X B Authority. Schuylkill Bridge Lottery. Sold by IVILLTAM BLACKBURN, No. 64, South SecondJlreet. SCHEME of a LOTTERY, For railing Sixty Thousand Dollars, agre< ably to an A& of the Legifliture of Pennfylvaula, paffcd during the tail feUion, for bjilding a Stone Bridge ouer the River Schuylkill, at the Borough of Reading, in the County of Doftari. 1 Prt/.e of 20000 DM lam - to,oo« 1 do. of 1® 000 do. • * io.coo 3 do. of 5,000 do. • - . 55.00055.000 4 do, of 2,000 do 4 i 000 #0 do. of 1,000 do. • 20,000 39 do. of 500 do. - .. 10,566 80 do. of 200 d*. - • i. 16,00# &oo do. of 100 do. ... 67»0a» 300 do. ol $o do. - • 15 000 1 do* of 500 do to be paid the poflcf- ) for ©f the firtt drawn no, £ 5 do. of 2 000 do. 10 be paid poffeffort J of the five lall drawn not J 'J- 00 * g,{9o do. o 15 do. : • 141.000 10,054 Prir.es 300,000 10,046 Planki — .« 30,000 Ticketi at Ten Dollars 300,00* A!! Prizes shall be paid fifteen day* after the drawing it finifhed, upon the demand of a pofleHor of a fortunate ticket, fubjc£t to a deduction of twenty per cent. J'h« Drawing will commence as fooo at the Tickets are difpofi d of, of perhaps sooner. of which public notice will be given. Philip Miller, Peter Kerjhner, William Ifitman, Joseph Hiejler, Jdmes Diemer, Thomas Dundat, Jamet May, John Otto, John Keim, Daniel Grarjf, UrbaJHan Miller, Commissioners. Reading, May the sth, 1796. Tickets in the Canal Lottery, No. 1, to be had at the above oflice, where the earlicft information of the i!r.iw» ing of the Washington No. «, and Patterfon lottery's, j/re received, and check books for examination and regif terinj; are kept. ' CXiSober 7. iawtf Patedon Lottery. FOR. railing fix thousand fix hundred and sixty-seven dollars ami fifty cents, by a dedu