» . y &y: -• \ ette ?fthe Unite* States, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. * THURSDAT EVENING, NOVEMBER 10, 1796. X. ——— J — TTZ~~T. 7 Z7~ 1 ~ For Sale. I JOHN MILLER, Jur.. Acs. w-6 FOR SALE, 7 HE SHIP M ART, SAMU L PARKER, Mastm, Two hundred tons burthen. Apply to JOSFPH ANTHONY, & Co. If the MARY is not fold in a few days, Jhe will take freight for Hamburg. Apply as above. ! October ji. jpgjrw For New-York, v\jThfSehvontr Mary, " '' Jofiah Douglafs, matter ) will fail in a fe'v^davs, and take freight very low. Apply to . . Jafepb Anthony XS Co. Nov. 3- r- 6 . Tuft arrived, and will this day be ian tied from on boar J the brig FAVORITE at Chafnut | street wharf. Tr „, r^, ji c Tons bejl Rufjia Clean HE MP , t6 I ons old Sibtr flit I K >N. «oo Coils brll.Ruffi.' OO.ned BRIG p will filiu a few days, and tak. freight on m He a Window Glass, j 7 by 9, 5 Ditto 3 C. 8 by 10. The above mentioned Goods are all entitled to the j drawback, afid will be disposed of by the package on j reasonable terms. James, Clibborn & Enghili^ " No. 6, N. firont-fWeet. loth mo. 19th. dtf : OLD London Particular Madeira Wine, In pipes, hog (head 9 and quarter-caflcs, . Landing this day at Chefnut-ftreet Wharf, and for sale by yofeph Anthony & Co. Nov. r. d Fashionable Waistcoating. GEORGE rfOBSON, No. 25, SOUTH THIRD-STREET, Has received fcr the Diana, from London, Clouded and ftrip«l Spanish Sw anfdowu - Ciourferi K iniowt »vl Matefltiaa Striped do. and do. Figured Manillas Scarlet figured Erminets Printed Florinetts Do. Caffinets and Caflimeres Superfine printed Quiltings, peweft patterns Also, per different arrivals, A large and general aflortment of Dry Goods, Suitable to the present and approaching season. November 5. dtf Just Landing, At South Jlreet viharf, from cn board the jliip Sedg ley, Captain Hodge, from St. Peterjlurg, The following Goods: Ruflia Sail Duck, firft quality. Do. Sheeting do. Do. Diaper. <•' Do. Huckaback. Do. Craih. Do. Moulfl Candles, 4, 5 and 6, to the lb. of the jinglifh file. Do. White Candle Tallow. Do- White Soap iu small botes. 4 A). Cordage of fine yarn. Ravens Duck. l : lfingla.fi, lft and |tnd fort. Horse Hair uncurlcd. Ruflia Bar Iron. Do. Hoop Iron. Do. Nail Rods. 10 Tons Oakum and Junk. St. Peterftwrg Clean Hemp. For Sale by Philips, Cramond, & Oa. October 11. $ - J — —! S _2_ 10 St. Croix Rum, j Pipes Vinegar, For Sale, by ' Ezekiel Hall, No. zo, Penn Street. Nov. 7. Printed Calicoes. JOHN MILLER, jun. & CO. Have received per the William Pcnn, in addition to their own afforment, A consignment of twenty trunks of Calicoes, ele- F3nt London patterns ; arffo a fe\V" cases of handsome Button* WUUh will be fel lat a short credit, on very returnable terms, by the package only. ° a - r 4- dtf THIS DAY rUBLIWEB, By J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet, (Price 12 i-2 Cents) The President's Address Tu the People of the United States, Announcing his intention of retiring from public life at the expiration of the present constitutional term of presidency. September 20. No. 28, NORTH SECOND-STREET. To be Let, • A j ,rs * I ce, - , j' in Walnut-ftrcetiuft above Fourth-Street, that is floored with two inch plank, atd will hold upwards as ,a 0 pipes of w ne. r Also, a Stable and Coach-house, that will hold four hori fesand twecarriages; and several stores in Fourth Stree;— Apply ts George Meade. Who has for sale, 25 boxes of Castile soap Red Lisbon Wi.,e A few pipes of b'.ll of wine A f«w barrels ot Irish mess beef And a few barrels of fhiubiead. NoV - d, 3 t. FOR SALE, A few hogflieads of choice No.v-England RUM A number of barrels of BEEF, and PORK And a few kegs of LARD, of a superior quality Enqu.rt at N«. 71, north Water-Hrcet. November 8, 1796 <] t f For Sale, By Jehu Hollingfwonth, Co. »J hhds Well-India Rum, 3d aad 4 th proof, 5 Barrels befl Indigo, and, A few thoufandbufhcl. of Turk's Island fait OA. 17. d, For Sale, By J- WARDER, PARKER & to. An Invoice of Qordage, Confifliiig of diffcrrnt sizes, from i 1 inch cables down ' to rope of 2 inches, of different lengths: Imported in the snip Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback. - SeF'.. 27. dtt " TO B£ SOLD, A LOT of C-AUKD, 164 feet 7 inches/font on South Wattr-ftrect rJlf ' ounding on the Delaware about the fame width, with a whart thereon in good repair On the north fide aMjiir.ing I'uu alley, is a large and well built dwelliag hoisfc, anil countiag hotife, ceipmunicating with each other, 47 feet widt, a fpaciois kitchen, and other well planned accommodations., and below these a {lack of [ flores 6z fee; irt front, by •')% feet jn length, built a few 0 | years ago; on thfe remainder tff the lot 011 Warer-ftreet, 11 there ire two ancient brick dwellings, a Cooper's (hop, & a frame fiore, now occupiidby Mr. Alexander Tod, and bounds adjoining the ilores at the heirs-os the late Joseph t. Wharton. It will be better described by drafts and pans of the ground, and buildings, to be seen at JOHN M'IL COCKS's compting honfe, on the prenaifes, and of whom particnlars of 'lale may be obtained. The whole will be fold tegctker, or detacked as a. ay bell suit the purchaser. Nov. 5 § d For Sale, AThree-ftory BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chcfnut street, between From and Second streets, in which Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and now do) carried bn bufme/t. ~ Poffeflion will be given in one month, or sooner. For terms apply to. WILLIAM BELL, or HECTOR CALpRAITH. Aprfl ii. 5 Sales of India Goods. The Cargo ®f the-fhip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal cutta and Bengal^ CONSISTING OF A Large gene; al afTortmcnt of Bengal and Madras COTTON and SILK GOODS. AMONG XVIUC*"-ARE A variety fine worked and plain Mujlins, Doreas, &e. Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER, Y For Saje by Willings Francis, No. 21 Penn Street. June 8 § ■ r _ The Cargo of the Polacre Independent, CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Lis bon, landing afthe fubferifcers wharf— 28 Pipes of Brandy 1% Bales of Spanish wool j do. of Annifeed 7000 Bnfliels of best Lisbon Salt So Boxes of Lemons For file by WILLINGS 8c FRANCIS. * ALSO, Seventy Hogfhifads'gf prime JAMAICA SUGARS, received bv the iliip Doininick Terry, Capt. De Hart, * Prom Kingston. Sept. 13. d • A CAPITAL ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS. John Miller, jun $c Co. Exclusive of their own Importation now opening, Have received by the William Penn, Caroline And Diana CONSIGNMENTS, Which comprize a capital aflortment to open a Dry Good Store. —u&hlon'gfl them are— Common, super and (uperfine Cloths, Piain, twill'd and ftnp'd Coatings, Baizes and Flannels, Point, role and QufFil Blankets, Plain and puntea Caffimeres, Swanfdowns, Printed Calicoes, Scotch Threads, Hofitry. They will be fold either in whole, or in j*rt, by the package, on terms which render them an objeifl worthy of attention to purc-hafcrs. dtf Oil. 21. , The Elephant IS RETURNED FROM BAL TIMORE. '! ' I 'HE public are refpe&fully informed, that JL this animal it to be seen every day, from 8 o'clock in the morning till fun down, in Market - street, No. i©6, south fide, between Third and Fourth-flieets. Admit ance a quarter of a dollar, that every ci tizen may fee him. S Cs* At the request of many pevfons it will be | ex ilited on evenings from five to tight o'clock, fe |at half a dollar each.—The loom will be well lighted. November 7. . lauding, Out of different vejels from England, and for fait by the fuhjeribers on repfonable terms, " S u ?, eifine and comm °n cloths, and caffimers o Ribbed and llriped do. do. „ Bankets, mottled green and silk rugs. * Superfine, blue, Claret, and common coatings, Kcrleys, Bear-lkins, plains, and Halfthicks, tvVanikjm, Sergey and Flantjals, Britifb Ingrain Carpeting, Hatsaffortcd in csfes of 12 doz. each. Chocolat chintzes, printed Callicoes and Handkerchiefs, rear let Caramah, and Scarlet Snail, \ arn, Worilcd, and Cotton hollery, V Beavers, Thiekfetts, Velvets, Corduroys, &c. &c. BufFand drab .Genpa Cprds-of a superior quality. a h- 1 !Id - 10 <1- Hails, and fry.ng pans, o n „H^T Cnt of 'r C n nmDnEerry ' Cutler )' aud a variety ol India cotton, and Dfk gouus. Tbonias & JoJhua Fijher. A I(V. .. S> Dock-iltrcet. Also by the Ghfgow from Dublin, Iri / ?" Li nensaffortedin boxes of 30 pieces, do. Brown, Glazed Linmn. r - ° a " dtf. To be Sold, * The Time of a smart, active Negro Lad Who h.'.s Eleven years to Jtri't u qUire 3t K °- s*' Scuth street. (Jclober 18. JOHN MILLER, ju± g Co.' , No. 8, CHESNUT STREET, Have Imported in the late vessel* i; em Europe, See. AND HAVF. 10R SALE, A general affortinent of GOODS, suitable the 1 ,ufurj—' Amongfl which arc, BROAD ami narrow CV.OI'KS, Plain and twill'd {JOATINPS, Rose ITripeel and point BI.ANKEFS, FLANNELS ani l) VISES, HATS in cases., IRISH LINENS, INDIA QUODS c p n -rally, A ConSSflWtffih.x of Iit— fides leveral letters and papery of Doufebut to thepreprfe tor. The notes of hand and order are without endorfe rpent. EIGHTY DOLLARS REWARD, is offered to any person who will dilcuve- and secure {he tliief, ana FORTY DOLLARS for only bringing the above menti oned notes and papers at No. 119, corner of Front and 'Mulberry flreets. d Ocl. 11. The Creditors of Scott and M' Michael^ formerly merchants of this city, and who failed in the year 1763, or 1764, (and from whom tke fubferiber pur chased bills of exchange to amount of feveraj hund- ed pounds sterling, which have la.n ny him ever finpe.J at requested, every man ot thsm that is living-, to meet at « the City-Tavein on Tucfday, the ijlh of November next, at 6 o'coik in the evening, in order to oblige Charles Cox, formerly of this city, now- of New-J{rfey, and John Bayard, formerly of said city, and l'peiker of the House of Assembly as said state, now of Brtmfwick, New-Jerfcy, assignees of said Scott & M'MicFiaei, to coiivr'forward a.-J pay over the monies they have had is their hands belong ing to the creditors these 3a or 33 years. Some years a* go the creditors were called together ; Mr. Cox appear ed in behalf of himfelf and Mr. Bayard, and alleged that -hey were apprehensive they might lie brought' Into trou ble if they parted with the money (which 1 apprehenj is some thousands,) as his Bi itannic Majeity bad a debt due him for government billsit was however agreed by the creditors met, th it thf assignees should take the opinion of counsel; they did so, and it was that they would be Me in dividing tke money among the creditors. I urged M>. Cox to bring the business to a final close ; his aufwer it would be but a trifling sum; liiy reply was, ifeytr Jo trifling, I would have my proportion ot k. It has how ever lairiover. I therefore hope the creditors will • now corne forward and oblige the assignees to divide whatever they have, and they Cnght to pay interest too% George Mease. Philadelphia, ad November, 1796. dt jN* The Creditors of Van Vleck and Barton, and William Barton, & Co. (who failed in the year 1784) are earncftlj requested to meet at the City-raver on Wednesday the 9th November, at 6 o'clock In the evening in order to oblige the surviving affigneev, Stcph.n Ati'.lifl, and Andrew Hodge to close these affairs, john Chand ler, dcceafed, who was one of the once offered to the fubferiber nf6 in the pound for his debt, which is for a returned bill of 8000 guilds, with 'cbics «.a,iiages ?.nd interest, and the assignees have never paid but sj :i> the pound, though they advertised goods belonging to Wjlli;sn Bartop & Co. in the year 1784 or 1785 , .nd allowed e very creditor the lit efty ef buying to the amount of i f in the pound of their debts. George Meade. Philadelphia, Navember ad, 1796 dtgN. The Creditors of Clement BiddW & Co-: are requested to *n. et at the City-Tavern on Monday the 14th inft. in order to oblige the affignres to a fettMticnt of then affairs, which have lain oyer rh'uc twelve years: " the subscriber's demand is ior a returned bill of i.opol. ster ling, damages 10 per cent, and interest. Geo'rge Meade. Philadelphia, Jn November, 1796. 1 N. B Chan.. Middle's name \» as inserted by mistake as an assignee. It appears he is only an age it aspoir.ted by them. ' ... The fortgoiig ad-vert iffments urea good fperimen as 1 coM gi vr a further one if it was vecefary. STOP IHE 'IHILVES !! f~- LAST Wednesday Evening. October 19. the hours o, 7and 100 clock, the bed loom of Mr Ricketts in O'Elle-'shotfl was entered, either bv means of fa fc keys, or at the Window, by some villain or villainy .ho mud have been acquainted' wi h the fltaation of the r.c,of<. (as the door was found locked after they had Committed the ih'tf ) who took away from amongst leveral trunks, ONE which^ '■ con tained a valuable parttf Mr. R.ckett's v „operty,-but of winch he is not yet able to afe.riain the contents par icularly. Af ter bringing the said trunk a*ay, and emptying it of up wards of a thousand dollars in cash and bank notes, the vil lains left it behind the circus, during the time that the per .ormances of the evening were going forward- It U earncftly requelted, that all tavern-keepers on the ftagfc roads, and thelerry houses, as well asallcivil officers, may be: watchful in iecunng lufpicious perlons, wholly h ve a redundance of cash, which their appearance would by no means bespeak them to be poltffed of. Cne hundred I)ollars Reward Win be given for securing tke thief or thieves, and a fur. OaTi fi:curln « them with the property.