Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 10, 1796, Image 4

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    freafury of the United States.
v s VfOriCEis htr-Aj given to all persons who are or ~
y may be Creditors, of the United States, lor any I'umt 1 1
* >f tfc< F.nJtd Debt, tr Stock, Luring a fr.fcnt inttrejl nf fx
■I cr atnUtvtper annum. Fc
i ft, That purl'uant to an Act of Congreft pasTed on'the
23th day of April, 1796, intitled an ait in additicrti to an
intituled " Aft act making further provifton for the
Aip port of public cradit, and for the redemption of the
public debt, ,J the faidclebt or flock will be reinllkurfedand
paid in manner following,to wit. " First, by dividends so
ato be made en the lalt days of March, Jfuieand Septen> , g
" ber for the and from.the year one thoufafcu ar
" seven hundred and niaoty-feven, to the thou- jj
<c land eight-hundred &. eighteen the rate of cr
ts one and oijehalf pei centum upon the Original capital.
u Secondly, \>y dividends to be made on the tall day of i cr
" D-csfriber or the present year, and from the year one q,
" thoufan'd {even hundred and ninety-seven, t<\ the year cu
one,th'crfand ejght hundred and fev'enteen iiuAufive, a:
" the rite of three and on--, hfif.per centum upon the ori- cr
" ginal capital; and b/ a dividend to* be -ma c on" the q
•' da£ of December, in the year one thousand igh* hun -
k< and eighteen, t of iuch.lum, as wilt be then ace- cr
* quate, according to the contrad, for the fintrredemp
tc tion <h th faicf flock."
id. All diftin&ion between payments on account °- f P <
Interefl and Principal being thus abohfhed by the eftafeiifh-
" ment of the p rmanent rule of reimbursement abov* de- m
scribed, it- has become necef&ry to vary accordingly the w
powers of attorney for receiving dividends; th public f-,
creditors will therefore that the following form w
:s efta'blifhed for all powers of attorney 'which may be va
* granted alter the due promulgation ol this notice, viz.
I cf in
do make, conjlitute and appoint no
of my true and laivful At
torney for me, and in my namej to receive the dividends luhich are, w]
or Jhall be payable according to lazu, cn the -(hem dcfcribing the to
Jlanding fit my name in the books of (here defcribmg*the I 6
books of the Treasury or the Commiflioncr of Loans,
where the. Hock is crediteU) from (here insert the com- a .
mencement and expiration oi time for which the power of mi
attorney is to coftunut) ivitb pouter also. an attorney or attor- je\
. ties under him y for tfrat furfiofc to make and'JubjLltuU, and to do all C&
latujul a£ls repa fttefor ejJ'tßing the premises ratifying and fir
eonfirming all that my said Attorney or hisfu^itut^jjbajlJanful" J a»l
ly do, by -virtue hereof.
In Wiinejs h, r .-jj \ I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal .the fej
day of in the vear
Sealed and Delivered to
in ph
BE IT KNO IV N,that on the day of ' da
efore me perjonally came th<
•within named and acknowledged the above letter of attorney to be wi
his a£l and died. ga
In tejlimony ¾of I have hereunto fei my Han i *nd ajfix
ed Seal the day and year lap iiffre/aid.
©iven und<sr my Hand at Philadelphia., this twen
tieth day of July 1796, pHrfiiant to dire&ions
from the Secretary of the Treasury
7reajurer of the United States.
July *3. i* &> 11J
, . A
Just Arrived, \
By the Fly, Captain llubber', from London, re
Double racked, Stout Porter, a i!
in hoelheads. El
Painters' Colours, in i-i and 1-4 ewt. kegs, paeked, ia or
hogfceads. y |
Copperas in hojfheadi.
Whiting, &c. For Sale by —
Peter Blight.
OlSober 25 dxttszw * n
Samuel Richardet
"D ESPEC TI'LILLY informs the Gentlerafn
Merchants, that he has this d;iy openei .heCtlY
City df Philr.deljbia.
The Subscription Room vrill be furnifhed with ajtl the
daily papers published in Philadelphia, New-York, Bo! , a "
toii, Baltimore, together with thoie of the con-.- P.
mercial cities of Europe—They will be. regularly filed c,t
and none permitted io be taken away'on any account.
Tea, CpiFee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety
of French Liquors; together with the usual refrefhments,
will at all times bt; procured at the bar.
Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated wilk
the choict'ft of Wines, Spiriiuous Liquors, and the n.oft
approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweries.
The Larder will be fugplied with the prime and earliest
productions of the Season.
Large and final I Parties, or single Gentlemen, njay be
accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at
hours mod convenient to themselves—a cold Collation is
tegalarly kspt for convenie/icy, the Billof Fare te be had
at ths har. *
The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifbetl, and
the utmost attention paid to cleanliness, and every otker
Tcquifite. _
jT/" Samuel Richardet will behappy to receive, and
execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at
large; a;.d with grafitude for their favours, he pledges
himfelf that rothiyg.ou his part fliali be wanting to pre
serve that patronage with which he has been so diftinguilh- Ai
ingly /lonored.
Philadelphia, April 19. mw f M
SWANN'S, • d
Riding School, r 'orf- Academy hJ Tnjirmary, A
Adjoining the Public Square, Market Street r
RETURNS his Gncere thanks tothofe gentlemen by whom
he has been »» ployed, during Ins tefidence in this City, and Y
flattershiiriVtit that, the iuccefj of his efioits, in the numerous, C
and dangerous diseases io Horses, in which he has A
hec:i cuofulted, together with his moaeraie charges, will le- K
cute their fulurefavors and rec«maieudation. E
He now begs leave to inform'them and the public at large D
thai his spacious and commodious premiics, erected for the £
pur joCt ->bove described arc open for the reception of pupils
0; eul'er sex, who wifhto beinftruftcd in the Art ol hiding,
the 'ight method of governing their horses, so asto tide
them with eofe, elegance, and lafety—their h«ifes will be
carefully and expeditiouily troke, for every purpose, ai,d -
made obedient to ibe will of ihe riders ; the natural powers
which arc Ihut up in them, will be unfolded by art, calling
forth uniformity of motion, and giving 10 that noble animal
all those beauties of aftioa whicfi providence has so bounti- 0
fully bellowed 011 them.
Alio, at his hofpttal, every difor.rer to which the horse is V
liable w ill be treaitd according to the in ei ot art, confirmed !
by longand repeated experience.
The utility of the above iniliiution has never been qneftion
ed, that it has long been wanted n tKii' city, eveij gentleman's -i
flud will m inifclt, and T. Sv.'A*««» the fiill eftabliflier of
the veterenarv art, fclicits and iclies upon ihe ftrppoit of that
public (which he Lever anxious in iciving) to enable him to
hiing it to perfection. The idea of a lubfeription for that
purpose has beeu hinted bv feve.jl gentleman, who wilh to
promote the inftitutiou i! c anwunt of each lublcription to
be returned by services 111 any df tnt demrtments he piofeffes '
agreeable to the rate of charges I'.r-rd 1,, his hand bill. Such
fubfeription i»now open, end the Statures of inaßy refpea- '
able gentlemen already obtained,-' He therefore injorms his
friends ami such Ladies and gentlemen to whom lie has not
iht honor of.being known, that he lhali in 2 few days take
the liberty of waiting upon t.itm ind folicituig their fiippor:
and prote^lioD.
N B. Horfea are properly prepared for tbofe Ladieaand
Centlemcn who wilh u> be iulliccfcd.
Nov. >• tthitf.
-.-V -■ ' ■ * ' ' -
Valuable Real Estate,
For fule at Auft'ton by Cafptr Th\eU,af Hamburg,
{at* the property of James and H ill 'iam K innear.
For sale by public av&ion, on the 9th day of November ,
next enftiing, at the sign of Gen. Wafliiilgton, Wood s 1,
tavern, borough of Reading, Berkscounty, the follow- .
ing real b
M A TRACT of land containing 4Csacres with j,
'I °* ' XA. allowance for roads, called the Purchase, 0
' fiuated in Brunfv/ick townihip, Berks county, patented, 0
; 18th o-Jan. T7BB This trad, cf which about 45 acres e;
' arc cleared jis of good foil, situated on the or 0
Little Schuylkill, well watered and timbered, on v/hich is n
ered.c'd a good log dwelling hotffe and stable. d
. A tra<sfc of unimproved knd, containing o
cres, with allowance, &c. called Hopewell, patented iScw 'J
Ovftober, 1790, iituated in Brifnfwiek towriftip, Borks jv
county, foil good. . ) tl
No. 3. trad, of unimproved containing 376 ?- f 2
cres with allowance, &c. called Hillflsurg, patented zbth
OAober situation, &c. as No, 2. tz
No, 4. A tra«sl wif unimproved land, a- p
cres, with allowance, See. patented-sUth bi Ocftobef, 1786, t j
htuation, &o. as No. land j. b
No. 5. A tra«sl of land, containing 268 atres, and $2 B
perches, wrth'aUowance, See. situated in Bruniwicktown- je
Ihip, Berks covinty, on Tomagua, or little ochtylkill, 5 c;
miJes afeove the town of Hcmburg»on wliich is ereAed a
weii finifhed two story fqu-ired Ug dwc ling house, 27
feet by 35, within the diflance ofiOO perciesirom a forge, \ z
with the advantage of a ferry and publicaoufe ; these ad- b
vantages render this trad very valuable. te
No 16. A town lot in Hamburg, endofed with a pofl
! and rail, or board containing in front, 60 feet, and a
in depth 18© feet,tuuje6l Co a ground reit of 7ysper an- r(
nam. is
No. A town lot in Hamburg, *ack)fed asjio r€,to
, which it adjoins, being of the fame dimenlons, andfubjeft al
to the fime ground rent,on which Is created a log stable, £3
: 16 by i§ feet B
No. A town lot in Hamburg, adjoining to No, c j
a corner lot, fronting on Main and SchuyJcill jtrccts, di- ri
m»nfions the fame; as No. 16 and 17, above fub
jeAto iq/o per annum ground rent. On 'his lot is er- q
eCted a large 2 fiery dwelling house, 45 feet front on Main
1 ilreet, by 34 feet in depth on Schuylkill ftreot, pleasantly c i
and advantageously situated for a store.
N. B. The above described three town lots fold f 0
separately or together, as may best suit the purchnfers. t j.
Conditions of sale—One third of the purchase i*oney p.
to be Jraid to thefubfcribers, or either of thorn in Philadel
phia, at or bef are the expiration of one month from the t jj
day of sale, when a deed of conveyance will be executed ; p]
the residue payable ill 2equalpayments, at 6 and 1a months
with intereft,the payment whereof to be secured by mort
gage on the premifei. '
James Henderfon, _ ~j Affi?nteßtn
Frederick MontmoUifi, I the estate of
Thomas Rogers, | James &Wm.
Jafeph D. Drinker y J Kinnsar.
Ssptember q6. m & th.
To be Rented,
A Small'-and Convenient B R E IV E RT, at
Morris Vil/e, oppoftte Trent en.
ALL the Apparatus for Brewing new and in good
repair : A number of Barrels and Half-Barrels will r '
also be rented. PofTeffion may be had at any time.
Enquire of Mr. Garrett Cottringer in Philadelphia,
or Mr. Robert Morrit, jun. or Daniel Mun at Morris-
Ville. ri
October 10, 1796. mth&saw G
Plans of the city of Philadelphia,
Including the Northern Liberties and diftrifl of c
Publilhed, and fold by
No. 68, High street,
(Price one dollar.)
THIS plan is 16 inches square, and has bew en
graved by one of the firft artists in the city, from a late
and accurate survey. Purehafers are entitled to a pam
phlet with each plan, giving " some account of the a.
city, its population, trade, government, &c.
fr'y I? tu&ftf
A few Pipes of WINE,
Injported in the brig FAltoE, from Madeira, to be fold
Who has also to aifpofe of on reasonable terms, S<
IKISH LINENS, wellafforted
° ber *7- tawrm. t ; (
i New Hat and Hosiery Stoxx, ti
Wholesale, and Retail,
No. 134, Market Street, yl door from the corner ar
) °f Fourth, South Side.
Mens Black American and Englih Hats, of various q na!-
ittes and prices.
Ditto Drabs and Green-undfrs. » fa
Ladies' ditto tl
And a large assortment of fancy ditto
Coloured Beavers
With a great variety of elegant and fafbionablc trim- "
I mings 4 &c.
i outh s black and drab coloured ditto.
, Children's fancy ditto
s All kinds of Clk, silk and cotton, eotfon and jhread hose 1
- Knit coloured Pantaloon® J
Ditto Drawers e
e Ditto Ereeches Patterns *
c Silk Gloves .
' Knotted, coloured ditto, cotton. r
e A^ ua " tit y. of '" £n di''g cotton,forted colours. t ,
e Oft . " fini,hed tht newe st Mioii a
d ' ' ' eodtm.
g VVafhington Lottery. 1
II J he J 4th ,nd 3Jth Da y s Drawing are arrived at the *
olHcc No. i 4 7, Chelhut-ilrest. thc
Prizss in the above Lottery are eKhanged for tickets
is warranted undrawn. »c*eta
d • «&«
if W dav i WiU ° pCn h!s fchn(J 0° Mon
at y : mft - at ten o c '°ck in the morning, at lu«
to Llegant Aeiv Ball Rooms,
In Fourth, between Chefnut and Walnut Streets.
to U " 0 tu "'°" for y° un S ladies, from 10 to , o'clock
on Mondays, Wedncfday, and Friday mornings - ai d for
i ssssjr ™ 6 -"»"»4'"
* c ' pn * 4Hf ' u K ba » to be on Tuefdav c
ort « n 'o£, the firft of November, and to be continued every
T u«fday .during the season. • y
° d en9Uire M W ' tOUfe > Market-
Oi>. ■
A valuable Plantation,
' IN Frederick County, Virginia, bounding nearly three
milts o.i the river Shenandoah, between Afhby's ti.ip.l
r and Snicker's Ferry ; 66 miles frt»m Alexandria, and the
s lite diflancp from the Federal City. It contains
-{ acres, 600 of which are cleared, the rpftdue finely tim
bered ; ths whole Limsflone or River Bottom ) abounding
; in fine streams and springs ; above 8o acres on the bank
> of the river may be tvatered at pleasure.- It is eaptble
> of being divided into Lots of too acres, with water in
*' each, -Which renders it peculiarly convenient for grazing
r or culture. It* situation for Health or Elegant improve
s ment is not to be lurpaffed in any inland country, and if
deemed too large for one Farm, may be'divided into two
" or three smaller ones, uniting in common advantages.—
1 There is now erected oil the Estate a good Merchant
' Mill, with two pair of ftenes (on a large limestone /pring)
that rents far 466 dollars per ann. arid en another never
" sailing-spring a good Saw Mill, with a flutter wheel ;
1 there-is plenty of pine timber i" the neighbering moun
tain, and a stream fuffiiient for another Mill with four
" pair of itones—thefe are adjacent to or immediately on
> 'the banks of the river, the navigation whereof is about
being opened into the Potomak and for more than 100
'■ allies above the mills. The other improvements on t"he
" filiate arc a new commodious Barn, the loft of which is
' capable of containing 15*0 buflieb; the t'lrefhmg-floor is
1 41 feet Square, well planked ; another (double) Log
parti, with Ihedc all around : a Dillillcry, with three
> large Stills, and a Granary above that will contain 500
biifhels, well covered with fliingles, and a stream of wa
ter, condufled by troughs, running thro* it; at a firiall
' distance is a large Cow-House and Stak'e, with Halls for
' it cows, paved with ftone'in the European manner, with
room for above 40 waggon loads of hiy 5 a little further
is a strong Hone-walled Spring-House, completely fitted
' far a Dairy. The whole of these Mills and Buildings
are at a proper distance from each other, and from the
' D-welling, which consists of three" commodious JPrame
Buildings, with the necessary conveniencies. A well in
> closed Garden of the fined loil, with a stream of water 1
running thro' it ; two large Apple Orchards; several
good Quarries for building and limestone ; a number of
Out-Houfes fer Managers, Blacksmith, Cooper, and lodg
ings for Men of Colour; —add greatly to the convenien
cies and value of this Estate.
The Purchaser, on paying one half the price agreed
for, may be accommodated with a considerable credit for
the remainder, and with the' Cattle, Ho»fes, Waggons,
Farming Utensils, and Furniture, at a re&fonable valua
tion. For other particulars, application may bu made te
the subscriber on the Estate, to Thomas Fitzfimons in
Philadelphia, or Matthias Slough, Lane after.
J. Holker.
Springibury, iith O&ober, 1796. —31ft iaw6
To fye Sold,
60,400 Acres of Land.
Lying on the river Alleghany, in the county of Nor- ■
thumberland, in the State of Pennsylvania.
400 Acres Land,
In Bald Eagle township, Northumberland ooanty
60,000 Acres Land,
Lying en the waters of the Oconee and 'Canouchee
rivers, in the couuty of Washington, in the state of
174,000 Acres Land,
Lying on the waters of the Ohopee and Canouchee
rivers, in the county of Montgomery, in the state of .
• 3';°33 Acres Land,
Lying in Orangeburgh diftrifl, in the state of South
Carolina. And,
146,986 Acres Land, ■ '■ _
Lying in Charleston diftria, in the said state of South
An Half-acre Lot of Grond,
In tke town of Richmond, Virginia.
The above Lands will be fold low.—Apply to
George Meade.
. Philadelphia, ad November, 1796. diww&stf.
A Manufactory FOR SALE.
A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Manufactory, situate
in a convenient part of the city ; the works almost new,
on an entirely original conftruftion, and built of the best
materials, and may be set to work immediately. Persons
who wish to porchafe, ar« requested to applv at No. 279,
South Sesond Street.
September 13. t t f tf
Lottery and Broker's Office,
No. 64, South Second itkeet.
TCKETS m the CanSl Lottery, No. 2, for sale—a j
Check Book for examination—and prizes paid in
the late lottery.
Check Books kept for examination and regifterin<r, for
the City of Washington, No. I, and Pattefon Lotteries,
both of which are' now drawing—information where
tickets are to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn
tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New-
Port Long-Wharf, Motel aiid Public School Lottery for
The subscriber solicits the application of the public
- and his friends, who wish to purchase or fell Bank Stock
Certificates Bills of Exchange or Notes, Houses, 'Lands',
. or t0 obtain money on deposit of property.
V Also Tickets in the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery for
sale at Ten Dolltrs each, which wUI be drawn early in
the Spring. '
Wm. Blackburn.
Philadelphia, siutvfliß. 1706. mth
» iV rSe and de ?» nt of
1t- rr ARE and JEWHLLKRY, jappan-
W a CC Pnw » °f different patterns, Ivory
Handled Kn,yes and Forks, Knife Cases, &c. &c.— \s
the above articles (paticularly the plated) are of a very
superior quality, it is presumed they will merit the at
tention of these who wish to ptrchale, to whom they
y offered equitable terms.
- r S c VCr . fiate ' Mourning rings and
Lookets, Miniature Settings, and every thing in Gold
and Silver, made in the belt manner
e Not - 8 - ' ■ tth.
s For Sale.
7 cases coarse hats
Copper bottoms and sheets
S|»t, all sizes, patent and common
Sneet and barr lead
'* English (hoes and boots in cases
Tin plates
Gold watches
i. Taunton ale in casts.
k , Apply to
I Simon Walker,
No* 8. 124> So Fourth Street. I
to ~ wt n~ — d '4t-
Walhmgton Lottery.
?' Lon^v 4^"" 1 35th day£ ' driwin e o{ th = Washington
, r 1 ' are rcc£lved « the office No. 2 u M ar
ket-ftreet where t.ckets may be examined. 34 '
N. B. Information given where ticket, in all the oth-r
lotteries may be procured.
Noveabor 3, 1736,
Davis's Law Book Store
No. 3 , 3 , HIGH-STREET,
e, EORGE DAVIS announces to his profcflioral fri c ids
pj VJT and the Gentlemen of the Law icneially thro' the
Juuion, that his late importation of BOOKS it now arra ui ,.
J td, and ready for Sale, from a Tingle volume to an entire U~
brary, without any advance upon hit former exceeding ; ow "
, prices, which for fuveral years part have in so diftinguilhcd
manner recommended them to notice. 1
a Printed Catalogues combining the moll extensive collec
" tion cf the latest Englilh and Irilb Editions ever in)n 01l "j
1 into this country, are pablifhed, and will be delivered
' on application.
Orders addrefled to G. D. in writing from any dicta
shall be punflually attended to* J dncf
> A number of TRUNKS for Sale.
A eonvenient LOFf, near Mai ket Street Wharf
( Nov - 8 - tukf 3 „
; r O B E S i, D, *< .
■ A LEASE years,from the 2stb March next, i„ tU
capital and beautiful FARM y called
, Situated within one quarter of a mile from the Brandy w i M
. Mills, and halt a mile from the borbugh of WjlminMon
5 T'Hi dwelling house is built of stone. two stories bi g \
1 genteely finifhed, pod containsfqur handsome rooms od
. a floor, betides an entry, with capital garrets, and convenient
; cellars. It is generally thought to command the moil a *
greeable profpeft oi the Delaware, from the source of ifc.j
' livei to the Capos. This profpeft ia greatly embil;i!h et i 1,
" a full view of avail body of meadow, through which iJ
■ Christiana and Brandywine creeks are seen winding in beau
tiful meanders. Near the house are a Kitchen, a fuciow
1 stone flable and hayloft, a barn, a carriage fio U <e,' m | t
house, &c. and a well of aspuie water a* any 011 ti.'c co',
I nent. The garden contains an acre and quarter of land
i bounding with fruit, and particularly with peach lu-es „r
the very best kind, brought from Maryland, and in fuli bei
. ing. There is, moreover, on the place, a Vftung, ap .[]
. 'orchard tegining to bear, and leveral old trees ihat "produce
; abundantly, bclides cherry and other ornamental t, res [,
great numbers. The fx ™ consists »f near sixty acrei of Ud
■ of good quality, anU el'iar of incumbrances, txeept tdxtj'
twenty of which are now in excellent clover and iimotb '
arid ten more will be readyfor lowing next fpiing n ,I'.
Sder.ce ef nearly 8 yean# convinced the fubfciiber that
the fimation is remarkably healthy, The great post load
from Philadelphia to the Southward runs within fevtmV
yards of the house. In a word, the bttsties and cin, er ,;_
erce of this situation canrpt be eau<_rated ir> .••lalfceitii'c.
ment, and when will jjjobabiy coiumaad uic at
tention of any person who is desirous of living at one of the
raoft elegant country feats on the continent. The pureh ,f rr
may enter 011 the premifti next spring, or perhaps, this la|j
if application be immediately made to Dodtor NICHOLAS
WAY, i* to Doctor WH.'RXON, on tin
premiles, or, in his abfencc, to Mr. GEORGE TK.UITT in
A quantity of excellent Hay, Grain in the ground, feme
Stork, &c. may be had by the purchaser at tbe tune of sale.
N°"- I- mi f
William Gardner, No. 62,
Has received by the late arrivals from LiverpaoJ
and Glafjjow,
An ajfortment of DRT GOODS,
Which he will difpofd of upon low terms, for cash
6r the usual credit, by the piece or package—
Consisting Of
CAMBRICKS, Printed Calicoes and Chintj:ei
Printed Handkerchiefs and Shawls
Jaconet and Book Muslins, well aflbrted
Do. do. tamboured do.
Do. do. Handk's and Shawls do.
WnitC'giij wuluuuJ tliii.ida - —
Diaper and diaper'table cloth's
Cotton check and check handkerchiefs
Striped and coloured nankeens
Dimities and quiltings
Tapes and garters.
Mens and ivomens gloves
Plats and ftockifigs
Ofnaburgs, bed-ticks and brown Holland
:' Stationary, &c. &c. &c.
1 November 3. mts
Imported in the late arr'ivils from Europe and the
Weft, dies,
Holland Gin, it* pipes
Choice St. Croix Sugar and Rum
Martinique Molaflss, in Itogfheads
Choice old Lilbon Wine, in pipes and quarter-casks
London Particular & London Market Madeira Wine,
in pipes, half-pipes and quarter-casks
, Malmsey Madeira Wins, in pipes and quarter-casks
Teneriffe Wine, in pipes
Ruflia & Flemish Sheeting and Ravens Dut-k, in cases '
Window Glafsi 3 by io, in boxes
Coffee Milla-and Sisaw Kniugfi,--***
Mill Saws and Cross-cut Saws, in boxes
Also, on hand,
A few chests of BoheaTea; Jel'uits Bark ; AlTafm
tida and Tapioca ; and a few bales of Co.faes,
Baftas, Gurrahs, Bandanna and Muslin Hamlker
, chiefs, and a complete aflortment of 5-4 and 6-4
Boulting Cloths.
For Sale by
Pragers & Co. •
O#ober zo djwrn&tkjm >
ABOUT 12 miles from this City, situate inAhir>g
ton Township, Montgomery-County ; containing
3 70 atres, a new stone house, two stories high, 2 rooms on a
floor, fire places in each, a Ihme kitchen and stone fy* in S
. house, over an excellent spring-os water, a barn, stables,
r sheds, See. A large apple orchard, and a variety®
othcrfruit, acres of good meadow well.
. and wood fufficient for fire, and fencing the place. Poltifll
on may be had-.the ift qf April next. Property in
1 will be taken in excrange,"orlVFOltßlS arfd NICHOLSONS
Notes'payment.-- inquire jytNa. -37, Arch-§treet.
1-3*; T7 *'"
About i,oqo acres'of
WELL fittiated, laying on and, between MirQx
and Beech Creeks, Mifflin county, Pennfylvinil, in
four separate Patents.- For terms ot sale apply 10
Win. Blackburn,
' -Nat Sfcond-ftreet.
OiSober 31. v ■ niwftf
Univeriity. of Fennfylyanif)
OBober S, 179 6 '
The Medical Ledlures will eommence the firft Mon
in Kovcmher. taw.^w
d —; —— ■■ ■ .
r 119
C H E S N W T-S T P. E E T.
t {Price Fight Dollars prr Annum.]
■ 4r- '