Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 30, 1796, Image 4

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    * V FOR S A L •' ?-
A. very Valuable Edate, t h= d un
CALLED 7IVI TT E NH A M, fiinate in the
tov/nfhip of Upner Derhy, andcountyof Delaware, ' x *
7 1-2 miles from Phiiad Iphia, and half a mile from the l P r
new Western road containing 230 acres of excellent land, 1 an y
45 of which are good watered meadow, 90 of prime wood- P u ' c
land, and the reft arable of ith« ftrfl: quality. There arc j r
on the premises a good two flory brickhoufe, with 4 rooms * v "
on a floor, and cellars under thewhok, with a pump-weli 11
of excellent, Water in front; a large frame barn, ftablcs, nie lA
and other convenient buildings; a fmol %-house and ftcne,
spring-house ; two good apple orchards, and one of peach
c«. The fields are all in clov**, except those immediately
under tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advmtagc
of* water in each of them, which renders it peculiarly con
venient for grazing. Sched
The situation is plcafant and healthy, and from tht high
cultivation of theland> the good neighbourhood, and the r
vicinity to the city, it is wry suitable for a gentleman
countiT feat.
The foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Harman, -——■
deceased; and offered for falc by
Mordecai Lewis, !
Q<3. 9. eo.] Surviving: Executor.
Samuel Richardet, —
RESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen J
Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY 2
city of Philadelphia. 'k
The Subscription Room will be furnifhed with all the ;
daily papers puMiflied in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos- 35
ton, Baltimore, together with those ot the principal com- 2
mercial citi<es Europe—They will be regularly filed
and none permitted to be taken away on any account. -
Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety
of French Liquors; together with the usual refrefhments,
will at all times be procured at the bar.
Gentlemen may .depend on being accommodated with
the choicest of Wine*, Spirituous Liquors, and the most
approved Malt Liquors frorr. London and o'her breweries.
The Larder will befupplied with the prime and earliest
proiu&ions of the SeafOn.
Large an<jl small Fartie?, or flngle Gentlemen, may be
accommodated wiih Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at 4
S. hours most convenient to themselves—a cold Qoilacion is
kept for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had
at the bar.
The Lodging Rooms will Se completely furnifhed, and
the utmost attention paid to tleaftlinefs, and every other 3 1
requifke. .
S\muel Richardrt will be happy to receive, and
execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public "at
large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges
himfelf that nothing on his part shall b^wanting to pre- ,
fervethat patronage with which he has been so diftinguifh
ingly honored.
Philadelphia, April 19. € °
(Of the New Theatre)
TAKES this opportunity of returning thanks to his
frholars and to the public. Mr. Francis intends,
on his return from Maryland, to open a public aca
4emy for dancing, bpon a plan entirely new. He
flatters himfelf that his attention to his pupils hi
therto renders any promises of conducing litf future
schemes on the most liberal and ftriiSift terms* of pro
priety, totally unnecefiary.
N. B. Private tuition as usual.
June 3 ™ v ' g
To be disposed of,
THE time of a healthy NEGRO WOMAN, w>o ,
has between four and five years to serve : She
tan be recommended for her sobriety and honesty. For
particulars enquire at No. 132, Chefnut-llrcet.
I'cuft 1a" tf.
To be fold by public sale,
OV Wedneflay, the 7th day of S ptember next, on
the premises in Mount-Holly,Burlington county, by
the Subscriber,
The Dwelling-House and Lot
Whereon it fta (Is, having been in part occupied as a (lore
for feverd vers pal. an ! in a good (land tor bufinef=,to
gether wi;h rh-ftore houfc, ftahle and buildings thereon
ere&ed, havinjr two large/ ellars under them. Also, the
{hop goaHsand household furniture. A clear title will be
given to the purchaser on payment of the money or fuf
ficitnt bond therefor, and po'Mion of the prem fes will
he given in the said month of September. 1
The sale is to continue 'till the whole is disposed of.
M'ourt Holly having become rha County Town, makes
this property more valuable than heretofore. Ihe condi
tions will be made known at the time and place of sale, by
N. B. Ml persons indebted to the subscriber.are request
ed to difchargethe fame immediately, as he intends soon
to remove out of this'ftate. Any person having a just de
mand againfl tbe fubferiber, is requested to produce the
fame for fettlctnent.
Mount Holly, August 16, 1796.
W A N T E I),
An.'APPRENTICE to the Printing Buftnefs.
■ Enquire at this Office. '9
Lands of tbe United States •'
f rea r ury Department, dvgujl 3, 1796.
Public Notice is hereby Given,
IN pursuance of an aSt of Congress, passed on the ißth
day of May, 1796, entitled 1' All a& providing" for
the fale'of the lands of the Unitfcd itates, in the Territo
ry north weft of the river Ohio, and above the mouth of
Kentucky river," that the fe&ions or lots of land defcri-
Ued in the annexed lying in the seven ranges of
v - townships, wtiich were surveyed in pursuance of an ordi
nance of Congress, passed on the twentieth day of May,
in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five,
will be etpofed for sale at Public vendue, in the town ot
Pittfbnrgh in Pcnnfylvania, on the twenty-fourth day of
Oiftober next, and thenceforward, from day to day until
the firft day ofDecember ensuing, unlefsthe said lots fhalj
be soOner fold, in the manner, and on the terms and con
ditions herein after mentioned, to wit :
ift. The said fe&ionsor lotslhall be fold under the di
refiion ef the Governor or Secretary of the Western Ter
ritory, and such person as the PreCdent of the United
' State* mayfrecially appoint for that purpose.
I 1. The said fe&ions or lots fhalt he fold to the highest
bidder,but no sale can be made for less than two dollars
per acre of the quantity of land coutained in such lot or
3. The highefl bidder as before mentioned, must depo
sit at the time ef sale, one twentieth part of the purci aft
money, in the hands of such person as the President of the
United States Ihatl appoint to attend the falcs for that pur
pose, which will bs forfaited, if a moiety of the sum bid,
including the said twentieth part, shall not be paid within
thirtydays from the time of sale.
4th. Upon payment of a moiety of the purchase money
in the manner before mentioned, the purchaser wi 1 be
entitled to one year s credit for the remaining moiety ;
an 4 shall receive from the Governor er Secretary of the
Western Territory, anc the person who fhill be appointed
by the Pi efldent of the United States, tc direct the fales,a
certificate describing tho lot or f Aion purchased, and'de
claring thefum paidonaccount, the balance remaining due, I
•the time when such balance beepmes payable, and that I
the rvhole land therein mentioned, will be forfeited, if the |
Tald bahnce is not th » paid ; but if the faidj balance frail LJ.
be duly difcharged,by paying the si «e to the I reafurer 01
th - United States, the purchaser or his aOignce or o.lier 1
feeal re>refentati«, Siall l.c entitled to a patent .or the
fa'i I lands, on his producing ro the Secretary oi State a re
ceipt for such balance endorsed upon the certificate. But rU
it" any purchaser shall make payment of t'ls whole or the „ (
purchase money, at the time when the payment ot the & f
firft moiety is directed to be made, he will be entitled to a
Jeduftiou of ten p;r centum on the part for which a ere- nort j l . w
dit isaiithorized to be given; and his patent (nail be im
mediately ifTued. .. j . delcribe'
Given under my hand at Philadelphia, the daj and 0 ( tu .
year above mentioned. ordinan
Secretary of theTreafury wi
■ heMoi
Schedule of fe&ions of town/hips, or fractional, parts aav ol
cf to tun (:ips, to be fold at Piujbirgh, in purfu unt-1 th
of the 6th feclion of an aft of Congmfs, puffed V J
the 18th day of May, 1796. lft .
- ~ '* - highest
' 5 60 . c dollars
S - 1 J 8 •£ quarter
0; O Z | O S O Iri
o' i -45 on ° M " ofw a
Z \ 1 S H at'. 1 chafe.n
Ift RAt<GE~ 6tlTTownfhip. 6th Range. Su t t "'.
, ift Township. Sau 640 each iftTownfh.p.
28 565 14 640 17 320 "7
: 49 256 95 i7aao64oejch 18 270 /
30 250 7J 25336,640 fach |21 850 ' be
: 34 240 90 gthTowflfhip. 22 166 40 j,
35336 640 each jai4 640 each 23 427 fliippu
2d Township 17310 <40 each . 24 640 the bal
I 19 14° 23 i 6*? *7 151 8° , becom
10 ■ [70 25a30640eacb tioned
f 21 i8 5 33a;6 640 each 33 |58 _ paid;
' 22 230 lotliTownfhip 34a36640each paying
25 488 80 112 [640 each 2d Township. thepui
? 26827640 each 5 ai4';')4o each 1 126 shall b<
28 560 i7a20'640 each 2 440 ducing
; 29 551 60 23336)640 each 3 448 endorf.
30 564 i2th':To« nfhip. 4 456 make j
c 31-36 640 each 131464 c each "5 464 time
. 4thTownihip. i7320.640each 6 472 be mat
; s V) •64 2 3 336|640e3ch 7 340 liven?"
J 6 f . 4thß - GE . Bar 4 640 -ch S-en,
26 387 60 , 4 ftTown(hi i7"o 640 each
d »7 36 . . ' 23336640^°"
;r 31332 640<3ch A 5 3 c}Townftiip.
33 616 L I 470
. jO 640
d 34 445 20 ■> .j, ■ 2 478
II /35 22250 ? / a 66 each 3 456
n?-° *dTownfhip. 4 Of Qj
1- JthTowtilhip. 6 5 S oJ f ual) c C
6 . w> 3a6 4 o each 6 , f 0 „ , the 18
12 479 3° % 6 . 2D 7ar4 640 each
_ 17 304 15 0 fi ,o 17320640 each
18 63S 50 '* each 2333664° each
23 450 75 ~ sth 1 ownfhip. .
24 640 , 3 ll 5 I ;l8 M
is 184 i7a2d 640 each 1 -
a' 80 2 3*36 640 each 3 W *
1 36 60 80 3dTownfhip 4 ; o
J == 1314 640 each t .e S.
ad RANGE. tja2o 64c|each
o- ift Township. 6 4 o|each r^2C , ach
28 I 120 sthTownfh,p ach
34 I 6| 5° iai 4 540 each Tow 4 nfl ,; j
3d Township. r .55
— 14326 646 -3ch 13336 640 eatih 1 5
s8 U99 16 7thTownfhip. 6 *
ho 29t64c' T32 64o|each 3J7
}~ 3 t 333,640 each ,537 640' each '
4thTown(hip. i2ai3 64oeach •> y l3 r
„ 2640 ,83 19 640cach \ £» h
II 397 50 25 640 ,7a2c <10 each
— 13 5 1 5° 30336 64oeach 7 ~4 ,
J .. r- a.- 23336 640 each
1 5 2- 50 9 th rownfhip.
16 259 20 i3,*l6 4 deach .» , v
by ,7 524 .7320 640 each 2 4 4J each
18 4C ' 23336 640 each ia 36 6^,leach
19 «' l t " T rt P , iithTownfhip.
2° S % t 86 I^l464o,each iar4
6W eaeh 2.3336 640 each 17a2^ 4 °
the sth l ownfhip. ijjthTownfhip. township.
k 53' iai4 04oeacn J / i i
" e * / v / u iai4 Ac each
-~f_ 6a7 54. ach i7aao64ceach A , L„,i, i
-HI 2 3 a2 5 64 dcK ,3336 640 each 6 s each ' j
* 7atß £ 4 sth Range. t }thTownfhip.
of. 32 33 4| i ,i ft Township. iai4 640cach
kes 7thfownfh,p. jg , £ I?a2 o e^each
% &■s&, - ».*> >!>*&'•* ■>
i. 135 1640esch *3 427 5° 7th Range.
eft- 6 440 ' !0 ift Township.
/ '■* 7G
oon 7 a 14.640cacf _ 30 1 4 1 20 4.
de- i7a2oj6 4 oeach 394 |, 3I ; ;0
the 23336.640 each 640 each idTowafhip.
" 9 thTownlhip. I,e 3 35
— 8 6A °* 32 ?8 4 80 4 6is , -
8 112l 12 30 3,3336 640 cach 5a6 640 each
11 f 4C , 2<i township. 9 296
J3ai4 04c ?acn ioai2 64c each
t . 2 100 20
19320*40 each 14 30
j 23336 64cjeach 17318 64oeach
i. 3d RaTge. 5 456 J 9 14
2d Township? 6 464 80 20 'P ,
15 6 4 0 7 -250 23324 640 each
[g th 16 600 | 8 618 38c
'. for 20 557 50 1 9 "4 6 4 ceach- 6 t a 37
rlt0 " 21322 640 each !7a2o64ceach 4thlown nip.
? of 23 609 123 a 36 640 each "Ml^each
:fcri ; 25136 640esch' 4th l ownfhip. i7a2o 6 4 oeach
" , of 3d Township. I ai 4 640' each 1 3 a^ 6 4cUch
f; 9 18860 17120 6 4o!e3ch fithTownfhip.
10 344 2 3 a 3 « fi4p!each *ai 4 640 each
t*ll » 267 6thTown(hip. '7a20|6 4 0 each
yof 12 152 iai 4 6 4 ole3ch 640 each
until 14 202 50 i7a20640U3ch BthTownfhp.
shall 15 630 2 3 a36 64c|each /"4 6 49 ach
con. i6aiß 64c each SthTownibip. x 7 '^ c ea
19 21750 1a M 640 each »3f 36 640 each f
e di- 20 616 75 i7a2o64oeach 10 Township.
Ter- 21 a 36 640 each : 23136640 each Ia 14 64c each
nited 4thTownfhip.; iothTownfhip. ! 7 a 20 640 each j
1 170 I 1114 640 each *3*36 640 each
igheft ,
a 544 |i7a2c|64o]each! tnTown'lhip. J
©liars 2 32c 23336 640 eacli taI 4P4^ ?RC
l°t ° r 4 450 I2thTownfhip. *7 aa each
5 120 iat4<64c|eacli 23 a ,
dc P°* 6 640 17 a2c 64c each f V h Townfhip.
7 563 »3»3«h 4 oUach I ai 4 J6 4 cjeach
819 64c each 14th! ownfhip. i7 al o 640|each
' P K,V 10 54c 80 iai4|64oteach *3*36 6 4 c each
wittiin 11 17ii X 4 T aC 'j 'ta J^Sch
12H464C e*ch »3136i6 4 oledch| " 4 J4ol.3Cti
nonev 17320640 each i 1 7 4 20 6 4 o|each
i 1 be 23136 64c ;ach 1 ' 23136 640ieich
oiety ; NOTE.
of the THEquantities of Lands in tb« fcverat townships be
ennted ,orc mentioned, are eiclufive'of the Lots reserved by the
■ let, a Un ted Stated and also of those formerly fold - The ag
nd de- grcgate quantities in the feversl townfbirs or fraflional
igduc, 1 parts of townlhips, have been afceVtainedl by aflual fur
-1 tlatlver; the quantities in particuhr lots or feflior.*, hive ]
,if the J jeen 00 other wife afcertaiii«d than by calculation. I
Lands of the United States.
Treafary Department,
Ativufl S, 1796.
Public Notice is hereby given,
L a 0 » tuvvnfliips whieh were furvcyed in pursuance of an
• a Po-iP-reft passed on the twentieth day of
. uil '..i the tenth day of February enfumgi unless th_ find
' ouirter townships (ball be foow fold in the manner an 1
8 Z the terms and cor.uitions mentioned : viz.
ift Ihe said ouarter townlhips shall be fold to
- JiJtrheft bidder, but nofale can be made for less than two
dollars per acre of the quantity of land contained in such
q Td ttT TlTe'h 'gheft bidder as before mentioned, mult de
nofit'a* the time of laic, one twentieth part of the pur
chase .money, in the hands of the Treafurcr of the United
gtatcs which will be forfeited if a moiety of the sum bid,
including the said twentieth part, shall not b« paid witlim
thirty days from the time of fa!e.
id Upon payment of a moiety of the purc-i«fe-ms
ney in the manner befor-mentioned, Jie parchajor will
be' entitled to one year's credit for the remaining moiety ;
. and shall receive a certificate describing the quarter town
fliip purchased, and declaring the sum paid on account,
the balance remaining due, the time when such balance
becomes payable, and that the wbole Lan i there.n men
tioned will be forfeited, if the said balance is not then
niid ■ but if the said balance (ball be duly discharged, by
caving the fame to the Trcafurer of the United States,
ther-purchafer or his affigneeor other legal,
(ball be entitled to a patent for the said land, on his pro
ducing to the Secretary of State a receipt for such balance
endorfedupon the certificate. But if any purchaser shall
make payment of the whole of the purcliale. money at the
time when the payment of the firft moisty is directed to
be made, he will be entitled to a dedudion of ten per
centum on the part for which a credit is authorized to be
triven ; and his patent ftiail be immediately ihued.
•GIVEN under my hand at Philadelphia, the day
and vear above-mentioned.
Secretary of the 'Irecfury,
Of Quarter-Townfnips to be fold at Philadelphia, in pur
suance* of the 6th fcAion cf an ad of Congress passed on
thelßthdayof May, 1796.
* * " " "
2L s; c
t. .iTji s s
1 1 ! d « S
* J f5 3 s s
•s r - I % ' <
o o £ < 1.5
2 c § r= JU
zO % &
• H
2 South Ealt 5120
• North East 5120
South Weft J 120
North Weft 5120
* ■ 1 20.480 ,
3 5 South East 5120 *■
No'th East 5120
South Weit 5120
North Weft 5120
■■ " 20,480
7 South East 5120
North East 5120
South Weft 5 12C)
• North Weft 5120
9 South East j 120
North Eall 5120
South Wefl 5120
' North Weft .5 120
IT South East 5120
North East 5120
•1 South Weft 5120
North Well 5120
4 4 South Eall j 120
North East 5120
Soutli Weft Cl2o_ _
Nortß Welt" j 120
6 South East 5120
1 North East 5120
South Wist 5120
1 North Weft 5120
8 South East j 120
North East 5120
i South Weft 5120
1. North Well 5J 2°
h 20,480
10 South East 5120
North East 5120
South Weft 5120
h - North Weft) 5120
h j 20,480
p. 12 South East 5120
h North East 5120
South Weft 5120
r Nottb Weft 5120
fh 20,480
; h J 3 South East 4602 '
:h North East 4654
p. South Weft 5120
North Weft 5120
J" 5 South East 5120 t
c h North-East 5120
oh South Weft 5120
ch North Weft 5120
'P- 20,480
lC £ 7 South East 5120
lt , North East 5120
South Weft j 120
North Weft 51 20
lip"* be- ' 20,480
iby the £ 9 South East 5120
a E" North East 5120
aal'fur- South Weft 5 , 20
», have 1 North Weft 5120
J 1 i — 10,480
«, I j
.2- t <s
J3 <J =
ef -«L' = K *
« -s s r2
eS a «;
C H-» jL> t; -
"o ? »- 3 ■£ "a
. cf 2 «: g 8
or* v- - „
# i 5 : :
I tS t - 3 '
J II South East 5 120
North East 5120
South Weft 5120
North Weft 5120
" 1 20,480
i Xt, South East 5120
1 North East 5120'
' South Weft 5 120
North Weft 5 120'
I —4 20,480
6 4 South East 463P'
North East 4620.
* » South Wed J I 20'
? Norlh Wefl f 120
' - -
„ ! 19,490
6 South East 4730
<- North East 471.5!
II South Weft 5 1 20
j North Weft 51 20 |
;; i — ! 19.%
c 8 East 5 120
1- North £&flj;t 20
" South Well 5 120
I North Weft 5120
ej ! -20,480
>- 10 Sotuh East 5j 20
e > North EaftKi2o
" South WeftiJ 1 20
'o ' North Wcft! 5 120
:r j 20,48b
>e 12 South East 5 120
North East 5 120
iy South Weft 5120 '
North Weft 5120
— 20,480
14 South Eafl 5120
North East 5120
r _ South Weft ji 20
)n North Wefl 5120
=; 7 3 South East 5120
Notth East 5120
South Weft 5120
North Weft j 120 ( ,
5 South East 5 120
< North East j 120
South Weft 5» 20
North WeA ji2Q
bt 7 South East j 120
North East 5 120
South Weft 5 120 ;
North Weft 512 c
* v ' —Kift. 51 j&-
North East 51 20
South Weil 5 120
North Weft 120
/ /ij South East j 120
North East 5 120
South Weft 5120
North Weft 5 120
13 South Ea(l 5120
North East 51 20
South Well 5 120
North Weft j t2O
15 South Ea(! yi2o
North Eaftji2e
iSouth Weft 5 120
jNorrh Wetl j 120
j - 20,480 |
THE quantities of Lands in the several townShip
fore mentioned, are exclnfive of the S:it' ons referv: i V
the United States. The aggregate quantities is tht «
• 1 ■ • - . 1 r "~ f* J
rris the quantities in the quarter tawn&ips, have &«<•
otherwise afcr.ained than by .calculation.
yq,ooo Pieces Nankeen
Of the bejl quality and on rtafonable terms
Philip Nicklin &
August 26. ,—
In the Press,
Andfpcedily will be published, by W. Young,
& Soil, Corner of Second and r
An Apology for the Bible,
In a series of letters addrefTed to Themes > .
of a book entitled The Age of P eafoo, p * ®
being an investigation of triie and fabulous 1 co °
Lord Biihop of Llanda fl , andßegiuaPre e:.°
ity in the University of Cambridge.
Aug. / -—- — \
A Book-Keeper, h ;
OR Clerk's place is wanted by a■ perfpn I
ficd, and wh'ofe charafler will be
able. Apply to the Printer. t f
C A B L E "STT""
From 16 to 9 i inches, H
Jeremiah IVarder,
July „ r Noran^thTh-ftirareet^
• A Cemplele Font of i 0 { this
ENtirely new, and yet unopened. The we*
font is about 312 lb. It is from chsrgts.
Wilfoo & Sons,Glafgow, and will be fold a. cost
Also for Sale, a pair of Super Royal Chales.
Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of the "
States, 119 Chefnut-ftreet.
119 —
S [Pricf Dollars per Ana*m./