For the Gazette of the Unites States. M. Fehho, Afcurrilous writer in your Gazette of Tuesday evening Ml, under the signature of Phocion, asserts as follow*. " We are informed by the Newspapers that Ran " dolph has been to visit Mr. Jefferfon, and has " announced his determination to feire if ele&ed •« PrcGdent; he has not yet announced his own » determination to return to his former Secretary • 1 " ftlip, if his friend should be Prefirleot : bai bis «« activity in canvnffing for him, leaves no room " for doubt a« to his wishes and expe&atiens : it •• is apprehended, however, by fottae of the friends ' " of both these characters, that a late legal call 1 " on sue of them, for the immediate lettlement of *« some old accounts and balances, will prove highly J injurious to both." r The baseness of Phocion's insinuation, Mr. Fen- a bo, as contained in the above paragraphy will be I b;ft exposed by publishing Mr. Jefferion's fettle- P nient of his public accounts as Secretary of State, d made at the Treasury of the United States, the 30th of December, 1793> being the day before he reti red from the public service j for which ptirpofe I £ fend you an authentic copy of that settlement, cer tified by Mr. Nourfe, Regilter of the Treasury, fhewiag that the balance of 4786 dollars, 67 cents, then Rated to be due from Mt. Jefferfon, was on the said 30th of December 1793, paid into the Bank of the United States by Mr. Jefferfon, and pafled to the credit of the Department of Statt with the bank. October 30. A SUBSCRIBER. No. 4, 6. Treasury Departmsnt, 1 Auditor's office, Dec- aB, 1793. 1 I hive examined and adjusted in account between the U- ' nittd States and homas Jefferfon secretary of ({ate, for mo- 1 niet placed in his hands by direction of the Prefidentof the 1 United States in pursuance of the several asia of Congress ' «' providing the means of intercourse between the United 1 States and foreign nations," and find that he is chargeable on 1 said account, 1 1 o amount of sundry warrants d rawn in his 1 favor for the purposes above-mentioned, « from the 14th August 1790, to the Ift 2 -August 1793. as per statement Dolls: 113,000 a I also find that he is entitled to the following credits, viz. * By David Humphreys for this amount ad- 1 vanced nim on his million to Madrid, as a per statement - - g+o 2 jjy for this amount paid 2 governor Morris in part for his ferviccs, a per do. statement - - 1,000 8 By John B. Cutting for this amount remit. 3 ted him, for which he ia accountable, 3 per do. - r . 233 33 3 By W.and J. Willink.M. and J VanStap. 3 horlland Hubbard, agents for the depart- 3 nient of (late at Amsterdam, for this a- 3 mount remitted them as particularized in 31 the statement, - 1,4,680 *-3 By Nathaniel Cutting advanced him on ac. 3I count of hia miflioato Algiers, perflate- 3( nient - - - 1,900 4 ! By Jamea Blake advanced him on account 41 of his million to Madrid, per statement 800 4 ! leaving a balance due from th* said Tho- 4; mas Jefferfon; Esq. and for which he it 44 accountable, being to the c*dit of the 4< department of state, 1"n the bank of the 4C United States, the sum of 4,786 67 <" 4* Dolls. 183,000 4S .5c As wifl appear from the statement and vouchers herewith 5' transmitted for the decision of the comptroller of the irea- 5- fury thereon. 4S R. HARRISON, Auditor. 54 To Onvti W#ieotT, Esq. 61 Regifttr of th* Treasury. 4< Jkzasoky D»rA»TMtNT, Comptroller's ofnee, Dec. 3®, 179». Admitted and certiied jc OLIVER WOLCOTT, ju«. Cnmp. fc,; To Josim Nourss, Esq. 61 Rcgifterof the Treaiury. Sa TrEASBKV DIfAITHtST, Regitter's office, Jan. *1, 1794. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the ori- ginal, on file in this office. 6( JOSEPH NOURSE, 63 Regifler of the Treasury, Txiasurt Divartmikt, ®S Regiftcr's office, Jan. nth, 1794. 7<= Upon a fitml ailjuHment of the aecount of Thomas Jerter. 1' on, E'quite {late lecretary of state) as agent for defraying 72 foreign expenditures, by the accounting officers of the treat 73 furyof the United Statea, dated the ißih Dtcember 1703, a 74 balance of four thousand seven* do]- 75 !«rs ftxty-feven cents was found due by him, wliieh balance 7® having been paid to hi» (ucceffbr Edmund Randolph, Ifquire, '7 Ido hereby certify that thtj.faid account has beenfinallyclofed' 7 8 on the books of the treasury of the United States. 79 JOSEPH NOURSE, ' 80 ■ t __ Regifler of ihc.Trnforv. 81 1 his Day Publiflied, 83 And for Sale by Edmund. M. Blunt, jj 4 At the Newburyport Book-ftor«, State-street, 86 The American Coast Pilot, gs CONTAINING, 89 THE courses and distances from Boston to all the 9° principal harbours, eapes and headlands, included be- 9' tween Pafamaquady and the Capes of Virginia ; with 9 " dtreflions for failing fcto, and out of, all the principal 93 ports and harbours, with the foundings on the coast ® 4 Also a Tide Table, shewing the time as high water % at full and change of the moon in all the .bove places they' together with the courses and rliftance from Cape Cod Jo and Cape Ann to the Shoal of Georges, and froin said *' Al Capes out in the South and East Channel, and the set- J° ting of the enrrent to the Eaflward and Westward— Sal also, the latitudes and longitudes of the principal har- . •ours, tapes and headland*, &c. &c. lie. " ut b By Capt. Lawrence Furlong. ~ Likewise, courses, direikions, distances, &e. Uc from the Capes of Virginia to the river Miffifirini. f rom the latest surveys and observations. Approved by experienced Pilotj nnd Ctafiert. T Newburyport, O(Sober 15, 1796. ravit! FOR SALE 7— flo" About 1,600 acres of Land, th: h WELL situated, laying on and between Marfc w v,; r and Bccch Cr*eks, Mifflin county* Pennfylvanit, in p. four feparatc Patcnti. For terms faie apply to , Wm. Blackburn, f be,n ' Woo 64, Stuth 11. mw f tf Piccc " td-NOTICE. tZ THE nffice of the secretary of state of the U. and a nited States, i» remored te the north fide of North mi Si alley, between Market and Arch, and between sole [ Fifth aad Sixth-streets, the third do«r abote Fifth- Tl street. 29th Oft«her, 1796. 3 tig ot Es - Philadelphia, Oftobcr 31.' From a I. on nor Paper of September 19. efday is 'ather ftrapge that Buonaparte should not flerts taken the trouble to inform the Direa o ry of so important and signal a vitflory as tlytt announced Ran- '« Garrau's letter ; nor is it less singular, that nei | has ther the General of Diviflon who acquainted Gar sifled rau w 'th those brilliant exploits, nor the place fhotild own have been named, from whcnce he gave this mo- 1 tary- mentous information. • his ELECTIONSKKITiTG FALSEFIOOD. ' ■00m In a ItauHbill ptiblifhed this morning, signed John J : it Barker, chairman, there is this aflertion, that Mr. » ends Adams «' avowed, tbat the government ought te J call have the authority of changing the constitution." r it of This is fouttdetl on an exTaft said to be taken from ghly »n anfvver to I'aine's Rights of Man, under the fig-t nature of Publicola, published twa or three years Fen- ago in the newspapers. It is the truth, that Mr. I 1 be Adams neither wrote nor dictated a sentence of the t ttle- publication under the figriatuie of Publicola j nor t ate, did he ever fee it until it was in print. [Oth f eti- AMERICAN PRISONERS. " e I LIST of Petftns takeh, on board American vefelr, by r etr . the Algerines, and redeemed by the United States, at , rv Algiers, the nth July, 1796. , >' CONiULAT AMERICAIN. ° "on No ' , ■ N,me '* Stations. Ages. Places they belong to. the 1 Ifa »e Stephens, Gaptaia, 50 years. Bcfton. 1 Timothy Newman, ditto 36 Newbury.port. •no 3 Samuel Calder, ditto jg Cape-Ann; ' f r late 4 William Furnafs, ditto 35 Portfmouth.N H. E 5 James Taylor, dm* ji Newport. 6 Moses Morres, ditto 30 Newbury.port, 7 Michael Smith, ditto 30 Ditto 8 William Penrofe, ditto ja Philadelphis. 9 Andrews Montgomery, Mate, 33 Ditto. £ so George Wells, ditto »t> Virginia, , 3 . 11 John Walker, ditto S4 Massachusetts; U- «» Alexander Forfith, ditto 34 Boflon. no. lj Edward Harwood, ditto 99 Jalctn. the >4 Benjamin Edward, ditto 10 Newbury.port. R refs 15 William Dison, ditto 37 New-York. ited '6 F.dward Smith, ditto >4 Ditto |P' 'on >7 Peter Barry, ditto 30 |f° 18 Peter Ingraham, id Mate, 155 New. York. Ila ■9 John Woodmanfer, ditto *8 Boflon. If~ 10 John McFarlirt, ditto 29 Philadelphia. 1 21 Janaes Allen, ditto 43 Ditto. Ico 12 Thomas Billings, Seaman, 17 Boflon, I is, iz. «3 Richard Harris, ditto 46 Virginia. j B 14 Rasmus Morton, ditto 34 Denmark t S Benjamin Bifbop, ditto oj Newbury-port I 26 Barry M'Gloft:ring, -ditto 18 Ireland. ' f®f 17 Pedro Lamare, ditto 3a Genoa. Lan »8 William Dunbar, ditto 28 Philadelphia I rc , sg John Edwards, ditto 24 Massachusetts. | a 30 Walter Gt bona, ditto 16 Ditto. 1 31 Thomas Manning, ditto si foitto. I dt 33 32 Beniarain Ober, ditto 18 Ditto. Jon 33 Nathaniel Keen, ditto 21 Ditto. I • 34 Daniel Call, ditto 24 Ditto. ] 35 John Earl. ditto »3 Ditto. I 8,1 36 George Buchansn, ditto s 6 Glafgowr j int V 37 Hannton Haz«rd, ditto 24 Rhude-Jfiand. 1 nc -38 Gideon Brown, ditto 13 Ditto. 39 Georg. Tilly, ditto b 4 Ditto. I 40 Abraham Flaggy, ditto 15 Ditto. I ftf 41 Benjamin Church, d tto 22 x Ditto. jUt 42 James Peare, ditto 24 Salem. ' J„„ 43 amuel Henry, ditto 26 Virginia. | , 44 Thomas Fry, ditto jo Ditto. j° e 4.5 Abraham Burrell, ditto » 7 Cape Aim. j tur 4b Thomas Xime.iM, ditto 38 Leghorn I w l, 67 V J oh " P°*> dftto 94 Newbury-port; 4 8 Mofcs Brow®, jun. ditto 20 Ditto ' I 49 John H.gdon, ditto 3,5 Philadelphis. I _ 50 Jo .1. John, ditto 33 Ditto, ' mo ~'h 5 i JohnDtcka, ditto as Ditto. j ... •a. 5- We '"y ditto 34 Ditto. 43 Anthony Ruffellj ditto 30 Ditto. j hc . c 54 Kaac B'ooks, ditto 26 Ditto. { wit 6i James Byrnes, diuo 35 New-York. j Jsnics Fox, ditto 30 Ditto. 47 Benjamin Lunt, ditto a 3 Newbury-pcrt. J 48 Harman Olittck, ditto 26 Holland. J 59 J ol »n Petcrfon, ditto 2» Ditto. 60 Jdcob Shoemaker, ditto 21 Ditto. 61 Cornelius Faudum, ditto sS Ditto. «2 Martin Defwart, ditto 2J Ditto" I ' 63 Cornelius Wetterdum, ditto 3 s Ditto! ] heri 64 Peter Vandertorn, • ditto 30 Dittos I c ri. 6 5 JohnFs Ikard, ditto si Ditto I 01 66 Peter Bryer, ditto 26 Ditto' j Ehl 67 John Fs. Rickaway, ditto 29 Ditto. 1 £ 68 John Sutton, ditto 36 Philadelphia. I«f < 69 John Fitfgerald, ditto 24 Ditto. | H. 70 Charles Smith, ditto ,9 Virginia. j :r . 7 , rhomas Buddea, ditto *6 Philadelphia. I P a ss "S 7Z .T I ', " 1 *7 Rhoda-Ifland. I I I 3 Thn-» * r j"' 0 30 Philadelphis. j N cv a 74 Thomas Burgess, ditto so Virfcini, | >1- 11 ditto *3 Philadelphia. 2 ce 16 Bar holemea Gtzan, dme 38 Genoa. I fpol re > " P H p cf '' ditto 39 Boston. j ftcri " d 70 fohn Pamnlm j'"" H ConneSicut. j r 79 John Pamplm, dttto 33 New.York. ] 80 John Lemman, eJ itlo Vireinia I 81 George Ofborne, ditto 1, Ireland." I 82 James Mule, ditto 3' Ditto c.i • : c.s" wi 85 John Cooper, Seaman, Ditto Hti Hans Christian, Ditto. Sweden I V 87 Joseph Rogers, v Ditto. Newhur'v Tn 18 Samuel E. Baily, Captain, n'uo Iflat 89 William Wallace, Ditto. 4 g . Norfolk. Tirgiais. I c 90 Joseph Keith, Mate, ; 5 Waterford I 9' Nicholas Hsrtford, Seaman, 30 N. Hampshire, h 9 " R " re ' Duto - 5* Cape-Ann, Ani g3 Abraham Simoas, Ditto. *4 Ditto I _ 94 J° hn Thoma., Ditto. a 7 Nantucket. 9J Sipes Jackson, Ditto. 28 New-York r N. B. The 83 fir ft mentioned art u Marfcillea", where ( , they arc performing quarantine, j } „ i c ! fcph In S" h " m - J°J?n Cooper, and Haas «hriflis», left I < J at Algiers with the Consul. j Joi'eph Rogers, died alter the redemption. " ThT, E " y ' ey ' died ° n ,hc Marfeillts. - JKaJisSf "*«• <•" <- «»,„ J h - M.»„, ~s AJS J- E - moontflobens. 1 Gdober 17. I 4; INTERPI/iL IMPROVEMENTS. JI ravidlv VnA* an"two years 1 and a half, under the direflioa and at the ex L ire 1 •f Samue Elodg.t, esq. of Haverhill, wh « u'tbe ) sole proprietar thereof. C vigour, our vicilii, y with & ' OA BY THiS DAY's MAILS. NEW-YORkTOflobcr lg. d not Extra® of a letter from a refpeflable house in Am ry of iterdam, to their correspondents in thia city, da inced ted September 19, 1796. t nei The news »f the day i», that the KING of Gar- PRUSSIA had declaiecj WAR against the EM lould PEROR of GERMANY—that hw troops are i mo- marching—and that likefy the ports of Hambn' "h 1 ar.d Errtbden wilt be (hut against Bririfh vrfTcla.'to ' oblige that court to inter into terras of psacs. ' John How far the news is certain, we cannot fay—but Mr, we arc certainly cs» the Ivs f ' it tc Peace daes not take place soon, War is likely to on." rage with redoubled aaimofity. from From the Afortiin* Chrenkle. -fiR' 1 LONDON, September \g, ,-ears A Courier from Paris has been exported finee Mr. Friday Mat the house of Count Wedei Yarlfberg, the the Damfli Minifler, who, as we have already fta nor ted, has sent to the executive directory for a pafT port for an English Envoy to go to Pa, is. The q Courier was not returned at to ./clock kit night, nor lias any paffpor' been rcrrived. It is necefl?.- '» b «7 to give the public this information. .«t It ii very generally believed that a treaty has been lately into between France and Pruf gto W thc port of HamKirgh is ceded to his • ' majesty. irt. r 1 h " e 18 mention made in private letters " from Hamburgh, of the King of Prussia and the V.H. Empreli of Russia, not being on the beli footing. T BOSI ON, Odtober 20. important n , Extrsfk of a letter from a refpefhble mercantile « , houl< ln Ca^ l2 ' t0 a correspondent here, fr , August 20. ■t R , x r»j" has already got up f rom J0 2 <• R. to 64 «66 per fan eg. and as "the « inter * preaches must go much higher ; wehave not there- tt fore a doubt, but good American wheat, parties- th larly the wh.te fort, will readily fell k.r R. 60 per ftl taneg,%r upwards, during the winter : and what >f contributes eventually to an advance on that aiticle, I is, the very few fuppliej that can be expected from vrl I j> uT* °. W ' lo lhe in that country, t. H " d * 11 /° rei g" navigation being prohibited to molt of those ports. Five famgs arc equal to 8 bushels, and 20 Re make one Mexican dollar of your cur rency. We have had lately some importations of flour from England and Fra-ce, which fold at fun- _ dry prices, from j 7 to 20 dollar. per bbl. of Spain, lon board. During the present troubles, as besides I the embarrafiments of the court of Barbary, already •« I alluded to our fuppheS from Sicily will be totally 1 intercepted by the Eaglilh fleet in the Med,terra'- wa nean, who detain all veflelsgoing to or failing from J the ports of Italy, since they have got into the pof. I ftffioh of the French. Some small parcels of rice, Im lately imported here, have fold at 3 dls. per quintal) on board j but this price Vs-e-confider two high to j be supported, unless we should again be unfor tritely .nrolreo ,n a war with England, of which mere arc actually Very strong apprehen sions ; fticb an event woujd at once cauft an ad vance on all your products here, and in none more thau in fiflt. .TiitoAu.l price of slaves is 140 to i2ocl on board, and bees wax, at 72 per qaint. beef and pork would answer here, iu cafe of a war j with England." ( j GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES MARINE LIST. P ni l, A D F. L P II r~4, Qftobcr 3,. I The (hip Two Friends, capt. Hathaway arrived j here the 29th i,ift. from Hamburgh. She failed J rom the Elbe the 21 ft irjft. i n company wi:h the I fchtcrprize, Nori ja for this port. r Sept. 8, arrived at Hamburgh, (hip Minerva Th ?ir-n r Calcutta. 1 ith, fcip Pcrfeverance, fe "at'™;; ° t f" l * idp, " rf '' m £ 171 h, in the entrance of the Britiflt channel, spoke the brig Peggy, from Philadelphia to Am ' J ftcrdam, out 57 days. | I In tjie Two Fricrtds came 40 -paffengeri. 16 j Charleston, 0&. ii. 3< I • O >«TIRI». ohip South Carolina, Carman, Philadelphia I Brig Lucy. Seaward, Bourdeaux Lacy, Rust, , N " cf ' A »- To-Morrow will be published, ai And fold by JOHN ORMROD, No. 4 *Chcfnu -fl'eet, S . nin " (Price tncfiAlcenth tf a Dtlltr.) U ckc , A P O£ M o 0 ,,": e I On reading the PmstDtN-r's Addrefi P WITH A SKETCH OF THE V,r t CHARACTER or A CANDIDATE, Jam I „ »• a tux -i, presidency. £ tt • el v gam littlc , P " eMispr 'n"d'n a form to be bound John Ormrod!'° INT * k™" by T» Ofioher 31. - ? b,v< — i«g o norf °lk, S ' • Olipe Baancjj, '■ Povrer » Etheridre, Matter. Sa«w * pp,y 10 'I. OflaWai. . I ir '• j* ll ■ * — d ■ J u st Imported, • j Tin Plates In boiet > Sheet and bar Lead ? Shot—all sizes, patent and oommon A ! Copper bottoms and fticets Englift Ihoes and boots in cases k 2° a#r tey*w;. 1 Wool Caids , ' hed, « Gold Watches. * b "J and W( For Sale by on n,> 0 , f Simon Walker, il , lbl mwfln > Dock-areet, N p"i| =*| wanted, as COOK, in* private flmily, a woman ot good ehara 0 ; and WHo cart be well recobmiended. Enquire of the Primer. October 34 • d 7 t. Am- — : -lt •,da- Three 100 dollar Not s. WERE LOST This Ray, about 12 o'cln V of One Hundred Dollar Bank Notei of the of EM- Pennsylvania, between the Banks of Penufyt/dnfa ani' >3 are North-America, in the alley thit leads into Cliefc, n■ th street, or in Chefnut-ftreet. .V'hotver will la, 'to t ' iem t0 No. 48 Chefnut-ftreet, fhsll be !i3adforacly re r' warded. October 19. 3 t ~ b "j. Best Boston & Nova-Scotia Mackaird, tQ Excellent Halifax Salmon in bbJs. 47 bbls. prime Coffee, Best Boßon Beef, Codtilh in bds. Spetrtnceti Candlej, 'incc p . . _ Spermaceti, and / „ , _ ' C ft r f_' Northern j©l L. pasT Mould and dipt, taiioW candles, of & superior The Vfl- . .. r „u "■ few boxes excellent brown f©apj 6 Bales of Corks. 40 Pipes excellent Lilbon Wine. A few sacks of Feathers. Has A few bales India Muslins. FOR SALE BT >hil JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. Oflobffr 31. j 7h« Sale by Au&ion. ' ijig, To he fold onSaturday evening tbp sth of November, at 7 o'clock, P. M. at the Merchant*' Coffee House. TWO three story brick house» with convenient kitch ns t north Itde ef Market,between Seventh andEighth-ftreets, Itile each hoiii'e with the puviledge of an alley is 16 X-1 lett front ; the lot is >56 in depth One two .«ury brick Jioufe in Zs*e-ftteet, common!* called Sugar allejr. The houfct ii 16 i-a front,.onfaiii 5° alley, with a good kitchen ; the lot is 90 feet in depth, ap- One vacant lot,adjoining the md house, in SSune-ilriet, ere- 16 i-2 feet.front, and 90 feet deep ; at the end of 90 feet ic«. ths fa,d lot widens 33 !cet, and runs back of the Marker ftreet lots 111 feet, 33 feet wide. r One two ftor; brick hotfe :l n d kitchen in Zane-ftr«t, " I-*feet front; the lot 45 feet in depth. L '4s acres of excellent meadttw land in Greenwich i om which will be fold either by small parcels or 12 acre lots. tr 50 tons of excellent upland iay. Enquire of 10 ft HENRY SECKEL, , GEORGE COOPFR, e,s > HENRY SHE AFF ABRAHAM WILT, or , EDWARD fOX, Au&iopter. ji M _ Prober 29. i>n, Washington Lottery. CS it' '' e Da V s Drawing are arrived at the l( jy office No. «47, Chefnut-ftreet. illv PfiiJes in the above Lottery arc exchanged for tickets warranted undrawn. ° a " *7- ttii Dm • , » of - A few Pipes of Wine, ce, Imported in the brig FAME, from Madeira,'to be fold ■I. by MORDECAI L£wh, to Who has also to of on reasonable terms IRISH LINENS, well .Carted of BANDANNA HANDKERCHIEFS n _ WIDE NANKEfeNS , COSSAS AND lUFTAS HAVENS DUCK ne DIAPERS so QUICK SILVER it. CHINA ar ROLL BRIMSTONE, &c. OtSlober in, . ' tivfrm By Authority* Sl buy Ik ill Bridge Lottery* ;d SoU % WILLIAM BLACKBURN \ No. 64, >( j Stutb SecondJlreet. Ie SCHEME of a LOTTERY for raising Sixty Thousand Dollars, arre,ablv to an Aft «F ,a emon CB, f flat T ,°; p »» r y"»». X*l,ft c . bu ' Wln S => Stone Bridge over V River 31 Berks " B ° roUgh of Re,di "ff. in the County of > Prize as 40.®0e Dollars » »f 1 do. of to,ooo do. . *°tOoi» 3 do. »f 5 ,00e, do. . J°' c " >a 1 4 do. of s,ooo do. . 5 °°® *0 do. of t, oao do. . . „ B,oo ® »- 39 do. of ce* do. . * 2 P,00» # ,s '° P<> for ef thefirft drawn 110. \ a 5 °0' of 3' o ® 9 do. to be paid poflefTors > X . , . of the five last drawn nos < 'i* oo ® §>4®o do* • 9 n * • • i4»»oo* ' «I*. Jr« tnilhed, \ipon the demaod of a pofTefior »f a * w '"g ** ticket, fubjea to a deduct.on of y'rWi''" f'" r Jcftph Hujltr J* mcs D t Thomas B t °"°' John Keim > D «"M CraeA Selajhan Mtiter i QoßiMissiONms. Reading, May the 9th, 1796. is?® October 7. ■• - , Saw tf University of Pennsylvania, . Ofiober 5, tyo6. in NovemW. ilLeftUresW,li C ° mmenCt the firft Monday 1— taW3w F O R S A L E. A PLANTATION. ABOUT i* miles fronitjiis City, situate In U' Township, Montgomery-County - eontJ 70 asres, a new stone house, two fto'ies hi»b nui <- floor, are places in each, , lton e khehen fnd ft ™'r " house, over an excellent fprin® of watar a t A"" 5 iheds, b,rracks, Ac. A large apple orchard .n]™ 1 • " Other fruit, about i« «rei of rood a * arlcivo and wood fufficient for fire.anf -.Jft be had the tft of April next °p P s will be taken in exchange, or Mo>-. R ' 1S m/mJCHOI 'SO v- ? Notes in payment. Enouict »>, v . NICHOLSO > Philadelphia,