dry cf I; 1 ,;;, SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No.II, 4 v FOR THE IMPROsEMSNT OF THE J#"' 1 1 v . FEDERAL CITY. tfj] A rasgnificent >10,000 dollars, & 7 oqo ' any dwelling-house, ) cash 30.0C0, ar.e ) lurch 1 ditto 15,000 & cacti 15,000 40,00® firft n l ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000 1 ditto 10,000 & calh' 10,000 20,000 I ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,00® f ttedu x ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 io,uacr v * 1 cafll prize of 10, obp y 1 do. 5,000 each, are, • 10,000 / 10 do. 1,000 - - 10,000 V ( 20 do. 500 - - 10,000 00 do. 100 - * - 10,00? aehet io- .24 640 ' J , 3 ' x t jß f" ,s, 14 640 fan ie ',n I7a2os4oeach 1 |» ts ° > 23336 »4o each 3 '34 3 J 111 laTownfhip. 4 540 L ; d 36 lii 4 640 eich 5 548 J as. 2d Range. I7a2o64oeach ° IS 0 , e. iftTownfilip. 23336 640 each 7314 640 eac , jw 28 171 20 sthTownfhip. »7Wo64«sach W o 34 I6| 5© iai4|64o each 23236 64c ea< ■ ri 3d Township. 17323,640 each ' th Townfhip ? Is 24aj6 l 64o|each 23336:640 each, 1 ' 1 28 499 16 ; 7thTownfhip. 2 57 >4° • . 29 640 ia2 64oJe3cli * S l , w 3x333 fiiojeach ja? $40 each 4 - s ' M iy 4thTown(liip. 12313640 each 5 ® f n 26 40 ißai9 64©each 601 , V 3 12 397 50 25 640 7314 640 each ift *3 5 1 50 30136 640 each '^? a2 ° 6 40 each h 15 27 50 9thTownfhip. | j, 16 259 20 iai4|64oleach ! $ lownfhip. | 17 524 i7a2o]64oeach f"4.<4oieaci Lf ij 18 640 23336 64deach J 7 al ° 64-;jeach 1 19 63c nth Township. 23336 640 each 1 20 584 80 1 ai 4 (6 4 o[each l«hTownfh(p. | h aj 636 41 i7a26|64o!e3ch 1314640 each ■ 22336640 eaah 23a36!640each ! 7 aj ® 640 each sthTownfhip. i3thTownfhip. 2 3 each / 5 636 1314640 each J 3 f "™°wnfhip. j 6 a7 64c each 17320640 each 1214 ')4cjeach I °" 13325 64c each 23336 64a e3ch T 7 aIC 640.each | ° n t»7atß 64c each ,„ — 64oeach ,e 323,6 640 each. 5^„ Ran ® e - ijthTownlhip. b , e 7 thTownfhip. ta 141640 each 7 164G1 40 i7a2o|64o ( each ' i!i BihTownfhip. 22 5 ® a 3 66 4oeach 6f, "5 640 esch 23 50 ■ 7 th rXkge. tes ; 6 440 a 6 ift Township. di- ff al4 640 Cach 39420 3P 1 4|40 by .i 7 % J l3a | ;0 4 • 2-36 6 4 oearh e^^eich 2dTow»fhip. ft. ; #TownOup. >J 4 g 3 35 E » is. 1, Township. 9 296 13314 640 e3cb o ioai2 340 each _ 1,a20 640 each 2 20 14 } 0 640 e3ch 3 43 g i 7ai ß 640 each 3d Range. 5 456 J 9 2d Township. 6 464 80 20 *9" 15 ■ 640 I 7 '1 5® 23324640 esch Sth, 16 600 8 618 i c for. 40 557 50 j 9314 640 each 26137J640 eich ' to ~ 21&2t 640 each 17 aao 64c eaclt 4t '' lownihip. 1 23 609 23 a36l64oleach iar 4 640 taut cr, 'l *25336 640 each 4th'l'ownfl)ip. i7 a^^4oeach' 3d Township. j iai4 640 each a 3^ 6 4C each ; dl - 9 ISB 60 | 17320 6 4 oeacfc 6tkTovvn(hip. . ' ay * 10 344 I 23336 640, each iai4|64oeach 1 j il 267 ! 6thfownfhip. I7a2oj6 4 oeach nW ofl 11 1 ai 4 6 4 o|each 23a , 3 i 64 ° ". ch ntlll 14 202 5° 17820640 each Bth Township. hall! l S 630 23336 64c|each 1214 640 each on I i6aiß 640 each BthTo\vn(hip. I 7 a2c 640 each 19 217 50 1314 6401e3ch I 3 a di-1 10 616 75 1732064 c each lothTownfhip. fer-l 21336 64o|e3ch 13336 64.0 esch 1314 64c tadl itedm 4thTownfhip. lothTownfhip. I 7 aio eaci» 1 170 I'ai4 640 each a each heft fc a 544 17320 640 e3ch r ithT owi^fhip. liars . 3 3xo 23 336 oAoleachi iai4 64o,each it or » 4 45° i2thTownfhip. I 7 aac? 64cieach V 5 I2e ! 1314 6 4 cile3ch »3 a 3«. 6 4 =P°" 6 640 1732 c 64c each i4thTownihio. ■base 7 563 640 each i a Mi6 4 opch fthe Ba9 540 each 'i4thTownfliip. 'i7a2o;6 4 oeach P"- 10 54c 80 1 ai 4 640 each 2 3 a ? 6 64c!each , b .' II 529 70 1732064 c each lothTownfhip. ltmn I2ai4 64c each 23336)640 each 1314 64c1e3ch I7a2c 6401e3ch - 17 320640 each ° n^ c 23336 64o|each 23336 640 each etv; NOTE. ioted TlffiquAatitiej of Lands in the f cvera l townships , fore mentioaed, are exclusive of thr I nr. X VM United States and also of those siS? g! dt, fSrwum"'V" 6 or fractional that l* .!v nQ,ipS ' bave been by aflual sur vey; the particular lots or fedions W - bees n« .therwtfeafcertained than by calculation. Lands of trUnited -fes. , Treasury Department, Aujufi 3, 179 6 - Public Notice is hereby given, TN pursuance of an aft of Congrcfs P assed er t. the lßth 1 davos May. 1796, entitled «an a St. providing foi tbe > o fci O r ° W L H E- 1 2 i «" \ - s < e " k £ = - £ \f i 6 U Li ■ 2 I Sotth East 5120 1 North East 5120 /' South Weft 5120 — . North Welt — 20,480 ■ 3 5 South East 5120 JL Nolh East 5120 South Weft 5120 1 4-. North Weft 5120 if 20,480 j 1 South East 5120 1 North East 5120 jj South Weft 5120 ■ North Weft 5120 ,■* 20,480 f 9 South East 512® j North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 1 20,480 11 South East 5 120 North East 51 20 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 20,480 4 4 Sauth East 5120 North East 5120 • South Weft 5120 Notth Weft 5 120 1 20,480 6 South East 5120 1 Norjth Baft 5 120 : j South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 20,480 1 8 Sotith East 5^20 North East 5120 I South Weft 5120 Narth Weft 5120 li - .20,480 h 10 South East 5120 >. North East 5120 h SonthWeft 5120 '' ® NortflWeft ci 20 " . I 20,480 j! iz South East 5120 ji North East: 5120 h South Weft 5120 3. North Welt 5120 ' 20,480 - 5 3 South East 4602 II . ' North East 4654 I* South Weft 5120 h North Weft 5120 " a , a u u 1 9.49 6 ?• 5 South Eafl 5120 North East 5120 ' South Weft 5120 p_ North Weft 5120 :h o . t, , 20,4^0 :h 7 South East 5120 :h North East 5120 South Weft 517,0 North Weft 5120 g South East 5120 '^° aion? East! 5 i 20 .1 fur- ootlth Welti 5120 hav* NerthWelt! 5120 20.4841 c . fc' % . Cu .£ s'l Sc . | « I c cu U; ,q (S <= ® of £ f £S P P V -2 «-w fe . U "9 H •,o w 5 r. *-> 5 ■ 1 !> . 15 i o cS 1 - . t c ii South Ea(tsi2o f North East J 120' South Well 5120. 1 North Weft j 120 1 j 20,480 j 13 .S iurh East 5120] d North Eaftsl2o ( South Wed 5120 e NortlrWeflUiao' ' h . 1 ' 20,48 ° ! 6 4 South £aft 4630 North East 4620 r- South Weft 5 120 :d North Weft 5120 fn '9.49° 6 South East 4730 a- North East 4715 1 ill South Weft 512.0j ' ; North Weft 5 120 " t " *9»« 8 5 ce 8 Sauth East 5120 n- ( North East 5126 ' !Soulh Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 re* . 2 °* S ° 0- 10 South East 5 120 :e, North East j 120 South Weft 5 120 North Weft 5 120 ; r . 1L ; 2®,480 be iz South East 5 130 North East 5 120 *y South Weft 512 c North Weft .5^20 ab^So 14 South East 5 120 North East 5120 . V South Weft 5120 ir- North Weft y 120 1 on 20,480 _ '7 3 Soath gaftsl2o ~~ North East 5 120 South Weft 5120 • North Weft 51 zo ——; 30,480 5 South East Jl2O North East y 120 South Weft j 120 North Weft 5 120 20,480 '7 South East J l2O North East j 120 South Weft j 120 - j Jklotx-K V/vfl } L2O 20,480 9 South East 5 120 North East 5 120 . . ' . South Weft j 120 North Weft 5120 20,480 11 South East 5 1 20 North East 5 120 South Weft 5120 North Weft j 120 1 20,480 South East 5120 North East 5 120 South Weft 5 120 North Weft 5120 - ie,480 15 South East 5120 Norjh £afl 5 123" • South We" 1 > 120 v -■ North Weft 5 120 20,480 NOTE. THE quantities of Lands in the several townships be fore rgentioned,are exclufivs of tire Se&ions refcrved by the United States. The aggregate quantities ih the feva fal townlhips, have beert ascertained by a&ualfurvey j but the quantities in the quarter tovynfhips, have been no otherwise afcertVmed than by calculation. Waihmgton Canal Lottery, i i -""W -N"'-. 1. — jState of Maryland has authorised V V the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand, two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting a Canal through the City of Waihington, from th P«' tomacto theEaftem Branch Haruour. The following is the SCHEME o£ No. f. Viz -1 Prize of 40,000 dollars, lo.ootj 1 ditto 10,000 10,000 7 last drawn 7 Tickets, each j S '°°° 35,000 6 ditto' i,ooo 6,000 10 ditto 400 4,000 40 ditto 100 4.000 J5 ditto 50 tJJQ S;7S° ditto x» 69,008 To be raised for the Canal, 46,450 5850 Prizss, . ,175,000 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize. 17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 • . 'fit The Commiflioners have taken the Securities re quired by the aforefaid aift for the punctual payment of the prizes. Hie drawing of this Lottery will commence, without delay, as soon as the Tickets ant fold, of which timely notice will be given. Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after tht drawing is finiihed, Iball be considered as relinquished for* the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. (Signed) NOTLEY YOUNG, , DANIEL .CARROLL, o/D. LEWIS DEBLOIS) GEORGE WALKER, Wm. m.duncanson, * THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY. City of Waihington, Feb. i-l. 5 PRINTED BY JOHN FEN NO, —No. 119 — CHESNUT-STREET. « [Price Eight Bdlsrs per AimiKuJ