Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 10, 1796, Image 3

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    • jfatfa— m»« U'« !»■■■■ urn «sa
) ' » 1 y b'iL'del'ybta,
SfrrTlSt; it Perth Vmb'.y, hy the Rer. Mr.
ifeofej M . 1~1 em r y Bemb idse, to Miss Sarah
Truxtun, daughter as fftimas Truxiun, Esq. 3$
of this city. . • fill
y —• « ' adj
— O.n evening, at New-York, by the not
Rev. Dr. M«>ore; C- B. Penrose, Esq. ®f Phila- wit
delphia, to Miss A. H.Bingham, of that city. Str rif a letter from Londonderry, dated ijl of u/
May ore
I '**1 never knew people going to America an
than firm- a> e this year. We have had very trou. i^rfl
times with Defenders fnc} Perp o'Day -M
■ boft'l but during the circuit many have been hung, va "
and the country is at present quiet. About Ar- &c
magh people dare not ttir out after dark, and pa-
are kept about their houfesand bleach-greens. 5°
Roman Catholic can now keep a gun except<ke fqu
have a freehold of ten pounds per annum, or 3001. Go
-eafli, which has i.n 3 manner totally deprived ral,
them of this privilege.—Every man must re.gifter the
his arms at the quarter feffiona, and if any magi- the
ftrate chooses after this day to search the house of . f 'rc
any man, he may do it, and fine'every man ten fail
pounds with whom a gun is found.—This is a hard
Uaw." »
\ En
S TO C K S. in
— tur
Six per Cent. - - - 1-7/7 th:
Three per Cent. - 10/7
per Cent. - - none for sal:. - - 14/"
51 pet Cent. - -- -- - - - jt,6
Deferred Six per Cert. - j. - . \sfb to 7 res
JJANK United States, - - - - 24 pr. cent.
■ Psnnfylvania, 30
—— — North America, ... .46
Insurance Comp. North-America, 40per cent. adT.' .
■ Pennsylvania, 5 percent. " 1!!
Exchange, at 60 days, - - - 165 te 166 2-3
. ' ,
Ship Jofephus, Haile, Teneriffe 35
Brig Morning Star, Steele, Londonderry 56 bo
Schooner Two Cousins, Duval, Havannah 17
Friends,' Hughs, Windsor (N. S.) 19 ph
Betfcy, Afhby, North Carolina 9
Peggy, Atkins, Penoblcot 14
Sloop Rover, Malonc, Jeremie 17 59
Millriver, May, Richmond 9 an
Nancy, Levinus, N'W-York 6 wi
Schooner Jupiter, Burbank, New York frc
Philadelphia, Harman, Hifpaifiola gil
Little Jenny, Cox, New Orleans
Eliza, BefTom, Norfolk frc
Winfield Packet, M'Neron, Dn. vie
Sloop Hero. Brewfler, Hifpaniola
William, Whittlefea,' * to
Fair American, Decker, Suffolk so
Ship Eliza, Little, Norfolk
The Jofephus failed from Teneriffe, July 6, fu A
company withthe Ship Adlive, Blair for Philadel
, phia. Left at Teneriffe the sloop James,'Durcan, H
Philadtlphia. Snow fair American, Vannefs, New pc
York. On the 24th July, -Iff. '*7» 34» ' on g> , in
spoke the brig Georgia Packet, M'kt.cver, ont 5
days all well. August 2, fat. 37, 26 v loug. 73, m
30, spoke a schooner frwi Philadelphia for Cape- C
Nichola-Mole —name unknown. at
- — i
Arrivals at New-York. V th
Ship Matilda, Afopugh, Montego-Bay. dt
Belvidere, Ingraham, Havre-de Grace
Penelope, Bunker, Dtiblis hi
' Brig Mary Ann, Glenny, Washington, N- C.
Columbia, Claik, Kennebeck. B
Arrivals at Boflon, Augujt 2. fe
Brig Sally Linzee, Oporto, 49 days. Left there tl
eapt, Stoddard of Boflon, for St. Übes. June 23, fc
lat. ij.o, 41, long. 30, 39, fpokfe brig Olive, Pal
mer, of Portfftiouth, from Cadiz. July 4, lat. 43, ft
long. 45, spoke schooner John 4 Fry, ftom St.Ubes
for Marblehead. July 12, lat. 44. 34, long. 61,
38, spoke {hip Juno, Harvey, of Boston, from
Havre de-Grace, for New-York. July 3, lat. 43,
long. 45, spoke schooner Orion, from Bolton, for
Cadiz, 10 On the ill inft. about two
Irag ies from the Boston light, was boarded by La
Raifon, detained 5 hours, and had two English- \
men imprefled, viz. Fftcr Grimes and George Peal, r
Aug. 3. Schooner John, Tr.efry, St. UVs, 30 J
days. Left there, Pomona, Men ill, of Ports
mouth, to fail ir, 5 days ; Lenard, Hacket, of t
' Newbury-port, 15 days ; Fortitude, Cllft, of Bos- j g
ton, ij days ; Voax, of do. lis days; id
Mary, ■——, Portland, 15 days ; Minerra, Eld- J
of New-Bedford, 10 days; Active, B4air, t<
of Philadelphia, for Teneriffe, £jj«Jays ; , 1
Rhodes, New-York y A&ive, Robertfotv, of Phi 1 t
ladelphia, ij days ; Neu<ra!ity, Jenkins; for Bos- a
ton, *5 days. Nothing r.ew.
Schooner Harcum, Utley, Halifax, 10 days, i
Saw; La Raifon lying too, off Cape Cod. 1
Aug. 3. Schooner Fair L ai ly> Bruce, Ham- i
burgh, So days. Left there, brig' PoSy, Camp- e
bell of New York; (hip Harmony, Moote, Phils- t
delphia; (hip Cleopatra,. Martin, Baltimote ; Hup T
George, Ranj/dell. New-Yotk ; ship Antonia, a
Lombard, do. fhipCygnet, Johrion, ditto ; {hip r
Eli>a, Swain, Rollon ; brig Mary,.Moiilton, New- <
bury-port ship Warren, Stanton, New-Yoik ; ]
brig Almira, Wait, Portland ; (hip Adventure, i
Lombard, Boiion ; brig , Delano ; (hip t
, Robbins, ; ship Randolph, Green- 1
,ough, Portsmouth, N. H. Ship Statira, Edwards, f
ditto ; {lrp Three Friends, Bradford, Jiofton;
schooner Polly, Irvine, Baltimore ; ship Voltaire,' e
Bowen, Philadelphia ; brig Neptune, Barr, Sat
lem 5 {hip Lucia, Wilder, • TJofton ; snow Two ft
Friends, Bartoll, ditto. Spoke, July 21, lat. 4.3, t
just W. of the Banks, ship Lydia, of Newbury- 1
port, 10 days friitr. Virginia, for Lisbon. July 27, i
lat, 42, 56, spoke fllip Polly, Adams, 4 days from t
.\Vifcaffirt, tor Litferpool. Same day, (poke fchri 1
Pilg-iitu, 33 days from Liverpool t
. The Mercury, Brooks, of Bofiqn, 5 days from c
Virginia, for Cadiz, was spoke, July 12, lat. 39, ]
!r,ng. 65. 1
I ■; »
Arriv*d"here the fltip Pomona, Capt. Merril, in ex
38 days from St. Übes, who informs that our Con
sul told him our affairs with tire Algerines were so
adjusted, that the commerce of these Statrs was g.
not in the lead hazardous, and our l veflels might,
with the greatest fafety, go to any port of the
Streights without meeting any obftru&ioh.
Merril, the day previous to his lfuvi "R St>
' Uses, Tead London papers to the gth of June, in at
one of which he' perfectly recoiled!s to have read te|
an account of a battle o"n the Rhine, in which the
French, as usual, were vidlorious, having taken r OI
' | pnfoncrs, killed many thoiifands, taken
vad quantities of ammunition, baggage, waggons,
&c. &C. , g.
Arrived here the brig Olive, Capt. Palmer, in
50 days frort Cadiz, who informs that Richefy's
fquaSion was flill at Cadiz the 18th June. The *
Governor of Cadiz sent off to the English adroi-
ral, to know if his was in a state of blockade,
the answer was not knowti when Capt. Paimer left w<
there ; the admiral hai, however, ordered the fqua
..flron immediately off the coafl, and it had actually w ]
failed two days before Capt. Palmer left there.
NEW YORK, Au£u., £ th
It was'currently reported this moroiiig, that the la'
English frigates Prevoyante and Thetis had fallen th
in with the French frigate Concorde, and had cap- th
tured and.sent her into Halifax. Capt. Cochran, of ab
th: Thett9, was said to have arrived at Sandy-hook of
and to have received a wound in the fids during fe
the engagement. We have endeavored to trace the pi
report to its origin but Without effect. hi
L?ft evening arrived bere, the ship Belvidere, tu
Capt. Ingraham, in 63 days from Havre. lii
Captain Ingraham spoke the following vessels on so
hir, passage —
June 12, brig Eliza, Capt. Wilfun, from Guern- in
fey, bound to London, 35 days* from Gharlefton fe
to Guernsey. n<
Ship New-Jerfer, Capt, Hefs, from Havre, la
bound'to Liverpool, tl
Ship Concord, Capt. Johnfton, from Philadel- V
, phia, bound to Amsterdam. oi
July 13, br<£ Eagle, Capt. lfrael, of New- pi
York, bound to Madeira, out 15 days, in long, ci
59, w<ft. The Belvidere being in want of water w
1 and provisions, CaJjt. lfraelfurnifhed her with some tl
i water, flour, bread, &c. b
July 23, spoke a (hip-belonging to New-York, ti
from Virginia, bound to France, out 6 days, lon- d
1 gitude 58. b
i July 25, spoke the ship Alliance, Capt. Wood, ft
from New-York, who very kindly supplied th« Btl- e
- videre with some neceffaiies.
1 August 4, spoke the American Eagle, of Bos a
1 ton, bound to Virginia, out 3 days, and received t
: some neceflaries from her. n
: Capt. Ingraham left at Havre about 30 fail of n
1 American vessels. .* "o
Two French frigates and three corvettes, left. ;
, Havre tlic day before Capt. Injrraham failed, fup
t posed with an iutention of joining the Dutch fleet v
, inthcTexel. v . • r
; By the arrival fef- Capt. Afcougli, from Jamai- J
, learn, that th&floop Lady Washington, .
- Capt. .Barnatd, was 101 lon the north fide of Cuba, <
about five Weeks ago ; part of the cargo saved, *iz. t
25 puncheorts rqm, carried into the Havanna, and 1
there obliged to be fold, for the benefit of the un
y, derwriters. <
e About i fortoight ago, Capt. Afcongh was' f
s boarded by a French privateer, and treated politely. (
Capt„"A. spoke the ship American Eagle, from 1
;. Boflon, bound to Virginia, all well.
The brig Nancy, Capt. Seton, of this port, was
seized in Monteg® Bay while Capt. lay"
■e there, on account of a few rolls of tobacco being
;, found on board, but has lince been liberated.
I- The following gentlemen came paflengers in the
;, (hip Matilda, from Jamaica —
:s Mr. James Vanzandt.
1, Mr. George Tighe, of 83d regiment.
rr. Mr. Grn. Temple, »f do.
?. ———
3r KINGSTON, July t.
r o Arrivals at Port-Royai since our lafl.
jZ The Neptune, Blanchard, Portland; Eliza,
li- Williams, Norfolk; Mary, Boye, Africa ; Cla
il. rifTa, Congdon, New-York; Lirc'inda, Barnett,
O North-Carolina.
f- We are happy to have it in our power to con
sf tradifl, upon goad authority, the account with je
>f- | gard to BpciMrde, inserted in this paper «n Sptur
s; I day unde-the Falmou h head, and copied from
d- Jamaica Merctny. The following extract »f a let
ir, t«r from'a gentleman at Cape Nichala Mole, dated
-, 13th inft. to his correlpondent in this town, con
li tair.s a corredl flatemeat of the particulars of the
>f- affair.
•' I rifle this letter by an American schooner that
'6. is to fail this day, to acquaint you of the taking of
Bombard'e. On the nth it fuirendered, not be
n- ing able to.hold ottt longer : the forccs in it obtain
p- ed very advantageous terms ; although the only al
ia- teroative left them was, bptig carried by afTauh, or
ip Turrendering at difcretian ; the commander in chief
ia, alone signed the terms, the other general officers
ip refuting to do it, as humiliating to our'army : in a
iv- word, not only the troops belonging to Port-de
; ; Paix, arid the inhabitants of that place, who were
e, in the fort, were allowed to go to Jean Rabieli con
lip dudted by an Eflglifh,guard; to a certain distance ;
n- but even defetters from the Mitrechaufee de Con
3s, fade, arid from the HufTars, reccivsd the,fame fa- ;
r; vor: loldiers who quitted their colours to join the/
re," enemy, and whoi by every rul/of war, defeiVji'
la- to be hanged, have been treated as fimplc retyQni
f/o General Whytc arrived here some
.3, with a convoy of transports, having on. bo an, some
ry- fay 1800 merij others a great deal less ; h/ppilj( he
7, remains to command heie, as General Forbes goes.
>m to Pprt-au-Prince. Jean Rabel will, I think, not
in be long in poffeflion of the Republicans: its cap
tu'e is ncceflary to frcure the Mole ; for it is very
>m certain that Mr. Vincent, chief engineer of the re
9, publicans at Cape-Francois, rr*ditnted strongly to
dired all kis forces agaiufl the Mole; convinced
tTvat, kelrtgonr# mftirs of the Re- With
publicans wt>uld soon be in pots'™ of all the E "' P r °cu
glifh territoiy i-i St. D.>miogo w,l!cll ' n f »& cou,d
fcarccly be tenable. But we ITe Bot that to At
—our fecuny will be augmefd by the force we
exped ; Admiral Chriiiian, :h 4=o° ™t n > being Hi
hourly look id for." cludii
During tie time the Ma Cuineamtm was at Creel
Barbadoes, a veflel ariived" 6re rom Grenada, cellcn
with 40 invjids from woundcd the dif- infon a&ioij on that idand | bey
A mallei of a veffrl re' r,J t thi"middle of last us, ti
mopih,'tlrat(ll kin3t of pr^P" B were scarce both into t
at Port-de-liix and Cape-?ancois ; that at the lit* fourc
ter platfe, tlry had not >4 tban half allow- rahee
ance of brea and fah prof' oll ' f° r their troops for as th<
fdme ti«*e;Uhat ph'var rs were dispatched to | The
bang in *11 American vefi a l®aded wi(h provisions. the p
_ Indi?
Ext rail of a letter fronfbf Supercargo of an A- the <
merican ve<pl, in the fench port of St. Dotnin- tion,
go. prise.
" Hearingiof an in re reform of the French tend<
Adminiftratiol in the it* of Leogane, in confe- with
quence of a niona! dcee in favour of Americans, thou
weleft Jacqueqtl for fariguane, but by fatal ex- prop
perience find fc law Inds a set of rascals, whose deter
whole study isp cheatheir country, and fob the nion,
Americans un<jr the pecious name of friendfhlp ; not:
this they ireft opposition to their own the <
laws j and whcfcold fit are not afha.-r.ed toconfcfs Fi
the fa£), pleadfg nfeflity ha 9 110 laws : and al- tions
though this is Jtrir ecufe, adminilhation are fully ble t
able to pay evfy Afenc-an his due, piovided the we (
officers were hoed ; jut they take fpeaial care to is, t
feaihertheirowbeftswhi'ie in their power to accom- ble c
pli(h it, whichiieylo by placing into each other's aco
•hands, and lea{£ t(gether to prey upon us unfoi> gove
tunate America. The coffee that fliould be de- tent;
livered to us foriurcargoes by them, is fold and
for cash and p r et:d by the officers. °P lll
" The Anieriiniplaccd.far toomuch ccafidence by f
io the honour 't Ftenelimen, they forget the dif- V
ference bet weeithe iesl patriots of France and the flats
noisy denaorratfor liberty. The ignorance of the
latter* is.hardlyioncei'eable, it is common to find
their principal firers unable to figw their names. I
When we Hfirftlrrivei here ar:* found the fituati- I
on of things, Ilemaided a permit to depart the I
port ; their a.ifer va3, we intend to .hire your I
. cargo before ya g>. Immediately 15 soldiers I His
were placed orboarf ; I demanded to know if I (
: they would tab it by force ? They replied no ; j
but wvuld kecjis, and not allow us to fell an ar- I
, tide, id to government. We waited 14 I w ; c
■ days, and founj&thtrs had lain 60 days, and then I w j,
been Qcmpeited | give up, we concluded it va:n to I
, Handout, and Htveii only knows what will be the I Q a .
- event." j t
Between twve and one o'clock on Monday I ,
aftemoon, the [hooner Induflry, on her way to | |
1 the Turtling Krs was flruck by a very heavy sea, j
nearly oppoiitetc pallifadoes,and went down int- jyj
f mediately. Ha crew confjfts of four hands, two j CJ f )
which werejrowned. The other two gained Ihe
«. jne fhure, by of a piece of timber. j
In confequeß of some -mifunderllanding a duel I cel
t was fpu-ht orNonday evening, between two *Rj
at Pjtic's Mount, in which o/ie of them, j at
Ms V. La Vy\ fcit hislife. An inquest wai held Iwa
, «n tin; body n Tuesday morning, when -the ver- Ig,
1, diet retnrucctiis, tfiat til'died by a ball fired from 1
:. a pillol by atrfon unknown, which entered his jao
d right ficK', Scco as to ocofion his death., 1 f e ]
1 A mal's cfjietjl, much incumbered, with (tones Iw,
and sand, walicked yp on the Lolfg mountain a| c 0
is appeared to have been in that j y
f. situation a ccideiable number of years, and when j
ti refir.ed yieldel 7 ounces of gtild.
is emmunicalcd jur the Diary.
y — . . . le<
g ExtraSfd frfl the Registry of his J
Curt of Appeals for Prizes.
16 Saturday thiwenty third day of April, in the year I
ofuur Lo one thousand feren hundred and nine- I ,
ty fix, atie Council Chamber, Whitehall ; - I
EailManield, Lord President of th« Council. I
Sir Richd Pepper Arden, Knight, Matter of I
the ROII3* I
Earl Spe-'er, ! 5
* 1 ' Lord Aikland, I d
a " Lord WCnghatn, 0 ft
l > Sir Willin Wynne, Knight, • I'l
SylveftcrOouglafs, Esq. I "
111 the pfence of Robert Jenner, Notary Public
oue of the )eputy Regillers.
ae COL'MBIA, "j For Sentence on the
Abifha Beiard, msfter. (• fecotid Assignations "
Bufb, Hafeltine. > and Iriformationa.
n " The Lcj3s having heard the proofs read and ad- v
lc ai>ifi'o<Slois on both fides thereon, by inter- j'
locutaj;y do ee pronounced for the appeal, reversed '
a ' the fentenc appealed from, and retained the princi
pal cauife ;knd therein admitted the claim for the ''
e " ship and *go, pronounced the {hip to have belong
*d as clairtd, the fame to be rellored,
or the valii thereof paid to the claimant for the use
or of' the oijffrs and proprietors fliereof ; but direfl- ?
eo * urther>r°4>f to made of the property of the
18 car gS> al ' ordered a monition agairtfl tht captor*. c
ato bnng account of sales upon oaih, together 3
e " with tile roceeds of the sale of the ship aiid cargo. I
,c '•• A-: ARDEN,
n " Regilfsef His "Majesty's Cout,; of Ap- • .
' ' j>eal/or Prizes. c
"a- ■ 1 1 1
X %/ A'UQUDTAf Jul; 13. '
fff 1 J Mr. failflfH, 1
of fdute at the hite treaty with the Creek lit- c
ne dians, in the accomplishment of the obie£t of tbe
he state of (eorgia, as yet remains t « the '
its. public, crept by a p»rtial arid anonymous. ptibK- i
ot cat it>n at Savannah. The following letter, on that - t
ip- fubjt£l, In the Commissioners of the United '
ry StiteSj Uitten upon the spot, -with apparent can I
re- dour, am under the impression of official refponfi- <
to bility,<;xffcins the cause ; and its publication there-- i
cci fore, canist but bs very famfactary to the citiafni. 1
• Witk this view a copy from the original has been
procured, and i* committed to the-prefii.
Auguftz, July 20, 1756.
Having terminated our miffiiin h<re, by con
cluding a treaty of ptface and fiietidlhip wiih the
Creek nation, we feel it a duty we owe to your ex
cellency, to make this communication to'you ;to
inform you of the pacific difpolition of thfc'Crecks.
They have, among other things,- ({ipulatStl with
us, to carry the treaty of New-Yoik completely
into effect, and !•> aid in running the tine, from the
source of the main fork of the Oconee to the Cor*
rahee mountain ; at such time and in such manner,
as the President of the United States (hould difffS;.
The expeditions formed by your Rate relative to
the puS-chafe of certain lands guaranteed to the
Indinns, are frullrate'd. The Representative o{
the Creek nation came inftruScd by the whole na
tion, not to part with the lands. We*rere not ap
prised dt this, 'till our oegociation had been ex
tended to all the objects con'.edted immediately
with our miffiou. We on being informed of it,
thought it our duty, to examine whether any im
proper interference had been used, to produce this
determination of the nation, and we are of opi
nion, after the necessary enquiry, that there was
not aa/fuch iuterfeience, on the part of any of x
the citizens of the United States.
From the long, repeated aad, friendly conven
tions we have had with the chiefs, we have been a
ble to draw from them forae information, which
wc owe to our flotations to give freely td you: It
is, that it will require fomc time, and a confidera*
bit degree of prudence,, to impress on-the Indians,
a confidence in the uprightnefsof the views of your
government, and in the friendly and peaceable in»
tentions of its citizens, who inhabit the frootiecs ;
and until fueh confidence is established, we are of -
opinion, that all attempts to acquire land from them
by fair and open purchase, will be incTFeftual, v
With our bell for the prosperity of the
Hate of Georgia, >
We have the honor to be,
, I Your obedient fervanti,
s I His Excellency Jarer Irwin, '
f I Governor of the State of Georgia. ,
" I Yesterday arrived at this port, the ship Swan
-- I wick, eapt. Sylvc&er, from Belfail, 6 wjeks out,
1 I with 150 pafTengers, all in perfect health.
0 BALTIMORE, Augi.ll 5.
K I Capt. Richard Flinn, of the brig Triton, lying in
I the port of Leogane, hasfent the following ad»
y I vertifement for publication, and reque.fls that it
0 1 should appear in every paper in the United State*.
'» { BE it known thioughout thJ'Unitcd States, that
" I Witlipm Camp, fearaan on board the brig Triton,
0 1 of, Philadelphia, and a native of NeW-Jersey, (as
jhe hasfworn by. a certificatefigned byCltment Bid-
I die, Esq. of Philadelphia) has informed ths offi
e' cers of the prirateers fitted out at Leogane, that
'* j'Richftrd Flinn had taken goods on boa/d said veflel
ri ' at Cape NidiSla Mole, and that part of the cargo
was Dritifh propei ty and owned by a French en)!- *
r * gi*nf. In consequence of which the said brig wife
j detai led sot trial, and the said RichUrd Flinn denied
118 I access to her, although it fully appeared by the vcf«
I fel's papers, that the whole of the cargrf on boat d
es j was truly and bona fide American property, and
a Iconfigned to said master, who is a citizen of the
at I United States, and the veflel has been plundered of
en I her cargo, withou condemnation.
Dated at Leogane, 115 th July, 1796.
I Richard Flinn.
I ' We whose nxmes art hereunto fu'bferibed, do
j certify and declare, (hat full f»ith and credit is due
§" I (in oUr opinion) to the above declaration.
W'illiim Smale, 1
rar I George Revell,
ne- I , James Philips,
- I Thomas S. Hodgkin.
I Leogane, 13th July, 17964 . ■
of MIDDLETOWN, (Conn.) Augoft S .
I Thomas Starr, of this city, is eommittti to pri-
Ifen, to have tiial at the next Sup*rior Court for
I dangerously wounding Samuel Cornwell, whom he
-1 dabbed in 7 different places with a penknife, on
I Tuesday lad, Cornwell is yet alive !
slic PARIS, May 15. 1
the Pomme, one of the Colonial Deputies, haran
ons nounced to the Council of Five Hundred, that
Collpt d'Heibois, and Billaud Varenncs, who
ad- vvere tranfpsrted to Cayenne, began to tyrannize
ter- over that co,on >'' as ,! 'ey had done ui France. Col
•fed !ot cau^fd himfelf to be proclaimed.king. He
nci- h,,tJ the fyflem of requisition, the mdxi
the "* lim » and revolutionary committees and tribunals.
He was also preparing to set up a guillotine. Pom- .
red, me l^cn deman<^e< '> the colonies ought thus to
u k be infefled with those wretches, whom France was
compelled to drive from its territories ?
tbe A committee is to be formed, for the purpose
:or». coufidering what fhail in future be the manner
' he *' and deftinatiyi to be fixed upon in cafcs of trans
portation. '
FRANKFORT (Germany) May 14.
They complain very muph at Vienna of the eon
dud of the J'icdmontefe troops, and RHi more of
the government of Genoa. They observe that the
— French themselves declire in their reports that the.
Imperial troops fought witb the greaKli,
they conclude.from thertce tha'r the»"i'fi/erfc thry
have experienced may be attributed to fume secret
lit- cause. So faysjhe Gafcette of Mayefice. .
tbe Letters front the army in Italy aa
the nounce that general count d'Argenteau is ncciifi/J,
ibk- if not of t.reafon, at It-ast of failing f» transmitting
that- to the generals who comm4nded under bim, the or
ited der of monf. Beaulieu. Monf, - d'Argenteau and
can feverjd of his officers have been arr;!Vd by the
jnfi- commander in.chief, and coudue'tad to Pavia, where
'*r<- the firft ho been already fubje&id to djveri inter
tni. rogatories. y
si. lu/Li-■'23\ *