Tltti I) ATM EVENING TEiA TUESDAY, JULY 19, .1801. TT TVTSTIAY, JULY 19, IPC. THE mOJiT. IT A. . WAT OM. MTnnn. ! ia repn I'" I'.-" f"'r ye-ar r-r.H-Ur. 1 anai-wr tlie qieMtHm fti' that A (rrmt lo-fift line of men, mr hoy, Who, hr t to brcuM with the foe, Ptr.ntl thrrc in the coll, the lir-nt, ami r'. Awl bear inch toila iipin and nm As I hope you may never knuir. Til a line of glittrrlni. (rnn, my l.r. And Rbrc keen and bright, And cannon (trim, whole Rrril.le w un-l Like mi earth.iiiHkr nhakej the tolid ground, Till It NKk in very fright fyorj man who .Mid" I" 'h:it Hn' my hoy. Kyerr man who hld a pun, in a .avior, mr hoy. f,,r yu ''" m : 1 hey bare bared liu-ir Iiohdiiis to mnke us Tree ; IVe were alaves unli-s It were done. You know whore our old home ubiod, my boy ? Ah .' J Know you remcmocr it. won . Fut the dear old house stands not there now, It ix pone; and tin pup.- have told ut how It wai burned by a Yankee shell. Tbey fired at our army there, my boy, Our front ran aloni! by the farm They heard tlie wuiitllnf, nililc come Which left tn, my boy, without a home ; But It did far grcau r harm. For, good men were there, my boy, Where the cruel iron fell, And two brave lellowt bit tbe dut. And ten wTe wounded by the burst Of the shrieking Yankee shell, Yost think it a cruel thing, my boy, To kill each other 10, Bnt were you a man like those who stand In line at the front to protect their land, I would have you itand there too. For onr country Is in distress, my boy, They have laid we shall not be free, Thev have dotted our bills all over with pravei hnt out homes are not yet tbe homes of slaves ; l'ray Uod thoy may never uc. Bnt I fear they would they would, my boy, Hut for the Vreat, lon lino At tbe front, whoso cannoni do bloody work, M ho bandie the sword with a wicked jerk, While they light for me and mine. Then do not think ft wronf, my boy, For tbe great baptismal font "Which seals our freedom to us, and saves You and me, my boy, from being slaves, Is oiled with blood at the front. rw copy the sbnv t-n.h from the tteSel mnie In trie JE MAYWEED'S COUETSHIP. About half-past seven o'clock on Sunday night, human leg, enveloped in blue clothes, miht bave been seen enterinir old Cephas 1) irliarv's kitchen window. The leg was followed by the entire body of a Yankee attired in bit Sunday. go-to-meeting clothes. It wax, in short, Joe Mayweed, wno thus burglariously won his way into tbe old deacon's kitchen. "Wonder how much the old deacon made by ordering me not to aaricen nts aoor agin, soiiio- cruized the young gcntlen-'-i. "Promised him wouldn't, but did not say anything about win dows. Windows are as good as doors, if there ain't no nails to tare trousers onto. Wonder if tvallr will come down. The crittor promised me, 1 am afraid to move about here; might break my bins over something or another, and awake the Id wan. Cold enough to freeze a polish bear . fcer. O here comes kally." Tbe beauteous maid descended with a smile, a tallow candle, and a box of lucifer matches. After receiving a rapturous greeting, she made - rousing tire in the cooking stove, and the happy young couple sat down to enjoy the sweet inter change of hopes and vows. Bu the course of true lore ran not a bit smoother In Barbary's kitchen than elsewhere, and .4e was just making np his mind to treat humstflf to a kiss, when he was startled by the voice of the deacon, her father, shouting from the door of his chamber "BUI ! what are you getting np In the middle of the nitht for ?" 'Tell blm it hi morning," whispered Joe May weed. "I can't tell him a fib," said Sally. 'I'll make It a truth, then," said Joe. And running to the huge old fashioned cloek that twod In the corner, he put the hand at live. "Look at the clock at tell me what time it is," cried the old gentleman. "It is live by the clock," said Sally, and corro borating Uci wuida til clock (.truck live. The lovers sat down again- and resumed their conversation. Suddenly the stairs began to creak. "Good gracious ! it is father." "The deacon, by thunder;" exclaimed Joe. 'Hide me, Sally." "Where can I hide you :" exclaimed the dis tracted girl. "O, I know," said he; "I will squeeze into the clock-case." And without a word he concealed himself in the case and closed the door. The deacon was dressed, and seating himself hy the stove, pulled out his pipe, lighted it, and began deliberately to smoke. "Five o'clock, ha?" said he. "Well, I shall tave to smoke three or four pipes, and then I will g o and feed the critters." "Hadn't you better go and feed the critters first," suggested Kally. "No, smoke clears my head and wakes me up," replied the deacon, who seemed not a whit disposed to hurry up the enjoyment of his pipe. Bur-r-r, whiz, ding, ding, ding, went the clovk. "Tormented lightning," cried tbe deacon, starting up and dropping his pipe on the s.ove, "wbat'n earth is that." "It is only the clock striking five," replied telly, tremulously. "Power of creation," cried the dea -on. "S:rlk in' Ave. It has struck more than a hundred already." 'Deacon Barbary," cried the deaeon's wife, who bad hastily ioled herself, and now came plunging down stairs, in t'ie wiMe't state of alarm, "what In the universe is the matter with the clock." "Goodness only knows," replied the old mm. "It Is a hundred years in the family, au i I neve--kn-w it to carry on so afore." Whiz, ding ! went the elo jKil;n "It'll bnst iweli," vr1 j fe ol.t l.t iV, bd1 ni? ffkod ol tr,i .iin,j ticr(! .cri-t ))0 r.othjpg 1( It "It's bewitclud," cried the old deacon, wb i MTitained a lweu if New llnz ao'i snner-tltion jo his nature. "Anyh '," said be. after a p mse, advanciii(j i-esol'itely to-K.irJ me clock, ' 'li see wiiat s guinr on in It. "Oh, don't," er'ed l.' !augh' if his coat tiis, wliiie hn v ' r. fe i. inir viiitL'L: one tLu Other. "Don't," Tied Int'i women ether. "I.t ito inv rain.ent," hh'.'U"d Ihi ilea- 1 am uot afraid u the powers ot il ii kn-.'' llut tlie w-'tne-.i w.;Uid"'t iet no, so the 'leu -on bpyifil out oi bi co u, H'.'.'l wh'lc frotii tbe sudden ce.-at.un of re-.irUis i tliey ivli beavily lo th ttoor, be pk:bd ui arl uod s'-i.-it t' 1 knob of tL clo k. Uui. nr- lrinian j-iwerctuld t-pin .t, for Jie wa. bobli-ip- it iron the UisiJ) ;!! . i )-uli Rri . The ol i J ; tafytn to i-e dr-a1-'u!'y friirbt ened. II ? c ive on- iii ,-o tiii.;, wi-.-n --tti c. trt:il v y.W as of a IiJn1 I" distress, Inrt triiia t'l'i 1 1 abie, the current of a.r exMvii-V.e i :U-j : ..ndlo lbs ilt-acu, the old lady, .in-1 .allv tl-' v up - tuirs, and Jo ,Mavwed, vtri-iv.inir h mself fro'n tl. 4-lotet, etiei-.ted lii i-..eaie in the t.rue w..y iu which be bad emeu J. The next day all Api.tebm was alive with the ttory of bow old tliw-on Ii.irbitry'a do k had been bewitched, and although many believed li.s venion, yet some, and especially Joe Mayweed, uliected to ilii-crcilit tbe ullair, and hinted that the deacon bad been trying the experiment of tasmiK frozen cider, and that the vuirarics of tbe clock existed only in a diatempcred imagina tion. However, tlie interdict being taken o(f, Joj was allowed to resume bis vUits, and won the ai nt of the old people to bin union with S illy by repairing the old clock till it went as well ai ver. Prince Is'apoleon i writing the lives of the Bonnpartei, cei'tainly the most remarkable family in all bibtory. Mysterious lake those of Swit Tfrlaud, have been recently discovered in the yternljerger bee, liavarm. Tbe French Minister of rublic Instruction U jmcb aUrmtd to li-arn tbat the itihabiututs of the Department ot Meurtbe and Wee arc diosed to uw the C.rma laooaK9 m plaie of the Jrench. Ihe-etwo d.-p.irtieTltli are only about 1W or 170 tulle. from Varla, bavlr,? as tl.eii priiu i jmU twwne Nancy and Kpinal, ana are situated on . the ea.iein aide ot 1 ruuee. lhe liutn... i,,,.,.,. tor recently iumraonid furty-tive G.-rm in '" choo!uiKiiU;rt into liii ui?mt prene, an,i nr,,1 .i,..,.. i, ip .1... .,.i ' i 1 juiuotl Uiem rcwarda if tlivy wcnU - te tlia l-'ri-och of tbo German tinwl,. ll.i.n "1 liey ri plicJ tliut they bail already attempted to do to, Imt the rlcrk-y sod the Mayors wero oii poeed to them. Wliuicuiinn A circular was issued Jo tie) personaireti, a'.rongly arfiii? tl.etn to jukio! tiie licLooinianierii in tlivir vil jn to make J rtiii'li Ue ywuiiiulw. 1 Nil V A i GAdtB AND COOPER, frv ISo. 205 H. WATEH Htrcet, jP Below Warnnt itrfM, jr. rnn.Air.Lriiu. j, Inaikx nrn1v ana Wln f'a.H, ant all kind, y,t Wor ana.' of Old ana Mew itutT a'x.yi oa hand o. j made u order. I COAL r.UKIU IN H1'V'lIK.ll 1 OK MtirriS.l. I All of Trlmn.lm- pmcMAllr at'.nf.ed to. Wl-liA 1" So Jl 14 Ki ll! rn "treK. a I-EH n; in i am v m rii i CT ooni.a, " l l KIU.1.1.A AM) I AH ArtlL!, bl rsvs, tir..... f renin Jl( iry, ,.ra-...r ..o. o., u. V.rk rWet, lif.dn. ... ml iol INVAMDH AN 1) CON V AL1CKN TS, IS L tmIIoh and O rival. .eent. lovail.t. a Hi Con' al.-.e.-n'., Invalid, and I oni al. h lit,, T.'V- Lit in i"ll t" II .ilth, .tn.l"ln H-ii. uk Mi'.ill ' Itiauie. In O' Iliallb, ii) n.-.iln-r Cllf"tnl Win... rsl'fnrnl WlnM, ('ai.tftriuft W ln'. ulitornla Wln, I Al'fi.riiia Wiitt.. al'.Mnil'i IV nH, It IC e 1. f lf allnrlv tiNiHbii in All em.c. nf Tan,:ni and k'ai twos ' t, ir I A Ak A-k Ak Aa A'k A'k A A-k Ask Ak A- A-k It. M. ril.'1. -tTnl .lAt'kwn, (o! ti.r l'-rinfyi .iin I'nW. r.tiy llTlnir. r.T.n, llfirl.horno r I.D..i l, Williams, II irllcy, Mn.ll ard, Vtun, lii..ial, M:ii, tuDHry, Knurr, Vtiilanfl. nd rilOTWilli.l; p.T... Ia' . Wi .l u. tl.tnk nf ttt ol'dl cinal Mr.n of Call!' rina Win.. I TH' "' (r. liil' in. a r,d i ril onr rirmid". and as'irr-u. 01 llio 0n nti jm'lflnl r'iv. iritin u.l IO cu.iroHsiA wivb Aursfv, .'il-lm "o. 4 1 H. I II I II i'.r.i-t. at 'n. Lliviinit. T. , McOUMJAIV. j l.y vt' and Wli' l'talc lira r la fa FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, Acle TIEEWCEKS, TLAGS, to, Hntehe and Jllaoklnsr, In. SI STBAWUKBRT TI1EF.T, (Fir.t ttrftt uU.Tt Second, b.twrn Market and Ckontlt) Biyv3 Ltn MIILAJiKXI IIIA. I'OllT 13 I I1UANDIKS, AV I N JJ H The .tibxrli'i-r Inform th pnMIr that h l dixiilnic .k hla larsc and well .rlocl.l t'ck wl ( OLD 11KASUY, GIN, l'OKT WINK, SlIKItRl AND MADKIRA AVINKS, d At wlinlralc irifs. Thei. arf frnn Ihn nld .took . n lianOf 1'iirrlia.i-r. wi.lunp a .uierioT article fnr rivatv u. would do lu cull at Hi IS I- n Wlinlesale Wlnr and IJ'inor 8tir, Nil. Uo N. KKUOND Htrvrt. below II ice, l''a. y0 1m VKW (H'Ml'AMLS FOKM1NO CAN Bl" t B pnnrilkMl with O.KTli 1' -A1KH OF STOCK, TllAiSKt K HOOKS, BlOCk I.i:ilFRH, OllEl!kS, NOTES, DKAFTST And av.rr varlrly of Account llonk. and ISUtlonory, ol. ra.onatji. tiirms, at WILLIAM MANN'S, Btalloncr, PrlDH-r, and Blank HiM.k MainifneiiirAr, hv. 4J H. KOIfKTII Sixuot, t ap3?-.1m l-olladelubla. I I7Xri.0S10NS. LET EVERY MAN W1ICL J owns a Ml.'am'T ma.l Una iwifl'-e. 0 A.hcrnft'i Low Water Jlti-rlnr nev.r fill, to gtre fror en.-iiHll to two tiourn' warntnir, a. dr-Rlrril, tbat Ih watnr la komnif kiw m lite butler, and that dam-iT I. ap -nrartilnif. The Inwtriinient rcijuiref no taro.and I. wai runted In .vrry Instance. S Alio, Htcam and Water Cancel, with Scoten klu. tulM-., selheleanslitfr ifaiiirc-i ocks, e. w Send for circular conialnli-K l-htlsd-lrnia letter, an,. Circular.. AUtll'MTS K. HATTI.KS, bB-lm Nu.4. ie KLERK S OFFICE, COMMON COUNCIL.-' j Jnly , Ml." In accordance with a resolution adopted by the t'oinim.K Coum il of lltenty of rtiUitd.-lphia, on I Intrude-, the JOt day el June, 164, tlie ann.-el hill, entitled I, "AS OllliINANv E J TO AI THOIIIZE AN Alil'l l IONAI. LOKJJ TO HKKf TIIK EXI'KSWEa I N IhKNT TO TUB liEI-'KNBU OK THE CITY. ANI HIK UTIIKR I'Ultl'OiLM," I t hereuv nubllslitd Ivr liubllc inlornt'ition. W. T. SMALL, Vlerk ol'Coiutuoii CoJiiciL AW OltTTvANCE f TO ACTftdltlE A AdlllTKlNAL LOAN f TO MEET THE KXPUNSES INI.'IllKNT TO TITlt in.itsHE Of the city, an i j toil oniEit ruul l'ORFS. r Seclkm 1. The Select and. Common Ouncll. cr the Clti Of i'hllatU-lplua dw orilalll, Tlut the Mayor In hereby auf t)iorl.ed to tarrow at not 1t-n Uihd par, on the credit ofc the corporation, .tich .u -il' inotuy ai inay b reuidroa by the City Troaaurer, from llruti to time, lo provide fo4 the tiuniUe. ol voluntei m ttoiu the city ot I'ttllait.ilpb'a It the .eivtce of the l'nlt"d HUi,-a. aud l'"V the d.-le-ia ) ut' tlw tlly, not axceedtn,; ui the whole the lilln of live liundrec thoo.Hiid (V itiiirn ; for whi :h Inh-ri'.l not to eti-ed Ihe rale of Mx per cent. p-r anntitu hhull be paid h.ilf yetirly, onj the ttrnl day. of danuarr uud July, at the olllee "of the Ctl TrtahUrer. T The .rim-ial of the .aid lotin sh ill he p.'tyah)e atrl pahf at the eipirailoli of thtrt v yeata Irem the dnt- of t .am-t and not I elore llhout tftc con.ent of lioiilern thereof, aadV c-nitlt atei. thorct ir. In Ibe ll.ual tbrui ol mich ee. Mlt-atea. oiClty Loan., tiliall tiel.ui d m ,ut h uinoiin' as the luuderir may reiiiiire. but not lor any fntetin al p.itt of tloe,oritt rciiiired, in auiouuia of live loind;el or on. tiou.and tlollarii. and it lia I be e&prc.ed iu .aid eei tiltcutos tl at tie .aid loun th-r,-Ju inenlio- ed and the iuu-i -it thereor ayp .t.; ftMv nr? H tuwu. ha-ctton 2. WnHhTfi anv loun -ball m ma1f by virt iet lit-rftf. ilifTn ah&U lp, b hrc ol' onliiimne anna- ally appropriatt'd out 1 tliPiDcmne ot Uiorp irrt't osiu'.ei.r anJ tom the Hum riitifd ly txui-on, m u n 9iifT1 1 -nt to' iiav the Intrcht on siiid crtlfl' ntcn : ami the fnrtlmr sural of tlircc-tentli of one pf centum on tho par vaJ'ie t' ob( crtiikaU', o Ibm01, he atMirini.itI (.uartflrly outf ol the Income and tax ta U a anitunir fund, will htund,, are tioretiy unpet-iilly pldiied lor Ui id4;mptKn and pnymtnt of iuld cxrtiuca'.ea. ItKHoM'TUtN AriHOUIZIN. THK CI.KKK io rTHLISH THE 0R 1HSAN K. KctoJved, Trmt the Cler. of Comuin (oiin'U tie author-! ft.r lour wcfkb. ih ordiimn ; nr'v pffj to ' oiumtin (:oun i-D, at a tif iiip'tmj thtrtoi, ht!d a (he iXih duyofr June, ltv, ftit ui. a "An Ofl'iK.iKe to Atit!)ruk an Addition.! Loin to moet the t-npeiia- Incident to the di- ince ot the ity, and lor ethei purpokm. ' And the iriifi rifrk. at the a'-d m'etnff of Oi uiiiii fcfur the -xptrMtion ol four wt-fka I'rnin tho, fimt duy of Htd pui It. a-trn, thall pren to th! : Ct oiH ii oK.e of 4-Mi h kMid n'wpaiif for every day tn t hi h the am itiaU ) ave h n in tde yM-4w c "JJiKK'8 UH1CK. COMMON COUNCIL, In ftfTonlnniP wlllt n r. in'i n tii.iit..-.l nv iJ.iioio-n t'onrvi! .l ihCltvcl' 1-h-itt.iriut la, ..ii I" tl .tidy, tl.e j.iui tlayuljant. Um.4. il.c :.ut .-d iii,-ii' :.-d AS tlillil V F. 10 AVTlll.hl; A lOJIV Kilt S.'IIOOL 1TR- It lirYl i-allitb.J i'T -.itllc hittvtn v oil. KJ.Itt, C.I (k l.l I. ..U1U.UU CVULkll. IS 'i.'MVAs.T TTl A ' TllmilK I , ion ci i f r iti'i.R. F tt. nl. i r t ..ii.l V..-UJI'. 'ii '-' i.ikijb -ji t .e Ohy ol l'i..'h..etj a tt .r.l..ii 1: ,.l tn. Mn...r Mien .ui' orl;nl lo kn-ri at an: ie- j.ui i-u i.ivcil 't : e ri-. :-.t ion, :!ih m:iii i.! iilie Iniili.-li il liars to i r. a l.l.-l-ir t 1 :ri n, .-t'-i:- l(.H. dl'D 1. 1 1. i.! I- II a i u;.-" '--r 'I. ol jMilii'-e. Ml to. ! irsl -.eii. a M.trl.l-a lv-oi. U .tain, for ia-.-h I ilc toi.iia to eve .ii tl. ;a ot , . .r p-, .tiai-nn, ! ji.iu I. u ' -..rl.v. l.n II." n'-t ! iv oi January .iv.l' .1. . 11. .t Iri'J.orer. i. .1 1 lie' . at t . om ii tai.i.'. u i -.: r.- t" ai.J ot !:.: - I It in nil .11 i.t-ii..yi.l'!r nrtil f1' l i:i ... t 1 1 r I v : i " r it a r- . au. ui ; i i t v I10..I. r. ll torn, ol I In -u h anv i'-...-in .ca a or, i il II. . nlin ..t. . t hoi i.-.t. ;!. n loo' i-.irt i l ...i .ci.ll. . I I' e - i ,...t o i ta tin i. ;.-. t - lo a. .ip-t-.-.t. ... i. i , ti -i..ur '. i-.i -1 r. vt;i .ii, I.. i li i ."..o ,:oi'. 'iir.l h. t t . -u 1 1 ' . H. I II l-i S-C ,. 11 IL Itl I . ..l..r' : o.u-.l ,! i-ai-to .1 il il.ilr : l-e. I .. tl.. h.iv'.tl, lSe-: i -ii . ri'. t it. til t1 Nllill Si i Hun. fi.r'v t!.i .iiiin.t il T-'iKh Ht- ii., ti. tvTt'nts hvt- tti"u-;-iil d far : Hfcciiuu, Uunj -i ihi iituii.iii d tle hundred '1 ufinti Bvtti'n,th)tt'--t'i'tr tl,nti.i'i.1'i: 'I LiritfiUii M-vtiuij, ttitn.'-t-i-'hi Ui.ii.-himI ttirUjrt; I-Hurt I'tilh Kt'CtKni. tlllv tliou -Hint il.illitr ( Y itli i'iilli Si 4' ti. ii, i i-'i'i - th ! iliMi.-irul tl ilirtri ; hix t t'l.lli Mt-i tttin, t wii! tlit'iiHiitiil diilliirit : tSt Vl'lltt t'llttl NVI t it'll, t'TtV ' - II V f tll'KlS.ltllt i Ini KM ; hmliU't iiUi Hi i ll' ill, tM ny tl f i ii. hi !) t ii IliU n; iiiii-i-li(li ct ifii, twi'iit tin hi ittixl dillrtra ; '1 w i ntif tti iSct tioii. kevcniY ti t (ti'iisni tlollart ; 'J v nty-ltrt Ht Ttion, twt tity thiiniiitnl (.nllnr-i ; Twi-nty-M't-nnit Hfciioii, t-'t v'ii tlioii-Mtul d"Hirit ; 'I wt n tiitrd hfet ifii , loiMt- cn tnuTifi.iiul tl- Dit'ii ; '! w-m -t mr Hi (Sktrtion, fciiy-i jjit t 'h.iihihI i llHri; 1 wtnt-rlitli Ht v.ti(in, twt'niv thn-v 1 1 i hji ril d ilitvtt; T vt ui -hlxih Si ( tinii, t i tliMiiwiuul ilikiinr. It Chi ' T'i rtiiiiburst Iin' ii Tri uMiry, i'r kjipropHa ttmiH ulri 4iVv inii'U-, cluii i-i.' tti tins ioHiii lurty-nui li.oiuuil ftitie liuuit'wl mill ciiii dullnri. lu iu A, 1 tir couiinKeHx.ti., htietu t)t iiBKiid tlve liundrt'd ftti'l iilui ty-ivw. a.. Hurt,. htt tl"it.f. Whciii-vi-r snyUian shall ..e niid hy virtue ht-rt'i-f, tln-rP hliaii lie. Iy lorce t t!.i urditmiir., ttimrially at'i'iu)rta('4l out ot tho hi'-in:e ii the L'liiiur.tH fiinie-, ffiuu ilit- bum miti it I iv tuxftilon, a mm mittU'io'it t f the inii ri'st un bttid ct.-rtin uti-a; and the t'irihr i'iid of tlire?-t-iiUji til uiit-(t;r C4'iiliiin on the (.ir valim m' su'h ter tillcatti shall he uiMrpr1ii( J '('H'(ily nut ot ai(l Jncuif aiid Uaux, to a hinkinK tund, . i.iclt ftnul aid it ix inn illation tire In ri-liy i jit! iy pit dca furthwrt lt-uap-Uvu and HO luvH ol said curttticau-a, RKiLl'TlOV to ptm.iii a l - aw mix Ittjunlvtvd, That the Clvrt he a ithnn.i-fl in putiiith in twii tiHv iiewiaperi of this city dttllv. fi.r fourweek.. the ordMixUt'e j r ni-iat'd tu C'uuuiuu C'ouncU on 'J hur.da, June lti, AtK, tuUtied 'A V OFtfilVAVf TO ACTU0IC12E A iiiAS tHi SCflOOL PUR- PtiflH: Antlt eiaifirierk.flt tlie htut il mooting ofOonncilt, r t. utinrnuon of we-'kn fr..m tiie flrat tiny of m il HiMit.ain,oi timii yrttv1lt to thl n CouhcH one of eah of j,tt) V ttwj mum, ' iV-in I CITY ORDfNANCES. iiVVn'-M'Tinu ague aim ft'Ter, which attack whole fiunllles tn the spring ami fall srason... I Our army U tVeei from tlila malaria now, an'l Is far aliove the region of swamps or imar-diy gTOiind. It occupies a district remarkable for itnltibrity. C-oloncl William Unto, one of the early crown proprietors of the land, has placed It uon record, that lia'l the first set tlers of Virginia placed Jamestown where City I'olnt Is, "It would have bepn a town (ntVI) of ne-te and considerable population." The city ot ' IMerslnirjj Is very lieallliy, and lind very little slcknoss when Norfolk was Is-Ing (levastuted Willi the yellow lever some years since. In view of this fuel the Hebel (Jovernment, early in the war, seized ull eligible buildings about the place for hospital purposes. Next to the Valley of Virginia, where Lynclibiirr; and .Staunton nre, the land between the Appomattox and Jthu-kwatcr rivers, above Sandy Point, Is the very healthi est In the Stute. Id the county of Prince George, where the bulk of our army Is now encamped, we find nothing but lilh rolling ground, mostly undiir cultivation, ami, eou-r-cqtieiitly, quite open. Malarious fevers, or epidemic fevers, are seldom met with there; the prevailing com pltilnts lx-iiig those arising from a disordered liver probably the most controllable of alt diseases as a class. There is but one meadow In the neighborhood of our nrmy, and this one lies just east of Blundl'ord, and south of the City Point Uuilroad. This Is generally qui to dry In the summer season, ns are many of tho rivulets which spring from surrounding hills in the vicinity. The present season has been one of unusual drouth, and all of these streams aro now gone until winter rains cause their fountuin-hoads to burst forth again. Even tho Dlackwalcr river to dry, we arc informed by a Petersburg paper, as If this was a rare event. Yet so small a stream is the Bluckwater creek, run ning just south of the present position of General Baiii.ow'h Division (our left wing), that It is a very common thing among the natives to drive their horses down and llud "uo water tliar." This "dry spell" will not increase sickness or acute sulfering In tin army beyond cutising a temporary want of water to bathe in. If the troops are careful they will always Hud enough to drink In the admirable, cool, autl clear water springs of the region, which nre to lie lound on every hill side. In nny event, our troops will always find the limpid Appomuttox well tilled, iind the James river is as inexhaustible as Is our own noble Delawure. Genera! OttAKT has contracted Ills ""os ru. cenUy, not becauso ho Icars tho Rebels, the miliaria, or me uosoitito waui. ut water, out ior a reason best known to himself, and one which will be considered good by the Rebels a month hence. We have written all of this to quiet the fears ol tho credulous In mieli mat ers, and we wih to place It on record now that It was another generul who Hem tuo Army on tho rotomnc in the swamps. General On ant never went where they were, and we think he never will. He has always been a stickler about the axiom Unit the losses in action arc small compared t) tlione which arise fiom the diseases of the camp in bad climates or sickly regions. Tho Army of the Potomac has never been In better condition than It is now, either La liculth, morale, discipline, tood, confidence, numbers, position, or determination. General 0BA.NT proudly presents nioi-tulity lists after actions, but his looses from camp sickness are very tmall indeed. "He fights his meu hard," says General I.noam.s, "but he takes good " care of them." Send our men sanitary .stores, roluloree niciits, reports of harmony among the North ern p ople, and strings of onions, und our word for It, they will never complain of their present position as an unhealthy one. It is not, however, profitable to stay just hero much longer, und we arc In receipt ol advices which plainly show that our soldiers will soon occupy even a more exalted and (to Yankees) healthier region in a very few duys perhaps hours ufler tills is before our friends. Let us be of good cheer, for good news is cer tainly in store for us. Tt Hostile lviiroipnn I'lfeiln Tlie IhiiInIi Hloeknile. The ll imburg p ipers give tho following us the respective strength of tlie Danibb anil Atistro I'ruxpiaii fleets in the North Sea : Tbo Austrian force consists of the screw ship- of-ibe-line liamrr, ill Htmsjtlie Screw fri,'ilto SrhuorzenbiH-fi, ii3 tiim; tbe iioii.chid fri.tte Dnnjiwnd' Amtrin, lti Runs; the screw corvi'ttu Frii-dtirh, Tl; tbe pailiUc-wlm-l stcmier I'.ihn- btfi,6; autl tbe screw suuboats "'" and .Si-, 6iif, eiieli cariJinK4Kiins. lue KaiM.1.,1, scro.v iriui., -. Kirns, w si i.oiniiiii oil itm JO'lK AlOAlTAi. Al . o Al, ., - .- - -,j..,.i 1 iv rk Common ' nini-ll. JAMHH . Sl, IVc-hlt Ut ol S,-l .1 iVnii. ll. 1 t tktt-:'; 1l.1v ol .lu'.v. Anno linmint i.A J.tiLU'ttl it 1 iti rour K, 1. l.l AA.'Mt HKMtV. Ati-roMil thi 4.11 1I.01 ..u:U li H 1) l i" a t a T n k a iintlitr Hi'rnjTlai til rT ti..- i .lymi-it! o.' I(" int!. S 'Hiii 1. It.f Ht'h'. t imH 'oiiiiii"h (. oinii.-iis oi tlie City tt riil'1.','lil.t tl" : Ilia' nil. rniilii'ii five hutched ttnri- mill tl- J;..rt In- .:n i)i rij m n ipt uttiiu i I'tiv liiu..rtf iiMtdT iinf' . iti-' suniM it ii ii it;-, i(k t'H'-' iiiK U l) iin -i ju imi iii -'i ! ' ni Ml Iifiint tiic 1 i.t t ,iith ,t u,.t Ft--i.iim mi'-rnfJ )'' inir .'. iMiJ. u. tn r''in r :r m Hi t''. .ii;'l- lis Uo 't iH H nitii i-i :o 'if m "5 ii( S. t I'"-. 'J. I '.i' ' Ki: !." siuiil ii r-i i. n-t 1 tt.e i it Tre.t-t it If.nt I i n i i Tt at l mult tl ru 'it. )n Militiil'Mi.i; I;- f-n-'t I,' ..hi,-ei'lV W NT' rf'.t Sill : ! ' "ti in tkc an uiirti U .-1h" t--i ri t.n.MT i w;i' I n t l St ii.-i, i-pl.tiy llutt ihf 'inn .v 11 l i any iitlj ht: l't-,..- it ' ni. u,-,irn'r th ') , . i v tlif i o i-t tK v.i" r A Jr.'uiiif ti,,'.- i'H' ulistin ii t".. fi I y IN- .M.i'or hi h - el. ' M 1 1 i" i't 'if 1 i . ii t Oil-.:' i . i! m. 'I ir. Alt. l.l Ml - I Ml. l.. tsni: t in nr , !.:.? ' I'.l.'a 1' I;.!.- 4 N O i 4. lilt U 1 I N A N V K uht a luriiitJ ftiiii.tiirhiii u iV r ti: .i ii of l it in:u . s. i' ii !. The i'Nct itii'l t'liiiit -ii ( nnil. ils of ihe 4'nyol rii'itiiii'i) ha tin (.rihtin. 'i 1 1 it tiirlliur mint it' two hiiiHtit tl ami huy tlioiimuil d -11. ir. l,..'f),'i) It ; t!iI Hit- .i nit In h-r l ai'i'K'pi uiU'il inr iin: viiiH'rtit m fit i. mil e- Miiil.'Mt. d l- it'i i.r'li.iitn -' upi'lriiit iiiitt y tn mi ' iMiniiiii t-iitiili (I. an "OnlliiaiKt' i ni.ila- nil uniit'oprlM tinti ir ihe jiuMiiei.t t f b')tiiiiit ti ru-riiltitf i V'K-'fam tiitiltjt ilit itxi uie.ill oi the rrosidciit," a.-jirovt d iliiy Hi wit ii 'i. Tiint tin1 Mini l ert-in apr.printi-il eMail b ri itiiidfil to tliti i'rcniuiy out ul the )rot L-tjiisoi a loan to b h Tttillff Clt-Ulltl. AI-KX ISlU'.lt J. HAKPKIt, J'l l.ltll'llt Ol CullllUUIl (. Attttt At i:aham RnfttAiiT, AfblfctuiiiCUik of Common -"otni'ih JAMI.S IV M, I'rt'tt.U'iit o Helvt (' inn 11. A 1 1 ' r i -. t-il ttii eiLliU-fhth day t,i Julv. Anno lininml one (l.oiife.u. d cihl htiinlrt d und l.t'-luUi' (A. i. 1 ALKXANIH'.K IIKVItV, It Mair ol I'mliLd lohi 4. 4 HV V V L E M K N T U 'I o an Tiliitant rrt'S'TibniK' tho Jiwri a'nl Dnttii ol it City C"iiiionitt't Hint tor oti cr (.iitiom-. Htition I. 'I lit Si'lct't hiiI Ctiiiuiioii C'xiiiiCMlf ot' the City nt I'tiilail ptna d oidifn, 'I imt from und mii-i tlif tir-l C oi .lni . 14, ihf animal l I'art ul tiie Mu.viKcr ll. thi' i.riitiititii nt ol the Ctl Coutiolur feliull ho tit, ill Utjii dit d i nt dullarK. Sui lion -J. 'I hat the furtluT sum ot i'ihty.'v n d illari aixi ntiy t etna iiK ij lv itit-t thu Mime m lin-hy Hiiuo-piiatt-il 10 I f iu 2 ot in rhii.inii' to nm a- au rtiU'roiina iioii to ti v i " n tint mlii-r ior the exin-iiii-H ot' ilu yi-ar Im I, Jaiiuaiy 12. to yav lha rnhdiuu ul saUiy l.ticiti miidv I'V St't'tdm I. AI.KX AN'MK It J. H AKPKR. l'i t tlvKut ot Coin 'nun Council. AUtut AnitiHAM Rtkm r.T, AiB iULt Cltik of Coiiiaion C-nn ll. JAMI.S L.N'D, Pr dtdfiit f huittot ( :j m.clt. Ai i'if vel ihil i Mccntti duy oi Jnly, Anno J .unui ami iltuttttd tlfch. iiuudivd and liA-ty-lonr (A. 1. 41 M ijj i . a i r. i ' Ha 1 1 ii iv nui, It tin) :i "f J liiiauilvUia. CITY ORDINANCES. N ORDINANCE To m.ttn.r,i a u nn rir ITin. hsK-tlon J. - he Hrle.-i anl (Vmmim ('nrvils t th OHf ff l'liLi(1rlt)t,i do .vUlH, Tht INd City l'ron-iircr ii lM'ifJ(. ihr -siim ol flv tniiKirtd th.-ti"rn1 r$.'iUi,ii0) ihmr, to iwt ftf int 1"TTtftrHl)i on ft Tr '.miry, unl r'ifi mfttir ui Of wlthm o-iy tuyn from the daf nf niKh l.tnn. for MM' h um rn.rrtiww., rrtificfttti t ity I bt hnl lir in llir l.rm tfPiTil1 Ir tiliiiK nrdinaiifs-, . irtnr tntr"t nt th rmf stx per rntinti p. r Annum, fi nlmU k rh m riil l In tho mAiiiH rai i h m. Ai t wi'i Tt .r. ii u'vi'ii, J'iviii't nt (f t.oiuiU' ii jtiiiv l. : Mtn 1' rk of Ce rumen f onni ll, .) mi-s i v r, I'r ft ri- t I .iii. i! if",tiiii la ol .Milv, Anim hmii ni ,H t,. lillMl blld Mt-!jl'f ' V. U. M.V. Mil H III.Mi Y. M viroi Iiti.n1 il.m. n t.N i j Antf. I N A N ' K rirlliiL' t!iP i-iir Inin1 ol tl MAiiHvrfiif Tjii il tl.1 itv ii i iiiit"f i-niit. H- ti..n 1 'I h-Hf-irci nnM "onirfioTi f'otmrlN f ihf City nf 'i. i -ml. i-t Ih tin ..Miiiin, I lut i (hi' riii.-t f .iiunivt r flii'1 S'ir t "r nr mitl It licn-hv Hut In (() ftjul iMrt'rhd I" piirclin-'i tM- ,(tot the i-it ot rhii.KiHt'iiin, pri piiri 'l hy .lihi H. I'r, at a rott not ) cicnl tUv mud i if live hiirnlroil ' (i.'itfi) (li.iln-- , i,iVHtfli' nut of iff in 11, of ui'T'iiri,i' in li'Htle to th ln j.iii'lrin-nt ot Hir-y for ttio yc.Lr l-t pro tiitl tl.f t Ijb t no li.rt' cr ti t ii-c ttir mh1 in it p. Air V AMirt ,T. II Mfl'lt, 1'ri .1 t'i.iiitnon l 'bnrK-il. A l" in. ii S 1 1 w i-r. t C!i rl. c-f foiionon f'oitn"!!. .IAMl:s l. Ml. rt itili nt of s.-i. , t t iin. tl. iii'lli i'.iv .a' July, Atillo liutiiail loillilrtil lool i'.i-.oir 1A. 1. AI.F.X MiKI! M,.)..r oi IIKMIV. I' It !: s o i, r t I o n To .iitl.o ic Die i.noimir (( ,Ta'pr '-rk to iluntitiKoj'U itfft, in ti.e Niii tc tilth Hfnolvrd, Hy th fli l t and C"tnmon Onntln of ih 'ltv ot plnlitil ii-hia, I luit thu t'liHl t'(jrittin"litm'r of littitinav In- und n' l hf r hv Hnth"rl M-d to do n-- mr "untilliiK n .lat-pfr niwr t. from York to MiTittriir don iirect, to i.nnv it to iln t stn-ilnlii'd Kri oi toe ' nt aio-i nut r iliiii' tt.rpf liiinilit ii und t iniy tim e doltMrr. unit tiny f nt $ .i i). Al K MKU .T. H XHITlt. Tn mil nt of i oiuiimju (..'ouuill. aittr-l Ahi'AinM " " Artklitunt C It ik of fommcn ('nun. 11. jami s r vNr, Prrvlih-nt m St ir. 1 1 oiincil. Appnnrtl Oil vKtrftifh day oi July, A-iiio Itoinini one t iiouvand tilit hundred ami fclxty-loiu ( X. U. t Alfii or oi riiiliol'-lphlii. 7 K S O I, U T I O N Jt 'i o Filler Sutlst.njtlon uj'on tho oflicinl Hontl ol I'A Y.nTii Wtler. eiovnl. Ity Ve Hvfct an1 I'otnninn 'ounriU or tlie Tlty of riiliitih lpliiH, 1 hat the ny Hoh-Mlor he tllifflini lo enter niii-ia-Hon np n Hie ofTi-ial h iul ot" I.dwanl WIIit, late nne t rk In the Hiihwnv IVp in m-nt, pro ineo ill (, It Ontri I er ithall con ity tl At Jim accouutd Hreet)rre t ami tl' at ihrtt Irt.'no itetan t. AI'KXA M KK J. IIAItl'KII, I'rt-viJi.nt ot Cdiiiiiioii ( 'oiiin.ll. Atlevl AliCAIIAM fill WAIir, A-bltnt Clerk, of Ci.innH.n Council. I AM KS l.YVD. Prehlcnt ot Silert t outicll. ApproTftl thin iliteeufh iUy ot July. Anno lotninl tne tr.un-.iinl ifc'ht hinitlrtj and hlxty-loiir (A. 1. 1H.4). Al.FX'AM'Klf IlKMtV, H Mrt.soro! I'liiliuP I K K O 1 1 To niitli L U T 1 O N ntiltiorlc tin- triinvt-r of crlnln lltrn or nom-u. t l.itlon ol the lit fiorttnctlt of Markrt Uoitni.i, Wli.irves, ami i.Hiiuinifii, lli'Miilvpil. II v llir- Ht-li-i-t nnil 'ornmon l 'minriN of Hip (.'Ity of I'lillaili-lplilu, 'Mint tin: t'liy f'iintroNi'1-lie ntirl II lii-rt-li.v elie- l' il to iranstt-r the lol.owinK .-iiiHiiiiiti of tin ii)'iroiriattoi tiiiiili- to tin- Di iNirliiii-lit of Marki-t Houni!, Wluirvta. ami I.aiMlini-'. tor llie IMH, ii wit : I rom Iti-in it to Hi in '), two liiiuilreil autl viulity-Mx (fi'i'li) dnltar.. I mt.. II..,., .'. In II..M ' .i ilnllRi-a anil I -..i v. fl vi ....nt. (u ') A! EXANI'Klf J. HAItl'KIt, J' re tn tic ni ul (Juuiuion Council. Attest Aih:ahai Stl A RT, A.sMStant v'lvrk Common Conticll. JAMKH l, ND, Trenidt nt it i le. t Cuum-ll. Approved thl clvhteenth il iv of .Inly, Anno In nnnt one thousund r if tit hundred ami il'y-iour (A.U. INUJ. AJ.KXANDKIf llKSHY, It Al.iyor tt H:ll,.dHpl(i.t. K S O I, V T I t) N To Kr-niovs th- Ki-.tiii llon on ft C' rtiiin Itrra ot Ali- inoi rlailon to llieCitv I'omuiiMiotii-rs Ac. Itptolvpil. Itv ti e H-li-it and Common Council, of the Clly of I'hlladelt'hia, Tl.nt .o niu.-li of the ri-trlrtlon con talueil in Itrin iH, of an Orillimnc. entitlr-it "An Oriliiianoe to tinkw an Ai-proprii.tion 10 tlie Clly Commia.loner. for thp Exi'i'ii"-. "t lw:,Hnil for (it'.er ptirp-m-s," aiMirovi-U tl-e lonrth tlay of .laouury, A. ii. 1H.)I, v ittihoiillinr on half ol th.' ay lo the Al eitsor. nnlll tho flrnt ihyiif lip-i-cinlK-r. be aiiililir siiiiii-1 tu-rvliy ropealt-U, the iiametit lo be liitlO.- whin the work I. c-nmilf-t( d. AI.EVAKIiKK J. ItABI'KR, I'lir.iileiil ot Coutuuu CouNcll. Jtttftl- AUHAHAM STKWIItT, Ab.lattlllt Clerk of Common Counrll. JAM KM I.VNtl, lri-i.UI'-nt of S.-k-ct Couocil. Approved thl. i-l-htpnlli tiny of July, Anno im inml one li eu. and eijtlil liuudrid .lKty-four (A.U. lNrl. Al.r.VANDP.Il iiK.snv. It .Mayor ol Flnl.liK'lililA. A" WRIGET & SII'D ALL No. 119 Market Street I'.tTWtEN I'KONT AKD BECOKO BTRKET9. e. . -. . mudall, DRUGGISTS, 1'IIYSICI ANS, AND l-.F.NF.RAL STOREKEEPERS, C&n tint at our establishment a full aesortmentof Impnrti-d and liomeitlc Drtiga, Fopular Patent Iodlclne., Tainte, Coal Oil, Window Ilia.., rrc.criptlon Vial", Ac, at a. low price, a. genuine Srat-clas good, can be sola. FINE ESSENTIAL 6ILS for Confectioner., in full variety, and of the bet quality. Cochineal, lloiisal Indigo, Madder, Tot A.h, Culbear, 8da A-b, Aitm.Ollof Vl rlol,Annatio,Coiiera.,E.xtract or I.ov,ood, 4c, FOR DYERS' use, alway. n hand, at Jowent net ca.b price. fi'KE Sl'K'ES FOR FAMILY VHP, Ground for our tale., and to whloh we Invite (he attention of thoe In want of reliable arUcle.. All0 .yjjjoo, STMICU, MVHTAXO, i- e extra quality. Ordtr& by ic!1. r 'y I01" witn prompt t ttntlon.or sp'cut quota: ions will be i'jruuh':tl wnen r- uafitcd. WRIGHT ft SIDDALIi, Wttulvftle Drug Yrmus, ;ll-ly N. ll't M AKKET Htre-(, kvj Front l .fiwfl- TlU'SHftH, liKAUBD, 0. ' f WJifciiiillv a.l)n-tl C.H. M;KILF.fl, cor. vAmi J ot I Wkl.f IH snd HA B Stnwu. l.aiieV .jp w 1m'i tm"nt lor titiut, c tminuUU Ity j torg iWKl.riU Huwi, liiet dirbrvllw. ' tf yj.j ciiiplt( rivJ vtrkul itook on TllCSfiKS, BRACKS. &o. bund. conlh?inir. In tPl, oi' Ti usmj., nlinuwr ltrci , lift itHnuHvf-i Kimiic bUKktub-. MynnK rliilfc lor NnrBi- v.Sn k Room, Ac. klOtu rilI!.ADl-LrHIA SUUGKONS' HANKAi.K IKsrUCrK, So. 1 NnrUl t.lMltl H:reit. nhtivfi M drift. Kunturei Ttt lK illveiirfd iv II. t;. K KHKT f 'H 1'ieiiuum I'atimt irmlimtlnti Trun. Stii-rt.T KlnHtic Iiciti, Fia-i'C 'iifM'i,1!!. Su. riert HnuuiUvr Krt. napn iri"H. 'rnt'lll. Ac. A It T I F I C 1 A L HAND. 1!. X. till.I'EA, Ti o'i.r .ml Mllllfitrtdrtr of Ol. A Ii I I 1 I I I A I. A II J4, At .ovil and a.!v.ttd nv im: siT.(.i.( usa or thk vsiteo stati'.s, -.'.r Soldi, r., Yi ' f,. n.n n. ii'I. ...c.-.! bia "M" : nr r'o: at Ve.SlJ i?.l-'..l Klit h;ii.:.s.i ;ktwr biow fcirau, Pnl...da. l.LASTIO KTlTtJII S K W I N C M A CHIN K 8, TllJt IIKST IN USB. a)'..f No. 730 CIIKHNUT Ktwt. -It'ANTKD TO SKM. OK KXCHANCiK, 1 1 Klilpilc Hewlim Mai-li'itc. The tirnvi-r lidknr btwinii Ma. niue, 'Ihe miik. r . ""' . , , , , And all t'iW lirni . ipal 8cliig M.iutiinc.. All rurnUlied iroin their iirliiciiiauilllt cii. . , . , . Aim alt V iuiU nt Sin iinil-llaii'l Vitelline., for Sale anil lU1,aU.U.tUi.ucwo,ln k KA,. KS.R( Su. ini N, Kli ill 1 11 Mri i-t, (tit er leu year. Willi ttlticr t o.) L.dic. laur' t to oiitiato. J " K,.t only UNKXl KI.I.K.I l.i, fXniUAT.l.KD I" Purity of I. m- mill l'oo,,,l, .h.b.-.I c.ii.-ciall. lot t and B, h',. li tut too id 10 l,.-;ii..lly ell aila"ll to iL.i'aiior auulraw ma Ku 'Di. Kn ..It. I.V K. M. IHItTi'P!. No. IS N. HKVKNl'U dtrcot ii.. . ..ninlrla axoruuuiil ol iha l aitccl Mi IihIk.ii bu.lauur t.B ualiu. Billl Kio OLD'S I'M PI10VKD STEAM AND WATER .J n t: ATI Nil AI'IAllVi'l'M. lut a-annliiiiaiidViiiillailiiK rubllo llulidlngi uiil rrl- v ata Uaiiunuce., . .... A tl.u tMOW B'ViAjd AVI) WATPH m?.TI!Ja COMPAHY O flUJULDlil.l'HI 4. J imkn r. wii'iii, Kn. 41 K I OlillTH htr.a. Hiy.fra J, H. rtl.IVVfU.,fci.4riijU'lot rATHIOT10 MBDAL8. patkioth: Mr.riAi.s. An .fr.-ptalile tMlerlon to everj Patriot TliC C-nl. cott-t ami anMiorirod MliDALUOX UKtStHSBS or rnKnitiv.vT irst-oT ,;iiAi. i;"int'r; WAanrw.TON. L1KI IKS AS I tll.M UAL flKAVT, i.i sr.HM. i.K'oi'iK ii. M.i-i.r.i.t.A, HMnnfarliired In Nterllnf MKi-e anil f'.,pfer ami M.-tal. Kanin.'e nent by in.U free of charKi-on re. -nine, ot u-iit. Aent. named. K. MI', Hot J riilHil'Hiina PoM Oilli e, Mnnnfiirtnrid at Vo. vwi A Mi It HU..1. ijrJ-Ii E U I) 1 N I) KM l O It I U M, n 9 8. f K I'.NTII street. MATTftr"Sl;H, MAI I RESES, ol Ilali . I'iIii. ..- i . if r. erf Tln-V. 1 EAT llh.H HT.IiS. Itul.ll I l M, KI ri'.I.OWS. WOOll AN1 IKUN Hl liSIKAI'S, Sl-ltlNII I1KUS AMI f OTS. K. P.--Tt' r-nl.-fnp inl n . i K'l-ik-fi1. ndnl bo rthrra and J. mi it. !.. h: ! . fn.Vf.MU sinwt. la-i la CUH STY'S TKA AVARF.liOUSK. rS'i'A J blifehcd in ln). Imrrt' r ami hiir In I nn l ttifi, jnt a, .aid Ll'fuori, Chntcf Ilavniift ('lirftr-, iVo-t a- HI'' w)l rirklod and Suei P.nplWh und Ntotth Al und l'-rtr, ritnncil Mrftti, rruili, Soup, Ao K.ivy Mrntcn Lut up wll'i rnn , At ha. ui fl. nrfovn nrrrt. 1-'S ly J'MIUM U. COUhlV. I I. C L O T II S ov r.VDRY VARIK1 Y, uiAiriia i"r a .mo 'or nif y lilir.tVhi'l It ir.Wlt.l, A- CO.. So. Ji-1, IMK K Stri . t, PltilHiI. S' IXRiiT UISKASKM M-.C H K V 1!KAK! bA Maui rss mi r: HA MAUI i' A N S (ill T! li'i M'i'T Ci hmis Ht w i iv nt rri', v, n tifi i- itiri' f.r l.itMHlKIHK , L. I.F.I T, K I K I H l, A , ( 'initiiiii" no Mimntl. n Itni-tirn, ni M icury. Mil trn ,'illn In litki'ii to t-frt t nre. Ctii' i In (ruin two tn (our diiy-, and ro- f-nt uiif in "twt-nty-tmir fi"Hin. ' I'tf i.irt 1 at trfti-iif i.i fur 1 'nlvr.ity -f l'tins iv,ini.t, ni4- nf tit: iiiont ciiiti.cut iii r. r a anil t h'tm -r n oi the pre.-nt tiny. vo ixi'ti'i ii, mi i h. i in t , no i it vj ..t uinii ri'. l.'t tin who iih" If'.piilrt l " vfitliu' irrd, -ir nlm tnfln'n (torgtd wltli ll.ilam t'fpni it. or y 1 mi , Ht on'-'c try ill s m A hit a v r.irr. S. ut hy m.iil in n plain ti fi -i frit c, mule ktt " i 1 hii', t . lil.Ooni I ri.rFft. son f.r, spots, Tl'Tll It'. mMi.f.s, fuiii.s, BM'IMLIH OK YKN f U f Al. IH-KASKS, Ac. An', HA V AHM AN H HOOT AND HI KM JlMfKS t nnr'd tl imhlic n ptiilvo euro. HVfllll.l' -lt KNI.Ifl l, DlsKASF.H. the HM. TCI I AN S HOOT AM llh.KIl .11 H'K, l tin- most ln nr, c rlitln ,rnd f ih rliml rfint ily rvcr prfrrilu'd : il rM uvi ami ti.i'l(f.nt'H t-viTv aili''l'' of lti vriK'P'iU (nin)ii -o Ihnttlic nil' In thiip'tu'ii and p.'rniHnonl. TtiKi' tht-n n:' thm purify. I V !iiicdy ft'id Ite ht ali ti. and do n-.t trnn-mil to Mir jiuhtivlty iliat lor fiich you may rcj.ful id Aitt-r yt ur. 00 NOT M SF'Ulf! AllhoiiKli villi mnv f pp'Tirum- 'd niciiriMt-.ttif SAMA Kl'iANH I.' h J and HKItlt M I IS vnlninovc t vi ry -t itv iiup'ih'li"! U c r-ttla. Wfil .tl KjtU tad Muct ui l t l' t j i jc . IT MA1S' KKMAT.l'fl' In many Hf'rt'l'nn with w)il ii ninnN'ri nf Femai'? tnitr, lh. Hoot ANH M Kit It .H It'Ks rn-nt liaoptiv aiinpi't, hi i Vi-rati u i t'Tii-, hi in rrh'i ti, m bMntm vsii, t ill Hit; ol thi n omb. lit'lttMt v. and lor ail complaint itii litt'llt to On- vi-. Kfiit by c.pren I'tI'-p I hottli-, or il tottlc for '. SAM Aid IAS S HASH I", In raa t.f R 1 . 1 J , uiptl In t-oniip.'tlon with (lif Knot and HTh diitri-i. I- ull ttlri'i'tioin. 1'rl-.- 'ih i-t-nt.. The t ttlt n v of the- n-mclie ii alik a kinmh (k'"d fv Ililt inns aiii) patli-nts. 'I h art? ti -et in the Cultt.! tn'fs iinsjti'itis, iniir r'ioi)iig ncanii tu ruanyui our Itvtn t'i' I'.alflinorr "snn :" 1VUAT 'I llj: MUMiKoNfl SAT OK TUB HAM A KITAN'eH Kk.M KI'IKS : 'Tor li'i'Mi al, 1'uicr Mar-hm i.. Itnltmior', Md , I n. jtt, lH. "1 )iavp(. r' at -ltfHla Hon tu s'at'iiff thitt I Inivo nird TUc n ma thin Hi initio' for V'-iHT-'nl IHseaif! In 111 Mont i-untolDHM- forma ; I hfte ii-'m! Mkmii with n- ilhcrt tlt'ti, and propiTh . and have loiin'l tli''tu ri-ipond to my antichMtiorn promptly and nflccttmli v. K ii"U inn tl ir fompn-lilon, I fi.iw thr follr-t fiiinlini tn thcii t'tth iK .v, ami as u r a: my nit- of tlit in extendi. 1 xt ci'iuuKiid thfin stroniij . a i t ki.m i i;i t Kim, " AsotantSuri-oti Mil Ni '.v Vurlt Vol"." I.t't H ,p m.tliTttuod iin'M! rfiu:iUts arp a ri-vud- m inUd, ami will poMtiM. t.iix- th dlsean s for wIJjIi tln-y an- n ri d. Sold (y S. r. rl'H AM. S . r S. l II hiri t. Dr.oVnK ,K- l it., 1v'-ttlthi.?iii N. !'! HACK Htn-t t. RAILROAD LINES. lStil. CAMDEN AM) ATLAN TIC HAI 1,1(0 Mi. TVMI It AllHANi.KMrST. TMKOI (III I.N Tt (lot Its::! Four train, dully to Atlantin Wtjl. On and all.-r AllJ.SDAV. Jul -I. Uama k-ave Viiie.tet. l Fi-rry us follon n : Mall, 7 an A.M. r.-ik-ht, Willi ia.ent'er attarhrd,0 l- A. M. Kxpren (llin.ut.-li In-; here . Vixl r. M. AtJuntlc Ai't-iiiiiiii.Nliitl'.n, 4 ).t P. M. illllictlon AiTi-iiim illation, fr;io P. M. KK I I KNINti LKAVKH ATLANTIC, AcroTiiiiiiKlatl'in (AUaltlii- A. M. P.xprena, 3-tlH A. M. I'rrlHht.ll'.'ill A.M. MHM.4 4H p. X. Jiintilon Ai-t-onint'.tlailon, 6"?2 A. M. f'ure to All.tnili-. ft'' ml. K.itim! Trlti Tl.'Vet. runt. it onW for Uie dRy i.n.l train on which tliey are Ikih-iI i $i uu. KMICA 11AII1II-ll-.l.ll IKAIB, leave im 'u-lo A. Al. and I in '. M. lluddonrl. iil'. M. audi -4A P. M. n.N KI'MIAVS, Mall train I'-r Atl.inlic Irav.ti vine slriet I .Hi) A.M. l..-aves Atlantic 411- P. .M. jrail tl' JOIIV O. 1IUYANT, Auenl. Tlietinr wlilt-h vfl, made lait ear ha. enlirelv ill.nli- pt-ared, l.'a ini; tlie bt-actt one of lue u.o. Ueiiefi.ttul on the ooa.t. nTrfsmwyri noiitii pknnsyi.vania eSf SiVr1,'lt A ILK!! AD-Ior HIMUI.KHI'.M, 111)1 I.t S 1 1 1. , MAI. II I llti JV, UA.LL TUH, WILKr.MllAltKK, WTI.LIAMM'Olir. ni ..lAir.ft A n u r.i r.. i . Altlll I1HN A I Tit UNI. On and al'er 1. im AY , .lime 1:1, ls.t4, ra.i-nrer Tra, will L ave Iho m w li.-urt, TIIIKK Ktivet, above Tl.oini.. on utroet, J lilladvliilna, dally (buuuu. exi.-eiiUdj, a. follow.: 7 A. .M. (Kxprr.s) for Ilt-ltilehem, Alltntown, Mmn-li Clitmk. W1IV. -.I.arro, Willl:im.l.ort. !t-.'i A. M. lAi-i oiiilnodittionl lor ho? lo-loA.M l A Of nui lm id at Ion) lor Port Y, anlllii.'too. 3 P. M. I Ai-.-nuiniodtltlonl ir Iiovlestown. P. H (Kxpre.a) lor fl. Inlvhenl, Ea.ton, c. 4-l.'i P. Al. (Hull) fur JioTleai.iM n. n l-'i P. 1. ( At-oiiutiodation) for Bettil. Item, AHentown, aril alanrh Clttink. 0-1.'. P. M. ( i-i-imliioilatleii) fi.r li 1'. M. (A.-eoiniu.iila'liiul l'-r Port Wa.lilntrton. I I1AISS Hill I'llltAHKLPIII A tearc netlileln ni atil'.KlA. a-) A. M.,ind8 07 P. II . llojltstivll Htli ll'.t. .M.,3 45 P. .M.,au.l 7 f. M. nt tl A. M. iorl Washington ut il S A. M. anil 2 P. M. OS M NUAVS. rhiladrliltia for Ili-thleln'in at ti A. M. Millailoli'hln for linvlnit"" n at .1 P. M. Iwyli'tilown lor Plti:ai'llHila al 7'tfo A.M. llt ihienclu for Philmli-lriliiti at 4 P. M. llllnuau , ll.ii.-ii.ini- Kxpre. Hill ..ill f r and dtllier tiai-i-'Riie at th'- .! (Kit. Ortl.T. may t.e leu at Vo 11J 9. TIII1ID Btriet. jeU I.I.I.1S CLARK, AgeDt. ITZrfiHwn vn ilaih: lihia and EJlWTfe" TIIKSTtlS AKI. i.AMl'h.N AM) .AJUiK'k II ILl:OAl) ti'MI'AMI.S. Ni.TI- E. On r-nd ftr MOSl-A V. .lauuarv 4 1K'4, 'be TMint I I itw orh. - iny Kniiti,-:in I u-iot, Plmiidt-li h'a, a' .'lil A . M. ( Nt(tit I. a ik! .".''i 1'. M., .md t'.e t'-itiiit leavinir Sew S'orl, at H A. ii . -ii. I i .t" I'. M ,Hill nreaiti-r oe run - cluiiy tin the United St.-.t-s Mail, and New Turk a id asliin't:!.!!! a:..l '.ill not in n.jrUtout anv r.iieniM ru b.'tw- .-ii .am itit-i. ') lie in A. .M. and P.' Mido i-ht l.l.i'. fr-tn .V" Vurk :o V ii.liiiiv'li.n, i d 'I -i II .' A. M.u.tdil' M.'n ir-.u V ablniit- n tu i w ork. will r..ntinn a at .r-.ii'. i.-i.l ittr v p.-. ih I., 'i I fx -ii IV: iii"rm-i!i-e lUlion. and Itultliiiop, U a.liintiio i, . -d Nyn Voik. Ai:r.AM.r.Mi.M'-i i.rrivr'.ns riirLAin.i.pii! i ani trfVl llllilV. 1.I1M-. Ii.nt 1'lii' il I. f.. i.i K ll-l.'i A. M., 4' 0 a I i.-!' M .'in! fr.iin :iliint -lri -t H luirt v a I' It M.. 4 unit P. M , l'.,r N-. iv rk. An.) K-..V' N.w 1 .ra. v.,m I ..t .f 7 A. M., 1" . M . 1 J M,. 4 . id ; 1". M -..i- i-i. n fiei'-i. .1 I'J-.ili inid il-ilit, and in, .it '' ttiid A M., . .tre'. at ., Mill' I'J Ull'- HI1 il, . v . mi . : p. . and ft'iiu i"-' I'.r- In li'M a. ha: vri , An- ut. SHIPPING. TKAM , .. i 'i 'i i, l-.l.KI.V ..t '1. '..! . f I ' 1.". ro. ' u.i-.rtj i Tt I.I v i ):- it .1 .t-u.r.-, .i t ,.i ...... I li l i'.l.iil. li'tua (olloiv. I I N , -I.HIM-.i 4 I 1 Y n ' ml i t-ri ,MlN'. l"N .11.!.. llll i.t In , A ll M HI i, .. I .t Sn 44 K.-rtl. liiv. r TnVflh1 'n ' it li. or I "'iHi' i"f it .ii n ivin; Hr-I ( ;.tiin -hi vi,tl r.- I ltt Ciill.l. IO I )' tinii h . "I M 'lnrM'. 1 .' " Ml' 'II ... 1- 1 1 hi i 'fltiili t.i t' 11 . . . it'-- " Sin rilkii: to r.ll 1 4'1 111 yi'.sii itLintt-HiitiitHiri.' Mfvi) stM-niK". ! ILimMirK .. "'0 I'u'-J'Piln rh iin itlxi liirw HitM u i.t 11 trt-,irt.-mfii, ivunvi- dhin, Alttwt ri'. .U'., 111 fniiJilly rt N. it tr. ii 1.1 Venn mi ir ..MU'i-nsitiwn i-rnu it'iui, , ftvi, $iii.'. Hit cratif mm l,iv-i n'ol autl i ititw n, niio wim-i o h.Da loruitir menu ca uuj uufi. 1 1- Ht ilit - ran t. j-or hirUit-r lni'iniiBiion ; piv m me - ..tM, ...,, . .HHIV tl. Ji.M.K, Aa't iit, Ho. Ill WALMM Mr.'ftaMiilitikli.liia. $L BOSTON AND A 1 ill S i-fllT? rt 1 " " " ' ' W ' ' " -'M1'' """'"K eilt' I",rt ,,u F i l iil-Tvti, troiu 11 ril Wlitiif Mtmvu 1'INK HlitJtit, rtiilixti Ii I.iit. kimI l.t'iiu littri, h"Ht. n. t'rtim uint wliuri' lnit IIS V. sirt-ft. fin Hanirdav, .Mtiy Hi, ... '1 In1 hit a Hi.-1 ip N K M A N , r.ftkcr, wilt wall from I'hlla-tlt-lnh n lor liobt'.ii, O'l K.inirtluy. July 2 i, ut 10 otI i(.k A. Al. ; aiul tliu u Hiualiiti HAXOS, .M utl iit'W , truiil liu 4i t I' riitltl- li'liia.on t-aiuM day, at 4 P . M . Tin tf m w "ml snt'HtamiMl pa form I MifulM lini', i-uilin-e.' li in t'arli H.rt piincltialiy on ttaturdttys. I ii-t.i litu-i tjiift Uti -at on Uall ll.v premium UiigeJ on kJlll tl-M 1(1. Kr u tilt- ttn nt fair rtp. hiiiii'trr Hie r oi uft-tea tu nl Blip ItocctpU and Ililli Lrt'iH i: w Hi' 1 1 eir t-i'tnU. For Ir rciavhtor tiuiitaije (liarlnc flue arromniodat1in) tu UK SKY VVJNS-H: A ( ') i jMf-tf Ko. IU 8. KKl.AWAHK Avca'ia. Bif ()K CAI.U'OUNIA VIA PANAMA l.l.U ill I K, ill l a' lit wkim;hiay. Jtilv 27. at nn, n. T.nwcbt latvs of itbttHo tUrugti frum l'lulatlelpliia to ban r ihih iicu. Appli lu W. A. HAMII.F., Au int. Jy lti lu. Ko.217 WAI. NI T Stiuttt. FOR Ni:W YORK. DKSPATCII nd Hwiiiiiure Linen, via Deluware aiid '1 fit) kti-HHltTH tf Ulfbtl If ft IDrf ttdUy at J c ock M. &ud u ctuck V. AJ lioui liilrd .ier Ai) va Walnu kUve.t. Ko- iVvlutt, hlt-h will t UVen cn accomnaodaflrnf It mil, aitilv to Wll. LIA Hi UAUkU a .V t aU iii 9 RAILROAD LINES. rSi -a'i--'i rmi.AIlKl.l'lllA, Wile a.-'i.u.-.UtNi.ltiri .ui. h. I.TIUOHC I. A 11 ntAvrif; or norns. 4H and aner PI N I' AT. Jon. 19, 1DA4, traina leave Philadelphia for flalfiinoTr at 4.' (Purr.., Uoaday. eteeated), I'M A. M., W M.. J ito and lo:.- P. M. tie,ter at a 10, ll'lb A. M.,1 an, I 80, 4 , !! and II M P. M. W IroinF'nn at 4 W (Monday, mrep.ed). Ot, li lt A. ... Ii, i .'Ki. i.i and II !. P.M. ' i a-!f jr Hi- A.M. and 4'' P. M. liover at k ul A. M and 4 ;l P. M. M if.-rd at K M. "alml-nry at ' i A.M. ip.aiso mn riitt.Artr.r.rniA. Iava Pell it on al e 4'., -40 A. M., iKinr...), t It) (, ;., oil H j.'. p. V. l-i.-tr.n .t I 4-.MI, 9 A. M., 'i1.,, I 4T..4 M, I D T all ami 'I'll' P. V. a II. I -iry .1 Ho P M. Mlll.,ril it P M. Iii.hi nt .. ...A.M.. ar.'l 4'.''. P. M . ( .le .1 -.i A. M. mil '. P. M. I ln.lei ai; 4 ,1- 4l. A. M , I W'..w,. 40, I (a), t 14, D-40 P.M. I." n PiiMlreorf ft I all-bnry and Inlrrraedlala .Utlona Yeni'P .nimore for Hover and Intennedlate .tatl. e. at I I" P. M. THA'N" FtiR RUrnimiK. lavr IVotr.iMli A. M.,:r ami 1(i.'.P.M. I., live Ilioliium at i-MI, H-.'i A. M , and 1140 V M. Pr.ii-ht Train, lth Pai'eruier far attached, will ron a loiiow I enve i mlntion for PerryTllle and Intermediate p.aei "giiAVi: Orly at 4-:i0 A. M., 10 80 P. M , from Pblla drlnMn to Italttno-re. . l-rom Plitlaovlphta (o Wllniiliklon at 4-Jfi A. M . 10-30 and "rnitti WH.i lni-t' n 10 Philadelphia Hint. M. and 7-. TV Only al 10 Jt P. M, trom hal'imore t..Ph1l.. IpMa. Ia4 li. V. h r.NNKY. Kun. rlttteudent. B29atbr wss oi nkw ii!K USM. I , ..u.ilMi rt' An.l.oy ami PI, li lt a nnd rr.-nlon Railroad C'M'iiii b I.ttieii I'litla.l. ll'ltla to Sew York W ay Plate.. Iti'M vVAI.HIT STUKET WIIAItP. Will I' area, r..i:.. rAR. At A. M., . m Ctlndill and Ambi-y, t and A. Ac- r"niini'duii..n 1'25 At k A.M., via l Mud- n and der..-y lltv, MornniK PM-re.. At e A. Jl., ,a ('mini. n and Jer.ty Cit , -.d t'la.. 1 li-V.'t At 1.' M .till aniiltit and Aiiilioy. C. and A. Acc. m n.oilAlion AtiP. M.,la tamiltii and Aint.".v, C. and A. K rri At I P. M , v la I'ainili n ami AmPoy, Ai ciiimtioilaMon (Prt !,lit and l-rti Pk'iT At o P. M., via i 'iiin'li-n and Anihi.y, Ar- omiiioilatlod (Frtlkht and Pa..enerv, l.t t'las. I'll ket Sd ( in.- do A ' P. M.. via r'aniden and .im1".v Ai-oniiirnoila- lioM f Preilit and Paiantier), I.t rlam 'I icket 2d( la-a do :I09 IB 1-75 !n I'M J-M 1- VI Inr Mini' h Chunk, A lleiii.iwn, lU'tlili'lo-in. Ili-lTlilere, pit. ton. I.nmbcrt. iin-. Pit iiilMtrtnn. ,t-., at .'I'.id P. M. I or Pl.-inliik't'-n, I.HiuI.ertv Ule. and inti rmediata .ta lli.n,, P. 1. 1 or Mount Holly, Kvan.ville, and Pcuit(-rton,at H A. M., and .'t P. M. rorl Xhnldntn A.M. and 5 P. M Fo-Paiini ta. it.,ini o, pet rrlv. Btlrltn.ion, H..l.n.., ilordent. n, A-. at A . M., l M..I. !. It mid ii P. V. . J tte II .Hi and .1 p. M . lint', run dir.:i;t Uiruiigb lo To-Ill" P.r p.iln ta, fMverton, I), lain o, llevorly and llurllnff. ton at 7 P. M SK-aml-out Trf it' n, for llnrllni.'ton, llreorly, Tonmlal" a-... at H- A. M. and i Jo P. li. I.INKt I PH.M KENMISIITOM M.POI Will I- av- a, ti'll.inai At 4 A. M.. (nl.hi)vla Ken.ln.tnn and New Yark, XVa-lili .1, n and St w York Mail IK It At 1 115 A M via Kt-11-lnkl..n and Jitm Clly Ex-pr.-. 300 At 4 It P. M. via K.ii.iiikt. n and J'Tst yt lty Kx pre. 300 At i, 40 P.M. via K. tiaiiit'll and JiTbe) City, Va. till. tit. in and Now ) ork P.xi'ti'M 3'00 .1'intla-. In..-. It itve at 4 A. M. and 0 It P. f lor Waifr .hi. Htroud.hiirir, Hrranton. Wtlkefibarre. M'.ntro.t , i .reat h.-nd. Main li t hlliik, All.-nti.wn, llt tlile. lii-m, H.-lvitttrt1, l-iiiiton, Lamliertvlllt., Kl. iiiini.'tiiu. A-o., at 7"l.t A. l. Hit. lino oomiot'T. with the train leaving l:.-.ton for Man. lii Imnk at Mill'. .M. l or Pi. tnintit.'ii, Lauiberti ille. and Intennedlate .ta ll, nt, ut A P. M. I or ki.-j.tot, irenun, Ae.. al 7-li and 11-15 A.M.,andt r. V. l or lli lmp.liorc. Tni-onr. tl'lv.liiomlnir. Ilrldr.lmrff. and i AM , ;,, .'. 4.'i and tl P Al. I hull A.M. Lltu' mn. to llrisiol. I t:l or Ni-w York, and Way I Inei kavlnf! Ken.tnirton Iu-pot, lake tlie canton pllth .Iroet, above Walnut, half an hour b. ire departure. The Car. runlntotltu lli-pot, ami tin arr. al .-t'ta. h I raln, run from tl.fe ln-pot, Kitty l-.nintl. of liiiKk-iiwe only allovied each pa.tteneer. P..t ni-.r. are pruhilntid fnun taklnu Hiiythlittr a. Iihu ci.t' but tlit-lr Henring apparel. All tiaitkHite ovor titty pi iiiid. to be po t.l nir extra. Tl.e Ct.tnpuny limit tbalr r .(.oil. Il.t'ity tor t-a.-L-Af e to One Iiollar per pound, and v. ill not be liab t lor any amount Leyoi.d ftlui',eavept by kpt In) contra, t. ..rahaln's lti..-u-ai.-i Epre.. Ti llI call fV.r and drilver hae. mi at llie Ordt -r. to be b it al So. .1 Walnut ttro-l. tYM. 11. GAIMEK, Atieut. Jimc VO. ls.1. LINtS I'ltCM NEW YOPK fOH PHILADELPHIA WI1.I, LKAYK From f.'t f f'ninland .'root at l.'M.amll P.M., Ma .Hi ... Cry and Catmlen : at 7 and In A. M.,tl P. Ja., and V2 t .Sifcnt) via Jfr.t-v . Ity and Ken.tiiKton. lrouiii. of linr. luv itrtx:, at o A. M. and 2 V. M., via Aiiib.iT and Camden. From I'Vr Ko. l,N..rth Ttlver. at IV M.,4 and 8 P.M. iPielgl.t and PaM-nk-el-.) via Aml-.iy and Camden. FKEIG1IT LINES FOR NEW York and all the .latloua on Ui. Camdeu and Auiboy and connertlnl llallroada. INI'ltKASKIl HKSPATftll. TheCamdf-n and Ambov Kalirail and Tran.rortalien Company'. 1'relftitt Lin.-. for New To.a will kave Walnut atroetwltarf, on and aftt-r January tl, dally t Sunday, ex c ptidl, at 4 o'.-loek P. M. Icr-tiiridiiM-, tlie above Llnca will leava New York At 1 .ml 4 P. M. Freight nnit be delivered before Hi P. M. to ba for nartled the lamt day. f rcif lit for Tren.n. Princeton, Klniroton, New, and all point, on the Cniiiil. D luid Ainltoy Kallroail ; also on th.- ll.-Ividere, lielawaia, and FI-uilnKUiu. the New .Ian ebiirir, and the lliirlintrton and Mount Hotly Uadroatla. rt-i-eived and fnrwanlcd up to l"t o'clock P.M. Btuall packatei for Mount Holly re up to 'I o'tl.K'k P. M. I he Iit-Mdi-rellelav. are Railroad eonn.-ct. at Phllllpa I'.i rir v. 1th the Leluh Yalley Rullrond. The Mew Jer.T llilllroad conue:t. at KUxiiIm-Hi llh the New Jersey enlral Kallroad, and at Newark wltll tbe Morn, mid L.a.-x Itallro.d. A lip nieuiorandum. .peclfi lnfr the mark, and num lier. .hlppri and coiiKlint,t-.,"iiiii!t In every tuatance tie at-nl wlir. earb load of good, or no ret-, ipt v.111 lie trlven. InifiaMd facibne. l.avuiii b.'.-n inaile trthetrun.Hr latkuofLUK M OI K. Uroier. are Invited to try liiil rtiit. Wlien Hock l fnrnl.hed In iti.ntltle. of TWO f'AR I OAliS or in. re. it will be delivered at I he font of Fortieth ir.-!, rear the D'ove Yard., or at Pier No. 1, Nortn Plver. a. ;ht ,l:ipper. mi.v de.lnnate at the time of tlie ilnpiwbt- W AI.TF.U FltKKMAS, Kreltlit Agent, ..f'tl s- Di lawitri' avenue, Puila.lelpiila. B. IIAYMOSII, A(rent, ja'-tf Pier Xo. l.S.irlh River, New York. rr- It E A 1) I N Q HAILROAD. ,3 liltPAT TKIISK I.1VB I'hom PHii.Aiu.i.piin in Tin-; intuiiior of I'KNSfll V4N1A. TIIK M'lu vi Kll I.. HL'el I.HtNM. i.'l M ItKK I I Nil, AND WYOMIMi VAI.LI.i.S, ASH R'H KOIITIIWPST, AN'I) THE CAKAIiAU. PASKSl.KK TIIINS l..K-. il. ( I'inipv.y. Hip.,'., at T II I HI KF.NT11 and C'I1"II'IH1.L S'ri--:, Phlladill l.iu, l Uie folluw.n li.nitl VI lUN'INU M 41!.. At fc-If- A. y... fr It.ii.lliik, l.ob.iiion, I'.o'irnta, Lltit, 4 t.liimb a, lii.ritvt trf. l ott.vill", Pl-ierfrove, Ihina'iua, "unliu'i , IV't. t:iiili.i, I;... I.f. tor, S i.ik-ara Ft. N, Itu-iiil... Ai it. '.Viikcl arit, Pitt. ton, Y..IA,. aj'll.ia, 1 mnliervi, up, .! -.KiT.:oi. ti, Ac. 1 ;,. tri.iti ..i.n. . It. .it I. K U'lNC. v. lit. r.n.' Penn.vl. a i,ia It.tll-iad tram, nr Aucnloiin Ac., rv K aliufc- and I '..i.tiil-m H...lii..'..l li r l.piirhlu, ..Pi., t.n'1 Columbia, and a1:,, :'k I.lia-.. n Yail. . irain lor H.irrl.iiur-. Ac. -. a. POIt r . :.lftiN vvltr, i'a'RMl..a l(n !roatl train. torlVil'.i'.l, irre, n ,::'an .poi', l. ..k ll.iv.-ii, I 'tn-ra, .: .a IUI1UH 1.1 Itt. i.p'i S rt .' rn Central. '" ' Ciittl,. rlw'td allev," ai.o n i Ik ,11 k id "M .,iie:tniiiiR-- trains I-r Nortliam-l-i :lai!1. II ..iiiU Mi u t York. i 'i.iml-'n-.l, ir,-, PiiKirrove, Ac. Ar'l I liM'OS bl'KIs l.i-.t. r-liad-1 lo.i i.! .1 H)''. M...T II. nil K, Pottt .1 -, i,'i'i"nv.. I't.i-rl.b.irt', Ar., i't!ur.','tint ct Hai-rin-Mi .'v.'. I'-iiii-ilvti;: a Ci-nliat tr.uns for Plits intiy. A .. . oi .'.' rn ' i' .l:a. .ulr. aj tiain- l'..r s ;in' i.rv. b'o.'iiMi I- -rl.. in. I. Tlr.n A. . i. nil .,l P r-i'liut-n with a. i..n .'lailtocd for Milton. Wll ia-j.port. I.I UJ.'I., P ' . ii . t ' 'II. Al.: S'. Al I'f'U tltipA 1 1' is, 1 .(.' l:ii.di..t it t. '' 4 . M . .I'M I :ni( lit .ill way t tt .-: . ..i-i-l' i.'k :o I'illiflileil.i iK lit li i"l A. -M . : ii, i b i.v. :-i,i. ti li !.,.t m -w.i P. M ; ii.'r;vt-i in I l iu eh'".!!. I -a -:. r 1-1 , ml- tl, i .. ' ei 11 iT 'in.-i- fit e a . .ii Po- .11.- at 1 i A VI., Al' ir I i I'm ii - : I 1-- Ut III: .- In' l.'iiu at 1 41 I'. M.. r. t.--: !. t. a 'ir.l, Icav. i I ! 1 - . ar nit i,'i'ii .il . V . i: .. '-.. .it .' .' ! .' ..lti 9 nlili. hi I ln, ii ,1 all .ll ; . " ii al' 1'. '. I d. A ... un.l Pliila- t I'l tt-viil. ai '. i: v M i . I: 411 KO 'I'. i ; .1. , an t I i - i ! I I ') ii i . V. I.-., "i 1.. tn 1" , :i,i. t i. i.l i I' .4. al., e r'a A 1' ..'111 I, ., -ltd I:-:j ASli im: I M I '--A.: L-H r"l- l'l.TuI.LL' r r. a " V. M., (a-'-vii )'. ad ni h' 1.' iiii'l ,' at ILtrn-tiunv' w i h i t .i'ii. .in an. -i Iw I Hi-fi' ry. train U-a' M i n-st.ury n arrival t .Ml Il ls I M'i' ,.:)' Lx i: the i niiii rt'llH fl'ulll fl'tht'lMK at nt . ai., M.,and arrlviin; at New V.rH t (in ed in at h V. A. nt l i I . -M. 'iiit ( a iti atOi'ini'dny uuae tr-tma v Muppn.ii.r-.'fC iv ami ' il.lair;. wiltiutit cnanK-a. Mali tniitiH t'r Few Yt-rk Um6 Hrn)urtt at tl A. M. aia.M'. M. Mali traiim iur liarruDurK inw i ,UA-MVfuo"KlI t. VAU KY FAtl.ltOID. Train, leave r. tullle at 7 li A. M. anil 1 ill P. M., r- ti.inmti n om -lii.taroiaat K Hi A. M. unJ IM'j P.M. SI lit I Kll. I. ANll HI Si.H EI1VNNA H 4 1 l.liO tll. Irtiiin l.iue Aul.uriial 1146 A. M. Inr Piiuvri.vo ami liairi-liuik-, ami -it I i anil 7 1n P. M. fur Pinetniva mil. : i-tti.nilni.-frotii Hart 1-lniiK at t-.ul P. M., antllmiu l'lnsttaove al b io A. il.. antf 4 anil 0 P. M. I It Iv 1. 1 14. Tlirriiiih rlr.l-elass tlcacis unJ emlurnnt tli'K.t. to all tin- iirli.i i'.n ninni. m tin- North .ml V-t ami Camilla.. '1 lm tolli vvitn.- tli l-ct. arn l.talnnl'le only at tlie ulllt-a nf S Ull tiK'lltl,Trea.lir.T. Nil. H-'I HH'ltlll himt, l'liilaili l l.l.i. or ul v.. A. Ml.OLLi, lieueral UIrttruitU- """"".MMI TATIOH TICKKTB. At 2'i r"r l"t- iiscnunt.ljatwi.iii any puiuts deilrcd, for blu.lU.Ud ""-)1,.I,U',KTI(.KI,T(, r.oorl fin -.'oon mill , Diiut.u all i"tul, at $4C-35 each, ,"r""n'"t""""1TKAoy TIfKF.TS, Frr tliree. a'x.niiie. or twelva uiunttistfur holdtrs only, Ui all lulul", at reUuee.1 rate. ' CI ElltlVMKS Re.lJInir on tl.a line nf li, maj will bs fnrnNI.e.l wh raijb, miiiliua Uieui.eliv. amlMives lu UdieU at tmll FXCfnmOS TICKKTV rrom rbMarlili'lila to prlin-lpnl aliitl' n, unoe! for 8ulnr. flftT Miniluv, anil llotnliiv. at rerl'ii e.l tare, to lie tiail utily at tl',. lit-ant 1111U 1 t-t.S 1 U aJ CAJ.UIW1111X BUWU- FIir-KUIT. Goods of all do.erli'tluii. forwarded to all tli. ahnva pn'lit., frnro llie I tini'ali f litw ttell.t llipot,LlUUAi ai-u Willow BTKEKTH. Hll-lr.HT TRA1V leave Pnlladflp'.la dally at 0 A.M., I P. M.. and ft P. M., It-r iteaitli.v, l.ei-.nou, Uurrlsduii;, Pollsvllit, fort CUiiuua, ajiu iHtiuis Myoua. Clou At tlie Pl.tladflpTiln ru.l 4.1.11c fr.r ri j-laen ""."J t, ul at d . la I rani at a at 0 A. M . and lur lIS I l" '.jii.s(.i'ljt nijOl'.W. RAO-ROAD I.IMES. fTlpii?" ' '". l'KNNsVT.V S lA (l'j'L-.--1?''' M.MIIM nil II"AH, I8(i1. 'Hit. i.iika i ji ii lu.r: iita-H ntiiuti mn . r. i 1-nr. Kir, niiii i iiwi sr. ami soi'tiiwkht. Fttilim.nt. .lid tnt llluc. tor l'-c, .dy, and oonv ftTialtl. traniiirtMlitin ol ih...hkit., Mil.arpawd liy any ri uic in tit- coiiiiti. . . Trmn. h.n elite Ir...t al r.I.P.VF.NTH ar)4 MARKET 'r... a. follow. : Unil Train at T 7 k. M. I a.l ai 11-14 A. M. 1 nmnrli Vxiirrn. al I" ' P. M. I I. .I.IHB 1 r in, V it. 1 a In im A. f . 1' ti 1 1. - Ini' n i nuti . n. '2 . ai I '.' I'. M. Itairi.t. ,r Ai coinitii..Uii"ii at I'.'in r. af . I a. .i.-i-r I tain al 4 tl P. M. I'at. li Ai coriin aiion Itemed llc.i I'lilla ). at i.l p. if. 'i ' r. m i l'ii...nv. r. hi the i i.t I -ue r.-ach fur .-fner, hi ! ,ii to -1, nui nt,--1 i iiiniii'l itl -.. for 'I ' nli-l 1 at lie l.o-in Moil --, ttnl in lip in- I -loir ma. t.tKi- clllir th" PM)iiilni.rii ir ita timor.- Korp... ach of .1 i. h n ui c. ciint rctimi. a' ri t'inrw for all r"'Tit. A'i' il.w I. Un a acoidi'1.,1 :l,c fntlr line and lb In. r mil.-, til .1-. tit-ri . I in I., t r . Train rnnn il.i'y; al! other train, .laih . .-yo ni m niln- a nnt i-n ixi-.i mi ami i nr. wikt. ft Vatrl r.ln, Fust 1. inc. ami riiroiiv-h l.spr.a. fow- rtc, t at 1-ill.t v wltti ihronali tiaiiiniinall tlli.-i.liit. road, t'ont tha' i"lnt, Sortl, i0 tl,.' I.nt .... Wi... to tli Mi'iU .inilaiiil ,lit..t,tirl lnv-i.. anil Smitii anil Sotiliiwr.t lo ... , ,, ,. ai re, t, in ,v railrna l. I nmii.Ii 'I . It-'a to t'lc..-lnml,, I lrao, Kf. -,nil, t:.. iinl"... Indian. ?'','.', l-'annwot Hi. Kaii-n., lnnnnr, Hay. '''V'lJ''.''''""''-'-''"'"'"'.'''..!..,..,! .:l Mhi.r irlnciiiaj poliiln, anil I .n Mn. ci,c. km iitt-. iu),. ,s.".' NA "HAN it ul un. Tlif Tlimiiuli K..rt-, Icavimt at In liir. n., connfet. a' Hiaiiaviii.' ini r-.c'ti,,,, K1,, tralu n tin. nad for I a r-villr. Imli.iiin. Ac. I.1-.KNM1H Ull AM. ritKSHOy BIUNOII RA II. ROAD. I hp I nrnti' li Ki; r ruin, icai ,k. H, . , (., H n.ct. at Cn-non, at ln-4."i A. M. ,!. a iraln nil tnf r.ta.l foe Kl.t iul'tng. A trnln al.o leu. p. I 'ri.h,a f,,r r t,n.liU.a -atH 4.. I' M. ' ll'H I III.W SBI IIU IIIIAVl'll RTAD. The Mall 1 rttiit at 7 i.'t A. .l , ninl Ihronalt l.-frcaa at I"- 0 r. .M , ii.ti-ii-i-t l Altoont with lia nt for iloll daya l.nii. at 7 '.'. I'. M. ii nd - A. M. II Ki'SK AMI t I.KM1I III! Wlt RAIt ROAn. T lie TlToin.'h I'.vfM T ra-n. l.-avlii,; ... In ,n I'. M. con he. n. al 'I i ri tie ii Itli a ti n n f"i unl. lt:di i- ami i"illllp hum. and In llald Kn le niic) lla lr- nil r,,r Port Matilda, Milt .In, und Itt-il' Ion'.'. Ill M l Milil IN AMI 1UIO Ml TUP II IILItOAD. Iht-'l lirnii.h r. M -. -. ' r.i1". ' avltnr at 1" .. I. M.. c ,w. n- -t a: llnnilt-i'-lon Willi a irain f r il,iiiw. il ami llloraly K:l ' I-"'-' A. M MiHUILK.N CKNTIIM. AMI Pit IL IHKI.I'lll AN KI IK H All 1(11 4 1 1.-4 For Siinhnnr, Vt'ii iiini.H,rt. I.o. k lla.-en. Klinlra, Rn- he-ler. , ami M tiain Fall., ii i.-i nm r la.iUKUia Mail 1 1 am at ) J.',A.M . and t- c I'lir.-nuh K- nr- aa al Iumi P.M.. dally cxcenl Hinnlii... ar . din-' tl v I'lrnnth, without ihanne ol car. bctwein I'nila.le Iplila anil WU- ' ""I'.r'Tt'ii.'K HAN'iVRn and (irTTYtnrRO, 'he traina lea1. Ini.' at HA M.imd M., connect at loliliuhla w itli Irani, on the No- thcin I '.tiitnil llallrnad. -I I .MI KI1I AMI V.U l.t.V It Ml HHAH. The llalll ram al T2: A.M.. and I hrouph Kurtrf.a at IO'IiO P. M .. connect at 1 1 in n -I ,nru Willi tr.ln. fur Uarllale, I'littiiiLt riihii'K. ninl llauer.tnwn. WAI M. Mil Idl llllAM'II lUII.Iin.M). The trains ienvlin.-al 7 A M ami :'-:ui I". M.,connfet at liownlii-jtown with trnln on thltt road tn tVayncebin-g nnil all liiti rmi dliit .tfitloii.. tot Inrtht-i nituriniitiiin apiilvat the Pa.acnter 4uMfon,i ft. E. cormr o! hl.LVI.M II mi l M 4IIKK1' -.traHt.. JAIIF.N i tlWI'KN. Tliktt Airfnt. 4'HMMI TATICN TICK KTt. For 1. 3, f.. 1, or J month., at n ry I. w rale., for thf ao ci n,m nliilii-n ol perannn liv ni: out of town, or locat! oo or tt. ar ll. line ol the road. ttil'PliM TH'KKTtt. For ?l trip hetwfi-n ai.v two 0011111. at ahi.iit two ff nti per utile. 'I'liepc tit ket. an- Intf ntli-il for Ilea ItaifllnK Ircim-ntlv, and aro of .-r.'al advantage to lairhoii. tnaUhg ni ca.ioiutl liljia. SI IHMII, TLIKKri, For one or three month, for lite tt.a-.f .cliolart ail.mHng arh.H.I In the clly KHTF.RK FMIOIIATIOM. An Fniliranl Accnttiiodailon iralD l.ava. No. 117 Po. k .Iran dally (Sunday,, nt 4 o '. -lock P. M., otterliiti a conilorlahlfl mode ol travel In lamiile. folii,.. Went, at enc-half tho umial rate of fare. Particular attention I pmil to tor welch che, k. a'e Riven,, ami liit,fiii-elorwardi-iiliy the name train wltn paa.enxerl. For lull inlorlnatli ii. apply 10 FKAM'18 H. NK, Kinltrriint 4tr"nt. N11. 1 17 Inillh. Ulreet. . MASN'H MAIKIMIK KXl'KF.HM. Anasfnlot' thi. r liuhle K.BieaM Comoany will pa.a thronuheaih fr iln lielore icai lnns llie detuit, and take up clock, and deliver liaiKi.t-'f any part of the city. IlaK Kiue n 111 he called for promptly when order, are left at the Paninn. r liepot, Klevt-ntli and Market atreetn. The tra velluit public are uttalired Ihnt i- in t-nttt-rly rffliiK.lil. HtKKIIi 1 14. Ity Ihl. route fri Uhta ul'allile.i-rlpllon.canhf forwarded to anil from any p"iitn 011 ther illroad. of llhlo, Kentacky, Inilliina, IIII110I., V4 1. con. In. Imva or MlHNoitrl, hyratlroaai .hr.-ct.or 10 any polnton ihe ininiial Ic wateraol tlie W..t bv .tcamcr. from Pllt.luirir. T he rate 01 trt liilii to antl from anv point In tlif Weal hy Ihe Pfiinityhaniat'eiitral Kallroad are al all umea a.' an are chartri'd liy other llallrnad Companies. Merchant, am) shipper. cnirn.tltiK the ttan.MirLatlon of ' their trel. hi lo thltt t'ouipauy can raly wilri -..tnlldvnce oo It. .pi-. tly For rrelitht ottnlracta or ahlpplnp dlrfctlent, apply to Of address the Awl III. nl' the t'l'llipuliv : H. II. KIMIKTi'.s,.lr.,ol Philadelphia. II. A STl'.IVAltT. Pltliburit. CI.AItJv A- (l.,l hicaito. I. F.KtflT . Cti.. No. 1 abut Houie, or No. 1 S. WIlHioi street. S'-w Vork. I.FF.l H CD . No. 77 Waahlntiton street. flor.t.n. WII.I.IA.M lillovVN, No. mi North street, Baltlmorts, A. nt Nurtlicrn Ciitrai Hallway. 11. n. iiot'HToy, General Frelklit Atrt-nt, l'hlladlrhi. LEWIS L. IIOI'PT, General Ticket Arent. I'MI idelphla. E.NiM'll I.F.VV1H, General Buperlntendant, AlUHina, Pa. VZi Eiflirm' PHILADELPHI A.QRR-5-ff-rr3fflE MANTOWS, A.ND N0UH1HC0VTN luuUiOAC; TIMB TAMW', On and after HIOMiAY. Mav It; IxtA, nnlll furUier aotle Full tIBUMANTOWN. Tyava Phlladih'hla , 7, H, ll. 10, 11, Vi A. M.? 1, 1, S'10( 8!,. 4, A, Mi'. .7.n, II, 10, II, II P. M Leave llrruanlewn 6. 7, 71 H,H 90, 9. lfl, 11, 12 A.M., . 1,2,11, 4,4K,o,,HX,7,H,. III. ll. and 1'.' P. M. The H'M down, and the 8V and .IV tralnn up, do on the Ueruianfnw n ltranch i iik.m;t hill kaii.iioaii. I ravePulladclitliia.C.K, 10, 2 A. M.i ll, 3.4, ..'.Jf. 7 ,,an 11 P. M. I cave f'he.n-it Hill 7 1ft, . 9-411, 1140 A. M. 140,3-40, 8'4(l, 4n, 8-4(1. and 10 I" P. M . FOlt 4 (l.NSII(illil('KEM AND MOHIIISTO W ?. Leave Fhlladelithia 6, Xt, 11 1 A. M ) , 4)4, X, t'j.H K'M till II . P. II. l eave N.,rrlli,vin,,','4,7,7'.,irt,!l and 11 A.M.; l,4i, tS and ll P. M. The M, train np will stop at Wli.alili kon, Manayank, ano only. Full MANAYt'NK. Leave Philadelphia. II, 6 Xt, 11 ni A. M., IH, 3, S, iff, S, Hn6aiid IIS P. M- I. eave Malta) uuk. Ii' ifi, 8 USA. M.,1, 9,7, and a P. M. U. K. SMITH. General Miinertntfndenl. Divni Depot, NINTH and OUKEN IHreeU, f-r-.wil..t,l..ii-.v-! wksTjkrsey railroad 4pTlr-(P-I.INK'l. t'oniinencuuj MONUAVeJun -IW.lbM.fium WALNt T Street Wharf. FOlt I'APE MAV. At 6 and Itl A. M.and at 4-.Hl P. M. For Halem and Mrldui ton, at tl A. M. and 4 P. M. lor HlaM.lKiro, at 15, II, and 111 A. M.. and 4 and rilOP.lf. . Fr Wooillmry, llouceatar, ale, at 6 aad U A. M., 12 M., and 4 andO P. M. UKTI'IININO TRAIN LKAVF. CnpeMiiy at and II I.'. A. M .ami ,1 In P. V. Millvll e at 7 4n A. M.. end I'.'' and (HI P. M. ral in at li A IM. and 11-. P M. linilU'ion al l-'i A. V .. l'lln I' M. (lb,.. I nro al 7 III and H tb A. M . t l..1'10 and I'M P. It. V. ooillinry al 7.7 40 aitdx M A. M.,and '2 b),6-i, It Uoaud 8 111 P.M. TIIK WF4.T JF.RSKV F.XI'RFSI COMPANT. 0111. No '1 W.M.NIT Si reel, til call tur and deliver P..Knt:e, and etl.nd to all the u.ual branches ol Kxprear 1 bu.ilca.. JItaitt Arlt'-tm taken hv i A. M. line, only, and niOKt lie t.cn1 to the otlite tt.e e.etiltig previous. . I'eri.Iiablt- aiilt le. by thia line intuit Ihi ..-nt heliire t, 4. ii. A .p.dnl inc.. enter ac.-onti.- It-, each train. II. V III J. VAN KKSHKHKIl.Kuuvrlltt.ndent. TTTlTOTn WKSTLIIKSIKU AM) 1111- aLay i r LAIir.l.I'lllA, KAILIWAU, lal I alLlilA. HI'ltlMi AIIKANOKMKNT. On und after 1 11II1AT, April 1.1.-..I.'!.. Tiuln. wiillaava antcllowi.: I enve phllatlelph'a frotn the l)i p it. Corner 01" TIIIRTY I FI1IHT and MAIIKKT Xtieeta, A. M., II (V. A. M.,'J 3(1 ; I. t..4'iii P. M.. ti 4.'. P. M. 1'hilnili li.l.ia lleltol cliaiiti-d ft. in I'll II1TF.KS' I'H and I VMlKLT Uireeta, In I HI ii I 1 I IIS l' and M tllKJiT ; criets. I tave West rtiontcr. limn Ihe I'lP-'l, on Fal U4RKBT KllVel.livO A. M ,74'iA M..1IA M . 2 P. M.,4 16 P. M. . Ihecai.of the We.l l')rl.ttli-ii,iia Pii.seiia'er hailwuy ', I otni'iiny ( Market .treet) v. Ill cni y l'..h.onaiTi to auu I In in Ihi Philadelphia I'ei ot. (IN SI'NUAYI. 1 . ave Phlliidi-liihla at n."iA. i. ami J Hi P. M. Leave VI e.t ( In b'.-r at H a. .1. a id 4 4t I M. I in in. 'euvli't: I'h-lai'el hia t SA M . aid 4 ,1 t. M., ai ,1 w.-t ihe 1. r u' 7l.'i .M...i.l 4-4'il' M.c.nnart ' vlth trains on lie I'lnlaiepli! 1 and lultltnore Central lllillioail torOx'i id 1tr.1l inte tn-tl re p l"t IH4 11' IlLMtV IV11OI1. i.e i- ial -i jpennl.-ndtnt. l'lllI.Alll.f.PilU IS(1. . ASH I. :ii: ,:A!I nnil. nt Ir.iii'i'.e. 1I1 N.n tn-'tii t, ini vttttiae.t ,valn.i t 1 the ti 1 f r lie t.n l...k. Kile., it li lie I'l.S N il I. I si ll A II.IMAIi tin .1.1- tii.'-r ni-plr.-tt 1. tfintf rapidly 1 It el. 'he ten lor I'm 1 iti.'t an I 1 reii-h' I..I.H..1. fpttc UHll' It "I I'l Ildf 11 iin- Im n It i 1 'MI'A N . H"tl ,'. . .1 HlM.IUl..'! i 1- I i.tA Ut Vhf H T'i' -Vm lo 1 lr" in:m " I" t.t... ami li. in M'-fitl '" K. i t'm lnl ii It a), bit Hit Wtal:tu. l.tvl...ii. 1IMI. I't- IA K li It Vtifl I la n Imt r- iji'ift-h 'iiam hat , . r i it 1 1 Ai'M-i in. s i.i A. M. .. 1- np. ht. l tit s 1 Ull Hi I'm iv 1 1 n a i it ia - iiu tne.u- tr.tlna l.t'tn. en Ptulail, li-liia atid Luc.. lijven.uuu ixtwven I'.nlilnitire and ixn k Haven. ".li't.'anl mi i a' a on tne r.prt'a ii.iih.iiii I ot re.lH-tlini.' Pa-.i-iiver lulMne-s, upyiy M l!.e H . K. "i tier nl E evtn'lt anil M i .at alree s Anil l-tr t-reltint i.ii.iiii.. ot met ihiiimiiv . ntmii.. H . ll Klin.tuii,Jr.,cuniTbixliiili and Market, streut. I-I,il,i,li Inlna J. n . ivt v intiti., J. M. llnll, Aiient, M. K. C. B., MUm. General Flelll' A went, I llllil'lellHiia. l.-. IN I. Ill'l I I . General Ticket .It" nt, Plilniileliihla, ,)tii:i'il ii I'ii i i s, Jat-tf General Mauaiiar, Wllllanianort. nfl r ll 1 UA u I' I 11 I A A.IU -WiBAIIIMI'ltit t'KNTH-iI, Ktlle. ii, , 1 1, 1 1 11.' 1 1 1 li t'n l- hl-ltl Mi a nu.i rut.r. n r. r. -je'in and alter If hlliAV,A.rll", tlio trains will loavw aa lonow n : I.I'AVE EASTWiKD. I.I.AVB WKSTtVABIl, eiaiii'a. a.m. ruford il' 41 V t-ht I ir.ive....--'7 Avoliilale ini Kelili.-ll 1 -0 t'liadil Kurd..7VJ I I'lienid Ht) W.C Jun.-lliill n il I'lnlail. r. M. l-j;. j-.'.J til 417 4 41 (. 10 6-IA aialliis-.. A.u Philiiili liilna... HoO 4V eat Ctatilar.. 7'.5 W c. litiitiijn. u ' Cnnciilil B '-! I'lia.ld . Furd.. H it 1" ton, Ial K'-l We liroTS....!" -' r. x. Id t 44 6-41 Ik) It e 17 t 7 IO 11 10 Oat'-M )' littl fillip clr. oouv.y to d fr tlie Iiei-ot. wiihi.nlehanjeof cars. I'.augus to """"YlKNUY V. ml). Hilf.rinlendent )a4 sn hAi.r,.n ii,iiiiu.ivw.-ij ijvj.ia- PA N i . Kunuingunie ul iiau., cuui- t.......,l lsi.l: E.T'iTiiTiiii'.vv.J.i I nun Wainul Rtri tltll'.li'.'. - i ' , ...t 1 r I. rout Walnut rirei-i ini.n " n. rriiuiit Vi M. Ht tiiruitiK, leave Naictn at 4 a. u., w A. fruiulit li I1 in niruii'K.,nH.iiA..,i U I reiaht dallv mill way, Allily to tttcond Covarcd 1'ler al.ove V M.M' r htraet, 4. liKI.A iVAIliS Jkl-Lf tl. Va BESbKl.AEaV utrluiuaat.