Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 26, 1796, Image 1

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    [ #a?ettc of the Glutei) States, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
Number 1516.] SATURDAT EVENING, NOVEMBER 26, 179 6. [VOLUME X.
For New-York, Newport and Provi
The remarkably fact failing
J«hn Earl, jun. mailer.
Will tS?Treight low, and has elegant aceemmoda
»ions for passengers. Apply on b»ard at Chefnut-ftreet
wharf, or to
Joseph Anthony and Go.
tfoy. #T r V
Needham, master; wil fail in 6
.or 8 days—For freight or pafiage apply to the captain
en board, or to
Joseph Anthony & Co.
Nor. at. "1®
Jhe Captain has a few barrels qf Rum
and Oil on board for f»le.
For Freight or Charter
To Europe or the IP.lndies,
Kithartj eV'ley, Master ; burthen >45 tons; has
good accommodation#, ai)d is now ready to receive a
cargo: —apply to the Captain on board, firft wharf
ibove the Still-House, Southwark, or to
Isaac Harvey, jun.
Who has now for sale, at his store, No. 5, South
A quantity of Cayenne and Trinidad Cotton
gpanilh Soal Leather
And a parcel of Carolina Rice, in whole and half
tierces. nth mo. nth. chw
PT. For Sale, a good strong built fhip,bur
'"VySthen ijsobarrel«, nearly new, well found
can be put to ki at a ftpiill expense.
Payment will be received in English or
India goods, or if more agreeable to the purchaser, 5,
6, and 9 months credit would be givin on approved
notes, ror further particulars enquire at No. 8, South
Water-street, or No. 29 North Third-street/
November 16. d yt
For Madeira,
foP Concord,
Capt. John Thomson. For freight
paiTage apply on board, or to
Peter Blight ;
Who Jj as for sale, a quantity of
Brandy, in pipes
Whiting and Copperas, in hogfh«ad«
Old Hock, in easts
Dutch Cream-Cheese, in boxes
Window Glass
Empty Gin-Ca&s
Glzft Ware, in. btjxgs
Painters' Colours, ground in oil
Sweet Oil, in cases of a dozen bottles eseh
Hazlenuts, in socks. Nov. n. d trr. 3
FO'R zotftiw;
Tlie ,«pu?i ftip CERES,
To faij soon For freight or paCfage
S&SgaeifesaiSappJy to DAVY, ROBERTS & C'o. or c
John Vaughan, J
September 10. _ Ffopt-ftreet.
' 7 H " ?yir MJRr, 5
PACKER, Ma*tir, fl
Two hundred tone burthen. Apply to
If the MARY is not fold in a few days, (he will take
freight for Hamburg. Apply as above.
OQuher 31. tj /
Just arrived, and will thisday he lacu
ded from on board the brig FAVORITE at Chefnut
frreet <yharf.
25 Tons beji RuQia Clean HEMP,
j6 Tors old Sable flat IRON",
too Coils hist Ruffii CORDAGE, aflVrted fiies,
400 Pieces brown Ruflia SHEETINGS, -
iee Bolts Russia DUCK,
240 Pieces Ra»eu do.
so H.ilf-down feather beds, and
A few pieces afTorted DI/> PER Ii
Joseph Anthony and Co, 4
Th< ' -'-hove mentioned BRIG
win fiil i« 1 (cv.- rf, v ,, an( j on
'Z mi for Bofto " ° r S ' lf ™> for
° r pa(r^c ' W'V on board or a, above
For Charter," '
jfi&k, Thf Ship JOHN B UI. KEL T,
Ayres SfocKirv, Master! ■''
. An excellent five-oak and cpdar buih
of about 3000 barrels burthen -*-Ap
7eJt & Robert Main. rtr
Nov. 1
. d. rc;
For tondSriyV"
The Jhip William Penn,
Jnfiah ' waster - Wi " fail with
F '° r ffigl" or pm'lige
apply to tic Captain on }>ovd, <?r to J
JefTe and Robert Wain.
November TO, 1796, j j j
For Lilbon,
TheDanifli barqueBENEVKKTURA,
Samui;t, Stub, Maiter,
A g°°d of about two hundred —
a^V^' 1531 -~ tonS bUrt ' 4e "- I; ° rrrei S l;t J
7# 1 Robert Wain. ' d 1
Nov. d Jo^
For Liverpool, ' t/iei
ir J- 4roß Dkhart, Master.
- 1 P Jrt of her cargo engaged.—
apply to the AT
<- - ifc. |fr #n bQird> at , he wh3r of tJte f(ib _
fcribers, or JESSE & ROBERI VVALN A
Nov. 7 . d ; h
,v >* or or Charter,
Brig Lady Wajhington,
Euik in New-England in 1790, and
completely repaired the present year; (he is IJ3 tons
hurthsn; has stowed 515 hhds. of feed, stod T4,000M.
staves, and is now in good orser to perform an European
voyage with little exponfe. F«r particulars and terms
, rcet of payment apply to the master on board, or to
Samuel Coates,
No. 81, South Front-llrect.
j j*.![o. on borrrl f :id •wjf l, ff f"k,
Forty hogsheads Newbury Rum.
November 32. *»..
p 6 Ifcfczhr or 0 an< 3 Killibegs,
tain The American Ship Nanct,
agjgyaA Cuthbert Kiggs, master.
Will fail with all convenient fpced. For
freight or pafTage apply to ,
im Willianj Eell;
Who his for sale,
—- 4 Tranks Printed Cottons, well aflorted
IX 3 Bales Irish Flannels, and 2 boxes Linen*
»j Pipes Brandy
Madeira Wine ; Indigo. Ruflia Matts,
J*. Also,
has A few barrels Prime IRISH BEEF. PORK,
* a Oatmeal, &c.
iaif November 11, 1796, mwftf
For Sale, or Charter, * \
" th $||,x The Ship DUN J.,
Samuel Pile, Master,
IQoßfiilkiißurthen 105 47-95 tons register, in
lalf Pkil*delphi* iu the year 1791, of live oak
*_ and red cedar, and was fteathed 13 months ago, she (
has just had a compleat out-f.t, and may be sent to sea
at a very trifling expense.
'"'J For terms apply to
5 Philip Nicklin V Co.
or Who have for fait on baard said vrjfel,
1 3, 27 casks of fine yellow paint.
rtd 9 boxes and ia bnndlesof writing fljtrs.
Jth 1 box ink Hands and note prefTes.
14 bales of fail canvass. '
And on hand, l
Hyson, and, V TEAS.
Souchong j ]
, . 40,000 pirces N'arjketns of the firft qaality.
' 19 tubs Quicksilver.
2 chests Bandanno handkerchiefs.
A few ch»fts Manchester goodswell alTorted in Cor
dur#ys, thicksets, G'ughams, Muflinett, Dimitie?,&c. -
3 bojccs black fewitig silk.
tiio crates Q;<eena ware well afiorted.
10 lead.
Nails aflbrted, flat andftvarn poinfs.
London Particular, .. , . . t
London Jl,rket, { Madwa m ptpes
Nev. -York Market, S
40 pipes and to hogfteads 'Fencrifje wine.
8 tierces Snake Root.
»n 430 logs Mahogany.
Nov j. tth&ftf v
Imported in the late trrin'-ils from and the
Indie j,
Holland Gin, in pipes j:
or Choice St. Croix S*igar and Kum
Martinique Molaftis, in hoglheads
Choice Old Lilbon Wine, in pipes and quaner-caflts
London Particular & London Market Madeira Wine,
in pipes, half-pipes and qiiarti-r-cafks
Malmsey Madeira Win*, in pipes and quarter-caJka
TeneriiTe Wine, in pipes
Ruffin & Flesnifh Shaeting and Ravens Duc»k, in cases
to Window Glass, 3by 10, in Boxes
CoflVe Mills and Straw Knives, in casks
a Mill Saws and Crol's-cut S»W3, in boxes S l
Also, on hand,
A few chtfts of Bohej Tea ; Jesuits Bark ;
tida and Tapioca ; and a few bales; of CofTaes,
Br.ftas, Gurrahs, Bandanna and Muslin Hamlker
at chiefs, and a complete aflortment of 5-4 and C-4
Boulting Cloths.
For Sale by
Pragers & Co.
Odoter ao diwm&thim ~
Irish Linens, &c. j
Imported per the fmp, Glajgw, fran, Dublin, Liber- T
tj, from Cork, and brig Mentor, from Belfuji,
4-4 and 7-8 Wide IRISH LINENS, ne
In whf»ic and half boxes,
n ,, Affortfd fr /™ Ild : t fs4». fterling-Alfo 5-4 wide T1
r oheetings, and low priced yarn and worilcd Hefe.
c On Hand,
7*B Wide Lawns.
Dupers and Table-Cloths
A few botes Ticket;} apd Checks
A f«;w bales Fi»:inpls
Cork and Belfall Sail Cloth, Noe. 1 ai)d <
, 2J Botes -) r6 , g
10 Ditto i. Window Glass, , h » i
J T)l^ 0 -* . , I 8 by 10.
The ahove-mentioned Goods are all entitled to the
SS sL"»" t ° r,d ° r b » *• «
James, Clibborn & Engliftv,
iQ'h i 9 ,h. N °- *' N - Fro ° t t-ftr"t
---! ~ " 0 L D An
London Particular Madeira-Wine, 1
In pipes, hogflieada and quarter-csllis, ' rCp .
Landing this day at Chefnyt-ftreet Wharf, and I
for sale by —
Joseph Anthony U Ce.
Nov. t. , 1
— — d Ch
THE Part«rft!p of JONATHAN HARVEY & Co th.s day D.fTolved by mutual confer•, ,hose indeb"' ICt
ed to. fa.4 firm are requested to make fpecdv payment to 5
Jonathan rfarv.y, who 1S t0 rtcc [ r J t y hc fa^ t0
and thoft who have any demand, will plcafe to briS
'heir accounts to hitn for fettlemcnt.
The Business -will be Continued
By Jonathan Han-ey, J
Where he has f 9 r Sale, Publ
A general ailbrtmcnt of Drv Gnnm clea
November t 4 , 17 ,5. Corr
' Loik
'ten, P' r fiip Pennfyhania, Captain Torl, fr*m
Bordeaux, #
', a« PipCT Brandy
60 Hojrfcea<f» Chret
aji Cases ditto
'P O3 ao Bitto Sauterne Whit# Wine
t - rms »30 Ditto 8o«p
Ditto Raffia Candles
!» 83 Ditto Sweet Oil
Ireet, jfl/a, per the trig BriJe from St. Tbtifttu's,
Ai Ho&iiezdt Stigar
9 Puncft<"fcas Ram
» x 8 Bales .Cotton
—— sind per the fchotntr Mellona from ditt 1,
40 Punchcons Rum
' 1 HcgJhcad Sugar
For Sale by
. F. Coppinger,
1 No. ill, S. Front-street.
1 Who has
> An invoice of Irish Linens,
Imported ptr ftip Gkfgow.
November If. §6
For Sale,
A Handsome Saddle-Horfe.
Wanted to Hire, in a Private Family,
1_ A Servant Man,
. W!io vnderftasds either Cookery or Waiting at Table.
Enquire at No. 182, Mulborry-Strcet, of of the Printer.
November 24. *drw
oak Of the Polacre Independent,
, ihe Captalil Cathcart, from Alicant and Lilbon, landing
0 ea at the Aibfcribers' wharf*—
a 8 Cipet «f Brandy
zS Ba*" of Spanilh *veot **" '
3, do. of Annifeed
Sept. 13. 4
' ■
Washington Lottery.
The 40th and 41ft dnys' drawing of the Washington
Lottery, No. 2, areresfcived at the i.ffice No. 434, Mfir
ket-ftrcet, wfcerc ticket? may be examined.
N. B. Information given where tickets in all the otfier
lotteiicn nvy be procured.
Noveisbir 17, 1796. d
'i'Hili GAY IS PUBL.'SHiiD,
~° T ~ Price 37 I-a Centt. 1
c " The Pretenficns of Thomas Jeffer
fon to the Presidency,
And the Charges against John Adams
F ~ 3 t REFUTED.
A to the Citizens of America in general,
and, pirtiojlarjyj
To the Electors of the President.
Sold by
>T - MILT-b &. t>ON, Corner of Second J
the and Chcfnut-ftreets. 1
Nm-ember 5. j t3
Best Boston & Nova-Scotia Mackarel,
lixcellent Halifax Salmon in bbla.
,fl. f 47 prime Coffee, j
He, Best Boston Beef, n
Codfifli in hds.
s Spetr»accti Cendlrs,
Spermaceti, aRd 1 r» 1 r
1 " Northern J' OIL.
Mould and dipt, tallow candles, of a superior
quality. C
A few boxes excellent brown soap,
"a,. 6 Bales of Corks. S
ics, 40 Pipes excellent LHbon Win«. B
rr- A few sacks of Feathers. B
&. 4 A few hales India Muslins.
Ofiober 31. j
1 * ' ** j 1 C
""*• Philadelphia, November 6, 1796. g,
ALL perCnns dgfirous to contrafl for furnifhing of Y
Rations and Quarter-Masters ftorej, for the B
er . """P' ln Philadelphia or Fort-Mifflin, on Mud Island, B
dunng the year 179 7—are requeued to lend their pro- 6,
poials sealed, on or before the Srft day of December
O, new, to o)
de In« component parts of the Rations, are
I pouttd of Flour or Bread
I pound of Beef or 3-4 <>( a pound of Pork
J-a a gill of Rum, Brandy
or Whi (key
1 quart of Salt 1
2 quarts of Vinegar (
2 pounds of Soap i lcr 100 Rations
1 pound us Circles j
Nov, 9
Fo J by John J~ t0
Ao. -8, S. Second near Lhcfnut-Jlrtet, th«
A few excellent GOLD WATCHES -
t. , Prom Forty to One hundred DoJlars, '
Of various prices—all ■ warranted.
An of Chains, Seals, Keys, and Trinkets
Eight Day Clocks lupplied. and Clocks & Watches
repaired with dispatch and great care.
Best Watch Glasses by the groce. —
d N ° VCmbßr "■ tufto-w
Just Arrived, ;
In the ln-,gs Twins and Rambler, a quantity of f
. Choice St. Croix SUGAR and RUM, !
>• and shout I
150,000 might of Fine Green COFFEE. <
For Sale by 1
i . >™> r„rd.
T-Hiz P V EHT s H O T. >
Corrcfrcr pent, p , o '; pp ""Bering Uni
London. ill 1 & Co. for
' * wfm4w ( I
Just Landing,
r r*m At, South Jlreet-'u/larf, from on board the /hip f-dg~
ley, Captain Hodge, from St. Peterjlurg,
The following Goods:
Russia Sail Duck, firft quality.
Do. Sheeting do.
Do. Diaper.
Do. Huckaback.
Do. Crash.
Do. Mould C .indies, 4, 5 and 6, to the lb. the
• JSnglifh size.
Do. White Candle Tallow.
Do* White Sor.p in frru'l boxes.
Do. Cordage of fine yarn.
Ravens Duck.
Isinglass, ill and jand fort.
Horse Hair uncurlcd.
Ruffra Bar Iron. »
, Do. Hoop Iran.
t. Do. Nail Rods.
«- io.Torre Oakum and Junk.'
St. Petersburg Clean Hemp:
For Sale by
6 Philips, Cramond, & C«. »
_ Qflobtrtt. ■ ■ $
Fashionable Waistcoatino.
') ' Has received per the Diana, from London,
Clouded Andilripcd Spanish Swanfdown
,ble. Ctonded firminats and Moleikin#
tcr. Striped do. aad da.
Figured Manilla*
— Scarlet figured Erminets
Printed Florinetfs
Po, C;ffincts ami Caflimerea
Superfine printed Quiltings, newest patterns
,m E Alfp, per different .arrival*,
A large and general afiortment of Dry
Suitable to the prefcnt and approacluflj fetfon.
!. November 5. dtf
— The brig Weft-Ijudian's Carga
WiU be Landed on Monday morning
The 2 injlant,
ton ft South-street Wfcarf,
From the North fide of Jamaica.
l«o HoVfiierds and one barrel Qofftfe
cr 13 of S*gar
105 Hoglheads high proof Rum.
for Sale by
November 10. i T
■ ' ■ ■ »*
, r , r or Sale,
By Jehu HollingCwtrth, fcs 5 C&>
IS hhds. Weft-India Rum, 3d and 4th proof,
J Barrels bed Indigo, and,
ft 3 A few thousand bufhelt of Turk's ICand fait.
OA. Ij.
y<uji Landing,
And for Sale, a quantity of
FROM on board the fchoonerLydia «c folly, Oliver
Jenkins roaster, lyinjr at Wilcock's wharf. For
terms-, enquire on board fait} schooner.
__ November 15th. Tw
For Sale,
' A ™ r «-ft° r 7 *UCK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut
J. 1l drew, between Fronted Second ftrcets, in which
Meffr*. Jamos Calbmth & Co. have for y ear , (and
now do) carried on bufineft. - '
PoildlioH will he given in one month, or sooner.
for tcftfts appljf to WILLIAM BELL, or
or L A ND I N G, "
Out of diferent vejfch. from England, and for fait
by the fubjenbers on reasonable terms,
Superfine and common cloths, and caffimer. • -
Ribbed and striped do. do? 1'
Blankets, mottled green and HIV rues.
Superfine blue, Claret, and ctmninn coatings,
Kerseys, Bear-kins, plains and Half thick.;
Swanlkins, Serges and Flannels,
Britilh Ingrain Carpeting,
Hatsafforted in cases of n dot. eaeh.
T- Chocolate chintzes, printed Callicoes and Handkerchiefs
Scarlet Cardinals, and Scarlet Saail, Ra "erchw&.
of Tram, Worded, and Cotton hofierv.
/ Thickse "s, Velvets, Corduroys &c &r
Thomas fcf JoJhua Fijher.
Alfoby the Clafgow from DubHn,' '' D°Ck
-1-8 and 4- 4 Ir.fh Linens assorted in bote, of -ft viecc.
do. Brown, Glazed Linnm. J piece, »
For Sale,
An Invoice of Cordage
Confiding of different sizes, from 14 inch table,
to rope of a teches, of different Imported
fromHu »' entitled to drawS
10 hogsheads St. Croix Rum ~—
S Pipes Vinegar,
For Sale, by
t ' Exekiel Hall,
' Nov. 7. No ' l0 ' Penn StrKt -
For Sale. "
1 cases coarse hat.
Copper bottoms and ihcet.
Shot, all sizes, patent and common
sheet and barr lead
' Englifii lhoe. and boots in cafe.
Tin plates
Gold watches
Taunton ale in casks. ' »
Apply to
Smon Walker,
Nov. 8. Il4 ' So " F ° urth Street.
" ' di4t.
Fo be Rented,
wv A- COn l plete Coacb -ticufe,
3 ' i