Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 12, 1796, Image 4

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By Authority.
Schuylkill Bridge Lottery.
Seuth Seconds. reel.
For railing Sixty Thousand Dollars, tor an /ft of
.the Legi fixture of Pennfylvaaia, palled during the !a!t
session, for bjilding a Stone Bridge over the River
Schuylkill, at the Borough of Reading, in the County of
Berks. DofWi
-1 Prize oF 20.000 Dolum - 20,009
1 do. of 10,000 do. - - 10.003
3 do. of 5.000 do. , - - - 15.000
4 do. of' 2,000 do. - - Boco
20 do. of 1,000 do, - • - ao,oco
39 do. of* s©o do. - • *9<500
80 do. of 200 do. . - . - 16,0ca
200 do. of 100 do. - §0,000
300 do. of 50 do. - • 15 009
1 do* of 500 do. to be paid the posses->
for of the firft drawn no.) ®
5 do* of 3,000 do. to be paid pofleflor* ; '
of the five lafl drawn nos J 1
9,400 do. of 15 do. : - 141.009
10,054 Prizes 300,000
blanks — -
30,000 Tickets at Ten Dollars 300,000
All Prizes fhal. be paid fifteen days after the drawing i*
fiui shed, upon the demand of a pofTeflor of a fortunate
ticket, fubjeft to a deduttion of twenty per cent. The
Drawing will commence as loon as the Tickets are difpof'-d
of, or perhaps sooner. of which public notice will be givca*
Philip Miller, Peter Kerjhner, William IVitman,
Joseph Hie/ler, James Diemer, Thomas Dutul. s,
Jame r May, John Otto, John Keim, Daniel Grass,
Selajlian Miller, Commissioners.
Reading, May ihc 9th, »7gti.
Tickcts in the Canal Lottery, No. », to be had at the
above office, where the earli.ft information of the draw
ing of the Wafftington No. o, and Patterfon Lottery's,
are received, and check books for examination and regif
tcringare kept.
O Sober 7. sawtf
iPaterlon Lottery.
raiGng fix thousand fix hundred and sixty-seven
A. dollars and fifty cents, by a deduction of fifteen per
cehtfrom the prints, and not two blanks to a priaa. viz
I Prize of 5000 dollars is dollars 5000
I 1000 loco
i fbo 5 so
5 200 1010
10 100 1000
99 jo 495®
aoa 1J joco
1000 10 20,000
x Lafl drawn numbers of root) dollars each, 5000
2332 Prizes. . 44i4i0
4018 Blanks. ?
6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars etch, 44,45®
By order of she Directors of the Society for efi rUifh
mg Ufeful Manufactures, the fuperimendauts of the Pat
i erl'on Lottery hive requeftcd the Managers to offer the
foregoing S.heme to the pubHc, and have dire&ed them
to refund the money to thufe persons who have purchafsd
in (he former Lottery, or exchange tit tickets for ticket.
11 this Lottery.
The lottery hasaSually commenced dfav.-ing, and will
i continue until fmiflied. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes
! may be fecn at the office ol William Blackburn,
-south Second street, who will give information where tick
ets may be procured. . RE ;
Dated this 17th day of June, 1796.
1 Priee of 5000 ...
I JCOO " loco
I 500 - - - J°3
5. • aoo * 100®
20 . ico * - acco
90 y® +s°®
165 *? , " - - 4115
The five last drawri tickets, 1000, , s oc ®
Being all the valuable prizes, Welides a full proper ■>
tion of the 10 dollars.
As the Lottery is confiderab'y more than one thirit
drawn, the value of the undrawn tickets is great
ly increased, and it is worth the notice of thofa
who hold tickets in th»old ft heme, that they can ex
change rfieir tickets for thole in the above, if they
ly soon, and at a moderate advance coefidering the
now sea! value of an undrawn tickct.
The tickets being nearly all fold, the drawing tn
future will be cftener, and the Lottery soon forifhed.
November it. rows
Washington Canal Lottery,