a-af. I TITK DAILY EVENING TELECrlUrtl.--rniLABKLrniA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1861. 3- -1 l.-ef' 1 ' Tt'P.f DAT, AVUL'ST 2, 111. SPIRIT OF THE HEW YORK PRE33. PAiril fVlTIUM'T MORHM. Vm tV tVf Mm.. The faith of cur loyal millions in the nHimnfa triumph nf tho Vnii n otr In Confclor4to enc Bilea bordtrs on ihc itthlline. It tolerates no donU; It admits of no hisitiitioii. "Wbat! a Ur pMbllc of (bitty millions, riib, IntolliReiit, ener getic and Jnttrpi J, to be vnininlsliid by tlino hundred lufusiiml xliivrliolilcni and this in the middle of the nir.fti'Cnth centnry ? As well miijht B pop ptin dismount niid silenro a H indi Iialil frrrn or ranott ! No. tbc contest chq have Imi one rrmtltt No terms no truce no parlor down with the a cursed IteMl.on!" It in cij tiue Ibai the dispuri v of Ibi; forces fl'ted apaln-t each other Is very pest ; thoupb. a defensive po-ition and Bttitndu go far to e.iuili -e till til. It Ihn It'ft.rlK rmilil roil, l.o o..av.t.l bi far y north of the slave line as our artnle. are noiv J eottth of it, we sliotiltl nuke short work, of them. jrtii' T would lic.M pl'ched tmtties, oaopcrt tields, we ebf ttld cr ats.n tlnish thcm.evenwnoretlicv ere. Iiut lin y can tullr avoid these, and tii'lit bel-lnd r-nribwi rks, or rush suildculy upon ns fTOtn dense w.nih, stnkiuR a v. tag or exposed divihion i'f one ol our nrtnlcs with tlio ureal bo.tjr ot ilu ir,-, ami so rcutiai;e or ovcrboar anv ad verse di-pttrltr of number?. It requires mora tbnu double tlie force end outlay on our side Unit t lild strc for lh tr. Hut the vital inference Ilea hero : They wield and nsc tin n'lrc tiKbttni? capacity of the retfloti subject to their swiiy, while we employ ag tinst tht-m but a f ran Ion of ours. For exitinpiu : The n rIod now subject to the power of Jeff. avln contulns just uhnut sovi n millions of people not one more ot whom three, millions an- slaves nor one of them at hem for the Re bellion ; most of thi in Intensely though mutely hostile to It. The residue scnrccly exceed In number the f popalatiort of this single State of New York. nestae tmse, iney may nave at too almost one hundred thousand men in their armies who e tue from region now under thu authority of the Uaton. Ihey caa barely have half a million able-bodied whites this day within the actual limit of their Confederacy. lint, whatever the number may be, they use the whole i putting into the lield besides m iny thousands of Itiimiitnre boys and old men who can l0 of little real ucrvlce. And so wi' h regard to propeity a well : The South Is fur poorer than the North, but the Coufedvrmo amlitirUics claim and take whatever they need and c in hod. Fo id, forage, cloth, leather, sugar, cotton, tobacco ill are taku by "the (overutucnt," rooiptixl for, and need or sold as may he doemod advis iblc. No demur is tolerated, uud no audible grumbling is safe. The North Is "careful about many thine-1" industry, trade, pleasure, spucuhition i at tlio smith, there I", for the present, onetii-lnes war. Look through our fashionable watering places, ami cuoi mntiniuin reti iitu nod bulling resorts, and yon Hud them about as well filled as usually at this a. ason, and scarcely less gay and sumptuous. Though the earth is parched with beat and dionght, the dinners are perfect and the wine well eooiod: the viol sounds sweetly front apacions hails by niht, and young feet fly mertily iu the dunce, as tf uneoniciuiis of whole sale carnage and agouy. Wu are doubtless n Eeat people; our self-conceit is suiwrb; but lUU cot (he way to make and eud a war. But to the application : Countrymen I Your Government nods uot men oiily, but money needs a great dol of it ; and you must supply it. l'riecs ure exorbitantly bigh ouly because your fai tire to lead your country all she needs compels her rulers to ex tand tne currency when they would gladly con tract It. Of course, expunsio'n nines the price of every ration, every cartridge; nud your Secre tary of the Treasury must do as bo can, not as he wonld. To-day, Knropetin capitalists are baying the bonds of jour Ooverntneut your obligations to pay so much gold for about forty cuuta on the dollar, though they will bo worth pr directly after pence. Your saturnine f.dtb d ies not suf fice to prevent this ruinous d preeUtioa. Your armies ure unpaid the money that was due them a month ago. The heroes are dying hj thoiia.iniiK nrpiiiit living f r ynu unpaid because you do not lend your Government tho money for which it offers you generous interest. And there are tnousnnds who call themselves loyal who wax indignnut at tho thought that the Keleilion ci.n possitily succeed ; or at the sug gestion of granting it auy terms yet who have never asked whether they could lend anything to their Government if they only wnu.d. They rest in a blind f.iiih that the needed funds will aumcbow l Lad a fuiih that Is 'den I, being n't ne.' Ilundrt ds of thousands miht leal the Treumty 100 to $100,000 each if they would! fome fi rb ar through thougbtleasno-s, others fri ra cow aroice, nu ro from avarice. We are In greater peril to-day of ftntineiul than of military Uisaobrt and the war is coming fifty per cent, more than it would cost if every loyal cititcn would lend the Govcmuient to the extent of his mrai s. Men and brethren ! think and act I Tint "n.oKin" AG iisr. Burning; of the Burqtie "Uolcoudu" 1 anil SjteboiM-r "Haiiant Y. Oavlw " " Captain W. L. West, of tlie srhooucr Maranrei T. iton'jt, burned by the Kebel privateer t'iorida, makes the following statement : Halted Irom I'oit Koyal, S. C, July 3, Ijoand for New Yotk, In bullaat. 7tb instant, spoko United States gunboat Santiago tic Cuba, uud was agHin In company with her on K.iturdny, July 0, Int. long. 74-40. At daylight saw a baniie- rigg sttamer steering for us, which o m came up with us. and bo s ed the American flair, whi h wo did alto, lie ordered tne to heave to, uud ho would t-oa'd me. When thia boat came along- aide, be hauled down the American color.-, and informtd me that we were a prl.o to the C'oiifude rate gunboat Floriilv, uud gave us tun minutes to pack op and leuve. : They flrst took my nautictl Instrnmontg and Other viiluiiMc, und then set the vessel ou lire. Th crew of the iuirtdn n boat acted in a very disorderly manner. On the aiiiiie day wu were transferred 'o the schooner II iliiam . Clean, of Nassau, Ciiptain Hall, from whom the captain of the h'ltoida got a Nc.iv York pnpor eonl.uuhic the account of tho sinking of the Alabama, ivhloU contused theui very much Hciide tnysell and Ciew, there were ou hourd ('sptnn Winsiovand orew of the haniue ;,. on.'V, of Now Itedtord, burned previously, who wcro with us put ou boatd the Chart and talien to Harbor Island. -Contain W inslow, of tlm Unknmla, stittes : Left U'cnhuHi.B, t'hili, April I t, lor N .-wlicd-ford, with a enrgo of IROO M- . ol wh ilu nud speiru oil, mobtiy ou tielght. Uu Ji!yM,1 f 1" M.,lut. JI7 '', I'n.-T w.:s boarded b the Oot federate prl- aid r roi:ri, who Informal mu thut I wus a pr.ie to her, and tlmt he woald give tu ico minutes to i-ct our thing- ready and leave, a be was going to burn 'he hie. I aslie.l the o.li- cer if he won tluot bond her; but he replied that "tl atthug w played out Imp; ago." The oftjcer inioriiicd inc tU.'t my private pro peity vvihiIiI be rc.tptvtfd; but i" J i not, tor he kept $'2b0 uoi Hi. The oill.ier had no con'ral over the men wlilln on bosrd; they comiuenee't 'teailuc, down tin; Uyl:ghL- and jiluDduring as aoon us tin y sot ou l.o ird ; ticv took tour or five liairolaot sperm oil uml one undiiiag sail, uml tain ttt file to ber lu tbiie pbioes cabin, mum batch, and lore .t.m! ; tiny thru left her, aud steered for unull.iT l(V(nc, whi.ii proved to be a Tn uch br'pie brMtnd to oe V or'.c. . The asked the c;it.iiu to tauu us on liu ir.t and lund ns, but he rcltrcd, on til'- ground that be was OuiihIuim.I to the l icneh ('oiinil and could not. 1 ho I'tuiiJa then kept off V. by S., under sail and aleuin, aud ai any tana did not nioie over Lino knots per hour. July ft, tell in with the achooner MunarM Y. Darii, Watt, of nd for New York from Port Royal, and burned ber. On same day, myself and oilicers, together .with Captain West and crew, wars put on board the lirilkh schooner I I'm. II. Chare, Captain Hall, from New York, bound to Harbor Island, where we arrived July 18, whence we went to Nassau, where we applied to the American Consul, Mr. Thompson, stating our destitute condition, and that we woald like to get a passage to New York, He ordered us on board the brig Ulivt Fran a, Captain Small, to wait until she was ready to go. The Oh'e FrnHctt had to go lo Kagired Island for load of salt before going to the States, but the Consul afterwards allowed us &10 each tow ards paying our passage is the steamer Uoitr nor hay It y for New York. We are under obligation to Captain Light bourne of the ilortrnor Bajly tor his generosity : also to Messrs. Darling aud Arnold, owners of lb steamer j to Captains Hall of the tf. II. Chare, and Small, of the brig oUv i'rancts, for tne Many acta of kindliest while on board tbelr re spective Teasels. -Vrut York Tribune. A EnglUh critic, roviewln work onUud eape gardening, apurovos of ''employing the sharp accontt o poplar tree! und other vertical growths.", An English company has obtained a grant for bank as Bogota, Colombia, with right to estab lish, numerous branch. Its bills are lo b re eivd by the Government lu payment of taxes. It proposes to furnish axchanf e between thu prin cipal towns in the country and tb porta with which th Colombians trade, and it establish vent give geiural satutkctlvn. a bit or- ,"wrrii iiiroitT. Mr. Abel HcywtK.''. nooksoiler and x-Myor of Manchester, Knglano", h" Pa '"rtU stAtc ment of the difficulties alteiv"n ,h progress of the book end periodical trade. He "When, In 1S31, Icommrucod the business of nfws agoat, the i frit dlcnl press bad latxly an e-iistentsj, and no oewspi.pcr puWished In Kngland sold for ft )tt prlre than (cvetipcucc, the duty upon each r sp'r being feurpenco. The Voor Han't (luar rfmn, published by Mr. Henry Hetheringtou, was con minced In lfUn, and in 1h.ii be otiered taa the ar;t ncy for Mane hctcr and the district. "The 9i7e of the I'ccr Man'i Ciuirttim was not t -1 li ; I lo oi.c dialf of ILe Familv Ilrrnl4 ; it was, In Cait.a drmi sheet, and sold for one penny. The judges In the law courts dc liled that thU smiill sheet, so unlike a newspaper, was one, and Si so' h ought to pay the s amp duly. It was tiding this year Unit anorgni.ired struggle of tho I (s j'lo ci mine need for the nhoiition of tno stamp ' nt v or the rtmovnlof the 'taxes on knowledge. ' In the lite years Out ing w Inch this strugglo was tunin'ainctl. seven hundred und fifty persons were fii.eo and imprisoned for vending tho 'am Han't tiitanhav und the tin-ratnped press, and I whs ci inmi'ti d by the presiding miigi-tiate tor the spnre of lour months to the New Hailev Pri- Min. iiy inenrceration rniiio to eon time me tbut 1 v. as ni t engaged in n glorious v.ork.ln doing my uttpost to level the barriers ol ignorance, and naklethe tispnpr to become an inmate in the house of every man. "Altir my ouH harao fiotn pi lsou, three other attcciptt, were made to send me ai,am to tail, but out t regard to the fee lings of those who were i carest to me I paid tho tires. Hit coute-t be tween the Government uud the ptiMii-bnrs became vi ry HVtrc j the panels for the country agents were seiitd by the police and. confiscated ; servant girls curt Irg bonnet and other hones o.o stop ped and starched j the conch olnrcs in I,nndoa wire la'sifgetl by the police to rapture every sus pi iots-looking parcel ; bnt the ingenuity of the publishers was a match for them. My parcels wore olten put in haniper lu which shoes arc n-ually pat ktd, and directed to a shopkeeper In Oldham street, who dealt in those articles. Public opinion never lost its sympathy for tho men eni;sf,ed in this battle of tho press, nnd in In ill tho Govern ment introduced a bill Into the House of Com mons to rednco the duty to one penny. The duty has been token off the manufacture ol p.tptr, tlie advertisement duty has been remitted, and, luoie than all that for w hich we struggled the duty upon the newspaper, has passed into oli liwuu. 1 ha press b now free." A HtiMIMM FKK or l.OI.A MMrt:Z. Manager Luiulcy'd "Keroiniscruces of tho Opera" contains the following story about T.ola Moutcz : "There is still nnother event rcnminlng, in the circtinistnncrs connected with which there is something so strangely ludicrous, that 1 can scarcely look back npon it without a smile. This event was the appearance, as a dateue, of tho late celebrated I.olo Monte. It is uot my lutcn t on to rake np the world-wide stones of this btrange and fascinating woman, not long sin -e passed from the world Perhaps It will be sulll cient to tny frankly that I a in this instance fairly 'taken In.' "A noble lord (afterwards closely connected with the Foreign Office), hud introduced the lady to my notice as the daitrhter of a celebrated Spanish patriot and martyr, representing her merits as a dauicr in so strong a light that her 'appearance' was grsiiteI. The af erwnrda great l.oia was received with rapture. Public, press, opera-goers, all give way to stuh Immoderate fits of cnibushiMii that it is d fllcult at this day to account for the strange infatuntlon which per vaded all ranks. Tru.', the so-rlled Scnor.t was singularly lienu lfiil ; her style was new, aud there wes something pmuaut aiid provocative in the surprise ere txl. "Yet she had no pretensions to the title of oVi Art'.K In nny sense. To speak Ihc plain truth, she was but the ver est novice in her ait, which she bad never studied as on art at all. I do uot in tend I y this plain statement to dechvru thtt the French and Italian schools of dancing uro alone to te endured by spectators of the highest class ; for there is art in 'he Spanish school of dancing, as we I as in the others. Put this spurious Spanish lady had no real kuonlcdgo of that which she professed. The whole nil.iirwts an imposture; and on the very night of her first ap pturauce the truth exploded. Doubts aircuny created were confirmed, nud tho true Spauinrds indignantly refused to acknowledge the Impostor as an exponent of thi ir notional dunce. Ou tho discovery of tho truth, I declined to allow tho Ki glish udventuress, for such she was, another appearance on my boards. "And rertuin It ia that I acini wisely, though I l.ad to exercise the virtue of self-dciuul, us there is little doubt, from the reception she. bud met with on the first night, that the lovely woman would have drawn large .-urns of money to my ttdisuty, for some t mo at least. In spite ot the expostulations of the 'irleuds of tno lady in spite of the deprecatory ltttors iu which she earnestly denied hi r s.ngli-h origin, und boldly asst rted thnt she was a truo ' l.oln,' a genoluo 1 Alontt 7. in spile even ol the desire ox pressed in high places to wilness her niniui,t! performance, 1 liniuincd inflexible, and the false danseusc was i ever nuain allowed to exhibit her handsome person hud hit spurious gruees at llcr Majitly's M l,. m, ' The Princess of Wales is the grand-daughter of the celebrated and unfortunate Caroline Ma nilla. Uiiu n ot Denmark, whose roinautic roll' lions vi'h Strnensce, und loss of the throne in (onseiuenec, have been the subject of so nmch conimeuiaiy, und formed the staple of so many curious uemoltH. WANTS. A KHIXKKY AND CAYA1.KY U0UUP.S i ithi.riii . ,hiir it 7. IJorc ti!t:iMvfor t'.e A rill ftrv un l dunliy ir-rrlcR wtll t(-1 'tir.'l.iiMii ! II. c mih;oiI;:iu tt, in ok;u lutirkci, nt n i'ir mi nl Iiihia. I win l1(r iM'iitu net tttir(l. llcrt0K ! l Mvt-rt'i 10 the I Bilcl SUM liiptpnctor. At Ui WMJ.IAM I'F.NN liOll.t, MAKK.l MtfXvC, bt-iutH-n L iBitn And Mntn strffiH. i; Mtti'i oi 4:oloiil tifurgj II. Cftittiimn, AJuitUnl Vii!H-tiiiiaUr-lintiiii L. . A. (sKoliCK K OHHM. J:'.'T U'l ( apt.i'u in J A. Q, M. WAN'i KI VOn TILK VMTf l) fTATKS M-irliii' (.'ori Vttttii mc. 4.ri(jue ti by ( arnl lu-iti , tl.n hiiis Jrcti M.irLt1isl tuon.to Lsftto.ra thA hail'. I if M H -irtJifr .v t.ttr ) i ftrd.Mtsd nboaHl t nilnl .-jkii .i ntn-s.i,l- vr:ir uti f'titiLii liritit'ii.H. Bttior c incn'.umn tl.mt Ui rrar. A l.Ip of -war !" comfort. .(' Lou'c-. 'Hi M.tnitr Ct ij-n i th' btt if.i't-Mit'i.ip- In II.' n'v, I'fi.M- Moil y fn nl.nn'kmrv. THI". LOCAL l-OI'MIil rAIn TO UlX'ltl VIA. I'm ult oihf4 r li.vnjAiinii m-i'l tUt'y at tt.o KiriuMnx l,f6 o -t Ni ll I K"NI hue'), fKtuvr in Unic n tiQ I o.ua vl ntoc aittl Ihive oc, . k Cut tlll'l (ID'I U-rU':l' i( !' r, u .o j.u s. n;vr ah t'QH SALE AND TO LET. A MXAWAKJ I'KVCIl l-'AKM I'OI! ' ! on wh It "i lion rroirin: ''.ij w Ult'b nrt tPi" IuII 'wImi jL-l-r l!ISl ft.' I 'I1 f r. i I Pi-n.-l es. n :- Irntl; s l.urij OKI .MMn." ! !. I i lioslh" III' '," Jtl.l vniff !iv,t hU fr wt i 'i v.iil b3 itlv it.r the nisi .tt hi a i.w itii- 1 1, i.iii.1 1 ti-srihii i:.nin ml Hniiim. itnu Ii i rn -il l tirvi .( A 4 ft o ai.uu:l.ir vey sre sud.eift tu U1..1I.-I Virtee!iUi.d t.-r Wlty fri i nr. ir i - ii J i. nj .ei oi. A ,1'y to Ho. I V. P.O. i.3i-it ELEVKK TUKEE-STORY Q BB10K DWELLINGS, wrr.li ijack j;i;ii.iiNfs, CAS AM) r.ATU. J. W. 1111AM, No 140 S. THIIID STREET, Or, .'. 'Xr7 8. FOl'KTH 9TKRET. Ail!.' t Jtfc-l'Jl TO RENT. HANDSOME STORK, WITH I COVNTRY BRAT FOR SALE. A l- U ktilxmlid rittairv HasiiU.'C with All UiOtlvra CfB witTrn.-M od iw 4Tf!oi :ioin4, m ill rroui K tw- Tnsor. Ii v.111 bm 14 M rftt furUk.t b rntJKvr-i. I:kt1r.,sri rln-rai.h withlat tblMlu nunuUia' rlil. Al- tU to U. B. PAIS I KK or W. Ii. WAMklUXL, Et.,WDt tieirxer, Aav.r iiu.vu ,muswiwu yOR SALK. y,0o0 WORTH IN GOOD ff-- houiiu, UUH.U inisii, oa unns to pre"-"i .iifsr with or wltbeut liit'MiuDrMK'.. for ca.b aisa 14 traas. lrMintr. or, rrom 10 to u o kch a.m.. THOH. at. TLUWMA.V, K. 'J0J . ITOt.lt TH BlrMt. II lu N Y H I M O ISI W, VNITED STATES NATIONAL WAGOH A5S OOACH WOBIB, OtHea, No, 591 MtW MABKiiT Bitmi, Aad Factary, eracr al BKCOM) A0 CTMBUtLaJiJ) kTIKMB, . . raULASkLrsaa. AD aad arwfktad of WAtiONH, CAKTi, BBATS, WI1BKI.1 ABIIOWI, Bad TlMltfcJI WlitELS, adapt.dk. Army. kVM4,kUt, r rtanlaUoa parpus..- All work wanaal. r Unlui prvw MMssted ta. kwVtf gUMMER DRESS 000DS, AT LOW l'HICUe). Fkit4 ft trf f J . . n ril.ln) nusfifi Miraml'hoes fynM Width Miisiliii'is Urt4lan Oi Peats. , SI " i s: , tt - CTJRWEK kTODDART & BROTHER, Kn. ), suit in S. 8.,roST TREBT, AMvs Wlttv. HtJMMl.U HUAWr.S. Ho. Milium, sinnti. J .1 to t. Llimi fl bo's t? si t ft. I'.I.ACK I,Ali; I'OINTKH, t losix. ovr i.r LOW. CURWEN 8T0DDABT 4 BROTHER, .-. , art 111 pj. SK'JJXII s Kr.tir. jr:4 'it aiv u Viliow. J U W IV It I H K I I I- w rtfunJ tho tnonr, If dsilnJ, tor nttj lot of 8Vrtj wUi.li r.U Is r rsspxsl. I'lNE HI II It TH, ctT l.K.vi.rnwisK or mfhi ijf. Jtsdo cf Now York Mills Muslin, and nir tin. Lhinu ItotoB..i. Onl) U-u.d prtce 0-(M. WUlUi nrllk Mills Mu"ii. sn.t tin. t.tnsn rtixoms, Ontjr IT.O. Viu.il ir. . I vrttt. GESIIl'Ml'S'S FURNISH IN O GOODS. HMITII .V. JACOIIH, V-t Kn. 1'4'M CHISCT HtrMt. ioj titi.HM t rnktrrr. Ths .ttsntsm of I.nrii VTHITIHtJ TUB m r,prthooalxot I.KAVIMii It ft.r"Wir. Iiik I'lsec, ' or "the t'ouatry,' Ii ronpscttnllv bivl'pit to Ui. Sktcnut's rbv-k Of WIIITR fMili.1 aultHbln lir fl'MMKR WEK.f..r WHITE HOlHt.8, tWIUINU WU-UTrEUS, c An ententes sartmsat Is orTtv la f,s Sntl Workvl CiIpiImV and lntnluu. V.ils, Hsaiiksti'tit's. I oil., Plcvei.snd la etsin so aoiry rtd, Hu-lninl. utd t'lNitrod Wiilrs O-.mI. AT PI H.'Krt JtUl H IlKLoW IltUI mrss'NT hkTaii. vai.i v.. ti.i TrtDt.d l.insu t'.cilirk irri. loo tuots I'tnlKl, lucasil, aadStitXkl Mas Una. lots chi:hsiut rRK.rr. (328 noor MKIRTS. llOiJ stwalkctoo'o. iU A aril Hur, U0 Aboe sixth tre, I'liUsJoliUla. Wholsasle snd not ttl. TYssawvit eADintet. ...ortiaent or I..il(s. MUifl'. and ChiMrtti'. Ilr4p nliirt. In tlio oitv. In evory re.HK-t ftrvl- cinn., .-iii lor r j... iiniau.uurKuiui, ana uucpuca., h.v. no eiinl In th. lu.rki. hktrt. bum. tuorwr, altered, an rspains. WM.T. nOl-KIMS. iAI'1' LSI.AM), CAIT. MAY, N. J. r'O II ' HsLK.-Cot'.sf. on i.ttsri?tti: 9trriH.ll rooms. Lot tb viti t,ct. Ir.omre sal it J lltrtT 8TRE AHOVI' AT ANTff HOTEL. A T tiANTIU OI T Y. JOHN HMIOK, r&irRu:TOB. This rsvortt tn'.DS, whicb Is moil delightfully sltnatod, urar tl.a b h, tiM tM.a nowly rcpapond, repainted, and Uiorviujhly resuc-Msal, and b now open for th reception of sueftn, oi'udns thr oeuiforts of a L'ma, coaiblneil with all the Ic mines of tho season. Terms moderate. Jvft-lta 10NCKF.SS UAI.L, ATLANTIC CITY. j I i(xild rtspsctlunr Inroim mv friend and Ilia piiMicthAt I liax e stain tal.ori Oounn'ns limL thin beinf tne tnirti jcur, nna neiiiAiio nmj pietisration tor mo niltitf !eu'-on,Hic imiiiao i,oin rniaii, rcmoaOfa, uew 'I'nnliire. ih. etnauir. v!Ui sprtn Ihih.Au.. die., and will accommodate n.ur hunilrf d suents. You will ttnd no bcttiT plsoo than CiTTea Hall. It to the neare.t to the ccrnn of any of tl:a Ihiks h-iuneiat At'Aiulc Clty.beiiiK but one nt oomt anta tw-m tn eeuMi, tiiiiN preioutinit itirit so ad ant ase lo tfce public. Ihaie canuut e anyKetter tbtl'lce than ut Aliantle tbi anmiiier. Theauod iar thnt t u such a (rieat iirawimrr. iit saon tiai at tntn mvoiH awav b tl.a uus ti. e. of Ian winter, loroun iikott lb. bet bathlus surf ou the Attnnttc sea beard. 1 ri'ie is an iisiellnl oiieti jliiik: fiiit4,Tl. Attael'.ed ia aapicatld HlHianllteoin. leti ti w. niNKir.. NLUT IIOUHK, ATLANTIC CiTV, gi:o. x. ux.airvrv, rropriotor. (tnt nt hvr.ruhly knotrs M prnprteKMr of 0YSTE8 1JA, bi-VlU und C1U.9XUT Ittrwu.) rartls iv-coi inrvlivorl with ItoMa, FUhlni; l.nes,aV.,se, Cmrs rau to the bouse avtry twenty niuiuu. Ks-U -i,"xcuac;k nori'.L, Atlantic city. 1j Hi snhacribor. eratelul for nam favors, leaders tliAitfce lo bU introna and Ute pttb'lo lor U.0 iteiiefoua eua ui KtvtD Dtui.Ana nutf lotto ui auy ur. ue is uim ope. lor tlie-nion. arid ready to recetv. boardora, p.nuauont and irans.enl. on U.e iiMat a.o.loi.. turuia. The bar will always be sunlied trtb the cnolct wines, IKiuora. and clssra, and .tiperfirold ato. Til. tabluill b st wob tlie be.-t the. nmrki-t ul'brds. riittilnp iiihsmkI 'aeki aiiesvs on hat, All Ui couumu ot a Uoiu cau always b (bend at th KjuIisi,' T mum i: per aiionm, Gl.OUI.E hatha v, jey tl' froprleior. 1J O L U 31 11 1 A IlOUri X3, CITY, A'iliAMTU slw jiT.br.r. RITVATK ON KENTUCKY AVKNUK, OPPOHtTL THE hl'Bf 110LHE. Vntrt to suit U tltues. KO-tf s R A - U A T H I N (1-S H A -15 AT H I N O. RATION M. DAI L. VMK l-i'.AM', fAl'i; MAV, II. J. Cf'ldrf ii onTcr iy rpm ot aae and r; uiu lulf rr!. 6i!.f lot s. '" niLim.j .U n l.fil uini.i l,Hiia I Uat 1 '.'. niMir.l l l i:UM, i.Va). Kl't ia AAl.v.S UAKKl'iaoN. lroprlcUr. ( O IV V A V W 0 Y B T T. R BAY SALOON. 8. IV. lti;M.f. Ol Sl'.(.i'Mi AMI cniSCT STUKKTS, I lUlAl.rU IIIA. () iti.i .m i iiuhIj, n. ;...'. i -iiKsNt-T mriu.i.T, Ii7!i.nif..i'::t. flit H..S ' kfi. r n l"c r;rnpsn T'sn ; tti Poom rs ce'ivi i.l'M.t .iJ wt .i ve'.:ivt' J. I l.o a.i"ita,u,alit o,.ca i' : Ur i '.. a oi tue . a ihmi . iVHel JOH. HTHlTti'tlMi. rropriotor. 1)T-N.-N STKAM kNOINK AND IIOILKR Wiu U. NI'U ll: I I-'V , I'ou-tljsJ and ThiwUcal Kni'tiiecih, V.tit li"jl.4l. Itiill'T-n. :;a -kiiill'ha and tiniHlt-rn, eaios- fir m-oiy voai . ltaulo'r-ce.siUI'iperu t'onjand L.-ea e.s h!i vrl l izard In b Jitliniraud ropair ns Maitiie ami Itlvsr :Kioa, blin and low pr..iurt',ltK)n llmlcra, Wat.r lanka, fMi.sll.r, A. Ac, nupoeinnly offer UeJr eenteea t. u o CLbLo u tximf tVlly prcfi.ired to rntraat fcr tZoalnci OIAII fthf-A. slarli.o, ttl.'tr. and HtA- Ikiuarv; bavin u of paturua of different sis, arepr rsred'toa.e.uteorder.i witritjiiK-k tkrau.'li. Ery d a riplionof iMiiiere-uiakmK n-aJe at. ti tiicnoM irnno. Uws asdtow ra.iij'e.t lue.Tuoalar.aadCyliuJer a,iwr, ot U. tsvat PeuuyltaaiA ck. rcoi.1 Irvn, t'orsliua, ol all alea and kinds; Iron aud bras. Cssui-ia ot ail d scrip- Lioi,s ; KwO-lumUi. r.'rew-enum',aiai aiiowu wuta IrawUa. as apaciil. aiku s ftr all wrrk don at IU kUbiUlisxkt rri of ehar, and wwk iujrai!l.td. Tb suisrtbrs bsvo ium wnart-does rotd for r tal U Uati, wtKsr. Uiryi .ia Id In ptrftcl t.'e;y. "d a.- prwkM KHb ibun, tlwkf, lulu, C, St., K laliuoi s,M-sls...w. JAWBC.;-w,ria, Jt HX ('. IJtVV, Md trjUCH and FA1JSS.H sjireet. BBIDE8BUBQ MACHINE WOKXS, dT S.kJa) TBiLAirxriti. We ate frt arcd te tu arotra te acy tateat t sot wslt- awrwn MACHI-VtRT POB COTTOM AVD WCX'LUI MOU, racSodlsf all meat lasftvaMBl ka Cdrdaaf , S bulat. ItMworua, lau-ii JENK8 BOH. arVKN OK BRAITY-WHITIS VIRGIN Si Wax of AbiMIm I tk nss rrt praparaUsaof th. aire, tut bc.ufy.in. wkHain,aBd preacrvluf tb upSusui. It ia Md. nroaa panttut Wax, kenca Ha uardlnary auaJsu.. toy ptaMfvliuj lb. akm, aaaSlas H aft, aianoth, (air, a4 traatpasauU It can. i kavpnd kaada or llpa. r.eoov.1 pfcnpkM , Ac frte. aJ and M MtsUk ttuulaetuMd ontr kv lU'Vr at CO., refluDturs, . klo.U MUUSTII Si-Jdw.alKJveCh.mH.aod jfll-lkt WuT . lYwtia MlMk FINANCIAL. U. S. 10-40". jay eooicia . cxj., OrT. tX 8 AXE TUB NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, itriRtwo rmt rrs ctrr. ntTf.itr.8T m com nttfen-atle any stave arVr TKI IB Aim, at th pKsa.n of th Uoveniaieai, and payabl fOKTT TEAIU nt CAt. BOTft COCrOK Ar Hl'.OIftlcrs-.U BOtn8 are sattee fnr this Loan, M ism nVaomtiiatvn as th o-7a Tkrlntanut on IW'i and $100 a payab; yaartyioo aJ oilier ei,BlnaUcna, kalf ) early. Tb. if -40 band are dated ktarek I, Tks half yearly loterert raJUt due Hepirmber 1st and Majtk let of tacti year i nmll tit Het U irbcT. the aeerned Interest frota let of MareB Is require tr. be ptUit by pairheers In etMit or in li.oal oet.tu'.scv sd.tlnr IliTy per cnt. fr p-smhtm, flntil further neflr. A 1 1 OTUMt UOVUtSMtUT SjtVtJUlTliM ITOUOUT AJiD BOLD. JA7 COOKE & GO., mJi.i tf kTo. 114 s). THIKD lTK!'LT. PRESIDENTIAL OAMPAIQH. FLAOH, EASUEE3 AUD TRAN3PAEEN0IES, WM. 1-. HO 1 1 KU tLalC. K. S. THIRD STREET, AKsv Cseiaat, r Utsdelfbt. MAHUPicrruiii or FLAGS, BANNKRS, TftAN:TAHRNCm8, AND LANTT.RNB. PaUts-al Casapaiirn Orsh tid hi wlek Lawtr, Bad.., Bawisere, and ffta. at reanahl. rate.. M Sm pOS THE ARMY AND NAVY KVANH A: IIAHHALL. MH.ITA11Y FUHNIHIHSUa, No. 419 A BOH HTRtJiT, fHILADr.lJIHA. Basav, Bu1ia.mi an Oonsiany ktars, "word, Baskes, BeJtt, Pwsaats, Epaulete, Uat. Oars, Canteens. Ilavenaeks.Cam. kUia, ITWld OlaeiM. Bpura, and mry tbni( pertaining to tfc eotariot atflt af Arajr and Vary Oaicon. A literal dtsexint aUowvJ 'o tne trade. nrlO-ol 1 C WEIGHT 4c SIDDALL No. HO Murkot Stroo-t hftwf.es rsoyr akd alconk stbukts. w. vnuMtT. r. u. aipux. PUUGOISTSTTUYSICIANS, asd OENr.BAL aTOBUKIXPFttS. Can n.d at oar establishment a full aaaonmnt of tmpnrtcd aad Domeatlc bruji, Popalu Patent Mtstlcloe, t aints. Coal Oil, Window l.lats, Preioriptloa Vials, Ac., at a low rncs as genuUi flrst-cbiie fooJs can bo sold. FINK F.&SKSTIAL SIL For Confrdlsners, In full variety, and of Ui Ism! itlty. Cochineal, Inoeal InJKo, Madter Pot Alb, Omtliear, Boda Afb, Alum. Oil of Vlulol, Antutto,Copprai,Esuaot of Loirwrod, Ac, POU Dt tliS' tuo, always en band, at lowcat net cash prKe. ft KE ttPTCES FOU FAMrtT UBB, flronnd expressly for our salei, and to wklck we Invttetti attutkn of thoie In want of reliable articles. Also, 1SD1V0, 6TAr.CII, MUSTARD, te., toiv. Orders by Ball, or tUj post, will asset wlta prompt at tention, or spidal quitalloul will u furtUibvd whoa r .aosted. WtllUHT dt rJlllUALIj, VfhoIersJe Drg Warutuiu.a, Jali-ly Mo. It) MAliKET Street, above Front. TRUSSES, BRACKS, AO., 'ekiirtniy adhnted tirC.II. of TBf.llH and ft At :i; lisnartinenl for asui.. rndiieied by isdSsa, 1WS.I.KTII Htrit, Am eoor Islli'W Haue. Tito moat complet and varied stock on band, eoaalatlnff. In part, of Trusses, hunponure, Shoulder ltrsona, ttelts. HaDilafma. a.lasue etockings, ttynnsoe, ArUcloa for Kursory,8lc4 Itooui. o- lulO Um rif II.AnKLPIII A SURQEONS' VGr) RANIlAtiK lSJiTII UTK. No. 14 North SJINTU Htrart. aoov. Markat. Kuotmra radically etired by l. C. KVtKKrr ITsmlunj raosnt l.nuliiatlnx 1'iesa.r. Tru.. hupsrS Klailw B4a, BiaaiM htoeMiKii.sjnpporiTa, Bl.uuSlnf uraoe.. aaapa urttv.Cratoh.i.. A4. Ladle, au.udod by Mrs. n. C. tv EBKi T. nra-IJP AUTIK1CIAL HAND. It. A. dtl.DEA. Iuveator and Manufacturer of th A li I 1 I' I ( 1 A L ttX, A(iitYviMi aud adopted sv ?ltK "CBflBOS-CESfEBAX Or THE rNITED BTATKB, er Holdlri, Ttss penrisnently loeatrd hla Office and fsotory at Ko. IU a. fot'Kl Ii Btrtet, sUt doon below Biruco, t'bilada. )e J0,,a KLASTIO HT1TOH b K W I N O MAOIIINEB, 1IIB BC.BT Qt CfE. auSS No. 730 OMK8NUT Btmel, W'ANTKD TO Sia.L OU KX.CUANGK, If Elliptic ftowtos: MaHime, 'l ne t.invc a suur oewm; awmua, I BO nu mwt -". ... And all the prtO'lrAl Hcwtrf Mncliucs. All . jmsibd Aito.all ka.l. ol soo.l lUnd Mscliluei.fcr Hal aad bcpoliisiat U.. ne tiUli-e ei . ... I.T.A ii:nn s r ai i -iv p r n, M lo, si. f.lt.UTtl mnet, fOvsr ten yea., with hinder A t'.) Ladies Utu,kt to x.rat. 11 -mt C II K A 1 , C H r. A l , CHI'. At Bfrfiiss Tl'lnnoi. Ilani'iiiiluins, and M todemti, at If J I ilii't, ti riii the I'lf.int tliVtl ison, at ism s (UA!f)ra uIl; BlOKf- s llir.' OIIKkNIJTRtn-, t. jy'O-.t asw1' IfTTtl COTTAQR OltQANa, w.tonly rNEXfTil-FH hot rkmetMrXru In piuttj nt Tan it ikJiil BL'kiU. but raii4 to tre C'iiiully well aiUa4 to Uwl'ftrtvf Mia mail mtfiMMfW. est c out vji Ho. W N. f BVKS Til Htrint. Also, eornrlet lnomma! oi la i feiect U.iiodo) ciatsfttiy oa iiiU. Qa W. BIMOHS A BROTHER, k AN ROM HTRERT HALL, PHnUULfHIA. ktANOPACTl'kJ Of Jt.VrEX.llY, FINE HWOllDH AJL llA-tf kvuiABr ooodr in rvKJtr TABurrr. T A M S llAIHIEli V V, UOU.9AI.B AKO KATAU. CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, t . ctrnei HiX'iiSD and CiltSiJUT Biroeli, ruiad'a. AC.1 SCV Pea THR rATKIT F.C.VAUUNO TU1BTY-A CLOCUB, A very desiiakl artless Ar .1arcks. UowU, BAakf, ttir iwir-ll'-tiM. Palrrs, Ac Also.SiA.St rV TI KFK OF PIKE GOLD FtrPB, 1J.W11 UMl'SllltD AND WAHsUNTlual. lk-ly Clock Trlicmlima u' ry dMMlpMon. TITM. A. GRAY. N. E. CORNXK OP SIXTH YY aid llOtlSuti, bays XAiids,WaoUs,Uia, BUv,aiMlls.iui riaaets. i'liOos, LSI WAVT 07 MONtiV, Alt bastiMS oaBdnla. avyU-taa Ifo. 7 a TUTRD BTELTT, ABOVB OaBBXOV, nuisdiajkH, VAHY A BROTIIEn," HfSA BJAB, AB OsWNAMKjrTAL PALXTlaUV a,lalsilaMeia,IkAr.ialnkv,Paf Tamlabiaa,. vktM DKMOYAL. THOMAS M. flXIWMAN, IV CarsuM aad BaOdet, k reocad jta akop a-oe So. W airwb.rry sttt t. So. iau ia-MT M Ut. aA U.tnlni Ui. old fort Offlo. ttalktlnf. 1 laer.aMd hhofll 1HIM lot Hinai mi um scasMM nuslt Mf , k fcuo bltsytfn 4lsWBISsiwBsiSV ikaf aM RNANC1AL. NATIONAL LOAN AT 1A1C. Intereflt 7 3-10 In Lawful Money, OOIIPONH ATTACIIKD, INTEREST TAYABLK EACH 81X MOT THS. Ti.' rrlnrtpn' ia psskls In tawnu tnotvy, at Hit end of tlifj vears. Or, tb koJorhsjUio rkhl to Ucmsud at tliat ttara The 5-20 Bonds at Par Initead of tbe Oonli. Tills rlT0ei ' valtialile, as thsw H-JA Bwtdi anmtr tnost r-o Ur Loan, aud an bow eJlliut at eujht aer ctnt, prrmitna. ButNKtli'Uotu rcdolved In tho aittaj manner, and th aipeal and proposals of the Btcretarysf the Treasury, tof.tberv.tlb ctr Cltvu!ati, aad all ne,sary iutoruu lon, will l fbralsbod oa appikaUon at our onice. JAY 000KE k CO., ,'lff-Mt No. 114 H. TllIUl H-rt. JAIU1C HTUUII A CO., 1JANKLCKH, Ho. SO B. THIRD STREET, acr aae au. OOLD, BtLVtK, AST) GOTEEhrMEWT SgCUIUTLBd. HTUUKU KOrrjHT AU BOLD OK OOMktianTOS. tmhlt f 'I L A 11 K H U N k CO., HANKERS, No. 121 8. THIRD STREET, 1-ltlLAJ'ULTIIIA. Qoremment BernrltiM of ail laeae Ptuvhased and fur SaI. Blocks, Bnda, aad Oold ttoas-ht and Bold on Ooea kuliaWoi). LNTEEloT ALLOWED ON I I.P081T8. Collsettoiu rrpenptly Sfsde. fwt-ir gUITll RAM JJOLI" II, No. 10 6. THIRD STREET, UANKKHH AND HUOKlilta. Baeck.BteYkj.Quartetmasten'Touehtr and Ou'Cks, and all rTirncnt BecurltW Booctit and Mold, mhl QOLW. UOL1), O Ia , 8ILYEB AND BANK NOTES WANTED. DE EAVES & BROTHER, aultf Ko. iiO B. TOTTtD BTItEBT. JJ ia W Xi A It A II SI. BAKXEES ADD EXOEAUQE BROKERS, Ko. 01 B. tOIBD BTUEJsT. tAi.ss ra fcrECIE, BANK NOTES, AND GOVERN MENT SECURITIES. Blocks Borutbt and Bold oa CounUaaloo. OiUeotioo promptly caade. aM-tf gTOCltH AIVU k-jacTJIHTIEH BOUOHT AND SOLD ON OOMMIHHION, PL HAVElt & BROTHER, H. )0 8. TUIKD BTBEKT. M-tf I' E O 1 A L NOTIOB TO TUB or taa Small 7-30 D. S. Treasury Notes. SEVEN-THKTI NOTES, OP THE DLKOMUi ATI0X3 OP CO' AJSIJ lOO'r. CAN NOW ItE CON VBRTED IN BONDS OF THE LOAN OF 1881, F Tilt; 8AM H LitNOMl.NATLON. For lafoeat alio , aipl al t tie sale of JAT GOOSE & 00,, JyT-taii llANKURll, Pfo 11 H. TJrilTO Mtrcot. gBVEKTU NATIONAL BANK, xno. ai MAiiKirr sTiiBisr. (COUNEB OF BTBAWVEKBT.) Capital $125,000. To te Increased to $500,000, DIRECTORS. ZBT.T . K0BKIS of Moni, Taskar A C., Tsstal Iron Works, Fifth aad Tssk.t its. rHAFUB CLOAK, of CI. A XabK,BaUdn,ll, yo.Sil Ked,tret. JAW1B K. FBEBTON, klanaMturw f Wola GoW, UsMjruBk.. J. A. WATEBB, Of J. A. Wt C., Wbossaal Grocers, M. LD afaxkot rism, B. t. WVeMlXS, Bl Elas B. ti M. TUrt IB tret. WK. r. CXYEB, A(ct rkflad'a Kt Bow Tark EifMat a B. Oa., N. M a. iMUwar a., OlOTXK W. BILL, MuAvotttrsofCrTelnd,.llo.UI B.TaMstssoi, i. w. 0nU, WB.sl Boss Ski S. tM kUrket swsst. j, I. tULATUB, lasrtr f Wla, BrstslS, A., Jloa, M B4 a . Istatwar Atcssm. That Eaak haviai ka 41 obrt4 to eonsoveoo kmhua aad, tk Val amacy AM, as sxsw sss auw to ror, putieVT rB, aaak tHBsoBaa, Aad iraasv aatsuxraJ AXJ.ia airsxNHMB. Maooaat aVya ua TVkAJsAI assd FBfOAT af aaok k. J. Z. DKJ1AVKJ. rM4st. K. H. IIAXX. OaKta, llVN.fMw.lMt sSM PROPOSALS. 1)ROroSAL9 FOB MATERIALS FOR TILE v. afl W TBAs4PWtIwri J..l Id kwU rVltM rrotvkii lo firnH ttitr1! ,r .h vy, rf h tr rod i tiff ih June. win raMtrtvl nt th Iiurenuor Kiuipniftnt BtiJ KeuruliiiiK, uwaI th Ijith rr fi Aiifiiin r.i, t 1o clork, AM., wtin ih- Mii wUi otxHiod fviihout rrvnl to an iwckltDUU dtatk of afia U 4 ) er rajarta. 1 he nifttinvi- and artM ambrvM-1 In tht rlait namM arv iwuirriilftri deacrfrxd in thA nrint d vrlinrt it, ny of h hi- It ill b furtitnliAdl to as :h a dair v Tt r or up iiil nlloti la the ron mAndan oi tha rfapt-otlvf rrt, inilM itaTj aavnta ntt'it Uirrct. and tfvfKf at) r4e yar tti-on aiiItoattn in ib lturiAi. TUU dtrUtoo Inio (iidM bs-lnu for th rfifn'ftnw of ilalff in CaV ti. miiMi t.iM'Ma (Mslj will be nirniAhfd a ant aniaily n-tiird t v i'i"iii. I li ,iaUi I li. r osn 1 u da Tl eoiniaiidHiit and umrw nnnt tr i will In atlillttiMi to thr aottuOu ol ci at ilia yuids. navp a orp) rT the ami Ink t uw otha vard I r arnfi all. n oftiy, frm whlrh It m.if hp )n1''d rhH"ir It ill i c dtWrabie to Biakaapptloativa f ftiu oi Uit OUaaea id ti. m )kilii. 1'iiftfB mu at M mad frr tSe wbola tt tha e!ia at any jfi'd in itirf i f iiir prluti J Bch.Mii'i. a, in nitio. cnu litip ty UiPrrwHN. or hy IH not br O"0ldprtd. In pom. IMiiit'k Hi cUftapH. the pilrr aUUeO Id tha c u nn of ir9ni rlti If ti.p stand anl, ant) int asfiirw;ilj l tec,kja iriU tJ Ctt!1 out anMlnt t th prtien utafd. It u rv,tHtmi it bid'li-r t aoil tnium and auhitlttt tionof tin ii. p, ai.4 1 v UiAl tlie aiuuuaLi nt rrcti t'nrrttMl wit It' r Miiart wl T Nawardrtt to tli uWft fain tiff M4''r w lit aivca pr.nr ictniiY fol'a tuKLraMil. Ytia li.'iv.ti ffTv., ti t rtt,,t tu ti.)ti;i aU totUt ioi tm clan, If Hi- mt tl r rt'Hajtt. Aiisniol- musiNftf Tf rT tvt r,i(Vty, lo Wfl dr rivri-fd ai ttir navy yturla Mi irmxt onlar, and in aut r.lilo rmri andpacastajra,, prfrly marked witn tie naattr tf Ui- r:nra.ur. aa ic erc may ton, at thepenw atit r M'he contractor, and In ail n'i U aubrin t to ttio innni;tJin. njraiqrcaQnr. ctm, wwcht, , of tlm yar4 herf n-orivtid, aud vu Ute tatuv aatlaiaoUua ot Uic ta tsan tant Uirw t tiulttdr are iafeTe1 lo the rramandnt of ihi rape Uvl' ajitj i.ir kauvivit, lattrti itint, or tianliMiiar i)a r 1 1t nt tne artrclr) ; and all oinnr tliinci (?inT i rial, pri'tpff a wtii be gVnti tu ariirk of A nrlrn mmu- a.'HirC, KviryoiTar, ai ra-iHrt-il by law of lh An ml, !-tl, mtiit Ike arrfnnanird L-y a wnln'i fiiur nny, Ktf I r oi whirl, I hsrurt nar ar gnn, and aJ iy a rorllfi, v. 'fclkdMl b Ihe "o(Uat.r at Internal I4aitne tor ,t . fr it In w'lik Im3 retsdra.titNt halia a Itoena n dal n iht. art idMt , tnfM as tumult, ne dy n atiiiltvlt, atrnedhy ht-vai u, arid iwum la brnrt romp tiM-Kirnta aatnon4Hl u a tmluuter mirh oatti, tiat ha ia a minti'tv tun r ot, or refuUr dealer in toe art '! ha ud.ra ta a'!!' u4 ana a liVauae aa aucft tuaauiacturar or tJ'-H't Ttaft4)ly wktvie otlcm mtr b Rrcrtsd will bo ntlfta1, and tl:a poniraot will be fiTi-ardtnl ar a-n UiomaftdT aa prauiauable. wlaeh tbey will be itMitiired ttextuto within lin asi after iu rwlpl ai Uio putoiDcor navy ftrfonuj iianiftf oy inoi. 1 he rontrata will t ear ditto Kit day tho notltlcaUon la given, and dfiivt'rte, can na (lemanlsl Hlae l th tnil amount win im re-iulrad to alsi five reniiasr i, and uk lr reapBiMI tv 0 rUtiM b by a United Hiatei OUtrlot JatiaTa, i;nlt4 MUi LMairlot Attru"y, Okllcuir o nay Airt'nt. Aa add(ikrai aocurilr, twenty m r iMtttwi wlil be wlthtiaM frMn the atitttnt f tha Miia untu tl-a ountract a i tail have been ooupieutd, aod alibi ht tttitntu of rarh WII, aosrtivMl In Irlplkiate by theomn nt and ante ot tue roBpnctiv yard, wtilne oaJd tr the Ma T Aurut at the noinU of dell Very imlusa rtY-nint,Hl by tlie cunuiKtor lobe paid at anothir Navy Ak' v wttfelnUa dsv a aftur an aula luall have beeu paaneii by tho ouru taiy ot tne TtaAnuiy. It U atlpuiaia I tn tlie oontract that If dciau't he made by t!i parth-a ot the flrttt part In dlt vtf Ina r.u or anvut' Uio arttcjea niei.Uoneii m any olaoa bd for lu Uie contract , or Iheiiuality at Mich time and p a: .a aa atve providfd (here, and In tiiat eaao tne contractor and bla aumilna wiU hvrtiU end pay to the United (tutea a aura of nonry not aroMllisfi ti;B tbe orruMtnt of aucti claa, whkiU maybe ie4tiei rrm 1 1 m a U tiute, a vurohisi to the art of t'ottyrtef, la that caau ptvvldeJ, aporwcU Maroh 8, lt K ho bult f -f more thn one yard ntunt be tnebeed In ntia onveloe. atvl tl,e tame mini bo dinvinotty end'i-a44 on tlio uiitklUe,M'ropoaala for Wa onala lor the Nvv, for the Navv Yard at f name the yard)." and alroeetl 'T tha ClftiottheUunau t' Riinpment and Kruitlag, INavy iHipWttuei i, Waalil' kIom. I " FOHU OK ORDKR, Which, frnm a firm, miiAi he ainoj by all the member. I , , ot , In ine rtiate of , here y axree to t'uiuiah aud deilvfr Ui Uie rivH!tive Navy Vard-t a I the anit-ui nau eu ia tue cieatM?- bnn'ui auiiexeu.aareetoiy t the pntrnins oi the a hvwitilei thire'or, and In cn forn Ity with tha advertlsi inenl of the lluroau of K nh tiK m and KtoruUinf.UaUl July H. 14 rthmild tny onur bo ax-c! at'i.I rotiuesit u be atidreaed at and Wie com tact aeif t tlie Navy Akii at , or to -,fof Ikiiaturen und ceriiflcaU', (HlKDatitre) A. II. (fate.l The u tednle wldcti the bMder Intone mitat bo paat9tl t thta otit-r, and each of Uieni alined by him. Opoitve mil ejitce In tlie ached uie the petoo nusl ae m, tne eiLO'UL be vrittled out, tlie anKfeffate fiud tip fur cai-Oi cU".nnd the aaammillhewUe wriltmi lu wonla. If tt a Ufa wlio bid do uol rvalde noar tlio place where the artieif m to le et(erol,ihev tiiimt name In their otlur a pf cwu to whom Art era oa them are to he deUrered I tlKM OK ItliAK.OsThti. Tho untlfmUned , of , In the Btatn of i tmd i , af . In the ate of . herotiy aitaran tire that In caee the (o cho'iiii b'd of lor any of tho chits en then in named be uccopwd, he er thev will, wlUiln !! d -yp altf r the teclii of tho contract al the poat oilh-o tamed or navy atrvnt detfrnated, eaecntc the contract for the amo with ood and aufliL-lunt aura tie i, aud In cwo thetaid a.iJ lAiltoanuv Int. con raot. aa aire- aah, we guarajttee to make goo 1 the dillerenoc betwta the tt:er of the aaid aud that which may bo ac cepted, (hignatare of gnarantora,) C. I). mate.) Wline). I heieby certify that the ahore named are known tome afcmeuot pnmorty, and able lu make guud Uiclr guarantee (Shyualure.) O.K. . (rate) ' To be hiVutd by tne United HU'x Dlatrict Judtte, UnlUd Staua Ditrici Attorni-y,C'ollccioi,or Navy Aweut, Tl.o fisjlowing aroUic clamoa itMiuhdnt tho roipectlra na y yaxtta - KITTKKY, lUINF. No 1. F'aKCanvat and Twine; h-t. ", Uperui Oil; Ho 7, t'ooa.iia Uunalla; o. 10, Ltm-imr; jNo U, U-at'ifi Uu.u; No. lii. I.aniemai No Ih. Taliow: Ko. iJ, rtta ton- ry : JHo. Kt, HHrdwaroi Nr. iM, IHp Oh.indkryt Nrt. 7. Dry tifkodai o yi', Firtwoodi iSo. di, Tur Oil aud utt.tout OU, CHARf.KRTOWV, MASAf?!ltTKTr. No. 1, Klnx I an aa and Twine; No. HpennOnt Vo. 7.1'ooiintr liunaDa; No b,Hioro; No. lu. Leather) No. 11, Lcatner Hobhi: No 12, Ok HMoa for Kopet No. 1.-4, hhoHlruu; No Irt Boup and 'lillw; No. llruiheat n Htntlony ; No. l. lUrdwnre; N . Jl, ( handlerv, No. ,. t'opprr Win; No. S7. ry tlootl-; No. , t Uenoou; o. til, WbiUo, 1 ar, and Auaiaioot OU. BftOfKI TN, mvf T0K. No. 1, Flax Cauvaa and Twine; No. 11, Iran Natl, Bhvavi' Ktvcta.etc; No. 4, Tin, Zli.c, etc.;Me. &, Hperut OUiu.(t Wlnie Pino. A-h, IMai k Walnut, dC-i No. 7, f4 ohlt'g rietif.Ui; No H. Htvt and Cooking Cahootoa; No. H. Uatoei-; No. II, leather Hoa"; No. lJ.LKtuunivi'.re; Ko la. I.antartiaand l.ampN; No IK, N-iap and TaJhiw; No 20. Hnnhea; No. 2, ftthtnry ; No. llaiawaru; No. Ht. Mhlp Chandlery No. fo, lry toodi aM.', l liO woudiNo ill. NottahotOli. Vhll.Al.KI.I HI A, rENHHYLVANIA. No.l,Vla&CanvaaanUTwiie, No.o, hpermOII; No. 7, fooklne I'leDflla; No. lu.Leaihur; No. II, iaUior lioae; No.lH.SoapaiidTnllow; No VO, nrjaheit: No. iHta toonery; N. llardwatei No 14, Snip Chaitdhy : No. i7,lr tsooa; lo. Vt), t trowrxnl ; o. ii, Tar OU omU NiM.foot OIL WARIIINOTON.T 0. No. 1, Flnx.Canvatt and I win.; ; No. 4. Tin am! 7Anc No. fi, bperm Od; No. h,h(ovf, andCoohttiut'atMiOHna; Vo in, lanther; No. l'i, LlKiiumvltH' ; No.l;i. Linieri ai hv, Irt, 8'ap audi allow ; No Vo, llrunheii; N. v HtiUlonery; Nt .J. livtlwarv, No.9t SlupCher.4 t ry ; No .'.,(!-. poor Wire; Ne. itf. lirv tt'idlat No. .11, iaiJry Iron; No HI, Chain Iron i No. a. VValntit, Mahogany, and Ah: No. lit. Iiik-ot Copper. V ia-lult Oil 11 N A K C E O F Y I C U , Wsr. Dii-urKlT, Wasiiiioton, R.U., July II, IHiit. ftralcil rrotKlialt will be recuivtid at tills Ollics uullt " I'l.NKHliA V. Antiu.i ii, iMit, al u iloik, t.M.,kr i luinwmif Iho follow inc orlutulo,: 1V tb incL alei:. mortals, ou s ttv-b slcim moi-urs. on N-lueh sl'iehowit.is. f ColIioiu iiioitais. brone. These mortars and Son Kacm are t.. be u-srle In crnif r m't) Hi; druwtiui and spilili-aMoiii to no tnnilslied by llieOTdiiHl.re ll.pi.-tu)4int, and ariitnbesabinlt'nl to tlis tlMial lu.rli'ttol h i d pio. Ii'ss tictorc heiiu,' received tiy ti e I'uiu-dSitatia. 'il:e in.pectloo T.td bo raudu ut th roar dri w fere ca.t. IHMIvertrs runs! be nt the followlm; rtc, vlr s Not If is than twrjinortur or howll :eis on or hfiro th :u)ihdyrf bici.tmhi-r, I m;i, ami at tin rate ot not U-s. thenfli'iriliortai-Aor I owlter. pT wiH-k ttn r.sl.er until t... MniliM um,.!.. outi'iirt4wi f'.r is rteill crcit. 1 a-liire loutjKe di-lr.-cili at a apociiled time will sub- I...UI m ii.wiiicu um. ...... u- i :t the routrueiur to a orleiluro ol the r!.:ht lu rtetlvur tu. i.. . .m.. Vll .. Ali.-,.r mt Umr. b,t,sraie tp pose! u.ttsl heni.olii (i.ri'S.-i nrttcle. o bids Hill f'u lccrtieil Ir-irn liaill.-s oilior lliiiii fl.und- er. r .r..plletoi". oi uorks, w ii.i Aiekno.n in tun He psrlbtei t lu l.i-Cn..illof e.vouuuo in tl.isi ovi'U louu.UiM the ivoih piojio-cd f.jf. Tl e .iitro uiortsrs and howlt.ars are lo be cast holt.,., ami ioolt.1 from ti.v ilceilor. Kixn - of bid cau be uul.iiied At till l tilllce nr St SUT ot the i.Unwn. ArHci al., vU :- .Mkheny, I rjnku.iil, New Yolk, Vi illcrtown, H'aiei vlS-t, tV H .rl'i.-loii, or lit. tx.ms. IViiiicsl, uot oj.ido out on tbi, Icmi wtl' not lcon- .1.1. rod: tlfAltANTKR Ti e bl.tder will b rnuired ! aceoinpsnyhls prosowr'na Willi s (tusi.inlto, sfKiKil h loo resp-.n.ibl. peis iv, t ut, lu ise 1:1. bid is a..oe;ted, h. wf 1 at ou eteui. ttiiieori Iraot lor the suie, liilh iciod Slid siiuU'li'Ot s.-rolles, lu a sum e.ilial to the aiiM:ur of tho e inn S'-t, I i il.'li.i r th. anti-lc, piopobed in luiniornlitv wtib the luruis o,' t'iii sit vortisciiii-nt t and In cusu the said bid er should 1.1! to ,ut. r llilo Hie e.uilrsel, Ihey to lu.ike Hood tLo dllironc hotiif en the t rtVr of s.tlil bid.lnr nud the iism re i, iMibl. bidder, or the petsou to wtioui the contract may b, awsrileil. the re.ponslblllty of tke iniiiranlors must b ,hown by th pRiclal certlllcate of tho clera of the nearest District Court, or of the lolled Mtste, uuttict Alt iru. y. II. mils in a sum equal to th. ainuuu'. or th. ooattitci, (Isned by the contractor an.l boih ol his auarantors, will be required of ih sueetsaful bidder or bidder s upua - liig Uie contract. FOHM OP OTJABASTBE. We,tbeundeTsiKiicd, nsiueuisuf . In th county of , and stale of . hereby, jointly aud s. ..roily, coveusnt with th United States, and ,uu-uule, la can the forek-elnx bid of be accepted, that ho nr they w 111 at one. eiacule th. i-ouiracl Air lbs ssioe, wxtl suod and sullleleblseuurllies, 111 a uin equal I the amount ol tls eeutrsct to furnish the articles proposeit In ouflttiriulty to the terms of the adrertl.su.aut, .UWed Inly 14, Ui, uudor which the bid wa. madei aud ! can th. said .hail tail to enter into a oontr!t as aior.ssid, w. suar.es. u is&k. sood th. dirresne bsiw.a U: eiter of the said aud the nest lowest rs.poe.lbki bfodar, or th pw aon to whuiu th. .'oulra-:t may be awarded. sllvea under our ksad as seals lUs - day f . lku . , 1 Wtlusss:- rssa.l To tlds cuarante must b tfr.hd.d ts. ofltotsd earutW cat. abos. mentioned. Ilpoa the ssiril balBf aud sncceurul bktders will b Mtltaed, aud turalssMl wllk lorw u (uauasrt aad bend. Th Department rsMrres tti 'htto rejct day or B bids if deemed uaatlea..-bsry .a ait av.Hutit- . proposals will b oddr.ted to 'bKlvlADlKK l.BWIC BAU ik:Olttll4 D. BAktHAll.Chi.Solth-doAuoe. WmS. Isston.B.O. 'aad will k.slorw "frepewi. It wj .Mortars, We Idsn luwa, r Cooner Atiirssra, a to . asay bo. wxBB P. AA.SUY, JjlHatktld Brlsad-f-ttowal.CWoJUrdsi.ssoa, vxrLOfKe. list bvbjitman wbo 111 omanossus J"?L to a-., Askcrt , iw .ir,Trs; its m'Vsw siM,'l khM euuw 1 a. erZ . ssssa rtrirs a or,aaid war- r-iUsusss.. .Ljl'sseta.ni.ust s.uw-eoks. Ao. a... tor aitvultf ovanuy Jss rhiiadetohta Vswor and atrruUM. AU vtsl I vo o. Ii a r r i. i.n, KB.NVCUloAfoV vriva or akmv clotuwu ahu fim.aMt.nitA, Mr , I. Beassd rroeoaal k ra-id at tixa .tl.o aB n e'ock t.. m mtiiAir, Aturastk, fhr ,.sr ttn dsctiMy Ik'tl Araonal th, fotl.iwt.ia ar tele.. Army Btntesi, to h sewed by hand or uaiMasir, ttut If by Disertinory,loke dotiM soled, wltiiotit wJU. t .'toy stsNdan! In a'l respects, and of tlie tb inwiliur autclal Sle. I th 100 psl ., ls. : AS pairs Ko. I"i I pairs A, lis 1J palia bo.Ltti t pafrs Mo, He, an t paar lit, 14, Park nine MsfMne 'Hired, Wo. 7T, Htoarf, 1 1n f'anfrim, corruKJitpd, army stand.i-d. Kruuisnrks. rllrit1 and attspiMid. rewiVs... am. tftm tUrd, .ail iiiA4ie sr atronc, pii.tt. rial Ii.sh; elenssstS ft unuraclure I ren-rre.1. A sioipl. l UK SSMMIAJ W9 fotws.i'vd Ith tlie propo.sl. . , rartw.n Tsrthi-, army siandart ' sateen w et'.ins, rnrmr srsn.u.-a. Ti e Army riuiidsr,) sample, oi e;k f ttta aw art, elr, ran h. seru at UUs oilloe. ta lilch dMI.ttlw osK "siser, nm.i tatn la their rmt"l rfispnes wtet Kin, b. .iven in vniimt as wU a la Osnral, t 1,4.1 my atMlUros. of dl,very. f . S Md nu. I be ,Mararty1 try two resa-intrbf- r ntis.e hdM kliri.atan. mu.b aofvndsd t.i Uw a U. and eertitleO to an tielni kinkI and .nrtleieol Mr,ir !"r .1 " by souii uubd fuavitinr M Urn I olted S'ates. r liMMriro n.faoHlateoetraHjn.aa ie rkat d wit fu Iv ro,Wr wt.' li t rwsr,iiwiti of tkis Mvwtswosaiai, Hl.ns ssrma f"ntosai, .mtirai,. fs tvwi. f tsids niatauliv rialri'd on eoS lt. e.i , ht oo .ollrAStoel at this etllc sml ittineoili.',, wliyyh do aM amk-ao tAfe annr-nlse. will be .i.5Sl'1rw, nor em anysriH.ial iMilrr.l wlnoli dii uot strictly oouform a, Um n uatr. SD' nt, tliTilft stair.!. litns msi.t r. t niSr ..t-Vmroelj ftr Ancy a.na. i aunt Ike p TtKiar artiue kid tor. " O. B.CRfiaMrar Jj:tvr.f A--Ulant QnrVrmAtT tl .m, tj n. tu UMV STUPPLIK8. Omit or Ami Cuirittsc. ssn Butr-A, Ha V krnadT, Kirr toti.Ji'tpl. IMA,, rteakd I'mposnla stllbe re.led at tb'..'fioo .mil U (fikfS. M..in 1 Hl.'IilslMT, tne lllh .1 anirsrt e;ti f. tte (tellvi ry ky contract , at tbe Depot of ta aj ilmlilaaT aor kfra'pflse In New r.rk fl y : Am7 litajiki-ls.nf douiMtJe Btnrotarswdot. . a... (Villi lilieie t'.Si. In b jr, lnhea loaf . I n wsmw t be 7 fsrt sDf, and 6 feat d snUie wld X as sik X ljiitnl- esctv Hiortr. wiU ststs S nn-rfSsrrfcey wt-h e fa-msk. W lu.ii) lliry ran riullver p. week; wheo tli. aaa j.1! i a. asm h.a th.y ran ntit.s rslr de tvmrL it.ivo, b must ho socompsr led Sjy a proper irirarnrsa. si tlrf lortii ibat It Uie onnunst Is awarded to ase par rismeil thr.'n. I. wilt a ot.oe enceii e th. eon trti(, aat4 ,ir lionn tor ,t,e faithrnl perrmafsrot lKeaca. Ids I ttt-wt Ht.ie. raserraa tlx rigfa to rasseL atl ktA, dVnied . eettnttaiiM. iToponala .booio b-radorBod 'rropeMls for f.:?Ujkfahg Blanket., " ad ad'tremte to Liraieaaat-'VOirr.t X. H. TTBT'VW, ' Jy? !i ticp Qe.M.ISMi ,U. A t. ?VlDIAf(CE OiTICE. V v.. rss.Tvs-r. Waa4UMurs,Jistr ii,l'JkA RKAI.rti mtopriHALS will b. ro1 at tfcJao untu w F.iipKiisi Aiisnt3,at v. m .for il-t 1-roi.ei m,iiih uellveriM! at follow., m l'i-4nailer Holld Shot, fs on ll-poun.ei Hliell, and Htm lv pnamier HpheiKal Cas. al each afths Mlowlns Ar.i,l, : Watenrlux Arseaal est Tray, K. Tl ' Vtaiorti'isa Arstnel.Meeu!iuftt,att ' AUic'eay araunal, t it.ttfg,Ca, id", li-bonril.r Holld Snot, . . aKH) ly-pounrter Miie l, od ' - MS lf-pounrer hot eric iilCaae, at the ht Iuia Arual. klo. These pn..Mtlle are to b. made tk kfcid f avstad, and lti,pe..'ted after the role, laid, down ta rh Ordaatse) Manual, il.e tet.sil. stnosili of Ui Iron to k amt kss kaara l,.IMSilbs Der san.r. Inoh. ttrswinir, vau bo aeea at o of th United I'll. nroWotl's. nrs to b. Inepeeted t thn ajxfidry i rant, and are to be delivered al Ui Arstmal. fif oaaraai for trnnsuiiriallon or kandilsi. Hidden will ,t.itn the rate al wktek Ihey wlB dellai Failure, to snake dellvirtei. at a speoltud tine wtU eulfe, the cos tractor to a fol fotture ol tke Bulooer k may Call ka dvll.er at tliat IIbm. Hiodris wdl .11 exp'leltly Ute anrnat or an, vh.retke) pnsoiie to d-llver, and tke ntirrJr of pevH tlle. tbey propose I dbvor at aoli piAoe, II ft more Lhasa oie. Ho bid- will be rotislilered Arom partis, stker Ihsa rssa Isr fi iiriilrrsor pn.nMetors of work,, who arikaowa ka Ibi, t'epaiiaseaifoliv ca,'lloof xecaiinf In wurk pr posed tor. HlionlJ sar DartvobtalB'ti a contrart olfsr shsl owMr lbs Hioae csst In did., roiinnr IBH'IIUVVK.llll n F ll"B 111 IT.1U1.T HUI W I.J. and the cr-atrot noooroci null and ti Id Sonne ol br caa be ontatard at Uss abor asostst . rrei,als. "rv-oMib not made out n Mt'rni trOt not ke aoav idercil. OUAKANTKR. The bidder will be tqtured to accompany kt pie,.. Uon with a snaran'ee. shmod by two responsible porwra. that. Is esse r la bid lie accet.tcd. he will at otiee exeoao the contract lirfUi earn, with good and aufDoleat .nr tlr,, In a .t,m eiml to tlie amount of sue eontraol, us do ll rr the ante let uropored in oontonulty with th. ksroa, f this advcrtiiii nwr.t: and to ca.e tho said btddir should fl to enter into the contract, ti;e., to make good thedtffareoiea bets eeu I li. oCht of ,Jd bidder and tk aext re.peSA biditrr, or the person to whoa tk ouair aa1 w awarded. 'il renpnmlMlify of the pxarstiton most b aliowa) by ttolllclslcertlli atoof tb. nierk of the nearest IM tilit t'nur ,or ot tie lnliwl Htati', lllsrrlot Attorney. butid. In the earn equal to tlie amount of ts. coatraot. slaned by the contractor and both hi gnarruitors. will bw re-iuin d ol the euot-osaful bidder or bidders upon slkrukaa; th coutiaet. , , We. Uie nnder.liiucd. resit ents of , la th ooarww of,, and su e of hereby totally and seTwai y ii.iv lie nt with the ljulltd Btites, nnd eiiarantoa. In tiresolli bid of bo cci,.Ud, that he ur they wtU at oun exei-nte the cook a t Sar th same, with fod a4 suttiotint.titetji., In a sum eqoal to ta auount ol tie contrsii, to luiiiii.il the aillcle. propod ta ooufbreats lih the 'eims ol this adv-rtLcnienl, dated July 11. tsvk, or der which tl bid wa ide: and Incase the .aid al'iill fell u eoior in'o costrnot as aforvMtlcT w fuaraa fo mase sis'il the Ulh-rt nee bi noun tli orti r ol Ih.easi and the n.t lowost n spon-lbio bidilur, or tho pot- son to whom Uic contract mat os awarueu. I l.lvuu uutler our hsnda aodaaaU IVItnosst this tuy oi - , m fHoal.l Ts this ronrsnlee most be asoradrd tke rTio:al owtisV csie iiN.ve niMitioiii-il. fc.icf. pony L.b'aiuinirooofraotwfU b obiiired to eea Into bcmi.. wiifi approrod sureties, Sir the faithful exoiitj tlim ol the ssioe. I'lHi Hi .ward helnf made, stisoessfiU ktd iter. rlB lie notldid ajid loruisued with tonus ot oe itraot aast kond. 1 he fiepaesaisnt ro.srrs, th rteht tn f.Jert any or al the bull, if deemed uasailaraotonr on any aooouni. ! rrorsiils will be uourctaeu io "nraiuer uunsiai Corrre 11. Bsnisay.CM.f of Opluaao, VN'MlUmrto. ISw ! f'.. and wtllb eudoised 'l'lowsls r lf-pnnessr Pro i jc.Uk.." (.BORUK II. RMAT. jyW lutbstAS Brls.tlf ucmi. Chief of Ordsiaaoa. IlUUl'UrtALH KOR MALLEABLE IKON CAr talry tlllouitnse. 0oa:ci;0yric,W4aPrTirFirT, u Waiiiinovon. J.l lA UDC -SFAt Kt rROrOHAT.R will t rxoelvcd at tills orHr) until UATI' 1UIAV. August HO, lK.il, nt 4 o'clock, P. St., for 11-0 dellveiy nt the rul'owins points of tlie undcnuentloasA quantities of mulleaLie-tiun triuuuuiss lur cavU7 ettuiB lueiitf.: A t tlm New Vort Aiienay, Hew York, 50,000 Mt. At the 1'ranl.foid Arfaenul,lil.lit;UHet.. . At ttie Alliyhen) Arsenal, ?0 ikjO sets. , .11 IIim Kr I Ar.nni.1. II' fSSI Mil ir ' ' kaih set Is to consist of tlio numbers of oacft kind a bncs so. sitiisrv, ntiit, boll, stud and loos aow preserioed. scopt tnut two Of inc i nnit. in eacu eei are vi o. atmmm otibenrw patt.ra. with .top, acicoMim. to the model to L. mn ii iLm uImii. arseniils. Tlie caatinira ant to bsi I insJeof Ik besi quiAlity ot biailcahio Iron, tlie ioaunia of i tl.i: buekl. a 01 tlio best stocl; wire. Tho dimensions of the ciesned cnstlntrs ai d the ttpt.b. ana aittenaiunnoi tno bu. klo tiinpie. nuil roller, must conform strictly tn th . BtauUardKsiuo's, which will he sfp'ied betor Jaosouhisr, Alter lieli . thorotil.R i leaned aii truod f.uui all spriM. aud In-ntuuiriilc., Uiey ur lo be ipBiid la th buav nisniicr - 1 lie pxls sr. to be put np tn papers, tn fit acnal as, aer, at.d i w-k'-d, two ti'ttiiire.! couisit. set in a boa 4 .. ijua ui. and lusikuls-. ouiy be puvxribtd by th. lRpeov- ii,silti"r. The v or, ts to he snhlect to Inspection t the tuano fkctorr la all st.uie of lie proiiea. and no aoed. arav. to lie ic. i-ivod ur pkt lor wuii-b Lav. nut passed uupM- tlon. tvlli r-rles are to be rnado as fr How, : i liluiii't. tilll si ute bo wcolly rnlo at whfli thtf ca. d i.v. r. 1 bin. n will slute tlio aiM'osI or anemi'a wher tlMsa , .-- ..,,,.... i.,r.., ll.,,, imuiM. U i ' " ' ' ' ' . HC1.VCI l eacu pia.H.. II n ruiurc umo oMc. . .... - t.ipWi. at-.j -vtn..a m M.ir-t tiifJ ti'nti wtU siiHMot litf? eei- t a Utr to a ti-t-t'it'.Hk ' tyl the uouiUr luai Lul to Uc4vr at thnt tiu.e. , w.ll he n-rrim! itoa narfkfl other than rwtir rtiainjitKiitii i j "t ih. auh-ti-i protiosiij ti-.Dd who aiaw ktimm to l! ;s It-va:in.'iit tii bottUsiwVj wavatutdVif U. ll-pir u ': l.t work piiK-'Ttl ft. li .tri.i o: t,iH can I otu.ad at tha abovo oamUL ari ")''4iit runJc- oft on or. tmVt nit oe cck- - tit AR IX. IX. TSebM"erwtfthert.iUli 'J n s .oatiisay ti's iieopoaW. . tloo with M.niH'.. sliiuid bv two rn-iio.isll te per.onii. ihsl in ..ss blf 0..I beauop'.ei. k. will nt once ejus. .us, the co-.iiruvl r ik isa-iis. wuh soid and suntcitnA atuw -t.e- iu a loim r. iiia: to tl,e .ituurit of t'i. c-.iitvact,to ds- . Ilvir tiicsiti. k-s hl.iti aod in cU-irii.lty tslth the term.., nt Li's uoi-sis-ein.'utisi.l la eose thn aa.'d bhtdcr shettM is 1 io niter iu.o tlm c u'rait. Inov lo uata eood lb. dB lirteeei.etnr.il t. unar of ".lu bi.i.ior.nd la. ue resii.'piibs-biJi'.r, of thu pi'sh lo wlioiu tl., ooolraou. '1 lie lespoliallilllly or tno nunraniors mnni ow .uwww . by the oflk-i.l ccr.lilc o oi ire i:ir ol tno mar. . est Idstrkt Court, aud Ute l.uiual Buies District At--. 1!?!iJb In th. ,ua equal to too amonnt of tho contrast. . lined by Ihe ocaltowr al.'l buta ol hie j: Israel ,r,wit oe lequireu .r uw iswciu vw.m. w. . -i -i ills' lb coatrast. We,Ci. uudersujned , resid.ti'.s ia tn tlxsB comity or . ana niais or hereby Jcliitiy and ses.rajiy eoveauut si:btlw Cnltid -S uU'-n aa Kuai sate, In case thefon-solDi bid of Im a- c.it.d,Uat h.i.r Uey Aillul on.-, .xaeur. u. -J sir the ssm., with ood and s-irttcisot urcti.s In a I" equal to the aiso.mt of th ountravt, to itirLuk aruew propped In cosf.rmllv with U.e t.rui. of IU. suerusa ment, assd July 14, less, uadur wanh '" BT sad Us ess. said ska'l nil enter liu a. outract as ai.r.sald, w. riararste. lo msk. rood tho 01 a. fsrssa. b.tw..n Ui. .' ", - , JZ, V aexl lowest i..issib.. S.S.r, W Ym'Tm us wiuist, LASS uutract ssajf k '""' under our hand. We sosOo) Witness: I UJS .SJ w - r, . To this (luu-eaie. aiiist k arscaslaA Lb cdk.. tic'lip-rtyuiliis0t'twl!lb okU.dto asuUa Sjsm beads with atipniyirA suvmsv hit lh nsUliful uh. s, ml rhe sass.. I psa tk. sward bales kaada, saoe.sfl Udder SO b aelaled. and Au-ais4 mb isioua 1 ooalroot a4 nd. i Tb Deyartsseat morses It yitht U r.al aaay . r all sk. bias If raad aasobsSkusst a aossp aaosnnt " rrepauiaVs U1 V adthwsd U uBrlfSdUr-0.' jmak wr, is. B.msAy.Ckssf or Oodaaisco, tt asiiirirtor, '.,'' asd wui k .ud) "Slut tot kU-Mbis irsm yuy Trfauaiai.' croBcr. d. cavvat, Kris.-V., Cs.sf oi tir.uj,aw s-tirtsisasM BB 8 D I N 1 M fO EIOM. V.(B.BTB' rssss.. MATTCsl, kLAX ttutsaB. rikslf , ktsxisiW, Ol SSash. JJlAIA'B kSU-i JK1 " ' ". 'aT1 PTTX0W. CV1 AJlJ IS'M blf- si W. BBeoaJrfaf aaisa.i'i a ra.d to w J ww UlavsVMs. k.l s,(sw.Ab o I!'