Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, May 15, 1794, Image 3

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    as would fetch no money when exposed to
sale ,an'd burnt the ass, books &c. 4c. &c.
under the raoft hotrid shouts Vive Satis
" The demolition of the town advances
With incredible rapidity. All the build
ings which graced our quays, from the
Gate of St. Clair to that of Peyrothe on
the Rhone, and from the Gate of Serin
to the Place of Bellecour on the Saon«,
are doomed to deflruftion. The magnifi
ciont Place de Bellecour is already a heap
of ruins. All the houses in the interior
of the town, of a splendid or genteel ap
pearance, are to (hare the fame fate, viz.
that ofTolozon,ai the Pietre; of Parent,
<it the Herbiere ; of Piron, in the New
ftreet,&c. &c.
" All the inhabitants, even women, are
compelled to work at those demolitions. A
number of young people m : j< among the
demolifhers, in order to avoid all suspicion
against "their Sans Culottifm ; and above 100
young men have enlisted in the regiment of
huflars who are marching againll Toulon,
to escape from the guillotine.
" Famine begins to be severely /tit ; pro
visions of all kinds are extremely scarce. The
farmers have sown as much corn as poflible,
that it may not be taken from them at the
rate of the maximum. All the markets are
empty, and the Commifiioncrs sent by the
Convention to buy up corn in the country
have run the greatest dangers at Tournes.
" The other neighboring towns bear the
fame desolated afpeft. The Department is
moved from Feurs, in the diftridt of Mont
brifon, to Boen. Several distinguished citi
zens of Montorifon have been executed, and
much fear is entertained on account of Meflrs.
Ponoing, Curaife, Roficrs, Atlard, and Mau
bau, who on the 27th of September were
takert prisoners in an a&ion with the ban
" Thlre are scarce to be found in the
whole town of Lyons fix persons who bear
the appearance of a Bourgeois. All are im
prisoned, and even the charitable Nuns, who
took a particular care of the sick and wound
ed Republicans, are not excepted from the
general doom. The refpe&able M. dc Meaux,
ci denmnt Lieutenant General of Montorifon,
after having obtained his liberty at Lyons,
has again been thrown in prison in his own
country, M. de St. Hilaire pines in the dun
peon of Ambert; Bryeres, the Counts of
Bryonfe and Marity, wi'h four Clergymen,
are also confined 5 M. Charles and his son
are condemned to death, but their execution
is ordered to be performed at Paris ; they
have been offered, it is said, to redeem them
selves with a sum of 20,000 livres.
" The whole country groans under the
curse of revolutionary search warrants, by
means of which the honfes are plundered,
and ail property destroyed. The spoils are
tarried off into Auvergne."
PORTSMOUTH-, [N. H.] April 30.
On Monday lad arrived here, the fchr.
Industry, Samuel Lanphear, in 25 days
from New-Providence—Capt. Lanphear
informs, that there had not been one A
meriean reffel condemned at that place.—
Left there Captain Billings, in a schooner
belonging to Bolton, who was to fail in a
few days.—Captain Higby, in a schooner
belonging to New-York, Capt. Grafton
i" a schooner from Salem, and Captain-
Sturges in a schooner from Bolton, failed
from Port pais the 9th March for home.
The schooner Patty from Boflon, was
carried into Port Paix by a French priva
teer, who took her cargo, and was to
give them a generous price therefor, with
out detaining her a moment longer than
they could unload and receive their pay.
Capt. Lanphear saw a Capt. of a ves
sel, who left Cape Francois in March,
who informed him that Flour was actually
Four Joes a barrel when he left there.
MAY 15.
It has ever been admitted that owing to
the ignorance and avarice of some of the
AVeft-India Judg s, condemnations of Ame
rican vefitis have taken place on the infiruc
tior.s of the 6th November ; and, in a few
instances after the arrival of the counter
inflru&ions of the Bth January, in one of
the islands: But they had been of vellels
taken and libelled under the firft mftniflions.
All this has been admitted—and more than
this is not true.
There is a letter in town, dated, Paris,
March 12, which fays that that City and
the Armies have bread enough to fubftft
on until next harvest. The capital expe
riences a scarcity bf rfleat, which is not
surprising, considering, that a great por
tion of that article forthe supply of Pa
ris was formerly raised in that part of the
Republic now called La Vendee, which
has been totally laid wa.'ke to facilitate the
extirmination of the royahlls.
By this Day's Mail.
ExtraS of a letter frrm Newport, received
per the Packet Aurora,, Captain Jafcn
Cahoon 'y dated May 10.
" 011 Thursday lall arrived here, from
St. Lncii, the Britilh floopof war, called
the Nautilus, Captain Baynton, with
the governor of the island and his suite,
who had capitulated to be landed in Ame-
rica. Early in the day it was rumoured,
that a number of imprefled American sea
men were on board, and detained there
against their inclinations. The inhabit
ants, after ascertaining the fa£l, were much
eScalprrated, and very earnest that some
immediate measures might be taken for
their release. Fortunately the legifiature
of the (late were in feflion, in this town ;
on representation of the circumstance to
them, the fheriff was directed to request
the Captain and Lieutenant (thenon shore)
together with the Consul, to wait on the
In the interim, the supreme judiciary
of the state were convened, and a commit
tee of the honfe appointed to wait on the
gentlemen as they approached the flate
houfe, to inform them of the business for
which their company was requested ; with
a view that fbme conciliatory steps might
be taken at an early period to prevent any
disagreeable consequences: On the com
mittee's representation, Capt. B. with the
most supercilious air (the true chara&erif
tic of the British nation) turned ofF and
very laconically observed," he knew of no
Americans on board his {hip, neither should
he take any measures in the business," on
which the committee begged leave to in
troduce him to the court, who were autho
rized to make due enquiry into the fads.
The Captain, with the importance of a
Mogul of the east, treated the court with
the utmoll contempt; they, on the con
trary, with the greatest coolness, endea
vored to reason with him, and proposed
that a committee from the town fliould
accompany the consul on board the ship,
and examine the crew ; and if any Amc- -
ricans should be found on board, that they
might be released ; he, in the most pe
remptory manner, refufed, observing, 'that
it was beneath the dignity of his Britan
nic majesty's ship to be searched.
After being detained some time, they
attempted an escape, and made their way
from the council chamber to the foot of
the flairs ; but the vigilance of the citi
zens soon convinced them it was moll ad
vifeable to return. On finding that the
court and legislature were determined they
(hould be detained till the Americans, if
any on board, were released, he, with re
luctance, consented to the measure. Ac
cordingly, a committee of five True Re
publicans, accompanied the Britilh con
lul on board the Nautilus; and, after a
thorough investigation, found fix Ameri
can seamen, anxious to be restored to their
Another difficulty arose refpe&ing their
wages, which the Capt. refufed to pay,
except fcjr a pay order; finally, the consul
agreed to accept the order for the balan
ces which were due Thus the business,
commencing at 4 o'clock P. M. was con
cluded with honor to the legislature, at
half part one in the morning, they hav
ing, with true republican firmnefs and una
nimity, adhered to their resolution of de
taining the two officers until the seamen
fliould be released and paid.
Some of our ariftocratical gentry may
fay, ' that the legislative interference was
unwatrantable but the particular emer
gency required it, and would, on every
principle, juftify it ; and many do not he
sitate to afiart, ' that their release would
not have been effected, had not the legifla
turebeen in feflion.' /
The Capt, has since kept on board the
(liip, and given out, ' that a reprefi-ntation
of the insult fliould be made to the British
Boston Paper.
John Lawrance, Esq. of this City,
has,been appointed Judge of the N.-York
Diftri£t Court.
Brig Lively, Duff, Amderdam
Union, , Liverpool
Sloop Warwick, Waifcot, Norfolk
Defiance, Sweth, Newbern
Gen. Adv.
NEW-YORK, May 14.
Hope, ,
Mary,'' Sands,
Id latitude 25. 7. Captain Tyler of
ufper, spoke with the brig Pol
Captain Potter of Philadelpl«ia,fiom Gua
dalonpe, Laden with fugarand coffee, al
so 40,000 dollars, a prize to a privateer or
BOSTON, May 8,
From Halifax, April 20.
We learn, that Admiral M'Bride had not
then arrived there. The accounts were, that
he with a squadron uider Admiral Parker
were destined to fall in with the fleet from
the Chesapeake. Dispatches had arrived to
Gov. Went worth from Philadelphia, two
days before our informant came away. The
Hussar in Halifax, having returned
about a week before from an unfuceefsful
cruize to the southward. The Embargo in
the United States had not affe&ed the mar
kets much in Nova Scotia, and they suppo
sed it would not be continued longer than
the firft period of 30 days ; as they had ac
counts of the release of all the American
veflels that were carried into the Weft-Jn
dies. Flour was at seven and an half dollars,
beef was eight and an half to nine dollars.
The February packet had not arrived, but
was hourly expe&ed. The people of in
formation in Nova-Scotia entertained no
idea of a war taking place between Great
Britain and the United States, but seemed
on the contrary to suppose that they were
desirous of keeping on an amicable footing.
Yefierday afternoon arrived here, the brig
Lucy, Henry Saunders master, from
On Sunday the 4th inft. in lat, 39. N. long.
73, was boarded by a privateer schooner,
called the Experiment, one-Hammond, com
mander, from Bermuda, pierced for 14 guns,
but mounting only 6 for poundere—he de
tained Capt. Saunders near three hours,faid
lie had orders to cruise off our coast, and
that he had taken one (hip, and a schooner
loaded with flour, and sent them to Bermu
da ; and that he had orders to take all ves
sels bound to, or from any French port.
The ship Molly, Capt. Clarke, arrived
here on Friday lad from Havre-de-Grace,
spoke the French fleet, from this part, to
whom they gave their newspapers. On the
18th of March spoke the schooner Peggy,
of Portsmouth (Virginia) in the channel,
oft the high lands of St. Albans, bound, to
London, all well.
Yefierday arrived in Hampton Roads
the (hip Ann, David Ballman, Master,
who failed from Brifto! the 20th March,
in company with the (hip Severn, Capt.
Farley, for New-York, and brigs Either,
Capt. Wills, and Sally, Capt. Wclfh.both
for Bolton. The (hip Adriana, bound to
Baltimore, was to fail about the fame time
from Milford.
On the 4th of Apri], in las. 46,58 long.
38, 30, W. spoke the brig New Efl'ex,
Capt. Dougle, out 16 djiys from Boston,
bound to Rotterdam. On the 1 ith April,
in lat. 46, 10, long. 41, 30, spoke the
brig Courtney, Capt. Buflinell, out 55
days from Oporto, bound to Norfolk.
On the 3d of May spoke the privateer
sloop Charlotte, Durham Hall, matter,
of St. Vincents, with her prize the brig
Eliza, of New-London, from Turk's I
sland, bound to New-York. The priva
teer had captured (the fame day) the
schooner Fox, Capt. James Murray of
Salem, from Jacquemel, Hifpanijla, bound
to Salem. Both the prizes were sent for
A Schoolmaster in a neighboring town,
wishing to difcoverthe talents of his schol
ars for Geography, asked one of the young
est of them, what Sta'c lie liTed in ?—To
which the boy replied, " aJlate of fin and
Ship Bacchus, Vanneman, Jamaica, 26
Schrs. Mary, Vredenburgh, Perth Amboy, 4
Weymouth, Stevens,
Last night arrived at the Fort, a large
(hip, which failed from Jamaica, name yet
Capt. Vanneman informs, that on Tues
day last, he heard a very heavy firing off ihe
Capes, which lasted about 15 minutes.
THE OFFICE of the Secretary of State is
removed from High Street, to the New Build
ing*, the corner oi Sixth & Mulberry greets.
May 15 Itr
NEWBrDFOKD, April ;o.
Sunday last palt down Sound, i <hip, 8
brio's, and above ~o fail of other veflWs,
which we suppose to be the released vedeU
irom the W. f Indies.
Mr. Goodhue's resolution on the fub
jeft of indemnity far. the lofica fuilained
by depredations 011 our commerce, was
tliis day called up by that gentleman in the
House of Keprefentatives—and after de
hate, was referred to the Committee on
Mr. Dayton's motion for fequcltration of
British property.
On Wednesday, May 21.
As will be exprefled in the Bills of the
May 15
Reef, Pork, and Butter
EEEF, prime and cargo of good quality '
PORK, prime and cargo of do.
BUTTER, in firkins
Landing ai John Weft's Lumber Yard, near
Pool's Brid*. , from on board the Fait Ameri
can, from the Bav of N Honduras, and
3000 bushels of Good Wheat,
May 15.
A COMIC OPERA, called the
Maid of the Mill.
Lord Aimworth,
Sir Harry Sycamorc,
Ralph, t
L dy Sycamore,
Miss Oldfield.
With new Scenery designed and executed by
Mr. Mil bourne.
End of the Opera, a new Comic Pastoral
Ballet, compofedjjy Mr. Francis,
L Amour trouve les Moyens ;
O R,
By M mf. Bellona, (being his firft appear
ance in America,) Mr. BlifTett, Mr. Dai ley,
jun. Mailer T. Warrell, Mr. Francis, Mrs.
De Marque, and Madame Gardie.
To which will be added,
A Dramatic Entertainment, in one adl, ne-
Quality Binding ;
A Quarter of an Hour before Dinner.
Mr. Level, Mr. Green
Col. Modilh, Mr. Harwood
Lord Simper, Mr Moreton
Sir William Wealthy, Mr. Francis
Mr. Plainwell, Mr. Bates
J 0 * 111 " Mr. Biiilett
William, Mr. Darley jun.
Mrs. Level, Mrs. Francis
*„* As inconvcniences to the public have
arisen from the Box book being open on the
days cf performance only, in future attend
ance will be giv 11 at the office in the Theatre
every day from ten 'till one, and on the days
of performance from ten till three o'clock ill
the afternoon. Applications for Boxes, iti«
refpeflfully rcquelled, may be addressed, to
Mr. Franklin, at the Box-Office.
New-York, 4
Places in the Boxes to Be taken at the Box-
Office of the Theatre,at any hour from nine
in the morning till three o'clock in the after
noon, oh the day of performance. Ticket
to be had at the office near the Theatre, at
he comer of Sixth-ftreet,and at Carr & Co's
Muficalßepofitory, No. 121, Market-street
For the Benefit of
No. 35, No. Water Street.
May 16.
Will be performed,
Mr. Marshall
Mrs. Shaw
Mr. Cleveland
Mr. Whitlock
Mr. Darley
Mr. Wignell
Mrs. Shaw
Miss Willems
Mrs. Warrell
Mrs. Oldmixon
Being her second appearance in
Mr. Warrell, Mr. Blifiett,
Mr. Darley, jun. Mr.
De Moulin, Mr. Lee,Mr
Bason, Matter Warrell,
Mutter T. Warrell, Mrs.
Cleveland, Mrs. Rowfon
Mrs. I)r Marque, Mrs.
Finch, Miss Rowfon &
ver performed here, called