Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 05, 1796, Image 4

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.An elegant HOUSE, No. 78, Walnut
ftreet ;
WHICH is 45 feet front, by 171 feet deep, with a
lot adjoining, 30 1-2 feet wide, by 72 feet 8 inches
deep. (This lot is back of the house occupied by
George Willing, Esq.) The house is completely finilh
ed in every Fefpefl. It is 50 feet deep, has two a
large pirlours, the front one 24 feet, the back one is
tl feet, by 18 1-2 .feet, a handsome drawing-room,
14 1-2 feet by 24 feet Ths rooms below, the draw- r;
ing-room and the chambers adjoining, have mahogany C
doors, and these as well as the rooms above them have
a cdmmunication with each other. The height in the
firft and second story is la feet, and have ftoco cor- r
nines', and rtine rooms up ftaits, besides the garrets, (
which are divided into three rooms, a good •kitchen,
wash-house, milk and bathing-hOuses, a large ice
house, a pump in the yard, and a 3 feet 3 inch alley,
that leads into Fourth-flreet, The cellars are laid with
lime, and flooYed with two inch plank, and plastered.
The yard is well paved, and the house is clear of q
ground-rent. All the rooms have bells in them, and
the chamber bells ring in the garret, as well as in the
■entity down Hairs. All the chambers have white tilts,
except the one next to the drawing room, which has
as well as the drawing-room and the two parlours be
lofr, marble chimney pieces. The drawing-room, the
two parlours below, and the entry, are papered up to ,
the third story: In the room over the kitchen is an
open stove. In the wash room there is an oven, and
the back buildings, from the cellar, all the way up f
have large clofetsi and in the cellar is a large bottle y
rack, a wine store is taken off of the cellar, and three c
bins to hold bottled liquor are made in said room p
with padlocks to them ; ihe whole cellar and the cock- r
loft are as well plastered as any room in the house. 1
In short, the house is in every respect completely finifti- *
ed. Poffeflion (hall be given in ten days after the house
is fold. Two briek stables in VValnut-llreet, with
two coaeh houses. one of them will hold two carri- 0
ages, the other one. The smallest <:able has room for
three, and the iargeft for four horses. It is is 21 feet £
front on Walnut-street by 50 feet, 3 inches deep. They „
have excellent lofts over them. The building is arched
and laid with lime and two-inch plank; and the cellars .]
will hold about 100 pipes of wine: Is clear of ground 1,
rent, and has the privilege of an 11 1-2 feet alley, that f,
leads into Pifth-ftreet. Also a brick store, 33 feet front h
on Fourth-street, by 50 feet deep, which might at a c:
small expen. e beturned into a handfomt dwelling house c
having been so contrived inthe building. It has a yard ii
48 feet 6 inches wide, by 24 feet deep, has a rain wa- C
ter pump, and other conveniences, and the aellar is laid it
with two inch plank, and is now rented at 40 dollars ti
per month. This building is fubjeil to a ground rent of e
II dollars 3-4 per annum. The store and stables I would
give immediate polfeffion of. GEORGE MEADE.
No. 78, Walnut Stseet.
Terms of payment for the foregoing property,viz.—
X 6301. may lay one year certain, after the sale and if
the interest is regularly paid, that humane, worthy,good,
and friendly Aan, Edward Sties, Esq. fays it may lay
as long as thepurchafer pleai'e- (purely he fays to oblige
me) the interest being regularly paid. *
48001. to be paid in approved note*, and approved in- .
dorfers at 12 months, the remainder in approved notes "
and approved iedorferi, at 15; 18, and 24 months, the ,
property to be secured for the paym nt. The stables may *' t
be paid for in like manner, and the store too, all but 4000
dollars, which mufl be paid in an approved note, and ap
proved indorfer, at 6 months, the whole payable with
Oft. 26. dx.
To be Sold, t
On Thursday the 6tb day of April next, at 12 J clod. a:
at Dougherty's tavern, in the toiun of Winchejler, '<
in Virginia, thefollotving lands, Jituate -in the said £
Jlate, viz. x
No. t.—430 Acres, p
Of excellent land onthe waters of Back-creelc, in U
Frederick county, on the great road leading to the t
South Branch, awout ten miles from Winchester, too tl
itres of which is rich bottom, a fine stream running
through it, with several springs, the trees in the bottom
are chiefly sugar maple, bla«k walnut hii kory and lo
cust. There is a dwelling and out-houfes, lome
re-adow made, and 40 acres of upland cleared. On
this t ail there is a good miil-feat, where an under- ai
fcot-rnill might be ereftid. '*
No. Acres.
Situate in HampOiire county, on the north branch j;
of the Potowmack, and on a branch called Cabbin-run,
about eight miles from Fort Cumberland. On this
trail is a large quantity of rich bottom, fit for meadow
or the culture of hemp, the upland remarkably good,
being chiefly timbered with walnut and hickory. The
above trail is in two surveys of 400 acres each. 6
No. 3. —200 Acres.
Situate in Franklin county, about ten miles fyom
Winchefteig On this tract there is a dwelling house
and part of the land is cleared, the remainder is finely ■
timbered. "
No. 4. —A Lot tif Ground.
In the town of Woodftock, Shanandoah county, f<
whereon is ere fled a two story house, and other im
provements, and a ten acre lot for the convtniency of
laid town lot. ,
No. 5 — 250 Acres.
Situate about two miles from Woodftock. Part of
this tract is in cultivation, is finely timborsd, and a good
quantity of meadow may be made.
No. 6.—406 Acrc*.
Situate in Hampshire county, on George Andes's mill
run, on a branch of the Cafapchon. This tract is finely
timbered, there is good bottom land, which might he
•afily converted into meadow.
No. —One moiety of 5000 Acres.
Lying on the waters ef Hughes's river, in Harrifon
eounty. This was purchased at one quarter of a dol
lar per acre, c ifli above 8 year* ago.
No. 8.—41,900 Acres.
tying in thccounties of Wythe, Walhington, and :
Grayfon (the greater part in Wythe,) on the waters
ef Cripple creek and Fox creek, branches of New Ri
ver, and on the south fork of Holftein.
No. 9 — 10,000 Atres.
Lyiilg'.in the county of Hardy, on the waters of Great
'Cacapion and North River.
The terms of payment will be one third part of the
purchase money to be paid in hand at the time of ex
ecuting the deed or deeds of conveyance, the remaining
two thirds to be paid in equal ihfialments, at 12, 18,
»Bd 24 months thereafter securing, thoffi payments by
mortgaging the premises.
Should any person wish to punchafc at private sale,
application may be made to John Holker, Esq. near
Winchester ; Uavjd Holme?, Esq. of Winchester; or
the fubfctib r in Philadel
phia, Kin- the owner of said lands, who will
\y attenckriicla'e on the day abovementioned.
George Meade.
Philadelphia, jd of November 1796.
diw w&« 1 MdtA.
.>« I i
To be S-old,
* *• *
60,400 Aca»s -of Landv. ' ,
Lying on the river Alleghany, in the county of Nor
thumberland, in the State of Pennsylvania.;
400 Acres Land, • c
In Bald Eagle townlhip, Northumberland county t
1 aforefaid. • c
60,000 Acres Land, c
Lying on the waters of the Oconee and Canouchee 1
rivers, in the couuty of Walhington, in'the state ot (
Georgia. 1
174,000 Acres Land,
Lying on the waters of the Ohopee and Canouchee j
rivers, in the county of Montgomery, in the state of
1 Georgia.
> 3 1 033 Acres Land,
Lying in Orangeburgh diftrift, in the state of South
' Carolina. And,
146,986 Acres Land, j
Lying in Charleston diftrift, in the said state of South
Carolina. ' t
An Half-acre Lot of Grond, ,
In tW town of Richmond, Virginia.
The above Lands will be fold low.—Apply to 1
George Meade. '
Philadelphia, id November, 1796. dlww&stf.
1 The Creditors of Scott and M'Michael,
formerly merchants of this city, and who failed in the
year 1763, or 1764, (and from whom the fubferiher pur
chased bills of exchange to amount of several hundred '
pounds sterling, which have lain by him ever since,) are
requested, everv mam or them that is living, to meet at
the City-Tavern on Tucfday, the 15th of Novembur next, i
at 6 o'clock in the evening, in order to oblige Charles
Cox, formerly of this city, now of New-Jersey, and John
Bayard, formerly of said cityi, and speaker of the House
ol Assembly of said state, now of Brunfwick, New-Jersey,
assignees of said Scott & M'Michael, to come forward aad
pay over the monies they have had in their hands belong- \
tng to the creditors these 32 or 33 years. Some years a
go the creditors were called together ; Mr. Cox appear
ed in behalf of himfelf and Mr. Bayard, and alleged that .
' they were apprehenlive they might be brought into trou
ble if they parted with the money (which I apprehend is
some thousands,) as his Britannic Majesty had a debt due °
him for government bills: it was however agreed by the f
creditors met, th it the assignees Ihoul J take the opinion of "
counsel; they did so, and it was that they would be fafe .
in dividing the money among the creditors. I urged Mr. 11
Cox to bnngthebufinefstoa final close ; his answer was,
it would be but a trifling sum; my reply was, if ever so *
trifling, I would have my proportion of it. It has how
ever lain over.
I therefore hope the creditors will now come forward *
and oblige the afiignoes to divide whatever they have, and
they onght to pay interest too.
George Meade.
Philadelphia, 2d November, 1796. dtijN-
The creditors of the late Abel James, «
who stopped paymerft in 1784, are requested to meet at "
the City-Tavern, on Teefday, Bth November, at 6 o'clock
in the evening, in order to oblige the assignees, (John
Field and others) to close their affairs: My demand it
for a balance due on a returned bill of 10001. sterling, costs,
damages and interest.
George Meade.
Philadelphia, November ad, 1793. dtBN. J.
The Creditors of Van Vleck and Barton,
and William Barton,& Co. (who failed in theyear 1784) fh
are earneftlj requested to m«et at the City-Tavern, on of
Wednelday the 9th November, at 6 o'clock In the evening ai
in order to oblige the surviving assignees, Stephen Austin, 01
and Andrew Hodge to close those affairs. John C'hand- »
ler, deteafed, who was one of the assignees, once offered
r to the fubferiber 12/6 in the pound for his debt, which is
for a returned bill of 8000 guilders, with costs damages
and interest, and the assignees have never paid but $f m the
pound, though they advertised goods belonging to William
Barton & Co. in the year 1784 'or 178.5, and allowed e-
very creditor the liberty ef buying to the amount of 10f in *-
the pound of their debts.
George Meade. v
Philadelphia, November 2d, 1796. dtgN. t<
The Creditors of Clement Biddle & Co.
are requested to meet at the City-Tavern on Monday the w
14th inft.—in order to oblige the assignees to a settlement ] ;
of tht.ii affairs, which have lain ever these twelve years ; f<
the fabferiber's demand is for a returned bill of I,OOoL ster
ling, damages 20 per cent, and interest. n
George Meade. b
Philadelphia, 3d November, 1796. dti4N. n
The foregoing ad-vertifements are a good specimen of
assignees. I could give a further one if it was necessary.
To be Let,
A»large cellar, in Walnut-street just above Fourth-Street, that
is floored with two inch plank, and will hold upwards of 100
pipes of wine.
Also, a Stable and Coach-houfc, that will hold four hor jj
, fesand twe carriages; and several ftortt in Fourth Street -
Apply to
f George Meade.
Who has for sale,
■ boxes of Castile soap
Red Lisbon Wine
A few pipes of bill of exchange wine
A few barrels ot Irilh mess beef
And a few barrels of ship bread.
t Nov 4. digt.
e Irish Linens, &c.
Imported per the Jhips GlaJgeiu, s from Dublin, Liber•
n ty, frtm Cork, and btig Mentor, from BetfaJl,
1- 4-4 and 7-8 Wide IRISH LINENS,
In whole and half boxes,
Assorted .from I id. to 4s. sterling—Also 5-4 wide
d Sheetings, and low priced yarn and worsted Hose.
6 On Hand,
i- 7-{j Wide Lawns.
Diapers and Table-Cloths
A few boxesTickens and Checks
H A few bales Flannels
Cork and Belfaft Sail Cloth, Nos. I and 6
le 15 Boxes ■) r6 by 8,
10 Ditto V Window Glass, < 7 by 9,
j Ditto J C 8 by 10.
The above mentioned Goods are -all entitled to the
' drawbiek, and will be disposed of bv the packaee on
•y reasonable terms. *
e , James, Clibborn & Engliih,
ar „ No. 6, N. Sront-ftreet.
or loth mo. 19th. dtf
it' To be Sold,
The Time of a smart, active Negro Lad,
Who has Eleven years to serve.
Enquire at No. 58, South Frost street.
O&obtr 18. f
Loft Last Evening,
At RicketU's Amphithe.itr", (.fuppofed to be taken by
feme villain out of a gentleman 9 pocket;
A red Morocco-Leather POCKET-BOOK, |
Containing abSut lßj dollars in bank nous; three note. .
of hand of Ryls>fl Simian, No. 304, 305 and 306, da- 1
ted 12th last 'Aufarli, payable 60 das» after dan-, to the ,
order of Paul Siemen, together for. 5130 dollars; anordei ,
of Mrs. Ann A acph P rfo.n,-from PanJ Surntr., cn-Lach
: lin Mac Neal, Hfq. at Pon-au-Prjnce, for 100 dollars ; be- 1
fid«s fcveral letters and papeTs of no use but to the proprie
tor. The notes of hand and ogler al-e without endfrfc
racnt. EIGHTY DOLLARS TOWARD ft offered to
any person who. will difcove- and ftcnie the thief, and
; FORTY DOLLARS for only bringing the above menu- ■
oned notes and papers at No, 119, corner of Front and
Mulberry ftre«ts. d • „ Oct. 11.
Mr. RIG^TTTS - j
BEGS leave to inform the l.adies and Gentlemen, that
he will open his RIDING SCHOOL on the ill of Nov. t
for the inftruiftion of Ladies and Gentlemen 111 the ele- ,
gant accomplilbment of riding and managing their horses
with ease to themfclves.
Mr. Ricketts has well trained Horses for the accom
modation of Ladies and Gentlemen for exercise, to pay
monthly. Pupils to pay by the season, or by the lesson.
Horres trained to the road or field. j
O&eber 24. "
By J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chtfnttt-ftreet,
(Price I a 1-2 Cents)
The President's Address ,
To the People of the United States,
Announcing his intention of retiring from public life
at the expiration of the present conftitutibnal term ot
presidency. £
September 20. d
WILLIAM M'DOUGALL will open his fchooi on Mon- L
day the 31ft inft. at ten o'clock in the morning, at his
Elegant hew Ball Rooms, k
In Fourth, between Chefnut and Walnut Streets. J
Hours of tuition for young ladies, from 10 to 1 o'cloek
on Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday mornings; and for
young gentlemen from 6 to 9 o'clock on the evenings o
(he fame days.
In addition to a number of new cotillioas, he means to
introduce a variety of Scotch Reels.
Note. The firll pra&ifmg ball to be on Tuesday e- 1
vening, thefirft of November, and to be continued every
Tuesday, during the season. t'
For terms, icc, enquire at his bo use, N0.134, Market- a
street. t<
OA. >7. eetf.
A Manufactory FOR SALE.
A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Manufa&ory, situate
in a convenient part of the city ; the works almolt new,
on an entirely original conftiu&ion, and built of the bed
materials, and may be set to work immediately. Perfon#
whowilhto purchase, arc requested to apply at No. 273,
South Second Street.
September 13. t t f tf
ABOUT ia miles from this City, lituate in Abibg
ton Townlhip, Montgomery-County ; containing
70 awes, a new Hone house, two stories high, 2 rooms on a
floor, fire placet in each, a Itone kitchen and Hone spring
house, over in excellent spring of water, a barn, stables 1
fhedt, barracks, &c. A large apple orchard, and a varietyo'
oth< r fruit, about t» acres of good meadow well watered,*
and wood Sufficient tor fire, and fencing the place. Poffefli- d
on may be had the Ift of April next. Property in this city n
will be takeu in exchange, or MORRIS and NICHOLSONS
Notes in payment. Enquire at No. 37, Arch-Street. d
Philadelphia, September 13. 1796. ttftf t ]
LAST Wednesday Evening, October 19, between the
haursof7and ioo'clock, the bed room of , Mr. Ricketts ia
O'Eller's hotel was entered, cither by means of falfe keys,
orat the window, by some villain or villains, who mull have
been acquainted wi:h the situation of the house (as the door
was found locked after they had committed the theft) who >
took away from amongst several trunks, ONE which con
tained a valuable part of Mr. Rickett's property, but of which
he is not yet able to ascertain the contents particularly. Af
ter bringing the said trunk away, and emptying it of up
wards of a thousand dollars in cash and bank notes, the vil
lains left it behind the circus, during the time that the per- 1
formances of the evening were going forward'
It is earneflly requested, that all tavern-keepers on the stage B
roads, and the ferry as well as all civil officers, may f,
be watchful in securing filfpicious persons, who may have a f,
redundance of cash, which their appearance would by no l
means bespeak them to be pofleffed of.
r One Hundred Dollars Reward a
Will be given for securing the thief or thieves, and a fur- F
ther reward for securing them with the property. p
o£t - »- * 11
Univerlity of Pennsylvania, *
1 OHober 5, 1796. *
The Medical Le&urss will commence the firft Monday <:
in November. UW3W 0
Just Landing, *
At South Jlreet-wharf, from on board the [htp Secfg- r
ley, Captain Bodge, from St. Petersburg, r
The following Goods : . {:
Ru£Qa Sail Duck, firft quality.
Do. Sheeting do. *\ j
Do. Diaper.
Do. Huckaback.
Do. Crash.
Do. Mould Candles, 4, j and 6 *to" the lb. of the
Enghfh size-
Do. White Candle Tallow.
Do* White SoLp in small boxes.
Do. Cordage of fine yarn.
1 Ravens Duck.
Isinglass, ift and | end fort.
Horse Hair uncurled. f
Ruflia Bar Iron.
Do. Hoop Iron.
Do. Nail Rods.
ia Tons Oakum and Junk.
St. Petersburg Clean Hemp;
For Sale ty J
Philips, Cramond, & Go. t
Oflobern. 1
e Sheridan's Dictionary, !
Is this Day Published, 1
:. Corner of Second and Chefnut streets,
lit one lefrge Bt/». -volume, price i dollars.
LANGUAGE, both with regard to found and meanire,
one main object of which is to eftablifli a pUin and per-' '
3 manent Standard of Pronunciation. To which is prefixed,
a Profodial Grammar. ,
O&ober *». It& ,
y Mrs. Descamps, from Path.
Informs the Public that she has jult opened t>.- ft
North Third Street, No. 95 , wher, toe%n
border?, powers, garlands, cyjjjhwj, figure?, c f ctl . ■
s gns, &c. in the most elegant, fafhionable, u ea t
- new stile, all forts of glall"es, and glass wares on f,
<r most reasonable terms. All orders will be than'-f
r received and pun&ually executed.
Gj M - cfcam P 8 cxccutes any thing in the line of
Nov. "'2. "
° s To be Rented,
. A Small and Convenient BR E IV ER 2
il Mot%is Ville, oppylte Trentun.
ALL the Apparatus for Brewing new and in
- repair: A number of Barrels and Half-BairdC" '
also be rente-d. Pofleflion may be had at any ti:"- 1
t Enquire of Mr. Garrett Qottringer in HMUdcbiV:
. or Mr. Robert Morris, jun. or Daniel Man at Ivlomsl
- ,Ville.
s Prober ao, 1796. roiH&ww
New Hat and Hi si est Store]
Wholesale, and Retail,
No. 134, Market Street, 3d door from the corn-r
of Fourth, South Side.
Mens' Black American and Englih Hats, of various qual
ities and prices.
Ditto Drabs add Green-undxrs.
Ladies' ditto black
j And a large aflortment of fancy ditto
Coloured Beavers
With a great variety of elegant and falhionable trim
' mings' &c.
Youth's black and drab coloured ditto.
Children's fancy ditto
All kinds of silk, sdk and cotton, cotton and thread hose coloured Pantaloons
Ditto Drawers
• Ditto Breeches Patterns
folk Gloves * •
Knotted, coloured ditto, cotton.
A quantity of mending cotton, sorted colours.
N. B. The hats finiflied in the newest fafhon.
• oa - '7' eod.m.
Washington Canal Lottery,
N°. I.
WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised
the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting
a Canal through the City of Washington, froM til f*u ;
tomacto theEaflern Branch Haruour. ,
The following is the SCHEME of No. I.
Viz -1 Prize of ao,ooo dollars, 20,000
I ditto 10,000 10,000
7 last drpwn 1
Tickets, each j s '°°° 35,000
6 ditto 1,000 6,000
10 ditto 400 4> ooo
ao ditto 100 2,000
55 ditto jo a,7 ;<?
5 7JO ditto II 69,008
To be raised for th« Canal, 26,150
5850 Prizss, 175,000
11650 Blanks, not two, to a prize.
17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000
The Commissioners have taken the Securities re
quired by the aforefaid ail for the pun&uil payment of
the prizes.
i The drawing of this Lottery wiH commence, without
delay, as soon as thr Tickets are fold, of which timely
notice will be gtveu. -
Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after th«
drawing is finiflied, lhall be considered as relinquifhcdfor
the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
CKy of Walhipgion, Feb. 11. 5 *'
Treasury Department,
September 28, 1796.
NOTICE is hereby given, that proposals will be re
ceived at the office of the Secretary of the Treasury
until the expiration o£the firft day of March next en
suing, for the supply orall rations which may he require J
for the use of the United States, from the firft day of
1 June, 1797,"t0 the thirty-firll day of May, 1798, both
days inclusive, at the places and within the diftri&s here
after mentioned, viz. At Ofwego; at Niagara; at
Paefque lfle; at Sanduflcy Lake, and on Sandulky
River; at Detroit; at Michilimackinac; at Fort-Frank-
T lin; at Pittsburgh ;at Cincinnati; at Fort-Hamilton;
at Fort St. Clair; at Fort-Jsfferfon; at Grenville; at
Picque Town and Loramies Store; at Fort Adams; at
Fort Wayne; at Fort Defiance ; at any place bslow Fort
Defiance on the Miami River to Lake Eric; at Fort
Steuben; at FortMafiac ; at any place from Fort Maffac
to the south boundary of the United States on the river
MifiiCppi; at Fort Knox ; at Ouiatanon.
If supplies lhall be required ior any polls or places not
- mentioned in this notice, all such supplies lhall be fur
niihed at prices proportioned to those to be paid at the
polls before recited, or as may be hereafter agreed on
' between the United States and the Contra&or.
The rations to be fupplicd are to consist of the fol
lowing articles, viz.
One pound two ounces of bread or flour.
One pound two ounces of beef, or fourteen ounces of
pork or bacon.
' Half a gill of rum, brandy or whifeey.
One quart and hajf a pint of fait.")
Two quarts of Vinegar, / hundred ratioM
1 wo pounds ol Soap, « r
One pound of Candles, )
The rations are to be furnifhed in such quantities, as that
there lhall at all times during the said term, be fufficieiit
for the consumption of the troops nt Michilimackinac, De
troit, Niagara, and Ofwego, for the term of fix months in
advance, and at each of the other polls, for the term ot
at leall three months in advance, in good and wholesome
provifions,if thel'ame lhall be required. It is to be un
derstood, that the ContraSor is to be at the exfcr.ce an
riHc of iffuingthe fupplias to the troops at each poll, in '
, that all lofTes fullained by the depredations of an, 0*
by means of the troops of the United/States, fhail b- P ai '
- for at the pricc of the articles captured or deftrojed, 011
the depositions of two or more persons of creditable cn -
raders, and the certificate of a commiflioncd officer, a
certaining the circumllances of the loss, and the aniout
of the at tides for which compensation lhall be claimed
Secretary of the Treasury.
'• —No. 119 —
Fight Dollars per Ammw-}
.' ■ * : >>V '■ ->T.-OV»' ;' . 9
»0* "T*> f* «t"sl Vj tr r m '?• •