The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 06, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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Haltimorb, Jnijr 6, 12 20 T. M. The mail
train for Sandy Hook, below Harper's Ferry, left
thie morning, aa usual. General Hunter's forces
are rapidly arriving from tbe Wsst, and will, no
onbt, ioon confront tbe Rebels.
Tbe enemy itlll retain possession of the Vir
ginia aide of Harper'a Ferry. General Slgcl with
kia force hold. Maryland Height.
AH indications thin far strengthen the belief
that the foroci of the tneiny do not exeved 6000
8000 men, and that It la simply a plundering
FRo5l,.R Mf:'I AI''K'.WP(KIf:T.
HimiBi;B,ul' 12 15 p M Jfo Prticu
lar movement!148 ,cen mttdo ,n thI Imme
diate dirty"" AU 11 I1"" at Hagcrgtown,
which otr "cf nold' 'ner1 Hunter's amran
ition r"n IlM rcacue,l ljlm " having passed
Martin Jr arc..
, jif and sattle thieving between Williams
pvf'id Sharpsburg ia curried on extensively by
e are atill taking prisoners, cavalrymen,
p.tly, representing themselves as beWrglng to
ubodvn, indicating that there are more lenerala
A the Invading force than was at first supposed.
The exact numbtir ef the enemy is not known ;
their whole purpose is Involved In uncertainty.
Their force, however, appears to bo great, and
moving eastward towards Maryland. Tbe Ito
tenre ofllcera will be authorized by the Qovernor
to raise troops for State defense alone.
Artillery firing has been beard this morning
by oar forces below Hagerstown, in the direc
tion of Harper's Ferry.
Rebels Trying to Cut General
Steele's Communications.
Three Hundred Rebel Pris
oners at St. Louis.
St. Loris, July 5. Upwards of 300 Rcliel
prisoners arrived yesterday on the steamer
Gladiator, from Little Rock, In charge of a bat
talion of Merrltt'i Horse Veterans, on furlough.
They left for Rock Island last night.
Ofllcera from Dnval's Bluff, Ark., on tha 30th
f June, say that Shelby bad not returned to
Clarendon, but it was thought be would do so.
.. General Curr reached Duval's Bluff on the
30th ultimo.
llarmadnke ia still south of the Arkansas river,
ten miles below Napoleon. His force consists of
bis own men and those of Bridge, Dockery, and
Cabell, with six or eight pieces of artillery.
There is no Rebel artillery force between the
Arkansas and White rivers, and only three com
panies of guerillas.
Apprehensions of a siege of Little Pock are
Math diminished, and there is but one brigade of
Hebels on Saline rivers
The Rebel design is evidently to cnt Steele's
White river communications, which however will
be very difficult, but if it should be done there
are three months' provisions in Little Rock and
at Duval's Bluff.
The White river is patrolled by tin-clads, sup
ported by a land force.
Tbe saw mill at Marshall wcj burned last
Bight. Loss f 10,000.
Semmes to Have Another
Steamer in August.
Etv, Etc., !:.. Ft.. Etc, EM., Ete.
Halifax, July 6. The royal mail steamship
Alia, from Liverpool on the 25th, via Queens
town on the 2Gtb alt., arrived at this port this
morning. Tbe steamer Ttutonia arrived out on
the 23d, tbe Auttralatian on the 2jth, and the
Kangaroo on tbe 2rtb.
Great anxiety was manifested for the minis
terial announcement of the result of the Confer
ence, and tbe r".'licT of England on the Dun).
Sermon U"Stion.
There, ia n very unsettled feeling, and many
journals continue to hold a decidedly warlike
The yacht VeerhounA is charged with being a
mere tcrnler or eonsorl of the pirate AUibam.1.
It was rumored tbat Semmes is to have another
pirate steamer iu August,
The Latest.
LoNnof, Jnne 28. The Conference mot on
Saturday, and formally adjourned ut 4J o'clock.
A Cuhlnel Council was held immediately alter,
but nothing trauspiied as tu the policy agieed
Jt is stated that orders have been issued by the
English Government to have ready all the equip
ment necessary lor thirty thousand troops.
The King of Wurtcmburg is dead.
London, June 2(i. The favorable peace ru
mors yesterday caused a general improvement
In tbe stock market, aud Consols closed at an
advance of i percent.
LivERi-ooi., June 20. The steamer Perurian,
from Londonderry for Quebec, boa returned to
tuy with her screw broken.
t'omittrrt-liil lutclllgriK'e.
Liverpool, Friday. Cotton The sales of the
week amount to 4.',000 hales, including U,(WU
liales to speculators and exporters. The market
closed quiet, but unchanged, at 2'JJd. lor Mid
dling Orleans.
llreadotuits are firmer, with a slight advance oa
mil uuulitits.
1'iuvisiuu are hnn, with an advancing tun
dencv. London, Jnne 25 P. M. Consols closed to
day at IKK" 01 1 for money. The bullion in the
Hunk of l.nglnud has increased tl.J.OW during
lliu week.
Marino Intrllfgenre.
Arrived from New York, 21th, steamer Lon
don, at Iondon.
l-'roni Philadelphia, 2 ith, Tmcarura at Llvcr
ool. S ail lurTrtoit(liirrl.on Wnxlilairtou.
Bo i on, July 0. A call has been published
for five thousand Massachusetts volunteers for
garrison duty near Washington; nou-commls-alotied
cllleers and privutes to recolve 20 per
month from the State Treasury, while in the
ANlHK'tS NCtll-OIFK 1.4.1. AWOrJIT.
Highly Infrreatln; Trtnll of the Itnttln
from Minister l.avton'a Mon The A lu
ll nm n" Fairly WhiM-l I tl.xr ye
or Intervrallon Th Nurreniler ofthe
I'rlxin.M Ptrkrtl 1 p hj the KnKllnh
Vnrht to be Dminlr4.
ri, Tuesdav, June 21, Wi. This time we
have a hit of exciting war news to send you from
thif side of the water. The sinking of the AU
bama by the KrarMarge, off the port of CheroourR,
ocru fiics, for the moment, the thought ami the
cooverxalinn of everybody, for it is rare that so
many ctrctt instances comolne to give Interest to
anv one event.
The joy of onr loyal people here is, as might
be expected, something lieyond dosrriptiou; I
need hardly tell you that for the sercssionists
and (heir European sympathizers, the blow was
tcirlble, and provoked louder and more pro
longed swearing probably than any event of this
eventful war. 1 shall attempt to give you all the
most important details reluting to this exciting
In one of the many conversations the American
Minister hns teen obliged to hold with tbe French
(Jovernmetit on the subject of the asylum which is
furnished to the Rebels in the French naval ports,
Mr. Dayton, I nm told, said to the Foreign Min
ister that all that was wanting to complete
the hospitality of France towurds the Rebels
was to give refuge to the Aabama; that
then they would have given aid and pro
tection to the whole Confederate navy, and
he terminated by saying that this vessel, know,
ing how its mates bad been received in France,
would no doubt soon enter a French port to de
mand the hospitality which had been accorded
tbe others. To this tho Foreign Minister is said
to have replied with great energy that it would
not be permitted, that he would not allow the
Alabama to come in, and that their ports should
nut be made a place of common resort for these
This was three months ago. At that time, al
though watching with interest tbe course of the
Atalxima, we did not anticipate so early a visit
from her. Only a fortnight ago Mr. Forbes, of
New York, arrived from SbaughaJ, and gratified
us all by assuring us that we would never see the
Alabama again in Kuropean waters, for that she
was badlv used op by her long and active ser
vice, and from this fact and the fact that the
maritime interdictions against her in the Kast
bad been made very severe, she would probably
be fold there.
We were therefore not little astonished to
find that the Alabama was in the port of Cher
bourg, and that she had made tbe run from the
East in tbe remarkably short time, for a vessel
In her condition, of a hundred days. So impos
sible did it seem, that when she entered the
port of Cherbourg last Friday week, both the
American Vice-Consul at that place and the
Maritime Prefect telegraphed to Paris that itwaa
the Florida.
Immediately the American Minister at Paris
telegraphed to Captain Winslow of the Keartarge,
then lying in one of the ports of Holland, and' to
tbe old sailing frigate St. I.oun, supposed to be
at Cadiz, to repair immediately to Cherbourg to
catch the pirate if possible. The Keartarge ar
rived at once, but tbe tit. l.ouin bad not yet had
time to arrive at the moment of the fight.
The American Minister also protested at once
to the French Government against the admission
of the Alabama, and reminded the Foreign
Secretary of bis previous promise lu regard to
tbls vessel.
Tbe American Minister could with more jus
tice protest energetically in view of the fact
tbat the Alabama did not come into a French
Iort under stress of weather ; she seemed to have
struck a straight line from the Cape to Cherbourg j
she did not turn either to the right or to the left ;
she did not attempt to go into either the
pons of England, or of Holland, or ef Belgium,
or of Spain, or of Portugal, as she might have
done with the same facility.
Mr. Dayton therefore made a most apt and
most forcible point in declaring to the Foreign
Minister that, by his indulgence, tbe Rebels were
using French porta exactly as if they were their
own ; that they paid no regard to the stress of
wea'her claese; and that such had been the
hospitality shown them in France tbat they were
fast learning to make it their only rendezvous.
Tbe result of this protest waa that Semmes,
after the thing had goue through the "circumlo
cution odlce, received a notice from the Mari
time Prefect to leave as soon as he had provi
sioned and coaled, and not to wait tor repairs, as
he bad expected to do. As soon aa this order
was sent to Semmes, Mr. Dayton sent his sou,
Mr. William Dayton, Jr., with Instructions to
Captain Winslow to make preparations for a
fight, for that Semmes had been ordered out and
would be obliged to go.
Captain Semmes, finding that be had no alter
native, determined to put the best face on the
matter, and to make aa much capital for himself
as possible. He therefore wrote a letter to tbe
Maiitime Prefoct, requesting him to inform Cap
tain Winslow tbat he considered tbe latter's con
duct in pretending to lie off and blockade him ia
a neutral port as aa Insult (!), and that he In
tended to come out and drive him off. Winslow
replied, "Let him come out aud try it."
Both parties made their preparations accord
Ingty. Semmes, whose business it was to run
aud not to tight, waa ao badgered and worried by
tbe taunt of our aide, by tho pats on the back of
bis friends and sympathisers, and by the restric
tions of the French authorities, that a less brave
man than he would have been driven by despera
tion to light ; and Captain Win. low, who properly
estimated all these circumstances, felt perfectly
sure that Senimes waa going to right.
Semmes left all bis valuables iu the hands of
the Brazilian consular agent on shore, and after
inviting hii frieuds to coiae ou' and see the light,
went to sea.
You will see ao many aceouuta of the fight,
tbat I reed not dwell at lenntu on that part of
the affair. Mr. William Dayton, Jr., and An
tolne, the well known messenger of theAmericin
legation, no cerf saw the ft 'lit.
"Tb'i'V wtrt dn board tin ll.atmtn ifore and 1
after the action, nnd their account differs from
most of those published, and very much from the
one-sided accounts of the MomUur and the other
Secession prints, to whom tbe atfiir lias been a
very bitter pill. According to Mr. uayton, jr. s
account, the action lasted aluut an hour and a
The Keartarge, although hit in several places,
received no vital shot. The Keartarqe bad hut
three mi n touched, and these not mortally. It
is not true that ut any part of the fight the Ala
bama had the advantage; the manoeuvring and
tiring of the Keartarge were uotu superior to
those of tbt) AlalMma.
There is no evidence that Captain Semmes
tiled to board tbe Keartarge, as the secession
prints say. Toward the end of the light Captain
Winslow succeeded in planting a shot in the ma
chinery of the Alabama, which disabled her; he
then had things all his own way, and, running
close to her, he poured into hera destructive con
verging broadside, which tore through a whole
section of the .-1o6ifao'j side, at the water-line,
and let the water tluouuh In cascades.
Ilotb ships then stopped tiring, and the Alabama,
Without striking her Hag, started toward Cher
bourg, hut Captain Winslow, hoisting bis flag of
lctory, started to head her otr. Ho saw, how
ever, Hint the Alabama was tilling, aud at once
lowered two boats to go to her aid, and, in effect,
the vessel sank before she bad proceeded a
lengths towards the harbor.
The Kearmrge't boats picked up sixty eight
persons, of w bom fourteen were wounded, und of
whom three died. Tho others were picked up
by the English yacht, Ciptulii Lancaster, and
landed at Soujrimpton. Tho Keartarge steamed
at once lutojTie port of Cherbourg with hor
Aud now, here arises two Important questions.
Ouc relates to the prisoners brought into Cher
bourg, and the other to those carried into South
ampton. The prisoners brought into Cherbourg,
innny of whom are Frenchmen, dctuan lud to
bo paroled, and Captain Winslow. who was
crowded ior room, also desired to know ot the
American Minister il he could not parolo then..
Mi . Dayton tel. graphed to bis son and to Cac
tsiu Winslow that the prisoner could not bo Da.
ruled, and that they aiust be bold till the N.
I. unit arrived, aud then conveyed to the Lulu,d
States. .
lu regard to Captain Semmes and the other
tsoncrs carried Into houlliampton, Captain
insluw clulins them as his urisouers. and Mr.
Dayton has advised Mr. Adams to dowaud their
rendition. Cap'atn Winslow had ample time nnd
on sn- to pick up all the officers and men of the
Alabama, but the Ix lb of the Knclisb yecht ran
in aim a tually atole them away, as if aain.- upou
prearranged plan, thus constituting a clear case
ol mtervi ntion.
Csptsin Semmes and party did not, therefore,
escape. They were stolen away by a party who
was indirectly Interfering in the" fight. Tnere
was no wish en the part of Captain Wlnsl.iw to
see Captain Si mines drowned. On the eontrirv,
he would have soou taken up Semmes' boat
lleie let me pi 'ice a reflection. I It not
ftrui ge that at her birth and her death, and all
through the course ot her short existence,
whenever tho Alabama needed help thero was
nlwnys an Knglisliiuau there to render it ? Mho
was constructed by F.nglishmen in an
F.ngllsh port ; sho was taken to sea, armed,
equipped, and started on her career of pillage and
devastation by Englishmen ; sho was ted, har
bored, petted, and protected in English ports;
and finally, when she arrives at the lust tragic
mi nf in -T destructive existence, there steps in
an Englishman to steal away her captain and
ollici rs !
The Monilevr anil other Secession sheets say
that the eontt st was an unequal one, and this in
the tVceof the boast of Laird and other bom
bnsiic Ei'glish shipbuilders, that the Ainbima
could either whip or outrun the Kt irtarge, and
that Captain Semmes demanded nothing better
thn a trial of the qualities of the two boats.
The facts are, that the Krartage could both
outrun and w hip her. An ofllecr ot tho Krart irge
said In re the other day, that if they could get
sight ol the Alabama In the morning, no mat er
ut what distance, he was sure that they could
catch her and sink her bvforo night.
lioth are wooden vessels, the Alabama being of
K'OO tons, and the Kearmrge 10.10. Hoih carried
about the same number of guns, hat the one
carried Yankee guns and the other English, and
this gave the Keartarge a great advantage. A
man who w ill trust himself to Entll-h guns at
this advanced age ought to have his ship sunk.
The Keartarge carried a complement of ISO
men, and the Alabama IMJ. The ditlurence was
not great as regards number, for ships of that
sir.e can Is? just as well handled in an open sea
fight with l.'iO as with ISO men. But the hir
tarje bud a great advantage iu the kind of men.
She had Yankee, sailors and some of the old
gunners of the United States Navy tho first
sailors nnd the first gunners In the world.
The otllcers of tho Alamma, I am told, uro all
superior men in their procsion, but their crew
volunteered for privateering purposes, and wcro
probably not the kind of men to fight such a foe
as they found in tlie Keartarge. For it is not tho
most adventurous or the most blustering man
who makes the best tight in a case of life or
Dr. fiult, of Norfolk, Vs., tho surgeon of the
Alabama, and a gentleman who seems to have
bceu much beloved and respected bv nil on board
the vessel, was drowned. So at least it is re
ported. The Ycddo, new Confederate ship at Bordeaux,
was yestcrduy preparing to sail to-day. The
owners say she is sold to a neutral party, and
tho Government nppt ais to Conlide in the state
ment. We will soon see.
It is to 1)0 hoped that our Government will
hurry over here some additional men-of-war.
1 hey would be very useful in various ways.
y. Y. Timet.
Tlie Nlitht from the "Drerhonad."
On tiik Dkck op thk "Dkkrmocnd," Cowes,
June 19. Il is seldom that an A mcrican abroad
has the opportunity of sending borne such glo
rious news as it is now my fortune to narrate.
The Alabama, otherwise known as the "21K "
baa at last met the fate she ao richly deserved,
and at the bands of a United States gunboat,
which Captain Semmes, of his own choice, had
challenged to mortal combat.
ImH week the Alabama arrived at Cherbourg
for the purpose of repairing.preparatory to another
cruise of destruction ; but owing to the absence of
the Emperor, who was at Foutalncbleau, there
wna some delay In procuring the necessary per
mission. In the meantime Captain Winslow, of the V. 8.
sloop Keartarge, received Information of the
Alabama'! arrival, and immediately left the
vicinity of Dover to watch, and, if possible, to
cupture the pirate.
On Saturday Captain Semmes went oa above,
where be had an interview with a gentleman con
nected with the firm of Saunders & Otlcy, and
with whom be left his Journals and other docu
ments connected with the Alabama, saying that
"He would not bavo that damned Y'ankoe flaunt
ing bis flag Ik fore him, but would go out and
fight him." This, of course, cansed considerable
talk as well as excitement at Cherbourg, some
believing that Semmes would keep his word, and
others not. The English steam yacht HeerfuntnJ,
owned by Mr. Lancaster, was at Cherbourg,
having on board Mr. Lancaster, bis wife, ami
family, who determined to witness tbe engage
ment. On Sunday morning, the I9th of June, the
weather being clear, with light winda, tbe Ala
bama was observed to be preparing to cast loose
from the dock, evidently for the purpose of going
to sea. This immediately caused the Deerhound
to gel up steam and leave Cherbourg at 9 o'clock
A. M., followed by tbe Alabama at half-past 10
o'clock A. M., and also the French Iron-clad
Couronne, which ship took up a position wltlila
three miles of the land, to prevent fighting ia
neutral waters.
Tbe Keartarge at this time waa about ten miles
off shore, and, oliaerving tbe movements of the
Alabama, immediately got on full steam, beat to
auarters, and steered towards the Pirate. When
within a distance of two thousand yards the
Alabama commenced tbe aetlou by firing a broad
side from ber starboard battery, tho Keartarge
Immediately replying with her sturboard gnus.
A sharp and most spirited fire waa now kept up
between the two vessels, tbe Alabama firing prin
cipally solid shot, and the Keartarge using more
shell from her 11-lneb coluinbiada.
In manuuvring they made seven complete
circles, the Alabama endeavoring to keep at long
runge, but unsuccessfully, on account of the
superior power of tbe Keartarge.
At twelve M. the firing from the Alabama
slackened, and she waa seen to make bead-sail
towards land. Her escape, however, waa Dot
permitted by the Keartarge, who kept up a steady
fire, and at half-past twelve the Alabama had her
stern under water, and a white flag Hying, and at
fifty minutes past twelve abe gave a lurch to bet
port side and sank, thus ending her career of
destruction under tbe guns of the first war ship
she bas ventured to encounter. .And may thus
end all enemies of tbe United States.
The engagement lasted juat one bour from the
tlnik the two vessels came into range. Tbe firing
on the Alabama was much more rapid than ou
the Keartarge, she (Alabama) liriug three to her
one at the beginning of the action, but gradually
diminishing, thus showing tbe superior manner
in which tbe guns of the Keartarge were served.
A short description of the Alabanui may not be
amiss, moiciun . win give It: The Alabama,
er "wV' w lauded from ,h. building yard
of the MnS'rs. Laird, or Birkenhead. She waa a
barque-rigged wooden propeller, 1060 tons regis
ter, 210 feet length of keel, 210 feet length over
all. 32 feet beam, and 17 feet depth.
Her engines were built by Laird k Co., and
were two horizontal ones, three hundred horse
power each, with stowage for nearly four hun
dred tuna of coul. Her sails and sumding rigging
at ail times available were aa follows: Fore,
loretopmast, staysail-jib, two large try-sails, the
usual square rails on tore and main, with tho ex
ception of mainsail, which was a Hying one,
spanker nnd gall topsails ; all the standing rigging
was wire. She also had a double wheel, und the
motto, Aide tei, et JJieu Faidera. Sho carried
live boats, viz : Cutter and launch amidships,
gig and whaletiout between the main and mizen
masts, and dingy astern. Tbe man deck was
pierced for twelve guns; elliptic stern, billet head,
hifh bulwarks.
At the time she left Cherbourg hor crew
numbered one hundred and titty persons, she
sailed from Liverpool on the 2'Jth of July, HW2,
and after preying for nearly two years upon un
armed merchantmen, and having performed
nothing more worthy of her boasted prowess
than the destruction of tho llatterat, lured by the
displav of false colors within rango of her lire,
she has fought ber first aud last battle. One
may truly say "she has been seen in the light of
the flumes she has kindled on the ocean, but
never iu the red glare of battle."
It Is amusing to see the wry faces that John
Bull makes ovr the news of hor destruction,
especially after having made so much fun of tho
American navy. The idea is ob ! so hard to swal
low that a Yankee gunboat, with a crow of one
hundred men mid eight guns, should have not
only utterly destroyed, but actnally sunk in one
short hour a man-of-war built, armed, equiped,
and manned by Englishmen (who sing "Br.
taunia rules the wave") iu fact, nothing but a
regular appointed British man-ut-war, ouly sail
ing under dtllercnt colors.
Among those who sympathize with the South
there is un evident feeling of disappointment and
di suondencv t for it was whispered about in Lon
don on Saturday evening that the South would
soon have cause to fuel proud of her achieve
ments at sea. How bitter must be their disap
pointment. , '
Let all true patriots rejoice that tho Alabama Is
no more, und let England take not only a lesson,
but a warning ; for sho will surelv have to pay in
full fur tbe damage done by tbe "English pirate."
t nr.Neii rf.porth.
The Imperial Olti lal 0t(innt.
Frcm th 'arii Kmltnir, iinsll.
The Confi derate cruiser A'ab tma, earrvini out
the dcisn it had announced sovera H ive iwforc
hand, left Cherbourg Roads yesterday it t.-ii
o'clock A. M., and advanced au-ainst tin' Federal
corvette Kiaruirge, which hoven d in the offln
a a d"tan' c of about fifteen miles. Tin iron
end frigate ( ouromie left her moorings simulta
neously wi h the Alabtma, and a 'comp inied her
five ml cs, In rder to prevent hostilities from
taking place In French wa'er. The netinti com
menced at about eieven o'clock far beyond th it
limit The tiling was gallantly kept up on b tli
sides for two hours, after which the 4iA'im'i w a
c im i l ed by the severe Injuries sho had sus
tain! d to make for Cherimurg.
'I he Keamarue itnnirdiAOly gave chase ; but a
few momcn's later the AUibama sunk. It was
then one o'clock. The Keartarge saved sevetilv
two of the crew and returned to Cherbourg,
where she anchored In the course of tbe after
noon. Ten Confederate ami three Federal
wounded were landed and taken to the Cherbourg
bo-pital. Nine nu re of the Alabama'! crew were
broug ht bark to Cherbourg by a pilot bo it. The
steam-tug l ar was sent from Cherbourg by the
1 relict Maritime to aflufd assistance tithe Ala
bama as soon as sho appeared to be in danger,
but only arrived after all the survivors had been
picked up.
Fifteen Hundred PttrUlnnaSleethe Fight.
Fmrit (June 3n Corrftprn.tenct of Lmion .Vrvt.
Cherbourg letters give accounts ef the fisht
betwetn the Alabama and the Keartarge. The
Alabama was watched by the French Iron-clad
frigate t'ouronne to tho distance of nine marine
miles from the harbor.that being the Ibnit wiibin
which it Is not piruiitted for foreign belligerents
to fight
Nine miles at sea is but a little distance nu a
fine day, and l.'iOO l'uri-ians who had arrived at
Cherbourg by an excursion train to see tho new
Casino had a capital view of the combat. Cin
tain Semmes mount tofltthtall along, and ha I
intended to board the Keartarge. Ou Thursday
last he entertained a large party on bo ird tlie
now extinct Alabama, and showed with pride to
the ladies who dined with him the hoarding
hatihcts and sabres (fresh ground) which wer.j
dlsplavcd on deck.
He left with the Brazilian Consul all his gold,
his papers, forty-five chronometers, and his will.
Mrs. Semmes was in Paris yesterday, hut has
now probably goue to join her husband in Lon
don. The French Government p ipers all favor
able to the South lament the lott of the famout
eorsair, the Alalnima.
Another t rench Arrount Fliclit Million
4.1 I'ranrs ou ItoiirU the I'lrnleall tarr.
From (Jaliijnani's Uftlenger.Juntll.
Y'ou are aware that the Alalnima put In hero a
few days back, coming from the Chinuse Seas.
Captain fciemincs, her commander, was In want
of wood, provisions, and coal. He lud eight
millions of francs on board, the booty heaped up
from her various encounters, but tho crow were
in want of clothes and shoes.
1 be captain was permitted to take on hoard a
supply of fuel and some provisions and clothing,
hut he could not be allowed anything more. Ilu
had deposited in the hands of the llrazllian Con
sul bis money, that of his crew. Ids will, bis ship's
Iiapers, and forty-five chronometers, which he
lad taken from captured vessels. As tbe Hear
targe. Federal steamer, bad arrived outside tho
port in order to attack the Confederate vessel
when she came out. this latter determined to go
and meet ber openly. .
Accordingly on Sunday morning tbe Alabama
got ber s'catn up and lett the roadstead, escorted
by the French iron-clad frigate t'ouronne, the
mission of which waa io have what ia called the
maritime territory respected, namely a dis
tance of nine marine miles. When the two com
batants passed tbe limit, tbe Couronne returned
into tbe roadstead.
Tbe engagement then commenced, the Alabama
endeavoring to run alongside and board ber ad
versary, who was more powerful than herself,
both as to build and weight of metal ; but she
could not succeed in the attempt, as the equality
in their speed allowed the other vessel to keep at
a certain distance, and both the steamers kept
firing tbeir guns at a good range.
These manaovres and the cannonade lasted
nearly an bour, at the md of which time, tho
Alabama slackened her fiVe and let off her steam,
which cirenmstance, for those spectator who
were competent to form an opinion, Indicated
some damage in her machinery. Tbe Keartarge
continued Co fire ai a distance, avoidiug to eome
close to tbe Confederate vessel.
Tbe latter in a few minutes after set her head
sails, which appeared to show tbat the after part
of the vessel bad been damaged, and that she ln
ti nded to run In for tbe land. At about half-past
twelve the Alabama went down all at once by the
su rn, her flag still flying, and disappeared. Two
of her boats bad lieen previously lowered with
men in them. When the Alabama turned to
wards the shore tbe Federal vessel kept firing on
her, without tho fire being returned, except at
long intervale.
It appears that the Alabama at first resisted
Ecrfectly, until a shot from tbe Keartarae knocked
er screw to pieces, and that accident left the
Confederate vessel completely at the mercy of
ber enemy. The Keartarge picked up si xty-two
of the Alabama' t crew, and then went into Cher
bourg, where she anchored in tbe atVernoon.
Nine of the Alabama' t men were picked op by a
Three of the men picked up by the Keartarge
died some hours after from their wounds. The
Keartarge had three men wounded. The Inhabi
tants of Cherbourg had all assembled on tbe
quays, on the breakwater, and on every point
whence they could get a view of tbe engagement.
Tbe Federal vessel, on coming back, an bored
close to the Xapoleon screw-liner, and wot toon
vitiled by nitmertntt jiertont.
The Keartarge bas sutlered severely, having
received twelve shot in her hull. Hit crew were
superior in number to tbat of ibt Alabama, which
bad between one hundred and thirty and one
hundred and forty men. The tivo vessels fired
about one hundred and thirty shots each. Tbe
wounded on both sides have the greatest atten
tion paid them. They bave been sent to the Na
val Hospital, where they have been visl ed by
Vice Admiral Dupouy, tbe Maritime Prefect
Veaaela Deetreyed by the " Alabama."
On the 29th of July, 18o2, at9j o'clock A. U ,
the Alabama, commanded by Captain M. J.
Butcher, formerly of tbe Cunard rice, left the
Mersey, having a number of la.fts aud gentle
men on board, osten-ibly for a tnal trip ; she an
chored in Moelfna Bay the sane evening, and
transferred her visitors to a steantug.
Sbe remained in the bay, ablwing hands, until
tbe 31st, wben ber officers, letrning that tbe
custom authorities had orders to detain her, at i
o'clock in tbe morning got her tnder welirh, ami
sbe started off on her first On the lftth of
August ihe reached Porto Praya, in tbe Island
ot i trcelra (Aiores),
Here she met the (hip Agrinina, of London,
Captain McQueen, from whom ihe received her
guns, store, ammunition, Ac; also the stcamur
Kaliamn, having on board Commander Raphael
SvBiUHSand the otllcers of the Rebel steamer
Svmttr. On the 24 b of August Csplain Suiumes
took formal command of the Alahtma, and after
putting Captains Bullock and Uutcherasliore.sho
proceeded on her way, having a e w of twenty
six otllcers and elghty-livo men; since wh.cb
time she baa captured und destroyed the follow,
lug vessels : ,
little. Same. Where From,
Hsut. 4 Ship Oclim il s Minim s Viuesr4.
titpl. 0 Sf lu.oni-r Htuiliuhl Jtitiai.
Knit. 8 bariue Oi tsn Kuvsr M-w bonilon.
h. 1.1. S lluniue AIiti New lliarurd.
bt'il. 9 Schooner Wcaiher limn Iovidmitutuvrn.
Hep!, l-l llriKSiitlliu Allaoisua'pjean.
hep!. H hhlp lltiiiamla Juchor..
BelJt. hi Mchoolwr l uarstir
H.-ia. 17 Itaruu YlrvlhU
, .Nr llnllur.l.
et-t. la llariiai- Kllslia Uuubar Ntw I'.sllurd.
Oct. !i Hhlp Uritliallt Niw VurK.
Oct. 7 Kiiinue Wave Crest "V v.irk.
del. 7 Ililsi.nllTiB liuiiklrs Nov York.
l et. 6 Willi Tnllan anils I'tllk'lelpiila.
Oct. 11 Ship Maui'holer Ssw York.
Oct. 1'- llrtnim' Lami'litfliter IWston.
-(. V3 Sii p l.nmveUK Nov Havsn.
Oil is; H. -honour Lienslisw VwYork.
Oct. 's llalilie I.MIIlli-IIS Itiston.
Oi l. ya Itrtitntliie BronduCailliui-ilini rsnioiutj
Nov. i-Hhip l evlSiarl.u. k Niw HedlolX
Nov. s Mil. 'Ihoiinm li. VYallcs bcsion.
Nov. 30 lluniue Parker Cook U"toll.
l)ee. Hrhoom-r Untoll lUltiiaore ran'd.
lec. 7 Mmiuor Arlil Nw lurk-rud.
Jan. 17, Kieanier MaUtraa H. jtunhjau
Jan. 'JS bar !iir t.i'lli n Kme Saw York.
Jan. brtantihe Clia.tuiain boau-n
Keh. H8rl.ooner I'aluiulU) York.
Kl. SI llriK oliva June Itmlnn.
Feb. Vl-KI ip (InMdl Kills New HeHforJ.
Keli. '17 Hhlp W ashliiamn N w Yuik, ran il.
Mar. 1 Hhlp Iii riniaJi I haver hoi'kUmt -ran L
Mar.; Mnp J"lni A. Parka !laiiotll.
star. 3 Bi ip I'uniaiib IVj-lon rao a.
Slar. 'I'i Momtais Mar It'sloii-rsu d.
Mar. !M Kinsllihtr Nw Uedlord.
ll.u-.V-sMp Nora Huston.
alar. V.WMnp Charles Hull Hc-t in.
A pi ll 1 Mn. tonus ilafli H.klinJ.
Apt!! I Hi inns Kate Cory w(.tpnit.
Api I) Ifr llaoiua l.alaaa. Nsw llatlrord.
A.rliV4-llar.ue N.- New lloiliord.
A'illW-rlii Horias I'rlnca New York.
Hay H -Harilfi Union Juuk New York.
atsy H Hea l.srk NewYork.
ly So Hiap illdrleia Nsw York.
tiny a. Haniue Jii.ilu., lluliliuore rajra.
May 'JU-Hhlp Jahri Boo Ilui kpoit
Juno ?-buniiia Aiiia.oiitau.... botoii.
June 5 ftliiy TalLman New Vork.
JiiiieM- llariiua Com ad I'hiledulphl.
July 1- hlnp Anus f'. Nilimuit Itosiou.
Jul C hlnp K'rea I'nrlsuiouUl.
An. laiMBaaUrldt iloslua.
Baltiwohi:, July 6,2-lS P. M. The American
publishes tho following view of the situation of
affairs in the viciuity of Harper's Kerry :
An intelligent gontlemaii who arrived this
morning from the vicinity of Harper's Ferry,
sutis that it is now definitely known that the
whole force of tho enemy does not exceed 50J0,
of whom less than one -fourth are cavalry and the
balance Infantry.
They are concentrating around Harper's Ferry,
ai d are sending out parties to forage on the peo
ple, robbing them of even their watches and
There was some skirmishing going on between
our troops and the Hebels across tho river, and
occasionally shot and shell were being thrown at
them from Maryland Heights.
The fight of Colonel Mulligan with thoir ad
vance at Lcotown is spoken of aa moat gallant,
successfully repulsing them several times.
General Sigel moved towards Shcpjiardstown
with his immense wagon train in front, the pro
tection of which was deemed of more importance
than Hie seeking of a general engagement.
Mot a wagon fell Into the enemy's bunds, aud
nothing was left behind at Martinslmrg, except
some oats, which was set on tiro before we left.
The linp'ession was, when our Informant left,
that Ihe llebcl lon e will retire before to-morrow
nicbl, as deneral Hunter will he iu their rear by
tbat time, with ao amplo force to overwhelm
them If they remain longer.
Tbe principal object of this raid has proved
un-ncci ssful, unless it he the damage they bave
done to the lailroad and canal, tho collection of
conscripts, aud plunder of tb inhabitants.
Thi y have not attempted to leave, tho line of
tho 1'utomac, except to rob stores at Point of
Bucks, and to destroy some canal boats near
Washinotok , July C. The Navy Department
bas received the following despatches ;
Uxitbd States 8tbamii"Kiaiibahoe," June
19, 1R64, F. M. Sir : I bave tbe honor to inform
tbe Department that tbe day subsequent to the
arrival of tbe Keartarge off this port on tbe ltb
Instant, I received a note from Captain Semmes,
begging that the Keartarge would not depart, as
be intended to fight ber, and would not delay
ber but a day or two.
According to this notice, the Alabama left the
port of Cherbourg this morning, at about 9 30
At 10-20 A. M. we discovered her steering to
wards ua, and fearing the question of jurisdiction
might arise, we steamed to aea until distance of
aix or aeven miles waa obtained from the Cher
bourg breakwater, wben we rounded to, and
commtneed steaming for the Alabama.
As we approached, and when within about
1200 yards, aha) opened lire, we receiving two
or three broadsldea before a shot was returned.
Tbo action continued, the respective steamers
making a circle around and around at a distance
of about 900 yards from each other.
At tbe expiration of an bour the Alabama
struck, going down in twenty minutes afterwurda,
and carrying many persona with hor.
It affords me great gratification to announce to
the Department tbat every officer and man did
tbtir duty, exhibiting a degree of coolness and
fortitude whlcb gave promise at the outaet of
certain victory.
I bave tbe honor to be, most respectfully, your
ohed.ent servunt,
Johm A. Winslow, Captain.
Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy.
United Stater Steamer " KunsanOE,"
Cur.HHoi.HO, France, June 20, 18G4 Sir: I
inclose herewith the Surgeon's report of the
casualtlee on Imard this vessel, in the late action
With the.ilii6ama.
Although we received some twenty-five or
thirty shots, twelve or thirteen taking e licet lu
the hull, by tbe mercy of (lod we have been
spurt d the loss of anyone life; whereas, in tbo
cute of Ibe Alabama, Ihe caruage, I learo, was
Tbe blps were abeut equal in match, the ton
nage being the same.
TLe Alabama carried a 100-ponml rifle, with
one heavy bti-pounder, and six broadside 32
pounder. The Keartarge carried four broadside 32
poundiTs, two 11-Inch and one '-'H-pound rlllo,
being four less than rt Alabama.
Tbo only shot which 1 fear will give ns uny
trouble, is a luO-pound ritle, whlcb entered our
stern port and remains at present unexplo led.
It would seem almost invidious to panic ul trize
the conduct of any one man or olticer In an atlair
in which all bavo done their duty a forti
tude and ceolnets which cannot be too highly
f raised j hut I feel it due to my executive ollleer
.icutenaiit Coiiiniander Thornton, who super
intended tbo working of the battery, to par
ticularly mention him for an exampleof coolness
and encouragement of the men whilo fighting,
which contributed much towards the success of
tbe action. 1 bave the houor to be very respect
fully your obedient servant,
Jons A. Winslow, Captain.
Hon. O. Welles, Secretary of Navy.
Surgeon llrown reports John W. Dempscy,
iiuurieimaster gunner, has hia arm amputated,
owing to fracture, and William Gowin aud James
Macbeth, ordinary seamen, severely wounded.
New Youk, July 6. The Oeean steamer Queen,
from Asplnwoll on the 27th ult., bas arrived with
170,000 in treasure.
ranuma advices of the 27th of June state that
Chili is tuking atcps to fortify Valparaiso, to pur
chase w ar steamers, etc.
A Spunish gunboat visited Callao under a flag,
of-lrucc on the 3d tilt., to treat with Teru, in
order that, in the event of a scarcity of provisions
on board the Spanish squadron, hostilities might
be snsponded long enough to obtain them, with
out resort to compulsion.
I'eru has refused to hold further commuulca
tlon with the Spaniards.
Tho Culled States frigates Laneatter and St.
Manjt were ut Callao.
A revolution had broken out In Santa Martha,
and the Governor of Magdalena Is arrested.
There is nothing new from the coast.
The schooner Uenral Harney, which ran away
from San Francisco, two years ago, with a cargo
of (luiciisllvcr, Ac , baa been captured at one of
tbe (iallipapos islands. The captain had been
murdered by his orew.
Bpwlal Jtatpatchc to Evening Telegraph.
Wasbihotok, July 6.
The Slew Wrrtavrjr.
Mr. Fcssemlen and Mr. Chaso have been
rlosctcd together all the morning. Nothing Is
positively known with regard to his future finan
cial policy.
noirments of He ere In ry ftWfrfi.
Secretary Seward has accepted an invitation to
visit the coast of Maine, in August, In coinpiny
with the Special Committee of the House, who
go to examine the defense.
The Hclwl Raid.
Nothing further from the Raid Oovernment
oftlciala teem to be satisfied that all is going on
Arta ef the Cnrngrf-nm.
Congress, during the lute session, passed two
hundred and thirteen acta and aixty joint reso
lutions. Opialn Wlnalow lrle n Coinmo1ore.
The Navy Department are jubilant ovor tho
sinking of the Alabama, and Captain Wlus'ow,
commanding the Keartage, has 'eon made a Com
modore. He Is a native of North Carolina, but for
some years past has been a eltiian of Massachu
setts. Tty naval laws, when an inferior vessel
sinks a superior one, ber entire value goes to the
victors. An appropriation will be made by Con
gress. 1 he Alabama waa worth 9 00,000, and
Captain Winslow'a share will be from S70.000
to 9100,000, while the lowest seaman or sliip-liand
will get from $1200 to flAOO.
Nr. rtanne'n t linalM.
In Mr. Chase's annual report on the state of
the finances for the fiscal year ending on tho .10th
June, 1SC2, dated Ith December, 1804 (pige 2),
he says: "On the supposition that the war may
be continued with undiminished dlsbursomeuts
until the 1st of July, lBflt, the debt likely to
have been then Incurred must be estimated at
1 his estimate was made nearly nineteen months
In advance, when the debt stood at seven hundred
and twenty millions, and the increase of tho debt
for one month before and a month afterwards,
was at the averago rata of $1,440,000 per diem.
In the period covered by the forecast of tho
Secretary, tbo debt has actually Increased, In
mnnd numbers, one thonsand and twenty-four
millions, at the average rate of $1,800,000 per
diem of 572 days.
On the 28th of June, two days before the period
fixed, an official publication of the debt shows its
amount to be $1,740,036 680-M. If we add feur
millions for these two days, which is about the
present average Increase, we bave the estimate
justified and verified with a precision whlcb bas
no parallel in financial history.
Taking all the contingencies Into view, an error
of one hundred millions would not have surprised
adi pts on statistics j but the figures ascertained
come within leas than one million of tbe amount
IadiI Affair.
The General Land Office has Just aubmltted for
signature, 1300 pieces of agricultural land scrip,
equal to 208,000 acres, leaving 2337 pieces of 1GO
acres each to be funded to complete the comple
ment of the State of Ohio under the law.
Naval Prlans.
The following additional prizes have been ad
judicated at the office of the Court Auditor, and
are now ready for payment -.Coitettoga, capture
20 bales cotton Conettoga, capture 27 bale
cotton; rosea, capture Miriam.
Wednesday, July 6. There Is but little Quer
citron Bark offarlo, and the market Is almost bar i JT. 1
alls la smaU lot at S47 ft ton.
The rtctlpts of Clovsrsaoil bave baau trtdlnf , aa In tho
sbtaocs of salts wo quote at M-MVol' II lbs. Ia F las
soed no salsa bavo coma andor oar aotlco. A aaia f
Timothy, to tbo exMnt of 100 busbal,was oSseud at
H it), a furthtr sdvsoeo.
Tbt Inactivity rcccrdod In Uk Flour Ifarkot at tho oIom
of our la.t icport itlll continual, and holders aro firm la
thotr demand). Th dommnd for sblpmont contlnuo light,
and only a few hundred bair.l wort takan at S9 60V
baml for xtra ; llOMWyll-M for oxira family and fancy
lot. Sale, to the trade are makln at yeaterday's a ures.
There le very IHUe Bye Flour and Cora Meal her, and a
sale of iiher htvacome oader our nolle.
In Wheat then Is but little olTerlns, and tbo dew a ad Is
less actlv. Th sales comprise 3000 busbtls red at 12-303
2 36, and whit at x-ttejl-io buahol. Ky coma for
ward slowly, and I worth from II IOUI'II, A small
sal of yellow Corn was ffee'od at tl M l buibel. Oats
ar morn inquired after, and StoXOOO bu.hls Pennsylvania
sold at 9r.(niD2 cents. No sales of Barley or Malt bave come
uader our notice.
The Provision Uarktl rather quiet, tad prices for Mots
Pork, Lard, Ac, are well maintained.
Whisky It lest Inquired allar, and no sales have been
reported W quote barrela at $1 SO, a decllnt.
Market by Teleirrapli.
New York, July 6. Flour advanced lifrf25c.
Rale r 14 MM bbls. Bute at flOtiuiO 40; Ohio, $lr4
tli-l!; Houthrru, all 11. Wheat sdvanced ijv-'Vo. Males
of IVO.OOO liu.h. Chlcaso RpiiiiK, l'v-l st; Milwsuaa
Club, U'u.tj4'0; red Western, tl 44gii-IiV Cauadl.ia,
ai 76.
Stocks are better. Chicago and Rock Island,
ll:il; Cumberland Coal, 4; lilUvUa Oeatral, lUVs
Mielitsau HouiIm.d, Wi;'.; Kead
lng, i;iy.'4 ; Hudson Klver. IaM, ; Oan'oo Company, .ia, j
ali.x.url C. sli( Krl, 1U'' ; Cs vetanJ tad Tolwlo, 141;
One Year Ceifeftcatea. 96. : Treasury Heven-Thlrtle., list;
1 Ivt-Tweiily Couns, lo4' j Couuoa lis, lul ; li M. ttto.
Baltimobb, July C Flour dull at $.)'J5(.i)
K M) ler ll .wsrd Hlrett supernae. Wheat Arm. New
Wheat le coming forward slowly. Hairs of lissj buau.
Maryland while ttfi'76. Corn quiet al tl SO for white
toil ll ti for j show. Wl.Hkv arm it II SJyl So.
Caiho, July 6. Al tbe Government sale of
fotton ye.terday A') bales sold at r&7KJ)t'4d'. average
$14('S- Flour dull and aalre confined to low grades.
W heal dull and low grades taster Corn ilrm aud active.
Otis devinu-d. Business generally very doU.
State or TuBRMOMETEn To-dat. Six A. M,
60. Noon, 82. One P. M., 85. M'ind W.
j-n-i o i-juiixryij- -ifn-v a - i -
Tabsino CovNTEKvr.IT CtBRKNCY. Charlea
8. Cbtw waa taken Into custody at Kidge avenue
and Wallace street, yesterday aftcrnojn, upon
tbe charge of passing counterfeit 50 cent cur
rency. When arrested ho had tiearly $"0 worth
of the bogus paper in bis possession. Ho passed
it at several s'ores, and was aubse (ueutly
wuti bed and arrested. He was banded ovor to
tbe United States authorities.
Sehioi'8 Fall. A young man, named Fred.
Flcmme, fell from the third-story window of a
house at the corner of Seventh and Noble streets,
about 12 o'clock last night, and broke his arm
and leg. He got up to listen to a serenade, and
full asleep in the wiudow. lie is not expected to
TwiNTiETH Section School Board. This
Hoard have organized by tbe election of Joa. F.
Marccr as President and Chas. D. Calladay aj
Arrival of Sick and Wounded Soldiers.
At noon to-day a steamer containing 189 aick
and wounded soldiers, arrived at Arch street
w hurf. The men are being removed to the va
rious bospi'als.
1'RiboN I.nm'Kctohs. No change have been
made in the organization of the old Board of
Prison Inspectors. The biard cone Hicn'l v
stands as follows: President, John li. Uiddle,
M. I).; Secretary, fedmuud tsiuiih; treasurer,
Isaac U. (Jamgues.
Committed. Yesterday afternoon Henry
O'Neil, charged with having cut Henry Force
witb a knife, from the effects of which he died,
waa committed to prison to await the result of the
Coroners Investigation.
Too.-v,.T,..v, ti. Orion Association ba
- "BDuniaiiutii "v -
T.lbertv Hose Coinpaaj
1'lif.m.u rf
company by Conrad 11. Audroas, Hs,
t... n.o .tiou.A nliX"til) .1
he Work
ing Women ' Ilellef A..c!attoo'o hold to
morrow evening at Hansom ril mriaU. ,, pay-.-! f
the city bounty to mr j Vr nwaed yes
terday by the ' .
CaroHT at Last. For tome time past the)
residence of Mr. Dickson, at No. 912 Sergvaat
street, ha been repeatedly robbed of clothing t
and other valuable. At on time a geld waiek
was taken, handsome (Ilk dresses, na ler ck lk
Inr, Ac. Being satisfied that the theft waa n
milted by some one In the house, a little girl re.
tbeemplotof Mr. Dickson was suspected, i nl ,
from the fart that a few trifling article era .
feund In her possession, abe waa arrested aA
committed to prison.
Since then the house was agn In robbed, an 1
the aid of the police was cailedlin. Finally, it s
was proposed to search the house and see if ihcy '
were secreted anywhere. Reareh being made, a
Urge quantity of the clothing and other thine '
were fonnd in the trunk of a female boarder'
named Eliza Carroll, who was at once arrewtod,
and the little girl who had been unjustly perse--cntcd
waa liberated.
In tbe trunks of Kllr.a were also fbuB.4 a Bom
ber of fine table cloths, nankins, knives and
forks, and other articles, which had und .ubVedly
been atolen from some one else. The accusal:'
waa committed for trial by Alderman Hlbbard. f
fv Knticins Soldier to Dmbht. Thi after-1
noon Bernard Fltipatrlck, Robert Cunningham,
and James McKenna were arraigned before the.
United Sentes Commissioner upon the charge oft
enticing aoldlcra to desert from Camp William.
Tenn. T '
The men after deserting were taken to New
Jersey, and there sworn into the service again aa
substitutes. The evidence againit tie partis:
was most conclusive, as it was th wn where on,
of the defendants bad secreted one of the sol-
diera whom be had enticed away from eamp tow
his bouse. Another was hid away in a wagon, i
and covered witb bay. The defendant were
held to answer.
Mketino of tub Aobicvltchal Society,
This morning a monthly stated meeting of thai
Society for the Promotion of Agriculture we.
beld at their room oa Walnut street, Craig Bid-
die, President, la the chair. , .
The Chair acknowledged the receipt of a nam-
of Agricultural Heport from Uooorahle Charles,
O'Neil. ' 4
A donation of $10 waa acknowledged from Ai
M. llerkness, of the Philadelphia Biuaar.
It was stated that the amount realixed froref
Ihe Agricultural Department at the Fair baj
been $11,180. ,
r. McClnre, V. 8., read from a 8cottisb work,
a short extract on Pleura Pneumonia aa it aprss iri
In cattle. It does not believe the disease to tier
an epidemlo one; but depending more on the)
atmospheric influence and other causes. Tus
Society then adjourned. I
Oh Duty ao a in. Captain Thomas H. EIHxt
Assistant Adjutant General to General Qery(
of the 2d Division of tbe 20th Army Corp, wu
was wounded on tbe 18th ult., in the thigh, la
doing well aud again on duty. The Captain tr a
Pbtladclphlan, started with the 28th Me fl merit;
and has been through all tbe battles of the Amy
of the Potomac, and for a year posit with Johnson,
of the Army of the Cumberland.
Fires. This morning, about 8 o'clock, a fir
occurred In a stable attached to the foundry of
Stuart h Peterson, on Noble street, abetTiuV
tecnth. Tbe flame originated la the hay loft, v
and were extinguished with trifling damage. .
About a quarter to nine o'clock this morning,
a fire occurred at the cabinet maker shop tC
Kenton & Otter, No. 610 Olrard avenue. Th)
damage waa not heavy. f
i -
Reported by Clarkaoa a Co., Broken, No. 1X1 8. Third M.
Ire.bKeadKR-.sssl-l'iOj J0 th Vlnatear OU.. tK
loO.b uo....l wa
SIMM 17. S. .
'.tse O. S.t-iKia....
Slots) do
tf'O do
amni DlAllir.
lot) an Maple Sk luV
i an Horn oao p..l.rj
arotuausq. Oanal... t)K
M th Monte Caa..t V
so an (jam a am....lfl
w in eenna KM...
1 ah Id a ad
... IS do...
iicco ao...
Sn.hPhtLA bit..
tlOooPbil. Fjies. ...Ill
61 thMennf Meek J
40S th d-... W
loSah do UN
100 ah M Ueutral MX I
II. S. L.irn. sjtoek Comaolatloa Brokar, ETo. f Far.
quiuoBuUdlliga,Wtuutttra, below Third. .
Reported by Clarkson C., Brokers, Ha. 131 S. Third ot.
., 1rU -'". t1 MII.
iiniiru DI.H. w, inni, in. eu.....lvtl( Did
R"ck Ikland Rtl'roa but
Reading Hallroad IM tad
Illtuoia Central Railroad bid
(latent Railroad but
hew York Ceuiral Railroad Mo kid
Frle Railroad 116V kid
Harlem Railroad. .......... ......asa bid
old aw
1-nlKd SUtet t-20 n4V bid
Mar&ei... Jluu.
Jsl Coosa a Co. aaote Oovarmsaaot SMattOte, JK t,
boob to-day, as follows : i v
rr. ft. ., lust ,
U.S. 7 S-1U Mot
('rtincatea ef Indebtedneea.ETr'
I lo
lot , m
tw n
ynaruimiaster's Voucher
t-MBoad ,
J4 Y-0
Baron IllBiitoM,Watoa,JIw Oileaju, D. S.Sbstsoa
Bn Newburt, Howtt, Boetoa, Came A Kaliht
Helir M. A Uammond, Paine, Hoitoa, B A. Sender 4 C'l.
HehrA. M. Blaes, Blaekman, Morwleh. L.Aadearled io.
Bchr Re.Ueat. Vao.sut. Botua, bltklstoa, Qrmtl A Oo.
ScJu C F. Yoant. Uucchlaeon. Banter. -Bcur tar.iu, Baker. Frovldaooe.J.O Jtfl.8 Benallar
Eckr C.C. I'ol.on, BUmi.on,Botua, J.K. Batley aOo
SUir Yourw Amerlce. l oiter, New London, U KMhevmcL
Hrhr Geo fcdwards, Week, rro.klenee, J. R. Whit.
Schr E. Doroo, Jarvlt, FrovMen, Captala.
arrivkd rim Mcmwtm. i
Schr Ravtn, Ro.e, day from Mew York, at kirilatt
K. A. Souder A Co.
Skhi Ueueral Meade, THntmni, U day freet Ia.Sn.
wllh plaster to K. a. Houdar A Co.
ohr lieseua. Kelly, days Oota Frovldta, wM tail
to Crowell A Collins.
. Brlir Carrie W.Ut, Browo.4 days tea Mew Bedror. ba
aadaei to captam.
Bchr J a Rouer, Jnne. 10 days from Saeo, wttfe haaoV
la, to Mtdtlrt A Ctbada. ,
fctr A M Kdwu.,Mlneoa.ldyt from Xtwkra,ka
KclirUol.nna.Touna, dye from Waabhtftoa, la bat
last to ctpiain
ehr R. 8. lieta, Daa. 9 dart Bern Taaaloa, la ballast
t captain
tnr kamaritan, Lewis, frea BalUatm, fa ktlkwM la
rant ali.
Beor iUlwood Doroa, Jarrla.a-om Boalanv, kl kallaat k
Schr L B. Corbett, Sunpklas. rreaa AJuaadcIa, k btt-
Ittt to etpttlll.
kehr K. L. Tty, Freeman, mat Bottom, kt kaHAst W
One barqu ad bat brkr, ankaowm.
i.1 illCHllon Will bJ IQrttlr IO thl lUktwTtlrMf HOV.m D ie.
iruJMja Ur Ui reiittwal of JMO'L WAltHANt lv k s,
ditK-d MtrchH, lMk4, Iftfavur of A. Kl-JtU, Uc aiae hivuvf
Ln ot or itola. jjVK-
ind Penmylvaata. Vou mr catiiwl atkM to rJir
ti ih dt-feuB of yonr Hfie(Uj totitttntioct, utl th
Dillon; of l.lrty. riualiiVt tintl rk-ht TM &ruttrri.
UHkiUHhtvr hmt) rml Im) UkKiii iu U. mlnht of bis w xi
n, una htdi dfHantw t ihe pMihtH ttrauM of live IM4u
You tiii v w twn UK ! a uulmleU uy Mi rn cry -D.orAa-i
ICHilon, dettlioiton, aud diiirtM)tltiB. wid to mlei Ik hm
ittbv, kflt 4u fiK)l tty out wily tdvfrtrv to lull you tm
fulite fttcitriiy. and pn-vtrnt y.u from putt. uy Into tVvo At4
a tor co oiuuiuiUiiil with ilia work vo bo pvrioruMd
Vouaroiiuw ialutiir thai whicli Uiom who Mir
mr deeply luto Ui dtaiiii of tho traitor Utan oihjri
wamod jou.
Ihv Hebflit havo a larw foroo In tho Aaldtfc-Mr ovor
bfure, ano rj amiiliiuf tlie march ol our atrrcti arm
at uiany points. If yu would praiorvo Ui Untua, tboro
loro, you niuol rpuod to the call of tho tiOTOiottont for
adtlitional aid. Will yoa do It? Will you furttei potiUoa,
and abjure wirtlmoi aud mammon at lenst fat a atout
until ti.e great wurk of iiretervinn the Union, tlie hi
obirct now toiiittit to b aualnod by pitrioite Warfj, la
aoc'iunilUhtd'c Will you, lutlead of aaiiu olaara t outer
the ajruv. do iin nuraLfr
WiU Utj Union Leamia and other patrlotle aAoolatin'v
thmui;boi:t the Htate aud country, luitad of aayiuo u
pople io and Jc In tho aruiy, iy to ciiem come oasI ' yu
with un tl o hot, l ot Utteriy f Wal they do nv v7
exav p'e rathrr than pweptl
Lei all undtTRtand thai tne waj to prt -
and aduilnittr to tho comfort of our " L'V
lield.u iioitoexbaua all our onerai-- ' JJf CZEZ
tl..o to U. pamuUt womeu J JT J .SiILlf
laiod tor .nKro duty in th. ty ui
d-ni nd death. .ndco-.omhoawtlvvsup-lrft
ibe iKj.iom,lh, ir IIiOUil.INli ur-.dd
neDmwoco-Pl( c;mM uf pr.,.via.wo 4
5r,,!11rfV. rV. Leji ttntklnd ef miru aad au-ry te
dlhied . ;,dJ'd we altail harii Vulva aiid Pae at a tuai-
v.u'.li.ll." ottw,V-a.e doil. Io aaA oae a
"V s.Td'.n.rt.r. are oa ClltSJfUI lret, above Fifth, Ibe Mltl lluuee- WM. B. TflOkl
exi.rlal IsrawUtaw fctoelBy lei loan
1-ue., r 1IiW)T tt ,
i,im I'ull Sill-duly . hM.
16 H, 60, 44, 74, 2t, 6, tj, el, In,, tit, il, 63,
diiww. -- ' B. K. sui A Oa..
tviiMii, a.
. ..
,UT, i ui Uie army .i.nearu, is. i - .
tTLrlsburEf W1U yoo lufol.b 1 eio al lr will V
in.i vior lwloee.1 SiumU be oallaled ( i
r .