of the UlUtetl Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. NeMßJtx 1345.] FRIDAT EVENING, DECEMBER 30, 1796. \Jolvme X. A CARD. If Mtnfitur GH. Souls, _ ' Who left Bordeaux the loth June lift, and arrived f st Boston tbout the middle of Aisgnft, in the schooner a Jane, it ia Philadelphia, he it rrquefted to call on Joseph Anthony & Co. No. 5, Chefnut-ftreet, who will give him fomc information cf importance. December 14, 1796. § 1 J ■ ■ ■ ,1 . Clocks and Watches. LESLIE and PRICE, . Nt. 79, Market street, PaiLADtLPHiji, HAVE IMPOR TED, by the late arrivals from London, 1 large afiottment of WARRA \ T E D WAt CHE S, ccnfifting of horizontal, capp'd and jewel'd Gold Watches, with seconds, of superior workmanlhip and tlejranct; also capp'd and jewel'd t and plain Gold Watehei ; capp'd & jewell'd, capp'd, 1 seconds, day of the mouth, and filain Silver Watches; i •ight day k chamber Clocks; elegant French Clock* srith marble frame* ; eight day and thirty hour, brass a works, &c. * Decern bet ti, 1796. dim ' Imported from London £9° Liverpool, EARTHtr; WARE, in crates and hogsheads, well •flbrted Wine Bottles in hampers 1 , ?rind«w Glass of all li7e» t wo cases of stationary One chest of yellow Jefbits Bark Two cases of Roll Arnotta A fmafl eonfignment of Rose Blankets, Flannels, Baizes, Broad-cloths, Coatings, Plains, &c. Paints of various colors. JUfket fait in hoglheads. Also on hand, Madeira wine, rery old, in pipes, hogfhoads and quarter calks Holland gin in pipes, firft quaUty Anchors of different sizes A few trunks of ladies French (hoes assorted Silk nankeen,&c. ... , Likewise an assortment of Dutch goods, confining ot Ofnaber<*s, ticklenbergs,.bed-ticks ft: ipa s, checks. linen, plstillas, ravens duck;, 'Vitannas, &c. And for sale by the package only b V Thomas £5* John Kct.and. Walnut-itrert Whirl. V.r. tj. con ' F O R S A L E, The fafi-f a'lling Jc Montr OKI -V; Seventy toni burtitea i fitteer. mqnti>s _ nM : her frrjne is ot -the bell 0 f white J?k" the ia 'lithfnl built veflel, handsomely finilheo off and well found in every particular; is M;-iv to receive a targo on board, and can be put to sea without any x pencf on her hull, fails or r.gg.ng: fcellawsixhu dred barrels; has a iandfomc cabin and steerage, and a halt deck which will flow from feventy-five to eighy barrels < lias been newly caulked, graved and painted, for terms apply to BENJAMIN RHODE!., At No. 170, corner of Market a&d Filth Arrets, Or to the Captain an board laid khooner at ivteffrs. Willis and Vardflcy's wharf, adjoining Chefnut-ftreet wharf; where there is for sale Excellent pickled Salmon in barrels, the best of American Mess Beef, and l'ome very excellent BaSon manufafitured Chocolate. Dccembw 26 » I -»For Sligo and Killibegs, The American Ship ISancy, Cuthbert Kiggs, master. Will fail with all convenient speed. For freight or passage apply to William Bell; Who has for sale, 4 Trunks Printed Cottons, well assorted 3 Bales Irilh Flannels, and i.boxw Linens »5 Pipes Brandy Madeira Wine ; Indigo. Rnffia Matts. Also, - A few barrels Prime IRISH BEEF, PORK, OATMEAL, &c. November 11, 179 6 > mwftf FOR SALE, THE SHIP MARY, SAMUEL PARKER, Master, Two hundred tons burthen. Apply to JOSEPH ANTHONX, & Co. If the MARY is not fold in a few days, Ihe will take freight for Hamburg. Apply as above. Oilober 31. For Sale, or Charter, The Ship DIANA, Samuel Pile, Master, "MlffifflL Burthen 105 47"9S tons bui!t in Philadelphia in the year 1792, of live oik and red cedar, and was Iheathed IJ months ago, fte has just had a compleat out-fit, and may be sent to sea at a vtry trifling expeiice. fbr terms apply to Fhilip Ntckhn & Co. Who have for sale on beard said vejel, I 'ay calks of fine yellow paint. 9 boxes and tz bundles of writing slates. 1 box ink stands and note presses. 1, bales of Tail canvass. And on hand, ISCU* teas. Nankeen* of ihe qaifity. 10 tubs Quickfilvcr. , chests BandanßO handkerchiefs. A few chests Manchester goodswell assorted in Cor- thickset., Ginghams, Muflmets, Dimities, &c. 3 boxes black sewing silk. ISo crates Qneens ware well allorWtl. 10 tons (heet lead. Nails assorted, flat and sharp points. London Particular, , Madeira Wine in pipes London Market, r , an( } hoglheads. New-York Market, J . pipes and 10 hogsheads TtnenSe wine. % fierces V.ake Root. ijo log? k tth&ftf Nov f» NOTICE. A Those Gen lcmen who hold any of the undermen tioned Notes or Draughts (whether due or netJ are requested to meet at the City-favern on Wednesday n> XT, at h a'clock in the eveaing ; at which time an arrangement will be j;ropofed which it is expeAed will t be to th« holders. Edward Fox's in favor of James Greenleaf. James Grecn'eif's notes in f avor of Edward Fox. J.mes Greenieaf's draughts «n Edward Fox. Abraham Dull is's note to Edward Fox. Edward Fox's n»te to Abraham Dubois. .James Giveuleaf'o draughts on Abraham Dubois. At the requejl of a rnajer part of the Gentlemen inUrelled. - EDWARD FOX. C December 19. '^ tw A P R I N T. F MR. SAVAGE begs leave te inform the fiibfcrihers f to the Portrait of David Rittenho»se, l. u. d. w. r. s. PrefiJ.ea': of tke m&ricaa PhLofophical Society, that it gj is ready # for delivery, g Subfcrihers may have their print 9 put into elegant gilt -j. and borniflicd frames, fimflied every way in a much better manner than thole things are generally douc, at nine dollars each, print included. p Tbird door weft, of Tenth-street, in Chefnut-ftreet. rj. December aj. 3 WANTED, A MECHANIC, to erea Spinning and Wcsving Machines by water, such as are uled at my manufae tory —Apply to JAMES DAVENPC-3RI, No. 401, North Fro»t-ftr«et. N. B. None need apply but a eoMplete mechanic, and a man of liability. Gliie Mill, Detember 29, 1796 J SALT PETR £. 1 A large quantity of Double-Refined Sak P«tr< for sale »t No. 15, South Third-street. N..vc.uber 5. North-American Land Company. ' NOTICE is hereby given to the StockM4tr* that . an elet'lir.n wili beheld at thecompaay's office, on Sa turdav the ?l f t December, agreeably to the articles of affoeiaiien, for a board ot managers, to eonfitt of five and a Secretary. < ?3*- Fashionable Waistcoating. GEORGE DOBSON, No. 25, = SOUTTI TIiIR.D-STR.E6T, F Has reef W per the Diana, from London, I CliuJed and flriped Spsnilh frwanldown j Clouded Erromats jynl Moleikins f Striped do. and do. Figured Manillas J Scarlet figured F.rminets Printed Florinerts 1, Do. and Caffimeres ~ Superfine printed newest pattern* t Also, per different arrivals, A large and gcnera,l afifortirvent of Dry 1 > Goods, lt Suitable to the present and approacHng season. .Nevemhw j. dtf r Insurance Company ps North-America. THF, STOCKHOI HERS in this compa -y a« desired to take no'iee that the f-eond Turfdiy in jinuarj, (beirg the 10th day of the month) i< the day fixed by chsrtor for thceleftion »f twsnty-five Dirctftor. for be enfiiiflg year. >r ""he flexion will fee held at their and commence I at'jt o'clock, \. M. fhefubjeift ,f the bye-laws of the Corporation will be ' fuUmitsed to tlwir ation at this meeting. EBENF.ZER HAZARD, Sec'ry t/ec. 11. tthioj FOR SALE, At Whiteiides' Tea Ware-House, A'o. 99, North Second Street. Imperial f f Hyson Skin. Hyson, > Fresh Teas. < Souchong, Young Hyson, J C. Bohca — Dec. 9 -,tawjra. Insurance Company of the State of Penniylvania. THE Stockholders are hereby noiiSed, tha an tlciftion i for thirteen Directors to fetve for one year, will be held | t0 at the Company's on Monday the 9th January next, at II o'clock.—And agreeably to the a& ot incorporation , a fUitiiwont of the affairs of the company, will then be e laid before them. SAMUEL W. FISHER, See'y. Philadelphia, December 19, 1796. dt 9th Jan. Davis's Law dock Store, No. 313, HIGH-STREtT. J n GEORGE DAVIS announce! to his profeflional friends, k « nd the Gentlemen of the Law, genefally, thrash ih< Union, that his late importation ol BOOKS i» now arranp . Ed, and ready for Sale, from a single volume te an entire li a brary, without any advance upon hi* former exceeding lew prices, which forfeveral yeats paA have in so distinguished a manner nc«ommended them'to notice. Printed Catalogues combining the most extefifive collcc tion cf the latest Englift» and Iri(h Edition* ever importee into this country, are publilhed, and will be delivered gtati? on application. Orders addressed to G. D. in writing from any distance fhallbe punctually attended to. A number of TRUNKS for Sale. ALSO, TO BE LET, A convenient LOFT, near Maiket Street Wharf. ov.B. tu&f3«r TO BE SOLD, A PL ANTAION, in the town of Woodbury, conn tyof Gloucelter, and state of New-Jetfey, contain ing about one hundred and fifty acres ; a Vuitable propor or" tion of which is woodland and improved insadow. A ® cc " great part of the arable land is in a high ftste of cultiva tion, and very natural to the produdion of Red Clovsr On said plantation there is a genteel tw«-ffory brick hoiife, with four rooms on a floor, and a good dry cellar under the whole ; together with a barn, corn-cribs and carriage heufe The garden is large, and contains a good collee e * tioH of the best kinds of grafted and inoculated fruit trees ; the orchard eonfifts of aboHt three hundred grafted app e trees. Any person inclined to parchafe said premiles,ajay be informed of the terms by applying t» ANDREW HUNTER, ftf July r? I A few hogsheads of choice N. E. Rum, and a quantity of LAUD, forfait; Enquire at No. 71, North Water-ftrect. December 14 d iw Frejh Garden, Grass and Flswer-Seeds, ® Roots, isfc. &c. This d*J landing from the ship Eagle, captain Fofdick, from London, And FOR SALE by GOLD i'HWAIT & MOORE, p; Corner of Walnut and Second-ftrcets, ji tnojl capital and rxunfive Afirtmcnt of GARDEN, GRASS and FLOWER-SEEDS, ROOTS, See, See. *. Amoog which arc, Fire kinds Asparagus Thres kinds Cresses Four Bertjcole Twelve Onion Twenty-five Beans Thirteem Radifti Six Beets Fifteen Turnip Eleven Broceli Fifte«» Peas Twenty-fix Cabbage Si* Savoy Six Carrot Four Parsnip mm Three Cauliflower Twenty-three Melon Five C-lery Twenty-one Lettucc Tea Cucumber Com man and emon Thyme Curled leaf and (prigged Parsley £ Pot Marygold Pot Marjorum Balm Thyme Mangel Wurtzel Leek Kail Shallots £ Rape Seed Rye Grass Saint Foin Lucerne Red and white Clover Timet! y, &c. Src. E With a curious colle&ion of the most esteemed T FLOWER-SEEDS and ROOTS, F Being the moll extensive ever imported into this city. The above are from a capital Seedsman in London, and are warranted frefh and good. Printed catalogues may be had by applying as above. Dec. 17. dtf. r ' ~ ~ tl Just Landing, i> At South Jhreet -wharf, from n board the ship Sedg- P Icy, Captain Hodge, from St. Peterjhurg, The following Goods : t H-uflia Sail Dtick, fir.l quality. j Do. Shewing do. Do. Diaper. J Da Hiwkaback. ' Do CraDi. Do. Mou'd Candles, 4, 5 and 6,' to thejlb. of the 0 Fnglifh fise. 00. White Candle Tallow. n Dn' White Soap in small boxes* Do. Cordage of fine yarn. Raven* Dilck. lfinglafs, id and and fort. Horse Hair uncurlci. Ruflia Bait Iron, Do. Hoi>p Iron. Do. Nai\ Rods. 10 Tons Q|kum and Junk. ' St. Peterfl>frg Clean Hemp; For Sale by \ Philips, Cramond, & Co. J o&ober ra. -• $ Old London particular Madeira Wine, Landing froir. Yn board the barque Eagle, Capt. Bates ami for sale by ROBERf ANDREWS, 1 No. 86, S«\)th Wharvea. November co.ltf Cheap French China. THE fubferibers finding it impossible to fiipply their (lore with any more China front France, the prices being too immoderaU in the maimlad\orie», giv* no tice that they wii! fell at prime cost tl»e regaining fisck < n hind, coufillmg of Deflert Sett?, Tea-Table Sett» Separate Cup. and Saucera ' Grotipe* a»d Figure* •Alabailer Vases Looking Glaflti, i-n gilt framet, Befidca India J*pan'd Toilet Defies, Chaira, Tables nad Quadrille Boxe*. PASQUIER & Co. N». 91, South Second-itreet. December jt-h. tt« For Sale, f By J. WARDER, PARKER & Ct. An Invoice of Cordage, i Confiding of different fixes, from 12 inch cables down i to rope «f a fcches, of different lengths: Imported in , • the ship Swi&f from Hull, and entitled to drawback, i « Sept. 17 dtf * SWAN N'S Riding School, t City, and flatfcrshtmlelf tha. the fuecefs of his efforts, in«tne n urtierous, 1, obttmate and dangerou* diseases in Horses, in which he has c beeu oonfulted, together with hi* moderate charges, will le ure their future favors and recftmmeiKiatien. He now begS it*«ve ro inform them and the public at large k ihw his !pacious and commodious orcmilob, ere&ed for the a purpose& above d&fcr.bed are open for the reception of pupils of eitnor lex, who with to beinlhu&ed in the Art ui Riding, and the light method of governing their horses, so as to ride e chesß with ease, eiegance, and laiety—theij horses will be i« catcfully and expeditiously broke, for every purpoft, and made obedient to the will oi the riders ; the natuial powers ;e which are Ibut up iu thetn, will be untoldod by art, calling lorth uniformity of motion, and giving to that noble animal all thole beafitict of a&ion which providence has fv bounti rulh beftowod on tnetn. Alfo,_at his liofpiral, every difor :er to which the horse is lidb)? will be treated according to the rules of art, confirmed by l»ngand repealed experience. I he utility of the above inttkution has never been qncftion ed, t|jat u h<4s long been waoted in this city, every gentleman's \- Rud willmaMifeft, and T. Sw.-vwn as the nift pel the imputation that it was either " precipitate !* or vindictive." It originated in a desire to secure the property of the debtor as a fund for the pay [e ment of his just debts. It was fanftiened by the " advice ot council as a measure necejfary to the fafety of the creditors. If the advernlcment has been le injurious to Mr. M'Clenachan he owes that injury ,e to his ovrn unjufliliable corduft, not to the iub d fciibers who have merely publidied the truth in g terms as mild as the fact would admit, and who al mean to investigate in a high court of justice .the validity of those purcbafes of which Mr. M'Cle js naehan so confidently fpcaks. d The fubferibers therefore are bound by a sense of duty to the creditors in genetalto repeat their 1 ," eaution against ptirchafing df those grantee* or ,* either of them, and to extend the terms of it t» h at purchase from any other perfong (if such there be) 0 to whom Mr. M'Clenachan may have made similar at. _ tfonveyances.. io ( Signed) T. FITZSIMONS, «, P. NICKLIN, h ISAAC WHAHTON, WILLIAM M'MURTRIEjr SAMUEL W.FISHER. « Philad. Det. 11, 1796. irt __ )( j ItT Those printers who have been ■ equ-flcd so publish the firfl Caution, ire dt£r«d to pub iih tbit