« Great pains wefe taken by the count de Srrdrouin, timing his refukiice in Lon don, toperfuade Engird to lake Pruflian iroopsinto British pay, but without suc cess. Couriers are constantly palling be tween the Cabinets of Berlin, Vienna and London : and the alljes are (training every nerve to prevent the " enemy from availing themselves of the crisis. « A letter ha! been lately circulated from the Kingiof Prussia to the Prince of Saxe Cubourg, informing him that his troops will be withdrawn gradually from the banks of the Rhine, that the French nlay not take advantage of their retreat. Some of our politicians who are ignorant of the late conferences and the debates of the Diet, imagine that this was only a feint to draw the French into a snare. it is, however, but too certain that the Priiuian troops ex'pe&ed to reinforce the combined army in the Netherlands, have aftnally receivedorders to march for Cleves and Weltphalin. / ■ " On the sth infiarif,' Count Met ternich communicated to the States of Brabant the intentions of the Emperor whh relpeiS to his inauguration, which is to take place in the course of this month. He is expected here; with the Arch-Duke Joseph, to-morrow afternoon ; and in a few days will set out to take the command of the army. " The Count de Trautmanfdorf is ex petted this evening ; and great fears are entertained tfiat they; will be reinstated in the minillry. > " The return of Maria Christiana to the government, whom the bulk of the people conlider as the cause of all their misfor tunes, is even dreaded. She is said to have written letters fiom Bonn t.Q princess De Gave re and the countess De Maldig hera, alluring them that {he lhall soon have the pleasure of feeing them at Bruf l'els. " On the sth, in the morning, a courier arrived with the news that the English have entirely cleared the environs of St. Amand of the Republicans. " The Dutch towards Namur, have met witli some checks. It is even said that on the 2d, they* loft part of their can non. Js'. " Ourlofs on th? 29th ult. near Cateau, notwithstanding the official account, was f>oo aria The battalion of Br«chain*Bfe tyouucled, among Whom Were (even offi < . . ♦ " From the quantitieqof Artil lery and ammunitk»tf |)a(srig to thc vilay, one would imagine ft intended tij||pttege to all the French fbrtfeflcs at " In the action near Werwick, the day Wore yelterd#y," between the English and French, about 120 men were killed on both fides without any advantage, except that the British chafleurs distinguished themselves by their valour. "P. S. This morning a grand deputa tion from the States of Brabant set out to receive the empeior, who will deep to night at Havre ; to-morrow at four in the afternoon he will make his folemu entry as emperor and king. At the gate of Loii vain, were an amphitheatre and triumphal arch is erected, he will be revived by the magiftratei; repair -to the church of St. Giudule, where Te Dt'um will be sung ; and thence to the palace to receive the usu al compliments. i wenty-four fqtiadrons of Austrian cavalry, an J four battalions of Hungari ans, ate under arms in the city to maintain order. ' i Lad night, the committee of vigi lance fe.it away 300 French emigrants, and other foreigners, most of whom took the road for England." UNITED STa NEW.YORK, June 4. We have this day received a letter from London, dated April nth, from which we make the following extra#. Ihe last advices from New-York have ex cited some alarm in our minds, least the pub lic peace of the two countries Ihould be in terrupted. The order of Council here of the 6th November last, and the conduct of the " Wler * we P rrfurae have elnlr , ground of y° ur present un f.n"th,j X? ? ° cd & rne in the morning till three o'clock in the after noon, on the day of performance. Tickets to Be had at the office near the Theatre, a* the corner of Sixth-flreet,and at Carr & Co's Musical fitdry, No. 142, Market-street