Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 12, 1796, Image 1

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    „. . * ■ .■ . . v.', . V.i-- • -
. .
' #a?ette Philadelphia Dally Advertiser.
Nvmbks 12C1.1 MONDAT EVENING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1796-
" — 11 ii.-- V? n sT— * r> r» rrr r* T"\ /* T .'/i ,1 t- '/*) D C*/! I TP
>> J
The Schooner LAR K,
One Hundred ind twenty tons burthen. !
V' if 11 A newreffel well found, well built, & pul
fails extremely fact. For terms apply wi]
to the miller <Jn board, or to ' • w "
•Joseph Anthony & Co. _
If the above vessel is not fold ip a few days, flje will _
take fre ght on very low terms for Boston.
Sept. iO. <1
' Th« capital (hip CERES, J
A fail soon :—For freight or passage
apply .to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or
"John Vaugbari,
September 10. Front-street.
For Sale or Charter, i„
BURTHEN about aoob Bbls. of flour—fce may he sent
to sea at a small expence, her fails and rigging being in Ot
very good order—apply to
James Campbell, or
George Latimer.
April aq, ? —
Si The (hip STAR,
John Vanneman, Mailer, N<
T YING at Walnut-ftraet wharf, Philadel
-1 1 phia built, of live oak and cedar, will lo
carry about 3100 barrels, is two years old, and in com
plea order to receive a cargo —For terms apply to —
\Vho-hare-«J£»-£®r-fiife -fcid v«l£sis of—
Wine and Porter bottles,
Window Giafs, 6 by 3 to 16 by 12. ,
Pipes in boxes. f
Earthen-Ware in crates. oa
Grindstones, Coals, Whiting, &e. au
AUg. 29 §
At South-ftrcet wharf,
WILL BE LANDED, Friday, 19th inft. August, r
by snow Hope, from Jamaica, and Hoop Salty,
from Port-au-Prince,
300 Hhds. COFFEE,
70 Hhds. SUGAR, y
Also, the znrgo of the Swedish brig Gufiaf Atlolpbe, }'
. capt. Ramfre, from Gibraltar, be
ift and /,th proof Brandy, in pipes and hhds.
Hazle Nuts in faAcs > n
St. Übcs SALT, for/ale by co
>—«a For Charter,
«Thefaidbrig t
Gustaf Adolphe,
A Swede, with a Mediterranean pass»
a very fine vefTel, about 100 tons tu:- T
then. A"g-
For Sale or Charter,
fast-sailing SHIP St
Jm, light-horse,
LYING at Mess. J. & R. Wain's wharf,
two hundred and 'seventy tons burthen, a flout, Strong- .
vessel, and well found- For terms apply to
Joseph Anthony & Co. tc
Sept. I. fltt " , e!
ON Thursday the ud inft. at 10 o'clock, A. M. wilj 0
be fold at the stores of Willing* and Francis, a large Cl
quantity of INDIA GOODS, imported in the Ranges, c '
from Bengal, 'confifling of
5000 pieces Gur'rahs t ]
aoco do. Baftas, different kinds ...
3S£o do. Coffas, do. ji
430 da Humhuras, do. c ,
• 600 do. Patna hdkfs. for yomen
100 bo. Addities |
80 <20. Table cloths .
300 do. Emerties £
80 do. Punjums _ c
300 do. Fine Mulmuls
200 do. Fine Dacca hdkfs. (
100 do. worked Muslins
too do. Doreas .
too do. BookMuflin
100 do. black and colored Perfims er Taffeties t
X2OO do. Bandannoes, chocolate, red and blue
liO do. Choppa Romals
40 quarter calks of Hyson Tea of gesd qeality
40 Souchong (
The coarse goods will be soW by the bale, the taffetas
- aid bandannoes in lots to suit the purchasers, the t%as b»
the chest. The whole is entitled to the drawback,and will
be fold for approved notes, on a liberal credit.
The goods msy be fcen from the ijthina. to the day
previous to the sale.
September 8. d
Diftrift of Pemnfylvania: to wit :
BE it remembered, that on the sth day of August, in
the twentieth year of ihe independence of the Unit
ed States of America, Wiluam Cobbett, of the said
diftria, hath depofitcd in this office the title ef a book,
the riijht whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words
fallowing: to wit.
" The life and adventures of Peter Porcupine ; with a
" full and fair account 'of all his authoring trefactions:
" being a sure and infallible guide for all
" young men who wi{h to make a fortune by writing
" pamphlets, by peter Porcupine h ; mfeif.
" New, you lying varlets, you fliall fee how a plain
tale-vfrill put yoa.dow:v," , Shakespsare.
in conformity to theaiSt of the Congress of the United
States, entitled " an a& for the encouragement of iearn
• ins, by fecursng the copies of maps, charts and books to
tie authors and proprietors, during the times therein
mentioned. Samuel Caldweil.
Clerk of the Diftriit of Pennsylvania.
/UTjr. 8 5 «4W
THE Su'jfcriher, having been reduced in his circum
stances, by sundry misfortunes, and being thereby
fiua'ole to fitiify his juil debts, hereby gives r.oticc to his
Creditors and toall pcrfons concerned, that he intends to
arply to the General Afiem'oiy of Maryland at their next
fcfTicn to be held oa the -'■ o::('ay.of November next,
for the benefit of an ad of infolvcucy.
F-afton, ift 0: the 9th month, 1796, lawnltMN
Evening School, J
A r o. 201, ARCH STREET.
S. LEWIS refpeftfully inf«rms >>is friends, and the
public, that his Evening School for A'oUNG G€NTIK mr .v
will commence on Monday, 12th September, far the
winter fcafon.
Sept. 8. '.d 4
StTcßoix SUGAR and MOLASSES. -
Landing on board th-' febooner Little Tom, Capt.
Thomas Dennett, at Race-Oreet wharf, Th
A choice parcel of St. Croix Sugar,
and a few hogsheads of Molafies.- a
For Sale by *•
Pragers and Co. *
August 410
Just Arrived,
In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, mailer from L:-
. verpool,
5000 BuftieU SALT ,-
100 Crates QTJEENS WARE ; anti
An Assortment of SHIP CHANOLEKY;
On hoard, at Pme-llreet wbarf. Apply to
"James Campbell, or
George Latimer. 1
A y'' *?• ? t0
Washington Lottery. ]
THE Eighteenth and Nineteenth Days' Drawing of i
the WafiiiHgton Lottery, No. 2, are received at the office i
No. 234, Market-street, where tickets may be examihed. I
N. B. Information given whtfre tickets :n all the other
lotteries may he procured.
September 9, 1796. df rrr
. Valuable Manufactory
: Fo Ji R A L E.
ASO.\P arid CAN'DLE Ma.iufa&oiy, Handing in 2 con
venient part of the City : the work* are almolr new ;
or an enrixe new conftruftion, built of the befi'
and rcad\Ato fetto work immediately. Apply
Brokers, No. 63, So*rch Ihind Street.
V/ho difount approved Notes of hsnd at a short not ice.
September 6'h, 1796. rn» w. & s. t tf.
• At a special meeting of- the Board of Di
reSors for eJlalTifbir.g ufefvl Manufactures, holden
at Paterfun, July' 8, 1796,
REEOLVED, That a fpenal meeting cf the Stock- ~
holders of the Society be called on the firlt Monday,
being the third ay 6f mt, at Patfri'oa, by «ny
of the clock of the fame day; then and ti.ere to t ,ke /
into confidcfation the propriefy of difloWing the said M
corporation, agreeably to the law +1 such c.-.fe siade and nE
provided—and the Stockholders are eameftly' rcqiieftetl
to attend the said meeting in person or by proty.
Augiifl 27 ctJothO
1 1 iin W
, A Complete Font of Brevier, *
. T7Ntirely nev , and yet unopened. The weight of this
XL font is about 312 lb. It is from'the Fquh(l;ry of {
V/iifon & Sons,Ghfgow, and will be fold at co(? & charges.
Affo for Sale, a pair of Super Roy al Cfcafts.
Enquire at the Olficc of the Gazette ef the Unitd;
States, 119 Chefaut street. 19
A very valuable Merchant Mill,
" 1\ QUARRIES to be let ,
I will rent my merchant Mj'l at the little Falls of Po -
towmac, iFor any term not lsli than seven, nor more than h
eleven years, from the-firft day of September ner.t. The' fe
mill-house is 42 by 40 feet, three stories high, 'ouik with c c
store, and has in it three pairs of French Burr Si >nes, two k
[. overfiiot 18 feet wat.r whe;!s, and Evans's machinery cl
e complete, with every other thing proper and nereffary for ir
carrying on the business with dispatch, and at as little ex- le
penle as possible, *11 in good order.—From the mill to my '•
landing on the Potomac river, (wherecraft, of aiiy bur
then muy deliver grain and take in'flour) it is about
yards, and from thence by water to George-Town anil
the City of Wafllington, about % njiles, and to Alexan
dria about Ii miles. This situation, aided by a fufficii-nt
capital, will command the produce of a very cXtenfivc
"back country, wh»re large quantities of whsat ami other
grain is annually made, the distance to it b?in£ from 8
to 10 miles less than to any market town up -n the navi
gation of the PotOwmac. There are on the premises a
large stone Coopers' (hap, a stone granary, and a commo
dious miller's house. At the landing'aforefaid a bridje
is now huilding nvcr the Potomac, which is in great forf 0
wardnt/s and probably will be Eniihed the ensuing fall. a
There are also on the prtmifes, a Brewery and Diftille- p
rv, built with stone, in them are three Hills, two coppers
or boilers, with'cverv necessary rrticlc, all new, and in k
good order, and fufficiently large to carry cn the Brew- o
ery and Distillery upon a very cxtenfive plan. This prop- ti
erty I will rent for the lame term of yqars. F
Upon my lauds adjoining the premises, apd along the
banks of the river, where craft may lead with ease and dis
patch, is an i rimenfe q lantity of building and founda
tion-ftones. Four quarries are now open, and as many
I*'1 *' more may be opened with ease : the ftoae taken-from these
quarries is better, and has the preference at this market,
to any other stone brought to it. I will rent these quarries
_ separately or tog ther as may best suit.
On the top of the hill, and about 200 yards from the
mill, is a stone Dwelling-house, large enough for the ac
m coir.medation of a family : also, a kitchen, dairy, smoke
house, &c. and a garden, enclosed and in cultivation, the
foiof which is equal in goodness to any in this state. I
h, will also rent this property.
ds Adjoining to the Brewery and Distillery is a Smith's
(hop, in which is a complete set of Blackfinith's tools,
1 which I will also rent, and if agreeable I will hire to the
s: tenant two negro blackfrnitns, one of them is a, complete 5
'5 workman.
"S If I rent nut the stone quarries, I will fell three crafts,
which were built for the purpose of carrying Sone : they
in will altogether bring upwards of 90 perch. Immediate '
poffefficn will be given. For terms apply to the fablcnb- \
ed er in this town.
n- The Mill, Brewery and Distillery, with their appurtcn- J
to ancej, will be deliVerad to the tenant or tenants ih good ]
in repair, and muftbe so returned, at the expiration of the j
lease sr leases,
Alfxandiia, Aug. 16— 25 $3W
1-. COFFEE, in hhds. bbls. & bags
ii, COTTON, of Dernerara, and £ estitled to drawback
xt Also,
tt. BOSTON BEEF, and Mould and Dipt C.VNJJLES.
Apply,to ISAAC HARVEY, J,id.
No. 5 fcuth VVat»r'ftreet.
N 8 mo. 20, - fijty
, — -- 7
J XJST A R RIVE D, from Lijbon, •
And for Sale by the Subfcribsrs,
i Lisbon Wine, m I
In pipes and quarter-caik;;
SOGO Bufhcls Lisbon Salt.
Jeffe &, P.obert Wain.
Sept. 10. •
Sa es of India Goods.
The Carjotaf tkelbip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal
cutta and Bengal,
\ Large Assortment of Bengal and Madras
A variety fine worked arid plain Mvftins,
Dorcas, Izfc. Also, 1
A. Quantity of Excellent Sugar,
fn boxes and bags—a/id HIJACK PEPPER,
For Sale by
Witlings Francis,
No. 21 Penn Street. f-j
I""'- 9 ■ L. Mei
French Goods. hcl
Received by the Sally, M'tchefl, from Havre -de- S
Grace, £
7 r r" is ]• Ladies' SHOES of all colors forts and Gie» s
t Ditto white and colored Sil's STOCKINGS
f I Ditto Fifte LAVVN
e 1 Ditto best line CAMGRIC '
!. I Ditto Ladies'bell fhanimy and Grenoble Gloves .*
r For Sale by THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. »
Aug. 14 . , I
iiun— 1 'll i.i L
Dutch Goods, J
Received by the Pcnafylvxnia, from /hnjlerdam.
CSIJT, in I'ipcs
I.iorlaix S
' Ticklenburgs > In Bales
'' Ofnaburgs 3 «
} Stripes, in cases
Sf s }
Bcdticks, jn ditto I Be
Brktagne, - T {i
rbtilks. )
' .. . . 1 t
For Sale, By
n A Thrie story BRICK HOUSE and I.ot, in Chefnut
e t\. f:r<et, tKtween Front and Second ftraets, in which
d Messrs. James C.albraith & Co', have for many years (and
' rc'.v doj carried on ii'i^riefs.
c ' I'ofTeffion will be given in one month, or sooner.
Eot terms apply to \YILIIAI\t BELL, or
" »■ L du;
A Book-Keeper,
Clerk's place i.i wanted by a p -rfon properly quali-
M * ) whose ch. ra'fiet will be found unexception
ablel* Apply to the Printer. of
Aug. ir th<
~ ■ To be Sold,
r A vain able Lot- of Ground,
.\ T die fou - .h-eaft corner cf Matfcet and Froiit-ftreets. _
5 e-u-r. ling on Maiet-ftreet one handrtd feet, to trie
a, 1. use occupied by R.' Aitkin and Ssn, and twenty-five
,c feet on r.-ent-.treet, with the buildings thereon—The
th corner house, nov. in pcffeiCon' of Stokes, is well
,c known, having mar.y year = occupied as the mer- I
chants coffee house. It is proposed to ' .vAle the Jiound
or int» canvenient lots for Cores, for which, irom its excel
■> lent situation for fcuSnefs, it fee-n- particularly suited• or,
,y if moil agreeable to purchasers, it will be fold together. th
t . for terms apply to u
to- Israel Pleafants, or na
Charles & Joseph Pleafants. |„
; ,t Sept. 8. dtf
,-j. 5 "
* Notice is hereby Given,
°° 'f'H to an aft of Congress of the United
6 e . I Elates of Amcfica, pafled at Philadelphia, the 28th day
iTr cf Mav, 1796 ; laying duties on Carnages, for the convey.
ance'of perlons, and .repealing the former a&s sos that pur- q
le- pose l'hat there (hali be levied, colWfled and paid, upon j
all carriages for the conveyance of perlons, which (hall be
in kept by or for any person, for his 01 h<?r own use, or to let „
w- o-jt to hire, or for the conveyins of paifengcrs, the fevcral du
>p- ties and rates folio-.vtria, to wiv.
For and upon every Coach, 15 dots.
h e upon every Chariot, 12 dols.
[if. 1 upon every Post Chariot. i? jdo^s.'
upon every Chaise, t zdols.
r upon every Phaeton, with or without top, gdols
upoii every Cwachee, 9 dols.
upon other Carriages, having panne( work above,
with bknds, glailesor curtains, 9 dojs.
ies upon four wheel carriages, having trame<| pofis and
topi with steel springs, 6 dols. J
:^ie upon four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron C)
ac ~ ' springs or jacks. 3 dofc.
\jpon curricles with lops, 3 dols.-
upon chaises with" tops, 3 dols.
I u?on chairs with tops, 3 dols.
UfOQ sulkies with tops, 3 dols.
h's upon ojher two wheel top carriages, 3 dols.
3 ] s? upon two wheel carriages, with steel or iron springs,
the' ' '3 dols.
ete For and upon all other two wheel carriages, 2 doll. 2
upon every four wheel carriage, having framed posh
r (s and tops, and reftiug upon wooden spars, 2 dols. -
' The Collcftors of the Revenue of the firft furyev of the 2
4 Dil\ri£lof Pennsylvania, will attend daily, until the 30th day
6 of September for the purpose of receiving the duties on _
Carriages, at No. 117, in Race or Sa(Tafrai street, in the City
of Philadelphia, at the house of paniei S. Clair, Ef<j in the
cn " County of Montgomery; and at the house of Abraham Du
>od Esq. in the County of Bucks; of which all persons pof- 1
fe.fcd oi fach Carriages are desired to take notiee.
Notice is also given, \
TO all retail dealers* in Wines, and foreign distilled fpiri- j
tuous liquors, that licences will be granted to them ; one li j
cence for carrying on the bufinpfy of retailing of Wines, in a
iefs quantity, or »n less quantities'han 30 gallons —and one (
licence for carrying or the btrfmeis of retailing Spirituous li
ick in less quantities than -20 gallons, at the fame time and
at the fame places, by the offcoers legally authorised to grant
fucU l;ccncci. x
of the Revenue ot the firit iurvey
of the dillr i£l of Pennsylvania.
Office of InfpeOion,at J
T Ft'.Udelpku, 21 Tt July, 1796. J •
WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 yc*rs 0It3»
in pipes and hqgfbeads
Claret, genuine or, .n cases
Gin. in pipes, ftom Holland
Earthen Ware, in crates
Bj<ket Salt, in hfigfheads
Shot, Nos. 6, 7, : and 9
Ear Lead, Red and whitedry lead
Steel, Germs" ar>d R-fißa, in barrets
Anchor', cables, jenk, tjtv n»,,tarpo!in c»nvi»,
Tint»at<s —An invoice Stationery by j J
July 79 ' -
' ' ..... —
C A h ij K S,
From 16 to 9 i inches, for Cite by
"Jeremiah Warder,
Julyjjr j No li north Third-llre;t-
, No. 76 High Strftf,
HAS received, By the latcft arrivals from Europe api
the Raft Indies, a well -iffortment of Silk
Merc«ry, Linen Drapery and Hakerdafliery Gonds; which.
he will fell, Wholcfale and Retail, on the lowest terrai ;
Some fine Iftaia mufiins embroidered with gold and (&Vtr
Superfineßook, Jacnnct, aad JVluJmu! ditto-
Do do dp ' do Handkerchiefs
Some extra black taffetiee,!ut.firing&au<i coiared PetfiaM
Bandano Handkerchiefs
Long and fliort Nankrens
EnglHh M&ntuas of the firft quality
Pamalk table linen and napkins, very fine
Silk Hosiery, an elegant ajTortmiint
Thead and cotton do
Umbrellas —green Clk, oil'd do. and do cloth
French cambrics, very fine
lrilh Linens, do. &c. &c. _____ 14 5
Great is Truth and mufi prevail.
\ just published;
Andfor faU at No- 41 Chefnut-Jlrett by J.ORT/IROD,
An Apology for the Bible,
By R. Watson, d. d. f. h. *s.
Bi/tpp of Landaff, &c.
Being a complete refutation of Paine**
Age of Rea/tn,
the only to the Second Part.
August 30. dtf
By H. £c P. RICE, No. 16, Secend-ftreret, and No*t
co, Market street.
Pliila<lelph ia Prison;
BEING an accurate ad parti u'ar Defcriptios cf the
wife and humane Administration adopt, d m every part
of that building ; containing also ah account of the gra
dual reformation and prefen; improved ilate of the Penal Of* Pennsylvania ; with Observations cu the injus
tice and impolicy of capital puniihrnerits.
Together with an Appendix,
Containing tablev of crimes, and ouartcrly fotemcntS
of the expenditures of the Prifort, with the amount of
the'labour of the corivi&s.
By ci Gentlema?j of South-Carolina
« Lay the axe to the root and teach governments htti*
manity- It is their sanguinary which cor
rupt mankind.*' cf Man.']
i, Sept. 7. dtf ■■
~ [Price onfe quarter cf a dollar]
[j Embcllifhed with a curious Frontispiece,
- The Advantures cf a Porcupine ;
r, BEING the Memoirs of a notorious Rogue lately in
the Britifll array, and ci-devant dumber of an extcnfive
LiBHT-f iugsred afibcitition in England Containing a
narrative of the pioft •itraerdinary and unexampled de
pravity of conduit perhaps ever exhibited to the*world,
in a Letter to a young gentleman in New-York.
" These things are llrange, but not more strange than
" true." __
To <wlAch is added,
A Postscript to Peter Porcupine :
Being remarks on a Pamphlet, lately publiihcd by him,
entitled, his " Life and ASventures."
y " I'll t J' the bold fae'd villain that he lies."
!' Sold fey A. &j. G Henderson, corner of Relief and
r " Carter's Alley, back of No 77, Dock street, and by the
n diiferent booksellers city.
Sept. 7. mw&f
70,000 Pieces Nankeens,.
Of the beji quality and on reasonable terms,
Pbiiip Nicklin Ss 5 Co.
Augufi 26. . , r
'• Lottery
id T?OR raiting fix thousand fix hundred and fixty-fevc*
1. dollar-; and fifty cents, by a dedu&ion of fifteen per
:)n centfrom the prizes, and not two blapksto a prize, viz 1
I Prize of jooo dollars is dollars 500®
1 100*1 iooo
t so a 500
$ 400 lOCO
20 100
„, 99 50 495®
2000 IO 50.0C0
ids s Last drawn numbers ef 1000 dollar) each,' 5000
Is. — ■
he i3j» Prizes. 44,4Jt>
la V 4018 Blanks.
on _____
''y 6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44,450
, By order of the Direaors of the Society for eftablifh
msr Ufeful Manufailures, the faperintendants of the Pat
enon Lottery have requested the Manager> to offer the
foregoing S«heme to the public, and have dire&ed them
to reiundthe money to thufe persons who have purchased 4
iri- in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets
h in this Lottery.
n » rhe lottery has ailuaUy commenced drawing, and -ftiil
continue until finiihed. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes
; ''j may be seen at the office ot William Blackburn, No. 64
south Second street, who will gi-tfeinformation where tidk
ai,t ets may be procured.
Dated this 17th day of J\ine, 1796-.
' JACOB R. lIAS.DENBERG, Manageri.
dtf eo •