THIS DAT PUBLISHED, I J By J. ORMROD, No. 41, CUefnut-ftreet, 1 (Price 12 1-2 Cents) I jj Jye The President's Address 70 the People of the United States, £ eHI Announcing his intention of retiring from public life -tjrc at the expiration of the present constitutional term 0. p presidency. Rof September 10. , Watson's Answer to Gibbon. ha lls.l. JUST RECEIVED, INI And for rale By J. OHMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet, Apology for Christianity, dm^ In a ferict of Letters, addressed to s e . Edward GH»ON, ESQ..' Author of the History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: 'By R. WATSON, D. d. f. |. s. Bishop of Landaff. T^o (Price 75 cents bound ) J. c Watson's Answer to Paine, cents To be had at the'fame place. 1 • The enemies qf Religion are awake ! Let not her * friends pep. Sept. 1. mwAftf ia Philip Nicklin & Co. HAVE FOR SALE, ' 10 60 Souchong Hyfop Skin / Young Hyson > FRESH TEAS 2335 Hyson and \ Imperial ' Yellow Nankeens 635 c China Ware, assorted in Boxes and Chests B Quicksilver ' Handkerchiefs of excellent quality hi erfoi ihefls fore ' • London Market MADEIRA WINE to re London particular >in pipes, hogsheads, &|n ( New-York Market 3 quarter casks in Teneriffe Wine in pipes and hogihexds Suear Candy by the Box con Sail Canvas No. 1 a 8 ♦•'Lead in i!.e«t» 3 Calks of Cutlery assort*9 ... " C A few chefta of MancheltA" Goods, aiTorted.thick cords, striped Nankeens, &c. 3 Small packages of black fewing-lilks }S Tierces Virginia Snake-ro«f. Nails aflbrted in calks —* July_tß rnwfef '70,000 Pieces Nankeens, Of the btft quality and on reajonable terms* ICR SALE 3Y . Philip Nicklin £5° Co. c "^ * Angaft t6. dai 1 For Sale, A Tbree-Ilory BRICK HOUSE and Let, in Chefnut an j JA street, bstween Front and Secocd streets, in which •] Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and of now do) carried on business. Poffeflion will be given in one month, or sooner. For terms apply tp WILLIAM BELL, or .i, e HECTOR CALBRAITH. apf iprfl M. §_ •] A Manufactory FOR SALE. P r " A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Manufa&ory, situate acc in a convenient part of the citv ; the works almost new, on an entirely original eonftro&ion, built of ihe Left materials, and may be set to work immediactly. Persona tO S whow.iflato purchase, ate 16 apply at No. 273, at J South Second Street. September 13. ttf tf the Brokers Office, and COMMISSION STORE. J* Mo. 63 South Third ftreet,oppofite the national new Bank. [,ir SAMUEL M FRAUNCES and JOHN VAN REED, f er have entered into co-partnership, under the firm of i ; n „ FRAUNCES & VAN REED, in the business of Brokers, | Conveyancers and Commission merchants. They buy and _ fell on commission every species of stock, notes of hand, ■bills of exchange, houses and lands, &c. MONIY procured on deposits, &c. &c. all kinds o r "V writings in the conveyancing line, done with neatneli and . i. dispatch; accounts adjusted, and books fettled, in the of moll corre& manner. Coaftant attendance will be given, pel They solicit a (Tiare of the public favor ; they are deter mined to endeavour to deserve it. li N. B. The utrooft secrecy observed. aat all lofies fnllained by tile depredations of an enemy, or fcjj means of the troops of tjie United States, shall be paid for at the price of ch ' Comprifiiig a capital assortment to upen a ftorc—-mclu- I an.- ding Thirty Ca&s of NAILS. This invoice w.ll b: fold kwj ' entire 011 very advantageous term 6. September V>. Eras e t Saddl Lottery k in ds FOR raising Cxthoufand fix hundred and flxty-feven &c. i dollars and fifty cents, by a deduction of fifteen per Oc cent from the prizes, and not two blanks to a prizi. viz I Prize of 5000 dollars is dollars 5000 I 1000 1000 r l 500 i°° r aoo ioco Hrf - JO 100 1000 P° 99 jo 495° frt 103 *S J- C 0 A 1 1060 10 10,000 i Lad drawn numbers of 1000 dollars each, 5000 D , 233Z Prizes. Whit 4©lß Blank.6. • — Boct 6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44 s C coi By ©rder of the Dire&ors of the Society for eftabliiu- pjair ing Ufeful Manufactures, the fuperint Aidauts of the Pat- p| a jj in erfon Lottery have requeued the Managers to offer the foregoing S«heme tp'the public, and have directed Plaii to refund the money to those persons who have purchafcd 2c in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets fpr tickets W kj in this Lottery. . I^aifi The lottery has a&ually commenced dfawing, ant! will continue until A lift of the Blanks and Prizes Q a fp may be seen at the office ot William Blackburn, No. 64 south Second street, who Willgiveinforaiationwheretick- \{ or ets may b» procured. Joan Datedtbis I7tfi day of June, 1796. Cam ;K " J. N- GUMMING, 1 Sow JACOB R. HAR.DENBERG, > Managers. Ra{ . JONATHAN RHEA, ) Plai: dtf ep Samuel Rfchardet, 1 i T> ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen JV Merchants, that he has this day opetiei the CITY , TAVERM and MERCHANTS C QFFEE HOUSE in the Q city of Philadelyhia: The SuWcription Room will be furnilhed with all the daiiy papers publifiied in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos ton, Baltimore, together with those of the princip?l coir- 3° mercial citigs Of Europe—They will be rigularly filed u " ut and none permitted to be taken away on any account. 1 lcl J Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jsiliet, Ice Creams, and a variety ll, d 0 f Jreudi Liquors; together with the usual refrefhments, will at all times be procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with -j- en the choicefl of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the »K>ft Wii approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweries, gj,,. 5 1 The Larder will befupplied with the prime and earliest j productions of the Season. Large and small Parties, or single Gentlemen, may he jate accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at f i hours most convi nient to thsmfelves—a cold Collation is "~ foni tegdlarly kspt for conveni*rcy, the till of fare »« be had t .„ at tho bar. The Lodging Rooms will be completely furniAed, and tf the utmost attention paid to cUaiilincfs, and every other ~ requisite. Samuel Ricuardet will be happy to receive, and execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at j large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges '"k- himfelf that nothing on his part shall be wanting to pr;- — ED, serve that patronage with which he has been so dillinguifo. 1 i ingly i'lonored. I r -- ters, i Philadelphia, April 19. mwf and j : and ' Treasury of the United* States. "J, So r VTOTICE is hereby given to all persons who are or and ! IN may be Creditors of the United States, for any —* the ' of the Funded Debt, or Stock, bearing a present intenf of fix I ven. per centum per annum. :ter- 1 ft, That purfaant to an Ad of Congress palled on the I aßth day of April, 1796, intitledan a 3. in addition to an j (ft, intituled " An ai-4 making fuither provision for the 5, support of public cr«dit, and for the redemption of the I public debt," the fa id debt or stock will be reimlurfed and I paid in manner following,to wit. " First, by dividends I ' I«to be made o« the lail days of March, June and Septem- I ; « b'er for the preffnt year, and from the year one thousand [ ' seven hundred and niiuty-feven, to the year one thou- I ere- " sand eight hundred St eighteen inelufive,at the rate of] ifqry " one and one, half per centum upon the vntiual capital, j t en- " Secondly, by dividends to be made on the lift day of 1 M aired j " Dccemb«r for the present year, and from the I of ly qf ; " thousand seven hundred ninety-fcven, to the year Q( both , " one thousand eight hundred aud seventeen inelufive, at j A. " the rate of three and one half per centayi uyon the ori- I no ; at " ginal capital; and by a dividend to be nu eon the last an luiky " day of December, in the year one thousand eight hun- no -ank- " dred and eighteen, of fijm, as will be tlicn ade- 1 Iton ; " qqate, according to the contra.*, for the final rsdettip- of ; at " tion of the said stock,." Jjh s; at id. All diftindion between payments on account of vc Fort latere,l ar.d Principal being thus abolirfied by the eftabiilh- lab Fort ment of the permanent rule of reimbursement abova de- j laffac scribed, it has become neccflary to vary accordingly the I river powers of attorney for receiving dividends; the public j creditors will therefore observe that the following form! 3 not is eitabliihed for all powers of attorney which may be J e fUr- granted after the due promulgation oi this notice, viz. I T at the KKQW ALL MSN Br THESE PRESENTS, that 11 'd on / of I W do make, confitutt apd appoint ke sol- of my iritf aifd laivful At- J terney,for me, aid in my name, to receive tie dixidendi -ul #A are. Si or fall be payable acmrd'nig to laio, on the (her* defending the I CCS qf stock) funding in my namcin tie booh of (here defcribinguhe | books of the Treasury or the Commiffioncr of Loans, r where the stock is credited) from (here insert the com- I mencement and expiration of time for which the; gower of j ■ations attorney is to continae) liitb power also an aftorne/ or after- I niej under him, for that purpoft to m ale andfubfitute, and to do all 1 lawful ails retptfitefor rfiSing thepremifa, bercby ratifying and 1 J as that conjirm uj all thai my said Attorney or h fubJiituU Uicful- 1 ficient ly Jo i by 'virtue hereof. I c, De- Zft pff tintfs- berenj\ I have hereunto frt my Hand and Seel the j p tltha in day of in the veur I ( irm of Sealed ar.d Delivered 1° lefome in prefencc t of% 1 be un- BE IT KNOWN,that on the dsyof L ice and efore ipeperfonally capie I j ft, and nithin named and acknowledged tic alovi latter, cf attorney to te 1 ?my, or tis aft and dud. I . be paid In tejlimony thereof I have l ereuntofei vty Hnnitnd affix- [ red, on ed Seal tlx tieth day of July 1796, pursuant to dircAions I from thi Secretary of the Treasury ied SAiWULL MEREDITH, j Ireafurer of the United States. fury. V Wet 13. Imported in the late arrivals, jind to be Sold by JACOB PARKE, « No. 49, North fide of Hifh-ilrpet, Philadelphia, »» «o A GS.NFH.4L ASSOkTMtUT OF Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery, &c. AMONGST WHICH ARE SMITHS' Anvils, Vices, and Files; Raw-mill, CroU cut, Hand, and .flier Saws; Carpenters Planes, Chisels, and other Tools; Carving Clufels and Gouges; Locks, Hintres, Bolts and Latches; Nails, Sprigs, racks, and Screws; Frying-Pans 1 Smoothing-irons; Shovels and Tongs; Coffee Mills; Candkiticks; Snuffers; Warming - - Pant; Table Knives and Forks; Riding Whips; bar d low Pen, and other Pocket Knives; Razors ; Saltan; Needles; Ivory and Hora Combs; bed Kirby Filn fcl j Hooks; brass Cabinet Furniture; Waggon Boxes; Sheet Sch - Brass; plated ar.d tin'd Bridle Bits and Stirrups; ditto Bu Saddle Nails; Girth and Straining Webbswith molt , kinds of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sidlcry, Brass Wares, , :n &c. &c. tt Odeber Z 4 . mwf6w 1 — — ~ 2C >° Robert Smith & Co. 3? £ No* 58, S'outh Front-Jlrcet, if \ o Hwe received by the late arrivals fr»m London, f'* ver " 3 0c io pool, and HbII, and by the Oh» arrived at N. n'ork i to from Gtafgow, 30 A large & general assortment or Goods, 30 Suitable for (he Seafen, confijling flf O,4Si 30 Duffle, Point and Rose Checks, in iniall package* ~ Blankets Qmjburgs and Brown hol -5° White, Red, and Yellow lauds Flannel Brown and white liuflia Bocking and other Baizes Sheetings 5° Second and cparfe Cloths Drillings and Diapers A 1 u- Pljintwid mixed Caffimeres and Chintzes Sn»(h lt " Plain, twilled, and ftfiped Jaconet and Book Muslins tickei he Coatings I Do. do. Tamboured D rj " ; m Plains, Kcrleys, and Half- Do. do. Handkerchiefs ° cd thicks Printed lifien ?nd check d». J Ets White Jc spotted Swanikins Rornal and Madrafs do. J u f e . Lainet and fwanfdown Vest Muilin aad Chuits Shawls fan shapes Bed Ticks tes Cafpets and Carpeting Table Cloths Calimancocs and Durants Laces and Edgings Moreens and Taboreens Fashionable Ribbons Joans Spinning'and Crapes Do. Hats and Bonnets 1 Camblets and Wildbores Gotten & Worsted Holiery r ® v Bombazeens & Bombazets Gloves and Mitts rs - Rattinets and Shalloons White £c coloured Threads are r Plain, Genoa and printed Italian Sewing Silks tcr ' n _ Vclverets Jc Thicksets Ivory and Horn Combs , [ 7-8, 4-4, and 11-8 Cotton Tapes, Bindings, Pins, £te. , , They have on hand a large assortment of India Muslins V and Calicoes, black and coloured Ferfians, Bandgmio and _ v Pullicat Handkerchiefs, ike. and a quantity of Nutmegs __ , and Mace. Y'Y 0 .Sober 17. imvft'm -r— "TlWll tV ''°- rf Madeira Wine. * 01- tomi o> 30 Pipes of the very best quality, and fit for immediate led use, imported in the fcheoaei J .ney from Madeira, aad for fa'e by ety John Craig, I^S » No. J2, Dock-street. Who has for Sale, Teneriffe Wine, in pipes, hogsheads, and qr. calks. Wr Window Glass. !"• Segars, &c. &c, 1011 Two trunks of the best Cotton and Silk b« Hosiery. >at October 4. mwftf had F O R SALE. PORT WINK, and a L HOLLAND GIN, of the firft qualities in Pipes. i ;her FRAUNCES and VAN REED. quii Brokers and Commilfion Merchants, No. 63,30.3d St. the a Who discount approved NOTES of hand. 'I jat N. B. An APPRENTICE Wanted. dels K es September 14. mvvf npti ?re- — s li& - To be disposed of, I ra T>HE time of a healthy NEGRQ WOMAN, wU the 1 has between f»ur and five years to servo: She can be recommended fnr her ftrtjriety and honesty. For J particulars enquire at No. 131, Chefnut-ftreet. or j 3. vScttf i|ms ' ' "/* Wanted to Rent, t l ie I y) cotfceriieat., -well furnifhed lied Chamber, oan I With fire place, in an airy ami healthy part of t j ia the city.. I'he person wha vants to rest such a chamber, th * 1 wou '4 ave n® objection to board., or breakfaft only, with j the family oacupying the house, as may be most agreeable. ™ rt d 9 |Appl y to the printer; T" ■e,-,,. ag. taw X I -5° ars Reward. th< j e of Lo/i, a red Morocco Pocket-Book, ' he >ital. j BH r\V££N tlie Center Houic and the White Horse In y of j Markct-ftreet; containing two io dollar banknotes, one ; "one los 50 dollars, and one branch-b«nJi-note of one dollar i p year Weed's note of hand for 250 dollars, eiidorfed 101 Ei at IA. Joseph ; a note of Jackson for 100 dollars; a cx ? : ox\- I note of Mr. Carr for 100 dollars; a note soy 75 dollars, £ lalfc and one of Mr. Drate for 65 dollars—ajid several other hun- J notes, belonging to the fubferiter. ade- j The Public are refpecSlfully desired not to receive any c ciiip- of those notes, a? they caji be of no use to any person but , 1 t,ho owncx, payment being (topped, Whoever will deli- at of ve: the fume at the of this Gazette ftiall receivc the ' c 3lifh- above AARON JOSEPH. 1 de» I OAober 12. *3 tormj FOT Sale j ybe J A Complete Font of Brevier, " z - j TTNtirely nev , and yet unopened. The weight of this f , that [ JL. font is about 31 a lb. It is from the Foundery of V Wilson & Sons,Olafgow, and will be fold at cost St charges. T- Alio for 9ale, a pair of Super Royal Chafes. ne I At- Enquire at tlie Office of this Gazette of tf\p United 41 ri err, I States, 119 Ctefnut-ftreet. la! 15 the September 17. dtf or igtfhe j : —-— ■ or ,oan», F O R S A L E. oi A PLANTATION, I daalll A DOl'T 11 niilt6 from this City, lituate in Aliii.p- u] ~ an j | ton Township, Mpntgonwry-County ; containing 0 ] ilcful- | atTt '« a house, two ftonoa high, 2 rooms 011 | v , j £oot, fii« places in each, a kitchen and Hone spring rt*l the I llou ' c ' ovcr excellent fpripg of water, a barn, flables, e) I (beds, barracks, See. A large apple orchard, and a variety of | other fruit, about 12 acres of good mcad6w well watered, I and wood fufheient for fire, and fencing the place. PotfclS- w I oil may be had the Ift of AptU next. Properly in this city j will be taken inexebangr, or MORRIS andi NICHOLSONS " I Notes in payment. Enquire at No. 37, Arch-Street. ty to it I Philadelphia, September 13, 179&. ttftf '[ ° i "*' j Boarding and Lodging ■ ) twen- I t eflions I TVTO GENTLEMEN may be accorr.rr.oda'ed with j Boarding and Lodging, in a private family and pleafact part of the city. Apply tc the Printer of the Gazette oj Met. j the United States, IJ. 1 OSobcr ui tfScitf Hniwerfity of Pennsylvania, OBober 5, 1796. The Medical Lectures will commence the firft Monday in November. tawjw Py Authority. Schuylkill Bridge Lottery. \ Sold by WILLIAM BLACKBURN, No. 64, South Second'-Jtreif. • SCHEME of a LOTTERY, For railing Sixty Thousand Dollars, agreeably to an A€t Of the of Pennfylvauia, passed the Ui'i feflion, tor building a Stone Bridge over the River Schuylkill, at the Borough of Reading, in the County of ? Berks. Dollars, 1 1 Priae of Dollars - 20,00 c '» 1 do. of |O,OOQ do. • - !0,C03 3 do. ef 5,000 do. - - *5,000 4 do. of 2,000 do. • - 8,000 20 do. Of 1,000 do. - 20,00(9 39 do. of 500 do. • • 19.500 80 do. of 200 do. - - 16,000 epo do. pf i©o do. • ?o ; oco 300 do. of $o do. - *$>000 k 1 do. of 500 do. to be paid the poflef-) for ©f the firft drawn no.} 5 do. of 3,0c0 do. to be paid polk (Tors > ? of the {jve iad drawn nos > 1 5> oco do. of 15 do. ; - 141,000 Prizes 300,001* * 10,046 Hjanks —- a 30,000 Tickets at Ten Dollars 300,000 All Priates (hall be paid fifteen days after the drawing is ftriifaed, upon the demand of a podefior of a fortunate is ticket, fubjtft to a dedudion of twenty per cent. Thtf ©rawing will commence as soon as the Tickets are difpofec£ of, or perhaps sooner. of which public notice will be given* ». Philip Miller, Peter K'rjhher, tVil&am Witman, Joseph Hitjltr, James Diemer, Thomas Dundas, s James May, John Otto, John Keim, Daniel Craejf % Sebajlian Miller, Commissioners. Reading, May the 9th, 1795. Tickets ill th« Canal Lattery, No. 2, to be had at th» ( v above officii where the earlitft information of the draw ing of the VVufhington No. 2, and Patterfipn Lottery's, j, are received, ar.d check bosks for examination and regis tering are kept. Oflobpr 7. law tf is Wafhmgton Canal Lottery, ld N°. I. s ' tT rHEREAS the State of Maryland ha« anthorifei VV the underwritten, tp raise twenty-fix thoufar.d, twohundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting a Canal through the City of Washington, froxi th Po; tomacto theEaftern Branch H?ruour. te The following is the SCHEME of No. I. a > Viz -I Prize of 10,000 dollars, 50,060 1 ditto 10,000 • »0,003 6 ditto 1,000 6,00® jo ditto 400 4,000 40 ditto 100 a,OOO 55 ditto. jo liTJO 375° ditto la 69,008 To be raised fpr tht Can*!, 16,1.50 5850 Prizes, 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize. 17*00 Tickets, »t Ten Dollars, - 175,000 $5" The Commiflioners have taken the Securitia* re , quired by the afoitfaid ad for the pun&ual payment of St. the prizes. The drawing of this Lottery will commeneb, without delay, as soon as tfc# Tickets are fold, of which timely notice will be given. — Such prize* as are npt demanded in ft* months after th» drawing is finifhed, ft)all be confidtrcd as reliriquiflitd sos tht benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. >he (SignedJ NOTLBY YOUNG, DANIEL CARROLL, o/D. LEWIS PE3LOIS, GEORGE WALKER, 1 - wm. M.duncanson, THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY. o j City of Wafhigy.on, Feb. 11. § Lottery and Broker's Office, ble. No. 64, South Szccun strkst. TICKETS in the Can»l Lottery, No. 2, far sale—a Check Book for examination —and pri»es paid in the late lottery. Check Books kept for examination and regifterine, far the City of Washington, No. 1, and Pattefon Lotteries, .« n both of which are now drawing—information where ' f tickets we to be had, and unchanged for undraw a 1 ' ftekrt*."- A ofsH the{?rhp?s inthf late Newr * ? Port Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery, for examination. ' 3 The fubftriber folieits the application of the public and h>3 friends, who wish to pur chafe or fell Bank S-nch, 1 " Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Hoifci, Lands, &c. or to obtain money on deposit of property. %* Also Tickcts in the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery for ~. lale at Ten Dollars each, which will be drawn early in the Spring. i. " Wm. Blackburn. Philadelphia, Aufufl 18. i7Qt)» rnth F 0 H SAL £> A very Valuable Ettate, this #**1 ALLEi) TWITTENHA M, fitnate in the V of VJ township of Upper Derby, andconntyof Delaware, rges. T- 1-1 miles from Phiiad -fyhia, and half a mile from tht new Wefltrnroad: containing 130 acres of excellent land, litcd 45 of whichare good watered mosdow, 90 of prime wooJ» land, and the rell arable of ths firft quality. There are on the premife6 a good two story brick hoitfe, with 4 rooms on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with t punip-wefl of excellent water in front; a large frame barn, ftabk% and other convenient buildings ; a smoke-house and flon*, fprinj»-houfe ; two good apple orchards, and one of peach cs. The fields are all in clover, except those immediately n, /K." under tillage, and are so laid out as to have the* advantage "'"g of water in each of them, which renders it peculiarly cob* 0,1 i venitnt for gracing. P rUi S The htnation is pleasant and healthy, and from the high >ble«, eiiltlvation of the land, the good neighbourhood, and the el V° l vicinity to the city, it is very l'uitable for a gentleman's tfciii' co,,ntryfSßt i citv The foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Harm*** lOms deceased, and offered tor sale by Mordecai Lewis, Oil. g. ttScl Surviving Executor. PRINTED BY JOHN FE N NO, with eafant No. HQ :tte ot CHESNWT-STREET. ;Pricc Eight Dollars per f.nimm/j