Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, May 31, 1794, Image 1

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    !A N D
[No. 145 of Vol. V-] Saturday, May 51, 1754. [Whole No. ,541.J
LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, above
the Drawbridge. out of tlie lliip HaCCKvs
Cept. VANNEMAN, flout J/jmmCa t
May 16 <*
'Carolina Rice and Indigo,
Gurney and Smith.
May 14. d
Ship India's Cargo,
A fraall aiTortment of
250 bags COTTON of" gpod quality, which
would probably make an excellent remit
tance to Europe, and a
Quantity ot PEPPER
For Sale by
Mordecai Lewis,
JVbo has also to dispose of
Barce'o a'fs. in boxes,
v Holland Gin in cases,
Soiichopg, flyftjp, and Tonkay Tea, J
A quantity us Brimstone, Sec.
Mav 1 o d^v/
Agreeably to notice, a
of the Sub fen hers to the Ait ies o
- Agreement of the Columbian Society, was
this day held at Mr. Richaidea's, for the poi.
;?of of chuting Managers, &c. when the ol
io wing per fins vverp c>olen :
Robert Morris, President.
James Greenleaf
~ jFrdST-zri.T , -J
John Nicbojbn
Caleb Low ties y
Thomas F/izJim wis.
* James IVilfon,
F. A, Mabfenbergy
Walter Stew a > /,
John Hall,
Richard SoderjlrotJi,
Nathaniel IV, Applet on.
Garrett Cotttinger.
*7 1
Congress of the United States,
In Senate, Tuefaay May iyh, 1794.
ORDERED, that Rufoi Putnam, Mai.a,-
(ah Cutlet, Robert Oliver and Griffin
Green, do, upon ihe third Moiid.av.oi-'Decem
ber next, (he,i- eMite to Senate, whv i"o
much of th jraats of land to iliem the said
Manaflah Cutler, Robert
Oliver ami Griffin Green, purfyant to an Ast
enjitl. d "An ast authorizing the grant and
coi, of certain la. ds to the Ohio Com
paiiy ot" afTbciate-," Jhall noc he declared
void, as mav interfere with and be fiifficient
to fat I.sly i!i f claims of the French settlers
at QaMiopolis.
Ordered, that the delivery of a copv of
the above order to Rti r us P'.tnam, ManafTali
Cutter, Robert Oliver, or G„ffi„ Green, and
the ? übl,cation of the fame, one ,110111b, in
one ol ihe Gazettes printed in (his. City, (hall
l>." deemed fuffifcient notice rhceof
Extract from the Journals of Senate.
SAM. A. OTIS, secretary.
- Mav '4. t ».
BY MATHEW CAREY, fro. 1,8,
An EiFay on Slavery,
Drfigned to exhibit in a new point of view
it, effeq, on in-iujlry, and .he frau of
Jocteiy. Some faffs 'and calculations are offered
to prove the labor offreemen to be murh more
(xoJutlive than that ol /laves ; that commits a,,-
rich, poWerlul and i„ proportion as the
people enjoy ihe fruits of their own
labor ; and hence the n.celTaiy conclusion, that '
flavcry is impolitic as well as unjujl. :
Price 25 Cents. dtf 1
February i*>. t
THE relations Of Mr Thomas Curtis,for- '
marly of Ellicott-j Upper Mil]., and lately of
the City ol \Va(h.ngton v deceared, are desir
ed to apply and have his affairs fettled.
City oi Wafliington, April 22, 1764.
M ' 5 m&th4\r
For Sale or Charter,
s jiiPii> p ° L°ly,
Burthen 1000 barrels,
stiL. is a. luuncli f-ll failing new velT-I,weil
sou ra, and ready lor any voyage, either tu
Ejrope, or th Well Indies. For terms ap
ply to
At their flare, between Wa nut and Cheiiiut
fireet wharves.
May 23 d
Dr. Price, Fellow of the Anti
quarian Society, and of Jesus College in tne
Univeility ol Oxford, <*ic. &c. formerly lec
tu>e/ 011 Midwifery in London, wj'J com*
liience early in the Antrum, a comp>ete
Course of Lectures,
on Ink
Theory & praciice of Midwifery
" ( li lib the laiejl Improvements J
And o«i the various LMealcs»le«>t to Wo
men and Clii/dicn; ol which timely nonce
will be given.
May 26 3t
Cincinnati of Pennsylvania,
Mav 2d, i 794
A STATED meeting of the itandin 3 Com
mittee will h- held on Monday evoii»i»g next
at 7 o'clock at the Concftogue waggon. Ar-\
ra igeiiieuts for tlic4tr» Ju*y being nect/fory to
be so med, the members are Kcqucfted"*punc
tually to attend.
d4t 'Secretary pro Tern.
—■ —" j
LETTERS on the l'ubjedl of the Wafli
ington Lottery, being by iniftake repeatedly |
audrelicd to the Commilfioncfs for the City 1
of Washington, * J
* erions cpneeraed are hereby infprmv.-d, I
~rtrax <tii :ucn m-juiu vz tin:.. r to \t . ~i
D.-alcinsjun. of Wafmngton, or to the Sub—
fcriber. The commUiicmers never having
contemplated any further concern in tins
bu line Is, than in their ailent to receive the
bonds and approve the names of he mana
gers. The prizes liave been paid and are
payingon demand by W. Deakins, Wash
ington, Peter Oilman, Bolton, and by the
for the Lottery A 7 o. ;, the securities al
ready given will be retained by the commit'
[ (toners, or transferred ■by them at their
optioa to the Bank of Columbia ; and the
Commifiioners will be consulted refpedhng
a judicious and equitable disposition of the i
hojfes to be built thereby ; their treasury or i
the Bank of Columbia will receive the mc- I
ney intended for the National University, !
aiid theyv ill be rjornfuited in the nomination
of the 14 managers; but all the rel'ponfibility
respecting the general disposition of ihe tic
kets, and payment of prizes, will reft as
in the Hotel ixjttery, on the persons whole
names are and maybe hereafter publilhedas
affiitantsto forward this bulinefs witli
PhilatJ. May 28, d—3U
Morris Academy.
THIS inftituiion i; .iow open for 11 e recep
tion ol students under the immediate care of
Mr. Caleb Ruflel), whose abilities as a i in-
Rruftor, and attachment to tile bufinefshave
long been known and approved. He has un
der him the bed afiiftmts 111 the different
.branches—The (cholars are taught the
glifh, French, La,in, and Gr.-ek lanjniaiLi
Pubbc-Speaking, Writing, Arithmetic,' GsZ
graphy, Aftfdnomy, and the various branch
es of the Mathematics. The healrhv firtra
t on of this place is furh as to recommanrt u
to those, who wt(h to have their ckildrei* in
the country. Boaidinf, wafting,
i»:c. will be provided 111 good f'amilie;,"ai <f
the morals of the scholars carefully attended
The price including tuition, firewood, & c .
eexclufiv-c of the French language) will not
xcecd thirty pounds proclamation money per
annum) an addition oUhree dollars per quar
ter will be made to such scholars who are
tEught the French language. The Dmftors
at edetrrmined to pay fucb attention to this
institution, as will render it refpeilable and
gabriei. H. FORD, -)
TIMOTHY JOHNS, jun.C D,reefs.
Morrillown, Mavis, 179^
di w.—-w2m.
Excellent CLARET,
In iiogihcads onrt hi cases oi 50 ooulcs each.
A few cases Champaigne Wine
, madeira,
I In hogibcad# and quartet eafks,
N'o. 111, ijpucTi Front Itreet.
I J» n - t, 17Q4- dtf
HORS E a -
All tlionv VVechter, living in Third ftrtel
near Callowiiiii Itreet, at the f:gn of the
Pcnniylvania Arms No. 214,
One Pair
Bright Bay Horses,
6 years old, upwards of 15 hands high—
| and one pair Clielbut Brown with blazes, 4
I years Old, about 15 hands high. The terms
, will be made known, by applying to Mr.
Jult Imported,
tn Abigail, Captain Horton, from St
u '> *"<1 no-zu landing at
Rujjiil j wharf,
Aid tor Me at the (tores of the fubfetiber in
W-Jiju» {{>eer, 22.
John Donnaldfon.
SHERI{y ( j
lusbon, & | U INES of the firft < J ualit - v
Old Jamaica Spi it, Antigua and Weftlndia
Coniac, French and Peach Brandies
Claret a/rd Port Wine of a Ajperior quality
in cases. 17
Philadelphia Porter, in Calks and Bottles.
London do. in do. do.
Philadelphia Ale and Beer in do. do.
I.ondon do. in do. do. and
Cyder :n barrel, and bottle-, preparedforex
portation or n r e,
Benjamin W- Moris,
The comer of Dock and Pear Jlreets,
Were be has provioed luitable itores and
vaults, for the reception of
WINE S, &c.
Which lie pn.pofes to itore or dispose of on
Caprainsof veflels and o'hers fuppjjrdwith
any of the abovcL;pUOr t S bottbd, and/ea
Itores in /(ene al put up.
Ma >' 9 ' tn&fzm
It is Requeued,
TH AT no person wi.i fupply.aUy articles
for rheufeof the New Theaire, wahont »n
order ,n writing, finned by ourfrlves, or Sam
uel A iderfon, f .r v,s.
M -\v go- dtf.
All persons -who have any dc
rnand (lpoii the New Theatre, are leqtieft
ed to fend ih their accounts to No, 204, in
Arch It ret r, near Eighth street, as form' as
May drf.
Citizen Sans Culottes
Mr. Aristocrat in Chara&eriftic
PRESSES will make tbeir appearance in
Cherry Alley at 8 o'clock this evening for
the Iff ft time.
["May 30 ' *d ■ t
To the Ele&ars of the city and
county of Philadelphia.
THIS beui(j{ the last year of the prrfert
Sheriff's time in office. I take the l-.ber
ty to offer .mvfelf a Candidate, "and
votir votes and intercds ill my favor, to plare
me on the re-u-n at the next general EleA on,
as his fnccelTor for said office; in doing which,
you will confer an obligation that will be
gratefully remembered, by
Your mod obedient,
and humble fervanr,
May 3. estf. |
From the Eagle.
Ah- E X T R A C T.
> M"/'■r nmicur trifiitiam et met at
TracLim - -- --
port ure in venter.
Since now the tuneful Sifters deign,
So often woo'd, to greet my lyre,
I 11 give the wines all care and pain,
Blelt in my bottle, friend and fire,
Jvo cares (hall vex, nor fears contro'ul,
t My peaceful heart and tranquil foul.
' IndiJerent I how parties dance—
I low Genet foams, or IVilcocts fcravrls
What capers now are cut in France
VViiat hairbrain'd fpouter Hands 01
■ Blow 'mgh—blow low, it matters not,
I I me > how fadions storm a groat.
' Why need the bustling world's lhange din
Affright the pauper, or his muse ;
Since lure, tho'Jittle he may win,
Wno nothing owns, can nothing lose ;
At worlt, remain inflatu quo,
Like me, and scrawl an ode or so.
Now royalty's gay bloiToms blight-
Alas ! and many a courtier lobs ;
Yet, i!—whatever is, it right.
Why rail at and mobs—
Scowl at ca ira's frantic strain *
And d n Equality and Paine ?
i he lage, though diicord's comets blaze,
And giddy lubjects spurn at laws;
Kings bleed, and ieuds a nation craze,
With calmness views one natural cause;
No trivial object turns his eye,
Nor imall clouds gloom his genial Iky.
Be flow (fays one, well known by fame)
To judge the parties of the day:
Nor rashly praise, nor rafnly blame,
The diiferent adtors in the fray.
When date convulsions lalt so lo'ng,
FnivJifk-s «rp v-hnl'v r."<Tht .„ rr ,,,
Go, fee half Europe by "the ears,
_ And Gallia's topsy-turvy plan
Sink peers to dirt—raise dirt to peers
And term the inverCon rights of man:
Where now no politicians run,
But those who plead witli club and gun.
Men IcJng enflav'd, when once released,
ill dance a little in their glee;
And when the car of state they seize,
4 They re apt to ride and drive too free ;
And Gallia's genius fad complains,
That Phaetons hold whip and reins.
So fortune's windmill whirls, and mull
Some e'er will ride, some trudge on foot -•
Rogues rule, while hone/ly in diilt
f!"" sweat, and pay those rogues to boot:
\\ hile all the flatterer Hrpe can fay,
Js ~" Every dog will have his day."
1 his ofFer'd to the muses view,
More taught by nature than by book,
She lisp d man s rights, however few,
He'll get enough, by hook or crook ;
And SyJvia thinks him apt to be,
Even when in chains, by far too Free.
How oft is man untimely brave,
How often timorously cool ;
How oft a tyrant, or a fljve,
How oft a madman or a fool!
No decent medium keeps him ftiU,
He either must adore, or kill.
Yet Louis fleeps'within hk tomb,
Nor art nor arms can call back fate;
Then warriors, turn, avert the doom
Of Poland's monarch, mjife too laic,
Unhappy Prince! unhappy fend !
Oj>frej} by a superior hand !
For Rnffia's Empress little heeds
The muffy rules of wrong or right ;
Kate flill can manage court intrigues.
Or, it 'lis rteceffary, fight; '
Like mad Bellona mher car,
Cry—havoc ! to her dogs cf war.
O ! when will peace from heaven descend,
ru fr' an S°d of war controul,
W :th smiles her olive wand extend,
And spread its Hiade from pole to pole,
Lufti the leud clarion's shrill alarms,
The bifs of feuds —and din of arws !
For the Gazette of the United Si Met.
Mr. Fenno,
On a motion made and seconded in a
Democratic Society in behalf of Mr. B.
requeuing permiilion to (ill his balloon aj