The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 15, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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a soi.nir.n-s lf. rrru,
Hiwital, June .
2 Wife with a great ilonl ofjisiu, ili ftr lrlt
I ve not Itf-cn ahle bcliiro aince Hie litlii,
And my brain I still so nitu h in tin' whirl
Tbt I can tell yon but Ijitle tu-nitflit,
I'm woundt d don't stnrl lis u - ,
Or at least jt nufcUi h " 1
I . I -;.,)0 ,
.now tir.r f'nfo'cV woundca-not dead I"
Ire lost toy left arm-thfr.. now you know U!
A nitt.le rill sbilerel it and I loll l
Tb last that 1 hoard w pur rnptain s call,
Vmll-tbe rest Is K P'"ful 10 , .
Tit had tbnwphont the most exctdtotit Cire,
And I'm (loin finely, the surgeon artys.
So well, Indeed, Hint ttie prosp -ci h imr
lor a homeward trip before many days. )
Jtat I'w nomcthlnft else, dear Mary, to my,
Aid I'd any It if it com me my life;
I'ya thoupht of It well thcirc'a no otlior way
You'ri rclfcttucd rroin your promlau to U) my
rtfe ;
Tonll think tne foolish at. first ; then you'll think
Of the loose, arm leas cout-sleove at my hi.Ic j
Axd your proud and sensitive heart will shrink
From the thought oi bciug a cripple's bride.
Tin a bitter strnRfile to give you up,
For I've loved yoa more than ever of late ;
Xnt down to tlie'dregs I've drained the cup,
And I'm c-ilrn, tliouirh mv heart Is desolate).
I'm coming linmr, and of course we ront meet;
My darling, this once, one boon I Implore,
Xetna at ill be friends, for will he divert,
eHtnce now, alas ! we can bo nothing more.
Bwket Hosts, June .
Vf Robert, how noble and hnivo yon aro !
Too biavo and too noble, I know, fir tue.
But you've too iltt e faith In me by far,
If you believe I want to be free.
I'm not released from my promise no, no!
Twere never so iacrtd to mo before ;
If yoa could but know how I've longed to go
And watch by your aide, you'd Uoiflit me no
I read your name In the terrible list,
13 nt the tears froze back that sprang to my eye I
And a tearful pain that I could not reiist,
Crushed my heart till I only hinged to die.
The bleaaed team, by-and-by, came nguin,
And I felt, aa yoa in your letter aaid,
A feeling of gludnvoa, 'laid all ay pain,
That Kobert wai only wounded not diintl.
Ob, darling! to think you have suffered ao,
And I, all theae long, weary mllcn away j
Ton've needed me very ofun, I know,
Will e I eould do nothing hut hope and pray.
But bardeat of all la the bhter thought,
That you have bven suttering so much for mo;
Toor .Robert ! your manly letter has brought
: A f (range mixture of joy and misery.
Dot yon're coming homo to my arms and heart ;
You're right 1 ah proud and nenaulTe too;
But I'm ouly ao when we are apart,
And now, I ahall only be proud of you !
You're coining home to be happy and rest,
Aid I wait the moment of blissful calm
'When I ahall be held to a Soldier's breast
By a Patriot-Hero's one strong arm !
The Edinburgh lin icw opens with nn artlelo
en the ."Diaries of a Lady ot Qunll'y," a volume
ret published, we believe, but ot which tha
reviewer bad the privilege of examining the
proof-sheets. The Lady of Quality was a Mini
William Wynn, beraelf of a titled family and
enjoying the imimaoy of the many remarkable
pertona of the period of the Inst half of the las!
century, an! the first period of the present cen
tury. Judging from the extract given, tha
work 1b exceedingly readable, and deserving, we
abould think, of reproduction on this aide of the
"1 did not know," says tho Lady of Quality,
"till I heard It from Alava, the exact ctrcum
aiancea of the first arrival of the news of the
battle of Waterloo in London. It sociin that
ne morning a partner of the house of Roths
child came to Lord Liverpool, informed him
that he bad a lew hour before received the
lorioui newa, or at .leant the bare outline, that
Laving made all the advantage which thii ex
el utive knowledge would give him on the Stock
Kxtbaogc, he now came to import it to Gov
ernment. He would not answer any in Ulrica
aa to the means by which he bad acquired the
intelligence, con Id give no paiticulars, ouly
repealed the assurances of tho truth of the in
formation. Lord Liverpool thought it cruel,
such vague foundations, to ralio hnpos or
fears. To one of hia colleagues (Vanstltturt, I
thins), who happened to come In, he told the
news, and they agreed to conceal it till more was
known. There was a cubinet dinner at Lord
Harrowby's: not a word wiiss.iid about the news.
and Lord Liverpool was returning home full of
anxiety, in tne street ms carriage was stopped
by an unknown person, who, wiih somo apology,
said that be was j'nst couie from Downing street;
that a carriage with six home dressed with
laurels, Fiench eag es, and colors hanging out
of the windows, had arrived ; that tho glorious
news was Instantly spread ; and that the messen
ger was gone to Lord Harrowby's In pursuit of
Lira through another street ftom that iu which he
was met.
"This, I think, I heard nt the time, but cer
tainly till now never heard the thing accounted
for. " It seems that the Duke of Wellington, after
writing hia dc-patch home, said to Pozzo di
B rgo, 'Will you write to Louis XVIII at Ghent ?
te l him that Naioloon in u'terly defeated : that
In lets than a fortnigut I shall be in possession
of Paris, and hope very soon after to sue him
reiiietated. Kay that excessive fatigue prevents
me from writing.' A mc-senger was of course
Immidiately sent off to (J beut; when hn arrived,
Louia una his l.ttle coutt happened to be asiem
blert at briakfuat In a room whose windows down
to the ground were wltlo Of en. The cin'irucca,
the. ejaculations, of course instantly apprised
those under the window of the good nws.
Among was a spy from the house, of Ruths
ehlid. who tttd many duys been upon the watch.
He no sooner heard tho rews than beroJo pott
to (Mend ; there buppenii g to lied a small vessel
Jnst sHilimr, he embarked and got one ti le before
the English messenger, who arrived shortly
afterwards." .
To this tha ftrt-eVw adds :
The difficulty of vcrifvlnirtTils Incident, or even
of a-cottiiining the piccise date, of the arrival of
tbt newa.iriuy be eitrd is an iiddHonal argument
for tol ectmg and eo'latiiig enntunpor uy tesii
nionv touching memorable events before it de
arei f-riiti a imo henisav or tradition It will be
ri men bered that, not long since, we were viiiulv
cudeatuilng to ide on what d iv, or hour of
the day, the. ies of the escape of Nioolcon
firm Klba reached the ConircsHof Vienna, tnd
wbr'hrr the first to receive nnd coiiitiiuiiica'c it
wat Prince Mi tternirh, the Duke of Veiiing"iu
or 1 alley ruitit. We liave iounii it a ettnauou
belief, that the crowning vi tory of Wni rloo
was knowu in I.oi.ilun on tbe 2') It. I he o iici il
ln'el lence did not uriive tid la'e on tdu night
of Wedr.enliiy t'leilst; and un'il i's a'Tivel tne
Cablce' wire Hill in complete Ignorance of the
f. ct. Tb s taay be collecied from t ic narrative
f the Knight of Kerry (the Kt. II n. Ma iri'-o
''fgerald ), who, at the earnest rt"iuet of Sir
l'ul' Mjlcoliii, hiirrlbJ over witu the n -ws
(it Ligne and Quiitre liris ; he star ed ou the iHrli
and reiiehed London the '2H:li, at 44 1'. M. 'I nn
1'abit.el in ti I immediately to r vi ivu and consider
the iiuelllgeme, und he saw the I 'uieign Secre
tary (Lord Castleresch) again the next morninir
when he was assured that nothing was yet known
of the reMiltof the final struggle. iH itsnaie
day (the 21st) ibere wut- a miuis'ciial dinner nt
J.oid Harrowby's, in tirnavennr square; but
Lord liutliurst, who was the Colonial uml War
fcerretary, was nnt at tho dinner: nnd the d
Iatches lrom the Duke, brought by Mijjr
Vrc.v, were addressed to him. His retiduiY'O
wax iu Mauslicld street ; and alter d nncr ho h 1 1
strolled out, restless and anxious, ami thus
mused the iucseri!jiT, who dtove first to hii
bouse, and, not finding him, wm.t stittlirlit t
1ird Harrow bv'H. Theiesoine dililculty occur :d
from the unwillingness of M iior l'eicv to deliver
Lis despatches to any one but Lord li itliiust. Ilo
was at length persuaded to entrust tiiciu to JiiM
Liverpool, the I'ruue JUmi-tcr.
It w felt tutinciivclv that ilie victory had co t
Hi a', and enser umi pasiaiouuie were the iu iiiiiiM
pressed upon evriy one whi) had been m Lmd
jiimiufm in aii getiticmati, tne son m i
t'ub uet Minister, who
mty s in neiiteiey the earncHt rentict
umioifiiii i "-.v.asettmni, there, In c nn
iiaiij -nn j. o. w.. ,r, uu unw hurried back to
Badden or gladden us he ciiuld. "aM the Duke
raped?" "Without a scratch." "William mh I
J'rediricPonsonbyf" "Moth killed." UVcilerie
Howard," "Killed." " (jurdou t" ' h.ilie,
r'itxroy t-oineret " "Lot nn arm." '-Lord
Vik bridge '" '-Lost a leg." "Have the Ganrila
eulhiedf" "DreHilt'u'iy." Wlt'iin ten minutes
the rooms were di s rtcd ; aud the interlocutors
bad all aUleii away to sprv id tueir scanty and
d jointed it formation, or to moiii n over it.
The news ol llic evening of the ITtli (including
l.i'-e and Quii're. lii u) was l u'ilisned 111 tliu
'J in n ol the vial, OH the Information of Mr. fjiit
tun, propiktor of the pussue vessels plying he.
titvcu Uoltiid auJ Colchesier, It was wluably
rorrrrt to Otiatre nras. hnt bv a atrantre rolnrl. !
Ccnce it assigned to the Prussians on tho 17th
the preel-e position which they attained by a
heroic effort on tho 18th. "The Prussian having
on their part Approximated to the Kngllh in the
conrse of the dav (17'h), the Jun tion of the
armies or Dliieher and Wellington was effected at,
Oenappe, where Wellington slept on Fit lav
nieht.'' Tbiis rrcnlls another l.istorlcl err,,ry
which nnlucklly been perpetuated by the
ptuui on wans set np irt for historic or
riort.r truth. In the Nnmml, t, I
mission on th, l'uie Ai ts ( IM7 1 ' . .ue Co-o-nif
iidrd tor the large r. .. -c ""I'.l m-.
side ot the Ho- -ip-iv!im nt on ' V,e va-t
Of Lord is ouT' ft '"y "diniMo'.hn i! ito
ton and Ulii, l,cV" t" ' "c M7,i"'; We.lhv;-
was nlloticd to Mr. Maelise, ,,, after di1"'cnl wifj fn KU ..ti,, 0(- t'leCo.n
tnisslon, lolloVfd it,o I'opii'.ar lie'lel In fixing the
place of ir,jR t I.j iteilo Alliar -e. It was
not until ',c pnlilicat r,n f the. tenth vol trim of
the"in pl, m ntiirj' J lespati lies," that the Duke's
P rso'j tr-Ktiinnny on Mm point wis nd tiice I.
Jn letter to Mr. Mud ford, dated June H, 1 M 1 1 ,
I'.ewrot'.' :
. 'A reirartnhlr Instance of tho falsehoods eir
I cnln'rd through thn eviiietn o of tinolllci ildes-
patvbes, ts to tie found In the report of a in "I'tinir
between Marshal lyncher ami tne at I, a iiniie
Alliaacc, and some have gone so far as to have
seen the cbnir in which 1 t down irf the farm
house, it bitppi ns that the meeting took tiliice
alb r ten at l.iuht, at the villi. ge nf (icnnppc ; and
anybody who attempts to describe with truth the
operations of tbc dillcrent armies w.ll see that It
eould not be otherwise."
Captain (ironow has gone so fur as to say that
he was present, with other olllceri, at the meet
ing at l a Hi lie Alliance. Conii.len'ly as Hie
Dnke writes, there nre strong reasons forsu
pettlng that he was mistaken an to t he jirecl-o
pace. It is clear firm French o Viil aecouirn
that the French tlid not atiaudon tien-ippo till
last eli'vin; from the Prussian, ihat, lllucher and
lis stuff did rot ri Bell It till near midnight ; nn I
the probability is that llm real p ace, of meeting
las stated In the "Story of Waterloo," bv Dr.
(Ilii) was at a farm or hamlet called .Unnit In
lint or JWmnt Iluuiit, sonic miles from the battle
field. In Maclise's picture ilie sins of rec ut
and bloody conflict are crowded into the scene
with a'l the prodigality of Inventive genius
from the Inrf heaped wbh the dyinirand ihedead,
to tho shattered firm huilding with the tie id
pigeons on the rafter. The artist's fame will of
course rest on bis treatment of tho subject from
bis own and the pi pillar view ; hut it is not tho
less to be regretted that historical accuracy should
be thus ai t at naught without even tho poor ex
cuse of a tradition or a myth.
There Is a passage iu the leading article of the
Ttmea of 'I hursdav the iMd, announcing the vie
tory, which pattlully confirms the Uolhschild
ngi nt'a story :
"Those who attended to tho operations of tho
Stock F.xchange yesterd ly ('Zlt) wcro persuaded
that the news of the day before would be fol
lowed up by something still more brilliant nnd
decisive. Omnium roe in tho course of the day
to 0 per cent tin minin, and some houses, gene
rally suppoted to possess the best information,
were among the purchasers."
Amongsi themany specimens of rich and varied
convocations, that of the Lords llrnybrooko
merits particular notice:
"Airil, IMO. looking at tho fine full-length
portrait of John, Duke of Marlborough, Lord
lira brookc told us some interest ng ami curious
anecdotes of him. When this great man, at a
very advanced age, was called to attend a coun
cil en tke best mode of dirfeuse from a threatened
Invasion, he gave his opinion with hia usual
firmness and penetration. Afterwards he said
that for above fifty years he bad served his
country, and should be happy to do so still, but
that he was aware hia facilities woro Impaired.
At present, he added, ho was fully conscious of
his d flcif nt y, but he tiared the time might soon
come win n he would bo no longer aware of it He
thciefcre made it bis tamest request that he
might never more be summoned to council, and
that, If elsewhere on nny occasion ho expressed
an opinion, no linaoriance should be attached to
it, or deference paid to it.
"It lii melancholy to reflect bow low was the
degradation of that mind whose decaying powers
were equal to such an act of mtignanlmitv, after
having had more to gratify his vanity first, ns
the fines', gayest man in Kitrope, then as its
greatcs' Ueiie'ral, and afterwards ns its greatest
negotiator and statesman ; after nil this. In a stare
of comp'ete imbecility, an absolute driveler, he
wi s actuullj exhibited by his servants to all who
chose to give an additional fee after having
stared at all the magnificence of Blenheim. In
this manner, my grandfather (tbon a lad just
entered at Oxford) beheld the wrack of this great
man, and huB often described the melancholy
spectacle to Lord liraybrooke."
This is a striking commentary on Tope's well
known line :
yarlboroiiKli'a ajaa tha atraami of dotage flow.'
It Is tlio plauyiblo theory of an eminent nltra
libvrul ulitiiiaii, tliat grcut mvn should neror
IiO cotisultrd or liftemil u in uilviinceil age, be-Cituf-e
tbeir nnthnrity lurreiiscs us thvir jud;:tiiunt
declines. This was Fp iken, wc liolievv, witli es
poinl rffeientie tn iU I un Dulie, whoso nitioli
n ent to Drown Hi as wns within mm nre uranism";
the lirillsli aimy fn be pent tn the Criiuct witli
oul the weapon the Minlc rille which went far
to decide both Alma Hi d I nk-i iiiqii.
"A bfinilnr iD.stunce of conicloiis decay and of
mnnimnitnitT, pertmps eveu superior to tlio Dit u"
of Marlborough, wkh at thcsiinidtimo mentioned.
1 Ik; late li.irriiigtoii lielnir callud upon
by the A! in i nlty to tnko r lie I'ommunil of tlio
licet, refu.-ed it. Bttii)K that his mentul powers
were o wi nkeneil that he, W.i8 no lonirnr equal
tn a situation o' ao much importince, but that he
thought Lininclf still very well ulilo to net under
anotoer, iiiouku not to coniiii'iuu ; bo tuoreto'o
rt quoted to be second. In tbe course ot tlio fol-
li wn g ytar Mb wi ftkness bud so iiicreusc I th it
lie quarrelled with the Adtnliu'ity fur not placing;
him in that aituution for which he hud uiuieelf
told theui he was unlit.
Some aneedoies were mentioned a few days
before of a pcrton who, lu a veiy dill'erent way,
oouid boakt of a superiority as pioiuiiiriit as llm
Duke nf Miirll'oroiiRh'it I mean ttie celebm'ed
l.ady Coveuiry. l rom old 6hcridan (the father
ol lticbiid liiiniiitj) l.oKl limybrooKe he.irl
si me eurh us nineiioti of her e.iilvlifc. Mrs.
GnurlrR (her inntlier) con-n'ttd Sheridan ns to
wLut hbe thi iiid du Willi her two lienu ilul hut
pcnulliss UuiiBbteiii. Ho recommended that
they f boiild I e ien mod at the Castle. Here a
(irciit (Mli ciiiiy ocenrrcii uy wtiat posst'dc
nid us were they to pro. ure couit ctieiues i This
fiheridim obviittt (I ; bo wns lit that time ni'imi
for of tne l'ubliii Tlicntrc, and oftere l then
u loan of tho fih(;o. iliesiirK of 'Lady Ma betli'
and 'Juliet.' In thine thev aiipetired mo-t
lovely, in n fSletid n, i.fter biivliiK a t .nded the
b llet, cluimcd u mi Int..' from each s bin reward.
eiy toon utier this a most iliitnoii -al iirine
wns formed by Minie inipriiicipied yonnf; men.
TLrj Invittd Mrs. Gunning und her two daii'li
h rs to dinner, uim kimihuh Mron n treotics in tna
wine, inti l dii.g to t.die udvanoiftA of tiie int xl wliicil 1 it 1 1 o L ibsiie lo cirry dir tin) two
juininr woinin. b rtiin.ilely fi'ie. id in discoren).!
ihi ir b im de.-iri'is, and ni rived just In time to
ri m ue ti e I: H.': . Muridaii 11 red lo soe oe of
ibeiie (."rls lluebi-s of Ai(.' le, mid llm other
Coin te-s of t'ovMi v ; ni is me! meholy to
sild, lived to n'C hi- niqiliiMtioU fn inliuission to
their p .it i s lejei 'i il.
' I.mly (Ceiiiiy eniojed one very
till iu h. lliub'i-' iic il v euMinHv nintitioneil
loll,, KiliK tlmt t hi. null i,or In ill.: irtali
In euiue the inmii wtio r:uno to pirni at her
1 u il iiiiid her -n n iy .'Ii.'t w t iiii!c al'irm
iie, 1.1, Muje,y eu ''v ixluiuied Ihat tlio
f liisi won uh in l-'iiti'i.d i-lioiild nutli ! mi
v.n eil limn rui ii,i: il,e M i'l. Il,i iles;rel tint,
vhtiivirhc i lull to '.',,ilK, she wou'd ii"i:i
I o'iee lo the rtip'iiii, u; or t '.111 'I, i.tlJ lit the .snuie
l:n e o'i!. ii il tint ..t sl...uli he , , id lie h
n i i at IV' i-nmd. !. i.i: weil.i -I urn r 1 mus w I'll
tl,iiiiiiii of c tirse il c eiowd inere.ise.l, but.
they woe pieu nt, d f, ,p-hii; iion her, and
I er vi tiny, wbioii iwis i e.i si-i.e, nint In e rn
reiv. dile lileh' -l i'lii'.iii -iiiiou iu Ibis singular
l!iHil!Cti 11," nx
Tl.f s iiii'j.'i-tt .'-o.lo.- that fan be told of the
GuTitiini.'k will nut eurpriso re.niers eonvcrn.iiit
wnb the social PiRiorv rd the period In which
tl ey lloiiii.'hed. lira, l'mzzi relates that, noon
alu r their urrival iu I.oudnu to fuek their for
tiu.C!", lin y were the subject nfn trick, played urT
ly Thriile nnd Murphy, which would hardly
have bre.-. h: znnh d Willi jonnj ivomen ofrooo
F'l'ed ie-K(.laliiii:y. Vet tiiev were of a n l
teiii' y, nnd t! eir wan the ilmipli'er of it
pier. 'iiipole lonlinn., t'iC : tory of Hi ir 'ioi--rinl'R
their c ml Out is to nt i d a t'uclc
0 aw iiifi n oiii fiom the i!k it'e, uiluii.c th it the
luider wai, Mrs, (I'rul Wi liiiiK'on ; nml lie inore
oi er iiM-eit, Ihat '-in y one;.' h nl terious thmutlits
ol eoii, iinii the Mae. Vi!:ii.;of ttieui in
1 , ,,1 , u I en (ley wro in the Inyiluy ol tiieii
liushion, he Kiiys :
"There nre'two IrKh r'rls of ro fortune, who
are licelnied Ihu hni'dnoim st women alive. I
tl-ihlt their I cintf two i-o hauilsoiue, and both
Inch peril ct fipuies, hi their ch ef excellence, to,',
tiii(jly, 1 lu. vi' h en niimh bantli-oiiic.r limn'cs tlinn
eiiber; however, they din t wulk in the Turk, nr
so lo li n I) i : 1 , but bin li mobs follow them
(hey me tbeiclorc driven awny." This boms; (,
It in n t Imp! -jl.uble Ihat orders wi re siyea to the
Cflii iri n (Ju.ud which would bear th.; P.iiteriti.; rpif In th n inl ui on them by one of the fair
di'tiu hi IS of the peiu e. 'J'he credit of this net of
K.'ill n try, it'll wns one, was due to (idrgo II, for
Luily Cov, nuy died iu Si pieuilu r, lTb.i, iu her
tv itty-HCvi n:li ymr, ot a ( on-umition. fill
.il ',u a few d.i.vs i f her i.'e.ith sbi) lev on a
touch with a h (A'iuj'.g'uBS in her hu ul. Wlisn
si c loeiij ber beiiiny, which hhi i.lolized, wan
quiie gnuv, tho took to her bed bud would bo
Sei n by noi oiiv not even bv her nurse, MUlo.-iiifJ
oi ly the IMht of a lamp in her room. Sue then
la,ok leave ot In r huahjiid, who bud tdriveu her
moiu, and died with tu uiuiost real 'uutiou.
JI2TSritY A- 1 1 Ij 13,
No. aon M. WaTUR Htreet,
IP-low Walnut trft,
lmltstli -!v.ty knrl W'n funks, an all tlnaa of
Ver lttftil ol ft'al and bus- HtatT always an haml or
r..aiV- te nriM.
IXU. PAl l-l ll IV bof.'CIIKWiN t"K iHIPI'IN'l.
All Hnl of TrlTionliic panetuanv l! i)ilaJ lo. )l ll
1'1?1NJ-1 IMMHI:,
A 'I !
iv iir tl.f tfich, tt hrn m wly rrpnTrrrl, r(iaUitl, ini
tlioimirliU rr tiritti 4 . nnd l nw om-ii (-r IL rt'C -ptlnii
f mif-MB. tiftcriTu ttit- rmnfnrft of ft hm, cnmtuncd with
all Wie luxnrl o f tbf stfon.
I trmft iitfMicrat. I'
pnhl(, tl Ht I ). .rl(i Ink "'M OAtl Htl, till tii'n
ht itiliMir i ( imm m0tr i.'f p-r-nlon -or ttjc
9m lv mr !., tt- turmuv, m.;w ni''pl. rttnelltxl, now
fainUsii. tk Umi with irtji(i .!. a V ind
will fimiKt.U' (Mr huirtd kimUi tu will ftnO no
h4r t. ibun C.-tis'inim Ha 1 It ih t to tat
ecsran f mv 4 the la-str h nf Atlantic i H , liinv b
cm hrnitfrait a'i fy. m ihe hfae..,lh'm prpnent-nn rtl
an vAmtwv o thf fit l, '1 Umr amiTMit h an bfttar
t'htiv V an a AiMntif this wnunf. Tti trnwi hr tha-
at) sih a T'ir d nwbich '! 'ati hn all b-'-ii wpt
iny h tp Mkb W im of Nft vHiir. trmuig ttaoil the
Wit butbmiy r nn tt Allrtnflf xia-nonr-l.
1 irc Ik tm ox Dent Hnwl or Mm a iicik(1.
A'trtid la ft UU:BtUd Btfilard huotu.
jtU af UIMKLE.
J. IV Li TZ T II ( U H 1-5
NF.w jr.Ri:r.
Gi:. 3. CSIIM IV, Proprietor.
(LfUg ftril favorntily kntwn n prouilpUr of OVSTRE
HAY. MIM II and Cf ll-iA.N K I Htrvvu.)
Partita arrainiiiadattx, with Hoafn. Finllnii Mnei.Ac
t art run to tiie noma cvnr twenty ainutea. 'J ll
ThU rtDia'rl UfMa m on fr 'hn rpffnHon f
trui'faj,aid n u- ilt-r tim ninnirviaitoii tif Col-mal JaiuaaVv.
I'non, wllh Mr F!w.iri lUitweUat AatintHtit
l'ra tlnl and FirarUmiwl persona havn twn emplofwt
foreneh fie.tarirnetit, and av,rT wTarHan will b luni'e to
wmtuc the na1 tn t) t-n irf a Infrrtitin o' the p 'bile,
Afi,T Jui I, h iir traian will liavevine xertr Kerry,
(tfttlv; the f nt 1,1 1 if tlironah In iwohouri, wiUmut atop
pttiK at u way fiatlona.
A pnt(iMi'j;rr cut w til he rim from the Hotel to the Inlet
itt twenty inliiium.
Haititrr'k h and. under the dlrorilon of Mr. Blmoa Ilait
lt r, lia ham wk: d tor tin- amnon
rraoua wUiilna to tngnt. room- wlIladrln'Mi
Arlnntlr CMj, Now .litrmf.
V It. The Rand lUr which lum jtsnr fnrtru.d upnnRe
ti.t Hhore has emlielv dl at'iieared, leaving the b !? on
t tha tear and safettt on the ooant. jeiA- laa
X ILe auborlher, KraUiul for pait favnru, tender
thank r to hi palrin.a and the pub in f r the Keuemoa cna
trtti ftlvn him. and bK- leve u nay tlmt he la now open
tbi ihi' ai ANon, and rend to rw'elre boardon, permanent
and Uainttrnt. en Uw uion- uiodcra e icrma. 'I hu bar will
ai a vai ht auppii-d with the riioi i-t w lit ft, ll'tuoru, aud
elk'ars, at d nuitartnr-oid ale. The tablea wlli be act with
Uit: bt-'t the tnarkat mtTmdH.
h iciiiPt,' llia and ack)e a'wari an haod.
tat-le rfMm on the prt?nirr
AM thn coinivrta of a home can alwavi be fbund at tha
jell tf I'roprlutor.
O L U M 11 I A II ) U H E,
EDWARD DOYLE. Proprietor.
Tarmi to suit tha ilmaa. J9-tf
1 tp now oi eo rer viitbr Tiie ruems anil lahie ara
aniuiriHii( d Uy any on ihe llnnu Terins neulorAie.
jean-lm DUbaiBij & YOUMi, I'roprietora.
cea-baiiiTn 0-SE A-BAT 1IINQ.
CAI'F. li.L.M, I aPK MAY.K J.
rVilMrfn andcr u s-wri rf ai anil 'arvant hfilf prise,
fiinicnor ai't-iiuiniiitivlcDfi and miui1i' revin
JaM-'Jn AAltoN ItAltanlhUN. I'roprlatar.
QI-,I3A1SH HOl'f-ilO,
Thla Tlotise ta Itept on tbe European Plant the KomB
areconveinenr sud well ventilated, 'i ho Restaurant oilers
all limnten of the season.
)ju-lm JOS. STKt'PAi'ltKK, Proprietor.
NINTH tinrt (HAN805I Htroots,
Tha resort of Uenttci
elate a Fuie Beverage.
urn of ItcflueU Taste, who appra-rtJO-lta
Importer and Wholesale lleaiertn
Nnlclics nnd HUii'ltlnsr,
(First strr,t ahovo Hecond, between Market andCaesunt)
HJl im rlllLAliELl'lIIA.
T t T II T
W I N 13 8,
The subscriber Informs th r.nlil'c that he ts dlsKilnu ,f
sits lnr,e and well solaoleil stock, of
At wl nlmaic w Trfi? a'e roni thf oltl k.n hantl.
ruirlart-ia wmlninr a auiirtur article fJi riviite uao ,
voulU do 1VU.J U cli Kt '
iiknuy iirnnvs
Wliol'httle Wiue and Ll'iuor Htore,
Vo. 14 K. SKCONU Street, hlnw Ucct
jvRtta rhUjdctpiua.
l t,
.ANKn. haNtUUS, AlKiiOll AN'l.s. MANL'KAO-
11 i KRh. H Ml U-jA1 J " A I KS.
Will nail li t tht-ir n w e -i u order frota the miaHrgiffncd.
HLANK IU" K , AN t) rtl'. l loNr ttT,
atl kli'dii for Hustrif-n, ri-!' Mi.aJ. a:tdliivuta une.
i'ot mt uwJ'.i a'.e erhv ny
H'tl.1,1 i tAM,
tHaisuner. Pnrtr, ajd rletr. !'.o..k Mrtn'WK- urfT,
S'u. U h. f'O1' -t M'fft.
aWat-RaJ y
V . V iUt tW aHlUHtt it. tV Hil St. V"liv A. u'lt l n.
v !.- Mfiiilll'iffit i.hiimiS, tl i.
$1 :;7 l."0 mid tl 7-n liiillat.nii lttnKN ( pa'.nu-d,)
, wi.if, i'i. vi i a ill !im i ii .ri I, iM ii i'l 1 1 I .Lt, ,i M(-i ! -tn
niiir i.rii.'i; ti(ll.fritl t'tir.fs f .i: tn l ii. ,mr ;ml
lonatlu, itntu :a t-f't.U l' fl'li'S: Vti.-na". iu.'.and
l4i.i, f rain Jii.'j t' to fail nc ji'td: Mn ll u, l'v
hiri t'i (tsm.rtuinit i vri o'lf fti in I'l Utiai'i"litu, fu.u -17 '
li-7 i-fciili a J U! d ht llit; .Nfv t k ( ii'Ml 'i i ttc-p-1,
O -rmtirlr Suihl iw'.) No. 147 S M-:0M Utrc-ot,
llmt th, or ubovt W aluut, oiijiw Coru Kvu.unt;e.
L ! iiod lu W(i.--
lmjiortor and l'4lerin
me i oa, n lu, ., una l.riiniri,
Cholcr lluvsns Cit;nis,
I'lo.ii A- llliukwr-tl rji'kics and Haurr,
Kiib'll'.l. IU.U fmitrh AMI wl l'"it, r,
l',m,a,l Mrn's. Triiits S'liiri, fc:
n t ali'fit. i lit up with rro,
At . 11 . f r.".SI nn t.
lai'Hr Jn i.i a u. iaicsi r.
K 1) U I N fl R M I' O It I U M,
No 9 (J. Ht KN'i'lI Htrect.
olllali'. Pn Ui. Km elsi'ir, and ftnsk, II I.I '1. lil'l.S 11. KM, AND PILLOWS,
ViOOU AM) I Hi IS' lll'.lixIKMi'i.
Hl-ltlNil 11KIH SIl rnrs.
K. Tt. Ttepninng and roiiova'inB atit'iuli,! to vilili catw
SliS di-tl'iiii h. iiu.l'H. Hb a-Mii nLiiMiiS ia.l-'4U
nv niMi'AMiis i'oiimi:g can ia
siirrllrd wl.h
C.JilUli I l-.M I'f KT'.-f-R.
lllAMIrl' It I'tidkH,
bluCh. Ll "1,1 U!4,
C'.iK. Ivi. NOTrS, I BAl'TV
And eve. -v variety of AtctiUut Jit'o.-n and iaUbouor.y, it
ri k.oiiahlc '.ernis, at
Btntiuiier, Printer, and flhmk nnok Mcimnciurer,
Vo. 4Ui a. !' il' i.'f il h rut,
spw.'-Am l'DIJ.,t'i,ila.
own.aHii'ma MiiUiir road tms noiluit. oil s l.niv ivalei iieti-rtnr n.vor fi,ts to irtve froua
OM-l,nll' to two hours' warning-, as uuslro,!, tUil I',,
wi ti r is fot'ira low in tl,, boilor, ainl tliat diinri-r is ap
proei li'titf . I lie liistniiiieut rmiiur,, n, caio, uiid la wisr
rauicttin t'tr in.iauoo.
Also, htt uiu and w ai,r Oauitea, with Scotch slaaa
tu'.-s, SP't- cli-ailt.lnil yai,.'i-rK ks. i.t
KiiKl lor ajiciuar cou'-alnli k p.'ii, le'ter, an,
cin ni.r.-. AU'l'l'l'H r. Hl'l'S.i:l,
Jjo liu Hi). MK-fcLilUSlroe.,
To niut half the markrt pries, alTtrl'd by Dili
No. U S. Tllllil) STUKKT,
I Mifver.f.fin pfifrf wsJi.r o Itfl full, Kiay,aiid tilumia
aiit roo' un.Mii'H'in,
T) v i nt uin ks of th oin pan v. nrar Trem int, ichiiTl
kin rt nf- KM(l.T Jit i' i;i, and win niiipl.v
all MUM' JIM.I'KI;h ftoMi Oi'tohrr tiexttwlih tlx- belt
bit tl of i Oa I. AT 'I UK I'KIM K COftr, vU.:
Iwo Hi e-vy Toi? on Eanh Share Every Year
fur Twenty-five Years.
'i It trirr nf rn' li IHbnn In tti p-egent arrbs it $i2'.'''il
a; ft' h.i'f 4in s'itr rri(i n and l.ft'f on AtuuM Vd Of it,
laixi In M i iwu mm in it "III It f K ant $ V).
1 he A! A Kb hi IlilttC of a heavy ton ftm Ids.)
of C if row f 12 26
Tbi 11(1 KiK Ciift 1 ritlt'K ol the fimc at prt t.cnt
rntev Jh'j) ia:
For Mli-ing, pn paring, royalty, and rental
txKr -ri tj'jr,
Tr aiip"r'ii'l'(i ovt r hntiMh rrtllii-a-l I'b
Trttiiortntin aver ntatn railroad te I'lulu-
C':lpli4K D'tO
Tlnnr'"rt',, Ireni dopni to yurd 10
Hid txprfW" T-j
f'nrtJDK from yard to Shari'li-ddei'i hoiirio,. W
Tut tn t oht ot ros leu d l.rr-rcd at the house
In I'hllHdtiphia
liHTi ri'iicr b'-tTi teii oiat ki t price auil roM prlc,
Tliln li.akm ii fuvnig on tiro tons fer eat li ehiue of
til MO.
hhntil'l (he market inire be hlnlier. tlifl a( Ingwill lie
etill Kn-ft it. aril i-liould tl,e pnre l,e lowur, then
tl,e c iM itl e mil uc proponlntia'cly lower.
BiC tlnl U nut nil. Tlio ( i lni'iiiiy luvlsirvrry larefl
wiitks, anil IKKAllAI.'Srilll.B CHAI, HUM, dVE
MILKS iti I.KNd 1 11, will mine mncti mure lliau la
aniiuuliy ri'i,nircil lor the Sioekh 'lilera. All ttm a,iri'lns
coal Hill lib lull! At Ilie ruling luiliki-t rates, anil Abb 'liltC
1H il'll is will be (liiuribuled every tlx montiii us CA.S11
lllV'llii'.MiH, anenig tiie Hlmrclioiders ; rruin it la
cesll'ienlly iixiiccli-tl Itiey will realizt cveiy ytar from 40
to lie per cent, on tlieir itivpstmenm, lifter the tlrst year, In
aileleon . ilie (avinia on tlieu c ,ul.
The ( iiii!,n iioa.aahua l..i I.I MI V K MIVINU AKI1
TialHKK llllill I rt for a (imrifr of a eentury yeiral
In one of ItiS and riehest coal trade lu RcimyUill
ci iint , eeiiiiiliiu the MitoiiDotli Vein, the llU:k lie tin,
I'rlnirosc, liai lei, and oilier Veins. The o af tho Ma.n
motli Vein Is IVIete Ali , tail ol the other Veiiu vartly
W hite Ali,uiU Itcd Asll.
WII.I 1AM SOIiMllXK.rrnliletll.
nr.Nity M'liuiKiK.
Al.l KllT II. JAIlllKS',
M 11,1.1 AM KillII,',
For fnrther Information, and for eiuirea (at 12'M, pay
able ball on lubscrlliliis and ball au Ans'ust 'i, auxt)
orncE, w 121 s. third street,
Vor ItEAIH.NO and Tlclnlly, the Urn. JRF.I'II K.
HOYi:it, MaM'f of KradhiK, hftH acccvled tbe Am ii j af
the :oinpun, after haviuu raonaHy vl kited a id t'lam
Inert iht tiilnt-i aod aiTairs of th Company, The cltiens
ofluurtnig and vicinity will aptdjr for luforu.atljn ami
tharoR at ii e M WO.t'H Of.-'K K.ut hourting.
1 he v.ol prh e of n ktum ton or Coal nt U'a llntr. do
lirrtvd at the liouir of a finaroholdur, Ii at present rates
not on t(1'M), while the market price amount tu mjra
U-an double tha. sum.
Jyl I lit
Incorporated June 29, 1864.
Capital, tt ;i O O . O O.
0,WO 811AKEB $5 A BUAliE-rAQ.
Buhrcriptlon t ach shara to oritfh-al nuhicrllters for
60,000 linr'!i iauhlr tl rush down npon lubftrrlhiiig.and
two other IpBtu;aiRiiti of (1 each, paahle oa the 20Ui Jul
and Augiibt, lb!--!, rcKpiCLtvt Jy,
Jiesrv?d it-r Dinrflt of the Company.
Th land pnri:lintnd hv the Vance fit' wart H-.k Oil
t'oijiVoti.T vomatm oiif himcrid and thlriy-ot! crn. m
lJ.evi-i iniieut the oil n'Klnn, one thottaand thr'fo hti'i
Uifd aadtun (Yin tm th a' shnr river, la cvi""rry
tow uthip, fiienduiu a i-ousldurabie oii'ane vp n hoih
tlfn t f thr i offi r Two Aide lian, cora'ii'nly e.-i'itui V a
jii rtn Ktiii. a ' t-upie of union hu'ow Krankltn, n Vuim'tVo
tui. t , I'i -niuyiv ar lfl. Tt.p a!. ((h'-nr Uivr Teirt orr in
f'.eltlniiy a t.hii.tlant and niiMiitiit liarvt tf an uxcal
ei;i guall t of (ill, thn uuinarnuai wttlli nordt-rliiKiia hanks
f.rotiuc n oil w Ith ivtiu iuil gitur regularity lhau Utt
wirlU a t im Oil ;ruk.
it it. ht-hwid xte. il. -w irf Oil holow thrbnnmirh offrank
Un.fiTi tha Atlfihiiy rtvar, will nrotithiy never hoc ma
CkiihtiHOti. hc;ui iho stra'iQcrition, or volaulti tl ai up
tun ol rock dlpv In a nouihivtiktwanlij tllrtwlhiti; u
uu.iitl the hdi fjt' tHl wuul-'t he u4rer tht nrftti.e at tha
iipKr nut, a vt OU Orek, ad wollg would ro juire to h
hoieu au n-.r In ( roportiou i-iwtir ui u u.e river, wnera,
huwevtr. thuro would in.rt'Kia'ily ho tnu mo it porinanunt,
LdMiniich urt a.Rr Biitnilv and miRTiiiotiiiiOent uodror
! i of Oil H 1 at-rulu tha'. ert-Huf wulit on the rivtir.
In the iii,tuv(!fa v. n hut) loin mini, nav c uituiuuu pr t
d' en r dorir i; tho p-mt thr. o- four cum au uuwavtii jik
ami ieti() dnl v jlt-.d f oil.
A tf.ur.ct at iJ.fc ui. ip will d ttnnntitrate tha fact that the
J,-ir iwo Mi;e Ku i and o-i t'ret-k ate ou tho ktt'uo
dlauiftiir Ally tirriiK'iit Ilr-c, and ury dlfltaut, on acot
Htmiiott ,.f thr titmii i t'tmr gtj tititfteen tho naye
tt lul . lrom tn h oitur aboal time mliei apirt iu pro-fi'-tl
ihi- rftiue d it" lioii. It would, 'herefoi e nt heet-
trtaordliiaU), ll hj b.-ruiK wtiU on thlst tra. t amlllcient
d nih M piih'ipi- t-t; hi huudrfld and tatty ftwr, Hint tiie
Coiit, any' well uuiy Bu-t -la) ihoiu of Oil 3rek iu
tiif ir ruupUfs. of In ndrttm of hurrru of oil dally, anil
ar.mmnii hh i.u'd thn he the fortnimt's rasult to
lie J ha r i-ho tier of iblh couiuhuy
On liiifl prtrlkt uliir u.u t ol Und there hai beei let on
lfn for ti u' v y am, a well n tr pvmvtnu a f-dr ourtioa
ol CO'til Oil, uhtnmh Itat dt-ptli ot burn In ronldiied quite
li bi-rtrietji iii iniiii a ii larun How : t ut iht cout, uf tha
Od at ttiia wi 11 i.ikuiIi ii r fervtd at ii rivtiir Ui t
tVrhicr owi v of tin iand, ami will at once Innrw to
txm iit r i tin. t oi-i-.'inv. Th ro am alio two othor w- lli
h'Tft: a itw iiiuuin ii iet dui'poiih.buL not yatuhed,bnt in
srttca my r tl-hi-riUf howoi oil ; a nrn'l a tiny I'MikaiioraPy
be HL-iiupi-o out ot thoui. mid i.o diuitit n-tj-in to ft lit that
ll,-v i J h in i ii c .,i:t. ly tfiiuiLiO-atiiiK wclln v Uta borot
bulf boiod. ai.d
inin ikt t a i.ti'pr'-.ry v,t Id
Kuii.pks of oil i "ii uml finm thr-ie wtIIi ran ho soon at
tlu orVcnof tu''inv, No. Ul VV 1 , N I 1' Mn-i'i
'lie ft i' ol tf:tb va u ihie oil Uid. uoiQprlB.nic ono buu-dit-d
und iid-t (mo kcph, liic:tid(Mf( ihurornlry of An
W i tui. ol od ( r l'ie JfitfoJ w- U, putnfitu. aud the
iimu! n,M oi tt. tl.rno wuila partlahy dev-inpid, U
lui htft. I. il,.-Ct -MpAiij dl CL'tfiumt It it o.viif r. l.r thu
lintciKth j.i ,( oi viiha tiiintMiJl lu rtuo order,
.l.c iittUilits ol l.iinl,er.
1 he ni i'
I Mli
1. v 11 i-jiv c.ili lor tue land In lull, nnd
l. .-.ri,i t'ii uorklnri ra,itsl on Liai,d,
I, ii tlio ih oe o.,l vvlIIi. und also to
V , : , wlm the Sli'iui nrilld-, Ai:.,
i ,lcr witliin a f,,w niontli.; iirran -o-
..lo I.J m i'lHllllNll III1' HP OlfJI-" IS iVl.ll'llll
iii,ti.,i,3 wl.l ho acoiii.d for loss iha
: .. ri a. ad hy Ko -a OU Comp-inlos r.tsli.
t . v lu-e an-ii..iorl.,us 'ln till iriilr is
. in., I ll,e ileimind. c,nilat,llv lnt-i'.'ii!,,n.
- p, r im'iA'J ui Ida ivtll s uiiiulli. cxeiu-
lf..' li t- Ml!..
W'.tl WI.Ml Id
h'-tf tWO l:C-
it-1 1' in i i u ii
ii mi. wli
11, III! . N..
til i i Inn
11-1.,,, I
I ii, i
. i, , l i
Li , i
, r . . .1,'iiMloss lp sinii'X at tho il nth ofi.'-O
fu :, -.. t - li- 1..' i',lrd Siul ti.i.t Ho. k W Win lisva
I,, , i, I' ii., I,- iu ru lo lln' ili'i'lli onl ol' uhout .Mil trot
Hi I'ii ,(::, ri : . n, i.rojioMld tl IWi'.nv Wt-ll. ou
;1S it',,, r ', ' tl li (, u-ar. 'llura Is r,,oni lr
(.lift iluliM... A ih'tIioi ll l , cli'iir ol all lm-iioi.
Lruiti,.- i.i .i ,' ,,t ,i i.siiuk d to llm Comiiau.
Mfcts of nii,s, lijitlon ar now oiift, rntil tin- r l,'"i ft i!i.m.a
nie bnliMr.liid, i-it ahlo $1 per ahum, t" Ihoonkr of Al Icr
n,an .IAMKH M CABLX, tlio Tri'UMircr ol' (lie t: inijinriy,
No.4lWAI.ttUT Sunt, or m No. -''. WALNLT Ktroot,
nr at tho
olhce of Ha l':'m, iviy, .Nn. ill WAl.N'1 T
an' Inillrcl to
' I ' 1 iN J 1 j
..lKTir 'all
I y. I N
Uo. 47 C.
AKOVel C'lii:SNf T,
f.aii y mt vrn Kict
On-intnjr. OUzli'S.On-vVufcca (iifttn,
Y!ra.s.?'nir Ac.
anl tf
run Apiari-PA.
kM't'Nii a . anrii:n,
A4 )lll( l CsTTi V,
fill.! lli.K T. fcul I'l 1-
OUN O It U M i
A Iflre fr.rt-e of Dulhili-g liavOaibuc ti tl biandiC
J Wa.-MKAKIFA l.iV.VY, rrartleaUnaj i
nrtr-een. Mathtniaia. fUrr makera, Blaokitnitha
oaiiOf ri. hnvitiR far nmny vt-ar In- li In ii''eriiloptjr a- I
tion, anrt heen eirin-lTeU eMfayed In hnllrttnff an1 miyiUr- I
1r Marlfie ard Ri-er hnrraa. high aed low pranre, lro I
ft"llt?ra, Waur Tanka. I'loi-allara, Ac. rep(1lUy
atlir ihi-lr arlre to the pnbi-c ai being ftittf pr ' -1rv t
W.TmiA M I'r.jlofi of all aire, Marine, Rlv-r ntl mh
11onai ; havlt-g U of eaUfrna of dmere' rf tlB(.f Brf! prfl.
ferftf ta eiacui1 oidTa with quirk dpsitrh. F-vrry de
scription nf atteni-makifjBjme it Blftftrt notioe.
11 iitli im1rfjwrnri ",',, t fibular , and ( ltn1r ltr .
nt the heat rtina 1'ln'a ehnrronl ipm, f'nri-1iiif, of all
al7ii and INtdu; ir(tri Rr, bra Crt.tmr of all rifiriip
tioi . U oil- tura ivu, N riw entiiMt, and ail other work ton
nn led w lib t'. at'ovt' buln a,
irnw"'n arxi niu- ltit!ooa f"T aH wfirk done at thiJ
ilnhmeoi fric uf rliHrif. nnd work ifitw antf-d .
1 bt n nn'Tiin rn hevo aiitrH- wba-f wk room fr re
pair of t;oui. where thi'vcHii li in pfr'oct aaiv, and ra
E--o'drd nMi n'lfara, hif ha, fwlli. Ae.( Ac, fr raining
envy and Utht eelwhta.
JUf'Ofl C.
' if fthAf.II and I' rVreHa.
! TS'o. Of. IN. PltONT HTItUIJT,
Pit It.AIIKl.t'lll A.
W1 pre rr-ri-oit ta fill orilari to any tnt fi-r our wi.U
fTlt, rtinr ll mfi'm ImprnvcmTitii to CaidiQrf, Hiilnnin ,
ami w i a Ihi
W f .tis Mr- tli attrntloD ft Biannfarturari t our axl
"UlT't!'"' AT.FKKll .IKNlC HON.
No. 110 ll:irrot f-.irnret
C. W. WK t. . H. all.nix.
( , K. S K It A 1, N 1 i It K K K t, I ' I . ll S ,
Can fled at our establishment a full arttnntn' liitB.irted
and I'limi-tle llrnirs, Toanlar I'Mlent Medlplnea, Paints,
Coal Oil, W indow lllasa Inscription yialu, c., at as low
prices as genuine flrst.class Roods caa be sail.
rorConfKileiurs.ln full variety, and of tha host nrnlltr.
Cncl tneal, lli nnal ladlKo, MHdiler, I'ot Ash, On Hr,
oca Asli, Ali m.OII of VI rlol, AnniHto, Copperas, Rxtraot
of l.onwnnil, Ae., FOR HYEItR' use, alu ays on hand, at
lowest net cash prlcwa.
(Irontid exprci-ply lor our sales, and u wnlch we Invite Ihe
attent ion of tl ac tn w ant of rellsnle articles.
Alto, ltililttO, STAHCII, ifVHTMU), A-r., r.ftrlia
On'-crs by i i.dl. or city post will aieet wltn prompt at
tention, or sp cial ipiotatlons will be furnished when ra-
Wboleia'e lirun Wnrehousa,
Ko. Ilil MAKKKT Htrect, a'KiTe Front.
J Tatldi and t'nvHlaieeotit,
InvuhdK and (,nivrt''iCfnti,
luvalldi Bi d Con VatJciut lit,
fcnialei in fell Hoalth.
r-eriuil'D In l l.r'' Iftnthh,
iituiu.e In Ihd cata ll.titU,
Will Onduur
raMformn Wfno, CaMfomla WlfM,
Caliirirn a U'lmn, rahierula Wtn),
t iiiin-riiiH Who m. ('a:ifiHtka Wiin-f,
pwnMarl3 Tnlnrt' ie in ail caici of languor and nrtt proe-
uaiiou oi iircnna.
Atk AmK AhK Ak AK
Ak Af-fc AhIl Ank KhM
Pr. MiC IclMod, Sitmntl Jackson,
(,o. Uic ivnnejivtr.i'n UnlstiraUy).
llartnir, livront, Orovrg, Hnrthome
Scliuoilc, Vllhauia, Ilartiov, i.ili.-iid,
t.fcon, 'I twifti, Vtnal, Fotviy.
Knurr, Wn.vUnd,
aud other lead lot; piiybllaai, what tliv think: of the madl
tiTia vlr nvh or 0ultt..rnia Wine I Theta tfr'utlmn prt
oriN our biaiidu. aad am ure ua of the bouvflta aationta
recilTc iruiu Umir uat-1
Wl-lm Ko.M &. UK I II i treat, alove uueanut.
DiauulacUiK d nnd for pale by
J8 1m u tIOCK Street. Fullad.
TIC railroad.
TIlltOIHill IN TWO HOI'ltnlll
Tour trairs dally to Atlantic Olty.
On and afwr MuNOAV, Jmj i, uains Itave Vmf slroct
Tfrry as follows :
Hull. i'M' A. U.
V i oil tit, mill imssanfrcr car attarhfd.O'l.l A, al.
lixpi't-hM (il ron,'li las V hours) ! I tl r. M.
Allanilc arci'inniiMlntlon. I 6 I. M
Juin.lloi' A 'i (.uim Klatl-'D, 'i'il" I' AT.
Ill'l'l IINlNll I.KAV'tH ATr.ANTH.',
ArroniiiiiH anon Atlantic; & 4S A. al.
I prcss, i'l A M.
I iiklit. Il'.'li A. at.
liill,4 IH I' 11.
Jin, ill' n i-i-'jiunoilatloii. 622 A. M.
Karf lo Allan lo, H'lsl. Ilomid 'l'ri Tl lists yritalj
for the dav nml train un wliluh thev aro issin-d) Aii'OU.
l.aavr Vli,. slit i t I(i-I6 A. M. and 1 lr. M.
Uavr II.,d"oi,fl, Id l'4.'i 1'. M. and-'i 4i V. il.
Hull t ain tlir AI1bi.II,' lood vino stroct 90 A.M.
l.tavr-s AllnulJC4 40 1'. Al.
J,i-il JOHM O. BHVANT, Afi-nt.
Tlfhur which vas madn lut yt ar has onllrolv ill.ap
pi un d, li'ii Inu lite btaclt on, of tho uiosl delightful on
tl ft coast.
i i'l A I 1, k 11 A II r or BKr i .1.11 KM.
lHjVi,IMfS, EASTUN, MA I'l 'II I'HC.NIt, 11A4L.U
TuM, Wll-KK-l'.AKhK ll.l.lAMHI'dllT.
hi M.MtK AhUANIIh.MK.vr.
On and arar MuNliAY. .Jiinft 111. 1o'i4, l-asstnirar Train,
istll h-avo tbo to lifurt, 'I Mini) irir.'t't, aliovn I'hoinp
a, n Mnol, l hlladtloliia, daily (rlnlidays aaoopti,,!), w
7 A. M. (FxpreM) for I)ttilhern, AU'.ntuwu, lli'icll
CMitwik. llkenliarro. Willtsmsiori.
li' A. tAron.rjiod.,t o;. ,'or iorlstown
10'loA.M (Ai.'r.'nuuoilutioui 'or ro:t lVashin;:lon.
II P. Al. ( An on nioitanon) tor l;ovl,;t.,wti.
S-41 I'.M a.i'e t r I'tttili hain, JCiston, c.
4-I.', P. si. (Mull) fiirl'osl.'l.,ii.
0 i'i I". M (Ai','. iiiiii iuKiU ul r..r lifthh hem, Ahentown,
i d 11, link.
H U I'. U. (A. i'.n in' datloi.) for 1 nn'ilalo.
11 1'. M. (An n mo la Ion) lor l'.iit Wiliivtiin.
'IHA'NH I HU I'illLAIirtl.l'lll
l.r Hrthlrlioiu aU'-MA M ,")A. l(.,lljdS 1)7 P. M .
Ilo.vlrsiov ri ill ll 40 A. al., 11 4.1 P. M.,und 7 1'. ist.
3 siudalr- nt U A. M.
Ion Mskhin-loii al ll 55 A. at. and! P. M.
(II nl SliAVSi.
I'liitaJeh.Mn lor nnhh. iii ai ii A. M.
Pbl sili'h riiii :'or 1 oi If.loivu a; .1 I'. M.
liojli'siown for rio!adftiih'a at T'fi A. M.
lli-tlilCKIi' fi r I'lilla lrlrilnii I.I 4 '. at
lliliinan'a li.i:'i' Ktroa "ill r4' an s!-llrr
hsivi-i" at It,'' dei-ot. Ori'.i-rs limy lie leti at h'J ltll -I.
HUM) Sirul.
IbI.I K.r.f.IH CI.ATtK. Auont.
H II I I, A I) V. I. I'll I A ANT)
Ai,C';,-n f',V!
Aki-ov J; l!
fill nnd '.! HIOXKAV. u'4. Ml, ill- trtins for
Kir orK. li u o n Kt lhi 'un ,,i,'oi, rn,ml, lotii l, ai 1"
A M. ! ..tni li ' M., uid I ho In. I, is k lv:l,K r
VoiKaiHA.M r.ri.l 7 M l. M , woi lo-u-it',!'.- u, un u
ell i-lvc.y loi il,, i U, 1 id si !.!., Hulls ,nl Nn r,i:li a id
At asLuii-ii n I ,imi, , t.i is. an l ' i 1 iioi Uivo ia n.n im oiil
am i a-n-, n T. h Ini n 'ii,,' - I
'J l.t In A. M. nod !'.' v:,l-,,- h". I .mi if. f'oiii Mi' V.i'X lo
Wll't ll.',,', r ll ll,.' ll.' 'A U.IHilUl1 M. I I'L
VI rtSi in, tm, ni I hv York, v. :1 i.'itiiiiiute as ui ,r, ,
S f,',.'d
,1 a-ul
ra, i .f,.iv,., ' l-i ii, i ir -ii ii In' r,., I, c i.i.i'iu:
ai.d Vnhlni'in , Wusl'luiium. a d N',-v V-ji li.
AUh'AMTMi'MS II I "I ',' 1 .1'. S PlIII.AIit'l.l'iII AM)
NrliV wililv
Tlnrsh iir I'i.i'a i,-l i.'ji, f.inii K,-i!Sint,iti Ii.'i"it, ai
11 l.'i A. M.. 4- n a il i.'l.'. I' i aiic IJ'.i-i ui'il I , , a, in
frmi. V an , t in- l 1, "i , v 1 . i a, .id, nl, ..m j A.M.,
1)11 . 4 mi -1 ' ' l . lor ''" I rk
AikII ,ii' '-h ),i,l,iii l i, -I ,.f i ' ,iirt' iindt it.-,-."
7 A. M. Ii '.. V .. 1 i !l.,4 .ii. l '. '.I., u ,1 'I I'll '
Kin) '
, t1 i, .
I's, , .b j SU
- i, ,1. It. ,iii 1
A. i. ..IV. '.II
in.' - ti
V, M
,1, A,., :
n I'
1,1 VI'.
mu. l-l i,iol, tun 'lilnir at i 'i nsM
ll, i. u hLvnu, i l in,, L.i 1 1 ,, 'i.Ni-ii' 1 or,(, a';l
VI, I, (I,
nliia SivauiMtip Cntj nny i.10 lulciii-il to us
I 1 1 V I F 11A1.T1MOHK., f .itur.tay, Jun,
j liilh.
1. 1 ; A, all : ,:r, , . 1 1 , ' - '.';i,i
1 HI'. Ill lu,, i:iun!n.v. JiiW.'llnh.
An, i tun fin.ciaa. batuiila',ut noon, from l'ierKo.4-1
iiorth llivcr.
hatks or PASS r.v
I'livf l-1' li, llnH.ur i fiiiioale ,t In l iiuoiii :
I'i, I i no :u f.-u lin Monra,
:n Oil
. HI',M
I'll 1 -ml. in rii h'l'tuti
, 1. ,ii,,t, ,n
I-',,, , l .- ' i , t -. I'.i , ii ... ii.,-, 1 1 )-n,,.riir f, I'.
. , -,i ..Ij :. l -li' I.i',,!;-. '. . i 11 - 1 i ..;', t-i I,
I'liv I ; i -i jn ah
is iii , Ai.' v r; '. i1. .'.,
I n i-i turn 1 H't
I,, l ci .li .l t
Ill VlU'lls lilrlff-
ill i , jus 1 loi, 1 hi I s.
...1 oi i ; u". i-n-tiiwii : I'lrst f'ililn, 1 7fl
I II ol pool ami li'l , :,s:,iw n. J.
V. I 0 .1 1: lu Ktl.U fui UitT 111' Call hUj t.Cr.ijtl
In ff nt II.. it I'.i. Ph.
i cr n;i ihvr iji! trmt.llon fijipl' at t)-c Ctrnadv' tifllcfta,
JOHN -i. HAl-i:. Ai 'on-,
Ko 113 WAl.iStr Hliuti.WiiittvtUiehla.
r;)sio and iMnr.ADKU'.iiAi
'ini-Hllj I.Jn, e til ti u 1V0111 ench p"ti ri
h, fi.'iu llrt W!mrt fthoo 1'IN'K Htr-i1.
vi 1 I 1,1 MM
I'liilaU t J.ia.
ui.i-.o. i'i,--:, l
i'U Loiik Viiun, iiotit'.n. r rm Urat Hhiui
t ft un :-.i;i.iiia v, .I uly 10. In .4
it MM)V, Mi.itl.cna, will eal! fi om I'hl-
lai'eiph'ii ior .otii, cin Hhi mli-y. Jutf Ht o'rlok
A. Al ; ai;u tl ' .! tunthn N 'fct.M A S, Hular, from lluaiou
f, r rlnigu. i, inn. tm t Jiiif uj , hi tl .il.
Vlu vf n v Mui t i.hMantial atcnnh'jia flirm Mfrular
Ut1, mllij'i-' ' i in Ciich ii ri jHiiiPt'iclly mi biiturrtHva.
hifcfi mm oa u J nt oji-Lall Uiu ibijiium tiluye J un
Mill i'S('lt.
Kn 1: litf lakm at fair ra'ca.
hhliumi mo itiniii'MDd tu leud Slip T;eci'lit and llllli
Lritliij; v Uh (heir iio.idt .
I '-r I'lelfel.t i'attk'o (hnvlnti f1?ie ai-fMUMiiintlinloa)
a.'l.l) It. HlMtV . INtSUKAM),
,al-tf :. vi-'& H 1.!.4Wahi-: Atrana.
JLati4rAriw-G and 8wutiiie Mnen, via li.awuin ami
i i.u i . iinl 'i Lu all itMtira nf thie llnoa ar tcavina
dull mi I . o v ixik M. ami li u'ulvvA 4V.M., Utua taUlrd iir
mbi e Wtt'im htrt
J r fTvh'lit, vihi h will h tal;rn on apvmrafidatlniT
t rim, ai t v to W H.LLU1 U. UXIHU iVCO., li. UI .
sVU-AVAlkii siTOUuw.
i inu ' W 11.
'jiWjaa'tfairSflTOH A! BALl'IMOU aA"
cnAWnit or notiRH.
Oa and afiar SI s'lUI. .limn 15,13A4,
Passpnin'r ts-ains laava f hlladli,ala Tor
ltnillniorft at 4 so (Ksnruss, Moailaaaxolltl1),frCI6 A.
at., 12 M., J rn and Ioki 1', M.
('hr.ur at at, lira A. at ., 1 90, I SO, 4 SO, 00 and 11 W
r. m.
Wdrolnrton at 4 t (Mondssrs axr-rplM), SOU, 1111
A. M . l'So.n aii, 4 So.r. Oo h, , and ll m V. M.
)r( -t! atx-nf, A H nod 4' Jo r M.
Ii v. r al l i A. M and 4 iK) f. M.
sm,rd nt K'l A M.
sallsliiiryal hi A.M.
i rauiH rnK rmf. a nKt rm a.
Iara Bai lia n, at S 4i, s-an A. at., (r.prsa), V10
''vi mnlillr't" ai MS. r,-V: A. M., U HI, 1, 1 4i, I W, 4 aa
T SI and Hi P
Ssllslnry at 1 i'i T. M .
M'lioril at .'I'.U P. M. ,,.,,
lw.vir at fi no A. M., and 4 M P. M.
Hw !' at S -al A. M. and l-'A r. f .
llnslor ai;4.'.,U4 A. M.,1 (jn, , 4-40, SMI, fl'H, D-40
''I nv finMlMnr, for Sallubnr)' and lntormnhaio su-lonl
'l!avf llaltiinnre for Hover and Intortnsdlato ataikma kt
l lll P.M. TAIVS rR pM.TPtOltP.
T.ftavc Thnsti r ai h 4fi A. M., .1 and 11 (si P.
l., av, Wllmlnmim al 6'IHI, -A- M., 8 36 and H it
P M .
Vroiuhl Train,, with Passtruirr Car ata,-hel, IU ni
!, Wllrolnirloi for rryrlll anil Inlftrmadlata placl
's'i !iAV:-Only at 4'80 A. M., 10 3D P. M., from Pbliav
1,' to Wlhnlnt'ton at 4'30 A. M..10JH and
rom Wllmlnirti'n in Philadelphia at 1 41 A. af. and 7:!l
T M i)lj al 10 JO P. M . fiaro lU'limorr to Phllnilr'ot.ia,
j,4 11. y. KICNNItV. Snrtrlntadeiiu
esse La -ok hbw vokk i,mis.
1 lu l sniiitli and Anilioy and P-iiladi'll'tiia find l'ri'nl,,n
Haltr. ad Com pniiin,' Linus fr,iH l'hha,lo,ilata Naw York
and Way I' ar
Tl ill Ipstdhs tollov, Tin rsan.
Al li A. t., vm Cisidi-li and Aniho.v, C. and A. Ac-
ei.miii, drill,, n t-J'ltt
At K A.M., via. nmd, n and Jfisy f'liy, Morning
Kxpross I'M
At A. M.,,ia C'aii din and Jsr.ay I ill ,'Jil Class
At 12 M , :a caiinian ami Ainiiov, c. nd A. Aicora-
luoilttlioii ,
AtSP H .vla Caind. u and Ainli.., O. and A . Ki-
At 1 P. i" via' i aniiii ii 'an Anil'i.T,Aci',,irirav4ti.iii
(I n li lil ami PimM.t urn l'"o
At 1", P. M.,i la Csindi ii and Amh'iT, Ai" 0'imo1st!on
irnlflil aad rassali(fr), 1st Class Tli kat TM
!di'ls0 II
Al",1, P. II., i la Caindrn and Aral,i A f-i homo la-
t-oii (I n klit and Painniter), l.t Class Tirtat 1 M
2d (,la-s do , l'"0
for Mnucli Chunk, A llanlosin, Bi'lh'i li' in. Hulsrfdar,.
Iln.loti, h,nmhf rivilli', I'li'tiiliis'on, Aj,-., ut .1 i0 P. M.
l or KlcailiiKton, Laiiiliorts Ula, an m imisdial, sta P M. "
lor MoiHit Holly, Kvansvllln, and 6 A.M.,
S and ', P. tt.
t or t ri'i hold at n A . si . ami v r. si
Kin PalniTta, Hlviri Iiaum o, Bxvrrlr, 71'irP i;ton,
rioniro, itordtl ton n, Ac. at ll A. M, l M.I, S-.HI. 6
anil li P M , I'll, D'iKlslid ti V. M. llln s ruu iln'ct lliro'iiih
to Tii liton.
Kor pnhnyra, lilvo rton, Dclanco, Tiiv rly and IlurllnaT
lon at 7 P. M
Htaiinilioat Trsntnn, ftir P.rlstol, P.iirllnxton, rtorerly,
Toni'Sdali' and I ai'oiii, i ll-.;1' A M nml i d' I'. M.
I.INh.H nin.M KK.MII MlfiM liKl'DT
Will Iravi' as follows:
At 4 A. M , (nll'tli) via Kan!neUin and N'cw Yark,
vrashliiiitnli and Niw link si ail (2 39
At ll'l6A.H.,Tl sinlii.-I,,o and Jirsoy City Jta
prifs IM
At 4 110P.M. via Kcnslimton and Jorsey t'lly Kk-
3 00
At (i 4d P. M. via Kt'iisliiuton and Ji-rsoy City,
WHIlll't,.n and Mow urk tspri-sa 3'0O
Hiinilav lln", irsvc at 4 A. M and a 4t P. M
Knr Walftr llnii, Htrond.liiira. rtoraolon, vvilkiisharra,
Moiiiror,tinat fii-no, Alanh Chunk, Allvnlnwu, Hrllilo-
t,.i. pi lv.ili-ri-, f'.astoli, t.sintiortvillft, Mi'mlnirlou, iVC, ai
71.'A.M This Uim Connie's vilili tiie train leuilli
F.nsion for Maiioh Chunk nt ipai I". M.
l or Flinilpvtiin, J.aintH'rtvlito, and Inti'nnodlate iu-
tion-, nt A p. M.
I or an Ittol, 'I ronton, Ac. at 716 and 1115 A.M., audi
r. m.
lor lloloicabnrf.Titcooy.VV'Isslnomlnir, Rrldfslmrp.and
rrai.kiord, ai 0 A.M., .',, & 40 and 1' M. 'iho ti A. M.
hiiio runs to llrlMnl.
tTfr Kw Ynit, and Way l inos h-avpig Konslnittnn
Ilrpol, takr Uia cars on Fitlli stti-l, Alinva Walnut, nasi
an Imiir Lit-foro dspartnra. 'I lie Cars run Into tlio llopot.
and t n arrival of earn 'I rain, run lrom the Dooot.
F'fly pounds o' biwrawa onlyailowod aarh passonaer
Pasfi-ni'irs are pmli llntt-d from taking anylhintf as bag
tinpo but tbrlr viaarlng apparol. All liak'iriteo orar Ally
ponnits to bo pali, lor extra. The Company limit tliair
rri-poiisihtMty tor hsKuaue to Ono fiollar par pound, an
va III not b, llitble for any amount beyond $l0H.exaepl by
spt rial cor.ttart,
Crs Imui's tta,'Fai'e Express will call fbr and deliver bag
gai, at tiie iHpola. t)rdi-rs to bo lort at No il Wulout
alreot. WM. 11. UAX.Mlt, Ageut.
H'll.ti LKAVE
From flint of Courtlnnd slroi t at 12 M. and 4 P. V., via
Jcrsaii City and Camden : at 7 and II) a. M.,6 P.M., an
12 (N'ghl) via .lorssyClty and Keuslngton.
From foot of Harclay bu,i, alG A. M. and 2 P. M., via,
Auiboy and Cauiden.
Fnin Iter No. I.Hnrtk. Illver, at H M.,4 and 8 P.M.
(Kri-liiht and Passtngers) via Auiboy and Camden.
Ktt jU3t Vork and all the sta' Ions on tk, Camdao and
Aiuhov and com, retina Kallroads
The Camden and Ambov Kailroad and Transportation
Compat y's Freljilit Linos fry- New Yo-k wis loave Walnut
Bin et wharf, on and after January S, dally (ttusdaya x
ptidl, at 4 o'eliak I'.M.
hrturnlng, the above Una, will laav, Kaw Tork At 1
ano 4 P. M.
Freight must be delivered before IH T. M. to be for
warded the ssm, day.
Fielfht fori renton. Princeton, Kingston, Neir Rrsnl
wick, and all points on the Camden and Amhoy Itallroad ;
also on tl.e Hi IvISere, lie awaie, and Flemtngton. Hie Kaw
Jers- y.fcer ricl add aad .lave-btirg. aud uu llurliugton
anil Moiinl ba Iroads, rei'iilvrd and forwarded up r
l'Ji o'clock P. kt. Hmal packai,iii for Mount Molly r
,i iv, i up iu 2 o clock P. M.
The luividoro liaiau are Kailroad eonnceia at Ptilltlpa
burK wlib the l.f h'ifh Va.ley Kailrond. 1'he J4ow Jcr,y
Kul r-ad eounecta at iizalictb with the New Jersey
ential liallmait, ajid at Newark wltli the Morris A:.d
Kssex ltallroad.
A alio memorandum, aperifylng tha mark, andntun
bara, ah'ppcrs ana eoushrnwes, mast In every tnsuiiieoo,
ant with cacti U-ft ot goods, or uo toecipt will he gtveu.
Incri-arcd facllli es havliig bee n mado fortlietranspnr
tatlou slUVE STOCK, drorais ar, luvilad lo try Oil I
Vi h.n stock la fnmlshad In cuanilttea of TWO CAR
lOAliS or will be dellveted at the lb, of Fortieth
sircei, near tie Drove Yards, or at Pier Vn. 1, North
Itlver, as th, ikippers ma.v Ictiale al tho lima of Lh,
hilBUint. WaI.TEK FKtt' MAN, Fnalght Agent,
o 90An ln lawsn, avenue, Pnlla.laiphhw
UFA). B. ItAYMUNF), 'rch.'ht Agent,
JaJ tf l'ler No. 1 , North Rlrar, Now Tork.
MOlllkll V ALLEYS,
liave Ihe Conpanj,, al TlilK'l'EKS'TII and
(Al l.t'VYUILL Mi ems. PliilaiUl,hia, al Ui, following
At ft-16 A. M., fur Itiiaillnir, I ulniion, Knhr.iU, Lltlt,
f''.luiiilila, ll.iirisliiirir, Piin.vlllo, I'lHeruve, Tainaina,
Stini'i n.'rl. K nilra. Itoi'tiester. Nisnarn fa Is.
linruli, AHentonn Y ilkesliarre, Pltislon, York,Carllsl,
ill an.lit'rsOurK, HSKerslowu, Ac.
'I lie trblll ennrcu nt l, I'.AI'ISlI with Ksst Pennnylva
nla Itnilrnrd li a ns tor Altan'own Ac, th llra-lliiK and
Co liuihia Hallina - fur F'.luiia'a, j.itU, ami t'oiuuiliia, and
will. lh( L' l,an,in VjMi i train for Mart itlmri,-. Ac : at POKT
( I.IM'l'N wllh rali.nlssa Knllrna I trains'.rr,,
M il' i,u sp .il, I.i i ). Haven. K in ia. Ac.; al HaIIKIS
lir pn v, it It 'N'iit;M'rn tli ntral." Cmuiii-riand Valli-v,"
ai.d "Fi-hin S1 d )3Uh,iie)iniiua" tiains for Norliium-l.i-rll.lul,
YVllilnIltnl,' rt.Y ork . I 'lifllllbersli rir, I'loayrova, Ac.
ArTl'liMiON EXI'ltK-iH
li-ati s I'hilK' st .i-iW ', M- !, t,l.i(t, Potta
Vll-e, r!r.i'if,,ve, ''a. I'Voiirii, i c, ci iini-i'liiii; at lla'riw
hi. fviiih 1 inii'-vlvi'.iiA I'l iitrsl llnllroait trains f,ir Plils
,i rp. Ar , N.iill i-r" t'l-nlrsl allroail trains I'ur lun jury.
N, i tl'in l-' tiiii'il, F.'n.lri, r , und nt p in runt ll with
C'r.'liwl-ia I'i-., hi ad trains l1 r Miiliin, YVii iA,iiiii,'rt. el
C-ii'u, llu' alo.'AT.
H I: A I il Ml A Cl'i i M MOl i A l io K.
l.iuif Hi i.iin i; nt (. is' A.M. rt'ini liiw- st all wur ita-
ti.,n sri lvin,. li I l;l I,,,;-1 pMi at li in A . It , !
I'i t ii rr, 'ni . li a- i-h I'iiiivih Ip'.ia at .','1,0 P. M arrives In I
It, ailing a' Kill P M. i
'i ti, u i, t ir 11,-di Ij liiu 1 at e Hnrrhtiiii iu 1 A . 'f.. n. t
I'ot mil. M li If- A M., I,-, nine In I '', ;',!. ! ,i.,i at 1 HI I
1'. k, Afit-rina'ptlah (leave lluiri'l.iim at a P. M..I'Us- !
v ',i'i ' 'i I' Al., uri ti iik' in I'lni i ln'iiliia ai 7 P. M.
ai lii'' iii I Jli!.. wi'li u ra'sunrr nar alia "ltd, le(v, t
Ph : in, i tii.i nl i. M., lur lii-.d'na and all ivav sl itmns ; i
an l;i . ,l,iii' nt I", no n, .-mil Doiv-i'iiuiuivn at iJ-Doi'.
. I- r p i u,:i ?n nitfi ull .vav Mm out-.
.' II li i, an, v. I iit li. run d a: , , Snin's i s fii'ii-ptrd. I
Mm .a i it iln h ,ii c i' al i'M A. a i l i'l.Il. .!
ii, h ..,1 a: ;; i i' M
4iTK'ir. VALI.I'Y 11 AIl.TIOYri. I
Im sl'i.rri h lor linwiili i-'iiviii ai,-t I i.i', n.' iilnls's ',
ti,l.,- I!,l- h If, A M. II. d Mill P. M. I'U liif-nnl riili,l, ll ,1,1 1, I
It'HI'llllJ,; Uotll 1'UH IlllUld'A 11 ut till' .V. Ai., Ulli li'l 1 i
Whs I .
l.-'Vfii Nmv YorV at 7 I. M., parsing Ut Atj'ns at IS rnf-t-i'
1 1, iiiitl con ne 11 in at. Han Ii.ju'k with r,iii.slvaiii.
It nlroaii I'iiria initiu fer I'litbiiiirK.
Kciurviii) i;xrins train leavra llairUhurg on urrival l
Uic IViniftYlviitiia i:iri fiuiu l'l'lhiiUi'K ki 6 0 A . it.,
pus'lnj; l.'ejdiiJk' Bt K !' A. M., and arrlvloi; at Nat? Y.ult
ut lN.'i P. M. hhjilng Cara at'C.min.v tin'at3 trmna
Uii'Mtitht'twc-Pti ,11 y ('It v and PlttaiuirL'.withoui chHao,
Mail intlua ior Jfiw Vrk leave ll-rn.airn at 6 A. t.
ai. lP.M. Mall iraUia fr IiarrUburij kuvttAuvr Yut'k
at C A, 3U nrt't M.
Tralna kH.e l'uttallle ai 7 16 A. M. MiuU ii ) I'. U., rt
tnii ii'i. I'toui '1 uiiuniiA At t 10 A. M. aiii 4 ;i 1. U.
Kt 111 M. Kil l. AND Ul'SCrllMNNA It II,UVU.
'rniiiif 'i iivc .11h1irn (it 8 4 t A M for Ptii'ri.vii iul
Il-rrirslnru, ami nt Vti and 7 l' 1. M fr i':n".'io6
oi l ; ii'U.ri Un Ir.iiu Ilanl.stmiv at IM" I. aua iinu
l' jtHtJ at b li A. 11., nm? t uml & I'. il.
1 H V K i ti.
Throut hflrat-claita Vc.r.etn und rmtfJiant ttrVeta to all
tic irnx tiul poinia in ihe Js'ttrlii nml U bil and Camuiaa.
Ihf ftiJ:(WiUK Hi l;Vlm kiCi htiUliahk1 u;.!.V U' tilt OJllfu of
R . lilt a 1 'I'i' H 1, 'r reus 11 ri -r. No. V-'i R. KOt'iUtl 8.r-pt,
I'l.lla.i'iiha. or nf (J. A. M C OLLS, UcQftul Mucilutou
Ut ut, ltukdiiii
At ?r' Yr rent. dUcouut, httw .tii any puiutu dCklrcd, for
ft.uillit'b and lliiua.
flood frn 2i0 i.illua, oetHucn all uta, at $-iO-S6 each,
for umUa't. aud I.iin".
For tl-rof , b, nine, or tlv tuouUia, fur boldfri ouly,
to uUi-olntu, ut rt Jui'f! r-tH.
ni'.ilOlnt-' on ti e llneoi the nad will befuniUhed with
rni ds, (juUilij.g iheumUvc aniiwhoa tu U(j4ou at hl
fltt' EXfHTRftlOH TlfKRTS
From rhiladelihin to iriutlial itnti.,n, irnod for Bstur
dav, MiinUv, ami M'.mloiv , ai r dm-oil Uie, to ha nJr
nt tl.fcTiuKclOthc-j.atHilli'l KKK lU aad CALL0 WUilX
Good 1 of all dPifrlptl na lorwardt'd to nil the ahov
po nta, from tho Coniiiajjv'i new fickht d pot, UUOAJ
ajid WOiow ttyMUKTH.
Leave Pknadclphlft U'lv hi 6 A. al , 1 P. M., and ft P. M.,
for heiMllrii, l.ianju, liarriahurg, fotU.lliu.i'ort Chul
And poiuu ittiyoud.
tflnae nt (he Philadelphia I'oal OiUce far all plaoei on ta
ratl and lt hraiu kea at 6 A. M , aul lor Uia prtuuiotal
uUvu oiilj- at 'i it i ai.
rrr, rrrrrrrL:
i a- .1.. . I'm K I ii si 1 . 1: A 1 1 Kit A if. 1 . "
IHr, K K" T, SOU I A I, si , A Ml f..d!l M tTHT.
Fiii)pm nii tnd ftivintn-i U-r i' v kbA', -H' dr. ' ""
1 T'ftiti trnipn thiH'O o i'u'?Fii(ii.. ui:-"i paftiad (tf any
runtr tn the trodiilrv
Ttaim l. nn- iho 'lt'jMt nt l-LKV KNTTT nt MABKRT
FUtM't". a- fcKowi :
Mft l Trm at
V "t 1 li.' m
'I I ro'!fh pin af
rnrit. ma I i n'ii. No, 1. At
I'nrKohii-tf I rmu, n. -i r
Pj riii'k-ra. ' ' i,iiik (I .;1 n (.,.
I nn f f f I 'nmi a'
I'ai( Af'fOrt'iu.'i:i.'i ( Im H i
'I Ii r ?n f ra'Mu im h tho r'fc!
7 2 A. K.
117. a WI.
la-irtU r. M.
men a. n.
I ot r. m.
....... 1 ne I m.
-t 0H P. Uf.
h i 1. at r. H. .
t. u rmno A ta- 'IV Mr
iipt vr. wberf wi 1 1- fitim- ijcno t tri
mils'"!!! i
id nfkhi ai it-p -!tu Home, iiiifl
h nia.f
ink- ciihcr tho IMnln.'''p,) 'l t,ritr li-. '. wo or
f.;thiilVfi nuii iTllMiii A 1'1'tnt ii'W fr all H-m. A
(Imi ihi li-w I, thut afi'ird- ii of th etuha M e
in KiiiA' nt si-i nr.
1 in- T)iron Ii v.x.r-'t Tra'n run diliy; all the etaer
trail aii'fv, avft MuBit. a
i"it im n ma i.u avt tub wr.x.
T Vhl1 1 rin, Knii l.liif, and T n i-trh t.ti'rtiM an.-ra-1
nt I' it i u -ft r( hrniigh ti an nn nil iHve'tr" rrde
firm it'ft. . ii, !, fnr'h 'O (hi1 l.M i Wi r t 'h I ' -
i. pi ittid ali-.ri.t.rl fiTrm tnd hmith Hd Hamnwrttt t
ah .i.lnt aTf-sih!r bv rttll-iiad. Ihrtnifi 1 Ii k'a la
Vr, Im d, lrtirdi,r -hirnbn, Ht. I'aiil, I'nlmb'n, H'l'an
Riilh S'. I null. I r-niiwnrth, Kin-ft. WhIHK, m-
t..i.. chi'Ji ''!. I i.iui, t aim. ir d ad ttmr fitnaial
r.onitik. aim t n. ki('i Vert i ,11!, '
MIA-A nilAV'I Kvl!,TtOAT.
Tl r Tli'"cli Krri'i, ea-iia it !( r, j( , connfite
a1 lni'iviiu i.t"r""tin with a t rut a on t.hla road for
V- a r-itU'. me'itfirt . A?
irrhiu v. ANMiiiKH' iiuawt kMruoAD. .
1 hp I i p'crh T. m ruin, icarii.n at IO-:m e. M , 9on
net bi Cr. n.ii, at l 4ft A. M , t h a Un'n on in ra4
f.T 1 hot--ha it. A train aliu Ivavcn ' 'raa-oa fir iLhanabwY
at ft UI', aj , ,j(AV?,Hr,f(, iuiA.N'CM K"A.
T-o Mall 'liam ai TV A M, I hr" -h Krproat at
1"- o r. M , ''..rt'-cci m Arifp'-nA wiin tra o. far UoMidaa
I tirr a ! t I M and'- "A.M.
n (. Ml ASM Cl.KAltMKIsl riMKvTTt RAIl-ROAO.
1 1,- lr"i-sh (-ir- Trmii. loavlcu ' Hi Vi I". 1 . --,
r- a. f v iniio uh'- h .a n fin Si- dv '! ctv-anil e'd'lHi
hnr(?.'.d lit Hsihl Kif.'h VaiPi ltaiir.-d K-r fort pallida.
Alih h' i! and f-'l. fi''''
T jii. 'I i.;i..,vh t M n I rniii, I- mUp,- af M II. eon- .
ni- 'ia at HurtinL-duii with a train f-r H..aawe" and 11 oly
FJ ir. kaii.i;o:
F..v SnnhiTT, Wu nm-wiri . l.- V llavrn. Wmtra. Rv-rho-Hr.
I.t-at... and Mk-ra KuUi. iiafriiM-rt taKinntne) Iibii at 7 -i. A M , anrt t o T"r--Ukh K(roas. at
l.; nu I'.M.. Hv oro-.t Hui.tUvf. K d.-alv 1 1 ! h,
Hh ut rliit-tio nf tars hoiwoun PnlailehditA an Wd
IKii.a;irt. .v.
p it i ' II K , 1 1 A 1 ' v i it . urn i.r.i i i v.-f.
ivtt nt A M.anrt ! ;m I' M., rnn'oct at ColumWei
with tiaHiHatn 'l ' Ni. tho-n ('on"ni i.-iiimmd.
ri (HI FRI AND VAI 1,1- V KAil.KOAD.
Tl," 41 all 1 ra i al i h A and 'I nrn-Jiili KvprMtl at
o-:or M..cT iiv't af Uh r..'tir wlih ir.lxn pir '-aruaio, .
I 1 anl- ruhtl IT n'-iMUiVT'""'P.
Tl.otrnl- lenvn-' a 7 2-' A M i a-' '''I't I M ., ofliniarf
a Ii'v.i lnitnit wlui trmii on Ihia niml l Wayiiuibarg
r tiittlif' in tm ii'titicn iipptv at f Ho Pai?nni7r R'atlon, .
F. t. of 1 1K KN J II Mid M ireia.
,IA mih fi tu iF, v Tloket Aitant.
Fori n r tn U in )iiih-. at wry I w r tja. f r the a- .
I'Limn iintif-n o' po-anna Ivn.,' out of l.iwo, or locnted om
or war the lino of ti' oad
For W trlv ho: wr.'ii a - y t ikmhh, at ahot two aeoti -p(
r ii I'O, TV o ti a.-tt. a'ri In tni i1 i-f tii' of aml
IioB inueltriK fn-nrentiv, and ar of ina.i advautaio to
lrtrfJi. sXat.UpKor-a'innl ulna
Kor one nr thrr momlii fbr tho ue .f arholara attandiiiJt.
at?hxd in ti'(. city-
An Kmiraut Ai'niiriirandaui'Jii tnlu loavet Nn Mw
ii,.... .ir, i.i dsUf i Km ml x v ot" .. at 4 'i rlora T. M.a .
odfriiiif a ronifortal? m '!o of travel t a.O'ih' rdng
Vfi, at no.haif tha iiunl rato of fare, rartlotiliar
attentton 1 pn d to ting -ai;-. for vvuloh ehai-ka a e iivaBv
am hf W'fwiirn' ii n.v mo miiui ir'u mi pbwimi-i
For lull iiifurmo'i' n ai'i'iytn . .
FRANClrt FUNK, EmhtTftBt ftmt.
K. 147 l tret.
MANN'S nAflflAr.K Et-KF.M.
An BRiit ot lira rtlmhie Kiera Com airy wilt OAal -thr-nii;t
a'h tr-l her.irf roarhmp the nopAt.and uiko up
ch ekf and dfhvor 'W tn any part of tho airy. B
siu 1U bor.aUad fof pnmiptlT nrdora are h'ft at ih .
I'Mr.iit.. r I pi it. Klajwth aad IU' k-t troota. The ua-
vahna iubiic are tiaau,d tht i fitirrty MiMf'.
Ily thle roiitrfr.'lhtBO,alldr-.r InUoniranhe forward4 -to
and i rum aj'Y "Ma on thr ri ilrata of ohhi,K.emiiefc'.
ltdlnna. Uilnola. Wi.4?(.nln. lorvn n Mia'iirl, Uf ratlr.iao
dtrt rt. or mi anr wdai on the uaviKRhlo wataraof the Waat,
by ft?amort- frnui I'ltn huru .
T ho rato of i n U li' t- nd nmm anr point In the Weaf
hv the Fi-nnaylvania CoMtral Kailroad a'f atall'lmoa
fnvitif,h!a aro olu.rifrd y oihnr Rttllruad Companlea.
Ilf rotania and ahtniora (:ntruli(r th trananort-clon of '
their fieUht to thin C'ouipauv can rely with ouQd?no6 ea ,
Ua Npordy tranult-
For frotrht contracta or aMppin? directions, apply U eff j
ailnrafl iho Amenta of the Cntrpuny :
h ll. KIN;a'fON,Jr .ot rniKadeii!ila.
I). A iM'EWiJtT. -ttabur.
ri Alf A CO'hir..i.
LEhi'i Ct . Ho 1 Astor nome, w Ko. 1 fl. William
itrorr. "VirV Ynrk.
1 F.F. H f'O . No. 77 Waahrnv'ton treat, ttoaton.
TV III. 1AM i'KOWN. No W) Nor Hi air eat, baiumoTO
A.eut northern Cntrai hallway. Iin ,0wr0
Gcm-ral rreh-ht 4ent, Plillail -lulila.
I.BW'M L. Uur.'l', -i
General Ticket Aront. PhlUdalurilll. .
r.NOtlll I.K VI-l.
tJeneralfluperln'eniUnt. Altoons.
rm'T'-i rnlljAllhhf I11A, tiKIv
1LAII hOiTl.
On and after MOKHAY.M.y in. null. until fnrthar nottes ,
Tava Phtladiliihla R,7,,n, lu, U, U A. K. 1, . S'10,, ,
Leave fltrmaniown A, 7, 7 8.H90 0. in, It, 12 A.M.,'
l,l,a,l,IV,6,.f,)i,l.,'l. 111. 1 1, arid I, P. M
Tbe 8 Irt) flown, and the 3? and as, tralna so, do notatop '
on the Uvrmainown Hrsnrii
f eave FollailtlpLla, 6. B, 10. 1 A. al.i 3. .,', 7,9. a4
11 P. M.
l.i-avo O.s-ni'r Mill. 7 l,K, 9 40, 11 40 A. M. t 140, 5 4,
6'40, r,'40, 8'40, anil If)'40 P. If.
Ft)K lOnHuMi)rKK!l A VI) NOBKU'DW!..
Leave Millarfrlritiln 6, b JA, ll-Ofi A. M I 1S.8, 4. V-i, .
CS .816- nd 1 I, Y. li .
l eave hi'.rrlstown.lVi?, "'St).9 and 11 A.M.) 1X.4,
l ond P. M.
Tin- stj train n will atop at Wlasahlckoii, M ana junk,
snQ Conshohockcn r,n)7.
roll MAN4V1TVK,
Iave , 0 ;i6. H ut A. it., IK, I, tHt
th. H'l and lim P. tf.
I.aveklanaunk. IU, 81, t. 11 A. M.,1. 6, T,
uiu i r, is.
H. K. aiMTTIT Oeneral fttiperlntendant.
mvfl llepot, Ml. Til snd HIlKs-N Strcwta,
'i,' i Vi" t-srs- Ll N K.H. I iiiamsnanj MOii KAY Jin,
Sv, Iboi.liuia YVAXNI T Hirer-l w aarf.
K011 CAPE al(Y,
At 6 ar.d lu A. M. and at 4'Sn r. M.
For Kah-m and Kl'cUi lan, at U A. U. and 4 P. If .
I or lilarl,nro, sH.II, and 10 A. kt.. aud 4 sa I 0 If.
lor Y4iHinurT, Oloucaaiw, io.. ai ( asulS A kL.lsal.,
ajid 4 ami i p. 3,1 .
Cui eklaja, si il 11 44 A. aj .and .', 10 P. U.
ill. li II r ai 7 4i A. M , id I'M and S'MlP iL
rnli-ol at ti A kf ami 111 P U
jinoycrrn ar f. is a. kl , i-sn p af.
l...,.l-oro at 7 10 and K-f. A M , IB, n-0 and 7'M) P. af.
,ii,i,hi,,j at 7,7'40 aiilS MA. M.,and t S0,"J!), 6 lliaal
U I'.M.
(in ct Kn fi WAI Nl T HI tet-t. Ill veil ftjr ai,d deliver
BrKi.aiie, and sttenu to all the branckos of fiorosa
hlibitii-et. JJ'fi'y illiiV tfllAII b U A. M. Ilntis only,
end must in' si lit tn tha officii tl-, evnni-f previous. .
l'erii luib'i' arih'li'S ly tj,u line ma.t tie sent bffir,
A.M. A apecisl lui-ssiink-er ni-i'.'inn ' i', each trans T
nol J. UK ut1.(K1.4EB, Nupariotaiidonfc .,
rnrrssr) "WKST CUES TEU AND TftU
ttV LAiitLi-iiu bailuoau, via
Cr and alur I UtuAY, April l.lcsrt.iit. Train, wl lanro
as f, lu.wsi-
I eaie PhiiarU.iiih'a, from ' he ! p it, onrnar o' THIBTY
PUl.sT .nn UAIiKKl' in.i-u, a A. M., 11 o.i A. M. ,3 3D
1'. V..4-. ;o p. M.. r. r, r M.
l'li'l,uiri.h.a lup t cii.'.iit-ed fnim rirmTKKNTrt and
KAl.KKT Bin-eta, f iHliil'Y-l 111HT ami MAKKCf
Sir, its
I . avf Won Chester, fiom Hi liip t, on ra.t 4ARKBT
ilinrr.ii".0 A. M . 7 Hi A M..I1A .11 . J P. kf .4 P. at.
'I l,i- I'm i iett,i,i rh iiiiii-lp ila I'B.s&n.Mr ItaOwsT
('nn.priiv ( Mai Uii nr-.!) ail: cuivi.y l'a...avars to ao4
in ui llit'i l:li:,.li,i-i iVf,,i,
us HI'S-liAY
1 taie l'i,l'i,ii. h hi ! ,ii a 'it sni jn P. kt.
1 ,ve V ,M I n, f ii .US A. il. ui'.tl Int M .
Iii-lis Vnui,, 111 .!. Ii. ill A M. .".! 4 "(0 Af.,
nd Mi l ci.esitr "i ;-li A.M.. iU4 liP M .e-Dnsot
vi i l! iriiiiis ,n li e 1','U ' iilni and tval imoia Coutral
llii-'roa,! I'.i i:'oiit iii.-.l limi-nii-'d-v"- p il-its
la-i ti tii::.l:v .iiiOi'. .leu- rai .1uparhit,udout,
mi i.kii; ii a i
in- ,i,ii 1 r. 11.
ci ui'i irs I 1 1 n .s. . .
1. . t-1. ii
f.A'l'A vl . 11 .1; in,
u',1 . ih., Iir!..., t li
.r. il, ' Nonlu-ra anil N'orthwait
.ii.ii i.i il. i ' 'ii , i e.r,e "ii La .r Ple.
: e rl'.aN'-lY... as t, KaII.IMAU
t:,'l:' -v. . i 'i oa is btin rspntl
t 41, n,i lli 11' .' I' i'i :,
V r. ,sl i;i i" 1 i- p. 1 ,111 ; ',
, ., ,-Ml f.l IU . hi l. ,'-. ... I'
1I . I- on
f .ini r aM;ht luinan (Vora
it 1. ( 11 tht I iti'fh liiTt-
III 1 UI ICi),Ot I'll; VVtiriUlJB
inn. nr i i" liMii it mm; s at t'lifl.Aiiir.M'nia
Veil I rn n 1 1 Kim A. IU.
X 11, - '1 1, II I 11 in- -0 P sf.
t a: 1 '111... I'll v, 1 1 ii,,r r rn mi r ti uh wa . nn the.,
tri'i',1, 1" i.'f,i Piiilsdliilila and Iick llsvon,tt.Jhiwaa
llnliiiaiTv and l.a.1. Haven.
K.eyant Hl- enina l'ai nn Ihe Fxpn-sa Train both way,.
r'01 inioi muhoii ro pin-ling I'asi ii:r liuhtno.i,. aiia.y at
the 8 a".tninei rn K ev- n h end M.i W.t ilni' l
And lor 1 li lnht biilne.s ol Ibe t'omoaii) 'g A.'enssi .
h. il. Kf,iiii'ou,Jr,,ooriiorbiA.uiuihaiiaMarkiitauoi.'t8.
V ilmUii lna
,1. W. lti iiiold., F.'le.
J. M. brill, Auent, N. N. C. R.,Ttnltlmore.
II. II. Hill'STOK,
tliueral Kiel,:hi A 'i'"t, Philolriphla. !
l.l.WlS L IHH.'tT,
CtliinlllTlcl.' I 4m or, fill adehihla.
jn-ipru li hoits,
Ja4 tf . tleneral Maunuer, WiUlamsport.
rj-r-, I'll l l, A ut. ij r li l A anu
ly-'Kr.l H ALII Mull t'llNTkAL KAII
ltwAl. HI'KS 'in ulltli , I'll I Nil AltKAMlKMMhT.
Ecu and uiicr ItlliAV, April 1,1814, Hi a tram, will laav
a. pillows
Sl.t'lloNtl. A M. '. St.
rixfnrd ii'-.ty ".'.'
M o.l Diovo....i;m7 S'.'iJ
AvntiDale I'l 411
Rem i ll 7 '.'0 4 17
ChadU'a 'urd..f-4a 4 41
folirnld Sin) 6n0
W.4; Junrtlon fc-l t il
PI, Jam i,l,la...U.ii (110
r. at.
4 W
6 41
a lt
Piniadi Iphia... a 00
Wist Chester., t
W I'. JimiciIjM. a
fnninrd S 3
('lisild's rurd.. '41 1UUS
Avi.nilale lnsl
Wcai Orove....l0 A)
i H I
(iif.rd IU'
VI .'M Cli.'.liT. .n .v n io
i,....., i tii.ii.deln nia has ai-on onum-rn rrout
F's'hle.mb and Market I HIkT Y-H .Br aiui
il .llhi.1 Hueil., l l'lilaosh.bia. klaraot HirMt
PahH i Lin Uilv. av Car, oouvc 1 a.i.utcrs to and lrola
U f ii',j!LersothroU(rh wlthnntehaniaof ear,
J" ui'iMtY wiiou.huperintenrlent.
i r i- . r. HALliM RAILROAD CUM.
A' K -''ir ' FA NY.-lluiiiilniliu, ol Trains. oout
uii nv'iii HtiliAV Jnnuary 1, ImH
1 loin Walnut hi rm i haif ai a A. M S and 4 P M.a
frtiiu ,l I'i kl. P., iiiiiiinii. ieuve ha'tiui al 4 A. at., ti 0. A.
M.,1 10 P.M. rralalil dallv eicli wv A,i'tUi
UOlllDN klll.LM, Assist,
Bcoond Covered Tier aiiove Wai.n it Hirei-t,'
K. HP!. A A AUB Avenii,.
Jal-U i. YAH KtNSSUAJUl,Biiiiiirijiiia,ut.