Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 12, 1796, Image 4

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    James Mtifgrave, *
N«.4i, south Serood-ftreet, -»
IT AS just received an vi Elated
X i »nd jCM."tilery, PlatedTca and Coffee t.ins, Oeff-e
Voft, Tea ditto, CaftpraJfci.i Jto 3 bottles, Svga.r an-.. , ,
v ,t)!ream Basons, Bottle Jtjnds, B<iVcts, Jftgh Cindlei'ici..
.Brackets and Chamber ditto, Branches, 9xonce», a variety
flf«£ilver and Plated Slice La' chits, Spurs, 'je.lfc. war- u
ranted of the bed plate; Ladies and Gold !c
Watch Chains Seals and Keys; Necklaces, Chains. ai
Ecar Rii gs, Finger Ringi, LocHet?, Brcaft Pins, Stone
ICnte-Buckles,-with many other tides in the above L
branches. Zl
He has like wife retti vert an eitenfive ilfortment o,
japam.'J tea and toffee Tfrr.s, persian, • blue, ~
black and gold. .
All kinds of-v-ork in the gold and silver line; minia- .
tures set, amlTiair work elevated r.sufual.
November 3. til th St \
'WLOAM M'DOt'G.ALL will open bfcfc'iool on Mon
day the 3til inll. at ten o'J'.uch iti'the morning, at his
Elegant bew Ball Means,'
In Fourth, between Chilnuc aVid Wal.iut Streets.
Hours oI tuition for yh'jng uir -s, £to u 7 ■1 o .:i<vx
oniMoudiys, and l : ri njortiings; and for
young gentie;»en from 6 109 o'clock on the evening' o
the fame days.
In addition to a number of new cotillioms, he ir.eufs to —
introduce a variety.oTscotch Reels 1
Note. The firft praetiftag bait to be on Tuefdiy e
▼eniitg, the firft of November, aira to be continued every
Tnefday, during the feafoji.
For terms, to, enquire at his house, N0.134, Market
ftreet. **
OA. 17. tthf J
Treasury of the United States.
V OTICS is hereby given to aU ptrfbns who are or c
JIV ' may be Creditors of the Ur.uea States, for any funis .
ef the F.nJ:d Dtit, or Sh.i, itJrug a fn-Jtnt t.Ur.f •/j<x"' ~
ttr trnhm fir annum. j
1 ft, That pursuant to an Ad of Coxgreft puffed oa the -j
igth day of April, 1796, ir.titled au ad in addition to an p
aft, intituled " An aft miking byther provision tor the [{
support of public ciadit, and tor the redemption of the v.
public debt," belaid debt or i;ock will be reimbursed and j_
paid in ••vit. " Finl. by dividends B
«' to be made en the Hit djiyi of, June and Severn- s
- ber for the prefect year, and from thitf t•'frgjfe;*' l ' u v aad k
" seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the jtflPJpc ftou-
<«" sand eight hundred ic eighteen in>iuvi*r,ar the rate "of
" one and one half per ceuium upon the original capital. _
" Secondly, by dividenos to be made on the Uft day of
«' December for the present year, and from the year one
" thoufacd feren hundred and ninety-feveo, to the year /
•' one thoufandeight hundred and l'eventeen iqcjufive, at
« the rate of three and one half per eontuni upon the ori
-1 < ginal capita!; and by a dividend to be ma eon the Last r
" day of December, in the -ear one thousand eight hun- a :
« dred and eighteen, of such fn*i, as will b= then ade- }:
" quate, according to the contrast, for the final redemp- c
" tion of the said stock." V
2d. All diftinftion between payments oa account of
Jntertfl and PrUtipjl being thus aboiifhed by the eftablith- _
ment of the permanent rule of reimiiurfement above de
scribed, it has become necessary to vary accerdingly the
povers of attorney for reserving dividends; the public
creditors wiH therefore obferv- that the following form
iieftablifliedfor all powers of attorney which may be '
jranted after the due promulgation oi this notice, viz.
T •/ ' \
do mah, confiitutcand appvnt
«f 'my true and Irtufu! At
tfrntp, for me y and it my wsnrr, to receive the dtv 'tdcads yjlich are,
cr Jocll oe payable acterJiii? to tbt 'htrs defrribin^thc
ftock) Jfading in mymnxrin the bqpks of (here delcrib»ng»the p
books of the Treasury or,the Commiflioacr of Loans, r
xthere the stock is awdite<f) from (here nifert the com- j
jciencement and eipiration oi time for which the power of
is to coilttntfe) xvilh-farcer aifo or. attorney cr cttor
lies -jr.itr tbat pkrficje to make andfubftitute, and to Jo all X
Uwjufc'i' r?quijtsjvt lotfremtfej, eenby ratifying an i J
. unhrmins JiJ that my fail i;'ufebiU w<r,.Mi lawful- r
kerccf. ' «
In ftfyhrfc bereefc J half hereunto set my k
day c* i* i~~ H
Sealed and Delivered
in C
BE l~r KNOfVN t that on the diy
tfcre me J»rJmalJy cdme j
within named and acknowledged the above lett-r of attorney 1o be
bis a& and deed.
In teflimcny -whereof I have hereunto set 'my Han 1 end affix- 5
ad Seal tte day and year la/e aforyaiJ.
Sivea cnd«r my Hand \t Philadelphia, this fven- -
tieth day of July 1796, pursuant to directions
from the Secretary or the Treasury
Ir:cfura of the Utiled Siatej.
-w IS"f ;l J t
By Authority.
Schuylkill Bridge Lottery.
Sold iy WILLIAM BLACKBURN, Ne. 64-, r
Stuih Secondjlreit. '
t%r railing Sixty T&oufami Dollar*, Aft»f r
the of peniifvlva«ia, p«iTed dunug the lalt
session, tor baildirtg a Stone Bridge o*c the River
Schuylkill, at the Borough of Reading, in ihc, County of
Serks. Dollars {
\ Fiize of fo.ooa Poliars - sc,oco
j do. of te,oco do. • - 10, coo
g do. of 5,000 do. — 15.000
4 do. of <7505 do. - - 83555
•O do. Of 1,000 lio. 2C)CCO
39 CO. of. do. - - >/) ,50©
So do. of 200 do. - i6,ccj&
sco do. of 100 do. • . %o t ooo
do. of go do. - I^jQQO
1 do. of 500 do to be paid the po&f- )
the firit drawis r.o. £
5 dow of 3,©co do. 10 be paid poiTeflo#* (
of the five iaii dfawii oo» J , -5» 000
S*4®° - - 141,000
10,054 Prites
10,046 BiaoLs —
30,cce Tickets at Ten DolUn 300,000 ]
All Prices £hali be paid fifteen cays after the drawing is
iniihed, upon the demand of a pofteflor of a iortunaie
ticket, to a dedu£fcoo of twenty per cent. The
Drawing will commence as loon as the.Ttckcu a»e difjjoftc
oi # or perhapilooncr. of which public notice will be gi»e«v.
Philip Miller, Peter Kerjhrtfr, li'lWiam Hitman,
Jofefh HieJUr, jfftnet Diemer, Tbomtu Duruias,
Janet May, Jttjn One, Jeih Knm, Ltaniel
Sebajtiar. Mtiler, Commissions*.
Rcaaiug, May Ike 9th, >736.
" ___
Tickets !■ the Canal Lottery, No. s, to be "had at the j
above office, where ths eariicft iniormatiqu of the *dtAw-'
ing of the Wafaington No. a, a- 1 Patterion lottery's, j
are received, and check books for aj J regif- i
tering are kept.
Odobtt J.
l> ■* "'Rom.yi^p
■No 36, Ch«snut-Strift;
HAS iuft opeaed a lar3,and elepant; affertmefit ot
ed Tea and Coffee UrriT; of different patterns, ivojj-
Handled Knives and Forks, Kniie Cases, sc;. . p
< he above articles (paticularly the piaitd ) are oi a vrr>
luperioi'quality, it is prefi:tncd wIU raeiit ihe'at- *
tent ion of thole who ui(h to purrhale, to whom t..c> c
are rcfpeilfuily offered en equitable terms.
P. S. Setts o£ Silver I late, Mourning rings and a
Lockets, Miniature Settings, a.nd every thirij; m Gold (
and Silver, made in the belt manner. i:
Nov. g. t th s (l
1 ; — t
A few.Pipes of VVIN-E,
Inirofted in trw FA*vi3, from to be io.d .
Whp h-if sl'o tn .iioofc of on iealou?ble terms, t
IUIStt'LINSffSr v eil assort -d '
Oher 27-
Imported in the late arrivals,
Aiul to. be St>!d by
No. 49, North fide ot High-flreet, Philadelphia,
Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery, &c. s
SMITHS* Anvils, Vicea, and Fifes; Saw-mitl, Crof«-
cut, Hand, and other Saws; Carpenters' Planes, Ciiacis,
\ pjjr.d other Tools; Carving Chiiels and Gouges;- ix>cks,
Bolts and Latches; Nail®, Sprigs, Tack®, and
Screws; Frying-Pans; Smcothing-Ir6r.s; "Shovels and ,
Tongs; Coffee Mills; Candlesticks ; Snuffers ; \V*rmlng-
Pan? ; Table Knives and JForks; Riding Whips; Bar
low Pen, and other Pocket Kniws; R^ors-; Sciflfars;
Needles; Ivory and Horji Combs; best Kirby F:ih '
Hooks; brass Cabinet Furniture; Waggon Boxes; Sheet
; plated and tin'd Bridle Bits and Stirrups ; itto
Sa die Nails; Girth and Straining Webbs; —with mod
kind* of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery, Brass Wares,
See. &c.
Qjiftber 14. • mwffiw
To be Rented, 1
A Smalt and C'tnventenl ' B RJi WE R Tat '
MorriiVilU, ofpojile Trcrtan. * ,
ALL tb«Apparatus for "Brewing new aid in got'
repair: A number of Barrels and Half-Barrels will
fclfo be rented. Polftfiion may be bad at any time. ;
Enquire of Mr. Garrett Cottringer ia Philadelphia, ' Q
or Mr. Robert Morris, jun. or Daniel Mun at Morris- !
. ViHe, • \
October 10, i"g6. mth&siw [
William Gardner, No. 62, a
Has received by the late arrival* from Liverpool
and CUjioli, a
An ajfortment of DRV GOODS, t
Which he will diCpofe of upon low terms, for cash
or the afual credit, by the piece or packa^c—
Ccvfijlwg c/
CAMBRICKS. Pruned Caiigoet and C.hintiei j
Piinted Sandkerchiefs and Shawls
Jaconet and Book Muflini, well afTorted
■ Do. do. tamboured do. t
. Do. do. Handk's and Skau-rt do. ' c
'■ White a ttd colourtd threids
' Diaper and diaper table clotht
Cotton check and clwck handkerchiefs '
Striped and coloeretf nankeens
CD.iKTKiet a_nd quiltings
Ta 3t-i ar>d ge ters.
Cotton couriterpa»i®
Mens and womeni gloves ' j
Plats and flockißgi
Ofnaburgs, bed-ticks and btown llollar.d
Stationary, sic. See. &c. * (
November 3. mts <
! To be Sold,
60,400 Acre# of Land. (
Lyin» on the er Alleghany, in the county of Nor
thumberland, in the State of Pennsylvania.
400 Acres Land,
In Bald Eagle township, Northumberland county ;
60,000 Acres Land;
Lying on the waters of the Oconee and Canouchee
, rivers, in the county of Wafhinfitoa, ia the fUte at ;
174,000 Acres Land, 1
Lying on the waters of the Ohopee and Canouchee j
lf rivers, in the county of Montgomery, in the state of ;
t Georgia.
r 3' -033 Acres Land,
if Lying ia Orangeburgh diXlrkcl, in the state of South
1 Carolina. And,
146,986 Acres Land,
0 Lying in Charleston diftri<sl, in the said Hate of South
0 Carolina.
o An Half-acre Lot of Grond,
o In the town of Richmond, Virginia.
o The above Lands will be fold low.—Apply to
° Georg: Meade.
PhHadelphis, nth Nov. 1796. tofc 19thD
, JN iw Hat and HosiE/tr Stome,
o Wholesale, and Retail,
Ne. 134, Marc, t Sirtet, 3d door from the Corner
of Fourth, South Side.
„ Mens* ffitdt American and Englih Hats, as various qial
i, itics and prices.
te Ditto Urabsand Creen-ondsrs.
tie Ladies' ditto blact
la And a large affortmect of fancy ditto
*. Coloured Beavers
n, With s great variety of dsg*nt and fa&ionahle trim
1/, mmgi* &c.
Yocth's black ani drab coloured ditto.
"' Childiai'sfaocy ditto
All Vindt nf fiHt, liUeasd cottoa, cotton and thread hefe
K ait CO loured Pantaloons
Ditto Drawers. „
he J Dit:o Breeches tax.ros
»- I tdk Glows
S, j Knotted, coloured ditto, ootton.
I A qvar-tity as mending co--.on,foneda>lcnri.
N. B, ihc Ji4a finiTicd 11 the ucwell faihoa
1 ' eadiiß.
r •;
TO BE 3 01. t),
££.«£/or/■»« van,fro* tht tyb *&'">•**■■ ir - '' - J
capitdlanJbmttjfql /:
PRO.SPE C T-ff™, v
. Situstrd within one qsmter of » mite from the Brandy* •&«
Mills. and-hall J mite from the Km-otioh of Wi.nHi.gioii.
T'HE dwelling house is built of ftonc, two Hones tngH, _
1 ger.:eclv fin,(feed, and contain.four handi «»c r ioms on
a fbotVbelidcs -acniry, with c>plta!._g*r rctt,
cellar It is generally.'JwiigSt to command the
jiroiiw'4l o? the Dc>«warr, from cne lource ot thi!
Wi if the Capes. This prolpeCt la g.eatl> cmbdiuW Uy
a in!] yew cf avail body of meadow, throuj* »»« l!te
ClinlliMia and Brandy wine cretLs ate fecii wmdm? m beau- .
tifui onanders. Near tht liuul'e aie a Kitc.ien, a fpaeious
(ton. tubie and hati ioft a barn, > carnage lionfe,
houfe, and a kill of as pure water as *y <*>!>* »«"-
nent. The garden contains an acre and quarter ol Und, a
bounding with fruit, and particularly with peach irees, o!
tiie veiy L>cit kind, brought from Maryland, and in fall Hear
in* There is, moreover, on the place, a fou*g, »pple •
or. nard in leverti o!d trees thai produce
afaiuiiiitly, Ulidca chcrry and uihei oinamerttl trees, in p
great Humbert. The farm confiflt of near fixt) acrci ot Unit,
of good Quality, and clear o! nicumbijnecs, except taxes, -
twenty of which areoow 10 excellent clover and timotti).
and ten more will be ready lor lowing :..xi fpitng. A ic
udence of ucdily £ veari has convinced the fubicriber that
the fnuation is remarkably healthy. The great pest , oar. «
item Philadelphia to ti:e Southward runs within teveoiy
sards of the house. Jo a word, the beauties and conver.i- in
, iefcre oI :his filiation eannol fee enumerated ia a» advertise- cr
menr, ai»d when examined, will probably command the at- \\
temion of any person who i* defifoit* of living a> one ol
moil eie/*aftt country ieats on the continent. The purer: Act
may eruer on the preinifis next ipring, or pei haos, thin tall,
if application be immediately made to Doctor NICHOLAS
W.-Y, in Philadelphia, to Doflor W'H J RH)N T , on tl «
premifw, or, in hi* abfeocc, to Mr. GEOfl££ T HUH 1, in
A quantity of excellent Hay, Grain in the ground fame
Stock,' <scc. may be had by the pyrchafer at the tsme ot
Nov. 7- codlf
To be Sold, tQ
On Thur/Jay tht 6jli Jny of Apt •- next, at i I o'tJoci.
at Beughei-ty*t tavern, in the town of i incAtfitr,
f in Virginia, tin tandi, JiliuU* in tht fail
* Jlatf, viz.
» • No. f.—450 Acres,
Of excellent land on the waters of 3ack-creek, in
Frederick county, on the great road leading to the
South Branch, anout ten miles from Winchester, 100
teres of which ii rich bottom, a fine stream running
j through it, with fevwal iprings, thetrees in the bottom
{ arc chiefly sugar maple, ualnnt, hickory and
Lcuii. There is a log dwelling and ont-houfe», lome
m-adow made, and 40 acres of upland cleared. On
, this trail there is a good mili-feit, where an under- q\
);.ot-aiill might be ereAed. t!
No. 800 Awe*.
Situate in HampJhire on the north branch di
of the Potowmack, and on a branch, polled Cabbin-run,
about eight miles from Fart Cumberland. On tins
trafl is a large quantity of rich bottom, fit for meadow
! or the culture of hetap, the upland remarkably good,
being chiefly timbered with u alnltt and hickory. The
above trail is in two ftirreysof 400 acres each.
No. 3. —zoo Acrei.
Situate in Eranklin county, about ten mile* from
Wincbefter. On this triiS there is a dwelling Itoufe 1
and par'of the laud is cleared, the remainder is finely
No. 4. —A Lot of (Jroand. _
In the town of VVoodtlock, Shanandoah county,
. whereon is created a two story house, and other im
provements, and a ten acre lot for the conveniency of
-j-iiiitown lot. r
. lie. Acrts.
Situate about two miles rram Wiradftock. Part of
this traul i> tn cultivation, is finely timbered, and a good j
quantity of meadow may be made.
No. 6.— 400 Acres.
Situate in George Andes's mill
run, on a branch of the Cal'apchon. Vhis trail is finely
timbered, there is good bottom laud, which might be
easily couverted into meadow.
No. 7. —One moiety of 5000 Acres.
Lying on the waters ef Hughes's river, in Harrifon i "
couaty. This was purchased at one quarter of 1 dol
lar per acre, cash abeve 8 year* ago. f,
No. 8.—41,900 Acre,.,
Lying in the counties or Wvthe, Wafcington, and
Graylsn (the greater part in Wythe,) on the waters
of Cripple creek and Fox creek, branches of New Ri
vet, and on the south fort »f Hollleit,.
No. 9 —x 0,000 Acres!
Lymgjin the county of Hardy, on :he water* as Great
Cacapion and North River.
Inetterms of payment will be one third part of the
ptirchaCe inonsy to be paid in haud at the time of ex- -
ecuting lh«j deed or drcd6 of the+emaining
two thirds-to be paid in equal inftaimeuls, at ta, 18,
and 14 months theieafter iscuring those payments by
nicrtg'iging the premises.
Should any person wife to purchafc at private file," !
1 application may be made to John Holker, Esq. rcr
Wmehefter; David Holmer, Esq. of Winchefier ; or 1
by letter}, (poll paid,) to the fubferiber i:i Plulade!- 5
t phia, being the owner of said lauds, who will perl" -
• sy atter.u on the da&' abovementioned.
George Meade.
id of 1-96.
- - diw w3u lMdtA.
For Sale.
1 7 cases coarse hats '
Copper bottoms an 4 ftceti
Shot, all fixes, patent -r.d commoir
Sheet and barr lead >
Engli/h ftcesand boots in tafej
Tin plates '
Taunton ale in cases. ■ I
Apply to 1
« Simon Walker, \
„ J *4i So. Fourth Street.
W «• d M t.
— i I
Wa&ington Lottery.
, v T , Le 36 1 h alld 37tb days' drawing of ihi WUhington
Or . V' are L rttt4Ved « <' e "ice bio. 334, Al«-
ia Y n«y be ataaiined. I
N. B. Inlomatioo given tickctfc in 41 the other
lotteries may be procured.
November 10, 1796. .
*• *
just Imperted,
la the schooner Lucy, Capt. Prows, from Madeira,
and to be fokl by
Belt London particular Madeira Wine,
Three year* old,
In pipes, hogflicads, and .quarter cafltj, fct for im
mediate ute.—They have alio for £ale,
A tew bags of Juniper Berries.
A few i.o£-fheads of choic* Ne.v-England RUM
ft ' irthhn oi barrels <>f BEEF, and PORK, '
n:j(l fem kegs of LARD, of a fuperior quality
at N». ft, north Water-Hreet.^
NovembJf'B, I dlf
■. •*,., _ —: -a • |
James Taylor,
Ne. 3, South FturthJirect,
Rt Tpll jiTS Irs grateful -ckquwledgraenfs to hi; *
friends ari.l the Public for tt)<ir liberal entoueagciuca
and begs leave-to fo'icit a continuano; ol their favoit.
lie ba» on hand an eit.nfivc afTortment of the
Meji Fajhionable GOODS,.
And cfthe bell quality, fuitaUJt for (itk feafnri.
At this (hop Gentlemen can be furrifred with the heft
materials, and have them made up in thj neiteft and Ibo)
J-'aftii.onab!t: manner, and on the fticrtcft r.otk< He will
thaiikfully receive airy orders, and pay a pr» i:.d
pun>Slual attenti r. to them.
Novttr. jer 10.
Washington Lottery.
TICKETS, warranted undrawn, may be pnrchafed or
exchanged for prizes, at the OtEee, No. 147, Ch in.-,
tVreet, where a ccrred Numerical Book is lc. pt for ptiuli;
inspection. Also Canal Lottery Tickets for sale or cr
changed for prizes diaww in the Washington Lottery, of
which the jdth and 37th days returns are reccivel. ''
0" Th* Bufn.rfj of a Broker carried on a»u!uaL
November 10. ttjtf
Waflimgton Canal Lottery,
No. I.
WHEREAS the State of Maryland authorised
the underwritten, to rarfe tv.enty-fit thousand,
two ljundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of
a Canal through th City of Washington, froxi tb Vo
tomacto theEaflern Branch Haruour.
The following is the SCHEME of No.
4 Viz .1 Prize of 20,000 dollars, 46,c00
1 ditto 10,000 10,000
7 lad drawn 7
Tickets,each J 5,000 $#9*
6 ditto 1,000 6,000
JO ditto 400 4,000
20 ditto too 2,000
55 ditto 5° 2,750
j 7JO ditto 12 69,0 c!
To be raised for the, 26,1.5®
5850 Prizts, 173Ac0
1 i6jo Blanks, not two to a prize.
I75°C Tickets, atTen Dollars, - r7J,000
p- The Commiffioneri have taken the Securities re
quired by the aforefaid ad for the pun&ual payment of
the prizes.
The drawing cf this Lottery will commence, without'
delay, a. soon as thp Tickets are fold, of which thneJy
notice will be gt»en. "
Such prizes es are rot demarHediti fix months after thr
drawing is finifhed, (hall be con.Qdtr.-d as relinquifced for
the benefit of the Canal, ai:d appropriated accordingly.
City of Walhirglon, Feb. xi. $
By J. ORMROD, No. 41, Che£nut-ftreet.
(Price is i-2 Cei ts)
Tu the People of the United States,
Announcing his intention of retiring fren» puMit Trfa
at the expiration of the present ConSatutkmal term 81.
Seftcrwrier 20. d
To be Let,
A l»r» c cellar, in WalniK-fttect just abo rs FovnlfeSrrret,
j is flotJrcd With two inch plaok, and will hold upwards of toe*
I pipes of w : nt. |
Also, a Stable and Coach-h'ujfe* that will holtt'ftarfctfr
fes aod iwerctrria-ges; and several tiorcs ia Fourth Strtd- /
Apply to %
George Meade,
Who has for sale, /'
*5 df Castile fosp
Red Liftioo Wine
A few pipes of bill of enebinge wine
A few barrels oUtifhuiefs beef -•
And * tew barrels of {hipbreadi
Nov 4.
: . ■ ' —«^ r g> ;
Philadelphia, November 6.1796.
ALL persons desirous to contra for funa(h:ng »f
Rations and Quarter-Mailers flores, for the
troops m Philadelphia or Foit-Mitßia,,on Mud,
durihf the year 1797 —are requeued to fend their pro
posals fealcti, 00 or before the firft Jay of Decrmter
•est, to ,
The component parts of the Rations, are
I pound of Flour or Bread
j pound of Beef or< 3-4 ot 2, pound of Fork .
i-i a gill of Rum, Brandy L
or Whiskey
1 quart of Salt 1
2 quarts of Vinegar I p or , o0 Rations
2 pounds of Soap
1 pouiid ef Candles J .
Nov! 9 WJ.
LAST Wednesday Hveniog, Octobf ii>. ■*
hours of ; »;:d 10 o'clock, the bed 100 m i.f ''' r .
O'Eller's hotel was enrered, either by mear.s 01 •*!
or at the window, by some v iliain or villains, wl lo 1^ u " ''
been acquainted wi .h the situation of the houx * 1 e
ull found locked alter thev ad coo"tni':e.i 'bet u■ )
took a«ay from amonjft fertral truujri, O.»'F. ,
I uiorda valuable part cf-Mr. Ritkett's properly, w' **
he isndt >xtableto aieertain ibecoeteiiss pa r - it ifut,-
tcr bringing the said trunk away, and erop-'T ,B S
1 wards of a ihoufand dollars iu ca(h and bank ao!es ',.
- bins left it behind the circus, during the time trjt P
fcimanccs of the evening were going iorward 1
r It isearneftly reaurfled, tbat all uvera-keeper« "
roads, and the ferr'y hemfes, as well a. *8""' ,
be watchful lutecuring lufpicious persons, who m ■
redundance of (>oi, which their appeaj-afles ■>»
meinsbefpeak them to :e Douiired of. ,
One Hundred Dollars Bs*»rd
' Will le gi*en for feculjnj the thief or ti»e»es, an
tber rewud lor fecttriag them with ihe projerty-
oa a
—No. 119—
[Price Fjgbt Collars per Ann«»f