Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 17, 1796, Image 1

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    of the & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
Ncmbes 1229.] WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 17, 5796. |To/.wre X.
" For Boston,
The brig Neptune, 1
James Tower, Matter,
WtLLfallon Sunday next. For freight or paflTage apply
te EDWARD STOW, ]un.
Aug. 16 § No. 76 South Front street.
J. O H, N,
/7 Rostrt Jacss'qn, Maftcr,
To fail in fifteen days,
i £S HAVING two-thirds />f hr cargo en
gaged and ready to t r o on board. For freight or passage
apply to the matter on board at Wain's wfiarf, or to
John Donnaldfon, j
No. 24
July »8. § 6rotf h
The brig Maky
mmi FOR sal&,
AND may be fen at Abhh and William
A'm JtL Brown's wharf. She is about 800 barrels
burthen, strong built, and well but-bolted, lias elegant
accommodations, is a good sailer, only 10 months old,
and may be ferit to sea immediately 1 Apply to
James Brcxvn,
No. 119 South Second-street.
Who has forfaJe, a few puncheons high proof
Jamaica Spirits.
Aug. 13 .
For Sale or Charter, j
1000 Bhls. of flour—{he may be font j
to sea at a small exfieiice, her faiis and rigging being in ]\
tery good order—apply to n
James Campbell, or
Gebrge Latimer.
April 29, §
This Day commenced Landings
Atfr'ifflins wharf, the cargo of the Brig Lucy and Sldop
St. Jago, from St. JagodeCuba —coniiftingof
White and Brown Box SUGAR. 1
MOLASSES, of an excellent quality.
HIDES and HONEV. Alio,
For Sale or Charter.
\ ® out » st ron g vtflel, will carry a-
Wsr xV bout 1200 barrels, and may go to
sea with a very small expense.
The above will be fol'd lor cafli or approved noteS.
Samuel Enitry,
No. 64, south Second-{ireet.
July 47, 1796-
. For Sale,
Or for Charter to the Weft-Indies,
c E™R HP fl S,
Philadelphia Built,
OF Live Oak and Red Cedar, burthen about 3,?oo bar
rels, now difchargihg at Latimer's wharf. 1 his ves
sel is in excellent r'-pair, well fouud and will Bear a tho
rough examination, andasfoon as will be rea
dy to take in a cargo. For terms apply to
Toll a Vaughan.
July 28 §
To b$ fold by public sale,
ON Wedncl'day, the 7th day of September next, on
thepremifes in Mount-Holly,Burlington county, by
the Subscriber,
The DivdUrvs- Hc /fc and Lot
Whereon it stands, having been in part occupied as a flore
forfcveral years pad, arid in a goodftandior bufiriefs,to
gether with the store-house, liable apd buildings therein
ere&edj having two large fellars under them. Also, the
shop goods and houlehold furniture. A clear title will be
jjiven to the purchaser on payment of the money or fuf
' ficient bond thei efor, and patTcflion of the premisses will
be given :r. the said month of September.
The Caie is to continue 'till the whole is disposed of.
Mount Holly KavliTg bccovnc County Town, makes
this property more Valuable than heretofore. The condi
tions will be made known at the time and place of sale, by
N. B. All perfohs indebted to the Ihbfcriber.are request
ed to discharge the fame immediately, as he intends fobn
to remove out of this Hate. Any person having a just de
mand against the fubicriber, it requested to produce the
fame for feitiement. I§lw
Mount Ko'lfy, August 16, 1796.
A STORE and Cellar or Compting house and Cellar,
for the Wh«lefale and Dry Good bufincfs. Enquire
at No. 12$) Arch-flreei.
For Sale at the dbove place,
500 Boxes Window Glafsi 8 by 10, 7 by 9, &c
;00 Cream Clieefes in the bed order, imported from
Holland, andentitle'd to drawback. Enquire of
Peter Borger,
Aug. 16 1 2aw3w
Just Arrived,
In the Sriotv Boston, JbmisKrkpatrick, maffer from Li
verpool, '
SOOO Bulhels SALT ;
' 100 Crates QUEENS WARE ; and '
An Aflbrtment of SHIP CHANDLERY;
-On board, at Pine-street wharf. Apply to
James Campbell, or
George Latimer.
April 2Q. $
A middle-aged Woman.
WHO has been used to the care of children, and can
give reference for her reputation, may hear of a
place, as child's maid, by applying to the Printer.
-*-U<r. 15 $
Apprentice wanted
\ Youth about 14, of rcfpedable parents and can be j
a. ! well recomii' end eel. one other need apply.
Enquire of th« Printer. Avg- ij 3^l
~ . — 1. —
From on board t'ne Nancy, William Belc'ner, mas- -i
ter, from BoiirdeSnx, a cargo, confiding of— J
360 Hhits. CHOICE CLARET, !
Cases of 24 bottle 3 each; Claret, c
286 do. of 24. do. WHITE WINE,
For Sale by a
F. Goppmgeir.
Jii'7 23. dtf.
Wm. '
No. 76 High Street,
HAS received, by the iateft arrivals from Europe and ' p
the East Indies, a well fcleded aflortment of Silk j
Mercery, Lineu Drapery and Haberdalhery Goods ; which a
he will fell, Wholcfale an(i Retail, on the lowest teriJs ; ' h
antongst which i ri
Some fine India muilins embroidered with gold and fiiver a
Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul ditto
Do do do do Handkerchiefs tl
Sonie extra black taffeties,iut«ftringsand colored Pcrfians r<
i Baridano Handkerchiefs
Lonp: arid iliort Nankeens ' e:
, Englifli Mantuas of the firft quality h
Damask table linen and napkins, very fine h
Silk Hosiery, an elegant aflbrtment fc
Thead and cotton do ii:
Umhreflas—green fifit, oif d do. and do cloth
French cambrics, very fine
Irish Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 §
A Partner with a small capital to unite in the business
of a Mill and Diftfllerj in Virginia. Inquire of
the Printer. Atig. 9 §iw
J >!.-•- ' A| ■-— / m-tfTi I •
A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chef
street, between Front and Second streets, in which
Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for man) years (and C J
now do) carried on business.
Poffeflion will be given in one month, or sooner.
For terms apply to WILLIAjM BELL, or
April 21. §
WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old,
in pipes and hogsheads
Claret, genuine old, in qafes lc
Gin, in pipes, fiom Holland
Earthen Ware, in crates
Baflcet Salt, ili hogfhiNirts
Shot, Nos. 6, 7, I arid 9
Bar Lead, Red and White dry lead
Steil, German and Russia, in barrels
1 Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpoliu canvas,
Tin plates—An invoice Stationary by ,
July 29 §
From 16 to 9 £ incHes, for sale by t
yeremiah Warder,
July 21 § No 12 north Third-ftrttt.
This Animal is tt be seen in High-Strtef, between 1
the Tenth and the Eleventh-Street.
HE will pofitivt'ly leave Philadelphia tht tenth of Sep- 1
tembcr, for Baltimore, in his way to Charltflon, r
1 where he will win'cr
ADMITTANCE Half a Dollar—quarter of a Dollar
for Children
[lie PANORAMA', or the VIEW of the CITIES of
Is to be open till the 10th of September, and the sub- i:
n will then be removed to Baltimore with the ELE- t
y PHANT. ?
Oiie quarter of a Dollarl (
, e August 3. 1
Sa es of India Goods. 1
The. Cargo of the ihip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal- t
j- cutta and Bengal,
ALargb and general affortmeiit of Bengal and Madras
ii- A variety fine worked and plain Muslins,
yy Doreas, isfc. Also,
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar,
. In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER,
e ° For Sale by
he Willings ?£f Francis,
No. 21 Penn Street. !
_ J une 8 § ,
A Book-Keeper,
re /""iR Clerk's place is wanted by a person properly quali-
V J iii d, and whose charafler will be found unexception
able. Apply to the Printer.
Aug. II tf
m ;— <
For sale by the fublcribers,
130 quarter Chests frefh Hyson Tea;
i©o ditto do. frefh Souchong Tea;
300 Boxes Chink, containing small tea l'etts of 42 :
400 pieces Bandaaoes.
Willings y Francis.
January 30 3taw.
! 1
Lottery and Broker's Office,
N Q * 64 Sou/i Setond flreet,
TICKETS in the Canal Lottery No. 11, are now fea
dy sot- sale, a Check Book kept for the examination
of Tickets, and Prizes paid, without dedudliori.
The Subscriber folicifs the application of the Publics*
any ot his friends who wifli to purch fe or fell Bank Sto'ck,
m Certificates, Bills of Exchange, or Notes, Houses, Lands,
a Lotts or Merchandize of* any kind, or to obtain Money
on deposit of property.
Late Agent fnr the Canal Lottery Company.
Shares an Tickets in the late Newport Long 5
Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery examined ; r a <
>e I complete lift of all the prizes having been received at \
ithis oflice. (
June 6. w&s
. ; -
Samuel Ri chard et,
"O ESPECTFUI^IA r informs the Gentlemen J
IX. Merchants, sLat he has this day opened the C?ITY :
city of rhihdehhia. v
The SufeftriptiOn Room "will be furnil!ied with all the u
daily in PHiladdphia, N;vi r -York, Bos
ton, Kaitlmore, together with those of the principal com
mercial citiis of Lurope—ThCy will regularly filed
and none to be taken away on any account.
Tea, Coffee, Sotfpes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and 'a variety
of Frci • > L,iqucys; together with the lifual refreT!im'ehts,
will at all ninr-'S be procured'at the bar. / /
may depend on being .acccSmmodatcd with
the choiccit of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, apd. the mod'
approved Malt Liouors froniLondon and other breweries.
The Larder wilt befupplied with the prime and earliest
; produ<slions of the Stafon.
j Large and smalL Parties, or single Gentlemeni'ma?y be
j accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at
; hours motb conv nient to themselves—a cold Collation is
! regujarly kept for cenvehiency, tlie Billof Fare to be had
at the bar. N
The Lodging Roomi will be completely furniflred, and
the utqaoft attention paid to cleaniinefs', and every other
t S -! muel Rich ardet will be happy to receive, and
execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at
large J and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges
himfelf that nothing on his part fhali bfe wanting to pre- .
patronage with which he has been so dtftinguift
Philadelphia, April 19. eo,'
Philip Nicklin & Co.
Souchong j,
Hyson Skin / ,
Young Ilyfon > FRESH TEAS ,
Hyson and , \ r
Imperial J
Yellow Nankeens t
va - -
Handkerchiefs of excellent quality lit
Lomdon Market MADEIRA WIKI.
London particular in pipes, hogiheads, &
New-York Market J quarter calks
TenerifFe Wine in pipes and hogflieads
Sugar Candy by the Box
Sail Canvas No. 1 a 8
Lead in flieets
3 Calks of Cutlery aflorted
A few chests of Matichefter Goods, assorted thick- ,
sets, cords, striped Nankeens, S;c.
3 Small packages of black sewing-silks j
8 Tierces Virginia Snake-root. j
Nails assorted in caflcs (
July 18'' mv " &f r
The Cargo of th- fiiip Potomacit Chief, consisting of '
450 Hhds. Tobncco, ;
chiefly from the upper warehouses on South Potomac, and j
of a good quality. j
This fliip is char'ered to proceed to Falmouth and one j
port in Europe without the Streights and Baltick a 65f. ,
fterlisg Freight and s.per cent, primage, and willbe clear ;
to fail by tßie iqft. from Alexandria., ,
For apply to ' EMANtjEL WALKER. .
Aug. II ' tfE&w ]
Information , ;
TS- given daily of the drawing of tbc WASHINGTON
1 LOTTERY, atthe Office
No. 147 Chefnut Jlreeti
between Fourth and Filth streets. Also, where Tickets ,
may yet be had. AU'r. 15. CO ■
The Eleventh day's drawing i> arrived -
Xobe fold,
A PLANTATION, in the town of Woodbury, coun
ty of Gloucester, and state of New-Jirley, contain
in£ about one hundred and fifty acres ; a suitable propor
tion of which is woodland and improved meadow A
great part of the arable land is in a high slate of cultiva
tion, and very natural'to the produdion of Red Clover,
On said plantation there is a genteel two-story brick house,
with four rooms on a floor, and i good dry cellar under
the whole ; together with a barn, corn-cribs and carriage
lisufe rhf garden is large, and contains a good collec ,
tion of the bed kinds of grafted and inoculated fruit trees;
. the orchard cotififts of about three hundred grafted apple
trees. Any perfop inclined to purchase said premises, may
be informed ef the terms by applying to
s ■ Andrew Hunter.
>'y *9 F
Asjhetoii arid James Hump hreys,
HAVE removed their office to No. 61, Walnut-street,
next door but two to the corner of Deck-flreet,
where all INSTRUMENTS IN WRITING are drawn at
a moderate charge, with care, accuracy and dispatch.—
They likewise boy and fell Real Effctes upon commif
fioris, and procure Money upon Loan on good security.—
The business of an ATTORNEY AT LAW and NOTA
RY PUBLIC is also tranfafled at the said office as usual
N. B. Good Notes discounted.
July j. co6w
For Sale,
A Valuable Grift and Saw Mill,
- TN New Jersey, near the Forks of Little Egg-Harbour*
J. The Grill Milli* sixty by'forty feet, two water wheels,
and calculated for four run of Stones, with screen, fans
find boulting-cloths, &c. The Saw-Mill has two faws,and
capable ofcuttingfiveto 6 100 thoufandfectof Bolrdsper
year. A valuabl.piect of Cedar Swamp, within a mile
1 arid a half of the Mill, and within three quarters of a mile
of a Landing The Lumber, &c.may be taken by watet
from the mill tail.
Several Valuable Trails of Land,
[ In Pennsylvania, for a!i of which payment will be receiv
ed in the notes of Mcflrs Morris and Nicholfon, or in
For further information apply to the Printer.
- May 17. 4 aaw
Plans of the city of Philadelphia,
r Including the Northern Liberties and diftriift of
, South war K;
, Published, and fold by
Benjamin davies,
No. 68, High street;
(Price one dollar.)
THIS plan is 26 inches square, and has been en
graved by one of the firfl artifls in the city, from a late
1 and accurate survey. Purchasers are entitled to a pam
phlet with each plan, giving " some accbunt of the
city, its population, trade, government, &c.
July 19 ta&ftf
George Dobson,
BF.GS reave to inform the Store Keepers in Town anA
Cotitttrv,that he has removed frQm Maiket-Slirct to
N°- 25, south Third-Jb-eet, "
where he is opening a Large and Elegsnt Aflortraent of the
uAde rtnen cioYied a r ticles—v Iz.
Superfine LondonOlotbs'and KcrrftVrficre**
YorkOiue fetond Do. Do.
I Elastic do. do,
Mix'd and BluV Cf itirrs
Flamulls, See.
■ Manchester CalSir'^es,
London Chintz ciiuo, ,
Hlue and ditto Furniunes, ;
India <*Lrtb,
Long Cloths, Coffa«v Caftas, Batti3las&-Ctrnjc^renS*.,
4-4'9-8 5-4 & 6-4 Suoetfine Indw Bo<*k Mofiiris,
4-4 and 9-S India Book Handkerchicfs,
4-4 land 9.3 Scotch ditto,
4-4 &<>-4 pbSn do. Muifcita,
4-4 &~6-4 Br it i("h Jaconets,
6-4 Briiilh Checks and Stripes,
4-4 do. do. do.
4-4 ditto'Chilloes, Madras Handkerchiefs. &c,
A large aftoument of figqr'd and f iain f&ifltnets,
Qui 1 tings, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens,
Fancy VVailtcoatings,
Ginghams of the fir ft Quality, fubjeft to Drawback,
India Nankeens,
Men's White and eoleured St!k'dockings.
May 9 iiwrtt
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN away tfiis morning from the Subfcribcr, living
in the county of Monmouth, NeW-J, rby, a remark
ably black Ncgrb Man, nimid BEN—about 40 years of
*g<V 5 fcet )or tx> inch"! high, lie,at mads, bald on the
crown if his head; had On and took with a grey
homespun costing coat and jacket, a brown cloth coat,
with a black collar, homespun tow fliirts ind trtfwfers,
with other sHirts and fmail cfoaths cannot lie ei u
merated. He is a compUifant, artful and deceitful fellow-.
Whoever .v.'ili take up and ficure the'faid Runaway, so
that his pwner m.y him again, (hall have th atove re
"~'J ~ J — J ~' a " JL jjatyjfdl 'JSuMk-Wmfi-.
' July 2s—Aug. 1 § iw
t For Sale,
A LARGE elegant and well finished
Three-story Brick House,
(The late residence of General Walter Stewart)
WITH a LOI of GR^tU ND thereunto belonging,
the weft fide of Tiiird-llrcet, near Union-dlfeet
containing in front 31 teet, and in depth 100 feet, to an
alley leading into Union-ftrect. The house is 32 feet front
and 50 feet deep ; the several rooms contained in it are*
jarge, commodious, and completely finifhed; the twofiift
stories are each 13 feet high ; rhere are lu mahogany
doors in the house; a geometrical ilaircafe, with mahoga
ny rails and a gsod iky-light. The kitchen is in the 1 e!I
---ar, which is fjtacious and convenient, and fini&ed with an
oven, ftew-hoies and pantries, a servants' hall and
iwirfe-ccllar adjoining the kitchen, in front of which i -a
area in which there is a pump The yard is vaulted.
Communicating with the faidbuilding is a n'>at three-story
brick house, on the north fide of Union-ilrcet, contain
ing 30 feet front by 29 feet deep,; the lower part of which
; is at present occupied as a compting-houfe, and the'ujjner
• part divided into wq-ll finijlied largn chancers. Tiiishoufe
r may at a small expense be conv:rted into a coivjnient
dwelling : Th'eftfcetdoor is very bandfome, and thffront
and back have Venetian window-fluitter". Adjoining the
last house, \lp.on ths lot be'ontyng-io the fir ft, are treated
bathing-rooms, &c. There ar; li'- Wifever'y food coach*
, house and llables firfiflicd equal (or nearly so) with any in
the city, on a lot containing on Union street 30 feet, and
in depth 011 the weft fide said alley 5a feet. There are
good cellars-unde. the-whole of the buildings, and a u itie
y room qver part of theftable, with a hay-10l t over the re
mainder. For further particulars enquire of
At their OfSee .Vo 64 Dock-street. between Walnut & Pear
'O llreets.
6th month 24th, 1796
- Just Published,
'. AV the Stone House, No- 51 South Sccond Street,
neMfy printed in one volume quarto, price fix
r dollars the fine paper, or five dollats the com
The Four Gospels,
J With preliminary Diffcrta ions, and Notes critical and el
&c. Pr<nci*al of Mar if chat College, Aberdeen.
* # * The cliaiafter of the author, for acntcnefs
and etudition has been rftablifhed by his tfTay on
t, miracles in answer to D>vi<J Hun e," the grcatell
t> masterpiece of the kind ever published, and by hi#
u '• Philosophy of Rhetoric," and to the merit of
J_ the present work, the result of nearly forty years
_ ft tidy and application, and the fubilance of his
l- course of ledhires in his official capacity, the
teviewers have given ample t'eftirhony, but their ac
count, however honorable to the work, is too long
for a place in this advertifemcnt, the work howev
er is now presented in an American edition at net
more than half the price of the London copy.
July 20.
d From on hoard the Schooner Expedition,
; e r St. Croix Rum&Sugar,
le For Sale by f. COPPiNGER,
:r Aug. 11 $ hi South Frofit-drcet.
Spanijb Treaty Ratified.
THIS DAY, Puhliflied by J. OHMKOD, No. 41,
7 ~ Chesnut-Strkiit, in a handsome pamhlet.
n (PaiCE 12 and 1-3 Cents. )
_ BET'WEEN the United States of America, and hi*
Catholic Majesty—with the Proficient's Proclamation
announcing its ratification.
ORMROD hSs lately Published the British and Al
giTine Treaties, which match in lize with the above.
Also, fesrke's celebrated letter to the puke of Bod*
ford, and Wharton's answer to Priestley
Augurt 13- 1 4t§mw&f.
To be diTpofed of,
; e TT'HE time of a healthy NEGRO WOMAN, wI;o
1- i lias between four and five years to serve: She
ie can be recommended - her sobriety and hnnefly. F«v
particulars enquire at No. 13a, Chefnut-ftreet.
Auguft3. 2awtf.