it • •• '* • - , of the &-Philadelphia Daily Advertiser, J y V MVE* 1225.3 FRID AT EVENING, AUGUST 12, 1706. [VoirMz X, Just-Arrived In th brig lietfey, from Jercmie, and for sale by the fubicriiiers. TNF Forty thouiand wf. or very prime Loliee 1 tr in hogsheads an&bags from And, in the schooner Hope) from New Orleans. licati- BEEF P«r Cotton his p : HIDES and tcrsn I LOGWOOD. F ° rt A liberal credit will be given for Approved Notes. Richard and James Potter. July 27. papei A well-finifhed, commodious '"3 H O U S ' E the I for Sale, and immediate pojfeffioti given, h » SITUATE on the north fide of Spruce-street, No. 111, * between Fourth and Fifth streets. The house, piazza c and back buildings are three stories in height, and peifedt " ly well adapted for the accommodation of a large family, as they contain twelve good rooms, exclusive of two ciel ed garrets. In the yard, which is neatly paved, there are "j- e two pumps ; one in a rain cistern, the other of as good . water as any in the city i The cellars are dry and large. The terms of payment will be easy : a great part' of the purchase-money in all probability may lay for years on in- tereft. Apply at No. 109, next d.or eath\ ard. July 30 §iw_ Landing a. From on board ths Nancy, William Belcher, tnaf. ter, from Bourdeaox, a cargo, confiding of— 360 Hhds. CHOICE CLAR.ET, 232 Cases of 24 bottles each, Claret, 286 do. of 24 do. WHITE WINE, BRANDY, SWEET OIL, and I TRUNK r,f RTRKOWS ' r , - For SaU by < • F. Coppinger. Tufy *3- Just Arrived, chef In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, raafter from Li verpool, eo'®o BufheU SALT ; 100 Crates QUEENS WARE; and An Afibrtment of SHIP CHANDLERY; FOR SALE On board, at Pine-street wharf. Apply to "James Campbell, or George Latimer. f«ts, April *9. Wm. HOLDERNESSE, f No. 76 High Street, —- HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and I the East Indies, a well feletfted assortment of Silk Wll Mercery, Linen Drapery and Habei tlalhery Goods; which w'c he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowest terms ; f lft j amongst which are, JyJ Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold and (fiver Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul ditto C.( Do do do do Handkerchiefs Some extra black taffeties.lutcftringsand colored Persians Bandano rtatidkerchict6 Long and short Nankeens English Mantuas of the firft quality I Damalk table linen and napkins, very fine Silk Hosiery, an elegant assortment Thcad and cotton do Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth French cambrics, very fine Jrifh Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 s Insurance comp. of the state of Pennsylvania. £ The Directors have declared a dividend of fixtcen dol- inc Jars on each fh'are of the capital of said company, for the tio last fix months which will be paid to the stockholders or gr theii leeal representatives on every day after the loth tic iaftafit. O' S. IV. Ft/her, ™ Secretary. 'August «■ dlot - t ° Wanted, £ A Partner with a small capital to unite in the business of a Mill and Distillery in Virginia. Inquire of the Printer. Aug. 9 § lw Prime Rice. One Hundred Tierces of Prime Rice, I Tuft arrived in the brig Welcome Return, from Savan- w pah, for sale by % FOOTMAN & CO. a Aug. 6 * si — *— —1 UNITED STATES, ? * PENNSYLVANIA DISTRICT, J Notice is hereby given, THAT purfuaut to a Writ to me directed, from the ho norable Richard Peters, Elquire, Judge of the Di ftrift Court ot the United States in and lor the Pennfylva •ia Diftri■ in pipes, hogsheads, & New-York Market J quarter qalks Teneriffe Wine in pines and hogfs-eads Sugar Candy by the Box Sail Canvas No. 1 a 8 Lead in sheets cont 3 Casks of Cutlery aflarted „ A few chests of Manchester Goods, assorted thick fats, cori, striped Nankeens, &c._ j ( 3 Small packages of black sewing-silks ftori 8 Tierces Virginia Snake-wot. dool Nails aflbrted ill cases n y r July t8 , ar, d On Monday next, 25th inft. (July,) k Wilt be landed at South ttreef wharf, the cargoes of Superb, ar£ , a h' Weft Indian and, from Jamaica and Havanila, con- ( s Qn filling of brie . r Molafles in Hogsheads, i.. g Coffee in hogsheads, barrels & bae;s, FCll SALE BY ma) ns PETER BLIGHT, due Who has also for sale, and A quantity of Jamaica GINGER, b ' atl Pimento & 7 In B ;»• Cocoa, J mi And ~0 boxesHambro' WINDOW GLASS, 7by 9, w»U goo be fold cheap. ~ roo J u ly 2G diot 3c tuth oc s tot nni »f To be fold, At A PLANTATION, in the town of Woodbury, coun- ( tyof Gloucester, aad state of New-Jersey, contain — ol- ing about one hundred and fifty acres ; a Suitable propor :he tion of which is woodland and improved meadow. A or great part of the arable land is in a high state of cultiva >th tion, and very natural to the production of Red Clover. On said plantation there is a genteel two-story brick house, with four rooms on a floor, and a good dry cellar under t j l( the whole ; together with a barn, corn-cribs and.carriage- of house The garden is large, and contains a good collec he - 1 — tion of the best kinds of grafted and inoculated fruit trees ; tQ] the orchard confiftsof about three hundred grafted app e- f a j ' trees. Any person inclined to purchase said premiles, may iefs be informed of the terms by applying to Andrew Hunter. bp —■ J u 'y *9 — th Aslheton and James Humphreys, CONVEYANCERS, or HAVE removed their office to No. 61, Walnut-flrfct, in next door but two to the corner of Dack-flreefc, th ran- where all INSTRUMENTS IN WRITING are drawn at I a moderate charge, with care, accaracy and dilpatch.—■ i They likewise boy and fell Real Estates upon comnnf fions, and procure Money upon Loan on good security.— _ — The business of an ATTORNEY AT LAW and NOTA RY PUBLIC is also tranfa&ed at the said office as usual by ASSHETON HUMPHREYS. N. B. Good Notes discounted. Inly 5- eo6w : ho- For Sale, A Valuable Grift and Saw Mill, IN New Jerfcy, near the Forks of Little Egg-Harbour. The' Grift Mill is sixty by forty feet, two water wheels, A„ 1 and calculated for four run of Stones, with screen, far.s % and boulting-cloths, &c. The Saw-Mill has two faws,and capable ofcuttingfiveto 6 100 thousand feet of Boards per year. A valuable piece of Cedar Swamp, within a mile and a half of the Mill, and within three quarters of a mile of a Landing The Lumber, &c. may be taken by water from the mill tail. ! ALSO TOR SALE, , ,and Several Valuable .Tracts of Land, , In Pennsylvania, for all of which payment will be recei.v- , al. E d in the notes of Messrs. Morris a?d Nichelfon, or in Caffi. . — For further Information apply to the Frinter. May 17. ; 1 roN plans of the city of Philadelphia, Including the Northern Liberties and diilrifl of SOUTHWARK ; ckets Published, and fold by BENJAMIN DAVIES, • No. 63, High street, (Price one dollar.) THIS plan is inches square, and has been en who jeraved by one ef the firll artists !n the city, from a late : She Ld accurate survey. Purchasers are entitled to a nam . For pi,let with each plan, giving" foipe account ot the city, its population, trade,' government, #cc. July 19 GroIGK DpB'SON, \Tkefo BF.OS !cave to inform the Store-Keepers in Tonn ard Cou«'efla! Printed Calli-«», ftol lt»i ,|rf>n| ill good cellars under the whole of the buildings, and a wine t> room over part of the stable, with'a hay-loft over the re niainder. For further particulars enquire of polll EDWARD BONS.hLL & Co. a f U ' At their Office No. 64 Dock-street. between Walnut & Pear d eo n " 6th month 24th, 1796 n —- - * 1 1 baui 'X JOHN PAUL JONES. ™ ,a * TNFORMATION is hereby given, that tha late John j er - 1. Paul Tones was a proprietor of five lhares amount se ' ine to about 5867 icres) in a trad of land purchased by que ler the Ohio Company, in the territory of the United States thai ? e * of America, north-weft of the river Ohio ; and that his [ ng ec heirs, or legal representative, on application to the direc- w ;|] <* tors ef said company, at Marietta in the territory afore- ,e " said, will receive a deed «f the said five scares, or rights The application maybe made personally or by an agent, I ten but proper documents must be produced to prove the • f claimant or claimants the legal heirs or representative ol """" the said Tones. . r 1 p-re , N.B. Asit is not known in what country the person I & or persons interested reside, it will be an a£ of benevolence nn •et, in every Printer in America and Europe, who shall insert a n ee&. this ad in his paper. lore It, in behalf of the diredors of ha, nif- Marietta, May 10,1796. [June .] 3awpw I.^ S Jui":Publifhed, fS. BY THOMAS DOBSON, j At the Stone House, No- 5 l South land Street,] — neatly printed in one volume quarto, price lix dollars the fine papcx, or five dollats the com mon: _ , , P ll our. The Four Gospels, p* eels, TRAtfLATED FROM THE GREEK-, I fan j With preliminary DifTerta ions, and Notes critical and ex- lai >and plasnatory. re ip s Bv GEORGE CAMPBELL, D. D. F. R. S. Id< ™ile &c. Principal of Marifchal College, Aberdeen. g , ,ater * * Th# oharafter of the author, for aeutenefs and etudition has been established by his efTay on o) miracles it. answer to David Hu-c," the: greatest h masterpiece of the kind ever published, and by his d «iy- « - Philofophv of Rhetoric," and to the naerit oil ,r in ,he present work, the result of nearly forty years ft tidy and application, and the fubllance of hu I j. tw course of lectures ia his official capacity, the , teviewershave given ample teifimony, but their ac r 1 t count, however honorable to the wo. is too long , °' for a place in advertisement, the wotk howev er is now prtferrted in an American edition at not 1 ( more than half the price of the London copy. , July 20. ' - - 1 of Pennsylvania, n en- July .6, 1796. a late Bumm „ Vacation will take place j !>«»' J- ! the 18'.h tu ft. and continue for Foo a W.^-Thcdihe' t the exit. Schools with th; several Tutor s will Kcord.ngly .e I affemKc on T.Jonday, the 15th day ot ftf By the Faculty, Wm, RooSec y. | LORD TOWN9HEND. t The following additional midittte and Verdtd (»"• elude the prticie publitbed yrjlerday.. I Mt. K'etrifon, apprentice lit Mr. Barnharo, ot I o*ford-ttreei, said, that he law the body when it • was brought into hU mallet's, house ; it wis per fectly dead,"but was-yet warm; though he v.-oi riot a Wry g as the pitlol moil have been put full into the mouth, the teeth being all found. The magiilrate men desired the several perlons examined to attend at site o'clock in the afternoon, as the coroner's jury would fit on the body in the evening. A Coroner's Inqtleft fat at half pad fix o'clock in the evening, at the public houie i;ext door tt> Mr. Barnham's, where-the dead boJy lay. They examined all the f trfons who had been before at Marlborough-ftreet, with the addition of Lord Charles's servant, and Mr. Barnhsm, who extract •• ed a bali from the top of thedeceafed's head. Hav ing infpefted the body, they retired to confide* o£ the vetdi<3 in the following words; " Upon view ing the body and from the evidence obtained, it appears that the death of Lord Charles Towri hem} was oceafioned by a pistol ftiot: but have m? 1 proof by whose hand the pistol Was fired.—Signed ' for felf and the reft of the jury, «< THOMAjs JACKSON-" ljirnity so truly dreadful, which overwhelms with aifliftion a family not more refpaft..!. r . ,— ' rank, than estimable for their virtue*. ' 1 "** EUROPEAN INTELLIGENCE. TURIN, May 5. persons are defirotis of knowing the circrm (lances which have compelled the king al-faw the Baron de la Tour arrive, nd who informed him, that his Sardinian majeily had re I 6gn«d the articles of the Truce, and had given or daw that they should be complied with as loon as i possible; The king of Sardinia havisg no longer I a futScient army to cover Turin, saw as well the I danger of remaining iu the city as of leaving it* The inhabitants cried peace, peace, and very pro* — bably would not have foftained a siege. The fuf- I render of the capital worfld probably have drawtl after it that of other places, and the king of Sar dinia would have fecn the whole of Piedmont con by quertd and in a revolutionary ftatc. It is supposed itea that the court of Turin flattered i'.felt with obtain* h' s 1 ing an indemnification in Lorobardy, and that it ec ~ I will offer iti"alliance to the French. It is true that £ e t ' s they do not need the affiftancn of the Piedmontefe ! 8 to finifh that conquest ; but it may be to their in »nt, tereft to sngage it in a war with the emperor. the I The minister of tVic emperor, the count de Ge* ; of 1 rardine', is' returned here ; this has given rile to a •son I great many conjedturei. But as the court of Tu nc" rin is not at war with the emperor, i: is plain that ifert a minister cannot quit his pod without the express order of his court. The princefles of France who had gone from Turin, have returned thither since the finning of the truce between the French and I the Piedfflontefe. Received at Ne-Tofk t By the PenUofe, Bunker, from Dublin. reel, I — fix-1 LONDON, May 20. om- his underfjood that the cleftion will be com pitted, and the new Parliament meet for the dil- I patch of business, in the month of July.—Matters of great important, it is cxpefted, will then he dex- laid before them, and the house will not rife for the recess until Autumn. Perhaps no plan could be J devised, more calculated than this for the public - n • 1 good. . :nefs Lord Hood has taken his farewell of the ekftors 1 on of Westminster ; informing them that his Majefly tateft has fignified his intention of conferring on him the r his I dignity of an Englilh Peer. it of J —— y ears It is said that there will be many changes iu the lf his 1 law department : Judge Aftturft and Judg« Pevrvn I to retire ; Serjeants Adair and Le Blanc to be the ac I nttv Judges ; William Grant, Eiq. to be eithev l° n g I Attorney or Solicitor General. owev- j j o h„ Holt, of Walton, the {urveyor cf A t not I g r ; c ulture for the' county of Lancaller, has been r» | presented with a cow calf, whose dim is in the 32d ■2\v year 0 f her age ; a fad which, can be ifcertaiiica I From certain data. And, what renders the circum ' g I stance more remarkable, tha dam of the ca! , y next, I whilst in the poffeflion of the present proprietor ediffer- I c an never be said to have been properly out ot w'nit 1 for tfee last fifteen years. The young feniale c« £ •'y, 1 tseir.s very healthy, and a beautiful crcatu.c.