ESSENCE I For the Tooth-Ache, Prepared and fold by T)r» LtEE>\Golden- Square, London. THE public is offered one of the most efficacious and fatfe Medicines, ever ap peared, for that most excruciating paiiv, the Tooth-Ache—the numerou.s iivftances of its happy effe&s, in relieving the affli&ed, have now brought it info u riverfal eftunarion; it not onlv relieves the tooth-ache, but is of the service in curiug the SCURVY in the Gums, in preventing the dilagreeable lmell • that'"> produced from urt r ou'»d tee h, &. w» 11 occasion a sweet breath; it 1 ikewi/e prevents the teeth from decaying, and will he found a general preferverof the Teeth and Gums Sold in Philadelphia only at Poynteli's Stationary Store, Nb. 2i r Second street. April 24. tuth&S 3W Advertisement. THK relations ot Mr Tliomas Curtis,for merly of Ellicoti's Upper Mills, and lately of tlie C ty of Waflrngtnn. deceafrd, are defir. Ed to apply and have his alf. rs fettied. City of Wafliington, April 22, 1764. M.J m&th4w * JUST PUBLISHED, MATHEW* CAREY, 118, Market Jlreel, Price 18 cents, THE Catechilm of Man ; Pointing out si 0111 found principles, and ac knowledged facts the Rights-and Duties of every Rational Bemg. Am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth ? Gal. iv. 16 Now all thrfc things happened unto them for examples, and they are written for our v admonition, upon whom the ends of the earth arc come. i Cor. xii. May 10 tuth&saw fbe Ground Plan -OF THE City and Suburbs PHILADELPHIA. TAKEN PROM ACTUAL SURI'KY* IT is "with pieafure that the publiihef has to inform his fubicrihers and the public in gene ral, that the plate ;s now under the hands of the engraver, and in greater forwardnfs than was at si ft contemplated. At the fame time he begs leave tor mind them, th t fubferip tion pa pers are Hill open at moftof the noted hook-flares. in the city ; and that he hopes from the whole of them to be enabled to fo;m such a refpeftable catalogue of names, as will do a credit to the work, as well as afford a reasonable encouragement to the under take-r Thafe who are delirousof further informa. tiorf are i6quefted to call on Benjamin Davies, No. 68, .Market street. April 14. m&thtf ADVERTISEMENT?" OF the money robbed from \the mail near Baltimore, by O iftor Gant, no dollars wer* afterwards sent by an unknown hand, to t!:e Pultm.i.ter at Baltimore, ,who transmitted the Tame to,the General post Office. The fuf ferers by that robbery arc riefired I the amount of their lofTes respectively, and tranf niit the lame, wish the original letters of their correspondents f where recovered) or ot!ier evidence thereof to the General Pol} Office, before the firft day of June next, immediate ly afier which a dividend will be made among the claimants. TIMOTHY" PICKERING, Post Majter General. Gen. Post Office, April 4, 1794 ia w6w Treasury Department. Revenue-OJ/ice, May "Jth, 1794. NOTICE is lieply any part of tqe above I imber for one Sup, or in proportion lor the who e fix, will nuke their Piopofah accordingly. tuSrf3w MADEIRA, SHEkIIY, PORT, WINES of the firft quality LISBON. & teneriffe.J Old Jamaica Spiut, Antigua and Well India . Rum French and Peach Brandies Claret and Port Wine of a luperior quality in cafe;i - . • ~u WineGyder and Vinegar in pipes and lihds- Corks in Balfc«f, Havannah Segars in Boxei. Philadelphia Porter, in Casks and Bottles. London do. in do. do. Philadelphia Ale and Beer in im- do. London do. in do. do and Cyder-iii barrels and bottles, preparedfor ex portation or mediate use, FOR SALE BY Benjamin W. Moris, The corner of Dock and Pear street s, W ere he has provided suitable stores and vaulrs, for 'the rereption of WINES, &c. Which h-' proposes to ft >rc ov di pose of on coram iflion Captainsof vessels and othe sfuppliedwith any ot the al ove LIQUORS i ottled, and lea stores in gene al put up. May 9 fu&f2m Concluding Sales. THE Subscriber having entertd into Co partnerlhip with Mr. John Bartholomew in the bufni'fs of Sugar Refining,/-will dispose of the , . Remaining Stock on hand CONSISTING OF Silver, Plated, & Japan Wares, Plated Coach & Saddle Furniture, &c. &c. By Wljolefale at Prime Cojl fomCaJh. John Dorfey, * No. 22, North 3d street. April I . toth&-.6w A New Novel. Tothe LADIES of Philadelphia. This Day is Published by MATHEW CAREY, 118, Market street, bound, live eighths of a dollar, sewed in 11 arble paper, half a dollar, Charlotte, of Truth,. IN TWO VOLUMES. By Mrs. ROWSON, of the New Theatre, Phladelphia, Author of Victoria, the In quisitor, the Fille de Chambte, &c. Of Charlotte, the Reviewers have given the following character* IT may be a Tale of Truth, for it is ftot unnatural, anci it ic a tale of real diitrefs.— Charlotte, by the tytifice of a teachei, recom mended to a fchnoi, from bnmanity rather than a convi&ion ot her integrity, or the re gularity of her former conduit, is enticed from her governed, and accompanies a young officer to America.—-The marriage ceremo j ny, if not forgotten, is postponed, and Char lotte dies a martyr to the inconstancy of the over, and treachery ot his friend —The (itu- i tions are artless and affefting—t he defciip- ' ations natural and pathetic ; ,we should fee ' for Charlotte if such a perfoir ever existed, who for one er> or (carcely, perhaps,' 19 dts Just Imported, In the Ship Edward, Capt. Crandon, from St. Petersburg in Russia, And now landing at South-street Wlurf, viz Hemp, ' BAR IRON, RUSSIA SHEETING, RAVEN's DUCK, RUSSIA DUCK, HOG's BRISTLES. and for sale bv John Donnaldfon, No. 22, Walnut-ftrcet. March 4,1794. diwjtawtf .# . The Public are cautioned to beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bilk of the Bank of the United States, and Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America, several of which have appeared in circulation within a few days pajl; they are a good ge neral imitation of the genuine Bills, but may be diflingui/hed by the following MARKS. Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of the United States. ALL that have appeared have the letter F. for their Alphabetical Mark. The Texture of the Paper is thicker and whiter and it takes the ink more freely than the genuine paper. The O. in the word Company is smaller than the M. and other letters of that word, so that a line extended from the top of the O, to touch the top of the M. would extend con fidtrably above the range of the whole word. In the word United the letters are narrow erand closer together than the reft of the bill The i and/in the word promise are not parallel, the/inclining much more forward thin the i. The engraving is badly executed,the fti okes of all the Letters are ft rouge r and the devi' e in the margin particularly is much coarser and appeal's darker than in the true bills. Some el the counterfeits bear date in 1791—Where as the Bank was not in operation till Decern ber, and no five dollar bills were ifTued in lhat year. Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America. ALL that have appeared have the letter B. for their alphabetical mark. They are printed on a paper neatly similar to that of the Five Dollar Notes above described; the engraving is bettei exe ucted, and they approach nearer to tiie.ap pearance of the genuine bills. The fine ruled lines through the word Tain- ( in the body of the bill, are in number thir teen in the genuine bills, and but twelve in the counterfeits. The word Company is much like the fame word in the Five Dollar Bills as defer ibed a bove, the 0 being less than them, and others following. There is no stroke to the t in the word North whereas in the genuine bills the stroke is well defined. The letters ent in the word Twenty, tp the left hand at the bottom, do not come down to the line, but are so cat as to give an irregular appearance to the word, the Tw and the 7 go ing oelow them. The signature J, Nixon, has the appear ance of being written with lamb-black and oil, and differs from other inks uftd in printing the bills and the calhiei's lignature. It is supposed thele forgeries were committed in some of the Southern States, as all the coun terfeits thai have appeared, have come trom thence, and two persons have been apprehend ed in Virginia,on suspicion of being the author of i hem. The reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS will be paid to any Perlon or Persons wfio (hail difcovei and profccute to conviction the levelal offenders of the following descriptions or any of thcin, viz. The peifon or persons, who manufaflured the paper on which the Bills are printed. The person or pet lons, who engiaved the plates. The printer or printers, of the bills. Every person who has atted as a principal in any othei way, in the counterfeiting'and utter ing the said b Us. Philadelphia, March 28, 1794 April 22, 1794, Other counterfeit bills of the Bank of the United States have appeared in circulation. The denomination is of TWENTY DOL LARS,and the alphabeticalmaik is the let ter JB. They may be dillinguiflied from the genu ine by the following MARKS : The paper of the counterfeits is of a more ! tender texture and glofley furfacc than the genuine, and there isno water mark in them. The letter t.. in the word Cashier, in the true bills is strongly marked, whereas in the counterfeits, the whole letter is a fine hair stroke, evidently in an unfinilhed state. The letter a in the word demand, is badly formed and the whole word ill dpne, and there is no comma at the end of it, as there is in the genuine bills. h ma , r £'"?' device, is much daiker in Ik* rt 'j' '' lan genuine bills owing to e a e strokes being coarser, much nearer ogt t.ier, and consequently much more nu merous. This difference strikes the eye at firft view. ' noii rcward of ON E THOUSAND : „ r • s ' wi " be paid for apprehending, & . piolecuting to conviction the several above • H e I C , n^ d ? ffende " in ref pea to this, as to . the last described bills. THOMAS WILLING, P.efxdent of the Bank United States. JOHN NIXON, President of the Bank ot North America. By order of the Committees of the Ref -1 peftive Boards. • TO BE SOLD, A large elegant House, and Lot of Ground, TNan eligible situation,—also a Country Seat A w ihtn 6 miles of the City, with 9 acres of land, or 42 acres ol land and meadow, the House , s not exceeded bymany in the viciuity I of th- city,, in size, or convenience. For particulars apply to the printer. ir.&thtf Beef, Pork, and Butter. BEEF, prime and cargo ot good quality PORK, prime and cargo of do. BURLINGION PORK BUTTER, in firkins ALSO, A CARGO OF MAHOGANT, Landing at John Weft's Lumber Yaro, near Pool'-s Bridg , from on board the Fail Ameri can, from rhc Bav of Honduras, and 3000 bushels of Good Wheat FOR SALE BY JOHN SKYRIN, No. 35, No. Water Street. May ij. , Just Publiflied, A one handsome volume, umo. Pri te JS AND FOR SALE BY JOHN ORMROD, At Franklin's Head, No, 41, Chefuut Street, AN ESSAY OJN THE Natural Equality of Men On the Rights that result from it, and on the Duties which it imposes. To which a MEDAL adjudged, by the Teylerian Society at Haarlem. Cor reded and Enlarged. By WILLIAM LAWRENCE BROWN, D. D. Profeflbr of Moral Philosophy, and the Law of Nature, and of Ecclesiastical History ; and Minister of the Englilh Church at U trecht. Aliquid Temper ad communtra utilitatem af ferrndum Cicero. The First American Edition. r T""HEgrand principle of Equafity, if right- A iy underftooc!, is the only basis on which univerl'al justice, sacred. o: der, and perfect freedom, can be firmly built, and permanent ly secured. The view of it exhibited in thii efiay, at the fame time that it reprefTes the insolence of office) the tyranny of p. Ide, and the outrages of oppression ; confirms, in the most forcible manner, the necessity of fub t »- dination, and the jult demands of lawful au thority. So far indeed, from loosening the bands of society, that it maintains inviolate,- evejy natural and every civil diftin&ion, draws more cloTely every Jbcial tie, unites in one harmonious and justly proportioned fyf. tenij and brings men together on the evert ground of the inherent rights of human na ture, of reciprocal obligation, and of a com mon relation to the community. March 18. t u ts STATE OF SOUTH-CAROLINA* In the House of Reprefentati e ves y * December 21(1,1793. WHEREAS the Commiflionersof public Accounts, hive reported, that they can not proceed to the uiveftijation ol live Treafo-ry A Account*, refpc6ting special Indents, without * knowing the outstanding amount thereof in cir culation Therefore^ Rejblved, That all holders of fpetial Indents be dirt£led, and required, on or befoii the fiift day of November n xt, to deliver the fpccial In dents in their pofiYfiion to one or other ot. the Commillioners of the TreaTury, who are to give receipts for the fame, and to report toiheCom miflioners on public accounts, on or beioje the tenth day of November next, the amoun; by thero relpeftively received, and also to the Le gtflature, at their meeting in November next, and that all special Indents not "rendered into the Treasury as above, on or before the fitft day of November next, lhall be, and the fame aie heieby baned. Rcjolvedy That public notice of this refolu{ion be given in the several Gazettes in this State, once every three weeks, until.the firft day of November next. And that the Delegates of this State in theCongrefs of the Uuited State?, be re qutfted to cause this rdolution to be published in one or more papers in the cities of,PhiladcU phia and New-York, and that provision made for the expences attending fych publica tion. Ordered, That the resolution be Cent to the •Senate for therr concurrence. By order of the House, JOHN SAN J OR D DART, £ B- R. In the SENATE, December 21(1,1793. Refilled, That this House do concur with the Houie of Representatives in the foregoing reso lutions. Ordered, That the resolutions be sent to the House of Representatives. by order of the Senate, FELIX WARLEY, Clerk. ewtNov# Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-street, New-York. THE Subscriber intending to confine himfelf entirely to the PURCHASE & SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION, b