Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 15, 1796, Image 1

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    iSajtttC ./<& ©tlttCt) i>tatCo, i?Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
Numbes 1306. J • - — — — 11 -
" ... . . „ I -rue TnK'ATHAN HARVEY & Co. i T. A W D T W Ci.
For Sale,
At Public Aaftion,'on Saturday, November 19th inft. at
at the Merchants Coffee House, 6 o'clock in the Cven
<Jj b fly
Virginia built, of the bell material*.
„,,c (heathed on the flocks to light wa
ter mark, ij nott wo years old, burthen eighteen hundred
barrel., or thereabouts is well found in every refpert, and
fai . tuiuckibl* fall—is ready to recsive a crrgo immeili
at<-'r. Inventory to. be seen at Footiaan &Co Aui.: on
rofim, orf hoard at South Street wharf, or at No, s,South
i'v.i rrh Street, by applying to the fubfeiiber,
George Blight.
" mis of payment —approved indorled notes at 1, 4,
and 6 months. .
Nov. .4. . § lw "
For Freight or Charter
To Europe or the W.lndits,
Richard Calley, Mailer ; burthen I4J tons; has
good accommodations, and is now ready to revive a
cargo-apply to the Captain on board, firft w;iai 1
above the Still-House, S»uthwark, or to
Isaac Harvey, jun.
Who has now for sale, at his flore, No. j, South
A quantity of Cayenne and Trinidad Cotton
Spanish Soal Leather
And a parcel of Carolina Rice, in whole and half
tierees. nth mo. nth. . diw
+ 11 ' ' * ' ' '' ' ' '
For Madeira,
The Jhip Concord,
Caj>t. John Thomson. For freight
passage apply on board, or to
Peter Blight;
Who has for sale, a quantity of
Brandy, in pipes
Whiting and Copperas, in hogsheads
Old Hock, in cases
Dutch Cream-Cheese, in boxes
Window Giafs
Empty Gin-Cases
Glass Ware, in boxes
Painters' Colours, ground in oil
Sweet Oil, in cases of a dozen bettles each
Hazlenuts, in facki.
November n. d im
jr-> Wanted to Charter,
\ A fact-failing Vessel,
« K That will carry sor 600 barrels ; to
4 ~ •SS&E3SJ load immediately for the Weft-Indies.
Apply to
Peter Blight.
November ro. dx
For sale, freight or charter,
... Lilly, '
fSnrucN Smith, Mailer.
AN entire new-vpffel, ninety-three tons burthen, com
pletuly found, Atjdjuay be lent to fca without any
e'penle. For ternis,' Apply 011 board, at Clifford's wharf,
NOT 0 6§
For Sale.
flout vcflel, about 150 tons bur
then, well found and may be sent to
at a small expence.
Apply to
fofeph Anthony and Co.
Nov. iB. dx-
7HE SHIP M art,
sam UF. l PARKER, J^ASTEii,
hundred tons burthen. Apply to
If the MARY is not fold in a few days, (he will take
freight for Hamburg. Apply as above.
Oilnber 31. <1
Just arrived, and will this day be lan
ded from on board the brig FAVORITE at Cheinut
street wharf.
25 Tons bejl Ruff a Clean HEMP,
§6 Tons old Sable flat IRON,
200 Coils best RufTia CORDAGE. aff?.rted flies,
400 Pieees brown RuiTw SHEETINGS,
jro Bolts Ruflia DUCK,
340 Pieces Ra-vcns do
so Half-down feather beds, and '
A few pieccjafforted PER.
Joseph Anthony and Co.
The above mentioned BRIG
'* 'eW a ta *' freight on
moderate terms for Boston Or Salem, for
or passage, apply on board or as above
Oflbbtr gt. d
For London,
The Jhip William Penn,
Will fail with aU
* &c *-*=* Si fe® s CoHvenient speed. Fo« freight or passag e
apply to the Captain on bourd, or to
Jefle and Robert Wain.
November 10, <i
• For Liverpool, \
The Ship DO Ml NICK TERRY, .
Jacob Dehart, Master.
MM Has a part of her cargo engaged.— I
Forfrcightor passage apply to the mas
' ter on board, at the whar- of the sub
scribers, or,
Jeffe y Robert Wain.
Nov. 7. d
For Lisbon,
The Danish barque Ben etentur a,
Samuel Stub, Master,
A good veflel of about two hundred J
tnn.s burthen. For freight or paflage
apply to J
ftjft & Robert Wafn. 1
Nov. 7»
T0 fail the i jth infant,
' , ' ,c ncw *p^'' a<^a 'p' i ' a »
Tkfodore Slifs, master, now on her.second voyage;
has elegant accommodations for paflengeri fails rtt
m ark ably fact.—For freight or ptffage apply to the
master, or to
\ Thomas and John Clifford.
] Nov. 11.
1 The oapj'.al (TiijS CERES,
To fail iocva i-'-For freight- or passage
apply to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or
John Vaughan,
Scptember !o. l ront-ftrcet.
For Charter,
<T3jt The Ship JOHN BUL KEL T,
AVKts StocKLEY, Master.
s'l *! exce " fnt live-oak and cedar built
Wtijßj(hip, ef about 3000 barrels burthen.—Ap
yeffc y Robert Wain.
Nov. ' d._
jr**- For BRISTOL,
Theodore Bliss, master.
A new (hip, on her second voyage, with the best
accommodations for passengers, and is intended to fail
with all expedition. For freight or jkaffage apply to
the Master on board, or to
Thomas iy John Clifford:
Who have just imported in fitd vefiel, aiWl have for.
sale, Eefides their general assortment
A quantity of fine drawn and common ftiarp ami
fiat point NAILS ; double & single rall'd Sheet Iron j
Iron Pots, Kettles, and Iron YVeights, of all lizc3 ;
London and Lriftol Pewter in calks, assorted ; boxes
of Tin Plates; cases of Men's, Women's and Boys'
Hats; crates of earthen and flint Glaf's Ware ; crafts
of Phials; boxes of WiiidoW-GlV.fs ; boxes of long
and short Pipes; Copper in Sheets ; Oval Quart Bot
tles in hampers; alfs, a few catks of bottled Beer,
and two bales, of Superfine Broadcloths and Cafli
merel. O<ftoheri7. mScthiW
For Sale, or Charter,
Jp3L The Ship DIANA,
Samuel Pilf, Master,
Burthen 205 47-95 tons regifttr, built in
Philadelphia ill the year 1791, of live oak.
and red cedar, and was (heathed 13 months ago,-(he
has.just had a con'ipleat out-fit, and may he sent to sea
at a very trifling expence.
For terms apply to
Fiji lip Nicklin ly Co.
" IVho hive for sale en hoard J'uid nijfd*
27 rafts of line yellow paint.
filing •
1 btox ink (lands and note prefles.
14 biles of fail canvass.
N And on hand,
Hyson, and, V TEAS.
Souchong j
40,000 pieces Nanl.eens of the firft rjuallty.
19 tubs QuickfiJver.
a chests Bandanm handkerchiefs.
A few chsfts ManchefWr goods well aflortcd in Cor
duroys, thicksets, Ginglian\s, Muilinets, Dimities, &C.
3 boxes black sewing f.ik'.
I So crates Queens ware well affort«d.
10 tons (heet lead.
Nails alTorted, flat and laatp points.
\ onA ° n P »r iUi > 1 Madeira Wine in pipe.
NTwXk Market, 5, b^*
40 pipes and 10 hogsheads Teneriffe wine.
8 tierces Snake Root.
>30 logs Mahogany.
Nov 7. tth&ftf.
Just Landing,
At South Jlrcet luhurf, from oh board tie jhip Sedg
ley, Captain Hodge, from St. Pcterjiurg,
The following Goods :.
RulTta Sail Dack, fir,4 quality.
Do. Sheeting 4°-
Do. Diaper.
, Do. Huck.back. 'V.
Do, Crash. x
Do, Mould Candle*, 4, > and 6, to the lb.tjf the
Euglilh fizt .
Do. White Candle TallotV.
Do- White Sosp in fmali bores.
Do. Cordage of' fine yarn.
Ravens Duck.
lCnglafs, ill andjend fort."
Horse Hair uncurled.
Russia Bar Iron.
Do. Hoop Iron.
Do. Nail Rods. f
XC Tons Oakum and Junk. .
St. Petersburg Cltin Hemp: * -♦■
For Sale Vy
Philips, Cfamond, & 60.
OAober 12. § ,
Washington Lottery.
TICKETS, warranted undrawn, may be purchased or'
cxchangnd for prizes, atAhe Office, No. 147, Chcfnut
fireet, where a corre6l Numerical Book is kept for public
infpe&ion. Alio Canal Lottery Tickets for sale or ex- :
changed for prizes diawn ih the Walhington Lottery, of
which the 36th and 37th days returns are received.
$3" Th» Bufincfs ot a Broker carried on as usual.
Nxvembcr 10. ttstf
Piano Fortes.
JUST arrived ; uncommon attention has been given 1
to the finilhing of these inflruments, which are in 1
stile entirely new, and superbly elegant. Added t* :
which> purchasers will have an opportunity of felec- 1
ling from a greater number than was ever «fiered for '
sale, by any person in this city—and being a eoitfign- •
men:, and the objeil of the conligner 1 fpeeriy return 1
of the proceeds, they will be fold on liberal terms, at 1
W. PO'i in PELL's flore, No. 70 Chefnut Srect.
Nuvember 9. m w , t
THE Partaerfti'p qf JONATHAN HARVEY & Co.
being this day Diifolvcd fcy mutual consent, those indebt
ed to said firm aic requeued to make speedy payment to
Jonathan Harvey, who is authorized to receive the fame,
asd those wlio have any demands will please to bring in
' their accownts to him for feuleinent
The Bujinefs will be Continued
By Jonathan Harvey.
s Where he has for Sale,
A general aflortment of Dry Goods.
November 14, 1796. jm
Printer, Boohfelle'r, and Staticner,
No. 91, Sflutli Front Street,
Has received by the lail arrivals Irom London, an aflosi
ment of Stationary, which he will fell on the molt
reasonable terras, confiding of—
A great variety of copperplate printing pa? e r, from
33 by inches to the fma|leil fizs,; fnptrfiae, impe
rial, super-royal, royal, medium, demy, folio, and
quarto poll, foolfcap and post writing paper ; marble
andb'oiting paper, large and fiTiall message card 3, land
and pounce boxes, fliining sand, ink and ink-powder,
pencils, quills, crown, half crown, and common fire
Irifli wafers, coloured and red; India rubber, pen-knives
lead and pt-wter inl4.-fter.ds, do. chests, cork loles, copy
books, llatei and pencils, Entick's dictionary, Watts'
psalms, he.
Also, foroe elegant prists, an sfiortment of blank
bonks, American manufa&»red writing paper, do,play
ing cards of a superior quality; and a collection of
BOOKS, London and American editions.
Nov. 11. j6(.
A few hofjrtieads of choice Ne.v-England RUM,
A mimber of parrel? of BEEF, and PORK,
An J a few of LARD, of a superior quality.
Enquire at No. 71, north Water-street.
Novrm'oer 8, 1796 dtf
0 L D
London Particular Madeira Wine,
In pipes, bog(head6 and quarter-casks,
Landing this day at Chyfnut-tlrcet Wharf, and
for sale by
Jo/iph Anthony &c Co.
Nov. I. d
Best Boston & ,N6va-Scotia Mackarel,
Excellent Halifax Salmon jo bbls.
47 bbls. primr Coffee,
Best Bofton^Secf,'
Codtilh in hdt.
Spermaceti Candles,
Spermaceti, and 1 r\ 1 r
Northern j" U 1 lj<
Mould aivd dipt, tallow candles, ps a fuprriui
A 'cw boxe 1 * excellent brown soap,
6 nf Cork?.
'—- ■■.-ti-ii.j 1-n -
A fit iv sacks of Feathers.
A few titles India Mudins.
October Jl. ' " d
The Cargo of the Polacre Independent,
CAPTAIN from Alicant and Xif
bon, landing at the fubferibert wharf—
a 8 Pipes of Brandy,
18 Bales of Splhifc wool
X do. of Arrnifccd
7000 Bushels of bett iLlfcan Silt
80 Boxej of Lenions
Seventy Ilogtheadsof prime JAMAICA SUGARS,
received by the (hip Dominick Terry, Capl; Be Hart,
from Kingston.
Sept. t;. d
For Sale.
7 cafus coarse hats
Copper boitopis and (heets
Shot, all fizej, patent and common
Sheet and bari lead
Englifti (hoes and bodts in cases
Tin plates
Gold watches
Taunton ale in calks.
Apply to
Simon Walker *
IS4, So. Fourth Street.
Nov. «■ di 4 t.
Iriili Linens, &<r.
Imported per the Jhips G/a/gmu, from Di/lfta, Liber
ty, from Cork-, and btig Mentor, from BeifaJ},
4-4 and 7-8 Wide IRISH LINENS,
In ifchole and half boxes,
Ass rt'ed from lid. to 4s. sterling—Also 5- fcwide
Sheeting and low priced yarn 'and worsted Hose.
i On Hand,
7-R WWU Lawns,
CflKers :,nil Teb!e-C!oths
A.few baxesTickens and Checks
: A frw bales Flannels
. Ccirk and Bcifail Sail Cloth, Nps. I and 6.
S5 Box«s ( 6 by !,
ro.JDitto > Window Glass, i 7 by 9,
5 IJitto j (. 8 by 10.
the above mentioned Goods are all entitled to the
drawback, and will be disposed of by the package «-n
reasonable terms.
JameS,, Clibborn & Engliflb,
No. 6, N. Front-street.
xoth mo. 19th. j t f
Twenty Gkiineas Reward.
RAN AW AY from the lubferiber t>u the 23d October
a Dark MfcT.ATTO BOY, named MOSES ; n years
old; about 5 feet 8 inches high ; had on a mixed green
coat, with a green velvet cape and oval yellow buttons;
a driped veil; a pair of dark, spotted pantaloons, and
whole boots much worn. It is grobable he may change
his name and dress. He Has been accustomed te driving
a carriage, and waiting. The above reward will be
paid for securing hixn so that tiie libfcriker may get him
again, and if brought home al) reasonable charges paid by
Rabins Cbambcrlaitte.
Eafton, Maryland, Nor- JO, 14 Slmjawtf
| Out of tfijferent vejfeh from England, and for sale
by the fuljcribers cn rcafonalle terms,
Superfine and common cloths, find caffimers
Ribbed and striped do. do. , A '
Blankets, mottle(T green and CMc rugs.
Superfine blue, Claret, and common coatings,
Kersey*, Bear-skins, plains and Half'-hicki,
Swanikins, Serges and Flannels,
British Ingrain Carpeting,
HatsalTotted in cases of 11 doz. each.
Chocolate chintzes, printed Callicoes and Handkerchiefs.
Scarltt C*riii<isls, and Scarlet Sji il,
Yarn, Worflcd, and Cotton hotiery,
Beavers, Tbickfetts, Velvets, Corduroys, See. &e.
BufFand drab Genoa Cerds of a superior quSlity.
fed. Bd. loft ud. iod. nails, and frying pans,
An alTrtrtmcnt of Ironmongery, Cutlery and a variety
of India cotton, and si 11c gouds.
Thomas iff fofbua Fijher. .
No. "s, Dock-lUrect.
Also by the Glasgow from Dublin,
1-8 and 4-4 Irifti Linens affortedin boxes of 30 pieces,
do. Brown, Glazed Linnen.
OA. if. dtf.
Sales of India Goods.
The Cargo ef thefhip Ganges, capt. Tingty, from Cal
cutta and Bengal,
consisting or
A Large and genera! alTortment of Bengal a/id Madras
A variety fine worked and plain Muslins,
Doreas, ts'c, Also,
A Quantity of Excellent St/gar,
la boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER,
For Sale by
Willings <sf Francis,
No. 21 Penn Street.
June I ' §
—. ■ 1. — .1 <in
Printed Calicoes.
Have received per the William Pcnn, in addition to
their own aflbrment,
A consignment of twenty trunks of Calicoes, ele
gant London patterns j also a few cases of handsome
Buttons—Which will be fold at a Ihort credit, on very
reasonable by the package only.
oa. 14. dtf
John Miller, jun. & Co.
Exclusive. of their own Importation now opening,
Have received by the William Penn, Caroline and Dllll
Which comprize a capital afljprtment te open a
Dry Goods Store.
—Amongst them are—
Common, faper and fuperfine Cloths,
Plain, twill'd and ftrip'd Coatings,
"TOTTCT"UTi'T nrrnrnT, — -- —
Point, rose and duffil Blankets,
PJain and puotea Caflimcres,
Printed Calicoes,
Scotch Threads,
They will he fold either in whole, or inpart, by the
package, on terjhs which render them an objeA worthy of
attention t# fttirehafeis. dtf OA. 41.
-For Sale,
AThree-ftory BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut
street, between Front and Second flreeu, in which
Meflrs. James Calbrakh & Co. have For many years (and
now do) carried on btifmefs.
Poflcffion will }>e given in one month, or foorer.
For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or
'-pril si. §
For Sale,
By Jehu HoUingfworth, & Co.
aj hhds. Weft-India Rum, 3daad 4th proof,
5 Barrels bed Indigo, and,
A few thousand bushels of Turk's Island fait.
oa. 17. . J.
For Sale,
An Invoice of Cordage,
Confiding of different sizes, from 12 inch cabfes down
to rope of 2 inches, of different lengths: imported in
the ship Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback.
Sept. 27. dtf
A LOT of GROUND, 164 feet 7 inches frpnt on South
Water-street, and bounding on the Delaware abokf'tfie
fame width, with a wharf thereon in good repair. On the
north fide adjoining Tun alley, is a large and well built
dwelling hoafe, and counting house, communicating with
each other, 47 feet wide, a spacious kitchen, and other
■well planned aceoimnodatians, and below these a Rack of
stores, 61 feet in front, by 93 feet in length, built a few
years ago ; on the remainder of the lot on Water-street,
there are two ancient brick dwellings, a Cooper's shop, &
a frame ft ere, now occupied by Mr. Alexander Tod, and
bounds adjoining the ftoresol the heirs of the late Joseph
Wharton. It will be better described by drafts and plans
of the ground, and buildings, to be ffen at JOHN WIL
COCKS's compting house, on the preraifes, and of whom
particulars of lale may be obtained.
The whole will be fold together, or detached as. may
best ftiit the purehafer. Nov. 5 §
The Elephant
THE public are refprdh'ully informed, that
this animal is to be seen every day, from 8
o'clock in the morning till fun down, in Market
ftreet, No. 1 ©6, south fide, between Third and
Admittance a quartet of a dollar, that every ci
tizen may fee him.
03" At the request of many persons it will be
exhibited on evenings from five to eight e'elock,
at half a dollar each.—The room will be well
Novsmbir 7; d