Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 16, 1796, Image 4

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    PR(>Py/f»ALS, j
(By William Cqbbl j i , oppc'ke CLiiil Church, Piiila-
celphia, for by fub*ciip;ion,
i he History o[ Jacobinism ;
OMl J RISING an Inquiry into the manner of
natmg, under the appearance of Puiiosoi-av and
VißTcir, principles which are equally subversive of Or
per, Virtue, R.elig;dn, Liberty and Happinefj.
Author of the CommefeiaLjjjdPoliiical Alias, &c.
With an Appendix, —
Shewing the clnfe connexion which has ever fubfiltei
between the Jacobins at Paris and the Democrats in the
United States of America.
I. This new, entertaining work, which
is at a history of Jacobipifm and a complete history
of the Ffemh revolution down to the cild of 1795, *"iil
confitl of two volumes, oilavo, each containing; about
300 page*, ltihallbc well printed, on a now type and
fide paper.
11. The price of each volume, bound in boards, will be
One Dollar and a Quarter, paid for on delivery; and to
Hon fubl'cribers, a Dollar and a Half.
111. A» soon as a fufficient number of copies lhall be
fubferibedfor, the work will be put to the press, and fin
ilhed as expeditioufly as a Uriel attention to neatness and
accuracy will admit of.
*.* Subscriptions taken by the publisher, and the prin
cipal Booksellers of Philadelphia; Messrs. Spotfwoodand
Nan c red cos Boston ; Mr. Rivington of New-York; Mr.
Rice of Baltimore ; Messrs. Pritchard and Davidfon of
Ri htnond, Virginia; and Mr. Young of Charleston,
South Carolina. Aug. 12
Salt Petre.
A few tons of excellent
Samuel Ereck, ]un.
• Aug. 9. eo6 Rofs's Wharf.
Treasury of the United States.
NO 1 !CE is hereby given to all persons who are or
I;*ay be Creditors of the United States, for any funis
of the FutrUd Debt, or Stock, bearing a prefenl interfl of fix
per centum per annum. , -
i ft, That pursuant to an A<ft of Congress passed on the
aßth day of April, 1 intitledan ait in addition to an
ail, intituled " An a<3 making further provision for the
support of public credit, and for the redemption ef the
public debt, 1 ' the said debt or stock Will be reimbursed and
paid in manner following, to wit. " First, by dividends
" to be made on the last days of March, June and Septem
«' ber for the present yejir, and from the year one thousand
" seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year one thou
" sand eight hundred & eighteen inclufive,at the rate of
" one and one half per centum upon the original capital.
V Secondly, by dividends to be made on the last day of
" December for the present year, and from the year one
41 thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year
" one thousand eight hundred and seventeen inclusive, at
" the rate of three and one half per centum upon the ori
" ginal capital; and by a dividend to be maae on the last
" day of December, in the year one thousand eight hun
"" dred and eighteen, of such sum, as will be then ade
" quate, according to the contrail, for the final redemp
" tion of the said flock."
ad. All diftinition between payments on account of
Inters/1 and Principal being thus aboliihed by the eftablilh
ment of the permanent rule of reimbursement above de- f
scribed, it has become necessary to vary accsrdingly the
powers of attorney for receiving dividends; th- public
creditors will therefore observe that the following form
is eftablilhedfor, all powers of attorney which may be
granted after the due promulgation ot this notice, viz.
I <f
do make, conflitute and appoint
"f my true and A* ful At
torney, for me, andin my name, to receive the dividends which are,
or Jhall he payable according to law, on the (here dcfcribing the
<>ock) finding in my name in the hooks of (here defcribmg the
* loks of the Treasury or the Commissioner of Loans,
where the stock is credited) from (here insert the com
mencement and expiration of time for which the power of
attorney is to continue) wit's power also an attorney or titter
nies unit- him ,for that purpose to male and[ubflitute,andto do all
lain ful ails rerjnifitcfor rtfc&ing tbepremfes, hereby ratifying and
confirming ail that my said Attorney or hisfibfiitute,fbaU lawful
ly do, by virtue hereof
In Witness hereof / have hereunto set my Hani and Seal the
day of in the year
1 Sealed and Delivered
in prfence of,
BE IT KNOWN, that on the'' day of
. lefore meperfonally came
within named and acknowledged the above letter of attorney to be
bis ail and dred.
In tejlimony whereof I lave hereunto set my Hand and ejjix
*d Seal the day and year lafl aforefaid.
Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen
tieth day of July 1796, pursuant to directions
from tfee Secretary of the Treasury.
1 rcafnrcr of the United States.
7"'y rotf.ny,
Treasury Department, Jtugujl 3, 175)6.
Public Notice is hereby Given,
TN pursuance of an ail of Congress, passed on the 18th
JL day of May, 1796, entitled "An ail providing « for
the sale ot the lands of the United States, in the Territo
ry 1101 th weft of the river Ohio, and above the mouth of
Kentucky river, that the feilions or lots of land descri
bed in the annexed schedule, lying in the seven ranges of
townftnps, which were forveyed in' pursuance of an ordi
nance of Congress, passed on the twentieth day of May
.n the year one thousand seven hundred and ekhty-five!
will be exposed for sale at Public vendue, in thitown ol
Pittjburgh 1a Pennsylvania, on the twenty-fourth day of
oaober next and thenceforward, from day to day until
the firft day of December enfuuig, unless the said lots lhall
lie sooner fold, in the manner, and on the terms and con.
ditions herein after mentioned, to wit:
ill. The said feilions or lots fhalj be fold under the di
reitkm ef the Governor or Secretary of the Western Ter
ritory, and such person as the President of the United
States ranyfpecially appoint for that purpose.
»d. The said feilions or lots ihall be fold to the hi ? heft
bidder,but ro (ale can be made for less than two dollars
per acre of the Quantity of land contained in vach lot or
3. The highest bidder as before mentioned, must depo
sit at the time of sale, one twentieth part of the purchase
money, in the hands of such person as the President of the
United States lhall appoint to attend the sale* for that pur
pose, which will be forfeited, if a moiety of the sum bid,
including the said twentieth part, lhall not be paid witflin'
thirtydays from the time of sale.
4th. Upon payment ofa moiety of the porchafe money
n the manner before mentioned, the purchaser wiil be
entitled to one year s credit for the remaining moiety ;
an J lhall receive from the Governor «r Secretary of the
Western Territory, and the person who lhall be appointed ft
ky the President of the United States, to dire<a the sales.a 1!
tMtificite describing the lot or f.-dioh purchased.and de- jr
daring thefuni paid on account, the balance remaining due p;
the time when such balance becomcs payable, and that' v,
the trhek land rtssrein mentioned, will be forfeited, if the | b.
1 ' Cd.l balance is not then paid ; hut if the said balar.v (hall
a- !>?&lyJirchargtd,l»y to the'Jrsafrer of
the C/Mi-d Statcs,«t! » purchafiir ot- his affiance orolhcr
t legal rcpi ,< «i'tativ'c, Siall' he entitled to a patent Ir the
) said lai!ds,.cn'!rt» producing to the Secretary of Stat a re
ceipt fur bal.tnee ondorfed upor. th: certificatd-'-But
ii- if any purchaser ih„H tnalte payment of fht, wijo'o o the
id purchase money, at the time when th»r payment o the
r- firft moiety is direiled to be mnif, 15 v.,i be cntitlecto a
t rTT T 7 - 1 " the part for which acre
ditJjMrnffionzi-d to Be vivsa ; and his patent lhall b im
* mediat"V iffaeJ.
Given Linger'mv hand at Philadelphia, the da- and
year aoovc mentieiied.
Secretary us the Treaary
let -
Schedule of fetfions of ti/wnjhlps, or fraSi'trialparti
h •of toiunjh 'tps, to be fold at Piitjburgh, in pufunrict
y of the 6ti feclion of an -aft f Cor.greft, p <7ed on
J1 the 18/ A day of May, 1 796.
Q -Ij • •
M 'w 2 Woo « tr> < *
| L. rS o C» .-5
0 O O ©u O O
0 • O • <5 Q ' I
01 * O H O m
£; I t
ill Range. 6thTown(h:p .1 6th
j ill Towulhip. Bai2p>4o eachl ill Ti>*vnfhip.
48 56j 14 640' 17 3 1 20
29 256 95 17820 640 eaiii j 18 1270
1 30 250 75 25336 640 e.ich , ii gSO
34 240 90 BthTownftip. I 2 2 1(6 40
f 35336 64c each 3af4j64cfcach 23 427
, 2d Township t7a2o,6.toeach 24 641
19 1 40 23 1640 27 ij] 80
»o 170 70 25a30j6<0each 28a3o!64qeach
21 185 33336'640each j33 [58
22 2( '30 iothTownfhip.'34336 640(-'ach
25 488 80 ia2 P4O each 2d Towrihip.
a6a27 64oeach each 1 126
28 560 172201640 each 2 440
29 551 60 23336,640 each 3 448
30 i2th.Townftiip. 4 456
31-36 640 each iai4 64c each 5 1464
4thTown(hip. i7a2o.64oeach 6 472
19 64 233361640 each 7 1340
W 4thRrNGE. Bai4 640 each
3 L 7< ° iftTownfhip. x 7 aj °64oea:h
27 36 , . v 23336 64o!eadi
31332 64oeach 4 3 ? 3d To-vnlhip,
33 616 9 ?36 50 P
34 445 20 3 «40 2 1 4?8 j
35 222 50 34 , , 3 4861
36 16 20 each 3 A
s thTowi (hip. 4 4 ?4|
6 139 * 6s 6 °, 6 cio 1
y_ . * 3a6 K 1 ,
12 479 30 , 7314 640 each
17 304 15 or i 17320 640 each
252 £ 9312 So each 6 4 oeacl
2 3 45° 75 ' , /, jthTownfliip.
24 640 3 35 1 , lg
l 9 184 14 40 2
36 640 3dTown(hip. 4 540
= iai4 640 each j J '
2d Range. 17220 64cjeach
iftTownlhip. 23336 640 each 731464° "ch
28 | 7120 sthT ownfhip. *7320 64c each
34 ! 6lje lai4 6 4 o|each ?3. a each
3d Town (hip. t7a2o 640' each ' "(hip.
24ai6 640 -acli 23336 640 each 1 s*^"
/ 28 499 16 7thTown(hip. ® 57' 40
29 640 132 640 each 3 57°
640 each 537 640' each 4 6c
4thTown(hip. 12313640 each 5 '93
11 it 40 18319640 each 01
397 5° 25 640 7314 640 each
J 3 5 1 5° 30336 640 each *732 c 64c each
15 27 50 9 thTown(hip. *3336 640 each
16 259 20 1 ai4'64o each Townlhip.
17 5*4 17320 64oeach lal 4o4oeach
18 640 23336 640 each '7?io64oeaeh
19 635 rithTownfhip. »3336640 each
20 584 80 iai 4 6 4 o!each llthl o^vufinp
21 636 21 17300640 each lai 4|o4oeaca •
226 64c eaeh 23 336 640 each each
sthTownfhip. i3thTownlhip. 2 3 a 36i640 each
5 636 iai4 640 each ownfhip.
6a7 64c each 17 320640 each I ai< w4c|each
a 3 64c .-ach 1333664 c each I 7 a2c 64ofeach
64c each L 1 = *3 a 30 640 £3ch
32436 64c "ach
7thTownlhip. r ° wnfhl P' iai4|64ojeach
3 1640! 1 4>o l7a2o64oeach
BthTown(hip 12 87 50 23336 64o|each
ra 5 640 each « 5 o 7th Range.
V° 26 70 Townflflp.
7a 14 640 cach 3 o 1 4 , zo
17320640 each ljg 36 |i 32 l io
9thTownfliij!: '9330 640 each
i 58! 80 4 &
11 64c 30 33336 64c each a 6 64^ each
TAt ~id Townlhip. 9 296
1j>314 each P loai2 64c each 1
19320 640 csch 1 i»o 20 * .
233361640 each 17318 64oeach J
3d RANGE. 5 456 r 9 '4 t
2d Townlhip. 6 464 80 20 I
15 640 7 250 23a24 64oeath
16 600 8 618 ! ° c
2C ? 557 5° 9314640 each 26 '' 3 ' 6 40|ea:h
21a22 64oeach| 17 220 64c each 4thTownlhip.
23 ; 609 23336 640 each la l4 64ocah
25336164 c each 4th t ownlhip. J 7 a ic 640 each
3dTo W nfhip. lai4 64oeach 2 3 a 3 6 64c each
9 188 60 17320 640 e3ch 6thTownfliip.
10 344 23336 6+oeach 1 1 4|64C each
11 267 6thTownfhip. i7®2o 640 uch
i» 152 1a 14 6 4 c.|tach 2 3 a 3 6 640 each
14 202 50 173206401 each BthTownlhip.
15 630 2333664 c -ach lal/ > Mojesch
i6aiß 640 each BthTownlhip '73ic 6 40 e3ch
19 217 50 Ia 14 640 each 2 3 336 6 4 o|each
20 616 75 17320 640 each ! lothToH ' nlhl P-
23336640 each "MSjotsch j
4th Townlhip. iothTownlhip. 1 7320 6 40 e3ch
1 170 iai 4 640 cach , 3 a 36 64- ?ach
2 544 I7a2c '40 each
3 3»o 23336 6 4 oleacli 1 'Vlrtcli I
4 450 12thTownfjiip. '732: V 3th «
5 12c IJI4 64c each 2 3 3 3 6 6 4 cKach (
6 640 17320 64c each '4thTownlhip. ;
7 ?6 3 aja 3 6 6 4 oeach 1 3i4j64oieacli
819 64c each |l4thTownlhip 17320,6 4 0jeic/i
10 J4C 80 | lai4|64o<each 23336 64c each
11 70 17«20j')40 each l6thTo«<nfltif.
12314 640 each 231361640 each lal 4 640 eaci
17320 64c ;ach !7a2o64oeacV 1
2 3336 640 each 1 23336 640 eaci; <
° f L f?' tht fcTeral townlhip, he- 1
Sis %"'n! t 1
gregate qiiantjt'c..,, the several townfhl-e or fraSionll
th"c w ufe havc bceB ty aau3Uur
becn'oo othc r wifcaf«nahu!d U thL by ,
-'I Philadelphia, WeH-C.heflcr, StraJlurgfj,
°r Lancafle; , York and Frederick-town
5 7 C A* 5.
* * • TpHL proprietors of the above Stages, return their bett
L e i. tns«i,s to their ftiendj an<l the ojrtili J mineral, for
tiie encouragement received in this line of business, and beg
' : leuve to inform the public, that they arc determined to ru:i
1 their flages through from Philadelphia to Lancaster' in
one day, commencing on Tuesday, the 14th July instant,
l " i:i the following manner, —vi*. A Stage will set out on
. thai day at 4 o'clock in the morning, from the house of
1 George Weed, Market-street, Philadelphia, and run by
the way of Weftcnefter and Strafburgh, arrive in Lancas
ter the flr.ile evening, on Friday morning run to Wright's
ferry and exefc -.nge paflengers with the York and Fredej
ick-town flage, return and arrive ir. Philadelphia .011 Sat
'■f urday, and on Monday morun-g following,, at o'clock,
a said stage v/ii!fet ou: from thefaid George Weed's, Phila
m delphia, and arrive at Lancaster the fame evening, on
Tuesday morning at 4 o'clack will set out from the house
of Mrs. lidwards, Lancaster, and ar/ive ill Philadelphia
~ r the fame evening, and '/ill commence again on Thursday
morning following, and continue »very week—-The price
for each paffehgir from Philadelphia to Lancaster is three
dollars a-nd a half, to York, four dollars and three qi ar
tels, to Frederick town eight dollars, the like Aims ior
- 150 weight baggage, with the usual allowance of 14 lb.
gratis to each paflenger, and j pencc a n:i!c for all way
passengers. 30—§4 W
John Reilly, t
George Weed.. ' (
THAT application will be the renewal of J
the following certificates, ifTueoby Joseph Nourfe, f
Register of the Trealury, in the name of Roger Grif 11
wold, Esq. of Norwich, Connecticut— a
■ 1 certificate, fix percent domestic stock, No. 13,907 1
—dated the i7thDecember, 1795, bearing intcrefi from
the firft day of Januar)', 1791, for 1,597 65-100 dol- J .
1 ditto, three per cent, domestic stock, No. 10,68 at i
—dated December 16, 1795, bearing intereJl from the
firft day of January, 1791, for 994 30-100 dollars.
i ditto, deferred stock, No. 9,166 —dated the 17th
December, 1795, bearing interell from the firlt Jatiu
ary, 1801, for 798 83-100 dollars. n
Said certificates are supposed to have been loft or j
flo'en in this citv some time in December or Ja:iUa:y 1 t |
last. t l
No. 59, North Front-llreet.
Philadelphia, July %i, 1796. d6w. 2
. o
Washington Canal Lottery,
-no. r.
I A T THEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised
VV the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand.
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting r
a through the City 1 f Wafliington, from th Po ■'
tomac to the Eastern Branch Haruour. ''
The following is the SCHEME of No. I. ,
Viz «i Prize of ao,ooo dollars, 10,000 .
I ditto 10,000 10,000 .
7 last drawn >
Tickets,each J s>° oo 35,000 c.
6 ditto 1,000 6,000
10 ditto 400 4,000
ao ditto 100 s,o®o
55 ditto 50 a, 75 0 J
5750 ditto 69,008 °
To be raised for the Canal, 16,150
5850 Prizes, 175,000
11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.
17500 Tickets, atTen Dollars, - 175,000 a'
The Comraiflioners have taken the Securities re S
quired by the aforefaid aft for the pun dual payment ol h
the prizes. ft
The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without el
delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely b
notice will be given. h
Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after the
drawing is finiihed, (hall be considered as relinquilhed.for
tlie benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
(Signed) NOTLEY YOUNG, °
City of WalhingtOH, Feb. 11. £
* ' «
■ U
Notice is hereby Given,
TH AT agreeably to an ail of Congress of the United ?
States «t America, palled at Philadelphia, the sßth day
of May, 1796 ; laying duties on Carriages, for the convey
ance of perions, and repealing the former acts for that pur- th
P°' c - —1 hat therelhall be levied, colle&ed and paid, upon W
all carriages for the conveyance of pertons, which fiiall be
kept by or for aDy prrfon, for his or h«r own use, or to let
out to hire, or for the conveying of pallciigert, thp several du- ~
ties and rates following, to wit.
For and upon every Coach, dols. ] A
upon every Chariot, 12 dols. a ,
upon every Foil Chariot, j 2 dols;
uoou every Pott Cliaife, 12 dols.
•pon every Phaeton, with or without top, g dols
upon every Coachee, 9 dols.
upon other Carriages, having panne t work above,
with blind*, glaffcsor curtains, 9 dols.
upon four wheel carriages, having framed pods and -r
toju with steel springs, 6 dols.
upon four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron
fpringi or jacks, 3 dols.
upon curricles with tops, a dols.
upou chaises with tops, 3 uols.
upon chairs with tops, 3 doll.
upon sulkies with tops, 3 dols,
upon other two wheel iop carriages, 3 dols.
upon two wheel carriage*, with steel or iron springs, M
3 dols
For and upon all other two wheel carriages, a dols.
•upon every four wheel carriage, having framed pofls ?■'
and tops, and reltiug upon wooden spars, -a dols. "
The Collectors of the Revenue of the firft lurvev of the "
Dillriaqf Pennsylvania, will attend daily, until the 30th day "
of September next, fry the purpose of receiving the duties on r f
Carriages, at No. ti",in Race or Saifafraa llreet, in the City 1
of Philadelphia, at the house of Daniel S. Clair, Efq in the 10
County of Montgomery; and at the house of Abraham Du- f
bms, Esq. in the County of Mucks', of which all ptrfous pol"
felled of fuoh Carriages are desired to take notice. P
Notice is alfc given, g
TO all retail dealers in Wines, and foreign distilled spiri
tuous liquors, that licences will be granted to ihera ; one li cn
Cence for carrying on the business ot retailing of Wines, in a
lcfs quantity, or in less quantities than 30 gallons—and one lai
licencc for carrying on the bufmefs of retailing Spirituous li
quors in lefsquanutics than ao gallons,at the fame time and -
> J 1 places, bytheofEcers legally aut'noiized to grant
fuca licccccs.
Infpeflor of the Revenue of the firft survey
«f ti>e dil\ri£l of Pcnufylvania,
Office of Infpedlion, at ) qo
Philadelphia, 2ifi July, 1736, j
j City cf Waliungton.
SCHEME of the LOTTERY, \ T o,'
FOR THE i \'-i'RUi'Z\lc.AT OF 7"/£ '
* A magnificent ) 10,020 doiiai-c, & J
3 dwelling-houfc, j ca!h jo.oco, ire 3 S°>"oo
" I ditto & cadi 25,00 a 40>0C)0
t 1 ditto 15,000 & cafo 15,000 , o , aoo
I ditto 10,000 & eafli 10,000
l( I ditto 5,000 &. cash 5,c00 i u ' ODa
v 1 ditto 5,000 & cash <,000 10,000
r- 1 ca(h priie of io.ooa
's s do. 5,000 each, ire, . 10, coo
> 10 do. 1,0 >0 - - 10,000
30 do. 500 . . lo>o3o
00 do. 100 - . lO>doo
aoo do. 50 - . 10,000
n 4C O do. 25 . . 10)000
- t ' 000 do - 20 - JO,OOO
j> 15,000 do. 10 . . Jsir)oo6
c • I( >>7.i9 Prizes.
e 31i 261 Blanks.
I 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollar., 400,000
' N - B - To favour those who may take a quautit# of
Ticfccts,the price of 40,000 dollars will be the last drawn
ticket, and the 30,000 the last but one :
And approved notts, securing payment in either money
or prizes, in ten days atter drawing, will be received for
any number not less than 30 tickets.
This Lottery will afford an elegant fpeeimen of the pri
vate buildiDgs to be (jrcited in the City of Waflungton—
f Two beautiful designs are already feleaed for the entire
, front* on two of the public squares; from these praw'il gx
f it is proposed to erect two centre and four corNer buildings
as soon as possible after this lottery is fold, and to convey
, them, when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in
, the manner dcfcribcd in the fclieme for the Hotel Lottery.
A nett dedu&ion of five per cent, will be made to defray
, the necessary expenses of printing, &c. and the furpltu
[ will be made a part of the fund intended for the Natianal
Univerlity, to be erected within the city of WalhWton. '
The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets ire
fold off.—The money prizes will be payable in thirty ihya.
after it is finifhsd ; and any prizes for which fornicate
numbers aie not produced within twelve months after the
drawing is clofej, are to be considered as jfiven toxv&rus
the fun«! for the Univcrfitj; it being determined to ttt/e
the whole business in a year from the ending or the .taw
ing, and to take up the bonds given as security.
The real securities given for the payment of the I*rizes
are held by the Prcfident and- two Dire&ors of the Bank
of Columbia, and are'valued at more than "half the a
mount ot the lottery.
The twenty lour gentlemen who by appointment of
the late Commissioners afiifted in the management of the
v Hotel Lottery are requeued- to "undertake this ardo<tes talk
a second time on behalf of the public ; a Mciei j rrnml
ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped j*at the
friends to a National University and the other feclnral ob
jects may continue to favor the design.
By accounts received from the different par:».>f rf| e
Continent as well as from Europe, whore the tickets
have been Cent for fqle, the public are assured fiat ths
drawing will speedily commence, and that the and ■
caution unavoidably necessary to insure a fafe dil fofal of
th« tickets, has rendered the ihor- suspension indti: s-onfablc.
•§. Tickets may be had at the Bank of Coluih'h j of
James Weft & Co. Baltimore; of Peter Gilman, 3ofion;
of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richai d Wells,
Cooper's Ferry. eo
RAN away from the fubferiber living ne?ir Church
Hill,Qu*en Anns County in the State of Vlaryland'
about the firlt January l-[i, u Itwrr, r^mcd
Sam, about thirty years of age, 5 ftiet 8 or 9 iifches high,
has a crooked finger on one hand, and one lor; and foot
smaller than the other, fomesvhat roupd-ihoul<3ered, s
cloathing unknown. Any person who wist secure or
bring said fellow home,fo that 1 may get bit* again ihall
bave the above reward with rtafonable char ; 'i s.
i ar >e 4. "rawim.,
Diftridt of Pennfvlvania : to wit :
BE it remembered, that oii the sth clay a.f August, i*
the twentieth year of the independence cf the Unit
ed States of America, William Cosuett, «f the said
diftri&, :*a this office the title of a book,
the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the word*
following: to wit.
*' The life and adventures of Peter Porcupine:; with a
" full <\nd fair account of all his authoring trar, Ci-dions t
" being a sure and infallible guide for all ent
tl young men who wilh to make a fortune by writing
" pamphlets, by Peter porcupine himfelf.
" Now, ypu lying var!ets,vyou shall fee how a. plaits
" tale will put you down." Shakespeare*
in conformity to the a A of the Congress of the Waited
States, entitled " an ait for the encouragement of learn
ing, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books to
the authors and proprietors, dftring the times therein
mentioned. Samuel Caldwell.
C'lerk of the Riilri of Pennfyhyu!?.
Aug. 8
Noiv Publifbing by the Printer,
At No. 3, Lastitia Court, delivering v to S\ibfcriberS|
and to be had at the different Books-Stores in this Cit»-
Berriman &c Co's
Containing the Old and Naw
Testaments and the Apocrypha, with marginal and re
erencc6. An Index ;or an account of the most remarkable
paffagesin the old and new Tcftament, pointing to the places
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in ihey are recorded. — A J tble of Time.—Tables of Scrip
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—No. 119 —
(Pricc %hi Hollars p?r Annuit.j