
that the French and reactionary force have ad
vanoed from Ban Lull Potoai, and now occupy
fiailillo only sixty-three miles from Monterey
the seat of the Juarez Government.
I'residcnt Juarez' family have arrived in New
Or ban.
I.'Abrilla of New Orleans of the 24th of August
tates that Juarez' family had arrived in that
city, and Juarei himself wa on a vessel in the
Maximilian wa conciliating the promintn
men of the country. lie bad gone to Guadala
jura, and again urged Santa Anna to return.
Almante had been made Marshal of the l'alace,
and IUmmez appointed Minister.
V ruga's adhesion wa daily expected, and he
will be received according to hi rank as Division
The French troop are marching on New Leon,
Coahulla, and Turnaulips. .
It was expected Uut Monterey and Metoraoras
would soon be attacked.
Jtrjolclagv over lb t'hloAfO Nomina
tloua. IIabbishuso, September 1. National aalutua
were flred by the Democrat near Fort Washing
Ion last evening, and on Capitol 1IIII this m irn
Ing, in honor of the nomination of McCMlmt and
The C.npturo of Fort Morgin.
Tlie Work Considerably Damagod.
., r.,, r.te.., fit.
Nf.w Yohk, September 1. The 1'iirser of the
m anuT Vo-oo, which arrived this mn'Mlng from
New Orleans, reports that our licet atta ke l K irt
Morgan on the morning of ;ho anil the (I v
(ieiieral l'agc sum mlered unconditma Uy at 2
o'clock I'. M., of the 2.1.1. The fort was much
Inning' d by the rapid tiring of our lloet.
1 he enthusiasm of our forces was unbounded. J
The steam-hip TennrMr and IttnvHU' were
pa-seil In the river, by the Ym, ontbeCI'h,
lib the prisoners from Fort Morgan on boird.
11 the arrival of tho steamer l.-io, wo have
New Orleans papers of the ST.tli ult. Tho latest
n ws contained In them from Mobile is of tho
1Mb ult., which says:
"The work goes bravely on. Our h.itterlcs ara
i plaiiU d on all sitb s of Fort Morgan, a id
within point-blank rangu, and it seems impo-si-Ine
that the plsco can long withstand onr o n
tiaiilment. We heard la-t eieuiug that on Satur
duy mubt the RelM ls in Fort Morgan could be
si . n ili-iiioiiiitiiig their guns, and iiurning thdr
.un-earri.iges, inul it was neiieveij ttiey were ac
tio ing tin: iirroa Jient of the fort, preparatory to
t surundcr."
Ijttrwt Rebel KeiMirln.
City Point, August tO. The following is from
the Kii-hnioiiil lui'mrrr of this morning;
Monii.K, August L'i. l ne it ig oi-iruee noat
returned la.t evening. Iho lanki-cs say r.trt
Moigan enpitulaled las' Tue-day at 2 o c ock On
Monday afternoon ttiey couccntr.i'eJ their the on
be fort, which replied spiritedly. On Tueidav
the bombardment was rvtiew.-d.
In the meiuwhilo the em-mv succeeded In
getting their howltzt rs into pi-ltion, and a line of
skiinushers on the g ads of the fort, and op.Miod
a heavy the on our uuns ami gunners, and with
ibe assistance ol the mortar ilt-cl, tliev succccde I
in damaging several guu-carriages The tort did
not Ine on Tuesday. Oen-. ral Page destroyed
M-rwDing in mi: ioi t, una -piiii u uis gun.s.
II e, and a g rrisun iiuuiIhth g je hmidre.l and
eiglity-ono mi n, were s nt to New Orleans.
Sieiiteen men were kiHe.l : the number of
oiimlcd is unknown. None of the min-co n-
Imtauis were a. lowed to visit the city. Tho en -my
have thrown a force of four lb msand men OB
the main lai d a' O uni's l'a-s.
Moiui.k, August 28. No change in affairs at
this point. All is quiet.
1 lie 4 Bllirel Rebel Irun-elml Rt.muT -n-
Dnke- OAielnl HeKrt of Her t'wndl
tin. i, etc , etc.
Vmtkh Statks Steam Slooc Riciimomo.
Inhiiik or Moiiilb Bay, August 13. Sir: In
obedience to your order of the 7th Inst., hereto
appended, we have tho honor respectfully to
report that we have made a strict aid careful
survey of the iron-clad casemated steamer Tcn
t.rtsee, captured from the Rebels in the engage
ment in this bay on the morning of lhe 5th Inst.,
by the fleet under jour command, and submit us
follows, viz :
lhe hull of the vessel appears to be exceed
ingly stronuly built in every part, tlm material
being oak and yellow pine, with ir n fastenings.
Length from stem to stern ou deck, 20J leet:
gieaiest bicudth of beam ou deck, 18 feet; tii -iu
averugu tiraugni ot water, aiaiut 11 leet. 1 au
deck is coven it fore and all wi.h w roightlron
plali two inehi s thick. The sides ot the vessel
ate i n tecied l an overhang, -poti-oned. ami
. ovcreil itu two layers ot K'incli wrought
lion. This overliungex cnds about six fevt nelow
the wa'er line. The sides . the vc-sel hel.iw tue
ill ck ate believed to be eight feet thick, an i the
d siunce Irom the knuckle, or out-i.le of the over
hang on deck, to the liusu of tbu casuin-ite on
either side, is ten leet. The ves- ! is pruvided
ilb a strong heak or prow, which projects ah ml
two feet miner water, I rmeil by tlia c iiitiuu itl iu
of the spi nsoning, and covered with wrought
iion plutcs.
The casemate of tho ve-sel is very strongly
built. It is si ventv-cight fuut eight iucbos long,
and tWt'Uty-i igbt feet nino inches wide inside
the sides of the vessel oxtending tun feet from it
on either side at the grea est breadth of bea n.
I be training consists of heavy yellow pine bea ns,
thirteen Inches thick and placed close togjlhcr
vertically. Outsiae planking of yellow piuu, live
and a ball inches thick, laid hori.onially, aud
outs:do of this hori.onlal plaukiug there Is a
lajerof oak timlier four inches Iiick, h illed on
vertically, upon which the irou plating i se
cured. 'I he plating or armor of the ea-cmato forward
is siu inches thick, consisting of three twi-iti"li
iron plats, of n'iout six inches wi le each; und
ahull, und on the -iiles, live iu -hes thick, cunsi-t-ii
g of two two-inch thick, and one one-Inch thick
irou plate of the same width. The yel o pine
framing of the casemate is plauk'-d over inside
with two and a half-inch oak timber, laid on
ding) 'imlly
The whole of the armor pi ding Is fastened with
through bolts, one aud oue-quuruir inches in
diiiiucttr, with wa-hers aud nuts inside. The
casemate Is coven d on top wi'b wrought-irm
grating-, coniotd of ba s two inches toick and
six Inches wide, laid Hat and supported on
wiioilen lieam-, twelve inches -tin ire, aud about
live feet distant from each other. Some of these
gratings are hinged, and II ted to open from the
There are ten gun ports In the casemate two
In broadside, ou either side, th'cu forward an I
three alt. The foi wuid and utter p.irts, to p'irt sturboaid, are placed so as to enable the fir
wuid ui d alter pivot guns to be u.cdas broadside
guns. The directly forward and utter ports are
on a line with the keel. I ho ports are clonxaie 1
and made just wide enough for the entrance of
the muzzle of the guns in trainitiir, aud oniy high
euough to allow a in i terate elevation and depres
sion of the gun. The wooden lucking Is cut
way on each side of the ports inside of the case
mate, to allow the guns to lie trained about one
point forward and at'. The gun puns are covered
with wrought irou sliding pi res or shutters live
inches thick ; those lor the four broadside guns
i re tilted in slide. The sliding plate or shutters
lor the pivot gun are pivoted on thee Ige, witn one
ho.t, that can lie knocked out. detaching the
shutter, if nocctsury, and are worked by a coui
biuutiou of racks aud pinion-.
The armament of tho Veim-Mce consists of six
rirl d guns, called by the llcbclt Hrooke'a rides,
ibe two pivot guns are "J-lnch, aud the
four broadside gun are & luclih rc. These
gun are reinforced abaft by two wrought iron
luinds two Inches thick respectively. Weight of
projectiles v: and 110-pound solid shot. The
pivot guns are lifted on wooden slides, with a
rack let Into them. On an arm attached to tho
carriuge there is a pinion for running out the
gun, und by raising tbu aim the raeli is thrown
out of geur to allow the gun u recoil.
The arrangement for working the ba'tery and
the implements aud machinery employed appear
to be very good.
The cabin is large and comfortable for an iron
clad vessel. The ward-room I sittualed imme
diately over the engine and is open to it, and
although lulliciently commodious, we are of the
opinion that it would lie iuioossiblo for oltlctrs or
others to preserve their health or U live there
comfortably for any lenctb of time in the ab
sence of a berth deck and more perfect ventila
tion than is at present provided. The quarter
of Ibe crew are excellent aud exceedingly coin
tortable for an iron-clad vesel of her description.
These quarters consist of a roomy berth deck,
with room tilted up on either side for the junior
The berth deck communicate with ihn i.
mate by mean of a large hatch, anJ ia provided
with two largo ventilatot through the deck out
side of the ca emate. While In port and in mode-
aieiy sinoom sea, u ia Delieved that the berth
deck will be found to be sufficiently well venti
lated to Insure a reasonable degree of comfort to
ihe crew; but when the ventilator are un-blpped,
it Is lielieved tkat th one blower now on Isoir I
land which Is also used for forcinc the tires l Is
not (utticieat to produce a proper circulation of
iie-n air.
The steering arrangements appear to be very
delulive, aud the acvuipiuositttiou (or the pilot
and hclm-nian bad. Th s defects can, h i srev ,
be tast y run died and at a small est.
The tllicb nirvof ti.e ve-se' consign of two
R"iied " ni n-eondersing engines;" cvlinil 's
iKin'y fiu.r ii ches il utnetcr and to"
t'olie, wi'b piii.pi t v.. Ive-, ariang d a i the
ustisi ii. ile on hoard of Western river -leiMiers,
'1 Ice engitn s wt re taken oil' of the river ste-tmer
railed lb-' .U .-n Chitii. 1 hey are plao I fore
and alt in the vessel, veared to au idler siiuft by
spur gi tiring, with nooden teeth, und fr.nii the
Itller shall to the propeller shad by level cast Iron
mm i:ii.
Tin re are four borionta' Hue boilers, t, ntv
fmir bet long, placid sine hv side. wtti one I n
race nmler tlie hole of them; the prolu tsol
coiuhiisiion returning thttiugb the H ies arc de
livered into one smoke pipe, l he engine an I
fue rooms are Insulh rainy hot, and very iv
1NJI litis Ri:( I.IM II 1M TIIK Al' ".
The Injuries to the casemate of the 7'.im ,
from shot i- very considerable. Oa in af cr t le
nearly all the plating is started, the bolt driveo
in. seveuil nuts kno ked oil in-nle, gun crriag--cf
the utter pivot gun damaged, am) tin- s e rin ,--rod
or chnin cut near th tt gun. There are un-iiii-lakcatile
nun ks on ibe iifier part of the ea-c-miiteot
not le-s than nine or ten inch solid sh t
biiving struck wnbin the spice of a few su i'e
leet, in the immediate vicinity of this pirt.
the port snle ot the a eiuate the armor is a s
oiiuly damaged from hot. t )n that side, u arlv
nnmlsh'ps of tho ca.i mate, and hetween the two
br adsiile guns, a til teen inch solid shot kn .-ked
ahole througli the nrinor and ba -king, le ivmg
on the Inside an titnletached m iss of onk ami
pii c s pltn'eis, nb'iiit three or four feet, an I pio
jeeling Inside of the casemate about thrca feet
fiom tlie side. This is the only shot pcnn'ratcil
the wooden barking of the casemate, although,
there ftic numerous places on the inside giving
t videni of the ellect of the shot.
There are visible hetween forty and fifty Inden
tations and niaiks of shot on the hull, deck, and
can. mute, vaiying from very severe to slmht
nine ol Hie dceKst imleut inotis on ibe after pirt
of the ea-einute, evidently iietng eleven inch
shot, and the marks of aiiout tinny of other
cabbies on dilletent parts of the vessel. There
are also a few o ber marks, being, howevr,
merely scratcbt or slight indentations of the
The smoke stud, was shot away, although it
is not improbable the heavy ramming by the
Mtmoiitah'iit l.arktticnnnn, and htrtttrd hid
picviously prepared it for its fall. Three of the
wrought iron port shutters or slides werj so
much daiiiuged by shot as to prevent tho tiring of
the guns.
There are no external visible marks or evidence
of liijtny iuilicted upon the bull of tho 'cn-icec
by the severe ramming by the Motion iA.7,
.flrXiiif-u'iriu, nnd llarlonl; but inasmuch 'as tbc
decks link badly, nnd when (here is a moderate
sea running in the bay. her reported usual leak
age of three Inches uu hour being now increased
to five oi six indie an hour, It is tairlv to lie
iiil rred that the increased leikageis caused by
tbc concussion of the vessels.j
The Y'i e Is in a state to do good service
now. To restore bor to the state of eillcioncy in
which she was when she went into actiou with
Ibis licet i u the 5th instant, it will bo ne xs-s irv
to overhaul much of the irou pi ding on the pott
and ufier s des of the casemate, ami replace some
ot it. The lion gun port slides or shutter, which
were dnmnged, mu-t be cither removed or rc
pairtd. A new ni ike.-aek Is required, and ad
ditional v nttbitors should be tbted. lllowers are
reuired to produce, proper ventilation in the
eng ne room and on the berth deck.
When these small repairs and additions shall
have been made the iron clad Tennri will be a
most foimidablc vessel for harbor and river ser
vice, and for operating generally in smooth water,
both otleti-ively and defensively.
The original of this r port is ticcunpanie l by
re tional views of tho yVnn,, and a sketch
showing the effect of shot on the outside
We arc, very respectfully, your obedient
Tiioiintom A. Jenkins, Captain.
Jamks Aloln, Captain.
Wm. i: Lkiiov, Coiiimjudor. 4
T. Williamson, Chief Knglneer.
Hear Admiral I). O. Kai ntirut, C imin indingWcst
(lull lllockading Simadron, Uulted States U.ig
ship Hartford.
United States Gunboat "Monticello"
Engages her at Night.
She is Under the Guns of Fort
New Yohk, Sept. 1. Tho Ihtrald't corros
poudent at Beaufort lays that ou tho night of the
2oth ult., Csptaiu Phelon, of the gunboat Munti
cello, off New Inlet, discovered a steamer stand
ing for shore under full steam.
He made pursuit, firing at her, but elicited no
reply. Finally, the stranger fired a largo (hell,
which passed between the llnticellu't masts.
Captain l'belon then f ent a 30-poitnder, to which
grape was returned in reply, striking almost under
the atern of the itimticello.
The Unntieello then opeuod with 9 inch an I 30
pounder shell; but received no response, ami
found that the steamer bad suddenly disappeared.
During the engagement, a Rebel battery of
Wbitworth guns, stationed on the shot, kept
constantly tiring against the lloiUicello; but did
her no damage.
When day dawned, the stranger, which proved
to be the lallahataee, was seen safely moored
under the guus of the Rebel Fort Fisbor.
Precaution are being taken to keep her there,
though she may manage to slip out some dark
I'urlher Hnrlleitlnra.
Beai-wrt, N. C, August 27. My news is of
inteiest to the shipping community and to lu
suiancv companies aud tbe Navy Department,
but moie especially the latier, for It gives infor
mation on a subject of which for a long lime
past it has been in Ignorance the whereabouts
of that terrible levia'ban, the Tallahassee. Af er
enjoy ing tbe luxury (for luxury it certainly 1-) of
going nire it pie., sis, ine piaytut mon-ur has
cone.udid that it cuu spend a short time agreeably
at Wi iningtoii.
On tbe night of tbe 2oth iustant, at twenty
minutes past it), Captain Phelon, command ing
the gunboat HautieeUn, while cruising oil' New
Inlet, discovered a steamer standing for the shore
nnder a lull bead of steam. lie immediately
entered all men to quarters, and when about live
bundled yards diitant challenged her; but
elicited no reply. A second challenge waa met
by silence, and he directed that a package of
v-oieu Krupt! buouiu ihj preaeuteu to iuo mysteri
ous stranger. Tho arrival of the grape at its
distinatlon waa ascertained by a peculiar sound,
caused by contact with resistance, and there ia
no reason to doubt but that the side of the boat
receives! It.
The stranger then replied by returning a shell
of large calibre, which passed between the fore
mast and mainmast of tbe Uttntwello, exploding
on Ihe other aide, without Indicting anv dainara.
Captain Phelon now became more earnest, and
sent a 30-pounder shell, to which renlv wa
made in grape, striking almost under the item of
the tlonttreUo. 1 he UorUiceuo then opened with
" inch aud UU-nounder shell, short fuse: hut wan
disiippoiuted at receiving no shots in return; and
then, for the first time, discovered that tho
strengor nsu suddenly dlsanoeared.
Luring the engagement a Rebel battery of
nuuwuiiu uiu, iiauuDva on me snore, at a
point a milo or to distant, kept up a eonsnut Are
directed against the Monticello. but fortunately
doing no damage, though frequently coming
"Ibe steamer apparently made off from the
shore, in a direction east-southeast, and Captain
l'belon followed tbe beach, in the hope that he
mluht airalu Intercept her. The hatterr n ih
shore still continued it lire, but with no great
From the first moment of discovering the
strurge craft the MoutictUo commenced to throw
tveket signal understood br the rest of tha
fleet, distant over eight miles from the scene of
action and continued to keep them apprised ol
tbe condition of affairs. At about 11 1. M. com-Biuut-'.auvtf
wo yfrUblisueil between Captain
l b-Ion and senior tifllcir files-on, who bad
mam- uli s;n cd to rci b the s cue of contest.
Deeming a luriber search ill Ihoilniktohc full ,
i a- a nmlont d, anl a v g.rous look m. wis
kept tip by all the lleet du:ing the rest of tho
When the day had dawned so as to nuik" ri '.
taut objects perceptible, much t tho surprise of
the a-sembled vessels, there could h" discerned
ly ing rcticly and securely under th gins of
1 ort Fisher, the long sought otii'-t of thc:r
search the Rcliel St aim r Cil nditwr, A- if to
tantalize, them the more. Fort l-'i-ber g ive her a
salute of eleven guns, to which she in the -atne
manni r repl ed.
And then- she still lays and probably will con
tlnue t stay unless some dirk nl.sht be the
cloving era of her career ; lor it hardly seems p is.
sibie that she will be permitted to go as sho
cninr, which, by the way, was rather mysterious.
As she must have pasi-cd around hy the western
bar, and in anv t-nnt ne-essifale. passing t,y
several Idockaiicr, and as the night wa-ting'it
and starlight, th s ailds to the mystery. Admi
ral I. ir desicns taking a I po-sl'ilc prec intion,
and i l ti'-nnirrow le ive this po-t to visit the
bli c k m le i II l 1 in in :-n m .
To Captain I'heloii all honor Is due. To him
l b ng-he i reilit of first engaging the of
the itestro;. el Uiiinn, who-e euil may be siiui
bir to that of her predecesor.
It would seem a- if still a-io'her was to be
ndibd to the fleet of ll 'liel cruisers. A few
tilght ago a large, f ist steamer, -arrying at her
stem the Lii-II-h t us fgn,iit her t'on m i-t the Keli -l
colors, en ered tho port of Wilmuig o:i. Fort
Caswell ami the battery fired a '. He joie. Hho
i- supposed to be a new Rebel cruiser, or to have
bad on board some distinguished, welcome pas
sengi r. She likewiso still remains there.
Tho Ttillainwe had but one mast standing
when et'gagcd by tho Mnntirello.
"Death to Negroes and Unionists."
l onsvii.t r, August 31. Vostcidiiy I.ieiitenant
Colonel firaham.of the 1 1th KetitU"ky C iva'ry,
was captured by Captain Foreman' guerillas,
when returning from his home to this city, lie
was paroled and allowed to go to F.xetcrvillo, to
procure the release of two of Foreman's gang,
confined in jail at that place. Three men accom
panying Graham wcro also captured. Ono of
them, Mr. Samuel A. White, a Union man, it is
presumed they will shoot. The guerilla Jesce
bus publicly declared that he will shoot all the
negroes when he captures them.
The Iemcrntle imoiIIoii Reirent
ol Knrl.v. t-le.
gpfrtal VspntcA to The Kventng Tt'letroph.
Baltimore, September 1. Tbe Chicago nomi
nation produce no special cnat!on bore. The
Democratic peace men, suhmlssionists, and seces
sionists, are all disappointed. Many do not like
the company MeClellan found In. They don't
like Vallundigbnm to control matters.
All accounts indicate that tbe Rebels arc re
treating down the Shenatido ill valley.
John O. Willmo', a prominent mcmlicrof City
Council and Clcik in the Superior Court, died
Market by Telenrwph.
Nkw You k Maiikets, September 1. Flour
ailiaifri iii.iTii.-.j .ftlepftfll.OJiO nhls at l-7i.'iyl0-le I'.ir
Kuti:ll l.ia I'J'O.') mr Ohio; su.l l io.iilt lor N .iilliril.
Whsal has aUtaiici-a pit io ; sale, anltiip.irtitnt. I'ora li
ll"ttc. Ixttrr. with simill .ulsn. IIih f dull. Cork llriai
suliM 01 lUSltibls. st flu .'ska; II '.'0. dull at SI Hi.
Mins i'hom iti4 iinn.
The following la from tho Richmond Eujuircr
of tbe 27th ultimo.
"rKTKiiBiii-na, Va., August 22. Mrs. M. V..
I.., K. K. corner of llroad and laimtiard streets
l'liiladelphui, l'a. I received your letter, dated
August 1, und was happy to hear from you.
Stanley was taken prisoner the l'Jib. I saw biiu
and atnnded to bis w auls.
"Inform Mr. Grehle, Seventeenth, and Chosniit
streets, that bis son in-law, l.leutcuant-Cotouol
William A. I.cicb, both 1'eun-t Ivauia Regiment,
was taken pri-omrat the same tune, lie is well.
Mary Liohlen's cousins uro both well. My love
to all. I write bi-d av. J.
"hew York and rhiladolphlu papers copy."
A Horrible Cum) of Wife Mur.ler.
Coroner Ranncy mis callid up m about mid
night of Tuesday to bold an ante morten exami
nation in the case of Mrs. Nancy l.ove, residing
with her husband in Fifty-first street, near Ninth
avenue. It is alleged that Mrs. Love Is the
victim of tt conspiracy, which has been entered
itpo between the hiishaud, John Love, and a
woman occupying rooms in the same house,
named Anil O'Neil. The testimony thus far
given iu the euse rocs lar to show that tho wife
has been poisoned.
At tbe time of wilting she was not dead ; but
Dr. Ranney asserts that it is not possible for her
to recover from tbe effects of the drug admin
istered. When she gave her testimony she wa
nearly pulse 1 ss, and failing rapidly. We give
below the testimony tvnWt mi, und from this the
whole history of the case may be learned, so fur
as known :
Nancy Ixive, being duly sworn, ays: I live
In this house, and believe nitself in a dangerous
condition, and will not recover; I am the wife of
John Love, and have been married to him niuo
years; I was married by Mr. Gordon, in Forty
fourth street; since tho first three years he
(meaning her hushaml) ha been very unkind to
me, and has frequently struck me with hi
band and uny other tiling that came In his
way; 1 have tieen sica since nisi i una lay,
and have had nothing to eat siuoo; I
wa taken with vomiting; since I was taken sick
1 have had great binning In my throat and sto
mach, us if they were on fire, and I continued to
vomit until seven o'clock this evening; I have
been boarding with Ann O'Neil for six weeks
past; I have never taken anything in the shape of
medicine for more than two or three months past;
the landlady, Ann O'Neil, since last Saturday,
has been very unkind to me; she would uot even
give me a drink of water when I naked her for it;
uiy bus' and has been very uukind to me ever
since I have been sick; bo cursed me, &c,
and Mrs. O'Neil coincided with him; I have fro
iiieiitlv seen my busnand and Ann O'Neil sleep
ing in bed together; she has told me she would
get a policeman aud shove me into tbe street, sick
or well; she told me so to night; since 1 have
been sick I have asked him and her for
money to get something to eat, but they refused ;
since I have been stck I have frequently called
for a doctor, but be (the husband refused to get
any for me; he promised me a doctor this morn
ing, but be went away on un excur-ion aud left me
alone; I have been left alone most of the tune
since I have been sick ; this morning m hus
band und Ann O'Neil I saw in bed toge her; my
husband bus many a time threatened to take
my life; since I have been sick I told my hus
band I thought I had been p lisoned, but he made
me no reply ; Ann, in my hearing, has been con
tinually talking to my husband, saying I was not
worth keeping, &e. ; I am about eight mouths
advanced In pregnancy, aud I have Jolt no life
In six days post. her
Nancys Lovb,
Both Iivo and the woman O'Neil have beon
arresu d and are held at the Twenty second pre
cinct station house to await the result. Lave is
a hoiler-rr.uker, aged twenty-seven year, and a
native of this city.
Tbe jury rendered the following verdict : "We
find that Nancy Love came to her aliments from
poison administered by her husband, John Love,
and we believe Ann O'Neil is an accessory, both
before and after tbe fact. Nancy is twenty-eight
years of age, and a native of Ireland."
Nancy Love died at ten o'clock last evening.
Coroner Ranney will hold an inquest on tbe body
at ten o'clock tui morning. .V. 1'. Herald.
The Tollsh rebellion seem to be completely
quieted. Order reign ia Waraaw ; but though
there are theatre open, tbe public flock, most of
all, once a week to tbe station of the railway to
St. Petersburg. That fashionable promenade
collect each time from four thousand to eight
thousand persons. There ia music there also; but
of a peculiar kind weeping, obs, ,id groan.
That promenade or that amusement, call It which
you will, Is named the adieux to the banished
political criminal. Thl fashion ha beon hut
lately introduced by the agitator. Although tbe
day fixed for tbe departure of tbe convict ia
always kept secret, yet the whole of Warsaw
bears of It In tbe night, and from 4 o'clock
in the morning the station is filled by a compact
mas. Only a few dozen person are lent off
... - .. 1 ..... II Un .Id 04 tt lli.l (1......
i farewell.
Six Hundred Prisoners and Sixty
Guns Capturod.
Wasiiinoton, September 1, 10 .() A. M. To
Major-Oi neral Hix, Now York. This depart
un nt has just received ( Candy' ollleial
icpoi t of the surrender of Fort Morgin
N:w Oiu.f ANa. August 21 Fort Morgan sur
rendered nt 2 P. M. on the 2.1d Inst.
(Signal) En. It. S.Caniiy, Major-Ocncral.
Nkw Om.hans, August 21. By the surrender
of Fort Morgan we have about (IHO prisoner, 00
pi' ces of artillery, and a largo quantity of mate
lial. In the twelve hours preceding tho surrender
ad. nt three thousand shell wre thrown into the
Tho citadel and barracks are entirely des
troyed, inul the works generally much injured.
Many of the guns wi re spiked, tho carriage
burued, and much of the ammunition destroyed
by the Rebels. The losses in the army wore one
man killed und seven wounded.
(Signed), K. R. 8. Gamut, Maj.-Oen.
Nothing has been received to day from Gene
rals (irant, Sherman, or Sheridan.
F.nwiN M. Stanton,
Secretary of War.
They Travel Entirely on their
own Responsibility.
Wasiiinoton, September 1. Tho Xationtl
Hi publican of to-day says :
We are authorized and ro quested to announce,
notwithstanding all that has been written and
said on the subject, that neither Mr. Oilm ire nor
Colonel Jaques on the one hand, nor Mr. Greeley
on the other, bos ever been, nor Is now, atitho to express any desires, views, or opinions
of the I'residcnt of the United States, either in
Canada or Richmond, on tho subject of
"negotiations of Peace," beyond what he
has plainly and carefully written over
hi own signature : That the mission to
Richmond was initiated and oxecuted hy
Messrs. Gilmoro and Juqucs on their own private
account ; that tboy had no authority whatever to
peak directly or indirectly for the President of
the United States, officially, or unoillcinlly, or
for Abraham Lincoln unofficially or privately.
If Mr. Benjamin's report of the sayings of Mr.
GUinoro and Colonel Jiiquos,' while tboy wore Iti
Richmond, Is correct, they a-sumod a responsi
bility not given to the ui, and miulo statements
wholly untrue.
Indeed, wbilo on tho subject, tt Is proper to
stato thut the Fresident, alter repeated solicit i
ticiis, consented to give Gilmoro and Jaques a
pats through our military line. He did not ro
quet General Grant to open a correspondence
with General Lee to give thsm a safe conduct tj
Kit hn. ond and return. General Grant did that
upon his own responsibility.
President Lincoln's request waa merely that
General Grant would pas them through bis
military Hues, and nothing more.
ANMWTAvr moi.kiiok Ai'ioisrt:i.
Wasiiinoton, September 1. John J. Weed,
of Illinois, has been uppointcd Solicitor of tbe
Court of Claims, vice McPherson.
Stat or Thkrmomrtkr To-day. Six A. M.,
)04. Noon, 72J. One P. M.. 74. Wind, N. E.
F.NI.1STMKNT8 in tub Navy This morning
another station was opened as a naval rendesvous
for recrnits for Iho navy. This has been found
necessary on account of tho constutit throng at
the cilice iu Front street, which is not half large
enough to meet the dem mils made upon it, and
the consequence ha been that Philadelphia has
lo-t many volunteers. The new ollhe, loca'cd at
No. 2i8 South Third street, wl 1 he under tho
charge of Lieutenant Frazer and Wriglcy, mus
tering cill'-ers appointed hy the committee having
charge of recruiiing for the several wards. This
station will fx: in direct communication with the
Nuty Department, all the men mustered in being
ciedited to Philadelphia.
ri'LiCB Statistics. The following table will
show the number of arrests made In each Police
District during the month just ended :
Ao. Arrrntt.
,Vt. Arrctts.
.. ('.
.. 27
.. 41
1(1 .
Ro-ei vo .
100 River and lUruor.. 27
.1113 Park 20
.1H0 Chesnut Hill IJ
men in an open barouche made their appear mee
at Fairmount Park yesterday afternoon, and after
driving rapidly through the place cunie to a halt,
bhx kading one of the crossways. Tno ottieers
requested them to move on. This they refused
to do, and contended thut no legal power could
iouiiel them. The rullt.ius wore immediately
taken into custody aud arraigned before A Mer
man Musscy, who imposed tbe usual penilty,
and dismissed them with some sound advice as
how to behave in the future.
IIomk for Disahlkd Mkciianics. Tho late
Geoige Haye, of the firm of Ilrecr ft Hayes, left
the bulk of his property to found a honte for dis
abled, aged, or intirui American mechanics: and
lhe purpose of the testator is now about to bo
curried out. Plans and speculations for a build
ing suitable tor the purpose have been adrertUcd
ItKcm iTiNa tor thk State Guard. Tho
organization of tbe Pennsylvania State Guard i
to be commenced immediately. Of the corps of
fifteen regiment authorized by tbe act, thrco
icgimt-nts of Infantry, two squadrons of cavalry,
and tour butteries of held artillery wilhbc recruited
ut once, and If uot tilled within thirty days, a
diult for the dt licieucy wis! bo ordered.
IHii.mxo Pmwns. The following permit
were Issued for building during August, 1SG4 :
Dwellings 4 tory, 1; 3-story, 31 ; 2-tory, S3;
1-story, 6; total, 93; breweric, 2; bath-houses
4 : depot, 1 ; engine, 1 ; foundries, 2 ; factories, 3 ;
kiln, 1 ; olhccs, 4 ; shops, 11 ; (beds, 3 ; stables, 10;
store, 3 ; slaughter-houses, 2 ; taunory, 1 ; total,
141 alteration and additions, 02.
Arrival of a Pbizb. The Rebel teainor
Lilian, captured off Cape Fear while attempting
to run the blockade, with W bale of cotton on
boaid, arrived at the Navy Yard yesterday after
noon. This vessel wa built in England ou Ucbcl
account, specially for blockade-ruuuing.
Nbahly Fill.. The 127th Regiment United
State Colored Voluutcers, forming at Camp
William Penn, is rapidly approaching comple
tion, of recruits from all quarter are
arriving daily at tbe camp.
Fatal Accidbnt. Thl morning a boy fell
down a hatchway at No 222 N. Filth street, and
received Injuries of such a serious character a
to cause hi death.
Ukckvitino. Thl morning warrant were
issued for the payment of the city bounty to
soveuty-uiue men, knot whom were mbstlute.
Tolitic a l. Politically speaking, the a.'onv It
over. It ended yesterday at the Chicago Con
vention. Hoth parties have bad their "say" in
tbe different Convention bold in thl city and
elseohere, nnd It only remains for the people to
elect or reject the dillercnt candidate presented
to tbi ir kind political consideration.
Th pot bus been set on to boil, and dav hy
day Its coiib nt will approximate to that ib-g-ee
of political temperature when it may be laid to
be boiling. In the interval, it mav lie aurmi-ed
that the tiro w tit be wc'l stirred, and coalafcr
coal henped upon it by the par ies representing
each phase of iliiics. The struggle will, no
doubt, de an ent rgeti - one.
In ibe dim rent Wards c!tih-hoe. are being
opened, for the purpose of holding pilitleil
meetings; pamphlets un being printed, plethoric
with arguments, why one candidate should bo
elected over another, an I all the vast machinery
of poliths is being put In play. Every man will
awaken In the morning to find tho side of bis
house pla-tered with a politic d po-ter tbe sine of
one or Urover s theatrical -tree; ailvertisemeirs,
and music for the million will lie lurnia'io l tho
people by peramliul iting bands of music, "
gratis, for nothing." Iletreu politics Bil l the
dralt, the "dear people" cannot complain fir
want of something to employ thcr time and
Dki niinn'L Kxci ksiov to Atlantic City.
To-morrow morning the F.xcursion of the United
American Mechanics' Hall Association to At
lantic City, lakes place, and It will doubtless bo
ono of the most pleasant affairs of tbe season. A
monster excursion wa given on the 18th ult,, by
the same association and, so groat was the at
tendance that it was found nc cssary to make
arrangements to continue tho excursion upon the
loth ult., for the benelit Ol tho-e who could not
obtain pas-age upon the first named day. Upon
the lUtb a malicious report was circulated tint a
terrih e incident 1ir occurred on tbe railroal,
anil many holders of tickets were deterred fro n
puitlcipatliig iu tbe excursion. The committee
announce thut the tickets for that day will tie
gotd lor the excursion of to-morrow. A Hue
bund of music will accompany the pirty, anda
happy day may las xcctcd.
WllOLl.SALK A nilt ST OvTlltRVRSANl) Tioi'NTT
Ji Mi Fiis. At an early hour tins morning, f mr
teen thieve who arrived in thl city by tbe New
York train, were arrested at a hotol on Sixth
street, la low Market. It seems that a Mr. .Solo
mon Dvtwilcr, of Columbia county, was robbed
in front of the hotel of a valuable gold watch.
and m-ia-cUtl some of this party of the theft
He made complaint at tbc Central olllce, and the
wheie butch were arrested while yot in bed. I'he
much wus found in one of the beds oecupi 'd by
John Ml. nil, latwrcm e O linen, and John Mil 1 11
van, three of the gang. A loaoed revolver
also fi und In tho bed. Kvcry one of tbe party
bad a suit ol old clothes, which they iutunded to
use in aiding them to desert alter having! nils ed,
their mission hero ociug to jump the hoiiuty.
They w ere commuted to prison lor a further hear
ing by Ahltrman Welding.
Ahhival of Coast wish and FoiininN Vhsselh.
The following will txbibit the arrival of coast
wise and foreign vessels at thl port for the
month of August:
hlr 4 Brim It
Mantiies , la cielasaMirN.,. 10
snips l m.h-ps ns
llai.ue Sll. iiH r 17S
lirtu 4 Hnr.ea at
su htM'Ueni - 7ta lloais inoj
Chaikii:i with Kmiiez.i:mknt. A direc
tors ol one of our city charitable institution was
held by Rot-order Euen yestcrdiy upon the
charge of cuibcz.ling some '3700 of the funds,
'lhe money was paid over to the det'endati',
having been appropriated ti the lustitu ion oy
the -state. He held on to tho uniount, without
Immediately placing it in the hauls of the
Annual Ahbkssment foh 1804 fobtur
FnibT Collection Dihtuiot. Tho attention ol
poisons inteiested should be given to tho advertiao
tucnt in another column, in relation -to the a .nual
airesrmunt ol 1H01, lor the First Colloetion District
ol Pennsylvania. All persons tailing- to couiply with
the ici uircmuut ot tho law rcguiatiuv Iho pameut
ol humI tax by iho 24tli ot Hopiember will bo sub
jected t penally oi tou per centum adiliUoua1 ot
the am unt and be liao o to costs ol pros 'cutfou.
I he i lor the reception ot said tax is at Ha. 8)1
lasiiul itroot.
A Dkciiilii Imtiiovemknt. Tho artificial arm,
Invented by Mr I W. Koine, No.Ui 8. Ninth street. anirs
I'neauut a adopted by tha Aimr Uvardof 8ir
icoiin wMch laeently nt-t lu ft aw York, and ha has ra
celviil orders to proceed with Pa manufacture. This II mis
eomliliiHa various excellent-! t l-utid In ttlixe or other
Biaiiiilarturer. Klist. Ti.e vnilre inaen nury la of t l,
iliua rtMititur that natality to deranieinunt loiin.l iu
ll UL wliit0ini-i-liMnlin i.Kovernedliy eiKUt,'1bC Haeoaa.
1 la nana is n u ivuhie from tt.a arm. utnl t Its wrist l. a
aocket eaahlt-ol h'.aluiK idmo't any kind of tool, or liu-P't-iuent,
Kiirti as a kittle, fora. ip..ou, ciustrl.aere-v-ilrlvur
Ac., Ac. 'I hlio. Tlie wftiuht I less by an tie oun tea ttiau
ir moat fruuUe and laasl daratdo ol' Its cointimltora.
'It osa In ned of inch a ticipuod particularly our cruuUud
aoidaas nlmiild exaudne una beautiful and usvful piuce
til wi rKman.hiji.
Ilooi'KK's Alb Vaclts. Those having busl
oeaa In Die vicinity of Third and Cliasnui airee-, will fl-id
cactllfliit brandloa, wluea, gioa, wb.aklu., and aloi at
lleoprr'a v.ul-a, at tlie aonilitait cornt-r of tee aoova
thoreii, hfaro T ho plaeo feu bua thorough l rouovatad
anuli alitutd) teeouilus poieilir.
Si-hino MATTHKssks that are ont of order put
In tbe most complete repair, by W. Heury Fat
ten, No. HUM Chesnut street.
Oinea or Th Ivastsa Tai snaarn, (
Tliuraday, Sapteailair 1.
Money is loss plenty and the ro'.ca are rather
higher. Loans urc taken on call at C(a7 per cent.
h r annum ; best paper Is selling at from 7 to 10
per c nt.
The Stock Market la dull but steady this morn
ing. In Government bond there is not much
doing and prim ara rather lower ; 5-20 sold at
long ; and (is of 18.11 ut lW,J(ii 107, which is a de
cline, owing to iho balance of tho loan being
placed ou tho market.
There is very little doing In Railroad share.
Pennsylvania sold at 744; Reading at BOS ; aud
North Pennsylvania at 314 ; W was bid for Reaver
Meadow; 20 for Catawlssa common; 4oJ for
Caiawissu preferred; M for Philadelphia and
Krie ; 47 lor Long Island j 624 for Minehill ; and
41.4 for Little Schuylkill; new City (is are selling
at ltMAfYi 106.
Coal Oil stock continue dull and price are
drooping; Mineral Oil sold at 24; Philadelphia
and Oil Creek, 14 ; DaUell, 10, ; Uensmore, V2J(
13; and Mcllbcnny, hi.
Ruuk shares are dull ut about former rates;
lfi:i4 was bid for North America, 284 for Me
chanics', 28 for Manufacturers' and Mechanics',
314 for Consolidation, and Gl4 for Farmer' aud
Cunul share are Bteady ; Schuylkill Navigation
preferred sold at t"l, and Susn,ucbauua Canal at
20;33Jwa bid for Schuylkill Navigation com
In Qlty Tasscnger railroad thoro i very little
doing and tho market continue dull. Second and
Third sold at 72; 60 bid for Tenth and Eleventh;
39 for Spruce and Pinei 59J for Chesnut and
Walnut, and 34 for Green and Coate. -Gold
continue activo, and price liava ad.
vancod. opening at 212, rallied and aold at 213,
at 11 o'clock, 214 1 at 12, and 24SJ at 124. Market
strong, and looking up.
A despatch from Washington thl morning
says: Tho subscription to tne new 7-Jo loan,
retorted at the Treasury Department yetterday
amounted to 078,000 and to the 10-40 loan to
The Secretary of the Treasury ha decided to
offer tbe balance of tbe lx per cent loan of 1881,
amounting to about 31,6O0,0OO, to public com
petition. The bid will be opened by the Secre
tary of the Treasury, at Washington, on tbe 9th
of September, aud payment will be rociuked one
third on the 14th, one-third on the 10th, and one
third on the 24th of that month. Proposal
slating the amount of premium may be addressed
to the Secretary of the Treasury, at Washington,
or will be received by the general assistant trea
surer, at the deio4toiies of public money, and
by the Natioual Depository Sunk..
rrrruirir.t.rrnA irrocK txcrutKva: "ale". sipt. 1.
Be ported by Uarksoa Co., n rotor, Wo. UI S. TXir it
h OM 9S' JUiaHMsrik nay oil.
Jo h do b
ltstaa a ati
1'fl.hRea.l u H...M .'4
'i. d Ml wo.
POali do tSluMAt
l''0ah rtallCrark I ,
H4) as Ki.ol.lor Oil... 1,,
t"'s Itan-muraOII . 1
l'O.h do KiO l.1
I O.h do.... fly
I'siah io ...blt H'
100 ab Met It nick .eat a l'i
ItSUt. d-l J
HO tn Union Pat i
pti .h do i
tOOahCoral'Uuitor.,. 4
nw B uaiztu Oil.... lUt'
Ji'"' do "lot!;!
tf'.'.S da,.eoup otT.IU'kl
-MSI City naw....l(l(ii;
;' do in,
r. Allrsh.Cooa.,., ;s
$.'. iC 1'snna b tf'Vt
.IA all Konlosky llk..UU
Vm.htlin M.tnnl. nb ftt
Stan D R.a--Jnr, it..
iuo .it iwn
... W(
viai ah 4
6-tsi .h it i IzY
l'i) sli MclPicuoy OIL 8
10iln do c 8
I'.i.h II. M 40tt(
i'O.h Hon. i aud..c l
.".h Fanna. K 71-;
in all Loeual Mount., tt ln Raortina R..blO
loch Mis at' Oil .... t,l stl h s ,rui PaR ... :2
.h oil ... 10-. eo.h'MAUd KK ... Ti
M) all Hrh. Nav com. I Son ab alct:lln,.k ia i
n oo 7 i
kkii ks or anx-is m HEw t,,
Reported by Ciarkaoa A Oo., Urotori, mo. ui TntrS H.
.118 , out
KuUlliK It.Urnatl
. ( S I'd
.. .. bil
1.S- Did
.nn t,i hid
..'Jit km
..1"'S sd
H saMO
H A,
Us a. M
.. . aakw
.. le
.New Y.rk Crnu-al Railroad.,
sna Railroad ,
llur.oo Railroad
Tinted Mtatea A-Xai
Nkw YoK,Septcml)or 1. 8io kaarednll. Chl
eavo and Roek l-lainl, ll1!1 : ('umls-rlniid lrfi!rrt-d,ftioi
I Ittol i rti ral, ; IllintUa Ooiral Honda, 'Sit Nsar
.uk rentrHl, 'iH ; t'nn-lVHnU,' al lU'i; Kitad'n, lait
HiKl.oii Klv,-r. 177S : I'.nton O impiny, 1 US : RrlH,l(iii
ll. lil. -J4I : ana siaee lhe Hoard, J4t Tennvaaao na l"0;
(tto-vta. t'emncAJii., ti.'a; Kiva-tareniy Coupons, loOj j
loutoil sa, 10-.
guotutions of Gold at the Philadelphia UjIiI
Kxchang,No.34 H Third street, seciud siorr :
Pj A. M 212 12 M 2414
11 A. M 'mi 1 P. M 247
Market strong and excited.
Jay Co iiec & Co. quote (Jovernsnont Securi
ties, &c, to noon to-uny, as Ullows :
V. !S. rs, MI 1004
U.K. 711-10 Notes 109
Certificate of Indebtedness, new... D)
Quartermaster's Vouchers. DO
(lold 212
5-20 Ilomls 108)
Quotations of the principal Coal and Coal Oil
itock at 1 o'clock to-day :
flirt dit.l lit
miton lal lie, u' t'ns-vn Plro!um.. i
nvsiouiiiain,oal. s ss Iteaeott oil..,...., ..
N . V at Mul.'i.,4'2'a J i Beneia Oil
llr.en y. Deal.... b H invaulo Oil
N. (a. Ix. li. air .... a', (, jKranklinOlt... ..l'i
Clinton Coal 1 4 la-l'lrvina Oil ,
rmiww 'Bin vw . i -i "u., . mujvi,, a
Aiiiffleitn Kaolin
a Ifoix Kann Oil.... V
1'eiin Mining
(lliard M111I1111
Kliia M11. ins
I'litla- anil n-witoii.
Miuidaii Sllnills...
Maniuelle atilUluj.
(Ill Cr. sk
iiitli.uiioraMii.... .,.1
tt !hytton Ztafl.... 'ii
1.1 t'tnatnoro.... ,...,11
3 liauelloil 10 ,
A MoUnonny ,
4 Jtnoai ta Oil ..
1 loitnstead
A HoOleA OelantT. .
K I etroleum Oaairo. atf
a tt
It .nils Mi. .If Oil.
MeClinii rk (III...
laiiiis)Tania l'f.
1'erry oil
Muisral Oil
Ktastnne Oil
Vcoanso Oil
i; ,iirt a s
H"ks laland i i
liU ll'urtln 'JV
a', S . fl.k.r Dtl l 't
1', tsiory r'arm
Itailiibbard f
The following are Ihe recdiuta of Flour and
Grain at this port to-day .Flour, 18,1) b'lls.;
Wheat, 7600 bushel; Com, 9200 bushel ; OdW,
4200 bushels. . .
The following are the receipt of Coal Oil at
thl port to-day : Crude, 320 bbl. ; ReHnod, 50
bbl. - ""..j-jr,.
Twenty-five thousand ton of Serantoa eol -were
so'd in New York yesterday, for the Delu
ware, Lu kawana and Western R ulMal (Join
paoy. Tlie otfering waa taken at a dee ine or
about half a dollar a ton for the various descrip
tions, while stove coal sold at au extreme reduc
tion of one dollar and eighteen cents a ton. The
following is a report of the rate obtained to-day,
and a couifuirlson of tbe price of July the
highest yet paid :
AuiH't. July.
4f00 Ions Htoamlj'tC.ial alSIOMI eJIO .15 $10 87 (alio 80
Mum I.1111111 Coal at... Ii s7'tuyl')-.i; ia so 'n'ia
MSO " (.rata Coal at.... Id-Si), ID HIX .ill ll)
SHO ,(l.'oulal 10a- roll I VIA II i WHl:l7
tfs.l HtovnCialal.... loST'i'uill-in MnO lifllH
'AUU '- (. litj.liut ,.oUt.. 10 WVl'i lUU-i (qllt)-io
1 he Boston Tratueript says : The wock ha
opened with an unsettled movement and rapid
decline lu gold, which afford the leading feature
in the tinaucial market, the decline from tbe
close of tbe previous week being ab ut twenty
five per cent Government securities bav ruled
strong throughout the week, aud uiodorioly
upwards, with a fair amount of sale The,
share market generally has remained dnl),
with very little change and moderately ffrtn
price in the sound dividend paying seen ri
ms, while tbe speculative cla- a, wltn but
lew exceptions, have continued weak and de
clining. Money has continued ia easy s-ti.iply,
with luthcr an lin rtiascd demand for loan. The
den. 111 d I t discounts h is becu li,'ht, and very
1 tile ol first-class commercial paper ha been
otlitedat the banks. Toe business transaction
have been to a fair extent, aud in some c rele
the movement has been miterinlly quickened.
Prices for most article of inerohaudla remain
F.urningt of the Dubuque and Sioux City
Buiboad, lor week ending August 21,
were 85819 08
Corresponding week, 1803.
Increase in 1864 ,
, ffZdlO'OO tkauk bkpokt.
Thcrbday, September 1. Bark come forward
slowly, and No. 1 i Arm ut 9'l.1P too. t
Tbeie Is very iitilo Cloversecd bore, an l it
comniauds fiom $lj-60(a l5 for 61 lot; Timothy
(ells in a amall way at V i(w6 2j. A sulo of Flax
seed to the extent of 1000 bushels, 1 reported at
$3 65 W bushel.
The Provision market 1 quiet but Arm at yes
terday's prices.
The Flour Market 1 comparatively bira of
supplies, with hut little or no demand for shipping.
The sale have bten confined mostly to the sup
ply of tbe borne trade, ut $l0-5J(a l2 supertiue
and extra brand; 12(? 13 for extra faulty; and
fancy brand at higher figures. Rye Flour and
Corn Meal (till combine quiet.
Wheat is in limited demand. Receipt (tilt
continue to arrive siowly, and sales of old Penn
sylvania red are effected at $! jt)'n-2-j'i (J' bush.,
and New Pennsylvania und Somhern at fl&'idQ
2 7.'i, and white at S"2 HO.'ji 3. A (mall (ale of Rye
ia reported at VI 8.1. Corn meet with a ateady
iuquir) at fc'l 73 ij ' bush, for yellow, with tale
of 3000 bush., and $1 -73 do. do. for Wofteru
mixed. Oats continue, dull. We quote new at
l-8e. and old at !)5c. A sale of Barley Malt, to tbe
extent of 40O0 bush., is reported on private
terms. 1 tie article i woitn irotn ifi a w
4J-' bush.
1'rices 01 vv uisxy ari laiimg on. o-iies 01 re
filled bbls ut fl-aotu l'bd. Ouio is tirin at 188.
llaruue W. E. AndarMto, Hoed, feuaaeola, J. E. Baaley
A 1 11.
tins lift tha Koalin, Nchula, Rio Jarlro. J. Maaon A Co.
lliu II. 8 Knisry. Kltt.. t'k-orueiios, U. delta A Cadada.
tlcl.r L A. May. Hasar, U..tou, Nltiirtea.n (ikiar.
hclir M.leMl . Pavae. HI. alary., li. A. Adaui.
Heur J. Maxflald. May. Iloaul .rt, d'k
behr 8 W. fonder, I'liilnpa, Taunton, C. A. HaekaharaV.')
Htlir M. A. KiUabel)i.Col!l"ry, lihtlnon, W tluuMr,at,
bclir C. t. hiuivr, Matou, lloalou, U. tjoopor.
ARitiT.n Tiim MORinao.
gehr Ari;iii Kye.Towiiend,l!l daja IromKoy Wt,la
ballaai to it. It. metsou at CO.
BfXOv-. ' ,
RhlpTonawanda.,lnllua,troiu Uverjool, viiil lata
Capua ol Uiu Delaware this uioruln.
Corrrtpontlenee 0 the Phila.lenliia EieSant.
l.k.ka. Del., Ausu.t I.-Tli Uiilw awt tMmr
Olaueii. and Ibriw aolir. are at Hi Break wur. Ilia latur
aiesMOb underwslsli. Cupl amltb la al.U ',r"- 'Mr
theearso out ol' tli wrtalvd stiip Jauios aoiutk. Wind
linbtn-om E
Voars, otc
A .a,,M tlUBMStt
Livseooi-8lilp Tonawanda, Julias IT casks soda
ab Varoall A 1 rial Wei 76 WlUtall, 1 aluru A t.'o; SI Ja(
A Mooru ; tA'-i bo&ea tin platea ti Trvator ii Co bb oaaa
leol 1 T liolly ; hdi atrip Iron Morrla, I'aakor At Co
iTil liara IrvD Htravor A Wld(lakri la cask ntu it pksal
tl A M If wauoa; pkahdw oaaka anaiua Roa.r
A liuiclial-i d IS psaa liJw Truitt A Cu; IS do pksa and
rhalna 8 loo ehaiii 9 anvtta Koofhu, Kerulty A Cot a
txta tin plates MAG Taylor A Co t 4 pas bdw Tryofl A
Itrua : 1 t at u ilea ; 1 K Howard -, lt.1 urates caaka u,w
W (1 ilarc ; 1 do 6 crulo do klarxea A WlUat 19 o I
tasks do i a trk 1 no tiaiva mda i K Tolnuiitr A Co; S do
caaea do J II A W Cralshloa JB Ki.uah A Ooj IS W
ll llor.luiaiio A sons; stel.uU A Jausu.k; ; lit Mia lro
A A f Rolwrta A Io; t)(eu. Ulcnariiock plttlroo 7oa
earpeitus 4 do niallliuj Its) aaeka a all llrows. tulr
Co; StM hdia koon Iron Sou hdl Oar Iron DouitoaaaUupiaMa
VI caaka soda ash W craws 4 caks eiliw nw.
"TTrflrlRl DrtkwlDtrsjor U " 14sl
laKiarj of ataatucay.
Ci .a 41-Aniroat . ISS4.
156, 78, 78, 80, 41, 40, lrt, M, 2 ', j, W. 52,
kraci.ASKti1-iopw"",'.,rT . .
f,, 2'.'., 60. 63. 2, M, 7, ')'-, 1J.
Cmalan Matey aar.UJ .,,,., a t-,