Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, July 22, 1796, Image 4

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    . Wo. 138. ]
D/v?r/V? of Pennsylvania : to wft,
•t rrmrmbrred,' that nji the t went v-fourth da v of tijaP,
.St ihe verr of the Independrnceof the U^irrd
States America, John Ormrod, '»f the aid Di'trift h-i'.h
deoofiied in his 'office the litle of a book, the right whereof !
he claims »j<s Proprietor, in.the wo r ds following: to wit
" fbort and candid Enqui-v ihio the proofs of Ch»ift's
<l divinity; in which D 0&01 opinion;
'• CHriO is oecafionallv In alerter to a friend?
44 Bv Oh** Irs H Wharton, D D. of the
iPhilofophica! Society of Philadelphia.
" \\\ ofofver drnieth the Son the Tame hath not the Fath
-41 er. Let that therefore abide in you which ye have heard
*' ' rom the beginning :it that which ye nave heard from the '
41 beginning shall remain io you, ye also (hall continue in !
,c che s on and in'he father. St. Tohn, iftt.pift. c.*i. v.23,
« 24."
in eouforrrity to the aft of the Consrefs of the United States '
in i uled 44 An aft for the encouragement of learning, bv fe
cur ng the copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the authors
and proprietors of such copies, dining the times therein
mentioned. '* S \MUEL C «LDWELL,
Clerk of the Diitrift of Pennf'lvania*
All persons having demands
oring in their accounts on or before the firft day of Anguft
lext, or they will be excluded from a divided then to
-take ft ace. WILLIAM CH INCELLOR, - )
. ft'y 7- »eod3t
For the use of Schools.
Twikins's Text, Round, and Running
band copies.
YUST publifbed % and for {ale by W; Yotjng, the cornerof
J y ccOnd and Chefnut ffreets. and J Of-mrod, No
Cbcfnut-ftreet. Price of proof lmoreifioms on fine paper. 1
dollar. Common, 75.cents. Executed in a ftyje superior
to any that have been formerly engraved in the United States,
and dot inferior to any of the kind imported fr«m Europe.
_Jun^o ? ~< y. ... . . , t , :
INFORMATION is hereby given, that the late John
Paul Jones was a proprietor of live (hares (amount
ing to about 5867 teres) in atraft of land purchased by
the Ohio ! ompany, in the territory of the United States
of -\menca, north-w4ft ef the river Ohio ; and that his
heirs, or legal reprefetrtative, on application to the direc
tors ©f said company, at Marietta in the territory afore
faid, will receive a died of the said five shares, or rights
of land.'
The application maybe madeperfonaHy or by an agejt,
but proper docuuielts fault be produced to prove the |
claimant or claimants the legal heirs or rcprdentative of
the said Jones
N. b. As it isnotkucwn in what country the person
or perfonsintereftpd rofide, it will be an »a of benevolence
in every Printer in America and Europe, who shall infelt
thisadvertifement in his paper.
In behalf of thcdire&ors of the Ohio Company,
Marietta, May 10,1796 [June 4] 3»wqw j
Books and Stationary,
Wholesale and Retail, now opened and for Sale by
BptiJeJler, No. 52, Corner of Second,and Che/nut-ffreets.
AMONG which are English, Latin, and Greek
Classics and Dictionaries, Divinity, Law, His
tory, TRAvtLs, Vovaoks, Miscellanies, and themoft
elteemed Nov^s.
From the belt nianufafturers in Europe, and from his ma
nufactory on Brandy wine, viz.
Imperial,plain and wove fUtSmall folio post, plain
Super-royal do. do. Ditto gilt (
Royal do. do. BlofTem papersfferted i
Medium Transparent folio post
Dfcfhy do. de. Sup»rfifleandc«mmoiifoolfe.
Glazed and hot-preffsd folio Marbled papers.
and 4to extra largr post coarse papers.
Thick post in folio dito do. London brown, affortej
Ditto in 4to. ditto do. HattCTs* paper
Folio wove post, lined Stainers' paper
ditto do. Common brown -
Ditto gilt do. Patent (htathing
Common size folio poll Bonnet boards
Ditto quarto, plain Binders' Bo«rds.
Folio and quarto post, gilt, I
slfo, 9 variety of other Stationary Articles, viz. . \
Wedgwood and glsfrphilofophiealink <lands, well affoU- • -
ted; pewter ink chests of venous sizes ; round pewter ink j
flai ds; paper, brass, and polished leather ink (lands for the
rjeket. Shining sand "and fanfd -boxes, pounce and pounce
■xe>, ink and ink powder. Couminghoufrand pocket pen
knives of the belt'qtfalUy, ass (kin tablet and meraoianHuro
kooks. Red and colored wafeis, common size, office ditto.
QuiUs. from half a do}rar, to dotlars-per hundred.
Slack iead pencils, mathematical instruments, Sec. &c.
All forts and sizes of Blank Books, ready made or made
to order. Bank checks, blank bills of exchange and notes of
hand, cxecuied in couperplite, bi Is of lading, 'manifefts
feainen's articles and journals, &C. Sec.
June 18 2»WjW
't'h'is t)ay is published, •<
BEKMMIN DAVIES, No. 68 High-ami,
And -
WILLIAM CC3BETT, Secoud-Jlrett, Chrijff |
The Second Edition of 1 ,
Porcupine's Bloody Buoy,
With additional Notes aad a- cdpiaas Appendix.
July'i l
IN High-flreet, exliibitlng a view >■ of' She cities ofLon- 1
doh a id Weftminf.csr; will poutively dose on Tuesday
evening, the 19th inltaot, and Will fiot'be exh bited in '
Philadelphia'.'gain. I
T" ! V 6t !
Philip Nicklin 6c Co.
SouchoiTg -
Hyson Skin )
Young Hyson > i'R'ESH TEAS
Hyson and \
■Imperial '
•Yellow Nankeens
China Ware, aflorted in Boxes tad Cherts
Uaiidanuo Handkerchiefs of excellent quality ; n
L ndon MarL-rt MA'I>BIRA WINE
-London particular 5-in pipes, & :
New-York Market ) quartcr'cafki
Tereriffe Wine and hog&<«ad»
Sugar Camly bythc liax 1
Sail Canv&s No. z
Lead in iheets
3 Caflw of Cotlery aßorred * *
A few thefts of Mjufhtftw Goods, afTorted thick- ,
frt", c::ds, ftrtped Na.ifcecH*', &e.
3 Small pa; ka;e» of black fewing-Clki
8 Tierces Snake-rout.
-Nails aborted in ojt&s
I» l Y '* mwftf (
\ very Valuable
a \ M.ED r!V7T T. E K r ,Tt AM y fin iff in
to wnship of ITpp »r T>erby, and county of n.'lrur r %
7 .1.-4 niles from Ph»lad Iphia, and half a mile,from th
, new Western road containinfr 2 acfes of excellent land.
s 15 0/ which *re grood *y.iter"d meadow, 90 of prime vood-
land, and the refl of tlii firft qui;ity. There aire <
' on the praroifesa tvro flory brick honfe, with 4 roo v.«
on a floor, and cellars un<!?r the with a pup-P j
of excellent water in front; u. large fr*mc ba'-n, 4abl
and other converient buildin?*s ; a fmoke-houfc and {lone
1C spring-house ; two fjood apple orchards, and one of peach
r, es. The fields are all in clover, except tliofe immediately
j, under tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantage
of water in each of them, whicK renders it peculiarly con
:s veriient for erazin#.
The (ituation is pleafunt and healthy, and from the high |
s cultivation of the land, the good •neighbo'irhood, and the
n vicinity to the city, it is very fuitaSlc ifor a gentleman's
country feat.
The foregoing Is part of the estate of Jacob Harman,
_ deceafcd, and offered foe falc bv
S Mordecai Lewis,
Q o<sl. 9. go.] Surviving Executor.
ft- ~ P R O P O 6 A L T,
For publishing by Subscription, that celebrated Work,
5 Godwin's Political Justice.
From the last London Edition.
T F. R MS.
I. It will be publilhed in twe large volumes,duodecimo,
n. Price to SuhfcriSers,ttvo dollars, handfomdy bound,
to l« paid «n delivery of the work,
111. As fooa as a number of Suhfcribcrs appear, fuffi
if' cient to defray the expci.ce, it (hall be put to press.
1 IV. The names »f the Suhfcribcrs Hull be prefixed.
1 'ill following Character of this work
r is extra&ed from the Monthly Review, p 311, 311, for '
'' March, 1793. j
" \Vc have no small degree of pleasure in announcing
. the present work to our readers ; as one wh ch from the '
freedom of itsenquiry, tke grindeur of its views, and the
fortitude of its principle, is eminently deserving of atten
-3 tion. By this eulogium, we would by no means be under
- flood tofubferibe to all the principles which these volumes.
f contain. Knowledge is not yet arrived at that degree of
» certainty which ts requisite, for any two mcil to think a
s like 00 all fuhjeits; neither has language attained that enn
- fiftent accuracy, which can enable them to convey their
- thoughts, even when they do think alitee, an a manner pet- u
3 IfeSly correct and intelligible to both. These difficulties
are only to be overcome by a patient, inceffar.t, and bene
, Volent in^eftigatisn.
: | " Many of the opinions which this wor!ccontains, are
f'] bold ; some of them are r.ovrl; anafomedocbtlefsare er-
I roneous-—but that which ought to endear it even to thofc
t , whose jn-inciples it may offnid, is the of argu
: J pent adduced in it to prove, tViat peace and order nioft ef
: fcstuallv promote the happiness after which poiitiral re- ■
j firmer* are panting-;—that as the progress-os knowledge
1 js gradual, political reform ought n®t to be precipitate
j and that convulsive violence is dangerous not only to tpdi
j viduals (for that r fult comparatively would, be of fmail
Recount) but to the general cause of truth It is the op
pofiteof this principle that infpirct the ensmiesof politic—
» enquiry r/ithfd much t<--ror ; it is the fuppofttion that
thange inuft inevitably be attended by the turbui-nce and
injustice of commotion; a.n.l that innovation cannot be
tnade without the interven ion of evil.s more deftrmftive
than tl.ofe wluch are intended to be reformed. Under the
(lorvitftion of this philanthropic fenfiment, of calm and
(gradual reiofm. (which in its proper place he has fully i!.
u Urate J) Mr. Goowiw proceeds without scruple firft to en
quire into present evil, through itscff.ntial branches, and
hejit to demonltrate future good. . 1
" "Dividing his work into eight books, and makihg the
IMPORTANCE or rOLITICAL institutions the fubjeA of
the firft, he begins by an attempt to prove the omnipo- -»
tence of government over the moral habits of mankind;
Mid that on thcte moral habits their wisdom, virtue and > ,
felicity depend."
%¥ Subscriptions received by the publifhcrs at their 1
Printing Office, back of No. 77 Dock-llreet, Philadelphia.
Jnne 18
Asjheton And James Humphreys, ol
conveyancer's, fr
HAVE removed their office to No. 61, Walnut-street,
next door but two to the corner of Dock-flreet
where all INSTRHMKNTS IN WRITING are drawn at H
a moderate charge, with care, accuracy and difpatch-.
They likewise huy and fell Real Estates upon cominif- C
fions, and procure Money upon Loan on good facurity,
The bufmefs of an ATTORNEY AT LAW and NOTA
RY PUBLIC is also tranfafted at the said office as usual
N. B. Good Notts dilaourtted.
j- • co6w
Ten Dollars Reward.
Ran away,
rTNE-jjd, from Brian M'Laughlin, living at Henry 'n
Clymcr'splace at Schuylkill point, a Youtij Woman,, m
who passes by the name of Pollt Morkmon,- low set, fa
darkish complexion, .fnaall grey eyes, about seventeen or e "
•eighteen years of age, had on a dark-colored lhort gown, Jo
and linfey petticoat. She flole and carried away a trunk
and a corifidcrable sum of money, and r great many other
articles. X.eft behind her a cloak of coating lined with ""
green bai*e, which is supposed to be stolen. The owner,
by proving property may have it. Whoever lodges her in
any goal.'so that fhs may be brought to prosecution, shall ~l
receive Ten Dollars Reward. j
June 18 iaw3' BRIAN M'LAUGHLIN. of
Law Book-Store, c
No. 3 13, High Striet. L'
GEORGE DAVIS begs to inform his profeflional 011
friends, that per the Ceresjuft arrived from Lon
don, he has received the following fcarceand valuable
books. State Trials, 11 vol. in 6 and 11 vol. Ruff
head's Statutes at large, 16 vol. Woodi' Institutes, w
Cake's Entries, Kartell's do. Browne's do. Hearnes C o
pleader, Coke's jd, 3d, and 4th Innitutes, 2 vol. Roll's t h
Abridgment, Brooke's do. Bulftrode's Reports, Roll's
do 2 vol, in i, Floyers Proabr's praaice, Clarke's "
Adiair*lty, Rutherford's Institutes, Deiuology,or the
Eloquence and Lggic of the Bar. These with his very
large colleaion from Dublin now on hand, will enable '
him to supply an entire library or a fnjgle book, as it(
gentlemen may have occasion on then- immediate ap- tei
plica'ian. . »
J"'y iwIW 11
The Public are refpedfully "i
informed, that *11 business in the Une of a BROKER con- at
tinues to'be tranfaded at the office of the fubferiber No"
»34, Market-flreet, nclt door to the land-office, who re- di '
turns his thanks' for the patronage he has already been fa
vored with. ~
I-ands, lee. for fjle, in various parts of the United
.States Particulars of which may be seen on application H
Corrta numerical bo«k< will be kept of the Waihine
ten and Canal Lotteries, No. 2, and Information givoi D<
where tickets may be had w -
Money procured on good notes at the ffiorteft notice. tiv
A complete affcrtment of Patent BOLTING
CLOTHS, American cvan»fcaMrc. Julv %. f« swlw
To be Sold,
At No. ii 8, North - 1 ' \ <vv£ bs. J °f
i'-y? Aho 'hec&xifs in ibis CM v.
"IpR. WAFERS erf ihr rcja**t w-ns *»l
• ffKi* F'otl ihf* 'liimi:! b ; >>iv", ss fe <iccii ta I) ' ' L'SH ■
'• P?ftKtN-S, by , wi'ii in »«! dtr«';bo«» ue
csla*y 4 -7- t>c Draper* Phi* mode of trcartn'Tit :s p rtiC'J
*" larv u r dfij) in pains iijLt'te he: ! 'ace, h. brca
] fide. b*ck rlieif* .'t*Xn3, recent &e. See.
f Nu*>j>hlUw&ijc the utility <jf •*»« it nV P•-
ll i fumrd but there a:c O'f "s in A'hi h this and every oiher
s, rem -Tv ma'v fametimcs fail.
e '8, la,v
y War-Office of the United States,
f e May /jth, 1796.
following R.ii!es, explanatory of those jwblilU'd
' the 15th February, 178 ;, are 'o be o iferved by all
; persons entitled to Lands, ill purfu-see of relolv'ett of
s Every certificate of the acknowledgment of a deed 01
power of attorney, either before a notiry pu'Jicor other
1 ' magiP.rate, malt, in addition to what is ulual. set forth
that the psrl'on taking the acknowledgment is known t<»
the notary or other magillrate ', tor which purpose words
of the following import mul be mfertcd in ;he certificate.
" And I do Moreover certify that ;hc faia A B miking
this acV.nowte Igmont has been for ps rfcnaliy,
known to me."
If the notary or other m*gi'llrate has rcafon to believe
that.he is th person he represents hiirtfelf to be, he wil
also certify t.
Andifthe proof be made by a witn:fsor witnettet.h'* or
5 thej'iauft l'weartofome general toteof their knowledge ol
/ . him, which matter mull be set forth in the c.-rtificate ; and
' the notary public, or other naigiflrate before whom t.£
■ _ acknowledgment is made, rnull also set forth that tht wit
neis cr wirneffesnas or have been for upwards of
pcr cpally known to him.
If a jufticc of tht? peace is employed, the clerk <jf tht
court of the corporation or county mud certify that fust'
person isa the pcaee oi th county or corpora
tion as the cafe be, and that fqill faith is due to hit
® a>3s as fiich. JAMES M'HENIIY,
e Secretary of Wjr
Mdv .tt. la-'ji'n
I George Dobson,
* |3EGS leave to inform the Store-Keepers in Town and •
'Country, that he has rem .ved from Market-Street to
N O, 25, south Third-street,
where he-is opening a Large and Elegant AiT>rtmerit of the
undermentioned article*—via.
1 Superfine London Cloths and KerfeymcreS|
York (hire second Do. Do, ]
Elastic do. do.
Mix'd and Biuc Coatings
ITJannejls, See.
Ma'chefter Printed Cal'icoes, ]
London Chintz ditto,
B'ueand ditto Furnitures,
India ditto,
Lone Cloths. Baftas, Battil!as& Copjevrems,
4*4 9" 8 5-1 & 6-4 Superfine India Book Muslins,
4.4 and 9-8 India Hook Handkerchiefs,
4 4 and 9 8 Scorch ditto,
4*4 & 6-4 plain do Muslins, . " g
4-4 &6 4 B-i.ifh Jaconets, d
6-4 Briii(h Checks and Stripes, r
4-4 india do. do do.
4-4. ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchirft, See. » C r
A large afTortnnent of figue'd and plain Muflineta, J
Ouihinps, Dimities, and Stripe; Nankeens,
Fancy Wairtcoatings,
Giriyhams of the ftrft Quality, fubiea to Drawback,
India Nankeens, >r '
Men's White and coloured Silk (lockings. * 2
M 9 ,
For Sale,
A Valuable Grift and Saw Mill,
TN New Jersey, near the Forks of Little Egg-Harbour.
Th - c f r ' a fi*ty by fortj feet, two water wheels
and calculated for fonr run of Stone*, with screen fans
and boulting-cloths, &c. The Saw-Mill has two faw's,and
, capable of cutting five to 6 100 thoufandfeet of Boards per
' •J u ? b,e P' ece ef Cedar Swamp within a mile
and a half of the Mill, and within three quarters of a mile
of a Landing The Lumber, &.c. may be taken by water k
from the mill tail. ' 1
Several Valuable Tra§s of Land,
In Pennsylvania, for all of which payment will be rec-iv
eu in the notes of Meffr. Morris and ilfcholfon, or in °
For further information apply to the Printer.
May 17.' ' a*
£- ' . ; law
* rnST W f rhi.d-ftreets, Philadelphia; Z
IVI 1 if y'H " 1 ' his friends and the pu'olic,
I ' th . at hc ha , s "«ived, per the last arrivals, a com- M
p.efe and general aflbrtment of almofc
Every Article in his Line;
Immediately from the manufatfures of London, Bir- vi
. rajPgham, and Sheffield, all of which are of the ncweft
faflnon, and w-.1l be fold, wholef.ile and retail, on the ow- si„
TohnNichol? NOt r- ° f Mr ' R ° :,Crt Morri, > and Mr ' »•
johnNicholfon received in payment at their current value, pn
V» A ,!l e "PP" P» rt °f the House in which hc now
lives to be let, furmlhed or unfurniflied. i aw CS
Lottery and broker's Office,
TN 9 64 South Second jlrict, lam
1 jlir TS r'| D the Canal Lotter y No., 11, are now tea- ? Tt
of Tickle ChSCk ?°° k ke P' for the ex Ma
Tk fu L r lzea !>aul, ™°«i deduction
any I a PP ti<:ation of *e P»hlie or '
Lat e fn t for th f Canal Lottery Company.
„F,t" C ? n T '^« s in the late Nawpor' Lone
XL'S'ttr* Sch °°' otter y examined; aGI
this office Pr ' ZeS havi «g been received at -
June 6.
— w&s
Public Notice is given, S
J ° :herS Conccrncd in 'h* ft'pping ! l'
attend 'lW Or luarip-tine,l uarip -tine, that a Cart will ;f >
attend every mo.ning, lundayj excepted from ivr.*
ten oclock, at the Healthoffice, No, Walnut-Kre-t to an
It lsexpe&ed that the Baes, Eaten nr n ,i, 1 us
es with Applies will be dir&d Q f "the y ?f* "
at delfvery tam «"
- ■ : ' § cai
Iniurance Company of N a
will be paid to the Stockholders or their 5 7 " T:
tivee, at any time after the ~ in!Unt ''S" 1 "prefenta- F
t»enireair 9 ,
July I, ' ? BENA -^-HAZARD. s, c v y .
ra&tuitl '
For Safe, -
°f A'Few Caiks of Firit Quality
I i\ T DIG O.
' ' - Enquire at No. y\, South Water (frees!
May i tht ftf
G. H E V j S T,
lei No. 114 South Second Street,
f T \S for these two -/ears past introduced anewfpecies
_ Los PKitDVIAN BARK, called ViiLLOW
S\f?K, which 3fljer repeated trials iiy the principal
'hyficii is of this city, is now; preferred in all ea r es of
nportance that require it, to the belt Rsd and Paie
u '., lWk. It is i powerful Astringent Bitter, fits on
3 j the (lo.nach, is certain in its and requires only
aalf the ufDal quantity for adofe.
Many of the cuizeitj of Philadelphia are bow ac
vr quai-ited with its virtues, t/ie knowledge of which
rth ight to be extended over the Unicm. He has a large
:td <r>ply of the Yellow Bark, and a general alTortnient of
ris Orugs, Colours, Glass Dye Stuffs, life.
\\y Salt Petre, Jalap, and Camphor,
By the t^uantity.
;ve May 19.
of VAN away from the fubferiber living near Church
nd Hill. Qu-en nns County in the State of Maryland'
£ :'oout the fir of January last, a black negro man, named
„ Sam, abbut thirty years of age,.? feet Bor 9 inches high,
has a crooSed finger on one hand, and »ne leg and foot
ftnallcr tljan the dther, fopiOWhat round shouldered, hls
J,t cloathinj; unknown. Any person who will foure »r
,c+. ~ri fald fe"ow home, so that 1 may get him agijn 0j»JI
ra hare the above reward with reafonahle charges,
T " nf "tawim.
Mr. V .(ANCIS,
~ (Of t'' e New Theatre)
TAKES this opportunity of returning thanks to J)|»
scholars and to the public. Mr. Francis intejids,
"io °" his fetarn from Maryland, to open a public aca
demy for dancing, upon a plan entirely new. if ¥
flatters himfelf that his attention to his pupils hi
he therto renders any profiles of conducing his future
schemes on the mo it liberal and terms, ©
priety, totally unnecertary.
A r . Private tuition as u'yil.
t'iaiis oTYhe city of Philadelphia"
Inclu.ling the Northekn Liberties and diftriA #f
PuMilied, and fold by
BENJAMIN davies,
No. 6&, Mierh street,
( Price OHe dollar,)
THIS plan is '.h iiifhe fqtiare, and has been «,»
graved by o, e of the tirfl artists In the citv, from a lata
and accurate f .rvey. Purchasers are entitled t6 a pam
phlet with each plan, giving «-foms account of the
city, its population, trade, government, &c.
July .9 - _ _ L __ U & ftf
Cvoice St. Croix, St/g,/risf Rum,
NO VV landing from on board th Brig Willian Pen-"
iale b k orlus Halleday from -St. Croix and far
r Pragers fe" Co,
- Ju 'y '9- dlv*.
For Sale,
i' -®V Ifiac Mof-s aid Cn. >
I 37 Casks& a half of RICE,
r Low for Cadi or a short credit, also
e halted, ipriiiie winter Hides
! XT Enquire at Mr. Sears' Tavern, North Second St.
- • S9- h'y, 19- * d , t
Mails of the United States,
I °" ' : o* foll will be -ccom-d h 7 the Poiti,later
at Savannah, unul the fi-ft dav of Sep emb iext.
Fr " nSiva ' lr ' ,h by Sunbury to Vewport iJ, id-e, once a
Receive the Mail at Savannaheverv Saturday bni ) M ir.
riM p M - C
t Y „v, Retu ' ni "g- Newport Brld-epn Sun
cay by 3P M, a R d arrive at Snobby in the ev'eM», and at
» on Monday by 6 PM. '
t, F-dm Newoort Stidgeby Dane,, a«d Brunfwick to St.
• ,Marv's, once in t.vo weeh.
Recivethe Mail at Newport Bridge everv other Sunday
noon, wd arrive at St. Matv'. the rc« Wed.teMav by , P M.
Returning. Leave St. Ma y's he next day, Thursday by 8 \
M. aud arriwai N-wp "n B,iH g »the next Sand.y bv ioVm,
No-e t. , r either of the routes M'i-A
tnuanceof the-CHfraßt. the Coittia'Jorh to observe fich dtetationr
. tntarnmg the m'l, aniku pi\ it taii encrnfii 0 r dimhiftci in
, pmpvtwn to the dtjlancc entreafcJ or dininijhe.t by fiuh alteration
Note 1. rhej'mtraUt are to be in operation or. the tftt day of
October next. a~dt,i continue for four'years until the 30tk Sebtem.
ter, 1800, inclufi e.
N'»C 3 ThePojl Maffer. General max a'ter the times of arrival
and departure at any tim-during th-. continuance of the CmtriVs. he
pTeolojjly hlpulatingtn adequate coupenfttion for any extra eitpeajc.
that may be occasioned thereby.
Note 4. Fifteen minutes ska/l beal'owed for opening andcMir.g
the at tut offices where no particular time is specified.
No.r 5 Far every hour's delay (unavailable accidents excepted)
1' : r l 'r S - "J" r ,'if pr'fenbed 111 any contrail, the contractor
• /bat. forfeit one dollar And if the delay .ortinue un il t'e depart,
ore of any depending mail thereby the mailt deflined for [uch de
pending m ,I JU!I iofi a trip, the contraßor fiall forfeit tea dJtors
—to be deduced from his pay.
Poft-Maltcr General.
Philadelphia, [unr 28. ijq6. iaw6w
LJrbanna Mill Seats , ~
Q ITU ATE in Cecil county, Maryland, on the banks o
1J the river Sufquehanr,a, about one mile above tide wa
ter, and commanding the water of that important
he channel conducing the trade of which comes so near
the Mill Seats as to make it convenient to speak the boats-;
and Mills may be so fttuaced as to receive them along their
walls, and bv water lifts take in their cargo A.
There is a power fu'hcient for many and any kind of'
ufeful Water Work*, and so much may be justly faitf in
commendation of this Scite as would bs inconvenient to
mfert in a newspaper publication.
1 hose who may desire to be cencerned, will probably
find tt cmfelves well pleased on viewingthe situation.
Leases for any term of years may be obtained on appli
cation to the fubferiber, living 011 thepremifes.
A P r " '9* lawjm
—No. ug—
[Pri«c Eight Dollars per Annast.)