Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 16, 1796, Image 1

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    ofthe QltttttD States, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
Number 133 3. ]
For Boston,
The brig NEPT UN E,
James Town, Master,
Lying at Wikocks's wharf, wilt fall
v ,: thall convenient ffed —For freight or passage apply to
master on boaTd, or No. 76, North Front Street.
Dec. 13.
For Sale by Public Auction,
/t the Cefftc-Eouft, on - Saturday the I -Jth injl. at 6
o'clock, in the evening.
JL Lying at Bethell *nd Coopers
wharf—burthen one hitndred and
"eighty tons', or thereabouts, is sup
• prtf.* 11n carry 3000 barrel* : She is a strong good
vt.Trl, and may be sent to sea at t small expence,
Ji-.ving been completely fitted last voyage. Inven
tnrv maybe Caen, by applying to Captain Rinkt-t
fio board, or at the counting house of the fubferi-
V>f rS. FOOTMAN & Co. Auctioneers.
T 7. . -
For Sale,
j-—=3, The Sty ADELAIDE,
Of New York.
1 I.y: at the fuhfcriber't wharf—bur
ft 'h™ to" 5 ! A l ' >' " ft" 01 wc "
• veffrl, was built by the dry for a House
Ni w York, under the mfpeftion of a nerfou concerned
in her— has beer only one voy )ge to London and Charles
ton and fails fader than any vessel out of the pou of New-
York. —Apply to
Who has received by the said ship from Charlcfton —
to Tinces frsih Rice, and a few ciiks of Ground Nuts.
Dec. 6. $ xt *
For Sligo and Kiliibegs,
The American. Ship Naticy,
Cuthbcrt Kig»s, mailer.
jhtcwK? Will fail with all convenient (peed. For
freight or passage apply to
William Bell ;
Who ha.* for fa!e,
4 Trunks Printed Cottons, well aflorfi-d
. 3 Bales Irifc Flannels, and 2 boJtcs Linens
45 Pipes Brandy
Madeira Wine; Indigo. Rnffia Matti.
A few barrels Prime IRISH BEEF, PORK,
November ii, 1796, mwftf
Jktfe-SpNj"" 7he ship mart,
tons burthen. Apply to
If the MARY « not fold in a few days, lhe will take
freight for Hamburg. Ap* t >ly as above.
Prober 31. d
For Charter,
• Srorr.LEY, Master. :
An excellent livc-cak and 6ed*r bailt
of about 3000 barrels burthen. —Ap-
P y J e Jf e & Robert K aln.
Noy. " _ i_
For Sale, or Charter,
gSL-l, The Ship DIANA,
Samuh. Pile, Master,'
Burthen 105 49-95 register, built in
Philadelphia in. the year 1792, of live oak
and red cedar, and was fceathed 13 momhs ago, (he
las just had a compleat out-fit, and may be feat to lea
at a very trifling expence.
For terms apply t-o
Philip Nicklin & Co./
Who have for sale on'tsird said wjfcl,
eaiks of fine yellow paint.
e boxes and II bundles of writing flitei.
I box ink stands and note presses.
i.j balet of fail canvass.
And on hand,
Hyson, and, > TEAS.
Souchong J
40,000 pieces Nank#en« of the 6rlt quality.
19 tubs QuieVfihrer.
1 chefl. Bandanno handkerchiefs.
A few cherts Manchester goodswell snorted in Cor
duroys. thirkfets, Ginghams, Muil'mef, DimKW!., &c.
,1 boxes black sewing silk.
. 180 crates Q»ieen# ware well afTorfced*
rr> tons sheet lead.
Jv'aiii aflbrted, Bat and flsarp points.
London Particular, 0 Madeira Wine in pipes
Lcnr!on Market, > an( j hogfhrads.
New-York Market, J »
»o pi[>»s and io hoglheads Tenerifw wine*
1 tiorces Snake Root.
HO lor- Mahogany. rf
Nov 7.
For Sale,
m By Jehu Hollingfworth, & Co.
• »5 hhd». Weft-India Rum, 3d a«d 4th proof,
5 Barrels bed Indigo, and,
X few thousand bushel. of Turk's Island fait.
oa. 17.
Bank of North America.
• THF STOCKHOLDERS are hereby notified that an
elellion for twelve Direaors lor the ensuing year will ke
held at the Bank on Monday tie 9th of January at ten
°' d ° tk ' RICHARD WELLS, Cafcier.
, 6. ' 1 W
Jult Arrived,
In the (hip Difoateh. Captain Morton, from Havre
de-Grace, and for sale by
• Isaac Snowden, jun. No. 141,
An invoice of Gloves of various kinds, Men's
White Silk Hose, Black and White Laces, and a few
pieces of Biack Silk.
Decembers. S**'
Elegant Brufiels & Turkey Carpeting,
For sale by George Dobfon, No. 15, South Third-ftrcet.
December 15. <^tf
Women's Cloaks.
No. 25, South Third^ftreet,
Has just reeeived, per Eagle, Capt. Fofdickj vial.on
don, an alTortment of
Scarlet *
f Cloaks trimmed with lur and
Purple and t ermine.
Pearl )
December 15.
Bank of PtTinfylvnnia, Iyb Dec. 179^*
The Stockholders are requested to meqt
At the Bank on Thursday, the twenty-ninth icftant, at
io o'clock iu the morning.
By order of the Board,
$t*9th Pre tern.
A number of the Creditors of the late
House of Blair M'Clenachan and P. Moore, and of B.
M'Clenachan, wiping to have the opinion of the Credi
tors generally on the meafwres necessary to be pursued
under present circumstances propose, that a meeting shall
behdd on Saturday next, at ia o'clock, at the City Ta
| vern, and hope for the pttendanceof all conc#rned.
Wednesday, 14th December, 1796- d^a
for Sale,
By the Subfcribers—ln PENN-STREET,
65 Pipes Excellent Madeira Wine,
Imported by the Eagle.
Nov. 30 w&f
Imported in the late srrh'tli from Europe and the
H r ejl* Indies,
Holland Gin, in pipes
'Choice St. Croix Sugar and Hum
Martinique Molaflts, in hogflieads
Choice old Lisbon Wine, in pipes and quarter-casks
London Particular flc London Market Madeira Wine,
in pipes, half-pipes and quarter-calks
Malmsey Madeira Win«, in pipes and quarter-calks
Tenerine Wine, in pipes
Russia & Flernilh Sheeting and Ravens Duek, in cases
Window Glass, 3 by 10, in boxes
Coffee Mills and Straw Knives, in calks
Mill Saws and Crofe-cut Saws, in boxes
y///o, on hand,
A few chests of Bohea Tea ; Jcfuits Bark ; Afiafcs
tida and Tapioca; and a few bales of ColTaes,
Baftaß, Gorrahs, Bandanna and Mufiin Handker-r
chiefs, a complete aflbrtTnent of 5-4 and 6-4
Boulting Cloths.
For Sale by
Pragers Ess Co.
Odlober 10 dawm&th2m
Has roil Sale, Wholesale and RetaA,
MADEIRA WINE, of Jft quality,
Old Sherry, Lisbon, aad Port Wines,
Cognßc Brandy,
Jamaica Spirits,
Wiac bitters and
Claret in cases.
Also fcr sale,
A few barrels of excellent Beef.
December 7. dx
For Sale,
An Invoice of Cordage,
Confiding of different sizes, from \2 inch cables down
to rope of t inches, of different lengths: Imported in
the fliip $wist, from Hull, and entitled to drawback.
Sept. *7. dtf
Fashionable Waistcoating.
Has received ptr the Diana, from London,
Clouded and striped Spinifh Svranfdown
Clcndfd Ermin?.t« and Moleikins
Striped do. and do.
Figured Manillas
Scarlet figured Erminets
Printed Florinetls
Do- CafEnets and CasHmeres
Superfine printed Quilting!, newest patterns
Also, per different arrivals,
A large and general aflortment of Dry
Suitable to the present and approaching feaforu
Novemb«r 5. dtf
Cheap French China.
THE fubferibers finding it impofliMe to supply their
store with any more China from, France, the prices
Being too immoderate in the manufafleries, give no
tice that they will fell at prime cost the remaining
fleck oa hand, eos'fifling of
Deflert Setts,
Tea-Table Setti
Separate Cup« and Saucer*
Groupes and Figure!
Alahafter Vases
Looking GlalTcs, in jrilt frames,
Besides India J.ipan'd Toilet Deflcs, Chairs, Tablet
nad Quadrille Boxe*. PASQUIER & Co.
N». 91, South Second-ftre.t.
December sth. tts
Davis's Law Book Store,
GEORGE DAVIS annouirers to his profeflional friends,
and the Gentlemen of the Law, generally, through the
Union, ttyat his late importation of BOOKS is now arrang
ed, and nad.y for Sale, from a single volume to an entire li
brary, without any tdvance upon his former exceeding low
prices, which forfevera! years past have in so diftiaguilhed a
manner recommended ihem io notice.
Printed Catalogues combining the mo ft exteafive
tion cf the latest English an 4 Irish Editioas ever imported
into this country, are published, and will be delivered grati*
or application.
Orders addrcfifed to G. D« in writing from any distance
(hallbe pun&ually attended to.
A number of TRUCKS foe Sale.
A convenient LOFT, near Market Street Wharf.
ov.B. t*scf3»
On Wednesday, the 28th inft.
At 6 o'clock in the evening avill be fold tit Public-Ven- '
due, (if not before difyofed- of at private sale) at
the Crtj-Tavern,
AH that capital mansion-house, stables, out-houfes, &c.
and three contiguous trads ef land situate on the Wefl-fide
of Schuylkill in the township of Blockley and county of
Philadelphia, generally known by the name of Lanfdown, *
contaiuing 199 acres i©i perches more or left and a mefTu- •
a%c plantation and tra&of land in Blockley tcwnlhip a- <
loreiaid adjoining Lanfdown, containing 64 acres one 1
pcrch. 1
■The premise* are so vrell kn«wn as to need tio particular
defeription. Few feats in America can cohipare with ]
Lanfdown for convenience and elegance ; it commands a <
variety of rich beautiful profpedt* and is remarkably heal- <
thy. Terms o»f sale will be made known by ]
PHILIP NICKLIN, Attornies ifi t
AND V fail to
ROBERT E. GRIFFITH, i James Grcenlear.
Dec. 12. §ta>.
At Whitefides' Tea Ware-House, '
No. 99, North $4Cond Street. <
Imperial ■> THyfon Skin. \
Hyson, V Fresh Teas, < Souchong, -
Young Hyson, j C Bohea
"Dec. 0. jr |
New-England Rum, Salmon, Beef, '
Chocolate, Rice, Boston mould and dipt Candles, a
few quarter-casks of Sfherry Wine, aud a few barrels of -
Cyder—for sale by
Exekiet Hall,
No. 41, North Water-street.
December 14th, 1796.
Just Landing,
At South freet <u>harf, from on loard tM [hip Sedg-
Uy, Cnptnin Hodge, from St. Peterjburg,
The following Goods:
Raffia Sail D*ck, firft quality.
Do. Sheeting dp.
Do. Eiapcr.
Do. Huckaback.
Do. Craft.
Do. Mould Candles, 4, 5 and 6, to the, lb. of the
EngKfh size.
Do. White Candle Tallow.
Do* White Sowp in small boxes.
Do. Grfiage of fine yarn.
Ravens Duck.
illnghrfs, lit and jsnd fort.
Jiorl'c Hair uncurled.
t iiffu Bar Iron.
10. Hoop Iroa.
Do. Nail B.od^
10 Tors Oakuj|(Knd Junk.
St. Cl»an Hemp.
For Sale by
Phi'ipsj Cramond, & Co.
OAoberia. §
Wm. HoLDERNi-SSE, No. 76,
Has received by the late arrirals,
A Well Seieaed /Is sor f msnt of
Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and
Haberdashery Good'',
Which he will fell, wholefalc and rstail, on the very
low eft terms ;
Amiongjl which are
Some elegant 4-4 and 7-8 Chintzes and CottoßS, new
D;tto .Furniture ditto
Ditto Dimity
Tambuurcd, Book, and Jaconet Muslins
Ditto in Gold and Silver
Ditto Neckcloths, very fine
Mantuas of the firft quality
Silk and Cotton Ho fiery
Umbrellas of the firft quality, afTorted
lrilh Linens, very fine, and Table Linens
Marseilles and Cotton Counterpanes
Rose Blankets afforted—&c. See.
O&obsr 26. d
A few Cask« and Bcxes of Excellent Fresh RAISINS)
jult rrcc< v ed, and for sale by
Jofepb Anthony & Co.
Alfoaftew 11 i-2 inch CABLE, no fathoms long.
December ?. jtf
Befl Boston & Nova-Scotia Mackarel,
Excellent Halifax Salmun in bbla.
47 bblii. prime Coffee,
Bell Boston Beef,
Codfifh in licit.
Spermaceti Candles,
Spermaceti, and 1 r\ I J
Northern J _
Mould aiid dipt, tallow candles, of a fupeiior
A few boxes excellent brown soap,
6 Bale, of Corks.
4® Pipes excellent Lilbon Wiire.
A few sacks of Feathers.
A few Bales India Muslins.
Oflobcr 31. d
A PLANTATION, in the town of Woodbury, conn*
ty of Gloucester, and slate of New-Jcrfey, contain
ing about one hundred and fifty a«rep ; a (uitable propor
tion of which is woodland and improved <%aadow. A
great part of the arable land is in a high state of Cultiva
tion, and very natural to the produ&ion of Red Clover.
On said plantation there is a genteel two-story bfidk houfcj
with four rooms on a floor, and a good dry cellar under
the whole; together with a barn, corn-cribs and carriage*
house The garden is large, and contains a good collec
tion of the belt kinds of grafted and inoculated fruit trocs {
the orchard consists of about three hundred grafted app'e
trees. Any person inclined to purchase said preuifes, may
be informed of the terms by applying to
Judy 19 F
As Cook, in a private family,
A YOUNG WOMAN who can produce good re
commendations of an unexceptionable character* En
quire of the Printer.
November 17. Jtf
Mrs. G rattan
RefpejSfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of the
City, that the firft
Will be on Tuesday next, at the AlTembly-Rooiti.
» Act /.
Overture, Piebi■
Song, Mrs. Gpttan, " Angels ever bright," Handel,
Concerto Piano-Fort*, Mrs. Grattan, Krumfballz.
Italian Ballad, Harp, Mil. Grattan, Miliet,
Miscellaneous Quartette.
Act 11.
Harp Lesson, Mr«. <srattan, Cardnt.
Song, " AK fe perdo," Mri. Grattan, Sacrhini.
Sonato Piano-Terte, Mr. Reinagle, Ple/el,
Priinrofe, ballad, Mrs. Grattan, Webbe.
Overture, Abel,
To begia precisely at y o'clock.
Mra. Grattan begs leave ta inform the Ladies and
Gentlemen, that the fubfeription-book i« at herboufe
No j,, North Sixth-llreet, for the reception of those
names who wi(h t. honor her with their command*.
A fuhfeription for eight nights 16 dollars, including *
Gentleman and Lady's ticket, both tiansftrrable—
Half fubferiptions 8 dollars, including one ticket-
Single ticket x dollars.
Mrs. Grattan takes the liberty of requeuing the
fubferibera to fend for their tickets any day after
Thurftlay, the 15th of December, (tNo. 39/ North
Shth-ftreet. ,
December ry.
Hibernian Socicty.
A flatad meeting of the Hibernian Sncicty, wIM be held
at Mr. M'Shane's Tavern, Fhird-ftreet, on Saturday the
17th inft. at 7 o'clock in the evening.
Supper will be on the table at half after nine.
Dec, n. MjpHEW CAREY, flee'ry.
Imported from London '& Liverpool,
EARTHEN WARE, in crates and hogfheadt, well
~r! ne Battles in hampers
? ndow Glass of all fi7el
' Two cases ©f stationary
One chell of yellow Jesuits Bark
Two cases of Roll Arnotta
A small ronfignment of Rose Blankets, Flanmls,
Baizes, Broad-cloths, Coatings, Plains &c.
Paints of various colors.
Baiket fait 1r hogsheads.
AlJi en hand,
Madeira wine, very eld, ia pipes, -hsglhcads <o4
quarter calks
Holland gin in pipes, flrfi quality
Anchors of different Gaes
A few trunks of ladies French flloes afiorted
Silk nan keen, &c.
Like wife an afwrtment of Dutch goods, Confining of
Ofnaberj'S, ticklenbergs, (tripes, checks,
Morlaix linen, platillas, ra»eraduck, britannias, &ci
And for sale by the package only by
Thomas fsf John Kctland.
Walout-ftreet Wharf.
Nov. is. «otf
WtfjHftfidJy submits to tbi public ■patronage bis in*
tention of delivering, during the ensuing winter >
A CoußSt OF
Readings and Recitations,
Moral, Critical, and Entertaining ;
Consisting chiefly of detached pieces, fele&ed front
the moll admired authors, in prose and verfe: —Ar*
ranged in such a manner as to exhibit a ftfiking display
of the human pzffions, and the gradual influence o(
vices oirthe mind contrasted with that of their oppo
site virtues, in affedUng the happiness of man and tho
welfare of nations. The readings will be occalionally
interspersed with observations on the most celebrated
And the ART of SPEAKING.
The whole intended as a eombiued system of moraf»
critical, historical, and oratorical inftru&ion, calcula
ted to form the patriot and the man, rod lay a foun
dation for the science of moral and political govern*
The coorfe will consist of thirty readings.
Kach reading will be delivered in the morning and
evening of the fame day.
The days of reading will be Tuesdays & Thursdays.
The morning readings will commence at 10 o'clock,
and the evening at 7.
None but Aibfcriberi will be admitted to the morn*
ing readings.
The evening readings wilt be public, to which alfd
fubferiptions will be received.
Subscription to the mornings 8 dollars.
Subscription to the evening readings 10 dollars.
Occasional admiflion tickets to the evening readings
half a dollar.
Subscriptions are received by Mr. Zachariah Poul
fon, jun. at the Library, to whom the Ladies and
Gentlemen who nwy be inclined to honor the underta.
king with theirpatronage, are refpe&fully requested to
fend their names.
Dec. 1%, d6t>
For Sale,
A capital stand for bufinefs—rhat well known tavern,
tha Ewe and Lambs, North Front Street, No. 333, in th<J
Northern Liberties; a brick house containing nine fire
places, and ten rooms well finilhed ; good stables and
chair-house, with a frame-houfe on Water street ; the
building stands on four lots, five nteen feet front each, ma
king a frortt on front-ftreet, thirty-four feet, and nearly
the fame on Water-street, and is one hundred and fottv
. ! feat deep from Qreet to flreet, fubje& to £8. 10s. each
, j lot per annum, ground rent, this property is near the hay*
1 scales, and public ducks, easy communication with the
Delaware waters and advantageotffly situated for business
. of various kinds.
The above premises are now rented until December
next at £.17$ per of tne Printer.
! Dee. iz. §iwaaw6w.
For Sale,
; By George Defchamps, No. 91,
Nova-Scotia Prime Salmon, in barrels
and half barrels
Ditto Herring and Mackarel. _
Smoaked Ilcrring in barrels and kegs
Ditto Salmon, by the doren or Angle one
Dry Codfifh, from one to fifty kentals
. Fine and cosrfe Salt
- Nova-Scotia and French Plaster of Paris, in the fton«
and ground, for manure and flucco-work
December i. ft/
[Volume X.