To be fold, 3*2 PLANTATION, in »hetown of Woodbury, com: 'he U ■t ty of Gloucester, and slate of New-Jersey, contain- Je.eal injj*ahout ew- fifty acres; a fuit.ible propor- said 1 tif.a of which is woodland and improved meadow. A ceipt .treat pert of th« arable land is in a high state of culfi.ite- if an.^ *icn, .nd very natural to the production of Red Clover, pure! C i said plantation there is a genteel two-story brick r.oufe, ftrft 1 >vith four rooms on a floor, and a good cry cellar under dedui the >Xrkoie ; together Sarith a barn, corn-cribs carriage- dit i§ heufe The garden is large, and contains a good coliec medi rifcti of the best kinds of grafted and inoculated fruit tre.:s ; the orchard consists of ahout thre~ hundred grafted app e» trees. AAy psrfcn inclined to purchase said premiie®, may j be informed of the terms by applying to ANDREW HUNTER. July 29 * $che r » — — of Difiblujtion of Partncrfhip. ''J "'HE Pirtnerlhio between RQJSf£R.T ANDREWS a«d 1 D AVID MF.RIEDI founder :he firm of ANDREWS *= and Me REDITU, bmg difMverf All per sons who are indebted to, or who have claims againit the laid house, are ;eouc. :d to apply ior ftJtfclcment tr» the fubfrr:ber. ROBERT ANDREWS, No. 86. So. Whiives. 1796. 4 — City cf Washington. SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF TR2. FEDERAL CITY. 3. A magniScent } 20,000 dollars, 3c 7 q(sq dwelling-house, J cash 30,000, are ) 1 1 I ditto 15,000 & caffc 25,000 40,000 I ditfo 15,600 '& e payable in thirty days after it is finifhad ; and any pr zes for which fortunate numbers aie not produced within twelve months after the drawing is closed, are to be considered as given towards the fund for the Uiiiverfity ; it being determined to fettle f!he*whole business in a year from the ending of the draw ing, and to take up the bonds given as security. The real fcxiirities given for the payment of the Prices, are held by the President and two Dire&ors of the Bank of Columbia, arid are valued at more than half the a mount ut the lottery. • The tweaty four gentlemen Vho by appointment of the late Commiflioners aflifled in the management of the Hoitel Lottery are requefted N to undertake this arduous task a second time on behalf of the public ; a fufficient num ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the friends to a National Univerflty and the other je&s may continue to favwr the design. ' * By accounts received from the different parts of the Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickctt have been Cent'for sale, the public are assured that the drawing will speedily ccriiimenee, and that the care and caption unavoidably neceflary to iniure a fafe disposal of the tickets, has rendered the Chor. suspension indispensable. SAMUEL BLODGET. »§* Tickets may be had at the Bank' of Columbia ; o James Weft & Co. Baltimore; of Peter Oilman, Boflon of John lieplchis*'Richmond ; and of Richard Wells Cooper's ferry. V/ A A r T £ D, ' An APPRENTICE to the prirlttig Bufinefs> Enquire at this Office. Aug. 19 Lands cf the United States Trcatiiry Department, Augujl 3 < 1796. Public Notice is hereby Given, IN purluance of an iS of Congress, parted on the 18th day of May, 1796, entitled " An iS providing " Jjr the sale of the lands of the United itates, in the Territo ry north weft of the rr?er Onio, and above the mouth of Kentucky ri'/er," thst the fcftiona ar lots of land defcri- in the annexed fchednle, lying in the seven ranges ai tbwnfhips, which were surveyed in pursuance of an ordi nance of CongrefsjpafTed f3n the twentieth day of May, in the year one thousand (even hundred "ar.d eighty-five, ''drfer,buc nofefc c-in be made for less tKah'two dollars j * oer acfe of th« quantity of land Contained in such lot or I itouon, 3. Thehigheft bidder as before mentioned, ffiuft depo fir at the time ef sale, one twentieth part of die purer ale Traney, ir tjie hafids of flich pexfon astho Prefu!»it of the tfri'tid State's ftiall appom* to attend the sales ffir that par pofe, which will iwforfoited, if a moiety of the fura.Wd, the said twentieth part, fliall not be paid wi{iiin tiiirrydejs the time of sale. ! 4th. U.poil payment of a moiety of the purchase money in tfte m;nrjrr before mehtbned, the purchafjr wi'l be entitled to o«'.c year i cridit for die remaining moiety; ' mi ihall reccive from the Govetnor er Secretary of the Weilern Territory, ar-u the peifhil who shall be appointed by the PreQdent of the United Sfa*e»j to direct the fales,a ctrtific-tc deiciiKing ths Jot or kJtion and de ciaiinjthefu •ipa'.donacoaiiit,thehulan'cerem«inmgdue, I wivcu luch balance becomes payable-, acd that | the «.hsk iat-d tiicusiii mentioned , will be, if the ! . * said biUnce is not then paid ; but iftlw f»WJ wlunce fcaUi totr.e Tr alSh-r "i | the United States, the purchaser or his affignce 6t j Jeeal representative, SialJ be entitled to a patent !or t j Paid hnds.sinhis producing- to the Secretary of tftate a re- j ceipt for such balance endorsed up'or: the certificate. . But if any nurchafer fliall make payment of the whole of the | y ourchafe montv, at the time when the payment o the J * ; _ ftrft moiety i- direeled to be made, he will be entitled to a ft j. deduction of ten per centum on the part for wh;ch a ere dit is authorised to be giVen'; and hi, patent fliall be m mediately iffuwi. , , ~ delcri Given under my hand at Philadelphia, the day and . year above mer.tiened. „ p a: r . OLIVER WOLCOTT, " r Sccr-t_ry of the Treasury *~a- hcIV Schedule of feßions of town"uifis, or rrafliir.a! parts a of to be fold at Pittfb irgh, in purfii'i ice „iitil of the 6th fefliort of ao all of Congress, {xijfcd on the 18th day of May, 1796. " —: * hie;h< athTawr.fliip. rs I 3 320 i3a36l6 4 o!each!| iit4|64Cieach ■or 4 4jo itthTownflnp. i7A2cj6^laach 5 I2e iai4|64cteach I 3 s j_6|64c!each f°" 6 640 I7a2cJ64cleach 'y~ 7 L 563 23 i 36j')4o|each 1 ar 4 |64ojeach ' 819 64c each 14'thl ownfhip. 17 a 20 6 4 o«ach 10 54c 80 iai4 540ieich 23236640 each fain' 11 5*9 7° I7 a ac 64c each Townfllip. I2ai4 640 each 23236 640 each lar 4j64ojeach )ne Tja2c 64c each j i7a2o|64o,each be 23236 640 eacl. i32j6j64o|aack *7i NOTE. the THEquantities of Lands m th. several towrfhipt be fore Etntloued, are er:!ufive of the Lou reserved by the es,a In tea States and alio of those formerly fold - The ag de- grrgate quantitks ia th. several townfhirs or fnaional aue, pari,i of townlhips, have been afeertained bv atSuil fur ttiat *y ; th* rjuantrtie* in particular iocs or frilior.., have t tnt - b,:cc oo other wife ifcertaiuod this by calcu'jtios. | | Lands of the United States. Treafary Department, ( J Augufi 8,1796. f. Public Notice is hereby given, - I IN pyrfuaU'ce of an ad of Congress paCTed on th« 18th \ a,y of May. 1796, entitled «an ad providing tor d Lil « the Lands of rt -• United State, m the t.rnt.ry z north-weft of th« river Ohio, and above « the mouth of ' 'Kentucky river," that the Quarter rowafhips o. l«nd (Vlcribed in the annexed schedule, lying "»the .=ve.i .acg- — 1s • an'til the tench day of February enfung. vt.Lfs the , ~a irt, r tow,;fh M « The said aiiarter townlhips Ihall be fold to the " higheVblidcr, but r.ofale can be made fir left than two dollar; per acre of the quantity of land contained in such ' bidder as before mentioned mutt de pot) t'a' the time of Me, one twentieth part chafe money, in the hands of tne rreafnrprof the Unit '• State, which will be ferfciud if a moiety of the sam bid, including the said twentieth part, Hull uotb« paid wtehm thirty days from the time of fa*ev ,d Upon payment of a moiety of the jnirehafe-me rtey in the manner befor. mentioned, the parchalerwill be entitled to one year's credit for the remWrmg mo ety i and (hall receive a certificate defcnbiag tje quartsr town • o,io purchased, and declaring the sum paid on account, the retnaiaing due, the time when such balance becom.'; payable, aijd that the whole Land therein men tioned will be forfeited, if the fud balance >s not then paiJ • but if the said balance (hall be duly discharged, by paving the famt to the Treal'urer of the United States, thipiirchafer or his affigneeor other legal, {hall be entitled to a pater.t for the fa.d land, on his pro discing to the Seer e tar State a receipt for such balance endorsed u?on the certificate. But if any purchaier fcall make payment of the whole of the purtnafe nioney at the time when the 'payment oI the firih mowty is direded to be B.ade, he w«; te entitled to t dedtfition 0. tui per centum on the part for which a, credit is authorized to be »ivcn ; and patent (hall be immediately lflued. ° OIVKN under a; hand at Philadelphia, tha day and year abowomentioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury. SCHEDULE Cf Quafter-Townlhips to be fold at Philadelphia, in por fuance of the 6th fedtiou of in ad of Congress puffed 011 the 18th day of May, 1796. —- TFT" 1 l ! C "3 £ * « * * t- 1 * 5 tf o CSi C « I- " r t-l vJ U " r* -d 3 •o ■» . .0 g a < 3 = Ou c • J5 - 0 5 — v Z O ? <2 £ f ijj 1 i n _j L- _ 111 1 t " 11" 2 Sfidth Eall North East Jl2O South Weft 5120 - • North Weft 5 120 20,485 3 .5 Souih East 5120 iNo-th East j 120 jSouth Weft 5:20 North Weft 5120 25,480 "7 South East 5120 North East 5 :20 South Weft 5120 North WcA 5120 20,480 5 South East 31 to East 5 12D South Weft 51 20 North Weft JI2O £0,430 II South F.aft 5120 North East 5120 .South Well $120 North Wefi 5120 20,480 - 4 4 South East 5 120 North East 5120 So«th Weft ji2q , North Weft 5 120 I I t 40,480 < 6 South East ; 120 i North ]seal! 5120 South Weft j 120 1 North Weft 5120 "• 20,480 , 8 South East 5120 North Eart 5120 1 South Welt 5120 North Well 5120 \ ■ 26,480 I 10 Seuth East 5120 " North East; 5120 I* Sonth Weft 5120 h North Well 51.20 h j 20,480 >. 12 South East 5120 h 1 North East 5120 h South Weft 5120 k North Welt 5120 h >9»48O South East 4602 h North East 4654 j. South Weft 5120 h North Weft 5120 II • . „ . 5 South East 5120 J- North East >5120 (j South Weft 5120 k North Weft 5120 3. 20,480 h j South East 5120 • North East 512 c South Welti 5120 North Weft 5 120 j u be- f 20,480 sy the 6 9 South East; 5120 ie a 2" iNorth East; Jl2O have No:tbWelti 5120 I. 1 1 ■ *■ 20,480] - — "—' T J£« i • - Z "■ a. 1 t — Ci S = • C , G ■T •? | . «£ ? o ■a i 3 %« v o v <* 5 or - £ s - * |f c II South Eaftljl2o. North F.Vftlj(2o ■ South W P. > 120 North Weft J 120 20,480 13 South East J 120 Noith East 5! 20 S'lUth We!), 5120 North Weft 5120, 20,480 6 4 South Eail 4630 * North East 4620 South Wsft 5120; North Weft 5 120 19,490 6 * South .East 4730 North ft 4715 Sou hWtft 5120 !North Weft 5120 ' ! 8 Sooth F.-ift 5 120 North Ei!t!j(2o South Weft' J 120 jNorth Welt. J 120 ! — 20,480 10 South Eaftisl2c ' North Eaftsl2o South Weft|s 120 iNorth Weft 5 120 20,480 12 JS'outh East 5120 North East 5 120 South Weft|s 12c , North Wefi .5 120 20,480 Sourh Eiff j 120 North E&;!ji2G South Welt j 120 [ NoriU Weft 5 120 20,480 j 3 South Eanji2o North Eslt J 120 South Weft 5120 North Weft J 120 20,483 f South EaftJ l2o North East 5120 ' South Weft j 120 North Weft J 120 20,480 ( 7 South Eaft 5 120 'North Eaftjjl2oj South Weft J I 20 North Weft 51 20 20,480 5 South East Jtto North Eafl fllO 3 .. «£ _ _ South Weft j 120 North Weft 20 (20,480 IX South East j 120 North East 5 1 20 South Weft ji2o North Weft 5 120 20,48© 1 13 South Ea?l 512 c North E*ft 5120 South Well J1 20 North Weft ; »20 2 lj- South East j !2o.i North Eafi J l2© South Weft 5 120 Nor:h Wet! Jl2O 20,480 NOTE. THE quantities «f Lands in the several towafh-.pV ris fore raeatiode>,are eichriive of the Se&ions reserved 0Y 1 the United States. The aggregate quantities ia the favc- towiilhips, have been afcertgir.ed by a&ual ftjrvsy ; b -i the quantities in the quarter tawnlhips, have been n» otherwise ascertained than by calculation. | Waikmgton Canal Lottery, N0 . I. * WHEREAS the State of Maryland has autherifrf the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thouwna,. 1 two hundred, and fifty dollars, for Hie pur pole of a C,anal thrcugh the City of Wafliißgton, from th tomatto theEaftern Branch H'arueur. the following is the SCHEME of No. I. Viz 'X Priz&of 40,000 dollar., iofico i ditto 10, coo 10,000 7lad drawn 7 3( coo Tickets, each J 5,000 J " <6 ditto 1,000 6,000 10 ditto 400 4> o0 ° 40 ditto. 100 »,coo' 55 ditto jo »i7S° 5750 ditto 14 69,008 To be raised for the Canal, j 850 Prizes, 175"> 0^ 11650 Blanks, not two "to a prize. : 17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 115,800 *3- The Commissioners have taken the Sc,-vuri»es tc quired by the afore&li anze, as are not *diu liamonths'ftrttp' drawing is finifhed, (hall be coo iidered as ■ the benefit of Canal, anvJ -appropriated (Signed K<- JTL £lf YOUNC, f,ANIEL CARROC£,«/ y "iEWIS DEHLOIi* GEORGE VVAIAER, V/m. M.DUNC.iNSON, THOMAS LAW, JAMES City as Waftiflgt' aSi Feb. 11. -1 1 F R i N T E i> •—No. 119 —• CKE S HWT-STK.EST. , s [Priac .pollart per