Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 16, 1796, Image 1

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    / /
. #a?ette m States, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
* - • - *. «£ '
■ _ . . , , , . t-. -* r •> * Al ■> iIT IN J/T T> * »/* MnT n »S A
For Sale,
At Public AuiUon, on Saturday, November 19th mil. at
at the Merchant! CoffeeHoofe, 6 o'clock in the even
ing— 1
Ihe brig FLY,
Virginia built, of the best materials'
fiieathed on the stocks to lijht wa
ter mark, is not t wo years old, burthen eighteen hundred
barrels, or there ab'Uts is well found in every rufped, and
fails remarkable fad—is ready to recsive a cargo immedi
ately. to be fern at F -otmon k Co Auction
■ mom. Ob board at South Street wharf, or at No, J,South
Fourth Street, by applying to the fabfcjiber,
George Blight. \
Terms of payment —approved indorled cotes at», 4,
and 6 months.
Nov. Z4. ? Iw -
For Freight or Charter
To Europe or the WJiiies,
Richard Calley, Matter ; burthen 14? tons; has
good accommodations, and is now ready to receive a
cargo: —apply to the Captain o* board, firft wharf j
above the Still-House, Seuthwark, or to
*» Jfaac Harvey, jun.
Who has now for sale, at his store, No. 5, South!
A quantity of Cayenne and Trinidad Cotton
Spanish Soal Leather _ ■ I
And a parcel of Carolina Rice, in whole and half 1
tierces. nth tfto. nth. dzw I 1
For Madeira,
The Jhip Concord, I
O Capt. John TlTbmfon. For freight
«Ks3eOSߧ££=or passage apply on hoard, or to
Pettr_Jslight; I
'jC Who has for sale, a quantity of
Brandy, in pipes
Whiting and Copperas, in hogsheads I
Old HilCk, irt cases
Dutch Cream-Cheese, in boxes I
Window Glass
1. Empty Gin-Cases
Glass Ware, in boxes
Painters' Colours, ground in oil * I
Sweet CXI, in cases of a dozen bottles each I
Hazlenuts, in faclo. I f (
November 11. dim I
Wanted to Charter,
v f a fi-f a^n Z Vtjfoy c<
B '■ That will carry sor 600 barrels ; to I
A- "3iisa9}>&f load immediately for the Weft-Indies.
Apply to
Peter Blight.
NWentber ta. 0 dx I
For sale, freight or charter,
STir.ieN Smith, IWaftfr. I
A ** *■"'*» thrrr mm tm-fken. epm. I
ii pletely round, and may be font to sea -without any j
OJpenie. For terms, apply on board, at Clifford's whart, 1
hov. 9 {
— S For Safe." ' """H
A stout vcffel, about 150 tons bur- I
then, well found and may be sent to
at 1 na " c x pe-ice. I
Apply to I
Joseph Anthony and Co.
Nov. 8.
7he ship M.-mr,
** 3,SSst;£±a£S T\tfohundrtdtoßs biirthen. Apply to
If the MARY is notfold in a few days, flit will take
freight for Hamburg. Apply u above.
/ Oflober 31. d
Just arrived, and will this day be lan
ded from on board thi brig FAVORITE at Chtfhut
street wharf.
25 Tons beji Rnffia Clean HEMP.
j6 Tons old Sablr fltt I ROM, I
*00 Coils best Ruffn CORD AGE, aßWrted fiies,
- 490 Pieces brown RoflSa SHEETIKGS,
ICS Bolis Ruflia DUCK,
*40 Pieces Rlvfcns do.
so Half-down feather beds, a»d
A few piecesaborted DI/> PER. ' . I ,
Joseph Anthony and- Co.
T-tL. The a ' )ore Mentioned BRIG I <
fil'* * fewd *V«. >"d .take freight 6n —
moderate terms for liofton or Salem, for j
or passage, apply on board or as above 1 n
Oftohcr jl, . f j JSj
or London, | c
TheJhip William Penn,
Jofiah, master. Will fail with a ll l '^s
. speed. For freight or palTaE®
apply to the Captain on board, or to j
Jefie and Robert Wain.
November 10, j I
" ' ' r * y *' f "i IIT 1j • I
For Liverpool, j
Jacob D*hart, Maftcr. I —
Has a part of her cargo engaged.—
(oS. For freight or passage apply to the mas- A
ter on board ( at the whir", of the sub- *
feribers, or,
Jefe & Robert Wain. "°£
t Nov - I- . d
TheDanifh barqße Bemrtinturl, J
Samuel Stub, Master,
A oood veflil of about two hundred A f
toes Burthen. For freight or passage A n
»PPJjf to Anc
JeJfe Ssf Robert Wain, j E
Nov. ; 4 d. J :
To fail the \Jth infant,
k ' at Fof Bristol,
ven " The new fh'p Philadelphia,
Theodore Bliss, master, now onher second voyage;
has elegant accommodations for passengers fails i«-
• , , markabty tact.—For freight or p-ffage apply to the
11S master, or to
Thomas and John^lifiord.
and Nov. 12.
iion FOR LQNDON >~
su'.h tl ? CERES,
,-CTo fail form For freight or passage
t-■ apply to ROBF.RTS & Co. or
'' 4 ' y°^' n Vanghan,
r. September To. From-ftf-ft ■ ;
er For Charter,
Ayrks Stockliy, Master.
LN, An excellent five-oak and cedar built i
as f .ip, of about 3000 barrels burthen, —Ap- <
urf P ' y W J# & Robcft Wain.
J Nov. d. j
uth I For'Sligo and Killibegs, )
The American Ship NANcr, j
I Cuthbert Ripgs, master.
fiaif [ Will fail with all convenient speed. For 1
it freight or passage apply to t, i
William Bell; 1
Who has for sale,
1 4 Trunks ?rinted Cottons, well aflbrted
] 3 Bales Irith Flannels, aiid a boxes Linens
g' n xi Pipes Brandy *
Madeira Wine | Indifo. Riifßa Matts.
Alfr, J
A few barrels Prime IRISH BEE?, PORK,
Noteniber ir, 1796, mwftf
>«s TJje Briganli/ie LIISERTi",
I Now lying at Albertfon's wharf —
I fbe is an excellent veflel, will carry a
j 1300 barrels flour, is completely
I found, and ready to receive a cargo. For termp, ap-
I ply at No. 149, South Front-ftfeet.
IVhere may be had by the path age only,
I A fisa-il of DRY GOODS, just
I ceived —cemfifting of, G
to Cloak, ) 4
I Superfine Hairbine, & > CAMBLETS.
China J
t rapes,
Corded Poplins,
_ I Sattinet Laflirig, Sitt.
J Alp a frw baits CALCUTTA GOO OS, Vik.
I Guzwnh*,
j Baftas,
1 Coffaes,
Tickerys, 7
I Punjim Cloths, jf
"f J GuiTahs,
rt 'I Black Tjfffetirt,- *
I' Barhar,
w. Pullicat, & £ HANDKERCHIEFS.
Bandanna J
I Choppa Ronials,
' r _ I Patrta Chintiej, ke. k?.
to Eikewife a few hhds prime MdlailVs.
I A large quantity of best Rhode-Maud Cheese, rc ,
1 50 boxes Spermaceti candles, and c r ,
I A few birrels Beef.
paoher %j „eoHyt —
Just Landing,
At South Jlrett wharf, frtt* eti Uard the fh\p Stdg
ley, Captain Hodge, froin St. Ptterjburg ■,
The following Goods:
to I Rulfia Sail Dick, firft quality.
Do. Shbetmg da.
fe I Do. Draper.
Do. Huckaback.
Do, Cralh.
— j Do. Mould Candles, 4, 5 and 6, to thi lb. of th«
I Eng'irh size.
" Do. White Candle Tallow.
ut Do- White Sotp in small boxts.
j Do. Cordage of fine yarn.
I Ravens Dnck.
I llinglafs, ift ahd |snd fort. l n
j Horse Hair uncurled.
I RufGa Bar Iron.
I Do. Hoop Iron. 4"
I Do. Nail Rods.
I 10 Tons Oakum and Junk.
St. Feterftmrg Clean Hemp: Sh;
For Sate bf
Philips, Cramond, & Go.
I Oiflobcr 1%,
nj m " — J
>r For Sale, i
I An Invoice of Cordage,
Confiding of different fixes, from 12 inch cables do<vn
Ito ro ? e of » inches, of different length,-. Imported i» 4n
J { the Sw ' ft . Hull, and entitled to drawback rca
. U #- V dtf
For Sale, ,
By Jehu Hollingpworth, Ess Co.
I h hds - VVeft-lndia Rimi, 3d aad 4th proof,
1 $ Barrels best Indigo, and,
A few thousand bulheW Turk's Island Talt
' I Og. 17. , . ' d
I tor Sale,
Poffellion w, II he givih in one mohth, or sooner. Pa ,
For terms apply to WTLLfAM BELL or S,
j ~ —— ; —— — S Poii
FOR SALE, ' >h;
j A few hogsheads of choice New-England RUM, Prir
A number of harreli of BEEF, and PORK s ™<
And a few krgsnf LARD, of a fuperior quality. Ho J
Er.qu.reat No. 71, north Watfr-ftreet \
I November 8, 1796, i[{ P lc
TH« Parmerfliip of JONATHAN HARVEY k Co.
being this day DiiTolved by mutual confeftt, those indebt
ed to fa d firm ate requeued to make speedy payment to
Jenathan Harvsy, who it authorized to receive the fame,
and iliofe who have any demands will please to bring in
rt ' their zccoßßtt to him for fettkmcnt
the fbt Bujinefs will be Continued
By Jonathan Harvey,
tts Where he haa for Sale,
A r afifortment of Dry Goods'.-
J-.o<*MT)l,gr 14. 1796. ' jrm
or Printer, Beok/cl/er, and Staticner,
No. 91, South Front Street,
lias received by the last arrivals from Loudon, an aHort-.
ment of Stationary, which he will fill on the most
reasonable terms, confiding of—
A great variety of copper-plate printing paper, from
33 by 17 inches to the finalleft fixe ; fiiperfine, iimpe
jift rial, fuper-royat, royal, medium, demy, folio, and
Lp- I qtoirto po!t, foolfcap and post writing paper ; marble
ind bio'ting paper, large and small rnelTage card 3, far.d
and pounce boxes, shining land, ink and ink-powder,
pencils, quills, crown, half crown, and common f:ze
Irifli wafers, coloured And red; India rubber, pen-knives
leai and pewter irik-ftands, do. chests, cork soles, copy
books, dates afid pencils, Entick's dictionary, VVatu'
psalms, &c.
Also, some elfgant prints, an aflortment of blank
er bonks, American manufaflured writing paper, do. play
t ing cards of a fgperior quality; and a collcdtion of
BOOKS, London and American editions.
Koy. n. $6t.
0 L D
London Particular Madeira Wine,
In pipes, hog/heads snd <juarter-ca(ks,
dir. at Chefnut-itrect Wharf, apd j
for (ale by
Antbany & Co.
~ Ko *' '• S i_ '
Bert. Boston & Nova-Scotia Mackard,
Excellent Halifax Salmon in bbl».
47 bbls. prime Coffee,
a „ Best Boston Beef,
,]y Qodfifh in hd».
p. Spermaccti Candlei,
Spermaceti, and 1 r» 1 r
Northern j Oil..
Mould and dipt, ta'low candles, of a fuperipr
A few boxes excellent brown f«ap,
6 Bales of Corks.
40 Pipes Lilbrtn Wijte.
A few fa*.lis of Ejathtri.
A few bales India Muslin».
OiSober jr. . d
The Cargo of the Poiatre Independent,
TAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and L»f-
I J) , 'i"?'") f-iMirii ,r« wh*rf—
18 Pipes of iirandy ,
it Bales of Spanish wool '
3 do, of Annifeed
7<fni) BulhSls of be ft Lilbon Slit
80 Boxes of I,emotis
Seventy Tlogfhe»d« of prime J AMAICA SUGARS,
received by.the fbip Domjnick,'Ferry, Capt. De Hart",
Sroth KingfioH.
- <» - ■
For Sale.
1 7 cases coarse hail .
Copper bottoms :nd_fheWj
Shot, all fizei, patent and common
Sheet ahd bar* lead
KnglMh shoes and boots iacifr, ♦
Tift p'ates
Gold watches
Taunton ale in cask«.
Apply to
e Simon Walker 3
I*4, So. Fourth Street.
K <*- *• d l4 «-
Irish Lineris, &c.
Imported per the foipi Gin/goto, from Dublin, Liber• t
tj, from Cork, and btig Mentor, from Bcifaft,
4-4 and 7-8 Wide IRISH LINENS, c
In whdle and half box6s, a
Assorted from ltd. to 4s. sterling—Also s,wide
Sheetings, and low priced yarn and werftcd Hose v
On Hand, ]
7-g Wide Lawns.
Diapers and Table-Cloihs ''
A few boxesTiekens and Checks *
A few bales Flannels ''
Cork and Belfaft Sail Cloth, Ho«. I arid 6 ''
»J Boxes -) r6 b g .
10 Ditto V Window Glass, ) 7 by o
$ D \ tto ■ - . C 8 by 10. J"
j "he above mentioned Goods are all entitled to the
1 drawback, and will be difpofcd of by the package on ,
reafonabie terms. » ' 1<
James, Clibborn & English, „
... , No. 4, N. Front-street. d]
loth mo. 19th. (j t f (j
John Miller, jun, & Co. if'their own Importation now opening, "
Have received by the William Penn, Caroline and Diana th
• comprize a capital alfortTnent to open a a
Dry Good;. Store. bj
Common, super and fuperSrie Ckth"
Plain, twill'd and ilrip'd Coating,
Baizes and Flannels, ' p
Point, rose and .luffil Blankets,'
Plain and puntea eaffimeres, ?
Swanfdovns, ~ r
Printed Calicoes, "
Scotch Threads,
They will be fold cither in whole, « r b part by the fa
5355 ssssr'""KtP I
\ c o Piano Fortes.
le > TUST arrived ; uncommon attention fias been given
,a J to the finifhing of these inftrurnent*, which arc i;i
a stile entirely new, ar,d superbly elegant. Ad-Jed to
which, purcjiafirs-will have an opportunity < ' feler
ting from a greater nnmbtr than was fver ofitred for
„ sale, by any person *tn lliu city.-viti being a cntifign
» men:, and thepUjeft of thp conficner a fpeerfy return
of the proreedf, they w ill be fold on liberal terms, at
S»' W. POYNTELL't flore, No, jo Chtfnut ftrvet/
November 9. ir, V . >
Out of different vejfch from England, and for fait
by the fuljerilers on req/onable terms.,
rt*- Superfne and crmmon cloths, and ciAimers
5 " Ribbed and striped do. do.
Elankets , mottled green and (ilk rugs.
If> Superfine blue, Claret, and common coatings, *
ie- Kerseys, Bear-Aiins, plains and Halftuicks,
id Swanflcins, Serges and Flannel*,
lie Britilh Ingrain Carpeting,
sd | Hatsaflorted 16 cases ox 1.4 do*, each.
■r, Chocolate chintzes, printed Ca(licoe» and Handkerchiefs.
ze Scarlet Cardinals, and Scarlet Snail,
es Yafn, Worded, and Cotton hofisry,
3 y Beavers, Tfiiekfetts, Velvets, Corduroys, &e. &c.
Buff and drab Cenoa Cords of a superior quality.
6d. id. lod 1 id. aod. nails, and frying pans,
|g. An affort.ncnt of Ironmongerry, Cutlery and a variety
of India cotton, and ftlk goods.
of 'Thomas & *Jnfhua T'tjher.
No. 5, Dock-lltrect.
Also by the Glasgow from Dublin,
1-8 and 4-4 Irilh boxes of 30 pieces,
do. Brown, Glazed Linnen.
W iif.
» i. ■ ■ '
d Printed Caliches.
• JOHN MILLER, jun. & GO.
Have received per the William Pcnn, iti addition to
"" their own aflbrment;
A consignment of twenty trunks of Calicoes, ele
gant London patterns ; alio a few cases of haudlome
Buttons—Which witl be folJatjt fliort credit, on very
reasonable terms, by the package only.
° a - dtf
Males of India Goods.
The Cargo ef the (hip Gr-n~es, capt. Tirtgey, from Cal
cutta and Bengal,
ir consisting or
A Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras
A variety Jine ivbrhed andf fain Mb/fiks,
Dorcas, t>V. Alio,
A Quantity if Excellent ,Susar y
In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER,
For Sale by
Wiliinga is? Fraficis,
No. ai Penn Street.
* J unc a §
cf Washington.
SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11,
A \ io,oco dollars, St}
cwdling-hou/e, j caO» 30.000, »re j 0,000
1 ditto $. caffe 15,000 4P,000
? I ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000
' I ditto 10,000 & ca(h 10,000 ao-otjo
I ditto 5,000 & c'afh 5,000 jo, 000
1 ditto 5,000 & cast 5,000 ,0,000
I cifh pme of I0)000
1 do. 5:,000 cach, are . 10,000
iq dp. I,oop . . . I0)000
»0 do. J OO - - TO,OOO
00 do. 100 . . ,
a w do. 50 . . , o>ooo
85 * * I0 ' 0 »°
K'ZZ 90 * 30 ' 00(i
15,003 do - «° . - fju,ooo
'6>739 Prizes.
Ji»a6i Blanks.
50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dolbr,, , 400)000
N. B. To favour thoft who may take a quantity of
• " cket ind r P s nZC of4o, °° o d °"«> will be the last drawn
ticket, and the 30,000 the last but one :
And approved notes, securing payment it either raonsy
, or ,n ten <la y s »"•<■ drawing, will be received for
any number not less than 10 tickets
v ,I h K 3 -h ott " 7W r iUaffordan tbepri-
T»nl "n! r e " in the Ch y of Walhington—
Two beautiful designs are already feleSed for the ent.r
fronts on two of the public fqaares; from these prawin«
it lspropofed to ered two centreand four comer building?,
ih/m X P 1 '' lottcr r Wrfd, and to convey
them, when complete, to the fortunate adventurers in
f r thC ftheme forthe Hotd Lottery.
V atdedua.on of five per cent. wiUbe made to defray
w'm " pen e r °l Ps' nt «ig, the surplus
will be made a part of the fund intended for the National
t0 "M d W,thin the cit Y of Walhington.
soU off rT" E Wlli COmmence 45 fß °" « the ticK™
fold off.--.The money prizes wiU be payable in thirty dars '
nLmh• tMfi nifl>ed; aiad any prixes for which fortunate
numbers ate nptproduced within twelve months after ths
drawing uelofed are to be donfidered as given toward
the fund for the Umverfity ; it being deterLred toS
the whole business in a year from the ending of the draw.
>ng, and to take up the bonds given as security.
T r*fr f «ur.t,es given for the payment of the Pri2-«
are held by the President and two Diredors of the Bank
of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the '
mount of the lattery.
~ gentlemen who by, appointnwnt nf
the late Commifiioners afliftcd in the manaLrnent of t)?,'
ndl-" 7 are , r^f? fted t0 undertake this arduous
a second time on behalf ef the public ; a (uffi c ie*t num
ber of these having kindly is LpedlL £ e
friends to a National Umverfity and the other federal nl
jeAs may continue to favor the design.
By accounts received from the different t>a«. .1.
Continent as well as from Europe where thAt
have been Tent for sale, the public are affurcd tha't th*
drawing will speedily comratn»e, and that the carl
caution unavoidably neceffarv to infurp a faf- at r «
.5. Tldtrn way tc thf
James Weft & Co. Baltimore •of Pm,,- oluml) '> iof