In ocea THCR8DAY, JCLY 7, 19M. 4IGINAL roETUV. CP"" IV PW fV Keenly Telefeorh. lier once was a lady who frit wiry I"; Ho sba wi nt to procure n Alloixitn P"' . A thing tba '. ai likely to cure ibo first pop. -"Orlill"" raid lha My '" '' H AnrJ start' d fr Pt. Rreat, "Who 'ascribed a pi o wooclniusly wen, That ft rrwdrd exec, ding areal faitti to seo. Brit th lady now ahl. " 1 certainly know, Ths a tha smaller the plllt, the hitter they o, o t, Vit-o r, bow can niv wi uk stomach, alas ! Xgvw, taken a pill without aatrooc Kliis ?" ' A' Madam," exr-laimtd the prcat hoimropatli ' 1 tee you have been to some vi ic allopath. -a-ro. thatiha smaller a ttilnff is lu ulivsic. TL ratrr Its power, troni an actio to the tulc." The lady now left, tmt had not gone a square, Whin the taw in Llui Hindi a Bllmr; Jothtng Irsa than a paper, sigiwd by Mrs. f ori, jn which Mrs. taiu me a oeen arm ny wic i-uru (Harry knows who,) to cure all humanity, ot ewn excepting a cane of insanity. Tbe lady took butties, as many as twenty, J.lucir cit) , also, in vi ry great plenty ; Hut her disease Hood the li'inidsand stiocklag, fla the paiient required continual stwkinir. 1' nt at length bade farewell in good Mr. Kord, Cunvinced rbe'd uol lauily.arnved fiom lue Lord. Or at all. except in a gtoeml way. At the babies arrive from Cbiaa each day. flow, the lady bas perfect follcitT, Taking a coarse of mild electricity ; And if rbe co on with a few systems more, Although tiiete ate still quite a number in store 1 mean it she get through, me miy sai.iy ten J. hat when she began uie mutt have been well. Far the firming Telegraph. THE ItLOMSK. laTe to the harem of the Turk, Tbe jetty rye and skin of umber; Leave to his ureams the shadoa where lurk Immortal booria wiibout number; Leave to bim ruch slieania of pleasure On this earth, and fur beyond ; Give to me tbe loveliest treasure Give the beaoty of tbe blonde. Human, yet ber skin transparent, Is illumined by the rays Of the soul thut glows apparent, A light In alabaster vase. AN EPIC 18 IB.QS. Vkst Mechanic Have) near for En-. lntl ma tDli'iui) or AIDIVU. Samuel Smiles is a most industrious compiler, and bis hooks, like tbe tales in tbe "Arabian Rights," may be said 13 breed one another. In tbe course of bis irrearcbes while preparing a recent wotk ent it lm "Lives of tbe Engineers," lie fieqnebtly came actors the tracks of celebrated inveaioiK, mecliivuiis, and iron-workers, whose labors seemcj to h:m a ell worthy of finding Home perniuiient record. Ihnc iilrn tachrymtr. Ileni'o a new book, published in ihls country byTicknor St ftftl'ls, uuaer tbe title "Indus rial Biography : Irif Workers and Tool-Makers." "ecedirg the biographies with a history of tbfti. its relation to civilization and early iron " unaiioiacture in i-.ngianu, no opens tne pvrsonui sketches with one of DVD Dt'DLEY, the father of Iron-working in England, and the Chancer of the Iron poeta (to use a fanciful linage) who have since made Knglund great. He was OLe of eleven illegiiimatu children, and does sot see m to be at all ashamed ol It, for in an oltlcial document he speaks of his mother as " Elizabeth, daughter of 'William Torolinson.of Dudley, con ubiLC of rward Lord Dudley." Dadley village was Ibe centre of a mnnnfiic tnring dutrkt, and the Karl himself lmd large b-on works where Dud nsed to pass much of bis - . time. As he grew to be a man he established iron works of his own. He wrote a treatise on iron; be built Immense furnaces, and became verwbelnied with debt. He invented an Im portant system of iron smelting. In the Crom wellian war he fought on tbe King's aide, was, in 1648, captured, rtiipped almost naked, and in triumph curried np to the gates of Worcester (wliik place Dnd had furfciled for the King;, and pnt in prison. 'With a party of other prisoners he, however, managed to escape in August ef the sume year. As he had received a wound in tbe leg, he had to atnnible across tbe country on crutchmt, and thus ' nacbed Bristol. Hia estates had been contiscated, but let he Hat sole tsusetssorot his secret tor nmei in g iron with pit-coal ; and tinding a moneyed partner, built another foundry, but soon quarrelled , with bis business associate, and the affair wan brenkht to a stand Mill. On tbe restoration he aaeia a variety of claims tor damages he bad Buffered during the civil war, again built foun dries, pubUhbed bis treatise, "Metullum Murtis," In 1663, and died In bis eighty-fourth year, after life of singular vicibsimdea. 1MB IKVBNTOB OP CJkST-BTKBl. Cast-steel was invented, Mr. Smiles tells ne Beniamin Huntsman, who was born In Lin colntbiie in 1704. He i the son of German pnrenis, and when a boy was noted for his rkill in mendins clocks and locks, lie also early uo tained some reputation as un ocuilbt. In I) meal ier he beitan making experiments in tne improve mem of steel, but it was many weary years before the desired result was acnievea; yet it was achieved at last, and althougn a hundred years have passed since Huntsman's ul-covery, the de scription of fuel ( ke) which be Unit applied for tbe purpose of making the steel, and the cruci bles and furnaces which he used, were, for the Boost parr, similar to those in use at the present cay. Aituougo ine uiaaiug oi cast-swei, a id veD'ed by Benjamin Huntsman, is now cun dueled with gieaier imnomy and dexterity, owing to increatea experience, It is questionable whether any maker h since been ab.e to sur tass the oualrv of Huntsman's tnanutactures. Yet bit own coualryinen, the Stieflleld cutlers With true British obstinacy, relused to use his catt-rteel, and he had to rend it abroad for sale on the continent. In a short time the French cutlers were able to undersell the English, and to tbe latter were obliged to come to Huntsman lie had taken no patent for bis invention, bU only protection being in preserving his process as much a mystery as iMblc; all his workmen were pledged to inviolable aecrecv, strangers were careiuuy exciuuea irom nis worm, aim lao whole of his steel was ca-t at night. Of course there were plenty of effort many of them dishonorable euouirli to unveil the ecret. An iron fo inder named Walker at last discovered it by adoutit.g the ruse' of di-guUing himself as a wandering "tramp," and feigning great oisiress nd abp i t poverty. Shivering willi cold at tbe door of Huntsman's foundry lu e one right when ibe woikmen were aixmt to begin their labors at steel rostini:. he unkud for adinm aion to warm liirusxll by the furnace tire. The humane workmen foui d the irreiiatime, and tbe auuaieut beggar was ailinifea ana pro vided with a si ng comer, M here be prdiended to fall asleep, liul lie watched the process uf steel makitie; and before in tiny mouth had passed tbe Humsman manufactory w not the only one where cast-steel was produce !. Huntsman was a Ua.ik' r, ecci'ntnc, but vcrv benevolent; he died in 177o, in bis Tli year, and was buried in Atteiclme churchy. irj. AN VNBtUl'iTliU HENHfACTOK. Tbe principal iron-founder of Kngland during the labt century wua one Henry Cort, to whom fct'glimd owub the production of wrought iron lor machinery, for steam engines, and tor ruil wbs, at one-third the price it was before a-cm-totitd to pay to foreigners. It is estim ited th it the inventions of Henry Cort have already added nix hundred million pounds sterling to the we iitU of the kingdoms, while they hiive given employ ment to some Ix hundred thousand working jicople during three generations. "And while the great iron-masters, by freely availing them selves of his invention, have been adding estuie to estate, the only estate secured by il niy Cort wus the little domain of six feet two in which he lie interred in iliuupsleai chur U laid." IlIlAMAH. Joseph Tiramnh was one of tho most curiou of the characters to be met with ill the annuls of Atietit uieetmnics. He was born in 1 7 IS, in a York A thire tillage, ud, when a boy, devoted his spare time lu makiuK muiiicul iu.-tru incuts, his tools bcimi a lew old tile aua razor lilados given bun liy the ftiendly " viUukb smith," whose forge w.n ouug Hiamuh's lavu.iie huunt. His first retfu . lar work was at ploughing but wheu slxic n yesrs old he hurt his unkl, un,ittcj f,,r -f.ei tn work, and apprenticing himsett Xu CdriH)Mt(.r ),0 oon Isaeame an expert workumu turnin ' out plough, and fiddles, wiudow-fiaiut. ,lwltej cellos, UU cnual skill. Ambiilous to iiaprove in Ins trade, he went on . . fool to lxjiidoii, where hu found work In a ku.,. nit maker's shop, and where he made a uamiMt of useful little Inventions. At last he discovered vna new method ot puuip-inakiug, for which h't t' k out a patent, and remembering his old fiieud t lie Yorkshire blacksmith, sent lor hint to take charge ol the blai ktiuith's rk. in 17i'i, liraiimh tirst turned his atteution to ' lotks, vihuh were then nty poor and coiiily ' picked. Britmah iuvriiied a lock, and look out a " l atent th rcl'T ; ami for ne rly eifh y yenrs the m v iian.uli lock Htu rV.onivi uilu.y iwn.iuk. THE TsMl, Hobhs, h American, erofwed thn snd succeeded In picking it. But It took Iliibbs no lts thxn sixteen dsvs of maul- tialation, daring which he usod a variety o' ilaborste Instnimcnta, which no bnrglar eo' l(j hore own- Ursn ah, after the snrccrs Vili lock, OCC ,,),, j Mmrelf with making liertrHuliu pumps, - nftKng peas, and making maentni t for aiulllng Up UKVIt and lor holMing HofxU tuto warehous-.,, hut i, nrme Is now principally asxa ial ,.rj with the llmmah lock, lie was ro high authoriiv in lne In tin al aflairf, that v,Tie,i any ilifTirultv orcurted wlm h nieeliai.ic! iimcnuiiy wai likely to remove, rvvurre wa usually had to Bramah, and he w mrciy found nt a loss lor a eoiiin ance to ovem me It. "Thus, when applied to by the Bsnk of V'.nel.ind, in MC, to constriiei a machine for more accurately and exicditlouly P'Uitlrg I he run, turn ami date Inns un twtiK- not r, he at once pn cc ueu id invent mo nece- siy no i'cl, which he comple'ed In thccoitrsc ol a nn't th." And i lie same Instrument, with his own ruhsci uei t Iniprovi innnts, is still in con-tant use, savlmr much clerical labor, and insuring llio greatest accuracy and Itglhillty. llfNHV MAt-riKl.FV. 1 he meehaiilcal tarfcr of a boy are nitmlly as stiongly inatked In n Inhorn mechanic nn the Tnnsleiil 'aste Is early developed in a musician. iVacKir nun ft. But generally the former turtes are (ssier giatlfn d, and thus, while vastly more usctul, On tint aitrai t as much atti n'ion as the hitler. Tl.eie arc boys tnwhnm the blacksmith's forjc nd the mncliitie shop are lrrcistililc at tiat tiois. Often such tastes are stilled at once l v ambitious parents, and the result is thai non entity "a c.'cik" a yutiig man who, without spinal uitnuicial iinlimis, is gratied lu the trre ol ci mnicrcc , ni vcr takes to It kindly, and isivcr afirr a sapless fort ol twig. Sometimes the would I c n cclimilc is put "in a linv otliee," and once in a while is scut to "study for the CI un h." The risiilt is at the best deplorable me diccrlty. Henry Wiiudslcy, one of the niot eminont of Knglish nci hanies (win bo death is reported to us mnnng fho news lirmight by the lasi toreiva strniner), bud this mechanical ln-tle. t striki. gly ilevelopid. His faher was a ciirpenlrr, but young Wiiuils'ey hiiircll' f. much fonder of wotl.irjg in iron, and wnuld ottcn excite the atigerof the torenir o stealing iff to tin ad Ji Iring smithy, ile urged so hard for the change that v '-en fit teen years old he was trans ferred from the carpenter, to the blacksmith's si up. miufij Here br become an expert worker in metal, and wim si on ijUite noted tor lorgitig "trivets with great speed end skill, the old cxpirlenecd bf.nds sathtrir g round to iidmire him when at this work. Thty had in this shop which be- loegtd lo lite naval works of Woolwich a very ac muiodutiiig rtiprriiitt'iiiling oflierr, who would blow his no-e in a peculiar manner when apprcaching, ro thnt all lorbidden jobs and making "trivets" was one of them might be put cnt of the way by the time he entered the shop. When a boy has the innate love for his trade that Matidsley had ai d thousands of American y utbsall over the country bnveto-oav he does not rimain at the fooi of the ladder. Take a hoy there are plenty sm h who lias no particular piedik ( Mm for anything, and pulhiin at a trade, and he will always remain the mere workman. But hoys like MnUilsley, almost without know il g it , arc urgi d on to something better. At this time Bramab.tbe lockrnnker, hod great (liflnulty to Un! michunles skiltul enough to make bis locks with the neat precision lie wanted. Young Mutids'ey was suggested to him, and on bell g si nt for, the young Woolwich backsmilb rsmt to London. He was thon hut eighteen years old, strong, muscular, tall, and remarkably hand some. But both Bimnahand his foiemun thought be war too young to I e put In tbe shop wua old woikmen A worn-out vice-bench was lyingncar by, and .Mnuilshy, seeing his chances were in danger, asked permission to go right to work and Ox it up. lie UlU to, anu tne Jon was ro spicnuiuiy exe cuted that lie wur at cin e engaged, and ho bc- raDiC as much a favorite in this as in bis former shop. As before said, he wn. extremely hand- si me an Apollo among vunais;auu in. pr tonal advantages, willi bis mental activity, had their edict nn bis fellow woikmen, who tacitly acknowledged bun as their leader and superior. He rose In position ana became ioremun. in 17!7 he opened a simp of bis own, he and his wile for apiettyglrl had a little time before accepted the bund' erne Iilaikuriitliclcarlngilie uirca snopor tur uiri auu ruuuisn ieii. iu it y t former tenant. H i first customer was nn artist. who gave nn order tor tbe iron frame of a large easel; snd tnenceitrin juauusiey a snop nau plenty of woik. ills next success was tne invention oi ine Slide-rest with which his name is usually Iden tified an invt ntion, too, w blch all familiar with the use of the turning-lathe now consider indls- J linkable. Maudsicy suliteqnently be.anie a umous manufacturer of machinery; bnt even viben he en. ployed numbers of men, and found it necessary to labor more wiihthe head than the hands, be used to go often to the forge, and work enthusiastically with the sli dgu-liammcr, just from sheer love of his art. In time his shop be came, a it were, a rol.cge of liioehiuiical art, !Y m which tbe best mechanics were proud lu have gruuuated. .Veto iurk I'vit. IiarH ll hs) nil Eple I'oet. Tbe English joumals arc roasting Mr. l)ir.uli for bla rtpulilicutlon of a poem, "The Ttrvolu- tloDary Epic," wblcb be first printed in, uinl which rippcars to have wonderfully little merit. One literary journal gives the following accouut of Ibis work : "In ibe brief mndnefs of a puerile literary on tliusiasm, wlikb lie cun ulloril nnw lo look l ai k upon without shame anil wliicti is, we repent, one of the nnturul dlstmipers of youth be vented Ibis fn tn.ent of a rhapsody. It is neither poetry, nor hilosi phy, nor sense. It is a night mare on am of shadowy allegorical monslers, discoursing in feeble and placid blank verse, and ill an ioiom v. bull is not Engli b. atnuit the io iiiittl condition of Europe, In in the fad of the (oman 1 ni lie to Nutu lion's lluliun eampaigu Of 17H7. Alugros is tlie (ienius of Eetidulisin ; Lyndon Is the Otniusot Kedi iuiImii. rbefunner isuttt nded by a pair of junior spriics, called I'aitb ai.d Fealty ; the latter by a female, named Opinion, v,lni, like the six, is apt to ehauge ber mind. "They discuss, at the tribunal of Demogorgon, their lerptctive claims to rule over the earth. Ibis tnkis tip two books, ending wiih a decree that Oei.eral lli.napnrte shall set the world to rights. In ibe third book, Lyridon having visited the EiclcIi camp at Muiilenulte uud delivered a n.essi ge 10 tbe litneru, we read of the defeat of the I'iei moi. Use and Austrians, with the estab lishment of the Calpiue lti public a' Milan. Is it woilh white to spend a word ot criticism on a ui ai so nli-uidiy plunned as this ? Mr. Di-rneli his ri published it, with a dedication to Lord tSliitilcy, merely to prove tluitllic HUtlior was not, wiib, un ajiulogisl lor political a-sassi-saiiin. "Nt v rtbcless, it is shown thut he could only piove this by ultiring ceitniii passages in the pi nil us i' was oiigiiuilly published, and as bu Las chosen to no this secretly thut is tu say, rutin ut confessing it he is taken to task fur it. "It seems thut the edition of 1S !4 contained si me ixprissious. which Mr. Disraeli has now struck out, more distinctly lavonitg the doctrine of 'killing to inun ei,' limn he isiiispuacd in Ibit to avow. Instead of the sebtencc ' Hallow ed lie Ttie reilelilal s'eel that shall redeem A lialluu woe I' ballowinir the regiiulul s'eel which siranly re deems a nation's or, thut pa-enge uf the urigiuul poem ran thus : - And hli'S-ed be the hand that dan-t to wave Tlie re, It .U.ti Me,'l ilml shall re.leriu A radon sorrow w:lh a I.T'inl s lilood.' This cannot be understood of the judicial execu tion ofa criminal kn.g. There is another p issiige which Mr. Dibiaidl has bos a tu alter lu the present edition, whilst lie dicluies that his cor rcciiotis ure 'purely litcrarv,' and that tin y do not iillect Ihe evidence regarding his former ud vocacy of political ussassiiiatiun. In the original poem be kuid, w hen spi ukina of Koine, " 'Tlie bold llruliis lint propelleil tlie blow Her ow n and Anture s laws alike upl-roved.' "That was hut Mr. Disraeli said in IS'il. In 1864 Mr. litsruuli baa cliuiigod it into this still speaking of Koine : " The blow bold Brutus struck, her fute.' "And these, lie ufc.surcs us, are 'purely liti r.iry corrections.' " Ibe republication of the work arose out of a (jtii stioti put tu Mr. Disraeli iu a recent debate in l'arltauicut. Mr. HimsficM, a member of the ui iniiiisirntinii, was charged with holding to M u. itiiH's doctrine, that "lyr.innii ido is juMiliutile." T his was denied, und Mr. Di.-raeli was iiiinsulf charged with ihe utterance of such a sentiment. Thereupon be reprints the "l'.pn k" to slioiv be was lalselv iu eused is nil leaves out the very sentence on which tlie charge was justly predi cated. This is tho tliLDie of scornful comment by .English journals. SritNAMH of Smith. No naino is as common in Kiigluiiil as fsini li, setting a.iide even tbe ap pellation of those who luiuily di'guiac ancestral woitb under hmyth, bmithsin, iSiuytliv, r-millitl', and fiiioibies. lit Oeimany, too, there is not a name luoie iicr)iiein loan oi uunui, "4the J-abrl, Eat rieil, and l abtirotil ol l aiy ; 'be m J'tlHCH, or I.efcvic.-, of I rani e; and the (.owuiis, and ( owans of bcotiund are us plenum, i,in Lti rii. s. J lie ol vmus inlerein o is inui, nxn- time when siiriiamc were adoi'ti 'l, the W..ll' " iu lion we;e not uilineious but liuirca lutii,,.,, of .lt(v e,,Uil;jy liuiiotlaut m war a iu pea,-iui ' 1 ' DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH.rniltADELrniA, TIIURSDAY. Jin.Y 7, 1801. . "... " . '. '' .. i jLm 1 Dr. tJnlllatin v rimer in- mirum. i ,h. llri Viellm. I Appended to an account of the exocution of - - - i the French prisoner, La Tommcran, tho Vftrii coTcipondent of the London Timet gives the fol low Ing hlrtoty of the guillotine, claiming to cor net foimcr versions : "Of the origin and history of this famoin In strnnii tit i f j.urishnient nn eirouroti" idea gene rally pteiaiis. '1 lie oHiliir version Is, that it was Invuitiilln I1K1 by Joseph Ignatius (uil lotin, n i mmciit In ii inn, and deputy lor I'arli in the L'otstiturn' Assembly. 1 hir is not correct. An it 'in tiicnt ilinirlne Inm the gill inline oniy in its lieavv mid lUinbri lis eon-tiuetion, a rea ly i xtsied m Italy. It was known In (ien'Ht by tho M me el n.n.ii, and It was bv the mnn';t llnit Beairtce ( efci I was In hi ailed lit Koine m lit '). 'I he 'maiden,' nn Instrument tint unlike the guillotine, was lung known In Scotland. Bnd it was tinploycd on the Kegent Morton, who ih laid lo time mm din ed it. It was used, also, in lliilllnx, Yorkshire, 111 the reign of Klirnhvlh. 'ihe Imkc of Mon'im.reney was beheaded al Ti uli tise, in V'A'Z, with the nmnunia. "All ti nt lir. (iuillotiti, who was n man well known for hir hiimiinitv, had U dowlth iheimu ter, was neiatliig the driiiicht of a law initio ( rstitncnt Arsrmbly, in MVJ, o the effect that the mode of inllii tiLg dt nth on criminal, should he the rnmc for nil alike, without any ditinction of nobles or plebeians ; in fait, thnt it should be linilorm. Before the revolution of I7H9 the in (qnalitv that existed during life was maintained in ileaih ; the noble was In headed, the nlinin liin g In m Ihe gal nws. But the lnciiualitv wae a tillin g grievam-e In conn ai ison with the cruelty whlib aieoinpunied the execution. 'I here was the stake and incgot lor tho-e convii-tcd of sacri li lie oi hcrr sv ; the t at ii g ot limb from limb by hoi'isfor regie Hie; the bieni ing on the wnei", wilh tl.e uddiiionul retini meiits of barbap ; ior , tiimc of oilier desi riptu ns. "The bill l r pored oy Ouillofin ' voted, and the Assemble enaetcd on il.v 'JI- J.intiary, I7' , Ihnt 'in all cnsi r where the law pronounced tne p. lia ty ot death the piitiishii enl should ha the same, wlintcer n if: lit be ihe nature of the crime ;' in d.nioieovcr, 'ihut the cuinlnul should be lic lnaikd by mesne of a sin pie mnehino.' Tho mine Assiinbly also introduced in tho Penal Cede (October, 17!il)this clause : 'The penalty of ilriitli s hull tot sist iu the simple taking away of life, without the aciomcuiiiment of any sort whatever of torture; and the convict so con- ci umcd slinll be beheaded, ihe cluubc stands the si me at the present day. "liuiipltnticn being thus declared the only Itftul moce of inf ielmg ilentb, the next st p was to invent the simplest mechanism and the least painful ior the turprise. Tho (,'ommiibe of Legislation diieeted Br. Louis, who was then jeri ctual Htrrttnrt of the Academy of Kurgery, to drew up a n pint on the best ninde of decapi tation to lie h plied to eriminuls. Tbe report was pnsi nil d lo the committee on the 7th of March, 17M,and on the Votli of the same month the Assiinbly pa-sd a law, which was rnnc tiot.ed on the l!oth by the King, dee-luring thnt the piniilty of dt-iil h should be can led out in the manner tei on mended In the Report of the Per petual Secretary f tbe Academy of fcurgery. " In this paper Dr. Louisdid no more thau Fug gestthe plan on which the instrument should he constructed ; but he wus enjoined to get one con struct' d according to his plan. A German Iinnn d Sehinitl, it maker of harpsichords, was rn.plnjed for the purpose, and on tho lltth of April, ni'2, Do Louis informed Koliiud, then WlnisiiT of the li tcih r, that experiments had In en made with iS tin. itt's In-triimenl at tli'J Bu elrc on three dead bi dies, and that the beads were eul ell with such pred-lon, that he was as toi -it tie d nt the strength and celt rity of its action.' "It wua at once, introduced, and the 'experi ments' niudc with it soon after the date ot the lutter, and for a long time aitcrwardr, were net ol ihe haimless nature of those at the Bicotro. In the m nioirs of Sanson, the famous headsman, reeintly published, a lull account is given of the instrument. Ihe tirst execution for which it was uted war that of a highway robber, which tcok place ou the Wth of May, and the tirst poli tical exf cation wus that of Coilenot d'Aiiglemout, on the 21et of August lollowing. "The machine was at tirst popularly known by the name of Louison, or Louisette, from the iu vt ntoi's l.ame. liy some uuaecouiitiible change ol public i pinion, or caprice, It soon got the name ot guil otii e, which It keeps to this day, and will .nohnblj do so as long ns it is in use, though Br. Guilh tin hud i othlng whatever to do with its In tention or construction, mid hail merely pro positi the measure of uniformity In the mode of exeiution. There is another error nlso very generally spread, thnt Guillotin himself died on Ihe sealluld I'ui ii g the revolution by the instru ment ot which the invention was falsely attri buted to him. Dr. Gul.lotin long survived the revolution, and died quietly iu his bed iu lol l. A Konanii Alnintinv. Onllgnanl has an nc. ount of a rocent discovery n Europe. It is aa follows : A Kcuinn Almanac bas just been found in an rxcavutinii near tbe Gate ol I-i- at rompeii. It is a niniiri bloi kof white niurlile,on vaeh side of wli it'll are inscriptions relative to three months of tbe jear, airut geil in perpendieuUr columns. At the beau of taeh isn piesenied the s'gn of the Zodiac, to which tbe mouth responds. Tne ulma nuc eouiaius sume curious lulormutiou on tbu ncrici liuie nr.n r ligion of the H miiuis. At the ti p of each column, and under the sign oftlie .oilhic, is the iiiiini' of the inonrb anil tho number of Unjn; next conio the nones, which during eight nniniliK nf the yesr full on the liitli dity,and are consequently called quintantr; fur tbe remainder of the year they commence on tne seventh duy, and areeitllvd uptimaiw. The ides are not indicted, betau-e there U always neven days between ibt iu utid the nones. The number of hours of tbe day and night is a'so marked, the wlmlu numbers being reprc- s med l y the ordinary Human ngure, tne irac , all , for enll uml i,y MImll i,0riiiintal lines lor ibe quaiurs. Limily, the sign ot the ooinc in wbhb tlie tun appeurs in ul-o named; tlie days of ihe 1-iiiiiuoxi s and of the Summer solid ice are ulso given. Fur the Winter solstice there ure Ihe woids lurmtt milium (beginning of tbe winter). Next comes the chapter of agri cultnre, in which tanners arc reminded of the principal operations that ought to be cairiedon durii g the ii.onth. T he almanac teiminates by the religious part; It poiuts out tbe god who picbides over each month; gives a list of the religious Wes which fall (luring the lapse of lime, and warns the farmer t ot to neglect tbe woislnp of those pro tt iriiiig div.l ilii s of bis lul ois, if be wishes to liave ihem pro-pcr. On the upper part of tho block of marble is Apollo, driving the chariot of ti c Still, Iind on tho under part Ceres re ipiug corn in Ibe field, which shows thut this nlmauac was more patlietiliiily intended for farmers. It bas been sent to Nuples. The Wooden Spiiou t Vale. The correspondent of tbe New York Tribune thus describes the modem "wooden spoon" of Yale College, and its signification : " The Junior, uuni g the last term ot the College Year, select from their number nine gentl. men distin guished liout tim e ijUiihttes most, approved in the social ciicle. These mue, called tbe tV'ojden K oi'ii Committee' by thosa who are iiidi-po-td to lom unee the lonu I-utin iii, ' Cuch lcunri uli, w bich, liowtvei , is usually abbreviated to 'Coel.s' are mil uu d by the 'Cuebs' of tho prieedii g Junior ( loss into a secret society com- j posed ot uli the Spoon men of all years. The i 1 Insi; lie Coclili aim a oi uni,' lb- ir cuat of arm s, is un mousing pine ot mieehiet. "A liuatti led shield lorniH the centre-piece, ' biurii g in one ei i ncr 'two spnnes' eroscd ; in ai, ot ber a pun of ten its, wUi re tlie ligure ut a man item I .lit sb one of ihe l'lieiilty kicks the beam outweighed by the '.Spoon.' Ihe sc.. lea are ' limikid '.Icm- 7'iXW l'),harin.' llclo, a third , ll u it il shows u born, at the 'little end' uf appeals an ni.lucl, v lolh (.i , n . The fourth pre sents the l'hi lieia Kappa Society budge re versed, and across the whole runs diagonally a mo'.to, 'Si'ier Siitiitrum l.uijenius' 'We grieve over tbe b It.' Over tbe fcbii Id Is a coat of mail, with a spoon thru.'t between the viaor bars, uud u hand gra-ping the spoon ubuve. "Under die shield is u iinitto, wreathed about still another spoon, 'i llor Sujno l iiu es.' The nine ugice an. org themselves, guided by tlie. .ei iriiliy nnderKiood setitiiiu lit ul the class u tu whom Ihey shall select us 'Spoon man;' tho must popular of the Coiiiinilue who uiu tho most 1 ovular men of the class being chotcu nlwms now. On Ibe Monday evening preceding l'ri Miitiil.on Dsy, the Committee give a prome nade ei nei it. 'J hu Sioon is presented w ith iip pri I'rinle ceri monies und a luock exhibiliuti takes p!uce ut tbu same tune." We clip from an exchange the following sllei ting incident . '1 wo ttlieers, wounded in the battle of the ilUth biloie i'eiei. lmi o, y,UK. .r;,itm home last Erid.iy lv the Eiie route. When the train neared (j'wigti a wi ll-diessed lady, in ci.mpauicd by a chnd iind a ft nt!( inun, cnteied the car and took scuts in fli nt of theiii. Ah Ihe olliei is talked our the n ti lit cngagt mvi-t ut retershurg, iu loimiiig eaeh other of vai ious in iuuintiiiii is who l.nd lulhn, one remarked, there wai ('apt. tin AN uiwiik, of the lull h Mew York, as brave a fel low us or lived; be was shot through the hen I rr(! instantly killed." The lady iinnudiately spuing fiom her seat, snd throwin- up ln-r hands, exeiiiiiiii'l, "(h ! don't my that, he was my bns !" and tin n burst into uu agony of tears. 'J I is was the lirst intelligence she had received i I hir lu-liuiiu's ih nth. The child with lur was lis dmhttr und the gen:leiuaii bis biob.r. '1 heie wire vuv lew diy ivi s iu th-il cat during UiV J V&t plUit'JtUiue lu iiUiiid. f'OUrOl'5.Ti -nu iim.i u min lunllivr.ll. I .u . - -i ' firr.itosti!, lti grrat ItmHaii lslnrstic, fares aU Heana of lli artnarv nrrant, rh as lrv- eillnem of ih t'rlna. In flamiiikism nf Ilia hlaritler, iMitsmnsatlmi of tn Ridnevt, Hloiss In Hie lllsaar, Rlrle tiir. OrMva, M-t. tloTKf rti'ia. sn,l In p.i.MilftUy re ( ulnsi t Il In th'is c"en ol 'ii'-r aimi (i-r l'i'r In frniaksl where l tla orl iiiiii.-riut niaitlilsei haa tailed. KM MM MM MM WM MM Mm mm MM MM M H M M MM MM MM MM M M MM .11 MM MM MM MM M M M M MM MM MM MM MM MMMM MMMM MMMM MMMM MMMJ4 tt U firsrssfil In s Mhty a.nefntro d fn'ra, lite d-io Olilv l. in lr"in i-ia- lolwo fcaNiHoillull tluee Usaei ier da . It l (Unfile and alseraltva In .'s a. Il"il ; mrl ylns snl r)-aii-liis' ih' til" t, e-oipmt! It In tlnw In .-ill ol In arlgiunl purity and vliior; linn r1 Inoviiii, loan lli ritfin all trmloioiiH r.aniM'twtuohliave jdui-d SIseaAC. fff fl" ' ft I 111' fJ to it: " if rr. ,( f'(J f (ivi'iO CfOft r II k it o k r. F 1N.IV.C- 1 1"N Is InO nit,-4i as an ully ara-asvlsnt t. is I'llKlin-KI-.S. Kl.MKUl - snd ulioiilii r- iim H In rciiluiciKin Willi th m n ulna in alienator l..miirli" u. I.letl, Snii.r Allies or Wlit.s. Itratrsni air h'rl)iig, s-'ithniK, nun! ilnieiWt-lll ; rsn"vlli aft nililm lirai, fieri), , rail ra n Ipivit-Mil ot ti e naming anil sIitiom uni ndnran e pn in flat Ik sxn-ranisd with iimrly all tli. cueap qaaeli lltji lllvlis. mi nn ii it mi i ii mi IIH till ni'iiitniiiiiuiii HKF.I-.rW.KF.R hi', r K VKF.F K.KI'.B .r. il'. t KKFRf- T.Y.V. l.Kt.s.EKl.l.K Tlv ttis ns of ttirrriF'.lto. KI.K Iis.MKIiV a-d CIIH IOIKKI. I VIKCTItlN lis two nieillrlh'" at Hie Bame time all Improper di rharusK are n'MinMul, a id tlio WeaK. lied otfina'P SSeoil II y ra-l4uad u, fuU vl(i,r and siraoirih. For lull par'k'itnrn irai oar Snniptili'lt IV nn any droK rtre In the (-.oiintry, or h rlta vi. and wa will miUfieulo any addreai a full Ut'iiUsa. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitii ii i-i it it mi nn mi mi BU hu TrfcfOUKIIK KF UKMK I'Y, ! pt l)oui, or iiju boil lea for $'. Prlr. niKlCKFE IV JF.rTMiN.M r t'uUH-, or Uirbu bolU for I' Pnt ty fTinrii to any ad fa on im tit of pTi . Hold hy aUilruKKltiUevtrj'- nruMiiM M J)I I.J) JiD M IU) Dli Tl) 1I 111) JHiIlf .THiMhl) , CTIKKOKKF. fTRF.1 An uiilaliiiiK cure lur 'vpor Wmtoiriipii. Mniiiil Wtafc hoctiiniitl fcnimmi, and all nltcaat'S faiiHRd try H-H-olhiilnn; Hin'li ai l.ota of Mttnnrv, (inrvpfsml L-a-ti-tiide, Halhfln trie Hack, Ilm ticna of VUlon, Pri-maturo OUI Anc Wiiu Ncrvoa. lilf flriilt v of Hn-atlilriK. Tnml UnK, WfthofiiiniN,tarii(itt(H on the Fare I'ale ( oiin'a nanc, InianMy, ('nmnmi t!n am) all th direful com plaint" caufd hy dipartiu) FKFFFF.f.KVB Khk.fc-KKl.Fi; FK FK 1 FEF. FKKKU FK K V KFFFFFF.L F tKKl.KLKI'.Kt: tfom uie paw oi uaiura. Th Tnt-fit. Inn ts a flmplfl vrtc'fll'le extract, and utin on wlnfh ai fn ri,M' It haa Ixi'ii iiaid In our priic tl( lr maDy vviim, and with tlioiinnt a tr-aud, it haw not failed In a tivvW IniaiKC. Ita ;nrnt(vH iiwe have tu'en fttiiiuii'M to frain vic tory over ihumuBt aiuUiorrt can1. T thoaa who bav trlflivl willi lhir (oititutlnn, un til tiny think ilietuM'Jvia tif vonil titfl rrach uf inedu ul nid, we would aav. (K HI AIK NDI 1 Uif OiiFKO KKK i!ltFi will rent ore you to 1 ralth and vtuor, iibd altt r all (.uuca. doiWra hav fa.kd. rttt tut lilt llll lilt llll llll llll llll llll tin Tor Ail) particular, set a Ctrvular mm any llruif Sitom in tlie ronntry, or vvr-lte ttie I'roprietom, who will mall frve, to any one de siring the sain', a lull trea tin' in pauintucl turni. I'rlcos, -i par bottla. or thri'v iNtiilaa fur V, and for warded ttr fcxpran to all parts of the world. Hold liy all reMpflctablo drugg-lsis verjrwbi-ra. IlKRItnitltTlR KHKI'.lUtUHR KHU MKK KlOt HI.K KKK FKrt liliKHUKRIt R Khlt KUit IthH It UK hi-H ItllR KKK KKU im. WFioiirs KWrVENATIKU tl.l.XlUl KflHEVCE OF 1IFF! rrfpartd from l'ure Veiia- tabia Kitracifi, oontalning Dotlilna Iniurioui t ili moat del k-ate. The Kt-tuvviiatlnir Kllnlr In the ri'tult of modern dlH-rovi-rlVH In ttie vftahle kintydoru; being an entirely iitiW and almtrm-t nicU.od of c ure, trrur-pt'ttive of all tba old and worn-out syauuia. rtvcccc (J vc t oc CO ci"crvi:u t'COUC This medicine has been tested by tlie meet eminent medical men of the duy, and liy them pronounced to lie one ol die ureatvt medical discoveries of tne aire. One bolUe wlllcure General Ileblhty. A fesr bottles cure Hys terica In rVmaJel. One borne euros Palf Ha lloa of the Heart. A few dosea restore the eryans of nc ration. Frora one lo three bottles oooo oooooo ooo ooo UUO ooo OOO ooo OHO IMIU ooo ooo (MK ll(K) 000 OOO oooooo oooo restore the maiilmesa and lull vlaer of youth. A few doses restore the appeUte. Three bottles cure the Worst ease of Imp. del cy. A few doees cure the mjW lipiriivd. out bottle restores menial power. A tew doses bruit' the rose to the cheek This medicine restores to manly vltor and robust heailli Ihe pour, debilitated, wom-duwn, and despulrlnir devotee of schsuaI pleasure. till Jill llll llll llll llll llll I 111 llll llll The listless, enervated youth, the over-tasked man of business, the vlcllm ef nervous depression, tbe In- KK KK hK Ki4 KK Kit. KK KK KK KK drvidual Muttering trom gene ral aeliUily, or I'roui weak nesi ol a slnele urKAn.will aU llnd immediate itud por- luaaenl rvllcf try the use of tills KUxir or seuce of KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK Life. Price, ti per botlle, or Uir-e bottlei for $.', and for warded bv exnreis. on re oeipi of money, to any ad- ares'. Hold by aU irutgUti every where. rilKKOKF.F. PIT.I.KI r-l'UAK CHATKH FEMA1.K KKIill.ATOK, III SI III PHKnKKVUI. ( F.lll AIM AMI SAI For ihe Keinuval of ub striielioua, and the Insur ance of KtTularltv is Ihe Iteciim nee of the Monthly Periods. They cure orohvlnte those numerous dlsc'iieft iliat Spriim Irom Irrcttiihirlly. by n iiiovlng die liiemitoruy U- X'N K N N N J.M NS NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN i NN N NN N NN They care Bupprossefl( Kxesslve, and t'ainlul Aleu truation. They cure Ureeo Sickness KF.I KFKK.IH5 S.IKtKF.Kt.r.1. l.r. .K r.l'.KF.R Kl.t.l'.kt n: t.K Kt-l FKEFI t l: AX (C'.lilorosisl. They cure Nervons and Rtilual Ailecllons. ouins 111 the b.vek and lower imrie of the body, lleavln"SH,l-'a'isue on slullil e.eri.ju, raipi taljini of tho lUart, lrw- i,ss of Upuita, Itvairria Ku k II. ai'm ne. Uid.llness Ac. Ae. In a woid. byre moving ihe Irreifuluritv, they remove Ihe c oise and Willi It all the ellcoti that eiirliis irom lb ('"lupoeed of simple veire- l.ll le tVlluriv. tliev C. main IiOll.lig deulerloo- lo nor coii-nt itli'ii. li"Sivr deli cate, their liil'cnon h i n; to siibsliliilt' htrea.'iii lor v '-ak-liess, w lili'll, when properly us il, lln v never 'a l to do. 'I in v ui ''e saleiy ui.1 dat un y h:.c, ubd a' Hit, jii-nml, I l 1 I'T I 'I III Ml TUB 1 ilisi' 'I lllll-K MOVI IIM, dining winch tie imtnlliliif imtnrc of llieu A'-'loii would , Ilibly I'ltl.Vh.M' preg K.KKRF.KKKF.E y Ki.r.Ktoi.i.11 IK r.f. t.t-.v.r.K 1 1 Ki.e; KK KK F.IVi'FI'F.I'KKB tXtKKKKEKK nancy. All lelten seeking trfor- mniion or a.ivicu will lie pioiol'il.) aVceiy.alid diaereot ly ftliHMi i, ,1. I nil directions ai ciiiipaiiy ea ii h.... Price SI per box, or six bo.vef, tor f Hem Lv mail, free of Si". "ll icceipt ol price. siolil by all r'SU':lati!e I)ru-,isia. VrF.KKl'F.I FF. KakC.KU'XLIa KK KB I l.l VP. I U.LK I K I Kl FPt Fl FF, l.l.l hia.l- l.l.K To rilMlOKF.F. MI III CISK8 ure. old by allenur-pri-ii it ilrllijii'ti In Ihe ci l 11eil world. Home unprin cipled dealer, hoviev. r. try In tell HulthicM collipnuilil. III place ol Huso II" ae Which Ihey can set at (a I in. ip pilce.D.Tl muse inoiu liionev l.y seiUiill llinii llo y can on Ii e I llfcltiihhK Alt till INKS). As you value. J.n.r hoiiah the beiiilli ot v..ur oll-prie.'-do n.d lie Oe.'. lied b -llCh llllprlll ci.led ilntis'iaa. Ak lor II,. I'll Kid IK IF. Ml I U- SH-i KSM.lftst Rss BU h.i-1 D.H srtt M3 B bSS h't MIS H.-l SSS sjNtasss N.SMS) CKSFK. i d tuke no oilier. Ii ihi liructwls ill not I.ny them for you, send to us, v.e will sei.d Iheiu to yon by Kxpres.. Hie US should Mine Uinn ' ooo ., .... . i.t.r. Iii rcirarii to their eaes. We treat aU di.oasos I Ullie ill iiif. line nou , " re.irii to tlieir Fairs. We treat all diseasus ml nre In n.s'e or female, aciiiletntn can a.l.lre.s ui In perlect conn will III all esse, n-alillly and neely answor ui . rhroiiic nut ure in na e or l.-noile. l.udit s A .1 u .... - .! -,.o Llve our Hiivl. e at each . ' . ........ t . a.uf.., I not ll.'Nilile b 01 their Inability to as. W. have irea'cd sucjc.sfuily C.n. 1,1 m 111 UU poll oi 7,1 I'.ii. III. a.l.lie.sliis in wdi 1'i. aso erne f inlv. Blale. u' name ol willor, J.laiu rut Of.1t, , ami iucluao LoluLe sllllill" tor re ly. ... I,..,- w. ki nd lo any ad.ire.i nur 91 pas pamphlet fma. Audicss nil 1. It en uinl "i 'I'' " to jju. W. it- ii:iiin '"-. Nl.W VOUrT. ttirVrrefylvsi"a.TVOTI CO., M- s srf - " OFFICi No. CJ5 FUONT HTUKKT, are prepared K Oil oMori to ftnjF tnt M vst wtll- MACniKERY FOR COTTOK AND WOOLKN MIU,. trirli dirr nil TrT lmpirvTnftii In OftTdliiff, BpinnlnR. Ur ,u.iith MtenUonof wift.(urrt to our cxt "jIimJ11 AI.KHKn JKNKH ft RON. 11T NN RTF. A M KNOINK ANT) WMIF.R .r.s-NKAMEAl F V V . VtnctU mi nnd Thwrrllfftl J- - lu-tl r--. iiHMTin. ir m.iny wr n In ti-Tt.fiilntrTa-ll ii Mild U n t'iilVfl iv(trl In hnllrt'tjif m1 ri'iilr h,6 Mmhir ami HUrr l.ip itp. hWU mtlw pr-mr. I rotl iw U-nt. WatT lar.-, I'ioi ailam, Ac. .. rM'Ct-niiy t-l't r ll.t Ir t-l Ii if to II" Jiiililir a 'mn miiv rt i rnnirnct x Litc f .vl flu Marin-, Kh'T. aii'l tA-li-niii ; linvii'K rtp ot atf-riiR of fiii-crMii tf . nrr- ( r V prrr.'td ' Utr n firri itli iplIrR rtf-rat Ii. K.vrry iirii(iin of"MB ntml at tin- wlionft n tic. Ii am) It-w (ir iiif -'hif,Tiil.iilr,aiil('i Itmlcr i'HHri. ot llif lirnt l'-tii)p )vp nA rliiuciuil iron. Ytr lnift, nf all M7'n ai d ItfiMfti Irnti and J-rn-n 4'flaiinv of all itcarrlp tVi.i fi , Hi'lt ttinilntf. M'h w rutiliiK.aiid atioUitur work ton n t ld Mli (I t atMivc lutiifh, I'rnwH kt ano ntcrltti-aiioriii fnr all wnrfc Anna at Uila tob lf ihom frrr nf '.iBrtfr atirt work rimraTitrcd. The ai'hocrll.t r hav iiiiplr wh'f drk room ft-r ra patr of I'oniit, wlu-ra lln-vrmi llf In piTftt naJet,antl nr moviilvNl tih Rhenri, liitika, falls, Ac, Ac, fur railng Le.v, .l,dUllhtwe.1)(..U. nron n JOHN LKV , a3 if IfKAMI w.d TAltt-ll Htrerd. )FMOVAli. THOMAS M. rLOWMAN, Ji ;a-pt nut mid Ht lidttr, ha n'inoxed hia hp trom V Htianherr ati- to Wi A Y T KK Htrtv-t. ad jnhiliiu ti old l'M OtT".cf Itulidlnic. Kavinir inrrand fn llilira fs.r carrvd ft on tho Imnti.f a iUntviiy, be Ui-ol to rrratf a ohar- of puhtic ratrtiiata. taT VkCKET H1SFASES! KKCHET D18EASKS! 0 HA MA II I IAN Si iIS I ! (AMAIIH AS K III t I' ! Tits. Must Ti iitain JiM.K t'sm. Yfi. a s ' IHvr run- f'T UiiMlhlMlir.A. III.F.KT. KIKICTt HKM. i', t'nniain" nr' Mlniriil. i o UaUain. no Mrrcury. flril l M r'H" in t"' UKf-n to I'Crct a run,. (' nt lii irom iv.o to lnor diiys.aiid r-' ent (Ssn In 'tvn'iit -fmii liniim.' I'ni'ar.d bv a or it, a 1 nlvrrsltv of I'drn-y vkiiih. ono ol llin most eiiiliH-nt ilin lori nnd rtu'lnlbls of 'I ! i Ilt (liy. V, I M-ct-l III . Ml T'liriTi:, VII l'II.VUK WII4TKVKH. 1 st tli. ae vvlio liavi' ilsKpnln-d of pstlltiw run d. ir who hnvr In-, it sursd with llalaain Cupaiva.or Mercury, al unotiyttiv flAMMln.AV(,0,rT. Rrnt hy mall in a plain i'nve'oia l ili f . mult iHi-kaKiis, i. Fi nials, f.l. iii.nox i 111.0(11111 ni.oont! 1IMKID! ! !! SCK'iU'I.A, fl.CF.IIS. HOKK. UPdTS, TKT1KHH, M'tl.F.H. HllII.H, BM HII.tS OK VF.NKIIKAt. IUHKARKN, Ac., Ac. BAM AHI TAN SJ ItOflT AMI IttRIl .It'll F.M Ii nferi d It e pulillc a a ir,lilv-t- rnrr. Bvrnn.t-i it fncuku, iilsF.tsKit, iiiphama- BI'IANS) mill ANlr IIKllllJfK K, Is thr moat imrnl, i-Ttiiiu,a' d ailictual n-iuei'y svfr pranerlbeo ; it rt-ar-hva sad 4-ruii cnti'S evTV path 1c of't.e vcn-ri'Hl poison so trattlir riire la thoroiu-h and permansnl. laketl.rnof tli - a purilyli it ifni'-dj and be h aied. iind do not traimmlt to your pohiinty ll. at ior which joli niay repent In after ,V""' IKI HOT IiFHPAMt! Atttintiiili von niAV lie prononneed lncura'de, the R tM A ItlTANH linirl snd 111 ItllJIIlKS will remnva ery vesllie l luiiiirlile fn io the system, an well aa all ihe pad trVetth ut Mercury. FFMAI.IS! FF.MAt.K.S! In many Mlleet'ona with vll'h nitniU-rs ol l-'ernsles sutler, the III OT AM' IIK.Itll .ICK'KH tn-nt hanplly ailspled, III I'eelnlrd t.tirtis, III l.l ucorrh,en. In b'urilis down. Kul lot ol Die Womb, liebillty.aud lur all compialuui Ini'iilent lo Hu- sex. Beul by -xprris l'rlee tl a hnttli', nr r, bolrloa for SA.MAKI I ANH WANII Is, In eaues of R Jill Ills, used til eonlire'lon with the Root ..! Mori, .tnli-.M. S nit olriTlton. I'riee "6 oeiit. 1 he fll' ttrv ot tl e e remeilles is anse ii Bniiwi'i'ii'rii ny pliyhlrluliH and pall'-nts. 'I hey sre nseil m lh llnltei. Sltn'es llosl-1 als, IDllff retiming lieaim w muny oi our brave solinei s. I rum il,. lldlilmorp "snti :- Vvll.v.1 1 UK HI ItOKiiNR SAT OF TUB HAMAIHTAN'H ItKMKIUFH : "Fokt HriseiTAi . Fuar Min-Hii.1,1 Halilinore. Mil . I eh. M. si;. ( "1 have ireut itatlsfa'tion in s afnir ihtit I irnve used The tiimaiittin Hemeilirit' for Venereal lilneane In lie most cufetoUDury forms ; ihut I have n-ed them wlrh lU'tir ment, dlMTttx n, and properly, and have found them respond to my antlcfpHlionf promptly and ejtertualiy. Know imj II elr comlioslitoH, I have the fullest contlilance in II. elr t trieary, and as I r ai my use of the m eateads, 1 recviXuiaend tl.vui sirooiily. "Ai.rnr.iP i.. n rv r.rv-v, "Aaalstant-anrKeon fall New York Vols." 1 st It he understood ihnt these remedies am as rec m- menUe.i, end win positively cure the diseases lor wtiljti llo y me olleied. olu ny 1 1 M . Mo. . KHill I'll direct. liKtM)li h o , JyS-tathsttm No. S16 HACK litrect. RAILROAD LINES. CAMDEN AND ATLAN TIC HAU.KOAIl. Hl'MWI'll AIIUANIiK.VF.NT. 1SG4. TI1UOI till IN TWO HOI Itai!! Fnnr Iraltia dallv tn AllanLIC (.'11V. On arl alter MONUaV, July t, Iraius leave Viuestrect ferry as follows : Jlall,7 10 A. M. Fn-ight. with paisenrer ear arteehsd. M IS A. M F;xpre.i (Ihrousti In'i hours) '2 0 P. M. Allanilc Accommodation. 4'lft P. If Juiiclh.n Ai-rdniinv,iall"n,o'al P. M. KKTI'KNINI. l.F.AVFH ATLANTIC, Accommodation t Atlantic) it'4 A. 11. Fxpiess, 7-i'ri A. M. Fn Isht.ll'.'.OA.M. ilail,4 ls P. M. .Intw-tn T, Ai-i-i.iomndatlon. 6-W A. M. S nrr lo Allun lc. t ' lsl. Hound T rln Tickets (aoodonly for tlie day and train on which tbev are lasiifdl s-i uu. r.AlKA rlAliirurisr ir.i.u inairvn, leave Vine an ret lU'lA A SI. and I ' I' M. Leave lladdonfleld l't(. P. M. and 14 V. M. ON Sl'MlAYH. Mail t'Sin for" leuvea Vine street ' 30 A. at. Leaves Atluntic VIS P. M. h-mi.ll' JOIIS U. 11HYANT, ARsnr. I'hebar which wan made last year has entirelv dUan- peered, leavuiu the beach on ot tlio most dtlltftitlul on the const. WKST JF.11SE7 IIMI.ROAD I.INKW. CimineiicinuilOMIAl June au, looi, uom WAl-IvtT 1 rlireel wniirl. FOIt ( At'K ItAV. At 6 and lu A. U . and al 4'30 P. V. Tn, Half m a.ol llri tlL'i-li.n . HHA. M. and 4 P. lrt. For Olas'horo, am, , and le A, M., and 4 and t'KOO.M For Woodbury, Olouceeier, Ac., at II aad u A. M., Vi M. snd 4 and 6 P. M. ltFTl'RNINO TRAINS LFAVE Cape Maya' (and 111'. A. M.and Mil P. M. M'Hvil e a' 7 4i A. M., and I "-' and ti'UI P. At. SaleinalUA M and 11'. P It iiri.i..M,on ai r. i.'t a. v.. i:io v M. lla.Klvro al 7111 and M'aA A.M. I'M.M and 7'AS P. M V iaiiihury at 1,7 40 auda W A. At., audi W,il U, b U6aud eui'.M. TIIK TA'FST JKRSF.V K.XPRKSt COMPANY. Orhci No h W Al.NI'T Htreet, sill call lor and deliver Itairuaue. and atleud to all Ihe u'sai brauchssia huprei tusiei-as. Jftaty Arliclrs taken by A. M. Iiue only aod n.iiHt be sent to the otllce li e eveniiis previous. perishable ardelea by llila line mast be sent before o.v. A.M. A spteii.l lueaaenuer Sceompa- lel each trarn. niyl J. VAN KKSrt.SKLAEtl, Huiuiriuieudent. NORTH PKNNSYLVANIA R A I L K ft A 1 tor HBi'-iLKHKi HO Li"MW N. EASTUN. MAi i ll ("IIUMt. nMLii TOU, WILKt BAitltK, WIIXtAVHi'OBT. Hi MMUt AKKANOKMKN T. Ahlll I ION Al, THAI Nrt. On and tifler MONDAY, June la, rienfrr Tralm will Jt-'uve itit nt vv iifif t, 1 (.licit Hiri't, aiiov.i 1 nnnip. (n mtv ft, l-hllnUtli'liift, Uuily (MMJ.a u.uuu-u 7 A. M, (Kxitreis) fnr Bethlehem, AUontown, Mnach Chunk. Yk iit f hi arre, wniiHiusiitin. !.' A At. f Aor.nnniod'it or-) ior novl'ntwn lu -I.'. A W ( Auouimodaiiou) for Kort Wniniiigiuo. S 1. M. f ACi'tilliUluilHiHili) h i tPuvk stoWII. Il-i J' l (Fsp-f-) UT h. irJ. hem, Ktnton, Ae. 4i:. P. M.t hi nil. inrliovteiUiwn . 1'-1 M ( At nuiinu'iiatli'ii) t"f B(-Uilt htn, AUeutown, at d Hlmi n ('linnli. 6-1- r. M . ( At cmr mrrtatton) fir I anMtal. 11 1'.M. (a-- mm' "la1 ton) lur Cort Wnr.l.!nKtn. 'I It A I N M Hilt riULADKLI'ttl A leaveB. thki,'m atb'.'f-A M.-J) A. M.,mi(1(l 07 P.M ul. pi nt ti -to A. P. M-.and 7 I'. M J.niiMlsiU- nt ii A- Al. ion UHhui:tuii at ll A. M. ai4 2 P. M. ON Hl!MA M. rtnlailelphla fnrlU'thU-tx in ti ''A M. l'hi'ntlt-i.fiit for lo If-town Ht :i I. M. Io, It hH.wn ti r ltiiail'lilnu i 7 W A. al. Hi ii.itV e ni It I'IiiUiN tl'.iin at 4 H, M. II illiiiaiii h Hiikrritt Kx'Tfiti will mil f'-r anl Jt-llvr li.k'iirT at tiiu Ulot. OlUm uj tt lttt at no 1 i il 1 nihil Nir.t-t. ifU 1.1. 1. in U.A.I.1, ARC HI. SHIPPING. STKAM WI'.KKl.Y TO I.1VKR pool, ion- him.' Ht i.'iieensl.iwii, i 'ark lUrl ll-l lliavn stesmers of tile I.Uel'l I, New Yors. ml. I l'hihidelplila btuiiiushiy Cumpuuy aru lulcndud to sad as Ioiiowh I 11 Y OF LONOOV. Baturdsy, . Tilly "th, TI Y UF I'.AI.TIMUIIK. Ntitur.iuy, June Ifitli. K.TN A . Killuriliiv, .Inly '.eiil. An. I evi rv succucdiiiK Saturday, at n.iou,from PlorNu.4t oi-ili Itivcr. It ATF.S OF PASSAl'.K. psvahte In (lold, or lie i-ipilvaleui In t'urrency : 1 lri.1 l uhill -ll'll Meer.lte tV.OD 1 Irrdt nbin to London h.'. lm hteenue to Kondull ... ill .hi First Cnhlll to I'm in ... !l..'. 0 Stei'roue I i Puns 4" ISI lihH'i.bin lo Itumhiirir '.HI-I'lJ M. er.' le lo lliiuihuri,' .. H7'UU I'li-heiuerii aiealnolorv, ai ded lo 11. re, liiefuc-u, KulUir dntn. Antaerp, Ac., al equally low rules. I- Miia lioin l.ii rrpool or lueeii.tow n : First Cabin, $7 t' . f H'.'i. Hlcerime irom l.ivei I and yucenntowii, $ i.r,. 'lliiiseslosidi tu nod fortl.oir trieiids call buy tlueu aeie .1 these raies. k or luilbcr lulormatlon applv at the Company's offices. JOHN O. II.VI.K, Alien', Ko.lll WAI..NU1 htreet, 1'liila.lclplda. Ws,er HOSTON AND rilll.AttKUMIIA. tit ii K I. ip Line, KRltltitf irom 'irh pnrt on Lli AVS. Imiu llr-t What! itbovo I'l N K Nlret't. J'luiuti li'luii, Hii Whari, liufit' ii. I roiu ilrst vthaif ilii 1'1 1 Mit ct, uu NitUirtittv, .lulv '2, lv.. Tin1 M -tuimtiUi iViU.M AN, liuki-r.wili ai Din V1i'la.iM I'hiii it-r IW)toii, on S.itiinUiv. ,lti!y iuli, ut 10 A. Al , r.iil the hit Hin.ii HA 0N, Mrtllliowi,, iioiu lioKtuu lur I'l l!itCfSi)iiu, no tunic duv , Ul i 1'. M. Tln'i-c iirw and sulxtittiitial Hi.'iiiiith'pf form a reinilar liiu', nitilii'u In in cut 1 1 it ijuiH'iu.tlly nn S iiurduyn. lnr-uiHi.i t a titwt ud Mt uu ImU Uiu viemiuui uiiiu(iJ un fcUll X'hsclfi, J- ti ij-hir. uWftt at fair ra'ei. MniU'tr- uiv ie.ii "tsd U ifiid Blip Itect ljtts and Billi Lit.iHik, v. iih ilicir LitiU. J-i.r kicklitur i'MJakiue (Imvliie fine acronimntlnUoiii) aP1U u H1AKV WINSUK A , ,l"-ir Ko... iJ H. 1KI.A WA1CJC Avi-uoe. YOU NKW YOUK. DKI'ATCU , atitl Hwiii"itrtj i.nitjH, via lit'iiiware ami '1 lie it' aHi ra ot tlii". Jlno an- I. hv tvtt iltttlt at I'J utiik M. and it 1'. M., irutu tttlrd juur Hh'.ve W'atinii' niiet. l-ur fii-U'it, Kti i'h will he taken on aroomnioj .tin? t' Tim. .'ly to Wl 1.1.1AM M. AJAlitii M Ul RAILROAD LINES. rr) ARKANOKMKNTS IP ; . fclK'W'or KM YOUK I.INKH. ..jtVK 'flw l .nrt.n and Amlmy and phllMlt'llitiia and Trinii Imihvod IVwnpanHis' Llnas frMnl'lilialal)-uu Nrw v,rk " W" V HOM WAl.KtT STR.eT WAnr. Will ! a loHi.vU:. rARS. At A.M., via C'Anid,n Amhov.fl. an A. Ac- c.ipinflrtl.ia .... $"J"i6 AI S .m ,"a -(Unn and J,ry t:ity, Morning 300 At A- ..ViaV'Mn.i.'n' ari'rl i'sV'Sy'i'lty,5i i'lais T1ft ,. At M , via v-atiiilaii and Aintm, U. and A. Ar'Cja- mila'l"T At? I' SI , via Cauidi'n anil AiiiIk.j,!?. and A. Kx- ft At I r M ., via ' simli-n and Amtroy, Aconinintnlatl'in (1 n n til ami 1'nt.-'-' yr i Ar I I M . via riilmW n S". 1 Amh'-v, Ar n-nmrxliitlon (Frriylii and l'a-anvi-r I. ll l ias ll'ki't Vrt I'ln-" do Al 7'j I'. l . via I nindsn and Ail" I cm (Kt iklil and fansotiter). l.t I'lai 1 O.I J l.t . 1 7A 2 ? -. 1 M) J?A 1-: rnr Mnmli i'lmrilt. AUfllt'-w", lfl n i--i"ur.". F.HMi.ll, l.nlribfrtvHI'-. SI inlnpr'li. .. l V ' " tut K i iiiimUD, I.unilruillf, and in.r rmodiats nation-,.'. I' M. . . .. h ,,r Mi.iinl llc.lly, Kvaimlllc. ond fctntH S A. M., J unci f. I'. M. fur t'roli. Id at A. M. and 2 P. M Fur I'almyia. Hlvariun, Hfl.inm, Hvrr',y. Ilurllii.'t'in, Flo.rrini. ItordiMn" n. A.-. !.. M , I.' M.l. - ami ill' M 1 lis ;i-:i0nid I'. M. Urn run dlr:t tliri.iiKli to Trrnrnti. ... ,, For l ahnvrii, llln rton, Ilrlanro, Hi vorly And Ilurlliif ton ! 7 I'. M , Klsnnil'ont Trniton, for llrtlnl. lliirllnrt-m, Ilfvi'rty, ToriMdalr ami T.m.. . n A. M 't J ' I'- vt. ,IM. H;nM KKN.SlNlirwM DI.I'uT Will It an- as . 'Hi 'Vi - MUM, i,lhilvl Ken-lnvton and Sew 1 arl. Wal'innt"ii ar.d VfwYoik Mml K' .J Al li i A. !.. via KeniiiKi"n and J' rsi y t uy - prers.. At 4 ao I (f , , jt.'V.a and J ri y i liy Ei- tiresv At i ' I'. M. via Kensiruh n and Jersey (. ity, WeMi'lurlon are New lors Kvposs C"0 Htihilav lima e.ave at 4 A. M. and t 1ft V. II F'T aler I. up, Htrond-hnry. rril"li, Wieharm. Xr.nlrn-e, (irfat tti nrt. Mftuch l him, All. olown. 10 lliie liem I elViilere. S flslon, l.siuiiert v illv, I leinlni'loo, Ae.. at 71'. A.M. This line uuiiieeis wim Uie train leavlun Fusion (,.r IMaiicb Clinnli al :i 3d P M. Ser Fhmlr il. n, l.aiubiTlvlilc, and Intermediate sta tions, at I'. M. . , ,,.,,." . I or Urlvlol, 'i renion. Ac. at 7'U and lrl.i A.M., and a 11 V, tor llolmi shnrs. Taiony.VHsslnnniliie. Ilrideshurcand Fr it nk lorn, at n A HI., ... Sb and I' il. Ihe HA. M. l. l" runs to lirlsiol. ter-Kor Ke VorK. snd w ay 1 lues leavins sr-nmiuin Ii i nl, Islo tr.s carson Flltli stroel, above nlnul , nail Hour oeiore oepai luio. o" ...-, w d i n arrival ol cm b Train, run from the Hepit. F.fty polities ol lm "ir. e onlyalovved each passemter. assenir. rs are prohlli.leil rroul lasniK nnyiuina s o''H- uaic but llielr weurli'S apparel mi iiiiiiiiiip i.oh .nr poiinos lo De par.. nr exira. nt .oiipnoy ""' " , nonsirniiiy ior on-viier oi inn- i...... ill m i be liable lor any amount beyoi d lou, eacepi by sp. rial contract. ... t ' . . .. .- .,, tnm - Jill l' t... I.raiiatli lUlrfeat ' T.s 'rr-r. wto eno - " - tm at the 1'ipoti. Orders to be Wi ll No .IW.ilnul June '.O. IHfr. Llhfcn moil JiEW YOI'K roil run. Aiir.i.i ma WILL ICVK from foot of (V.urlUnd s'reel at 11 M. and 4 r. M.,vla Jvi ei ( tl v a n.l canon n : ai I a no io i. -si ., i . m., w.u 17 i S'Lhll' via .lersev ( itv and Kenslnuton. From tool of llnreluy iiroul, at b A. M. and 2 P. M.,vla ArilM.y sin' ( am.len. , ... . Frora Her Jin. 1. North lllver. at IJ nd r. . (t relKlit auu I'assensers; via Ainuoj auu v.iun. ... t- -. . .n. v v.- O f.Sl VT I.- IJ BiTS JtLtlVork ai d all the sta Ions on tlie Caiadeu and auiIhiv mid coniiecttnii Itailioaits ....... ..... ...-uBk-riir l.vl iiLnicu it... T li, TheCnmrten and Ambov llailriad and Transportation Company's Frcitihl l ines fo New Yu k will leave ainut sir eiwharl.on and afl. r January S, dully (Sundays ea ccpteil). at 4 o'elcck P .M. KeturiiliiK, ibe above l.lneawui leave sew ion ai i Freiehi' must he delivered before 8J t". M. to be fur- wanted the same day. K,.vl,l for 1 ri'nton. I'lii.celnn. Klnaston. new iiruna- wlcs. and ell points vn ttie Camden and Amhoy Itallroad; also on ll e 11. Ividere.Jie awaie.ui d s leiulnirton. llio New lers v. the 1-r, e old and .111" e b'irtr. an. I ine ivurunaion and Mnriiil Holly Ka Iroeds, received and lorwiinled up to ll'.ii cloCK I . ll. ntna'i packages ior uuuni nuicy iu- cclv, il up in 'I o'clock P. M. I he llelvlilere lieiAvv are Kaiironu ceiinrrii v i uooii. bnrywlih ibe l.ehifh VaMev It The Hew Jersey llnl r..a,l counecta at Kl y.alr.-tll wan lue ew jersey entral Italltoad. and at .Ncwurk wiui tne uorns aoo Kssex llallio'd. A slip memorendnm, sneeirylPir tne raarai aria num bers, eh ppers aoo coiotsnues, must in every Instance oe eeut willi eaeli load of aoods.or no lecelpt will he given. Inert an-il lacilli es naving been niaue tatloa ol L1VK STOCK drovers are Uivlted to try in is rouie. When sloes is mrnlsneo in eitanritics oi isucts IXlAliH or more. It will lie de'lveied ul tlio of Fortieth streel, mar tie I)-ove Yards, or at Pier No. 1, North lliver, ns Ihe rb'ppci tnnv dcluna'c al die lime of the sl.l-uiuU WAl.TKIt PHr.'MAS, rrelirht Aeent. Jlo. iorv in laware aveoiap, rmiwir piua OLO. R. ItAVMONI), Fr.U'ht Aent, JiA-tf Iter No. I ,NorUi Illvor, New York. Lr-V'i PHILADEI.rHIA, WIL-CHf4sV3-reUlNOTON AMD BAXTlilORB RAlt- UUAK. L'HANdK Or HOOKS). On and after hi NUAY. June 19.1884. Passenirrr trains leave Philadelphia tbr baiumore at 4'SO (F.xiiress, Mondays eaoeptad), 806 A. M., IV M., -J-Uli and lli'ilu P. M. Chester at o 00, ll'lb A. Al., I M, I su, l iiu, o uu ana u ot . M. WlUnlnirton at I'M (Mondays excepted ), 8 06, ll'li A. M.. 1-fMI, !i'80, 4'iH,6'0li III'IMI and II IW P.M. yew t'astie at siv, a. m. ana .-nur. is. Hover at H I o A. M. and 4'iHI P. M. Mlllnrd atft'06 A. M. Salisbury el sue A.M. TRAINS FOR PTTTTADRLPTTTA. Tmt ltrn tmure at 8 41. U'40 A. M.. (tapren). 110 S-VA and lll'M P. M. Wllmlmrton at 1 44, '45, 9 A.M., 12 -34, 1, l'ift, 400, 433 T W' .n.l s 10 P. it risnsMiry at i tu r. n . Mlllnrd at ;i .16 P. M. DoreralS im A. M , and 4 M P.M. New Castle at 8 i) A. M. and -. P. M. C'he.lcral? 4i.'UA.M..100,a,4-0, t 08, 814, 9-40 P.M. lave Ttslllraore for Sallsbary and lntermedlau stations at Hi M P. M. lesve llallimore for Hover and lotennedlaU stadoas at l ie P.M. TKAIMM TOR UALTI MIIKR. Leare fhester at 8'40 A. M., il and 11 OS P.M. Leave Wuinlu-rtoa at 6'Su. 8"ie A. M.. i-it and 11 40 P. M. . FreiKnt Trains, wita passenger ear auaenea, win rna as IN kiwi : l,eav" WHmlnitoD for PerrTrllle and Intermediate placet atl'4AP. M. HliNliAY si uniy ai e-nu a. m., iu dv r. a., nrom rnna delphis to llnlllmore. From Philadelphia to Wtlirilfurton at I'M A.M., 10'30 and 11 WIS u From Wllmlmrton to Philadelphia at 1 H A. M. and T-80 P Is Ouav at lu 'ib p.. M-. roro Haitlmnre to fnuaaeipiiia. . )a4 H. t . KCrlMi . Bupennienaeni, HEADING RAILROAD, (iltEAT Tit U NIC LINE FB0M rniKAIthl JMi A TO THK IVTETirOR rKNNHVl.VAMA, TilK 8rlllY I.K IM. HUtiW UUJ-UiANNA. CUM HKItU N 1, AND WlOUtMl VALLfcV8, ASH XORTH, KORTUWKHT. AND THE CAHADAB. PANHF.Nr.KIt TRAIVfl Iavi th CoD psi.y a iM'pot, at THIKTKKVTIl and '.1.1V11JLL Utreuta, 1'hliadvlpl.t, at Uio fuiiowiatf noura : MORNING MAIL. At ft ) A. M , for Headline. I.cb.tnon, EohraU, Litis, rtilutniiift, llarrtahurK, foil-vili-, rinenve, lamaiua HuntT, WiHiaii.cpi'rt. K inlra, 1(k htter, Nmpara Ka li, Itui'ulo AildituHn. WiUvfHliaTc, i'ltiaion, Yort,CrU(ii CI auibciftburKt Hatieraiown, Ac. Ttie tr-tn .'..niit tin nt rKAi'INO with Eat lennvlva- nla Hullioad Uains lor Aikn'own Ac, tli Kaadlut; and t o uiiibm Kallioa1 f'T Kphiati, sJtU, and Coiumbia. and wt'ti ttif iH-ltanon Vai1( v train for HHrnnhurif , A. ; at I()ltT CLINTON lib ftiawUitu Uui lrt tail traum lur VViUtiibirre, Vllt', IauW lliivt n. Kmi ra, An.; at llAldtiS ltl'ltii vtlib 'N'irti.rrn CVntral." ruintHTlanil Vallfy,' aiid "KclntvlKlll aid Hiiixtuehaiina" trmna for Norilmm iKrland, vmiiui.M"'rt, ork.i 'linnidcrslrir, fluegrovo, Ao. ArTKKNUOM KXI'KKSH 1 cavci rtiila1 liiliia M i M.N.r .'llt(t, Pott. vtl'e, rinivrovf, ,arrlrbii.TJ', Ae.. ronnertin at HaTin bu with I' nnfclvn a OnLrai Knliroad tralna for Flits liurtr. At:.. honlirr Ointrnl t ullroad train far Suni.urv. jSui tliiiu-lH-rliiid, E fiilm. At;., ami at I'ort Clinton with ru'uvlt Itail.oud truina for Mlltun. WUuaiiuip'jrt. naira, HuDulo, Ac. It K Al I Nt ACCOM MOIsATlOM. I flu Rt-HUlTtg jit ti id' A. M , ht'tpiiiiiK ut all way tt.n. arriving; ir l'lil.H1eli)la at '.' 'OA M Ifi turiiint.'. leaves I'hiUdt-lohla at VW I. M. ; arrlvi la R. mi im. ki 8 Ki 1'. M 'I rain it Pl-ildt lrlla1i ave HarrM-nr,; At 8 A. M.. and Io Pbt llii' at I' I ' A M.. uruvlitf In l'ldliili'lihiu al I itO Y. M A nifsf.ritrali't. i-ave HrrUburir nt 'I P. M-. t'ntU viMe at TVy- 1. M., urrlvhiA.' ui I'dlU'leinlila at 7 1'. M. Starkt! trftlnti, with a pH'-'-enxwr cr attacricd, learn I'd iludt ilna at I I'. M., ir H-ailiik and all wav mi jtlona ; Iravt- loading ut 1'.'. no n. ami Uuwuinctowu at ti'JoV. Al. for l''ti'A'ieli'l.tH utiil all v ay Mut otn. All llif aliT' tta'nn run d-ilh , unlnvn ep-ptcd. Kiinru. ir ink ) a. e t-ottftviile at 7Mt A-M., and 1'hllay d-liil ii at ( I-I' M i 11 IS I Kit VALI.F.V ltAILKOI. TaHtienects ior Downn uuuvn and I it rim .Hate olntt tnU- iheH Ui A M. and 6-i-(i I. M. ira' I'ltddl -li.hl.i , returniiitf Hutu iJo niurftowi. at U 4u A. M.. and 1J15 I 'K'll. St.W YORK Kr RKS8 KOR 1MTTSUUUU ANl THK U KST. Lt nveii Nhw York at 7 I. M., panning Rcadiau at 12 tnid- nU'l t, and ci-nne stills-' ut !l ini-.tain wUIt l';iin-ilvdUia Itatlroad t r m uh'iin ior I'linmir. Koninlnn hxiiresiH truln hiivi-i IUirlnbur(f nn arrival of tlie IVniiavhumu KM-mm trom ntlurK al ti H A. M., jiahclim lit'.idiin; at s i A. M., and ai riving at New Vork at 1 ' 4 - 1. .M. hlt'i'tdiiK arH mroinpaiiy tlicau trama tliroiinh.lMJtwuci. Jt'rm-y t'tty and I'ltiHtMiru.wltliotitcliHUKe. Mini triilua tor Sew vrk leave llnrrihburK nt ti A. M. and i 1. M. Mall Uaiim for Uanidbing luave Hvw lurk ai ti A. W nd ii' M. til 111 I.KTI.L VAT.l KY KAII ROT). Train l. u' I'ottnv Hie at 7 l' A. 41. and :r.iu I. V., rt tuiniim truni 'I rihi-iirora at Hi A. M. an1 4 1'. M. Hi 111 VI. KILL ANI) Kl'SlJl KlUSNA IC Vll.ltOAD. 'i raniK U uv-t- Auburn at d 44 A 11. for 1''ove and Tlnrrbuik', and at 1 und Tlo I. M. f'-r fiuefruva rctiiriilnt.' I.nn llarrtiura at I. Jd., aud lrm l'lneK.eatH 1 A.M ,and 4 mU 1. M. 'JH'KKIH. Tliroufli flrat-clasa tlcketi ami emK-rnnt tli-keti tn all ttir prtii' (pal poiiiin in thf North and Wt and Ca inula. 1 hi- (oll'ivinu tlt Ketri arei I'luniHlilf only at the oilm of S lil! Alir 1(D. Trfamircr. So. .f-'r H. FolKIlt K,rt'-t, l'hiladi lphU, or ui o. A. MeOLLS, bucnattm- ' ( OMMI'TATIOH TIOKKTB, At pfr rent. dUiouut, belwuvu any im1uU dircJ, for fain lilt aud Jirui. MII EAOK TICK l'Tfl Cood forlKNKi mn. H, bviwvru ull pulitti, at I1C-35 each, fan lamlliua aud tinn". hKAHHNr TICKKTK, Kit three, tlx, ulnu. or t elvo Luuiitlu, fir holders only, to nil n.jlutb, ut reduced r.ih-1. CI.Klti.YMKW K.'stldltiK in tlift liuu oi' tho mad will b furnlnhed with enrds, waitliiiB llieiaulvit auU wlvta lu Utkuta at iial f' KWMliHlOH Tlf'KKTS Kr.tin riilladclphla to riiu Ipal Hiotloiis jjood fur Rntnr duy. hniiom , ami Moinhiy. nt redm-J um, iu he (!! ir ul il.. liLl.utonieu.atlUIRl LLS 1 U itud CALLOW U1LL FRKKiHT. Oftorti of all denfripiit,n totwand d to all r-oiitt., f.oiu H i' t on i nm- ijuwlit di"t MUUAU and Willow M KLIH. ki;kh;iit trains w . n Leave rViladelpliia d.i iv ut ti A. .M-. 1 P.M., and r. if., 1'T Ri-j.lin,', I eimiiou, ilnrrlBhurai, roiuviiic.i'uritiuilo and t'oim Ueyoiid. MA I LA Vlnt. nt the riiflaiU-Ipliia I'o.t ortioo f-.r nil p'HCea nn rha r .a I aud ii hrai. at 6 A. M-i u4 lur U lnicii.4 auUuua uul ai i lv I'. M. RAILROAD LINES. rr,m,.Tri ruii.ADF.i.rit 1 a.isimi- ttSiK- MANTOWS, AND NOKKIHtOWH hAfl h0AD'" TfMF. TAHLF. A , On and after HIONOA V. Mv in. ihc.i, until fiirthar aotls lull OK.IlMANT'iWN Leave Phlladilphla K.7.S,!'. 10, ll. 1 J A. M l 1,1,1' leave i lerm.nio. n 6. 7. 7 -an S.S VO . 10, 11 , U A. H. l.'.a, 4, i. s.ti.i s, r.s.n . l. It-' ' M . . TI eH .11 down, ami the II1. and o' train, ep, tlo not itop on the (1. n Hr.u. h ,. l lltXM T Hi l.r. ...... I rvePhliu,.elphla,ii.h, 111, III A. M.; H. S.V. '." "I'e.'i'e'rhe.nal IIMl 7 10.1,140,1141A.M.; I't0,3-4o, ' 4,,'f;r'v;:.v.;,i;:v- voisVTt. Irate 'l.llsdi iji'i Is Ii, h ;-'. 11 Ufi A . M I IS. . . X. f S Hi.', ml I S I'- M . ii i u . lii m ieuM' V' 7 -i! ami H A.M.; 1X.4H, ",?"'! uln un wli stop At WH.i.hhaon.Manayunk, ani. t'oiishohM-Ken only ...,.. lull V N lYfSK. ... . , I.. ar I'hlls.lel, ,..-. ii, s ll io A. K, Vi, 3. 4S.5. S.s".cd ll P. M. , . u r I i eve b, 7.. " J". " '...7. anil ti', I'. At. , . U.K. KM1TII Oenernl Muprlnlenl"tit nii:il liei MS I'll Hid l.liKBN treeta. I V.'TrrrT' AVI '.st C1I I'.s I'l ;R A SI) rill- fl'sVjr'iC LAIIKLPIIU RAI LHO Al. VIA al Kin A. Hfh'tVll A It It A Mil" M K NT On nnd alter 1 Id I) AY, April l.lm.t.ihe Trains will leave 'Vrit phlliidslphls, from Hie ! it, enrnerof TlftRTV FlltstT end "AIIKKT -Oieeis, n A . M ., 1 1 0.". A. It, V p M .4 0 I'. M.. ii 4'. ! M. " I'l, Isd. h h'a liep.t rhn'M'sd from FIOItT"F VTtl . WAl.KKT Hireel... lo 1 lllll 1 -I-1 Its I and M AakK r TiVvr West fhesler. fiom Ihe, on Fs.t Is ARKRT Ptll.l.l.'Ji, A.M .7 t:.A M.IIA M IV. M , to I' H. i he i a s of II c We. I I'liilinielp'oa I'liomcr llal'wjy f'omi i.ny ( Market stroetl will convey l .i.s.o.ori tu and .r,,t..,,!:;..NiAYM 1 eae Pl'lladelphla at " "'A M. and '2 30 P. M. I.euve Wi'.l I h. S'cr nt . M. and 4 a. I- ( I ruins Suiliur I hila iel liis nt A M. nniH . M-. ami Wru lli.-i.r iii 7'4.. v.v.iii-.t 44, P M . connect l b inilns in the I'li'lar.e plus and lll imore t euual llnltroiot lor Os'ord noil Ice me.tia'e pulots ia4 tl IIKMtV Wooii. ooo' ral Supsejatmulaat ifi fVvi rKNNSVI.VASIV 10M THAI. Illl'.liiHII l' I. .HI l.l.l A" lilt' I .1 i K Al K .III'IIII II'" I r. IU I lit, W KMT. MIKl IICVKSI , AMI Mil' til V KIT. I iiiiiiiiiii ins end lor H e i-ste. -prcdy. .lid c-.m- fr r.nlile Iran .poriiilli passenger., uesurpassed ny an route in uu- coiiniry 1 islns leatc Ihe Hep 4 at KLKVI'.NTU and MARKET Btiei .. us lollowa : si ml Triini st I n.l l.lne a 1 l.rnueh Kxtne.s at I'Hrkioliurit T ruin. No. 1. at Pniki"bii'K 'I r-itn. No. 2. at llio ri.lMirn Ai couimcdail 'il at.. I nm us er 'I ruin ni . rih a. m. .11 lit A. M. .lo-llOP. Ivt. .1(1 ll A. M. . tin t vt, . , l I. M. ,. 4 nil P. It. Piuili Ai conimooatlon (lenves Weil blla ). at P. St. 'l hr ii v h r"-'iii i-r the Kaft Line, faeh Anient tor anpi r, w liere w, I In- initn-i exc lient hrroramiMtiti mn fnr bt Mvht at the Hon-i'. and In the. moiTli.vma tnke etth-r the Philadelphia or Manl-uore Kxprena, ach of wMeh n BrJf conrwiioim a' I'i'tnuuTtf for nfl niinia. A 0l;vl i lew in thua atlorded uf the intra Hoe and lu m -rnH'ri iit ne, 'iheThromh Kxprena Train runa dully all tn ether traiLB (1:U . rrepT Hnni!a a Knit I'll'itu and thk wbst. IteMhltlraln, K.iat Line, and Trnnttli Kpre ren net t at I'm hi u "fi with ihronjih tiainsoniill dleirin fiotn ia p'lin, Ner'h io the LaKea. Went to h MIhhih- tM'llanl MlR'ourl hivera and houth and HO'ithwnat to all poli'tn nn vvihie bv railroad. 1 hnnwh Tleke't to t;ieeiT d., t litc'ato, st. I'aiil, tVl imbua. Ilia.k a poll-. f. loiiU. 1 Henwitrth. Kan , Whfehnfl, Iay toti, Clnrli.Daii. Loiitivl!e, cairn, and ail Uor prtocipai points, and I hi Ktve cf P' k-it thr- uuh. ISIHANA ItHAN' H RILUOAI. Tb Through Kxpre-a, teaviTtK at Ki .HH'. M., onnnerl . at lUalravilin interMeiiou with a train on I till rd lor IV a r-Tilin, Indlnnn. Ac. . KUhNSltl'lJii ANHCRK8S0V Hit -kNCII RAILROAD. Tl I f r Uih Ki reaa rain, leaving at I0-:KM'. M , oon pertf at Crenhon. at ln-4A A. M , Pli a train on the r al for I' Inhurg. A train also loavua Crtaiun for Kbanaburg m 8 l-'f. at . ilOLLIDAYHBCRt; 11RANCH RAD. The rVltill 1'iHin nt 1-2! A. M.( and Thro- Kh Btproai at Ki'.sU 1. SI ., ootuHH;t at Altoona with trami for HolUdoya buru a' 7-. r, . M.midN OA.M. 1 UtONE ANI CLKAItHKLh RUANCH RAILROAD. 7 he Trrnnuh Kxprea Trom, leaving ar 10 .V I. M. eon neiin at Tvrotie with a train for Hmriv Rtde And Hhllllpi- btirK.and by Raid Ka-le Valiu Railroad lur Port Mutilda,'- v nd lie I. fonte. Ill NTlNtmON ANI liRUAU T'H KAII.KOAP. 1 he Throiieh Kx.renn Train, leavtmr at 10 MO r. M.. !- neti at lluntlrcdon with a train fnr llnpewetl and Bloody Run at tl .'-ri A. M. MUtlliLKN CENTR Kit ANI) PIULvDELPUIA ANf .I IE RAII.KUAI'H FnT Rfttihi-rr. Wil inm.Dnrt. I.ork Haven. Ktmfrft. Rrt rhestrr lvatla'l. and Mrtyara Kalla, paaientiere taMiiKtha 31 ail Tran at 7 v. A. M . , and ti e inmiua laxprvaa at In-Hit I. M., dally exceut Pundayn, ft din-ctly thronub, with' nt chance of earn between Pailadelphla and Wil liam sport, J-Or lUI.R,llflN"TE.I.. lillMT.1 I inni'A't. UIDa,rMl leavlnK at HA M.nnd 'i .10 I M., con-ect at ColuxubU with train b on the No lhmn Cvintrnl Railroad. 4 I AlREKI.AM A Li.r I KAII.KUAIt. The Mail Tram at 7 VA A M., and Thn.Mnh Bxpra ft In-. 0 V. t at Hairi.burK with train for Carilale, Cbauibcritburfr. "d llacemtnwn. WAlM-,Mtl IIH AW II KAIMIOAO. Thetrali.R lauvlna at 7 26 A M and M'.M) f. M., onnwH at liownlnk'town with train on Uilt rood to WaDueburg and all intermrdiata utatl na. Kot furttie. hifonniinon annivat me raaentrar bukiob, 6.E. corntrof KLKAKNTH and M RKEI Siraou. jam r.H nmnr,, rica(Agnb COMMnTATItN TlOKKTH, a For 1,3, 9, or 12 month, at ry 1 w raterrhr.tti a oouim idation ot pe'iona I t uk out of town, or ocauV-l-or near U.e line of the road. COUPON TICKETS. For trip between ay two polnto, at abnt two aenti per u. lie. Tnen ti vt are Inwndcd for theme ofiHnU liea traveling freitueutly.and are uf ureal adraatae to pvrauui tuakiiiK on aKional irlpa. HCHOOL '1IOKET3, For one or three mouth for U.e u uf tobolari attending' BlnsuJlii Uieciir. WETF.RN FMIORATIOM1. An F.tnlfMnt Arc -mtnodatioa train kavaa Ko. 197 pork atreet daily (Sunday- excepted), at 4 o clock P. M., oMerin ft cou''ortuil aaixle of travel u- famdiea rotnc AVfttt, at rnr. half the unual rate of fare. Particuiur atte ntion i paid to bag--ave. lor wrkh chocka a-e itlven, and ba;nKerorward'dti- the name train wltn aaauntroia. For lull uifurniailon. apwy tn i KANLlri KUNK, EmtKTAnt Arnt. No. 1 17 IxHJK Street. MANN S RAOGACK EXPKK.SH. An agent ot thla reliable KApreaa Com. -ark wilt paat thnuvh each txln before reaching the depot, anil take up rln eta and deliver ha pane to any part or the eily. H-4M- fate w ill becal'ed for promptly whfsn ordera are left at the 'aNMiwr ltt-pot, l-.Jeveuth aod Haiket atieeta. The tra veling public ure aaiured (ha! i is tntu ely t ttpaiuibU. r itrauo i n. 1y this route frelvhta ofalldeNcrlptHnaeanne forwarded ' to and from an) p- nil nn therallroaat ol Ohlo,Kentuehy, Indiana, Illinois, Wlr.cotiln, Iowa or Miaaoiirl, by rallr)v . 1 dirt-ct. or lo any point on the uavlKatle wateraof Uie Wt bv Meamerti from Ptttihurv. The ratea ol in lulu to and from anv potftt In the Weat j hv the I'eunaylvanla Central R'tilroad are at ll Uoiet aa ( favorable ft are churfd by other Railroad tiompanlea. . Merer. Hiits and ah type" entratjitnir the trunaiMirUftoo of tneir neUht to thla Companr can rely with loufldenuti on Ra kperdy transit. Km fieiKht contracts or uMpplnir dlrecUuua, apply to or 1 addiess the Apt ntn of the Company : 8 H. KIN'ilHTON, Jr.. of Philadelphia. I IL A HTEWaHT, Plttaburg. C! ARK & r0..t'htLHno. LEKitH A CO . Ko. 1 A. tor House, or No. 1 8. W 11 Bam rret t. N w V(.rk. I KE' tl A Ct) . Kn.77 Washlninon airee. Boiton. WILLIAM liRuA'N, No. BO North aueet, baiUmorft, AtMirUurnCiUalKallway. ,, otwTfWi General Frehiht AeMit, t'hlladelDUIa. LEW 18 I.. Hot rT, General Ticket Avent. I'hllMlalphift. ENfK.'ll LEWIS, C.eneral Superintendent, Altoona, Pft y f '..imavuAvn P IlT It A D R L V II I A ANT- iWdH''v1' TRNTO.N AND CAMUEJl JLSd AillU. AtAiLKOAii Ot-MPAILM. nul l a. On and after MONIA ..lainiary 4, IH04, the Train a fn New York, lt-avlny Kentduffton l,o(, Philadelphia, at 3'L i A. M. ( Nthti,ftnd f im V. M., and the truliis leaving Not York at H A. M . nnd 7 M P. M , will hereafter be run ex clonlve y for the TJnlred Ktittea Malta and New Tork aa VasblnKlun I'askenners, nnd wPl not take in nor let onv an i aeng rk between aul cl;les. The H A. M. aud VI Midnight Lins from New York to V auMnjrinn, and the ll iHiA. v. and ft I M. Line from W asruiihton to Ktw York, will eontlnuo aa at preaont. and car pftfeMiUKef to xiul fr du the Intermudiatft aiattouft and liwliimor , Waihin;j:on. ' d New Yuik. ARRANGEMENTS RF.TWKK.N PHILADKLPni A AND NEW OllK I Ines leave l'hllai. tphia. f.oiu Kenalnicton Iepot. ai , 11 1'. A. M., 4 0 a- d i;4'. P m ami ir:) iH.dt.l.tii, and from WitlTiiit Htre-t N hart ( via ( Atndt-uj, atti aud 8 A.M.. 12 L. 4 and'; . Ill ,for Now Yrk. 9 i And 1 aw Nt w Yor&, tVoru foot of f 'oiirtlandt street, at' I 7 A. M., 10 A. M .,1.' M.,4 aud tl I. M., and Ii BildulgUt, ; and from loot ul Laroay kiieet at A. M. and i P. M. ja.'.-tl VM A. iiAT.MLK, Ahcnt. I t& AM EkIK RAILROAD lolM. I 1 iii ,iit In" ti ii -res ilu Vdthi rn and Norihwta I antla I l' to the ' t,v i i Krieonl.ak Erie I It lifiKhe.ulu tt. dh. the rKNNS t,v MA RAlLHoAl Cv'Ml A.Ns, aJ uinur their auspices la beuia" rapidis opcheii ilm ilioi t Ue. eutue li'Htii It Ih i w in line ior 1'iiK.i re cr and Krelwlit hiislnes nmsn ' ILirrn-liuri to Knp rium ( ! fi cdUcn). on ihe KastHru DiTi ' h on. uud iivui ehiihvid to Kru- (76 ar.tiaj.uu tho Wtiilurl I liMhton. i iimi: or l AssBSdi.H THAIN8 at rnii.AnKt.nn. Midi 1 ru n Ion e H uo A. Ml ,.ltr 0 P. tfj. i am i un ijiro ttn v, 1 1 m i r ciiami,. both wave nn thek-" tniius bt tween Plulad ljliia aud Look LUvuu.and batwouf0 llnltimore aud Lock liaven. KlsenliiK Caia ou ihe Kiprout Train both wavf. Kor iiiioiiiutiioa n'r-pecthiK PatafnKt'r buu., apply t Die K E. coi ner ol Eieveuth aud Miket irv .. 7' And lor I- ri lnht bublix'sH. ot the ('oittuun v's A rents Jr r . Ii. Kinuhion, Jr., ouruur dULtveutli and Markut sireettT Philadelphia J. W . Ri-v nohls, Kile. I. il. 1-iiu, A4VIH, h. N. C. R., RAltlmore. H. 11. HOCRTOV, General Freight A t-tit , I'hiiadeiptilai LKW11S L titl I'l, CtuuralTlc)M-t Ak nt, Phi mlelohlai ivr.i 11 1 i' n i , i Ji4 tf flenerul Manaxer, Wllilatnspoii. flenerill Manager, Wllliatnspui-t. rraHTrr.3q 1MI I L A DE T. P III A AND (MJi,t ?-'.' BAI.I'IMultM ('K't, I! Ml,. K 'Ali.lil'KN in i Until M'ltlNd A lilt. NllK VII HT. Hun and aiur , lll)AV,AirUl,UM,Uis Uaiii, will IcarrJ i as : I.I1AVK KAS'I WAHD, I.KAVE WESTWARD, , s 1 a num. a. a. f . tf . l'liiiaili'lniila... H is) 4 Vir siailiiss. a. M. r. i f.xl..r.t ii'l Nii llrovv.. . .fi AT Av.iliilale 7'l Ki'lili'-tl 7 1 Cl.adil s urd.."'l'J r.-iii-uril H ml MM: hi S'la Ii. ila. l.l'l, l. ..!) "' S'.'.i 4iil 417 4 11 Al0 est Uoler., 7'. 6 W l! Jiill'- UJQ. 9 nrj t'l.n. nr.l 9 '2.'1 (in. 1. 1 Furd.. n il In i6 Avuii.inlf lu-Jt AVeiii ijiuvu....lil '!i A-41 1 v;I 11 11 sir -..( i ti-. .-iir. . t Id e jo U'10 I'st UIU'SUT. .i tur.r.l ln-,',6 ransi'iniT i i"" '" i s na. ..'n c'iaiii.'1'a rrun 1 riililsi nili and Market ilri i ts, tu I'ltthTY -r iKVl' ail I MaliKKI' Hiret, iii tliiladtliliia. Markot Htrcai, t l'as.'-iisur Kailiia Cars couvu ra.jnyer tu aud fruia U.e Iiei-ot. ; ran. enters go throucri wltliniitobiiaa nf ears. ) I1KNI1Y WOUD.Bup.riulenrlent. L rTTP'i' ALt.M HAII.UOAI) COM f tt'iirie TKS .--liiiniiiiikiiim- t, i.,, coul., a. i. i.s I tl'I'W .1.1111111171.1,!:- kriat:'J;1v Ir.'iii M'u'iiut S'lnt 11 liuit si !) A. u. StrOouib. fri'lK'.t VI si. Hi tiirtiniK. leave sa em hU'orha, JU., 1 lv I. W. rti.ul il.uli r v..iv, r.lls.rd, MuKl.iN Mll lflnrn Jooea, Biccrid Coend lier wn YuHlside. "r-l 'il lre-llt, Jat-lX J. VA-a itt.sotXAtj.rt. Vlwi're.idW fuia r I- - '