Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, July 28, 1796, Image 1

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    ' y- . * i i•• ■ , . - 1 . i
#4ettt I*6l HtltteuStates, te Philadelphia Dally Advertiser.
THURSDAY EVENING', ?Uf.r «8, >7*. , *"
Nvmbex i2i 2. j — r-n-nr i htity DM CARRIAGES. , Tore Let. ;
On Saturday the 3 cth i.A w.llbe fcld 'at public auc
The neW £ hi ß T Y
t-v UR.TH E N 10 tons, with her 0
B r.iafts and spars » delivered by ,|£
is a faithfully vessel of*» dos , he
materiali, onejhoufand do.laro w.U be
purchaftf at the time of We, and Ur , ; u
CI --4it wil! begivsii of 3, 6> 1 Hank of —r —
W.a be secured by notes negotiable at the Bank
With approved endorsers.
IOHN MANDtiVILLE, 1 tA/e>'fir ttt n_
ELISHA C. DICK. J 0 Co " gj
*3 d t ~, 7? «&s
~ TA K E NOTICE, ne<
rrhat application «iU te made for the renew* of voya ;
T the following certify, iflwd by J f
Register of the Treasury, 111 thf name of 1 e Ja
—dated the 1 7 thDccember, 1795. bearing from
the firft day of January, W* *©<
, ' tb VZo tliVe- ptr cent, domdtic flock, No. »*.«. jO
-dated December 16, 1795> b - ari HS ,nt And
firft day of Jafnrrrjv iaai.f^'994
ilolen in this city some time m December or Jan aa...
No. 59, North Front-fti eet. tor ,
Philadelphia, July 11, Ji
•~T-- ••• for Barbados,
. - The Brigantir.e
F A ivi E, Atl
Francis Knox, MaCtr, V
®y faITT AS accommodations for pal- j,
j!" fevers, and is expeded to fail 011 C
thursday next For«sght of a few barrels or passage, J-
Take Notice, .
THAT the Subscriber intends to mate apphca-
tion 'for the renewal of a Certificate, No. 1609, J
for 4000 dollars, dated the 14th December, I 7?£ b f v |?«* -]
interefl: at 5 £ per cent, from ift January, 1796, in the
name of David Dunderdale & Co. of Le-ds, in York
shire, merchants. The fame isfoppofed to have been 101 l
on its Way to New York, under cover to Bleeckit tx J
March, of thatplacc, on the (kh of January lait-
Thomas M'Euen.
Philadelphia, vid June, 1796. S * v/h
-——— ; ~ — oft
Just Arrived, fc
In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, rnafter from Li- r. j
verpool, ' T ec
5000 BuflkAl* SALT ; tV( .
100 Crates QUEENS WARE ; and IJ
An Aflortment of SHIP CHANDLEI'.;
for nit
On board, at Pine-street wharf.——Apply t»
James Campbell ■, or
George Latimer.
April 29. ?_ y
' _t? NO TICK J;
There will be fold on Thursday the 4th of .\ugnft, at V
the Merchants' coffee honl'e, 111 .Second ilreer,
One thousand shares of the stock ot
the North America Land Company.
If not previouliy <iifpofcd of.
Philadelphia> aoVhJuly.
For Sale, Freight, or Charte^
The Scho«ner'
fe. : v-d, p|NE.hundred ahd twenty tons burthen —
fix months old, aft a u neb, faithfil'y-
Tjuilt, fact-Tailing V ffcl, handiomcly finifiicd off, and v.cll |
found inevtry p,«:ticular. For termsappiv to j
Cia hbitti said ftjiooner, lying at Dft^klefy 1 and Bohlen's .
wharf, tKe lirll above Market street. • ]
si ffij balf-bbls. Prime Mess Beef.
July 24 §
- - CJ
For Sale or Charter, u
BTJR'fHKN iSbat icoo BbLs. of flour—lie may be fer.t
to sea at a !':iiall expence, her fails and riggitis; being in
very good order—ipplf to r
James Campbell-, or
George Latimer.
April, V). §
' j
From 16 to 9 i inches, for sale by I
Jeremiah JVarder,
July 11 $ No 12 north Third-ftrest. j
' 1 ~ 1
From on board the Nancy, William Belcher, mas
ter, from Bourdeailx, a cargo, confiftiny; of—
232 Cafe 6 of 24 bottles cach CLARET,
z'Stf do. of 24 do. WHITE WINE,
For Sale by
F. Coppinger.
-July 23. dtf.
Just arrived,
220 boxes btft Claret,
Coaiainmg tyiro dozen each, foe sale, Wholcfate& Retail, by
William Sheaff,
*45 July 22. No, 168 High-ftrcet.
Schooner LITTLE JOHN. 1 J
FOR S AI. E. *
The Schoonvr LtTTLE JOHN, i sia
. A BOUT 18 month? uld, a very fact "ice ?f
Xx failing velTel, on Virginia Pilot boat
.Stßzk/ p' an « »° w Wm." So,i .' h w --- ir ' tcpttv
■•ytyVCt'lScarries r.ear 9»o.barrels, -s ren./ to ts :« i
$£2532 i» a cargo.; aliber»l civdit vri'l begiven. ~ , n ' f
Apply to PIiTEK BLIGHT. i\j\ and
. . July 19. * taie * A
* ~
For Sale,
< Tiie Schooner
- htM'A Dispatch,
TJURTHEN about twelve hundred barrels,
- 1) a (launch, good vcffel, t .vo years oW, is .
newly fceath';d, and in compleat order to proceed on a
f voyage.—For terms apply to
, Jpfeph Anthony & Co.
' J«fy *7- ____ 4t V
7 just Arrivf
lln the fcip Molly,J&hn Fiflft, MuVr. U^r P o. ; V »
2 5000 Bufhcls Bell finp ftov::d b. .i. !«»..
e 600 Bushels HOUSE COAL,
„ r
/-pTnllpTSfiv ' •. 6c
- N. B. THI : lo
V Ship M O LY, £ .
TS (or SALE or CH \RTCR, r - :s l>eh,
1 years old, Philadcipi l :>a ■ 1 o«
carrier about 4400 t«.
For terms apply as above.
Tuly 23 • dtk
•> 7 J tuou»
This Day commenced Landing,
At A' ifflins wharf, the cargo of the Brig Lucy and Sloop Uctnc
St. Jago, from Bt. JagodeCuba —confuting of' «
White and Brown Box SUGAR- lL 1 c
'f- MOLASSES, of an excellent quality. luth
;e, HIDES M..: HONEY. Also,
Sale or Charter. oi
- The brig LUCY, phih
A ft° ut > strong vefiel, will carry a
:a- A bout 1200 batrels.and may go to
'9> - tea with a very small expense. '
ng will be fold for caih or approved notes. (
| lC Samuel Emery, Q !
k : No. 64, south Second-street.
oft , , , dtf. othe
& July 27, >79P- ]i
LOSTVr left,
At some place in the city or vie riity of Philadelphia,
vVliich is not known —A note drawnhy .feac Beers r-.q. , j
of the Citv of New. Haven, (Conne£hcUt,) Jon jo dol
lirs drawn in favor of the fubfenber, payab.e lßtoiji % ,
Li- r,.*t. As the note was not indorsed and payment in Itop-
■pert, it can be of no use to any one but the swner. W "o- hl< ,
ever has found tue said now and delivers the fame to tiK
IV inter a-. No. 119 Chel'nut Street, or it the fabfcr.hc-.
No. 25 Carters Alley, ihall receive ten dollars rcwaru.
Cbejter Atdoater. tior
July ift. -- . -
Win. HQLtjUjR-N^SSr?,
No. 76 H'lf h Strict, At
HAS received; by the latest arrivals from Europe and
the East Indies, a well feltfied assortment ol .>.ll.
Merccy,l-inenDrapery and Haberdashery Gooas;wnich
at he will M, Wholcfale and UetaH, on the lowed terms;
Ol Setae fine India maflins embroidered with «old and iflver
Suiwrfine Book, Jaconet, afld Mnlmul ditto
y. nJ Jo -do do Handkerchiefs Trl
Some extra black tafFetics,lut«ftriugsand colorsd Persians crc
' bandant) Handkerchiefs P a "
Long and short Nankeens w 1
Englilh Mantuas of the firft quality | n
Damaft: table liny • and napkins, very fine mr
Silk HoQery, ar. elegant assortment
Thead and cotton d« anc
Umbrellas silk, 01 d do. and do cloth
n— French cambrics, very fine
illy- Irilb Linens, do. &c. &e. June t4 p r ;
W4: " y Public Notice is given, I
the merchants and others concerned in the hipping t
len's j I it State Illand > under quarantine, that a Cart will j rcc
attend every mo.ning, sundays excepted, from nine to ; th<
ten o', at the Health office, No. 32 Walnut-street, to < ; n
' convey proviiions or other Refrefhments to the Hospital, |
and for the use of the crews. .Jafi
5 It is e.tpeiled that the Bags, Baskets, or other paclcag-
es with rutjplie*, will be directed with tht name of the vef- Fr
fel and captain they are intended for, to prevent mlltakes G
By order of the Board of Health for th.: port of Phila- en
delphla, LEVI HOLLINGSWORTH, Chairman. th
1 jiily 13 § a
ai)d WARREN.
§ A DVERTISED for sale bv the State AgenW, in th- Phila
- - A delphia Gazette and Univcrfal Daily Advemfer, to be
Sold in the City of Philadelphia ; will commence at the Cily
Tavern or Coffte-Houfc in Second-Street, in tht feiAcity, oa
Monday the 25th day of July inft. at 7 o'clock in the even
ing. and be com it»ued by adjournment from dav today, from,
iao'clwclcat noon, unril two o'clock, and from 7 until 9
f o'clock in the evening until the whole of the said LOTS and
OUT LOl'Saredifpofed of. The conditions of sale will be 3
made known, and the pians of the said LOTS and OL L
LOT Sbe shewn at the time and place of sale.
» By order of tt'iltijn Irvirit, Andrew Ellit tt and George VI ufon
mas- Aftcni.. EDWARD FOX, AuHiohccr.
July 22. .
Sales of India Goods.
, " 1 ■ ; ,
The Cargo «f the (hip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal
/ cutta and Bengal, ,
and general assortment o( Bengal and Madras
dtf. A variety fine worked and plain Mujlins,
- — Doreas, Iffc. Alio,
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar,
In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER.
T* " Fot Sale by
t?il,by Willings ?sf Francis, J
ff, No. it I'ewn Street.
rect. June $
9 -v > •
Notice is hereby Given, : fit^
THAT »zrc»(.|y lo an ad of Congrcfs ot J Ni-«-lV
1 S,ai«..t me -a. paiTei# at PhiU.!elphu, the »B<h day
of Mav, J7ab ; laying dutitt on Carriage', tor tne convey
nice of ptrh.ns. m.d iviv.aliii<; the I'ormer acts tor thai put
oale.—Chat (litre iha'.l be levied, collected a«j., up.m
'ill 4<»r the convcyarrcs- of pe#ia:«», wnicn ir.all DC
kept bv Qi tor any perlon, for his or her me, ot to et
Jot to hire, ar Cot the coflvtying ot tne ieveral c*u.'
~ . „,m s [•ilio.virrr, t:> >*. t. JV j
fo\and u. n c-ciy Coach, 15 u. jL 1
' vriVvr r v CnariOi, 12 dols. Pvlefft s
up6nevery Pflj| dols; now di
U{»o every Poll Cu«»itc, 12 « cfs. ' l'-jiT
upon evtry Phae on, wuhor without to,|>, gdols.
upon every C'-acncc, 9 dois.
upon Carriages, having panne 1 W4'rlt a^ovc,
blinds, gkifles or curtain?, 3, dols. .
upou four w netl carnages, having framed polls anc
\cioj vvtfh ftec! lpiings, 6 dols.
upon spur wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron
' ipringsci jMcks, 3 dols.
upi'ii curricle* with tops, 3 colj. ' '
upon c aifes with tops, 3 dols. T Oil
upon chairs with tops 3 do is.
upiii ;ulk.iv.» with tups, 3 ciwls.
upiwi oilier twu wheel top carriages, 3 cols. #
upoj# t -vo wkeel carriages, with ileei 0/ iron fprmgs,
Jur and upon all other two wheel carnages, 2 ools.
upon lour wheel carriage, having warned polls
and taps, and rcftiug upon wooden 1 pars, 2 dou. j\ ]
T' - GoJlt&ors of the Revenue ot the thf It turvey ot tne
O.ifHt Ji fennfylVania, will attend daily, until the 30 th da>
■ .umber next, for the purpose of receiving ihe duties on jui
• - j,atNo. 117, in Race or Saffjfras ftrcct, in lI " Cu>
ifi delphia, at the house of Daniel S. Clair, Liq in l lC l\
>f Montgomery; aad at the house ot Alr.aiiam L>u
bc-f q. in the County of Bucks; of w iich all periods pot
'< u ! i . inch Carriages are desired notiee. extern
" Notice is also given,
j river
TCVall retail dealers in Wines, and foreign difti.led fpiri- fraa'.-.
tuous liquors, that licencerwill te grantedTo ißem ; one li ahr
cence for carrying on the bulinels of retailing o ine., in a high,
lelsq tantity, or in lets than 3b gallons—and one
licence lor carrying on tho bulinels of retailing Sp.ruuous 1
qtinl in lets qualities than 20 gallons, at the lame time and
at the fame places, by the officer* legally authonzed to grant
foch licences. . T Cena
Infpeftor of the Revenue of the survey
of *he dilli of Pennsylvania. *
Office of InfpeOion,at )
Philadelphia, 21 il July, 1796 > ' *" 3° •
A Young NEGRO GIRL, 'T 1
~i'. Of Four I ten years Old, FOR SALE,
Qhe has near El veil Years to serve, is healthy, and well P
O aeqtit.inted Vfith the buftnefs of a Ckamber Maid, ana
other h. use work Enquire of the Printer.
July *5- I_l_ mag
, Twenty Dollars Reward. ti««
• r ~?X TA3 S*FOl.EN>'laft. evening, fromthe pasture of tfhs i(
VV fuhferiber, a black Rockingham GELDING, ij
1 1-a high, ha, a ttar, and some. white under his kno ,
" throat, (th. purt being formerly chafed) ;has a leather ob lf
■ hi. neck, ilie mane on the near fide, his foot-locks fretted
" v.-h c.or, andi;»hOrfe of much honeaud size. Who- a(fo
' i.ti.T. :- Mnr w h , fhali have the atoVe rt-
L v'»i-{L or for the Korie alone a very ,
July 1 tO4W the
" — ■ ■■ ■ I aclci
Noiv Pallijbh? by the Printer,
At No. 3, Lsetitia Court, delivering to Subscribers, »"jj
J 1 and to he had at the different Bookstores in this City, cqu
i'i Berriman.& Co's pet
Containing the Old and Nw —:
teftamems and die Apocrypha, with marginul notes and' Y
eas efences. An Index ;or an account of the ffloft remarKabfe I .
palTaceiin the old and new Tcftament, poinung to the plates
wherein they haooened, and to the places of fcriptuie where-1 yj
in they are recorded.-A Table of Time.—Tables of scrip
ture mealurej, weighlsand coins : with an appendix,contain- w j.
iot» the method of calculating its m«asu**s »| ,
hitherto watting')' Trratifes tm thtsfubjttt. A Taole of (.Jftccs
and Cer.diticns of men. 1 r lO
CO N~DI t ion s I '
I. Tlitfee of this Edition will .be a LARGE FOLIO, _
- printed on a beautiful new type, and good paper, made par
tieularlyfor it, It will be publilhed in' Numbers, not to ex- by
ceed qo, one of which will be delivered w<ekly to fthfcrib
! ers, at a quarter oi a dollar. Thole fubferibers who prefer .
1,1 ! recriWifctbe work willbe attended to by ~
to I the fame on any ot the fubfenption papqrs in rhe Sookitores
f'i in this city. . . ~ . ... ,1
al, j , There willbe an advance in the price, on lubf.ribing I H
| after the fit li of /luguft imxt. _
Ig- ' Irt the cowrie of the Work willbe given an elegant en
ef- Frontispiece—From an Engraving of the celebrated artifl, a (l
kes Gricnion. , , , , ... .I _
Bekriman & Co. gratefully acknowledge the very liperal
,1a- encouragement they havemet with ; and hivereaionto believe
that the execution of their fdition will answer every expec- I
• tation, arid (peak its owh praise. I
L May 26 3KOWW.
IN T?On. raifinc fix thousand lix hundred and faty-feven tc
dollars and fifty cents, by a of fifteen' per J
cent from the prizes, and not two blanks toa prize, viz.
, 3 " 1 Prize of 5000 dollars is dollars 5000 I
!,. r iooo 1000 I
- ,ly , 50s 500
' ott c aOO i°c° I
' en " 100 2COO I
om > 29 I
il q 99 495° I
and 25 s°°®
Ibe 4000 IO 20,000
ic r s drawh numbers or 1000 dollars each, jooo j
»33i Prizes. 44,450 I
4018 Blanks.
6ito Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 1
By order of the Directors of .the Society for ellablilh- I
„ , iiH. Ufeful ManutaiSures, the lupcr in tendinis of the Pat
fn'cn Lottery have rcquefled the Managers to offer the
foregoing S»heme to the public, and have direSed them
to" refund the money to rhofe persons who have purchased
l " ras in the former Lottery, or eSchange the tickets for tickets
in this Lottery. j -n
Ihe lottery has a&ually commenced dfjwmg, and will
ins, continue Until finifi'.cd. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes
may he seen at the office ol William Blackburn, No. 64
south Second Srert, who willgiveinformatioH where tick
ets may be procured,
Dated thu 17th d.,y of June, 1796.
June 18 eo
j To be Let,
A targe convenient thro? 'Wy nleafant'y
; lituated, 011 the weft lid.- o£Secdai?«itreM, to t'i;
Wcw-Market; how jfl tire oi Henry Cly.n*
Apply to
Wi! Ham Einghpm. I
July *7- (t -
For .Sale,
A Three 1o SBICK HOli.-t' ,«l Lor, in JCheGnt
ftriet, between t'r'out aiid/SecbV.d F.r.i i:; which
Messrs. Ju> cs Calbciith 5. Cp. have fur incajr year. '
now dos carried an bufineii. .. .
PofleMon will be given in Onemiohtb, or
Eor terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or
' April 11. §
Just x\rrived
In the brig Betfcy, from Jerenn', and for sale by T
ihs f'lhfcriWers.
Forty thousand \vt. ofvery prime Cotter
in hoglheads u»:i bags
And) in the fchooucr tlujx.-, from New Otlcaiij.
HIDES- and
A libera! credit will be given for Approved Notss.
' Richard and James Potter.
n July 27. _
>e A Country Seat to be iold.
ABOUT ftven acres and a half of land near the three
mile uone on the mad leading to Gray's gardens and
extending witliftgefitle deoivity from the said road to the
river Schuylkill—on which are ere tied, a convenient
l ' iuitafefckfor a tenant, a frame bara and ft able,
1 a large Brick Home forty-eight feet front, two (lories
a high, a very elegant'/Lzza fronting the river, the whole
! c breadth of the hdufe lupported with turned pillars, floor
jl ed with cedar phiih, commanding ail and pfc-
I turefyuo 'view of the Miutile Bridge, Gray's Gardens, the
II Seat o/ W.m. Hamilton, Esq. the lload and
Csaial. The improvements are all new—and the ground
a y conveniently divided and inclosed by «iw cedar fences.
For terms apply at No. 15 1 Market-ftretit.
Jufy*7 *3*
_ War-Office of the United States,
May 4th, 1796.
THE following Rules, explanatory©!' thpfc publilhed'
the 15th February, 1789, are to be observed by ajl
c jj persons entitled to Lands, in purfUwnct of resolves ©£.
• Congrcfs.
Every certfljipiti of the acknowledgment of a deed or
power of attorney, either before a notary public or o i cr
magistrate, rpuft, in addition to what i$ ufua.l, set fprtk
that the person making the acknowledgment is known.te
the notary or other magiilrate ; for which purpofc words
, of the following import iiiufl be infer t£d in the certificate.
" Arid I do moreover certify that the said A B making
this ackriowledgnlcnt lias been for personally
known to me." •
oi * If the notary or ©ther magiflrate has reason to believe
f that he is th person he represents himfelf to be, he wii
l ° also certify it.
Y £~ Andil the proof tie made by a witnefsor witneUesdv' or
they must fvWar to fbme general atteof.their knowledge of
I lant, which matter mull be set forth in the certificate ; *id < .■'
v I the notary public, or other oaagiilrate, before whom tJJ'
1 — I acknowledgment is made, mull also set the wit - ,
ne)6 or wit no lies has or have been for upwards of
[ per'>nally known to him.
?rs ' I If a justice of the peace is employed,* the clerk «f the
*y> j court of the corporation or county must certify that such
I person is a juflice of iTic peace of thi. county or corpora*
I tioii as the cafe may be, and that full faith i, due to hi.
ails as fuck. JAM£3 M'HKMRY,
Secretary of War.'
I May ti. lciivsm
abl" I Jsfheton and James Humphreys,
iefe- j TJT AVE removed their office to No. 61, Wilnut-ftrcet,
-rip- JtTl „ L . x t door but two to the corner of Dock-street,
:,iin * where all INSTRUMENTS IN WRITING are drawn at
c a' moderate charge, with care, accuracy and dirpatch.—
I" a Xh y iikewift boy and fell Real Estates upon comntif
fions. and procure Money upon Loan on good security.—
, n The bufinefi of an AI'TORNEY AT LAW and NOT A
' RY PUBLIC is also tranfadfed at the said »mce as ufaal
crib-1 N.B. Good Notes discounted.
refer j. July J. '■ 1— <y ..
University of Pennsylvania,
j July >6i >796-
ibing rpHE Summer Vacation will tike place on Monday ne*t,
j 1 the J3'"h iiid. and continue for Four weeks. Theditter
egaitf ent Schools withthe.fcvcral Totoks will accordingly re
artift, I assemble on Mo,.day, the 15th day of Au.uft. _
Bv the Faculty, Ww Ros t: rs, Sec y.
eiievc jyv C*anal LottGiy,
x P «- NO. I.
, w TTT-HERFAS the State of Maryland has authorised
' I VV the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand,
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting:
a Canal through the City of Washington, from ths Po
r,«<.n I tomacto theEaftern Branch Harbour.
seven fol!oWing U the SCHEME of No. I.
• I \\i .1 Prize of ao,ooo dollars,
s0! l c I I ditto lO.CCO ' 10,000
1000 jlaftdrawn") 35£°0
,oo Tickets, each j .
J I 6 ditto . 1,000 6,000
Jcoo 10 ditto 400 4,000
4950 20 ditto Ibo
?200 55 ditto -5° /' 75 »
10 000 I J 0 ditto 11 691008
' ;°°° To be raised for the Canal, a6,ijo
5 000 I # ■
lAjcol 5850 Prizes, " ilSflb*
I j i6jq Blanks, not two to a prize.,
ml 17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - ITS,OOO
1 riv '■& The CommifTioners have tiken the Securities re
le Pat'- quKd by the aforefaid y& for tl»c punctual paymeat «f
Fer the 1 1 h^j- he^drawtnfr of this Lottery will commence, without
rchafld delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely
tickets notice will be given*
1 Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after th«
nd will drawing is finilhed, fcall be consider Aas relinquiAcd for
Ptizes the benefit of the Canal, and approfA'-ted l y.
v T. (Signed) NOTLEY YOUNG,
inaeers. 1 , THOMAS LAW,
eo ' C'ty of WalhisgWH, Feb. XI. 5