• _.v> °f the Untteu States, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. \ 1 0 n WEDNESDAT EVENING, OCTOBER 26, 1796. {Volume X. Number 1289. J — — J J _ Just Arrived, Br the Fly, Captain Hubler,Jrrnn London, Doable racked, Brown Stout Porter, in i-l and «-4 <-Wt. kegs, packed «n hogsheads. Copperas in hogsheads. ?*" Peter Wight. OSober »j. - Landed this Day, ; At Mtrten s Wharf, from the trig Fame, Captain Knox, A quantity of Barbadoes Rum & Sugar. For Sale by • Kearny Wharton. OX tier H- M A CLOSE COACH, which has run about 7 months' an I a pair of brown, able-bodied HORsrs, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at No. 63, south Third *Ts. The eosch is more particularly calculated for the winter featei, having large glals lights and Venetian blinds. Oftabur «4- _ Tuft arrived, and will this day be lan ded from on board the brig FAVORITE at Chefnnt flreet wharf. „ jt Tons beji RuJJia Clean 'HEMP, 16 Tons old Sablie flit IRON, ,00 Coils.bcft Rufljj CORDAGE, assorted fires, 4,00 Pieces brown Russia SHEEIIICGS, 100 Bolts Ruflia DUCK, 240 Pi«ce« Ravens do. »o Half-down feather beds,and A few piecesafforted DIAPER. FOR SALS BT v Joseph Anthony and Go. P A- The above mentioned BRIG will fail in a few dav», and take frei|ht on moderate term* for Botton or Salem, for which or passage, apply on board or as above OAober 44. loi< * The Schooner INDUSTRY, fnctv-feven tons burthen, almost a new yeffel and well found. Eor terms apply to JaJepb Anthony & Ce. If the Industry is not fold m a few days, lhe will take freight very low for Boston. O&ober 24. For Freight or Charter, The ship COMMERCE, KjWm NATHANIEL CURTIS, Master. Almoftanew veflel, 944 ton* burthen, and will be ready to receive a in a few days. Jfor JgggS terms apply on board at Bright*s wharf, or to Joseph Anthony & Co. For Sale on board the above Vessel, A quantity of excellent COAL. Having goods on board, are earnestly requeu ed to ftrd their permits. O&oher 11. dfot FOR SALE, 7 HE SHIP MART, SAMUEL PARKER, Master, hundred tons burthen. Apply to JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. Tf the MARY is not fold in a few days, she will take freight for Hamburg. Apply as above. Oflober it. diot For Boston, Newbury-Port and Ports mouth, New-Hampshire, { J.~ The Schooner LUCY, 1 Daniel Prowfe, matter: will fail in ■ \ the course of a week, and take freight k on moderate terms, for which, or passage, apply on board, or to Joseph Anthony, Co. Oclober d x For Norfolk, p in f^ree or f our a y s ) The brig Zephyr, . Captain Hinehman; lying at Landenbcrger's wharf— She has excellent accommodations for p.iffengers For which or freight, apply to the captain on board, or to Samuel Breck, jun. No. Bg, South I'hird-ftreet: JVbtrt may be had A quantity of N. E. Rum, Sherry Wine in quarter-casks, Sa.il Cloth, Nos. 1 and z, and a few hundred pieces d of Bandanna Handkerchiefs. OAober 20- " 6 Lying at Messrs. Willings and Francis's ■wharf,burthen 1000 barrels, built in Philadelphia in 179,; of live and red cedar.—She is well found, and may be fern to sea at a (Ynall expencc. For terms apply to 1 Gurney & Smith, oa. 6. d t f. FOR LONDON, The eapjtal (Kip CERES, r 0 fail foftn:—Eor freight or passage to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or t John Vaughan, September 10. Front-street. or Charter, 1 ie Danilh Barque Bsnhventura Samuel Stub, mailer, ] good vessel, of about two hundred tons burthen. JESSE Sc. F„OB£RT WAI.N ' Sc rt- 1 7- dtf_ 5 ,ljA. or Charter, The Ship Domlmck Terry, D P e , Hart ' mast « : excellent I nf about 3000 barrels burthen. Jeffe & Robert Wain. , September aT. Benjamin and Jacob Johnson, No. 147, Market-flreet, Have received by the last arrivals from Liverpool and > Hnll, A wry generalqjjortment of DRTGOODS, 1 Well suited to the approaching Icafon, which they will fell on the leweft terras by the piece or package. O&eber <4. taw4w To be Let, Two Rooms, furnijhed or unjurnifhed, In a three-dory Brick House, at a very small dif tauce frrtm the-Merchants' Coftee-Houfe. The ufeof ' the Kitchen may be had, and that of a Cellar. Apply at this Office. , Oilaber 14. 4 Madeira Wine. A few pipes of Madeira Wine, landing from on board the schooner Lucy, Capt. Prows, at Chefnut : street wharf, and for sale by the fubferiber. Robert Andrews, : 0if1.14. mwf No. 86, So. Wharvet For Sale, . By J. WARDER, PARKER & Ct. t An Invoice of Cordage, Confiding of different fifes, from 11 inch cables dawn to rope of i inches, of different lengths: Imported in the ship Swift, £rom Hull, and entitled to drawback. Sept. 27. dtf Printed Calicoes. JOHN MILLER, jun. & CO. Have received per the William Pcnn, in addition to their own afforrtent, A wmfignment of twtnty trucks of Calicoes, efc jfant London patterns ; also a few cases of handsome 1 Buttons—Which will be folJ at a short credit, on very ' reasonable terms, by the package only ' Ofl. 14. dtf Wm. HOLDERNftSSE, No. 76 Nigh Street, HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and the Eail Indies, a well fele&cd assortment of Silk Mcrc-jry, Linen Drapery and Habcrdafhery Goods; which li£ will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowed terms ; AMONGST WMJCH ABt, Some fine India muslins em'oroidered with gold and fflTer Superfine Book, Jaconct, and Mulraul ditto Do do do do Handkerchiefs Some extra black tafieties.luteftringsand colored Pcrfians Bandano Handkerchiefs Long aud (hort Nankeens Englilh Mantuas of the firft quality Damaik tabic linen and napkins, very fine Silk Hosiery, an elegant aflarrtmsnt Thead and cotton uo | Umbrellas—green'filk, oil'd do. and do cleth French cambrics, very fine Irish Linens, do. Ac. &c. June 14 § Just Imported, i Tin Plates u boxes _ j . t Sheet and bar Lead ' < Shot—all fi?es, patens and oonntton Copper bottoms and sheets Englilh flioes and boots in cases ' Taunton Ale incaflts »f 10 dec. each Balkct Salt ' Wool Caids Gold Watches. For Sale by ' Simon Walker, oa. 7. mwfim Dock-street t I he Cargo of the Polacre Independent, CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Lis bon, landing at the fubferibers wbarf— »8 Pipes of Brandy 18 Bales of Spanish wool 3 do. of Annifeed 7000 Bushels of best Lisbon Salt 80 Boxes of Lemons For sale by WILLINGS & FRANCIS. ALSO,' ' Seventy Hogsheads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS, - received by the fbip Dominiek Terry, Capt. Be Hart, Prom K^ngflon. Sept. 13. d 1 For Sale, 7*ibit day Landing from on board the ship Concord, Captain Thompson, from Am/crdam, Gin, in pipes Impty Gin Cases Hock in cases of 4 doz, Glass Tumblers in chells Sweet Oil in eases Patte Graffe Cheese in boxes, ss"c. Also Landing by the Lottifa, Capt, Bell, Jrom LL/bon, 60 Qnarter-cafks Lisbon Wine.'j On Hand, A quantity of Brandy, Hazle-Nuts in sacks, See. Peter Blight. Prober T 7 . d2w cn-2w This Day is Published, By William Cobbett, opposite Chrift-Churth, An Answer to Paine's Rights of Man, 1 By R. Makenzie, Esq. of Edinburgh. 1 To 10hieh is added, A Letter to Citizen Swanwick, By Fcter Porcnpine. The whole is dedicated to Bo&or Joseph Prleftley, Felloy of the Royal Society of London, Citizen of 1 America, and Deputy Heft to the National Conven- 1 tion 01 Francc. c Oifl.lß. DANCING SCHOOL. , W ' LL I^ M M'DOUGALL will open his school on Mon- r day the 3rd ind. at ten o'clock in the morning-, at his Elegant I\cw Ball Rooms, In Fourth, between Chefnnt and Walnut Streets. on M .. tu rj fo , r >' ou "g Wi«. from 10 to , o'cloek on Mondays, v. ednefday, and Friday mornings; and for ' sr h ' —»' Note. The fir ft prailifisg. ball to be on Tuesday e- TnJf/'' i tio r v ' mh "' an Window Glass, J ) by 5, .5 Ditto J C 8 by 10. The above mentioned Goods are all entitled to the drawback, and will be dilpofed of by the package on resfofiable terms. James, Clibborn & English, No. 6, N. front-flreet. 1 loth mo. 19th. dtf : * .i ii ■ Just Landing, At South Jlreet-iubarf, from on board the ship Sedg ley, Captain Hodge, from St. Peterjlurg, The following Goods; RufHa Sail Duck, firft quality. Do. Sheeting do. Do. Diaper. Do. Hvckuback. J Do Crafli. Do. Mould Candlen, 4, j and 6, to the ib. of the F.nglilh size. E>o. White Candle Tallow. Do* White Soap in small boxes- Do. Cordage of fine yarn. Ravens Duck. lfiriglafs, ill and tnd fort. HcrCe Hair uncurled. RuGia Bar Irori. Do. Hoop Iron. • Do. Nail Rod*. 10 Tons Oakum and Jnnk. St. Pcterfburg Clean Hemp; For Sale by Philips, Craraond, Si C«. October 12, / STOP THE THIEVES !!! LAST Wcdnefday Evening, O&ober 19, between the hoursoiyacd 19,-d*clock, the bed room of Mr Ricketts in O'Ellci's hotel was en ered, either bv means of falfe keys, O'at the window, by feme villain or villains, who mufl, have acquainted wi h the fjtuation ps the house (as the door was found locked after they bad committed the theft) who took away from arnongft several trnnks, ONE which con tained a valuable part of Mr. Rickett's propetty,but of which he »s slot yet able to ascertain the contents particularly. As- llic Taid ti >wbv, 2nd it of up_. , wards of a thousand dollars in caflr and bank notes, the vih. lains left it behind the circus, during the time that the per formances of the evening were going forward* Itisearneftly rcqur.fted, that all tavern-keepers on the Gage roads, and the ferry Jioufes. as well as all civil officers, may be watchful in Ifcurin# lufpicious persons, who may Have a redundance of cacti, which their appearance wuuld by no means bespeak them to he poftefTed of. One Hundred. Dollars Reward W ill be given for securing the thief or thieves, and a fur* ther reward for fecyrirfg them w\th the property. Oft. *1. j -- L ii j.r • 4 d - For Sale, Carolina Rice in whole and half tiercel, Cotton of Cayenne and Trinidad, Soal Leather, entitled to drawback, Boflon Beef, and Mould and dipt candles.—Apply to Isaac Harvey, jun. No. 5, South Water-street. toth me. 17. d3w. Sales of India Goods. The Cargo oS the (hip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal cutta and Bengal, CONSISTING OF A Large and generaraflortmerit of Bengal ana M&aras COTTON and SILK GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE A variety fine worked and ■plain MuJJins, Dorcas, \ffc. Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, !n boxes and .bags—and BLACK PEPPER, For Sale by Willings Francis, Mo. »I Penn Street. Tune 8 $ Washington Lottery. The 30th and 31ft days' drawing of the Washington Lottery, No. 2, are received at the office No. 234, Msr ket-llreet, where tickets may be examined. N. B. Information given where tickets in all the ether lotteries may be procured. Oflober 20, 1796. d Mr. RICKETTS BEGS leave to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen, that he will open his RIDING SCHOOL on the ift of Nov. for the inilru&ion of Ladi«s and Gentlemen in the ele gant accompli foment of riding and manrtging their horses with ease to themselves. Mr. Ricketts has well trained Horses for the zeeom ntodation of Ladies and Gentlemen for exercise, to pay monthly. Pupils to pay by the season, or by the lesson. Horses trained to the road cr field. Ovleb&r 24. d To be Sold, The Time of a smart, active Negro Lad, Who has Eleven )xars to serve. Enquire at No. 58, South Front-street. Prober 18. £ Wants a Place, Either as Clerk or Book-lfr ;per in a Store, a Person whe can produce good references a* to character, I Apply at the Office of Gazette, O&ober 24. 2 Imported in the late arrivals from Europe and the ff r eji-ipdi M board the Brig Qarolinc, at Cbifyut-flretl «a7Vwrj"\ - •'' • FORTY PIPES London proof Holland Gin. For Sale by Joseph Anthony & Co. OiStotier 21. |5 To be Rented, A Small and Convenient B R E WER T, at Morris Ville, ofpo/Ue Trintsn. ALL the Apparatus for Brewing new and in good repair: A number of Barrels and Half Barrels will also be rented. PofTeffion may be had at any tin*?. Enquire of Mr. Garrett Cottringer in Philadelphia, or Mr. Robert Morris, jun. or Daniel Mun at Morris- Ville. October 20, tnth&siw LODGINGS. WANTED~TO RENT, Plainly furnifhed, (bedding excepted) a Parlour or Sitting Ro®m, two Bed-Cnambes, and a Kitchen A Ene addressed to J. J. at the Printer's, No. 119, Chef, nut-street, will be attended to. Ofloher 22. <; Loft Last Evening, % At Ricketts'i A:.* hitheatr-, (supposed to be taken by some villain out of a gentleman's pocket) A red Morocco-Leather POCKET-BOOK, Containing about 185 dollars in banknotes; three notes of hand of Rosa and Simfon, No. 304, 305 and to 6, da ted 12th last August, payable 60 days aft«r date, to the order of Paul Sieraen, together for 5150 dollars ; an ordof of Mrs. Ann Vacpherlon, from Paul Siemen, on Lach lin Mac Neal, Efq.at Port-au-Prince, for 100 dollars - b-- fides several letters and papers of no Sfe but to the proprie tor. The notes of hand and order are without endorfc ment. EIGHTY DOLLARS REWARD is offered to any person who will discover and fec V e the thief,' and FORI DOLLARS for only bringing the above menti oned notes and papers at No. 129, corner of Front an